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Pages in category "Original"
The following 858 pages are in this category, out of 858 total.
- Krsna's expansions are compared to candles that have been lit from an original candle
- Nectar of Devotion teaches us how to stimulate our original love for Krsna
- Original authority
- Original constitution
- Original disciple
- Original planet
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura specifically deals with original and pure sex psychology, adi-rasa, devoid of all mundane inebriety
- A burning lamp can light innumerable other lamps, and although they will not be inferior, still the lamp from which the others are lit must be considered the original
- A disparity exists in the original reality - between the Lord and His devotees - and is reflected here not only in the relations between parents and children in human society but even in the animal kingdom
- A fire consists of three elements: heat and light, which are the energy of the fire, and the fire itself. Anyone can understand that the original fire is the reality and that the heat and light are simply the fire's energy
- A human being is meant to be trained according to certain principles to revive his original knowledge. Such a methodical life is described as tapasya
- A living entity and the Absolute Personality of Godhead are never to be considered equal, just as a fragmental spark can never be considered the original flame
- A living entity is eternally an individual soul, & if he wants to merge into the spiritual whole, he may accomplish the realization of the eternal & knowledgeable aspects of his original nature, but the blissful portion is not realized. BG 1972 purports
- A living entity, by his past experience, remembers the real happiness of his original, spiritual existence, but since he has forgotten himself he seeks spiritual or permanent happiness in matter, although this is impossible to achieve
- A mahajana is one who strictly follows the original religion and knows things as they are. And that means he must be coming in the parampara, the system of disciplic succession
- A materialistic man asked me, "Why are you living in Vrndavana? Why have you selected such a dirty place to live after retiring?" Such a person cannot understand that the earthly Vrndavana-dhama is always a representation of the original Vrndavana-dhama
- A member of the Ventor Gosvami Society, or the caste called gosvami, cannot be accepted as a descendant of the six original Gosvamis. Nor can so-called devotees who manufacture songs about Lord Caitanya, professional priests or paid reciters, be accepted
- A pure living entity in his original spiritual existence is fully conscious of his constitutional position as an eternal servitor of the Lord
- A sober, self-realized person who has full knowledge should merge the various parts of the body in their original sources
- A spiritual form like the Lord's, either two-handed or four-handed, is attained by the devotees of the Lord either in the Vaikunthas or in the Goloka planet, according to the original nature of the soul
- A waterpot made of earth can be used to carry water for some time, but ultimately the pot is nothing but earth. Therefore there is no difference between the pot and its original ingredient, earth. It is simply a different transformation of the energy
- According to expert opinion, Balarama, as the chief of the original quadruple forms, is also the original Sankarsana
- According to ordinary experience, Vrndavana appears to be just like an ordinary village, but in the eyes of a highly elevated devotee, it is as good as the original Vrndavana
- According to Sripada Sridhara Svami, the original commentator on the Bhagavatam, there is not always a devastation after the change of every Manu
- According to the methods of black art mantras instructed in the tantras, if the mantra fails to kill the enemy, then, because it must kill someone, it kills the original creator. Sudaksina was the originator, and the priests assisted him
- According to these Acharyas (Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya) Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam are, in their original stand, the real commentaries of the Vedanta Sutras
- According to this original and genuine commentation on the Vedanta-sutra - the Srimad-Bhagavatam, there are numerous pretentious faiths that pass as religion but neglect the real essence of religion
- Actually as a sannyasi he (Damodara Svarupa) should have been called Tirtha, but he chose to retain his original brahmacari title of Svarupa
- Actually I cannot claim any credit for myself, but I say if any credit is due, it is due to the fact that I have not deviated from the original instructions
- Actually it was my original idea that our press should print many smaller books by the millions
- Actually, this forgetfulness of his (the living entity's) relationship with Lord Visnu is the cause of his destruction. Anyone who revives his consciousness of the original relationship receives inspiration from the Lord
- Adi-caturbhuja, the original expansions from Baladeva, are Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna & Aniruddha. All of Them are visnu-tattvas, or nondifferent Personalities of God. In the incarnation of Rama, these expansions appeared for particular pastimes
- Affection and the dealings of love are different branches of the original tree of love preceding the many varieties of affectionate manifestations, which will not be discussed here
- After being created from the navel of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, Lord Brahma, the original created living being within the universe, created many other different types of living entities to reside in this universe
- After Brahma stole the original cowherd boys and calves, Krsna expanded Himself to become the boys and calves again. Therefore, because the boys were actually Krsna's expansions, the cowherd men were especially attracted to them
- After His killing of Putana is manifested in this universe, it is next manifested in another universe. Thus all the pastimes of Krsna are eternally existing both in the original Goloka Vrndavana planet and in the material universes
- After seeing the woman, the Lord's external consciousness returned, and He saw the original deity forms of Lord Jagannatha, Subhadra and Lord Balarama
- Akrura continued, "When people deviate from the original knowledge of the Vedas, they try to identify the ordinary living entities with Your Lordship (Krsna and Balarama)"
- All his (Charlie Chaplin) comic play has got some originality. That is the beauty. How he invented! I think that character, when he was a drunkard, he's a great friend. When he's not drunkard, "Who is this man?" He's grave, as rich man
- All other incarnations are situated in potential form in the original body of the primeval Lord. Thus according to one's opinion, one may address Him as any one of the incarnations
- All relationships in the material world are but perverted reflections of these original relationships. In the mundane world we experience only the shadow of the reality, which exists in the spiritual world
- All the 4 original sampradayas are still scrupulously engaged in the transcendental service of God up to date, & they all declare that Lord Krsna, Mukunda, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, & no other personality is equal to Him or greater than Him
- All the acaryas wrote books, and still I am writing books. Similarly, also my disciples will write. So any self-realized soul can write unlimited books without deviating from the original ideas
- All the conditions of deep sleep, dreaming and wakefulness are but energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One should always remember the original creator of these conditions, the Supreme Lord, who is unaffected by them
- All the soldiers and persons on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra attained their original spiritual form like the Lord after their death because by the causeless mercy of the Lord they were able to see Him face to face on that occasion
- Although a touchstone produces many varieties of valuable jewels, it nevertheless remains the same. It does not change its original form
- Although all living entities are also transcendental, they are neither original nor infallible. The living entities are apt to fall down under the clutches of material nature, but the Lord is never like that
- Although any number of candles can be lighted, the original candle still retains its identity as the origin. In this way Krsna expands Himself into so many lights, and all these expansions are called Visnu-tattva
- Although any number of candles can be lit, the original candle still retains its identity as the origin. In this way Krsna expands Himself into so many forms, and all these expansions are called visnu-tattva - CC Intro
- Although crocodiles are very fierce animals, they are powerless when they venture out of the water onto land. When they are out of the water, they cannot exhibit their original power
- Although he (Ajamila) was referring to the small child and not to the original Narayana, the name of Narayana is so powerful that even by chanting his son's name he was becoming purified
- Although His original name is Krsna (krsnas tu bhagavan svayam (SB 1.3.28)), He acts in unlimited ways, and according to His work He has many, many thousands of names
- Although Ravana tried to abduct the goddess of fortune Sitadevi from the custody of Lord Ramacandra, he could not possibly do so. The Sitadevi he forcibly took with him was not the original Sitadevi, but an expansion of maya, or Durgadevi
- Although the living entity's mind, intelligence & identity are beyond the range of this material world, when he enters into material world due to his desire to dominate matter, his original mind, intelligence & body become covered by the material energy
- Although the Lord (Krsna) is appearing constantly in the material universes, His pastimes are eternally present in the original Goloka Vrndavana. Therefore these pastimes are called nitya-lila - eternally present pastimes
- Although the meaning of the verse was known only to Svarupa Damodara, Rupa Gosvami, after hearing it from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, immediately composed another verse that described the meaning of the original verse
- Although the original flame, or Sri Krsna, is accepted as Govinda, the Supreme Person, all other expansions, such as Rama, Nrsimha and Varaha, are as potent as the original Lord. All such expanded forms are transcendental
- Although there are many expansions, Lord Sri Krsna is the origin, as confirmed in Brahma-samhita. He is like the original candle from which many thousands and millions of candles are lit
- Although there are many expansions, Lord Sri Krsna is the origin, as confirmed in the Brahma-samhita. He is like the original candle, from which many thousands and millions of candles are lit - CC Intro
- An intelligent person must free himself from the influence of the three modes of material nature and revive his original, spiritual body by engaging in the service of the Supreme Person, Krsna
- Anyone who has developed unalloyed, unflinching devotional service unto the Lord develops his original good qualities as spirit soul. The spirit soul, as part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has all the good qualities of the Lord
- Anyone who has got little control, he can be called isvara. That is the dictionary meaning. But even the original isvaras, namely Brahma, Visnu, Mahesvara, they are also not supreme isvara. The supreme isvara is Krsna
- Arjuna said, "Although Abhimanyu was killed almost in Your (Krsna's) presence, Subhadra's love for You is not agitated at all, nor has it even slightly changed its original color"
- Arjuna said: You are the Supreme Brahman, the ultimate, the supreme abode and purifier, the Absolute Truth and the eternal Divine Person. You are the primal God, transcendental and original. BG 1972 Introduction
- Arjuna was the original target, but in fact Bhagavad-gita was spoken for everyone, for all human beings, and therefore one must take advantage of it
- As confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.6): The word dharma means "engagement." One who is engaged in the service of God (yato bhaktir adhoksaje), without impediment and without cessation, is understood to be situated in his original, spiritual status
- As far as reputation is concerned, King Prthu is already known as the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The word adi-rajam means "the original king."
- As far as your future films are concerned I do not think it is possible for the BBT to continue financing these films. BBT is strictly for construction of temples and printing books. My idea is that you can use the original capital that BBT gave you
- As long as a living entity is not self-realized - as long as he is not independent of the misconception of identifying with his body, which is nothing but a reflection of the original body and senses - he cannot be relieved of the conception of duality
- As one of the authorities on the Vedas, he (Vyasadeva) divided the original Veda, for convenience, into four divisions - Sama, Yajur, Rg and Atharva
- As soon as an intelligent devotee sees an unwanted creeper growing beside the original creeper, he must cut it down instantly. Then the real creeper, the bhakti-lata, grows nicely, returns home, back to Godhead, & seeks shelter under Krsna's lotus feet
- As soon as the human beings deviate from their original nature, the Lord comes to teach them, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: My dear living entities, give up all material activities and simply surrender unto Me for protection - BG 18.66
- As soon as the living entity returns to his original, spiritual form and understanding, he immediately surrenders to the supreme form, the Personality of Godhead. This is explained in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.19). Bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate
- As soon as the original purpose (of Bhagavad-gita) was scattered by the motives of the unscrupulous commentators, there arose the need to reestablish the disciplic succession. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as the sons of Devaki were killed, they would return to their original place. The devotees wanted to see this also. Generally speaking, no one kills his own nephews, but Kamsa was so cruel that he did so without hesitation
- As soon as you become God conscious, your original all good qualities will manifest automatically
- As stated in Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38), the Supreme Lord in His original nature is very beautiful. Venum kvanantam aravinda-dalayataksam barhavatamsam asitambuda-sundarangam: the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although blackish, is very, very beautiful
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita, premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena (BS 5.38). When one has purified eyes, he can see that Sri Vrndavana and the original Goloka Vrndavana planet in the spiritual sky are identical
- At Kuruksetra, Krsna displays His opulence, whereas in Vrndavana He is in His original position
- At the request of Balarama, Krsna briefly explained the whole situation: how the calves and boys were stolen by Brahma and how He was concealing the incident by expanding Himself so people would not know that the original calves and boys were missing
- At the time of the Ratha-yatra festival, Lord Jagannatha goes to the Gundica temple from His original temple and stays there for one week. After one week, He returns to His original temple
- Bali said, "My Lord Balarama, You are the original Anantadeva. You are so great that Anantadeva Sesa and other transcendental forms have originally emanated from You"
- Because Lord Krsna is the original Supreme Person, any question about Him is original and perfect. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that the highest perfection of life is to achieve the transcendental loving service of Krsna
- Because the living entity is eternally part & parcel of God, when he is liberated, he revives his original, eternal, part-and-parcel identity. The realization of aham brahmasmi (I am not this body) does not mean that the living entity loses his identity
- Because they (Mayavadi philosophers) do not accept this (that the living entity is equal in quality with the SP of Godhead), they think that the living entity has been falsely divided from the original Brahman due to being conditioned by maya
- Because we have used perverted sex, we have got a very bad idea. But actually sex is there in the original. Otherwise there is no question of madhurya-rasa
- Because you have got leg and hand, therefore the coat has got leg and hand. You can . . . everyone can understand. It is very easy. So the original, the spirit soul, has got form. Therefore the cloth has been cut into form. It is very easy to understand
- Below the planet named Goloka Vrndavana are the planets known as Devi-dhama, Mahesa-dhama and Hari-dhama. These are opulent in different ways. They are managed by the S P of Godhead, Govinda, the original Lord. I offer my obeisances unto Him
- BG says, "O son of Prtha, those who are not deluded, the great souls, are under the protection of the divine nature. They are fully engaged in devotional service because they know Me as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, original and inexhaustible"
- Bhagavan svayam is Krsna (krsnas tu bhagavan svayam). He is Visvatma, the original Supersoul of everyone, because his plenary portion expands as the Supersoul
- Bhagavata means . . . God is called Bhagavan. Bhagavat, the original word is bhagavat, and one who has got intimate relation with bhagavat, he is called bhagavata
- Bhava means "one who accepts a material body," and abhava means "one who does not accept a material body but descends in the original, spiritual body"
- Both Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika belonged to the brahmana caste, but because they were employed by Muslims, their original habits degenerated into those of the Muslim community
- Both families (the yadu-vamsa and the vamsa of Nanda Maharaja) had the same original forefather, the only difference being that Nanda Maharaja was born of a vaisya wife whereas Vasudeva was born of a ksatriya wife
- Both the living entity and the Supreme Lord have original, spiritual forms (sac-cid-ananda-vigraha), but the Lord, the Supreme, does not change His form
- Brahma himself addressed Krsna, narayanas tvam na hi sarva-dehinam: You are also Narayana. Indeed, You are the original Narayana - SB 10.14.14
- Brahma is addressed as pitamaha, grandfather. He's the original first creature in this material world, in this universe, and everyone has come from him. Therefore he is called pitamaha. Pitamaha means grandfather
- Brahma is called here (in SB 3.32.12-15) adyah sthira-caranam. He is the original, first-created living entity, and after his own birth he creates the entire cosmic manifestation. He was fully instructed in the matter of creation by the Supreme Lord
- Brahma is the original living creature in the universe, from whom were generated the Manu Svayambhuva and his wife Satarupa
- Brahma said, "I see Your different Narayana forms everywhere. I can see You on the water, I can feel You within my heart, and I can also see You before me now. You are the original Narayana"
- Brahma said, "If, by the association of Your devotees, a person comes to the knowledge that Lord Krsna is the original Supersoul, then it is possible for him to cross over the ocean of material ignorance"
- Brahma said, "You are the original amrta (indestructible nectar of immortality). As confirmed in the Vedas, amrtam sasvatam brahma. Brahman is the eternal, the supreme origin of everything, who has no birth or death"
- Brahma said, "You are the original lamp. Other incarnations may possess the same candlepower as the original lamp, but the original lamp is the beginning of all light"
- Brahma said, "You are the source of the original brahmajyoti as well as the material luminaries - the sun, moon and stars. Your transcendental effulgence is identical with the brahmajyoti"
- Brahma visiting Krsna as four-headed Brahma. He was little proud that, "I am the original, first creature of this universe. I have got four heads, four hands." The material nature, the influence of material nature, is like that
- Brahma was puzzled. The original boys and calves are still sleeping as I have kept them, he thought, but another set is here playing with Krsna. How has this happened
- Brahma was surprised that his mystic power had been neglected. Without touching the original cows and cowherd boys, Krsna had created another assembly of calves and boys, who were all expansions of visnu-tattva. Thus Brahma's mystic power was superseded
- Brahma was surprised. The original cowherd boys and cows, he thought, are still where I put them last year. So who is it that is now keeping company with Krsna exactly as before? Where have they come from
- Brahma, the original living being within the material world, taught us the way of sacrifice. The word "sacrifice" suggests dedication of one's own interests for satisfaction of a second person. That is the way of all activities
- By bhakti-yoga we can directly transcend both the subtle body (mind, intelligence and ego) and the gross material body. Then we can be situated on the spiritual platform in our original, spiritual body
- By chanting and dancing or hearing the holy name of the Lord a devotee develops his original attitude of service to the Lord
- By executing ds in that way (according to regulative principles given by the spiritual master), he gradually becomes attached to Krsna, and when his original dormant love for the Lord becomes manifest, he spontaneously serves the Lord without any motive
- By following the principles of this movement, one becomes disassociated from material mental concoctions and is established on the original platform of the eternal relationship with the SPofG as servant and master. This is the purpose of the KC Movement
- By hearing such an authority (Narada Muni) one can have some idea of the results of devotional life, which are hardly delineated even in the original texts of the Vedas
- By study of Srimad-Bhagavatam under the bona fide spiritual master, one becomes aware of the full value of life, and then he revives his original Krishna consciousness. That is the perfection of life
- By the grace of the Lord His dhamas and He Himself can all be present simultaneously, without losing their original importance. Only when one fully develops in affection and love of Godhead can one see those dhamas in their original appearance
- By the inconceivable energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord can appear before us in His original spiritual body, but because we have no experience of the spiritual body, we are sometimes bewildered and see the form of the Lord as material
- By the parampara system, one can thus be endowed with the original spiritual power coming from the Supreme Personality of Godhead (evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh (BG 4.2))
- By Your bodily features we can see that You are none other than the son of Nanda Maharaja, although the golden luster of Your body has covered Your original complexion
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has defined our original svarupa, our original identity, as that of eternal servant. People are artificially thinking, - I am independent. I am no one's servant. I have become God. I have become Bhagavan. I am this, or I am that
- Caitanya replied to Bhattacarya, There is nothing really difficult about the meaning of the original Vedanta-sutra, but the way you explain Vedanta-sutra appears to obscure the real meaning
- Caitanya revived the original Vedic system, and He elevated Thakura Haridasa to the position of namacarya, or the authority in preaching the glories of the holy name of the Lord, although His Holiness was pleased to appear in a family of Mohammedans
- Childhood & boyhood are two special features of the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna, but His permanent feature is His eternal form as an adolescent youth. The original Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna is always worshiped in this eternal adolescent form
- Desire and greed are the products of false identification of oneself with the body. When one becomes free from this contamination, then his mind and consciousness also become freed and attain their original state
- Despite being a material product, if the sun can maintain its original temperature & yet produce so many byproducts, is it difficult for the Supreme Absolute Truth to remain unchanged in spite of producing so many by-products by His inconceivable energy?
- Devaki said, "I know that You are the master of the Prajapatis like Brahma and his assistants, and You are the original Personality of Godhead, Narayana"
- Devotees (of Krsna) take shelter of the Vrndavana in India, for it is considered to be a replica of the original Vrndavana
- Devotees (of Krsna) take shelter of the Vrndavana in India, for it is considered to be a replica of the original Vrndavana - CC Intro
- Devotees can see that the original potencies causing the cosmic manifestation are not in chemicals but in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for He is the cause of the chemicals
- Devotional service, or sense activity for the satisfaction of the Lord, is called abhidheya because it can develop one's original love of Godhead, which is the goal of life
- Dhrtarastra merged these five elements into the original mahat-tattva. By identifying his material conception of life, he gradually separated his spirit soul from material connections and placed himself at the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of God
- Diamond also illuminating, but it is not original. Original luminous is sun, & the illumination expanded by diamond is not so valuable as the sunshine. Similarly, Brahma, although we see him so powerful, he has little power derived from the Supreme Lord
- Disciplic succession means the original lessons which was given by Krsna, that should be transmitted from the original person to his disciple
- Diti’s pregnancy caused the demigods to be very much afraid, and the demigods went to see Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma explained the original incident involving the cursing of Jaya and Vijaya by the Catuhsana Kumaras
- Due to being touched by the Lord’s lotus feet, the serpent was immediately freed from the reactions of his sinful life. Being freed, he again assumed his original form of Sudarsana, the Gandharva
- Durga is working simply just like shadow. As the shadow moves when the original substance moves, similarly, she is only working under the direction of Krsna. That's all. She is the external potency
- During Krsnadasa' time there was no Radharani deity, Madan Mohan was alone. Radharani was later introduced. The temple of Madan Mohan was formerly on high level, that is, the original old temple
- During the time of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the small buildings surrounding the original temple (of Lord Jagannatha) had not been constructed. Nor was the high platform in front of the temple present during the time of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Either expansion or incarnation, they are all candles. The original candle is Krsna. It is not that expansion of expansion is less powerful. The candle power is the same either origin or expansion or expansion of the expansion
- Equal terms means spiritually. That we invite everyone. There is no discrimination. We don't care for the designations. We invite everyone to leave aside the designation and come in your original form and be Krsna conscious and be happy
- Even a learned scholar, therefore, cannot understand the gopis' ecstatic feelings, which are firmly fixed upon the original form of Lord Krsna as the son of Nanda Maharaja
- Even big, big political leaders. They will cover: "Kuruksetra means this, dharmaksetra means this." No. Hearing should be ... Our policy is hearing the original, as it is. Then it will be effective
- Even if we are not born, the spark comes out of Krsna, so we are different; the sparks of the fire are fire, but they are not the original fire
- Even in this material world we can have a little sense of love. How is this possible? It is due to the presence of our original love of God - CC Intro
- Even though both of them (the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entity) are original spiritual identities, the living entity forgets his identity when he comes in contact with material nature and becomes conditioned
- Even though during the time of dissolution all the conditioned living entities remain merged within the spiritual existence of the Lord, as if in deep sleep, their original desires to lord it over the material nature do not subside
- Every individual is different. There are even differences between twin brothers. Yet when Krsna expanded Himself as the boys and calves, each boy and each calf appeared in its own original feature
- Everyone in India is a devotee; they have simply been misled by politicians and so many things. By Lord Chaitanya's mercy we are again reviving their original Krishna Consciousness, just as we are doing in all our centers all over the world
- Everything has a particular original taste, and this taste can be changed by the mixture of chemicals. So everything original has some smell, some fragrance, and some taste. BG 1972 purports
- Everything in the material world has a certain flavor or fragrance, as the flavor & fragrance in a flower, or in the earth, in water, in fire, in air, etc. The uncontaminated flavor, the original flavor, which permeates everything, is Krsna. BG 1972 pur
- Everything in the spiritual sky retains its originality and does not fade. The fragrance of the flowers picked from the trees and made into garlands does not fade, for both the trees and the flowers are spiritual
- Everything is caused or manifested by the energy of the Supreme Lord, and when everything is annihilated or dissolved, the original potency enters the body of the Supreme Lord
- Everything is said there, we are discussing one point, that, one is, if we are convinced, that requires education. Love, we are being frustrated every point. Now when the perfectional point we shall come, that is by loving the original objective
- Expert devotees have decided that Krsna was neither a cheater nor a breaker of promises. Krsna, in His original identity, returned with Nanda Maharaja and stayed with the gopis and mother Yasoda in His bhava expansion
- Food, shelter, defense and sense gratification are all needs in material existence. Otherwise, in his pure, uncontaminated state of original life, the living entity has no such needs. The needs are therefore artificial
- For His pastimes, Lord Krsna has four original manifestations - namely Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha
- From the material nature everything is coming. Therefore according to Vedic knowledge, this earth is also mother. We have got seven mothers according to Vedic civilization: Atma-mata means original mother, real mother. And guroh patni, the wife of teacher
- From the original quadruple expansions, twenty-four forms are manifested. They differ according to the placement of the weapons in Their four hands. They are called vaibhava-vilasa
- From this letter I can understand that texts number 6 and 7 are missing in the manuscript of the third canto which you have in Boston. The original manuscript is in New York, and when I go there, maybe in April, I will find this for you
- Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu are identical plenary expansions of Pradyumna, the original Deity of Brahma, who is born from the lotus flower
- Gaudiya sampradaya did not make any commentary on the Brahma-sutra because Caitanya Mahaprabhu took SB, as a natural commentary, because SB is also made by Vyasadeva, and Vyasadeva is the original author of Brahma-sutra
- Generally people do not know this, or they forget it. Consequently they sacrifice their original interest, the attainment of Visnu's favor, and engage in philanthropic activities for bodily comfort
- Generally people very much appreciate this Sariraka-bhasya, or impersonal description of the Vedanta-sutra, but all commentaries that are devoid of devotional service to Lord Visnu must be considered to differ in purport from the original Vedanta-sutra
- Generally the Mayavadis emphasize the commentary made on the Vedanta-sutra by Sankaracarya, the Sariraka-bhasya, but that is not the original commentary on Vedanta-sutra
- Generally the suvarna-vaniks are bankers dealing in gold and silver. In western India, the Agarwalas also belong to the banking profession. This is the original business of the suvarna-vanik or Agarwala community
- Gita is the very nectar of the Mahabharata spoken by Visnu Himself, for Lord Krsna is the original Visnu. It is nectar emanating from the mouth of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 Introduction
- Had Krsna been a plenary expansion of Narayana, the original verse would have been differently composed; indeed, its order would have been reversed. But there cannot be mistakes, illusion, cheating or imperfect perception in the words of liberated sages
- Having been favored by the causeless mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and having regained his original form, King Huhu circumambulated the Lord and offered his obeisances
- He (Akrura) considered himself very fortunate to see Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and His plenary expansion, Balarama, face to face, for he knew that They were the original personalities of the creation
- He (Ananta) is the original Deity of material consciousness, and because He attracts all living entities, He is sometimes known as Sankarsana. The entire material world is situated on the hoods of Lord Sankarsana
- He (Brahma) could understand that although the original calves and boys were still in the cave where he had put them, Krsna had expanded Himself and so the present demonstration of calves and boys consisted of expansions of Krsna
- He (Brahma) desired to restore Hiranyakasipu's original body, and therefore, by sprinkling transcendental water from his waterpot, he immediately did so
- He (Brahma) is the original creature within this universe, yet he is not the most intelligent being. It is said that in the beginning, Brahma received knowledge from the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (Krsna was born of Devaki but according to His original plan He went to Vrndavana and after eleven years) would return to kill Kamsa. Because Kamsa did not know this, he believed Yogamaya's statement that Krsna was born elsewhere, not of Devaki
- He (Madhvacarya) quoted a verse from Skanda Purana in which it is stated that the Rg Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda, Mahabharata, Pancaratra and the original Ramayana are actually Vedic evidence
- He (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami) claims that the smarta-samaja, which is strictly followed by caste brahmanas, has influenced portions that Gopala Bhatta Gosvami collected from the original Hari-bhakti-vilasa
- He (the living entity) has his normal way of thinking, feeling and willing. The living being in his original state is not without thinking, willing and feeling power
- He (the poor man) is so absorbed in the thought of maintaining body and soul together that he forgets his original relationship with Krsna and seeks only the bodily comforts
- He (the Supreme Lord) mentions that in the form of time He devours also. He is the annihilator, the killer of all. When there is creation, He develops all from their original state, and at the time of annihilation He devours them. BG 1972 purports
- He (Visnu) is as powerful as Krsna, but the original Visnu is Krsna
- He (Vyasadeva) divided the original Veda, for convenience, into four divisions - Sama, Yajur, Rg and Atharva. He is the author of eighteen Puranas as well as the theosophical thesis Brahma-sutra and its natural commentary, Srimad-Bhagavatam
- He is directly and indirectly conscious of all manifestations, and He is independent because there is no other cause beyond Him. It is He only who first imparted the Vedic knowledge unto the heart of Brahmaji, the original living being
- He is mukta-purusa, liberated person. He is chanting Hare Krsna mantra without any offense. And when pure chanting will be there, then he awakens his original dormant love of Krsna. This is the result
- Here is a girl, my disciple. Her original name was Janne. Now she is devotee. And she was dancing in a different way. Now she is dancing Krsna conscious
- Here the statement of self-realization aham brahmasmi, which is interpreted by the Mayavada philosophy to mean "I am the Supreme Lord," is explained. The Supreme Lord is the original seed of everything
- His (Kasisvara Gosani's) surname was Caudhuri. His nephew, his sister's son, who was named Rudra Pandita, was the original priest of Vallabhapura, which is situated about one mile from the Sriramapura railway station in the village of Catara
- His (Krsna's) beauty is also without any rival, and because He excels all others in the pastimes of conjugal love, He is the original object of all conjugal love
- His expansions as Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha are in the original catur-vyuha, or four-handed forms
- I (Lord Brahma), Lord Siva and all the demigods, accompanied by the prajapatis like Daksa, are nothing but sparks illuminated by You, who are the original fire
- I (Maitreya Rsi) have spoken to you (Vidura) of the wonderful character of Svayambhuva Manu, the original king, whose reputation is worthy of description. Please hear as I speak of the flourishing of his daughter Devahuti
- I (Prabhupada) was not very happy when I had to minimize my original manuscript. But later on, when the demand for BG As It Is considerably increased, I was requested by many scholars and devotees to present the book in its original form. BG 1972 Preface
- I am an imperfect person. I cannot give you any knowledge. I cannot manufacture any knowledge. If I do that, then I shall deceive you. I can simply present before you the original knowledge
- I am the original fragrance of the earth, and I am the heat in fire. I am the life of all that lives, and I am the penances of all ascetics
- I am very glad that you have come to join our family of Krsna which is the original eternal, blissful family of all living souls as parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna
- I am very much satisfied with your transliteration and request you to transliterate the 2nd Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, and the original text is sent herewith
- I approved of it, but I advised him to put the words "Back to Godhead", as it is. The idea is that the original name, "Back to Godhead", even it goes to foreign country it should continue to be the same
- I desire to publish the GITA according to the original manuscript. In this expanded version, each verse is authoritatively presented with the Devanagari script, roman transliteration, English synonyms, translation and elaborate purport
- I have given a hint of the sixth verse. Now please hear as I reveal the meaning of that original verse
- I have given this example many times, the original candle, and you ignite another candle. That is second candle, and from the second, from the third . . . the third - from the third, the fourth
- I have several times said that most of the Europeans, they belong to the original ksatriyas
- I hope you are reading what books of mine you have and chanting Hare Krishna Mantra; these things are our real business in the human form of life, so that we can quit all material suffering and go back to our original home, back to Godhead
- I offer my full obeisances unto the feet of Nityananda Rama, whose partial representation called Karanodakasayi Visnu, lying on the Karana Ocean, is the original purusa, the master of the illusory energy, & the shelter of all the universes - CC Adi 1.9
- I offer my full obeisances unto the feet of Nityananda Rama, whose partial representation called Karanodakasayi Visnu, lying on the Karana Ocean, is the original purusa, the master of the illusory energy, & the shelter of all the universes - CC Adi 5.50
- I received the plan of my house in Mayapur from Bombay address. I do not approve of this plan just yet. I liked one plan which I saw in London. Where is that original plan? Then I can make comparison
- I'm expecting some letter from Russia. So, if such letter comes, you can keep the original letter, but send me a copy
- If any translator of my books requires the original manuscripts for his work, he should be supplied them by you
- If God is good, then I am good. So because I am covered by the material dirty things, I look like not gold. So this is the test. As soon as you become God conscious, your original all good qualities will manifest automatically
- If one can afford to, one should offer the Deity fine rice boiled in milk with clarified butter and molasses. While chanting the same original mantra, one should offer all this to the fire
- If one chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra without any offense, under the guidance of a spiritual master, all these samskaras (ten kinds of purificatory processes) automatically become fulfilled, and one returns to his original, spiritual position
- If one engages himself in his original, spiritual business, acting as the servant of Krsna, then all processes of purification and reformation are fulfilled
- If one engages himself in the service of the Lord some way or other, then the revelation, the original dormant God consciousness and love of God, becomes revived
- If one returns to his original, natural tendency in the human form of life by understanding the perfect knowledge given by Krsna Himself in the Vedic literature, one's life is successful
- If one tastes one kind of mellow and something extra is imposed, that is uparasa. If something is derived from the original mellow, it is called anurasa. If something is appreciated that is far removed from the original mellow, it is called aparasa
- If Syamasundara requires the copy of Bhagavad-gita, for translating it into German. So if he wants it you may hand over the copy, original copies, from my closet, and he will translate into German
- If the mind is purified by Krsna consciousness, one will naturally in the future get a body that is spiritual and full of Krsna consciousness
- If the Vedanta-sutra is explained by Vyasadeva himself, who has written it, its original meaning can be understood by the people in general
- If we agree to work under the direction of Krsna, then our original life is revived. That is wanted. The Krsna consciousness movement means that we are trying to educate people to change the consciousness
- If we become Krsna conscious, we will not get another material body after leaving this body. We will go home, back to Godhead, and attain our original, spiritual body, which is the same kind of beautiful body that Krsna, Narayana, has
- If we reestablish our relationship, or our original relationship with Krsna, and Krsna is for everyone, therefore I become for everyone. That is real universal love
- If we revive our original intimate relationship with Krsna, our distressed condition in the material world will be mitigated
- If we want to understand Krsna, we have to follow these mahajana. Just like Brahma. Brahma is the original
- If you go to purchase some medicine, the shopkeeper may say, "Now, here is a medicine equal to this medicine, and its price is less." So no sane man will purchase. "Why I shall purchase the imitation for being less price? Give me the original"
- If you want to make research, then search out what is the original brain, not the process. Process is already going on. What is the use of your research, nonsense
- Immediately send the translation work to me in Bombay or you can read it yourself, compare with the original book and if possible re-write or copy and send it to me at the Bombay address
- In a big establishment, the energy, or the organization of the supreme boss, is working in every nook and corner of the business, but that does not mean the original proprietor is present there
- In a family, both the father and his sons are undoubtedly enjoyers but the father is the original enjoyer, and the sons are subsequent enjoyers
- In all of my (Prabhupada's) other books - Srimad Bhagavatam, Sri Isopanisad, etc. - the system is that I give the original verse, its English transliteration, word-for-word Sanskrit-English equivalents, translations and purports. BG 1972 Preface
- In all species of life, in all forms of life, they are all our svajana, kinsmen. How it cannot be? Because Krsna is the original father. This is Krsna consciousness. Therefore a devotee of Krsna does not want to commit a little harm to any living entity
- In answer to Sankaracarya's commentary on Vedanta-sutra 2.2.43, it must be said that the original Visnu of all the Visnu categories, which are distributed in several ways, is Mula-sankarsana. Mula means - the original
- In any sastra one may examine, especially the Vedic sastra, the same advice is given: one should give up his materialistic life and return to his original, spiritual life
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna informs us of the original dharma and asks us to give up all kinds of religious principles. The real dharma is surrender unto Him
- In Brahma-samhita the example is given of an original candle which lights a second candle. Although both candles are of equal power, one is accepted as the original, & the other is kindled from the original. The Visnu expansion is like the second candle
- In each and every one of these Vaikuntha planets an expansion of Krsna has His eternal abode, and Krsna Himself has His original, eternal abode called Krsnaloka or Goloka Vrndavana
- In each and every scripture there is rules and regulation to follow to become more and more aware of the topmost principle, the original cause of all causes
- In his (the living entity) original state there is no doubt of enjoyment; therefore that is his real state. Because of the desire to lord it over material nature, he is in the material world. In the spiritual world there is no such thing. BG 1972 purports
- In his original identity the living entity is indestructible, and so also are his original spiritual qualities. One can kill neither the spirit soul nor his spiritual qualities
- In His original pastimes there are four divisions: balya, pauganda, kaisora and yauvana (childhood, early boyhood, later boyhood and youth)
- In India there is a class of men known as arya-samaja who say that they accept the original Vedas only and reject all other Vedic literatures. The motive of these people, however, is to give their own interpretation
- In many religions they have got different names of God. And in Vedic scripture there are many demigods and incarnation of God. But Krsna is the original name of God
- In one of His forms Krsna appears on this material planet in a particular place known as Vrndavana, where He displays His original pastimes of Goloka Vrndavana in the spiritual sky in order to attract the conditioned souls back home, back to Godhead
- In order to convince Brahma that all those calves and boys were not the original ones, the calves and boys who were playing with Krsna transformed into Visnu forms
- In order to dissipate the ignorance of the human beings who work under the material energy, which is separated from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord comes down to revive their original nature of spiritual activities
- In our material stage we can see neither ourselves nor the Lord for want of spiritual vision. But when we are liberated from material affection and are situated in our original spiritual form we can see both ourselves and the Lord face to face
- In our original constitution we are made to love God, but because we have forgotten God, we love matter
- In our original relationship with the Supreme Lord there is real love, and that love is reflected pervertedly through material conditions
- In our original relationship with the Supreme Lord there is real love, and that love is reflected pervertedly through material conditions - CC Intro
- In presenting Bhagavad-gita As It Is, we have not changed the meaning of the original words
- In the Brahma-samhita (5.46) it is said that just as a flame transferred from another flame acts like the original, so the Visnus who emanate from Mulasankarsana are as good as the original Visnu
- In the category of visnu-tattva there is no loss of power from one expansion to the next, any more than there is a loss of illumination as one candle kindles another. 1,000 of candles may be kindled by an original candle, and all will have the same power
- In the Gita, in plain and simple language, it is stated that Sri Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There is none equal to or greater than Him. He is mentioned as the father of Brahma, the original father of all human beings. BG 1972 purports
- In the incarnation of Lord Krsna, Aniruddha appeared as the son of the Lord. Lord Krsna in Dvaraka is the Vasudeva expansion of the original group. The original Lord Krsna never leaves Goloka Vrndavana
- In the inner portion of Gokula there is an elaborate arrangement for Sri Krsna's residence with His eternal associates such as Nanda and Yasoda. That transcendental abode exists by the energy of Sri Baladeva, who is the original whole of Sesa, or Ananta
- In the material way, suppose you take a piece of paper and tear it into particles and throw it all over. The original paper has no existence. This is material
- In the material world the living being is still more conditioned, until he surrenders unto the Lord by reviving his original state of eternal servitorship. That is the last instruction of the Bhagavad-gita and all other recognized scriptures of the world
- In the material world, if a fragment is taken from an original object, the original object is reduced by the removal of that fragment. But the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not at all affected by the actions of maya
- In the mundane field an outlook of doing good to others in the form of society, community, family, country or humanity is a partial manifestation of the same original feeling in which a pure living entity feels happiness by the happiness of the Supreme
- In the original Islam the form is not accepted. That is Vedic description, form and formless. Formless means no material form and form means spiritual form, simultaneous
- In the original Vedas, a distinction between the soul, the Supersoul and the body is made, especially in the Katha Upanisad. BG 1972 purports
- In the original Vrndavana there is no question of danger. It is blissful, transcendental abode
- In the original Vrndavana there is no such thing as the wrath of Indra, the king of heaven, and danger or torrents of rain overflood, inundation
- In the spiritual world, all the perverted forms of material variegatedness are fully represented in their original spiritual identity. The only difference is that material activities are contaminated by the three modes of material nature
- In the Vedanta-sutra it is said that the Absolute Truth is anandamayo 'bhyasat (Vedanta-sutra 1.1.12). Krsna's lila is always full of transcendental bliss - especially in Vrndavana, His original residence
- In the Vedic civilization there is no such thing as nationalism. You won't find. Have you seen in the Bhagavad-gita any word, "nationalism?" No such thing. This is the original ideas of the tribes
- In the Vedic civilization there is no such thing as nationalism. You won't find. Have you seen in the Bhagavad-gita any word, "nationalism?" No such thing. This is the original ideas of the tribes. In the jungle there is...
- In the Vedic hymns it is said that the living entities are like the sparks of a fire. The sparks of fire also are fire, but the burning potency of the sparks is different from that of the original fire
- In this age of Kali, sannyasa is forbidden for ordinary men. One who changes his dress to make propaganda is a different man from the original ideal sannyasi
- In this age, the Mahabharata is more essential than the original Vedas
- In this body, our consciousness being advanced, if we try, we can understand what is the problem of life, why we have accepted birth, death, old age and disease, how to get out of it, how to revive our original nature of body and again become eternal
- In this world there are two principles operating: One principle is the origin or shelter of everything, and the other principle is deduced from this original principle
- Indeed, at the present moment there are many residential quarters to accommodate visiting devotees (in Simhacala temple). The original Deity is situated within the depths of the temple, but there is another Deity, a duplicate, known as the vijaya-murti
- Indeed, You are the original element. You are the witness of all activities, but because You are as great as the sky, You are never touched by any of them. You are the witness of everything as Parabrahman and Paramatma. O SPG, nothing is unknown to You
- Instead of creating adverse reactions, it was better for Maharaja Prthu to stop the yajnas in the interest of his original purpose as an incarnation. This purpose was to establish good government and set things in the right order
- It is advised by Brahmaji that none of them (some of the potent manifestations of the Lord) is the Supreme Lord; they are only borrowed plumes from the original Almighty Lord Sri Krsna
- It is clearly said that this Bhagavatam is the original commentary on the Brahma-sutras
- It is not that because you cannot see your great-great-great-grandfather, so you cannot say there was no such man as great-great-grandfather. There was or there Similarly, if we go on searching out what is the original father, that is God
- It is not that Krsna is a manifestation of the original visva-rupa, or Visnu. Krsna is the origin of all forms. BG 1972 purports
- It is said by Bhismadeva that all who were present on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra attained their original spiritual existences after death. Therefore, hearing the war topics of the Lord is as good as any other devotional service
- It is said that Sankararanya was the sannyasa name of Srila Visvarupa, who was the elder brother of Visvambhara - the original name of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- It is to be understood that all 8,400,000 species of bodily forms originate from the Lord, who is always adi, or the beginning. In Bhagavad-gita Arjuna addresses the Lord as adyam, or the original
- It may be temporary, but the earthen pot is taken into use for bringing water, and we continue to see it as an earthen pot. Therefore, although the earthen pot is temporary and different from the original earth, we cannot say that it is false
- It was definitely proved that Rukmini was none other than the original goddess of fortune, who is always engaged in the service of the lotus feet of Narayana
- It was under the impression that original Caitanya Mahaprabhu's birth site is now under water. Or there were many theories and suggestions
- Jains refer to Lord Rsabhadeva as their original preceptor. If such people are serious followers of Rsabhadeva, they must also take His instructions
- Jiva Gosvami has later still more explicitly developed this subject (that Krsna is the original Personality of Godhead) in his Krsna-sandarbha, and Brahma, the original living being, has explained Sri Krsna substantially in his treatise Brahma-samhita
- Just as Krsna is addressed in the Brahma-samhita as adi-purusa, the original personality, so King Prthu, being an empowered incarnation of the Lord, is referred to in this verse (SB 4.20.21) as adi-rajah, the original or ideal king
- Just as the sun can act through the sunshine and thus distribute its heat and light, so Krsna, by His inconceivable power, can appear in His original spiritual form in any material element, including stone, wood, paint, gold, silver and jewels
- Just as you have a gold mine and are preparing so many golden utensils and ornaments and many other things. But they are all gold because the original is gold
- Just to explain the original verse, I shall first suggest its meaning
- Kaliya said, "You are the original creator of the modes of material nature, by which the universe is created. You are the cause of the different kinds of mentality possessed by living creatures, by which they have obtained different varieties of bodies"
- Kanthabharana, whose original name was Sri Ananta Cattaraja, was the gopi named Gopali in krsna-lila
- Kapila Muni. He is also incarnation of God, and He preached the sankhya philosophy, original. Later on, in the, just in this Kali-yuga, there is an imitation sankhya philosophy. So there are two sankhya philosophies: atheistic and nonatheistic
- King Puranjana begged his Queen to return to her original beauty. He tried to revive her just as a living entity tries to revive his original consciousness, Krsna consciousness, which is very beautiful
- Kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet: simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, one can be freed from the contamination of Kali-yuga and, in his original spiritual body, can return home, back to Godhead. This is the opportunity of Kali-yuga
- Known as the Maha-Visnu, He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) lies within the Causal Ocean, and it is He who is the original incarnation in the material world
- Krsna and Balarama present Themselves as younger brother and elder brother, but in the scriptures They are described as the original Supreme Personality of Godhead and His expansion
- Krsna briefly explained the whole situation: how the calves and boys were stolen by Brahma and how He was concealing the incident by expanding Himself so that people would not know that the original cows, calves and boys were missing
- Krsna can revive one's original identity at the time of one's death, even though the mind may be flickering. Although the mind may work imperfectly at the time of death, Krsna gives a devotee shelter at His lotus feet
- Krsna consciousness movement means you have to keep yourself always connected with the original powerhouse
- Krsna divided Himself into His energy and Himself. That energy, original spiritual energy, is Radharani. That is stated by Jiva Gosvami. Yes. Radha krsna-pranaya-vikrtir hladini saktir asmat
- Krsna has become everything. After Brahma has stolen the original cowherds boys and cows and calves, Krsna has expanded Himself. So on account of Krsna's expansion, the cowherdsmen got a special attraction
- Krsna has the propensity for sense gratification. He is the original sense gratifier. It is stated in Bhagavad-gita that Krsna is the supreme enjoyer. Our enjoying spirit exists because it exists originally in Krsna
- Krsna Himself explains the forms of the living entities in the Second Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, where He clearly says to Arjuna that He, Arjuna and all other living entities, who were previously in their original forms, are separate individual identities
- Krsna is always situated in His original position as sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), and anyone who renders service to Him is also situated in his original, spiritual identity. This is the highest perfection of human life
- Krsna is always situated in His original position as sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, and anyone who renders service to Him is also situated in his original, spiritual identity
- Krsna is independent because there is no other cause beyond Him. It is He only who first imparted the Vedic knowledge unto the heart of Brahmaji, the original living being
- Krsna is not in want of money, for He is the original proprietor of everything (Isavasyam idam sarvam (ISO 1)). But still He asks us for charity. For example, Krsna, in the guise of Vamana, a dwarf brahmana, went to beg from Bali Maharaja
- Krsna is original father. Where is the question of race? You are all brothers
- Krsna is the cause of all causes. The causes and effects of the material world, both higher and lower, are all created by the Supreme Lord, the original controller - SB 10.12.38
- Krsna is the father of all living beings. Therefore He is the original living being of all other living beings. He is the original eternal enjoyer amongst all other enjoyers. Therefore no one can be His begetting father, as the ignorant may think
- Krsna is the original master or husband of everyone, and all other living entities, having taken the form of so-called husbands, or wives, are dancing according to His desire
- Krsna is the original speaker of sruti, or Veda knowledge. Therefore Vedic knowledge is called apauruseya. It is not manufactured or concocted by some mental speculator
- Krsna recommends, mayy asakta-manah . . . if we become attached, then our original relationship will be revealed. That is called svarupa-siddhi
- Krsna said, "I have decided to take them with Me to pacify My mother, Devaki. After seeing My mother, all six of these conditioned souls will be liberated, and thus in great pleasure they will be transferred to their original planet"
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita(4.6): Although I am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of all sentient beings, I still appear in every millennium in My original transcendental form
- Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.7), mattah parataram nanyat: there is no one superior to Krsna Himself. He is the original substance because every category emanates from Him. Thus He is simultaneously one with & different from all other categories
- Krsna says that sarva-yonisu kaunteya sambha..., aham bija-pradah pita. He's the original seed-giving father of all living entities, in any form. So not only human being, but also animals, birds, beasts, Krsna is the original father
- Krsna was born the son of Devaki, but according to the Lord's original plan, as prophesied to Brahma, He went to Vrndavana to give pleasure to mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja and other intimate friends and devotees for eleven years
- Krsna was so kind to Putana that He allowed her to nurse Him, but when He sucked her breasts He not only sucked out the poison but her life as well. Putana fell to the ground dead and was immediately transformed into her original demonic form
- Krsna, expanding Himself into millions, still, He remains a Krsna, the same Krsna. It is not that material thing. If you take a material thing, anything, if you divide it into millions portion, then original form is finished
- Krsna-varnam tvisakrsnam: although Caitanya Mahaprabhu appears without krsna, or a blackish color, He is understood to be Krsna Himself. Idanim krsnatam gatah (SB 10.8.13). The same original Krsna who appears in different varnas has now appeared
- Krsnaloka, as above mentioned (in LOB 47), is the residence of the Personality of Godhead, the original Transcendence. The glowing effulgence emanating from Krsnaloka is the personal glow of the Lord
- Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam: (SB 1.3.28) Krsna is the Supreme Lord, the original Lord. Prahlada Maharaja is our guru, and Krsna is our worshipable God
- Kurus said, "O all-powerful Lord (Balarama), great sages speak about You. You are the original puppeteer, and everything in the world is just like Your toy"
- Kurus said, "You are the original creator, sustainer and annihilator of the whole cosmic manifestation, and still Your position is always transcendental"
- Later, another Kapiladeva appeared who expounded atheistic Sankhya philosophy, which dealt with the twenty-four elements but gave no information about God. The original Kapila is called the Devahuti-putra Kapila, and the other is called the atheist Kapila
- Let us (the Asvini-kumaras) first cut off your head and replace it with the head of a horse. You can instruct brahma-vidya through the horse's head, and when Indra returns and cuts off that head, we shall reward you and restore your original head
- Liberated sages like Narada and Vyasa, who are free from the four defects of conditioned souls, are the propagators of these scriptures. Narada Muni is the original speaker of the Pancaratra-sastra. Srimad-Bhagavatam is also considered a satvata-samhita
- Liberation means giving up this false consciousness and reviving one's original service to the Lord. This return to one's original life is called mukti
- Like the original moon in the sky, the moon reflected on the water should also not quiver, but because of being associated with water, the reflection appears to be quivering, although in actual fact the moon is fixed
- Literatures, they are always following Vedic principles. Vedas, the original transcendental literature, and any literature which is produced under the guidance of Vedic literature, that is also nice
- Lord Baladeva in Krsnaloka is Nityananda Prabhu. Therefore Nityananda Prabhu is the original Sankarsana, and Maha-sankarsana and His expansions as the purusas in the universes are plenary expansions of Nityananda Prabhu
- Lord Balarama is the original Sankarsana. He assumes five other forms to serve Lord Krsna
- Lord Brahma is bhrtya, a servant of Krsna, and he is adi-kavi, the original creator of this universe (SB 1.1.1). Nonetheless, even he could not obtain such mercy as mother Yasoda. As for Lord Siva, he is the topmost Vaisnava
- Lord Brahma is the original speaker of Vedic wisdom to Narada, and Narada is the distributor of transcendental knowledge all over the world through his various disciples, like Vyasadeva and others
- Lord Brahma reconfirmed his statement establishing Krsna as the original Narayana. He said that the Lord's gigantic universal form is resting on the water known as Garbhodaka. He spoke as follows
- Lord Buddha is the incarnation of Godhead. As such, he is the original propounder of Vedic knowledge. He therefore cannot reject Vedic philosophy
- Lord Caitanya's teachings are identical to those given by Lord Kapila, the original propounder of sankhya-yoga, the sankhya system of philosophy. This authorized system of yoga recommends meditation on the transcendental form of the Lord
- Lord Caitanya's teachings are identical to those given by Lord Kapila, the original propounder of sankhya-yoga, the sankhya system of philosophy. This authorized system of yoga teaches meditation on the transcendental form of the Lord - CC Preface
- Lord Krsna is the original creator, and Lord Brahma is the original engineer
- Lord Krsna is the primeval Lord, the fountainhead of all avataras. Lord Sri Krsna descends for the specific purposes of mitigating the anxieties of the pure devotees, who are very anxious to see Him in His original Vrndavana pastimes. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Krsna said, "A person who takes away a brahmana's property, whether it was originally given by him or by someone else, is condemned to live for at least sixty thousand years as a miserable insect in stool"
- Lord Nrsimhadeva is here, and He is also there on the opposite side. Wherever I go, there I see Lord Nrsimhadeva. He is outside and within my heart. Therefore I take shelter of Lord Nrsimhadeva, the original Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Lord Siva knows that Sankarsana is the original cause of his own existence, and thus he always meditates upon Him in trance by chanting the following mantra
- Lord Siva said, "The impersonal feature of Your (Krsna's) supreme body is only a small expansion of Your energy. You are likened to the original fire, and Your expansions are its light and heat"
- Lord Sri Krsna is the original Narayana and the controller of the Narayana-jvara weapon. When the Narayana-jvara was released, there was a great fight between the two jvaras
- Love of Godhead is the original function of the spirit soul, and it is as eternal as the soul and the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This eternity is called sanatana
- Maharaja Dusmanta, desiring to occupy the throne, returned to his original dynasty (the Puru dynasty), even though he had accepted Maruta as his father
- Maharaja Pariksit inquired, "During the absence of the original cowherd boys, when Krsna expanded Himself, why is it that the boys' parents became more loving toward Him than toward their own sons?"
- Manipur has been an historic place for thousands of years. Arjuna married the daughter of the Manipur king, and his son became the King. You are, therefore, descending from the original Kshatriyas
- Manu is the original father of mankind and in Sanskrit, mankind is called manusya. Humanity in different bodily qualities is distributed throughout the various planetary systems
- Manu is understood to be the original father of humanity, human society should follow his instructions
- Matter and spirit are diametrically opposed. When we are inspired by devotional service to the Lord, our original identity begins to manifest in us and ultimately brings us to God-realization
- Modern science can communicate using material discoveries such as radio, television and computers, but the science invoked by the austerities of Sri Brahma, the original father of mankind, was still more subtle
- Mukti means to be reinstated in one's original spiritual status after giving up the material conception of life. Therefore, human life is specifically meant for qualifying ourselves for this spiritual liberty
- Mukti: When freed from all material affection, the soul, giving up the gross and subtle material bodies, can attain the spiritual sky in his original spiritual body and engage in transcendental loving service to the Lord in Vaikunthaloka or Krsnaloka
- My dear brothers, kindly listen to the explanation of this verse and consider its meaning: the one original entity is known in His three different features
- My dear gentle friend, both you and I are exactly like two swans. We live together in the same heart, which is just like the Manasa Lake. Although we have been living together for many thousands of years, we are still far away from our original home
- My dear Lord, You are the original speaker of the Bhagavatam. You therefore know its real import. But for You, no one can understand the confidential meaning of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- My dear sons of demons, the SPG, Narayana, is the original Supersoul, the father of all living entities. Consequently there are no impediments to pleasing Him or worshiping Him under any conditions, whether one be a child or an old man
- My Lord, as the original boar within this universe, You fought and killed the great demon Hiranyaksa. Then You lifted me (the earth) from the Garbhodaka Ocean on the end of Your tusk, exactly as a sporting elephant plucks a lotus flower from the water
- My Lord, the whole cosmic manifestation is under the influence of time, beginning from the moment up to the duration of the year. All act under Your direction. You (Krsna) are the original director of everything and the reservoir of all potent energies
- My original disciple
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: In the material existence there is a difference between the body and the owner of the body, but because You (Krsna) appear in Your original spiritual body, there is no such difference for You
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: You (Krsna) are the original provider of the life, body and senses of all living entities. You are the eternal God, Lord Visnu, who is all-pervading, the imperishable controller of everything, and You are eternal time
- Narayana has four hands whereas Krsna looks just like a man, they say that Narayana is the original God whereas Krsna is but an incarnation
- Neither the Supersoul, Paramatma, nor the individual soul changes its original, spiritual identity
- No one can compare to Narayana, or Krsna. Krsna is Narayana, and Narayana is also Krsna, for Krsna is the original Narayana
- No, Prabhupada... No. We want everyone to become Krsna's disciple. That is our mission. We are disciplic succession. The original master is Krsna
- Nonetheless, You are eternal, having no beginning, end or middle. You are perceived to exist in these three phases, and thus You are permanent. When the cosmic manifestation does not exist, You exist as the original potency
- Not only had he (Arjuna) seen the spiritual world, but he had also personally seen the original Maha-Visnu, the cause of the material creation. It is said that Krsna never goes out of Vrndavana: vrndavanam parityajya padam ekam na gacchati
- Not only he (Nehru). Later on, all the so-called educated persons, they took it for granted that "Whatever is done in London, that is first class, and whatever is Indian original, that is all bad." And they controlled the native princes. So many things
- Now Lord Brahma admitted that his attempt was most presumptuous, for he was attempting to test his energy before the person of original energy
- Now that the original group had been taken away by Brahma, Krsna Himself assumed the forms of every member of the group, without anyone's knowledge, even the knowledge of Baladeva, and continued the usual program
- Nrsimha and Janardana are the forms of Pradyumna, and Hari and Krsna are the vilasa forms of Aniruddha. This Krsna is different from the original Krsna
- O best of the virtuous (Maitreya Rsi), the original king of kings (Manu) was a great devotee of the Personality of Godhead Hari, and thus it is worth hearing of his sublime character and activities. Please describe them. I (Vidura) am very eager to hear
- O great sage (Sukadeva), you are as good as Brahma, the original living being. Others follow custom only, as followed by the previous philosophical speculators
- O King Pariksit, opening her (Putana's) mouth wide and spreading her arms, legs and hair, she fell down in the pasturing ground in her original form as a Raksasi, as Vrtrasura had fallen when killed by the thunderbolt of Indra - SB 10.6.13
- O master of the material world, destroyer of all weapons, original vision of the Personality of Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto you. Kindly give shelter and be auspicious to this brahmana
- O my friends, O sons of demons, everyone, including you (the Yaksas and Raksasas), the unintelligent women, sudras and cowherd men, the birds, the lower animals and the sinful living entities, can revive his original, eternal spiritual life
- O my Lord, if one engages in Your pure devotional service with determination, You become visible in Your original transcendental youthful form as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- O my son, the original poet, Brahma, after mature meditation for one thousand celestial years, could know only that the glories of the Supreme Soul are inconceivable
- Of course, the scientists also say they take from authority, but originally, as explained by our Hayagriva Prabhu, it does not appear that the knowledge was taken from authority. It is theory
- Of the three deities supervising the creation, maintenance and dissolution of the universe, Lord Visnu is never separate from the original Visnu. However, Lord Siva and Brahma, due to their association with maya, are different from Visnu
- On seeing this, the great sages took the right hand of Vena as a churning rod, and as a result of their churning, Lord Visnu in His partial representation made His advent as King Prthu, the original emperor of the world
- Once the sons of Kuvera fell in the wrath of Narada for being intoxicated, but afterwards they regained their original forms by the grace of the Lord Sri Krsna. We shall find this story in the Tenth Canto
- One day Jagadananda, Svarupa, Govinda, Kasisvara, Sankara, Damodara and Mukunda all went to bathe in the sea. They could hear Haridasa singing from a distant place as if calling them in his original voice
- One gradually becomes liberated by practicing as mentioned above (in SB 5.5.10-13). All these prescribed methods enable one to give up the material body (lingam vyapohet) and be situated in his original spiritual body
- One has to surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord and engage in his original, eternal service
- One may argue that Brahma, being the original living being, could not be inspired because there was no other being living at that time
- One may cultivate knowledge by which to become free from the evolutionary process and be reinstated in one's original spiritual life. This is called apavarga, or liberation
- One must accept the original instructions of the sastra
- One must accept the original instructions of the sastra. According to Vedic civilization, one is offered a sacred thread as a sign of second birth
- One must be freed from all designations-"I am American," "I am Indian," "I am this," "I am that"-and come to the platform of understanding that Krsna is the original master and we are His eternal servants
- One should be Krsna conscious, or God conscious, why? Because He is the master of your self and the most intimate friend, suhrt. Yatha atmesvara. Atmesvara means we are individual self and He is the original Superself
- One should not discriminate between the dhamas on the earth and those in the spiritual sky, thinking those on earth to be material and the original abodes to be spiritual. All of them are spiritual
- One totally manifests his original love of Godhead through devotional service in nine different ways - hearing, chanting and so forth
- One who attains full knowledge of these different rasas, which are the basic principles of activities, can understand the false representations of the original rasas which are reflected in the material world
- One who chants the Hare Krsna mantra develops bhava, ecstasy, which is the point at which revelation begins. It is the preliminary stage in developing one's original love for God
- One's original natural tendency is to act in Krsna consciousness because one's real nature is spiritual
- Only when one fully develops in affection and love of Godhead can one see those dhamas in their original appearance
- Only when one regains his original spiritual body can he enter into the spiritual kingdom
- Original idea of philosophy is practically demonstrated by Krsna. The ideal, original ideal of religion and philosophy is preached by Krsna. And all the acaryas followed that
- Original means eternal servant of God, Krsna. That is our constitutional position. We are eternal servant of God, Krsna
- Original mother, wife of the spiritual master, wife of the priest, wife of the king, cow, nurse and Earth. These are seven mothers. Cow is mother because we drink cow's milk. How can I deny that she's not mother? So how we can support killing of mother?
- Original purpose of the text must be maintained
- Original scriptures
- Original sloka, its transliteration, then its English equivalent, then translation, then purport, each and every verse is being done like that, whole Bhagavatam Purana
- Original state of loving service
- Originally the Veda is one. But Srila Vyasadeva divided the original Veda into four, namely Sama, Yajur, Rg, Atharva, and then again they were explained in different branches like the Puranas and the Mahabharata
- Our (Prabhupada's) family gotra, or original genealogical line, is the Gautama-gotra, or line of disciples of Gautama Muni, and our surname is De
- Our material position and spiritual position - the ultimate point is sound. And this sound is presented in its original spiritual form. That is called Veda
- Our only request is that "Take Krsna as the original father, original father"
- Our original sampradaya
- Our original sampradaya stems from Madhvacarya. In that sampradaya there was Madhavendra Puri, and Madhavendra Puri's disciple was Sri Isvara Puri
- Our policy, therefore, should be to hear the original, as it is. Then it will be effective. Sravanam kirtanam visnoh: (SB 7.5.23) Visnu should be heard as He is. Then one can meditate upon Visnu and remember Him - smaranti
- Our propaganda is to train people how to become Krsna conscious, how to understand Krsna in truth so that next life, after giving up this body, you get your original, spiritual body, and you live forever with complete knowledge and blissful life
- Our real problem is how to revive our original, eternal life. That is struggle. The modern people, scientists, philosophers, they even do not know what is our original constitutional position
- Our relationships with one another can be perfected only when we make our center of attraction Krsna, the all-attractive PG. Constitutionally, we are all eternally related to Krsna, who is the original living being and thus the center of all attraction
- Param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan, purusam. He's not imperson. Purusam. Purusam means person. Not female also. Purusam means male. Purusam sasvatam. Sasvatam, original; adyam, the first
- People who are lowest among men and bewildered by the illusory energy of the Supreme Lord will give up the original varnasrama-dharma and its rules and regulations
- Perfection means to regain one's original spiritual form and engage in the loving service of the Lord
- Please send me immediately one copy of Bhakti Sutra (with original Sankrit text). I shall immediately begin the commentary. Yes you can edit on the tapes of Teachings of Lord Caitanya
- Please try to cooperate with the temple managers, because in my absence they might feel some difficulty. You are one of the old founders of N.Y. temple, and I hope you shall take some active part in improving the original center
- Practically, our Krishna Consciousness movement is based on transcendental pleasure. Music, dancing and feasts are the chief items for pleasure, and this pleasure is originally on the transcendental realm
- Presently scientists are trying to go to other planets, but due to their material bodies, they are not free to move at will. However, when one is situated in his original spiritual body, he can move anywhere and everywhere without difficulty
- Previous to the appearance of Lord Krsna, this original Sankarsana will appear as Baladeva, just to please the Supreme Lord Krsna in His transcendental pastimes - SB 10.1.24
- Punya means that which is not decomposed; punya is original. BG 1972 purports
- Putana was a great Raksasi who knew the art of covering her original form by mystic power, but when she was killed her mystic power could not hide her, and she appeared in her original form
- Radharani is presented, the original pleasure potency, always absorbed in thought of Krsna
- Raghava Pandita, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's original follower, is understood to have been the seventh branch. From him proceeded another subbranch, headed by Makaradhvaja Kara
- Ramadasa Vipra was very pleased to receive the original leaf manuscript of the Kurma Purana, and he immediately fell down before the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and began to cry
- Ramananda Raya then began to speak on krsna-tattva. "Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead," he said. "He is personally the original Godhead, the source of all incarnations and the cause of all causes"
- Ravana could not carry off Sitadevi in her original form. As soon as she was touched by Ravana's hands, she gave him a material form, but she maintained her original form beyond his vision
- Red-hot iron can burn, but it cannot burn the original fire. Therefore the consciousness of the small particle of Brahman is fully dependent on the power of the Supreme Brahman
- Renouncing means that you are falsely possessing. So you give it to Krsna, the original proprietor
- Rise (the lower-grade persons) to the platform of worshiping Siva in search for the ever-existing soul, and then to the stage of worshiping Lord Visnu, the Supersoul, etc., without any information of Govinda, Lord Krsna, who is the original Lord Visnu
- Rupa Goswami set aside 50% of his accumulated money for God, 25% for the relatives, family members, and 25% he kept in some village banker or the original bankers, for emergency
- Sabdah means sound, and whenever we hear any sound we should know that it is a vibration of the original sound, the pure spiritual sound om or Hare Krsna
- Sama, equilibrium of mind, is achieved by one who has concluded that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original source of everything. And when one can control his senses, that is called dama
- Sandipani Muni is likened to the river which is flowing down again to that same original ocean of Krsna
- Sankaracarya propounds the same conclusion - one should give up his materialistic life and return to his original, spiritual life
- Sankarsana is the original shelter of the purusa, from whom this world is created and in whom it is dissolved
- Santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya and madhurya rasa in the material world are distorted reflections of the original, pure sentiments, which should be understood and perfected in relationship with the SPG under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master
- Sarva-dharman - You just surrender unto Me. Because your original creation is meant for serving Me
- Sex life is not unreal; its true reality is experienced in the spiritual world. Material sex is but a perverted reflection of the original; the original is found in the Absolute Truth
- Since He (Krsna) sees even the abode where the collective living beings rest, He is the original Narayana
- Since Krsna is the original propounder of all kinds of religious principles, it is said: dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam (SB 6.3.19). No one can introduce a new type of religion, for religion is already there, having been established by Lord Krsna
- Since Maharaja Prthu was a partial representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead's power, the Sudarsana disc given to him represented the partial power of the original Sudarsana disc
- Since Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu was the original trunk, the taste of the fruits that grew on the branches and subbranches surpassed the taste of nectar
- Since the Kurma Purana was very old, the manuscript was also very old. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took possession of the original leaves in order to have direct evidence. The text was copied onto new leaves in order that the Purana be replaced
- Since we belong to this chain of disciplic succession from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, this edition of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta will contain nothing newly manufactured by our tiny brains, but only remnants of food originally eaten by the Lord Himself
- Since You protect those who are the shelters of all living beings, You are the original Narayana
- So constant association and working cooperatively with devotees is the prime and easy method to relearn our original good habit of Krsna Consciousness
- So far I am concerned, I am a humble disciple of His Divine Grace, Om Visnupad Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, who was the original pioneer of spreading this movement in the Western world
- So far my certificates are concerned, if the originals are required I can send them, but I hope that these offset duplicates are as good as the original and I hope you will make proper use of them
- So many religious sect have come out, but original religion is this Vedic religion. But after that, so many religions they have come. So they have got history
- So our point is, we are not going to bring back the old type of Hindu society. It is impossible. Our idea is that best ideas from the original idea
- Some branches did not accept the original trunk that vitalized and maintained the entire tree. When they thus became ungrateful, the original trunk was angry at them
- Some of the conditioned souls, who follow the transcendental sound in the form of Vedic literatures and are thus able to go back to Godhead, attain spiritual and original bodies after quitting the conditional gross and subtle material bodies
- Some sparks fall onto water; they immediately lose their original brilliance and become extinct. They are comparable to the living entities who take their birth in the midst of gross materialists
- Somebody may question that "If he (Brahma) is original creature, then how he got this knowledge of creating?" So that is explained: tene brahma hrda. Hrda: "from the heart God instructed." God is situated in everyone's heart. That is called Paramatma
- Sometimes it is said that the Kurma Purana contains six thousand verses, but according to Srimad-Bhagavatam the original Kurma Purana contains seventeen thousand verses. It is considered the fifteenth of the eighteen Maha-puranas
- Spirit and matter, which combine to manifest this gigantic universal form, are originally two energies of the Lord, and consequently the Lord is the original cause of everything
- Spirit soul has original form. When he is in the material energy the dress is evolved materially and when he is in the spiritual energy, the dress is evolved spiritually
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu confirms that all Vedic literatures, including the Upanisads, Brahma-sutra and others, whether sruti, smrti or nyaya, must be understood according to their original statements
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu returned to southern Mathura (Madurai) and delivered the original manuscript of the Kurma Purana to Ramadasa Vipra
- Sri Krsna is the original father and Lord who protects all creative manifestations through His various plenary portions. Since He sustains even the shelters of the collective living beings, there is no doubt that Sri Krsna is the original Narayana
- Sri means goddess of fortune, Laksmi. Krsna is always associated with Laksmi. Srimati Radharani is the original goddess of fortune
- Sri Narada Muni continued: After speaking these words to Hiranyakasipu, Lord Brahma, the original being of this universe, who is extremely powerful, sprinkled transcendental, infallible, spiritual water from his kamandalu upon Hiranyakasipu's body
- Sri Sankarsana, who is an incarnation of Visnu in the spiritual sky known as the greater Vaikuntha, is the chief of the quadruple incarnations and is the original incarnation of a devotee
- Sri Vidura said: O chief amongst the great sages, I have heard by disciplic succession that Hiranyaksa, the original demon, was slain by the same form of sacrifices, the Personality of Godhead (Lord Boar)
- Sri Vyasadeva is the original spiritual preceptor for all men. And all other preceptors are considered to be his representatives. A representative is one who can exactly present the viewpoint of Sri Vyasadeva
- Sridhara Svami, the original commentator on Srimad-Bhagavatam, explains that one can reach the perfection of life simply by devotional service (kevalaya bhaktya); one need not be dependent on any other process
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura says that sometimes these smarta caste gosvamis write books on Vaisnava philosophy or commentaries on the original scriptures, but a pure devotee should cautiously avoid reading them
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s translation of the original Sanskrit reads as follows: The love of the gopis for Krsna is full of transcendental ecstasy
- Srila Jiva Gosvami has even more explicitly explained the subject matter in his Krsna-sandarbha. And Brahma, the original living being, has explained the subject of Sri Krsna substantially in his treatise named Brahma-samhita
- Srila Vasudeva Datta knew very well that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was the original Personality of Godhead, Transcendence itself, above the material conception of illusion and maya
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks that Indra, by his yogic power, first expanded the body of the one Marut into seven, and then when he cut each of the seven parts of the original body into pieces, there were forty-nine
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura specifically deals with original and pure sex psychology (adi-rasa) devoid of all mundane inebriety
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura specifically deals with the original and pure sex psychology (adi-rasa), devoid of all mundane inebriety
- Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura is the original Vyasadeva in describing caitanya-lila, and all others who follow in his footsteps by describing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's pastimes are also to be called Vyasadeva
- Srila Vyasadeva compiled the Vedanta-sutra, and in order to protect it from unauthorized commentaries, he personally composed Srimad-Bhagavatam on the instruction of his spiritual master, Narada Muni, as the original commentary on the Vedanta-sutra
- Srila Vyasadeva divided the original Veda into four divisions, namely Sama, Atharva, Rg, and Yajur. Then he divided the same Vedas into eighteen Puranas (supplements) and the Mahabharata, & then again the same author summarized them in the Vedanta-sutras
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the last contribution of Vyasadeva. Vyasadeva is the original compiler of all Vedic literature. So he wrote so many books - all the Vedas, four Vedas, 108 Upanisads, eighteen Puranas, Mahabharata
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the original explanation of Vedanta-sutra
- Srimati Radharani refused to go with Krsna to Dvaraka to enjoy His company in the atmosphere of royal opulence, for She wanted to enjoy His company in the original Vrndavana atmosphere
- Srutadeva said, "You (Krsna) are the supreme controller and superintendent of the material nature’s activities. The atheistic class of men simply observe the activities of material nature but cannot find You as the original background"
- Sruti means that one should hear from the authority. One should not construe some interpretation for his personal interest. There are so many commentaries on Bhagavad-gita that misinterpret the original text. BG 1972 purports
- Such a person (under the control of the external energy) cannot understand that the Supreme Person is the original great fire, whereas the living entities are simply small fragmental parts of that Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Such a soul (who is purified of all material coverings) then remains in his original, spiritual identity, a state that is possible to achieve only by understanding Krsna in truth through the practice of Krsna consciousness
- Such is the power (to revive the original Vedic system) of pure devotees of the Lord
- Such undue claims to being a higher-caste man make the system of scientific social orders into a caste system, completely degrading the original system
- Suppose a spark falls down from the original fire, down. It is extinguished. But the big fire does not extinguish. Therefore the big fire, or Krsna, is infallible. His name is Acyuta, - infallible
- Suppose I am controlling this institution, Krsna consciousness movement. But that does not mean I am the original controller. Similarly, there are many, many big men, business magnates, controlling his factories, office, but he is not original controller
- Sura-stri, the women of the heavenly planets, were ordered to appear in the Yadu dynasty in Vrndavana to enrich the pastimes of Lord Krsna. These sura-stri, when further trained to live with Krsna, would be transferred to the original Goloka Vrndavana
- Suta Gosvami continued: O Saunaka, leader of the great sages, after hearing Maitreya speak about the various activities of King Prthu, the original king, who was fully qualified, glorified and widely praised all over the world
- That abode is manifested within the material world by the will of Lord Krsna. It is identical to that original Gokula; they are not two different bodies
- That advantage of re-engagement in our original, spiritual business is given freely in this age: kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet (SB 12.3.51) - Simply by chanting the Lord's holy name, one achieves spiritual liberation
- That fragmental portion (of the Supreme Lord), when liberated from the bodily entanglement, revives its original spiritual body in the spiritual sky in a spiritual planet and enjoys association with the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- That fragmental portion, when liberated from the bodily entanglement, revives its original spiritual body in the spiritual sky in a spiritual planet and enjoys association with the Supreme Lord
- That is my point. Why you become falsely proud that you have done so advancement that you don't care for God, don't care for the original manufacturer? That is your fault
- That is the original place. You have come from Krsna; now you have to go back to Krsna
- That is the whole process of Krsna consciousness - the revival of our original sac-cid-ananda spiritual body. That body is eternal (sat), full of knowledge (cit), and blissful - ananda
- That Maha-purusa is identical with the Personality of Godhead. He is the original incarnation, the seed of all others, and the shelter of everything
- That missing point is Krsna, and The Nectar of Devotion teaches us how to stimulate our original love for Krsna and how to be situated in that position where we can enjoy our blissful life
- That original Sankarsana (Lord Balarama) is the cause of both the material and the spiritual creation
- That original spiritual disciplic succession (coming from Krsna to the sun-god) was broken, but now we can receive the same message by studying Bhagavad-gita. In Bhagavad-gita Krsna speaks to Arjuna just as in a far distant time He spoke to the sun-god
- The (Fifth) chapter (Brahma-samhita) also presents methods of devotional service, the eighteen-syllable Vedic hymn, discourses on the soul, the Supersoul and fruitive activity, an explanation of Kama-gayatri, kama-bija and the original Maha-Visnu
- The 12 mahajanas, or great souls are: (1) Brahma, (2) Siva, (3) Narada, (4) Vaivasvata Manu, (5) Kapila (not the atheist, but the original Kapila), (6) the Kumaras, (7) Prahlada, (8) Bhisma, (9) Janaka, (10) Bali, (11) Sukadeva Gosvami and (12) Yamaraja
- The acarya Sankararanya was considered the forty-eighth branch of the original tree. From Him proceeded the subbranches known as Mukunda, Kasinatha and Rudra
- The activities of the external energy, or maya, are exhibited after the creation of this cosmic world, and the original spiritual energy of Narayana was acting before the creation
- The activities of the material senses are perverted reflections of the activities of the original, spiritual senses. In his diseased condition, the spirit soul engages in material activities under the material covering
- The Advaita Acarya branch received the water supplied by the original gardener, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In this way, the subbranches were nourished, and their fruits and flowers grew luxuriantly
- The appearance of Durga in her original eight-armed feature, holding various weapons, immediately changed Kamsa's mind about Devaki's being an ordinary human
- The arca-vigraha of the Lord descends at the request of the acaryas, the holy teachers, and works exactly in the original way of the Lord by virtue of the Lord's omnipotence
- The asura Hiranyaksa had dislocated the earth from its orbit and thrown it beneath the waters of the Garbhodaka Ocean. Then the Lord, in the shape of the original boar, rescued the earth
- The attraction of loving affairs on the basis of sex feeling is the original feature of the SPG, & we, the conditioned souls, being part and parcel of the Supreme, have such feelings also, but they are experienced within a perverted, minute condition
- The body (the total body and the individual body are of the same composition) may figuratively be called - the original tree - SB 10.2.27
- The body develops according to the activities of the mind. Changes of body are due to the flickering of the mind, for otherwise the soul could remain in its original, spiritual body - SB 10.1.42
- The body has no importance. Real, the soul is important, the living force. So we have no education about that living force, and the original living force is Krsna, or God
- The Causal Ocean, Visnu is lying there, sleeping within the ocean, and from His breathing the universes are coming out. This is God. Because He is in a sleeping condition, that is expansion of God. That is not original God
- The child Krsna, therefore, squeezed Putana's breast so severely that in unbearable pain she had to assume her original body and fell to the ground
- The conclusion is that the Personality of Godhead appears in His (Krsna's) original body, without any change, and this is made possible by His inconceivable potency. We should always remember that nothing is impossible for the omnipotent Lord
- The covered strength of the sun is very dim, compared to the original glare, and similarly the original color of the living beings with such attributes becomes almost extinct
- The demoniac followers of Kamsa thought that if the Vaisnavas, saintly persons and sages were persecuted, the original body of Visnu would naturally be destroyed. Thus they decided to suppress Vaisnavism
- The divisions of varnas and asramas will continue to exist, either in their original form or in degraded form, but because they are created by the Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they cannot be extinguished
- The engine gives the motion and pushes one car, which then pushes another and another, and so on. Similarly, who set up the motion of the cosmic manifestation? That original motion-giver is Krsna
- The eternal pastimes of Krsna are continuously taking place in the original Goloka Vrndavana planet. These same pastimes are gradually manifested within the material world, in each and every brahmanda
- The example given here (in SB 10.4.19) is that pots and dolls are produced from the earth, and when broken or destroyed they mingle with their original ingredients. In any case, the source of supply remains the same
- The expansions of Krsna are thus compared to candles that have been lit from an original candle. All the secondary candles are equally powerful, but the original candle is that from which all the others have been lit
- The expansions of Sankarsana are Govinda, Visnu and Madhusudana. This Govinda is different from the original Govinda, for He is not the son of Maharaja Nanda
- The external and marginal potencies are so called under various conditions, but in the original, internal potencies there are no such conditions, nor is it possible for the conditions of the external potency to exist in the marginal, or vice versa
- The father of Brahma is also there: Garbhodakasayi Visnu. The Garbhodakasayi Visnu is expansion of Karanodakasayi Visnu, the original Visnu, and Karanodakasayi Visnu is expansion of Sankarsana
- The first form of Lord Visnu is called Maha-Visnu. He is the original creator of the total material energy. The innumerable universes emanate from the pores of His body
- The forgetful soul has no information of the spiritual creation, known as the sanatana-dhama, but the temporary creation gives an idea of this original creation
- The form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that does not depend on other forms is called the svayam-rupa, the original form
- The four original Vedas are considered sruti. But simply by hearing them, one cannot understand fully. Therefore, the smrtis have explained further. Purayati iti purana: by hearing the Puranas and other smrtis, one makes his understanding complete
- The four-handed forms & other forms mentioned in Vedic literature are all emanations of the original 2-handed Krsna. He is the origin of all emanations. Krsna is distinct even from these forms, not to speak of the impersonal conception. BG 1972 purports
- The glories of the Lord’s marginal characteristics prove Him to be the original SP of Godhead, the son of Maharaja Nanda. As soon as one understands this, one accepts Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna
- The gopis prayed to Krsna, "Dear Krsna, from Your navel emanated the original lotus flower, which is the birthsite of Brahma, the creator. No one can estimate Your glories or Your opulence, which therefore remain always a mystery"
- The Gundica temple is situated two miles northeast of the Jagannatha temple. At the time of the Ratha-yatra festival, Lord Jagannatha goes to the Gundica temple from His original temple and stays there for one week
- The history of the creation of the population of the universe is given herewith (SB 3.12.57). Brahma is the original living creature in the universe, from whom were generated the Manu Svayambhuva and his wife Satarupa
- The human form of life represents the complete development of the senses for spiritual realization of one's original affection for the Lord
- The idea of philosophy and religion, that is originated from India. There is no doubt about it. And that original idea of philosophy is practically demonstrated by Krsna
- The ideal, original ideal of religion and philosophy is preached by Krsna. And all the acaryas followed that
- The identity of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the feature of Paramatma, or Supersoul, is admitted herein (in SB 4.9.7). His original, spiritual energy enlivens the material energy, and thus the dead body appears to have life force
- The import of Vedic knowledge, the original word pranava, has been explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam. The conclusion is that the Brahma-sutra is explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The individual soul, the individual living entity, has desired to act in forgetfulness of his original identity since time immemorial
- The infinitesimal living entities are emanations from the original infinite spirit. In their constitutional position as infinitesimal spirits, there is no trace of matter
- The influence of Radharani's pure ecstasy is so inconceivably great that it forced Krsna to come to His original two-armed form
- The king is the original proprietor of the kingdom, and the citizen is the secondary proprietor. Similarly, the Supreme Lord is the supreme proprietor of all bodies. BG 1972 purports
- The Krsna consciousness movement is spreading to enlighten people about their real position, their original relationship with Krsna. One requires Krsna’s special power in order to be able to do this
- The laws are going on nicely, the law and order department examines. So that examiner, departmental, may be, but the original examiner is the Supreme Lord, Krsna. Therefore Krsna says, maya adhyaksena - Under My superintendence
- The length and breadth of the living entity is described as one ten-thousandth part of the tip of a hair. This is the original subtle nature of the living entity
- The living beings who are in the material world are all disintegrated parts & parcels of the supreme whole, and they are no longer as important as the original parts & parcels. There are, however, more integrated living beings who are eternally liberated
- The living entities and other potencies merge into Maha-Visnu as the Lord lies down and winds up (destroys) the cosmic manifestation. Liberation means being situated in one's eternal, original form after giving up the changeable gross and subtle bodies
- The living entities are eternally part & parcel of God, minute sparks of the original fire, Krsna. As sparks are prone to be extinguished, but not the blazing fire, the living entities can be overcome by material activities, whereas Krsna never can
- The living entities are like sparks of fire, & His Lordship the SPG is considered the original great fire. When we hear this sruti-vakya, or message from the Vedas, we should understand the distinction between the Supreme Lord Krsna & the living entities
- The living entities are not without spiritual senses; every living being in his original, spiritual form has all the senses, which are now materially manifested, being covered by the material body and mind
- The living entity in his original state is Brahman because he is part and parcel of the Supreme Brahman
- The living entity is originally part and parcel of Krsna and is therefore the superior energy of Krsna
- The living entity should become purified and regain his svarupa, his original identity. This he can do only by devotional service
- The living entity, originally being avikara, or unchangeable, suffers a great deal on account of changes due to the influence of time
- The Lord appears as He is, whereas the living entity appears because material nature forces him to accept different forms. When the living entity receives these different forms, he identifies with them, and not with his original, spiritual form
- The Lord assumed the shape of a boar to kill the demon Hiranyaksa and pick up the earth from the Garbha Ocean. Thus He became adi-sukara, the original boar
- The Lord cleansed everything inside the temple very nicely, including the ceiling. He then took up the sitting place (simhasana), cleansed it and again put it in its original place
- The Lord does not do so (transmigrates from one body to another). Whenever He appears, He does so in the same original body, by His internal potency. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord has no material form, but His form is always understood in terms of the Vedas. The Vedas are said to be the breath of the Lord, and that breath was inhaled by Brahma, the original student of the Vedas
- The Lord is adhisvara (the original controller) of everyone, namely the Vedantists, the great karma-kandiyas, the great religious leaders, the great performers of austerity and all who are striving for spiritual advancement
- The Lord is giving a genealogical synopsis of the universal population. Brahma is the original creature born out of the energy of the Supreme Lord known as Hiranyagarbha. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord killed many inimical nondevotees, but they all received sarupya; in other words, they returned to their original spiritual bodies. One who does not know the Lord's position says that God is unkind to him but merciful to others
- The Lord's pastimes in the original abode of Goloka Vrndavana are exchanged in that spirit. The friends of Krsna consider Him one of them. They do not consider Him to be of reverential importance. The parents of the Lord consider Him a child only
- The manifestation of the Narayana who predominates in everyone's heart, as well as the Narayana who lives in the waters (Karana, Garbha and Ksira), is Your plenary portion. You are therefore the original Narayana
- The manifested varieties of the universe are not different from the Lord, just as golden ornaments of different shapes and forms are nondifferent from the original stock reserve of gold
- The material forms of the conditioned souls are all foreign dresses, and when the conditioned soul becomes liberated from the clutches of material energy, he attains his original form
- The material voice, or the energy of taking in foodstuff, is generated originally from the Lord; such actions are but perverted reflections of the original reservoirs - the transcendental situation is not without spiritual variegatedness
- The material world is shadow reflection of the spiritual world. Unless the original thing is there in the spiritual world, it cannot be reflected in the material world
- The materialist scientists, they are simply trying to know the prakrti. But they do not know the purusa. Prakrti means the enjoyed, and purusa means the enjoyer. Actually enjoyer is Krsna. He's the original purusa
- The Mayavadi philosopher, they see that there is no more any pleasure in this dancing: "Make it zero. Forget it." No. We don't say that. We say that this dancing is there in the original conception in the Absolute Truth
- The objective of all Vedic knowledge, the personal potencies of the Lord, and the Personality of Godhead as the original author of Vedic knowledge
- The once-born man is unfit to chant the Vedic hymns, and therefore there is no practical utility of chanting the original hymns
- The only true religion is Bhagavata Dharma, that is the original religion of the human society, whatever else there may be passing as religion has come after Vedic literature
- The original aroma is the odor emanating from the earth, and when it is mixed with different substances, this odor appears in different ways
- The original bhakta-avatara is Sankarsana. Sri Advaita is counted among such incarnations
- The original commentary is given by the author himself, Vyasadeva, in the form of Srimad-Bhagavatam. To understand the actual meaning of the Vedanta-sutra, we must refer to the commentary made by the author himself
- The original conception of the caste system was so planned that a group of men engaged in a particular type of occupation would not compete with another group of men engaged in a different occupation
- The original creation is directly from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or Parambrahman, and the secondary creation, as a reactionary result of the original ingredients, is made by Brahma. Thus the activities of the whole universe are started
- The original creature of this universe, known as the adi-kavi, or Lord Brahma, was instructed by Krsna through the heart. After receiving these Vedic instructions from Lord Krsna Himself, Brahma distributed the knowledge by the parampara system
- The original Deity of Mahesapura, Radhavallabha, was taken by the Saidabad Gosvamis of Berhampur, and since the present Deities were installed, a zamindar family of Mahesapura has looked after Their worship
- The original demigods are Brahma, Visnu and Siva. Lord Krsna is Visnu, but He is the instructor of Brahma and Siva. Therefore it is said that Lord Krsna is the source of all the demigods
- The original dharma is to follow the varnas and asramas, and these are created, according to Bhagavad Gita, to please Vishnu. So sampradaya means one of the four original Vishnu sampradayas
- The original energy inspires a devotee, and thus he engages all his bodily limbs in the service of the Lord. The same energy, as external potency, engages the ordinary nondevotees in material activities for sense enjoyment
- The original energy is exhibited in varieties, exactly as the sunshine, the original energy emanating from the sun, exhibits itself in variety as light and heat
- The original energy of the Supreme Lord is spiritual and nondifferent from the Supreme Absolute Personality of Godhead
- The original fact is in the Absolute Truth (material sex life is but a perverted reflection of the original fact), and thus the Absolute Truth cannot be impersonal. It is not possible to be impersonal and contain pure sex life
- The original fire, its flame, its sparks and its smoke are all one, for fire is still fire yet is different from the flame, flame is different from sparks, and sparks are different from the smoke
- The original home of Pundarika Vidyanidhi was in East Bengal (now Bangladesh), in a village near Dacca named Baghiya, which belonged to the Varendra group of brahmana families
- The original home of the living entity & the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the spiritual world
- The original home of the living entity and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the spiritual world
- The original inhabitants of Vrndavana are attached to Krsna spontaneously in devotional service. Nothing can compare to such spontaneous devotional service, which is called ragatmika bhakti
- The original is impersonal Brahman. Now He has taken form. - This conclusion, who makes? - Those who are less intelligent, whose intelligence is very poor
- The original king is Narayana, or Lord Visnu. People do not know that the original king, or Narayana, is actually the protector of all living entities. As confirmed in the Vedas: eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman - Katha Upanisad 2.2.13
- The original king, Maharaja Prthu, his eyes full of tears and his voice faltering and choked up, could neither see the Lord very distinctly nor speak to address the Lord in any way. He simply embraced the Lord within his heart and remained standing
- The original name of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was Vasudeva Bhattacarya. His place of birth, which is known as Vidyanagara, is about two and a half miles away from the Navadvipa railway station, or Canpahati railway station
- The original Narayana took notice of it: "Oh, this man is calling Narayana." Immediately sent His personal assistant to take him back to home, back to Godhead. Ante narayana-smrtih
- The original nature of every living entity is to consider himself the eternal servant of Krsna. But under the influence of maya he thinks himself to be the body, and thus his original consciousness is covered
- The original ones (calves & boys) were sleeping under the spell of Brahma's mystic power, but the present ones, seen by Brahma, were all immediate expansions of Krsna, or Visnu. Visnu is the expansion of Krsna, so the Visnu forms appeared before Brahma
- The original point is that tarko apratisthah. We cannot realize the Supreme Truth simply by argument or logical presentation or philosophical speculation. No
- The original potency of Lord Visnu is superior, or spiritual, and the living entity actually belongs to that superior energy. But there is another energy, called the material energy, and this third energy is full of ignorance
- The original potency of the sastra remains in these books because I have not added or opinionated anything of my own
- The original prabhu is the Lord, Sri Krsna
- The original proprietor of everything is Lord Krsna (bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram). The Lord, therefore, knows particularly well how to develop the material condition of the living entities within this material world
- The original purpose of the Mayavadi sannyasis of Benares in meeting Caitanya Mahaprabhu was to defeat His personal conception of God. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as a preacher, turned the minds of the Mayavadis. They were melted by the sweet words of Caitanya
- The original purpose of the text must be maintained. No obscure meaning should be screwed out of it, yet it should be presented in an interesting manner for the understanding of the audience. This is called realization
- The original reason that Lord Sri Krsna descended as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was to understand Srimati Radharani’s love for Krsna and to taste that love
- The original source of knowledge is the Vedas. There are no branches of knowledge, either mundane or transcendental, which do not belong to the original text of the Vedas
- The original speaker of these scriptures (the Pancaratra-sastras) is Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is especially mentioned in the Moksa-dharma (349.68), which is part of the Santi-parva of the Mahabharata
- The original system is that a brahmana should actually become a brahmana; he should not only take birth in a brahmana family, but must also be qualified
- The original verses of Bhagavad-gita are as clear as the sun; they do not require lamplight from foolish commentators. BG 1972 purports
- The original, complete feature of the Absolute Truth is Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and His plenary representation is Paramatma, Ksirodakasayi Visnu, who is situated in everyone's heart
- The original, spiritual form of the living entity is one ten-thousandth the size of the tip of a hair. It is also stated that spirit is greater than the greatest and smaller than the smallest
- The pastimes of His household life are known as the adi-lila, or the original pastimes. His later pastimes are known as the madhya-lila and antya-lila, or the middle and final pastimes
- The people, the whole human society, is missing this knowledge of spiritual nature. Therefore they are attached to this material nature, and here is a formula how we can become detached to this material nature and come to our original nature
- The Personality of Godhead is the original feature of the Lord, and His impersonal emanation is but the reflection of His transcendental body
- The Personality of Godhead is worshiped by exalted demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva. The original Mayavadi sannyasi, Sankaracarya, also accepted the fact that the Lord’s form is transcendental
- The Personality of Godhead known as Sri Balarama in Krsnaloka is the original Sankarsana (attracting Deity), and from this Sankarsana expands another Sankarsana, called Maha-sankarsana, who resides in one of the Vaikuntha planets
- The personified Vedas presented the example that those seeking gold do not reject gold earrings, gold bangles or anything else made of gold simply because they are shaped differently from the original gold
- The predominating deity of each universe, Brahma, lives only during one breath of the Maha-Visnu. Thus Maha-Visnu is the original Supersoul of all the universes and the master of all universes as well
- The present attempt is to offer the original manuscript of this great book of knowledge (Bhagavad-gita As It Is) with full parampara explanation in order to establish the Krsna consciousness movement more soundly and progressively. BG 1972 Preface
- The president of the sun planet, He is the original person from where this sunshine and heat is coming. He is the person. And the population there, they are made so that their bodily effulgence is the heat and light
- The presiding Deity of the anti-material world is Sri Krsna, who exists in His original personality as well as in His many plenary expansions
- The process of Krsna consciousness, by which one always thinks of Krsna, is the transcendental process by which one can revert to his original, spiritual existence
- The Puranas are called supplementary Vedic literatures. Because sometimes in the original Vedas the subject matter is too difficult for the common man to understand, the Puranas explain matters simply by the use of stories and historical incidents
- The reading matter of Srimad-Bhagavatam is so arranged with its original Sanskrit text, its English transliteration, synonyms, translation and purports so that one is sure to become a God-realized soul at the end of finishing the first nine cantos
- The real commentary on the Vedanta-sutra is Srimad-Bhagavatam. Artho ’yam brahma-sutranam: Srimad-Bhagavatam is the original commentary on the Vedanta-sutra, written by the author himself, Srila Vyasadeva
- The real Ramayana is Valmiki's Ramayana. Tulsidas was a devotee of Lord Rama and he has given his thoughts in his book Ramayana. But the real original thoughts and ideas are in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The regulative principles according to the injunctions of the sastras are necessary insofar as one’s original dormant Krsna consciousness is not spontaneously awakened
- The result of perfection in Krsna consciousness is that after giving up one's material body, one is immediately transferred to the spiritual world in one's original spiritual body to become an associate of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Rg Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda, Mahabharata, Pancaratra and original Ramayana are all considered Vedic literature
- The Rg Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda, Mahabharata, Pancaratra and the original Valmiki Ramayana are all Vedic literatures. Any literature following the conclusive statements of these Vedic literatures is also to be considered Vedic literature
- The sage could see that Devahuti had washed herself clean and was shining forth as though no longer his former wife. She had regained her own original beauty as the daughter of a prince
- The sages were absorbed in hearing such (about Krsna) descriptions, but now they wanted to turn to the original topic, and thus the inquiry was made by Saunaka Rsi. So the subject of the release of the brahmastra weapon by Asvatthama is renewed
- The same privilege of being seen or unseen according to one's own desire was given to Maharaja Nimi. Thus he lived in his original, spiritual body as an associate of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The sankhya-yoga system popular at the present moment was propounded by the atheist Kapila, but the original sankhya-yoga system was propounded by an incarnation of Krsna also named Kapila, the son of Devahuti
- The scientists, they are finding original of everything as matter, chemical, chemical evolution, the modern theory of originality
- The scientists, they are trying to make a xerox copy of Professor Einstein. So why not the original? Hm? What is their answer?
- The scope of the Krishna Consciousness Movement is Universal. The process for regaining one's original spiritual status or eternal life full with bliss and knowledge, is not abstracted dry theorizing
- The seventy-eighth branch of the original tree was Jagannatha Tirtha, the seventy-ninth was the brahmana Sri Janakinatha, the eightieth was Gopala Acarya, and the eighty-first was the brahmana Vaninatha
- The seventy-third branch of the original tree was Ramadasa, the seventy-fourth was Kavicandra, the seventy-fifth was Sri Gopala dasa, the seventy-sixth was Bhagavata Acarya, and the seventy-seventh was Thakura Saranga dasa
- The sixty-eighth branch of the original tree was Purusottama, the sixty-ninth was Sri Galima, the seventieth was Jagannatha dasa, the seventy-first was Sri Candrasekhara Vaidya, and the seventy-second was Dvija Haridasa
- The soul can never be cut into pieces, nor annihilated by any number of weapons, regardless of scientific devices. Nor was it ever possible to cut the individual souls from the original Soul. BG 1972 purports
- The sound of Brahman, or Veda, was first impregnated into the heart of Brahma, the original learned man (adi-kavaye). How did he become learned? Whenever there is learning, there must be a speaker and the process of hearing
- The SP of Godhead has innumerable energies, and all these energies are divine. Although the living entities are part of His energies and are therefore divine, due to contact with material energy, their original superior power is covered. BG 1972 purports
- The spark is also fire, but if it falls from the original flame, it will go out. One should not think that because he is qualitatively one with God, he is God. the supreme controller
- The sparks are compared to living entities, and the flames are compared to material nature (pradhana). One must know that each and every one of them is effective simply because of being empowered by the quality of the original fire
- The sparks are illuminated when they are with the original fire, but if the sparks no longer associate with the original fire, they are extinguished. Similarly, our real happiness is in enjoying with the Supreme Being. Happiness is being in His company
- The sparks can everlastingly remain within the original fire as its parts and parcels, but the moment the sparks become separated from the original fire, their misfortunes and miseries begin
- The sparks fall into different conditions and retain more or less of their original brilliance. Some sparks fall onto dry grass and thus ignite another big fire
- The spiritual abode known as Goloka, which is a pasturing land for surabhi cows, is as powerful and opulent as Krsna. By the will of Krsna, the original Goloka and Gokula dhamas are manifested with Him in all the universes
- The statement that their (the sage's) hair was wet indicates that it was directly moistened by the water originating from the lotus feet of Visnu - the Ganges
- The suka-kanya, or daughter of Sukadeva, mentioned in this verse (SB 9.21.25) is the daughter of the duplicate or imitation Sukadeva. The original Sukadeva was a lifelong brahmacari
- The Supersoul is said to be friendly because the Supreme Personality of Godhead is so kind to the original soul that when the original soul transmigrates from one body to another, the Lord goes with him
- The supreme father has no other father. Every one of the living entities of all grades, up to Brahma, the original creature of the universe, is begotten by a father, but He, the Lord, has no father
- The Supreme Lord is the ultimate actor, and the conditioned living entity should simply remember this original actor, Sri Krsna. As living entities, we are being carried away by the waves of prakrti, or nature, which works under the Lord's direction
- The Supreme Lord, who is the original fire, is never overpowered, but the infinitesimal sparks of the fire can become overpowered by the illusory effect of maya. It is a most ludicrous argument to say that God is overpowered by His own material energy
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead expands Himself in the plenary forms of the visnu-tattva, and although they are equally powerful, the original powerful Personality of Godhead is considered the source
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is all-powerful, yet He accepted the form of an uncommon fish. This is one of the ten original incarnations of the Lord
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, who is the original Narayana and eternal friend of all living entities, thus worshiped the sage Narada according to Vedic regulative principles
- The symptoms originating from such existential ecstatic love are divided into three headings - namely, moist, burnt and dried-up
- The television image is manifested in millions of expansions, but those expansions cannot act differently; they are simply reflections of the original and can only act exactly as the original does
- The transcendental form of eternal bliss and knowledge can be experienced by our original spiritual senses, which can be revived by chanting of the holy mantras, or transcendental sound representations
- The two brothers are known as Krsna and Balarama in the spiritual world, but at the present moment they are Caitanya and Nitai. Therefore the conclusion is that Nityananda Prabhu is the original Sankarsana, Baladeva
- The two, Yaksas and Raksasas, are the original creation by Brahma and are represented even until today in the uncivilized men who are scattered all over the universe
- The Vedas are the original scientific knowledge for all departments of understanding, and this knowledge of the Vedas was first impregnated into the heart of Brahma by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The vital force of air is generated from the original vital force of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. May that Supreme Lord be pleased with us
- The whole cosmic manifestation is manipulated by the three modes of material nature. It is said that Brahma, the incarnation of the quality of passion, created this universe. But Brahma is the secondary creator: the original creator is Narayana
- The word "man" - or, in Sanskrit, manusya - has been derived from the name Manu, for all the members of human society are descendants of the original Manu
- The word 'brahma' indicates the summum bonum, the Absolute Truth, which is greater than all other truths. It is the original identity, and there can be nothing equal to that Absolute Truth
- The word adi means adi-rasa, the original lusty feeling, which is born from the Supreme. However, spiritual lust and material lust are as completely different as gold and iron
- The word isvaranam refers to all the Personalities of Godhead. As stated in BS 5.38: ramadi-murtisu kala-niyamena tisthan. In the SB it is confirmed that all the incarnations are partial expansions, or kala, of the SPG. However, Krsna is the original SPG
- The word varnam refers to the luster of one's original identity. The original luster of gold or silver is brilliant. Similarly, the original luster of the living being, who is part of the sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, is the luster of ananda, or pleasure
- The words janma na eti (BG 4.9) indicate that these living entities remain in their original, spiritual bodies to enjoy the company of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the transcendental abodes Vaikuntha and Vrndavana
- The words punyo gandhah refer to fragrances. Only Krsna can create flavors and fragrances. We may synthetically create some scents or fragrances, but these are not as good as the originals that occur in nature
- Their bodily complexion was blackish, almost like Krsna's, and they (the cowherd boys) all had four arms. The same calves and cows were still present there, in the same original fashion
- There are innumerable expansions of the Lord, and all of them are purusas, or enjoyers, but neither the virat-purusa nor the purusa-avataras - Karanodakasayi, Garbhodakasayi and Ksirodakasayi Visnu - nor any of the many other expansions, is the original
- There are many instances in the revealed scriptures of the Personality of Godhead's acting as the spiritual master from within. The Personality of Godhead was the spiritual master who instructed Brahma, the original living being in the cosmic creation
- There are seven kinds of mothers. These mothers are the original mother, the wife of the teacher or spiritual master, the wife of a brahmana, the king's wife, the cow, the nurse and the earth
- There are so many commentaries on Bhagavad-gita that misinterpret the original text. The real import of the word should be presented, and that should be learned from a bona fide spiritual master. BG 1972 purports
- There are the four original Vedas - Sama, Yajur, Rg, Atharva - then the Upanisad, then the essence of Vedic knowledge, Vedanta-sutra, then Ramayana, Mahabharata
- There are three original deities - Brahma, Visnu and Mahesvara. Hiranyakasipu knew that Brahma would not kill him, but he also wanted not to be killed by Lord Visnu or Lord Siva. Consequently, he prayed for such a benediction
- There is a class of men known as arya-samaja who say that they accept the original Vedas only. The motive of these people is to give their own interpretation. According to Caitanya, such interpretations are not to be accepted. They are simply not Vedic
- There is a long history, how the human society was distributed all over this planet. So far Mahabharata is concerned, you Americans or Europeans, you also originally belonged to India, according to Mahabharata
- There is never any deterioration of the Supreme Lord's original transcendental quality. Therefore the word sattvaya is used here (SB 5.18.25), meaning pure goodness on the transcendental platform
- There is no difference between Krsna's body and Himself or between His name and Himself. But as far as the conditioned soul is concerned, one's name is different from one’s body, from one's original form and so on
- There is no difference between Lord Visnu and Lord Siva in their original positions, but still Lord Siva is different from Lord Visnu. The example is given that the milk in yogurt is not different from the original milk from which it was made
- There is no difference between one candle and another - but still the candle from which the others are lit is called the original. Krsna, therefore, is called the Parabrahman, or the ultimate Godhead and cause of all causes
- There is no parallel to His childhood pastimes as exhibited at Vrajabhumi, which are the prototypes of His eternal affairs in the original Krsnaloka described as the cintamani-dhama in the Brahma-samhita
- There is no question of demanding to become the Lord or the president or this. "I want to serve," that's all. And that is the crucial test. Service is the original nature. Now in this material world also you are serving
- There is no worry. I am still prepared to accept you as my original disciple and if there is anything wrong, I am prepared to try and correct it so that your life may not be spoiled. Please therefore come here immediately and live with me
- There is nothing separate from you, whether it be better or lower, stationary or moving. The knowledge derived from the Vedic literatures like the Upanisads, and from all the sub-limbs of the original Vedic knowledge, form your external body
- There is only a material world for those who want to imitate the Lord and become enjoyers. Indeed, the material world is nothing but forgetfulness of the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, the creator of everything
- There is the sun-god, the sun itself and the sunshine which is the shining effulgence of that original sun-god. Similarly, the spiritual effulgence (brahmajyoti), impersonal Brahman, is nothing but the personal effulgence of Krsna
- There must be minister in charge of law and order. Where you get this idea? The idea is there from the original government. And there is the director or the minister in charge of law and order. The Yamaraja is minister in charge
- There must be veda-pramana, sabda-pramana: evidence from the Vedas and from the explanatory Vedic literature. Otherwise, there is no evidence. Your statement is not valid: you cannot change the original sruti-smrti
- Therefore You are the primeval Lord, the original father of everyone. They (the purusas) are protectors of the universes by Your power
- These (Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) expansions are the original Deities for all other truths, namely either visnu-tattva or sakti-tattvas
- These activities are called suddha-bhakti, pure devotional service. If one renders such pure devotional service, he develops his original love for Krsna in due course of time. In Vedic literatures like the Pancaratras & SB, these symptoms are described
- These philosophers, like the frog in the well who tried to estimate the measurement of the Pacific Ocean, like to take trouble over fruitless mental speculation instead of taking instructions from devotees like the original poet, namely, Brahma
- These places (Dvaraka, Mathura and Gokula) on earth are nondifferent from those original abodes, for they are facsimiles of those original holy places in the transcendental world. They are as good as Sri Krsna Himself and are equally worshipable
- These relations of the cows & gopis with their calves & boys remained unchanged, although actually the original calves & boys were not there. Actually the cows' affection for their calves & the elder gopis' affection for the boys causelessly increased
- These reports about Japan are coming from all over the world. This is very disturbing to me. Their own original face is coming out. This is not at all good. Now you have to do what you have to do to rectify the situation
- These sankhya-yogi philosophers, they may analyze very critically. Even they can count the atoms which is composing this whole material atmosphere. But that does not mean you have understood the original force which has created all these things
- These sparks (the living entities) can be covered by the influence of maya, but the original fire, Krsna, cannot. Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, even from the beginning of His appearance in the house of Vasudeva and Devaki
- These twenty-four forms - the four original Visnu forms, the twelve Vaikuntha forms, and the eight vilasa-murtis mentioned above - are known as vilasa manifestations of the prabhava (four-handed) form
- They (all the saintly persons) realized that the original instruction concerning human life - that it is meant for tapasya for self-realization - was reaffirmed by the Lord when He killed Hiranyakasipu
- They (demigods) are only the parts and parcels of the original whole
- They (mahatmas) are fully engaged in devotional service because they know Me as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, original and inexhaustible
- They cannot accommodate, accommodate in the teeny, poor brain that the original Absolute Truth is a person. That is their problem
- They describe the Vedas in their original sense, and out of mercy (anugraha) they preach the purpose of the Vedas to all conditioned souls
- This (Americans and Europeans turning into reprobates) is due to their having lost their original spiritual culture, which is Vedic civilization. Presently these descendants of the Aryan family are taking this Krsna consciousness movement very seriously
- This (the system of giving the original verse, its English transliteration, word-for-word Sanskrit-English equivalents, translations and purports) makes the book very authentic and scholarly and makes the meaning self-evident. BG 1972 Preface
- This birth, death, old age, disease, this is due to this unclean, infected, material body. That we are not concerned, that how to stop this infected material body, how to revive our original spiritual body
- This cannot be (the theory that a living being is absolute impersonal Brahman), because the living entity has his own way of thinking in his original unconditional state also
- This discrepancy in the objective is due to your priest's deviation from the original purpose. However, by my own prowess I shall give you a good son
- This imperfectness is due, more or less, to the material conception that a substance distributed widely in parts can no longer exist in the original form
- This is confirmed by Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita, Fifteenth Chapter, "I am present in everyone's heart, and I cause one to remember and forget. I am the original compiler of the Vedanta, and I am the actual knower of the Vedas"
- This is the verdict of all Vedic literatures, that if one becomes devotee, then he'll develop his original good qualities
- This lalasa-mayi stage of submission comes in the stage of perfect liberation, which is technically called svarupa-siddhi, when the living entity understands, by perfect spiritual advancement and revelation, his original relationship with the Lord
- This Maha-Visnu is plenary portion of the plenary portion of Krsna. Krsna is the original
- This material world is only a perverted reflection of the spiritual world, where everything is manifested without inebriety. There everything is in its original existence, free from the domination of time
- This physical formation of the body, is false, or temporary, or false in this sense that it is not my original body. Original body is within this material body. That is spiritual body
- This stage of rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord without any hopes of emolument from the Lord, or any other way, can be attained when the material senses are purified and the original pure state of the senses is revived
- This tendency to be battered by the waves of maya can be changed to one's original, natural tendency, which is spiritual, when the living entity comes to understand that he is eternally krsna-dasa, a servant of God, Krsna
- This theory (of the Mayavadi's) cannot be applied to the minute living entities. The living entities are minute parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; they are minute particles or sparks of the original fire
- This Veda-stuti is thus the original instruction regarding the relationship existing between the living entity and the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This verse (CC Adi 2.47) clearly indicates that incarnations of the PG such as Sri Rama, Nrsimha & Varaha all undoubtedly belong to the Visnu group, but all of Them are either plenary portions or portions of plenary portions of the original PG, Sri Krsna
- Those in ignorance perceive that there are many small suns reflected in each and every pot. As far as the brilliance is concerned, there is brilliance both in the original sun and in the reflections, but the reflections are small
- Those small particles which we see through the window with sunshine, they are combination of six atoms. They are not original atom. But the atomic constitution of the living entity is a thousand times smaller than the atom
- Those who are after severe austerities, they rise up to the Brahman effulgence, but on account of his original nature of ananda, he cannot remain there. He again falls down
- Those who saw Him (Krsna) on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra attained their original forms after death
- Thus material nature gave birth to the total material energy, known as the hiranmaya-mahat-tattva, the original symbolic representation of the cosmic manifestation
- Thus one regains his original identity, just as a block of gold or silver sheds all dirt and becomes purified when treated with fire. May that inexhaustible SPG become our spiritual master, for He is the original of all other spiritual masters
- Thus the original quadruple forms again manifest Themselves in a second set of quadruple expansions. The residences of these second quadruple expansions cover the four directions
- Tiger is my brother, but not that because originally he's my brother, I shall go and embrace. No. I shall be careful. But not that I shall kill
- To be the servant of the Lord is the greatest position; if one can understand this and can thus revive one's original nature of eternal servitorship, one stands fully independent
- To become one with God means to attain one's original, spiritual quality. Unless one attains one's spiritual quality one cannot enter into the kingdom of God
- Try to understand the distinction between material and spiritual. Material means I have to act. Acting means I have to act with my senses, with my desires, with my thinking, feeling, willing, so many things, because that is original
- Try to understand what is the problem of life, how we can come again to the original spiritual life. That is the ultimate solution because we are spirit. Circumstantially, I am now accepting this material body
- Two different principles are to be considered herein (CC Adi 2.91.92) - namely asraya, the object providing shelter, and asrita, the dependents requiring shelter. The asrita exist under the original principle, the asraya
- Uddhava continued, "If at the time of death a person can fix his pure mind upon Krsna even for a moment, after giving up his material body he becomes eligible to appear in his original, spiritual body"
- Ultimately, if you have so much patience to make research, you can get from the sastras, you can get. So the original father of this universe is Lord Brahma; therefore he is addressed as Pitamaha
- Unfortunately, the Sankarite interpretation has covered almost the entire world. Therefore there is a great need to present the original, easily understood natural import of the Vedic literature
- Upon seeing the Visnudutas, Ajamila gave up his material body at Hardwar on the bank of the Ganges. He regained his original spiritual body, which was a body appropriate for an associate of the Lord
- Vamanadeva first expanded Himself to the universal form and then reduced Himself to the original Vamana-rupa
- Varieties of phenomena occur within this universe on account of the actions and reactions of the three material modes, but the original creator, or the cause, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Vasudeva continued, "The whole world is moving under this false impression and suffering material bondage. I know that neither of You is my son; both of You (Krsna) are the original chief and progenitor, the PG, the Purusa with pradhana"
- Vasudeva said, "Both of You (Krsna and Balarama) are transcendental to this material manifestation and to its cause, the Supreme Person, Maha-Visnu. You are the original controller of all"
- Vasudeva said, "My dear Supreme Personality of Godhead, You (Krsna and Balarama) are the original cause of all causes, exactly as the earth is the original cause of different kinds of trees, plants and similar varieties of manifestation"
- Vasudeva said, "The original energy is only an emanation from You (Krsna and Balarama)"
- Vedic culture means Krsna consciousness. So this Krsna consciousness movement means that we are trying to revive the old Vedic culture throughout the whole world. That is the original culture
- Vidhi means Brahma, the first created living being. He is the original student as well as professor of the Vedas. He learned it from Sri Krsna and taught Narada first. So Narada is the second acarya in the line of spiritual disciplic succession
- Visnu is described as yajna personified, and mother Laksmi is described as spiritual activities and the original form of worship. In fact, they represent spiritual activities and the Supersoul of all yajna
- Visnu is manifested by His millions and billions of integrated forms & separated forms. The integrated forms are called Godhead & the separated forms are called the living entities or the jivas. Both the jivas & Godhead have their original spiritual forms
- Vrtrasura continued: O Indra, no one is guaranteed of being always victorious but the original enjoyer, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan. He is the cause of creation, maintenance and annihilation, and He knows everything
- Vyasa, Vyasadeva . . . the guru is called Vyasa. That is one of . . . but the original Vyasa is one. Just like we. We worship the birthday of guru as Vyasa-puja day, because guru is representative of Vyasa
- Vyasadeva is the incarnation of Krsna. He compiled Vedanta. Why do these rascals not consider the original Vedantist, Krsna? They approach a Mayavadi instead. So how will they understand Vedanta
- Vyasadeva is the original writer of Vedic knowledge. He accepts Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Vyasadeva's guru, Narada. Narada's guru, Brahma, he accepts, isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah (Bs. 5.1)
- We are also eternal. But why this birth and death? This birth and death due to my, this material body. So as soon as we get our original spiritual body and get out of the contamination of this material body, then we shall be as good as Krsna
- We are part and parcel of Krsna; we have small particles of all the desires of Krsna. Our existence is a small particle of God's, just like a small particle of gold which has all the qualities of the original gold
- We are preaching the original practice. Practice means which is practically done. And sometimes things are impractical when they are unnatural, and natural things can be practiced very easily
- We are trying to present Sri Caitanya-caritamrta in English and do not know how successful it will be, but if one reads the original Caitanya-caritamrta in Bengali he will relish increasing ecstasy in devotional service
- We can study what is the nature of the Absolute Person by studying the sun. The sun globe is localized. The sunshine is spread all over the universe, & within the sun globe there is the sun-god, Vivasvan. Similarly, the original planet is Goloka Vrndavana
- We cannot change the original rules and regulation, but there is variety. We are not impersonalist. Every person has got to serve the Lord in a particular way, and that is allowed. The central point is Krsna
- We don't care for the designations. We invite everyone to leave aside the designation and come in your original form and be Krsna conscious and be happy
- We have experience in the material world that a thing, when fragmentally distributed, loses its own original identity. BG 1972 purports
- We have got immense independence, but we are now conditioned by this body. Therefore in the human form of life it is an opportunity to get back our original independence. That is called Krsna consciousness. Freedom
- We invite everyone to leave aside the designation and come in your original form and be Krsna conscious and be happy
- We must love. There is no escape. I must love somebody, because the propensity's there. So the original love is for Krsna. But because we have forgotten Krsna, therefore our love is distributed in so many ways
- We must understand that in each of these three phases (the internal or spiritual potency, the marginal potency and the external potency) the original spiritual potencies of pleasure, eternity and knowledge remain intact
- We should not create unnecessary demands due to the bodily conception. When one is self-realized, he is sufficiently satisfied due to being situated in his original spiritual position
- We should not falsely claim that, "I am as great as the Supreme God." No. We should understand this, animanam. I am as effulgent. Just like spark. Spark is jyoti, but not as brilliant, effulgent, as the original fire
- We should not foolishly claim that we are as great as the Supreme God. We should understand that we are like sparks of the original fire
- We should produce immense food grain, both for the animals and for men. And there should be cooperation. Just like the cow and bull. The bull helps ploughing. That is the original system. Now they have invented tractors
- What is their (the scientists) credit? If you simply copy something, that is not credit. The credit should go to the original
- Whatever sound is there in this material world, the original sound is produced by God. So spiritual sound is so powerful. And we are trying to catch you directly from that sound vibration, Hare Krsna, and I am sure it is acting. Simply, sabdad anavrttih
- Whatever sound we hear in the material world is but a reflection of that original spiritual sound om
- When 1 marries, he automatically establishes a relationship with the spouse's family. Similarly, if we reestablish our original relationship with Krsna, we'll establish our true relationship with everyone else. That is the ground for real universal love
- When from one candle many others are lit, I consider that one the original
- When he was petitioned by mother Sita, the fire-god, Agni, brought forth an illusory form of Sita, and Ravana, who had ten heads, kidnapped the false Sita. The original Sita then went to the abode of the fire-god
- When intelligence is affected, one loses his original taste for Krsna consciousness
- When Krsna kills demons, He is known as Vasudeva Krsna, not the original Krsna. When Krsna expands Himself, He first expands as Balarama, then Sankarsana, Pradyumna, Aniruddha and Vasudeva
- When Lord Ramacandra tested the body of Sita, it was the false, illusory Sita that entered the fire. At that time the fire-god brought the original Sita from his abode and delivered her to Lord Ramacandra
- When one is promoted to this (original and spiritual) status, one is always happy in transcendental bliss. Otherwise, as long as one is in the bodily concept of life, one must suffer material conditions
- When one is situated in his original, constitutional position, giving up all false notions, he's liberated. That is liberation. Liberation is not very difficult
- When one's mind, intelligence and senses are purified of material contamination, one can understand the original feature of the Absolute Truth as a person
- When our energy is utilized in that way (in Krsna's service), our energy is purified from the contamination of material inebrieties, and thus we become fit for our original natural life of service to the Lord
- When reciting this verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.14.8), Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya changed the original reading from mukti-pade to bhakti-pade
- When sandalwood pulp is mixed with aguru, kunkuma, musk and camphor and spread on Krsna's body, it combines with Krsna's own original bodily perfume and seems to cover it
- When Sri Krsna appears on the face of the earth, He can also make His dhamas appear, without changing their original structure
- When the flame of one candle is expanded to another candle and placed in a different position, it burns separately, and its illumination is as powerful as the original candle's
- When the genitals of the gigantic form separately became manifest, then Prajapati, the original living creature, entered into them with his partial semen, and thus the living entities can enjoy sex pleasure
- When the King travels all over the world, other kings as well as the demigods, will offer him all kinds of presentations. Their queens will also consider him the original king, who carries in His hands the emblems of club and disc & will sing of his fame
- When the living entities come to this world for material enjoyment, they are entangled in karma and karma-phala by the Lord's illusory energy. But if one seeks shelter at the Lord's lotus feet, one is again situated in his original, liberated state
- When the living entity is enlightened by the grace of the Supreme Lord or His pure devotee and becomes inclined to revive his original state of loving service, he is on the most auspicious platform of eternal bliss and knowledge
- When the living entity, after many, many births in different forms, returns to his original form of Krsna consciousness, he immediately surrenders unto the lotus feet of the supreme form, Krsna. This is liberation
- When the mind is absorbed in material sense gratification, it causes suffering, and when detached from material sense gratification, it brings about the original brightness of Krsna consciousness
- When the sparks fly out of touch with the original fire, they come under the influence of a nonfiery atmosphere; thus they maintain the potency to be again one with the fire as sparks, but not as the original fire
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead glances over the material energy, she becomes agitated. At that time, the Lord injects the original semen of the living entities
- When there is some illumination, that is also Krsna. The original effulgence in the spiritual sky, the brahma-jyotir, emanates from the body of Krsna. This material sky is covered
- When there was a Maharashtrian invasion of Bengal, the family of Kanu Thakura was scattered, and after the invasion one Harikrsna Gosvami of that family came back to their original home, Bodhakhana, and re-established the Pranavallabha Deity
- When this book (BG) was first published, the original manuscript was, unfortunately, cut short to less than 400 pages, without illustrations and without explanations for most of the original verses of the Srimad Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Preface
- When we are freed from these dirty things, then our original life becomes manifest. That is called mukti
- When we are inspired by devotional service to the Lord, our original identity begins to manifest in us and ultimately brings us to God-realization
- When we are liberated from material affection and are situated in our original spiritual form we can see both ourselves and the Lord face to face
- When we become free from the designation of this material body and we come to the pure stage of original, spiritual senses, that senses when applied to the service of the supreme master of senses, God, that is called bhakti
- When we become nirmala, in our original, pure spiritual life, then bhakti begins
- When we living entities, who are like sparks of the original fire, the Supreme Lord, fall into a material condition, we must take the mantra from the Supreme Personality of Godhead as it is offered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Wherever Lord Krsna, the original Narayana, and Rukminidevi, the goddess of fortune, live is not different from the spiritual planets, Vaikunthaloka
- While Akrura was offering his prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord disappeared from the water, exactly as an expert dramatic actor changes his dress and assumes his original feature
- While an ordinary living being changes his body when he transmigrates from one species of life to another, the Lord never changes His body: He appears in His original body, without any change
- While thus being bathed, the goddess of fortune maintained her original style, with a lotus flower in her hand, & she appeared very beautiful. The goddess of fortune is the most chaste, for she does not know anyone but the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- "Why have you changed the original verse?" the Lord asked Bhattacarya. "The word is mukti, and you have changed it to bhakti"
- With great respect, the original king, Prthu, offered all kinds of rewards to the brahmanas present at the sacrifice. Since all these brahmanas were very much satisfied, they gave their heartfelt blessings to the King
- Within his mind, in his original, purified, self-realized position, he (an advanced devotee) serves Krsna in Vrndavana in his particular way. He serves Krsna twenty-four hours a day, all day and night
- Within your coat and shirt, so long you are there, the hand of your coat appears to be moving. Actually, the shirt or coat has no body, but because the original body is moving we see the shirt and coat is also moving
- Without illumination, nothing can be seen, especially in this material world. The illumination in this world emanates from the effulgence of Sudarsana, the original vision of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Without touching the original cows and cowherd boys kept by Brahma, Krsna had created another assembly of calves and boys, who were all expansions of visnu-tattva. Thus Brahma's mystic power was superseded
- Yayati: The great emperor of the world and the original forefather of all great nations of the world who belong to the Aryan and Indo-European stock
- Yogo nastah parantapa. As soon as we deviate from the original system, it is nasta, spoiled. So what is the use of giving things which is already spoiled? But it cannot be spoiled if you follow the parampara system. This is the secret of success
- You are always unborn. Once, in the form of the original boar, You rescued me from the waters in the bottom of the universe. Through Your own energy You created all the physical elements, the senses and the heart, for the maintenance of the world
- You are the original personal founder of all the demigods and the orders of different gradations, yet You are the oldest and are unchanged
- You are the original rsi, and because your mind is always fixed on Me, even though you will be engaged in generating various progeny, the vicious mode of passion will never encroach upon you
- You are the original vision of the Lord, and therefore you are known as Sudarsana. Everything has been created by your activities, and therefore you are all-pervading
- You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, completely capable of fulfilling the desires of Your devotees. You are the real friend of everyone. In spite of giving Yourself to Your devotees, You are never depleted of Your original potency
- You are therefore the original Narayana. This is one reason; please listen as I state the second
- You become under the police control, if you become criminal. And what is that criminality? The criminality is that krsna bhuliya jiva bhoga vancha (Prema-vivarta). Krsna is the original enjoyer, God
- You cannot see even the original top of the hair. So everything is there. We must have eyes. So Krsna is also there
- You cannot stop your thinking, feeling, willing, working, because that is your original nature
- You do not become God, but you are already in godly quality, qualities, to some extent, not fully. So when you are free from these material clutches, you attain your original quality, spiritual quality
- You take a piece of paper and cut it into pieces and throw it all over, then the original paper is lost. There is no more. That is material. But Krsna is expanded. Eko bahu syam (Chandogya Upanishad 6.2.3). The Lord said, - I shall become many
- Your idea of putting the disassociated sloka below the original is not good. Do not do it
- Your original set of beads was lost in the mail and did not arrive in the packet with your letter of initiation. Brahmananda has sent one set of new tulsi beads, and I have duly chanted upon them and I am sending them to you enclosed herewith