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Pages in category "Possess"
The following 500 pages are in this category, out of 500 total.
- Animal has no soul? Why? What is the difference between animal and man? What are the symptoms of possessing the soul?
- One who considers the arca-murti, the worshipable Deity of Lord Visnu, to be stone, the spiritual master to be an ordinary human being, and a Vaisnava to belong to a particular caste or creed is possessed of hellish intelligence
- A beautiful woman is certainly a cause of material happiness for one who possesses her as a wife, but the same woman is a cause of distress to a man whom she rejects or who is the cause of her anger & if she leaves a man she becomes the cause of illusion
- A brahmana does not become a brahmana simply because he is a living entity or is born in a brahmana family; he must possess all the qualities mentioned in the sastras and practice the brahminical principles in his life
- A citizen may know everything about his patch of land, but the king knows not only his palace but all the properties possessed by the individual citizens. BG 1972 purports
- A creator must possess an all-pervasive body, as pointed out in the Bhagavad-gita (3.14): Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes, heads and faces, and He has ears everywhere. In this way the Supersoul exists, pervading everything
- A devotee of Lord Krsna is actually a perfect brahmana. His situation is transcendental, for he is free from the four defects of conditional life, which are the tendencies to commit mistakes, to be illusioned, to cheat and to possess imperfect senses
- A drop of the Atlantic Ocean possesses the same quality as all the ocean water - it is also salty. Similarly, because the pleasure potency exists in the Supreme Lord, we can also enjoy pleasure
- A horse named Uccaihsrava, which was as white as the moon, was generated. Bali Maharaja desired to possess this horse, and Indra, the King of heaven, did not protest, for he had previously been so advised by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A human being is thus impeded (by the desires for acquiring a house, possessing land, having children & becoming prominent in society, the affection for community & the place of birth & the hankering for wealth) in his progress toward self-realization
- A liberated person possesses perfect senses, and with perfect senses only can one serve the sense proprietor, Hrsikesa, Sri Krsna the Personality of Godhead
- A living being is finished as soon as there is nothing to possess. Therefore a living being cannot be, in the real sense of the term, a renouncer
- A man is not qualified or disqualified simply by birth. Prahlada Maharaja was an asura by birth, yet he possessed all the qualities of a perfect brahmana
- A millionaire may very easily possess hundreds and thousands of dollars, but a person with hundreds and thousands of dollars is not necessarily a millionaire
- A person may be materially very rich, opulent or respectable, but if he at all wants to transfer himself to the spiritual kingdom, back home, back to Godhead, then he has to be freed from the puffed-up condition of material possessiveness
- A person possessing an agricultural field may employ another person to produce food grains from it, but because the grains are produced from the land, they are considered the property of the owner of the land
- A person who is not self-controlled will not be happy even with possessing the three worlds
- A person who is unaffected by attachment and envy is said to possess equilibrium
- A poverty-stricken man must automatically undergo austerities and penances because he does not have the wealth to possess anything. Thus his false prestige is vanquished - SB 10.10.15
- A pretender is sometimes seen possessing imitative attachment to Krsna, that will not be accepted as real attachment. It may be said that such attachment gives the pretender hope that he may eventually rise onto the platform of pure devotional service
- A pure devotee does not wish to possess material wealth, nor does he want to have a great following, nor does he desire a beautiful wife, for by the mercy of the Lord he knows the insignificance of material happiness
- A transcendentalist should always engage his body, mind and self in relationship with the Supreme; he should live alone in a secluded place and should always carefully control his mind. He should be free from desires and feelings of possessiveness
- A Vaisnava should possess the brahminical qualities such as satya, sama, dama, titiksa and arjava (BG 18.42)
- According to his (Dhruva Maharaja's) stepmother, he could not be declared king. Dhruva Maharaja's determination, therefore, was to become king of a planet exalted even beyond that possessed by Lord Brahma, the greatest of all the demigods
- According to spiritual communism, one cannot possess more than he needs for his personal maintenance. That is the law of nature
- According to the candidate possessing these transcendental qualities (sneha, mana and so on), there are five transcendental mellows - neutrality, servitorship, friendship, parental love and conjugal love
- According to the Vedic culture, brahmanas do not possess anything, whereas ksatriyas possess riches, but only for performing sacrifices and other noble activities as prescribed in the Vedic injunctions
- According to the Vedic culture, one is rich if he possesses a large stock of food grain and a very large number of animals. Dhanyena dhanavan gavaya dhanavan: one is rich if he possesses food grain, cows and bulls
- Activity is successful if it results in serving the Lord. Philosophical speculation or mental speculation is successful when engaged in understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The senses are worth possessing when engaged in the service of God
- Actually, spiritual body means eternal life of bliss and knowledge. This body which we are possessing now, material body, it is neither eternal, nor blissful, nor full of knowledge
- Akincana means - one who possesses nothing in this world
- Akrura continued, "I am falsely thinking myself happy in possessing my home, wife, children, estate, property and friends. In this way I am acting as if in a dreamland, because none of these are permanent"
- Akrura was getting gold in that proportion and distributing it profusely at sacrificial performances. Lord Krsna cited Akrura's lavishly spending gold as positive evidence of his possessing the Syamantaka jewel
- All living entities are part and parcel of Krsna, and therefore when they revive their original Krsna consciousness, they possess all the good qualities of Krsna in a small quantity
- All materialistic men are mad after possessing all these material opulences, and this is known as the advancement of material civilization
- All opulence, prestige and everything we possess is given by the Supreme Lord for some purpose
- All other (except Brahma) demigods have the same attributes (as Brahma) in less quantity, whereas human beings possess the attributes in very minute quantity
- Although an ordinary person may be a very advanced scholar, he does not possess perfect knowledge
- Although I claim, "It is my hand, and I shall use it," when it is paralyzed I cannot do anything. Therefore, I should understand that although I possess this hand by the grace of Krsna, I am not its controller. This is Krsna consciousness
- Although the individual soul possesses the indriyas, or senses, he is not actually the proprietor, for the proprietor is the Supersoul
- Although the six qualities education, austerity, wealth, beauty, youth and heritage are for the highly elevated, one who is proud of possessing them becomes blind
- Although the six qualities education, austerity, wealth, beauty, youth and heritage are for the highly elevated, one who is proud of possessing them becomes blind, and thus he loses his good sense and cannot appreciate the glories of great personalities
- Although you are claiming, "It is my hand. I shall use it," but when it is paralyzed, you cannot do anything. Therefore I may have possessed this hand by the grace of Krsna, but I am not the controller. That is Krsna consciousness
- An ideal king may be possessed of all these good qualities, and the child Pariksit is foretold to have all these qualities in perfection
- An impious man who dies after sinful activities is sometimes condemned so that he cannot possess a gross material body of five material elements, but must live in a subtle body of mind, intelligence and ego
- An ordinary man may possess an ordinary cow, give protection to this animal, take sufficient milk from it, and engage the milk to produce butter and clarified ghee, especially for performing the agnihotra-yajna. This is possible for everyone
- Another devotee said, "My dear friend, my youthful beauty is as temporary as lightning in the sky, and therefore, my possessing attractive bodily features is unimportant"
- Any opulent position a person may have within this material world is due to Krsna's mercy. One should therefore always be in Krsna consciousness, in complete gratefulness to Lord Krsna, because whatever one may possess is all bestowed by Him
- Anyone who is in the material world is certainly possessed of the impure propensity for lording it over material nature, or, in other words, for sense gratification. Such polluted propensities have to be cleared. BG 1972 purports
- Anything and everything which is exceptionally possessed of power, opulence, mental and perceptual dexterity, strength, forgiveness, beauty, modesty, opulence, appear to be the specific truth and the form of the Lord, but actually they are not so
- As a sincere friend of Krsna, one should preach this philosophy, requesting everyone to surrender unto Krsna. Atma-nivedanam means offering Krsna everything, including one's body, mind, intelligence and whatever one may possess
- As far as Rsabhadeva is concerned, he did not at all possess a material body; and therefore He was tolerant of all the trouble offered to Him by the bad elements in society
- As living entities we can move, but a table cannot because it does not possess living force. Movement and activity may be considered signs or symptoms of the living force - CC Intro
- As living entities, we can move, but a table cannot because it does not possess living force. Movement and activity may be considered to be signs or symptoms of the living force
- As long as one is in the material world, he has to be under the influence of the modes of material nature (guna-visarga). It is not that Maharaja Priyavrata was freed from material influence because he possessed all material opulences
- As parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord (Krsna), the individual living entities can also possess all of these qualities in minute quantities, provided they become pure devotees of the Lord
- As soon as an experienced devotee sees all of these caricatures, he can immediately evaluate such rascaldom. If such a pretender is sometimes seen possessing imitative attachment to Krsna, that will not be accepted as real attachment
- As soon as he (the living being) gets another material body, he is put into repeated suffering in material existence. Therefore the Vedic culture or brahminical culture teaches one how to be satisfied with possessing the minimum necessities in life
- Aspiring to possess more and more for personal sense gratification is simply ignorance, and this ignorance is conspicuous by its absence from the heart of a brahmana or Vaisnava
- Asvatthama, although he's born of a brahmana father, he did not possess the quality of a brahmana, neither the work of a brahmana
- At present we do not possess any information of this eternal life, although we have much pride, even vanity, about our material knowledge
- At the present moment the population is not being produced very nicely; therefore there is disturbance of peace all over the world. But if there are Krsna conscious children, they will grow up and they will possess all good qualities
- Atmavan especially means that one should be self-possessed. He should always remain in the pure consciousness that he is spirit soul and not the material body or the mind. That will make him progress confidently in Krsna consciousness
- Bali Maharaja possessed all the lands of the universe, and he happened to be charitably disposed toward the brahmanas. The Lord therefore pretended to be a beggar brahmana, and He asked Bali Maharaja for a measurement of three footsteps of land
- Bali Maharaja was very glad to receive the Lord's remaining step upon his head, and thus Bali Maharaja, instead of losing everything he possessed, was blessed by the Lord's becoming his constant companion and doorman
- Because Krsna has four extraordinary qualities not possessed by Lord Narayana, the goddess of fortune, Laksmi, always desires His company
- Because Lord Brahma and Lord Siva are guna-avataras and have exalted positions, they have some small sense of being like Krsna. But the pure devotees who inhabit Vrndavana do not possess any bodily conception
- Because of his (Arjuna) possessing spiritual assets, the doubts of duality were completely cut off
- Because of his (the living entity's) not possessing a gross body, he creates a great deal of trouble in his subtle body. Thus the presence of a ghost is horrible for those who are living in the gross body
- Because we have the desire to marry, Krsna mercifully allows the so-called husband to possess a wife, and the wife to possess a so-called husband, for mutual satisfaction
- Because you have got material attachment, therefore something material lost we lament and something material we do not possess, we hanker. The two kinds of diseases
- Before their (the personal associates of Lord Visnu) liberation to Vaikunthaloka they possessed material bodies, but once they come to Vaikuntha they no longer have them
- Beggars always present themselves as possessing nothing, and this may be very good for them because in this way they are assured of not losing their money and of always drawing the attention and compassion of others for the sake of collection
- Being materially advanced means taking birth in an aristocratic family and possessing great wealth, an education and attractive personal beauty
- Being very much ashamed, Indra fell down at the lotus feet of the great sage and begged his pardon. Being compassionate, the sage turned the vaginas into eyes; therefore Indra possesses hundreds and thousands of eyes all over his body
- Bhaga means opulence, and van means one who possesses. The word Sanskrit, vat, it is added when there is the question of possessing. Asty arthe vat and mat pratyaya. This is Sanskrit grammar
- Bhagavan means "one who possesses all opulences." When a person possesses Bhagavan within his heart, he is also sometimes called bhagavan
- Bhagavan possesses all opulence. If one possesses Bhagavan within his heart always, does he not automatically possess all opulence also? In that sense a great devotee like Narada can be called bhagavan
- Brahma drew the Lord's attention to this subject (of BG 9.26) and requested that He release Bali Maharaja, who was suffering, being bound by the ropes of Varuna, and who had already given everything, including the three worlds and whatever he possessed
- Brahma Purana said, "Even the demigods from higher planetary systems see the inhabitants of this Jagannatha Puri as having exactly the same features of body as are possessed by one in Vaikuntha"
- Brahmanya means one who fully possesses the brahminical qualifications
- By our nature we want to be very blissful, always happy. That is our nature. And we can possess, revive our nature of eternal happiness, provided we try to get it in this human form of life
- By personally tasting the mellows of love of Godhead, Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught His direct disciples the process. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is a wealthy capitalist possessing the touchstone of love of God
- By possessing all these material assets one becomes artificially puffed up, intoxicated by such temporary possessions. Consequently, such materially puffed up persons are incapable of uttering the holy name of the Lord by addressing Him feelingly
- By rendering service, becoming His friend or His servant and offering Him everything that one possesses, one is able to enter into the kingdom of God
- Dear cuckoo, you possess a very sweet voice, and you are very expert in imitating others. You could excite even a dead body with your voice. Therefore, tell the queens that good behavior is their proper duty
- Dehi means the possession of the Dehi is within the body, not the body is the person. But no education. Throughout the whole scientific world, university education, there is no concern that - I am not this body; I am soul
- Dehinah means the one who possesses this body. That is meaning, the dehinah. Just like in Sanskrit word, guninah. Guninah means one who has got some special attributes
- Described in the Bhagavad-gita: while others, such as yogis, try to control their senses by force, devotees, even though possessing full sensory powers, do not use them because they engage in higher, transcendental activities
- Describing Laksmi as possessed of sri (opulence) offers a difference in meaning with a tinge of repetition. This is the second ornamental use of words
- Despite whatever one possesses, if one offends the lotus feet of a Vaisnava he will be vanquished
- Devotees are always on the positive platform, in contrast to the Mayavadis, who want to make everything impersonal or void. One cannot remain void (sunyavadi); rather, one must possess something
- Different personalities become beautiful by possessing different qualities
- Emperor Svayambhuva Manu not only approached the cottage of dried leaves possessed by the hermit Kardama but also offered respectful obeisances unto him
- Eternal happiness, imperishable happiness, eternal life accompany DS. Therefore, realization of Brahman, or eternity, or imperishability is included in devotional service. This is already possessed by a person who is engaged in DS. BG 1972 purports
- Even Anantadeva, who possesses thousands of mouths, cannot fully describe the ecstatic transformations that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu experienced in a single day
- Even if somehow we accumulate a great bank balance in this life and possess many material things, everything will be finished with death
- Even the predominating Deities of the Vaikuntha planets, the Narayanas, do not possess such sweetness. Indeed, none of the incarnations of Krsna up to Narayana possess such transcendental beauty
- Everlastingly beautiful and youthful women, who were dressed with clean garments, glittered in the city like fires with flames. They all possessed the quality of syama
- Every one of them (Brahma, Siva, Visnu, Narada and other powerful demigods, men, supermen, sages, rsis, dead bodies, satans, evil spirits, jinn, aquatics, birds and beasts) possesses only a fragment of the great potencies of the Supreme Lord
- Everyone always desires to possess something
- Everyone is bhagavan - everyone possesses opulence - but Krsna is brhan bhagavan, the possessor of unlimited opulence. Isvarah paramah krsnah (BS 5.1). Krsna is the origin of everyone. Aham sarvasya prabhavah - BG 10.8
- Everyone is seeking satisfaction, atyantiksu. Everyone is struggling for existence for the ultimate happiness. But in this material world, although they are thinking by possessing material wealth they will be satisfied, but that is not the fact
- Everyone should have a piece of land given by the government, and everyone should possess a few cows. Both of these should be utilized for one’s daily bread
- Everything has some value, and one has to pay the value before obtaining or possessing it
- Fire is possessed of heat, but heat is not fire. This simple thing is not understood by the man with a poor fund of knowledge who falsely claims that the fire and heat are the same
- Foolish persons cannot know what is going on behind the next wall, yet they are falsely proud of possessing the cosmic, all-pervading consciousness of the Supreme Person
- Formerly there were kings like Jarasandha who strictly followed the Vedic rituals, acted as charitable, competent ksatriyas, possessed all ksatriya qualities and were even obedient to the brahminical culture but who did not accept Krsna as the SPOG
- Formless means devoid of mundane form, or possessing a spiritual body of which the nondevotee can have no conception by the speculative method
- Gandhiji although born in a Vaisya family, possessed almost all the nine qualifications of a Brahmin and if possible we can find out such Brahmin in other parts of the World
- Gavayah dhanavan. Gavayah means by possessing some number of cows one is supposed to be rich. It is actually the fact. Everyone should possess some land for growing food grains and some cows to take milk. Then the whole economic problem is solved
- Generally, those who are very materialistic or who possess material wealth and prosperity are unable to appreciate the value of transcendental love of God
- Genuine jnanis know how everything is connected to Brahman, the Absolute Truth. They are humble, unassuming, clean, brahminical, and reverent toward the guru, and they possess many other good qualities
- God's existence is sac-cid-ananda vigrahah (Bs. 5.1): eternal, blissful, knowledge. So we are part and parcel. Our knowledge, our blissfulness, our eternity may be very small, but we possess the same quality
- Gold is gold. If a Christian possesses some gold, does it become Christian gold? Gold is gold whether possessed by a Hindu, a Muslim or a Christian
- Great personalities and sages who are able to see everything clearly through the eyes of the revealed scriptures and possess vision of the three phases of the time element, namely past, present and future
- Having concluded that Krsna was the S.P of Godhead, the sages addressed Him thus, "Dear Lord, we, the leaders of human society, are supposed to possess the proper philosophy of life, yet we are bewildered by the spell of Your external energy"
- He (a transcendentalist) should be free from desires and feelings of possessiveness. - (Bg. 6.10) From this verse we can understand that it is the duty of the yogi to always remain alone
- He (Bali Maharaja) was not at all the loser by sacrificing the kingdom of heaven, which he had possessed by his material strength
- He (Bhurisrava) possessed one aksauhini regiment of army, cavalry, elephants and chariots, and all these were employed in the Battle of Kuruksetra on behalf of Duryodhana's party. He was counted by Bhima as one of the yutha-patis
- He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) said that although He was certainly not advanced in a literary career, He had heard from others how to criticize such poetry, and as a sruti-dhara, possessing a complete memory, He could understand the process for such a review
- He (Krsna) is full with all opulences, and as such He possesses all riches, all strength, all reputation, all knowledge, all beauty and all renunciation. He is eternally a person and eternally supreme
- He (Prthu Maharaja) wanted to stress that one who does not actually possess these qualities should not try to engage his followers and devotees in offering him glory for them, even though these qualities might be manifest in the future
- He (Siva) does not live pompously in a nice house, etc., nor does he possess any material properties, although he is master of the material world
- He (Siva) possessed all opulences, but he did not like to exhibit them. Therefore such opulences are called avyakta, or unmanifested
- He (the devotee) should not ignorantly identify himself with the body or the mind. Atma means the body or the mind, but here (in SB 3.27.8) the word atmavan especially means that one should be self-possessed
- He (the person acting in Krsna consciousness) has no false ego, nor does he believe that he is this material body, nor that he possesses the body. BG 1972 purports
- He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) possesses the potency for unfailing knowledge and supreme willpower, and He is the controller of the living entities and the illusory energy
- He and his own men, the Haihayas, were not very much appreciative of Jamadagni's reception. On the contrary, they wanted to possess that kamadhenu, which was useful for the execution of the agnihotra sacrifice
- He approaches the living dead who possess these things. Such people are compared to impure trees, creepers and poisonous wells
- He does not consider that "I am seeing under certain condition, and I am so much proud of possessing my eyes." This is called foolishness, abodha-jatah
- He has His form, qualities & features; & similarly His order carriers, the Vaisnavas, who are very beautiful, possess bodily features, transcendental qualities & a transcendental nature almost like His
- He is never tainted in the slightest degree by the flaws of ordinary living beings. Everyone must therefore understand the Absolute Truth to possess inconceivable potencies
- He possessed all the opulences of a royal position, but he gave up everything just to accept the youthful goddess of renunciation
- He possessed great riches like Kuvera, the treasurer of the heavenly planets, and no one could reveal his secrets, for they were like the demigod Varuna's
- He received the salvation of sarupya-mukti, in which he achieved the same bodily features as the Lord, being dressed in yellow garments and possessing four hands
- He supplied all the necessities to worship these guests, for he possessed a kamadhenu cow that was able to supply everything
- Her (Mohini-murti's) legs were decorated with ankle bells. Because of the movements of Her eyebrows as She smiled with shyness and glanced over the demons, all the demons were saturated with lusty desires, and every one of them desired to possess Her
- Here Lord Vamanadeva, as an ideal brahmacari, refuses Bali Maharaja's offer to give Him anything He might want. He says that without contentment one could not be happy even if he possessed the property of the entire world or the entire universe
- Hiranyakasipu, who possessed all opulence, began residing in heaven, with its famous Nandana garden, which is enjoyed by the demigods. In fact, he resided in the most opulent palace of Indra, the King of heaven
- His (Krsna's) bodily beauty possesses mind-attracting splendor greater than the jewels known as marakata-mani (emeralds)
- His father, Uttanapada, was the emperor of the entire world, and his grandfather, Lord Brahma, was the creator of the universe. Dhruva Maharaja expressed his desire to possess a kingdom better than those of his father and grandfather
- How could an intelligent man competent enough to possess such exalted qualities allow his followers to praise him if he did not actually have them?
- How long shall you sleep on the lap of maya? Now you have the opportunity of possessing a human form of body; now try to get up and realize yourself
- I (Prahlada Maharaja) offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Nrsimhadeva, the source of all power. O my Lord who possesses nails and teeth just like thunderbolts, kindly vanquish our demonlike desires for fruitive activity in this material world
- I (Raghunatha dasa Gosvami) was unwilling to drink the nectar of devotional service possessed of renunciation
- I am possessing so many things, but if I do not be engaged in Krsna consciousness, everything will be taken at the time of death. - That we do not consider; we are so foolish
- I am self, but I possess a material body. But when we actually become dependent on Krsna, who is completely self-satisfied, we can also be self-satisfied with Krsna
- I cannot say, "I possess this universe." But I can say, "I possess this body. I have got some mind. And I have got some little family. So everything I surrender unto You (Krsna)"
- I really possess my temporary material body and mind, and I must not make myself a laughing stock by denying the existence of my body and mind. At the same time, I must always remember that the body and mind are temporary arrangements
- If a man is not born rich and he wants to purchase a house, cars and other material things, he has to work hard day and night for many years in order to possess them. Thus happiness is not attained without undergoing some distress
- If a man who does not factually possess the attributes of a great personality engages his followers in praising him with the expectation that such attributes will develop in the future, that sort of praise is actually an insult
- If a person possessing millions of wish-fulfilling cows loses one she-goat, he does not consider the loss. Krsna owns all six opulences in full. If the entire material energy is destroyed, what does He lose
- If anyone wants to possess something as his, then that should be, that possession should be Krsna. That is the ultimate conception of "mine." That is the perfection of the word "mine"
- If every one of us possess a temple there, the importance of Sridhama Mayapur will automatically increase and we must have this ideal in view always
- If his (the foolish materialist 's) father dies, he wants to enjoy his father's property, and if his son dies, he wants to enjoy his son's possessions as well. In either case, he heedlessly tries to enjoy material happiness with the acquired money
- If one continuously poses himself as possessing nothing and collects money by begging, he should be killed - sainam tatraiva hanyat
- If one engages himself in the service of the Lord through his life, wealth, words, intelligence and everything he possesses, he will always be liberated in any condition. Such a person is called a jivan-mukta, one who is liberated during this lifetime
- If one gets a diamond, he possesses something valuable. But in this civilization you are simply making plastic plates and plastic cups. Indeed, in Japan I have seen pasteboard homes. And everyone is thinking that he is advanced
- If one gets the opportunity to possess a human form of body, in this body he can fulfill the four principles of dharma, artha, kama and moksa
- If one is not a devotee of the Lord, Krsna harav abhaktasya kuto mahad-gunah - he cannot possess any great qualities. That is not possible
- If one possesses more and more, a benediction itself may become a curse, for just as achieving material opulence in this material world requires great strength and endeavor, maintaining it also requires great endeavor
- If one takes shelter of Krsna, he's immediately released from these resultant action of sinful activities. So maha-bhaga means those who have no sufferings, they're always possessed of all good fortune, he is called maha-bhaga
- If people are advised not to collect too many goods, eat too much or work unnecessarily to possess artificial amenities, they think they are being advised to return to a primitive way of life
- If someone born a sudra possesses the characteristics of a brahmana and someone born a brahmana does not, that sudra should not be known as a sudra, and that brahmana should not be known as a brahmana - Mahabharata, Vana-parva, 177.20
- If someone who has nothing to possess says, "I have renounced everything," what is the meaning of his renunciation? But if one has something and then renounces it, his renunciation is meaningful
- If the S.P. of Godhead, from whose abdomen the lotus stem sprouted, is possessed of a gigantic body according to His own caliber & measurement, then what is the specific difference between the body of the Lord & those of common living entities?
- If the tax collectors give us too much difficulty because we happen to possess a large house, one simple solution is to destroy the house. However, Bhagavad-gita indicates that this material body is not all in all
- If there is an ideal class of men, the others will follow. Jewel. Jewel is always costly. Still everyone aspires, "If I get a jewel." That is wanted. Not that everybody can possess jewel, but still, everybody will appreciate jewel
- If this is considered thoughtfully (person without God consciousness steal God's property) and if one comes to real knowledge, he will realize that if we do not understand God, whose property we are using, whatever we possess is stolen property
- If we try to make an attempt to bring people on the platform of God consciousness, then he is possessing all other qualities: how to take care of the body, how to use the mind, how to use intelligence, everything
- If we utilize whatever we have in our possession to understand God, Krsna will prove that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If we but accept this one fact, then all of our education is complete
- If we worship the hand of a person, we intend to satisfy the person himself. If we massage a person's legs, we do not really serve the legs but the person who possesses the legs
- If you establish Deity, you must worship to the best capacity of your possession. That is Deity worship. But if one hasn't got to offer anything, he can offer everything within the mind
- If you think that "I am the only son of God, and the animal is . . . has no soul, and let us kill," that is not a very good philosophy. Why not? What is the symptoms of possessing soul
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna also promises that if one engages in His service, He will supply what is needed and preserve whatever is already possessed
- In fact, all the different humors and mellows of the devotees possess various specific feelings within the mind. And, according to these differences, the symptoms of ecstatic love appear in different forms and degrees
- In material existence, the living entity possesses many things - the material body, children, wife and so on. One may think that these will give him protection, but that is impossible
- In modern civilization there is no such education (where people are taught how to be satisfied with only what they need); everyone tries to possess more and more, and everyone is dissatisfied and unhappy
- In other words, those who are already promoted to the Vaikuntha planets and possess the four kinds of liberation may also sometimes develop affection for Krsna and become promoted to Krsna-loka
- In Padyavali a devotee says , "As for us we are simply attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is by nature so pleasing, who possesses a complexion like a blackish cloud"
- In the conditioned state of material existence, the living being possesses these attributes (of Krsna) in very minute quantity, varying in terms of the pious life of the living being
- In the Isopanisad it is clearly stated that one who has come to the stage of seeing all living beings equally does not hate anyone or favor anyone. The devotee does not hanker to possess more than he requires
- In the material world we possess riches and wealth in many ways, but sometimes not in very honest and pious ways, because that is the nature of accumulating wealth
- In the material world, the consciousness is for sense gratification. I want to possess these things, because I want to satisfy my senses. This is the impetus, economic impetus. Otherwise nobody would work hard
- In the material world, the opulences possessed by a material person are never fixed. Today one may be a very rich man, but tomorrow he may become poor; today one is very famous, but tomorrow he may be infamous
- In the mundane world, anyone possessing his master's power of attorney can act on behalf of his master
- In the Svetasvatara Upanisad it is stated that the Supreme Absolute Personality of Godhead is full of inconceivable energies and that no one else possesses such energies
- In the upper planets the inhabitants are far superior to the inhabitants of this planet in all matters of art, culture and science, since they possess brains superior to those of human beings
- In the Western countries, especially in America, it is very nice to possess a good car, but as soon as one is on the road, there is danger because at any moment an accident may take place and one will be killed
- In this material world two things are going on, lamentation and hankering. Things which we do not possess, we hanker after it, and things we do possess and, somehow or other, we lose, then it is lamenting
- In this world, human society is mad after temporary things such as the material opulence of possessing land, family & enjoyable paraphernalia. To achieve such temporary things, they worship the demigods or powerful men in human society. BG 1972 purports
- Indeed, the advanced uttama-adhikari Vaisnava devotee should be accepted as a spiritual master. Everything one possesses should be offered to him, for it is enjoined that one should deliver whatever he has to the spiritual master
- Indirectly, he (Prthu Maharaja) offered everything he possessed to the Kumaras, and consequently they utilized his possessions in whatever way they liked
- Instead of wasting time performing Vedic sacrifices, those who are intelligent, those who possess good brain substance, should take to the chanting of the Lord's holy name and thus perform sacrifice perfectly
- It is evident from Lord Krsna’s dealings with Sudama Vipra that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is very, very much pleased with a person who possesses brahminical qualities
- It is not that only human being has got the soul, not others. No. Actually if we make analysis what is the symptoms of possessing soul, you will find everywhere. Even in plants' life you will find
- Jamadagni possessed only one kamadhenu, he was able to get from it everything desirable. Thus he was able to receive the King, along with the King's great number of followers, ministers, soldiers, animals and palanquin carriers
- Jamadagni was more powerful than Kartaviryarjuna because of performing the agnihotra-yajna with clarified butter received from the kamadhenu. Not everyone can be expected to possess such a cow
- Jesus Christ and Lord Buddha have said like that just to try to make this man dispossess... Unless he is penniless, he will not take to God
- Just as a dog or servant is very much satisfied to get a competent, perfect master, or as a child is completely satisfied to possess a competent father, so the living entity is satisfied by completely engaging in the service of the Supreme Lord
- Just like one may possess a very valuable land, one may possess not so valuable, ordinary, and one may possess a third-class field, similarly, we living entities, we are given a certain type of body to work with it and enjoy or suffer the resultant action
- Just like we don't keep any furniture in our hou... What is the use of furniture? We can lie down on the floor. So many things, materialistic persons they possess. But we try to simplify matters, plain living. Well-wisher to all
- Kaliya said, "You are the original creator of the modes of material nature, by which the universe is created. You are the cause of the different kinds of mentality possessed by living creatures, by which they have obtained different varieties of bodies"
- Karmis, jnanis and yogis all hanker to possess some material or spiritual assets. Karmis want material possessions, jnanis and yogis want spiritual possessions, but devotees do not want any material or spiritual assets
- Kartaviryarjuna thought that Jamadagni was more powerful and wealthy than himself because of possessing a jewel in the form of the kamadhenu
- KC is so beneficial it easily counteracts material nature's contamination resulting from one's possessing a material body. BG therefore teaches, in the beginning, that whether one is man or woman one must know he or she isn't the body but a spiritual soul
- King has no self-control and possesses bad character. If such a king is worshiped or honored by the citizens, the citizens will never be happy
- King means he (Nanda Maharaja) had many cows - nine hundred thousand cows. Formerly one was considered to be rich man if he possessed many cows: dhanyena dhanavan gavaya dhanavan
- King Puranjana was a great soul, highly intellectual and possessed of advanced consciousness, but due to his being too much addicted to women, his whole consciousness was covered
- Knowledge of the living entity's true position is possessed to different extents by different types of living entities
- Krishna is so kind that although he is ajit, unconquerable, He can be possessed by the devotee. From love He allows this
- Krsna addressed Rukmini, "Although not all of them (the great personalities in the royal order) were kings, all possessed the opulence and riches of the kingly order"
- Krsna continued, "Although My foster father possessed many hundreds of thousands of cows, I (Krsna) was not the proprietor of even one of them. I was simply entrusted with taking care of them and tending them, but I was not the proprietor"
- Krsna continued, "You (Rukmini) may note also that My devotees are not very opulent; they also are very poor in worldly goods. Persons who are very rich, possessing worldly wealth, are not interested in devotion to Me, or Krsna consciousness"
- Krsna gives order because we want it. Krsna does not force you to enter into the dog's body or hog's body or demigod's body or human being's body, but as we create situation by desire, Krsna gives us the facility to possess such body
- Krsna ordered the serpent thus, "You (Kaliya) can take with you all your offspring, wives and everything that you possess. Don’t pollute the waters of the Yamuna. Let it be drunk by My cows and cowherd boys without hindrance"
- Krsna proclaims that He is the enjoyer of all activities and the proprietor of all planets (sarva-loka-mahesvaram). An individual may possess a large tract of land, and he may be proud of his ownership, but Krsna claims to possess all planetary systems
- Krsna says, mrtyuh sarva-haras caham: "I am death, and I will take away everything you possess." (BG 10.34) Hiranyakasipu was such a powerful demon that even the demigods were afraid of him, but Krsna took everything away in a second
- Krsna, the supreme hero, has the most beautiful transcendental body. This body possesses all good features. It is radiant and very pleasing to the eyes. His body is powerful, strong and youthful
- Ksatriyas and vaisyas have no right to give charity, for whatever they possess belongs to the brahmanas. Therefore charity should be given by the ksatriyas and vaisyas under the instructions of the brahmanas
- Laksmidevi shows compassion toward women who worship the Lord for the benediction of possessing a good husband. Although such women desire to be happy with children, wealth, a long duration of life and everything dear to them, they cannot possibly do so
- Learned scholars in transcendental subjects have carefully analyzed the summum bonum Krsna to have sixty-four principal attributes. All the expansions or categories of the Lord possess only some percentages of these attributes
- Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the all-pervading Supreme Personality of Godhead, who possesses unlimited transcendental qualities
- Lord Caitanya asked Ramananda Raya, "What is the most valuable thing in the world?" Ramananda Raya replied that he who has love for Radha-Krsna possesses the most valuable jewel and the greatest riches
- Lord Krsna said, "He (who even wishes to possess property of Brahmana) will be defeated by his enemies, and after being bereft of his royal position, when he gives up his body he will become a serpent, giving trouble to all other living entities"
- Lord Krsna said, "If someone even wishes to possess such property (of Brahmana), let alone attempts to take it away by force, the duration of his life will be reduced"
- Lord Siva said, "A person who possesses a human body but who cannot bring his senses under control is carried away by the waves of sensual enjoyment. As such, he cannot take shelter of Your lotus feet and thus engage in Your devotional service"
- Lord Siva, who is neither avatara nor avesa nor in between them, possesses almost eighty-four percent of the attributes (of Krsna)
- Maharaja Pariksit was full of youth and strength, and he possessed insuperable kingly opulences. Why did he want to give up everything, including his life?
- Maharaja Prthu was an unrivaled king and possessed the scepter for ruling all the seven islands on the surface of the globe. No one could disobey his irrevocable orders but the saintly persons
- Mahisasura, the most powerful demon, who was the personification of the forces of evil, His present-day followers, possessing identical qualifications, are no less enterprising and expert in exploiting the divine energy
- Material qualities one can transcend and remain in the Brahman platform. This is the process. It is not that we shall possess this quality certain percentage, that quality certain percentage. No. Above all qualities. That should be the aim of life
- Material wealth and opulence attained through previous pious activities can be fully utilized for one's benefit in this life and the next if one is Krsna conscious. One should not try to possess more than he needs for the bare necessities
- Materialism does not mean that one has to possess so many things, the actual fact is one may be a perfect transcendentalist of spiritual man by possessing the whole world, and one may be a gross materialist without possessing a farthing
- Materialistic demons always possess large amounts of gold in various shapes, and they think that a large amount of gold, physical strength and popularity can save them from the wrath of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Materialists who try to get the favor of the goddess of fortune only to possess her for personal enjoyment are frustrated. Theirs is not a good policy
- My dear brahmana, you have carried out the order thoroughly because you are also as compassionate as the Lord. It is my duty, therefore, to offer you something, but all I possess are but remnants of food taken by great saintly persons
- My dear Lord, I do not possess even a trace of love for Your lotus feet. If I did, how could I have gone to another country? I am therefore a most sinful man
- My dear Sir, according to Your behavior and bodily features, You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is impossible for ordinary living beings to possess such transcendental qualities
- My Guru Maharaja used to advise us that, "It is better to live in rented house than to possess own house." Why? Because if we possess our own house, we'll be more attached
- Nakula said, "A person who cannot tolerate the worship of Krsna is my enemy and is possessed of a demonic nature. Therefore I wish to strike my left foot upon his broad head, just to punish him more strongly than the wand of Yamaraja!"
- Nanda continued, "If Krsna were not a great personality, how could He have killed Kamsa, who possessed the strength of ten thousand elephants? Besides Kamsa, there were the very strong wrestlers, as well as the giant elephant Kuvalayapida"
- Nanda is said to have possessed 9 hundred thousand cows, & at the time of Krsna (about 5000 years ago) the tract of land known as Vrndavana was flooded with milk and butter. Therefore God's gifted professions for mankind are agriculture & cow protection
- Nanda Maharaj, the father of Krsna, used to think: "In my pasturing ground the goddess of fortune is personally present, and I possess more than ten hundred, thousand cows which loiter here and there"
- Nanda Maharaja was a vaisya who possessed nine hundred thousand cows and ruled over many cowherd men and boys
- Narakasura possessed eleven such divisions, and all of them were throwing arrows toward Krsna, but Krsna killed them all, simply by throwing three arrows from His side
- Nirmana-moha jita-sanga-dosah. This refers to one who is completely freed from the puffed-up condition of material possessiveness
- No mundane man is full in every respect; even a man possessing the greatest riches is himself needy if he is devoid of a relationship with the Lord
- No one likes to possess anything that is like a will-o'-the-wisp or a flower in the sky, for everyone knows very well that such things do not exist
- No wealth of love for Krsna
- Nondevotees may possess exalted material qualities, but because they are foolish they have no good qualifications
- Not finding any combatant, he (Banasura) struck his powerful arms against the mountains, breaking them to pieces. In contrast to this, Arjuna also possessed extraordinary powers for fighting, but he utilized them only for Krsna
- Not only did they (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) possess all these things, but they could give them (milk products, various kinds of jewelry, ornaments and costly garments) away in charity lavishly, as did Nanda Maharaja
- Now, artificially, they have made such a plan that if you can possess some papers written only - hundred dollars, five hundred dollars, fifty dollars - then you are rich. But actually that is not wealth
- O chief of the ascetics, just as there are two energies possessed by fire - namely heat and light - these inconceivable creative energies are the natural characteristics of the Absolute Truth
- O Dharma, protector of religious principles, all noble and sublime qualities are eternally manifested in the person of Krsna, & devotees & transcendentalists who aspire to become faithful also desire to possess such transcendental qualities - SB 1.16.29
- O my Lord, when a human being is able to give up all the material desires in his mind, he becomes eligible to possess wealth and opulence like Yours
- O Prajapati, King Pracinabarhisat, in this way King Puranjana also begot 110 daughters. All of these were equally glorified like the father and mother. Their behavior was gentle, and they possessed magnanimity and other good qualities
- O son of Marici, because you are a great personality you are equal toward all the demons and demigods, who are born either from your body or from your mind and who possess one or another of the three qualities - sattva-guna, rajo-guna or tamo-guna
- Of course, possessing material opulence is always fearful because under the influence of material opulence one may be misdirected from devotional service
- Of the many inhabitants of this city, there are two persons named Nirvak and Pesaskrt. Although King Puranjana was the ruler of citizens who possessed eyes, he unfortunately used to associate with these blind men
- On Manasottara Mountain, due east of Mount Sumeru, is a place known as Devadhani, possessed by King Indra
- On the contrary, because they possessed gold, land, villages, horses, elephants and sufficient grains, they had nothing to earn for themselves. They would simply devote themselves to the well-being of the entire society
- On the whole, I do not possess anything. Still, O beloved of the gopis, because You bestow Your mercy on the most fallen, I have an unbreakable hope that is constantly in my heart. That hope is always giving me pain
- One cannot be a brahmana by birthright but must possess the qualities of a brahmana
- One may be proud of possessing a vast empire, but such empires are impermanent; after one hundred or two hundred years, everything is finished. All such positions of economic development, although created with great hardship, are vanquished
- One may possess unusual opulence in this material world, but if one becomes puffed up and acts whimsically he will be punished by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the lesson to learn from this history
- One person cheats another, and another person cheats someone else; therefore the best way to possess Laksmi is to keep her by the side of Narayana. This is the point of the Krsna consciousness movement
- One should also note that all the forms of Krsna are fully transcendental, blissful, full of knowledge and eternal. Such personalities of Godhead are omnipotent and omniscient, and they possess all transcendental qualities. BG 1972 purports
- One should be satisfied with whatever he achieves by his previous destiny, for discontent can never bring happiness. A person who is not self-controlled will not be happy even with possessing the three worlds
- One should not make the mistake of thinking the world has no existence at all. I really possess my temporary material body and mind, and I must not make myself a laughing stock by denying the existence of my body and mind
- One should practice nonviolence and truthfulness, should avoid thieving and be satisfied with possessing as much as he needs for his maintenance
- One who considers the worshipable Deity of Lord Visnu, to be stone, the spiritual master to be an ordinary human being, & a Vaisnava to belong to a particular caste or creed is possessed of hellish intelligence. One who follows such conclusions is doomed
- One who does not possess elevated qualities & behavior cannot possibly achieve My favor simply by performance of sacrifices, severe austerities or mystic yoga. But I always remain equipoised in the heart of one who is also equipoised in all circumstances
- One who has developed all these transcendental qualities is really possessed of the bhava stage, as distinguished from the stonehearted imitator or mundane devotee
- One who has not listened to the messages about the prowess and marvelous acts of the Personality of Godhead and has not sung or chanted loudly the worthy songs about the Lord is to be considered to possess earholes like the holes of snakes
- One who has not listened to the messages about the prowess and marvelous acts of the PG and has not sung or chanted loudly the worthy songs about the Lord should be considered to possess ears like the holes of snakes and a tongue like that of a frog
- One who is advanced in self-realization must be considered to possess the body of a brahmana
- One who is surrendered to Krsna is not subject to lamentation or desire, whereas one who is not God conscious simply hankers and laments. He hankers for that which he does not possess, and he laments for that which he did possess but has lost
- One who possesses all these material qualities (prestigious position, material wealth, beauty, education and so on) is expected to become a devotee, and when he actually does, the qualities are properly utilized
- One who possesses more in this material world, in the shape of houses, land, children, society, friendship and wealth, possesses these things only for the time being. One cannot possess all this illusory paraphernalia, created by maya, permanently
- One who wants to possess also laments when he loses his possession. Devotees have no hankerings for material possessions and no hankerings for spiritual salvation
- Originally, in our uncontaminated condition, we possessed a form as good as God's, but just as rain falls to the ground, so we come in contact with this material world, which is manipulated by the external material energy of Krsna
- Our beauty, our strength, our riches, our wisdom - everything what we possess - they are also opulent, but they are limited. And it will be finished. Finished means as soon as this body is finished, everything is finished. I begin again, another chapter
- Our own practical experience we have to accept the beginning of creation, and when we accept the beginning, we must accept a creator. Such a creator must possess an all-pervasive body, as pointed out in the Bhagavad-gita - 13.14
- Out of disgust, Brahma threw off the body of ignorance, and taking this opportunity, Yaksas and Raksasas sprang for possession of the body, which continued to exist in the form of night. Night is the source of hunger and thirst
- Pariksit was a great emperor & possessed all the opulences of his acquired kingdom. He was so exalted that he was increasing the prestige of the Pandu dynasty. Why did he give up everything to sit down on the bank of the Ganges and fast until death?
- Please send a roster of your school faculty and indicate the degrees and academic or religious accomplishments possessed by each instructor
- Prahlada Maharaja has here (in SB 7.8.12) been addressed by his father as "the most unfortunate." Hiranyakasipu thought himself extremely fortunate because he possessed the property of the universe
- Prajapati Daksa said: The SPG is transcendental to the illusory energy and the physical categories it produces. He possesses the potency for unfailing knowledge and supreme willpower, and He is the controller of the living entities and the illusory energy
- Present life means so long we possess this material body, it is full of inauspicity
- Prthu Maharaja's position was something like this; whatever he possessed had already been chewed, and therefore he could not offer it to the Kumaras
- Prthu was special in that although he was given license to remain a householder, and although he possessed immense opulences in his kingdom, he never engaged in sense gratification. This was a special sign that indicated him to be a pure devotee of God
- Ramacandra Khan possessed a Durga-mandapa at his residence
- Rukmini continued, "I see, therefore, that a great sage like Narada Muni, who does not possess any material property, is still very dear to You (Krsna). And such persons do not care for anything but Your Lordship"
- Rukmini continued, "In the material world, no one can be rich without possessing. Since Your Lordship is absolute, You (Krsna) can adjust the contradiction of possessing nothing but at the same time being the richest"
- Rukmini continued, "My dear Lord, You have stated that persons who possess nothing are very dear to You; renouncing everything, Your devotee wants to possess You only"
- Rukmini was so elated by the brahmana's message that she wanted to give him in charity everything she possessed. However, finding nothing suitable for presentation, she simply offered him her respectful obeisances
- Sanatana Gosvami, out of his causeless mercy, made me drink it (the nectar of devotional service possessed of renunciation), even though I (Raghunatha dasa Gosvami) was otherwise unable to do so. Therefore he is an ocean of mercy
- Sati said that the opulence possessed by her husband could not be understood by materialistic persons like Daksa and his followers, who were flatterers and were engaged in fruitive activities. Her husband's position was different
- She possesses all the attractiveness to attract the all-attractive Personality of Godhead. She is the primeval internal potency of the Lord
- Similarly, in the south is a place known as Samyamani, possessed by Yamaraja, in the west is a place known as Nimlocani, possessed by Varuna, and in the north is a place named Vibhavari, possessed by the moon-god
- Since Dr. Radhakrishnan implies that the impersonal Brahman alone possesses such transcendental qualities as being inexhaustible, imperishable, and unborn, we must turn to the Gita for a proper reply
- Since everything belongs to Krsna and nothing belongs to anyone else, whatever we possess is actually Krsna's property (isavasyam idam sarvam) - ISO 1
- Since he (Jarasandha) possessed demoniac qualities from birth, naturally he became a great devotee of Lord Siva, who is the lord of all ghostly and demoniac men
- Since that nature (the sanatana nature) is spiritual in quality, there are no qualitative differences there (in the spiritual sky): everything there is spiritual, everything is good, and everything possesses the spiritual form of Sri Krsna Himself
- Someone may possess great power and yet be unable to check the power of eternal time. Someone else may have renounced attachment to the material world, yet he cannot compare to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sovereignty over the three worlds is very insignificant because whatever material opulence one may possess lasts only for an age of Manu, which is but a tiny fraction of endless time
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Of the many capitalists who possess great riches, who is the topmost?" Ramananda Raya replied, "He who is richest in love for Radha and Krsna is the greatest capitalist"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is a wealthy capitalist possessing the touchstone of love of God
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is a wealthy capitalist possessing the touchstone of love of God. Not considering whether one is a proper or improper recipient, He gives His treasure to anyone and everyone. Thus He is the most munificent
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Being neglected by their husband and seeing Krtadyuti's opulence in possessing a son, Krtadyuti's co-wives always burned in envy, which became extremely strong
- Srila Rupa Gosvami advises: "When one is not attached to anything, but at the same time accepts everything in relation to Krsna, one is rightly situated above possessiveness." - Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.255
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has compared possessing these bhukti (material) and mukti (liberation) desires with being influenced by the black art of a witch: in both cases one is in trouble
- Such a position may befit others, but I do not possess such spiritual power. I belong to a lower class and have not even a pinch of devotion to Krsna
- Such persons discharge devotional service to Krsna without practicing the rules and regulations of the mystic yoga system. They possess all spiritual qualities, and they are elevated to the Vaikuntha planets, which exist above us
- Suppose you have stolen something from somebody's house or some friends. You will not be happy, even possessing that thing, stolen property. But if someday you come to return that thing to that friend, you will be happy
- Surrender to Krsna whatever you possess. What you possess? You possess your body, you possess your mind, and, it may be, you possess a home, wife, children, or husband, children. This is our possession
- Suryadasa Sarakhela and his younger brother Krsnadasa Sarakhela both possessed firm faith in Nityananda Prabhu. They were a reservoir of love of Godhead
- Taking birth as a vaisya is not all; one must possess hundreds or thousands of animals (specifically cows) and rule over other vaisyas as Nanda Maharaja did in Vrndavana
- Tata, Rockefeller or this, they cannot say, "No, I possess the whole wealth of the universe." That you cannot say. But Krsna can say. Therefore He is Bhagavan
- The bhakti-yoga process is practiced by the devotees in different methods like hearing, chanting, remembering, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, worshiping, praying, rendering service in love, becoming friendly, and offering all that one may possess
- The brahmana must possess the qualities mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita (18.42) and take bath at least twice a day to maintain external cleanliness as well as always chanting the maha mantra for internal cleanliness
- The brahmanas are always engaged in the devotional service of the Lord: consequently they have no material wants, nor do they possess material things
- The brahmanas do not seek material comforts from Me. They are very pure and do not want to possess anything. They simply engage in My devotional service. What is the need of their asking for material benefits from anyone else?
- The brahmanas Sanda and Amarka, being seminal sons of Sukracarya, did not actually possess real brahminical qualifications, for they engaged as servants of Hiranyakasipu
- The brahminical character offers no scope for possessing land and ruling citizens; these are the duties of a ksatriya
- The brain is most important part of the body, this head. If you cut the head of a man, then, in spite of possessing the arms, belly and legs, he is dead man. But if you cut the hand or the leg, he can live, and the brain can work
- The child comes empty hand and the dead body goes empty hand. So between the birth and death, this small duration of life, we are supposed to possess so many things. That is our false possession
- The defects of a conditioned soul are: (1) he must commit mistakes; (2) he must be illusioned; (3) he must possess the tendency to cheat others; and (4) all his senses must be imperfect. We must understand that God is transcendental to all these defects
- The demoniac want to make a show of religion and advancement in spiritual science, although they do not follow the principles. They are always arrogant or proud in possessing some type of education or so much wealth. BG 1972 purports
- The demons possess wonderful and supernatural powers to create material wonders. But they are always disturbing elements of the society
- The denizens of the heavenly kingdom are called amara, or deathless, due to their possessing a long span of life, far greater than that of the human beings
- The desires for acquiring a house, possessing land, having children and becoming prominent in society, the affection for community and the place of birth, and the hankering for wealth, are all like phantasmagoria or illusory dreams
- The desires for acquiring a house, possessing land, having children and becoming prominent in society, the affection for community and the place of birth, and the hankering for wealth, encumber a human being
- The devotee's desirable qualities are described to be twenty-six in number. They are stated as follows: He does not profess to possess anything in this material world and he is a benefactor to all living entities
- The duration of Manu's life is 309,600,000 years. The demigods possess their material opulence only until the end of the life of Manu
- The false ego of identifying one's body as one's self and of claiming things possessed in relationship with this body is called maya
- The false prestige of thinking "I am very rich, and I possess such vast property" is another side of material life. Everything belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and no one else possesses anything. This is the real fact
- The followers and servants of the dacoit chief considered Jada Bharata to possess qualities quite suitable for a man-animal, and they decided that he was a perfect choice for sacrifice
- The Gosvamis were ministers in the government service of Bengal, and Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was the son of a big zamindar of his time. But they left everything to gain something superior to what they previously possessed
- The great King Gaya used to perform all kinds of Vedic rituals. He was highly intelligent and expert in studying all the Vedic literatures. He maintained the religious principles and possessed all kinds of opulence
- The greatly fortunate Sasabindu, who was a great mystic, possessed fourteen opulences and was the owner of fourteen great jewels. Thus he became the emperor of the world
- The heavenly planets are also temporary, and therefore they are not the goal of life. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, however, has never been seen or heard to possess inebriety
- The highest developed form is this human form when it is possessed of a full sense of spiritual knowledge
- The impersonal Brahman cannot possess energies, nor do the Vedic literatures state that maya (the illusory energy) is covered by another maya
- The impetus for lording it over material nature is the sense of "mine" and "I". "I am the lord of all that I survey. So many things I possess, and I shall possess more and more. Who can be richer than I in wealth and education?"
- The individual person possessing different instruments of senses is called the adhyatmic person, and the individual controlling deity of the senses is called adhidaivic. The embodiment seen on the eyeballs is called the adhibhautic person
- The individual sparks of the supreme whole (the Lord) possess almost eighty percent of the known qualities of the whole, but they are not quantitatively equal to the Supreme Lord
- The inhabitants of Vaikunthaloka do not possess material senses with which to lord it over material nature
- The jivas, or the individual living beings in different statuses of life, possess up to the limit of seventy-eight percent of the attributes (of Krsna)
- The King certainly possesses all good qualities, but simply by taking up the name 'king,' he has infected everything
- The King was astonished at how opulent Jamadagni was because of possessing only one cow, and therefore he became envious of the great sage. This was the beginning of his offense
- The king, being the representative of the Lord, must possess this attitude of giving protection to the surrendered souls at all risk
- The Krsna consciousness movement is so beneficial that it can very easily counteract the contamination of material nature, which results from one's possessing a material body
- The ksatriyas, they are working in the modes of passion. They want to possess land, they want to be king, they want to be leader of the citizens, and they see to the protection of the citizens. This is called in the mode of passion
- The leaders of the world may be famous for a few years only, but Lord Sri Krsna appeared 5,000 years ago and is still being worshiped. So one who possesses all six of these opulences in completeness is considered to be God
- The lightning becomes unsteady in its friendship, failing to remain faithfully in any 1 of the clouds, although they are the friends of the entire world, just as lusty women do not remain steady even in the company of men who possess excellent qualities
- The living being can never possess attributes like Siva, Visnu or Lord Krsna. A living being can become godly by developing the seventy-eight-percent transcendental attributes in fullness, but he can never become a God like Siva, Visnu or Krsna
- The living entities, being part and parcel of the Lord, possess His qualities in a minute quantity. Therefore one should not be affected by lamentation
- The living entity comes in contact with his material bodies, whether high or low, and later gives them up by his personal prowess. This strength can be perceived in a living entity's personal power to possess different types of bodies
- The living entity never possesses anything exactly in the same proportion as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, this mayat affix cannot be used to mean that the individual living entity is quantitatively equal with the Lord
- The living entity, as part and parcel of the Lord, is partially independent because he partially possesses all the qualities of the Lord. Anyone who has some independence may sometimes misuse it due to ignorance
- The Lord (Krsna) is cent percent perfect, whereas others, namely Narayana, Brahma, Siva, the demigods and all other living beings, possess only different percentages of such perfection. No one is equal to or greater than Him. He is unrivaled
- The Lord replied, "My dear mother, please hear. This body belongs to you. I do not possess anything"
- The Lord says, "They do not aspire after the five liberated stages, which are 1) to be one with Me, 2) to achieve residence on My planet, 3) to have My opulences, 4) to possess bodily features similar to Mine and 5) to gain personal association with Me"
- The Lord, as the proprietor of everything, could take from Bali Maharaja all the land he possessed, but he did not do so because Bali Maharaja possessed all those lands by king's rights
- The material body, even if possessed by a great king, is ultimately transformed into stool, worms or ashes. When one is too attached to the bodily conception of life, he is certainly not very intelligent
- The material energy is inferior, and the living entities are superior energy. Energy and the energetic are nondifferent; therefore, energies possess the same quality as the energetic
- The messenger said, "Dear Lord, it is known to You (Krsna) that Jarasandha possesses the power of ten thousand elephants, and with this power he has imprisoned us, just as a lion hypnotizes a flock of sheep"
- The mind of the living entity is known by the name of Lord Aniruddha, the supreme ruler of the senses. He possesses a bluish-black form resembling a lotus flower growing in the autumn. He is found slowly by the yogis
- The money was immediately deposited with your cashier and I possess the receipt slip, but here in Bombay your Gwalia Tank Branch says that they have not received the money
- The most perfect of living beings is Brahma, the supreme administrator of one universe. He possesses seventy-eight percent of the attributes in full
- The natural ambition of a girl is to possess not only more than one child but at least half a dozen
- The opening words of the Ninth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita indicate that the Supreme Godhead is speaking. Here Sri Krsna is referred to as Bhagavan. Bhaga means opulences, and van means one who possesses
- The opulence Lord Siva possesses is enjoyable in renunciation and love of God, not in material exhibition of sense gratificatory methods. Such opulences are possessed by personalities like the Kumaras, Narada and Lord Siva, not by others
- The opulence we possess is impossible for either you or your flatterers to imagine, persons who engage in fruitive activities by performing great sacrifices are concerned with satisfying their bodily necessities by eating foodstuff offered as a sacrifice
- The order carriers of Lord Visnu, who are worshiped even by the demigods, possess wonderful bodily features exactly like those of Visnu and are very rarely seen
- The ordinary living entity is prone to falling into the clutches of maya, but the Supreme Lord in His different incarnations and forms is acyuta, infallible. Therefore His body is different from the material body possessed by the conditioned soul
- The palmist said, "This man Sanatana possesses eight gold coins." Hearing this, the landlord was very pleased and spoke the following to Sanatana Gosvami
- The personified Vedas continued, "If a person has a jeweled locket in his necklace but forgets the jewel, it is almost as though he does not possess it"
- The persons who are really possessing brain, that is Krsna consciousness men. So at the present moment there is need of such men
- The plan decided upon by the sages was for Bhrgu to test which one of the predominating deities possesses the quality of goodness in full
- The potency to give protection to the pious and kill the demons or undesirables is directly an energy from the Supreme Lord, and the king or the chief executive of the state is supposed to possess such energy
- The professional heads of various spiritual societies or communities often may not have attained to this standard of spiritual perfection and so may not possess the qualifications required for being a spiritual master
- The protective armor of Narayana, which Indra possessed, was identical with Narayana Himself, the SPG. Protected by that armor and by his own mystic power, King Indra, although swallowed by Vrtrasura, did not die within the demon's belly
- The residents of Maharloka, where the purified living entities or demigods possess a duration of life calculated to be 4,300,000,000 solar years, have airships by which they reach Satyaloka, the topmost planet of the universe
- The Sanskrit word Bhagavan is explained by the great authority, Parasara Muni, the father of Vyasadeva. The Supreme Personality who possesses all riches, all strength, all fame, all beauty, all knowledge & all renunciation is called Bhagavan. BG 1972 pur
- The self-possessed creator gave them his own human form. On seeing the Manus, those who had been created earlier - the demigods, the Gandharvas and so on - applauded Brahma, the lord of the universe
- The sex demand is inevitable for everyone, but one who has a fixed wife is saved from the onslaught of the sense enemies. A man who possesses a good wife does not create a disturbance in society by corrupting virgin girls
- The six opulences listed (in BG 10.34) are considered to be feminine. If a woman possesses all of them or some of them she becomes glorious. BG 1972 purports
- The soldiers in this Krsna consciousness movement must always possess physical strength, enthusiasm and sensual power. To keep themselves fit, they must therefore place themselves in a normal condition of life
- The soul is called dehi, or one who possesses the body, and the material body is called deha, or the embodiment of the soul. The body is changing at every moment, but the soul is fixed; therefore the soul is called kuta-stham
- The spirit soul possesses the body and is within the body. This is the real analysis. The soul never mixes with the bodily elements
- The spiritual senses, that is real sense. Do you follow what I say? You have got ear, but when the spirit soul is out of your body, in spite of possessing this physical ear, you cannot hear
- The standard of perfection for a human being is to develop the attributes (of Krsna) up to seventy-eight percent in full. The living being can never possess attributes like Siva, Visnu or Lord Krsna
- The tenth offense is to be attached to the misconception of possessing something, or to accept the body as one's self, while executing the process of spiritual cultivation
- The things which we possess during our duration of life are first achieved and then let out along with all of our other temporary possessions. Therefore the best use of possessions during our lifetime is to dedicate it to the service of the Lord
- The tree delivers its fruits, flowers and whatever else it possesses to anyone and everyone. It tolerates scorching heat and torrents of rain, yet it still gives shelter to others
- The two energies manifest (spirit and dull matter), beings possessing living force (vegetables, grass, trees and plants) are superior to dull matter (stone, earth, etc.). Superior to nonmoving plants and vegetables are worms and snakes, which can move
- The Western people, they are materially advanced. They do not possess, but their energy is utilized for converting things from one shape to another, that much, the energy being wasted
- The word asta-vibhutibhih, meaning "by eight opulences," is very important. The king is supposed to possess eight kinds of opulences. By dint of mystic yoga practice, kings generally acquired these eight opulences
- The word bhaga means "opulence," and van means "one who possesses." All the opulences of the creation are present in Bhagavan
- The word dharma-snatah is significant, for the ten children were all merged in the practice of religion. In addition, they possessed all good qualities
- The word nirguna is important. The Mayavadi philosophers accept the Absolute Truth as nirguna or nirakara. The word nirguna refers to one who possesses no material qualities
- The word sukra means "semen." The sons of Sukracarya were brahmanas by birthright, but an actual brahmana is one who possesses the brahminical qualities
- The word viraktimat in this verse (SB 3.20.53) means possessed of the qualification of renunciation
- The words bhagavan indrah indicate that a living entity can even be as exalted and powerful as King Indra, for even King Indra is an ordinary living entity in the material world and possesses the four defects of the conditioned soul
- The words ko vicaste gatim atmano yatha indicate that when one is puffed up by the false prestige of possessing material opulence, he certainly neglects the goal of self-realization. This is the position of the modern world
- There are many persons who are very rich, very powerful, very beautiful, very famous, very learned, and very much detached, but no one can claim that he possesses all riches, all strength, etc., entirely. BG 1972 purports
- There are some inhabitants who have attained the liberation of sarupya, or possessing bodily features like those of the Personality of Godhead
- There are two kinds of supreme purity. When one type is possessed, one is able to deliver a sinful person. When the other type is possessed, one does not do anything which is impure. A person who possesses either of these is called supremely pure
- There is another important sect of transcendentalists, who understand the Absolute Truth as the Absolute Personality of Godhead, possessing the potentialities of being impersonal and all-pervasive simultaneous with His Absolute Personality
- There is evidence in the Vedic literature that worship may be saguna and nirguna-of the Supreme possessing or not possessing attributes. BG 1972 purports
- There is no beauty to compare with Krsna's, for no one possesses beauty greater than or equal to His
- There is no difference between a good wife and good intelligence. One who possesses good intelligence can deliberate properly and save himself from many dangerous conditions
- There is no need of material qualifications for making progress on the path of spiritual realization. In the material world, when one accepts some particular type of service, he is required to possess some particular type of qualification also
- There is no rebirth means there is no rebirth for possessing a material body. Because a spirit soul has neither birth nor death
- There was a person named Kadanjari who was famed for possessing the strength of 30 men. Madhvacarya placed the big toe of his foot upon the ground & asked the man to separate it from the ground, but the great strong man could not do so after great effort
- These are the human life: to accept brahmacarya life, tapasya, controlling the senses, controlling the mind, tyagena, by giving in charity whatever you possess
- These Visnu forms appearing before Lord Brahma possessed the mark of Srivatsa and the Kaustubha gem, which are special characteristics possessed only by the Supreme Lord. This proves that all these boys & calves were in fact directly expansions of Visnu
- They (material assets) foil spiritual energy, and thus the less we possess such products of material nature, the more we have a good chance for spiritual progress
- They (the gopis) dedicated their bodies, and everything they possessed, to the service of Sri Krsna, taking it for granted that their bodies were meant for His enjoyment
- They (the inhabitants of the topmost planetary systems) do not have to 3) to possess such power as will never be frustrated in any desire -prakamya-siddhi-, or to assume any shape or form one may even whimsically desire - kamavasayita-siddhi
- They (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) possessed such an abundance of various kinds of milk products that they were throwing butter lavishly on each other's bodies without restriction
- They (those who are in the modes of passion and ignorance and goodness) are bewildered before the Supreme Lord in His personal feature, which possesses all beauty, opulence, knowledge, strength, fame and renunciation. BG 1972 purports
- They will be learned, clever and young and possess abundant wealth and rice. Not only that, but you will each have seven sons, who will all live long lives and be very intelligent
- Thinking that because the brahmanas have no material desires they should possess the entire world, Lord Ramacandra delivered the land between the east, west, north and south to the acarya
- This body is to be annihilated, but I am not to be annihilated. Nityasyoktahsaririnah. Saririnah means "one who possesses." He is nitya
- This is jnana, regretting "My dear Lord, I got this very opportune moment to possess this human form of life, manusya-janama paiya, but my duty was to worship Radha-Krsna." That is the highest perfection of worshiping
- This is the purification process: austerity, penance, controlling sex life, controlling the mind, controlling the senses, giving in charity whatever you possess, everything regulated. This is one process. And the other process is this bhakti-yoga
- This is the real science. Everything is coming from Him (Krsna). So whatever we possess, the physical transformation, the gross body and the subtle mind, intelligence, everything is produced from the original source, Krsna
- This mentality: "How I shall become enjoyer? How I shall possess this?" Krsna-bahirmukha hana bhoga vancha kare. He forgets
- This process of offering everything in one's possession or ability is the recommended means for losing all attachment to material things and all attachment to material sense gratification
- This son was equal to everyone and very peaceful. He could control His senses and His mind, and, possessing all opulence, He did not hanker for material enjoyment
- Those possessing the title of Bhaktivedanta will be allowed to initiate disciples. Maybe by 1975, all of my disciples will be allowed to initiate and increase the numbers of the generations. That is my program
- Those who are very materialistic or who possess material wealth and prosperity are unable to appreciate the value of transcendental love of God
- Those who have no desire for Krsna consciousness and who are simply interested in possessing more and more material things - either in the shape of scientific knowledge or monetary gain - are all included under the control of atyahara
- Thus the Bhagavad-gita also states again and again that the Absolute Truth always possesses inconceivable power
- To be the emperor, one must possess all fourteen (elephant, horse, chariot, wife, arrows, reservoir of wealth, garland, valuable costumes, trees, spear, noose, jewels, umbrella, and regulative principles) of these opulences. Sasabindu possessed them all
- To have control it is necessary that one be nonviolent and truthful, refrain from stealing, abstain from sex life and possess only that which is absolutely necessary for keeping the body and soul together
- To know exactly the permanency of spiritual existence, one must voluntarily practice possessing less or only the minimum to maintain one's material existence. One should not create artificial needs. That will help one be satisfied with the minimum
- To take birth in a family of brahmanas is not the ultimate finishing touch; one must have the power of a brahmana, which is called brahma-tejas. Similarly, taking birth in a royal family is not the all in all; one must possess the power to rule the world
- Try to understand that within this body there is the soul. The body is called in Sanskrit language, deha. And the soul, which possesses this body, just like I am possessing this body, you are possessing your body. We are all individual persons, soul
- Two diseases characterize this material world: What we do not possess, we hanker after. - If I get these things I'll be happy. I have no money, but if I get a million dollars, then I'll be happy
- Uddhava said, "If there is anyone who can conquer this king (Jarasandha), he is none other than Bhimasena because he also possesses the strength of ten thousand elephants"
- Under the influence of illusory material energy, we accept this spot-life of only a few years as our permanent existence and thus become illusioned by possessing so-called country, home, land, children, wife, community, wealth, etc
- Unless you become fully conscious that anything you are possessing, that does not belong to you, that belongs to Krsna, so long you will be allowed to enjoy it under the false impression, egotism, that - It is mine
- Vasudeva said, "A person seeking auspicious progress in life must avoid possessing too much material opulence so that he will not become blind and puffed up, and he should take care of his friends and relatives"
- Vidura was undoubtedly a highly elevated and pious soul, otherwise he would not have taken his birth in the Kaurava family. To have high parentage, to possess wealth, to be highly learned and to have great personal beauty are all due to past pious acts
- We are proud of possessing a few acres of land, and Bhagavan means who is the proprietor of the whole universe. Therefore He is considered the richest. Similarly, He is considered the strongest. And similarly, He is considered the wisest
- We can fulfill our desire also in proportion. Not that I am a small quantity of seawater, and I possess million tons of salt. That is not possible. This is most unscientific. You can possess according to the proportion of your existence
- We cannot tolerate when a rascal or imposter is called bhagavan. One must possess either all opulences or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan, who possesses all opulences
- We claim to be superior, to possess superior consciousness, and how we are utilizing our consciousness and superior intelligence? Simply just like animals. That requires meditation
- We commit mistake, we are illusioned, our senses are imperfect and we have got a cheating propensity. We are possessing these four defects. However great a man may be, he makes mistake in calculation. To err is human
- We do not possess it; we falsely claim it. This is our position. Actually it is the possession of God. God has created this land, this ocean, the sky, the air, the fire. You have not created. So how claim?
- We have got two diseases in the material world. One is socati, and the other is kanksati. The things which we haven't got we desire to possess, kanksati. And the things which we possess, it will be spoiled, it will be lost
- We know that we possess a mind, although we cannot see it. Nor can we see the intelligence, the ego or the soul
- We must have a temple at Mayapur. If every one of us possess a temple there, the importance of Sridhama Mayapur will automatically increase and we must have this ideal in view always
- We must know that whatever we possess, whatever we are seeing, these are all dream, temporary
- We possess the living force, we perform activities, and we are immortal by our nature and constitution, but the material condition into which we have been put does not allow our immortality to be displayed
- We possess the living force, we perform activities, and we are immortal by our nature and constitution, but the material condition into which we have been put does not allow our immortality to be displayed - CC Intro
- We should be satisfied with those things He has kindly set aside for us, and we should always consider to whom those things we possess actually belong
- We should see all women as spiritual units (aham brahmasmi), whose only duty is to satisfy Krsna. Then the influences of the different modes of material nature, which result from one's possessing a material body, will not act
- What is the symptom of possessing soul? First of all try to understand. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita. The presence of soul can be perceived when there is consciousness on the body. This is the proof
- What is the symptoms of possessing soul? The symptoms of possessing soul is described in the Bhagavad-gita: yena sarvam idam tatam (BG 2.17). The consciousness
- What is the symptoms of possessing soul? The symptoms of possessing soul is described in the Bhagavad-gita: yena sarvam idam tatam. The consciousness. The animals have no consciousness? How foolish they are
- Whatever wealth, opulence or whatever else we may possess belongs not to us but to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the ultimate shelter of everyone and the ultimate owner of everything
- When a devotee, in spite of possessing all the qualities of pure realization, is not proud of his position, he is called prideless
- When in spite of possessing all these opulences a person is not proud, this means that he is fully aware that all his opulences are due to the mercy of the Supreme Lord. He therefore engages all his possessions in the service of the Lord
- When Lord Ramacandra gave everything in charity to the brahmanas, the brahmanas, being qualified, wisely considered that brahmanas are not meant to possess property to make a profit from it
- When one possesses material opulence in any of these three divisions (upper, lower and middle planetary systems) of the universe, his possessions naturally increase his enmity, anxiety, mental agitation, pride and belligerence
- When one possesses more wealth than necessary, he certainly becomes very proud. This is the situation of men in modern civilization
- When one surrenders unto the lotus feet of the Lord, he does so with everything in his possession - his house, his body, his mind and whatever else he possesses
- When one's personal body and head is given to the service of the Lord, then one becomes perfect in offering everything to the Lord. This is called complete surrender of everything that a devotee may possess
- When renunciation is recommended in Bhagavad-gita, it refers to renunciation of everything that we falsely claim to possess
- When the porters, who happened to possess a disposition quite unpalatable to the Lord, saw the sages, they blocked their way with their staffs, despising their glories, although the sages did not deserve such treatment at their hands
- When the things we possess are destroyed then there will be lamentation. This is called material life. Material life- hankering and lamentation. And when you are in the brahma-bhḻta stage then these two things will be absent
- When there is no food, you cannot eat this paper - it may be hundred dollars, five hundred dollars. But if you possess grains and cows, then you will never starve
- While Sukadeva was narrating various activities of Krsna in playing the role of an ordinary human being, he also narrated the history of the battle between the dynasty of Yadu & the demon Salva, who had managed to possess a wonderful airship named Saubha
- Who can claim that "I am wealthy. I possess all the wealth of the universe"? Who can say? Only Krsna can say; nobody can say. You may be millionaire. You may be Rockefeller or this Tata or Birla. That is very insignificant position
- Who in this world does not want to possess wealth, beauty and the social respectability that come from these opulences? People generally desire material enjoyment, material opulence and the association of aristocratic family members
- Whoever your husband may be, simply by understanding that you are so faithful to him, he will come to possess all opulences. I think you must be the goddess of fortune, but I do not see the lotus flower in your hand
- Why he should allow animal killing? They are also living entities, but for their benefit, the so-called sadhu says, "The animal has no soul." What is the difference between animal and man? What are the symptoms of possessing the soul? They are all equal
- With the choicest rubies set in its diamond walls, the castle created in the sky by Kardama Muni, appeared as though possessed of eyes. It was furnished with wonderful canopies and greatly valuable gates of gold
- Yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah. The word sumedhasah refers to intelligent men who possess very good brain substance
- You are a sincere devotee of Krishna and He has given you a great opportunity of service, perhaps number 1 in all the centers. You are the only pioneer center who possess your own property and press
- You are the one who releases the cakra to kill the demons. O Lord, who possess many varieties of names, we offer our respectful obeisances unto You
- You can possess a few hundred thousand dollars, but you cannot say that you are proprietor of all the riches of the world, or in the world. That you cannot say. That is Krsna, God. Similarly, you have also some strength, but He has got unlimited strength
- You may possess lots of milk, but from the milk you have to take the cream. That is intelligence. The Srimad-Bhagavatam is the cream of Vedic knowledge
- You possess or not possess, the real disease is anxiety. So when one becomes brahma-bhuta, self-realized, identified with the Absolute Truth, then he has no more anxiety
- You possess unlimited energy, but You are unapproachable by those who are unable to control their senses. I offer my respectful obeisances unto You again and again
- You take a rasagulla, give it to the stomach. This is the process. Similarly, whatever you possess, you give it to Krsna and take prasadam. Then you will be happy. Otherwise it will not bring happiness, because that is not the process
- Your (Yudhisthira's) respectable younger brother, who possesses the strength of ten thousand elephants, killed, by His grace
- Your form is composed of transcendental goodness. You are known as tri-yuga because in Kali-yuga You appeared as a concealed incarnation and because You always fully possess the three pairs of opulences