stunned | stunning
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Pages in category "Stunned"
The following 61 pages are in this category, out of 61 total.
- A similar example of becoming stunned was visible in Arjuna when he saw that Asvatthama was attempting to release his brahmastra at Krsna
- According to the degree of being stunned, the vital force within the body becomes agitated, and due to such a state, the other ecstatic loving symptoms sometimes become altered
- After hearing the explanation of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the champion poet was struck with wonder. His cleverness stunned, he could not say anything
- After hearing these statements by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Kazi, his arguments stunned, could not put forward any more words. Thus, after due consideration, the Kazi accepted defeat and spoke as follows
- After thinking this, the sage immediately became stunned. He was thinking that he was simply wasting his time
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, not only living animals but even inanimate objects like the rivers and lakes of Vrndavana also become stunned when Krsna passes with peacock feathers on His head and His body smeared with the minerals of Vrndavana"
- As an example of the running down of saliva from the mouth, it is stated that sometimes when Narada Muni was chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, he remained stunned for a while, and saliva oozed from his mouth
- As soon as the prince was touched by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, symptoms of ecstatic love immediately manifested themselves in his body. These symptoms included perspiration, trembling, tears, being stunned and jubilation
- Astonishment caused by lamentation was exemplified when Krsna was entering into the belly of the Bakasura demon and all the demigods from higher planets became stunned with lamentation
- Bali Maharaja appreciated how the Lord had saved him from such a bewildered life of ignorance. He therefore said that his intelligence had been stunned. Stabdha-matir na budhyate
- Brahma was stunned because of transcendental bliss (muhyanti yat surayah). In his astonishment, all his senses were stunned, and he was unable to say or do anything
- By the power of the effulgence of the visnu-murtis, Lord Brahma, his eleven senses jolted by astonishment and stunned by transcendental bliss, became silent, just like a child's clay doll in the presence of the village deity - 10.13.56
- He continuously exhibited bodily transformations of transcendental love. Thus he cried, trembled, became stunned, perspired, danced in love of Godhead and made sounds like those of a cloud
- Her (Radharani's) entire body is bedecked with these (the natural symptoms of ecstasy - trembling, tears, jubilation, stunning, perspiration, faltering of the voice, bodily redness, madness and dullness) nine different jewels
- Her (Radharani's) ornaments embody the natural symptoms of ecstasy - trembling, tears, jubilation, stunning, perspiration, faltering of the voice, bodily redness, madness and dullness
- If you get a seed. If you don't take proper care, water it nicely, then it will not grow; it will be stunned there
- In such a state of apprehension, one tries to take shelter of something which provides safety. There may be standing of the hairs on the body, trembling of the body and sometimes the committing of mistakes. And sometimes the body may become stunned
- In that state (of stambha), the peaceful mind is placed on the life air, and different bodily transformations are manifest. These symptoms are visible in the body of an advanced devotee. When life becomes almost inactive, it is called - stunned
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, eight kinds of transcendental changes taking place in the body are described. Stambha, being stunned, refers to the mind’s becoming transcendentally absorbed
- Instead of swimming or flying (aquatic birds), they became stunned. They closed their eyes and entered a trance of meditation in worship of Krsna
- It is said that the great sage Narada was so ecstatically in love with Krsna that he would sometimes dance naked, and sometimes his whole body would become stunned
- One gopi said, "The sound Krsna produces with his flute creates such a nice atmosphere that the denizens of the heavenly planets, who travel in space with their wives and beloveds, stop their airplanes, for they are stunned by the vibration of the flute"
- Out of ecstatic love of God, the Bhattacarya shed tears, and his body was stunned. He exhibited an ecstatic mood, and he perspired, shook and trembled
- Out of the many ecstatic symptoms of the body, the symptom of being stunned is especially significant. According to the degree of being stunned, the vital force within the body becomes agitated
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya became very much astonished upon hearing this. He became stunned and said nothing
- Seeing the incredible way in which Krsna was enveloped in the coils of the serpent, the affectionate cowherd boys and other inhabitants of Vrndavana immediately became stunned out of fear
- Sometimes He appeared stunned, and sometimes He rolled on the ground. Indeed, sometimes His legs and hands became as hard as dry wood, and He did not move
- Sometimes there are examples of Mother Yasoda's becoming stunned in ecstasy. This was exhibited when she saw her son lifting Govardhan Hill. When Krsna was standing, raising the hill, Mother Yasoda hesitated to embrace Him and became stunned
- Sometimes there are many other symptoms, such as great anxiety, lamentation, frustration, being stunned, humility, restlessness, madness and illusion
- Sometimes there were eruptions of ecstasy like kadamba flowers on some parts of his body, and sometimes one limb would be stunned while another would be trembling
- Sri Daruka did not relish his ecstatic feelings of love, for they caused his limbs to become stunned and thus obstructed his service of fanning Lord Krsna
- The damsels of Vraja, after pastimes of laughter, humor and exchanges of glances, were anguished when Krsna left them. They used to follow Him with their eyes, and thus they sat down with stunned intelligence and could not finish their household duties
- The eight ecstatic symptoms are the state of being stunned, perspiration, standing of the bodily hairs on end, faltering of the voice, trembling, fading of the body’s color, tears and devastation
- The emotions resulting from this condition (of stunned) are joy, fear, astonishment, moroseness and anger. In this condition, the power of speech is lost and there is no movement in the hands and legs. Otherwise, being stunned is a mental condition
- The gopis said, "Besides that, although You (Krsna) have repeatedly asked us to return home, and that is a very appropriate instruction, unfortunately we have been stunned here. Our legs have no power to move a step from Your lotus feet"
- The gopis saw that the cows were hearing the sweet songs vibrated by Krsna's flute and were appearing to be drinking the nectar of these transcendental sounds. The calves were stunned, and they forgot to drink the milk from the milk bags
- The King (Yudhisthira) was naturally affectionate toward Krsna, but after hearing the story he became even more bound to Him in love; tears of ecstasy glided from his eyes, and he was so stunned that he was almost unable to speak
- The queens continued, "Or is it a fact that, just like us, you have been stunned by the mysteriously sweet words of our Lord Syamasundara? Is it a fact that it is because of this severe anxiety that you are so grave?"
- The subordinate ecstasies are smiling, dancing and singing, as well as different manifestations in the body. The natural ecstasies, such as being stunned, are considered among the subordinate ecstasies (anubhava)
- The symptom of becoming stunned is caused by ecstatic tribulation, fearfulness, astonishment, lamentation and anger. This symptom is exhibited by a stoppage of talking, a stoppage of movement, a feeling of voidness and an extreme feeling of separation
- There are eight symptoms of existential ecstatic love: becoming stunned, perspiring, standing of the hairs on the body, faltering of the voice, trembling of the body, changing bodily colors, shedding tears, and devastation
- There is also trembling of the body, forcible twisting of the body and perspiration. Other symptoms which may be present are shame, exhaustion, madness, illusion, frustration, humility, self-pity, restlessness, eagerness and stunning of the body
- These symptoms signify that although the gopis' business was not finished, they had become stunned with ecstatic love
- They (the Gopis) were so stunned by the situation that they could not finish their household duties. No one could excel Him (Krsna) even in the dealing of love exchanged between boys and girls
- Whatever arguments he put forward, the Lord refuted them all. Finally the person became stunned and could not speak
- When Brahma understood that this cowherd boy was the SPG, he became stunned. All of his sensual activities became stopped upon seeing all the cowherd boys again, along with Krsna. He was so stunned that he appeared to be a golden statue with four heads
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu danced, He displayed various blissful transcendental changes in His body. Sometimes He appeared as though stunned. Sometimes the hairs of His body stood on end
- When one is controlled by Cupid or the beauty of women, he becomes stunned like matter such as stone
- When the enchanter and the enchanted become separated, mohana, or bewilderment, occurs. When so bewildered due to separation, one becomes stunned, and at that time all the bodily symptoms of transcendental ecstasy are manifested
- When the residents of Braja found that Krsna had lifted Govardhan Hill with His left hand, they became stunned
- When the sage Narada saw Lord Krsna standing before him, his body became so stunned that he stopped playing on his vina. Because of his faltering voice he could not offer any prayers to Krsna, and his eyes became filled with tears
- When the vital force of life is in contact with the earth, one is stunned. When the same force comes into contact with water, there is the shedding of tears. When the same force comes into contact with fire, there is perspiration
- When they met in that sacred place, all the gopis became stunned by the occurrence of a solar eclipse. Their breathing, blinking of the eyes and all similar activities stopped, and they stood before Krsna just like statues
- When They play on Their flutes, all moving living entities are stunned, and nonmoving living entities experience ecstatic jubilation by Their sweet music. All these things are certainly very wonderful
- You are rebuking the air for the standing of the hairs on Your body. And You are cursing Your walking in the forest for Your thighs being stunned. But Your faltering voice reveals the cause to be different: it is just Your attachment for Krsna
- Your beauty is the most sublime within the three worlds. Upon seeing Your beauty, even cows, birds, animals and trees in the forest become stunned in jubilation