Category:Showing God
Pages in category "Showing God"
The following 15 pages are in this category, out of 15 total.
- I shall show you God." This business is going on. God's seeing is so cheap thing that any rascal comes, "Can you show me God," and another rascal says, "Yes, come to me
- If you want to realize God, then the other service, seva, not daya. You cannot show your mercy to God. God is full. There is no need of your showing mercy
- In Gokula Vrndavana, love is freely exchanged, and although the cowherd boys and damsels of Vrndavana know that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they do not show awe and veneration because of the great intimacy of their relationship with Him
- In our Krishna Book we are showing the Western World for the first time what is God
- People may ask, "Can you show me God?" Yes, of course. God can be seen in so many ways. But if one closes his eyes and says, "I shall not see God," then how can He be shown
- People say, "Can you show me God?" There is no need of showing God. You qualify yourself, and God will be visible in every step of your life. Then your life will be successful
- Prahlada Maharaja requests his demoniac friends to give up this idea that there is no God. If we give up this nonsensical idea, then the Supreme Lord, who is beyond our perception, will be pleased and show His mercy to us
- Someone has invented the word daridra-narayana, trying to show that Narayana has become poor and that the beggar who comes to my door to beg is also Narayana. This is not authorized in the Vedic literature
- Sometimes when bhakti-yoga, Krsna consciousness, is preached to the common man, people argue, "Where is Krsna? Where is God? Can you show Him to us?" In this verse (SB 8.3.26) the answer is given
- The so-called spiritual master is also rascal, and the man who has gone to him, he is also rascal. God is so cheap thing that immediately you go to a rascal and he shows you God immediately? Is it magic?
- These boys are after God. It is not that I have shown him God, but they are realizing, understanding. Otherwise they are not so fool they'll waste time. But it is not a subject matter to be seen like this
- To show His causeless mercy to the devotees, as well as to the nondevotees, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appears in this material world with names, forms and pastimes, all of which are transcendental