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- A businessman riding in a motorcar sits in the car, supervises its running and advises the driver. He knows how much gasoline is used up, and he knows everything about the car, but still he is apart from the car and is more concerned with his business
- A description concerning Viththalesvara is given in the Bhakti-ratnakara - Fifth Wave
- A living being cannot be a nondevotee of the Lord because of his constitutional position, but when one becomes a nondevotee or nonbeliever, it is to be understood that the person concerned is not in a sound condition of life
- A saintly person, an advanced devotee, sees Krsna twenty-four hours a day and nothing else. As far as movable and inert things are concerned, a devotee sees them all as transformations of Krsna’s energy
- A so-called party of devotees named nadiya-nagari has sprung up and introduced the worship of Visnupriya. This certainly indicates their ignorance concerning Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's pastimes
- According to Bhagavad-gita, one should make research by philosophical discretion into the nature of the soul. One should make research to understand with what the self is concerned. That is recommended. BG 1972 purports
- According to Damodara, I am still a neophyte as far as social etiquette is concerned; therefore he does not like My independent nature
- According to Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, that confidential message must have concerned the mystery of His (God's) departure and the annihilation of His dynasty (the Yadus) after the end of His appearance in the mundane world for one hundred years
- According to the different material qualities of the persons concerned, different types of yajnas are recommended in the Vedas. Worship of different demigods is also on the same basis - namely, according to different qualities
- According to the material conception, there is a difference between a person himself and his name, form, qualities, emotions and activities, but as far as this transcendental vibration is concerned, there is no such limitation
- According to the material conception, there is duality between the name, form, quality, emotions and activities of a person and the person himself, but as far as the transcendental vibration is concerned, there is no such limitation
- According to the symptoms of higher and lower sections of society, there are different varieties of occupational duties. According to the experts in Vedic knowledge, these duties are prescribed in terms of the age concerned
- Activities of the Lord are principally of two varieties. One concerns the mundane manifestation of the material creative force, and the other deals with His pastimes in the form of different incarnations in terms of the time and place
- Actually the brahmana is supposed to be the spiritual master of all other varnas, or classes, but as far as Krsna consciousness is concerned, everyone is capable of becoming a spiritual master because knowledge in KC is on the platform of the spirit soul
- Aditi, his (Kasyapa Muni's) wife, assured him that as far as household life was concerned, everything was going nicely, and the brahmanas and cows were being honored and protected
- After much consideration, I (the King of the Yavanas) have arrived at a husband for you (Kalakanya). Actually, as far as everyone is concerned, you are inauspicious and mischievous. Since no one likes you, how can anyone accept you as his wife?
- After talking in this way, both Prakasananda Sarasvati and Lord Caitanya sat together. "Whatever You have said concerning discrepancies in the Mayavadi philosophy is also known by us," Prakasananda said
- After the incidents concerning the loss of his many sons, Daksa repented his misunderstanding with Narada Muni
- Ajamila was concerned with his son, but because of his attachment to the name of Narayana, he attained salvation simply by chanting that name
- Alas, how pitiable it is for Indra, the King of heaven, that although he is very learned and powerful and although he chose Brhaspati as his prime minister to instruct him, he is completely ignorant concerning spiritual advancement
- All the activities of Krsna described in Srimad-Bhagavatam, beginning even with the pastimes concerning Putana, are transcendental
- All these two groups (of Sankaracarya and Vaisnavas), following the Vedic principles, they accept Krsna as the SPG. So far India's authoritative persons are concerned, there is no two opinions, that Krsna is not God. Both of them accept Krsna the SP
- All transformations and variety in respect to living entities are due to the body. As far as spirit is concerned, living entities are all the same. BG 1972 purports
- Although a pious man may receive some material benefit, one who is concerned with material benefits cannot be a pure devotee
- Although King Indra and the other demigods are exalted personalities, they were so obedient to Narada Muni that King Indra immediately accepted Narada Muni's words concerning Prahlada Maharaja. This is called understanding by the parampara system
- Although the parents are equally good to all the children, for the small children who are always crying "Mother!" they have greater concern. "Yes, my dear child? Yes?" This is natural
- Although there is no question of creation as far as the spiritual world is concerned, the spiritual world is nonetheless manifested by the supreme will of Sankarsana. The spiritual world is the abode of the pastimes of the eternal spiritual energy
- An example of a dhira is given by Kalidasa Pandita, a great Sanskrit poet who wrote a book called Kumara-sambhava, wherein he has given an example concerning Lord Siva
- An intelligent person does not take interest in a place, even in the topmost planetary system, if the pure Ganges of topics concerning the Supreme Lord's activities does not flow there
- An unrestricted life of sense gratification is animal life, and Lord Brahma, in order to teach all concerned within the jurisdiction of his generations, taught the same principles of sense control for executing higher duties
- And so far economic question is concerned, the bird, beast, animals, they have no economic concern. Why you have got? You are less than bird and beast, you have created this economic problem
- Animals in bodies lower than that of the human being are conscious only as far as their bodily distress and happiness are concerned; they cannot think of more than their bodily necessities of life-eating, sleeping, mating and defending
- Any material element can be cut to pieces. As far as the living entity is concerned, however, he can be neither burned nor cut to pieces. We can conclude that there are also living entities within the sun
- Any material thing you take, even stone, iron, it can be burned, it can be cut into pieces, it can dry up, and so many things, all applicable to the matter. But so far the spirit soul is concerned, it is just the opposite
- Anyone who with great attention hears this narration concerning the activities of Prahlada Maharaja, the killing of Hiranyakasipu, and the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Nrsimha-deva, surely reaches the spiritual world
- As a dutiful father, he (Daksa) did not hesitate to allow his sons to receive cultural instructions concerning the perfection of life; he depended upon them to choose whether to return home, back to Godhead, or to rot in this material world
- As explained in Gautamiya-tantra: "Lust means attachment to one's personal sense gratification. But as far as Radharani and Her associates are concerned, they did not desire personal sense gratification. They only wanted to satisfy Krsna."
- As far as a devotee is concerned, he is not eager to see the universal form, but because Arjuna wanted to see Krsna in this way, Krsna reveals this form. BG 1972 purports
- As far as Arjuna is concerned, he is inspired by the statements of Krsna, but in order to convince others in the future who may think that Krsna is an ordinary person, he desires to see Him actually in His universal form. BG 1972 purports
- As far as Arjuna is concerned, he says that his illusion is over. This means that Arjuna no longer thinks of Krsna as a mere human being, as a friend of his, but as the source of everything. BG 1972 purports
- As far as bedding is concerned, the ascetic should be content with simply lying on the floor. The purpose for undergoing such severe austerities is to become a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- As far as Bhagavad-gita is concerned, it is the direct method (of devotional service) that is stressed. Everyone is advised to take to the direct method and surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- As far as bodily affairs or social activities are concerned, although a person is purified on the spiritual platform, it is sometimes seen that he acts in terms of his bodily relationships
- As far as bodily construction is concerned, there is no difference between the part and parcel living entities and the expansions of Visnumurti. BG 1972 purports
- As far as breathing heavily is concerned, it is stated, "Lalita (one of the gopis) is just like a cataki bird, which only takes water falling directly from the rain cloud and not from any other source"
- As far as charity is concerned, it is plain that charity should be given to the devotees of Krsna who are engaged in His devotional service to spread the Krsna philosophy or Krsna consciousness throughout the world. BG 1972 purports
- As far as charity is concerned, one should give 50% of his earnings to some good cause. And what is a good cause? It is that which is conducted in terms of Krsna consciousness. That is not only a good cause, but it is the best cause. BG 1972 purports
- As far as citrajalpa is concerned, in Srimad-Bhagavatam, there is a portion known as Bhramara-gita in which various kinds of citra jalpa are mentioned
- As far as counsel is concerned, simply keep up your fresh utsaha or enthusiasm for service. That will accomplish wonders. And always remain ideal yourself by strict adherence to the bhakti principles
- As far as cow-killing is concerned, it is completely forbidden. Since the cow is considered a mother, how could the Vedas allow cow-killing? Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu pointed out that the Kazi’s statement was faulty
- As far as damah (self-control) is concerned, it is not only meant for other orders of religious society, but it is especially meant for the householder. Although he has a wife, a householder should not use his senses for sex life unnecessarily. BG 1972 p
- As far as devotional service is concerned, even hearing and chanting is as good as acting with our body, mind and senses. Actually, hearing and chanting are also activities of the senses
- As far as different faiths are concerned, religions may be of different types, but on the spiritual platform, everyone has an equal right to execute devotional service. That is the platform of oneness and the basis for a classless society
- As far as disease and old age are concerned, everyone gets practical experience. No one wants to be diseased, and no one wants to become old, but there is no avoiding these. BG 1972 purports
- As far as eating is concerned, it can be regulated only when one is practiced to take and accept prasadam, sanctified food. BG 1972 purports
- As far as eating is concerned, there is no problem. If Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, supplies everyone with eatables, why should He not supply His devotee
- As far as economic development is concerned, we should discharge our occupational duties but fully depend on the lotus feet of the Lord for the results
- As far as empiric philosophy is concerned, it is limited to the attainment of transcendental knowledge; and as far as transcendental knowledge is concerned, it is limited to attainment of salvation
- As far as envy is concerned, it can be used only upon the non-devotees
- As far as eternal existence is concerned, it is conducted by the sandhini potency; similarly, bliss and knowledge are conducted by the hladini and samvit potencies respectively
- As far as friendship is concerned, those high-grade devotees who are almost like Krsna are considered to be great authorities in the modes of friendly relations with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As far as fruitive activities are concerned, they are mainly based on the platform of sense gratification. Therefore an advanced Krsna conscious person does not take to them
- As far as fruitive activity is concerned, the contamination is the desire for elevation to a higher standard of life, and for speculative knowledge the contamination is the desire to merge into the existence of the Absolute Truth
- As far as fruitive work is concerned, it is limited to an enjoyable body; as far as yoga is concerned, it is limited to the acquirement of mystic power
- As far as habitual emotions are concerned, they are manifested as pastimes, enjoyment, preparation and forgetfulness
- As far as happiness derived from sense enjoyment is concerned, it can be obtained automatically in course of time, just as in course of time we obtain miseries even though we do not desire them
- As far as happiness derived from sense enjoyment is concerned, it can be obtained automatically in course of time, just as in due course of time we obtain miseries even though we do not desire them
- As far as heartfelt wishes are concerned, there is a statement in the Suka-samhita where Narada tells Srila Vyasadeva
- As far as his (Arjuna's) soldiers were concerned, he was sympathetic from the beginning, but he felt compassion even for the soldiers of the opposite party, foreseeing their imminent death. BG 1972 purports
- As far as His (Krsna's) bliss is concerned, His spiritual energy is manifested as the pleasure giving potency. His eternity is manifested as energy, and His knowledge is manifested as spiritual perfection
- As far as His svayam-rupa (or pastime form) is concerned, it is in that form that He remains always in Vrndavana with the inhabitants of Vrndavana. This personal form (svayam-rupa) can be further divided into the prabhava and vaibhava forms
- As far as I (Narada Muni) was concerned, I was self-controlled and had no attachment for sports, even though I was a boy. In addition, I was not naughty, and I did not speak more than required
- As far as I am concerned, I am always your devotee as well as a devotee of the Lord, who is known as Adhoksaja. Please therefore narrate all the stories of King Prthu, who, in the form of the son of King Vena, milked the cow-shaped earth
- As far as I am concerned, I worship Krsna's father, Maharaja Nanda, in whose courtyard the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth, is playing
- As far as Indian sages are concerned, knowledge is received from the Vedic literatures, and the authorities accept without any hesitation that we should look through the pages of authentic books of knowledge (sastra-caksurvat)
- As far as intelligence is concerned, it is clearly stated here (in SB 3.26.31) that it is a product of egoism in passion
- As far as jnana is concerned, if one is a perfect devotee of Vasudeva, he is the greatest mahatma (vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah). A mahatma is one who has full knowledge of the Absolute Truth
- As far as jnanis are concerned, generally they fall down without taking shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord. The impersonalists or the voidists can simply avoid the positive material association
- As far as jnanis are concerned, they are interested in jnana-yoga, but even if one elevates oneself, after a great performance of austerity, to the Brahman effulgence, there is a chance of falling down again to the material world
- As far as Kamsa's eight brothers were concerned, Balarama took charge of killing them. Balarama's mother, Rohini, although the wife of Vasudeva, was not the sister of Kamsa; therefore Balarama took charge of killing all of Kamsa's eight brothers
- As far as killing the body of a brahmana is concerned, Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.7.53) gives the following injunction concerning a brahma-bandhu, a person born of a brahmana father but devoid of brahminical qualities
- As far as kirtana is concerned, the sastras say, sravanam kirtanam visnoh: (SB 7.5.23) one should chant the glories of the Supreme Lord and the holy name of the Supreme Lord. This is clearly stated
- As far as Krsna's enjoyment is concerned, it is stated that the ornaments which decorated the bodies of Krsna and His queens were beyond the dreams of Kuvera, the treasurer of the heavenly kingdom
- As far as Krsna's memory is concerned, it is said that when He was studying in the school of Sandipani Muni in Avantipur, He showed such a sharp memory that by once taking instructions from the teacher He immediately became perfect in any subject
- As far as Krsna's ornaments are concerned, when they decorate His body it appears that they do not beautify Him, but the ornaments themselves become beautiful simply by being on His body
- As far as Krsna's transcendental pastimes are concerned, they are mostly executed during the kaumara, pauganda and kaisora periods
- As far as Krsna's transcendental qualities are concerned, they can be divided into three groups: qualities pertaining to His transcendental body, qualities pertaining to His transcendental speech, and qualities pertaining to His transcendental mind
- As far as liberation is concerned, any devotee fully engaged in the service of the Lord is already liberated; therefore there is no separate necessity for his liberation
- As far as liberation is concerned, I (Srila Bilvamangala Thakura) think that liberation stands at my door with folded hands, waiting to serve me
- As far as liberation is concerned, she stands before the devotee with folded hands waiting to render service. Religion, economic development and sense gratification are all automatically attained without separate endeavor
- As far as Maharaja Dusmanta was concerned, he desired Sakuntala as his wife from the very beginning, as soon as he saw her, so the agreement to unite as husband and wife was natural
- As far as Maharaja Prthu was concerned, he had already practiced this process (the kundalini-cakra), and since he did not want to wait for the time when his death would occur naturally, he took advantage of the sat-cakra penetration process
- As far as Maharaja Prthu was concerned, he was a great devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore it was not necessary for him to perform the prescribed Vedic ritualistic ceremonies
- As far as maintenance of the prison house is concerned, it is done by Visnu, as much as the state prison house is maintained by the state
- As far as mana, or anger, is concerned, there is the following incident described in Gita-govinda
- As far as material conveniences are concerned, they automatically come, just as the maidservants of a queen follow the queen wherever she goes. Liberation is no problem for the pure devotee, and all material conveniences are simply awaiting him
- As far as material enjoyment is concerned, there are so many varieties that no one can enumerate them
- As far as material enjoyments are concerned, they are innumerable, and the materialists are eager to increase them more and more because they are under the illusory energy
- As far as material happiness is concerned, that comes without effort, just as tribulations come without effort
- As far as material maintenance is concerned, the sastras never stress it. Rather, they say that one's maintenance will come automatically
- As far as material necessities are concerned, the human civilization at the present moment is very much advanced in living comfortably, but still we are not happy, because we are missing the point
- As far as material sense gratification is concerned, materialists may go on increasing their enjoyment as far as they can imagine, but because people in such a material condition are servants of their senses, they cannot be satisfied
- As far as Matsya-tirtha is concerned, it was supposedly situated beside the ocean in the district of Malabar
- As far as meditation on the arca-vigraha form of the Lord is concerned, we have to look at the Deity beginning with His lotus feet. It is not that we immediately look at His smiling face
- As far as Mother Yasoda's anxieties are concerned, when Krsna was out of the house in the pasturing ground, a devotee once told her, "Yasoda, I think your movements have been slackened, and I see that you are full of anxieties
- As far as music is concerned, we have got our standard of music, the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra. We do not require to introduce anything new
- As far as my daughter-in-law Kunti is concerned, upon the great General Pandu's death, she became a widow with many children, and therefore she suffered greatly. And when you were grown up she suffered a great deal also because of your actions
- As far as neglecting the presence of others is concerned, the wives of the brahmanas who were performing sacrifices at Vrndavana left home as soon as they heard that Krsna was nearby. They left their homes without caring for their learned husbands
- As far as one's bodily necessities are concerned, one can pick up torn clothing from the street, take fruits offered by trees, drink water from flowing rivers, and live in a mountain cave constructed by nature herself
- As far as ordinary education is concerned, people are involved with so many departments: politics, sociology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, engineering, etc. BG 1972 purports
- As far as others are concerned, God gives sanction to the doer only at the risk of the doer. But in the case of a devotee, the Lord directs him in such a way that he never acts wrongly
- As far as our ISKCON movement is concerned, we simply ask that one observe the four prohibitive rules, chant sixteen rounds and, instead of indulging in luxurious eating for the tongue, simply accept prasada offered to the Lord
- As far as our Krsna consciousness movement is concerned, we are getting money naturally, by the grace of God, by selling our literature
- As far as our senses are concerned, there are many animals, both beasts and birds, who are very expert in exercising their senses more keenly than human beings
- As far as Paundraka was concerned, somehow or other he always thought of Lord Vasudeva by falsely dressing himself in imitation of the Lord, therefore he achieved one of the five kinds of liberation
- As far as perfections in mystic power are concerned, there are 18, and as far as types of liberation from material bondage are concerned, there are 5. The state of being where all varieties of enjoyment are conspicuous by their absence is called ahaituki
- As far as placing the Deity in the bed is concerned, if the Deity is large and heavy, it is not possible to move Him daily. It is better that a small Deity, which is also worshiped, be taken to the bed
- As far as pranayama is concerned, chanting of the holy name of the Lord and dancing in ecstasy are also considered pranayama
- As far as promotion to the higher planetary system is concerned, he (the demoniac person) does not believe in performing yajnas or sacrifices. BG 1972 purports
- As far as religious principles are concerned, there is a consideration of the person, the country, the time and the circumstance. In devotional service, there are no such considerations. Devotional service is transcendental to all such considerations
- As far as Rsabhadeva is concerned, he did not at all possess a material body; and therefore He was tolerant of all the trouble offered to Him by the bad elements in society
- As far as Rukmi was concerned, his promise was not fulfilled, nor was his mission successful. He had come from home with his soldiers, military phalanx to defeat Krsna, release his sister, but on the contrary he lost all his soldiers & military strength
- As far as salvation is concerned, one has to conquer the principles of lust, anger, unlawful desires, avarice and bewilderment
- As far as sanctity is concerned, the River Yamuna is more directly connected with Lord Krsna than the Ganges. The Lord sanctified the River Yamuna from the beginning of His transcendental pastimes in the world
- As far as Sathi, the daughter of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, was concerned, she was advised to give up her relationship with her husband
- As far as scriptures are concerned, we find different scriptures describing the Absolute Truth in different ways. If we analyze all of them, there will be bewilderment
- As far as self-realization is concerned, it is clearly stated here that bhakti-yoga is especially practical. BG 1972 purports
- As far as simplicity is concerned, not only should a particular order of life follow this principle, but every member, be he in the brahmacarya-asrama, or grhastha-asrama or vanaprastha-asrama. One must live very simply. BG 1972 purports
- As far as sleeping is concerned, a Krsna conscious person is always alert in the discharge of his duties in Krsna consciousness, and therefore any unnecessary time spent sleeping is considered a great loss. BG 1972 purports
- As far as spiritual advancement is concerned, materialists, politicians and sudras are generally disqualified. Bhattacarya therefore requested that Lord Caitanya not neglect Ramananda Raya, who was highly advanced spiritually although he was born a sudra
- As far as Srimati Radharani and Her gopis are concerned, their bodies, homes, dresses, ornaments, endeavors and activities are all spiritual. All of these are meant to satisfy the spiritual senses of Krsna
- As far as studying my books is concerned, I have already given the order. One hour in the morning class and one hour in the evening and if there is extra time during the day it may be used for studying but we cannot expect everyone to be studious
- As far as temples are concerned, in each and every royal palace or rich man's house, inevitably there is a nice temple, and the members of the household rise early in the morning and go to the temple to see the mangalaratrika ceremony
- As far as the adhidaivika miseries are concerned, these are natural disasters that originate with the demigods of the higher planets. For instance, we sometimes suffer from severe cold or hot weather, thunderbolt, earthquakes and many natural disasters
- As far as the adhidaivika miseries are concerned, these originate with the demigods of the higher planets. For instance, we sometimes suffer from severe cold weather, from thunderbolts, or from earthquakes, tornadoes, droughts or other natural disasters
- As far as the approved method is concerned, it is enjoined in the sastras that intelligent men in this age will take to the sankirtana movement, and by so doing they shall worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Caitanya
- As far as the atheistic are concerned, it is not necessary for the Supreme Lord to appear as He is to destroy them, as He did with the demons Ravana and Kamsa. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the avesa-rupa is concerned, when Krsna empowers some suitable living entity to represent Him, that living entity is called avesa-rupa or saktyavesa-avatara
- As far as the bad men are concerned, they are also four in number: (1) those who are simply addicted to the mode of progressive fruitive work and thus are subjected to the accompanying miseries
- As far as the bodies are concerned in different castes or different species of life, the Lord is equally kind to everyone. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the bodily emotions are concerned, they are manifested in posture and movement
- As far as the bodily necessities are concerned, the reasoning power is there even in the animal. If a cat wants to steal some milk from your kitchen, she has very nice reasoning power: she is always looking to see when the master is out and she can take
- As far as the brahminical quality of simplicity is concerned, not only should a particular order of life follow this principle, but every member of each asrama. One should be very simple and straightforward
- As far as the children are concerned, people are accusing us sometimes that our children are undernourished, underfed and note cared for properly. So it is good that you are seeing that they are happy and healthy
- As far as the conditioned soul is concerned, there is no wonder that he has some sinful activities in his past life, and this should be admitted and confessed before the Lord
- As far as the deer was concerned, Bharata Maharaja became very sympathetic, but he forgot that it was impossible for him to elevate a deer to spiritual consciousness, because, after all, a deer is but an animal
- As far as the destruction of the citizens is concerned, Maharaja Prthu maintained that he could uphold everyone by his own mystic powers
- As far as the development of faith is concerned, one who is well versed in the literatures of devotional service and has attained the stage of firm faith is called a first-class person in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the devotee is concerned, he is at once transferred to the spiritual world in the association of the Lord. That is the Lord's special mercy
- As far as the devotee is concerned, it is clearly stated here (in BG 12.6-7) that the Lord Himself takes him. He does not need to wait to become very experienced in order to transfer himself to the spiritual sky. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the duties of mankind are concerned, there are innumerable duties
- As far as the eatables are concerned, all items should be first-class preparations. There should be first-class rice, dhal, fruit, sweet rice, vegetables and a variety of foods to be sucked, drunk and chewed
- As far as the emotions of the mind are concerned, they are manifested as beauty, luster, complexion, flavor, talking, magnanimity and patience
- As far as the eyes are concerned, they should not be allowed to see anything but Krsna. That will control the eyes. Similarly, the ears should be engaged in hearing about Krsna and the nose in smelling the flowers offered to Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the feverish condition of the body is concerned, Uddhava once told Narada, "My dear great sage, the lotus flower that is a friend of the sun may be a cause of distress for us"
- As far as the field of spiritual activities is concerned, when a devotee is self-satisfied and does not preach the glories of Krsna, he is not considered a first-class devotee
- As far as the goal of ultimate knowledge is concerned, it is also confirmed in Vedic literature: tam eva viditvatimrtyum eti. "Only by knowing You can one surpass the boundary of birth and death". BG 1972 purports
- As far as the gopis of Vrndavana were concerned, from the very beginning of their lives they did not know anything beyond Krsna. Krsna and Balarama were their life and soul
- As far as the great devotees of the Lord are concerned, they can purify a degraded soul even by being seen by the lowborn, and what to speak of association
- As far as the hard-working karmis are concerned, Srimad-Bhagavatam states (11.10.23): istveha devata yajnaih svar-lokam yati yajnikah, bhunjita deva-vat tatra bhogan divyan nijarjitan
- As far as the heavenly planets are concerned, to a devotee they are like a phantasmagoria or will-o'-the-wisp, and as far as yogic perfection is concerned, a devotee does not care a fig for such perfection
- As far as the incarnation of Krsna's hair is concerned, there is mention in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Visnu Purana, and the Mahabharata
- As far as the inhabitants of Siddhaloka are concerned, they are endowed with all mystic powers. The yogis in this planet practice the eightfold yogic mysticism - namely yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi
- As far as the living entities are concerned, they are impregnated into this material nature, and as a result of their past deeds they take different positions. Thus the activities of this material world begin. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the marriages are concerned, I have got all blessings, but the girls must be younger than the boys
- As far as the material body is concerned, there are six "waves," or symptomatic material conditions: hunger, thirst, lamentation, bewilderment, old age and death. The liberated soul is never concerned with these six physical interactions
- As far as the material body is concerned, we cannot do anything for anyone. However, by the grace of Krsna, we may raise a person to spiritual consciousness if we ourselves follow the rules and regulations
- As far as the mellow of fraternity is concerned, in Vaikuntha this rasa is represented by gaurava-sakhya, friendship in awe & veneration. The other fraternity rasa, exhibited as visrambha (friendship in equality), is found in the Goloka Vrndavana planet
- As far as the members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness are concerned, they have sacrificed everything to push on this Krsna consciousness movement
- As far as the military feature of the Lord is concerned, Bhismadeva observed this with more relish than Arjuna
- As far as the miscreants are concerned, for them devotional service is very difficult because their lives are selfish, irregular and without spiritual goals. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the mode of ignorance is concerned, the performer is without knowledge, and therefore all his activities result in present misery, and afterwards he will go on toward animal life. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the mutual testing of the spiritual master and disciple is concerned, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura explains that a bona fide disciple must be very inquisitive to understand the transcendental subject matter
- As far as the mystic powers of the yogis are concerned, they are also material entanglements on the path of spiritual realization
- As far as the Nirukti Vedic Dictionary is concerned, atma refers to body, mind and soul. However, in this verse of Bhagavad-gita, atma refers to mind
- As far as the omkara pranava is concerned, it is considered to be the sound incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As such, omkara is eternal, unlimited, transcendental, supreme and indestructible
- As far as the rasa-lila pastimes of the Lord are concerned, it is futile for one who is within the material world to attempt to imitate the Lord’s dances. One has to attain a spiritual body like that of a gopi to enter into the pastimes of the rasa-lila
- As far as the sages are concerned, besides Himself, Vyasadeva, the author of the Vedanta-sutra, is a great sage, and in the Vedanta-sutra duality is perfectly explained. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the science of God is concerned, Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, advises us to go to a person to whom we can surrender
- As far as the soul's existence is concerned, no one can establish his existence experimentally beyond the proof of sruti or Vedic wisdom. We have to accept this truth. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the spirit souls are concerned, they are one qualitatively with the Supreme Lord. Therefore, the rasas were originally exchanged between the spiritual living being and the spiritual whole, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As far as the spiritual entrance into the material world is concerned, all beings are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, but under the covering of different material qualities they have different names
- As far as the Sri Vaisnavas are concerned, beginning with Ramanujacarya, they also worshiped Deities of Sita-Rama. Sita-Rama Deities are also being worshiped in Tirupati and other places
- As far as the third-class person in Krsna consciousness is concerned, although he has faith in the conviction that devotional service to Krsna is very good, he has no knowledge of Krsna through the scriptures like Srimad-Bhagavatam and BG. BG 1972 pur
- As far as the time of diksa (initiation) is concerned, everything depends on the position of the guru. As soon as a bona fide guru is received by chance or by a program, one should immediately take the opportunity to receive initiation
- As far as the urges of the genitals are concerned, there are two - proper and improper, or legal and illicit sex
- As far as the Vasudeva form is concerned, the three expansions manifested from Him are Kesava, Narayana and Madhava
- As far as the vilasa forms are concerned, there are innumerable prabhava-vilasas by which Krsna expands Himself as Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna, and Aniruddha
- As far as the women class are concerned, they are accepted as a power of inspiration for men. As such, women are more powerful than men. Mighty Julius Caesar was controlled by a Cleopatra
- As far as the word atmarama is concerned, the Lord (Caitanya) explained that the word atma is used to indicate: (1) the Supreme Absolute Truth, (2) the body, (3) the mind, (4) endeavor, (5) conviction, (6) intelligence, and (7) nature
- As far as the word muni is concerned, there are additional meanings. The word also refers to a bird and a large black bee
- As far as the Yadu and Kuru dynasties are concerned, they existed simultaneously, but of the two, the Yadu dynasty was more glorious due to the appearance of Lord Krsna
- As far as this material world is concerned, although the Lord is always in His supreme abode, He is nonetheless all-pervading by His material energy. BG 1972 purports
- As far as this material world is concerned, Lord Brahma, Lord Visnu and Lord Siva are all emanations from Krsna. These three incarnations of Krsna are called guna-avataras
- As far as those who are already perfect are concerned, Lord Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.9), tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so ’rjuna: After giving up this material body, such a devotee comes to Me
- As far as time is concerned, we beg to subjoin a table of timings in terms of the modern clock. One laghu - 2 minutes; One danda - 30 minutes; One prahara - 3 hours; One day - 12 hours; One night - 12 hours; One paksa - 15 days
- As far as time is concerned, we beg to subjoin a table of timings in terms of the modern clock. One truti - 8/13,500 second; One vedha - 8/135 second; One lava - 8/45 second; One nimesa - 8/15 second; One ksana - 8/5 second; One kastha - 8 seconds
- As far as transactions with money are concerned, if one person cheats another by a farthing or less, they become enemies
- As far as transcendental subject matter is concerned, it is called nitya-nava-navayamana. This means that one can go on chanting and hearing about the Lord and never feel tired but remain fresh and eager to hear more and more
- As far as Vasudeva Ghosa is concerned, he composed many nice songs about Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and these are all authorized Vaisnava songs, like the songs of Narottama dasa Thakura, Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Locana dasa Thakura, Govinda dasa Thakura
- As far as Vedic sastras are concerned, as we find in the pages of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the ultimate sanction for all success rests in the hands of the Supreme Lord
- As far as vibhati, or the special favor of the Supreme PG, is concerned, it is described in the Tenth Chapter of BG that a living entity who appears to be especially powerful or beautiful should be known to be especially favored by the Supreme Lord
- As far as vibhutis are concerned, they are very explicitly described in the Bhagavad-gita in the Vibhuti-yoga chapter. And for all these different types of incarnations, the fountainhead is the Garbhodakasayi Visnu
- As far as vidya is concerned, the first mantra has explained very clearly that the Supreme Lord is the proprietor of everything and that forgetfulness of this fact is ignorance. The more a man forgets this fact of life, the more he is in darkness
- As far as Vrndavana's opulence is concerned, it consists of a few flowers and twigs, some minerals from the hills, a few peacock feathers and the plant known as gunja
- As far as we are concerned, O Lord, we are always after material enjoyment. You do not need all these sacrificial arrangements, but they are meant for us so that we may be benedicted by Your Lordship
- As far as we are concerned, we are creatures of Lord Brahma's creation. Under the circumstances, therefore, we cannot offer you adequate prayers, but as far as our ability allows, we have expressed our feelings
- As far as we are concerned, we follow the authority of Vyasadeva and Sukadeva Gosvami, who have described the universal situation according to the Vedic literature
- As far as we are concerned, we have already started the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and many thousands of Europeans and Americans have joined this movement
- As far as we, the followers of Vedic civilization, are concerned, we accept the Vedic history of the whole universe, which consists of different planetary systems
- As far as work is concerned, a Krsna conscious person does not do anything which is not connected with Krsna's interest, and thus his work is always regulated and is untainted by sense gratification. BG 1972 purports
- As far as work is concerned, one should transfer his energy entirely to Krsna conscious activities. No work should be done by any man except in relationship to Krsna. This called Krsna-karma.BG 1972 purports
- As far as yoga systems are concerned, it is also said in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.47) that amongst the mystics who pursue the Absolute Truth, the one who is always engaged in the service of the Lord is the greatest of all
- As far as your future films are concerned I do not think it is possible for the BBT to continue financing these films. BBT is strictly for construction of temples and printing books. My idea is that you can use the original capital that BBT gave you
- As the living entities are concerned, the authoritative sastras state that the living entity has neither birth nor death. BG 1972 Introduction
- At present we are all engaged in studying temporary, small things. Brahman means the greatest, but instead of concerning ourselves with the greatest, we have become enmeshed in trying to solve the animal problems of eating, sleeping, defending and mating
- At the present moment the human civilization has advanced very much to live comfortably so far our material necessities are concerned, but still we are not happy because we are missing the point
- At the present moment there are many vacant lands throughout the world, and if they are properly utilized, there will be no scarcity of food. As far as rain is concerned, it is the performance of yajna that attracts rain
- Atheistic people are not concerned, not a drop they are concerned for advancing in spiritual life
- Atma-vidya, or transcendental knowledge of Himself, was primarily spoken by the Lord for the benefit of all concerned in all parts of the universe
- Attaining scientific knowledge of the Personality of Godhead means seeing one's own self simultaneously. As far as the identity of the living being as spirit self is concerned, there are a number of speculations and misgivings
- Ayur-vedic treatment concerns itself with the cause of these three elements, which are mentioned in many places in the Bhagavatam as the basic conditions of the body
- Balitvat krsna-mantranam samskarapeksanam na hi: “The Krsna mantra is so strong that there is no question of sodhana.” (Hari-bhakti-vilasa 1.235) As far as diksa is concerned, one should consult Madhya-lila 15.108
- Because human life is a combination of matter and spirit soul, the whole process of Vedic knowledge is directed at liberating the spirit soul from the contamination of matter. The knowledge concerning this is called atma-tattva
- Because Ramacandra Puri was interested only in finding faults, he could not understand the transcendental qualities of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. His only concern was finding faults, but still he could not find any
- Because they are ignorant and bewildered concerning the soul and its activities, even though some of them have a vague idea of the soul, many controversies arise, and the philosophical speculators can never reach a conclusion
- Bhagavad-gita is recognized and accepted as scripture by all classes of men in India, and as far as outside India is concerned, many scholars, theologians, and philosophers accept Bhagavad-gita as a great, authoritative work
- Bhagavad-gita is recognized, so far India is concerned, cent percent. Either they may be theist or atheist, that doesn't matter. Bhagavad-gita is accepted by all classes of men in India
- Birth, should be understood to refer to the body. As far as the soul is concerned, there is neither birth nor death; that we have discussed in the beginning of Bhagavad-gita. Birth & death apply to one's embodiment in the material world. BG 1972 purports
- Brahma in his prayer admitted that although anyone and everyone could say that they knew about Krsna, as far as he was concerned, he did not know anything about Him
- Brahma said, "As far as I am concerned, I admit frankly that for me it is not possible to realize You by my body, mind or speech. What can I say about You, or how can I realize You by my senses?"
- Brahmacarya essentially means the vow not to marry but to observe strict celibacy (brhad-vrata). A brahmacari or sannyasi should avoid talking with women or reading literature concerning talks between man and woman
- British Empire was for the time being that prosperity. Now to keep up your prestige you are concerned in so many ways. So anything you do in this material world, that is temporary
- Businessman transforms his energy by establishing many big factories or business organizations, yet he remains a person although his energy has been transformed into these many factories or business concerns
- By perfection of the yoga system one not only can travel through material space, but can surpass material space and enter the spiritual sky. We learn this fact also from an incident concerning Durvasa Muni and Maharaja Ambarisa
- By such (samadhi) practice of yoga, or linking up in the service of the Lord, one is recognized by the Lord Himself, as it is explained in the Bhagavad-gita concerning the highest perfectional stage of samadhi
- By the word srnvanti Kuntidevi indicates that our first concern should be to hear about Krsna. One must be eager to hear
- Caitanya explained that not only Krsnaloka but even Vrndavana, Lord Krsna's abode on this planet, cannot be estimated as far as potency is concerned
- Concerning Agastya, there are four opinions: (2) There is a temple of Lord Skanda on a hill known as Siva-giri, and this temple is said to have been established by Agastya Muni
- Concerning Agastya, there are four opinions: (3) Some say that the hill near Cape Comorin known as Pathiya served as Agastya Muni’s residence
- Concerning Agastya, there are four opinions: (4) There is a place known as Agastya-malaya, which is a range of hills on both sides of the Tamraparni River. Cape Comorin itself is also known as Kanya-kumari
- Concerning ajitasya padam, the abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the milk ocean of this material world, Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says: padam ksirodadhi-stha-svetadvipam tamasah prakrteh param
- Concerning Ananta Padmanabha, one should refer to Madhya-lila, Chapter One, text 115 - of Caitanya-caritamrta
- Concerning Arabic translations, someone has already done one. He came to me in Bombay. Also, there is no need to give commentary on the Koran
- Concerning how to induce grhastas to take part in Krsna Consciousness activities rather than in activities of Maya it is very simple: they should attend the temple program rigidly. Morning arati, classes, sankirtan
- Concerning man's search for the ultimate goal of life, Caitanya Mahaprabhu relates a story from the commentary of Madhva which occurs in the Fifth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam (Madhva-bhasya) Sarvajna to a poor man who came to him to have his future told
- Concerning talks between Narada and Pundarika, Yudhisthira said, "He is most famous and can deliver all others who, after many, many births, comes to understand that he is the servant of Vasudeva"
- Concerning the Deities in Chicago temple, if you want to have large size Gaura-Nitai then I have no objection
- Concerning the editing of Jayadvaita Prabhu, whatever he does is approved by me. I have confidence in him. Your changes which I have seen of the sanskrit synonyms is also approved by me
- Concerning the eightfold yoga system, attempts in the beginning to enter into meditation through regulative principles of life and practice of different sitting postures are considered fruitive material activities. BG 1972 purports
- Concerning the Gosvamis - Srila Rupa Gosvami, Srila Sanatana Gosvami, Srila Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, Srila Jiva Gosvami, Srila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami and Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami - Srinivasa Acarya confirms, sankhya-purvaka-nama-gana-natibhih
- Concerning the installation of Deities of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja Prabhupada and myself, you have my permission to have them for the Chicago temple
- Concerning the new bhakta program, unless one is educated, we should not admit anyone and everyone without discrimination. One who has got culture and education, he can be accepted
- Concerning the offense of aham-mama-buddhi, or dehatma-buddhi (considering the body to be the self), Jiva Gosvami states -Those who are overly absorbed in the conception of the body and the bodily necessities are also called pasandis
- Concerning the printing of the Brahmasamhita, I have informed Ramesvara Maharaja that the BBT Trustees can discuss this, and if they approve it, then I have no objection. You have stated that you would also assist in the printing costs
- Concerning the proposed meeting with the Pope, I have no objection cancelling or delaying the journey to Tehran if the meeting with the Pope is assured. That is important
- Concerning the study of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu clearly advises that one avoid hearing from a non-Vaisnava professional reciter
- Concerning the use of sour cream in the temple, it should be stopped immediately. Nothing should be offered to the Deities which is purchased in the stores
- Concerning the Vedic statements, if you do not know, what can I do? You have to know it otherwise why do you speak something about what you do not know
- Concerning the woman's duty, if she gets married, that does not necessarily mean that she must give up any of her service in the temple or on sankirtana
- Concerning this (CC Madhya 8.248), the Lord states in the Vedic literature: mam anaradhya duhkhartah kutumbasakta-manasah, sat-sanga-rahito martyo vrddha-seva-paricyutah
- Concerning Vamanadeva's trouble with the draft, I think that if properly utilized, my certificate of acceptance of a person as student of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam may be very helpful in avoiding the draft
- Concerning your going to South America to assist there, if you like there is no need to go immediately. First you can complete the exhibit there in Los Angeles. There is no need to go immediately
- Devotees who are fighting against maya, their facility is first concern. They're fighting, trying to save the people from the onslaught of material energy
- Dharmaraja is asking, "Mother Earth, whether you are concerned because you are not at the present moment very much strong or very much able to give protection to the women and the children?" This is Vedic civilization
- Dhruva Maharaja expressed his gladness that he had met such an exalted person as Narada, whose only concern was to illuminate the world, like the sun, which rotates all over the universe only for the purpose of benefiting the inhabitants of all planets
- Dhruva Maharaja was advised to stop fighting by his grandfather, who was concerned that Dhruva was adhering to a personal ambition to fight to annihilate the whole race of Yaksas
- Dhruva Maharaja was born a ksatriya. He at once admitted before Narada Muni that as a ksatriya he was unable to accept Narada's instruction of renunciation and mental equilibrium, which are the concern of a brahmana
- Dhruva Maharaja was the son of King Uttanapada, and as far as the descendants of Dhruva Maharaja or King Uttanapada are concerned, their activities have been described up to the point of the Pracetas
- Difference is that when one is in a Vaikuntha planet, even if by chance one commits an offense, he is protected by the Lord. This is the remarkable fact in the dealings of the Lord & the servitor, as seen in the present incident concerning Jaya & Vijaya
- Especially Mahatma Gandhi, he was actually a great personality. There is no doubt about it. But so far Bhagavad-gita is concerned, he did not know anything
- Even impersonalists think of the welfare of all people. Thus Brahma was very much concerned at seeing the demons in power
- Even Narada used to visit the palace of Maharaja Yudhisthira and what to speak of other celestial demigods. It is only the spiritual culture of the people concerned that makes interplanetary travel possible, even in the present body
- Everyone is conscious of the last stage of life, when he will meet the cruel hands of death, but some consider their age and circumstances, concern themselves with the influence of time and thus engage in pious activities
- Everyone is created, everyone is maintained, and everyone is ultimately killed. As far as these three things are concerned, the Lord is equal to everyone; it is according to one's karma that one suffers and enjoys
- Everyone wants akuto-bhayam: "I must be very safe and sound in every respect, in my social position, so far my health is concerned, anything." Everyone wants that security. But there is no security. That is called struggle for existence
- Everything depends on intense desire of the living entity, & Krishna gives all facilities for fulfilling such desires. So far as we are concerned, we should always be very much eager to directly contact Krishna, following the Footprints of Lord Caitanya
- Everything has got a different type of calculation, measurement. But so far the soul is concerned, it is said here, aprameyasya, there is no source of measurement. There is no source. Therefore, the so-called materialist science, they say there is no soul
- Except Your lotus feet, we have no other shelter. And so far our safetiness is concerned, we are already encircled by so many enemies, because in the fight one's father has died, so his son is preparing to fight with us. So we are not at all free now
- Exchanges of letters between a young boy and young girl concerning their awakening of attachment for each other are called kama-lekha
- Follow the rules and regulations of varnasrama-dharma. That was the concern of these sages. In this age of Kali, everything is disturbed. Saintly persons should take to the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, as recommended in the sastras
- For a devotee there is no concern for this life or the next life because in any life he does not desire elevation in material prosperity or a high-grade or low-grade life
- For my health is concerned, on the whole it is nice, but sometimes I feel not so good. Everything depends on Krishna, and as He desires it will happen
- Formerly this earth was ruled by one saintly king only. Kings were trained to become saintly; therefore they had no other concern than the welfare of the citizens. These saintly kings were properly trained
- Generally, kings fight to extend their kingdoms, which they rule for sense gratification. But as far as Arjuna is concerned, he declined to fight for his own sense gratification
- Gopis said, "Krsna may have forgotten us in the midst of the cultured women of Dvaraka, but as far as we are concerned, we still remember Him by collecting flowers & sewing them into garlands. When He does not come, we simply pass our time by crying"
- Hare Krsna and omkara, there is no difference, so far the transcendental sound vibration is concerned. But the objective is different
- He (a devotee of the Supreme Lord) should know that concern over either of these two paths (of leaving the material world either by arrangement or by accident) is troublesome. BG 1972 purports
- He (a person of Kali-yuga) has no other interest. & in the daytime, what is his concern? "Where is money? Where is money? I must maintain this body." & when he has money: "Now let me spend for my wife and children." So where is his spiritual realization
- He (Caitanya) walked from garden to garden, seeing the pastimes of Lord Krsna and hearing and reciting songs and verses concerning the rasa-lila
- He (Caitanya) was defeated voluntarily (by Brahmananda Bharati), because no one can defeat the Supreme Lord. Concerning this, the words of Bhisma in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.9.37) are important
- He (Dhrtarastra) did everything in his power to achieve so-called success in his planned projects, but he was frustrated from the beginning to the end so far as his material activities were concerned
- He (King Citraketu) was concerned with how to get pinda, oblations, in the next life, not only for himself but also for his forefathers. Therefore he requested Angira Rsi to favor him by doing something that could help him get a son
- He (one who does not develop knowledge through the authorities) is not concerned about acting in terms of the directions of scripture. For him God is money, and knowledge means the satisfaction of bodily demands. BG 1972 purports
- He (the cleansed heart person who is free from the clutches of maya, or the materialistic way of life) understands that he is not this body - that he's a spirit soul, and that his business is therefore different from merely material concerns
- He could also understand the transcendental religious principles, which are above the modes of material nature and which concern the relationship between the living being and the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Here is a very good example concerning spiritual understanding. Foolish rascals, including so-called jnanis, philosophers and scientists, cannot understand the existence of the soul within the body because they are lacking in spiritual knowledge
- His (young brahmana's) only concern was that the elderly brahmana had promised something, and if Gopala did not bear witness to that transaction, then the older brahmana would incur a spiritual blemish
- Historical events and other narrations concerning social and political incidents all become transcendental as soon as they are in relationship with Krsna. That is the way to transform mundane things into spiritual identity
- Humanity must have food for the mind and ear, as well as for the purpose of vibration. As far as transcendental vibrations are concerned, the essence of all Vedic knowledge is the maha-mantra
- I (a person free from clutches of maya) can understand that these bodily concerns are not my real business. My real business is how to elevate myself - as a spirit soul - to the spiritual world, back to home, back to Godhead
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have thus described the narration concerning Pradyumna Misra and how, following the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he listened to discourses about Krsna spoken by Ramananda Raya
- I am so glad to understand from you your concern about the managing of our Krsna Consciousness movement. Yes, you are my elder disciple, you are one of the leaders of our Society
- I am very concerned to hear you have left the association of Trivikrama Swami and the devotees in the temple in Taiwan
- I cannot say what is going on in your mind, in your body, what pains and pleasure you are feeling. But I can speak about myself that, "I am feeling like this." That I can say. So my consciousness is not perfect. It is perfect so far I am concerned
- I have traveled in Australia and come to your country, New Zealand. So far material necessities are concerned, you are all well-to-do. So why this question of frustration (among younger section), as Goswami Hanuman-Prasada was speaking?
- I thank you for your concern for my disciples' health. Actually, they are getting ghee and other milk products daily along with capatis, dhal, and rice. They are also taking fruits and vegetables daily
- I was so much anxious about Advaita and I am very much concerned lest he become further victim of maya. I am anxiously waiting for a letter from him
- If He (the Lord) were answerable to us concerning why He does something and why He does not, His supremacy would be curtailed
- If one happens to be a ksatriya he has the power to punish any man; therefore a ksatriya should at once cut out the tongue of the vilifier and kill him. But as far as the vaisyas and sudras are concerned, they should immediately give up their bodies
- If we can take some money and give some literature, that is a good service. So far irritation is concerned, a child is also irritated when he is given instructions, but that does not mean that we should stop
- Illusory stories opposed to the conclusions of Krsna consciousness concern the destruction of the Yadu dynasty, Krsna's disappearance, the story that Krsna and Balarama arise from a black hair and a white hair of Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- In devotional service there is no frustration; even if we perform only a small amount, it will grow. Devotional service is never lost. As far as material things are concerned, whatever we gain in the world will be lost when the body is finished
- In his bodily strength and in the strength of his senses, Maharaja Prthu was as strong as the wind, which can go anywhere and everywhere. As far as his intolerance was concerned, he was just like the all-powerful Rudra expansion of Lord Siva, or Sadasiva
- In Kuruksetra University, we gave some books to the Vice-chancellor. Please inquire what is their decision concerning taking books and standing order
- In that state of mind (jadya), one loses all concern for loss and gain, hearing and seeing, as well as all other considerations. This marks the preliminary appearance of illusion
- In the beginning of creation, Brahma was concerned more or less with increasing the population
- In the beginning of these affairs (in SB 9.18.6-16) concerning Sarmistha and Devayani, we saw that Sarmistha had many friends. Now these friends became maidservants of Devayani
- In the Bhagavad-gita (13.5) the Lord says, brahma-sutra-padais caiva hetumadbhir viniscitaih: Understanding of the ultimate goal of life is ascertained in the Brahma-sutra by legitimate logic and argument concerning cause and effect
- In the city of Pratisthana-pura, long ago, there resided a brahmana who was poverty-stricken but innocent and not dissatisfied. One day he heard a discourse in an assembly of brahmanas concerning how to worship the Deity in the temple
- In the forest, Kanva Muni performed all the ritualistic ceremonies concerning the newborn child. Later, the boy became so powerful that he would capture a lion and play with it
- In the higher stages of devotional service, a devotee is not even concerned with the list of do's and do not's. Such a position can be maintained only by following in the footsteps of the acaryas
- In the momentous hour of leaving his material body, Bhismadeva set the glorious example concerning the important function of the human form of life
- In the present age respect for Deductive Process is dwindling whereas respect for Inductive Process is increasing although we know so far the Inductive research is concerned the process has not been successful
- In the second chapter of this canto (second canto), this matter (the best type of body is a spiritual body) will be broadly discussed, but as far as the change of body is concerned, one must prepare now for the next life
- In this way, He explained the meaning of all the verses concerning the rasa-lila. Sometimes He would be very sad and sometimes very happy
- Information is given herein (SB 4.17.9) concerning the selection of the king by the brahmanas. According to the varnasrama system, the brahmanas are considered to be the heads of the society and therefore to be situated in the topmost social position
- Insofar as liberation is concerned, they (atheists) say that there is no need to talk of liberation because after death everything is finished
- Insofar as your material condition is concerned, generally that cannot be checked. You have to suffer. But in the case of a devotee, that suffering also can be stopped or minimized. Otherwise, Krsna's statement would be false: aham tvam sarva-papebhyo
- It is a child’s nature to engage all day and night in playing, not caring even for his health and other important concerns. This is an example of preyas. But there are also sreyas, or activities which are ultimately auspicious
- It is a fact that one may be very happy as far as riches are concerned and one may be very opulent in every respect, yet one has to manage the visayas to meet the demands of the body and of so many family members and subordinates
- It is impossible, practically speaking, for ordinary men to challenge scientists or philosophers concerning genuine knowledge, but a devotee can challenge them because the best of everything is known to a devotee by the grace of Krsna
- It is said in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.5.18), tal labhyate duhkhavad anyatah sukham: As far as material happiness is concerned, that comes without effort, just as tribulations come without effort
- It is said that during the advent of Lord Caitanya, Sadasiva appeared as Advaita Prabhu, and Advaita Prabhu's chief concern was to elevate the fallen conditioned souls to the platform of devotional service to Lord Krsna
- It is similarly difficult for me to make You understand, Ramananda replied. As far as I am concerned, I can only speak what You wish me to
- It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.15.6) that black bees always follow Krsna and Balarama. Concerning this, Sri Krsna even described the devotional service which the bees and wasps were rendering unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is the concern of the acarya to show mercy to the fallen souls. In this connection, desa-kala-patra (the place, the time and the object) should be taken into consideration
- Jagadananda Pandita replied, "He who will eat has cooked this. As far as I am concerned, I simply collect the ingredients"
- Jarasandha said, "As far as Arjuna is concerned, I know that he is younger than me and is not an equal fighter. I refuse to fight with him because he is not in any way an equal competitor"
- Jarasandha said, "As far as Bhimasena is concerned, I think he is a suitable competitor to fight with me." King Jarasandha immediately handed a very heavy club to Bhimasena, he himself took another, and all of them went outside the city walls to fight"
- Just as a father sacrifices many things out of affection for his son, great saintly persons sacrifice all kinds of bodily comforts for the benefit of human society. In this connection there is a verse concerning the six Gosvamis
- Just as in civilized human society the law is a life for a life, no living entity can encroach upon another living entity as far as the Supreme Lord is concerned
- Just as springtime in the present indicates the nature of springtimes in the past and future, so this life of happiness, distress or a mixture of both gives evidence concerning the religious and irreligious activities of one's past and future lives
- Just how discrimination should be maintained is given in the following six verses (from SB 3.29.28) concerning the different grades of living conditions
- Karmis certainly take on one body after another. As far as jnanis are concerned, unless they are promoted to the topmost understanding, they must return to the material world
- King Prthu is herein (SB 4.16.7) compared to the earthly planet as far as his tolerance is concerned. Although the earth is always trampled upon by men and animals, it still gives food to them by producing grains, fruits and vegetables
- Knowledge concerning the spirit soul beyond this body is called knowledge in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna said, "As far as the lower animals are concerned, such as the dogs, and the lower grades of people, such as the candalas, or the fifth class of men, who are considered untouchable, they also may be given sumptuous prasadam"
- Krsna said, "He (Indra) is pouring water on the ocean or on the land; it does not depend on our worshiping him. As far as we are concerned, we do not need to go to another city or village or foreign country"
- Krsna was advising His most confidential servant, Uddhava, about sambandha, abhidheya and prayojana. These concern one’s relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the activities of that relationship, as well as the perfection of life
- Krsna's transcendental qualities of opulence, sweetness and mercy are perfect and full. As far as Krsna's affectionate leaning toward His devotees is concerned, He is so magnanimous that He can give Himself to His devotees
- Krsna-katha, or the topics of Krsna, are so pure that wherever they are spoken, the place, the hearer, the inquirer, the speaker and all concerned become purified
- Kunti said, "if such great sages, who are transcendental to all the reactions of material existence, are unable to know You, then as far as we are concerned, belonging to the less intelligent woman class, how is it possible for us to know Your glories"
- Lord Brahma became struck with wonder by this extraordinary feat of Krsna's, and in a prayer he stated that although anyone and everyone could say they knew all about Krsna, as far as he was concerned, he did not know anything about Him
- Lord Brahma said, 'If someone says that he knows everything about Krsna's opulence, let him think that way. But as far as I am concerned, with my body and mind I consider it in this way'
- Lord Caitanya has made all these subject matters (Bhagavad-gita and Bhagavata Purana) easier for the fallen people of this age to accept, and Sri Caitanya-caritamrta has therefore presented them for the easy understanding of all concerned
- Lord Siva said, "As far as I am concerned, I act as Your (Krsna's) ego"
- Lord Siva says, As far as Bhagavatam is concerned, I may know it, or Sukadeva or Vyasadeva may know it - but actually Bhagavatam is to be understood by devotional service and from a devotee, and not by one's own intelligence or by academic commentaries
- Lord Visnu informed Prthu Maharaja that although the sacrificial performances set an example for ordinary people, there was no need for such sacrificial performances as far as his personal self was concerned
- Madhvacarya gives an example concerning a tree and a tree in fire. Both trees are the same, but they look different because of the time factor. The time factor is under the control of the Supreme Lord, & therefore the Supreme Lord is different from time
- Madhvacarya says: There is no need to take shelter of unnecessary literature or concern oneself with many so-called philosophers & thinkers who are useless for spiritual advancement. Nor should one accept a disciple for the sake of fashion or popularity
- Maharaj Bali once told his priest, Sukracarya, "As far as this brahmana dwarf (the incarnation Vamanadeva) is concerned, if He is Lord Visnu, a simple brahmana, or even my enemy, I have decided to give to Him in charity all the land He has asked for"
- Maharaja Pariksit was lamenting for the tears in the eyes of the bull, and he was astonished to see such an unprecedented thing in his good kingdom. Men and animals were equally protected as far as life was concerned. That is the way in God's kingdom
- Manu gave the law known as Manu-samhita, which is full of directions based on varna and asrama concerning how to live as a human being
- Many business concerns publicly advertise that topless girls are available in this club or in that shop. Thus women have become instruments of sense enjoyment in modern society
- Materialistic philosophers and sahajiyas cannot understand the talks between Ramananda Raya and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu concerning the pastimes of Sri Radha and Krsna
- Men and animals were equally protected as far as life was concerned. That is the way in God's kingdom
- My concern is only for the fools and rascals who are making elaborate plans for material happiness and maintaining their families, societies and countries. I am simply concerned with love for them
- My dear brahmana, as far as your daughters are concerned, they will find their own suitable husbands and go away to their respective homes. But who will give me solace after your departure as a sannyasi?
- My dear Dhruva, as far as I (Suniti) am concerned, I do not find anyone who can mitigate your distress but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose eyes are like lotus petals
- My dear King, not only are grains and herbs being used by nondevotees, but, as far as I am concerned, I am not being properly maintained
- My dear Lord, now I have complete experience concerning the worldly opulence, mystic power, longevity and other material pleasures enjoyed by all living entities, from Lord Brahma down to the ant. As powerful time, You destroy them all
- My dear sir (Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya), the Lord replied. As far as the Vedanta-sutra or the codes of Vedanta are concerned, I can understand the meaning quite well. However, I cannot understand your explanations
- My dear sir, you are the spiritual master of the whole world; therefore you are most worshipable. As far as I am concerned, I am not even on the level of the disciple of your disciple
- My dear Thakura Haridasa, in this Age of Kali most people are bereft of Vedic culture, and therefore they are called yavanas. They are concerned only with killing cows and brahminical culture. In this way they all engage in sinful acts
- My dear Vidura, one who hears this narration concerning the understanding of the living entity's spiritual existence, as described by the great sage Narada, or who relates it to others, will be liberated from the bodily conception of life
- Narada instructed the hunter: As far as your livelihood is concerned, I shall send you grains, but you will only accept as much grain as you require for yourself and your wife
- Narada spoke as follows: "Your (Krsna's) transcendental position is always inconceivable to everyone. As far as I am concerned, I can simply offer my respectful obeisances unto You again and again"
- Negation of material existence is only one of the subjects of the Upanisads. The next subject concerns becoming situated in the impersonal realization
- Nobody is prepared to become brahmana, and so far cow protection is concerned, it is in the oblivion. This is the whole world position. Therefore it is in chaotic condition
- Nor do they (pure devotees of God) concern themselves with many obscure speculative theories, which are in actuality so many stumbling blocks on the path of transcendental understanding
- North of Mallara-desa is South Kanara. To the east are Coorg and Mysore, to the south is Cochin, and to the west is the Arabian Sea. As far as the Bhattatharis are concerned, they are a nomadic community
- Not only is Maharaja Pariksit inquisitive concerning all he has inquired about, but he is also anxious to know about what he has not been able to inquire
- Now there is crisis. So how their motorcars will move? They are concerned. So why their crisis? Because the petrol is the life of the movement of the motorcar. Similarly, that spiritual spark, or spirit soul, is the petrol of this body
- O great one, as far as I am concerned, I have preferred only to engage in the loving service of Your lotus feet
- O my Lord, let me say this much. As far as Your opulences are concerned, they are all beyond the reach of my mind, body and words
- O respectful brahmanas, as far as I (Rsabhadeva) am concerned, no one is equal or superior to the brahmanas in this world. I do not find anyone comparable to them
- O Vasudeva, you may take back your child and go home. I (Kamsa) have no fear of your first child. It is the eighth child of you and Devaki I am concerned with because that is the child by whom I am destined to be killed - SB 10.1.60
- Of course there is ample land in Vrindaban to start this institution, but my aim is to start it in the land of Sri Sri Radha Damodara Temple which I think is very good for every one concerned. I want to start a nice International Institute
- On request from many influential demigods and sages, he (Janamejaya) had to change his decision to kill the race of snakes, but despite stopping the sacrifice, he satisfied everyone concerned in the sacrifice by rewarding them properly
- On the whole, meat-eating is not completely forbidden; a particular class of men is allowed to eat meat according to various circumstances and injunctions. As far as eating beef is concerned, however, it is strictly prohibited to everyone
- Once Brahma lay down with his body stretched at full length. He was very concerned that the work of creation had not proceeded apace, and in a sullen mood he gave up that body too
- One devotee boldly said, "My dear Lord, now I am turning my face from any thought of association with young girls. As far as Brahman realization is concerned, I have lost all interest, because I am completely absorbed in thinking about You
- One is expected to understand these three formulas of knowledge concerning the Supreme Lord - that He is the supreme enjoyer, that He is the proprietor of everything, and that He is the best well-wisher and friend of everyone
- One may observe that these three senses are physically situated in a straight line, as far as the body is concerned, and that the bodily demands begin with the tongue
- One must promote himself to the platform of goodness, sattva-guna, by following the instructions of Rupa Gosvami, and then everything concerning how to make further progress will be revealed
- One should always be careful to keep his body clean by bathing, brushing teeth, changing clothes, etc. As far as internal cleanliness is concerned, one should always remember the holy names of God and chant Hare Krsna (maha-mantra). BG 1972 purports
- One should be very careful as far as these items are concerned. If one is not careful, one will be negligent in executing devotional service
- One should follow the principles laid down in sruti & smrti not only in one's spiritual life but also in material life. As far as human society is concerned, it should follow the Manu-smrti as well, for these laws are given by Manu, the father of mankind
- One should not be very anxious about the body's changing from childhood to boyhood, from boyhood to old age and then to apparent annihilation. Rather, one should be very seriously concerned about the soul within the body
- One should not concern oneself with the conclusions of various logicians or philosophers. Of course, those who preach sometimes need to argue with the contentions of opponents, but as much as possible one should avoid an argumentative attitude
- One should not foolishly consider the Puranas mythological. If they were mythological, Sukadeva Gosvami would not have taken the trouble to recite the old historical incidents concerning the life of Ajamila
- One should not indulge in sex outside of married life, for sex is sanctioned in the scripture only in marriage, not otherwise. This is called celibacy. These are penances and austerities as far as the body is concerned. BG 1972 purports
- One should not, therefore, impede the activities of a Vaisnava. This is the lesson we must learn from this incident concerning Saubhari Muni
- One should seriously study the facts concerning creation, maintenance and devastation, as well as the permanent place from which one never need return
- One who directly hears Krsna can understand confidential knowledge (of BG). If one does not come to the disciplic succession, he cannot hear Krsna; therefore his knowledge is always imperfect, at least as far as understanding BG is concerned. BG 1972 pur
- One who understands this philosophy concerning material nature, the living entity and the interaction of the modes of nature is sure to attain liberation. He will not take birth here again, regardless of his present position. BG 13.24 - 1972
- One whose mind, intelligence, faith and refuge are always in Krsna, or, in other words, one who is fully in Krsna consciousness, is undoubtedly washed clean of all misgivings and is in perfect knowledge in everything concerning transcendence. BG 1972 pur
- One's main concern should be to increase one's attachment to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and to increase one's love for Him
- One's only concern should be to satisfy the Lord by one's activities. If the Lord is satisfied by an action, whatever it may be, then it is successful. Otherwise, it is simply a waste of time. That is the standard of all sacrifice, penance, austerity
- Only those whose concern is to satisfy Krsna and who take to pure unalloyed devotional service can solve the problems of life
- Ordinary edibles are touchable and untouchable, but there are no such dualistic considerations where prasadam is concerned
- Others (who do not believe in the eternity of life) are less concerned with physical laws but do not believe anything beyond their experience. And still others equate spirit and matter and declare the distinction between them to be illusory
- Our concern should be simply to love Krsna. The more we love Krsna, the more we shall become perfect. It is not necessary to understand Krsna and how He creates
- Our first concern should be to control the senses, and since the senses cannot be controlled unless engaged in the devotional service of the Lord, our most important duty is to engage the senses in devotional service
- Our position is that we are above varnasrama. But for management or ideal society, we are introducing this. We, so far we are concerned, Krsna conscious men, we are above varnasrama
- Pariksit was enthroned on the seat of Maharaja Yudhisthira prior to his departure back to Godhead. Concerning Maharaja Pariksit, the specific word used, vinayinam, is significant
- Participation in kirtana, in the public chanting of the names and glories of God, is very possible and is actually easy in this age; but as far as the meditational process of yoga is concerned, that is very difficult
- People are generally preoccupied with these three concerns (religion, economic development, sense gratification) without interest in the path of liberation. Hiranyakasipu, the father of Prahlada Maharaja, was simply interested in gold and sense enjoyment
- People are going all over the cities with great concern, from one place to another. This movement is not limited only to the cities, but is also visible outside the cities from one place to another, or from one city to another
- People in general and the impersonalists in particular concern themselves mainly with the all-pervading nature of the Supreme. So Arjuna is asking Krsna how He exists in His all-pervading aspect through His different energies
- People should take advantage of the injunctions in different sastras concerning sacrifices in this age and not create unnecessary disturbances during the sinful age of Kali
- Pious and vicious, these two activities are concern to the human. It is not to the animals. Animals, they are not subjected to the rules and regulations. Just like state law - state laws are meant for human beings, not for the cats and dogs
- Places of pilgrimages are meant for eradicating the sins of the pilgrims, and they are distributed all over the universe just to give facility to all concerned for attaining pure existence and God realization
- Pollution of environment is a problem which people in a America are viewing with great concern. This problem is also due to Godlessness. People instead of producing food they are producing in huge quantities some artificial necessities of life
- Prakasananda Sarasvati and Lord Caitanya sat together. "Whatever You have said concerning discrepancies in the Mayavada philosophy is also known by us," Prakasananda said
- Presently there is a great deal of concern over the fact that our natural resources are becoming polluted and exhausted. Actually there is ample supply, but due to misuse and greed everything is being spoiled
- Prthu Maharaja was a powerful incarnation of Lord Krsna's potencies; consequently any narration concerning his activities is surely very pleasing to hear, and it produces all good fortune
- Radharani continued, "As far as We are concerned, We (the gopis) are more intelligent than the goddess of fortune. We are not going to be cheated anymore by Krsna or His messengers"
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami almost completely gave up eating, and therefore he was very skinny and of weak health. His only concern was to chant the holy name of the Lord
- Ramacandra Puri concerned himself with gathering all sorts of information about how Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was situated, including His regulative principles, His lunch, His sleep and His movements
- Real business of human life is to understand the spirit soul, and so far the material body is concerned, just like seasonal changes, we feel pains and pleasure
- Real civilization is not concerned simply with man's animal needs but with enabling man to understand his relationship with God, the supreme father
- Real intelligent concern
- Regarding BTG printing, I have already written to Brahmananda that this must be printed in our own press. So far as my books are concerned, I think there are materials for at least ten books which are ready for printing
- Remain here peacefully and look at the cakra on the top of the temple and offer obeisances. As far as your prasadam is concerned, I shall arrange to have that sent here
- Rukmini continued, "As far as I am concerned, I am a product of the three modes of material nature, which impede the progressive advancement of devotional service. When and where can I be a fit match for You (Krsna)"
- Rukmini continued, "I have selected You (Krsna) as my husband, considering You to be the only fit personality. You may throw me in any species of life according to the reactions of my fruitive activities, and I haven't the least concern for this"
- Rupa Gosvami said, "As far as philosophical knowledge or pious words are concerned, I don't see any opportunity for me to execute such activities. But above all, I am not even born of a nice family"
- Sacimata submitted, "As far as you are concerned, you can meet Nimai (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) many times somewhere else, but what is the possibility of my ever meeting Him again? I shall have to remain at home. A sannyasi never returns to his home"
- Sama means "pacifying." Vasudeva wanted to pacify Kamsa by indicating relations, gain, welfare, identity and glorification. Reference to these five concerns constitutes sama
- Sanatana replied, "I do not know who Krsna is. As far as I am concerned, I have been released from prison only by Your mercy"
- Sankaracarya warned his disciples that if they concerned themselves only with the principles of grammar, not worshiping Govinda, they were fools who would never be saved
- Sankaracarya, from whom we differ in philosophical discussion . . . not very much different - so far the procedure is concerned, the regulative principles are concerned, they are all the same
- Simply breathing deeply and doing some exercises is not yoga as far as Bhagavad-gita is concerned. A whole purification of consciousness is required
- Since Krsna is the cause of all causes, He is worshiped by all kinds of sages & saints through observance of the regulative principles. As far as meditation is concerned, great personalities meditate on the transcendental form of Krsna within the heart
- Since Maharaja Pariksit was a great devotee. the answers of his guru, Sukadeva Gosvami, concerning karma-kanda and jnana-kanda could not satisfy him
- Since materialistic scientists ignore the Personality of Godhead, it is as if they were concerned with the potter’s wheel and its rotation, the potter’s tools and the ingredients for the pots, but had no knowledge of the potter himself
- Since no sincere devotee is attracted to sinful actions, as soon as a man becomes a pure devotee he can do inestimable selfless service to society for the peace and prosperity of all concerned, in this life and in the next
- Since we as living entities are eternal, temporary activities are not our concern. Our engagements should be eternal because we are eternal, and that eternal engagement is the rendering of service to Krsna in love
- So as soon as it is dismantled and dispersed, there is no more consciousness, or the feeling of happiness or distress. Because we are all concerned with the feelings of consciousness
- So even you have not found out any place at Hamburg, you three together you can chant Hare Krishna kirtana in the same way as they are doing in London and other cities. We are more or less concerned for preaching
- So far as "Back To Godhead" is concerned, the answers to your questions are as follows: Recipes are all right if you think that there is such a public demand. But just recipes, no pictures
- So far as Bhagavad-gita is concerned, there is no doubt about it that I am the only authority in your country in this matter
- So far as binding is concerned, if we have to make the binding work outside, then we will have to pay more charges, so you can take quotation what will be the cost of binding 10,000 books exactly on the same pattern as TLC
- So far as common sense is concerned, we come to the conclusion that there are three identities, namely matter, spirit and Superspirit. Now if we go to the Bhagavad-gita, or the Vedic intelligence, we can further understand that
- So far as Gayatri initiations are concerned, the tape is not required
- So far as getting yourself married is concerned, I have no objection. Be sure that you can meet the obligations of Grihasta order of life and then when you find a nice girl you may marry with my blessings
- So far as Gurukula is concerned, literary education is for the Brahminical class, not for all
- So far as householders are concerned, they may contribute at least half of their income to Krishna. Then life is sublime
- So far as Indian philosophy is concerned, Vedanta Sutra is the topmost, and Srimad Bhagavatam is the natural commentary on Vedanta Sutra
- So far as initiating disciples is concerned, anyone who is qualified can do this
- So far as musical instruments are concerned I don't think it is worthwhile. Shipping charges and packing and duty come to more than that one could purchase in the states
- So far as my translating of the rest of Srimad-Bhagavatam is concerned, that is my next program. After returning from India I shall be seriously engaged in translating work
- So far as publication is concerned, our Society has got branches all over the world. It is written in the book "published by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, branches throughout the world, Headquarters USA"
- So far as sacred thread ceremony is concerned, Bhagavad-gita accepts that anyone, from any place, if he is a pure devotee of Lord Krishna, he is above the position of brahmana
- So far as stealing is concerned, one should not steal except in the rarest circumstances. Moral principle is recommended in all scriptures as prerequisite for spiritual culture
- So far as the certificates are concerned, they are very beautiful and nicely done. But I have noticed that there is one small spelling mistake which you may be able to correct. "Srimati" you have spelled as "Srimate"
- So far as the money is concerned, it is not meant for banking, but it is meant for spending. Our policy should be to collect millions of dollars or more than that daily, and spend it daily
- So far as the typist is concerned, he is a family man; he should not be asked to relinquish family life immediately. Let him come and go and learn our philosophy
- So far as the Vedic religion is concerned, it is not simply for the so-called Hindus. That is to be understood. This is sanatana-dharma, the eternal and universal nature and duty of every living being. It is for all living entities, all living beings
- So far as Trivikram is concerned, he is a super first-class brahmachary. His service attitude, his submission is very nice although he is still a new member
- So far as your fraternal quarrel is concerned, I may recite in this connection one story
- So far as your wife is concerned you must be very careful. They are previously two miscarriages, so it is to be understood that she is diseased. A medical practitioner or gynaecologist should be consulted in this connection
- So far Bhagavad-gita is concerned, if we become fully Krsna consciousness, then our ultimate solution of all problems will be solved. That is a fact
- So far designation is concerned, the spiritual master authorizes every one of his disciple. But it is up to the disciple to carry out the order, able to carry out or not. It is not that spiritual master is partial, he designates one and rejects other
- So far dreaming is concerned, we regard dreaming condition as another form of illusion or maya, only more subtle, that's all
- So far envy is concerned it can be used only upon the non-devotees
- So far Eric is concerned, he is developing K.C. from very childhood, and it is a great opportunity on a human being
- So far geography and history are concerned, you may teach geography as it is, there is no harm to getting knowledge about our material earth planet
- So far Giriraja is concerned, he requires a little freedom to work. I think he should be given that opportunity
- So far grammar is concerned, one has to learn Sanskrit grammar for at least 12 years, then he becomes an expert grammarian
- So far Hindu religion is concerned, there are millions of Krishna Temples in India and there is not a single Hindu who does not worship Krishna. Therefore, Krishna Consciousness movement is not a concocted idea. The chanting process is also authorized
- So far history is concerned, we shall not teach the history as Darwin has given, but there is no harm to learn what is the history of your country, just like Washington was the first president, and after him came so-and-so, like that.
- So far human being is concerned, their food is also designated, that you take prasadam
- So far Jadurani is concerned, inform her that this body is Krsna's body. Therefore, she should take care of her health
- So far knowing capacity is concerned, you are one with God. Because Krsna or God is cognizant, you are also cognizant. But you are cognizant with very limited sphere, and He is cognizant unlimitedly everywhere. That is the difference
- So far Krsna consciousness is concerned, we equally distribute. There is no such thing that "Oh, you are woman, less intelligent or more intelligent. Therefore you cannot come." We don't say that. We welcome women, men, poor, rich, everyone
- So far Lord Buddha is concerned, he was Hindu, there is no doubt, but he started a separate type of religion - nonviolence - because at that time there was need for such religion
- So far material body is concerned, you cannot change the quality. This is already. One has got the particular type of body by nature's arrangement according to the quality
- So far my certificates are concerned, if the originals are required I can send them, but I hope that these offset duplicates are as good as the original and I hope you will make proper use of them
- So far my health is concerned, you know that it is a broken old house. You cannot expect as good as you are doing. So my future hope is you all good spiritual sons
- So far my injuries are concerned, by the grace of Krishna and good wishes of friends and relatives it is already completely cured. Thank you very much for your kind inquiries
- So far my writing is concerned, yes I want to settle down somewhere and write my books. That is my aim
- So far Narada Muni is concerned, in His previous life He was a maidservant's son, but by the mercy of the devotees He later on became siddha and next life He appeared as Narada with complete freedom to move anywhere by the grace of the Lord
- So far nuclear weapon is concerned, so there is no much credit. Because it is a weapon for killing, death. Is it not? Not for that purpose?
- So far other incarnations are concerned, we have somehow counted three or say ten, like that. But here, when we speak of manvantaravatara, they are countless. Asankhya. Asankhya means countless. Nobody can count how many manvantaravataras
- So far other swamis and panditas are concerned, actually nobody would be equal to us because they do not come in the parampara system. As such their line of thought is null and void according to our understanding
- So far our economic condition is concerned, as I explained yesterday, that one is destined to certain material comforts and discomforts, according to his body - already he has got
- So far our experience is concerned, we can understand the distinction between sat and asat, permanent and temporary. We cannot say, "nonexistent" exactly. Existing
- So far outside India is concerned, all scholars, all religionists, all philosophers, they have accepted this Bhagavad-gita as authority. So there is no doubt about Bhagavad-gita's being authority. Even Professor Einstein, he was reading regularly
- So far personal association with the Guru is concerned, I was only with my Guru Maharaja four or five times, but I have never left his association, not even for a moment. Because I am following his instructions, I have never felt any separation
- So far purchase of press is concerned, that is a GBC matter for which you must consult the others
- So far riches are concerned, Krsna showed that there is no second comparison in the whole history of the world that one is maintaining 16,000 wives and each wife has got special palace
- So far Sankirtana is concerned, that should be continued in all circumstances. Chanting of Hare Krishna, Sankirtana is our life and soul. Side by side, if possible, then you can attempt for the ISKCON restaurant and Krishna Prasadam distribution
- So far scriptures are concerned, there are also different scriptures. And a philosopher is not a philosopher if he does not agree other philosophers. So in this way, you are perplexed
- So far scriptures are concerned, there are different scriptures all over the world in the civilized society, but Bhagavad-gita, the Lord says that "The essence of all scripture is to understand my constitutional position." That's all
- So far scriptures are concerned, you'll find different scriptures describing in a different way. So that also, you'll be bewildered
- So far Srimad-Bhagavatam is concerned, now Pradyumna and yourself immediately revise the 3 volumes already published. My next attempt will be to get them in 1 volume, as I have already suggested
- So far taking sannyasa is concerned, you are already more than Sannyasi because your life is dedicated to Krsna. Sannyas does not mean change of dress
- So far the animals are concerned they are also working. They are also working, but working with the help of the nature. But we go beyond the nature. Because we have got better intelligence, we are not satisfied with the nature's product
- So far the body is concerned, there are so many obstacles. Everyone is struggling hard, that is for struggle for existence, to get out of the obstacles. Whole struggle for existence is to save ourselves from the obstacles
- So far the body's concerned, either it is dead or alive, it is not the subject matter of any talk. Nanusocanti panditah. Those who are learned scholars don't talk about the body. They'll talk about the soul. That is pandita
- So far the Christian preachers are concerned you may ask them to leave the Temple and address them like this - If you have to preach your Christian philosophy, why don't you ask people to come to your place? Why do you come here and disturb
- So far the Garuda Stambha is concerned, from the photograph, yes, it is approved what you have done
- So far the modern society is concerned, it is based on mental speculation. There is no standard. Some society has a different standard, another society has a different standard. But none of them are based on some authority
- So far the school is concerned, we have got in Africa and America, and we have got men experienced to teach on our line. But for dispensary, we have no experience at all
- So far the sign is concerned, why should we make such an expenditure of so many thousands of dollars for a sign . . . what benefit shall we derive?
- So far the sign is concerned, you can call our place the ISKCON Krsna-Balarama Temple
- So far the title Swami is concerned, although this word is used generally for Sannyasins, this Swami is my particular name as Sannyasi. Therefore, it must be suffixed at the end of my real name, A.C. Bhaktivedanta
- So far the Vaisnava is concerned, sometimes they come forward to fight with us: "Why we should be vegetarian?" No, no, we have no quarrel with the nonvegetarian. Let them eat at their risk
- So far Vedic literature is concerned, God is person and accepted by the acaryas. We have to follow the acaryas; otherwise our own interpretation, our own tiny brain, we cannot conceive
- So far Vedic literatures are concerned, they are very much strict about association, free association of man and woman. They are very much strict. They have compared woman as fire and man as the pot of butter
- So far Vedic religion is concerned, it is not for the Hindus. That is to be understood. The sanatana-dharma. It is for all living entities, all human beings. It is called sanatana-dharma
- So far vegetable is concerned, everyone has to eat something. So if you can eat vegetables, that does not mean because somebody is killing vegetables, he should kill his own father and mother on that plea
- So far we are concerned, not only we, everyone, the human life is only meant for spiritual purpose. Not for material purpose
- So far you are concerned, I am especially stressing the importance of our Dallas Gurukula for training up the next generation of Krishna Consciousness preachers. This is the most important task ahead
- So far you are concerned, I request all my spiritual sons and daughters to help me in this great adventure, and if you all help me, I am sure I shall be successful
- So far your acceptance by my other disciples is concerned, in the beginning there may be some inconveniences but if your decision is to work with us without any reservation, then there will be no difficulty
- So far your becoming GBC is concerned, yes, I had wanted that, but there are so many complaints. This is not good. GBC must mean that by his managing, there is not any complaints so that I can be relieved in order to do my translation work
- So far your daughter's marriage is concerned, I have no business. I cannot negotiate marriage. That is impossible. Neither there is any need for her to be sent to India
- So far your dreams are concerned, it is very nice that you are thinking about Krsna Consciousness even while sleeping. Krsna is so nice that we want to remember Him even more than twenty-four hours daily
- So far your marriage is concerned, I have no objection, but you must agree that you will never separate but work cooperatively throughout your lives in Krishna Consciousness
- So far your personal matter is concerned, you are a Brahmacari, you can marry at any time
- So far your proposal is concerned, when the vote has been tallied and is presented to me at that time I shall give my approval
- So far your question is concerned, should the Jagannatha deity be bathed with water, that is not necessary. They should be washed once in a year, that is sufficient, 15 days before Rathayatra
- So far your request for initiations for Patrick and Jane, that is approved by me. So far the infant is concerned, let him wait until he is older
- So far your son is concerned, last year when I was in Los Angeles I invited your son to come and see me; and if he comes to me, surely I shall try my best to bring him into our line of devotional service
- So generally prayers offered in every religious institution. But so far we are concerned, we not only offer prayers, but also hear about Him (Krsna)
- So present civilization is misleading. They are concerned with a few years enjoyment, so-called enjoyment
- So, as far as spiritual knowledge is concerned, that is also perfectly described there, and Srimad-Bhagavatam is considered to be the ripened fruit of this desire-fulfilling tree of the Vedas
- Some consider their age and circumstances, concern themselves with the influence of time and thus engage in pious activities so that in the future they will not be put into a low family or an animal species
- Some people say that for spiritual realization there is no need for a spiritual master, but so far as Vedic literature is concerned, and as far as Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Upanisads are concerned, there is need of a spiritual master
- Sometimes the unintelligent put hindrances in the path of chanting this maha-mantra, but one who is situated on the platform of love of Godhead chants the holy name loudly for all concerned. As a result, everyone becomes initiated in the chanting
- Sometimes you are not in agreement in subjects concerning Krishna Consciousness. Of course, disagreements may be there, but there should not be dissension
- Sparks are not fire as far as quantity is concerned, for the quantity of heat and light present in the sparks is not equal to that in fire
- Sri Bilvamangala Thakur has said, "And as far as liberation is concerned, I think liberation stands at my door with folded hands waiting to serve me"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu explained the meaning of the verse by giving evidence concerning Sukadeva Gosvami and the four rsis Sanaka, Sanat-kumara, Sanatana and Sanandana. Thus the Lord gave various meanings and explanations
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ordered Ramananda Raya, "Recite a verse from the revealed scriptures concerning the ultimate goal of life"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "There was a similar incident concerning Murari Gupta. Formerly I examined him, and his determination was similar"
- Sri Maitreya said: Thus Devahuti, the mother of Lord Kapila and wife of Kardama Muni, became freed from all ignorance concerning devotional service and transcendental knowledge
- Sridhara Swami said in his verse, "As far as I am concerned, I wish to be liberated simply by chanting the holy names of the all-beautiful Supreme Personality of Godhead - Madhava, Vamana, Trinayana, Sankarsana, Sripati and Govinda"
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives his opinion that those who are attracted to studying many kinds of literature concerning various subject matters and philosophical speculation, are deprived of unalloyed DS because of their splayed attention
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives his opinion that those who are attracted to studying many kinds of literature concerning various subject matters, especially fruitive activities are deprived of unalloyed DS because of their splayed attention
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says in his Amrta-pravaha-bhasya that when a man and woman are married, they beget children and are thus entangled in family life. Talk concerning such family life is called gramya-katha
- Such kind of welfare activity concerning the body, like hospital and so many other things, they are good undoubtedly, but the ultimate goal is to see the interest of the soul. That is the whole Vedic instruction
- Such so-called Vedantists may go on talking about the Vedas or may execute austerities in their own way, but it is not possible for them to attain to such an exalted position as Dhruva. As far as ordinary kings are concerned, it is not at all possible
- Sukadeva Gosvami, equally intelligent, as befitting the spiritual master of Maharaja Pariksit, answered the King and confirmed that his statement concerning atonement was correct
- Supplementary note to this chapter (SB 6.2). Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura's commentary to texts nine and ten of this chapter form a dialogue concerning how one can become free from all sinful reactions simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord
- Sva-dharmam. This is material division. The spiritual is different. So far... I am combination of matter and spirit; so far my body is concerned, there is division. But when I come to Krsna consciousness, it is not like that
- Tattva means the Absolute Truth. Now, so far tattva is concerned, you'll find in the Bhagavad-gita that Krsna is the supreme tattva, Absolute Truth
- That (whether Krsna is coming from Visnu or Visnu is coming from Krsna) is not important. Because, actually both of Them the same, the Supreme. That example we give that two candles, that so far the power of lighting is concerned, both of them equal
- That Absolute Truth is aware of everything, directly and indirectly, of all this creation. In this way, if you step-by-step study, it is not very difficult so far the word meanings are concerned, but it is a question of realization
- That action performed in illusion, in disregard of scriptural injunctions, and without concern for future bondage or for violence or distress caused to others is said to be in the mode of ignorance
- That is the duty of the government, that everything is going on nicely. Otherwise, it will be a great concern, and people will be always filled up with anxieties. There will be so many troubles and problems - we cannot solve them
- The 1st accusation (of 3 sahajiyas level accusations against Srila Jiva Gosvami) concerns a materialist who was very proud of his reputation as a great Sanskrit scholar and approached Sri Rupa and Sanatana to argue with them about the revealed scriptures
- The acarya’s duty is to accept the essence of devotional service. There may be a little change here and there as far as yukta-vairagya (proper renunciation) is concerned
- The actual decisions concerning the next lives of the living entities are made by the Supersoul, and they are carried out by Yamaraja
- The analogy concerning the spiritual body of the Sat-Guru is acceptable, but not in the material sense. In the material world, the gold box and the gold plated box may be different in price, but in spiritual world there is no such distinction
- The atmosphere within the abdomen was not at all pleasing, but as far as the child's feeding was concerned, it was being properly done by the laws of nature
- The Bhagavad-gita teaches the process of bhakti-yoga, and therefore Lord Krsna explained it to Arjuna because he was a great devotee. As far as spiritual life is concerned, becoming a devotee of the Lord is the highest perfection
- The Bhattacarya replied, "All that you have heard is true, but as far as an interview is concerned, it is very difficult to arrange"
- The Blessed Lord said: He who is seated like one unconcerned, being situated beyond these material reactions of the modes of nature-such a man is said to have transcended the modes of nature. BG 14.22-25 - 1972
- The body may be fat or thin, but no learned man would say such things of the spirit soul. As far as the spirit soul is concerned, I am neither fat nor skinny; therefore you are correct when you say that I am not very stout
- The bona fide spiritual master’s concern is how the devotees who have surrendered to him as a representative of the Lord may make progress in devotional service
- The brahmacaris, the grhasthas, the vanaprasthas and the sannyasis all belong to the same mission of life, namely, realization of the Supreme. Therefore none of them are less important as far as spiritual culture is concerned
- The Brahmana prayed, "As far as I am concerned, I wish only to worship Maharaj Nanda because the supreme absolute Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is crawling in his courtyard as his own child"
- The brahmanas are traditionally intelligent men, and thus they will be able to pick up modern education to the topmost rank, but as far as moral and religious principles are concerned, they shall be the most fallen
- The brahmins should be protected, but if there are, even in the brahmin family, who are addicted to these sinful activities, that is also becomes a concern
- The demigods concern themselves with the spiritual upliftment of human society, whereas the demons are concerned with physical and material upliftment
- The devotee should not be concerned in either case; he should simply be very serious about trying to satisfy the Lord by rendering Him service
- The distinction between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s gift to human society and the gifts of others is that whereas so-called philanthropic and humanitarian workers have given some relief to human society as far as the body is concerned
- The duration of life, so far as the body is concerned, may be taken; however one tries to keep it intact, no one can do it. But the spiritual education we receive in Krsna consciousness cannot be taken away by the sun. It becomes a solid asset
- The early life of the Lord is most fascinatingly expressed by the author of Caitanya-bhagavata, and as far as the teachings are concerned, they are more vividly explained in the Caitanya-caritamrta
- The elderly brahmana belonged to an aristocratic family and was learned and wealthy. The young brahmana belonged to an ordinary family and was uneducated. But these mundane qualifications do not concern a nitya-siddha engaged in the service of the Lord
- The example given here (in SB 7.1.28-29) concerns the grassworm that becomes beelike because of constantly thinking of the bee that forces it to enter a hole. By always thinking of the bee in fear, the grassworm starts to become a bee
- The example of Kardama Muni should be understood very clearly; a person whose main concern is Krsna consciousness, even if he is entrapped in household life, should always be ready to leave household enticement as soon as possible
- The fight between Parasurama and Bhismadeva concerns three daughters of Kasiraja - Ambika, Ambalika and Amba - who were forcibly abducted by Bhismadeva, acting on behalf of his brother Vicitravirya
- The first and foremost concern of fruitive workers, elevationists, empiric philosophers and salvationists is to raise their material position. But devotees of Godhead have no such selfish desires. They serve the Supreme Lord only for His satisfaction
- The first concern of civilized persons is economic development, the next concern is defense against being annihilated, and the next consciousness is mental speculation, the philosophical approach to the values of life
- The fortune does not come to everyone and anyone. Out of millions of persons. Therefore, who have taken Krsna, who have understood Krsna in tattvatah, as far as his knowledge is concerned, he is very, very fortunate
- The four principles of animal life-eating, sleeping, defending and mating - are common both to the animals and human beings, but religion is the special concern of human beings
- The four-headed Brahma said, What I thought about You at first was nonsensical. Everyone may say that they know You in perfection, but as far as I am concerned, I cannot begin to conceive how great You are. You are beyond my conception and understanding
- The gopis further expressed that Vrndavana was still full of all opulence and good fortune; there was no scarcity or want in Vrndavana as far as material necessities were concerned. But in spite of such opulence they could not forget Krsna and Balarama
- The grhastha's concern is to get out of the family life created by illusion and enter into real family life with Krsna, whereas the grhamedhi s business is to repeatedly chain himself to so-called family life, in one life after another
- The instruction of this narration concerning the churning of the milk ocean is clearly manifested by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The King of the mlecchas and yavanas requested the daughter of Time, Kalakanya, to become his sister. There was no need to ask her to become his wife, for the yavanas and mlecchas do not make distinctions as far as sex life is concerned
- The Kumaras said: Our dear Lord, You are not manifested to rascals, even though You are seated within the heart of everyone. But as far as we are concerned, we see You face to face, although You are unlimited
- The lesson to be derived from this narration concerning Maharaja Ambarisa and Durvasa Muni is that all the demigods, including Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, are under the control of Lord Visnu
- The Lord informs Arjuna that the conditioned soul can be divided into two classes as far as man's search for self-realization is concerned. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord is always perfect in Himself, and thus He has no hankering for Himself. He, however, becomes a master, a friend, a son or a husband to fulfill the intense love of the devotee concerned
- The Lord replied to Bhattacarya, I am simply listening to you because you said that it is the duty of every sannyasi to hear Vedanta-sutra. But as far as the meaning you are conveying is concerned - I cannot understand that
- The next question concerns the dealings of a transcendentally situated person. BG 1972 purports
- The opulence we possess is impossible for either you or your flatterers to imagine, persons who engage in fruitive activities by performing great sacrifices are concerned with satisfying their bodily necessities by eating foodstuff offered as a sacrifice
- The ordinary common living entity, after death, is transferred to the womb of another mother, according to his karma, or activities, to take another type of body. But as far as the devotee is concerned, he is at once transferred to the spiritual world
- The people in general will follow what the leaders, without any transcendental knowledge, ask them to do. The leaders, therefore, must be aware of this fact for the benefit of all concerned
- The personified Vedas, "And, as far as we are concerned, being different demigods in charge of the different parts of Vedic knowledge, we are always following in the footsteps of the gopis. Thus we hope to attain the same perfection"
- The planets of the material creation have a limited length and breadth, but as far as the Vaikuntha planets are concerned, because they are spiritual there is no limit to their dimensions
- The platform where we are concerned with the senses, that is called karma
- The prasadam of Lord Krsna is to be eaten by gentlemen as soon as it is received; there should be no hesitation. There are no regulative principles concerning time and place. This is the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The principles of religion are not the dogmas or regulative principles of a certain faith. Such regulative principles may be different in terms of the time and place concerned. One has to see whether the aims of religion have been achieved
- The process of fulfilling the natural desires for sense gratification was also inquired about by the King for the benefit of all concerned
- The public is concerned with friendly countries and friendly groups or enemy countries and enemy groups, but as stated in Bhagavad-gita, a learned person does not make distinctions between enemies and friends
- The question put by Narada before Brahma concerning the sustenance of the material creation is thus answered
- The range of mountains in South India beginning at Kerala and extending to Cape Comorin is called Malaya-parvata. Concerning Agastya, there are 4 opinions: (1) There is a temple of Agastya Muni in the village of Agastyampalli, in the district of Tanjore
- The result of the greedy capitalist's unnecessary accumulation of wealth is that he must suffer from a blazing fire of anxiety and always be concerned with how to save his money and invest it properly to get more and more
- The sannyasis must read the Vedanta-sutra to establish their final conclusions concerning Vedic knowledge. Here (in CC Madhya 6.120), of course, the Vedanta mentioned is the commentary of Sankaracarya, known as Sariraka-bhasya
- The son of Devavrdha was Babhru. Concerning Devavrdha and Babhru there are two famous songs of prayer, which were sung by our predecessors and which we have heard from a distance. Even now I hear the same prayers about their qualities
- The soul has nothing to do with the material elements. Any material element can be cut to pieces, especially earth. As far as the living entity is concerned, however, he can be neither burned nor cut to pieces. He can therefore live within fire
- The soul, must work alone. Although he tries to create society, friendship and love, no one will be able to help him but Krsna, the Supreme Lord. Therefore his only concern should be how to satisfy Krsna. That is also what Krsna wants
- The sun-god is in the sun planet, and we, the individual human beings or any other being on this earth, are all controlled by the sun-god as far as our eyes are concerned
- The theory of illusion can be applied only when the living entity identifies himself with the body. As far as the cosmic manifestation is concerned, it cannot be called false, although it is certainly temporary
- The time limitation even of the sun is of no concern, and so what to speak of the Supreme Lord who is the creator and controller of the sun
- The topics of the warfare in which the Lord engages do not concern the war of death but the war against the chain of maya which obliges one to accept repeated birth and death
- The universes of the material creation have a limited length and breadth, but as far as the Vaikuntha planets are concerned, there is no limitation to their dimensions because they are spiritual
- The varsa-satam, or one hundred years, are relatively different according to time, person and circumstances. As far as human beings are concerned, the calculation given here (SB 7.6.6) is right for the general public
- The Vedanta-sutra enjoins us not to concern ourselves with these problems (mating, sleeping, eating and defending), for they are satisfied in any form of life. Our problem is to inquire about the source of all these manifestations
- The Vedic injunction is asato ma jyotir gama: everyone should give up the platform of temporary existence and approach the eternal platform. The soul is eternal, and topics concerning the eternal soul are actually knowledge
- The whole incident (of the Yadu's getting cursed) was a warning to all concerned that no one should behave lightly with brahmanas and Vaisnavas
- The word tirtha-padiya indicates devotees of Lord Visnu, or Vaisnavas. As far as brahmanas are concerned, the mode of reception has been already described. Now, in this verse (SB 4.22.11), special stress is being given to the Vaisnavas
- The words klesadas tesam anasanna-padam tava indicate that the Lord has two concerns. The first is to give protection to persons who take shelter of His lotus feet, and the second is to give trouble to those who are always demoniac
- The wretched descendants of the higher three classes, are unfit by intelligence to understand transcendental subject matter concerning the spiritual name, fame, attributes, forms, etc., of the Supreme Absolute Truth
- There (in Paramatma-sandarbha) are discussions of the differences between the qualitative incarnations, and discourses concerning the living entities, maya, the material world, the theory of transformation, the illusory energy
- There are commentators and people who have taken it that everyone is perfect, and that they can interpret scripture in their own way. As far as we are concerned, we agree to read the Bhagavad-gita according to the instructions given in the Gita itself
- There are different stages of devotional life. But so far we are concerned, we have to preach. That is the second platform of devotional life
- There are further discussions (in the Bhagavata-sandarbha) concerning the difference between the impersonal Brahman and the Personality of Godhead, the fullness of the Personality of Godhead
- There are many excellent verses, famous all over the world, concerning the activities of Maharaja Priyavrata. He is so celebrated that his activities are compared to those of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There are many passages in the Gospel which are later on set up to be spoken by Lord Jesus Christ, but actually they were manufactured by different devotees. So far as our Bhagavad Gita is concerned, we do not find any such thing
- There are people who say, "I know everything about Krsna." Let them think that way. As far as I am concerned, I do not wish to speak very much about this matter
- There are scientific laws concerning the conservation of energy. What is the source of that energy? There is a source (yato va imani bhutani jayante), and that source is identified in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- There are two isvaras. I am also isvara. So far my, this body is concerned or my family is concerned, I am controlling. But the supreme controller, He is controlling everything. That is God
- There is a book in the Oriya language called Caitanya-carita-mahakavya, in which there are many narrations about Sikhi Mahiti. One narration concerns his seeing an ecstatic dream
- There is a long history, how the human society was distributed all over this planet. So far Mahabharata is concerned, you Americans or Europeans, you also originally belonged to India, according to Mahabharata
- There is another incident concerning Haridasa Thakura's uncommon behavior. One will be astonished to hear about it
- There is difference between false knowledge and authoritative knowledge. So far we are concerned at the present moment, whatever knowledge we are giving or accepting, they are more or less false knowledge. Not authoritative
- There is no difference between Krsna's body and Himself or between His name and Himself. But as far as the conditioned soul is concerned, one's name is different from one’s body, from one's original form and so on
- There is no king or government to check people, and therefore society has fallen into a chaotic condition as far as spiritual understanding is concerned
- There is no scripture equal to the Brahma-samhita as far as the final spiritual conclusion is concerned. Indeed, that scripture is the supreme revelation of the glories of Lord Govinda, for it reveals the topmost knowledge about Him
- There is not a single Hindu in India who is not more or less Krishna Conscious. So far descendants are concerned, material nature is so strong that she does not allow anything to go on steadily
- There is not a single Hindu temple here at least in New York or all the places so far I have traveled in this country. Regarding management of the temple is concerned for the present I have called for one of my disciples from Delhi
- There need be no anxiety over attaining perfection because if one follows the instruction given by the spiritual master he is sure to attain perfection. Our only concern should be how to execute the order of the spiritual master
- There was no cause for lamentation by Arjuna on account of death, neither for Bhisma or for Drona, for whom he was so much concerned. Rather, he should rejoice for their changing bodies from old to new ones, thereby rejuvenating their energy. BG 1972 pur
- These (in SB 10.5.4) are sastric injunctions concerning how one can purify everything according to Vedic civilization. Unless purified, anything we use will infect us with contamination
- These are the first duty of the government, to see everyone is nicely situated so far his physical necessities are concerned. But a sane man, when he sees this disturbance, or everything mismanaged, he becomes very unhappy & tries to set up by KC movement
- These days the propagation for landing on the moon planet is very encouraging to the common man, but so far as a Krishna Conscious person is concerned, he is not at all interested in any of the material planets
- These forms (of Krsna) incarnate not only to give pleasure to the devotee but to reestablish devotional service and perform other activities which vitally concern the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- They (all the saintly persons) realized that the original instruction concerning human life - that it is meant for tapasya for self-realization - was reaffirmed by the Lord when He killed Hiranyakasipu
- They are concerned to have a spiritual life, complete, full of bliss and full of knowledge, and that is possible when you enter into the spiritual planets
- They are unable to understand the truth concerning You because their minds are agitated by scriptures containing false conclusions
- This (CC Madhya 8.146) is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.89.58) concerning Krsna’s endeavor to take Arjuna beyond the material universe when Arjuna was searching for the sons of a brahmana
- This (CC Madhya 9.269) is a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 5.14.44) concerning the glorification of King Bharata, whom Sukadeva Gosvami was describing to King Pariksit
- This body, I am the occupier. God has given me this body, this machine, but proprietor is Lord, the Supreme Lord. Therefore both of us has got the concern with this body. Atma, Paramatma. Soul, Supersoul
- This chapter (SB 4.25.1) contains a great lesson concerning the monarchical kingdom in the days of yore
- This incident (of CC Adi 17.37-38) concerning Gopala Capala is not mentioned in the Caitanya-bhagavata
- This is a prelude to the circumstances under which Srimad-Bhagavatam was spoken for the benefit of all concerned. The prelude, therefore, begins with the words once upon a time
- This is also necessary; the Vedic civilization considers all aspects of human life, including dharma (religion), artha (economic development), kama (sense gratification) and moksa (liberation). But humanity's first concern should be religion
- This is first chastisement, that so far this body is concerned, it is a dead lump of matter, either it is moving or not moving. When there is life, it will move. When there is not life, it does not move. But both cases, it is a lump of matter
- This is the incident concerning the Kazi and the Lord's mercy upon him. Anyone who hears this is also freed from all offenses
- This same person son of Satyabhama's nurse said, "Lord Baladeva may be a great enemy of Pralambasura, but I have nothing to worry about from Him. And as far as Pradyumna is concerned, I have nothing to take from him, because he is simply a boy"
- This Sanskrit verse (of CC Adi 2.11) appears as the eleventh verse of the First Canto, Second Chapter, of Srimad-Bhagavatam, where Suta Gosvami answers the questions of the sages headed by Saunaka Rsi concerning the essence of all scriptural instructions
- This statement (SB 10.4.46) was made by Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Pariksit. This quotation (of CC Madhya 15.270) concerns the attempted killing of Krsna’s sister (Yogamaya), who appeared before Krsna’s birth as the daughter of mother Yasoda
- This story concerning the great King Satyavrata and the fish incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, is a great transcendental narration. Anyone who hears it is delivered from the reactions of sinful life
- This was the system, that a ksatriya is presented with a kind of weapon, a brahmana is presented with Vedas, and so far vaisyas and sudras are concerned, they are not very important
- Those in ignorance perceive that there are many small suns reflected in each and every pot. As far as the brilliance is concerned, there is brilliance both in the original sun and in the reflections, but the reflections are small
- Those who are advanced in yoga practice can willfully transfer the soul to whatever planet they like by the yoga process, and others take the opportunity in various ways. BG 1972 purports
- Those who do not follow the Vedic principles are unrestricted as far as sex life is concerned. Consequently they sometimes do not hesitate to have sex with their sisters. In this age of Kali there are many instances of such incest
- Thus all the verses about the rasa-lila dance were recited. Then finally the verse concerning the pastimes in the water was recited
- Thus in two verses I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have described the truth concerning Advaita Acarya. Now, O devotees, please hear about the five truths (panca-tattva)
- To collect seventy thousand dollars and spend every month, do you think is very easy job? A big government is concerned, or a big company, to collect seventy thousand dollars and distribute it again. It is a big problem
- To keep oneself in the deepest darkness concerning spiritual knowledge and at the same time claim to be an Aryan is a non-Aryan position
- To see her relatives, her sisters and mother, was not so important; even when she (Sati) was received by her mother and sisters she did not care, for she was most concerned that her husband (Siva) was being insulted in the sacrifice
- Topics concerning his renunciation are wonderful. Throughout his life he never allowed his tongue sense gratification
- Topics concerning these qualities (the personal qualities of the Absolute Truth) are greater than topics of impersonal philosophical speculation
- Traditionally, yoga cannot be executed in a public place, but insofar as kirtana - mantra-yoga, or the yoga of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra - is concerned, the more people present, the better
- Visnu said: I know you are very concerned about Me and afraid of Kamsa. Therefore I order you to take Me immediately to Gokula and exchange Me for the daughter who has just been born to Yasoda
- Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains, "My only concern is to see whether I am factually, faithfully carrying out the order of my guru"
- We are concerned to go deep into the sea and have our own individual identity exactly like the fish and other aquatic animals, and enjoy perpetually in the sea. This is liberation
- We cannot agree to make a mixed up association without any authorized principles. So far as Hindus are concerned, they are not fixed up in one principle
- We cannot understand how the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be impersonal; the imposition theory of the impersonalist monist is false as far as the statements of the Gita are concerned. BG 1972 purports
- We don't try for any economic development. All our members, we have no concern what we shall eat tomorrow, although we haven't got any source of income
- We have got about one hundred centers. So we are simply engaged in Krsna consciousness business. So far our material necessities are concerned, we are not badly situated
- We may also ask that if the Lord does not change His body, why does He come as an incarnation? There is much difference among philosophers concerning this question. Some say that Krsna assumes a material body when He comes, but this is not the case
- We must know the nature of those temporary states of material happiness and distress. It would be sheer stupidity to ignore them, or to remain indifferent in matters concerning the spirit soul, around which the material body and mind exist
- We should be concerned about all living entities
- We should not stress pious activities, economic development and sense gratification, but should concern ourselves with approaching Lord Visnu in His spiritual planets, of which the topmost is Goloka Vrndavana, where Lord Krsna lives
- What is the difference between sex life as married man and woman and without? So far sex life is concerned, there is no difference. But the restriction and the rules and regulation will not make him mad after sex life
- When a teacher speaks, he can speak the truth for the instruction of his students, but such a teacher should not speak to others who are not his students if he will agitate their minds. This is penance as far as talking is concerned. BG 1972 purports
- When an individual living entity surrenders to the Supreme Lord, Krsna, he can then develop natural transcendental love for Him. This surrendering process should be the primary concern of a human being
- When He heard Svarupa Damodara recite a verse concerning the rasa-lila or He Himself recited one, He would personally explain it, as He had previously done
- When Prahlada Maharaja's teachers and demoniac father asked him how his intelligence had been polluted, Prahlada Maharaja said, "As far as I am concerned, my intelligence has not been polluted
- When self-realized, the advanced devotee externally remains like a neophyte and executes all the sastric injunctions, especially those concerning hearing and chanting
- When the seed of ecstatic emotion for Krsna fructifies, the following nine symptoms manifest in one's behavior: forgiveness, concern that time should not be wasted, detachment, absence of false prestige, hope, eagerness
- When there is a demoniac rule, everything concerning the Vedic principles is turned upside down, all the religious ceremonies of yajna are stopped, the resources meant to be spent for yajna are taken away by the demoniac government
- Whenever an experienced person develops real knowledge of Krsna and His transcendental qualities, he naturally gives up all other engagements and renders service to the Lord. Uddhava gives evidence concerning this
- Whether or not one understands it, if one hears of this incident concerning the activities of Gopinatha Pattanayaka and Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's causeless mercy upon him, certainly he will be promoted to the platform of ecstatic love for the Lord
- Whether the Vedic calculations or modern ones are better may remain a mystery for others, but as far as we are concerned, we accept the Vedic calculations to be correct
- Who knows it? Ask big, big leaders, big, big scholars of Bhagavad-gita. They are concerned with this body. Nobody is interested with the active principle within the body. So what do they know about Bhagavad-gita?
- Whoever thinks Lord Visnu and the demigods are on the same level is to be immediately considered a rogue as far as spiritual understanding is concerned
- Why could Prakasananda not utter the names 'Krsna' and 'Hari'? He chanted the name 'Caitanya' thrice. As far as I am concerned, simply by seeing You I am moved to chant the holy names 'Krsna' and 'Hari'
- Without our having eyes, the sunlight is useless, and without sunlight the eyes are useless. Thus they are interdependent, and none of them is independent. Therefore the natural question arises concerning who made them interdependent
- Without troubling himself with materialistic research work, the transcendentalist acquires the truths concerning matter and antimatter in the most perfect way (through this disciplic succession) and thereby saves himself much botheration
- Writing poetry, especially poetry concerning the Vaisnava conclusion, is very difficult
- Yoga practice without mental control is a waste of time. Such a show of yoga practice may be materially lucrative, but it is useless as far as spiritual realization is concerned. BG 1972 purports
- Yogic life can be very nicely successful if you adjust your material necessities of life. If you become extravagant so far your material necessities of life is concerned, then you cannot make successful in yogic life
- Yogis are generally not very much interested in devotional service; they want to regulate the breathing process. This is simply a bodily concern
- Yogis try to control their senses and thus become happy, but a Krsna conscious person neglects the methods of yoga. He is unconcerned with the greatest of enemies, the senses, which are compared to snakes
- You have got a good wife who is also intelligent girl and devotee, so live peacefully working together for pushing on this Krsna consciousness movement for the ultimate benefit of all concerned
- You, the Supreme Person, You are also speaking to me. And so far I am concerned, I have realized now that You are the Supreme Lord, Parabrahma. - So if we follow Arjuna, then there is no difficulty. Accept Krsna as Parabrahma
- Yudhisthira said, "As far as the Pandavas are concerned, we have nothing to ask from the demigods. We are personally fully satisfied to be Your (Krsna's) devotees"
- Yudhisthira said, "As far as we are concerned, we are fully surrendered unto Your (Krsna's) lotus feet, and by Your grace we are so fortunate as to see You personally. Therefore, naturally we have no desire for material opulences"