Category:It Is Not That
"It is not that"
Pages in category "It Is Not That"
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- A dead man cannot become a preacher. So you must be very enthusiastic that, "I shall preach the glories of the Lord to my best capacity." It is not that one has to become very learned scholar to become a preacher
- A great personality means to accept the supreme great; he is a great personality. Not that fool who declares himself "I am the great." He is a rascal
- A person who does not understand things as they are laments. In the material condition we are simply changing bodies all the time; that is our disease. It is not that we always change to a human body
- A spiritually advanced person who is authorized to act as the spiritual master speaks as the Supreme Personality of Godhead dictates from within. Thus it is not he that is personally speaking
- According to the Vedic scriptures the contraceptive method should be restraint in sex life. It is not that one should indulge in unrestricted sex life and avoid children by using some method to check pregnancy
- According to Vedic civilization, that is dharma-yuddha, religious fight. When the actual need is there to fight, we must fight. Not that when there is need of fight, one becomes nonviolent
- Actually one attains different results by different means. It is not that all achievements are one and the same
- Actually, this is the solution. It is not that "This Krsna consciousness movement or Bhaktivedanta Swami who has started, he has concocted this idea." No. It is standard
- After liberation it is not that everything is void or activity is stopped. No. Actually activity begins after liberation
- Although all the events were prearranged by Krsna, a devotee must try his best to serve the purpose of Krsna. Krsna Himself is all-powerful, but it is not that a devotee should therefore sit idly and leave everything to Him
- Although Devahuti was the mother of Kapiladeva, she presented herself as a humble woman. It was not that she considered herself superior because she was His mother
- Although one may complain that no kalpa-vrksa, wish-fulfilling trees, exist there, when the Gosvamis were there, kalpa-vrksa were present. It is not that one can simply go to such a tree and make demands; one must first become a devotee
- Although one may complain that no kalpa-vrksa, wish-fulfilling trees, exist there, when the Gosvamis were there, kalpa-vrksa were present. It is not that one can simply go to such a tree and make demands; one must first become a devotee - CC Intro
- Anything created by God is enjoyed by everyone, not that a particular type of society or a particular type of community. God's gift is enjoyable by everyone. That is actually spiritual communism
- Arjuna is asking this question about the fate of the unsuccessful yogi so that in the future people would not be discouraged. By a yogi, Arjuna is referring to the hatha-yogi, jnana-yogi and bhakti-yogi; it is not that meditation is the only form of yoga
- Arjuna is mahajana, he's Krsna's friend, he's always with Krsna, and Krsna recognizes him. Not that because one is always with Krsna, therefore he knows Krsna. No. That is not possible
- As far as meditation on the arca-vigraha form of the Lord is concerned, we have to look at the Deity beginning with His lotus feet. It is not that we immediately look at His smiling face
- As it is described in the English dictionary, religion means a kind of faith. But it (Krsnaism) is not that type of religion. It is a compulsory fact. Just like sugar is, compulsorily must become, sweet. If sugar is not sweet, that is not real sugar
- As it is suitable. It is not that because the ksatriyas were killing by bows and arrows formerly, you have to continue that. That is another foolishness. If you have got... If you can kill easily by guns, take that gun
- As long as one is in the material world, he has to be under the influence of the modes of material nature (guna-visarga). It is not that Maharaja Priyavrata was freed from material influence because he possessed all material opulences
- As soon as one hears the name of Krsna, immediately, spontaneously, he should be ready to serve Him. That is pure devotion. Not that forced
- As soon as you come to the transcendental platform, you become joyful, happy. That is the sign. It is not that simply you say that, "I am in the transcendental meditation." no
- Because the train is going, either you place yourself in the first-class compartment or second class, you will go. It is not that because you are situated in the third-class compartment the, your train is not going
- Because you have submitted, it is not that you have to understand something dogmatic. No. Submission must be there, but at the same time, you should have clear understanding
- Bhagavad-gita is the science of Krsna, and if we study it scrutinizingly with all of our argument, sense and philosophical knowledge, we will come to know that science. It is not that we are to submit ourselves blindly
- Brahman is sometimes described as asthulam ananv ahrasvam adirgham, that which is not large and not small, not short and not long. (Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad 5.8.8) Neti neti: It is not this, it is not that. But what is it
- Brahmana does not keep himself educated. That education, that means he is brahmana, he makes others also brahmana. That is brahmana, not that "I remain brahmana. I remain Vaisnava, and others may suffer." No
- Brahminical culture includes truthfulness, sense control, forbearance, simplicity, full knowledge and full faith in God. It is not that one simply becomes proud of his high parentage
- By serving the great, the mahatmas also become great through identifying with the superior energy: (aham brahmasmi) "I am Brahman-spirit." It is not that they become puffed up and think that they are God
- Danta means sober. Children are generally restless, and the brahmacari-asrama means to train him how to become peaceful. That is the first training, not that to make him very good scholar in grammar
- Do not consider that it is ordinary box. It is the whole post office. But for your convenience the postal department has come before you like a small box. Similarly everyone knows that this murti is made of stone or wood or metal. But it is not that
- Each class of tree produces a particular kind of fruit and flower; it is not that there is no distinction between the different classes
- Education may be wrong or right, but science is always the fact. "Two plus two equal to four," - that is equally good in the East and West, not that in the western countries, two plus two will be five
- Either expansion or incarnation, they are all candles. The original candle is Krsna. It is not that expansion of expansion is less powerful. The candle power is the same either origin or expansion or expansion of the expansion
- Eternally Krsna is playing with the cowherd boys. Not that these children are being born
- Even though Krsna is the cause of everything, you should accept what Krsna wants. Not that because He is the cause of everything, everything should be accepted
- Everyone has to take sannyasa. It is not that a particular man, simply Caitanya Mahaprabhu has to take sannyasa. No. That is obligation. You must
- Everyone is born sudra by birth. It is not that by birth one becomes brahmana; otherwise the sastra would not have stated like this, that janmana jayate sudrah, "By birth everyone is sudra."
- Everyone is born sudra. But if one does not accept the samskaras, he remains a sudra, not that sudras are not allowed to take samskara
- Everything can be attained simply by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra. Everything. The means is the end and the means is the whole. It is not that we accept something and give it up and again come to another stage
- First beginning is to accept a bona fide spiritual master. Adau gurvasrayam. Sad-dharma-prcchat. So it is not that official accepting a spiritual master, but one should be very much inquisitive to understand about eternal duty or eternal activities
- For a particular type of business, occupation, one must have particular type of brain. So therefore this is division. Not that everyone is of the same type
- From every position, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita, sva-karmana tam abhyarcya: (BG 18.46) one can serve the Supreme Lord by performing one's prescribed duty. It is not that only the brahmanas can serve the Supreme Lord and not the sudras
- From the rice, heaps of rice, one scorpion, small scorpion, is coming. The fact is that the parent of the scorpion, they put their eggs within the rice and, being fermented, the scorpion comes out, not that from rice the scorpion is coming out
- From the very beginning of creation different varieties of living entities were existing. It is not that some of them have become extinct. Everything is there; it is due to our lack of knowledge that we cannot see things in their proper perspective
- Generally hippies are sons of great fathers and great families. It is not that they are always poor. But some way or another they abandon the shelter of their rich fathers and travel all over the world
- Go on like this, transcendental rivalry, just like San Francisco and Los Angeles, this pleases me very much. But it is not that we are envious
- God expanded Himself as the living entities for enjoyment, reciprocal, not that God's own enjoyment. When there is question of enjoyment, all the parties who participate in a particular type of enjoyment, they enjoy
- God has many names. It is not that you have to chant only "Krsna." No
- God is neither Hindu, Muslim, or Christian - God is God. So it is the duty of everyone. It is not that only Christians should understand God and the Hindus should understand nobody
- God is one, God cannot be two. It is not that Hindus have got one God and Christians have got another God. No. God cannot be two
- God may have many thousands of names, but the most perfect name which we can give to the SPG is Krsna. Krsna means "All-attractive." God must be all-attractive. It is not that God is attractive for a certain class of men and not attractive for others
- Guru means he'll always enlighten the disciple with the light of sastra. Not that he will say, "There is no need of sastra. I am incarnation. I, whatever speak, you take it."
- He (a devotee who takes foodstuff in a hotel while touring) has full individuality for pleasing Krsna. Krsna says, "You surrender unto Me." So he voluntarily surrenders. It is not that he has lost his individuality. He keeps his individuality
- He (Lord Caitanya) requests Lord Krsna's service birth after birth. It is not that He is seeking salvation; rather, He simply wants to serve Krsna one life after another
- How they're (who are in this material world) criminals? Because either one is rich or poor, he's subjected to the tribulations of this material nature. It is not that the rich man will not become old and the simply poor man will become old. No
- I do not wish to discuss this point. But Krsna is for everyone. It is not that Krsna is for Indians or for the Hindus or for . . . no. Krsna is for everyone
- I have already explained that our idea of religion means that like the sugar, it must be sweet. It is not that in Europe sugar is not sweet, in India it is sweet. Sugar, wherever it is, it is sweet. Similarly, the spirit soul is the same everywhere
- I have been in Russia also. It is not that, that they are godless. The population is as good as in other country, but the government is suppressing
- I have come to western countries to teach love of God. It is not that I am satisfied only in myself that I love God, that's all right
- I have given this example in many times. Just like a king and a bug is sitting on the same throne. The bug is biting and the king is ruling. It is not that because the bug is there on the throne, he is king, or the king is sitting with the bug, he is bug
- I have given you the guiding principles; it is not that I must be consulted with every small detail
- I have heard my mother-in-law was married - she was seven years old and my father-in-law was eleven years old. So this marriage was performed, but it is not that the husband and wife live together unless they are mature, grown-up
- I was just creating the situation how I shall serve my spiritual master. Not that I was trying to directly contact Krsna. That was not my business
- If anyone has listened from the authority about Krsna, he wants to speak again. That is preaching. Not that, "I have listened about Krsna, that's all right." No. Sravanam kirtanam. That is the test that he has advanced
- If one has no pious engagement, it is not that one can become free from sinful activities simply by theoretical understanding
- If somebody wants to understand this Hare Krsna mantra through philosophy, through study, through Vedanta, we are not lacking. We have got books. It is not that Hare Krsna mantra is insufficient, therefore we are recommending books. No. Not like that
- If there is an ideal class of men, the others will follow. Jewel. Jewel is always costly. Still everyone aspires, "If I get a jewel." That is wanted. Not that everybody can possess jewel, but still, everybody will appreciate jewel
- If there is no family attraction, there is no regulated life. We have got very good experience of these things. So family attraction required. It is not that it is rejected. It is required for regulated life
- If we follow the instruction of Bhagavad-gita and Krsna, then all problems will be solved. It is not a sectarian religious sentiment or fanaticism. It is not that. It is a science - social science, political science, cultural science
- If we want to be quickly recognized by Krsna, we should become preachers. This is also the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It is not that one should remain in India; rather, one should travel all over the world to preach Krsna consciousness
- If we want to talk to some important man, we must have some qualification. It is not that we can immediately talk to presidents or even to senators just because we want to talk to them. Somehow or other we must comply with certain rules and regulations
- If we want to understand the real fact, then we must receive from the parampara system. Just like we have got our genealogical table. I understand my great-great-grandfather by the parampara system. Not that I manufacture some name
- If you are actually self-realized soul, in the light of God, then your treatment will be equal to all living entities. Not that "He is animal, he is man, he is black, he is white, he's this, he's Indian, he's American, he's Chinese." No
- If you at all interested in the understanding of spiritual subject matter, then you must approach a bona fide spiritual master. Tad vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet. Abhigacchet means must. It is not that if you like, you can go
- If you do not know the things as it is, how you can say, "It is not this"? If you know the positive, then you can say the negative
- If you follow, you'll understand, yourself, "Yes. I am getting something." It is not that you are in blindness, you are blindly following. As you follow the principles, you'll understand
- If you have actually tasted bhakti-yoga, then there will be no more material attachment. This is the test. Not that artificially keeping a big tilaka on forehead and thinking within always "How to get money, how to get woman?"
- If you want to go into the sun planet, you have first to go into the sunshine; then you remain in the sunlight. It is not that when you reach the sun planet you will no longer be in the sunlight
- If you, as a rascal, say "All of a sudden the material parts - many parts - they became assembled; just like one lusty man becomes accidentally lusty desire & the woman also becomes, they unite," it is not like that. It is not accident. There is brain
- In describing a pencil, one may say, It is not this; it is not that, but this does not tell us what it is. This is called definition by negation. In Bhagavad-gita, Krsna also explains the soul by giving negative definitions
- In our practical life, Krsna instructs us how to invoke Krsna consciousness. It is not that we are to stop executing our duty or to cease from activity. Rather, activities have to be conducted in Krsna consciousness
- In pure consciousness, our actions will be dovetailed to the will of isvara & that will make us happy. It is not that we have to cease all activities. Rather, our activities are to be purified & purified activities are called bhakti. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the Bible it is said that man was made in the image of God, and this means that we are reflections of God's image. It is not that we invent or imagine some form of God according to our own form
- In the forest, fire takes place automatically. It is not that someone has to go there and set a fire; because of friction among various trees, fire occurs automatically
- In the sastras, we have the Yamaraja, or there is justice department. Everything is there. So he is neutral. It is not that God is kind to somebody and unkind to some other, no. His position is always neutral
- In the service of the Personality of Godhead, it is not that Lord Brahma is considered very great while an ordinary human being trying to preach the glories of the Lord is considered very low. There are no such distinctions
- In this verse it is clearly mentioned that the Supreme Personality of Godhead exerts His different energies in the creation; it is not that He Himself is transformed into material creations
- India's mission is not that we colonize in other country and exploit them, and bring money and become a lord. No
- It does not matter whether his duty is violent or nonviolent. If it is sanctioned and ordered by the Supreme Lord, it must be performed. An Aryan performs his duty. It is not that the Aryans are unnecessarily inimical to living entities
- It does not mean that when Krsna was present on this planet, Krsna was absent in Goloka Vrndavana. No. It is not like that. Just like I am now present here, I am absent in my apartment. Krsna is not like that. Krsna can be present everywhere
- It doesn't require that one has to learn Sanskrit. We have got so many disciples. It is not that they first of all learned Sanskrit. They heard. It may be in Sanskrit language or in English. It doesn't matter. Let him hear the real fact. That is wanted
- It is called vrscika-tandula-nyaya. You know that? Vrscika-tandula-nyaya. Vrscika means scorpion, and tandula means rice. Sometimes we see some heaps of rice, the scorpion is coming. But that is not that the rice has given birth to the scorpion
- It is not a fact that the Lord appears only on Indian soil. He can manifest Himself anywhere and everywhere, and whenever He desires to appear
- It is not expected that cent percent of the population will become first-class, but there must be ideal groups of first-class, second-class, third-class and the rest, fourth-class
- It is not superficial. This dancing is spiritual ecstasy. Otherwise, it is not a dog's dancing. You see? Any gentleman, if I ask you, "Please dance on this footpath," will you agree? It is not that dancing
- It is not that "Because I am poor man, I cannot help this movement." No. If you have got... You have got your life. So if you dedicate your life, that is all-perfect. If you cannot dedicate your life, give some money
- It is not that a brahmana is the same as a dog, but that the brahmana is a spirit soul, and the dog is also a spirit soul. We are conditioned according to our different bodies, which are given by superior forces
- It is not that a chaste woman should be like a slave while her husband is naradhama, the lowest of men
- It is not that a child is born smoking. No. He is born searching after milk. The milk is essential; the smoking is not essential. But we are practicing by bad association, so we can give it up also by good association. It is a question of association
- It is not that a devotee should take physical risk so long as he has a physical body. It is not a challenge to the physical laws: "I have become a devotee. I challenge everything." That is foolishness
- It is not that a gambler or a meat-eater or a man addicted to illicit sex life, he cannot love Krsna. It is not that. But that is very rare case
- It is not that a grhastha should live at home until he dies. Vanaprastha is preliminary to sannyasa
- It is not that a wealth of education is required. One does not even have to understand the language. The only ingredient needed is bhakti, love. If one becomes a pure bhakta, he will forget all material sense enjoyment
- It is not that after one practices some sitting postures he immediately becomes perfect. One has to perform yoga a long time - "many, many births" - to become mature, and a yogi has to practice in a secluded place
- It is not that all our students were free from this alcoholic habit or meat-eating or illicit sex, no. They were habituated. But because they have taken to the devotional service, this is all finished
- It is not that anybody can speak the Bhagavatam or the Gita and we will have to hear it. No. Sanatana Gosvami especially prohibits us: we should not hear of the Supreme Lord from one who is not purified
- It is not that anyone and everyone can make his own foolish commentaries on Vedanta-sutra and mislead readers. Anyone who wants to understand Vedanta-sutra must read Srimad-Bhagavatam carefully
- It is not that anyone can be suddenly initiated without meeting the requirements. When one is further advanced by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra 16 rounds daily, following the regulative principles and attending classes, he receives the sacred thread
- It is not that anyone is accepted who comes along and says, "I am an incarnation of God." There are characteristics of God given in the sastras
- It is not that anyone is excluded from being my disciple if they do not cent per cent attend all of temple programs, but they should be encouraged to attend as far as possible
- It is not that because all these are temporary arrangement, we should be unfaithful to our family members, to our children, to our wife. As duty, we should take care, but we should not be simply absorbed in such thoughts
- It is not that because I am acting as guru, I am no longer student. No, I am still student
- It is not that because in human life we have got full opportunity for sense pleasures... Well, sense pleasure is offered to the monkeys and pigs and dogs more leniently. So that is means that is life? No. That is not life
- It is not that because Krsna is Arjuna's intimate friend Arjuna is flattering Him by calling Him the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth
- It is not that because Krsna is in one place, He cannot be in others. Since we are conditioned, when we sit in our office we cannot be at home. Krsna is not like this
- It is not that because one has taken birth in the lowest class family - svapaca, candala, dog-eaters - it does not mean that he'll have to remain in that position
- It is not that because one has to accept the Vedic culture, he has to stop industry or material progress. Not like that. Bhagavad-gita does not teach that. Simply to change the consciousness
- It is not that because one is a fool and cannot speak nicely he therefore takes the vow of mauna. Rather, one becomes silent so that people will not disturb him
- It is not that because one is a grhastha he may marry as many times as he likes and indulge in sex life as he likes. This is not spiritual life. In spiritual life, one must conduct one's whole life under the guidance of the guru
- It is not that because one is very rich or learned or was born in an aristocratic family one will be able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face. This is impossible
- It is not that because there is no stock we can do whimsically as we like and lose the idea; that is rasa-bhasa
- It is not that because there is no stock we can do whimsically as we like and lose the idea; that is rasa-bhasa. Because there is no bread, you take stone to eat?
- It is not that because we are devotee and they (Lord Jesus Christ and Muhammad) are not devotee. Don't think like that. Anyone who is preaching the glories of God, he is a devotee. He should not be blasphemed. You should be careful
- It is not that because you are born in a very rich family, you'll be immune from diseases. It is not that you'll not become old. It is not that you'll be saved from the troubles of birth or you'll be saved from the troubles of death
- It is not that because you cannot see your great-great-great-grandfather, so you cannot say there was no such man as great-great-grandfather. There was or there Similarly, if we go on searching out what is the original father, that is God
- It is not that before marriage girls were not giving birth to child. It was there, the society. But the society was so elevated that this was not done commonly. In extraordinary cases
- It is not that BG rejects the meditational yoga process; it recognizes it as a bona fide method, but it further indicates that it is not possible in this age. Thus the subject in the Sixth Chapter of BG is quickly dropped by Sri Krsna and Arjuna
- It is not that Bhagavan is difficult to find. Bhagavan is within the heart. Isvarah sarva bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati (BG 18.61). That is the real Bhagavan, within the hearts of all. That Bhagavan is always active
- It is not that brahmanas will be elevated to the transcendental platform but not the sudras
- It is not that by evolutionary process if one has come to the human form of life he is not going to be degraded. If he does not believe in God consciousness, if he does not act nicely, then he is surely to degrade
- It is not that by improving economic condition of life one has become very peaceful. Otherwise why there is war? Why there is struggle? This is... These things cannot be stopped
- It is not that by Krsna consciousness movement everything, our daily routine work, will be stopped. No
- It is not that by maya we are fragmental separated; when we are liberated, we merge into the body or the effulgence of God. We are separated in..., perpetually. Although we are eternal, but we are perpetually... vibhinnamsa
- It is not that by our endeavor alone we can understand Krsna, but our endeavor in loving service will make us qualified, and then Krsna will reveal Himself - svayam eva sphuraty adah
- It is not that by some method you can ask God, "Please come. I will see You." No, God is not your order carrier
- It is not that by spiritual advancement one gets material facilities to increase the income and increase the standard of sense enjoyment. This is karma-kandiya-vicara karma, to get the resultant action of our fruitive activities
- It is not that Caitanya teaches a long and elaborate path to God realization. He is completely spiritual, and He begins from the point of surrender to Krsna
- It is not that coming to the platform of a qualified brahmana, one can understand Krsna. That is also not. Still, you have to go farther. Brahma-bhuta. Brahma janati iti brahmanah. Brahmana can understand Brahman
- It is not that consciousness is generated by the association of matter. That is a mistaken idea. BG 1972 Introduction
- It is not that every different types of body and living entities have come by chance. This is nonsense. There is no question of chance. Everything is being carried or being conducted by the three modes of material nature
- It is not that everyone has to be a brahmana just because he has been initiated 1 or 2 or any number of years. Especially if one cannot even rise early for mangala arati he should never be given brahminical initiation
- It is not that everyone has to take sannyasa like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Everyone can execute the cult of Krsna consciousness at home, as ordered by the Lord. Everyone can congregationally chant the holy name of Krsna, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- It is not that everyone is drinking, but there is facility for the drunkards. Because the drunkards want to drink, so government gives facility - All right. Here is a liquor shop. You drink
- It is not that everyone is the Supreme Godhead. Such a theory, which is propounded by the Mayavada philosophy, is always misleading, and Rantideva would never have accepted it
- It is not that everyone should be equally expert. But the thing that is needed is that we should be serious and sincere in our engagement. Nobody can adequately serve Krishna because Krishna is unlimited
- It is not that everyone should become a sudra or a vaisya and human society will prosper. As enunciated in BG, there must be a class of brahmanas with qualities like satya (truthfulness), sama (peacefulness), dama (self-control) and titiksa (tolerance)
- It is not that everyone's father becomes a ghost, but the oblations of pinda are offered to the lotus feet of Lord Visnu so that if a family member happens to become a ghost, he will be favored with a gross body
- It is not that everyone, regardless of whatever demigod is worshiped, will reach the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is denied. BG 1972 purports
- It is not that God has to take personal supervision of this - blade of grass
- It is not that he (a pure devotee) thinks of becoming one with the Supreme and attaining liberation. Rather, his liberation lies in his personal relationship with the Supreme Lord Himself
- It is not that He (Krsna) becomes attentive to us only when we offer prayers to Him. Even before we offer our prayers, He incessantly tries to deliver us
- It is not that He (Krsna) needed to do all these things to acquire material gain, but all of these acts were performed just to teach us how to behave in this material world
- It is not that he (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) offers obeisances to his spiritual master alone but to the whole parampara, the chain of disciplic succession beginning with Lord Krsna Himself
- It is not that he is checking the guru, "How my guru is learned?" No. The submission is there. But when the guru says something, he may not understand; that concession is given, pariprasna, you inquire
- It is not that He is in want for things, because the things are themselves generated from His energy
- It is not that I am directly connected with Krsna or Visnu. I am directly connected with my spiritual master, and my business is to carry out his order
- It is not that I am very much qualified. The only qualification is that I have tried to execute the order of superior authority. That's all. This is the secret of success
- It is not that I disobey my real Spiritual Master and call someone else as Spiritual Master. That is wrong
- It is not that if a child is in danger, because the father and mother is very strong, very rich, he will be able to give protection to the child. No. That is not possible
- It is not that if one executes his duty properly he is automatically promoted, for promotion depends upon the satisfaction of the SP of G. It must ultimately be concluded that one can achieve the desired result of his activities upon satisfying the Lord
- It is not that if you do not come in that dress in our temple you will not understand our philosophy. That is not... We don't mean that. But it is convenient. But anyone who does not want to change this dress, that does not matter. We don't insist
- It is not that it (chanting Hare Krsna) is recommended only for Kali-yuga. Actually, it is recommended for every age. There have always been many devotees who have chanted and reached perfection in all ages. That is the beauty of this KC movement
- It is not that Jesus Christ or Vasudeva Datta should make a contract for our sins and that we should go on committing them, for this is a most heinous proposal
- It is not that Krsna comes whimsically. He has a great plan, otherwise why should He come here? He is very much eager to take us back home, back to Godhead. That is Krsna's business
- It is not that Krsna does not eat or that we imagine that He eats; He actually eats, but His eating is different from ours
- It is not that Krsna does not eat or that we imagine that He eats; He actually eats, but His eating is different from ours - CC Intro
- It is not that Krsna is a manifestation of the original visva-rupa, or Visnu. Krsna is the origin of all forms. BG 1972 purports
- It is not that Krsna is hungry and is begging food from us. The purpose of this offering is to create a loving transaction. Krsna wants this transaction: You love Me, and I'll love you
- It is not that Krsna is sending them. He is making his own path clear, either back to home, back to Godhead, or glide down to the darkest region of hell. Two things are there, and that opportunity is in the human form of life
- It is not that Krsna is simply in Vaikuntha or Goloka Vrndavana. He is everywhere; He is even within the atom. Goloka eva nivasaty akhilatma-bhutah (Bs. 5.37). That is the definition of Paramatma, the Supersoul
- It is not that Krsna is speaking Bhagavad-gita to Arjuna for the first time. It is estimated by Vedic authorities that the Lord imparted these divine instructions to Vivasvan some 400 million years ago
- It is not that Krsna worship began only when Krsna appeared on this planet five thousand years ago. This is a foolish conclusion that is not substantiated by Vedic literatures
- It is not that Lord Krsna’s pastimes are nonexistent. They are going on exactly as the sun is shining perpetually, but when the sun is present before our eyes, we call it daytime (manifest), and when it is not present, we call it night - unmanifest
- It is not that mass of people is interested in Ph.D. degree. But if one is interested in Ph.D. degree, government provides: "Yes, in university you come." That is the real facility. So if anyone is interested to understand KC, why it should be denied
- It is not that My Guru Maharaja is dead and gone. That is not spiritual understanding
- It is not that one accepts a portion of Bhagavad-gita according to his own whimsical interpretations and then rejects another portion. This is not sraddha. Sraddha means accepting the instructions of Bhagavad-gita in their totality
- It is not that one becomes a devotee simply by renouncing the world and coloring the dress. But in any dress, in any capacity, one can satisfy Krsna if His cause is served
- It is not that one becomes a yogi simply by pressing his nose and performing some gymnastics. One must actually attain the yogic siddhis. By these siddhis, the yogi can become very small or very large, very heavy or very light
- It is not that one becomes free from material entanglements simply by accepting the order of sannyasa. Yet if we actually understand the explanations given by Lord Caitanya, we will be helped
- It is not that one has to become very learned scholar to become a preacher. Simply it requires enthusiasm, "My Lord is so great, so kind, so beautiful, so wonderful. So I must speak something about my Lord"
- It is not that one is a debauch, at the same time a Krsna conscious. That is a contradictory. It cannot be. If he is actually Krsna conscious, he cannot be debauch. Two things cannot go parallel
- It is not that one is to transfer his thought to vacancy. Thus Krsna says that one absorbed in the meditational yoga system is - always thinking of Me
- It is not that one may meditate for 15 minutes, and he becomes spiritually advanced, it is not possible. So the Krishna Consciousness movement is training people how to be absorbed in the thought of Krishna, 24 hours
- It is not that one should accept just any person as a guru. The guru must be the representative of Krsna; then one can surrender oneself
- It is not that one should accept this rascal or that rascal as Bhagavan. Nor should one render bhakti to this demigod or that demigod, to one's family, country, society, wife, cat, dog or whatever
- It is not that one should continue to attend yoga classes and yet remain the same throughout his life; there must be practical realization
- It is not that one should only attend a bhagavata-saptaha, an official reading of Srimad-Bhagavatam for seven days. That is another form of exploitation
- It is not that one should render bhakti unto an imitation Bhagavan. If one says that he is Bhagavan, we should ask, - Are you present in everyone's heart? Can you tell me what I am thinking now
- It is not that one should rot in this material world throughout one's whole life. Pancasordhvam vanam vrajet. According to the Vedic injunctions, there are four asramas and four varnas, and these used to be followed very strictly
- It is not that one should simply say, "dandavat." Rather, one must fall down
- It is not that one should simply speculate academically. One should submissively hear from Bhagavad-gita that these living entities are always subordinate to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- It is not that one should think, - I am a big scholar, and I can interpret Bhagavad-gita in my own way. All these sampradayas are useless
- It is not that one who has become a devotee of the Lord or who engages in devotional service should give up his prescribed duties. No one should be lazy under the plea of devotional service
- It is not that one who is worshiping the Deity, decorating the Deity, offering arotik, he's in better position than the person who is cleansing the temple. Both of them equal
- It is not that only human being has got the soul, not others. No. Actually if we make analysis what is the symptoms of possessing soul, you will find everywhere. Even in plants' life you will find
- It is not that only sannyasis, vanaprasthas and brahmacaris can reach Krsna. A grhastha, a householder, can also reach Krsna, provided he becomes a pure devotee without material desires. An example of this is cited in the next verse - SB 7.15.68
- It is not that only the brahmanas are powerful enough to award curses or blessings upon the subordinates
- It is not that other devotees who are less complete in knowledge are not dear to the Lord. The Lord says that all are magnanimous because anyone who comes to the Lord for any purpose is called a mahatma or great soul. BG 1972 purports
- It is not that plants grow automatically, without any cause, as the atheistic philosophers say. Rather, they grow in pursuance of the supreme order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is not that practically you are experimenting by going to the sun, that it is so great and so long, so broad. That is not possible. You have to receive such knowledge through authority. That's all
- It is not that Radharani is separate from Krsna. Radharani is also Krsna, for there is no difference between the energy and the energetic. Without energy, there is no meaning to the energetic, and without the energetic, there is no energy - CC Intro
- It is not that senses should be stopped. No. It should be controlled. "When I require, I shall use it; otherwise not." That is master of senses. "I shall not act impelled by the senses. Senses should act under my direction"
- It is not that so-called modern intelligence has developed by the gradual process of evolution
- It is not that such devotees (searching after Krsna) meet Krsna face to face in that tract of land (from Delhi to Mathura), but a devotee's eagerly searching after Krsna is as good as his seeing Him personally
- It is not that sudra is not required. Sudra is required, but if you make propaganda simply to make people sudras, then who will give direction? If there is no head, who will give the direction?
- It is not that the action is different, but there is a transfer of consciousness from thinking of acting for my senses to thinking of acting for Krsna
- It is not that the asuras will remain asura. It doesn't matter. Even born in the asura family one can become sura. Just like Prahlada Maharaja. His father was asura, but he was perfect sura. That is possible. It is not prohibited to anyone
- It is not that the brahmanas are to be found in India only. Any intelligent class of men, anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness, he is brahmin
- It is not that the Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sampradaya is simply chanting and dancing. If required, they are prepared to answer all Vedic discussion. They are prepared
- It is not that the chanting of Hare Krsna is effective in this age and not in Satya-yuga. Nor is it that people were not chanting the holy names of Krsna in Satya-yuga
- It is not that the chanting of Hare Krsna is in this age very effective and it was not effective in the Satya-yuga. It is not like that
- It is not that the honor given to the Viceroy exactly like to the king, he becomes a king. No. He is servant of king. But it is the duty of the citizen to honor the representative of the king as king. That is etiquette. That is our Vedic system
- It is not that the impersonal Brahman assumes a form; on the contrary, the impersonal Brahman effulgence is an emanation from the supreme form of the Lord
- It is not that the impersonal Brahman is denied; it is also described, but that Brahman is considered to be the glaring effulgence of the body of Caitanya
- It is not that the impersonal Brahman is denied; it is also described, but that Brahman is revealed to be the glaring effulgence of the body of Lord Krsna - CC Intro
- It is not that the living entity takes birth. As stated in Bhagavad-gita (2.20), na jayate mriyate va: the living entity neither takes birth nor dies
- It is not that the Lord undergoes direct transformation, which is called parinama-vada. However, being very anxious to protect Srila Vyasadeva from criticism, Sankaracarya became a pseudo gentleman and put forward his theory of illusion - vivarta-vada
- It is not that the miseries of the material world completely vanish when one takes to Krsna consciousness, but for one who is Krsna conscious the miseries of material existence have no effect
- It is not that the rich man will not be diseased, but everyone wants to take precaution against disease. No one wants to become diseased, but everyone becomes diseased. Everyone dies
- It is not that the sun is actually covered by the cloud; only the vision of the ordinary being is covered. Similarly, although maya cannot cover the Supreme Lord, who is beyond maya, the material energy covers the ordinary living entities
- It is not that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is absent; He is present there. And when a devotee utters the transcendental name, it is not a material sound. Therefore, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is naturally pleased
- It is not that the Vedic civilization does not know what is the effect of eating flesh. They have got very broad analytical knowledge, and in the recent years Mr. George Bernard Shaw, he also said that, - You are what you eat
- It is not that the whole population goes to prison; some, who are disobedient, are confined in prison. Similarly, the conditioned souls within this material world are only a fraction of all the living entities in the creation of God
- It is not that then they (eat meat and drink liquor) were unknown; now it is discovered by scientific advancement
- It is not that they are only on the planet where Yamaraja lives
- It is not that they become old and there is no more enjoyment or they are separated or somebody, Krsna goes somewhere and the Radharani goes to somewhere. No. Everything is eternal. They are enjoying
- It is not that they think, "Krsna is God, and therefore I love Him." In Vrndavana Krsna does not play as God; He plays there as an ordinary cowherd boy, and although at times He proves that He is the SPG, the devotees there do not care to know it
- It is not that this (Krsna's footprints made everything beautiful) applied only when Krsna was present and Kunti was speaking. Rather, the truth is always the same
- It is not that this Krsna consciousness movement is a sentimental movement. It is based on fully scientific basis. But people do not understand the science. They are simply allured by the experimental science. The experimental science is very limited
- It is not that this Krsna consciousness movement is to give shelter to some irresponsible man who does not carry the responsibilities of family life or brahmacari life
- It is not that this system (of four divisions of human society namely brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudras) refers to the perverted caste system in India
- It is not that those who have developed a passive relationship with Krsna are more likely to fall into nescient activities
- It is not that Vedic civilization did not know how to eat meat and how to drink liquor. It is all known. But they are prohibited, - Don't eat
- It is not that we are a dry philosophy of dogmas and slogans. No. The language of Krishna Consciousness is ever-fresh and we can explain everything by it, just like my Guru Maharaja once lectured for three months on one verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam
- It is not that we are befooling them (the Europeans and Americans) to chant Hare Krsna and dance. No. They are feeling ecstasy. That's a fact. Not blindly they are doing. Not only in one place - hundreds of centers. Why? That is the effect of chanting
- It is not that we are not eating or not sleeping, but our eating is different from ordinary eating
- It is not that we are propagating that you become vegetarian. We are propagating that you become Krsna conscious
- It is not that we are simply chanting and dancing. If you are philosopher, if you are scholar, if you are scientist, we can give you proof in a scientific way, in a philosophical way, scholarly way; therefore these books are there
- It is not that we are stopping second initiation, but I want to be sure it does not become a farce and names be sent to me without proper qualification
- It is not that we are to enjoy the loving exchanges between Krsna and Radha like spectators at some sports show. We must feel separation from Them. The more we feel separation, the more we should understand that we are advancing
- It is not that we are to search out a spiritual master whimsically. We should be very serious to find a person who is actually in knowledge of the subject
- It is not that we can enjoy ourselves independent of Krsna. Nor can we say that to enjoy ourselves we have to become one with Krsna
- It is not that we can manufacture some philosophy. That is nonsense. Philosophy is one; religion is one. Everyone has to follow
- It is not that we don't touch machine. We don't say like that. But we want to be self-sufficient. That is our point
- It is not that we have blind faith, but that we accept something that is recognized
- It is not that we have coined this term "Krsna consciousness." Krsna consciousness is the oldest phrase in the history of the world - BG 18.65, BG 9.34
- It is not that we have manufactured a sampradaya; rather, our sampradaya stems from Lord Brahma. There is also the Ramanuja-sampradaya, which comes from the Sri-sampradaya, and there is the Visnu Svami-sampradaya, which comes from the Rudra-sampradaya
- It is not that we have to change our process of work, but we do have to understand for whom we are working. Whatever activity we have to do we must execute, but we should not be carried away by kama, desire
- It is not that we have to endeavor separately to become rid of envy or any deficiency or impurity
- It is not that we have to understand Krsna fully. That is not possible. We have no capacity to understand the unlimited. Advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam - Bs. 5.33
- It is not that we have to wait for another life to cultivate devotional service. We can read The Nectar of Devotion, live with devotees, rise early in the morning to attend mangala-arati, study Vedic literature, take prasada and preach Krsna consciousness
- It is not that we love only our countrymen, only Hindus, or Bengalis, or Madrasis, or . . . no. We love everyone, even the animals. But because human being can understand the Krsna philosophy, therefore we hold meetings of the human being
- It is not that we merge into that consciousness. In one sense we "merge," but still we keep our individuality. That is the difference between impersonalist philosophy and Krsna conscious philosophy
- It is not that we shall not be angry. Yes, we shall be angry, but in suitable place, where God is insulted. When a rascal is claiming that he is God and deceiving others, you must be very much angry
- It is not that we should blindly surrender, but we should be able to inquire with intelligence
- It is not that we should meditate for fifteen minutes and then engage in all kinds of nonsense. The more we serve, the more dedicated to Krsna we become; therefore a person should utilize whatever talents he has for Krsna
- It is not that we should simply take things from Krsna and offer Him nothing. Everyone is taking something from God, so why not give something
- It is not that we should stop our glorification because demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva cannot adequately glorify the Lord. Rather, as stated by Prahlada Maharaja, everyone should glorify the Lord according to his own ability
- It is not that we should use any words we choose. There are many prayers in the Vedic scriptures and also in the Bible and Koran
- It is not that we simply die and finish everything. We are living eternally
- It is not that we start a mission just to make some money and to fill up our belly, hungry belly. No. It is a mission to see that everyone is happy in Krsna consciousness
- It is not that we start a mission just to make some money and to fill up our belly, hungry belly. No. It is a mission to see that everyone is happy in Krsna consciousness. This is the mission
- It is not that we think ourselves great devotees and then go ahead and enjoy material things
- It is not that when one is in samadhi he doesn't eat, work, sleep or enjoy himself in any way. Rather, samadhi can be defined as executing regulated activities while absorbed in the thought of Krsna
- It is not that when you are delivered from the material consciousness and come to the spiritual platform your service stops to Krsna. That is not. Our service is eternal
- It is not that without meat-eating, we cannot live. Thousands and thousands in India, eighty percent, they are strictly vegetarian. That does not mean they are dying
- It is not that woman cannot be acarya. Generally, they do not become. In very special case. But Jahnavi-devi was accepted as, but she did not declare
- It is not that woman means the form of woman and man is the form of man. Woman means enjoyable and man means enjoyer
- It is not that you have become a student and you'll remain student. No. One day you shall become also guru and make more students, more students, more
- It is not that you have to search out God anywhere else, but you can search out within yourself. And that searching process is called yoga
- It is not that you manufacture some dharma: "We are Hindus," "We are Muslims," "We are Christians." These are not dharmas. Nobody cares for God. Nobody carries out the order of God. Nobody knows what is God
- It is not that you will be successful everywhere. Because it is demonic age. But you, more you become yourself sincere, you'll be successful everywhere
- It is not that zero, but many persons are interested (in God). We are selling our books. We are selling our magazines. We are recruiting members, and they are dedicating their life for this cause
- It is not that, "Here is an American Vaisnava, here is an African Vaisnava, an Indian Vaisnava." Vaisnava is Vaisnava. Vaisnava is transcendental
- It is not that, "You, you remain a sudra, mleccha, & I make you a disciple. I'll never touch you, I'll never touch your foot, and I become your guru." It is not this guru business. It is not guru business. Guru must transfer his qualities to the student
- It is not that, that sometimes things which are beyond the test of our material senses, they are not existing. That is foolishness. We must accept that our senses are imperfect. So how we can understand everything by the test of experimental knowledge?
- It is not the philosophy of this Krsna consciousness movement to disengage people from their activities. One should engage in his occupation, but one should never forget Krsna
- It is our business to understand Krsna in truth; then our lives will be successful. It is not that we can succeed by understanding Krsna superficially. It is therefore stated here: tani me sraddadhanasya kirtanyany anukirtaya
- It is said herein (in SB 3.33.7) that nama, a singular number, one name, Krsna or Rama, is sufficient. It is not that one has to chant all the holy names of the Lord
- It is said: yoga adhyatmikah pumsam. Adhyatmikah: we are living entities, souls. It is not that we are disconnected from Krsna, but we have simply forgotten Him. It is not possible to be disconnected, but it is possible to be covered
- It is the duty of the government to see that "This man is claiming as a brahmana, whether he is actually executing the duties of brahmana?" That is government's duty. Not that they should simply fight that "I am brahmana," "I am ksatriya"
- It may be sometimes misunderstood that western people are only under the influence of Kali. Because the world is under the influence of Kali. Not that in your country only this intoxication, illicit sex. No, everywhere it is
- It's a great science, Krsna consciousness. It is not that we are simply concerned with worshiping this Deity. No. We have got volumes of book. It is a science how to make people happy in this life as well as the next life
- Just like a father has got four boys. Not that everyone is of the same intelligence. But does the father give less protection to the less intelligent son? No. The protection, the family protection, is equal for everyone
- Just like one lusty man becomes accidentally lusty desire and the woman also becomes, they unite - it is not like that. It is not accident. There is brain. So every creation has got a brain behind it
- Just like uneducated person: It is not that he'll have to remain in that uneducated standard, but he can become educated. That is Krsna consciousness movement, that there is no check on any particular person, community, to become God conscious
- Krsna consciousness is applicable anywhere and everywhere. It is not that it is monopoly of India or for the Hindus. No. And actually it is being accepted, practically, in all countries, even from all religious sect
- Krsna consciousness is not sentiment. It is not that some sentimental people have gathered here and dancing and chanting. No. There is background. There is philosophical background
- Krsna has thousands and thousands of names, of which the name Krsna is the chief, and there are no hard and fast rules for chanting. It is not that one must chant at a certain time. No. At any time one may chant
- Krsna is the original person. Govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami. It is not that some artist has manufactured a fashionable Krsna, and we worship that. No. Krsna's the original person
- Krsna is very kind. If you offer something to Krsna, He eats the offering. It is not that He's not eating. He is, but at the same time keeping it for you as it was offered. He's not like us. If you give me something to eat, I'll finish the whole plate
- Krsna says, "I am the Supreme," and the spiritual master says, "Krsna is the Supreme." It is not that to be a representative of Krsna or to be a spiritual master one has to have any extraordinary qualification
- Krsna says, "It is not that I live in the Kingdom of God, Vaikuntha; nor is it that I live in the heart of the yogi." The yogi wants to find out where Krsna is within the heart
- Krsna's pastimes cannot be imitated. Krsna married over 16,000 wives and kept them nicely in 16,000 palaces, but an ordinary man cannot even keep one wife nicely. It is not that Krsna just spoke so many wonderful things; He also acted wonderfully
- Krsna, expanding Himself into millions, still, He remains a Krsna, the same Krsna. It is not that material thing. If you take a material thing, anything, if you divide it into millions portion, then original form is finished
- Liberation entails freedom from all false conceptions. It is not that upon liberation one acquires ten hands. In Srimad-Bhagavatam liberation is defined as muktir hitvanyatha-rupam
- Lion is supposed to be the king of the forest. Still, he has to work. It is not that a lion will sleep, and some animal will come, "My dear lion, please open your mouth. I shall enter." (laughter) That is not possible
- Lord Brahma also says, sarva-karana-karanam (Bs. 5.1). So it is not that Krsna is saying only. It is accepted by the supreme Vedic authority, Lord Brahma
- Lord Jesus Christ, he's also devotee of Lord. Muhammad, he's also devotee of Lord. So it is not that because we are Krsna conscious, we shall unnecessarily decry any other parts, any other devotee
- Lord Sri Krsna encouraged Arjuna outwardly just to test Arjuna's sense of duty. It is not that Arjuna was incomplete in the sense of his duty, nor was Lord Sri Krsna unaware of Arjuna's sense of duty
- Love means taking and giving also. If we just take from someone and give him nothing in return, that is not love - it is exploitation. It is not that we should just continue eating without ever offering anything to Krsna
- Love of God cannot be checked by any material condition. It is not that because a man is poor, therefore he cannot love God. No. If a man is very rich, therefore he cannot love. No
- Ma means not, ya means this. "What you are thinking, it is not that." That is called maya. So they are in maya means, they are thinking, these rascals, they are thinking, improving, becoming happy, advancing this maya word will finish everything
- Material qualities one can transcend and remain in the Brahman platform. This is the process. It is not that we shall possess this quality certain percentage, that quality certain percentage. No. Above all qualities. That should be the aim of life
- Matter is activated by the spirit soul; it is not that the soul is created by matter
- Matter is created by the spirit soul. Not the soul is created by matter
- Maya as it is, it is not that she is out of touch of Krsna. Vaisnavi. In the Candi, in the book of Maya, it is state that "Vaisnavi." The Maya is described as Vaisnavi. Just like pure devotee is called Vaisnava, she is also described there as Vaisnavi
- Maya is controlled by the Supreme Personality of Godhead; it is not that He is covered by maya. Therefore Lord Visnu cannot be a product of the material energy
- My Guru Maharaja took sannyasa at very young age. So it is not that only old men should take sannyasa
- My only endeavor is to understand God, that's all. There is no sectarian. And I am selling my books all over the world. So it's not that everyone is foolish
- My only point is that simultaneously we must increase our literature production and build Mayapur Temple, But it is not that we have to stop everything else for one thing
- Narayana is as beautiful as Krsna, but Krsna’s pastimes are more sportive. It is not that the sportive pastimes of Krsna make Him different from Narayana. Laksmi’s desiring to associate with Krsna was perfectly natural
- No, God is not so cheap. God has multienergies, and one of these energies is Durga. It is not that she is all and all, for there are many millions of Durgas, just as there are many millions of Sivas and millions of universes
- Not that "Because I have become Krsna conscious, I'll be very humble." You must be humble, but in need, if there is need, you shall be thunderbolt
- Not that "Professor such-and-such," and eating meat. This is the degradation of society. He is doing the work of a brahmana - teacher means brahmana - and eating meat - Oh, horrible!
- Not that "When there is problem I am surrendered, and when there is no problem I am independent." No. Always surrendered. That is Arjuna's position
- Not that by your endeavor you can understand Krsna, but your endeavor in the loving service, that will make you qualified. Krsna will reveal
- Not that Durga is all in all. There are many millions of Durgas, many millions of Sivas, because there are many millions of universes. Just like many millions of police force, similarly, these demigods, there are many, many millions. But God is one
- Not that let me take a spiritual master as a pet and I can do whatever I want. No, one must be prepared to follow the order of the spiritual master with life and soul
- Not that simply in human body the soul is there and not in other bodies. That is rascaldom. Sarvasya. In every body. Even within the ant, even within the elephant, even within the gigantic banyan tree or within the microbe
- Not that sitting one place doing nothing and become Krsna conscious. Then there will be fall down. Don't imitate Haridasa Thakura. That is not possible. You must work
- Not that the sannyasi will try to over-ride the temple president's authority. I want that you all work together cooperatively
- Not that these boys and girls are being initiated all of a sudden. They are trained up for six months, one year, then they are offered hari-nama
- Not that third-class foolish can understand what is Bhagavad-gita
- Now these same two brothers (Krsna and Balarama) have again descended, as Sri Krsna Caitanya-Nityananda. Sahoditau: simultaneously They have appeared. Not that one is appeared, another is not there. No. Both of Them
- Of course we have to maintain the body; it is not that we should neglect it. But we should not unnecessarily engage in the maintenance of the body
- Of course, we have to give up anything which is against Krsna consciousness. It is not that because we do not stop material duties, we should not stop meat-eating. We must stop it, for this is contrary to advancement in Krsna consciousness
- One may say that "After all, we have got this body, and we have to eat, we have to sleep. And because we have got senses, the senses must be a little bit satisfied." No. Krsna says, Suta Gosvami says, it is not that you shall stop
- One should not, however, mistakenly think that after the annihilation of the present body there is no body by which one can associate with God face to face. The living entity is unborn. It is not that he is manifest with the creation of the material body
- One should serve the spiritual master first. It is not that one should bypass the spiritual master and desire to serve the Supreme Lord. This is not the principle for a Vaisnava
- One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, whatever you take, that is going on. It is not that one is finished. That is material calculation
- Originally, we are all connected with Krsna; but we have simply forgotten. This process of chanting is to evoke your remembrance of Krsna. It is not that we are inducting something artificially into you
- Our point is all the species of life, they are existing simultaneously. Evolution there is, we accept that but it is not that one is missing, one has gone away, and another is come
- Pariksit Maharaja said: "It is not that if I say there is no God that there will be no God or that I will not be responsible for what I do." The atheists deny God due to their sinful activities
- People generally go to the Ganges to be purified of the effects of sinful life, but here is an example of how foolish persons enter the Ganges to become involved in sinful life. It is not that everyone becomes purified by entering the Ganges
- People may open different centers of their own, or each and every householder may have his own class at home. Not that everyone is required to join the society
- People misunderstand that Bhagavad-gita is ordinary warfare, violence. But it is not that. It is arranged by Krsna because, to fulfill His mission
- Prahlada says, nartasya cagadam udanvati majjato nauh - It is not that a good physician or good medicine can protect one from disease
- Principle is that you try to understand that you are not this body. That is applicable in all time, all circumstances, all, for everyone. It is not that formerly one had to learn that he's not this body, and now that is not required
- Pure devotees are described as sama-mati, which means that they never deviate from devotional service under any circumstances. It is not that devotees worship the Supreme Lord only when happy; they worship Him even when in distress
- Rantideva saw everyone as part of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (hari-sambandhi-vastunah). It is not that everyone is the Supreme Godhead
- Real guru is he who instructs what Krsna has said. It is not that you manufacture your teaching. No. That is Caitanya's . . . There is no need of manufacturing. The instruction is already there. You have simply to say, "This is this." That's all
- Seva means service. Not that "Oh, I have inquired so many things from such and such person. Oh, I have not rendered any payment or any service, so I have gained." No. Without service, your inquiry will be futile
- Simply become more concerned with increasing the spiritual content of our lives, and in this way all other problems like management will be easily solved, not that they can be solved by making some legal formula and having big big meetings and talks
- So it is not that the vegetarians are less passionate than the animal-eaters or flesh-eaters. Nature's codes are different. It can be controlled. But human consciousness, this control is, I mean to say, practiced from the brahmacari life
- So it is not that this devotional line, disciplic succession, they are necessarily very poor in knowledge. They are full in knowledge. One many not be personally very learned, but because we follow the disciplic succession
- So our method is very simple, and it is very sublime. And it is not that we are dreaming. Practically it is happening in every part of the world
- Subhadra is in the spiritual world and is eternally related to Krsna as His energy, but when Durga conducts her activities here in the material world, it is not that she is to be considered inferior
- Sukracarya gave Vedic evidence that one should not give everything to a poor man. Rather, when a poor man comes for charity one should untruthfully say, "Whatever I have, I have given you. I have no more." It is not that one should give everything to him
- Surrender means that one will accept whatever the guru says. It is not that one thinks, "I do not care for my guru's order. Still I am a disciple." That is not actually accepting a guru
- Tamo-gunas, the persons who are in the darkness of knowledge, they have got their faith. It is not that they have no faith. They have got faith. But that faith is in the lowest status of life. That faith will not help him for spiritual realization
- Temple worship necessarily includes distribution of prasada. It is not that one should create a temple in his private apartment or private room, offer something to the Lord, and then eat
- That "You can do whatever you like," that facility is always given to living entity by God. You can do whatever you like. It is not that we are, we are given no facilities to select, to make choice. We are given facilities and choice, everything to do
- That is the duty of human life, to become KC. And that is stated here. Vita-raga-bhaya-krodha man-maya mam upasritah, bahavah (BG 4.10). It is not that one or two. Many. Jnana-tapasa. Jnana. That is required, knowledge and tapasya. That is human life
- The acarya knows how to adjust things, at the same time keep pace with the spiritual injunction. It is not that the same thing to be applied everywhere. He is eager to engage actually the people in the real benefit of life, but the means may be different
- The acceptance and rejection of things should always be in pursuance of the devotional principles; not that one can independently manufacture some idea of what should be accepted or rejected
- The activities of the different species of living beings are begun from the very moment of the creation. It is not that all is evolved. The different species of life are created immediately along with the universe. BG 1972 purports
- The arca-murti we are serving. It is not that. . . Don't think. . . Arcye visnau sila-dhih. If you are rascal, they will think that "These people are serving a stone statue." The rascals will think like that, but that is not the fact
- The Bhagavad-gita is the basic principle of our Krsna consciousness movement. What we are spreading as Krsna consciousness, that is only Bhagavad-gita. It is not that we have manufactured anything
- The Bhagavad-gita says that this knowledge has to be taken by the parampara system or the disciplic succession. It is not that anyone can interpret. This viewpoint no bona fide student of Bhagavad-gita will accept
- The dancing has got great value; that, if you dance with us, you'll feel. It is not that some crazy fellows are dancing. No. The most intelligent persons, they are dancing
- The different forms of Krsna are distributed throughout the universe to give pleasure to the devotees. It is not that devotees are born only in India. There are devotees in all parts of the world, but they have simply forgotten their identity
- The disciple also, he must have also qualification to approach a spiritual master. It is not that because you have got a bona fide spiritual master, therefore you will be benefited. You must be also qualified
- The initiation means beginning of the activities. Beginning of the activities. How one can develop Krsna consciousness to the perfectional state, that is called initiation. It is not that initiation means finished. It is the third stage
- The king of the country or the emperor of the empire must be so trained that by nature he renounces sense gratification. It is not that because one becomes king he should unnecessarily spend money for sense gratification
- The legs may be placed in a lower position than the head ephemerally, but actually the legs are as important as the head for maintaining the body as it is. It is not that the legs should not be taken care of and just the head should be cared for
- The living entities are traveling from one planet to another. It is not that we can simply go to other planets by the mechanical arrangement of the sputnik
- The mind is always telling us to do this or that; therefore we should be very expert in disobeying the mind's orders. Gradually the mind should be trained to obey the orders of the soul. It is not that one should obey the orders of the mind
- The next process of devotional service is arcanam, worship of the Deity, the form of Krsna in the temple. It is not that one should worship Krsna once a week or once a month. Rather, one should worship Krsna twenty-four hours a day - nitya
- The nonsensical Darwinian theory of evolution is not applicable here. It is not that intelligent human beings did not exist millions of years ago
- The nursery school program is very good. That is good that the mothers are being freed to increase their devotional service. It is not that women should only produce children, but they are meant for advancing in devotion
- The point is that these drawings should be realistic. Not that you make Krishna a cartoon character and therefore laughing stock. And hippy ideas shouldn't be used either
- The point is that we should offer something to Krsna with devotion. It is not that Krsna is hungry and is asking for food. No, He is feeding everyone, supplying everyone with all the necessities: eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman - Katha Upanisad 2.2.13
- The sastras recommend which names we should chant, such as Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare. It is not that we have to search for some name or manufacture one. Rather, we must follow the saintly persons & sastras in chanting His holy name
- The simple method - simply chant Hare Krsna and you'll realize the whole thing. There is no secrecy. It is not that, "I shall give you some secret mantra, and give me some money, I go away." It is open
- The sun's rising & setting are going on at every moment; somewhere in the world people are witnessing sunrise & sunset. It is not that at one point Krsna is born & at another point He is gone. He is always there somewhere, but He appears to come and go
- The sunshine is important because of the presence of the sun globe. It is not that the sun globe is important because of the all-pervasiveness of the sunshine. Forgetfulness and misunderstanding of this fact is called maya
- The supreme living being has created this material world of animation; it is not that He was created by this material world. When everything is silent, the Supreme Being stays awake as a witness
- The Supreme Lord is narakrti; that is, He resembles a human being. It is not that He is four-armed
- The Supreme Lord is very beautiful. The word sasvat is significant. It is not that He appears beautiful to the devotees but is ultimately impersonal. Sasvat means "ever existing." That beauty is not temporary. It is ever existing - He is always youthful
- The Vaisnava philosoph recommends yukta-vairagya. It is not that all attention should be diverted for the maintenance of the body, but at the same time one's bodily maintenance should not be neglected
- The Vaisnava philosophy recommends yukta-vairagya. It is not that all attention should be diverted for the maintenance of the body, but at the same time one's bodily maintenance should not be neglected
- The vigraha, the Deity of Krsna, appears by Krsna's mercy. Because Krsna is alaksya, invisible, He becomes visible to give us the facility to see Him. It is not that Krsna is stone, wood, or metal
- The word maya means not only "illusion," but also "affection" and "energy." When Krsna comes, all His energies also come. It is not that He is forced to come
- The word vivigna-cetah, "very anxious," is significant. It is not that Lord Visnu was afraid of Hiranyakasipu; rather, because of compassion, Lord Visnu was in anxiety about how to act for his welfare
- The world is full of sinful reactions. If this sankirtana movement is pushed on there will be peace, there will be auspicity all over the world. It is not that we have introduced a new thing. It is sanctioned by the sastras & accepted by the authorities
- There are 8,400,000 types of bodies eternally existing. Not that the appearance of a new form in this world means that form has never existed previously
- There are many acaryas. Maybe somewhere I might have mentioned. It is not that woman cannot be acarya. Generally, they do not become. In very special case. But Jahnava-devi was accepted as, but she did not declare
- There is definition of Bhagavan. Not that any rascal advertises himself Bhagavan and he becomes Bhagavan. No. Parasara Muni, father of Vyasadeva, gave us what we mean by Bhagavan
- There is parampara. So there is symptoms of guru not that everyone becomes guru. These are controversial points
- There must be capacity, there must be endeavor, there must be good fortune. It is not that you simply desire and it will drop from the sky. That is not possible
- There was hard struggle. It is not that so easy for... In 1965 to '66, 66-67, regular hard struggle
- These (illicit-sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling) are not wanted. It is not that without these things a man cannot live. It is a practice only
- These boys and girls, they're getting some pleasure, transcendental pleasure. Therefore they're dancing. It is not that the dog-dance. It is really spiritual dance, the soul's dance. Therefore, He's called rasa-vigraha, reservoir of all pleasure.
- These kind of symptoms are seen when a man is poisoned. He said like that, not that I am poisoned
- These literatures were not very cheap, and only highly qualified brahmanas were able to keep them. They were worshiped in the temple as the sastra Deity. It is not that they were available everywhere
- They are feeling God consciousness, Krsna consciousness; therefore they are dancing. It is not that I have come from a foreign country and I am giving bribe, and they are dancing like a dog. No. This is directly perceiving the presence of God
- They are joining KCM because they are in search of such thing, perfect thing. They are fed up with materialistic way of life. It is not that I am playing something magic. It is the need of the present-day situation, that people want Krsna consciousness
- They should not be proud that "I am brahmana." No. As you are required, as much, the sudra is also required. It is not that only the brahmanas are required
- This (governor going to inspect a prison) may be called a pastime because he is going by his free will. It is not that he has become subject to the laws of the prison
- This feeling of separation will make you enriched in Krsna consciousness. Feeling of separation. Not that "Krsna, I have seen you. Finished. All right. I have understood You."
- This is ideal of human civilization. The every woman should try to become maidservant of her husband, and every man should try to become the hundred times servant of Krsna. This is Indian civilization. Not that "Husband and wife, we are equal rights"
- This is the proper way to ask for knowledge. One does not approach the spiritual master with a challenging spirit. One should also be inquisitive to understand the spiritual science. It is not that one considers himself superior to the guru
- This knowledge, what we are distributing, it is not that we have created this knowledge by research work or by so many other ways, by inductive process. No. Our knowledge is from the deductive process
- This philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda, inconceivable oneness and difference, is the perfect philosophy enunciated by the Vaisnavas. Everything is an emanation from Krsna, but it is not that everything must therefore be worshiped
- Those who are filled with love of God see God constantly before them. It is not that we saw God last night and He is no longer present. No
- Tiger is my brother, but not that because originally he's my brother, I shall go and embrace. No. I shall be careful. But not that I shall kill
- To accept this position-brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, and sannyasa - is compulsory. It is not that one has to take sannyasa as a fashion. No. Actually it is absolutely necessary for any person at the last stage of life to accept sannyasa
- To become religious means to become free from material entanglement. Not that to take to religious life means to, I mean to say, to develop economic condition
- To realize aham brahmasmi is the first step of transcendental life. After one's in full knowledge that he's not this body but spiritual soul, he can effectually engage in the Lord's transcendental service. It isn't that one develops any other identity
- To understand how to glorify the Lord is actual research work. It is not that everything should be understood without God. That is condemned
- Trees and vegetables are essential, and they give happiness all year round, in all seasons. That is the arrangement in Vrndavana. It is not that in one season the trees are pleasing and in another season not pleasing
- Unless one has got complete knowledge, how he can say things complete? It is not the so-called scientist: "perhaps," "it may be." No, not that kind of knowledge, simply theorizing, "It may be like that." No
- Unless one is destined to get money, he cannot get. It is not that, so cheap thing, that I want money; money will come
- Vedic literatures are called revealed. It is not that I can understand by your ABCD knowledge; I can purchase one Bhagavad-gita, and because I have grammatical knowledge, I can understand. No. Vedesu durlabha
- Visnu always takes the part of the demigods, but Brahma and Siva sometimes take the side of the demons; it is not that they become one in interest with them, but sometimes they do something in order to gain control over the demons
- We are always in danger because at any moment death can take place. It is not that only Gajendra, the King of elephants, was afraid of death. Everyone should fear death because everyone is caught by the crocodile of eternal time & may die at any moment
- We are taking care of the body for the reason that we shall go back and engage this body in the service of Krsna. That is our main objective, it is not that we simply take care of the body and there is no need of Krsna consciousness
- We are trying to form character and God consciousness, Krsna consciousness. So therefore it is not that this society is opened for exploiting others. This society is for giving good association to the misguided people
- We can see stone, metal, wood, and other elements, and because Krsna is everything, to be visible to our imperfect eyes He appears in a form of these elements. It is not that Krsna is stone or that we are worshiping stone
- We cannot manufacture our own way of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for it is not that everything one manufactures or concocts will lead to understanding God
- We have described the symptoms of a sadhu, and we have stated that a sadhu should be accepted by his characteristics. It is not that we accept anyone who comes along and says, "I am a sadhu." The characteristics of a sadhu have to be present
- We have made the process easy, that's all, by following great, stalwart personalities. But it is not that it is a blind following. It is based on philosophy and science, this Krsna consciousness
- We have to consult from the Vedas and from the right person. Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum eva abhigacchet: from the guru. Not that you purchase one book, Vedas, from the market, and you become a Vedantist. No. That is not possible
- We have to understand how great He is. Not that simply sophistically, "God is great, and I do everything. God cannot see. Let me commit all kinds of sin." But God is great; He will see. "No, no, God cannot see. I can cheat God, although He is great"
- We must always remember that the Supreme Lord has His creative function and that the infinitesimal living entities have their creative functions also. It is not that their creative function is lost when they are liberated and enter into the Supreme
- We should begin our devotional service in whichever position we are. It isn't that we have to learn something extra for advancing in devotional service
- We should not love Krsna for some material gain. It is not that we should say, - Krsna, give us our daily bread, and then I shall love You
- We should not love Krsna for some material gain. It is not that: "Krsna, give us our daily bread. Then I love You. Krsna, give me this. Then I love You." There is no such mercantile exchange. That is wanted. Krsna wants that kind of love
- What to speak of human beings, even the demigods, demons, Siddhas, Gandharvas, Caranas and the various directors of the universe, the Prajapatis, have never touched You before. It is not that we are unable to understand Your identity
- What we have to make an asura a deva. That is our process. Krsna consciousness means that it is not that if a man is born in an asura family he cannot be deva. No. He can be deva
- Whatever falldown has been, you should be regretful about it, but it is not so serious nor is it a permanent disqualification. But you must try to check yourself from such artificial things and take full shelter of the Lotus Feet of Krishna
- When He (Krsna) is death personified to the thieves, it is not that He is without moral principles or that He is cruel; He is still kind, because to punish thieves with death is to exhibit the highest quality of moral principles
- When Krsna brought the girls back home to His capital city, it is not that each of the sixteen thousand wives had to wait sixteen thousand nights to meet Krsna
- When Krsna was present before us on this earth, not that all people of the world or all people of India could recognize. Only few people -- the Pandavas and the inhabitants of Vrndavana, inhabitants of Dvaraka, some of them could understand
- When one comes to spiritual understanding, he understands aham brahmasmi, "I am Brahman." This is called Brahman realization. It is not that we become Brahman by some practice
- When the Lord is perceived as visva-murti, it is not that He loses His personality or transcendental eternal form, but He becomes visible in the same form everywhere
- When we chant Hare Krsna, Rama is there already, three times. It is not that because we are chanting Hare Krsna we are neglecting Rama. No. With each Krsna name there are three times Rama name. That is the verdict of the sastra
- When you come to the daivi sampat, then you understand that we all are brothers, universal brotherhood. Not that "The American is my brother, and the American cows are not my brother. Let them go to the slaughterhouse." This is all defective understanding
- When you get money, it is not for satisfaction of your senses. And when it is the question of kama, desire, that does not mean sense gratification. Simply you have to accept thing for living. It is not that you shall not eat. You eat, live
- Whether one touches fire blindly or knowingly, fire will burn. It is not that because the fire is touched by a child, fire will not burn. These young Westerners have touched fire, and consequently it is acting as fire
- While eating it is not that immediately my hunger is satisfied or immediately I get my lost weakness. Takes little time. Similarly, Krsna consciousness may be a gradual process of advancement, but this is the rule
- Who is mahajana? Mahajana. In India, a mahajana is accepted who can give you loan, money. He's called mahajana. Not that, that all. It is, it is a perverted word. But mahajana means a, one who is pure devotee of the Lord
- Why do we close our eyes to try to see Him? He says, "I am this, and I am that." It is not that suddenly we can expect to see God, but we can become qualified to see God through the association of a sadhu
- Why should you voluntarily go and be attacked? It is not that a devotee should take physical risk so long he has got some physical body. It is not a challenge to the physical laws: "Oh, I have become a devotee. I challenge everything." That's foolishness
- Woman means for man the woman is woman, and for the woman the man is woman. Not that woman means a particular class. Woman means which are enjoyable
- You become a guru at your home. It is not that you have to make a gigantic show of becoming guru. The father has to become guru, the mother has to become guru
- You can have your certificate by yourself, whether you have no more any desire for sex life. That's all, not that he has become impotent. If required, he can give birth to hundreds of children, but he does not like it. That is. That is the certificate
- You can solve your petrol problem, but you can never solve the problem of winter and summer. It is not that winter will remain for good, or the summer will remain for good. Agamapayino 'nityah. They will come and go away. So don't be bothered about them
- You can solve your petrol problem, but you can never solve the problem of winter and summer. That will come and go. So it is not that winter will remain for good, or the summer will remain for good. Agamapayino 'nityah. They will come and go away
- You committed murder, that you caused your hanging, not that high-court judge is your enemy, and he is giving you order to be hanged. You are the cause of your hanging. Similarly, God is impartial
- You should maintain this body properly, but not that that is my only business, how to maintain this body
- You simply taste such foodstuff, krsna-prasada, so that you can lead very healthy life and execute your Krsna consciousness business. It is not that you have to voluntarily stop and make yourself weak