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Pages in category "Subtle"
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- A devotee is not weak, but they think that, these devotees, they are weak. They cannot do any materialistic work. They cannot build skyscrapers. They cannot build a subtle machine. So they have taken to Krsna consciousness. They are chanting Hare Krsna
- A yogi who desires gradual liberation must penetrate all the different coverings of the universe, including the subtle coverings of the three qualitative modes of material nature. One who does this never has to return to this mortal world
- According to one's karma, he is going to get another body. These are the subtle laws. Therefore kula-ksaya-dosam. You cannot destroy your family. Materially, you cannot destroy your family
- According to those principles, there are subtle intricacies involved in the execution of religious principles
- Actually it is not the creator, but the conditioned soul who is inexperienced. He does not know how the subtle laws of fruitive activity work, and without knowledge of these laws of nature, he ignorantly criticizes the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- After your death, when you have to quit this subtle atmosphere, then after your death what is happening to you, you are not concerned to know
- Akrura continued, "There is no cause and effect, gross or subtle, but You (Krsna and Balarama). You are the Supreme Brahman realized through the study of the Vedas. By Your inconceivable energy, You are actually visible before us"
- All material creations take place from subtle to gross. The entire universe has developed in that manner
- All other gross matter also developed from subtle to gross: sound developed into sky, touch developed into air, form developed into fire, taste developed into water, and smell developed into earth
- All pretentious religiosity based on gross or subtle sense gratification is completely rejected in the process of bhagavata-dharma, or the transcendental religion that is the eternal function of the living being
- All these (subtle desires for impersonalism, monism, success and the four principles of religious activity; dharma, artha, kama and moksa) are like spots on clean cloth. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also wanted to cleanse all these away
- All these gross or subtle conceptions of the body (of God) are in relation with the living beings
- Although he (Daksa) had to give up his body and take birth from the womb of a woman impregnated by the semen of a ksatriya, he received all opulence by the grace of Lord Siva. These are the subtle laws of material nature
- Although the eight gross and subtle material energies - namely, earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego - are stated to be bhinna, separate from the Lord, actually they are not
- Always thinking of how he could be relieved from the sinful reaction for killing a brahmana, King Indra, invisible to everyone, lived in the lake for one thousand years in the subtle fibers of the stem of a lotus
- Any act performed for the purpose of enjoying its fruits or results is an act of sense gratification. Such actions are visible sometimes in gross and sometimes in subtle forms
- Any process of religiosity based on sense gratification, gross or subtle, must be considered a pretentious religion because it is unable to give perpetual protection to its followers
- Any solution arrived at before work is actualized is a subtle form of work
- As His pastime, that Supreme Personality of Godhead, the greatest of the great, accepted the subtle material energy, which is invested with three material modes of nature and which is related with Visnu
- As in your body so much subtle energies are working, just imagine this universal body of Krsna, virat-rupa, how much subtle energies are working and there. So that we do not know. That is our ignorance
- As long as one is situated in duality, on the sensual platform, gross or subtle, realization of the original Personality of Godhead is impossible
- As material opulence can be achieved by ordinary material means, it can also be achieved by subtle means through mantras. By chanting mantras, Saubhari Muni arranged for material opulence, but this was not perfection in life
- As my (Narada) taste developed, I could realize that it was only in my ignorance that I had accepted gross and subtle coverings, for both the Lord and I are transcendental
- As the gross cosmic manifestation is conceived as the gigantic body of the Lord, so also there is the conception of His subtle form, which is simply realized without being seen, heard or manifested
- As you cannot be happy simply by having a nice shirt and coat, similarly simply by the materialistic way of life you cannot be happy. There is gross matter and subtle matter
- At the present moment, the computer is a very subtle machine. But this computer cannot work without an experienced mechanic who pushes the button and it works. These people, they cannot understand that without spiritual touch, matter cannot work
- At the time of cosmic annihilation, when everything, manifested and unmanifested, is annihilated by the force of time, the 5 gross elements enter into the subtle conception, and the manifested categories enter into the unmanifested substance - SB 10.3.25
- At the time of death, the mind and intelligence of a living entity create the subtle form of a certain type of body for the next life
- Before one acts, there is some impetus, which is called inspiration. Any solution arrived at before work is actualized is a subtle form of work. Then work takes the form of action. BG 1972 purports
- Behind both energies - the gross external energy and the subtle external energy - is the soul, the internal energy
- Beyond the sky there are subtle coverings, resembling the elementary coverings of the universes. The gross coverings are a development of partial ingredients of the subtle causes
- Brahma-lina, merging into the Supreme Brahman, is not actual lina, or annihilation, for the subtle form remaining in the Brahman effulgence will return to the material world after the material creation and again assume a material form
- Brahmastra creates an intolerable heat similar to atomic radiation, but the difference is that the atomic bomb is a gross type of nuclear weapon, whereas the brahmastra is a subtle type of weapon produced by chanting hymns
- Brahmastra is the product of a more subtle science, being the product of a finer sound, a mantra recorded in the Vedas
- By agitation of the element of egoism in ignorance, the first thing produced was sound, which is the subtle form of ether
- Desire is a subtle form of conditioning of the living entity. The Lord fulfills his desire as he deserves: Man proposes and God disposes. The individual is not, therefore, omnipotent in fulfilling his desires. BG 1972 purports
- Do not think that, "There was no work; automatically it comes." No. There was work, but it is so subtle and perfect. The same thing: so many things are working, going on within the machine, that simply I push it on and it acts
- Eternally existing in Your transcendental form, You are the supreme subtle of the most extremely subtle. We therefore offer our respectful obeisances unto You, the Supreme, whose existence is inconceivable
- Even more subtle than the intellect is the spirit soul. So true spirituality, or the real religion of the living entity, means to be situated in self
- Even those who are so-called advanced in knowledge, karmi, jnani, yogi, they are also after sense gratification. Karmi is openly after sense gratification and jnani is subtly
- Even though all dirty things may be cleansed away, sometimes subtle desires remain in the mind for impersonalism, monism, success & the 4 principles of religious activity. All these are like spots on clean cloth
- Everything belongs to Krsna. What is the body? It is a combination of material elements - earth, water, fire, air, and the subtle, psychological elements mind, intelligence, and false ego
- First the tan-matra sound is created and then the sky, and in this verse (SB 2.5.25) it is confirmed that actually it is so, but sound is the subtle form of the sky, and the distinction is like that between the seer and the seen
- For the atomic bombs there is no counterweapon to neutralize the effects. But by subtle science the action of a brahmastra can be counteracted, and those who were expert in the military science in those days could counteract the brahmastra
- Form rests in subtle existence in the sky, and internally it is perceived as the veins within the body and the circulation of the vital air. Externally there are invisible forms of sense objects
- Freedom from the material encagement of the gross and subtle encirclement, makes one free to act as the servitor of the Lord, even though one is in the material world. This stage is called the jivan-mukta stage, or the liberated stage
- From the darkness of false ego, the first of the five elements, namely the sky, is generated. Its subtle form is the quality of sound, exactly as the seer is in relationship with the seen
- From the subtle state of unmanifestation comes manifestation, just as from ether, air is generated; from air, fire is generated; from fire, water is generated; and from water, earth becomes manifested. BG 1972 purports
- From this description (SB 3.8.15) we have the conception of three - the gross virat form, the subtle Hiranyagarbha and the material creative force, Brahma
- From this statement of Padma Purana it is understood that material contamination is very subtle. Its beginning, its fruition and results, and how one suffers such results in the form of distress, are part of a great chain
- From this subtle state of unmanifestation comes manifestation, just as from ether, air is generated; from air, fire is generated; from fire, water is generated; and from water, earth becomes manifested
- Fruitive action is being carried on by the help of material science and to a little extent by gross material help, but the materialists await a still more subtle advancement in the process of vibrating sounds on which the Vedic hymns are established
- Garbhodakasayi Visnu, from whose lotus navel Brahma was created, is also called Hiranyagarbha and is the total Supersoul and the subtle Supersoul. Ksirodakasayi Visnu is the universal form and the gross Supersoul
- God's potencies are so subtle and perfect, as soon as He desires, immediately thing is ready. This is called yoga system. Therefore Krsna is known as Yogesvara
- Gross matter also developed from subtle to gross: sound developed into sky, touch developed into air, form developed into fire, taste developed into water, and smell developed into earth
- Gross matter includes high skyscraper buildings, machines, factories, nice roads, good cars, etc. Subtle matter includes nice songs, poetry, philosophy, etc. People are trying to be happy with this gross and subtle material existence. That cannot be
- Here (in Srimad-Bhagavatam) ten subjects are described: (6) Prescribed duties for law-abiding men, (7) a description of the incarnations of the Lord, (8) the winding up of the creation, (9) liberation from gross and subtle material existence
- How can one be happy? I have already explained the gross external energy and the subtle external energy. Those who are interested in this gross and subtle external energy will never have their ambition of life fulfilled
- How subtle things are going on, that is described in the Sankhya philosophy presented by Kapiladeva, but we do not understand practically how things are going on
- How you can understand the subtle laws of God? You are dull brain, with cow dung. You cannot understand
- However, as explained in Bhagavad-gita, devotees can give up the material body and attain a spiritual body free from all material tinges, gross and subtle (tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so 'rjuna (BG 4.9))
- I am accepting this gross dream and this subtle dream, but what is my actual position? That I do not know. This is called ignorance. That actual position we can understand if we become Krsna conscious
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, the Supreme Person. Being very subtle, You are never visible to material eyes. You are the knower of the twenty-four elements, and You are the inaugurator of the sankhya-yoga system
- If a spiritual master cannot direct his disciples to become free of sinful activities, he becomes responsible for their sinful acts. These subtle laws of nature are unknown to the present leaders of society
- If one is intelligent to apply his arguments and logic to the subtle understanding of the fundamental spiritual substance, he'll be able to know that a poor fund of knowledge on the basis of material logic can't help one understand the Absolute Truth
- If one's mind is fixed on Krsna (His name, qualities, form, pastimes, entourage and paraphernalia), all one's activities - both subtle and gross - become favorable - CC Preface
- If one's mind is fixed on Krsna (His name, quality, form, pastimes, entourage and paraphernalia), all one's activities - both subtle and gross - become favorable
- If they (modern scientists) would at all consider this subtle subject matter and the problems of life, they would see that their future is very dark. Thus they try to avoid considering the future and continue committing all kinds of sinful activities
- In connection with stri-sambhasana, talking with women, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura says that talking with women for the purpose of mingling with them for sense gratification, subtle or gross, is strictly prohibited
- In our gross conditional stage we perceive things through material experience and remembrance, and in the subtle stage we perceive the world in dreams
- In that transcendental position, one can understand the SPG, Vasudeva, who in His subtler form is self-effulgent and beyond the modes of nature. O my (Pariksit's) lord, please describe vividly how that form, which covers the entire universe, is perceived
- In the course of time, when the subtle forms are transformed into gross forms, they become the objects of touch. The objects of touch and the tactile sense also develop after this evolution in time
- In the gross stage we are very fond of protecting and satisfying the body, and in a subtler stage we are very fond of satisfying the mind and intelligence
- In the grossest sense, the word atma - "self" - refers to the body. In the subtler sphere the mind or intelligence is the atma, and in the real sense atma means the soul
- It is a fact that simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra offenselessly one can be freed from all subtle and gross material conditions
- It is said that Durvasa Muni traveled throughout the entirety of material space and part of spiritual space within one year only. The speed of the transcendentalists can never be attained by the gross or subtle materialists
- It is understood from this verse that by agitation of the element of egoism in ignorance, the first thing produced was sound, which is the subtle form of ether
- Just as the false ego creates the subtle sense objects, Maharaja Bharata created five sons in the womb of Pancajani, his wife. These sons were named Sumati, Rastrabhrta, Sudarsana, Avarana and Dhumraketu
- Just like in dream at night we also work. So this is gross dream and that is subtle dream. But real life is spiritual life. But we foolish people, we are taking this life as permanent life, permanent settlement. It is not permanent settlement
- Karmis grossly try to satisfy their senses, but even those who are elevated to the platform of knowledge also try to satisfy themselves, in a subtle form
- Karmis try to satisfy themselves by sense gratification, and jnanis try to satisfy themselves by subtle activities or mental speculation and thinking themselves to be God
- King Pariksit said: What are the opulences of the great mystics, and what is their ultimate realization? How does the perfect mystic become detached from the subtle astral body?
- Krsna says that one who can understand Him and how He is acting, controlling everything by subtle laws, immediately becomes freed by His grace. That is the statement of Brahma-samhita
- Krsna says, "Prior to the cosmic creation, only I exist, and no phenomena exist, either gross, subtle or primordial. After creation, only I exist in everything, and after annihilation, only I remain eternally"
- Learned brahmanas know (on the basis of the Vedic statement sarvam khalv idam brahma) that You (Lord Krsna) are everything and that this cosmic manifestation, in its gross and subtle aspects, is Your form - SB 10.10.29
- Lord Brahma saw that as aromas and colors spread throughout the earth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead pervades the cosmic manifestation in a subtle form
- Maha-Visnu, Padmanabha and Ksirodakasayi Visnu are the Supersouls of all subtle and gross existences
- Many other symptoms (except joy, fear, astonishment, moroseness and anger) are visible on the entire body in the beginning (in the state of stambha). These are very subtle, but gradually they become very apparent
- Many technological institution to study & understand the subtle laws of material nature, medical research laboratories to study the physiological condition of the material body, but there is no institution to study the constitutional position of the soul
- Material nature is ever existing in its subtle form as the energy of the Lord, but it sometimes manifests this nonexistent or temporarily existent nature, the cosmos
- Meat-eating should be stopped. In order to revive the finer tissues of the brain to understand subtle things, one must give up meat-eating
- Mental existence transforms into tangible form as soon as there is an opportunity due to contamination or development of the gross elements from subtle form
- Mind is also material, intelligence is also material, but they are subtle forms. And spiritual existence is the living entity, as we are. These things are very nicely explained in the Bhagavad-gita
- Modern science can communicate using material discoveries such as radio, television and computers, but the science invoked by the austerities of Sri Brahma, the original father of mankind, was still more subtle
- Mukti: liberation of the conditioned souls encaged by the gross and subtle coverings of body and mind
- My dear King, the living entity, who has a subtle mental covering, develops all kinds of thoughts and images because of his previous body. Take this from me as certain
- Nature means God's nature, God's energy. God's energy is so fine and so subtle that we cannot see it, how it is working, but this is working. The energy of God is working there
- No one can surpass your effulgence, for all things, manifested and unmanifested, gross and subtle, superior and inferior, are but various forms of you that are manifested by your effulgence
- No society can improve in transcendental knowledge without the guidance of such first-class men, and no brain can assimilate the subtle form of knowledge without fine brain tissues
- Nothing comes out automatically. It is coming out of the energy of the Supreme Lord, but the energies are so subtle, nice and artistic that all of a sudden you see a nice flower. So He is the greatest artist
- Nowadays so many subtle machines are manufactured, and they are working very wonderfully. Just like the television machine, it has no connection where or anything, and still exactly the photograph, the sound and everything is coming from outside
- O King (Pariksit), I (Sukadeva) shall in due course explain the measurement of time in its gross and subtle features with the specific symptoms of each, but for the present let me explain unto you the Padma-kalpa
- O Supreme Lord, You are actually the air, the earth, fire, sky and water. You are the objects of sense perception, the life airs, the five senses, the mind, consciousness and false ego. Indeed, You are everything, subtle and gross
- One can, however, reach heavenly planets by virtuous activities, but one can never expect to go beyond Svarga or Janaloka by such mechanical or materialistic activities, either gross or subtle
- One simply has to realize the greatness of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One should not try to understand Him by any material means, subtle or gross
- One who actually satisfies the Supreme Personality of Godhead during one's lifetime becomes liberated from the gross and subtle material conditions. Thus being freed from all material modes of nature, he achieves unlimited spiritual bliss
- One who does not know this subtle law of fruitive activities and who thus gives up the moral and ethical principles carries with him only the reactions of his sinful activities
- One who is liberated from the conceptions of annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya, vijnanamaya and anandamaya and who is perfectly aware of the subtle coverings of the soul is called pancasikha
- Ordinarily one cannot change the course of one's due happiness and distress by plan. Everyone has to accept them as they come under the subtle arrangement of kala, or invincible time
- Our five senses of action, namely (1) hands, (2) legs, (3) speech, (4) evacuation organs and (5) reproductive organs are supplied to us by various arrangements of gross or subtle forms of natural energy
- Our knowledge is so imperfect that it cannot deal with such subtle affairs, and because rascals cannot deal with such things, they think that matter is the cause of life
- Our thirteen senses in all are supplied to us by various arrangements of gross or subtle forms of natural energy
- Our three subtle senses, namely (1) mind, (2) intelligence and (3) ego (thirteen senses in all), are supplied to us by various arrangements of gross or subtle forms of natural energy
- People are very much proud of material advancement of science, but still, they have to make advancement, subtle matter. And above that subtle matter, within that subtle matter, there is spiritual identity
- Persons who are learned and who have true knowledge define sound as that which conveys the idea of an object, indicates the presence of a speaker screened from our view and constitutes the subtle form of ether
- Pradhana means subtle matter, such as ether. Purusa means the spiritual spark living entities who are entangled in that subtle material existence. These may also be described as para prakrti and apara prakrti, as stated in Bhagavad-gita
- Prior to the cosmic creation, only I (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) exist, and no phenomena exist, either gross, subtle or primordial. After creation, only I exist in everything, and after annihilation, only I remain eternally
- Science is discovering some subtle laws of the nature, but who made that law? As soon as you say that "Here is a law which is being carried very nicely," there must be a law maker. You have to accept it
- Similarly, as one has subtle dreams at night, when the living entity is awake he lives in gross dreams of nation, community, society, possessions, skyscrapers, bank balance, position and honor
- Since the other living entities have material bodies, the matter merges into matter, and the subtle form of the spirit soul remains within the body of God. The Lord does not sleep, but the ordinary living entities remain asleep until the next creation
- So far dreaming is concerned, we regard dreaming condition as another form of illusion or maya, only more subtle, that's all
- So long we are on the material plane, or gross bodily plane, or subtle mental plane, oh, we have to suffer. We have to go to the spiritual platform, and that spiritual platform is Krsna consciousness
- Softness and hardness and cold and heat are the distinguishing attributes of touch, which is characterized as the subtle form of air
- Sometimes we enjoy subtle pleasure, thinking of sex life. That is called nari-sangame. Nari means woman, and sanga means union. So those who are practiced, so when there is actually no union, they think of union
- Sometimes we suffer because we see a tiger in a dream or a snake in a vision, but actually there is neither a tiger nor a snake. Thus we create some situation in a subtle form and suffer the consequences
- Sometimes, because of too much sinful activity, the living entity does not get a material gross body, but hovers on the subtle platform. This is called ghostly life
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura explains that even though one may become free from the desire for fruitive activity, sometimes the subtle desire for fruitive activity again comes into being within the heart
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the full text of all descriptions of knowledge, including the theory of atomism. The atom is the minute subtle form of eternal time
- Subtle forms of material activities are finer than grosser methods of material manipulation. Such subtle forms of material activities are effected through purification of sound. The same method is adopted here by chanting hymns to act as nuclear weapons
- Subtler than the ethereal sky is the mind, and finer than the mind is the intelligence. Spirit is still finer than the intelligence, and by nature it is completely different from matter. we can just imagine how quickly the spirit soul can travel
- Suppose if I am put before such subtle machine, I cannot work unless I am very expert in handling such machine. So the machine is not very important. Real importance is given to the person who is handling the machine
- Suppose you are Australian or American. You have got very nice status in your country - good house, good facility, good money, and that's all right. But after your death, when you have to quit this subtle atmosphere
- That (freedom from material relations, as well as freedom from the material encagement of the gross and subtle encirclement) is the process of ending material existence
- That (Krsna's power) is so subtle and working so nicely that overnight we see that a beautiful flower has come out. But there is working, there is brain. But they are working so swiftly and subtly, we cannot see how it is being worked
- That is the subtle mystery of transmigration of the soul from one body to another. Now, if this, this life we purify just like rose, then next life we shall get a body which is full of flavor
- That subtle forms exist in the ether has been proven by modern science by transmission of television, by which forms or photographs of one place are transmitted to another place by the action of the ethereal element
- The acts of commission and omission made by them (the materialistic leaders) during their lifetime of leadership will remain in the psychic encagement of mind and the subtle psychic life will develop again in another suitable body
- The acts of commission and omission made by them (the materialistic leaders) during their lifetime of leadership will remain in the psychic encagement of mind, intelligence, and false egoism in a very subtle form
- The air enters into water, mud, stool and whatever else is there; still it does not mix with anything. Similarly, the living entity, even though situated in varieties of bodies, is aloof from them due to his subtle nature. BG 1972 purports
- The conditioned vital force, the subtle material ingredients (the dravya), and material nature, the eleven senses and five elements (earth, water, fire, air & ether), which are the sixteen ingredients of the body - these are the ingredient aspect of maya
- The cosmic manifestation is nondifferent from You, and the annihilation is also caused by You. This relationship between Your Lordship and the cosmos is illustrated by the example of the seed and the tree, or the subtle cause and the gross manifestation
- The desire to merge into the impersonal Brahman is the subtlest type of atheism. As soon as such atheism, disguised in the dress of liberation, is encouraged, one becomes completely unable to traverse the path of devotional service to the SP of Godhead
- The devotee is at liberty to serve the Lord either in gross matter or in subtle matter. The important point is that the service be in relation with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 9.26
- The devotee thus surpasses the subtle objects of different senses like aroma by smelling, the palate by tasting, vision by seeing forms, touch by contacting, the vibrations of the ear by ethereal identification, and the sense organs by material activities
- The devotee, thus surpassing the gross and the subtle forms of coverings, enters the plane of egoism. And in that status he merges the material modes of nature (ignorance and passion) in this point of neutralization and thus reaches egoism in goodness
- The eleven senses and five sense objects, and the eight elements are the gross and subtle matter, namely earth, water, fire, air, sky, mind, intelligence and ego. All these combined together are distributed throughout the entire universe
- The explanation of pradhana and prakrti is that pradhana is the subtle, undifferentiated sum total of all material elements. Although they are undifferentiated, one can understand that the total material elements are contained therein
- The first sixteen diversities are the eleven senses and five sense objects, and the eight elements are the gross and subtle matter, namely earth, water, fire, air, sky, mind, intelligence and ego
- The five great elements are a gross representation of the subtle false ego. They are a representation in the material conception. BG 1972 purports
- The gross material elements are earth, water, fire, air and ether, and the subtle material elements are mind, intelligence and ego. All of them are controlled by the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha
- The heart of the body, that is made of material element; that will lie down here. But the soul will be taken; there is arrangement. This is very, very subtle arrangement, and these rascals, they do not know how things are going on. They are imagining
- The influence of time is very strong. Time is so powerful because it is a representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; time is therefore stronger than the strongest. The influence of time can effect changes in subtle things without difficulty
- The jnana process theoretically speculates about the reality of the soul. But bhakti-yoga factually engages the spirit soul in activities. The perception of matter is transcended to still subtler states of the senses
- The knowledge of God imparted in Bhagavad-gita is very subtle and confidential. It is full of jnana, metaphysical wisdom, and vijnana, scientific knowledge. And it is full of mystery also
- The law of nature is so subtle that every part of our body is influenced by the respective stars, and a living being obtains his working body to fulfill his terms of imprisonment by the manipulation of such astronomical influence
- The laws of nature are very subtle and are very diligently administered, although people do not know it. In the Manu-samhita the concept of a life for a life is sanctioned, and it is actually observed throughout the world
- The laws of nature work in subtle ways unknown to us
- The length and breadth of the living entity is described as one ten-thousandth part of the tip of a hair. This is the original subtle nature of the living entity
- The living being has his spiritual form beyond this gross material or subtle psychic existence. The gross body and psychic functions cease to act as soon as the living being leaves the visible gross body
- The living being is eternal in form, but he has to change his outer coverings, gross and subtle, and this changing process is technically known as life and death. As long as a living being has to put on the shackles of material bondage, there is no relief
- The living entities, who are seen to utilize the inferior energy, originally belong to the superior energy, the internal potency of God. The eight inferior energies work grossly and subtly whereas the superior energy works as the central generating force
- The living entity transmigrates from one body to another according to his different desires, which in the subtle form of intelligence, mind and false ego accompany him from body to body
- The living entity who enjoys the interaction of the above gross and subtle ingredients, as set up by eternal time, is an offshoot of internal potency, with freedom to remain either in the material world or in the spiritual world
- The living entity, who has a subtle mental covering, develops all kinds of thoughts and images because of his previous body
- The Lord informs Brahma that knowledge of Him, the Supreme Absolute Truth, as it is stated in the revealed scriptures, is very subtle and cannot be understood unless one is self-realized by the grace of the Lord
- The Lord is eternally existent in His transcendental form, which is neither gross nor subtle like that of the living being
- The Lord points out material nature in its subtle stage, which is called pradhana, and He analyzes this pradhana
- The mahat-tattva is divided into different subtle categories, but originally it is called the mahat-tattva
- The material body is composed of five gross elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether - and three subtle elements - mind, intelligence and ego
- The material body is the symbol of the gross and subtle form of forgetfulness; therefore the whole atmosphere of the material world is called avidya, or nescience, whereas the whole atmosphere of the spiritual world is called vidya, or full of knowledge
- The material cosmos is composed of twenty-four elements: the five gross material elements, the three subtle material elements, the five knowledge-acquiring senses, the five active senses, the five objects of sense pleasure, and the mahat-tattva
- The material nature is ever existing, and the Lord is the supreme cause for both the subtle and gross manifestations of this material world
- The material world, with its gross and subtle forms, is merely a reflection of the spiritual world
- The mind, the senses and the vital force, or living entity, have forms, although they are not visible to the naked eye. Form rests in subtle existence in the sky
- The outer skin, or the gross and subtle material coverings of the soul, automatically separates from the spirit soul, and the spirit soul can then exist in spiritual existence, even though apparently within the dry skin
- The process of vision also involves remembrance and also exists in a subtle form
- The production of the invisible sense objects is the external activity of the ethereal element, and the circulation of vital air and blood is its internal activity. That subtle forms exist in the ether has been proven by modern science
- The psychology means the subtle material elements. It is material; it is not spiritual. It is subtle
- The science of Krsna, or the science of God and the living entities, is so subtle that even a personality like Vidura has to consult persons like the sage Maitreya
- The sex impulse is so strong that even by seeing, touching or talking, coming into contact with, or even thinking of the opposite sex - even in so many subtle ways - one becomes sexually impelled
- The sky, due to its subtle nature, does not mix with anything, although it is all-pervading. Similarly, the soul, situated in Brahman vision, does not mix with the body, though situated in that body. BG 13.33 - 1972
- The son of Dronacarya, who made use of this subtle science, did not know how to retract. He applied it, being afraid of his imminent death, and thus the practice was not only improper but also irreligious
- The sound is the representation of the actual object, as the sound produced speaking of the object gives an idea of the description of the object. Therefore sound is the subtle characteristic of the object
- The state laws are grossly observed, but the laws of material nature, being subtle to our gross understanding, cannot be experienced grossly
- The subtle and gross cosmic manifestation is material, but nevertheless it is nondifferent from the Supreme Personality of Godhead because He is ultimately the cause of all causes
- The subtle laws exist for the karmis; if one becomes a devotee, he has no more obligations to the laws of karma
- The subtle laws of karma, which are controlled by the Supreme, cannot be understood by ordinary conditioned souls
- The subtle laws of nature act according to the desire of the living entity
- The subtle presence of the Lord is felt by the intelligent man who can study the psychic effects of thinking, feeling and willing
- The subtle psychic life will develop again in another suitable body by the process of transmigration of the spirit soul & thus put godless leaders in ordeals of different wheels of action & reaction by obliging them to transmigrate from 1 body to another
- The subtle psychic life will develop again in another suitable body, by the process of transmigration of the spirit soul, and thus put them in ordeals of different wheels of action and reaction by obliging them to transmigrate from one body to another
- The subtle science of chanting hymns is also material, but it has yet to be known by the modern material scientists. Subtle material science is not spiritual, but it has a direct relationship with the spiritual method, which is still subtler
- The subtle subject matter of creation, on which the Lord's attention was fixed, was agitated by the material mode of passion, and thus the subtle form of creation pierced through His abdomen
- The Supreme Brahman, the Personality of Godhead, is the master of both pradhana and purusa. Pradhana means subtle matter, such as ether. Purusa means the spiritual spark living entities who are entangled in that subtle material existence
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has immense varieties of potencies, and they act in different gross and subtle ways
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the cause of all causes. It is by His will that gross and subtle ingredients interact. He appears in various incarnations just to please the hearts of His pure devotees
- The ten kinds of air are described as follows: Subtler than these five airs (prana, apana, samana, udana, and vyana), there are others also. That which facilitates the opening of the eyes, mouth, etc., is called naga air
- The theories of pantheism and monism are respectively applicable to these two conceptions of the Supreme as gross and subtle, but both of them are rejected by the learned pure devotees of the Lord because they are aware of the factual position
- The total air which circulates throughout the entire body is called the vyana air. Subtler than these five airs, there are others also. That which facilitates the opening of the eyes, mouth, etc., is called naga air
- The two gross meanings refer to regulative devotional service and spontaneous devotional service. There are also thirty-two subtle meanings
- The unmanifest material world is the subtle mahat-tattva, and from that mahat-tattva the material manifestation has emerged
- The whole creation ultimately rests in the Supreme Lord. He is the cause of creation, maintenance and dissolution. And when the whole manifestation is dissolved, in its subtle form as the Supreme Lord’s energy it rests within His body
- The words and mind of the conditioned soul cannot approach the SPG, for material names and forms are not applicable to the Lord, who is entirely spiritual, beyond the conception of gross and subtle forms. The impersonal Brahman is another of His forms
- The yogi or devotee, along with liquidation of the gross elements, relinquishes the subtle causes like aroma by smelling. The pure spiritual spark, the living entity, thus becomes completely cleansed of all material contamination
- There (in the Bhagavata-sandarbha) are also discussions of the eternality of Deity worship, the omnipotence of the Deity, His all-pervasiveness, His giving shelter to everyone, His subtle and gross potencies
- There are also followers of the rsi known as Aruna. Following his path, they observe the activities of the arteries. Thus they gradually rise to the heart, where subtle Brahman, Paramatma, is situated. They then worship Him
- There are also thirty-two subtle meanings. Under the heading of regulative devotional service, there are sixteen meanings based on understanding the word atmarama to mean (4) a personal beloved, (5) a servant elevated by spiritual cultivation
- There are many subtle laws which are practically unknown to people in general, but the Krsna consciousness movement is very scientifically distributing all this Vedic knowledge for the benefit of the people of the world
- There are very subtle laws of nature. Now there is no guarantee that you will get a very comfortable body or an American body. Therefore, it is essential for the human being to purify his existence
- There is a dormant affection for God within everyone; spiritual existence is manifested through the gross body and mind in the form of perverted affection for gross and subtle matter
- There is a second process (for moving in outer space) also called kapota-vayu. Kapota means "pigeon." One can train pigeons to carry one into outer space. The third process is very subtle. It is called akasa-patana
- There is no question of chance, there is no question of accident. Everything is working under subtle laws, under subtle direction of Krsna
- There is some injury in your finger or any part of the body. You do not know how subtle work is going on to cure it. Medicine is not cure; medicine is only helping. But there is automatic way of curing it
- There is yet another meaning, which is full of a variety of imports. Actually there are two gross meanings and thirty-two subtle meanings
- These elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether) in their gross and subtle states are produced by Krsna, whose marginal potency also produces the living entities working within this material world
- They (conditioned soul) are so blind that they cannot see anything beyond the jurisdiction of the subtle mind, intelligence or ego, but they are very much proud of their advancement in knowledge, science and material prosperity
- They (impersonalists) worship the Lord in His visva-rupa, or all-pervading universal form, and on the other they think of the Lord's unmanifested, indescribable, subtle form
- They are studying how the laws of nature is working. That's nice. But they should appreciate at the same time: Who made such subtle laws that they are working so nicely
- This (God is everything, subtle and gross) is the all-pervasive conception of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, which explains how He spreads everywhere and anywhere
- This (the eight inferior energies work grossly and subtly, whereas the superior energy works as the central generating force) is experienced in the human body
- This body is made of earth, water, fire, air and ether. This is called gross external energy, and there is also a subtle external energy of mind, intelligence and false ego. And behind that, the soul is there
- This gross is this land, bhumi - earth, straw. Water is a little more subtle. Just like in land you can stand, but in the water you cannot stand. It has become little subtle. Then fire, then air and then ether. This is the position, from gross to subtle
- This manifestation of subtle and gross matter exists within the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Out of causeless mercy toward His devotees, He exhibits various forms, which are all transcendental
- This material body is my covering, just like dress. Every one of us is dressed, covered by some kind of dress. Similarly, all living beings, they are dressed by the material covering. The gross dress or coat and the subtle dress
- This material existence, made of these five gross elements and three subtle elements, they're exactly like dream
- This material world is also a gross dreaming. Gross dreaming. That is subtle dreaming. And this is gross dreaming. That is the action of the mind, body, intelligence, dreaming. And here, the action of five material elements
- This prayer, Narayana-kavaca, constitutes subtle knowledge transcendentally connected with Narayana. One who employs this prayer is never disturbed or put in danger by the government, by plunderers, by evil demons or by any type of disease
- This process of transmigration is very subtle; therefore Srila Rupa Gosvami advises devotees to train their minds in order that they will be unable to remember anything other than Krsna
- This sense of freedom from material relations, as well as freedom from the material encagement of the gross and subtle encirclement, makes one free to act as the servitor of the Lord, even though one is in the material world
- This verse (SB 3.26.34) is the potential basis of great scientific research work, for it explains 1) how subtle forms are generated from the ethereal element
- This verse (SB 3.26.34) is the potential basis of great scientific research work, for it explains 2) how the tangible elements, namely air, fire, water and earth, are manifested from the subtle form
- Thus the demigods gave King Nimi the benediction that he would be able to stay in a purely spiritual body, free from all gross and subtle material contamination
- To see a woman's face and appreciate its beauty or to hear a woman's voice and appreciate her singing as very nice is a subtle falldown for a brahmacari or sannyasi
- Water is the common element in both the gross and subtle forms of all material creation, and it should be noted herewith that due to necessity, water, being most prominent in the material creation, is the principal element of all the five
- We are having different types of body. And it is going on. Actually this acceptance of body does not mean I die. I am there. In subtle form, I am there
- We cannot see the subtle, and the soul is even more subtle. Anyone with eyes can see the body, but not everyone can perceive the soul, the actual person
- We have discussed about brahmastra. It is almost similar to the modern nuclear weapon or bomb, but it is made with chemicals, but this brahmastra is made of mantra. That is the subtle way. Modern science has not reached to that point of subtle existence
- We have to imagine that these universes, which according to our limited knowledge are expanded unlimitedly, are so great that the gross and subtle ingredients are not only within the universe but cover the universe in seven layers
- We look to the outward covering of the body or subtle mind of the living being, but we cannot see the spiritual spark within the body
- When egoism in ignorance is agitated by the sex energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the subtle element sound is manifested, and from sound come the ethereal sky and the sense of hearing
- When he enters Brahmaloka, he enjoys life for many millions of years, and finally his material designation comes to an end. He then comes to a subtle designation, from which he attains the causal designation, witnessing all previous states
- When he had been purified after undergoing severe austerities for many hundreds of years, he could see that the cause of all causes, the SPG, was spread throughout his own body and senses, just as aroma, although very subtle, is perceived in the earth
- When one atheist argued that God is no more expert than the manufacturer of a subtle watch which has so many delicate parts, we had to reply that God is a greater mechanic than the watchmaker
- When the material body is annihilated, the spirit soul remains in a subtle form, which later assumes another material body
- When the mind's anger is expressed through the hand, there is fighting. When it is expressed through the leg, there is kicking. There are so many ways in which the subtle activities of the mind are expressed through the various senses
- Whether one is dreaming in a subtle way or a gross way, these dreams are all false and temporary. One's real business is to understand that one is soul (aham brahmasmi) and that his activities should therefore be different. Then one can be happy
- While exploiting the gross and subtle inferior energy (matter), the superior energy (the living entity) forgets his real spiritual mind and intelligence. This forgetfulness is due to the influence of matter upon the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- Within this material world, covered by the material body of subtle and gross matter, every living entity creates actions and reactions, which are herein known allegorically as sons and grandsons
- Without intelligence one cannot understand the direct activities of the senses, nor can he understand dreaming or the cessation of all gross and subtle activities
- Without knowing the subtle laws of nature, if we tried to justify all our deeds as influenced by the will of the PG, we would be attempting to bring partiality, inebriety, and gracelessness into the acts of the all-good Personality of Godhead
- Work is there for creation. The work is there, but it is actuated by the perfect potency of Krsna. That is real understanding. Don't think that it has come like mantra. No. The mantra is like that, but we cannot see how subtle work is going on
- You are seeing in your room things (in a television machine) as they are, even with color. So it is very subtle machine undoubtedly. But the subtle machine is working not independently. There is a man who is working
- You are the origin of the subtle material ingredients, the master of all integration as well as the master of all disintegration, the predominating Deity named Sankarsana, and the master of all intelligence, known as the predominating Deity Pradyumna