Prabhupāda: Then Harvard University and Boston University, and one church. They have paid, yes. And one church, Arlington Church, in that church... I think you were present there? Arlington Church?
Govinda dasi: Unitarian?
Prabhupāda: No. You have not been in Boston. Some girls from temple, they were present.
Govinda dasi: Annapūrṇa?
Prabhupāda: Annapūrṇa is always present wherever I go. (laughing) She is very nice, that she wants to follow me. This morning I was asking her that "After your marriage where you want to stay?" and she said, "Wherever you stay, I stay." "And I am traveling. Then you are married. You must have a place to settle." Anyway, in that church they charged us for meeting, but we collected very nicely. We collected more than hundred dollars. Yes. A very nice meeting.
Janārdana: How many people were there?
Prabhupāda: More than hundred, because we collected hundred dollars, and utmost, they have paid one dollar.