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Pages in category "Execution"
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- A class of ksatriya must be there, a class of vaisya must be there. This is called varnasrama. For the peaceful execution of material life these things are required, division
- A nitya-siddha is one who is eternally Krsna's associate, an expansion of Krsna's personal body, whereas a sadhana-siddha is an ordinary human being who, by executing pious activities and following regulative principles of DS, also comes to that stage
- According to the Padma Purana, our present trouble is due to the fructifying of seedling sins, but even those seedling sins also gradually fade away by execution of pure devotional service
- According to those principles, there are subtle intricacies involved in the execution of religious principles
- Activities to satisfy the Supreme Godhead are prescribed in the Vedic literature, and execution of such activities is called yajna. In other words, acting on behalf of the Supreme Lord is called yajna
- Advancement of learning, economic development, philosophical research, study in the Vedic literature or even the execution of pious activities (like charity, opening of hospitals, and the distribution of food grains) should be done in relation with God
- After hearing Ramananda Raya expound upon the proper execution of a regulated life, Lord Caitanya said that such regulations are simply external. Indirectly He asked Ramananda to expound on something superior to such an external exhibition
- Animals like hogs and cows were offered in sacrifice to test the proper execution of the sacrifice. Otherwise, there was no purpose in killing the animal. Actually the animal was offered in the sacrificial fire to get a rejuvenated life
- Arjuna fought the Battle of Kuruksetra under the direct order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. Similarly, here (SB 4.20.13) Prthu Maharaja is also being given orders by Lord Visnu regarding the execution of his duty
- Arjuna is attracted to things that are impeding the execution of his own duty, Krsna severs these things. To cut something, a sharp instrument is required; and to cut the mind from its attachments, sharp words are often required
- As evident from revealed scriptures, Indra was several times envious of many persons. He was especially envious of great fruitive activities and execution of yoga practices, or siddhis. Indeed, he could not tolerate them, and he desired to break them up
- As long as one remains in the bodily concept of life, he may act according to the duties of social convention, but if one is elevated to the spiritual platform, he must simply serve the Supreme Lord; that is the real execution of sva-dharma
- As soon as there is some discrepancy in the execution of duties, the Lord appears on earth, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.7): yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita the Lord appears whenever there are discrepancies in the execution of religious principles (yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata ... tadatmanam srjamy aham) - BG 4.7
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam, everyone should try to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the execution of his occupational duty. That is the perfection of life. This system is called daivi-varnasrama
- At the same time, they are not indifferent to the execution of their duties. Such people are interested in collecting only enough money to keep the body and soul together
- Because he (Prthu) appeared on this earth as an ideal king and because it is the duty of the king to instruct the citizens in the execution of devotional service, he followed all the regulative principles of devotional service in order to teach others
- Bhagavata-dharma means relationship with God and execution of our duties in that relationship. That is called Bhagavata-dharma. First of all we must know what is God
- Despite leading a life of uncontrolled sense indulgence, we attend yoga classes and expect to attain success. There are so many rules and regulations involved in the proper execution of yoga, and most of us can hardly give up a simple habit like smoking
- Dhrtarastra offered his respectful obeisances to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, "The contradictory ways of material existence are very difficult to understand; they can be taken only as the inconceivable execution of the plan of the Supreme"
- Flawless execution of regulative principles is exhibited in the Vaikuntha planets. By strictly executing these principles one can be elevated to the Vaikuntha planets. But spontaneous pure loving service is found in Krsnaloka alone
- Formal execution of rituals and religion is useless unless it culminates in the perfection of devotional service
- He (a devotee) thinks, I would have been punished or put into a more dangerous condition of life due to my past misdeeds, but the Lord has protected me. Thus I have received only a little punishment as token execution of the law of karma
- He (Narada Muni) also explained how by execution of pure transcendental service one can get rid of the fruitive action of accumulated work and how he transformed his material body into a spiritual one
- He (the transcendentally situated person) takes everyone as his dear friend who helps him in his execution of Krsna consciousness, and he does not hate his so-called enemy. BG 1972 purports
- He and his own men, the Haihayas, were not very much appreciative of Jamadagni's reception. On the contrary, they wanted to possess that kamadhenu, which was useful for the execution of the agnihotra sacrifice
- He thought it wise to educate his son properly, and being absorbed in this unsuccessful endeavor, he tried to teach his son the rules and regulations of brahmacarya - including the execution of the Vedic vows, cleanliness and study of the Vedas
- Holy places like Vrndavana, Hardwar, Prayaga and Jagannatha Puri are especially meant for the execution of devotional service
- I (Prthu) think that upon the execution of my duties as king, I shall be able to achieve the desirable objectives described by experts in Vedic knowledge. This destination is certainly achieved by the pleasure of the SPG, who is the seer of all destiny
- I am very much pleased to learn that $50 of this check was collected by the two new students as guru daksina, that is the proper execution of the initiation function so everything is complete to the Vedic standard
- If one achieves the favor of the Supreme Lord, it is to be understood that he has finished all kinds of austerities and penances and has attained efficiency in their execution
- If one has any identification with material things and executes devotional service for attainment of some material gain, that is viddha bhakti, contaminated bhakti. One can actually become liberated by execution of para bhakti
- If one is actually advanced in spiritual life, execution of regular spiritual life, then automatically anartha-nivrttih, things which are not required, that becomes automatically stopped
- If one regularly executes such devotional service (regular execution of the regulative principles mentioned in the sastras, as ordered and directed by the spiritual master), he will certainly attain perfection in due course of time
- If you take up the matter seriously, I can help you also very seriously in cooperation with all important gentlemen who will arrive at Japan from every corner of the world. Please therefore think of a programme for execution by your good Foundation
- In addition to giving and receiving, in the execution of devotional service one has to submit to Krsna whatever distress or confidential problem he has
- In Bhagavad-gita it is stated that a little execution of devotional service saves one from the greatest danger. The greatest danger is transmigration of the soul from one body to another, and only devotional service to the Lord can stop this process
- In his own book, known as Narada Pancaratra, Bhagavan Narada has very vividly described how to work to achieve the ultimate goal of life - devotion - through knowledge and through execution of the mystic yoga system
- In Krsna reside (30) perfection in all knowledge, (31) proper execution, (32) possession of all objects of enjoyment, (33) joyfulness, (34) immovability, (35) fidelity, (36) fame, (37) worship, (38) pridelessness
- In the execution of akarmic activities, there may appear to be some reactions, but in actuality there are not. When we work under the directions of Krsna, this is actually the case - there are no reactions
- In the execution of different activities, one who secures some resources in bhakti-yoga can understand the importance of service to the Lord through the causeless mercy of the Lord, as well as that of the spiritual master
- In the execution of material dharma, or religion performed for material gain, people generally go to a church or a temple and pray, "God, give us our daily bread." Actually, this need not be asked for, for bread is already provided for everyone
- In the execution of yoga, it is very important that the mind is not agitated. "As a lamp in a windless place does not waver, so the transcendentalist, whose mind is controlled, remains always steady in his meditation on the transcendent Self." - Bg. 6.19
- In the Satya millennium, complete execution of religious principles prevailed. Gradually, the principles of religion decreased by one part in each of the subsequent millenniums
- In the Vedic literature there is much information, and of course there is information about the execution of a king's duty
- In this chapter (SB 3.29) the principles of bhakti-yoga, or devotional service - the execution of activities in the eternal relationship between the living entities and the Personality of Godhead - are explained
- Indra was envious due to fear that those who performed great sacrifices for execution of mystic yoga might occupy his seat. Since no one in this material world can tolerate another's advancement, everyone in the material world is called matsara, envious
- King Pracinabarhisat left his kingdom before his sons arrived after their execution of penance and austerity
- Krsna consciousness is a scientific execution of transcendental activities which enables one to return home, back to Godhead. There is no loss of energy in acting in such a transcendental way. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna consciousness is so universal and perfect that it can appeal to everyone, irrespective of his position; therefore I fervently appeal to you, all present in this meeting, to extend your cooperation for successful execution of this great movement
- Let His Lordship's grace be on us so that there may not be any hindrance in the execution of this duty of writing The Nectar of Devotion, impelled by His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada
- Lord Krsna said, "The demigods will be satisfied by proper execution of all duties, so there is no need to worship them. Let us, rather, perform our prescribed duties very nicely"
- Lord Sri Krsna was entrusted to look after this arrangement, and perfect as He is, He caused the yajnas to be performed by the bona fide twice-born brahmanas for successful execution
- Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, said: My dear King Prthu, Indra, the King of heaven, has disturbed your execution of one hundred sacrifices. Now he has come with Me to be forgiven by you. Therefore excuse him
- Narada Muni wanted to convince the King that overindulgence in animal sacrifice is risky because as soon as there is a small discrepancy in the execution of such a sacrifice, the slaughtered animal may not be promoted to a human form of life
- Narada Muni's opinion is that even if there is some temporary disturbance in the execution of the varnasrama-dharma principles, they can be revived at any moment
- Now I want that all administration may be done by all of you 12 GBC members all over the world. Always keep in touch and consult matters all together for practical execution
- O Lord of lords, we are completely ignorant of the execution of dharma, artha, kama and moksa, the process of liberation, because we do not actually know the goal of life
- O worshipful one (Brahma), please give us (Svayambhuva Manu and Satarupa) your direction for the execution of duty within our working capacity so that we can follow it for fame in this life and progress in the next
- One may be fortunate to have it, or one may not have it even after thousands of endeavors. Therefore, in all spheres of devotional service, freedom is the main pivot. Without freedom there is no execution of devotional service
- One should accept this visnu-vrata, which is a vow in devotional service, and should not deviate from its execution to engage in anything else
- Our advantage if we go to court is that we shall not have to pay anything until one year from the execution of the conveyance deed
- Overindulgence in animal sacrifice is risky because as soon as there is a small discrepancy in the execution of such a sacrifice, the slaughtered animal may not be promoted to a human form of life
- Perfection of duty can be tested by seeing whether the Supreme Lord is satisfied by its execution
- Persons who are desirous of becoming great personalities must be decorated with the following qualities: perfection in all knowledge, proper execution, possession of all objects of enjoyment and gravity
- Prthu Maharaja considered King Vena's character abominable because Vena was foolish regarding the execution of religious performances
- Ramananda Raya referred to the execution of varnasrama-dharma, and Lord Caitanya indicated that the varnasrama-dharma was simply external - eho bahya
- Real execution of sva-dharma
- Real execution of the mission of Krsna
- Regarding the recent upheavals in our Society, that business is finished, now we must all concentrate very carefully on the simple execution of our duty following the principles of regulation very strictly in our daily life
- Religion entails understanding the laws of God because the proper execution of these laws ultimately leads one out of material entanglement. That is the true purpose of religion
- Sadhana-siddha refers to one who has become a devotee by regular execution of the regulative principles mentioned in the sastras, as ordered and directed by the spiritual master
- Sanga means execution. When you associate with medical association or sharebrokers' association, simply go there and sit down is not your business. You have to do something. You have to do something. Sat-sanga means that
- See that all the devotees remain steady in their execution of daily chanting of sixteen rounds of beads and strict adherence to the four principles of spiritual life and all other regulative principles, this will keep them strong in Spiritual power
- Some of them are desirous of attaining mystic powers through the execution of yoga. As long as these desires are within one's heart, he cannot understand the nature of pure devotional service
- Sometimes, of course, meditation goes on when one is sleeping, but this is not the recommended process for the execution of yoga. Thus to keep oneself awake Krsna advises that one always keep the tip of the nose visible
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has instructed all devotees of the Lord to be humbler than the grass and more tolerant than trees; otherwise there will always be disturbances to their execution of devotional service
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati in his Anubhasya preaches that self-realization following the execution of ritualistic ceremonies is in the neutral stage between liberation and conditioned life
- Sukadeva Gosvami narrated these incidents of Krsna's killing Sisupala and described the successful execution of the Rajasuya-yajna by Maharaja Yudhisthira, he also pointed out that after the successful termination of the yajna only one person was unhappy
- The conclusion of Lord Krsna in His advice to Arjuna is: "Give up all other religious engagement and just surrender unto Me." This is the most confidential knowledge in executing religious principles
- The conditioned soul is obliged to gratify his senses, and thus all his money is spent. This money is actually acquired for the execution of religious principles, but it is taken away by the plundering senses
- The demigods cannot give any good results to the person who has not executed the prescribed duties; therefore demigods are dependent on the execution of duties and are not absolute in awarding good results to anyone. So why should one care about them?
- The divisions of varna and asrama are necessary to insure the proper execution of duties and peaceful existence for everyone, but everyone is directed to worship the Supreme Lord, who is all-pervading - yena sarvam idam tatam
- The execution of duties to attain perfection is known as devotional service, and in maturity such devotional service becomes love of God, the factual goal of life for every living being
- The faithful execution of the instruction which he receives from the spiritual master is the only duty of a disciple, and that will bring him perfection
- The first requirement for the proper execution of karma-yoga is given herein: one must give the fruits of his activities to the Supreme Brahman, Parabrahman, Krsna. By doing so, one actually situates himself in the renounced order of life, sannyasa
- The impersonal worshipers of Brahman can again be divided into three categories - (1) sadhakas, those who are nearing perfect execution of the process of Brahman realization; (2) those who are fully absorbed in meditation on Brahman
- The karma-kanda portion stresses the execution of fruitive activities. But ultimately it is advised that one abandon both karma-kanda and jnana-kanda (speculative knowledge) and accept only upasana-kanda, or bhakti-kanda
- The kings were thus informed by the Pandava brothers that they were required to pay taxes for the execution of the Rajasuya sacrifice. This payment of taxes to Emperor Yudhisthira meant that the king accepted subjugation before him
- The living entity who is subjected to birth and death attains immortality when he gives up all material activities, dedicates his life to the execution of My order, and acts according to My directions
- The Lord is addressed herein (SB 4.9.17) by Dhruva Maharaja as purusartha-murti, the ultimate goal of life. Generally purusartha is taken to mean execution of a type of religious principle or worship of God in order to get material benediction
- The Lord is all-powerful, and if He is satisfied by our obedience unto His lotus feet, He is competent to bestow upon us all kinds of blessings for the successful execution of both our material and spiritual lives
- The means of livelihood of all persons, namely production of grains and their distribution to the prajas, was generated from the thighs of the Lord's gigantic form. The mercantile men who take charge of such execution are called vaisyas
- The most important point in human civilization is that while one engages in different occupational duties, he must try to satisfy the Supreme Lord by the execution of such duties. That is the highest perfection of life
- The perfection of one's execution of his appointed duties is the ultimate satisfaction of the Supreme Lord. The word kama-sandohah means "achievement of the desired result
- The person entrusted with such a responsibility should always be aware of his incapability and must always look for the mercy of the Lord for the successful execution of his duty
- The planned execution of sinful deeds on the strength of chanting the holy name of the Lord or undergoing prayascitta, atonement, cannot give relief to anyone, even to Indra or Nahusa
- The proper execution of yajna, sacrifice, is required. As indicated herein (SB 4.16.5), King Prthu alone would induce all the citizens to engage in such sacrificial activities so that there would not be scarcity or distress
- The rules and regulations set up for the execution of the duties of brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas and śūdras or brahmacārīs, gṛhasthas, vānaprasthas and sannyāsīs are all meant to satisfy the Supreme Lord
- The sahajiyas level three accusations against Srila Jiva Gosvami. This is certainly not congenial for the execution of devotional service
- The same judge who gave the verdict cannot check it. But if the man begs for the mercy of the king, the king can check the execution. He can go totally above the law
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead then said: O Brahma, O depth of Vedic wisdom, be neither depressed nor anxious about the execution of creation. What you are begging from Me has already been granted before
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, is worshiped by the proper execution of prescribed duties in the system of varna and asrama
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, is worshiped by the proper execution of prescribed duties in the system of varna and asrama. There is no other way to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. (Visnu Purana 3.8.9)
- The Tattvavadis establish that the execution of the principles of varna and asrama for the sake of Krsna is the best way to attain the topmost goal. The Tattvavadis thus established their principles in terms of human society
- The ten sons of Maharaja Pracinabarhi were favored by the appearance of Lord Siva, who, out of great kindness, gave them instructions regarding the execution of austerities
- The vivid example is Arjuna. He was a ksatriya, his duty was to fight, and by executing his prescribed duty he satisfied the Supreme Lord and therefore became perfect. Everyone should follow this principle
- The word nija-sasane ("in his own governmental duty") indicates that both the government and the citizens are responsible for the execution of varnasrama-dharma
- These (no illicit sexual connection, no intoxication, no meat-eating and no gambling) are the four minimum regulations for the execution of any yoga system. And in this age who can refrain from these activities
- These slokas (SB 7.5.30 and SB 7.5.32) are to be discussed. Their purport is that one cannot obtain krsna-bhakti, or the devotional service of the Lord, by official execution of the Vedic rituals. One has to approach a pure devotee
- This combination, the instruction of the spiritual master and the faithful execution of the instruction by the disciple, makes the entire process perfect
- This is called putrika-dharma, which means that by execution of religious rituals one gets a son, although one is sonless by one's own wife. But here we see extraordinary behavior in Manu
- This natural transcendental pleasure (citi-sakti) is the ultimate goal of yoga and is easily achieved by execution of devotional service, or bhakti-yoga. Bhaktiyoga will be vividly described in the Seventh Chapter of Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 purports
- This period is very convenient for the execution of spiritual activities. When that auspicious moment arrived, Krsna asked the gopis to leave. Although His beloveds were not willing to quit His company, they were very obedient to Him
- Those whose intelligence has become fixed by perfect execution of mystic yoga can see that all these elements result from the actions of Your external energy. They can also see Your transcendental form as Supersoul in the background of everything
- To consider the chanting of the holy name of the Lord equal to the execution of some auspicious religious ceremony is an offense
- Try to spread this Krsna consciousness movement. And this is your sadhana, execution of austerity, penance. Because you have to meet so many opposing elements. You have to fight with them. That is tapasya
- Vasudeva continued to say that the maintenance of religious principles, economic development and the satisfactory execution of meeting the demands of the senses depend on cooperation among relatives, nations and all humanity
- Very difficult execution of spiritual life, austerities, penance, that is not possible. People are so fallen that they cannot accept any severe type of austerity. It is not possible. Therefore the yoga system is not at all possible in this age
- We have to test ourselves accordingly (with four minimum regulations) to ascertain our success in yoga execution
- When forbidden to touch Ajamila, the order carriers of Yamaraja were surprised because they had never been hindered in the execution of their duty by anyone within the three worlds
- When he heard the sound, he tried to find the speaker, searching on all sides. But when he was unable to find anyone besides himself, he thought it wise to sit down on his lotus seat firmly and give his attention to the execution of penance
- When the sages were selected as priests of the sacrifices, they in turn induced Vasudeva to collect the required paraphernalia for executing the yajnas in that place of pilgrimage
- When you understand what is sanatana, and we employ ourself in that process, that is called execution of sanatana-dharma
- Whenever a sudra and a brahmana Vaisnava are combined, there will certainly be imbalance in the execution of duties
- Whenever Antardhana, the supreme royal power, had to exact taxes, punish his citizens or fine them severely, he was not willing to do so. Consequently he retired from the execution of such duties & engaged himself in the performance of sacrifices
- You (the Visnudutas) have dissipated the darkness of this material world with your own effulgences. Why then should you endeavor to stop us (the Yamadutas) from executing our duty
- You are all helping me in the execution of my mission so please do not try to do anything beyond the jurisdiction of my instructions
- Yudhisthira sufficiently remunerated the priests & learned sages for their engagement in the execution of the sacrifice & after performing all this, he took bath. This bath at the end of the sacrifice is also technical. It is called the avabhrtha bath