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Pages in category "Coat"
The following 71 pages are in this category, out of 71 total.
- A fool will never agree that he's a fool. He'll always say, "I am very intelligent." That is another foolishness. After spending millions of dollars for one coat for going to the moon planet? Forty-thousand dollar? What is that?
- All the rsis assembled there (Naimisaranya) neglected to complete the ritualistic ceremonies because there was no positive assurance of the results. All the performers were coated with black ash due to the large amount of smoke coming from the fire
- Almost all the leaders of the people have popularized various modes of religiosity that have to do only with the material body and mind. But very few of them know that the body and mind are nothing but the outward coat and shirt of the soul proper
- Any man who is going to purchase a new shirt and coat, he considers before going to the tailor's house what kind of shirt he will have, what kind of coat. Everyone thinks. That is natural. You cannot deny it
- Anyone can understand. Vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya. As our garments, coats & shirts, when they are old, rotten, no more usable, so we throw it away and get a new garment, shirt, coat. Similarly, the soul is changing garment from childhood, from babyhood
- As human being, we are all sons of God. We are one. That is the conception. So at the present moment, we have divided the world on account of this shirt and coat. That is not. That is not good
- As old garments, old shirts and coats, we change, similarly, when this body becomes old enough not to be used, we change to another body. Tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13). This is real knowledge
- As soon as our heart is cleansed, we can understand that - I am not this material body. I am spirit soul. I have got different business. So long I am working for the maintenance of this body. Now I understand that body is superficial shirt and coat dress
- As you cannot be happy simply by having a nice shirt and coat, similarly simply by the materialistic way of life you cannot be happy. There is gross matter and subtle matter
- Dhoti, I don't say. You have nice coat-pant. I don't say that you have to... I never said that. You have adopted it. (laughs) I never said that "You put on dhoti." But those who are sannyasis, brahmacaris, their dress is different
- During British period, high British officers, big, big managers, they liked Indians with original culture. They did not like any Indian with European imitation - pants, coats. They did not like these imitations
- Even there is a promise that "We shall not fall down again," that is also not believable. What is the use? Better go and speak philosophy in your grhastha dress, not this dress, but you have nice coat, pants, gentleman
- Everyone knows, I have never changed my dress. Rather, I have given the dress to the foreigners, and they have taken it. The Ramakrishna mission people came to request me that I dress myself in coat, pant, hat. Because they are doing
- Hare Krsna movement is a spiritual movement. There is spirit soul within the body, and the material body is covering, just like shirt and coat, of the spirit soul
- Her body was coated with a thick layer of dirt, and her breasts were discolored. She dove, however, into the lake, which contained the sacred waters of the Sarasvati
- I am the proprietor of this body. Just as one is covered by a shirt and coat which are external to his real body, similarly we are covered by this gross body
- I may think that simply by having a nice shirt and coat I can be happy, but is it possible
- In Bhagavad-gita it is very simply stated (BG 2.22): You are covered by a dress, by a shirt. When this shirt is unuesable, you change it. Similarly, this body is just like a shirt and coat. When it is no longer workable, we have to change it
- In India plain cloth is sufficient. Most of the…, most part of the year in the villages, they remain naked body. There is no need of any heavy clothing. But sometimes, to keep up the modern civilization, we dress heavily with coats, pants and necktie
- Just like you have got your body. The coat is made according to your body. You existed first. Your coat was made later on. Similarly, spiritually, we exist eternally. Now, according to our different types of activities, we get a body, material body
- Just like your coat and shirt cannot have hands and legs without you having your hands and legs; similarly, this material body which is considered as dress means it has developed on the personal body of the spiritual form. This is called savisesa-vada
- O King Pariksit, the cowherd men dressed very opulently with valuable ornaments and garments such as coats and turbans. Decorated in this way and carrying various presentations in their hands, they approached the house of Nanda Maharaja - SB 10.5.8
- One is forbidden to enter the Deity room or offer anything to the Deity while wearing a shirt or coat
- One should not take simply care for the shirt and coat. Any gentleman knows. Shirt and coat, we take care of course, but not that as the self
- Sannyasa means you can become a sannyasi even with your, this coat-pant. It doesn't matter, provided you have dedicated your life for the service of God. That is called sannyasa
- See the world around, why are there so many wars? I am Pakistani, I am Indian, I am American, I am Russian. All these are coats. The world is foolish that is why there is great need for Krsna consciousness movement, everyone is foolish, to educate them
- Simply by taking care of the outward coat and shirt, one cannot do any good for the real self, the soul proper
- So human life is not meant for hog civilization. So modern civilization is hog civilization, although it is polished with shirt and coat. So, we shall try to understand. This Krsna consciousness movement is for understanding Krsna
- So long the soul is there, it is working, it is moving. Just like your coat. It is dead. But so long it is on your body, it appears the coat is moving. The coat is moving. But if somebody is very much astonished, "Oh, how nice the coat is moving
- Sometimes you give up the coat, but your underwear remains, and you take up another coat similarly, my, the subtle body will remain with me so long I am not emancipated or liberated from material condition
- Suppose one merely washes one's coat but does not take care of one's body. Or suppose one has a bird in a cage but merely takes care of the cage, not the bird within it. This is foolishness
- The beginning of BG is to give lesson that we are not this body. It will be later on explained that the spirit soul, or the real person, is within this body. Just like we are here. We are within this shirt and coat, but we are not the shirt and coat
- The coat cannot move. The coat is dead. But because the man is there who is putting on the coat, therefore the coat is moving, the pant is moving, the shoe is moving, the hat is moving. Similarly, this body is dead
- The degraded form of family restriction by use of contraceptives, etc., is the grossest type of material contamination. Materialists who use these devices want to fully utilize the pleasure potency of the coating on the genitals by artificial means
- The genitals & the pleasure of begetting counteract the distresses of family encumbrances. One would cease to generate altogether if there were not, by the grace of the Lord, a coating, a pleasure-giving substance, on the surface of the generative organs
- The gross elements, namely, earth, etc., form the external gross body and are like a coat, whereas the subtle mind and false ego act like the inner clothing of the body
- The present civilization is in a shirt-coat civilization. They do not know what is there within the shirt-coat. That they are missing. This Krsna consciousness movement is therefore very important
- The real enjoyment in this material world is sex. Now if we want to enjoy sex, covered with coats and pants, is that enjoyment is pleasing?
- The same hand, legs, heads, coat, pant, everything is lying there. Why do you say that your father has gone away? That means the real father he has never seen. He has seen the illusion of his father
- The so-called service to the humanity means washing the coat. Just like if you are hungry and I wash your coat very nicely with soap, will you be satisfied? No. That is not possible. So every one of us is spiritually hungry
- The soul is covered by the underwear, mind, intelligence, and ego, and the underwear is covered by the gross coat, this body
- These European, American boys, they don't care for any criticism. They have given their so-called hats & coats & they are chanting. They are going on the street, chanting Hare Krsna mantra. Not only here - New York, London, Hamburg, Berlin
- This is the message: that people are under the impression that one is this body, but that is not the fact. The soul, or the man, he is within the body. Just like you are not your..., this shirt and coat
- This is the primary education of spiritual life. First of all you have to understand that you are not this body. You are living entity, different from the body. Just like you are different from the shirt-coat
- This material body is my covering, just like dress. Every one of us is dressed, covered by some kind of dress. Similarly, all living beings, they are dressed by the material covering. The gross dress or coat and the subtle dress
- This material body, if it is shirt and coat, then this is cut according to the spiritual body. The spiritual body is not nirakara, without form
- We are packed up. Just like this body is packed up with shirt and coat, so the coat is the gross body, and the shirt is the subtle body. So when this gross body is resting, the subtle body is working
- We have now a finite body. The body which we see is the gross body. It is just like a shirt and coat: within the coat there is a shirt, and within the shirt there is a body. Similarly, the pure soul is covered by a shirt and coat
- We may have different bodies, but they are our shirt-coats. That has nothing to do with our real identity. Our real identity is pure soul, and that pure soul is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord
- We should always remember, as it is stated in Bhagavad-gita, that both the gross and subtle material bodies are dresses; they are the shirt and coat of the living entity
- When Krsna was performing pastimes as a small child, she (Putana) coated the nipple of her breast with poison and approached Krsna's home to offer the milk of her breast
- When Srikanta offered obeisances to the Lord, he was still wearing his shirt and coat. Therefore Govinda told him, "My dear Srikanta, first take off these garments"
- Whether it will be suitable, comfortable, so many things, everyone considers. And then he goes to a storehouse and orders, "Give me this kind of coat, this kind of shirt." Why you can say that nobody is interested in that? Everyone is interested
- Within your coat and shirt, so long you are there, the hand of your coat appears to be moving. Actually, the shirt or coat has no body, but because the original body is moving we see the shirt and coat is also moving
- Yes, if it is enhancing our distribution of books to wear warm clothes like coat-pants in winter, I have no objection, you may wear them
- You are dressed with shirt and coat in different colors and different shape. Similarly, the living entity - it does not matter whether he is a man or animal - he is part and parcel of God, but he desired certain dress or certain body, so nature, has given
- You are eternal, suppose you have got this shirt and coat. When it is torn down, when it is old enough, you have to give it up. Then you have to purchase another shirt and coat. So are you not prepared for that, - What kind of shirt and coat I shall have?
- You are the possessor of the shirt and coat. The shirt and coat is not you. You are different from the shirt and coat. Similarly, we have got our two kinds of body - the gross body and the subtle body
- You have got your head, you have got your hand, you have got your leg, you have got your coat, you have got your pant, but do you know where you are?
- Your coat is cut according to your body. Similarly, this material body is cut according our spiritual body. So we have got our spiritual body. This material body is covering