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- A devotee or saintly person should not be dreadful to others, nor should anyone be a source of dread to him. If one treats others with nonenmity, then no one will become his enemy. There is the example, however, of Jesus Christ, who had enemies
- A devotee should not ignore any living entity. The devotee must know that in every living entity, however insignificant he may be, even in an ant, God is present, and therefore every living entity should be kindly treated
- A devotee treats friends and enemies equally by trying to educate them both in Krsna consciousness. Of course, atheistic men do not follow the instructions of pure devotees, but instead consider a devotee their enemy
- A grhastha should be very much affectionate toward lower animals, birds and bees, treating them exactly like his own children
- A learned man treats all women except his wife as his mother, looks on others' property as garbage in the street, and treats others as he would treat his own self
- A man is suffering from some disease, infected. That does not mean when the physician comes to treat him he is also infected. He knows how to protect himself, disinfectant
- A person (who has actually realized that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated in everyone's heart and that every living being is part of the Lord) sees all living beings equally and treats them equally, without discrimination
- A person becomes agitated by so many material contacts in the outside world; therefore, in his home life he must be treated by his wife with sweet words
- A person who does not disturb or cause painful action in the mind of any living entity, who treats everyone just like a loving father does his children, whose heart is so pure, certainly very soon becomes favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A person, when received at home, should be treated as a relative, so what to speak of a family member like Vidura, who was a well-wisher for all the members of the family. Thus Yudhisthira Maharaja began to speak in the presence of all the other members
- A tiger is a living entity, part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the Supreme Lord is living in the heart of the tiger as Supersoul. But does this mean that we have to treat the tiger in a friendly manner? Certainly not
- A Vaisnava treats other living entities neither as friends nor as enemies, but instead tries to spread Krsna consciousness, teaching everyone that we are all one as servants of the Supreme Lord but are uselessly wasting our valuable lives
- According to moral instructions, one should not neglect to extinguish fire completely, treat diseases completely, and clear debts completely. Otherwise they will increase and later be difficult to stop
- According to Vedic civilization, domestic animals and servants are treated exactly like one's own children. Animals and children are sometimes punished not out of vengeance but out of love. Similarly, a master sometimes punishes his servant
- According to Vedic civilization, nobody can mix with other's wife or other woman. Even in moral principle, as Canakya Pandita said, matrvat para-daresu: All women should be treated just like mother
- According to Vedic culture, although polygamy is allowed, none of one’s wives should be ill-treated. In other words, one may take many wives only if he is able to satisfy all of them equally as an ideal householder; otherwise it is not allowed
- After the sixteenth year the parents shall treat their child as a friend, and the child is allowed to gradually develop his adult responsibility and independence
- Akrura continued, "Even if you (Dhrtarastra) treat them (the Pandavas) not as the owners of the throne but as your subjects, you should impartially think of their welfare as though they were your own sons"
- Akrura continued, "I (Akrura) hope you will treat your sons and the sons of Pandu equally"
- Akrura hinted that although Dhrtarastra was ill-treating his nephews, the Pandavas, they happened to be his subjects
- Akrura hinted that if Dhrtarastra did not treat the Pandavas and his sons as equals, surely there would be a fight between the two camps of cousins
- All the maidservants began to beat the Ratha car with sticks, and they treated the servants of Lord Jagannatha almost like thieves
- An empowered person who is actually engaged in the confidential service of the Lord should not be treated as an ordinary human being
- An expert physician treats his patient with a therapeutic diet. For example, milk preparations sometimes cause disorder of the bowels, but the very same milk converted into curd and mixed with some other remedial ingredients cures such disorders
- Any god-brother's wife or any unmarried girl in our society should be always treated as mother and sister. Any married woman should be treated as mother
- Any woman should be looked upon as mother. This is culture. Except his married wife, all women should be treated as mother
- As an expert physician diagnoses and treats a disease according to its gravity, one should undergo atonement according to the severity of one's sins
- As bell metal can be turned into gold when treated with mercury, a disciple initiated by a bona fide guru immediately attains the position of a brahmana
- As clearly demonstrated here (CC Antya 3.122), the process of deliverance is very simple. With faith and reverence the prostitute associated with Haridasa Thakura, who personally treated her material disease by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- As God is full of joy, similarly, we are also part and parcel of God; we are also full of joy. So we have to treat ourself how to go that platform of joyfulness
- As Murari Gupta treated his patients, by his mercy both their bodily and spiritual diseases subsided
- As one can transform kamsa, or bell metal, into gold by treating it with mercury, one can also turn a lowborn man into a brahmana by initiating him properly into Vaisnava activities
- As one cannot treat one part of his body differently from another part, because they all belong to the same body, a Vaisnava does not see a human being as distinct from an animal because in both he sees the soul and the Supersoul seated together
- As soon as even temporary things are engaged in His (God's) service, they take on permanent values. The process of such engagement in the service of the Lord is what the sages call cikitsitam, or - well treated
- Asvatthama was a bona fide son of Dronacarya and Krpi, but because he had degraded himself to a lower status of life, it was proper to treat him as an animal and not as a brahmana
- Asvatthama was condemned by the Lord (Krsna) Himself, and he was treated by Arjuna just like a culprit, not like the son of a brahmana or teacher
- Atmavat sarva-bhutesu, and treating everyone equally, as he wants to be treated himself. If by pinching your body or giving pain to your body, if you feel pain, you should not give such pain to any living entity
- Because all the six Gosvamins happened to be direct disciples of Lord Caitanya, so Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, although very young, he was treated as younger brother of Sanatana Gosvami
- Because God is situated in everyone's heart, if you make friendship with God, He will dictate from within so that you will also be treated in a friendly way
- By chemical process, one can turn the bell metal into gold. That is alchemistry, that bell metal, if it is treated with mercury properly, then it can become gold
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, when He was chanting and dancing, He sometimes fainted. So in the course of His chanting and dancing, when He fainted, then His personal assistants, they were treating Him
- Cyavana Muni had an irritable temperament. His wife, Sukanya, could understand his attitude, and under the circumstances she treated him accordingly
- Deities should not be removed. We should treat the Dieties as the Personality of Godhead, and to invite Him to come to your home you must worship regularly. You cannot remove. If there is scarcity of pujaris, then Deities should not be installed
- Disease is not hopelessness. Otherwise why the people go for treatment to a physician? Similarly, out of ignorance you are now in this miserable condition, but if you become treated by bona fide spiritual master, then you'll be cured
- Even if an enemy comes to our home he should be treated with all respect, so much so that he forgets that he is an enemy. This is our philosophy
- Even if you receive at home your enemy, you shall treat him in such a way that he is not afraid. Akuto 'bhayam. That "I have come to the house of enemy and he can do me harm at any time," no
- Every living entity should be kindly treated and should not be subjected to any violence. In modern civilized society, slaughterhouses are regularly maintained and supported by a certain type of religious principle
- Every time there has been a religious reformer or a prophet, he has been treated very nicely, but in other parts of the world, prophets or religious reformers have been mistreated
- Everyone should be alert to treat this miserable condition of material life, tapa-traya. Tapa-traya unmulanam. One has to uproot this tree of tapa-traya. That is perfection of life
- Everyone should treat his Godbrothers as Prabhu. But nobody should try to claim any extra honor on account of an official position
- For a Krsna conscious person who is cultivating Krsna consciousness favorably, the happiness conceived by the karmis, jnanis and yogis is treated as less than a fig
- For a woman who has no son, who is not cared for by her husband and whose co-wives neglect her, treating her like a maidservant, to go to the forest is better than to remain at home
- Four divisions you have to treat in different ways. Prema, Lord, prema, love. Maitri, friendship with devotees. Krpa balisu, those who are innocent, the krpa. Let them learn. And upeksa. As soon as come to the dvisat, no cooperation. Keep aloof
- Have you (Arjuna) contacted a woman of impeachable character, or have you not properly treated a deserving woman? Or have you been defeated on the way by someone who is inferior or equal to you?
- He (Murari Caitanya dasa) would sometimes chase after tigers in the jungle and treat them just like cats and dogs. He would slap the cheek of a tiger and take a venomous snake on his lap
- He (Subuddhi Raya) treated the boy as his own child, and sometimes, when the boy would steal something, the master would chastise him by striking him with a cane. There was a mark on the boy's back from this chastisement
- He (the neophyte) may be compared to a patient who is treated by various restrictions under medical jurisdiction. Generally, liberated souls also take pleasure in describing the transcendental activities
- He is my old god brother. Sincere Vaisnava. Please treat him like your father
- He may be treated as a guest, if he comes to our center, give him prasadam, honor him as an elder Vaisnava, but he cannot speak or lecture. If he wants to lecture, you can tell him that there is already another speaker scheduled. That's all
- He who is wise and holds praise and blame to be the same; who is unchanged in honor and dishonor, who treats friend and foe alike, who has abandoned all fruitive undertakings-such a man is said to have transcended the modes of nature. BG 14.22-25 - 1972
- His (Krsna's) killing of His mother or nurse was no different from His love for His real mother or His foster mother, Yasoda. We further understand from Vedic information that Putana was also treated as a mother and given the same facility as Yasoda
- However low a person may be, he is never unkind to his children, wife and nearest kin; even a tiger is kind to its cubs, for within the animal kingdom the cubs are treated very nicely
- I am so much glad that you have again come to our camp after some time being mislead by Maya. You should take severe warning from this incident and not treat the matter as very light
- I am very glad to know that Ananda Prabhu is staying with you. Please offer my dandabats. He is my old god brother. Sincere Vaisnava. Please treat him like your father. Do remain in full cooperation
- I have received a letter from Gargamuni. It is very much depressing. I thought that your father and mother will receive him as beloved child, but instead they are ill treating, or at least not treating as beloved child. I am very much sorry for this
- I learned that British people, they like Indian physicians. They have got faith that these people treat carefully
- If a person born in the family of a brahmana is void of brahminical qualification, then he must be treated as a non-brahmana or, in better terms, a relative of a brahmana
- If anyone desires to be treated, he must live with us. Before admitting him, we must see that he is not a mad man and will not create a disturbance
- If the woman does not agree with the man, and the man treats the woman as his servant, that is not good
- If this injunction is followed, then all other rules and regulations will automatically fall into line. All other rules and regulations should be treated as assistants or servants to this one basic principle
- If we have some kind of trouble in the stomach from drinking milk, the physician prescribes the same milk in the form of yogurt, which is nothing but treated milk
- If, instead of treating the people's inherent disease - atheism - the leaders simply show a superficial sympathy for the disease's symptoms, certainly there will be no benefit whatsoever for suffering humanity
- In a society or civilization in which there are no brahmanas or brahminical culture, cows are treated as ordinary animals and slaughtered, at the sacrifice of human civilization
- In all species of life, in all forms of life, as many creatures are there, they are all My (Krsna's) sons BG 14.4 - So how can you treat others as not your brother? Even the ant is also your brother. He is in a different class of imprisonment, that's all
- In every living entity, however insignificant he may be, even in an ant, God is present, and therefore every living entity should be kindly treated and should not be subjected to any violence
- In special cases, a girl is allowed to marry more than one man, provided she is able to treat her husbands equally. This is not possible for an ordinary woman
- In the previous verse (SB 4.11.13) it has been explained that one should treat all living entities with tolerance, mercy, friendship and equality. By such behavior one satisfies the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the Vedic literature it is said, acaryam mam vijaniyan navamanyeta karhicit (SB 11.17.27): the spiritual master should not be regarded as an ordinary human being. Similarly, a king or president is also not treated like an ordinary human being
- In this age, so-called kings and presidents do not treat all other living entities as their own self
- Indeed, whether the devotees come from a family of previous acaryas or from an ordinary family, they should be treated equally
- Indulging in various speculations about the evening twilight, which appeared to them endowed with the form of a young woman, the wicked-minded asuras treated her with respect and fondly spoke to her
- It is advised in the scriptures that the householders should treat the mendicants as their family children and should provide them with food, clothing, etc., without being asked
- It is also nice that you are caring for the devotees. They have left everything for me, so they should be treated as sons and daughters
- It is general etiquette that superiors are not to be offered even a verbal fight. Even if they are sometimes harsh in behavior, they should not be harshly treated. Then, how is it possible for Arjuna to counterattack them? BG 1972 purports
- It is not at all necessary that an ailing person shall oblige all classes of physicians for the sake of their being medical practitioners only. The patient must be treated by such physician only who is able to cure him
- It is said that the alchemists of the medieval age tried to prepare gold from base metal, and Srila Sanatana Gosvami also states that when bell metal is treated with mercury, it can produce gold
- It is the injunction of the Vedas that the Spiritual Master should not be treated as ordinary man even if sometimes the Spiritual Master behaves like ordinary man
- It is the system in Vedic culture, as soon as one sees another woman, he addresses her, "mother," Mataji. Immediately, "mother." That makes the relationship. The woman treats the unknown man as son, and the unknown man treats the unknown woman as mother
- It should be our definite policy that nobody is ill treated that he may go away. We recruit a person to join us after spending gallons of blood
- Jesus Christ was so badly treated, and still he was thinking, "Father, they do not know what they are doing. Please excuse." This is suhrdah. He is praying to God. This is sadhu, mahatma
- Just by treating the root cause of an ailment, one can conquer all bodily pains and sufferings. Similarly, if one is devoted and faithful to the spiritual master, he can conquer the influence of sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna very easily
- Just like doctors, they go, treat patients suffering from infectious disease, but they keep themselves always unaffected. They know the remedial measures, antiseptic, prophylactic processes. So this prophylactic antiseptic process is Krsna-kirtanam
- Just like if you have got some business with a very big man, when his representative comes, you treat him as the same person because he is authorized agent. That is natural
- Just like you are a medical practitioner. So your dharma is to treat patients. That is your dharma. So everyone has got particular occupational duty
- Kamsya is mixture of copper and tin, bell metal. When it is properly treated with mercury, it becomes gold. Similarly, a human being properly treated by initiation, he becomes a brahmana
- King Prthu will be just like an affectionate father to his citizens, and he will treat himself as the most obedient servant of the devotees, who always preach the glories of the Lord
- Krsna will save you do not worry. Let us forget about our past incidents with Hayagriva and Kirtanananda. Treat Kirtanananda as bona fide and address him as Kirtanananda Maharaja
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu became extremely angry at Him (Advaita Acarya Prabhu) and seemingly treated Him disrespectfully
- Lord Caitanya's greatest gift was His teaching that Krsna can be actually treated as one's lover
- Lord Kapila describes how persons engaged in activities of sense gratification to maintain a family are treated by the messengers of Yamaraja, called Yamadutas
- Madman, that should be treated. That is humanity. A madman, he has become mad, and "Get him out." No. Human society's duty is to treat him to become a sane man
- Maharaja Prthu is described here (in SB 4.23.21) as dayita, for not only was he the king of the earth, but he treated the earth as his protected child. Similarly, he protected his wife also
- Mahatma Vidura, being treated just like a godly person by his kinsmen (like Yudhisthira Maharaja), remained there (in Yudhisthira's home) for a certain period just to rectify the mentality of his eldest brother (Dhrtarastra)
- Mana indicates a superior, and dana indicates one who gives charitable gifts or is compassionate towards an inferior. We cannot treat the Supreme Personality of Godhead as an inferior who is dependent on our charitable gifts
- Matrvat para-daresu. From the very beginning of life, all women they are treated as mother. That is the system, Vedic system. Everyone will call a woman as "Mother." Never mind whether she is younger or older. It doesn't matter
- Murari Gupta could treat both bodily and spiritual disease because he was a physician by profession and a great devotee of the Lord in terms of spiritual advancement. This is an example of service to humanity
- My dear heroic King, please keep yourself always equipoised and treat people equally, whether they are greater than you, in the intermediate stage or lower than you. Do not be disturbed by temporary distress or happiness
- One should not treat the spiritual master as an ordinary human being, for he is the substitute for the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One should treat animals such as deer, camels, asses, monkeys, mice, snakes, birds and flies exactly like one's own son. How little difference there actually is between children and these innocent animals
- One who considers another's wife as his mother, another's possessions as a lump of dirt and treats all other living beings as he would himself, is considered to be learned - Canakya-sloka 10
- Our dear husbands (Kamsa and his eight brothers), you treated persons ill who were faultless, and as a result you have been killed. This is inevitable because a person who torments an innocent person must be punished by the laws of nature
- Paralysis, nervous breakdowns, madness and many other diseases are actually due to an insufficient circulation of air. In the Ayur-vedic system these diseases are treated on the basis of air circulation
- Please let me know why the shipping of our goods is so tremendously delayed. Kindly treat this letter as very urgent, and let me know why my goods have not been shipped yet
- Please take care of Birbhadra, Girish and Dwarkadish, and make them nice brahmacharies. Treat them like your own children. These boys are future hope for our preaching Krishna Consciousness, so help them grow in that spirit
- Previously, the mothers of Sridama, Sudama, Subala and Krsna's other friends did not have the same affection for one another's sons, but now the gopis treated all the boys as their own
- Saintly persons like Vidura must be treated as well as a denizen from heaven. In those days denizens of heavenly planets used to visit homes like that of Maharaja Yudhisthira, and sometimes persons like Arjuna and others used to visit higher planets
- Seeing him unable to support them, his wife and others do not treat him with the same respect as before, even as miserly farmers do not accord the same treatment to their old and worn-out oxen
- Simply for supplying milk the cow is accepted as one of the seven mothers. That is called Indian cultural mission. We should learn to look upon every living being as our own brother and treat him in that love
- Since fire is increased by the secretion of bile, the treatment is to increase bile secretion. The Ayur-vedic treatment thus corroborates the statements in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Since the spiritual master is the most confidential servant of the Lord, he should be treated exactly like the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sivananda Sena, one of the disciples of Lord Caitanya, gave liberation to a dog by treating the dog transcendentally
- Some foolish persons have manufactured the term daridra-narayana, indicating that the poor man should be accepted as the representative of Narayana. But in Vedic literature we do not find that poor men should be treated as representatives of Narayana
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu treated Advaita Acarya as His spiritual master, but Sri Advaita Acarya did not like this behavior of Lord Caitanya, for He wanted to be treated as His eternal servant
- Srila Sanatana Gosvami mentions this (that when bell metal is treated with mercury, it can produce gold) in regard to the initiation of low-class men to turn them into brahmanas
- Such persons treat all living entities equally. They never become overwhelmed by anger like animals, who can see nothing without differentiation
- Suppose one is diseased; many expert physician treating him, nice medicine is offered. Is that guarantee for his life? No. That is not guarantee. If Krsna neglects, in spite of all these good physician and medicines he will die
- That is called Indian cultural mission. We should learn to look upon every living being as our own brother and treat him in that love
- The Ayurvedic medicine, they treat patient on this principle, how things are disturbed. They have got their calculation: kapha, pitta, vayu. Tri-dhatu. This body is a composition of these three dhatus
- The cause of the disease and the remedy of the disease may be the same, but it must be treated by an expert physician like Narada
- The confidential devotees of the Lord treat such illusioned living beings, and they are most pleasing in the eyes of the Lord
- The cowherd boys who are friends of Krsna in Vrndavana sometimes ride on the shoulders of Krsna. They treat Krsna equally, just as they treat one another, and they are never afraid of Him, nor do they ever beg His pardon
- The culprit mind is always suspicious; therefore our dealings should always be straightforward and approved by Vedic authorities. If we treat people diplomatically or duplicitously, our spiritual advancement is obstructed
- The demons, they do not know what is what, how one thing should be treated, how. . . They do not know. In the Western countries there is no such distinction between man and woman. But there is
- The devotee of the Lord is merciful to everyone-the cats, dogs, trees, etc. He treats all living entities in such a way that they can ultimately get salvation from this material entanglement
- The diseased condition of the senses may be treated by curing the defect, but not uprooting the senses altogether
- The gopis said, "Yet just to satisfy His devotee, He treated Radharani exactly as a lusty boy treats his girlfriend. Krsna is so kind that He always tolerates the disturbances created by His girlfriends"
- The guru should be treated as good as God. This is stated in all the sastras. The difference is that God is master-God and guru is servant-God. So the installation ceremony for such a murti should be similar to that done for other Deities
- The King (Pariksit) treated the sage tit for tat, although he was never accustomed to such silly actions
- The King will respect all women as if they were his own mother, and he will treat his own wife as the other half of his body
- The living entity is also required to revive his natural love and affection for the Lord, and that is the highest perfection of the living entity. Srimad-Bhagavatam treats the conditioned soul with an aim to that goal of life
- The many saintly persons in the jungles do not treat the tigers in a friendly way, but they supply prasada foodstuffs to them. The tigers come, take the food and go away, just as a dog does
- The necessary condition for such a change is to employ so-called matter in the service of the spirit. That is the way to treat our material diseases and elevate ourselves to the spiritual plane where there is no misery, no lamentation and no fear
- The photos of my murti are very nice. The murti of the Spiritual Master should be treated as good as the Deity
- The physician directs the patient to take treated milk in the form of curd for his sufferings from indigestion due to his taking another milk preparation
- The physician must heal himself first, before treating the disease of the general public. To gratify the senses of the diseased fellow is not the business of a real physician
- The poor man should not be unprotected, but the brahmana should especially be treated as the representative of Narayana and should be worshiped like Him
- The post of Brahma to officiate in the creation of the universe is offered to the most pure living being, and unless one is so qualified one cannot expect to be treated like Brahmaji directly
- The process that treats this (material) disease is called bhagavata-dharma, or sanatana-dharma - real religion. This is described in the pages of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The temporary creation of the material world is undoubtedly full of miseries, but when accepted in terms of its relation with the Supreme Lord, the whole thing becomes as well treated as the yogurt
- The urine of a cow is salty, and according to Ayur-vedic medicine the cow's urine is very effective in treating patients suffering from liver trouble
- The wife of Dronacarya, who was the half body of the great soul, must be treated with compassion, and she should not be put into grief because of her son's death. That is compassion
- The woman treats the unknown man as son, and the unknown man treats the unknown woman as mother. This is Vedic civilization
- There are hundreds and thousands of hospital, but where is the hospital for treating the spirit soul? They have no knowledge. They have no knowledge even, what to speak of hospital
- There is no exaggeration in this story from SB. The queens of Krsna were all expansions of the goddess of fortune, Laksmiji. Krsna lived with them in different palaces, & He treated them exactly the same way an ordinary man treats his wife
- There is no question of ill treating of our own Godbrothers simply because they are sick, nor should you allow such neglect to go on
- There was a physician and his servant. So one day the physician was called by some person to treat his horse...
- They (my disciples) are always engaged in meaningful work, serving God and their fellow man. They have become the flower of your country and all over the world they are being treated with the highest respect
- This material world is full of distress, and both the pious and impious are subject to it. The cold of winter treats everyone alike. It does not care for the pious or impious, the rich or the poor
- This sudra son of the Kuru dynasty was equally treated by Bhismadeva, along with his other nephews, and in due course Vidura was married with a girl who was also born in the womb of a sudrani by a brahmana
- Thus one regains his original identity, just as a block of gold or silver sheds all dirt and becomes purified when treated with fire. May that inexhaustible SPG become our spiritual master, for He is the original of all other spiritual masters
- Treat Kirtanananda as bona fide and address him as Kirtanananda Maharaja. He should be first offered obeisances and he will return the respect to his Godbrothers
- Treat your wife as assistant, treat your husband as your provider
- Treating a living entity equally does not mean treating him as one would treat the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Compassion and friendliness do not necessitate falsely elevating someone to the exalted position of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Try to understand this Krsna consciousness movement, how it is scientific, how it is authorized, how it is old, and how it is accepted by great acaryas, great stalwart, learned scholars, and how it is treated by the learned section of all over the world
- Tulasi Devi is a pure devotee of Krishna and she should be treated with the same respect given to all Krishna's pure devotees
- Unless you come to the platform of brahma bhuta consciousness, you cannot treat everyone on the same level. It is not possible
- Unless you treat the spiritual disease of the human society, then the problems will increase. It will be never be solved. The real disease is spiritual disease
- Urvasi treated the two lambs like her own sons. Therefore, when they were being taken by the Gandharvas and began crying, Urvasi heard them and rebuked her husband
- We cannot treat the Supreme Personality of Godhead as an inferior who is dependent on our charitable gifts. When we give charity, it is to a person who is inferior in his material or economic condition. Charity is not given to a rich man
- We have to approach a person who has seen the truth. It is not difficult. Just like if you are suffering from some disease, you have to go to a doctor who knows how to treat. It is same thing, like that
- We have to treat him (the tiger) differently, giving him charity in the form of prasada
- We have to treat the senses to cure them of the material disease, not stop them from acting, as suggested by the impersonalist. In Bhagavad-gita it is said that one ceases all material activities only when satisfied by contact with a better engagement
- We must treat the lower living entities compassionately, but this does not mean that we have to treat them in the same way we treat other human beings. The feeling of equality must be there, but the treatment should be discriminating
- We recruit devotees with great difficulty. So they must be well-treated. New men may not always behave so nicely but we must be tolerant
- We should very sympathetically treat amongst ourselves so that our missionary activities may go on without being hampered
- Whatever one may be, one must take shelter at the lotus feet of a devotee mahatma and treat him as the most exalted well-wisher of all human society. We should take shelter of such a mahatma and ask for his causeless mercy
- When an expert physician treats a patient, he tries to find the original cause of the disease and is not diverted by the symptoms of that original cause. Similarly, a devotee is never disturbed by reverses in life
- When fools considered Caitanya Mahaprabhu to be an ordinary human being and thus treated Him disrespectfully, the merciful Lord, in order to deliver these offenders, accepted sannyasa so that they would offer Him obeisances, accepting Him as a sannyasi
- When Jaya and Vijaya were cursed by the four Kumaras, they did not become harsh towards them; rather, they submitted. That should be the way of treating brahmanas and Vaisnavas
- When one meets an equal, instead of being proud of one's own activities before him, one should treat him as a friend
- When the brahmanas or Vaisnavas curse someone in an angry mood, the person who is cursed does not take it upon himself to treat the brahmanas or Vaisnavas in the same way. There are many examples of this
- When we go to a doctor, we do not ask him whether he is a Hindu, Christian or brahmana. He has the qualification of a medical man, and we simply surrender, saying, - Doctor, treat me. I am suffering
- When you become diseased, that is abnormal condition of life; therefore you want to treat, get out of the disease. Similarly, this material life is the diseased condition of the living being
- Why we should treat the animals as different? Because there is no KC. I have got my consciousness that, "The human beings in America are my brothers, or my countrymen. They should be given all protection." And why not cows? They are also born in America
- With faith and reverence the prostitute associated with Haridasa Thakura, who personally treated her material disease by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Yes, to call one another prabhu is all right, but not to become prabhu. To accept others as prabhu, and remain as servant is the idea. But because somebody is calling you prabhu, one should not become a prabhu, and treat others as servants
- You must treat your father as respectful as myself; even if you are sometimes ill-treated, you should tolerate. You should follow the example of Prahlada Maharaja
- You should kill him (Buddhimanta Khan) so that he may not say to anyone that you were sometime his servant. - So Nawab disagreed. Nawab said, - No, no. He treated me just like my son, and I accepted him as my father. It is not possible to kill him