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Pages in category "Prescribed"
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- A person who is not purified by the prescribed process of samskara is called asamskrta
- A physician who knows how to diagnose a disease prescribes medicine accordingly. If the disease is very serious, the medicine must be strong
- A society which is civilized and organized should follow the prescribed rules and regulations for the particular classes - namely brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras
- According to the Vedic culture, brahmanas do not possess anything, whereas ksatriyas possess riches, but only for performing sacrifices and other noble activities as prescribed in the Vedic injunctions
- According to Vedic regulations, the ksatriyas were allowed to kill prescribed animals on certain occasions, either to maintain peace in the forests or to offer the animals in the sacrificial fire
- Activities to satisfy the Supreme Godhead are prescribed in the Vedic literature, and execution of such activities is called yajna. In other words, acting on behalf of the Supreme Lord is called yajna
- Akuto-bhayah means "without any fear." You can keep yourself in Krsna consciousness as it is prescribed. Then your life is secure, akuto-bhayah. Therefore no more fear
- All men should be divided into four classes - brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras - and they should act according to their ordained regulations. They cannot deviate from their prescribed rules and regulations
- All prescribed sacrifices are meant for achieving the Supreme Lord. Therefore, in the lower stages, they (men) should not be given up. BG 1972 purports
- All these different activities are prescribed for different persons so that they may be elevated to the platform of self-realization and from there to Krsna consciousness, devotional service
- Although one's duration of life is limited in years, if by chance one becomes a devotee, he surpasses the duration prescribed for his life; indeed, sometimes yogis die according to their wish, not according to the laws of material nature
- Although such rules and regulations are for the conditioned souls and not Lord Krsna, because He descended to establish the principles of religion, He followed the prescribed rules. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst the Hindus, those who are meat-eaters prefer to worship goddess Kali because it is prescribed that one can sacrifice a goat before that goddess
- Any prescribed activity must be performed for the sake of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Anyone who thus engages in the devotional service of the Lord, seriously and sincerely, with his mind, words and body, and who is fixed in the activities of the prescribed devotional methods, is blessed by the Lord according to his desire
- Anyone who trains the mind to turn from matter to the spiritual form of the Godhead by performance of the prescribed rules of devotional service can easily attain the kingdom of God, in the anti-material sky
- Anything done without the satisfaction of Visnu, or Yajna, produces bondage, so here it is also prescribed by Kapila Muni that one can transcend material entanglement by acting in Krsna consciousness, which means seriously engaging in devotional service
- As far as Maharaja Prthu was concerned, he was a great devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore it was not necessary for him to perform the prescribed Vedic ritualistic ceremonies
- Asakti is also not attained very easily, but there is a process. If we follow the process, as recommended by the authorities, then there is way. And one who is serious to understand God, or Krsna, they must follow the methods prescribed by the mahajanas
- At the time prescribed for reformatory ritualistic ceremonies for one's self, wife or children, or during funeral ceremonies & annual death ceremonies, one must perform the auspicious ceremonies mentioned above in order to flourish in fruitive activities
- Bali Maharaja replied: All those present on this battlefield are certainly under the influence of eternal time, and according to their prescribed activities, they are destined to receive fame, victory, defeat and death, one after another
- Battle of Kuruksetra was performed in a place which is called dharma-ksetra. So sometimes war is also performed in terms of religiosity. That is prescribed. That is required
- Because human life is meant for tapasya, for self-realization, factual human civilization, as conceived by the system of sanatana-dharma or the school of four castes and four orders of life, prescribes rigid dissociation from woman in three stages of life
- Brahmacari means student life, vanaprastha means retired life and sannyasa means renounced life. For them the minimum necessities of life is prescribed. And they should be automatically minimum
- By strict adherence to prescribed principles for all orders of social life, one can attain the qualities of truthfulness, control the mind, control the senses, forbearance, etc., & can be elevated to the plane of rendering pure devotional service to God
- By this process you'll be asammudhah. Nobody can cheat you. But if you want to be cheated there are so many cheaters. So don't make a cheater and cheated society. Just follow the parampara system as it is prescribed in the Vedic literature
- Celibacy is so important that even though one does not undergo any austerities, penances or ritualistic ceremonies prescribed in the Vedas, if one simply keeps himself a pure brahmacari, the result is that after death he goes to the Satyaloka
- Control is there, but they do not know what kind of control should be there. The control should be, as we are prescribing, "You cannot take anything without Krsna's prasada." That is real control. Then you'll be happy
- Controlling the life air by the prescribed yogic process is mechanical, and the practice is more or less a physical endeavor for spiritual perfection
- Cutting the hair from his head, depriving him of his wealth and driving him from his residence are the prescribed punishments for a brahma-bandhu. There is no injunction for killing the body
- Cutting the hair from his head, depriving him of his wealth and driving him from his residence are the prescribed punishments for the relative of a brahmana. There is no injunction for killing the body
- Devotional service comprises nine prescribed practices - hearing, chanting, remembering, worshiping, serving, offering everything to the Deity, etc
- Dharma means the prescribed rules by which one can elevate himself to the transcendental life. That is dharma, religion
- Doctor, you have got very good patients. Your practice is very nice. - So his name was Suvahi. He's Muhammadan. So, - Sir, it is not my credit. If you want my practical experience, I'll say you with confidence I prescribe somebody some medicine, it fails
- Due to constant engagement in devotional service - hearing, chanting, remembering, worshiping the Deity, etc., as prescribed in nine varieties - there are different symptoms which appear in the body of a devotee
- Even a physician - when he is sick he does not devise his own treatment. He calls for another physician, because his brain is not in order. How can he prescribe the right medicine for himself
- Everyone begins his devotional life from the neophyte stage, but if one properly finishes chanting the prescribed number of rounds of hari-nama, he is elevated step by step to the highest platform, uttama-adhikari
- Everyone has got a particular relationship with Krsna in his original, constitutional position. That will be revealed gradually as you advance in devotional service in the prescribed rules and regulation. That is called svarupa-siddhi
- Everything necessary as we have prescribed. If you think that it is not necessary, unnecessary, then you under the maya. Why do you take that, "Is it necessary?" That means you are not strong enough. You cannot follow
- First they (the acaryas) should become Krsna conscious, and all the prescribed rules and regulations may later gradually be introduced. In our Krsna consciousness movement we follow this policy of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- For each class (namely brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras) there are prescribed rules and regulations as well as occupational functions. The prescribed duties and qualities of the four classes are described in - Bhagavad-gita 18.41-44
- For householders it is prescribed that one should hear the Bhagavad-gita or other transcendental texts of which we now have ample supply from the lips of the devotee of the Lord
- For ladies, taking a bath up to the neck is ordinarily prescribed, and they take a full bath only on certain occasions. On this occasion Devahuti took a full bath and washed her hair very nicely
- For material enjoyment He (God) has prescribed so many ritualistic sacrificial performances in the Vedas, and thus people may take advantage of those instructions and enjoy material life in higher planets or in a noble aristocratic family
- For the devotees there is no need for performance of prescribed sacrifices because the very life of the devotee is a symbol of sacrifice
- For this age, Kali-yuga, the Lord has prescribed a special means of God-realization - the chanting of His holy name
- From the description, it appears that the sun moves. According to modern astronomers, the sun is fixed in one place, surrounded by the solar system, but here we find that the sun is not stationary: it is rotating in a prescribed orbit
- Garbhadhana-samskara, or the first seedling purificatory process prescribed for the higher castes, is the beginning of all pious acts to receive a good pious and intelligent class of men in human society
- Generally it is prescribed that performers of pious activities are promoted to the higher planetary systems, devotees are promoted to the Vaikunthas, or spiritual worlds, and impersonal speculators are promoted to the impersonal Brahman effulgence
- Good karma means what is prescribed in the Vedas. Specifically, it is prescribed that one should perform yajna. Yajna means actions for the satisfaction of Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Haridasa Thakura was the ideal spiritual master because he regularly chanted on his beads a prescribed number of times. Indeed, he was chanting the holy name of the Lord 300,000 times a day
- He (Ravana) offered a program to the people by which he would prepare a staircase so that anyone could reach the heavenly planets without performing sacrifices, such as are prescribed in the Vedas. BG 1972 purports
- He (Srila Raghunatha dasa) has enjoined that we should not perform religious or irreligious activities as prescribed in the Vedas. The best course is to engage always in the service of Krsna & Radharani. That is the perfection of everything in this life
- He will actually feel himself making progress (by chating Hare Krsna). In Bhagavad-gita this practice of Krsna consciousness is prescribed as raja-vidya, or the king of all erudition
- I shall request Nandaji that take the standard method as prescribed in the Bhagavad-gita. Then you will be successful. Not only Nandaji - anyone. The example is already there
- I think you know all the procedures by now and you may give them the Gayatri as I have already prescribed by using the tape record of the mantras and performing the fire sacrifice
- If all living beings are satisfied with food and shelter and obey the prescribed rules, there cannot be any disturbance between one living being and another. Emperor Pariksit was a worthy king, and therefore all were happy during his reign
- If I am following the prescribed regulative principles of my Spiritual Master, then without doubt I am pleasing him. So in this way, if you think it over, you will understand the answers to all your questions
- If I would have prescribed some gymnastic process and if I would have charged fifty dollars for some secret mantra, then your countrymen would have followed me. Because it is presented very simply, although very sublime, we don't get any followers
- If one does not offer obeisances to such a sannyasi (tridandi sannyasi), the prescribed prayascitta is to fast for one day
- If one does not think or act wisely, as Vedic knowledge prescribes, how can he stop the problems of life? Simply by atonement there may be a temporary suppression of difficulties, but they will arise again
- If one is actually educated in Vedic knowledge, is famous for performing prescribed activities and has been born in a great aristocratic family, why should he be called a demon
- If one performs sankirtana-yajna by chanting Hare Krsna, there is no need to arrange elaborate paraphernalia for the prescribed sacrificial ceremonies recommended in the Vedas
- If one thinks, "I cannot protect myself from the attack of sex desire," then let him be married. That is prescribed. But don't have illicit sex. If you want a girl, if you want a boy, get married and live in Krsna consciousness
- If one wants to understand Bhagavad-gita, he cannot take help from other methods. He must understand it as prescribed in Bhagavad-gita itself, by understanding it as Arjuna understood it
- If one worships as prescribed in the temple (in the temples in India there is always some statue, usually of Visnu or Krsna), that is a chance to progress. BG 1972 purports
- If we have some kind of trouble in the stomach from drinking milk, the physician prescribes the same milk in the form of yogurt, which is nothing but treated milk
- If we take it upon ourselves to kill someone, we are subject to capital punishment by the state government. Our actions are then called vikarma, for they are against prescribed actions
- If we try to understand Bhagavad-gita as it is, then we have to accept a certain prescribed process. Not that because one is very erudite scholar academically, because one has got some degrees of the university he will be able to understand Bhagavad-gita
- If we want to be cured from this disease, then we have to follow rules and regulation. Just like a patient, if he wants to be cured from the disease, he has to follow the rules and regulation prescribed by the physician
- If you carry on your service to Radha and Krishna according to the prescribed rules, your love of Krishna will increase more and more; this you are seeing practically by the Grace of Krishna
- If you make atonement for your sinful activities by some process - just like we are prescribing this process, chant Hare Krsna - surely your sinful reaction is nullified. But don't commit it again. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In America it may sometimes be very chilly in the morning, and that may make taking one's morning bath a little difficult. But does that mean that those who are devotees will stop taking their prescribed morning bath? No
- In Bhagavad-gita Sri Krsna also says: "O son of Prtha, there is no work prescribed for Me within all the three planetary systems. Nor am I in want of anything, nor have I need to obtain anything - and yet I am engaged in work" - BG.3.22
- In modern days, when the influence of Kali Age is so disturbing, practically everyone is untrained in this art (controlling the life air by the prescribed yogic process) of bodily exercise
- In normal conditions, in the absence of danger, O Yudhisthira, a man should perform his prescribed activities according to his status of life with the things, endeavors, process and living place that are not forbidden for him, and not by any other means
- In olden days such practice (controlling the life air by the prescribed yogic process) was very common for the transcendentalist, for the mode of life and character in those days were favorable
- In order to check this social disturbance (varna-sankara or unwanted population), there are prescribed rules and regulations by which the population can automatically become peaceful and organized for spiritual progress in life. BG 1972 purports
- In order to convince the yogi that the Absolute Truth, or Supreme Personality of Godhead, is never impersonal at any time, the following verses prescribe observing the Lord in His personal form, limb after limb
- In other words, the prescribed forms of varna and asrama are ritualistic ceremonies of religion intended for economic development, sense gratification or for salvation
- In our Krsna consciousness movement we never offer the sannyasa order to a person whom we do not find to be qualified in terms of the prescribed brahminical principles
- In our Krsna consciousness movement, this same path (of publishing books that will help future candidates) is being prescribed and followed
- In response to the inquiries of Pariksit Maharaja, Sukadeva Gosvami, his guru, could have immediately explained the principle of bhakti, but to test Pariksit Maharaja's intelligence, he first prescribed atonement according to karma-kanda
- In the beginning there will be tests by Maya, and we shall feel so many disturbances while making progress in Krsna consciousness. But if we follow the rules and regulations and chant regularly as prescribed, then we shall remain steady
- In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna frankly says that He accepts vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc. One should not offer Lord Vasudeva anything other than what is prescribed herein by the great authority Narada Muni
- In the Bhakti-Rasamrita-Sindhu it is enjoined by Srila Rupa Goswami that any work, either prescribed in the Vedas or ordinary mundane activities, if the target is to satisfy Krishna, then everything is devotional service
- In the chilly cold of winter they will immerse themselves in water up to the neck and meditate. Such vows are prescribed in strict systems of tapasya. But Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu does not give us such a prescription
- In the devotional service of the Lord, therefore, these prescribed activities (fixing mind on the lotus feet of the Lord by constant remembrance) are called arcana, or engaging all the senses in the service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- In the third stage, if you follow the regulative principle and chant with some prescribed number, numerical strength, then your all misgivings will be over automatically
- In the Vedas it is prescribed that before performing a brhaspati-sava sacrifice, one should perform the sacrifice named vajapeya. While performing these sacrifices, however, Daksa neglected great devotees like Lord Siva
- In the Vedas, the above-mentioned four activities are prescribed in the regulative way so that there will not be any undue competition for sense gratification. But Srimad-Bhagavatam is transcendental to all these sense gratificatory activities
- In the Vedas, the four primary subjects (pious activities, economic development, satisfaction of the senses, & liberation from material bondage) are prescribed in a regulative way so that there will not be undue competition for sense gratification
- In the Vedas, there are different kinds of yajnas prescribed for different kinds of demigods, but all are ultimately offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the Vedas, there are different kinds of yajnas prescribed for different kinds of demigods, but all are ultimately offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- In the Vedic civilization, these (Eating, sleeping, mating) necessities are prescribed in a regulated way so that he can satisfy his physical necessities, at the same time, become Krsna conscious and go back to home, back to Godhead
- In the Vedic literature, the ways of action and reaction are prescribed to enable one to come to the stage of purification. BG 1972 purports
- In this age it is very difficult to find qualified brahmanas who can perform sacrifices as prescribed in the Vedas
- In this material world everyone is engaged in some particular occupational duty which is prescribed in the varnasrama-dharma
- In Vedic literatures there are prescribed schedules for the appearance and disappearance of Sri Krsna. Krsna's rising is just like the sun
- In your country there is law that you cannot purchase from the drug shop any medicine without being prescribed by the medical man. Is it not? So the prescription should be taken from the experienced physician to cure the disease
- Indeed, Vedic culture prescribes tapasya, and one can see many tapasvis undergoing austerities in India. In the winter they stand in water up to their necks and meditate
- It (the sun) is moving in its prescribed orbit by the order and the supreme will of Govinda. BG 1972 purports
- It is not ordinary war (Kuruksetra) . And it was performed in a place which is called dharma-ksetra. So sometimes war is also performed in terms of religiosity. That is prescribed. That is required
- It is not possible for the people in general to completely sever relations with their families as the varnasrama institution prescribes. The whole atmosphere is surcharged with opposition
- It is our practical experience in the KC movement all over the world that many millions of people are factually coming to the spiritual stage of life simply by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra regularly, according to the prescribed principles
- It is prescribed in Bhagavad-gita: If a devotee offers Me a small flower, a leaf, some water or a little fruit, I will accept it
- It is prescribed that you can do anything. There is no harm. Whatever your business, or vocation, occupation, you are engaged, that has not to be changed. That has not to be changed. Simply your consciousness has to be changed
- Just as doctors are sought when one is diseased, according to the Vedic way of life there is a class of brahmanas to whom one should go for prescribed atonement for sinful activities
- Just like one, a person, is suffering from fever, so according to Ayurvedic medicine, tri-katu... Tri means three, and katu means bitter. Tri-katu, just like nim, nim fruits, kalamegha and cirata. They are prescribed, very bitter to eat
- Just like there are physicians for treatment of the disease, there are highly learned brahmanas who are called bhattacaryas. People go there: "Sir, I have committed this sin. What I have to do?" So they prescribe that - You do like this
- Just like to cure disease, you have to follow some regulative principle of, prescribed by the physician, similarly, in order to cure yourself from this material disease, you have to accept. Nivrtti. Nivrttitah means ceasing this process of material life
- Karabhajana said, "My dear King, if somebody gives up his occupational duties as they are prescribed for the different varnas & asramas, but takes complete shelter, surrendering himself unto the lotus feet of the Lord, such a person is no more a debtor"
- Kings like Janaka were all self-realized souls; consequently they had no obligation to perform the prescribed duties in the Vedas. Nonetheless they performed all prescribed activities just to set examples for the people in general. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna will accept a devotee who strictly follows the regulative principles and the method prescribed in the various books and literatures published by the authorities
- Little tapasya required. Without tapasya you cannot be purified. That little tapasya we have prescribed that - Rise early in the morning at half past three
- Lord Krsna followed the prescribed rules. Otherwise, common men would follow in His footsteps because He is the greatest authority. BG 1972 purports
- Love means bhajanti, render service. That is love. That is the beginning of love. So even there is no love, if you, under the prescribed rules and regulation, if you simply render service, then you will develop love
- Mechanical ways of rising to the spiritual platform prescribe some regulative principles of taking bath daily three times, fasting as far as possible, sitting and concentrating the mind on spiritual matters
- My dear Arjuna, a man who does not follow this prescribed Vedic system of sacrifice certainly leads a life of sin, for a person delighting only in the senses lives in vain. BG 3.16 - 1972
- My dear King, if a diseased person eats the pure, uncontaminated food prescribed by a physician, he is gradually cured, and the infection of disease can no longer touch him
- Narada Muni, who is the guide for arcana, is the author of the Narada-pancaratra, which prescribes the regulative principles for worshiping the Deity
- Never they prescribed unwanted children like cats and dogs. No. So therefore there was garbhadhana-samskara. Before the father and mother conjugate there is ceremony, garbhadhana, for the higher caste
- No animal could be killed except in sacrifice, as prescribed. Unnecessarily there was no need of killing animals. That is great sin
- Now let us discuss the offenses in Deity worship. The following are offenses: (a) to enter the temple with shoes or being carried on a palanquin, (b) not to observe the prescribed festivals, (c) to avoid offering obeisances in front of the Deity
- O King Yudhisthira, at the time prescribed for reformatory ritualistic ceremonies for one's self, one's wife or one's children, or during funeral ceremonies and annual death ceremonies, one must perform the auspicious ceremonies mentioned above
- O son of Prtha, there is no work prescribed for Me within all the three planetary systems. Nor am I in want of anything, nor have I need to obtain anything - and yet I am engaged in work. BG 3.22 - 1972
- Of course, this consciousness (everything related to God) is not for the ordinary person, but if one takes to the path of devotional service, as prescribed in The Nectar of Devotion, he can be trained in this consciousness & attain perfect understanding
- On account of his being highly elevated in Krsna consciousness, he has already acquired all the good qualities and is following the rules and regulations prescribed for the mystic yogic process
- One can continue with his occupational duty, but if he worships the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Lord Siva prescribes, he attains his perfection of life. Svanusthitasya dharmasya samsiddhir hari-tosanam - SB 1.2.13
- One cannot dictate to the spiritual master, just as a patient cannot demand that his physician prescribe a certain type of medicine
- One demoniac scholar says that it is not Krsna to whom one must surrender. This scholar is already suffering in this life, and he will have to suffer again in the next if in this life he does not complete his prescribed suffering
- One has to follow the prescribed rules and regulations of religious principles in order to rise up to the platform of knowledge because by knowledge and devotion only can one liberate himself from the clutches of maya (illusion). BG 1972 purports
- One has to follow the rules and regulations prescribed by the acaryas, and thus, under superior guidance, Krsna-realization is fully possible, even in this material existence
- One has to observe the prescribed rules and regulations. As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita, yuktahara-viharasya
- One of these (prescribed rules and regulations) states that they (men) should never trouble any animal, even those that disturb human beings
- One should also offer a flame, incense and so on (to the deity of Lord Krsna), while ringing a bell, as prescribed. This is called worship of the Lord
- One should follow in the footsteps of previous devotees regarding how to worship the Supreme Lord with the prescribed paraphernalia, or one should offer worship within the heart by reciting the mantra to the PG, who is nondifferent from the mantra
- One should install the physical forms of the Lord, and with the chanting of the mantra one should offer flowers and fruits and other varieties of foodstuffs exactly according to the rules and regulations prescribed by authorities
- One should make it a point that by his work and the result of his labor he serves the Supreme Lord as prescribed by the authorities expert in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord Visnu
- One should perform only those activities - either worldly or prescribed by Vedic rules and regulations - which are favorable for the cultivation of Krsna consciousness
- One should realize the benefits of the Krsna consciousness movement by the prescribed spiritual process and try to distribute these benefits to other people. To awaken the dormant Krsna consciousness of others is the greatest welfare activity in the world
- One who does not actually follow the hygienic principles prescribed in the Vedic rules and regulations will be subjected to many contagious diseases
- One's occupational duty is prescribed in Bhagavad-gita. As already discussed in previous verses, the duties of a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra are prescribed according to the particular modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- Other yajnas prescribed in the Vedic literatures are not easy to perform in this age of Kali, but the sankirtana-yajna is easy and sublime for all purposes. BG 1972 purports
- Pariksit now inquired from all the great sages present there: "You are all learned sages; please just prescribe for me." So someone said to practice yoga, some said to practice jnana, the cultivation of knowledge; there were different opinions
- Performing prescribed worship in such temples (temples of Radha-Krsna, Jagannatha, Balarama, Sita-Rama, Gaura-Nitai and so on) of Visnu and thus worshiping the Lord is as good as performing the payo-vrata ceremony recommended here - in SB 8.16.60
- Persons who are engaged in fruitive activities for sense enjoyment must perform the prescribed sacrifices because that is the only means to get free from the reaction of all sins committed by fruitive workers
- Pious acts are prescribed in the supplementary Vedas (smrtis), which specifically mention digging tanks and wells for the water supply of the people in general
- Prescribed ceremonial sacrifices are especially meant to please Lord Visnu, who is the objective of all such sacrifices and who awards the resultant benedictions
- Sacrifice does not mean murdering. The real work is yajna. Yajna means Visnu. In the Bhagavad-gita, yajna is prescribed
- Sinful activities are diseases, so one should follow the prescribed cures to become healthy
- Srila Haridasa Thakura is called namacarya. Of course, we cannot imitate Haridasa Thakura, but everyone must chant a prescribed number of rounds
- Such purificatory processes (as prescribed in the Vedic literature) are adopted for the ultimate liberation of the living entity. In all such activities it is recommended that one should vibrate om tat sat. BG 1972 purports
- Sudyumna followed the prescribed regulations of varnasrama by leaving the kingdom and going to the forest to complete his spiritual life
- Sukadeva said: Vibhisana, the pious brother of Ravana and devotee of Lord Ramacandra, received approval from Ramacandra, the King of Kosala. Then he performed the prescribed funeral ceremonies for his family members to save them from the path to hell
- Sukadeva says that one has to execute the prescribed atonement according to the gravity of his sinful activities. A physician may prescribe an expensive medicine or a cheap medicine according to the gravity of the disease
- Suppose there are so many persons, they are without food in the hospital. Doctor has prescribed, "No food." What you can do there? Can you show your sympathy
- Tapa, we prescribe for tapasya no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no intoxication and no gambling. This is tapasya. This is tapasya. We have to accept if we want superior position of life. Tapo divyam
- The arcana-marga, or the devotional path prescribed in the Pancaratra system of devotional service for worshiping the Deity in the temple, makes the devotee think constantly of the Lord; that is samadhi, or trance
- The beginning is to develop attachment for Krsna. The process which we have prescribed is chanting and dancing before the Deities, and offering prasadam, spiritual food. This will make you more Krsna conscious
- The defect in the modern society. They imagine. This business should be given up. He must follow. Sadhu-marganugamanam, which is prescribed by the sadhu, guru, you have to accept that. You cannot manufacture your own way
- The demigods are authorized supplying agents on behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu. Therefore, they must be satisfied by the performance of prescribed yajnas. BG 1972 purports
- The demigods are authorized supplying agents who act on behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu. Therefore, they must be satisfied by the performance of prescribed yajnas
- The demigods say, "We are Your eternal servants." So those who are servants, or devotees of the Lord, are not very much concerned with fruitive activities, the performance of the prescribed yajnas, or mental speculation
- The devotees are chanting Hare Krsna; that is God, that sound is God, sabda-brahma. This is the way. And if you want to see God, you can see also. That is prescribed here
- The highest realization of spiritual value is to chant the holy name of God, as prescribed for the age - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- The king personally begged the muni's (Manduka Muni) pardon for the mistake of his men, and the saint at once went to Yamaraja, who prescribes the destiny of the living beings
- The Krsna consciousness movement is based upon this instruction of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu (in CC Adi 16.15) that one must chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra regularly and according to the prescribed principles
- The Krsna consciousness movement prescribes sixteen rounds daily because people in the Western countries cannot concentrate for long periods while chanting on beads
- The Lord is residing in everyone's heart, and unless one is purified by the prescribed process, one will feel that he is alone
- The Manu-samhita prescribes that a man who has committed murder should be hanged and his own life sacrificed in atonement. Previously this system was followed all over the world, but since people are becoming atheists, they are stopping capital punishment
- The medicine for jaundice disease is that sugar, that candy sugar. Modern science also prescribes, and it is prescribed in the Ayurvedic medicine also. If he takes much quantity of this candy sugar water, then he becomes relieved from jaundice
- The method is that one should have a duly sanctified sitting place made of straw, deerskin and carpet, and thus sitting on it one should chant the holy name of the Lord without offense, as prescribed above
- The method prescribed is sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayoh: one must engage one's mind fully in Krsna. Only then will there remain no other engagements to agitate the mind. BG 1972 purports
- The other (process of bhakti-yoga) is for one who has not developed an attachment for the Supreme Person by transcendental love. For this second class there are different prescribed rules and regulations, which one can follow. BG 1972 purports
- The Pancaratrika system acts on the sudra class of men, supposedly the population of the Kali-yuga, and it is the prescribed purificatory process suitable to the age and time
- The physician is giving some medicine and some diet. So if we follow the directions of the physician and eat the diet prescribed by him, there is hope of curing the disease. This is one way
- The purpose of knowledge and of restraining the senses, as prescribed in the jnana and yoga processes, is automatically served in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- The sage Maitreya said: Thus Daksa, the head of all Prajapatis, having been nicely instructed by the SPG, worshiped Lord Visnu. After worshiping Him by performing the prescribed sacrificial ceremonies, Daksa separately worshiped Lord Brahma and Lord Siva
- The scholars of the Koran are not very advanced in knowledge. Although there are many methods prescribed, they do not know that the ultimate conclusion should be considered the most powerful
- The senses of the living entity are always engaged in some occupation, either in activities prescribed in the injunctions of the Vedas or in material activities
- The sun is considered to be one of the eyes of the Supreme Lord and that it has immense potency to diffuse heat and light. Still it is moving in its prescribed orbit by the order and the supreme will of Govinda
- The system of varnasrama-dharma, or sanatana-dharma, prescribes retirement from family encumbrances as early as possible after one has passed fifty years of age
- The varnasrama-dharma is prescribed for the civilized human being just to train him to successfully terminate human life. Self-realization is distinguished from the life of the lower animals engaged in eating, sleeping, fearing and mating
- The Vedas enjoin: yajno vai visnuh. In other words, the same purpose is served whether one performs prescribed yajnas or directly serves Lord Visnu. Krsna consciousness is therefore performance of yajna. BG 1972 purports
- The Vedas prescribe sacred marriage for regulated sense gratification. Thereby one is gradually elevated to the platform of release from material bondage, and the highest perfection of liberated life is to associate with the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The Vedas prescribe two different types of occupation for the human being. One is called the pravrtti-marga, or the path of sense enjoyment, and the other is called the nivrtti-marga, or the path of renunciation
- The Vedic principles certainly prescribe a gradual process for rising to the spiritual platform, but if one remains attached to the Vedic principles, there is no chance of his being elevated to spiritual life
- The words prasaste karmani, or prescribed duties, indicate that there are many activities prescribed in the Vedic literature which are purificatory processes beginning from parental care up to the end of one's life. BG 1972 purports
- The Yamadutas replied: That which is prescribed in the Vedas constitutes dharma, the religious principles, and the opposite of that is irreligion. The Vedas are directly the SPG, Narayana, and are self-born. This we have heard from Yamaraja
- The yoga process, as described in the Kesava-sruti, prescribes how one can control his living force according to his desire and transmigrate from one body to another or from one place to another
- The yoga system for meditation (controlling the sitting posture and breathing process and fixing the mind upon the Supreme) is prescribed in order to mold the character of the gross materialist
- The Yoga-sutra also prescribes meditation on Visnu, and not meditation on the void
- The Yoga-sutra also prescribes meditation on Visnu, and not meditation on the void. The so-called yogis who meditate on something which is not the Visnu form simply waste their time in a vain search after some phantasmagoria. BG 1972 purports
- There are always disturbing diseases and economic problems in Kali-yuga. Therefore Lord Sri Krsna considered that in this age it is impossible for people to come to the perfectional stage of liberation by following the prescribed rules and regulations
- There are different prescribed rituals from birth until the end of life, and they (materialistic persons) are very much attached to such activities
- There are different yajnas prescribed (in Bhagavad-gita) for different ages, & in the present age of iron industry the yajna that enlightens the mind of the masses for God consciousness is recommended. This process of yajna is called the sankirtana-yajna
- There are three different stages of development in devotional service. The first stage is that of following the regulative principles prescribed in the codes of devotional service
- There are twenty kinds of religious scripture, out of which, Manu is considered to be the greatest. So they have prescribed many methods for getting oneself released from the reaction of sinful activities
- There is a need for a good and intelligent class of brahmanas who are expert in performing the purificatory processes prescribed in the system of varnasrama-dharma
- There is no necessity of rigidly following the performances of the prescribed yajnas for the transcendentalists who are above vice and virtue. BG 1972 purports
- These mahajanas, as they have prescribed, that is the real way for understanding Krsna, or spiritual service. So we are following the Brahma-sampradaya, the first, Svayambhu. Brahma. Brahma, then Narada; from Narada, Vyasadeva. In this way
- They are (the forms of worship of the superior) all nicely described in the Second Chapter, but in the Third Chapter further development is prescribed after one has actually reached the stage of Visnu worship
- They performed the ritualistic ceremonies prescribed at the time of birth according to religious principles. Jagannatha Misra also gave varieties of charity
- This child formerly had three colors according to the prescribed color for different millenniums. Formerly He was white, red and yellow, and now He has assumed a blackish color
- This devotional service to the Lord is always based on love of God and is distinct from the nature of routine service as prescribed in karma-yoga, jnana-yoga or dhyana-yoga
- This does not mean, however, that we should give up the principles of discharging devotional service or neglect abiding by the rules and regulations prescribed therein
- This movement should therefore be conducted under strict disciplinary methods as prescribed by the 'Mahajans' or the 'Harijan' of accredited merit. In such a movement we shall have full co-operation of the 'Sadhu' community in India
- Those going against the prescribed rules and regulations of conditional life are called brahmojjhita-pathas, or persons going against the path of the Absolute Truth, and they are liable to be punished
- Those who adopt the means of devotional service, as prescribed by the expert transcendentalist, are never disappointed in their attempts to enter the anti-material world
- Those who are too much, I mean to say, thinking of this body, for them, this hatha-yoga system is prescribed. But the aim of that hatha-yoga system is to see or search out the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or Paramatma
- Those who draw distinctions between the two are concocting their own laws. Even in the Ten Commandments it is prescribed, "Thou shall not kill." This is a perfect law, but by discriminating and speculating men distort it
- Those who have been reformed by the garbhadhana ceremony and other prescribed reformatory methods, performed with Vedic mantras and without interruption, and who have been approved by Lord Brahma, are dvijas, or twice-born
- To benefit all human society, not only in this life but in the next, the great seers and sages have prescribed various methods conducive to the prosperity of the people in general
- To get relief from sinful reactions, the Vedas prescribe several kinds of sacrifices
- To gratify the senses of the diseased fellow is not the business of a real physician. A good, qualified physician cannot indulge the patient by merely satisfying him, but must prescribe the real medicine, whether it satisfy the senses or not
- To prepare oneself for the better next life, one must get out of one's so-called home. The system of varnasrama-dharma, or sanatana-dharma, prescribes retirement from family encumbrances as early as possible after one has passed fifty years of age
- Transcendental, glorified activities of Lord Sri Krsna are the prescribed remedy for counteracting the process of birth, death, old age and disease, which are considered to be material awards for the conditioned living being
- Try to understand this position of Indian culture and try to give it to the western brothers in the prescribed standard method of the liberated persons and that will be an exchange of mutual friendship
- Understanding Krsna is not very easy. But it is also the easiest. It is not easy, but at the same time it is the easiest. It is the easiest if you follow the prescribed forms
- Unless one comes to the disciplic succession, anything he prescribes, that is null and void. It is not to be accepted
- Unless we are prepared to perform the prescribed sacrifices, our supply of the necessities of life will be checked. Bhagavad-gita confirms that Lord Brahma created human society along with yajna, the performance of sacrifice
- Vasudeva, the father of Lord Krsna and the maternal uncle of Arjuna, sent his priest representative Kasyapa to purify Arjuna by all the prescribed samskaras, or reformatory processes
- Vedas prescribe some regulations: you act in this way, so that you will not be unhappy. If you follow the regulation, ultimately the result will be that you will be free from the material entanglement
- Vedic rituals, like prescribed sacrifices, are performed for purification of impious activities that were performed in the field of sense gratification. But action in Krsna consciousness is transcendental to the reactions of good or evil work. BG 1972 p
- Vivekananda, he prescribed daridra-narayana-seva. The same thing - hospital. We kill all animals, and the hospital patient is given the meat for improvement of the health. But he does not know that this is not curing; he is become implicated in his karma
- We have prescribed in our Society that all our students must chant at least sixteen rounds daily. Such chanting must be offenseless in order to be of high quality
- We must first activate our dormant love of Godhead by following the prescribed rules and by following in the footsteps of the authorities who are actually fixed in love of Godhead
- We must rise early in the morning, bathe, attend mangala-arati, worship the Deities, chant the Hare Krsna mantra, study the Vedic literatures and follow all the rules prescribed by the acaryas and the spiritual master
- We prescribe certain rules and restrictions for our disciples so that they can make real advancement in spiritual life. This Yogananda gives no restrictions or regulative principles to his disciples, and thereby collects all nonsense class of men
- We prescribe so many things just to keep you cleansed - cleansed within, cleansed outside. Then there is no affection of maya. Otherwise, you will be harassed by three kinds of miserable condition
- When Aryans eat, they eat only prescribed eatables
- When one comes to that standard of life, that he is not dictated by the senses but he uses senses when it is properly required . . . senses are not to be stopped. That is not prescribed
- When one is under the spell of the modes of material nature, one should follow the prescribed rules for particular situations and should not imitate others. BG 1972 purports
- When service is rendered in affection, it is the Lord's special mercy. When service is rendered in veneration, it is doubtful whether Krsna's mercy is actually involved. If Krsna's mercy is there, it is not dependent on any prescribed caste or creed
- When the devotees smell the good flavor of the incense which is offered to the Deity, they thus become cured of the poisonous effects of material contamination, as much as one becomes cured of a snakebite by smelling the prescribed medicinal herbs
- With the prescribed forms of hearing and chanting, there is at once mitigation of the superfluous and unwanted miseries of material existence. Such mitigation of material affection does not wait for development of transcendental knowledge
- Yajna, specifically the sankirtana-yajna prescribed for this age, must therefore be performed to save us at least from scarcity of food supply. BG 1972 purports
- You go to a drug shop, there are hundreds and thousands of medicines. They are all medicine, but the medicine which is prescribed by the physician for you, that is your medicine. So in this age this is the medicine - chanting Hare Krsna
- You try to understand this simple fact, that without God consciousness, you may prescribe so many things - they will be all failure, all failure. And God consciousness cannot be achieved without being pure. This is the problem