Pages in category "Lunar"
The following 34 pages are in this category, out of 34 total.
- A tithi, or lunar day, consists of the distance between the longitude of the sun and that of the moon
- According to lunar calculations, two fortnights - one of the waxing moon and the other of the waning - form one month. That same period is one day and night for the planet Pitrloka
- According to solar astronomical calculations, each year extends six days beyond the calendar year, and according to lunar calculations, each year is six days shorter. Therefore, there is a difference of twelve days between the solar and lunar years
- According to the Jyotir-veda, a lunar eclipse takes place when the Rahu planet comes in front of the full moon
- Advaita Acarya was actually interested in distributing charity because of Lord Caitanya’s birth at the time of the lunar eclipse. People could not understand, however, why Advaita Acarya was giving such a great variety of things in charity
- All people thus chanted the Hare Krsna maha-mantra during the lunar eclipse, and their minds were struck with wonder
- Although Muslims, or non-Hindus, have no interest in chanting the holy name of the Lord, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, the Muslims in Navadvipa imitated the Hindus as they chanted during the lunar eclipse
- As an astrologer can see the future fate of a man, or an astronomer can foretell the solar and lunar eclipses, liberated souls can foretell the future of all mankind by seeing through the scriptures
- Aside from the sun and moon, there is an invisible planet called Rahu. The movements of Rahu cause both solar and lunar eclipses. We suggest that the modern expeditions attempting to reach the moon are mistakenly going to Rahu
- At the time of the birth of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu the planets were situated as follows: Ketu (the ninth planet) was in Simha-rasi (Leo) and Uttaraphalguni; Candra (the moon) was in Purvaphalguni - the eleventh lunar mansion
- At the time of the birth of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, such a lunar eclipse took place, and naturally all the people standing in the water were chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- In this way all the devotees, wherever they were situated, in every city and every country, danced, performed sankirtana and gave charity by mental strength on the plea of the lunar eclipse, their minds overwhelmed with joy
- In two lunar fortnights the moon travels through the equivalent of a samvatsara of the sun, in two and a quarter days it passes through a month of the sun, and in one day it passes through a fortnight of the sun
- It is customary in India that all the followers of the Vedic scriptures bathe in the Ganges or the sea as soon as there is a lunar or solar eclipse
- It is the custom of Hindus to give in charity to the poor as much as possible during the time of a lunar or solar eclipse. Advaita Acarya, therefore, taking advantage of this eclipse, distributed many varieties of charity to the brahmanas
- Ominous planets such as Mars and Saturn shone brighter and surpassed the auspicious ones such as Mercury, Jupiter and Venus as well as a number of lunar mansions. Taking seemingly retrograde courses, the planets came in conflict with one another
- On the day of Sravana-dvadasi (the twelfth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Bhadra), when the moon came into the lunar mansion Sravana, at the auspicious moment of Abhijit, the Lord appeared in this universe
- On the full-moon evening of the month of Phalguna when the Lord took birth, coincidentally there was also a lunar eclipse
- One should also perform this ceremony on the Mesa-sankranti day and the Tula-sankranti day, in the yoga named Vyatipata, on that day in which three lunar tithis are conjoined, during an eclipse of either the moon or the sun
- Others also observe Caturmasya according to the solar month from Sravana to Karttika. The whole period, either lunar or solar, takes place during the rainy season
- Seeing the lunar eclipse and laughing, Advaita Acarya and Haridasa Thakura immediately went to the bank of the Ganges and bathed in the river in great jubilation
- Simply to see the supreme abode (the Visnu planet), the sun and moon and all the other planets, stars, lunar mansions and solar systems are circumambulating it. Now please come; you are welcome to go there
- Some Vaisnavas also observe it (Caturmasya) from the full-moon day of Asadha until the full-moon day of Karttika. That is also a period of four months. This period, calculated by the lunar months, is called Caturmasya
- Taking advantage of the occasion of the lunar eclipse, Advaita Acarya, by His mental strength, distributed various types of charity to the brahmanas
- The darkness occurring before the full moon, the lunar eclipse, can be explained as being another planet, known as Rahu. According to Vedic astronomy, the Rahu planet, which is not visible, is accepted
- The explanation of the horoscope given by Bhaktivinoda Thakura is that at the time of the birth of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu the planets were situated as follows: Sukra (Venus) was in Mesa-rasi (Aries) and the naksatra (lunar mansion) of Asvini
- The foretellings of astrological science, such as the occurrence of solar or lunar eclipses, are wonderful calculations, and by this particular science a person can understand the future very clearly