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- Formerly, the brahmanas well conversant in Vedic mantras could show the potency of the mantras, but in this age, because there are no such brahmanas, all such sacrifices are forbidden
- My Guru Maharaja said that instead of earning livelihood by showing the Deity in the temple, it is better to take the profession of a sweeper in the street and live honestly
- One man's show
- Road show
- A bona fide spiritual master has no business reading many books simply to show his proficiency or to get popularity by lecturing in different places. One should avoid all these things
- A cheater brahmacari should immediately be rejected as unimportant. Such persons should be shown compassion, and if one has sufficient strength one should teach them to stop them from following the wrong path in life
- A devotee of the Lord is more merciful than the Lord Himself. When a devotee desires to show his mercy to a person, the Lord acts, and by His grace one becomes a devotee
- A devotee of the Lord is never controlled by such deputed demigods, who function as assistants of the Lord, but he shows them all respects on account of the responsible positions to which they have been appointed by the Lord
- A devotee should always be very kind to the general public in instructing Krsna consciousness because that is the only solution for getting out of the clutches of maya. That is really humanitarian work, for it is the way to show mercy
- A devotee shows compassion to those poor souls who are wanting in spiritual knowledge by enlightening them in order to elevate them to Krsna consciousness. That is one of the duties of a devotee
- A devotee who comes here (within the material world) in accordance with the order of the Supreme Lord shows by his personal behavior how to become a pure devotee. A pure devotee, therefore, is a practical example for all living entities, including Brahma
- A devotee who is actually intelligent, they should show the way how our intelligence can be utilized
- A ksatriya must show his power of chivalry to his would-be wife so that the daughter of a ksatriya can see the valor of her would-be husband
- A man showing that he is a great devotee, he's great man of knowledge, but he has no reference with the books of knowledge, or the authoritative books, oh, that is simply creating disturbance. That is not religiosity, neither devotion
- A nitya-siddha devotee comes from Vaikuntha upon the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and shows by his example how to become a pure devotee (anyabhilasita-sunyam) - Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.11
- A person artificially showing symptoms of the pleasure potency creates many disturbances in the ordinary way of life
- A person may dress himself as a king, but his real, natural appearance is shown at home. Similarly, Krsna's real form is seen at home in Vrndavana, and all other forms are expansions of His plenary portions
- A person who shows adequate respect to a spiritual master, a brahmana and an old person is to be understood as being respectful
- A person who shows unwarranted wrath toward a guest in his house is put into the hell called Paryavartana
- A prakrta-bhakta, or materialistic devotee, does not purposefully study the sastra and try to understand the actual standard of pure devotional service. Consequently he does not show proper respect to advanced devotees
- A pure devotee is more interested in serving the Lord than in showing an exhibition of the mystic powers dormant in him
- A pure devotee is one whose intelligence is clear; he is truly thoughtful because he engages in the service of the Lord - not as a matter of show, but with love, with his mind, words and body
- A question may be raised that since any activity performed must have some reaction, how is it that the person in KC does not suffer or enjoy the reactions of work? The Lord is citing Vedanta philosophy to show how this is possible. BG 1972 purports
- A realized soul in Krsna consciousness should not disturb others in their activities or understanding, but he should act by showing how the results of all work can be dedicated to the service of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- A sannyasi is supposed to offer blessings to a grhastha, yet now, by His practical behavior, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested the blessings of a grhastha. This incident shows the special significance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s preaching
- A Vaisnava is always tolerant, and Lord Siva is considered the topmost Vaisnava, so his character, as shown in this scene (in SB 4.2.33), is excellent
- According to another accusation, Srila Jiva Gosvami did not approve of the principles of the parakiya-rasa of Vraja-dhama and therefore supported svakiya-rasa, showing that Radha and Krsna are eternally married
- According to Vedic conception woman is never offered leadership. But experience has shown that woman's leadership has not been successful
- Actually we are pledged to give something substantial to the human society. This is our mission. We are not that group, that showing some magic and take some fees, it is not our business
- Actually worshipful is the Supreme Lord, Krsna. Others, they should be shown respect. But worship means for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is worshipful. Saranyam. He is to be taken shelter of; He is to be worshiped. That is being taught
- Actually, Dhruva Maharaja's mother, Suniti, was his patha-pradarsaka-guru. Patha-pradarsaka-guru means "the guru, or the spiritual master, who shows the way." Such a guru is sometimes called siksa-guru
- Actually, that is the fact. We work so hard, accumulate money for showing to our relatives, to our friends: "Now, just see how I have become rich." But if they are all gone, then "Whom shall I show this kingdom?" thinking like ordinary worldly man
- Aditi was very much pleased with Satyabhama and she blessed her with the benediction of permanent youth as long as Lord Krsna remained on the earth. Aditi also took her with her to show her the special prerogatives of the demigods in the heavenly planets
- Admitted for proper qualification and not purpose of a mere show
- After hearing Jarasandha speak in that way, Krsna answered, 'My dear King Jarasandha, heroes do not talk much. Rather, they show their prowess. Because you are talking a great deal, it appears that you are assured of your death in this battle"
- After offering obeisances to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all the devotees departed for their residences, and Gopinatha Acarya showed them their respective quarters
- After showing his wife the globe of the universe and its different arrangements, full of many wonders, the great yogi Kardama Muni returned to his own hermitage
- After this, the King took the water which had washed the lotus feet of the Kumaras and sprinkled it over his hair. By such respectful actions, the King, as an exemplary personality, showed how to receive a spiritually advanced personality
- After visiting the spiritual world, Arjuna concluded that whatever opulence anyone can show within the material or spiritual worlds is all a gift of Lord Krsna
- All His (Lord Krsna's) appearances are meaningful because they show His real characteristics to the conditioned souls, who have forgotten their relationship with the Supreme Lord. He does everything for their benefit
- All his desires are fulfilled simply by engaging constantly in the Lord's loving service. Lord Siva shows us that any devotee can be successful simply by chanting the prayers which he has recited
- All the cowherd boys began to express their joyfulness for being with Krsna, the supreme Brahman. At that time, Brahma showed his astonishment by exclaiming, "What am I seeing here?" This is an instance of astonishment in ecstatic love
- All the devatas, all the demigods came: Narada Muni, Brahma, Siva. They came in disguise, and their wife, Savitri, and then Uma. Uma is the wife of Lord Siva. In that way you can show so many demigods and their wives coming
- All these varieties show will be so attractive with melodious musical sounds, and above all our good behavior and advanced Krishna Consciousness, will make this show very successful
- Along the Buddhist path there are nine principles: (8) The Vedas are compiled by human beings. (9) Pious activities, showing mercy to others and so on are advised
- Although Gadadhara Pandita Gosani was not in the least at fault, some of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's devotees showed affectionate anger toward him
- Although Haridasa Thakura was born in the family of meat-eaters, because he was an advanced devotee he was shown more respect than a first-class brahmana
- Although He (Lord Vamanadeva) pretended to be an ordinary human child, He actually wanted the land comprising the upper, middle and lower planetary systems. This was just to show the prowess of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although others give help in showing the way to beginners, the guru who first initiates one with the maha-mantra is to be known as the initiator
- Although outwardly the King was a mundane man interested in money and women, internally he was purified by devotional activities. He showed this by engaging as a street sweeper to please Lord Jagannatha
- Although people are forced to act by the influence of the three modes, they make an artificial show of humility, pretending to be weak, lowly, and penniless beggars. This sort of cheating mood is most undesirable
- Although Sri Advaita Prabhu is an incarnation of Visnu, throughout all His activities He showed Himself to be an eternal servitor. Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda also manifested the same principle, although They also belong to the category of Visnu
- Although Yavana-raja accepted the request of Narada Muni to show respect to him, he was nonetheless thinking of illicit sex. This was due to his being the King of the yavanas and mlecchas
- Amongst various holy names of the Lord, He is also called ajita, or one who can never be conquered by anyone else. Yet He can be conquered by the paramahamsa path, as practically realized and shown by the great spiritual master Brahma
- An ideal king, Prthu Maharaja exhibited all talents in showing how to rule the citizens, how to educate them, how to develop the state economically, how to fight enemies, how to perform great sacrifices (yajnas), etc
- Another story fabricated to defame Srila Jiva Gosvami states that when Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami showed him the newly-completed manuscript of CC, Jiva Gosvami thought it would hamper his reputation as a big scholar & therefore threw it into a well
- Any discrepancy in sacrifices spoils the whole show, and the result is uncertain, like agricultural enterprises. The good result of tilling the paddy field depends on providential rain, and therefore the result is uncertain
- Any local language we can speak. They'll simply show their movement. Speaking somebody, he will show like that. In cinema they do that
- Anyone who is showing some extraordinary power, he is supposed to be incarnation of Krsna's energy
- Are we able to supply clothing and food to all the needy persons of the world? That is not possible. How, then, can we be merciful to every living entity? By giving them KC. That is how Prahlada Maharaja is showing his class friends real mercy
- Arjuna and his family were indebted to the family of Dronacarya because of Arjuna's learning the military science from him. If ingratitude were shown to such a benevolent family, it would not be at all justified from the moral standpoint
- Arjuna was little flickering, he showed his little weakness, and he was at once condemned as non-Aryan, "Oh, you are just showing your symptom of a non-Aryan." You see. And by Krsna
- As in a cinema we simply see a show or facsimile of the real thing, in Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that this material world is but a combination of matter modeled after the reality, just as a mannequin of a girl in a store window is modeled after a girl
- Ask any scientist, philosopher, of this world, that "Can you show me any way, no more eating, no more sleeping, no more mating and no more defending?" That is spiritual life. Therefore we have to reduce it. It is not possible, but there is possibility
- Ask my disciples. I have never shown any magic. Why? That is cheating business. That is not required. It is meant for the foolish men
- Asuras, although superficially showing expertise in passionate activities, are actually all fools. They are neither sober nor expert. Whatever they do is imperfect. Moghasa mogha-karmanah
- At that time (end of the severe austerities performed for one thousand celestial years), Brahma was shown the spiritual world and its transcendental nature
- At the present moment there are many so-called babas who present themselves as incarnations of God by showing some insignificant mystic wonder, and foolish people regard them as God because of lacking knowledge of Krsna
- At the present moment, even in the civilized world, so-called civilized, if one man is being killed on the open street, nobody will go and help him because the tendency for showing mercy to others, that is diminishing
- Balarama concluded that the extraordinary show of affection was something mystical, either performed by the demigods or by some powerful man. Otherwise, how could this wonderful change take place?
- Balarama said, "Tell Him He should not leave the house today." This shows how Balarama, Krsna's elder brother, took care of Krsna with parental love, within the scope of fraternal affection
- Balarama was surprised. This extraordinary show of affection, He thought, was something mystical, performed either by the demigods or some wonderful man. Otherwise, how could this wonderful change take place?
- Bali Maharaja's tolerance and devotion were undoubtedly superexcellent. Garuda arrested Bali Maharaja to show the entire universe the greatness of the King's tolerance
- Be very serious to develop New Vrindaban nicely so that we can show the world how the ideal God-conscious community is working
- Because Asamanjasa engaged in such abominable activities, his father gave up affection for him and had him exiled. Then Asamanjasa exhibited his mystic power by reviving the boys and showing them to the King and their parents
- Because people are so poor in knowledge that any magic shown, they think this is not ordinary thing: "I cannot do it." Little magical feats makes the incarnation
- Because the King has shown so much love for you, Lord Krsna will certainly accept him
- Before breakfast I used to ask him (my second son), "Show me your teeth." So he'll. "Yes." "All right, you have washed your teeth. That's all right. Then you are allowed to take breakfast." Yes. So this training there are
- Being distressed by hunger and thirst was only a show, because the King (Pariksit) endured much, even in the womb of his mother. He was never disturbed by the glaring heat of the brahmastra released by Asvatthama
- Being pleased with the citizens of Dvaraka, Krsna informed them that the person they described as the sun-god was actually King Satrajit, who had come to visit Dvaraka City to show his opulence in the form of the valuable jewel obtained from the sun-god
- Being protected by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, a devotee is always powerful, but a devotee does not wish to show his power unnecessarily
- Both realization of Brahman and meeting with the SP of Godhead are described (in the Priti-sandarbha) as liberation within one’s lifetime, but meeting with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, both internally and externally, is shown to be superexcellent
- Brahma could show some extraordinary opulence to the mayarbhakah (boys manifested by Krsna's maya); but he could not show any extraordinary potency to Krsna's associates. That he would see in the very near future
- Brahma is deputed as the supreme head of universal affairs, and he in his turn deputes Manu and others as charges d'affaires of the material manifestation, but the whole show is for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Brahma showed the demigods that the situation created by the darkness, for which they were disturbed, was the desire of the Supreme Lord
- By a false display of religious sentiments, they present a show of devotional service while indulging in all sorts of immoral activities. In this way they pass as spiritual masters and devotees of God
- By His instructions, He showed how people could remain householders and at the same time become perfect by following the principles of varnasrama-dharma
- By His personal behavior and instructions, Lord Rsabhadeva enlightened the conditioned soul and showed him how to become self-sufficient in his spiritual identity
- By killing a murderer the government shows mercy to him because if a murderer is not killed in this life, he will be killed and forced to suffer many times in future lives
- By my mental speculation, by rascal interpretation, by showing one's scholarship, you cannot understand Bhagavad-gita. That is not possible. Submissive
- By placing King Pariksit in an awkward position, the incarnation of Srimad-Bhagavatam was created by the will of the Lord. Being distressed by hunger and thirst was only a show, because the King endured much, even in the womb of his mother
- By showing extraordinary mercy one is called daya-vira. And when one is munificent in executing religious rites, he is called dharma-vira
- By showing mercy to all living entities, being satisfied somehow or other and controlling the senses from sense enjoyment, one can very quickly satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Janardana
- By your own work you can recruit men locally, that is the best process. So immediately resume the preaching work amongst the Africans and show yourselves as always meek and humble and refrain from a tough attitude and in this way gain their confidence
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu especially was very much against untruthfulness. Junior Haridasa Thakura was rejected because he showed a little symptom of untruthfulness
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is described in the sastras as an incarnation of Krsna; therefore if one wants to imitate Lord Caitanya and claim to be an incarnation, he must show evidence from the sastras about his appearance to substantiate his claim
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said: "Do not mix freely with the residents of Mathura; show them respect from a distance. Because you (Jagadananda Pandita) are on a different platform of devotional service, you cannot adopt their behavior and practices"
- Caitanya says, "Since there were restrictions against taking the sandalwood out of the Orissa province, the toll official confiscated the stock, Madhavendra Puri showed him the release papers given by the government & consequently escaped difficulties"
- Caitanya-caritamrta shows that there are many wonderful things to discover by glorifying the Supreme
- Ceremonial shows of religiosity are not accepted as genuine. They are all in the mode of darkness; they produce a demoniac mentality and do not benefit human society. BG 1972 purports
- Charles' letter shows that he is very intelligent and has begun to understand our philosophy. It is very encouraging
- Children should not be beaten at all, that I have told. They should simply be shown the stick strongly. So if one cannot manage in that way then he is not fit as teacher. If a child is trained properly in Krishna Consciousness, he will never go away
- Chivalrous activities can be manifested in the acts of mock-fighting, giving charity, showing mercy and executing religious principles
- Concerning the print of the painting "showing Bhagavad-gita being worshiped," I do not consider this suitable for using in our books
- Control the breathing, it requires celibacy, no sex life. Yoga-indriya-samyamah. That is called yoga, not that showing some gymnastic and smoking and yoga system. This is going on
- Crowlike men will go to clubs, parties, naked dance shows, and so many other such things
- Darwin's theory, from monkey, man has come, but you never shown us that a monkey has ever given birth to a man. So all this false propaganda, we are no more interested
- Despite their (especially rich men, who regularly worship the Deity, give charity to brahmanas) outward show of Vaisnavism and charity, their inner desire is to enjoy a higher standard of material life
- Devotee should not commit mistake. He's above it. It is my business to worry. Because I do not show the stick, don't take advantage of it. Keep me less anxiety
- Dhrtarastra's affection was also unlawful and did not show much intelligence. In plain words, Akrura hinted to Dhrtarastra that his staunch family affection was due to his gross ignorance of fact or his blindness to moral principles
- Does it require your lamp to show the sunlight? The sunlight is itself so illuminous that everyone can understand, "This is sunlight." If somebody brings some lamp, "I will show you the sun," sun is already visible. Why your lamp is required?
- Don't show your face to me! Go anywhere else you like. If I die seeing your face, I shall not achieve the destination of my life
- Double-dealing is natural for girls. When they are satisfied within, they externally show dissatisfaction. Such feminine dealings are very palatable to boys who try to make friendships with them
- Dowry is a gift given to the daughter by the father to show good will, and it is compulsory
- Dramas are alright if you can perform them nicely. Even if you don't speak them in English, they can be rendered into Hindi on the microphone while the drama goes on. But the puppet shows should be stopped. It is nonsense
- During the auspicious birth moment of Caitanya Mahaprabhu: The moon was in Leo (the figure of the lion in the zodiac), Leo was the ascendant, several planets were strongly positioned, and the sad-varga and asta-varga showed all-auspicious influence
- During the night's darkness, the glowworm can show some glittering power, and the snow piled up on the top of a hill or on the ground can shine during the daytime
- Duryodhana knew his (Durvasa Muni's) mystic powers, and he knew also that the mystic brahmana, if dissatisfied, could cause some havoc, and thus he designed to engage the brahmana to show his wrath upon his enemy cousins, the Pandavas
- Education you cannot give. Education means it is practical practice. But to show something, that you can attract even without film. The yatra-party can do it
- Empty sophistry may show off some mundane erudition, but it cannot help one make spiritual progress. In fact, these dry empirical debates often create big hurdles. So it is better to avoid them
- Enclosed please find clippings of our New York Rathayatra which was held last Sunday. You can show these to your friend Mr. Choudhary and others. I always remember Mr. Choudhary and his good wife
- Even if one can travel all over the universe and show wonderful feats like Kardama Muni, he cannot be compared to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose power and inconceivable energy can never be attained by any conditioned or liberated soul
- Even if they (the neophytes) make a show of constantly chanting the holy name of the Lord, they cannot relish the transcendental taste of the holy name. The show of tears in the eyes, trembling, perspiration or unconsciousness, etc., is condemned
- Even though one may desire to engage in the service of the Lord, without sanction one cannot do so. Lord Siva is offering his prayers in so many different ways in order to show living entities how to engage in the devotional service of the Lord
- Even to date, in a Hindu family a woman shows proper respect to the brahmana caste, however fallen and heinous a brahma-bandhu may be
- Every one of us, we are imperfect. We are very much proud of our eyes: "Can you show me?" What qualification your eyes have got that you can see?
- Everyone is going to die. Who is going to live? Who is here? Can you show me anyone who is going to live? Can you show me
- Everyone should follow the example of the Pandavas, who showed how to be saved by the grace of Krsna
- Evidence can be quoted from authoritative sastras showing how a lowborn person can become the spiritual master of the entire world
- False show
- Farce of modern science, and every philosophy and science group, where they are just cheating the public. Then exhibit how Krsna consciousness is showing the real way
- First a child is shown the branches of a tree, and then he is shown the moon through the branches. This is called sakha-candra-nyaya. The idea is that first one must be given a simpler example. Then the more difficult background is explained
- First of all show your capacity that you have managed these two things very nicely. Why there should be complaint? How you can solve it? And why the temples should be maintained by collection of the BBT? It is meant for printing and constructing temples
- Foolish persons may even make a show of so-called yoga, but they are unable to control the senses and mind, which is the real purpose of yoga practice. Such people can have no opulence in their lives. In a word, they are very unfortunate
- For the simple reason that his son-in-law, Lord Siva, did not stand up to show him the formality of respect, Daksa became so angry and hardhearted that he tolerated even the death of his dearest daughter
- Formerly, the brahmanas well conversant in Vedic mantras could show the potency of the mantras, but in this age, because there are no such brahmanas, all such sacrifices are forbidden. The sacrifice in which horses were offered was called asvamedha
- From my personal point of view, I think that I am so sinful that I cannot even approach Krishna to show me any favor. But I have only one hope, my Spiritual Master. He is very kind
- From the body of any person who claps and dances before the Deity, showing manifestations of ecstasy, all the birds of sinful activities fly away upwards
- Generally the yogis come here (USA) to show you the asana, how to sit in different posture. That is mechanical. That is also very nice, how to bring the mind under control. But real business is after your mind is controlled
- Give up your demoniac nature and act without enmity or duality. Show mercy to all living entities by enlightening them in devotional service, thus becoming their well-wishers
- God's mercy is shown to the asuras if they are fortunate enough to be killed by Him
- Gopinatha was then shown all the residential places, and Vaninatha was given large quantities of food (maha-prasadam) left by Lord Jagannatha
- Great personalities like Brahma, even when in the wrong, should not be neglected, nor could the great sages headed by Marici show any disrespect because of his extraordinary behavior (Brahma was sexually inclined to his own daughter)
- Great personalities of power and opulence never become proud, and the example is given that a tree which is full of fruits and flowers does not stand erect in pride but instead bends downwards to show submissiveness
- Harikesa Prabhu has been working in that connection also. He has shown me some film script which appears nice, so if conjointly you are able to do something for Krsna in this way, that will please me very much
- He (a person in the renounced order) should show all respect to others, but should not expect respect for himself. In this way, one should chant the holy name of the Lord and think of how to serve Radha and Krsna in Vrndavana
- He (Kamsa) personally unlocked the iron shackles and very sympathetically showed his friendship for his family members. When Devaki saw her brother so repentant, she also became pacified and forgot all his atrocious activities against her children
- He (Kardama Muni) showed his princess-wife that although he was living in the hermitage, he had the power to go everywhere and do anything by mystic yoga
- He (Krsna) is not obliged to come here, like karmis, or ordinary living beings; rather, He appears by His own internal energy (sambhavamy atma-mayaya (BG 4.6)) just to show favor to the fallen conditioned souls
- He (Krsna) therefore concluded, "This demigod who thinks himself supreme has shown his great power, but I shall answer him according to My position, and I shall teach him that he is not autonomous in managing universal affairs"
- He (my German Godbrother, Sadananda) told me that "In my childhood, in the First World War, the ration was controlled. Only children, we could get fat, butter." He showed his wristwatch - This quantity only, once in a week
- He (one yogi) showed some fiery spark coming from his jata. So the constables were hesitating to arrest him, but Bhaktivinoda Thakura ordered, "Yes, immediately arrest him. Handcuff." So he took him away, arrested
- He (Siva) is naturally very kind towards women, on whom even the uncivilized hunters also show their mercy
- He (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami) was so pleased with that essay (presented by Srila Prabhupada ) that he used to call some of his confidential devotees and show it to them. How could we have understood the intentions of Srila Prabhupada?
- He (Subuddhi Raya) was very pleased to meet Sri Rupa Gosvami and Anupama, and he showed them the twelve forests of Vrndavana. Thus they lived in Vrndavana for one month and then again went to search for Sanatana Gosvami
- He (The demigod Pusa) could not use his teeth for eating, since he had laughed at Lord Siva, deriding him by showing his teeth. In other words, it was not appropriate for him to have teeth, for he had used them against Lord Siva
- He (Vasudeva Datta) was far, far above philanthropists, philosophers and fruitive actors. He was the most exalted personality to ever show mercy to the conditioned souls. This is not an exaggeration of his transcendental qualities. It is perfectly true
- He said, "Even when you cook in an angry mood, the food is very delicious. This shows how pleased Krsna is with you"
- He'll falsely think that, "I am God." Yogis, if they can show some mystic yogic power, then naturally foolish people will think him that, "Oh, here is God." And he's satisfied with that
- Hearing this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Do not speak like that. Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya has shown great affection and mercy toward Me"
- Here (in BG 11.51) the words manusam rupam clearly indicate the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be originally two-handed. Those who deride Krsna to be an ordinary person are shown here to be ignorant of His divine nature. BG 1972 purports
- Here I find the second Romaharsana-suta, who did not stand to show honor when he saw Lord Balarama
- Here in this material world, I love you, you love me, with a motive of sense gratification. Actually there is no love in the world, material world. The show of love is there with a motive
- His (Balarama) exemplary action in performing sacrifices was only to give a lesson to the common man to show how one should abide by the injunctions of the Vedas
- His body shone with the same luster as that of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and he showed the same absorption in ecstatic love of Godhead. People came from all provinces of Bengal to see these symptoms
- How can we show our mercy to everyone? There are millions and millions of poor people, so how can we show them all mercy
- How could he show such uncontrollable affection for a deer? This was definitely due to his past karma. The King was so engrossed in petting and maintaining the deer that he fell down from his spiritual activities
- How Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu was always thinking about the deliverance of the fallen souls is shown by the statement e duhkha apara - It is My (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) great unhappiness
- I (Caitanya) then understood that I was going to Vrndavana like a magician with his show, and this is certainly not good. No one should go to Vrndavana with so many men
- I (Vyasadeva) have abided by the rulings and have shown the import of disciplic succession through the explanation of the Mahabharata, by which even women, sudras and others (friends of the twice-born) can see the path of religion
- I always think of you as my naughty daughter and from the start of this movement, you and your very good husband have always shown to be very sincere and important members of our society. So I know that both of your services are most sincere
- I am also very much obliged to you as you have shown to me so much mercy, even by illustrating my photograph instead of your goodness
- I am always showing your paintings in Krsna Book to respectable Indian gentlemen and ladies and they are very much impressed that my American disciples have taken to this process with so much love and determination
- I am glad to learn that the Beatles have showed guarantee for payment of the rent. It is a nice, friendly gesture.
- I am going in a secluded place and thinking, "How many women I have hunted." What is this nonsense? Eh? And showing, "I have become very much advanced. I am leader." And my leading is I'm thinking of woman. That's all. And money
- I am going to London for Rathayatra this year but I think I can fly from London to Pittsburgh without any difficulty. So you can accept that engagement on September 8th and I shall be there. And the national TV show sounds very nice
- I am very pleased to note that there are some nice boys and girls who are joining you at kirtana. Try to show them the importance of our movement, and the best way of doing this is by Sankirtana
- I approve of the arrangement for the writing on the "Bhaktivedanta Swami Gate". Your dealing with the municipality men and hosting them at the temple shows you have done these things very nicely
- I asked my mother in my childhood, "My dear mother, how did I come out from your belly?" I still remember. So my mother showed me her navel: "You come out from this place"
- I beg to thank you for the very nice button you have sent me. Preaching work is our main business as this picture on the button shows. I pray that Krsna blesses you with all strength and intelligence to guide the Sankirtana movement ahead in Denver
- I cannot manufacture gold, I cannot show any jugglery, but if there is any credit, then the only credit is I don't adulterate. That's all. The pure milk, I don't show my expert service by adding water in it
- I don't show my expert service by adding water in it. That I do not do. So we present Bhagavad-gita as it is. In the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna is the Supreme Lord
- I dreamt that John took me in a place at Calcutta and he was showing me a house, a big palatial building, which formerly belonged to a very rich man, and he was a famous musician also
- I have also appreciated the photos showing you distributing Prasadam and performing Kirtana. Southeast Asia is a very good field for our activities, so you should continue vigorously in the same way you have been
- I have appreciated so much your letter that I am making copies of this letter to send to different centers to show them how much potency is this Sankirtana Movement
- I have got many ideas for developing the new Vrindaban scheme and if Krishna gives me opportunity I may be able to show something very wonderful in your country
- I have not given them any bribe. I have not shown them any magic of gold manufacturing. From the very beginning I said: "You chant Hare Krsna." But that is becoming fruitful
- I have read the headline prayer. It is nicely written, correctly spelled, which shows that you are a very intelligent girl and you can use your talent and intelligence for serving the Lord
- I have seen some television. People are learning how to smash, how to steal, how to harass people. Things are being shown like that. Not that "You are soul. You are spirit soul. If you degrade yourself, you then get this"
- I have told all these boys and girls nothing magic. I never showed any gold-making magic. I simply said to them that "Here is Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You surrender unto Him." That's all
- I have very much appreciated also the copy of latest BTG in Dutch language, and I have shown it to some of my Godbrothers and other visitors here
- I know the BBT, Negotiations with Dai Nippon and financial matters are being taken care of even though Karandhara has left his post. Your desire to give me relief from having to worry about these matters shows that you have understood my desires
- I never bribed them, nor I showed any magic. I simply asked them, "Chant Hare Krsna." And see the result. It is practical
- I never showed any gold-making magic. I simply said to them the "Here is Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, you surrender unto Him." That's all
- I saw this pastime as I stood on the bank of the Yamuna in the company of the gopis. One gopi was showing some other gopis the pastimes of Radha and Krsna in the water
- I shall show you God." This business is going on. God's seeing is so cheap thing that any rascal comes, "Can you show me God," and another rascal says, "Yes, come to me
- I showed opinion on your book? If I have got opinion, I publish another book. Why should I interpret? Why shall I poke my nose in your business
- I thank you very much for this your service. You are a good lady and a good devotee. Your willingness to serve shows what is your progress in Krsna consciousness
- I want that at our Mayapur festival there should be booths showing our activities. There should be one booth showing all the photographs of our temple buildings. This will be very impressive
- I want that you distribute our books very widely, as many as possible, then people will get the right information. We show people by the results: so many centers, happy devotees, big books, strong conviction. Let people judge who is better by the results
- I went to your country with this word only. I did not show you any magic, neither I have any knowledge how to play magic. That is not possible. I simply repeat the same thing, that, Here is Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- I'm very glad that you are organizing the temple worship at Chembur. It will be a great opportunity to show your capacity how to worship the deity in the temple
- If a Brahmin has committed some fault or a woman has committed some fault or a child has committed some fault or a cow has transgressed the law, oh, there is no punishment for them. Daya. They should be shown always mercy. They require protection
- If a devotee tries to show a materially intoxicated rascal, "Here is God," the rascal will not be able to understand it
- If a magician can show something, and if another person exhibits the same talent, that does not mean he has become God
- If a man is showing himself that he is very great devotee and a man in knowledge, without any reference of the authoritative sastra, books - oh, that is simply disturbance
- If a murderer is hanged, then that is a favor shown by the government, because the next life you'll not have to suffer
- If anyone wants to marry, first of all he must show that he has some earning capacity. Not that "Because there are so many girls, and I marry one to satisfy my senses..."
- If I did not show you any respect, I would be ungrateful. Therefore, I promise to give you my daughter in charity
- If I simply remain engaged in religious principles and nobody is engaged where to get food... Because food also is required. So therefore not only religious principle, there must be economic development attempt also. But not one-man show
- If it is sometimes found that a kanistha-adhikari (neophyte devotee) shows artificial tears in his eyes while chanting the Hare Krsna mantra but is still completely attached to material things, his heart has not really changed
- If one advocates the Hindu religion, the Muslim religion, the Christian religion, this religion or that religion, there will be conflicts. History shows that the followers of religious systems without a clear conception of God have fought with one another
- If one becomes a sincere devotee and seriously engages in devotional service, Lord Krsna sends an instructing spiritual master to show him favor and invoke his dormant propensity for serving the Supreme
- If one becomes Brahman, he must show his activities in Brahman. Spirit is active, and to become Brahman is not to become inactive. Brahman is spirit, and these material bodies are active only because Brahman is within them
- If one chants the holy name of the Lord just to make a show, not knowing the secret of success, he may increase his bile secretion, but he will never attain perfection in chanting the holy name
- If one does not show respect to such highly elevated persons but indulges in false pride, he receives punishment in Ksarakardama
- If one is not very inquisitive about self-realization, one need not approach a spiritual master simply to make a show of discipleship
- If one shows the symptoms of being a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra, as described above, even if he has appeared in a different class, he should be accepted according to those symptoms of classification
- If one tries to mingle the worship of Yogamaya with that of Mahamaya, considering them one and the same, he does not really show very high intelligence
- If one's mind is distracted from worship, a mere show of worship will not be of any benefit
- If required, simply by willing, Lord Siva can show his wonderful opulences, and such an event is predicted here (in SB 4.4.21), for it would soon occur
- If some yogi shows some mystic power, and little gold if he can manufacture, we accept him as God. But we forget the real yogi who has created millions of gold mines, floating in the air
- If somebody dozes, it gives me too much pain. And I asked you to go and sleep. It disturbs me, too much disturbs me. I tell you frankly. When I speak or when I speak if somebody dozes, better not to sit. Sleep twenty-four hours, but don't make show
- If someone, without undergoing the regulative principles of devotional service or without being guided by a bona fide spiritual master, shows such imitative attachment, this is called shadow attachment
- If something mystic or magic has to be shown, the devotee does not take any credit for that magic, because the magic is done by Krsna for the sake of devotee. So he doesn't require to learn the art of magic to cheat the people. That is not
- If the politicians would be guided by the good counsel of the devotees, then certainly there would be a great change in the world situation by the purifying propaganda of the devotees, as shown by Lord Caitanya
- If the public is thinking that we are something show or commercial performers, that will not be proper idea. But if the musicians and dancers want to give one concert and donate the proceeds to us, we shall gladly thank them
- If there are restrictions, rules and regulations, people will not become attracted. Therefore those who want followers in the name of religion, just to have a show only, don't restrict the lives of their students nor their own lives. BG 1972 purports
- If there is a superior person present, the superior person cannot be the object of our mercy. Rather, we are objects for the mercy of the superior person. Therefore showing compassion and mercy is a relative activity
- If there is emotion from seeing an elephant, one may jump, show various signs of fearfulness, and sometimes one may keep looking behind him
- If they see us on television show then the next moment they will forget. But if they come to a festival and participate that is eternal benefit
- If we can keep cows sufficiently and grow our necessary foodstuffs, then we shall show a new way of life to your countrymen
- If we can keep cows sufficiently and grow our necessary foodstuffs, then we shall show a new way of life to your countrymen . . . completely spiritual life in healthy atmosphere in divine consciousness
- If we falsely claim that, "I am God," then we have to show godly power. Unless we show godly power, simply claiming that "I am God," that is dambha, that is false pride
- If we want to know visnu-tattva, if we want to know Krsna, His exalted position, then here are the description of the sastra. And if we take them as it is, without malinterpretation, without showing any extraordinary intelligence by us
- If we wish to show real mercy, we will preach Krsna consciousness in order to revive the lost consciousness of human beings, the living entity's original consciousness
- If you are inquisitive to understand transcendental truth, the Absolute Truth, the guru is... To have a guru is not a fashion. Now it has become a fashion. If somebody shows some jugglery, people become very much anxious to accept such guru. No
- If you can finish Bhagavad-gita As It Is in Spanish and show me at the Mayapur festival that will be very sublime
- If you find a nondevotee eager to listen submissively you can show your mercy to elevate him to Krishna Conciousness, but a nondevotee who is already poisoned by the serpent of the demon class swami or yogi is very difficult to be dealt with
- If you show that you are actually doing something ideal, then they will appreciate. Make a small unit of community and show ideal life, not idle life. Ideal life
- If you take it otherwise - "Ah, we shall go on committing all sins, & Jesus Christ will make a contract to nullify all my sins; I'll simply go to the church & confess & come back & again do all nonsense" - do you think that shows very good intelligence
- If you want real benefit of spiritual life, don't be show bottle. Do you know show bottle? The medical shop, a big bottle. It is full of water only. And color is red or blue or something like
- If you will kindly give me a general letter of introduction so that wherever I go I can show the local manager that letter and he will transfer my money without any charges
- Impersonalists sometimes show their incomplete knowledge by addressing the Lord as being nameless. They always offer prayers indirectly, saying, "You are this, You are that," but they do not know to whom they are praying
- In Bhagavad-gita it is said that the common mass of people follow the path shown by an authority
- In connection with your using your efforts to make television shows, no, that is not important now. Don't waste time in this way. Better to have nice festivals like Rathayatra festivals
- In every country and in every sect of religion it appears that the women are more interested than the men. This simplicity of acceptance of the Lord's authority is more effective than showy insincere religious fervor
- In fact, he never so much as unlocked the lips of his mouth, nor did he ever show his face filled with tears. He would always glance only at the lotus feet of his father
- In order to get them free from this entanglement, you show the path. Simply let them hear. Let them give aural reception to the wonderful activities of the Lord
- In our own bodies we do not show any actual difference in our treatment towards the hands or legs. Each and every part of the body is important, although the mouth is the most important of the bodily parts
- In regard to the word mahat-krtena (SB 10.2.30), it is also significant that the process shown by great devotees is not only for them but also for others
- In that plane, Kardama Muni traveled with his wife and showed her all the planets. He was a great yogi, and his wife, Devahuti, was the daughter of Svayambhuva Manu, a great king
- In the attitude of anubhava, one dances and sometimes falls down, sometimes sings loudly, shows convulsions, yawns, and sometimes breathes very heavily - all without concern for circumstances
- In the beginning of Lord Brahma’s self-realization he was shown a transcendental vision of the Vaikuntha spheres by the grace of Narayana. Later, by the grace of Krsna, he was shown a transcendental vision of Krsnaloka
- In the heavens, different demigods from different planetary systems, such as Siddhaloka, Gandharvaloka and Caranaloka, also began to show their complete satisfaction
- In the morning, when Srivasa Thakura saw all this paraphernalia (such as red flower, a pot of wine etc.) in front of his door, he called for the respectable gentlemen of the neighborhood and showed them that at night he was worshiping Bhavani
- In the name of religion, the so-called sadhus try to satisfy the senses of the materialists by showing them shortcuts to material opulence. Sometimes they give some talisman or blessing. Sometimes they attract materialistic persons by producing gold
- In the Padma Purana, man's sinful activities have been analyzed and are shown to be the results of sin after sin. Those who are engaged in fruitive activities are entangled in different stages and forms of sinful reactions. BG 1972 purports
- In the Tenth Canto, 12th Chapter, 41st verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Maharaj Pariksit asked about Lord Ananta, and upon hearing this question, Sukadeva Gosvami began to show symptoms of collapsing
- In the Tenth Canto, 39th Chapter, 48th verse, of Srimad-Bhagavatam a faltering voice due to jubilation was exhibited by Akrura when he was shown all of the Vaikuntha planets resting within the River Yamuna
- In this age there are many cheaters who show some jugglery and magic. They even create gold to amaze their followers, and their followers accept them as God. This type of cheating is very prominent in Kali-yuga
- In this verse (SB 3.25.30) Devahuti shows us the process for understanding transcendental subject matters. It is not by challenge but by submission. The entire bhakti process is a process of submission
- In this way (showing mercy to suffering humanity) they (Gosvamis) adopted change of life. That is Vaisnava. Vaisnava personally has no demand for life, no unhappiness. He is completely satisfied with Krsna
- In this way Krsna's transcendental forms are expanded unlimitedly. No one can count them. Whatever I have explained is simply a little glimpse. It is like showing the moon through the branches of a tree
- In this way, artificially they (so-called renouncers) make a show of renunciation of the material world
- Instead of earning livelihood by showing the Deity in the temple, it is better to take the profession of a sweeper in the street and live honestly. He said like that. The sweeper is working hard toiling and getting some money and living
- Instead of sitting in their hearts to be appreciated in yogic meditation, He seated Himself by their sides. By seating Himself outside, He showed special favor to the gopis, who were the selected beauties of all creation
- Instruction is read one or two books thoroughly, but don't show yourself a scholar and simply note down, "I have read this." That's all. This is foolishness
- It (Konarka, generally known as Arka-tirtha, a temple of Lord Surya, the sun-god) was constructed of black stone in the beginning of the thirteenth century of the Saka Era, and it shows expert craftsmanship and architecture
- It (some little feeling of pleasure) is like a show of lightning which we may see flashing in the sky that may momentarily seem like lightning, but the real lightning is beyond that
- It also demonstrates the glories of holy places and shows how the Lord accepts His faithful devotee. Thus the Lord fulfilled five or seven purposes by performing one pastime
- It is a long film spool of actions and reactions, and one life-span is just a flash in such a reactionary show
- It is futile to make an external show of good qualities like humility and nonviolence while disrespecting the Lord's lotus feet and denouncing the process of DS. Such so-called good qualities may be of some material value, but ultimately they are useless
- It is My desire to stay with you, and therefore if you would return to Jagannatha Puri, you would show great mercy to Me
- It is not possible to learn any major subject simply by purchasing books and reading them at home. Someone is needed to show us how to apply that knowledge which is found in the books
- It is not that we are to enjoy the loving exchanges between Krsna and Radha like spectators at some sports show. We must feel separation from Them. The more we feel separation, the more we should understand that we are advancing
- It is possible that some extremely powerful personality, within or without the universe, may sometimes show more power than the Lord Himself. Still the pure devotee knows that this power is a vibhuti delegated by the Lord
- It is said that when Jagadisa Pandita brought the Deity of Jagannatha to Yasada-grama, he tied the heavy Deity to a stick and thus brought Him to the village. The priests of the temple still show the stick used by Jagadisa Pandita
- It is stated that a woman who has another lover besides her husband shows herself very attentive to her household duties, but is always thinking, "When shall my lover and I meet in the night?" This is an example
- It is the concern of the acarya to show mercy to the fallen souls. In this connection, desa-kala-patra (the place, the time and the object) should be taken into consideration
- It is the custom in our country that a sannyasi is offered respect. That is our Vedic system. If one does not show any respect to a sannyasi, he has to fast one day. That is the injunction
- It is their (the yogis) desire to show some miraculous results through the practice of yoga
- It is under Krsna's direction. He has got artistic sense. Not like us. He can dictate to show the various varieties of living entities, all varieties, trees and so many things
- It was all sounding very nicely, and I am going to show this tape to the Sankirtana Party which is here in Los Angeles so they may take example from such nice kirtana
- Just as Baladeva knocked out the teeth of Dantavakra, the King of Kalinga, during the gambling match at the marriage ceremony of Aniruddha, Virabhadra knocked out the teeth of both Daksa, who had shown them while cursing Lord Siva
- Just as when there is war one person or nation may side with another person or nation and show partiality, Lord Krsna on the battlefield shows some partiality and sides with Arjuna
- Just by the Visnu forms glancing They showed Themselves to be the creators and maintainers of the modes of ignorance & passion. Visnu represents the mode of goodness, Brahma represents the mode of passion, and Lord Siva represents the mode of ignorance
- Just like at the present moment if a guru can show some miracles, just like that Sai Baba, so they accept. That's a mystic
- Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He's the symbol of Radharani's maha-bhava. He says that "I do not love Krsna. I do not know how to love Krsna." Then if somebody says: "Then why You are crying?" - Well, that is a show. I am making a show. I am crying
- Just like I show you sometimes how to mop. So I am not a mopper, but I am showing how to mop. So our position is like that. We do not belong to any varna and asrama. But we have to show these rascals
- Just to show his (Sukadeva Gosvami) boundless mercy upon bewildered materialistic men who want to cross completely over nescience, he recited for the first time this confidential knowledge
- Kalakanya continued: O gentle one (King of the Yavanas), I am now present before you to serve you. Please accept me and thus show me mercy. It is a gentleman's greatest duty to be compassionate upon a person who is distressed
- Kanistha-adhikari Vaisnava, he remains compact in temple worship, that's all, to show the Deity and get some money and fill up the belly. My Guru Maharaja condemned this process
- Kasyapa Muni inquired from Aditi whether disrespect had been shown to such guests, or atithis. The word atithi refers to one who comes without an invitation
- King Kulasekhara, an ideal pure devotee of the Lord, shows us by his own realization how to offer prayers to the Lord
- King Satyavrata shows us the way to accept the SP of Godhead as the real spiritual master. The Supreme Lord has given full directions in Bhagavad-gita about how to deal with everything in this material world and how to return home, back to Godhead
- Knowing that they commit offenses because they are overpowered by the illusory energy, he does not show his prowess to counteract them
- Krishna Consciousness is an international organization for invoking man's dormant spiritual life. You can show him our other literatures, records and activities to convince him in this regard
- Krsna continued, "Persons too much addicted to material happiness cannot render such service. Women whose hearts are polluted & full of material desires devise various means of sense gratification while outwardly showing themselves to be great devotees"
- Krsna requested Sahadeva, son of Jarasandha, to supply all necessities to the kings & show them all respect & honor. In pursuance of the order of Krsna, he offered them all honor & presented them with ornaments, garments, garlands & other paraphernalia
- Krsna said, "All right, Indra, you can take this parijata flower. Otherwise, you will not be able to show your face before your wife, Sacidevi"
- Krsna says, mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te. If you take to Krsna consciousness, immediately... Of course, we must take sincerely, not a show. Everything is seriously. Then immediately we become on the path of mahat-sevam dvaram ahur vimukteh
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami maintains that the Radha and Krsna Deities show us how to serve Radha and Krsna
- Laksmidevi shows compassion toward women who worship the Lord for the benediction of possessing a good husband. Although such women desire to be happy with children, wealth, a long duration of life and everything dear to them, they cannot possibly do so
- Later on the Thakura (Bilvamangala) accepted the prostitute as his spiritual master, and in several places of his literary works he has glorified the name of Cintamani, who showed him the right path
- Less intelligent men who want to see God immediately without necessary qualification are shown first the gigantic material cosmos as the form of the Lord, although the Lord is within and without
- Let him be pleased with us, since he is my brother-in-law, the husband of my sister Sati. He is also the worshipable lord of all women. He is the personality of all opulences & can show mercy towards women, who are excused even by the uncivilized hunters
- Lord Brahma is entrusted with the management of the complete cosmic show, and therefore he prays that the Lord bestow His blessings upon him so that he may execute its purpose
- Lord Brahma was very angry at his son’s impudence, & he showed signs which definitely proved this to be so. He was even prepared to condemn Bhrgu by cursing him, but because Bhrgu was his son, Lord Brahma controlled his anger with his great intelligence
- Lord Buddha declined to accept the Vedic principles because there was no other way to stop. If he would have accepted Vedic principles, then these animal-killers would have shown him evidences that in the Vedas there is mention of animal-killing
- Lord Caitanya decided to accept sannyasa on the grounds that when He became a sannyasi everyone would show Him respect and in that way be favored
- Lord Caitanya's behavior is very significant. It shows that a Vaisnava may be very tolerant and meek, foregoing everything for his personal honor, but when it is a question of the honor of Krsna or His devotee, he will not tolerate any insult
- Lord Krsna said, "They (unattached persons) show how by proper distribution of wealth one can become an ideal householder and at the same time a great devotee. Such ideal householders are to be considered followers of My footsteps"
- Lord Ramacandra remained silent, and His silence shows that He accepted the prayers of the sages (they desired conjugal love in the manner of the gopis). Thus they were blessed by Lord Ramacandra to have association with Lord Krsna in their future lives
- Lord Siva forbade Parvati to commit the mistake of cursing a devotee like Citraketu. He indicated that although she was powerful, the King, without showing any power, had excelled her power by his tolerance
- Lord Siva said: You are all the sons of King Pracinabarhi, and I wish all good fortune to you. I also know what you are going to do, and therefore I am visible to you just to show my mercy upon you
- Lord Siva, being the son-in-law of Daksa, was expected to show his father-in-law respect by standing with the others, but because Lord Brahma and Lord Siva are the principal demigods, their positions are greater than Daksa's
- Lord Sri Krsna said: O Arjuna, you should not show mercy by releasing this relative of a brahmana (brahma-bandhu), for he has killed innocent boys in their sleep
- Lord Sri Krsna, thus thinking to Himself, established Maharaja Yudhisthira in the position of supreme control of the world in order to show the ideal of administration on the path of piety
- Maharaja Ambarisa, you have invited me to eat as a guest, but instead of feeding me, you yourself have eaten first. Because of your misbehavior, I shall show you something to punish you
- Maharaja Nanda replied, "Because rainfall is due to the mercy of King Indra and the clouds are his representatives, and because water is so important for our living, we must show some gratitude to the controller of this rainfall, Maharaja Indra"
- Maharaja Pariksit asked about Lord Ananta, and upon hearing this question, Sukadeva Gosvami began to show symptoms of collapsing. Yet he checked himself and answered King Pariksit's question in a mild voice
- Maharaja Prthu's philanthropic activities were not for the sake of show but were performed out of personal feeling and commitment. All philanthropic activities should be thus performed
- Maharaja Satyavrata shows us the way of the mahajana. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah (CC Madhya 17.186). One should surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead (dasavatara) and learn from Him about the spiritual world and the goal of life
- Make the whole land, people, very happy. You show this example all over the world, this example, in America. Don't spoil money. Show by example
- Making a show of religion without Krsna consciousness may make one popular in the estimation of unintelligent men, but factually such a materialistic display of spiritual advancement does not help one at all; it will not prevent one from missing the goal
- Many people are saying that "Swamiji, we have to give food to the poor, starving." That's all right. You give, if you think. But according to our philosophy, nobody is starving. You show me one instance that one man is dying here out of starvation
- Material contamination is so strong that everyone is working very hard day & night for material happiness. The show of religion, austerity, penance, humanitarianism, philanthropy, politics, science - everything is aimed at realizing some material benefit
- Meditation on the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead, the first processional step, must show its effect by anartha-nivrtti
- Miniskirt, trying to show the private part and people will be attracted and she will be happy. This is regular prostitution. Regular prostitution. Still they are not getting husband
- Mother Sacidevi was similarly punished, as mentioned in the Caitanya-bhagavata, Madhya-khanda, Chapter Twenty-two. Mother Sacidevi, apparently showing her feminine nature, accused Advaita Prabhu of encouraging her son to become a sannyasi
- Mother Yasoda began to argue within herself, I am not sleeping, nor am I dreaming. Then maybe this is an illusion created by devamaya. But that is also not possible. What business would the demigods have showing such things to me?
- Mother Yasoda performs no upasana, for she has developed transcendental ecstatic love for Krsna. Therefore her position is better than that of Devaki. In order to show this, Srila Vyasadeva enunciates this verse (SB 10.8.45), trayya copanisadbhih etc
- My dear lord, Sukadeva Gosvami, although Vrtrasura was a sinful demon, he showed the prowess of a most exalted ksatriya and satisfied Lord Indra in battle. How could such a demon be a great devotee of Lord Krsna?
- My dear son Kardama, since you have completely accepted my instructions without duplicity, showing them proper respect, you have worshiped me properly. Whatever instructions you took from me you have carried out, and thereby you have honored me
- My Guru Maharaja very much liked my writing and he used to show others in my absence "Just see how nicely he has written, how he has appreciated"
- My Lord, we have come here desiring to see that form of Your Lordship which You showed to the demons to captivate them completely and in this way enable the demigods to drink nectar. I am very eager to see that form
- My Lord, You are certainly the inexhaustible Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, Sri Hari. It is to show Your mercy to the living entities that You have now assumed the form of an aquatic
- Narayana Rsi is the incarnation of Krsna for showing us the path of self-realization by undergoing severe austerities
- Nityananda Prabhu was older than Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and therefore Lord Caitanya remarked that Murari Gupta had violated social etiquette, for he should have first shown respect to Nityananda Prabhu and then to Him
- No one had seen this universal form of the Lord before Arjuna, but because the form was shown to Arjuna, other devotees in the heavenly planets and in other planets in outer space could also see it. BG 1972 purports
- Nondevotees think that because Krsna says, "I am God," they and everyone else can say the same. But if asked to show their universal form, they cannot do it. That is the difference between a pseudo god and the real God
- Nor by charity, austerity, sacrifice, cleanliness or vows can one satisfy the Lord. The Lord is pleased only if one has unflinching, unalloyed devotion to Him. Without sincere devotional service, everything is simply a show
- Nor does knowledge come from sentiment. Devotion is not sentiment. It is a science. Srila Rupa Gosvami says - A show of spirituality without reference to the Vedic knowledge is simply a disturbance to society
- Now Bhagavata-saptahas are held for seven days only, and after finishing the show, both the audience and the speaker become engaged in material activities as usual
- Now is the time for us to begin the boiling process. Now you know everything how to be a Vaisnava brahmana, now you must practice these thing or the whole thing will be a show only
- Now that your fear has gone and your mind is peaceful, please show me where He is
- Now, after being bathed by the Gandharva girls by the order of Kardama Muni's yogic power, she regained her beauty, and Kardama Muni felt attracted to the beauty she had shown before the marriage
- Now, supposing Sai Baba is God. So people accept him God, why? Because he shows some jugglery. He creates little gold. Is it not? So if, by creating gold, he is God, then there is bigger God who has created gold mine
- O Arjuna, whatever you wish to see, behold at once in this body of Mine! This universal form can show you whatever you now desire to see and whatever you may want to see in the future
- O best of the demigods (Lord Siva), I (Lord Visnu) shall now show you My form (of Mohini-murti) that is very much appreciated by those who are lusty. Since you want to see that form, I shall reveal it in your presence
- O best of the demigods, I shall now show you My form that is very much appreciated by those who are lusty. Since you want to see that form, I shall reveal it in your presence
- O immortal Siva, please be kind towards me and fulfill my desire. You have accepted me as half of your body; therefore please show kindness towards me and accept my request
- O King, since the demons had promised to accept whatever the woman did, whether just or unjust, now, to keep this promise, to show their equilibrium and to save themselves from fighting with a woman, they remained silent
- O my lord, great philanthropic souls travel on the earth on behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead to show compassion to the fallen souls who are averse to the sense of subordination to the Lord
- O my Lord, there is no limit to the unwanted orders of lusty desires. Although I have rendered these desires so much service, they have not shown any mercy to me. I have not been ashamed to serve them, nor have I even desired to give them up
- O Pariksit, just to show all the yogis the mystic process, Lord Rsabhadeva, the partial expansion of Lord Krsna, performed wonderful activities. He was the master of liberation & was fully absorbed in transcendental bliss, which increased a thousandfold
- Of all kinds of liberation, liberation in loving service to the Lord is described (in the Priti-sandarbha) as the most exalted, and meeting the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face is shown to be the highest perfection of life
- Of course we can show our mercy to the daridras, there is not objection, but this philosophy that Narayana comes in the form of daridra to receive our service is against our philosophy. Daridra is daridra, Narayana is Narayana
- Offering his obeisances to Gopinatha Acarya, the Bhattacarya said, "Because I am related to you and you are a devotee, by your mercy the Lord has shown mercy to me"
- On his entering the ocean, the aquatic animals who formed the host of Varuna were stricken with fear and ran far away. Thus Hiranyaksa showed his splendor without dealing a blow
- Once undeviating faith in devotional service to Lord Krsna penetrates a person's heart, the process of purification is firmly underway, even though his external activities may show residues of sin
- Once when Krsna, along with His cowherd boy friends, was having a mock battle, Subala showed the symptoms of fatigue. Krsna immediately told His other friends
- One cannot go to Vrndavana by purchasing a ticket. The process of going to Vrndavana is shown by Akrura
- One first of all has to become a pure devotee of Krsna; then he can claim that he can show the universal form of what he has seen. A devotee of Krsna cannot accept false incarnations or followers of false incarnations. BG 1972 purports
- One is known as a materialistic devotee if he simply worships the Deity of Hari with faith but does not show proper respect to the devotees and to others
- One should also (10) dance before the Deity, (11) sing before the Deity, (12) open one's mind to the Deity, (13) offer obeisances to the Deity, (14) stand up before the Deity and the spiritual master just to show them respect
- One should neglect an envious person. A preacher’s duty is to love the Supreme Personality of Godhead, make friendships with Vaisnavas, show mercy to the innocent and reject or neglect those who are envious or jealous
- One should not accept the so-called daridra-narayanas as incarnations, because they are completely unable to show the opulence of the genuine incarnations of God
- One should not enter the Deity room or touch the body of the Deity after having smeared oil over his body. 22) One should not show disrespect to a scripture teaching about the supremacy of the Lord
- One who are loitering in the street naked, they are going to have next life tree, "Stand up naked for ten thousand of years. That's all right." But they are enjoying. They're showing beauty by naked, nakedness
- One who does not accept the glories of the Panca-tattva but still makes a show of devotional service to Krsna can never achieve the mercy of Krsna or advance to the ultimate goal
- One who engages in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord does not need to worship any demigod, nor does he have any tendency to show disrespect to the demigods
- One who imperfectly knows Krsna consciousness cannot know Vedanta philosophy. A showy display of Vedanta study without Krsna consciousness is a feature of the external energy, maya
- One who is honest may be faithful to the government, but he does not need to bribe the government servants. Bribery is illegal; one does not bribe a government servant, but that does not mean that one does not show him respect
- One who is interested in Visnu and in showing the path of Visnu is the real friend. One who is giving Krsna consciousness is the real friend of the world. No others can give happiness to human society. That is the explanation given by Prahlada Maharaja
- One who wants to say something can show himself to be a big orator, but rather than go on speaking nonsense, better to remain silent. This method of silence, therefore, is recommended for persons very attached to speaking nonsense
- One's status does not depend upon birth. As confirmed in SB 7.11.35 by Narada: If one shows the symptoms of being a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra, even if he has appeared in a different class, he should be accepted according to those symptoms
- Only a devotee emerges victorious in all circumstances, as will be shown in this incident involving the rivalry between Durvasa and Maharaja Ambarisa
- Only by the grace of the divine personalities, the pure devotees of the Lord, can one achieve pure devotion, which is the highest perfection of human life. Only a pure devotee of the Lord can show one the right way of progressive life
- Other offenses are to worship the Deity after seeing a dead body, to pass air before the Deity, to show anger before the Deity, and to worship the Deity just after returning from a crematorium
- Other types of humanitarian work may be temporarily beneficial for the body, but because a living entity is spirit soul, ultimately one can show him real mercy only by revealing knowledge of his spiritual existence
- Our standard is to have kirtana, start temples. What is this "Road Show" and "Yoga Village?" It will be another hippie edition. Gradually the Krishna Consciousness idea will evaporate: another change, another change, every day another change
- Our Vedic process is not research work. Just like in the mundane scholarship, one has to show his academic career by some research work. The Vedic process is different
- Outwardly he's showing he's very good friend, but inwardly he has got some intention. Such friend, duplicity, and unchaste wife, and an answer-giving servant and a snake, then you are sure to die sometime. You'll be cheated
- Passing away of the great warrior (Bhismadeva) attracted the attention of all the contemporary elites, and all of them assembled there to show their feelings of love, respect and affection for the great soul
- People do not show any mercy. And ksama. Ksama means forgiveness. That is also being reduced. Memory reduced, merciful reduced, span of life reduced, bodily strength reduced, health is reduced. This is the symptom of Kali-yuga
- People generally do not appreciate someone unless he shows something wonderful
- Personal realization does not mean that one should, out of vanity, attempt to show one's own learning by trying to surpass the previous acarya
- Phalena pariciyate, one has to study by the result. Not that superficially you show that, "We are very much advanced." Phalena: what is the result? Phalena pariciyate, your, that is in English word also - End justifies the means
- Philosophical process . . . you can show by jugglery of words your academic qualification, but it will not take you to the right
- Physical killing is for very big, big, strong man like Mao, or this Lenin, like that. Not common people. They have to be shown mercy
- Please be merciful upon me and show me that form, for only that form worshiped by the devotees can perfectly satisfy all the demands of the senses
- Pusa had no sons. When Lord Siva was angry at Daksa, Pusa had laughed at Lord Siva and shown his teeth. Therefore he lost his teeth and had to live by eating only ground flour
- Raghunatha dasa drew up an account of the amount to be given and submitted it to Raghava Pandita, who then made up a list showing how much money was to be paid to each and every devotee.
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami showed how to live in Radha-kunda
- Ramananda Raya was surprised by Lord Caitanya's behavior, and he cited a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.8.4): "The great personalities and sages appear in the homes of worldly men just to show them mercy"
- Real medicine does not require a show bottle. If one can chant purified offenseless once krsna-nama, he is free from all material bondage. Once only
- Rebuking the demigods, Vrtrasura challenged, "O demigods, if you are actually heroes, stand before me now and try to show your prowess. If you do not wish to fight, if you are afraid of losing your lives"
- Recent trends show that without probing deeply into a subject, these Westerners uselessly debate direct and indirect meanings ad infinitum
- Regarding propaganda against animal slaughter in BTG. Please do not print any picture showing how a cow is being murdered in our BTG. This will pollute the whole atmosphere
- Regarding propaganda against animal slaughter in BTG. Please do not print any picture showing how a cow is being murdered in our BTG. This will pollute the whole atmosphere. We are not meant for moving anyone's sentiment against animal slaughter
- Regarding the Vedas personified, they should be drawn just like you have seen some pictures of great sages. They are young in appearance like perfect Vaisnavas, and they may be shown with tilak and Vaisnava markings in that way
- Regarding what to do about local authorities checking your Sankirtana activities in the streets, just show to the police officer how peaceful we are
- Regarding your article in BTG about Ayurvedic Medicine, I do not think this is very worthwhile endeavor. You have shown nice ability for writing so it will be more appreciated if you continue to study SB and BG and express the same by your assimilation
- Regarding your question of dancing-show, whatever it may be, it may not deviate from the real Krishna Consciousness program. We are Hari Kirtana men, that's all
- Religious systems are meant to show the existence of God, who is then generally approached as the cosmic order-supplier. But Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's transcendental mission is to distribute love of Godhead to everyone
- Rules and regulations, Lord Buddha himself, he showed. He left his everything and became engaged in simply meditation. Who is doing that?
- Sacrifice undertaken in this age as a matter of show may simply be a cheating process by the clever priestly order. But such a show of sacrifices cannot be effective at any stage
- Sai Baba. He is showing little yogic aisvarya. But people are, because they do not know, they are not aware of Krsna, they are taking him as God. You see?
- Sankaracarya says that unless the devotees can show how ego and the means of knowledge can generate from a person, such an explanation of the Vedanta-sutra cannot be accepted, for no other philosophers accept the sutras in that way
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, please show me, one after another, all of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's devotees who are coming from Bengal
- Sati said: You (Daksa) have shown so many defects, but you do not know that his (Siva's) position is always transcendental
- Seeing His wife in that condition, Lord Ramacandra was very compassionate. When Ramacandra came before her, she was exceedingly happy to see her beloved, and her lotuslike mouth showed her joy
- She (Gandhari) was equally aggrieved on the death of Karna, and she described to Lord Krsna the lamentation of Karna's wife. She was pacified by Srila Vyasadeva when he showed her dead sons, then promoted to the heavenly kingdoms
- Show how authoritative our books are amongst the scholarly circle throughout the world
- Show something, Bhagavan. They simply cheap Bhagavan, and rascal present as cheap Bhagavan, and rascal accept them as Bhagavan. This is not good. Try to find out the actual Bhagavan. That is Krsna
- Show the women of the community how to help their husbands and children to perfect their home life
- Show them how to chant on the fingers. Let them read the mantra and listen to the tape. Then, on my behalf you can present the sacred thread to Jaya Deva. Then hold a fire Yajna
- Show them how to count on the finger divisions, and have them listen one by one to the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra, repeating each vibration as I say it
- Show yourself as an ideal Vaisnava, then you are my representative in fullness. We are not after titles and designations
- Showing compassion and mercy is a relative activity. It is not the Absolute Truth. Apart from this, we also must know what actual mercy is. To give a sick man something forbidden for him to eat is not mercy. Rather, it is cruelty
- Showing compassion to all living entities, you will attain self-realization. Giving assurance of safety to all, you will perceive your own self as well as all the universes in Me, and Myself in you
- Showy insincere religious fervor
- Simply by the association of such pure devotees, the moonlike rays from their hearts reflect on him, and by the influence of the pure devotees he may show some likeness of attachment caused by inquisitiveness, but this is very flickering
- Since he (Brhaspati) came every day, they (the demigods) thought, they did not need to show him special respect. As it is said, familiarity breeds contempt. Being very much displeased, Brhaspati immediately left Indra's palace
- So far we are concerned, Krsna conscious men, we are above varnasrama. But to show the people that we are not escaping, we can take part in any order of life. That is our position
- So far your road-show is concerned, we are not meant for giving performances, we are simple kirtana men. There must always be kirtana going on wherever we travel, and nothing else
- So it is my request to you all that you establish an exemplary character and show how householders can be the first class transcendentalists
- So just like thief also takes away, but he takes away the valuable things, material consideration, sometimes Krsna also takes away your material valuables just to show you special favor
- So long we do not love Krsna, then whatever those so-called love we are showing to the society, friendship and love and country and community, they are all futile
- Social religious shows
- Some of them (those who are materialistic) aspire to enjoy themselves by sharing the happiness of Krsna. This is the mentality of fruitive workers who want to enjoy sense gratification by making a show of service to Krsna
- Some of them are very gentle and give pleasure to Krsna by their sweet words. All of these friends are very intimate with Krsna, and they show expertise in their different activities, their aim always being to please Krsna
- Some people say that all this has come from nothing. What is this nonsense? Can such a creation come from nothing? Does this idea show very good reasoning? The Bhagavatam says no
- Some rascal says: "Show me where is soul." He cannot see, because he has no eyes to see. These modern materialistic person, they want to see everything, but he does not understand that his seeing power is very limited
- Some yogi can show. He'll press his beads, and there milk will come. So there are so many yogic fantasies. But that does not mean that he knows God
- Sometimes cows were sacrificed (gavalambha), not for eating purposes, but to give them new life in order to show the potency of the mantra
- Sometimes crying and sometimes smiling, Mother Yasoda, seeing her son (Krsna) in such pastimes, did not show any sign of restricting Him, but rather began to watch her child with eagerness, enjoying these childhood pastimes
- Sometimes pseudodevotees show devotion to many demigods, thinking the forms of the demigods to be the same as the Supreme Personality of Godhead's form
- Sometimes, thinking himself one with the Supreme, he (Prahlada) imitated the Lord's pastimes, and in separation from the Lord he would sometimes show symptoms of madness. These feelings of a devotee would not be appreciated by impersonalists
- Spiritual advancement is not meant for magic shows and jugglery but for crossing the material world and being transferred to the spiritual world
- Sri Balarama's losing the game was an opportunity for the King of Kalinga to criticize Krsna and Balarama. Thus the King of Kalinga was talking jokingly while purposefully showing his teeth to Balarama
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu blessed a maidservant named Duhkhi with the name Sukhi. He called for Kholaveca Sridhara and showed him His maha-prakasa. Then He called for Murari Gupta and showed him His feature as Lord Ramacandra
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu cited the example of Lord Krsna’s accepting food at the house of Vidura, who was a sudra by birth. By the same token, Isvara Puri, an empowered spiritual master, could show mercy to anyone
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said that in order to preach, one must live a practical life and show people how to do things. Apani acari' bhakti sikhaimu sabare. One cannot teach others unless he behaves the same way himself
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "You are a devotee. Because of your association, Lord Jagannatha has shown him mercy"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested all the Vaisnavas present to show mercy toward the two brothers, Rupa and Sanatana, who had just been initiated by the Lord
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested the blessings of a grhastha. This incident shows the special significance of Sri Caitanya’s preaching. He gave equal status to everyone, regardless of material considerations. His movement is thoroughly spiritual
- Sri Maitreya said: O Vidura, all glory unto you. You have inquired from me of the greatest of all goodness, and thus you have shown your mercy both to the world and to me because your mind is always absorbed in thoughts of the Transcendence
- Sri Saunaka inquired: O Suta Gosvami, after the earth was again situated in its orbit, what did Svayambhuva Manu do to show the path of liberation to persons who were to take birth later on?
- Sri Vidura said: O great mystic, O greatest of all devotees, by your causeless mercy I have been shown the path of liberation from this world of darkness. By following this path, a person liberated from the material world can return home, back to Godhead
- Srila Sanatana Gosvami also compiled many other books. Who can enumerate them? The basic principle of all these books is to show us how to love Madana-mohana and Govindaji
- Srila Suta Gosvami shows the way of chanting the Puranas. This may be followed by persons who aspire to be preachers of the Vedic literatures and the Puranas
- Subuddhi Raya and Sanatana Gosvami had known each other before accepting the renounced order. Therefore Subuddhi Raya showed much affection to Sanatana Gosvami, but Sanatana Gosvami hesitated to accept his sentiments and affections
- Subuddhi Raya was elderly, yet while he was living in Mathura he showed Rupa Gosvami the twelve forests of Vrndavana
- Such a person (who is favored by Lord Sri Caitanya or His devotee, the spiritual master & request everyone to chant the maha-mantra) can convert others to Vaisnavism, showing them how to become pure devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Such a pretender's (who makes a show of being a yogi) mind is always impure, and therefore his show of yogic meditation has no value whatsoever. BG 1972 purports
- Such queens (Arci, Sita and Gandhari) instructed the general people by showing them how to become a chaste wife and follow the husband in every stage of life
- Sukadeva Gosvami is pointing out the duty of the human being after showing the actual position of bewildered human activities
- Superficially one may show himself to be very much faithful to the rules and regulations, but at the same time not be fixed in the regulative principles. This is called niyamagraha
- Suta Gosvami said: Draupadi then saw Asvatthama, who was bound with ropes like an animal & silent for having enacted the most inglorious murder. Due to her female nature, & due to her being naturally good & well-behaved, she showed him due respects
- Texts 245 to 257 (of CC Madhya 8) are all questions and answers between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramananda Raya. In these exchanges there is an attempt to show the difference between material and spiritual existence
- That a devotee should come into an atheistic family is surprising, but it is simply a show. After finishing their mock fighting, both the devotee and the Lord are again associated in the spiritual planets
- That is his pastime to show us how a little boy can become maha-bhagavata, how a little boy can be the eternal associate of Krsna, and how he can preach. That is Prahlada Maharaja
- That is our process. What Krsna has said, we say, that's all. Therefore there is little success. I don't manufacture. I have no extraordinary power or I cannot show magic or jugglery of words. But I do sincerely, to present what Krsna has said
- That is the perfection of yoga. One cannot become a perfect yogi simply by showing some sitting postures, nor by such sitting postures or so-called meditation can one become God, as is being advertised
- That is yoga-siddhi, not merely showing some gymnastic process. No. One must be... That yoga-siddhi, it is not possible in this age because people are not expert to practice this yoga system
- That show (in Madras) is going on that, "We are doing something." Because it (the tiny flyover) is imitation. There was no need, but they want to make advanced like the Americans
- The 10th January they are selling tickets for admission, and again on the 22nd January the premier showing of the movie "Hare Rama Hare Krishna" has been donated to us. So both are good opportunities to raise funds
- The Absolute Personality of Godhead has neither lust nor anger, and even if there is sometimes a show of lust and anger by the Absolute, it should be considered an absolute benediction
- The annihilation of the Yadu dynasty was a material show created by the Supreme Lord; otherwise the Lord and the members of the Yadu dynasty are all eternal associates
- The asuras, clouded in their understanding, took the evening twilight to be a beautiful woman showing herself in her alluring form, and they seized her
- The Asvini-kumaras were very pleased to see Sukanya's chastity and faithfulness. Thus they showed her Cyavana Muni, her husband, and after taking permission from him, they returned to the heavenly planets in their plane
- The author addresses the guru in the plural to show the highest respect for all his predecessor spiritual masters - CC Intro
- The best thing would be if you could combine the Road show with visits to cities that have existing temples. In this way you could enliven the devotees tremendously. We must keep our existing centers strong
- The best way to show mercy is to spread Krsna consciousness. The entire world is suffering for want of this knowledge. People should know that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original cause of everything
- The Bhagavad-gita is meant to show how one can understand his spiritual existence and his eternal relationship with the Supreme Spiritual Personality and to teach one how to go back home, back to Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The brahmacaris and I use very simple clothes here. I am sending you a photograph to show how I live here. I am making the Americans wear brahmacari robes, and shave up. If a brahmacari from India dresses like an American he will not be appreciated
- The Caitanya-caritamrta shows that there are many wonderful things to discover by glorifying the Supreme - CC Intro
- The caretakers (of Usa) cautiously informed their master that Usa was showing symptoms indicating a disgraceful association
- The circumstances under which Maharaja Pariksit was cursed were simply childish, as it appears from this verse. Srngi was showing his impudency amongst his playmates, who were innocent
- The cows had younger calves who had started sucking milk from their mothers, and some of the cows had newly given birth, but now, because of love, the cows enthusiastically showed their affection for the older calves, which had left off milking
- The cows, the trees, the cowherd men and Gopis, their chief engagement was loving Krishna, and in New Vrindaban we want to create this atmosphere and thereby show the whole world how practical and sublime our movement is
- The dead King (Suyajna), while fighting in anger, bit his lips to show his prowess, but nonetheless he was killed by providence (vidhina). This proves that we are controlled by higher authorities
- The demigods boast uselessly while away from the battlefield. Only where there is no fighting can they show their prowess. Therefore, from such demigods we (Kamsa and his ministers) have nothing to fear - SB 10.4.36
- The demigods from the higher planetary systems showered flowers, congratulating Krsna and Balarama. Among the demigods were powerful personalities like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, and all joined together in showing their jubilation over Kamsa's death
- The devotee said, "His arms are very long, touching His thighs, and He has shown His great strength by killing the Pralamba demon. Let me take shelter of this chivalrous Balarama"
- The devotee should show mercy to the fallen souls and also give them the assurance of fearlessness
- The devotee who is neither a neophyte nor a maha-bhagavata but is within the middle status of devotional service is expected to love the S P of Godhead, make friends with the devotees, show favor to the ignorant and reject the jealous and demoniac
- The difficulty is, as soon as we misinterpret to our whims, to show our scholarship, it is spoiled. Don't do that. Read it as it is and you will get the benefit
- The disciples of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya wanted evidence to show that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was actually the creator of the cosmic manifestation. Only then would they accept Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the original cause of creation
- The dowry system is not illegal, as some have tried to prove. The dowry is a gift given to the daughter by the father to show good will, and it is compulsory
- The fact that you have left our movement just on account of some minor disagreements shows that you are not actually serious about going back to home, back to Godhead
- The few religious deeds that the demons perform are merely a show; they are meant only to flatter their false ego and bring them more recognition and respect. They perform them only for their own sense enjoyment and are invariably acts of violence
- The first division is made between dead, stonelike matter and the living organism. A living organism is sometimes manifested even in stone. Experience shows that some hills and mountains grow. This is due to the presence of the soul within that stone
- The first spiritual master mentioned (in Krsna-karnamrta) is Cintamani, who was one of his instructing spiritual masters because she first showed him the spiritual path. Cintamani was a prostitute with whom Bilvamangala was intimate earlier in his life
- The following are some of the offenses to be avoided: (a) to offer obeisances on one hand, (b) to offer obeisances with one's body covered, (c) to show one's back to the Deity
- The following is a statement by Ujjvala, showing his jubilant nature, "My dear Krsna, O killer of Aghasura, You have extended Your loving affairs so much that You can be compared to the great ocean, which is without limitations"
- The gopis said, "O Providence, you are so cruel! It appears that you do not know how to show mercy to others. By your arrangement, friends contact one another, but without fulfilling their desires you separate them"
- The gorilla was so rude that even in the presence of Balarama he began to show the lower part of his body to the women & sometimes he would come forward to show his teeth while moving his eyebrows. He disrespected the women, in the presence of Balarama
- The great associates of Vaikunthaloka, Nanda and Sunanda, could understand the mind of Dhruva Maharaja, and thus they showed him that his mother, Suniti, was going forward in another plane
- The greatness of the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is exceedingly difficult to understand. Sri Ramananda Raya is unique among them all, for he showed how one can extend his ecstatic love to the extreme limit
- The greenery of the rainy season is but a temporary show. It looks very pleasant, but we must remember that it will not last. Similarly, there are persons who undergo severe austerities for some material gain, but those who are sane avoid this
- The guests must be pleased when they give a donation. That shows they are pleased
- The guru is addressed in the plural to show the author's (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami's) highest respect for all the Vaisnavas
- The harassing living being must at once be caught and put to death, as shown by Maharaja Pariksit
- The individual soul in the body of a baby cannot show the full power of a grown man, but the S P of Godhead, Krsna, even when lying on the lap of His mother as a baby, could exhibit His full power by killing Putana and other demons who attacked Him
- The kala is finished now. You see? Now, "Natural History." So many dead stone they have brought, and so costly building, and showing "natural history." This is going on, simply cheating and bluffing at the cost of poor man's blood
- The King said: O brahmana, O powerful one, formerly Lord Visnu showed me His causeless mercy, indicating that you would come to my house, and to confirm that blessing, you have all come
- The Krsna consciousness movement is establishing various farms, especially in America, to show how to be happy and content with minimum necessities of life & to save time for self-realization, which one can very easily achieve by chanting the maha-mantra
- The ksatriyas should be very strong to be able to give protection to the weak. They should not pose themselves as nonviolent. If violence is required, they must exhibit it. But a person who is able to curb down his enemy may show forgiveness
- The leaders of the society, if it is serious, will adopt this, in the educational system, in their private life. In that way they shall ask some question, then it will benefit. Otherwise it will be simply a show
- The Lord in the temple in the worshipable form is never to be considered to be made of stone or wood, for the Lord in His arca incarnation as the Deity in the temple shows immense favor to the fallen souls by His auspicious presence
- The Lord is the creator, maintainer and annihilator of everything. The whole manifested creation is existing by His will, and by His will when the whole show is finished He will remain in His eternal abode with all His paraphernalia
- The Lord never accepts any offering by such impure ghosts. There is a common saying that one should first love the dog of the beloved before one shows any loving sentiments for the beloved
- The Lord's dying or quitting His body is like the jugglery of a magician. The magician shows by his tricks that he is cut to pieces, burnt to ashes or made unconscious by hypnotic influences, but all are false shows only
- The Lord's inconceivable potency that descends to bless us with spiritual perfection shows the magnitude and glory of His potencies
- The love is very far away, but Caitanya Mahaprabhu is so kind that He distributes krsna-prema, love of Krsna, to whomever will take it. In His life, Caitanya Mahaprabhu cried for Krsna and showed how one should be mad after Him
- The master is, "Oh, you cannot do. Just see." Just like I show you sometimes how to mop. So I am not a mopper, but I am showing how to mop. So our position is like that. We do not belong to any varna and asrama. But we have to show these rascals
- The moon was in Leo (the figure of the lion in the zodiac), Leo was the ascendant, several planets were strongly positioned, and the sad-varga and asta-varga showed all-auspicious influences
- The Nawab used to consider Sanatana Gosvami his younger brother, and when he showed a very strong intention to resign, the Nawab, feeling familial affection, essentially said - I am your elder brother, but I do not look after the state management
- The offenses in Deity worship are: (q) to show someone favor before the Deity, (r) to use harsh words before the Deity, (s) to wear a woolen blanket before the Deity, (t) to blaspheme someone before the Deity, (u) to worship someone else before the Deity
- The path of light is to satisfy the senses of God. Misguided men, or less intelligent men, follow the path of self-realization without any attempt to satisfy the transcendental senses of God by following the path shown by Arjuna and other devotees of God
- The people in India are so trained and cultured that in spite of this artificial famine they did not revolt but preferred to die peacefully. Of course, this is only one instance, but it shows how problems are not created by God but by man
- The people of the world are very much harassed by so-called religious-principled svamis, yogis, karmis and jnanis, but none of these can show the right way to become elevated to the spiritual platform
- The people should be careful; one who claims to be Krsna should be prepared to show his universal form to confirm his claim to the people. BG 1972 purports
- The potency of Krishna Consciousness movement does not come from some outward showing, no, it is the transcendental sound vibration of Hare Krishna Mantra and the words of Bhagavad-Gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, like that
- The priestly order, they think, "As others make some money by working hard, by professional or by doing some business or working, so we shall also earn some money by showing the church or the temple or the mosque." They have taken it like that
- The purpose of practicing eightfold yoga is to control the mind in order to make it a friend in discharging the human mission. Unless the mind is controlled, the practice of yoga (for show) is simply a waste of time. BG 1972 purports
- The purpose of the above analysis is to show that in the mixture of various mellows, or reciprocations of ecstatic love between Krsna and the devotees, if the result is not pure, there will be incompatibility
- The purpose of yoga is to awaken to Krsna consciousness and connect oneself again with Krsna. That is adhyatmika-yoga. Yoga does not mean showing some mystic magic
- The record actually shows that so many people die in such accidents. Therefore if we actually think that this material world is a very happy place, this is our ignorance. Real knowledge is that this material world is full of danger
- The results show that there is no limit to our book distribution. Our books are qualified to be distributed unlimitedly. We are not fiction writers. It is a fact that no expert booksalesmen can compete with our men
- The sadhu or teacher shows no mercy in using sharp words to sever the student's mind from material attractions. By speaking the truth uncompromisingly, he is able to sever the bondage
- The second is to die on the battlefield, leading the army and never showing one's back. These two kinds of death are recommended in the sastra as glorious
- The simple process of worship in this age is this performance as we are doing - chanting, hearing, and offering some fruits, flowers, and showing this candle. This is simple, that's all
- The so-called mercifulness showed by the philanthropists, humanitarians, that is all false. They are humanitarian, but they maintain slaughterhouse. What is this humanitarian?
- The so-called yogis, karmis, they are all cheaters. They show some bodily gymnastic and talks all nonsense, becomes God within a week or six months. These things are going on
- The specific acts performed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at this time were His showing favor to Devananda Pandita and excusing the brahmana known as Gopala Capala from the offense he had committed at the lotus feet of Srivasa Thakura
- The spiritual master can show the path of devotional service
- The statement of Vrnda shows that the gopis were so enchanted by the beauty of Krsna that because they could not express their minds, they decided to commit suicide
- The story is told that at one time a man, very much attracted to a beautiful woman, wooed the woman in such a way that she devised a plan to show him the ingredients of her beauty
- The students said, "Because of this fire the water of his life has almost dried away. Let us now pour the nectar of the holy name through his ears, and by doing so the swan of his life may again show signs of life"
- The Supreme Lord, who can award liberation to anyone, showed more mercy toward the gopis than to Lord Brahma, Lord Siva or even the goddess of fortune, who is His own wife and is associated with His body
- The symptom of ecstatic affection with reverence felt by Bali Maharaja was expressed as follows: "My dear Lord, You have simultaneously punished me and showed me Your causeless mercy
- The third part of Bhagavad-gita has shown that devotional service, and nothing else, is the ultimate purpose of life. This has been established by citing past acaryas and the Brahma-sutra, the Vedanta-sutra
- The Vaisnavas are pleased when the demons chant Hare Krsna because this shows that the Hare Krsna movement is taking ground
- The Vedic process does not involve research work. In mundane scholarship, we have to show our academic learning by some research, but the Vedic process is different
- The visva-rupa, as it was shown to Arjuna, is not the original form of the Lord. The original form of the Lord is the transcendental form of Purusottama, or Krsna Himself. It is very nicely explained that He expands Himself just like the sun
- The whole Vedic literature is meant for how to control the senses. yoga. yoga indriya-samyama. That is yoga. yoga means not to show some magic
- The word vidyotamanam indicates that the brahmacari feature showed in his (Kardama's) body. That is the certificate that one has undergone great austerity in yoga. A drunkard or smoker or sex-monger can never be eligible to practice yoga
- The words mana-vardhano mahatam ("just to show honor to superiors") are very significant
- The yogis, they are always in meditation and thinking of Krsna. That is real yogi, not to show some gymnastic feats. These things are required to concentrate the mind
- There are many other instances showing that a devotee needn't practice anything but Krsna consciousness; all the good qualities of the demigods automatically develop within him
- There is a good analogy in this connection, showing the relationship between the part and the whole. Lord Vamanadeva is actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but He appeared to have been "born" as one of the brothers of Indra
- There is a summary of the Ramayana in the 9th canto. That will help you. You can show the fight between Rama and Ravana
- There is a symptom of ecstatic love known as concealment, or trying to hide one's real mental condition by externally showing another attitude
- There is another hopelessness, however, which shows attachment for Krsna. When the bull demon attacked the damsels of Braja, they began to cry out, "My dear Krsna - please save us! We are now gone!" This is hopelessness with attachment for Krsna
- There is another natural symptom of the gopis' love that shows it to be without a trace of lust
- There is no need of a lamp to show the sun. The sun is self-effulgent. It is already there. Light is there. Why one should take a lamp to show the sun? This misinterpretation has killed the spirit, the real essence, of Bhagavad-gita
- There is no need of rezoning, because we are Krsna, Hare Krsna community. So wherever we live, we worship Krsna. It is not a public show; it is our own private worshiping Deity. I can keep Deity in my home
- There is nothing peculiar looking about Yaksas and Raksasas; they are meat eaters. Just as meat eaters in the ordinary world do not look different. You may show them eating meat, or something like that
- There should be ideal life, at least the leaders, the president, the GBC. They will show the example, and they will follow. Then it is beneficial. And all of them are fools? Then it is fool's paradise
- There should be one booth showing all the photographs of our temple buildings. This will be very impressive. Even big, big businessmen, they haven't got such branches all over the world as we have got. And our business is with honor
- Thereafter, Vallabha Bhatta went to the home of Gadadhara Pandita. He kept coming and going, showing affection in various ways, and thus maintained a relationship with him
- Therefore you should be kind towards me by showing me complete mercy. I desire to have sons, and I am much distressed by seeing the opulence of my co-wives. By performing this act, you will become happy
- These (many friends) people show us the paths of work, knowledge, meditation, mysticism, and various other ways also, but unfortunately none of them is able to give us that happiness for which we are ever hankering
- These are some of the ways in which the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be satisfied by the devotee. The first item mentioned is dayaya sarva-bhutesu, showing mercy to all conditioned souls
- These Gosvamis left their very comfortable lives as ministers. Zamindars and learned scholars and joined Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement, just to show mercy to the fallen souls of the world - dina-ganesakau karunaya
- These statements by Srimati Radharani show the symptoms of pure love for Krsna tasted by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- They (cowherd boys) were equal with Krsna, therefore they could show mercy. You are not equal
- They (gopis) did not very much like being praised for their high position. They showed their anxiety to hear the message Uddhava had brought from Krsna
- They (people) are more attracted by the Vedic superficial rituals and other costly performances of social religious shows
- They (Prahlada Maharaja's class friends) were all fools, devoid of Krsna consciousness, and therefore he was showing them how to become Krsna conscious. This is the highest mercy
- They (the cowherd men) began to show paternal love for the children, and with great affection they lifted them in their arms and embraced them. They began to smell their children’s heads and enjoy their company with great happiness
- They also admitted that even yogis who are not devotees of the Lord are covered by the influence of material energy. This kind of hopelessness felt by the brahmanas who were performing ritualistic ceremonies shows practically no attachment for Krsna
- They are showing some mysticism. Stop death. Then I shall see your mysticism. What is this nonsense mysticism? Can you stop death? Is it possible? Then what is the meaning of this mysticism? All bogus
- They knew very well that even though their father committed a mistake (Brahma was sexually inclined to his own daughter), there must have been some great purpose behind the show, otherwise such a great personality could not have committed such a mistake
- They will show like that in a very advanced and vairagya and taking three times bath and everything, but they have got connection with at least three, four woman. This is their bhajana
- This (CC Madhya 10.65) is factual evidence showing that it is possible at any time to fall down from the Lord’s association. One need only misuse his little independence
- This (mercy towards other living entities) means he must preach this knowledge after perfecting himself and understanding his own position as an eternal servant of Krsna. Preaching this is showing real mercy to living entities
- This (SB 10.9.11) shows the position of a pure devotee, in contrast with others, like jnanis, yogis and the followers of Vedic ritualistic ceremonies, in regarding the transcendental nature of the Absolute Truth
- This (statement of King Saryati spoken to his daughter Sukanya in SB 9.3.20) shows the values of Vedic culture
- This demigod who thinks himself supreme has shown his great power, but I shall answer him according to My position, and I shall teach him that he is not autonomous in managing universal affairs
- This demon (Maya Danava), feeling obliged to Arjuna, wanted to do him some service to show his gratefulness, but Arjuna declined to accept anything from him in exchange
- This incident (of SB 10.9.1-2) shows how Krsna conscious mother Yasoda was. To stay in Krsna consciousness, we should follow such persons
- This incident shows that by serving Krsna the devotee immediately becomes elevated to the most exalted position in all respects. Devotional service is so potent that anyone who takes to it becomes qualified with all godly qualities
- This initiation means beginning of purificatory process of the senses, and that beginning with the tongue. Very simple method. We are not asking you to show some gymnastic feats, or . . . no
- This inundation after the period of Caksusa Manu took place in order to show some wonders to Satyavrata
- This is a lesson for the living entities (Brahma giving up his body because he was ashamed that he was sexually inclined to his own daughter), showing how sinful an act it is to indulge in unrestricted sex life
- This is brahminical qualification, to practice how to fix up the mind at the lotus feet of Krsna & that is the perfection of yoga. Yoga means not to show some magical feats. No. Real perfection of yoga means to fix up the mind at the lotus feet of Krsna
- This is shown vividly by the life of Devayani - a woman must take shelter of her father, and then the father must give the daughter in charity to a suitable man, or a suitable man should help the woman by placing her under the care of a husband
- This is the Bhagavata's instruction: one should not begin . . . become a guru, or to cheat the disciple, showing him wrong path. That is not good. That is instructed by Rsabhadeva
- This is the duty of Narada Muni and his followers. They must show everyone the path of renouncing this material world and returning home, back to Godhead
- This morning we were discussing this point, mirage. In the mirage there is a show of false water, and the animal runs after it. But there is no water, and finally he becomes more thirsty, and it is desert; he falls down and dies
- This passing away of the great warrior (Bhismadeva) attracted the attention of all the contemporary elites, and all of them assembled there to show their feelings of love, respect and affection for the great soul
- This scene (Mother Yasoda binding child Krsna because of His disturbance) is very much appreciated by pure devotees, for it shows how much greatness there is in the Supreme Person, who plays exactly like a perfect child
- This series of footprints show a person like me, who am bereaved due to loss of the deer, how the animal has passed through the forest and how I can regain my lost wealth
- This shows how the Lord is all-pervading, in spite of His being locally situated in His abode. Although the Lord was present in Vaikuntha, He was present also in the heart of the brahmana when he was meditating on the worshiping process
- This shows how the sons of Pandu-King Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva - were all caught up in fraternal love for Krsna
- This sort of behavior (secure a wife by fighting or kidnapping) for a ksatriya is praiseworthy in the sense that a ksatriya must show his power of chivalry to his would-be wife so that the daughter of a ksatriya can see the valor of her would-be husband
- This sort of hearing and chanting (for show) has spoiled the whole thing, so one should be very careful about the faulty process
- This statement (Your (Krsna's) separation is completely unbearable to us) shows how popular Krsna was all over the country
- This statement, which lists the ingredients of a material body, is not a perverted mellow in transcendental realization because it shows correct discrimination between matter and spirit
- This was condemned by my Guru Maharaja, that - To earn some money by showing Deity in the temple and eat and sleep - better you become a sweeper in the street and earn your honest livelihood and live
- Those who are directly in touch with the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead and who are absorbed in the chanting of His glories are freed from all material contamination. Unalloyed devotees are able to show mercy to the common conditioned soul
- Those who are innocent but simply carried away by bad association should be shown favor if they are eager to receive proper instructions from pure devotees
- Those who are not so well situated, due to material attachment, should be shown the ways of transcendental realization, by Your Goodness, through descriptions of the transcendental activities of the Supreme Lord
- Those who are too addicted to sex life cannot understand the purpose of the Absolute Truth, nor can they be clean in their habits, not to mention showing mercy to others
- Those who worship the SG directly show all respect to the demigods, but they don't need to worship them because they know that the supreme authority behind the demigods is the SPG, & they are engaged in worshiping Him. In any case, respect is still there
- Thus he (the great devotee brahmana) was a transparent medium, like a jewel that shows reality in varying colors according to its own nature
- Thus Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu chastised all the devotees, telling them not to show impudence and spoil the entire world by becoming independent
- To manage the whole show the Supreme Lord incarnates Himself as the Karanarnavasayi Visnu just as a magistrate is deputed by the government to manage affairs temporarily
- To Me, the brahmana is the highest and most beloved personality. The disrespect shown by My attendants has actually been displayed by Me because the doormen are My servitors
- To propagate the systematic transcendental knowledge of devotional service is the greatest mercy that one can show in this world
- To rise to the stage of love shown by the gopis is very difficult, but this stage is attainable for serious conditioned souls
- To satisfy Krsna is the easiest thing. Is the easiest thing of all yogic process. You haven't got to show your gymnastic power. No. Simply prepare your good foodstuff, offer to Krsna, chant Hare Krsna and enjoy life
- To show his prestige, Rukmi promised all the returning kings, "You could not help Sisupala marry my sister, Rukmini, but I cannot allow Rukmini to be taken away by Krsna. I shall teach Him a lesson. Now I am going to follow Him
- To show mercy to His devotees in each of these nine tracts of land, the SPG known as Narayana expands Himself in His quadruple principles of Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. In this way He remains near His devotees to accept their service
- Unauthorized commentators, they bring some lamp to show the sunlight of Bhagavad-gita. That is their business. Therefore people have been misled
- Unless Lord Visnu is satisfied, all of one's pious activities, ritualistic ceremonies and yajnas are simply for show and have no value. Unfortunately, foolish people do not know the secret of success
- Unless one knows the direct means by which one can be situated always transcendentally, there is no possibility of showing the symptoms. So all these questions put by Arjuna are very important, and the Lord answers them. BG 1972 purports
- Unless we know what mercy really is, we may create an undesirable situation. If we wish to show real mercy, we will preach Krsna consciousness in order to revive the lost consciousness of human beings, the living entity’s original consciousness
- Unscrupulous greedy brahmanas of the age of Kali induce the innocent public to such uncertain sacrificial shows without disclosing the scriptural injunction that in the age of Kali there is no fruitful sacrificial performance
- Vasudeva Datta was the most exalted personality to ever show mercy to the conditioned souls
- Visala said, "Why are you attempting to show your chivalrous spirit before me? Before this, you even attempted to fight with Sridama, but you must know that Sridama does not even care to fight with hundreds of Balaramas"
- We (Rupa and Sanatana) are the most fallen; therefore by showing us Your (Caitanya's) mercy, Your mercy is most successful. Let the power of Your mercy be exhibited throughout the entire universe
- We (the counselors of Kamsa) have nothing to fear from these demigods. They are very proud of being great fighters in peacetime outside the war field, but actually they cannot show any talent or military power on the war field
- We are not interested to attract millions of men to see some show. Better we attract one sincere soul to join us in ecstatic chanting and hearing, that will be of real value
- We are not interested to attract millions of men to see some show. Better we attract one sincere soul to join us in ecstatic chanting and hearing, that will be of real value. And distribute books, as many as possible
- We are pushing our movement on the background of a peaceful atmosphere in the world, and if we show a little disturbance in our own camp that will not be a very good example
- We can attract people by some gorgeous show, but inside there must be strict purity and seriousness, otherwise, we shall be attracted by the gorgeous show only
- We can become famous for such shows, and at the same time utilize them for giving people good information about what is the real goal of life and how to achieve it
- We cannot bribe Personality of Godhead. He is so great that our bribery has no value. Nor has He any scarcity; since He is full in Himself, what can we offer Him? Everything is produced by Him. We simply offer to show our love and gratitude to the Lord
- We do not teach one to meditate in a secluded place just so that one may show that he has become very much advanced and may be proud of his so-called transcendental meditation, although he engages in all sorts of foolish materialistic activity
- We experience that even a young boy in Krsna consciousness is unattached to cinemas, nightclubs, naked dance shows, restaurants, liquor shops, etc. He becomes completely freed
- We have got so many literatures full of treasure house of knowledge. We have to distribute that. Not bluffing, showing magic or this or that, miracles. No. We are not this. It is a institution for giving knowledge to the human society
- We have many powerful microscopes to see what we cannot see with our limited vision, but there is no microscope that can show us the soul within the body. Nevertheless, the soul is there
- We have to discuss so many things, immense field. Go out . . . At least you have to accept that "I am blind." So how you can show others the path? You are blind
- We may approach our government leaders with our simple formula and show to them by the practical result that we are accomplishing the reform work that they are trying to do by spending millions of dollars but not very successfully
- We must be very careful about deity worship, if it is neglectful then it is very offensive and that will not help us, we should not do it simply for show
- We require so many Krishna Conscious children to show how nicely and beautify a child can develop when he is following the principles of God Consciousness
- We sell our Bhagavad-gita As It Is everywhere and in large number. Because it is full knowledge, not partial. Everything is complete. Can you show any book in the world which has so much sale and which is so much perfect?
- We shall have varieties of show along with the kirtana, and all the varieties will be picked up from Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita
- We should be compassionate to all living entities and should show them mercy
- We should not imitate such shivering to show to the public that "I have become a great devotee," but we should execute devotional service nicely and faithfully; then that stage will come automatically, shivering
- We show our mercy to a subordinate or to one who is suffering more than ourselves. However, if there is a superior person present, the superior person cannot be the object of our mercy. Rather, we are objects for the mercy of the superior person
- We wanted land within the city. In the meantime, you can show the chairman the enclosed pictures from "Dharma Yug" magazine, latest issue, how we are a worldwide organization, as well as other clippings from Toronto
- We work so hard, accumulate money for showing to our relatives, to our friends: "Now, just see how I have become rich"
- Whatever affection we see the gopis show for their own bodies, know it for certain to be only for the sake of Lord Krsna
- Whatever You have, though it be a palmful of rice, please eat it and get up. Don't show Your madness and strew the remnants of food here and there
- Whatever you wish to see can be seen all at once in this body. This universal form can show you all that you now desire, as well as whatever you may desire in the future. Everything is here completely. BG 11.7 - 1972
- When a beloved gopi shows symptoms of anger toward Krsna, He is very satisfied. Indeed, He is extremely pleased when chastised by such a gopi. She shows her pride suitably, and He enjoys that attitude. Then she gives up her pride with a little endeavor
- When a devotee, lamenting for his past abominable activities, shows special symptoms on his body, his feeling is called ecstasy in devotional service in ghastliness. This is caused by the awakening of his Krsna consciousness
- When a ksatriya out of cowardice flees from the battlefield, showing his back to his enemy, he is challenged with the words tistha tistha
- When a monkey showed its face and teeth, a boy imitated and showed his teeth to the monkey. Some of the boys played with the frogs on the bank of the Yamuna, and when, out of fear, the frogs jumped into the water, the boys immediately dove in after them
- When a person shows love for God and friendship for devotees, displays mercy towards the innocent and is reluctant to associate with nondevotees, he may be considered a pure devotee
- When a sadhu or a person saint speaks to his student, he does not make, does not show any mercy. He speaks the truth so that his mind may be cut off from the unreal attachment
- When Arjuna was shown the virat-rupa of Krsna, he saw it, but he did not want to see it perpetually. He requested the Lord to return to His original form as two-armed Krsna
- When he (my spiritual master) forced me, at that time I thought that, "What is this? I am committing some mistake, or what is that?" I was puzzled. But a little after, I could understand that it is the greatest favor shown to me
- When Kapila, who could show her the ultimate goal of the Absolute Truth, was sitting leisurely before her, Devahuti remembered the words Brahma had spoken to her, and she therefore began to question Kapila as follows
- When Lord Caitanya began His instructions to Rupa Gosvami, He first told him, "My dear Rupa, the science of devotional service is just like the great ocean, and it is not possible to show you all its length and breadth"
- When one chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra loudly, he actually shows mercy to all living entities. To spread the Krsna consciousness movement throughout the world, the devotees should be satisfied in all conditions
- When one is situated in this confidential friendly relationship with Krsna, one shows symptoms of love such as attraction, affection, affinity and attachment
- When Queen Arci saw that her husband (King Prthu), who had been so merciful to her and the earth, no longer showed symptoms of life, she lamented for a little while and then built a fiery pyre on top of a hill and placed the body of her husband on it
- When Raghunatha dasa met all the devotees, Advaita Acarya showed him great mercy
- When the cowherd boys were questioned by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu about the path to Vrndavana, the boys showed Him the path on the bank of the Ganges, and the Lord went that way in ecstasy
- When the doorman informed Lord Krsna, It is four-headed Brahma, Lord Krsna said, Oh, four-headed. Call others. Show him. This is Krsna's position. For Krsna the four-headed Brahma is insignificant, to say nothing of four-headed scientists
- When the husband takes the renounced order of life, namely sannyasa, the wife is to return home and become a saintly woman, setting an example for her children and daughters-in-law and showing them how to live a life of austerity
- When the man asked how she could be so separated (from her beauty), the woman said, "Come on, and I will show you." She then showed him the pot filled with liquid stool and vomit
- When this is established, in the sixteenth verse Krsnadasa offers his obeisances to the functional Deity, Govinda. The Govinda Deity is called the functional Deity because He shows us how to serve Radha and Krsna - CC Intro
- When those who belonged to the family circle heard the narration of the old brahmana, they made exclamations showing their disappointment. They all requested that he not make such a proposal again
- Whenever a show is made to teach the devotee, as in the case of the teachings of Bhagavad-gita, it is for teaching the less intelligent men
- Wherever there is preaching strength there is also success, no matter it may be pandal-show, or making members, travelling Sankirtana party, whatever it may be - just maintain our strong position of purity of routine work & preach & distribute literature
- Which land did he show you? What is the area of the land? Is it suitable for Gurukula? I want the land just in front of our temple. The entrance to the Gurukula will be on the road, and we shall partition this land from the rest of the land with a wall
- While discharging devotional service in full Krsna consciousness, one should not be miserly. He should not unnecessarily show that he has renounced this world
- While He (Lord Caitanya) was sitting there, the sannyasis saw a glaring effulgence emanating from His body. Attracted by this glaring effulgence, all the Mayavadi sannyasis stood up and showed Him their respects
- While showing his extraordinary prowess, Hiranyakasipu, who desired to kill his own son, heard that wonderful, tumultuous sound, which had never before been heard
- Who can manage to float even a small stone in the air? Sometimes a yogi may show a little mystic power by manufacturing some gold, and we are so foolish that we accept him as God
- Who is a better worshiper of brahmanas than Maharaja Nabhi? Because he worshiped the qualified brahmanas to their full satisfaction, the brahmanas, by their brahminical prowess, showed Maharaja Nabhi the Supreme Personality of God, Narayana, in person
- Why does a woman continue to live who knows that Krsna's heart is unhappy but who still shows her deep anger toward Him? She is interested in her own happiness. I condemn such a woman to be struck on the head with a thunderbolt
- Why Lord Jesus Christ sacrificed his life? Just to show that the human society must be God conscious. But unfortunately, people do not take care. They are following, they are calling themselves as Christian, but they're not following the example
- Within the memory of everyone, Lord Caitanya also appeared for the same purpose: to show special favor to fallen souls of this age of iron industry
- Without hearing such literatures, one cannot make actual progress. And without hearing and following the instructions, the show of devotional service becomes worthless and therefore a sort of disturbance in the path of devotional service
- Wrong and simply bad association has tightly bound up the innocent populace in mean activities. But the learned man, the karma-yogi, can show society how to perform all these activities for the satisfaction of the Lord
- Yasodam presayam asa. These very words show that since Krsna and Balarama did not care to return in response to the order of Rohini, Rohini thought that if Yasoda called They would have to return, for Yasoda was more affectionate to Krsna and Balarama
- Yoga practice without mental control is a waste of time. Such a show of yoga practice may be materially lucrative, but it is useless as far as spiritual realization is concerned. BG 1972 purports
- You accept the pleasure of sleeping in the water of devastation, where there are violent waves & enjoy pleasure on the bed of snakes, showing the happiness of Your sleep to intelligent persons. All the universal planets are stationed within Your abdomen
- You are in the material conception of life. There is no question of spiritual understanding, there is no question of joyfulness, there is no question of freedom from lamentation and hankering, and there is no question of equality. It is all false show
- You are situated in everyone's heart as the Supersoul just to show Your causeless mercy, and You are the eternal well-wisher, but You are unavailable for the nondevotee
- You ask child, you show him the finger, "What is this?" The child will reply, "It is my finger." The child will never say "I finger." He will say "my." So everything is "mine." "My body," "my head," "my leg." Everything is "mine," but where is the "I"?
- You can come to our Vrindaban Temple. You have got enough scope for engaging yourself in journalism and peaceful living. If you are in difficulty then by showing this letter you can take a railroad ticket from our president of our Calcutta temple
- You can show in sequence in a painting how Narada Muni is leaving the material body and accepting a spiritual body and entering into Lord Visnu and again coming out through Brahma's heart
- You can show the chairman the enclosed pictures from "Dharma Yug" magazine, latest issue, how we are a world-wide organization, as well as other clippings from Toronto
- You can show them the full set of books that we are going to print in the German language, and use all of the professors quotes to show how authoritative our books are amongst the scholarly circle throughout the world
- You cannot compare yourself with God. There is no comparison. But the rascaldom is going on. "Everyone is God. I am God, you are God" - then he's dog. You show the power of God, then you say. First deserve, then desire
- You cannot sit idly to show your gorgeousness in a secluded place, imitating Haridasa Thakura: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. No. You have to preach. That is the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Amara ajnaya guru hana tara ei desa
- You have done right by removing the pictures which deal in Gopis and Krishna. They are never for public show. They are very confidential & meant for advanced devotees. The neophytes will be misguided by such pictures. I hope you will understand me right
- You have seen salagrama. So if somebody takes that and breaks peanuts, so there is no devotion. It is a show
- You have to give me definition of God. What is God? If you know God, then you can say that "Krsna is not God." Otherwise, how you can say He is not God? I give you a piece of gold: If you say, "It is not gold," then you show me what is gold
- You have written several letters showing your humility. I can understand your behavior from those letters
- You may have a picture of me one month, then Guru Maharaja, then Gaura Kisora das Babaji, then Bhaktivinode Thakura, then Jagannatha das Babaji, then Lord Caitanya. This will be very nice, showing the Guru Parampara
- You may show that you are becoming a devotee, very great devotee, so test yourself how much you have advanced
- You may show the stick, threaten, but better art is to somehow or other, even by tricking them, avoid this matter of force and induce them to obey out of loving spirit. That is success of disciplinary method
- You should not show your feet this is the etiquette. That is possible only in Krsna consciousness
- You should try and get these TV personalities to show our books and advertise them over the air. This will be the real success of our endeavors with the media
- You simply decide what Krsna has spoken. Then you become guru. If you want to manufacture something and show some magic, then you do not become guru
- Your picture shows you are a very nice boy, promising to become a good Vaisnava in the future. Krishna has sent you for being taken care of by us, so we shall do our best. You also kindly try to follow our instructions
- Your special affection for my Indian project is very pleasing to me and shows you understand my intentions very well
- Your tears at kirtana are a good sign, and it shows that Krishna is pleased upon you. So remain in this status and chant nicely
- Your Vedic scripture also, there is cow sacrifice. Caitanya Mahaprabhu immediately said: No, that is not killing. That was giving a new body to show the strength of the Vedic mantra
- Yudhisthira said, "I want to perform this Rajasuya sacrifice and invite the demigods to show that they have no power independent of You - that they are all Your servants and You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- Yudhisthira said, "I wish to show the world that one can attain the highest perfection of life simply by taking shelter at Your lotus feet, exactly as one can satisfy the branches, twigs, leaves and flowers of an entire tree simply by watering the root"