kilo | kilos | kilogram | kilograms | kg
Pages in category "Kilo"
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.
- Elephant can eat forty kilogram at a time. You cannot eat even one kilogram. So different persons, different living entities, they are different meant; they have got different body according to the nature's law. You cannot violate the nature's law
- Everyone, grhastha, can come and place one musti attar. That is not difficult for him. He has got children, family. He is consuming five kilos of attar daily. Out of that, little, if it is put into the temple, he does not feel any burden
- In Africa there are millions of elephants. They take food, at a time, forty kilos. But they are also being supplied with food. But who is supplying food?
- In Africa there are so many elephants, millions of elephants. They eat at a time forty kilograms. And who is supplying food? They have no business. They have no profession. How they are eating?
- In Vallabhapura there was a permanent arrangement to cook nine kilos of rice, vegetables and other foodstuffs daily, and near the village there is sufficient land, which belonged to the Deity, on which this rice was grown
- We are constructing our temple in Vrndavana. We require fifty lakhs. That is required. But I shall not collect more than fifty lakhs even one cent. This is atyahara. Similarly, if your body can consume foodstuff one kilo or half kilo, you can eat
- Why I shall steal? There is enough food. But because I haven't got this knowledge that "God is the proprietor. I am His part and parcel, son. So if He has provided food for the elephant, who eats at a time forty kilos, I cannot eat?" This is knowledge