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Pages in category "Tilling"
The following 22 pages are in this category, out of 22 total.
- A person in vanaprastha life should not eat grains grown by tilling of the fields. He should also not eat grains that have grown without tilling of the field but are not fully ripe. Nor should a vanaprastha eat grains cooked in fire
- According to his (tiller's) capacity, there is production, and he makes profit out of it. Similarly, this body is the field, and I am, or you are, who is occupying this body, we are tillers. This body is given by nature, and I am spirit soul
- Any discrepancy in sacrifices spoils the whole show, and the result is uncertain, like agricultural enterprises. The good result of tilling the paddy field depends on providential rain, and therefore the result is uncertain
- As the Lord is rarely to be seen by our present eyes, so also are the great devotees. The great rsis, therefore, correctly decided to remain on the spot till the last moment
- If we can continue this pure life till the time of death, you are sure to be transferred to the kingdom of God
- If you have cows and if you have got land, then you till the land, get grains, and there is milk, there is fruit, there is flower. Anywhere, you can live peacefully. Whole economic question is solved
- In the language of Bhagavad-gita, the spirit soul is called ksetrajna, the knower or tiller of the field, whereas the body and mind, the coverings of the spirit soul, are called ksetra, or the field
- That is the Vedic civilization, that you work for three months, not very hard, simply till the ground and sow some food grain seed, and within three months it will grow, and you will have ample food grains, and you'll keep it in stock. And keep some cows
- The bull is the father of human society because the father earns for the children just as the bull tills the ground to produce food grains. Human society will kill its spirit of life by killing the father and the mother
- The bulls are being killed. Why they should be killed? Engage them in tilling the field. They will have occupation, and the man also will have occupation. There is immense land
- The exchange of produce by banking and transportation is a branch of this type of living. The vaisyas are divided into many subsections: some of them are called ksetri, or landowners, some are called krsana, or land tillers
- The profession of unchasila, collecting grains from the field, is called rta. Collecting without begging is called amrta, begging grains is called mrta, tilling the ground is called pramrta, and trade is called satyanrta
- The real business is that you produce enough food grains, as much as possible, and you eat and distribute. That's all. This is business. He does not require any so high technical education. Anyone can till the ground and grow food. Is it difficult?
- This industry is horrible work. Simply by tilling your ground you get food grains, and keep some cows, you get milk - your economic problem is solved. Why such big, big industries? Ugra-karma
- This proof, that from life, life is coming, there is proof, so many proof. A man, animal, trees - everything is coming from life. Up till now, nobody has seen that a man is born from a stone. Nobody has seen