comparison | comparisons | comparative | comparitive
- VedaBase query: comparison or comparisons or comparative not "no comparison" not "nothing in comparison" not "nothing compared with" not "nothing comparable to" not "nothing compared to" not "nothing compares to" not "never be compared to" not "nobody can compare" not "never to be compared" not "cannot be compared"
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Pages in category "Comparison"
The following 105 pages are in this category, out of 105 total.
- A drop from the ocean of Your (Caitanya's) mercy can drown great mountains like Sumeru and Mandara. Since these two gentlemen are little hills by comparison, it is no wonder that they are being drowned in the ocean of Your mercy
- According to astronomical calculation, the planets and the universe, they can increase. So the Absolute Truth, that is eternally increasing. There is no comparison of Brahman's increasement and magnitude. Sanatana: and that is also eternal
- Ajamila continued: I am a shameless cheater who has killed his brahminical culture. Indeed, I am sin personified. Where am I in comparison to the all-auspicious chanting of the holy name of Lord Narayana?
- Although Krsna's army was tiny in comparison to Jarasandha's, not a pinch of His strength was lost, whereas all of Jarasandha's men were killed
- Although the residents of Vrndavana did not know much about Krsna, their love for Him was beyond comparison
- Although there is no comparison between the two qualities of independence, the living entity is minutely independent, and the Supreme Lord is fully independent
- Any comparison of the different parts of the Lord's body to different material objects cannot factually be a complete comparison
- As eternally unchangeable, the soul remains atomic in comparison to the infinite Supreme Soul
- As soon as this blazing fire of material existence is extinguished, immediately you come to the platform of blissfulness. Then that blissfulness will increase one after another, one after another. Just like the comparison has been given just like the moon
- At present I am living in New Vrindaban. It is a very nice place, but there is no facility of modern amenities. It is completely aloof from city life, and we have to adopt so many things. In comparison to city life it is very inconvenient
- Caitanya informed: I realize that the transcendental pleasure derived from chanting Hare Krsna is just like an ocean. In comparison, all other pleasures, including the pleasure of impersonal realization, are like shallow water in channels
- Caitanya's eyes have been compared to thirsty bumblebees & Sri Jagannatha's eyes have been compared to blossoming lotus flowers. The author has made these comparisons to describe Caitanya while the Lord was deeply absorbed in ecstatic love for Jagannatha
- He (the Supreme) has all the six opulences in full and beyond comparison, He is the master of material nature, His intelligence is not broken under any circumstances, and He stands aloof, although He is the maintainer of the whole creation
- He is a perfect yogi who, by comparison to his own self, sees the true equality of all beings, both in their happiness and distress, O Arjuna! BG 6.32 - 1972
- Here, a comparison is made to the person undergoing austerities for fulfillment of a material desire. The flourishing condition of the earth after the rainy season is compared to the fulfillment of material desires
- His (The Mayavadi) mistake is that he compares the Lord to himself - and that comparison is also a material thought
- Hitler was too much fond of Vedic civilisation he therefore marked his flag swastika. Why mark is there? That is appreciation. And still by comparison the idea of modern civilisation and the ideal presented there, one must have appreciation
- I am glad to learn that you have now become steady in comparison with your flickering past life. The association of devotees is the most important element in learning Krishna Consciousness way of life
- I received the plan of my house in Mayapur from Bombay address. I do not approve of this plan just yet. I liked one plan which I saw in London. Where is that original plan? Then I can make comparison
- If by predestination one is put into a certain condition of life which is not very prosperous in comparison to another's position, one should not be disturbed. He should simply try to utilize his valuable time to advance in Krsna consciousness
- If you are cool brain, then you will see that now, in comparison to the Sputnik, there are millions and trillions of planets and stars, big, big planets like sun planet, which is fourteen hundred thousand times bigger than this earth
- Imagine what insignificant this vasudha (planet) in comparison to the whole material world. There are millions of universes, and in each and every universe there are millions and trillions of the stars and planets
- In both cases the comparison is equally good because both of them (Brahma and Yudhisthira) are recognized representatives of the Supreme Lord, and thus both of them have to maintain mental equanimity, being engaged in welfare work for the living being
- In comparison to mundane workers, those who are trying to be elevated to the higher planetary systems by performing yajnas are undoubtedly superior. In pure devotional service, however, both karma and jnana are considered bewildering features
- In comparison to other countries, I have seen that it is simply difficulty. Frankly speaking. And to speak more frankly, why there is Emergency? Emergency means bad government. Otherwise, there is no necessity of Emergency
- In comparison to other countries, there are so many facilities in America. At least, one can earn money like anything. So people are inclined to become citizen. But that is not easy, even within this planet. So how you will easily enter moon planet
- In comparison to the universe there are millions and trillions of Pacific Oceans floating in the sky. So what is this Pacific Ocean in comparison to the universe
- In comparison to the vastness of space, these material lumps are like dust particles in the air. Because God has kindly made these lumps of matter complete in themselves, they are perfectly equipped with all necessities for floating in space
- In comparison to Western countries, we are poverty-stricken. That's all right. But still we have gift. We have to give something which is so brilliant. This is Krsna consciousness
- In comparison with her (the goddess of fortune), we are most insignificant. Indeed, we are nothing. Yet although He is very cunning, Krsna is also very charitable
- In comparison with the path followed by the followers of Bhutarat, the Vedic system is certainly excellent, for it promotes people to spiritual life as the highest eternal principle of human civilization
- In higher states of spiritual life, one can break even promises also, but they are devotees of comparative merit
- In the beginning of your letter your comparison of the soldier and commander is very appropriate. We are on the battlefield of Kuruksetra, one side Maya, the other side Krsna
- In Vedic literature, there is always comparison, analogy, with moon, moon-faced, candra-mukhi. There are so many. The best thing is compared with the moon. We have named Mayapur-candra. Mayapur-candrodaya Mandira
- In Western countries, in comparison to our country, every home is aristocratic. At least their standard of living is so high. So what we call aristocratic, that is a common affair
- Indeed, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya continued, "at the Govardhana-puja ceremony You ate stacks of rice. In comparison to that, this small quantity is not even a morsel for You"
- It is essential that a brahmacari engaged in spiritual advancement look very healthy and lustrous. The comparison of the sage (Kardama) to an unpolished gem is very appropriate
- It is our duty to remember always that in comparison to Dhruva Maharaja we are insignificant. We cannot do anything like what Dhruva Maharaja did for self-realization because we are absolutely incompetent to execute such service
- It is said that even one drop of happiness in Krsna consciousness stands beyond comparison with an ocean of happiness derived from any other activity
- Kardama Muni, by his yogic power, could surpass the strength of the demigods and travel in space in all directions. The comparison here is very suitable
- Krsna consciousness, devotional service to Krsna, is the ocean of eternal bliss. In comparison to this eternal bliss, the so-called happiness of society, friendship and love is simply useless and insignificant
- Krsna continued, "In comparison to Sisupala, with his personal qualities, I am nothing. And you (Rukmini) may personally realize it. I am surprised that you rejected the marriage with Sisupala and accepted Me, who am inferior in comparison to Sisupala"
- Krsna's mercy is also described as paramam, for it has no comparison within this material world, and it is also called suksmam, very fine
- Krsna, is identified with lotus flower in so many places. His navel is like lotus flower, His eyes are like lotus flower, His feet, lotus feet. So lotus is the comparison of the beauty of different limbs or parts of the body, transcendental body of Krsna
- Only an outward comparison has been made between the mind and their activities (of kapalika mendicants), but their behavior should never be imitated
- Ordinary persons, who cannot understand how exalted are the bodily features of the Lord, are simply given a chance to understand by a material comparison
- Our eyes may be covered by a cloud, but the sun is never covered. By this comparison to the sun, the greatness of Dhruva Maharaja in all circumstances is affirmed
- She (Rukmini) also addressed Krsna as Jagatpati, the master of the whole cosmic manifestation. In comparison, her brother (Rukmi) was only an ordinary prince
- Somebody is coming from India in this country. The climate is not very suitable in comparison to India, but they have come here to work hard. Why? Sex pleasure. That's all
- Spiritual feelings of happiness and intense ecstasies have no mundane comparison. Therefore it is very difficult to give expression to such feelings. We can just have a glimpse of such ecstasy in the words of Sri Narada Muni
- Srimati Radharani continued, "Even Maha-Laksmi, the greatest of all goddesses of fortune, hankers to render Him some service. In comparison to all these women of the universe, what are we? We are very insignificant"
- Sudama thought, "How can there be any comparison between me, a poor, sinful brahmana, & the S.L Krsna, who is the only shelter of the goddess of fortune? considering me a brahmana, with heartfelt pleasure He embraced me in His two transcendental arms
- Suniti, mother of Dhruva Maharaja, is described as vira-su, a mother who produced a great hero. There are many heroes in the world, but there is no comparison to Dhruva Maharaja, who was not only a heroic emperor of this planet, but also a great devotee
- The comparison (of God) is made here (in CC Adi 2.25) to the qualifications for viewing the personal features of the sun-god
- The comparison is made herein (SB 1.11.4-5) that making offerings to the Lord is something like offering a lamp in the worship of the sun-god
- The comparison made here (in CC Madhya 20.384) is very interesting. Krsna does not grow like an ordinary human being, even though He exhibits His pastimes of childhood, boyhood and pre-youth
- The comparison of the friction of forest bamboos to that of passionate human societies is appropriate. The whole world is compared to a forest. At any moment there may be a flare-up of fire in the forest due to friction
- The comparison to the autumnal rain that falls on muddy reservoirs of water is very appropriate
- The Ganges is water, and Laksmi is the goddess of fortune. Since water and a person are not actually similar, the comparison (laksmir iva and visnos carana-kamalotpatti) is metaphorical
- The level of enjoyment (even in the highest planet) is insignificant in comparison to the eternal bliss enjoyed in the company of the Supreme Lord
- The living entities, they are compared with the sparks, and the Supreme Lord as the big fire. So the big fire, that is the comparison. And the small sparks, both of them are fire. But sometimes the sparks fall down from the big fire. That is our falldown
- The Lord's knowledge is unlimited, and therefore one cannot touch where it ends, just as one cannot measure the ocean. What is the extent of our intelligence in comparison to the vast expanse of water in the ocean
- The Lord, by His partial representation, creates a body of innumerable universes and again enters each of those universes as Garbhodakasayi Visnu. His coming in contact with maya is explained in the Bhagavad-gita by a comparison between air and the sky
- The mansion was in the sky, and the comparison to the full moon and stars is very beautifully composed in this verse (in SB 3.23.38). Kardama Muni looked like the full moon, and the girls who surrounded his wife, Devahuti, seemed just like the stars
- The material nature is one of the energies of the Lord (BG 7.4). The material nature is inferior in comparison to the living entities, the superior nature. The superior nature and inferior nature of the Lord combine to manifest all universal affairs
- The material perfections, even up to the point of liberation, are very insignificant in comparison; therefore the pure devotee is never interested in such things. His only interest is in perfecting his devotional service to the Lord
- The parakiya-rasa in the spiritual world and that in the material world are not comparable. The former is like gold, and the latter is like iron. Because the difference between the two is so great, they cannot actually be compared
- The poetical comparison (in CC Adi 1.94) of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda to the sun and moon is very significant
- The radiation of atomic energy is very insignificant in comparison to the heat produced by a brahmastra. The atomic bomb explosion can at utmost blow up one globe, but the heat produced by the brahmastra can destroy the whole cosmic situation
- The sages pointed out that association with a devotee for even less than a second is beyond comparison to a thousand Vedic rituals and sacrifices, elevation to heavenly planets or merging into the existence of the Supreme
- The same Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is easily available to the vision of the residents of Vrndavana. This means there is no comparison to these devotees' great fortune
- The Sankhya philosopher accepts three kinds of evidences, namely direct perception, hypothesis and traditional authority. When such evidence is complete, everything is perfect. The process of comparison is within such perfection
- The showers of flowers are compared to the stars. His yellow garments are compared to the rainbow. So all these activities of the firmament, being impossible simultaneous factors, cannot be adjusted by comparison
- The word 'ittham-bhuta' is transcendentally exalted because it means 'full of transcendental bliss.' Before this transcendental bliss, the bliss derived from merging into the existence of the Absolute becomes like a piece of straw in comparison
- The words arabdhan eva mean "as if achieved by past deeds," but in the case of Prthu Maharaja there was no question of reaction to past deeds, and thus the word eva is used here (SB 4.21.11) to indicate comparison to ordinary persons
- There are different types of great personalities - some are positive great personalities, some comparative and some superlative - but King Prthu exceeded all of them. He is therefore described here (SB 4.21.7) as mahattamah, greater than the greatest
- There are two comparisons in this verse (SB 3.28.30): first the Lord's face is compared to a lotus, and then His black hair is compared to humming bees swarming around the lotus, and His two eyes are compared to two fish swimming about
- There cannot be any comparison of the qualities of our students with any religious institution or any school, college. You cannot have. Because they are devotee. As soon as you become devotee, all good qualities
- There is an intimate relationship between the swan and the lotus stem. So the comparison is very appropriate: without becoming a swan, or paramahamsa, one cannot enter into the network stem of the lotus feet of the Lord
- There is no comparison. The Christians, they can present only one small Bible, and the Muslims they can present one little Koran. But here, the Vedic culture is so great that we can simply give you sixty volumes like this only for Srimad-Bhagavatam
- There is no control by the trained agent of the Lord. We must look into the defects of modern civilization by comparison here, and should follow in the footsteps of Maharaja Yudhisthira to cleanse man and wipe out anachronisms
- There is no distinction between body and soul. Everything is one. That we cannot experience now, but we have to get information from these authorized book. Therefore they are far, far better. There is no question of comparison
- This was his (Narada) actual experience (being poverty-stricken and then becoming exalted Muni by sadhu sanga). Therefore, he is now comparing the position of a poor man with that of a rich man
- We are propagating, teaching people how to love God. That is our mission. We don't say that you become Christian or Hindu or Muslim . . . No. You become a lover of God. So comparatively, the process which we are recommending, that is the easiest process
- We can get some idea of that spiritual sky by a comparison to the material sky, for the rays of the sun in the material sky can be compared to the brahma-jyotir, the glowing rays of the Personality of Godhead
- We can just make an estimate of the number of the residents of the internal expansions in comparison with the number of residents in the external energy and may easily conclude that the liberated souls are far more numerous than the conditioned souls
- We don't count for percentage. Let personally become ideal man. The same example: there is no percentage in comparison to the stars and one moon
- When Caitanya heard Himself equated with Krsna, He mildly protested. He wanted to warn people in general not to compare the Supreme Lord with any living entity, although He was the Supreme Lord, He protested against this comparison in order to teach us
- When Krsna began to blow on His flute in the night, all of the gopis, the beautiful daughters of the cowherd men, immediately got up from their sleep. There is a very beautiful comparison made in this connection
- With the help of many rich Marwaris, the temple (of Kesavaji in Mathura) has been improved, and a very large temple is now being constructed so that the mosque is now appearing diminished in comparison