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Pages in category "Week"
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- A businessman is not satisfied by working the whole week; therefore, wanting a change for the weekend, he goes to a place where he tries to forget his business activities
- A materialistic person works throughout the whole week very, very hard. He is always asking, "Where is money? Where is money?" Then, at the end of the week, he wants to retire from these activities and go to some secluded place to rest
- A yogi may come, and we can challenge him, saying that this (Krsna Consciousness) is the topmost yoga system, though at the same time it is very simple. You don't have to exercise your body over a period of weeks before you feel some power
- After about a week, the tiger will get the chance to catch an animal, and because it does not get fresh food daily, it will keep the carcass in some bush and eat a little at a time
- As I have already informed you I am going to Paris the second week of May and Bhagavan das is arranging for a tour of Geneva, Rome and Sweden. I may also visit cities in Germany if you will arrange for that
- At the time of the Ratha-yatra festival, Lord Jagannatha goes to the Gundica temple from His original temple and stays there for one week. After one week, He returns to His original temple
- Bhattacarya said (Caitanya): You have been hearing Vedanta-sutra from me for the past week, but You have not asked any questions, nor have You indicated that I am explaining it nicely. Therefore I cannot tell whether You are understanding me or not
- Big, big rich men in America, they spend fifty thousand dollars in a week in Florida for seeing naked dance. Is it not? Is it not a fact? Because they are sudras. They do not know how to spend money
- Endowed with the development of consciousness from the seventh month after his conception, the child is tossed downward by the airs that press the embryo during the weeks preceding delivery
- Even if you should desire to return to S.F. after two or three weeks, the $300.00 involved in flying is nothing compared to the millions in publicity value we are getting on the TV
- Even my hair grows inconceivable, I do not know. I cut every week, and it still grows. There are so many little inconceivable power within me. I am part and parcel of God. Just imagine how much inconceivable power is there in Krsna. It is common sense
- For the last few weeks we have been learning that we are not this body; we are consciousness. Not exactly consciousness, for consciousness is actually the symptom of our real identity: we are pure soul, now merged within this material body
- Forgetfulness is the nature of the living entity. We cannot even remember what we were doing at this exact time yesterday or a week ago. If we cannot remember this, how is it possible to remember what happened in our previous lives
- From there He (Lord Caitanya) went to the western side of Navadvipa, to the village called Vidyanagara. From Vidyanagara He went to Kuliya-grama and stayed at Madhava dasa’s house. He stayed there one week & excused the offenses of Devananda and others
- He (my German Godbrother, Sadananda) told me that "In my childhood, in the First World War, the ration was controlled. Only children, we could get fat, butter." He showed his wristwatch - This quantity only, once in a week
- Hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam from the professional men, (an audience) can derive some material benefit as they desire, but that does not mean that such a pretense of hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam for a week is as good as the hearing of Maharaja Pariksit
- How long should we do it (engage ourselves in Krsna's service)? As long as this body keeps working. We do not know when it will stop functioning. The great saint Pariksit Maharaja got seven days notice: Your body will fall in a week
- I (Prabhupuada) am very glad to receive your letter dated November 3, 1972, that your programme there is improving considerably every week. That is very good news
- I am here in Vrindaban at least up to September 25th or longer, as I am leaving for South Africa in the first week of October. Kindly come here so we can discuss
- I am presently fixing a traveling schedule for visiting Paris, France in the second week of May. Then I will visit, Geneva, Rome, Stockholm, and three or four cities in Germany, each place for no more than four or five days
- I am presently travelling through Europe and in the past weeks have held many programs in Rome, Geneva, Paris and now Germany. I, therefore, have no time to carefully study and decide on your proposals. The best thing is if you can come and meet with me
- I am sorry I couldn't join you. Thank you for your invitation. I am expecting to go back to Vrndavana in the second week of March. I will be very pleased to see you there
- I am very anxious for Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day to be celebrated by all of our devotees in Mayapur in February. There is no reason why the government will not let 20 or 25 of our men come there for two weeks
- I am very much pleased to learn that you are trying to find out some place where I can give two or three times a week lecture-classes to university students in the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness or Bhagawat Dharma
- I beg to inform you that I am in reciept of your invitation letter in the matter of observing Bhagavata week through the secretary of Bombay spiritual centre
- I have heard also from Brahmananda that he plans to spend 3 days per week at Boston, but I have also heard that during his absence 3 devotees have left the temple. So things should be managed so nicely that our devotees may not leave us
- I invite you to come visit me here in L.A. for a week or so, then you can speak with me directly. So please try to come here at your earliest convenience, and that will be very nice
- I request you to come here for a week with the full manuscript so that I can see it personally, along with you, and finish the editorial work, within a week
- I shall be arriving there (in Vrndavana) approximately the 15th (of October) and can remain for about three weeks before going to Delhi, where we will hold our second annual Hare Krsna Festival and Bhagavata-dharma Discourses
- I thank you very much that you are sending me letters every week. Your very strong desire to return to Germany is already approved by me, and Krishna das is very much eager to receive you there
- I think George can afford to expand for this whole week celebration at his house. That will be practical understanding of Krishna Consciousness. You can suggest this idea to George on my behalf
- I was thinking of you since about a week why you are silent, and all of a sudden I got your letter with a golden ring enclosed. It was so much ecstatic
- I was with them (Gopala and Sally Agarwal) for three weeks in Butler, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and then I came to New York
- I will speak twice or thrice in a week to as many students who will come, intelligent boys and girls, and they will get regular instruction in our Vedic knowledge as it is
- I wish that you may come here for a week, suspending all other business and finish this Bhagavad-gita in my presence
- I wish to speak on the great philosophy of Bhagavata Dharma at least once in a week on Television, so if arrangement is made by you for this, then you will be doing the highest service for Krishna
- If a man lives outside the home and spends a week in a city or somewhere else, at the end of the week he becomes very anxious to return home and enjoy sex with his wife
- If the man is habituated to commit sinful activities throughout the whole week, what is the use of his going to the church and confessing and give some bribe or... You take in any, any field. So it is very intelligent question. There is practically no use
- If the man is habituated to commit sinful activities throughout the whole week, what is the use of his going to the church and confessing and give some bribe. So it is very intelligent question
- If there is no person-to-person meeting, where is the question of love? If I claim to love somebody, but I visit his house only once a week and ask,"Please give me such-and-such," where is the exchange of love
- In continuation from my last letter to you, I wish to inform you that I have now arrived in Bombay a week ago. I would like to meet with you
- In India there is a class, they are professional Bhagavata reciters. They make contract that he shall recite Srimad-Bhagavatam, finish within a week, and he should be rewarded. These things are not recommended in the authoritative scriptures
- In L.A. things are going on very nicely and just this week 40 new devotees were initiated. So the stock of japa beads I brought with me has been depleted
- In the tapo-vana, Maharaja Prthu sometimes ate the trunks and roots of trees, and sometimes he ate fruit and dried leaves, and for some weeks he drank only water. Finally he lived simply by breathing air
- It (Process of Krsna consciousness) is universal. Any human being with little intelligence, he can understand. And even he does not understand, this process is so nice that if you continue this process for a few weeks, you'll be able to understand
- Just on Saturday, several devotees have arrived from San Francisco, all of them have come here for two weeks to practice together as our Sankirtana party, then they will all go to London and begin preparations for our center there
- Just on the other side of the Ganges there is Mayapur, and you can occasionally or every week go there and learn Bengali and Sanskrit if it is your desire. All facilities are there
- Maharaja Pariksit met Sukadeva Gosvami just a week before his death, and the King was perplexed as to what should be done before he was to pass on
- My travelling schedule for the next few weeks: I shall arrive in Columbus on flight 485, United Airlines, at 10:47 on May 9, 1969. Then on the 15th of May I shall be going to North Carolina, and then on the 18th of May I shall proceed to New Vrindaban
- New devotees are coming. That is a sign of your sincerity. Krishna is sending. And you are distributing over 1000 BTG per week. That is most encouraging. Maintain this program and you can be sure that Krishna will give you a new temple very soon
- Now I think that you can join me as the next GBC secretary for travelling with me by my side. If I go to New York in the first week of April you can meet me there, or if I go to South Africa you can meet me first here in India
- Now we have "Mrdangas" and cymbals. Let us organize a Kirtana party both at New York and at San Francisco and on our off days at least twice in a week let us have our Kirtana outside
- One miser who hesitated to purchase a copy of BTG spent $2,000 for a week's supply of medicine and then died. Another man who refused to spend a cent for the service of the Lord wasted thousands of dollars in a legal suit between the members of his home
- Our movement, this chanting Hare Krsna mantra, is so nice that what was possible after many, many births, you can get it within a few weeks. That is a fact. If you chant Hare Krsna mantra as we are doing, then you'll understand
- Pariksit Maharaja was unnecessarily cursed by a brahmana boy, and this was very much regretted by the boy's father, but Pariksit Maharaja accepted the curse and agreed to die within a week as the brahmana boy desired
- Pariksit understood that within a week he would have to die, and he prepared himself. He gave up his kingdom, entrusting it to his son, Maharaja Janamejaya
- People who are thinking, "By going to the church, by confession, I become free from all sinful activities, and then let me go again, commit the same thing for the whole week, come again and confess," this is not very good business
- Please come here, sit down at least once in a week, study all these books, try to understand the philosophy of life, and spread all over the world. That is the mission of Bharatavarsa
- Please send me a letter at least once in a week, that will give me a great pleasure. Naturally I am anxious to know how different centers are working, and when I get good reports from them it gives me great solace
- Please write to Tamala Krsna at least once a week what are your activities
- Since the Krsna consciousness movement was started, I have traveled all over the world two or three times a year, and although I am provided comfortable places to stay wherever I go, I cannot stay anywhere for more than three days or a week
- Someone may think, "For a whole week I may commit sinful activities, and for one day I will go to the temple or church and admit my sinful activities so that I can become washed off and again begin my sinning"
- Sometimes, due to business, Ramacandra was absent from His capital for a full week & could not be seen by the citizens during that time. Because of his vow (fast until he saw Ramacandra), the brahmana could not take even a drop of water during that week
- Sri-krsna-sankirtana is so powerful that it will conquer. It will be victorious. So I am very glad to meet you. And do this program. And if you like, I shall come back after a week and do. Utilize me in this way, I shall be very glad
- That (we go two nights a week with eighty men. Huge kirtana with five mrdangas and guitars) will make you triumphant. Go on kirtana. That is very nice. Kirtana, and book distribution. This is also kirtana
- The child is tossed downward by the airs that press the embryo during the weeks preceding delivery. Like the worms born of the same filthy abdominal cavity, he cannot remain in one place
- The Christian people, they go to the church, confession, "Sir, I did this, all these sinful activities last week." "All right, pay me something." Again, from Monday, beginning sinful activities; come on Sunday. These are not allowed
- The chronological order in which people all over the world refer to the days of the week - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday - corresponds to the Vedic order of the planets and thus circumstantiates the Vedic version
- The court or the church is not meant for that purpose, that they will excuse the sinners every week without questioning and without giving him full, nice instruction that "You cannot do this." But if they say like that, then no more, nobody will come
- The incident of the King's (Maharaja Pariksit) garlanding the muni (Samika Rsi) was not sufficient cause for being cursed to death, but since there was no way to retract the curse, the King was informed to prepare for death within a week
- The next process of devotional service is arcanam, worship of the Deity, the form of Krsna in the temple. It is not that one should worship Krsna once a week or once a month. Rather, one should worship Krsna twenty-four hours a day - nitya
- The rice was selling at six rupees per mound. All of a sudden, within a week, it came to fifty rupees per mound. I have seen it. No rice was available in the market
- The so-called yogis, karmis, they are all cheaters. They show some bodily gymnastic and talks all nonsense, becomes God within a week or six months. These things are going on
- The word samvatsara, meaning "the progress of time," is significant. Day after day, week after week, fortnight after fortnight, month after month, year after year, the living entity becomes entangled in the chariot's progress
- There are many who observe silence some day in a week. Vaisnavas, however, do not observe such silence. Silence means not speaking foolishly. Speakers at assemblies, conferences and meetings generally speak foolishly like toads
- There is no need of fasting once every week. Two days fasting per month on Ekadasi is sufficient
- They (professional reciters) want to finish Srimad-Bhagavatam in a week, although it is so sublime that even one verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam, if properly explained, cannot be completed in three months
- This year, we will again celebrate the birth day of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Mayapur on March 27th. All the devotees will be coming about a week early for doing parikrama of the different holy spots. About 400-500 devotees will again come this year
- We should not materially calculate, thinking, “It is better to stock food for a week. Why give the Lord trouble by having Him bring food daily?” One should be convinced that the Lord will provide daily. There is no need to stock food for the next day
- Wealthy men collected rice which was selling at six rupees a pound, and suddenly within a week the price rose to fifty rupees a pound. Consequently no rice was available on the market, and the people went hungry
- What kind of love is it? Love does not mean that you come once a week to my house. Love means you come to my house every day, give me some present, and take something from me. Srila Rupa Gosvami describes the symptoms of love in his Upadesamrta - 4
- What to speak of temple, I had no residential place even. So in that condition I was thinking of returning back to India. So the shipping company I was, practically every week, I was going
- When I came to your country I saw that taking bath is also difficult thing. Taking bath, that is also not in practice. Perhaps once in a week. We are accustomed to see in India thrice in a day
- Will you kindly send me a detailed report of your activities regarding Mayapur affairs? Please send me a report every week & oblige
- With your multifarious duties you come here thrice in a week and try to understand. This is also spiritual culture. This will not go in vain. This will give you impression. Even you stop coming here, that impression will never go
- Within a week there would be an inundation throughout the universe and that the fish incarnation would protect the King, along with the rsis, herbs, seeds and other living entities, in a boat, which would be attached to the fish's horn
- Yes, I shall be glad to meet with you in London during Rathayatra in a few weeks, and at that time I shall be very glad to give you the Sannyas order of life, so you may prepare for that
- You can fix up the Hindi High School Program as you have proposed, and we shall go. You can fix it for three weeks from now at the end of September
- You go on posting leaflets regularly at least daily 100 to the addresses of respectable gentlemen taking from an authorized mailing list or else from the telephone book. After a week from the posting date you can ask the gentlemen by phone as follows
- Your idea that when I am in Los Angeles I shall simply lecture on Sundays, and on the weekdays the boys will lecture so I shall be free to go on with my translating work is very stimulating