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Pages in category "Penance"
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- A living being can attain godly qualities to a large extent, but he cannot become God, whereas Krsna, without undergoing any type of penance, is God always, either in the lap of His mother or growing up or at any stage of growth
- A person who is chanting Your holy name must have performed all kinds of penances and sacrifices according to Vedic rituals and studied the Vedic literatures many, many times after taking his bath in all the holy places of pilgrimage. BG 1972 purports
- According to Bhagavata philosophy, every human being is meant simply for this tapa and for no other business, because by penance only can one realize his self; and self-realization, not sense gratification, is the business of human life
- Acts of sacrifice, charity and penance are not to be given up but should be performed. Indeed, sacrifice, charity and penance purify even the great souls. BG 18.5 - 1972
- After the Pracetas had finished their penances, they were blessed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Lord blessed them by telling them that after finishing their family life they would return home, back to Godhead, in due course of time
- After undergoing all sorts of penances, if I cannot realize that God is within me and God is without everywhere, then all my penances are spoiled
- After undergoing severe austerities and penances, they rise up to the Brahmaloka, param padam. Patanty adhah, again falls down, again falls down
- All the benefits of practicing austerities, penances, mystic yoga, and so on will be totally achieved simply by the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra
- Although I am the leader of all other planets in the universe, and although I have undergone many, many years of penance for self-realization, still I offer my respects unto You
- Anything done as sacrifice, charity or penance without faith in the Supreme, O son of Prtha, is impermanent. It is called asat and is useless both in this life and the next
- Anything done without the transcendental objective-whether it be sacrifice, charity or penance-is useless. Therefore, in this verse (BG 17.28), it is declared that such activities are abominable. BG 1972 purports
- As King Rsabha advised His sons, tapasya, or voluntary acceptance of penance for realization of the Transcendence, is the only duty of the human being; it was so done by the Lord Himself in an exemplary manner to teach us
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.5): Acts of sacrifice, charity and penance are not to be given up but should be performed. Indeed, sacrifice, charity and penance purify even the great soul
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 5.29), Lord Sri Krsna is the master of all penances and sacrifices. Bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram. Thus the desired result of performing austerities may be derived from Lord Krsna
- At Narayana-saras, the second group of sons performed penances in the same way as the first. They bathed in the holy water, and by its touch all the dirty material desires in their hearts were cleansed away
- At the beginning of creation there are penance, myself (Brahma), & the Prajapatis, the great sages who generate; then, during the maintenance of the creation, there are Lord Visnu, the demigods with controlling powers, and the kings of different planets
- At the same time, she (Devahuti) was thinking of Kapiladeva, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and she completely perfected her austerities, penances and transcendental realization
- Bhagavad-gita recommends that any work done should be done for om tat sat, or for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. When one performs penance, charity, and sacrifice with these three words, he is acting in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Brahma underwent penance for one thousand years of the demigods before he realized by the grace of Krsna how to create. BG 1972 purports
- Brahma underwent penances for one thousand years by the calculations of the demigods. He heard this transcendental vibration from the sky, and he accepted it as divine
- Brahma's enlightenment in knowledge was due to the Lord sitting within his heart. After being created, Brahma could not ascertain the source of his appearance, but after penance and mental concentration he could see the source of his birth
- Brahma, disgusted with the Rudra generations and afraid of being devoured by the increase of population, asked Rudra to stop producing such an unwanted generation and take to penance for attaining the favor of the Supreme Lord
- Brahma, the greatest of all living creatures within the universe, is admitting his failure to know the Supreme Lord despite his vast learning in the Vedic wisdom, despite his austerity, penance, mystic powers and self-realization
- Buddhi means intelligence; and avisuddha, not purified. Why not purified? Because they have no shelter. So in spite of their so much austerity, penance, Vedanta reading and jugglery of words, they come back again to the hospital. That's all
- By nature's own way, everyone has to meet death, and if such a process of death is accelerated by anyone's penances, there is no satisfaction for the Lord
- By penance only can one even approach the Personality of Godhead, who is within the heart of every living entity and at the same time beyond the reach of all senses
- By severe austerity and penance one may elevate himself to the position of Brahman, but this is not the position of Para-brahman. Aruhya krcchrena param padam tatah - SB 10.2.32
- Caitanya quoted from the Lord's instructions to Uddhava in SB: My dear Uddhava, neither philosophical speculation, nor meditational yoga, nor penances can give Me such pleasure as devotional service practiced by the living entities - SB 11.14.20
- Chanting of this holy mantra is the only shelter of the desireless pure devotee of the Lord. Simply by such tapasya, or penance, the devotee of the Lord achieves all perfections like Lord Brahma
- Do whatever you like or whatever may be easier for you to do, eat whatever you may eat, sacrifice whatever you can sacrifice, give whatever you may give in charity, and do whatever you may undertake in penance, but everything must be done for Him only
- During that period of penance, the sage Kardama, by worship through devotional service in trance, propitiated the Personality of Godhead, who is the quick bestower of all blessings upon those who flee to Him for protection
- Education, charity, penance and truth are said to be the four legs of religion, and to learn this there are four orders of life with different classifications of castes according to vocation. Brahma created all these in systematic order
- Even at the present moment, everyone everywhere can be happy and free from material tribulations by following Srimad-Bhagavatam. There is no need of austerities and penances, which in this age are very difficult to perform
- Even if you perform austerity, penances, the worldly circumstances are so implicated that it will involve you some way or other again into the material modes of nature. There are many instances. Many sannyasis, they give up this world as mithya, all false
- Execution of penance in full faith and sincerity made Brahmaji so powerful that he became the creator of the universe. And because he was able to attain such power, he is called the best amongst all the tapasvis
- For many, many lives these boys underwent austerities and penances to achieve the highest perfection of life, and now they have the opportunity to play with Krsna personally on an equal level
- Freedom does not come so automatically. Just like you are diseased. You are under the control of fever or some other painful condition, under some disease. So you have to undergo some penance
- From ka to ma the letters are known as the sparsa-varnas, and the sixteenth of the group is called ta, whereas the twenty-first letter is called pa. So when they are joined together, the word tapa, or penance, is constructed
- He (God) is above all; no one is equal to or greater than Him. Nor can anyone reach His level of perfection in any of the above powers by any amount of penance or yogic demonstrations. The yogis are dependent on His mercy
- He (God) is the beneficiary for all the results of sacrifices and penances (bhoktaram yajna-tapasam), and He is the proprietor of all the three worlds - sarva-loka-mahesvaram
- He (Krsna) advised Arjuna to throw the head of Jayadratha directly onto the lap of his father, who was engaged in penances at the Samanta-pancaka pilgrimage. This was actually done by Arjuna
- He controlled his mind and senses, and the penances he executed were a great lesson for the living entities. Thus he is known as the greatest of all ascetics
- He now took a trident which was as rapacious as a flaming fire and hurled it against the Lord, the enjoyer of all sacrifices, even as one would use penance for a malevolent purpose against a holy brahmana
- Hogs very readily eat stool, and they do so without discrimination. They have no idea of tapasya, penance
- How the matter has been simplified, that for attainment of spiritual life people have to undergo so many years under penance and regulation, and here is only, only thing is, that you simply chant the holy name of the Lord
- I (Agnidhra) desire that you join me to perform austerity and penance, for it may be that the creator of the universe, Lord Brahma, being pleased with me, has sent you to become my wife
- I (The Supreme Lord) create this cosmos by such penance, I maintain it by the same energy, and I withdraw it all by the same energy
- I (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) wish you good luck. O Brahma, you may ask from Me, the giver of all benediction, all that you may desire. You may know that the ultimate benediction, as the result of all penances, is to see Me by realization
- I am the original fragrance of the earth, and I am the heat in fire. I am the life of all that lives, and I am the penances of all ascetics
- I create this cosmos by such penance, I maintain it by the same energy, and I withdraw it all by the same energy. Therefore the potential power is penance only
- I understand so many sages go to the jungle and forest to see God - the mother replied (to Dhruva). - They undergo great penances and austerities in order to find God there
- If his (the most intelligent man's) attempt is properly executed with penances and perseverance, it is sure to be crowned with success
- If one can reach the platform of understanding by service to the Supreme Lord Krsna, he has no longer to execute different types of penances and sacrifices as recommended in revealed scriptures. BG 1972 purports
- If one is already engaged in Krsna consciousness and is rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord, then it can be supposed that he has finished all the recommended courses of austerity, penance, religion, sacrifice, mystic yoga and meditation
- If one is fortunate to understand the Gita-especially these middle six chapters (Six to Twelve) in the association of devotees, then his life at once becomes glorified beyond all penances, sacrifices, charities, speculations, etc. BG 1972 purports
- If one wants to understand Krsna, he must follow the regulative principles described in the authoritative literature. One can perform penance in accordance with those principles. BG 1972 purports
- If one wants to understand the Supreme Personality factually, he must take to the path of devotional service and not waste time in profitless philosophical speculation, fruitive activity, mystic yogic practice or severe austerity and penance
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.5) it is stated that even in the renounced order one should not give up sacrifice, charity and penance
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.5) Lord Krsna says: Acts of sacrifice, charity and penance are not to be given up but should be performed. Indeed, sacrifice, charity and penance purify even the great souls
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord said: I am the enjoyer of all sacrifices, all penances and everything done for the welfare of mankind or society
- In executing penance, one must be determined to return home, back to Godhead, and must decide to undergo all types of tribulations for that end
- In former ages people underwent so many penances and austerities to acquire knowledge, but in this age this process is not possible because our lives are very short and we are always disturbed
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam, Sukadeva Gosvami says that those boys who were playing with Krsna had undergone great penances and austerities in their previous lives in order to acquire Krsna as a playmate
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.5), Krsna clearly states that sacrifice, charity, and penance are never to be given up by a transcendentalist. If he is at all intelligent he must continue these three activities, even if he is highly elevated
- In the Garuda Purana, Brhan-naradiya Purana and Padma Purana, the same is repeated: What is the use of Vedic knowledge and penances for one who is devoid of devotional service to the Lord
- In the karma-kanda section of the Vedas it is said that those who perform the four monthly penances become eligible to drink the somarasa beverages to become immortal and happy forever. BG 1972 purports
- In the modern age advanced material scientific knowledge and penance have played very wonderful roles in controlling the powers of the material energy
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam also it is said: You should undergo penances in this life by which your existence will be purified, and, as a result, you will be able to enjoy unlimited transcendental bliss. (SB 5.5.1). BG 1972 purports
- In this age penance is not at all possible. Nobody can undergo any penance. But without penance, without sacrifice, from history, from books, from scripture, we understand nobody has attained spiritual perfection
- It also requires a great deal of penance and sacrifice, either in this life or in the previous ones, before one is able to accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- It has been explained that penance, sacrifice, charity and foods are divided into three categories: the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- It is called Kapilasrama because of Lord Kapila's living there to perform His austerities and penances. Lord Kapila propounded the Sankhya system of philosophy
- It is clearly declared (Bg. 5.29) that the Lord is the supreme enjoyer of the benefits of all sacrifices and penances, the proprietor of all that is manifested and the friend of all living entities. That is His real identity
- It is confirmed in the Fifth Chapter (5.29) that when one understands that Krsna is the only enjoyer of all the good results of sacrifice and penance, then only can one have real peace. BG 1972 purports
- It is inferred that one has to approach Lord Krsna, otherwise there is no perfect realization. Often there is much penance involved before one fully surrenders unto Him. BG 1972 purports
- It is not that He (Krsna) has to undergo penances to acquire knowledge or that He at any time has to receive knowledge or attain knowledge. At all times and in all conditions He is full of knowledge
- It is the opinion of expert transcendentalists that the ultimate goal of performing all traditional good works, penances, sacrifices, charities, mystic activities, trances, etc., is to invoke My satisfaction
- Knowledge is the best sacrifice because this conditional life is due to ignorance. The purpose of sacrifice, penance, yoga and philosophical discussion is to acquire knowledge
- Krsna consciousness is awakened by different types of sacrifices to the demigods, sacrifice to Brahman, sacrifice in celibacy, in household life, in controlling the senses, in practicing mystic yoga, in penance, in forgoing material possessions
- Learned scholars do not praise that charity which endangers one's own livelihood. Charity, sacrifice, austerity and fruitive activities are possible for one who is competent to earn his livelihood properly
- Long penance and transcendental knowledge of self-realization had matured Brahma in practical knowledge, and thus he drank the wind completely, along with the water
- Lord Brahma said: O my Lord, today, after many, many years of penance, I have come to know about You. Oh, how unfortunate the embodied living entities are that they are unable to know Your personality
- Lord Krsna, the enjoyer of all sacrifices and penances, is very fond of a brahmana like Sudama Vipra, and we have seen by the actual behavior of Lord Krsna how much He adores such a brahmana
- Lord Sri Krsna, who manifested His eternal form before the vision of all on the earth, performed His disappearance by removing His form from the sight of those who were unable to see Him (as He is) due to not executing required penance
- Maharaja Nabhi and his wife, Merudevi, went to Badarikasrama in the Himalaya Mountains, where the King engaged Himself very expertly in austerities and penances with great jubilation
- Material contamination is so strong that everyone is working very hard day & night for material happiness. The show of religion, austerity, penance, humanitarianism, philanthropy, politics, science - everything is aimed at realizing some material benefit
- Maybe you go by the yoga process, maybe you go by the philosophical process, maybe you go by the ritualistic process, maybe you go by penances & by study. But unless you reach to this point of KC, your attempt not failure, but there are different degrees
- My (Brahma's) dear son (Rudra), you had better situate yourself in penance, which is auspicious for all living entities and which will bring all benediction upon you. By penance only shall you be able to create the universe as it was before
- O Brahma, situate yourself in penance and meditation and follow the principles of knowledge to receive My favor. By these actions you will be able to understand everything from within your heart
- O Brahma, the prayers that you have chanted praising the glories of My transcendental activities, the penances you have undertaken to understand Me, and your firm faith in Me - all these are to be considered My causeless mercy
- O spotless one (Maitreya), your answers to all these questions will grant immunity from all material miseries. Such charity is greater than all Vedic charities, sacrifices, penances, etc
- Oh, the son of saintly person, you don't live. And oh, the son of a king, you live forever. - Why? Because the son of a saintly person he is undergoing austerities, penances, disciplinary activities. So his future is so bright that he's going to Vaikuntha
- One can easily attain all the results that are derived from the studies of the Vedas, performances of sacrifice, practices of penance and offerings of charities simply by the unilateral performance of devotional service, technically known as bhakti-yoga
- One can perform all these, can accept bodily penances, give charity, study the Vedas, etc., but unless he is a devotee like Arjuna, it is not possible to see that universal form. BG 1972 purports
- One cannot achieve the desired results of one's penances until one attains freedom from the present body. There are various ways to practice the various kinds of yoga to attain various results in various spheres of life
- One has to study the Vedas under the guidance of the spiritual master and undergo many austerities and penances while living under his care. BG 1972 purports
- One may be able to see the universal form of Krsna by adding a little tinge of devotional service to various activities like penance, Vedic study and philosophical speculation, etc. But without a tinge of bhakti, one cannot see. BG 1972 purports
- One should perform sacrifice, penance and charity with the word tat. The purpose of such transcendental activities is to get free from the material entanglement. BG 17.25 - 1972
- Penance is the beauty and wealth of the brahmanas and the renounced order of life
- Penance performed out of foolishness, with self-torture or to destroy or injure others, is said to be in the mode of ignorance
- Penance performed out of pride and for the sake of gaining respect, honor and worship is said to be in the mode of passion. It is neither stable nor permanent
- Philosophically inquire about the truth. Then undergo all kinds of austerities and penances for the sake of devotional service. Give up the endeavor for sense enjoyment and engage in the service of the Lord
- Please also describe the fruitive results of charity and penance and of digging reservoirs of water. Please describe the situation of persons who are away from home and also the duty of a man in an awkward position
- Realization of the impersonal Brahman and localized Paramatma features of the Personality of Godhead is not ultimate realization. When one realizes the Supreme Lord, one does not struggle hard to perform penances
- Retirement from household life is meant for penance, for advancement in spiritual life, and renounced life is meant for preaching the Absolute Truth to the people in general
- Rudra was advised by Brahma to perform penance as an example to his sons and followers that penance is necessary for attaining the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Rudra was advised not to destroy while the period of creation and maintenance was going on, but to situate himself in penance and wait for the time of dissolution, when his services would be called for
- Rudra, having been ordered by Brahma, circumambulated his father, the master of the Vedas. Addressing him with words of assent, he entered the forest to perform austere penances
- Sacrifice, charity and penances are three essential things for attaining spiritual light. The suggested way to you is the easiest one to cover all the above three important spiritual activities. Do not miss this opportunity
- Similarly, certain Christians go to church to confess their sins, thinking that confessing their sins before a priest and performing some penance will relieve them from the results of their weekly sins
- Sisupala said, "I can see that in this meeting there are many personalities who have undergone great austerities, who are highly learned, and who have performed many penances"
- So to become God conscious, Krsna conscious, is not very cheap thing. It requires a great amount of austerity, penance to come to this stage. So never be disappointed that because people are not responding
- Some learned men declare that all kinds of fruitive activities should be given up, but there are yet other sages who maintain that acts of sacrifice, charity and penance should never be abandoned. BG 18.3 - 1972
- Sometimes it is very troublesome to rise early in the morning, but whatever voluntary trouble one may suffer in this way is called penance. BG 1972 purports
- Spiritual realization is obtained by tapasya, or undergoing voluntarily the path of penance and abstinence from material pleasure
- Such a leader (who does not recognize supremacy of God) of a religious sect is never the supreme leader because such a circumstantial leader comes to the position of leadership after undergoing some penance
- Such arrangements (of being worshiped by subordinates) artificially made by the performance of penances are considered to be in the mode of passion. The results are temporary; they can be continued for some time, but they are not permanent. BG 1972 pur
- Such penance (by which one can see the Personality of Godhead face to face) is the internal potency of the Lord and is nondifferent from Him. Such acts of internal potency are exhibited by nonattachment for material enjoyment
- Suppose somebody has offended you. Excuse him. This is also another kind of penance
- Tapa, or penance, was begun from the very beginning of the creation, and it was first adopted by the supreme spiritual master, Lord Brahma
- Tapasya means austerity, penance, vow. These are the teachings of all scriptures. Either you take Hindu scripture or Christian scripture or Muhammadan scripture, in every scripture human form of life is meant for training
- The Absolute Truth is the objective of devotional sacrifice, & it is indicated by the word sat. These works of sacrifice, of penance & of charity, true to the absolute nature, are performed to please the Supreme Person, O son of Prtha. BG 17.26-27 - 1972
- The beautiful Personality of Godhead addressed Lord Brahma: O Brahma, impregnated with the Vedas, I am very much pleased with your long accumulated penance with the desire for creation. Hardly am I pleased with the pseudo mystics
- The digging of reservoirs of water for public use is a great work of charity, and retiring from family life after fifty years of age is a great act of penance performed by the sober human being
- The foolish devotee of the Lord is put into forcible penance by the grace of the Lord, and at the end the devotee becomes perfectly happy, being engaged in the service of the Lord
- The form you are seeing with your transcendental eyes cannot be understood simply by studying the Vedas, nor by undergoing serious penances, nor by charity, nor by worship. It is not by these means that one can see Me as I am
- The gopis or cowherd girlfriends of Krsna underwent tremendous penances in their previous lives to attain Krsna as their husband
- The great sage Maitreya replied: Commanded by Lord Brahma to beget children in the worlds, the worshipful Kardama Muni practiced penance on the bank of the River Sarasvati for a period of ten thousand years
- The greatly learned sage Maitreya said: O Vidura, Brahma thus engaged himself in penances for one hundred celestial years, as advised by the Personality of Godhead, and applied himself in devotional service to the Lord
- The impersonalist Mayavadis, they undergo severe austerities, penances, and rise up to the Brahma effulgence, becomes merged into it, but again falls down. Just like the spark: it enters the flame of the fire, but there is again chance of falling down
- The material world is created by the energy of the Lord, which is manifested in the beginning of the creation by the penance of Brahmaji, the first living being in the creation, and then there are the nine Prajapatis, known as great sages
- The nucleus of the four social orders - brahmacarya, or student life, grhastha, or householder family life, vanaprastha, or retired life for practicing penance, and sannyasa, or renounced life for preaching the truth - is the four legs of religion
- The penances undertaken to discover nuclear weapons will never satisfy the Lord because such a penance is never satisfactory
- The performance of charities, sacrifice and penance must be done in the mode of goodness. Performed in the modes of passion or ignorance, they are certainly inferior in quality. BG 1972 purports
- The Personality of Godhead, being thus very much satisfied with the penance of Lord Brahma, was pleased to manifest His personal abode, Vaikuntha, the supreme planet above all others
- The sadhus have been described in different way. A sadhu . . . because everything you want to learn, you have to take some penance voluntarily. So we have to give up something in the beginning
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot be realized by any amount of Vedic knowledge or by any number of penances. But a pure devotee of the Lord like Narada can deliver the Supreme Lord by his good will
- The transcendentalists undertake sacrifices, charities, and penances, beginning always with om, to attain the Supreme. BG 17.24 - 1972
- The trouble accepted in executing bhakti-yoga is transcendental happiness from the very beginning, whereas the trouble of penance in other processes of self-realization, without any Vaikuntha realization, ends in trouble only and nothing more
- The Vedic instruction is so nice that the soul, when he jumps over this material ocean, the Vedic instruction teaches him how to swim and come back again to the shore. This swimming process is called sacrifice, charity and penance
- There (in the Brahma-vaivarta Purana) it is said that Vyasadeva maintained the daughter of Jabali as his wife and that after they performed penances together for many years, he placed his seed in her womb
- There are different processes for getting out of the reaction of sinful activities, but you..., we take it. But if we again commit those sinful activities, then what is the use of such penance or prayascitta?
- There are different types of atonement. If a person commits a sin and counteracts it by penance, that is atonement. There are examples of this in the Christian Bible
- There are instances of foolish penance undertaken by demons like Hiranyakasipu, who performed austere penances to become immortal and kill the demigods. He prayed to Brahma for such things, but ultimately he was killed by the SP of Godhead. BG 1972 pur
- There are many traditionally pious activities in human society, such as altruism, philanthropy, nationalism, internationalism, charity, sacrifice, penance, and even meditation in trance
- There are persons who manufacture modes of austerity and penances which are not mentioned in the scriptural injunctions. BG 1972 purports
- There are two kinds of penance: one for sense gratification and the other for self-realization
- There in Badarikasrama the Personality of Godhead, in His incarnation as the sages Nara and Narayana, has been undergoing great penance since time immemorial for the welfare of all amiable living entities
- There is a limitless stock of Vedic literature, and one should study this. This is called penance of speech. BG 1972 purports
- There is no profit in beating husks without grains. Similarly, there is no profit in executing troublesome penances other than bhakti-yoga for self-realization
- These are worldly great men. Who? One who performs great penance, one who is very charitably disposed, one who is very famous, one who is very mentally advanced, he can think nice things, writes philosophical thesis, write nice poetry. Manasvinah
- They (brahmanas) are supposed to be engaged in brahminical occupations, as described in the Bhagavad-gita namely, they must be very learned and must perform austerity and penances. Not only must they themselves be learned, but they must also teach others
- This opportunity (of a beautiful human form of life) should be used to attain an even better life, and this can be actualized by practice of penance
- This transcendental vision (of Krsnaloka) is like the reception of television from the moon via a mechanical system for receiving modulated waves, but it is achieved by penance and meditation within oneself
- Those ostentatious penances and austerities which are performed in order to gain respect, honor and reverence are said to be in the mode of passion. They are neither stable nor permanent. BG 17.18 - 1972
- Those penances and austerities which are performed foolishly by means of obstinant self-torture, or to destroy or injure others, are said to be in the mode of ignorance. BG 17.19 - 1972
- Those who do believe in the scriptures are, by and large, attached to pious philanthropic activities. They believe that religion means yajna (sacrifice), dana (charity) and tapas - penance
- Those who do everything for the transcendental service of the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, have no need to perform any sacrifice, penance, or meditation that is unrelated to the service of Godhead
- Those who perform the four-month penances become eligible to drink the soma-rasa beverages to become immortal and happy forever
- Thus having prayed, he became silent, as if tired from his activities of penance, knowledge and mental concentration
- To undergo penances for something which is impossible is certainly in the mode of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- Transcendental students are those who undergo great penance in being trained
- Transcendental students are those who undergo great penance in being trained by hearing the Vedas from a bona fide spiritual master
- Transcendentalists undertaking performances of sacrifice, charity and penance in accordance with scriptural regulations begin always with OM to attain the Supreme
- Vasudeva and Devaki, the so-called father and mother of Lord Krsna, underwent penances to get Vasudeva as their son
- Vasudevaya means "to Krsna, the son of Vasudeva." Since by chanting the name of Krsna, Vasudeva, one can achieve all the good results of charity, austerity and penances
- Very difficult execution of spiritual life, austerities, penance, that is not possible. People are so fallen that they cannot accept any severe type of austerity. It is not possible. Therefore the yoga system is not at all possible in this age
- Vidura said: O great sage (Maitreya) whose only wealth is penance, kindly explain to me how and with whose help Brahma established the Vedic knowledge which emanated from his mouth
- Voluntarily accepting some penances and difficulties, one should take less food and less sleep. These are the procedures for practicing any kind of yoga, whether bhakti-yoga, jnana-yoga or hatha-yoga
- We have to voluntarily give up these habits (illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling). That is called austerity, penance
- We should know that sense gratification is meant for animals, and that sense control is for human beings. By tapasya, penance, we can purify ourselves and regain our eternal life
- We simply have to voluntarily undergo some penance in the beginning. It may be a little painful in the beginning to refrain from illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling, but one has to be tolerant
- Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you give in charity and whatever penances you undergo should be done in Krsna consciousness, or for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When a teacher speaks, he can speak the truth for the instruction of his students, but such a teacher should not speak to others who are not his students if he will agitate their minds. This is penance as far as talking is concerned. BG 1972 purports
- When Dhruva Maharaja was undergoing penance and meditating upon the form of Visnu within his heart, the Visnu form suddenly disappeared, and his meditation broke. Upon opening his eyes, Dhruva Maharaja immediately saw Visnu before him
- When he heard the sound, he tried to find the speaker, searching on all sides. But when he was unable to find anyone besides himself, he thought it wise to sit down on his lotus seat firmly and give his attention to the execution of penance
- When they (penance, sacrifice, charity and foods) are aimed at the Supreme-om tat sat, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the eternal - they become means for spiritual elevation. In the scriptural injunctions such an objective is indicated. BG 1972 pur
- Whether first class, second class or third class, they (penance, sacrifice, charity and foods) are all conditioned, contaminated by the material modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- Without desiring fruitive results, one should perform various kinds of sacrifice, penance and charity with the word tat. The purpose of such transcendental activities is to get free from material entanglement
- You can see from the examples of Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Caitanya, Sankaracarya, who were recently within the limit of our historical knowledge. They attained spiritual perfection after undergoing penances for many, many years
- You simply chant the holy name of the Lord. Then everything will come to you automatically by and by. Because in this age penance is not at all possible