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Pages in category "Primary"
The following 101 pages are in this category, out of 101 total.
- Accompanying Him (God) were all of the seven primary elements - the five material elements, the total energy (mahat-tattva) and the false ego. This entrance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead involves His entering even the atoms of the material world
- According to this process, one hears, chants, remembers and engages in Deity worship, acting under the directions of the spiritual master. These are the essential primary activities of devotional service
- According to Vedic principles, there are three different types of evidences. Everything must be proved by evidence. So these are primarily three evidences. Pratyaksa, direct perception. Pratyaksa, anumana and sruti
- Adoration, servitorship, friendship, parental affection and conjugal love are the five primary relationships with Krsna
- After some days Jagannatha Misra inaugurated the primary education of his son by performing the hate khadi ceremony. Within a very few days the Lord learned all the letters and combinations of letters
- All the different varieties of sacrifice can be placed within two primary divisions: namely, sacrifice of worldly possessions and sacrifice in pursuit of transcendental knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- All these living entities who are in this material world, beginning from the higher planetary system down to the ants and germs and flies. This is the primary enjoyment, sex. The central attraction is sex
- Although a devotee may sometimes have to suffer, he tolerates the suffering. At the same time, he is very kind to conditioned souls and tries to elevate them to Krsna consciousness. This is one of the primary features of a devotee's life
- As the Lord is not affected by the modes of material nature, so a pure devotee of the Lord is also not affected by the modes of nature. That is the primary qualification for being one with the Lord
- Ask them if they will donate, but if they will not donate then purchase outright minimum fifty copies of the first grammar or primary book for learning Sanskrit at earliest age
- At the age of four or five years, on an auspicious day called vidyarambha marking the beginning of primary education, there is a ceremony worshiping Lord Visnu, and after that the teacher gives the child a long chalk pencil
- At the present moment there is no guarantee by the government of even the primary necessities of life in the state, namely, the protection of the lives and property of the citizens
- Bhagavad-gita is divided into three primary divisions-karma-yoga, jnana-yoga and bhakti-yoga. The word yoga means "acting on behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead."
- By practice of yoga one becomes gradually detached from material concepts. This is the primary characteristic of the yoga principle. BG 1972 purports
- Empowered incarnations are of two types - primary and secondary. The primary ones are directly empowered by the S P of Godhead and are called incarnations. The secondary ones are indirectly empowered by the S P of Godhead and are called vibhuti
- Everyone is full of lamentation at every moment, he is after the mirage of illusory things, and he is always afraid of his supposed enemy. These are the primary symptoms of material disease
- He (Rupa Gosvami) further states that the thirty-one disturbing symptoms of ecstatic love, plus nine other symptoms, all taken together equal forty primary symptoms of ecstatic love
- However, persons who have given up stereotyped worldly affairs and the beastly followers of these affairs, can be freed from the primary necessities of the material body
- I am especially encouraged by your increasing the distribution of books. That is our primary business, to sell these transcendental literatures profusely all over the world
- I am very glad to see your enthusiasm in the matter of starting a Krishna Consciousness primary school in New Vrindaban and it will be just befitting that you become the head-mistress of the school
- I have advised Pradyumna to go there and teach students primary Sanskrit lessons at least to learn the alphabet, so that in the future when they go to India they may learn Sanskrit very easily
- I have just returned from Dallas Gurukula school, and the young students there require to learn Sanskrit language. So I think you may purchase minimum fifty copies of the primary Sanskrit book for learning Sanskrit language
- I shall explain His first desire. Krsna says, "I am the primary cause of all rasas"
- I was born in 1896, and I was my father's pet child, so my education began a little late, still, I was educated in higher secondary, high school for eight years. In primary school four years, higher secondary school, eight years, in college, four years
- If one is envious of Krsna, how can he understand the Vedanta-sutra or Srimad-Bhagavatam? The Mayavadis’ primary occupation is to offend the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- In a sacrifice there are five primary elements - namely, (1) the process of offering, (2) the offering itself, (3) the fire, (4) the sacrifice, and (5) the result of the sacrifice
- In India there is great agitation for birth control in various mechanical ways, but birth cannot be mechanically controlled. As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 13.9), birth, death, old age & disease are certainly the primary distresses of the material world
- In the above statement by Kapiladeva from the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the actual position of a pure devotee is described, and the primary characteristics of devotional service are also defined
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, the transcendental qualities of Sri Krsna are mentioned. Among these, fifty are primary (ayam neta su-ramyangah, etc.), and in minute quantity they were all present in the body of Sri Haridasa Pandita
- In the primary stage a child loves his parents, then his brothers and sisters, and as he daily grows up he begins to love his family, society, community, country, nation, or even the whole human society
- In the various forms of life lower than human life the intelligence does not go beyond the range of life's primary necessities - namely eating, sleeping, mating and defending
- In the Vedas, the four primary subjects (pious activities, economic development, satisfaction of the senses, & liberation from material bondage) are prescribed in a regulative way so that there will not be undue competition for sense gratification
- It is necessary that the priests & pujaris must be enlightened both in Theism & Sanskrit language. They shall be primary teachers of the Bhagwat Gita in different temples. Both these temples and their management have to be reformed in the present context
- Narada's transcendental body is free from material affinity and invested with three primary transcendental qualities, namely eternity, freedom from material modes, and freedom from reactions of fruitive activities
- Narayana, the four primary expansions (Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna & Aniruddha), Matsya & the other lila incarnations, the yuga-avataras, the manv-antara incarnations and as many other incarnations as there are - all descend in the body of Lord Krsna
- Nescience is behind the Personality of Godhead, where she is powerful enough to mislead the living beings, and the primary symptom of bewildered persons is that they talk nonsense
- Now, the total regulative principles come to an aggregate of sixty-four items. As we have mentioned, the first are the primary ten regulative principles
- One can also love Krsna indirectly in seven different relationships, which are apparently different from the five primary relationships
- One should then give up the material body by blocking the air hole (through which stool is evacuated) with the heel of one's foot and by lifting the life air from one place to another in the six primary places
- Originally the cause or primary ingredient is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the varieties are only by-products
- People are also characterized in this age as being unfortunate. They have a great deal of difficulty meeting the primary demands of life - eating, defending, mating, and sleeping - necessities which are met even by the animals
- Persons who have taken shelter of the umbrella of Your lotus feet by drinking the intoxicating nectar of Your qualities and activities in discussions with one another, can be freed from the primary necessities of the material body
- Please give your primary attention for improving BTG, the backbone of our movement
- Praja means one who has taken birth in the state, and this includes both men and animals. Any living being who takes birth in a state has the primary right to live under the protection of the king
- Religion includes four primary subjects, namely pious activities, economic development, satisfaction of the senses, and finally liberation from material bondage. Irreligious life is a barbarous condition. Indeed, human life begins when religion begins
- Religion includes four primary subjects: (1) pious activities, (2) economic development, (3) satisfaction of the senses, and (4) liberation from material bondage
- Sankirtana, Love Feast and selling BTG, they are our primary engagements and next Temple worship. Temple worship is needed for the inner section
- Second initiation is real initiation. First initiation is the preliminary, just to make him prepared, just like primary and secondary education
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya - Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu opened a primary school in the house of Mukunda, or Mukunda Sanjaya, and Mukunda's son, whose name was Purusottama, became the Lord's student
- Surrounding these planetary systems (the three primary planetary systems - Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah) are the eight directions, namely east, west, north, south, northeast, southeast, northwest and southwest
- Tat tvam asi is accepted as the primary vibration by one who does not accept pranava, the transcendental sound incarnation of the holy name of the Lord, as the chief principle in the Vedic literature
- Thanks to you for your good wishes, and your realization that you are the eternal servant of Krishna. It is the primary understanding of our constitutional position. Actually, we are servant, but in the conditioned state, every one of us posing as master
- That is (negation of material inebriety; feeling of eternal existence free from birth, death, old age and disease) the primary conception of impersonal Brahman
- The (Krsna conscious) movement will go on increasing more and more, provided the leaders of the movement remain firmly Krsna conscious by following the regulative principles and the primary activities of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra regularly
- The Bhagavad-gita is the ABC or primary book of knowledge for students interested in that (the transcendental) science - of God
- The desire to hear with interest is the primary qualification for assimilating transcendental knowledge. Unfortunately people are not interested in patiently hearing the message of Srimad-Bhagavatam. The process is simple but the application difficult
- The five primary rasas constantly remain within the heart of the pure devotee, and the seven secondary rasas sometimes appear and disappear to enrich the flavors and tastes of the primary ones. After enriching the primary rasas, they disappear
- The Maharaja of Dinajapura donated twenty bighas of land (about six and a half acres) in this connection. It is said that near the place known as Garbhavasa, Hadai Pandita conducted a primary school
- The Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna enjoys Himself in six primary expansions. His two manifestations are prabhava and vaibhava
- The primary characteristic of spontaneous love is deep attachment for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Absorption in thought of Him is a marginal characteristic
- The primary information of the kingdom of God informs us that there is no need of sun, moon or electricity, which are all necessary in this material world of darkness
- The primary potencies of the Absolute Truth are mentioned to be three: internal, external and marginal
- The primary practice of bhakti-yoga will cause the seed already sowed in heart to sprout, and by a regular watering process, as mentioned above, the bhakti-yoga creeper will begin to grow
- The primary predominating deities of this material creation are Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Lord Visnu. Nonetheless, they simply carry out the orders of Lord Krsna, who is master of them all
- The primary sense enjoyment is eating, sleeping, sex life and defense. So where there is want of these four facilities? The birds have got these facilities
- The principles of religion do not stand on some dogmas or man-made formulas, but they stand on four primary regulative observances, namely austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness
- The purusa (Maha-Visnu) is the primary incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Supreme Lord expands His personal forms in two primary categories - prakasa forms and vilasa forms
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has three primary energies, or potencies. The first is called antaranga-sakti, or the internal potency. The second is called tatastha-sakti, or the marginal potency
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has three primary potencies. Are you trying to prove that He has no potencies
- The twelve phala, or combinations of letters, are called repha; murdhanya (cerebral), na; dantavya (dental), na; ma; ya; ra; la; va; r; ṟ; lr and lṟ. Hate khadi is the primary educational beginning
- The two processes of sravana and kirtana are of primary importance to progressive spiritual life
- The universal form of the Lord is the secondary imagination of the impersonal form of the Lord, but the primary form of the Lord is Syamasundara, with two hands, playing on His eternal flute
- There (in the spiritual sky) the personal feature of Balarama called Maha-sankarsana is the shelter of the spiritual energy. He is the primary cause, the cause of all causes
- There is a class of less intelligent devotees of the Bhagavata Purana who desire to relish at once the activities of the Lord narrated in the Tenth Canto without first understanding the primary cantos
- These sruti-mantras indicate that every living being has its constitutional position, which is endowed with a particular type of rasa to be exchanged with the SPG. In the liberated condition only, this primary rasa is experienced in full
- They have dismissed God's existence in so many ways, primarily by declaring Him to be impersonal, that is, without sense perception
- They should know it that bodily relation between the husband and wife is secondary; primary factor is that both should help one another in the matter of advancement of K.C
- This is the primary education of spiritual life. First of all you have to understand that you are not this body. You are living entity, different from the body. Just like you are different from the shirt-coat
- This material world is composed of five principal elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether - all of which are emanations from Krsna. Although materialistic scientists may accept these five primary elements as the cause of the material manifestation
- To remain under the jurisdiction or administration of such a king or leader (like Maharaja Prthu) is the perfect status for human society. The primary responsibility of such a king or leader is to protect the brahminical culture and the cows in his state
- We are not advising, "No sex." Illicit sex. So where is the difficulty? But the age is so fallen that even these primary tapasya we cannot execute. That is the difficulty
- We are not much concerned about the temple because temple worship is not primary factor in this age. Primary factor is Sankirtana. But sometimes we want a center where people may gather and see, so a temple is required secondarily
- When a man sees anything, he must know that his seeing is secondary and the Lord's seeing is primary. One cannot see anything without the Lord's having first seen it. That is the instruction of the Vedas and the Upanisads
- When an individual living entity surrenders to the Supreme Lord, Krsna, he can then develop natural transcendental love for Him. This surrendering process should be the primary concern of a human being
- When I came to your country first my primary strength was chanting the Maha-mantra and maintaining myself on public contributions and distribution of my Srimad-Bhagavatam
- When the child is a little advanced in writing, he is given a slate for his primary education, which ends when he learns the two-letter combinations, which are called phala
- When we are awakened to Krsna consciousness, we forget all these bodies. The bodily necessities become secondary, for the primary necessity is the engagement of the soul in real, spiritual life
- When we speak of loka-traya, we refer to the three primary planetary systems - Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah - into which the universe is divided