settle | settled | settler | settles | settling
- VedaBase query: settle or settled or settler or settles or settling not "settle up" not "settled up" not "settle them up"
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Pages in category "Settle"
The following 80 pages are in this category, out of 80 total.
- A case (against devotees of the KCM) that was expected to continue for years was settled in a day because of the protection of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has promised in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.31), kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati
- A father gives education to his son to earning livelihood, gets him married, and settles him, but he knows that "This kind of business, earning money and marrying, begetting children, I have done, but I am not satisfied"
- A more settled conditioned soul quivers less, but due to material connection the quivering quality is more or less present everywhere
- According to your body, your eating problem, your sleeping problem, your sense gratification problem and defending problem are already settled. That is the verdict of the sastra
- After a great struggle for existence it appears that I have won over Mrs. Nair. The negotiation started on my arrival & the mediators suggested 20 lakhs. Then it went down to 17 lakhs, but by Krsna's grace I have settled with her for 14 lakhs 50 thousand
- After executing the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and settling the affairs of the world, Maharaja Prthu was ready to retire. He had been exemplary in his governmental administration, and now he was to become exemplary in his retirement
- After finishing fighting, the parties would come to a compromise, and everything would be settled. This Daksa yajna was similar to such events
- After the death of Maharaja Pandu, his wives settled that one should remain and the other should go. Madri would perish with her husband in the fire, and Kunti would remain to take charge of the five Pandava children
- Although as a devotee he (Maitreya) externally expressed surprise, as if he did not know how to reply to those questions, he immediately became perfectly settled and properly replied to Vidura
- As soon as this (HaridasThakura leaving that place) was settled, the snake actually crawled out of its hole in the cave and left the cave for good before everyone present
- Balarama said, "They (the Yadus) were preparing to attack the whole kingdom of the Kuru dynasty, but I pacified them and took the trouble to come here to settle the affair without any fighting. Yet these rascals behave like this"
- Balarama showed His power in such a way that all of Hastinapura trembled and would have been vanquished as if by a great earthquake. Then the matter was settled, and Samba married Duryodhana's daughter
- Because He had to perform His noon duties, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu got up to leave, but it was settled that the following day, after He saw Lord Jagannatha, He would return to visit Haridasa Thakura
- Because of this Syamantaka jewel, there was a misunderstanding between King Satrajit and the Yadu dynasty Later the matter was settled when Satrajit voluntarily offered Krsna his daughter, Satyabhama, along with the Syamantaka jewel
- Both demons and demigods, have been born of the same father, Kasyapa, and thus we are related as brothers. But now we are exhibiting our personal prowess in dissension. Therefore we request You to settle our dispute and divide the nectar equally among us
- Daksa, being the father of mankind, was performing yajna, and Lord Siva expected his share. But since Siva was not invited, there was trouble. By the mediation of Lord Brahma, however, everything was settled satisfactorily
- Defeat they are taking as success. Just like these rascal scientists, they could not go and settle in the moon planet. Still, they are saying, "It is success." Just see the fun. What success? You could not stay there, and what success you have got?
- Factually, there are two classes of transcendentalists. Now Arjuna is trying to settle the question of which process is easier and which of the classes is most perfect
- For this reason (to quiet the mind and allow all the thoughts to settle) there are so many rules and regulations to follow in order to keep the mind from becoming agitated
- I am going to San Francisco on Wednesday 5th July, and on July 9th there will be Sri Sri Jagannatha Deva Rathayatra maha festival. I don't know how successful it will be, but the program is settled
- I am pleased to know that you are working hard in the service of Krsna and feeling settled in your engagement. Please take this movement very seriously
- I am very glad to hear that you are settling into some steady service. Krishna is sending us so many children and they must be nicely guided and educated so that they can grow up to become first-class Vaisnavas
- I am very much anxious to go there to Florida, because I have heard so much about this city, and because many retired men go there to settle. I am always anxious to open a center there to attract these retired men
- I have gone through your translation, but it is not acceptable. We have already settled with a Vrindaban gentleman. I am returning herewith your manuscript. Thanking you
- I have seen for generation. One generation passed another generation; the fighting is going on in the court. But if people are Krsna conscious, it could be settled within few minutes
- If people actually become God conscious, all quarrels can be settled outside of court, as happened in the case of the two brahmanas whose disagreement was settled by the witness Gopala
- If we do not disturb a pond, the mud will settle to the bottom. This yoga process is the means to quiet the mind and allow all these thoughts (memories of events that happened ten, twenty, thirty or forty years ago) to settle
- In his heart, Sukracarya did not like his profession, but since he had accepted it, he was obliged to go unwillingly to his disciple to settle the grievance submitted by his daughter
- In Indian villages, whenever there is a quarrel between two parties, they go to a temple to settle the quarrel. Whatever is spoken in front of the Deity is taken to be true, for no one would dare lie before the Deity
- In order to settle this love quarrel (between Jagannatha & Saksi-gapala), the King of Orissa constructed a village about eleven miles from Jagannatha Puri. The village was called Satyavadi, and Gopala was stationed there
- Instead of fighting with them (Kurus), He (Balarama) wisely thought, "let Me go there and see the situation, and let Me try to see if the fight can be settled by mutual understanding"
- It is to be settled up that dharma means the injunction of the Supreme Narayana. And adharma means that you manufacture something out of your own fertile brain
- It is understood that in astanga-yoga one practices settling the mind and then concentrating it on the form of Lord Visnu
- Lord Balarama came personally to settle the matter, and, as a powerful ksatriya, He ordered them to free Samba immediately. The Kauravas were superficially insulted by this order, so they challenged Lord Balarama's power
- Lord Krsna, Bhima and Arjuna asked Jarasandha for the facility of fighting him, and it was settled that Jarasandha would fight with Bhima only
- Nabhaga then said, "These riches belong to me. The great saintly persons have delivered them to me." When Nabhaga said this, the black-looking person replied, "Let us go to your father and ask him to settle our disagreement"
- Narada Muni replied, 'Leaving the path, I have come to you to settle a doubt that is in my mind'
- Now the war is nearly settled here, our programs are resuming, and I think that I shall also build a very nice temple in Vrindaban and Mayapur, so that our students and friends all over the world may come there and enjoy real spiritual life
- Now you settle amongst yourselves on some programme for distributing these and many other books, I don't care at what price
- Raghunatha dasa arranged a meeting between his uncle and the caudhuri. The matter was settled, and everything was peaceful
- Rukmini's marriage with Sisupala was already settled; therefore she suggested that Krsna kidnap her so that this might be changed
- Rukminidevi, replied, "Dear Draupadi, it was practically a settled fact that princes like Jarasandha wanted me to marry King Sisupala"
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya then submitted that Paramananda Puri Gosvami would accept a five-day invitation at his place. This had already been settled before the Lord
- Since the argument (about Samba's release) was not settled, Balarama showed His power in such a way that all of Hastinapura trembled and would have been vanquished as if by a great earthquake
- Since there were so many discrepancies during the reign of King Vena, the Lord sent His most confidential devotee Maharaja Prthu to settle things
- So far my writing is concerned, yes I want to settle down somewhere and write my books. That is my aim
- The brahmanas especially were known as saj-jana, or respectable gentlemen who guided the entire society. If there were disputes in the village, people would approach these respectable brahmanas to settle them
- The center has become cumbersome on account of mismanagement. Things must be settled before Shayamasundar can take charge again. These bills presented by different creditors on account of jewelry business must not be paid by ISKCON
- The demons understood that the beautiful woman had attracted the attention of them all. Therefore they unanimously requested Her (Mohini-murti) to become the arbiter to settle their dispute
- The energy of our senses is meant to be diverted, not stopped. The senses are to be purified, so that they serve the Lord instead of disturbing His settled harmony. The entire cosmic harmony is a settled fact by the will of the Supreme
- The foolishness of gross materialism is that people think of making a permanent settlement in this world, although it is a settled fact that one has to give up everything here that has been created by valuable human energy
- The history of Ramacandra is that His father wanted to retire, Maharaja Dasaratha. And he decided to enthrone Lord Ramacandra and retire. So everything was settled, but just one day before, his youngest wife turned the whole thing into different way
- The hunter bird (Indra) refused to accept the King's offer, but it was settled later on that the eagle would accept flesh from the body of the King of the pigeon's (Agni) equivalent weight
- The matter was settled, and to please the newly married couple Lord Balarama arranged to send a dowry consisting of an abundance of riches, including elephants, chariots, horses, menservants and maidservants
- The message (by Paundraka to Krsna) contained the following statements, "If out of Your (Krsna's) gross impudence You do not care for my words, then I challenge You to fight. I am inviting You to a battle in which the decision will be settled"
- The Pracetas spoke as follows: Dear Lord, You relieve all kinds of material distress. Your magnanimous transcendental qualities and holy name are all-auspicious. This conclusion is already settled. You can go faster than the speed of mind and words
- The subtle body comes back and settles in the present gross body because the gross body has to be continued. Therefore one has to become free from the subtle body also. This freedom is known as mukta-linga
- The use of the word ca after vaiyasakih suggests, according to Srila Jiva Gosvami, that both Sukadeva Gosvami and Maharaja Pariksit were of the same category, settled long before, although one was playing the part of the master and the other the disciple
- Then (after Balarama showed His power) the matter (Samba was arrested after he abducted Duryodhana's daughter) was settled, and Samba married Duryodhana's daughter
- There is a story of a bridegroom's party who had to go to the bride's house down the river. It was settled that they would start at night by boat and reach the destination early in the morning
- There is no difference between atheists and the faithful in the Vaikuntha planets because all who settle there are freed from the material qualities, and thus suras and asuras become equally obedient loving servitors of the Lord
- They (great sages, rsis, philosophers, mystics, etc,.) offered many suggestions about his (Pariksit Maharaja's) immediate duty, and at last it was settled that he would hear from Sukadeva Gosvami about Lord Krsna. Thus the Bhagavatam was spoken to him
- They (Kurus) simply wanted to see Him (Balarama) exhibit His inconceivable strength. Thus with great pleasure they handed over their daughter to Samba, and the whole matter was settled
- They very much satisfied the Lord by incessantly pouring flowers from the sky. When everything was very nicely and joyfully settled, the cows overflooded the surface of the earth with their milk
- This man is playing some trick so we shall also play some trick. We shall take all the Shebaits to court and pray to the court to settle the matter
- This temple (temple of Jaipur) is very ideal place for our imagination of an American house, and it is almost 50% settled that the house may be partly occupied by us
- We thought that this case (instituted by the deprogrammers against the devotees) would take a long time to settle, but because the devotees were protected by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we unexpectedly won the case in one day
- When Murari Caitanya dasa came to Navadvipa, he settled in the village of Modadruma, or Mamagachi-grama. At that time he became known as Sarnga or Saranga Murari Caitanya dasa. The descendants of his family still reside in Sarer Pada
- When Raghunatha dasa Gosvami’s father and uncle were to be arrested by government officials, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami hid them and personally met the government officers and settled the affair diplomatically
- When the Lord and Laksmidevi met, their relationship awakened, having already been settled, and coincidentally the marriage-maker Vanamali came to see Sacimata
- When they (man and woman) are well settled, they must have children and also some friends to come and praise them: "Oh, you have such a nice apartment and such nice children." In this way one's attachment increases
- Yes, the idea to make S.F. our headquarters, that is in my mind, but that church is not yet settled. The man is prolonging it. Actually, if you get the church I shall make that my headquarters, and I shall come there to your temple occasionally
- You have got nice costly car, then it drives very comfortably, but if you have got a less costly, cheap car, then you are not so comfortable. Similarly our comforts and discomforts are already settled as soon as you have got a particular type of body