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Pages in category "Everyone"
The following 3,357 pages are in this category, out of 3,357 total.
- Atmavat-manyate jagat: everyone thinks of others according to his own position
- Everyone's happiness
- Everyone's mission
- If you want to be happy at all, then this is My instruction: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam sa... (Bg. 18.66). Krsna is repeatedly saying this to everyone
- Instruct everyone to follow the orders of Lord Sri Krsna as they are given in the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. In this way become a spiritual master and try to liberate everyone in this land
- Krsna claims everyone as His son. Not only human society - the animal society, bird society, the beast society, the plant society, the aquatic society, all. Sarva-yonisu
- Krsna says, "Everyone follows My path in all respects"
- Maintainer of everything and everyone
- Mission is that everyone becomes happy
- A brahma-bhutah, when one is self-realized, when one knows that he's not this body, he's spirit soul, he's part and parcel of Brahman, at that time he becomes joyful. And he sees everyone on the equal footing
- A brahmana is not supposed to improve his economic condition. He's not interested. He's simply satisfied: "By the grace of God, whatever I have got, that is sufficient." God is supplying everyone, even birds and beasts and cats and dogs
- A brahmanas and ksatriya, er, sannyasis, although they are meant for collecting, they do not collect heavy at a place. Little. Because they are collecting not for his sense gratification. He is collecting for satisfying Krsna. So everyone is given chance
- A conditioned soul cannot reach the absolute Personality of Godhead by his imperfect endeavor, and therefore it is wonderful that Lord Sri Krsna, in the form of Lord Gauranga, has made it easy for everyone to approach Him
- A devotee always thinks of Krsna. In all activities: "Oh, it is Krsna's." This is honesty. So without Krsna consciousness, everyone is a rascal, is a thief, is a rogue, is a robber. These qualifications
- A devotee can be recruited from any section of human society, although it is not expected that everyone in all segments of society is well behaved
- A devotee can very peacefully chant the holy name of the Lord by behaving more humbly than the grass, being tolerant like a tree and offering respects to everyone, without expecting honor from anyone else. Such qualifications make it easier to chant
- A devotee can worship Krsna anywhere, underneath a tree, because Krsna is in everyone's heart, isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati (BG 18.61). So if underneath a tree you think of Krsna and chant Hare Krsna, that is sufficient
- A devotee does not live alone. Of course, everyone lives with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but because the devotee is engaged in His service, he actually does not live in any material condition
- A devotee has no enmity towards any living entity, but that does not mean that he mixes with everyone. That is prohibited. Aprasangatah means "not to be in intimate touch with everyone
- A devotee is equipoised. He sees everyone on the same transcendental platform
- A devotee is not required to engage in fruitive activities. As stated in the sastra, sarvarhanam acyutejya (SB 4.31.14). By worshiping Acyuta, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one satisfies everyone
- A devotee of Krsna is friendly to everyone. Therefore it is said here (in BG 11.55) that he has no enemy. How is this? BG 1972 purports
- A devotee of the Lord does not demand respect from anyone, but wherever he goes he is honored by everyone throughout the whole world with all respect
- A devotee returned to Navadvipa from Prayaga and told everyone the details of Junior Haridasa's suicide
- A devotee sees everyone and everything in relationship with Narayana (narayanam ayam). Everything is an expansion of Narayana's energy
- A devotee, a mahatma, is good heart. How he is good heart? He sees everyone that "This living entity," especially human being, "he is engrossed in the clutches of maya. He is suffering. Let me try to make him understand Krsna consciousness"
- A dog is not afraid of having sex on the street, in front of everyone. We hide it in a nice apartment. That's all. But the activity is the same. There is no difference
- A false sense of everyone's being a miniature Krsna, who tries to enjoy the world to his best capacity, while overlooking the transcendental service of the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, the complete whole and the origin of all
- A hellish civilization artificially increases the conditions of life, and existence becomes intolerable for everyone
- A human being is fit to inquire as to whether he is this body or something else. This can be understood very easily. I am not this body, because at the time of death the body remains - although everyone cries, - Oh, the poor man is gone
- A human being should be considerate. Everyone has got religion. Either he is Hindu or Muslim or Christian, it doesn't matter, there must be discrimination between sinful activities and pious activities
- A king gives protection to every one of his citizens, for that is his duty, but he especially protects his own circle of men. This is not unnatural
- A king like Maharaja Yudhisthira, who was the personality of goodness, wanted everyone under his administration, especially human beings who have better developed consciousness, to become devotees of Lord Krsna
- A king may engage a joker, and in the process of joking, the king is sometimes insulted. The king, however, enjoys these activities
- A king should not simply give orders to his dependents because he is supreme; sometimes he must follow their instructions. Similarly, the dependents should depend on the king. This mutual dependence will make everyone happy
- A life in this material world is like a blazing forest fire. No one goes to set fire to the forest, yet the fire takes place. Similarly, everyone wants to be happy in the material world, but the miserable conditions of material life simply increase
- A man is working and thinking: "Let me work now very hard, and let me have some bank balance so when I shall get old, I shall enjoy life without any working." That is the inner intention of everyone. Nobody wants to work
- A person who can affect the mind of everyone is called predominating
- A person who does not disturb or cause painful action in the mind of any living entity, who treats everyone just like a loving father does his children, whose heart is so pure, certainly very soon becomes favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A person who does not express his mind to everyone, or whose mental activity and plan of action are very difficult to understand, is called grave
- A person who is always engaged in auspicious welfare activities for everyone is known as all-auspicious
- A person who is engaged in devotional service in full Krsna consciousness is to be understood to be doing the best service to the whole world and to be pleasing everyone in the world
- A person who is very cruel is regarded as dead even while living, for while he is living or after his death, everyone condemns him - SB 10.2.22
- A pure devotee of the Lord gives everyone a chance to become free from all sinful reactions and to become a devotee of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- A sadhu always thinks of everyone's benefit
- A sadhu, a Vaisnava, offers respects to everyone, and he is ready to give up relatives and everything else for Krsna's sake
- A saintly person does not discriminate between that which is supposedly good and supposedly bad; rather, he desires for everyone to be happy in Krsna consciousness, which is the ultimate goal of life
- A saintly person doesn't wish to speak to anyone and everyone, and he is therefore grave and silent. Generally a common man does not need to be advised
- A sannyasi has got four stages of elevation: kuticak, bahudaka, parivrajaka and paramahamsa. The sannyasa in the paramahamsa stage is the Spiritual Master of everyone
- A self realized soul becomes enemyless immediately, because he sees everyone part and parcel of God
- A self-realized person knows that he is not the body but a spiritual soul (aham brahmasmi). At the present moment practically everyone is unaware of this fact, but one who understands this has attained perfection and is therefore called siddha
- A sinful son causes a person's reputation to vanish. His irreligious activities at home cause irreligion and quarrel among everyone, and this creates only endless anxiety
- A sinful son causes irreligion and quarrel among everyone
- A small child may not know anything, but simply by seeing the Deity, chanting and dancing, he is benefited. Temples are meant to give everyone a chance to advance in Krsna consciousness one step at a time
- A society with no taste for spiritual culture is a blazing fire, and everyone in that fire perpetually suffers the threefold miseries
- A spiritual body is not burned. They are kept, samadhi. Just like in Western countries they give samadhi to any, everyone, tomb, entombing. In India the tomb is offered to a very advanced spiritually person
- A spiritual master should not be accepted as a matter of fashion. Somebody thinks that, "Everyone gets a spiritual master, so I may also have some spiritual master." Or - I may keep some spiritual master as my pet
- A toad in a field speaks by croaking, and similarly everyone who has a tongue wants to speak, even if all he has to say is nonsense. The croaking of the toad, however, simply invites the snake: "Please come here and eat me"
- A Vaisnava sannyasi always offers his blessings to everyone, saying krsne matir astu - "May you become Krsna conscious"
- A Vaisnava strictly follows this principle of being humbler than the grass and more tolerant than a tree, expecting no honor from others but offering honor to everyone
- A Vaisnava treats other living entities neither as friends nor as enemies, but instead tries to spread Krsna consciousness, teaching everyone that we are all one as servants of the Supreme Lord but are uselessly wasting our valuable lives
- A working man thinks, "Let me work very hard now and put money in the bank, so that when I get old I shall enjoy life without working." This is the inner intention of everyone
- A yogi is recommended to meditate upon the Lord's neck. The Lord's transcendental form can either be meditated upon in the mind or placed in a temple in the form of a statue and decorated in such a way that everyone can contemplate it
- Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. Everyone should be induced to accept this order, for this is victory. And it is the duty of the soldier, the devotee, to impress upon everyone this philosophy of life
- Abodha-jatah means one who is born fool. Every one of us is a born fool. Why? From the beginning of our life I know that "I am this body," although I am not this body. Therefore we are all born fools, everyone
- Above all the fruitive laborers, speculators, and mystic yogis are the bhaktas, or devotees of Krsna. A bhakta can be perfectly peaceful, whereas the others cannot because everyone but the bhakta, one who has pure love, has desire
- Abrahma-bhuvana-stham. Abrahma. For a devotee, as Brahma is also living entity, a small ant is also living entity, all Krsna's parts and parcels; they have no quarrel with anybody. As Krsna's part and parcel, we offer respect to everyone
- Acaryaratna, Acaryanidhi, Gadadhara Pandita, Jagadananda, Damodara, Sankara, Vakresvara, Kasisvara, Mukunda, Vasudeva, Murari and many other devotees have descended in Bengal to preach to everyone the glories of the holy name of Krsna
- Acceptance of authority is not new for us; everyone accepts authority in some form or another. For education we go to a teacher or to a school or simply learn from our father and mother. They are all authorities, and our nature is to learn from them
- According to astrological calculation, Devaki could not have a female child, although everyone thought that the eighth child of Devaki was female
- According to Canakya Pandita, there are two kinds of envious living entities: one is a snake, and the other is the man like Hiranyakasipu, who is by nature envious of everyone, even of his father or son
- According to Hindu scripture, God's name is the most powerful hymn. If everyone hears the chanting of the name, the potency of the hymn will be lost
- According to our capacity, everyone of us has some controlling power. But we are not the supreme controller. The supreme controller is God, Krsna
- According to Sankara-sampradaya, everyone must take first of all sannyasa. Sannyasa means this renounced order of life
- According to social convention one may be superior to Krsna, but factually everyone engages in His service
- According to the demands of a particular devotee, he receives a result by the grace of God. He does not discriminate, thinking, "Here is a person favorable to Me, and here is a person who is not favorable." Rather, He fulfills the desires of everyone
- According to the desire of Laksmidevi, the goddess of fortune, the Supreme Personality of Godhead made His bosom her residence so that by her glance she could favor everyone, including the demigods and ordinary human beings
- According to the logic of atmavan manyate jagat, everyone thinks of others according to his own position. Therefore Maharaja Bharata felt that the deer had left him due to his negligence and that due to the animal's noble heart, it would again return
- According to the modes of nature, we have got different conception of life and different consciousness. That is called material life. All of us, we are sitting here, every one of us has got a different consciousness
- According to the pancaratrika system, however, even though everyone is a sudra due to the absence of garbhadhana-samskara, if a person has but a little tendency to become KC, he should be given the chance to elevate to the transcendental platform of ds
- According to the statement of Maharaja Pariksit, who heard about Krsna from Sukadeva Gosvami, krsna-katha is equally applicable to every human being, whatever condition of life he is in. Surely everyone will appreciate it to the highest magnitude
- According to the Vedic conception, there must be men in society who are factually brahmanas, capable of expounding the real truth. If everyone becomes a sudra, the Absolute Truth cannot be understood
- According to Vedic civilization, everyone has his own sva-dharma. This has been misinterpreted by the rascals. Sva-dharma means anyone can discover his own religious principle. Yato mata tato patha
- According to Vedic civilization, everyone has the responsibility for taking care of brahmanas, old men, women, children and cows. This is the duty of everyone, especially an upper-class person
- According to Vedic civilization, in a monarchy the king is advised by saintly persons and sages. By taking their advice, he can become the greatest executive power, and everyone in his kingdom will be happy, peaceful and prosperous
- According to Vedic communism, in your house if there is a lizard, if there is an insect, if there is a rat, if there is snake, you have to see that everyone has got his food. That is Krsna consciousness
- According to Vedic principle, everyone has some authorized duty. The classification is brahmin, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. They are followers of the enjoined duties. Others, they are called pancama; they are out of this core
- According to Vedic principles, everyone must act according to his classification as brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha or sannyasi
- According to Vedic principles, society is divided into four categories - brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra. After dividing society in this way, it is the king's duty to see that everyone executes Vedic principles according to his caste
- According to Vedic system, there is purificatory process. Janmana jayate sudrah: "By birth everyone is born a sudra." A sudra means without any knowledge and simply full of lamentation
- Actually a maha-bhagavata is fit to spread Krsna consciousness, but he does not distinguish where Krsna consciousness should be spread from where it should not. He thinks that everyone is competent to accept Krsna consciousness if the chance is provided
- Actually devotional service is the eternal life of the living entity and is lying dormant in everyone's heart. The practice which invokes that dormant devotional service is called practical devotional service
- Actually every living entity is destined to reach the Supreme Lord. Indeed, it is possible for everyone to understand his relationship with the Supreme
- Actually everyone in this material world is burning in the blazing fire of material consciousness. That's a fact. Somebody is trying to solve by forgetting it through the influence of intoxication or something else artificially. That is not the solution
- Actually everyone is dependent on the mercy of the Supreme Lord, but when one forgets his relation with the Lord, he becomes dependent on the conditions of material nature
- Actually human life is meant for understanding spiritual values, but because everyone in this age is a sudra, no one is interested. People have forgotten life's real purpose
- Actually that is our most important business-to distribute our Back to Godhead magazine and if you will go on in this way with enthusiasm and determination for distributing BTG to everyone you meet then Krishna will surely bless you more and more
- Actually the supreme controller is the Personality of Godhead, Krsna, and everyone is His servant. Yavana-raja, the King of the Yavanas, was also a servant of Krsna. Consequently, he wanted to execute the purpose of Krsna through the agency of Kalakanya
- Actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the supreme master of everyone
- Actually the whole world is presently fallen into material existence. Everyone is a meat-eater, drunkard, woman-hunter, gambler and whatnot. People are enjoying material life by committing the four basic sins
- Actually there is no difference between Krsna and Rama, but everyone has his preference. For instance, Hanuman was particularly devoted to Lord Ramacandra. The gopis are exclusively devoted to Lord Krsna. This does not make any real difference
- Actually these four books: Krishna, TLC, NOD, and Bhagavad-gita, if these four books are translated and distributed widely in German language, alone they are sufficient to give everyone the whole contents of Krishna Consciousness subject matter
- Actually, everyone is dasa because everyone is a servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In that sense, the bona fide brahmana has first claim to the appellation dasa. Therefore in this case the designation dasa is not incompatible
- Actually, Krsna is the husband of everyone because He is the supreme enjoyer. The gopis wanted Krsna to be their husband, but factually there was no possibility of His marrying all the gopis
- Advaita Gosvami, after performing the sraddha ceremony for his father, offered charity to Haridasa Thakura, although it was known to everyone that Haridasa Thakura was born in a Mohammedan family, not a brahmana family
- Advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam, adyam purana-purusam nava-yauvanam ca (BS 5.33). Although He (Krsna) is the supreme source of everyone, He is still always a fresh youth
- After bathing in the Yamuna, Lord Balarama, dressed in blue garments and decorated with golden ornaments, looked very attractive to everyone
- After coming back from East Bengal, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu again began educating others. By the strength of His education He conquered everyone, and thus He was greatly proud
- After crossing the river (Ganges), everyone began to embrace one another because they heard the good news of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s arrival - in Kuliya-nagara
- After drinking the water, Lord Caitanya became so ecstatic that He began to dance. Thus everyone saw the pastime of attracting the river Yamuna
- After everyone had finished his lunch and washed his mouth and hands, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally decorated everyone with flower garlands and sandalwood pulp
- After hearing of these wonderful occurrences, everyone came to see Him there. When they saw the beauty of the Lord and His ecstatic condition, they were all struck with wonder
- After His marriage His youth began, and in His youth He induced everyone to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra anywhere and everywhere
- After instructing Yudhisthira Maharaja, Narada Muni prays for the Lord's blessings that He be pleased with everyone and that everyone become perfect in God consciousness and return home, back to Godhead
- After it has gone to the stomach, all the parts of the body equally enjoy the benefit of the meal. So, similarly, everyone's duty is to satisfy the Supreme Lord, and then automatically everyone will become satisfied
- After lunch, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu made them open the door. In this way everyone received His audience with great pleasure
- After many, many years of much trouble, a yogi or wise philosopher may come to Him (God), but his path is very troublesome, whereas the path of devotional service is easy for everyone
- After much consideration, I (the King of the Yavanas) have arrived at a husband for you (Kalakanya). Actually, as far as everyone is concerned, you are inauspicious and mischievous. Since no one likes you, how can anyone accept you as his wife?
- After offering prayers at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Jagadananda Pandita greeted everyone. Then the Lord embraced Jagadananda very strongly
- After reaching the shore of the ocean of milk, the demigods worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, the master of the whole universe, the supreme God of all gods, who provides for everyone & diminishes everyone's suffering - SB 10.1.20
- After reaching Vrndavana, where everyone lives eternally, very peacefully and happily, they encircled Vrndavana, drew all the carts together in a half circle, and in this way constructed a temporary residence
- After realization of Brahman, when he is actually on the Brahman platform, then the symptom is na socati na kanksati: he has no more lamentation and no more aspiration. Aham brahmasmi. Then he can see everyone one equal level
- After retirement everyone expects to live a very comfortable life in a well-furnished home decorated with fine ladies and children, without any desire to get out of such a comfortable home
- After seeing the dhupa-arati of the Lord, they all began congregational chanting. Then the padicha, the superintendent of the temple, came and offered flower garlands and sandalwood pulp to everyone
- After stringing the bow in the presence of the crowd, He drew it and broke it at the middle into two parts, exactly as an elephant breaks sugarcane in the field. Everyone present appreciated Krsna's power
- After summer, the advent of the rainy season is considered to be a life-giving source for everyone. The thunder and occasional lightning are also pleasurable to the people
- After the departure of Lord Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead and supreme ruler of everyone, these upstarts have flourished, our protector being gone. Therefore I myself shall take up this matter and punish them. Just witness my power
- After the last offering of tambula and pan, bhoga-aratrika was performed. Finally everyone offered various prayers and then obeisances, falling flat before the Deity (Madhavendra Puri's Gopala deity) in full surrender
- After the Lord was laid down to rest on the bed, Madhavendra Puri gathered all the brahmanas who had prepared the prasadam and said to them, "Now feed everyone sumptuously, from the children on up to the aged"
- After the news of these events was broadcast, everyone from the surrounding neighborhoods began to pour in to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- After the seven palm trees had departed for Vaikuntha, everyone was astonished to see that they were gone. The people then began to say, "This sannyasi called Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu must be an incarnation of Lord Ramacandra"
- After this introduction, everyone fell to the ground like rods. Being very merciful upon them all, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu embraced each one of them
- Agham dhunvanti - as already explained, problems are created by sinful activities. Although there is enough food, everyone stocks more than is needed in order to make a profit or simply in order to hoard
- Aham adir hi devanam: (BG 10.2) "I am (Krsna) the origin of all the demigods." Aham sarvasya prabhavah: (BG 10.8) "I am superior to everyone, even Brahma, Siva and the other demigods." These are the conclusions of the sastra
- Aham mameti (SB 5.5.8). Aham means I, and mama means mine. This is nonsense. Nothing belongs to you. Everything belongs to God. Everyone has got right to live on God's property. This is Krsna consciousness
- Aim is toward Krsna. That is very nice example. It is very ordinary. Everyone will understand it
- Akrura continued, "Everyone within this material world is covered by these modes, from Lord Brahma down to the nonmoving plants and trees"
- Akrura continued, "My dear Lord, everyone within this material world is conditioned by Your (Krsna's) illusory energy"
- Akrura continued, "Only by chance do we assemble together in a family, society, community, nation, at the end, because every one of us has to give up the body, we must be separated. One should not, be unnecessarily affectionate toward family members"
- Akrura continued, "You (Krsna) are the Supersoul of everything, but no one knows Your transcendental form. Everyone within this material world is influenced by the modes of material nature"
- Akrura replied, "We may make very great plans, but unless they are sanctioned by the supreme authority, they will fail. Everyone in this material world knows that the supernatural power is the ultimate disposer of everything"
- Akrura thinks, "Since the Lord has now appeared to diminish the great burden of the world and is now visible to everyone's eyes in His personal transcendental body, when we see Him before us, is that not the ultimate perfection of our eyes?'
- All acaryas - Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Nimbarka, and latest, Sri Caitanya, and before that, other acaryas like Vyasadeva, Narada, Asita, Devala, and before that, the original acarya, Lord Brahma, Lord Siva - everyone accepted Krsna the SPG
- All classes of men can approach the Lord by thinking of Him, for hearing and thinking of Him is possible for everyone. BG 1972 Introduction
- All food is given to us by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman: the Lord supplies everyone with the necessities of life. We should acknowledge His mercy by performing yajna (sacrifice). This is the duty of everyone
- All glories to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appeared on this planet to deliver the world from the burden of demons, and who can offer liberation to everyone
- All gradations of living entities are manifested by Brahma and the external energy, but the Lord is the original father of everyone. The relationship of every living being with the Supreme Lord is certainly one of son and father and not one of equality
- All intelligence emanates from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul within the heart of everyone
- All my European and American disciples have no varnasrama position, but spiritually because they have followed the rules and regulations and also my instructions, their advancement spiritually is being appreciated by everyone
- All of them-as they surrender unto Me-I reward accordingly. Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Prtha. BG 4.11 - 1972
- All of us, more or less, we are isvara, controller. Everyone. Just like this mother, she is controlling the small child. So she is also isvara, means she is controlling
- All our disciples in Europe, America, they were habituated to so many bad habits, and because they are chanting, they are now cleansed. So it is small-scale. If you propagate it large-scale, everyone will be cleansed
- All recollections, knowledge, etc., as well as all forgetfulness, are engineered by the Lord, who is sitting within the heart of everyone
- All the demigods were afraid of being totally vanquished by suffocation, but the Personality of Godhead assured them that Dhruva Maharaja was a great devotee of the Lord and was not about to annihilate everyone in the universe
- All the family members can sit down together and simply clap their hands and chant the maha-mantra. Somehow or other, everyone can manage to perform such a yajna & distribute prasada to the people in general. That is quite sufficient for this age of Kali
- "All the inhabitants of the palace" includes Kamsa. When everyone lamented, Kamsa joined in compassion, thinking that perhaps because of drugs or some other external means, Devaki had undergone this abortion
- All the luminaries, the planets and stars, revolve by the influence of the supreme time factor. The time factor is another feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Everyone is under the influence of the time factor
- All the population of the three worlds was scorched by the combined heat of the weapons. Everyone was reminded of the samvartaka fire which takes place at the time of annihilation
- All the rasas in relationship with Krsna is perfect. But according to different devotees' taste. Everyone says: My relationship with Krsna is the best
- All the servants, they complained, "Sir, there is ghost." So I was chanting. He was living in several spots, especially on the gate side. So I could understand. But I would chant Hare Krsna, and I was saved. Everyone was saved
- All the visitors as well as the inhabitants of Dvaraka City were joyful to see Krsna & Rukmini together. In other words, the goddess of fortune was now united with the Supreme Lord, the maintainer of everyone, thus all the people felt extremely jubilant
- All the worshipable demigods are also overtaken by Him, and it is the duty of everyone to perform sacrifices with feasible goods to appease the Lord
- All their activities are without God, without God consciousness. Therefore they have failed. Everyone will fail, because they do not know what is the aim of life. That is the mistake
- All Vedic literature aims at understanding Krsna. Mayavada philosophy, however, has deviated everyone from Krsna. Therefore there is a great need for the Krsna consciousness movement all over the world to save the world from degradation
- Although a Vaisnava preacher may sometimes criticize others, Raghunatha Bhatta avoided this. Even if another Vaisnava was actually at fault, Raghunatha Bhatta would not criticize him; he saw only that everyone was engaged in Krsna's service
- Although Ajamila chanted the name of Narayana imperfectly, he was delivered from all sinful reactions. The chanting of the holy name is so auspicious that it can free everyone from the reactions of sinful activities
- Although Caitanya Mahaprabhu was soft like a flower, He was also strict like a thunderbolt, and everyone was afraid to allow Mukunda to come again into the presence of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although everyone admires the ecstatic chanting and dancing of the devotees, who are therefore popularly known as “the Hare Krsna people,” Mayavadis cannot appreciate these activities because of their poor fund of knowledge
- Although everyone has to accept a subtle body, the scientists and medical men cannot see it. I have a mind, and you have a mind, but I cannot see your mind, and you cannot see mine
- Although King Satrajit was known to everyone, he could not be recognized because of the dazzling effulgence of the Syamantaka jewel
- Although Krsna is attractive to everyone, He is nonetheless attracted by the gopis and Srimati Radharani
- Although Krsna is independent of everyone, out of His causeless mercy He is dependent upon Garga Rsi for religious instruction; for learning the military art He is dependent upon Satyaki; and for good counsel He is dependent upon His friend Uddhava
- Although Krsna is the maintainer of everyone, sometimes He takes the part of a beggar. He begs to benefit the charitable. Who is giving in charity, he is benefited. Just like Bali Maharaja, he gave everything to Vamanadeva. There are different devotees
- Although Krsna wants everyone to surrender to His lotus feet, because of people’s sinful activities they cannot do this
- Although Maharaja Rahugana was playing the part of a king, he had been informed by Jada Bharata that he was not a king nor was Jada Bharata deaf and dumb. Such designations were simply coverings of the spirit soul. Everyone must come to this knowledge
- Although Prajapati Daksa could not say anything, when the Lord, who knows everyone's heart, saw His devotee prostrate in that manner and desiring to increase the population, He addressed him as follows
- Although priceless, the nectar of Krsna's face is distributed to everyone. Some purchase the moonrays of His sweet smiles, and others purchase the nectar of His lips. Thus He pleases everyone
- Although Rsabhadeva was endowed with all opulences, He was not at all attached to material enjoyment. He was self-controlled and therefore liked by everyone. Due to His superexcellent qualities, everyone wanted Him to rule the earth
- Although situated in everyone's body, He (Krsna) has no bodily conception of life. He is always free from such conceptions, and thus He cannot be affected by anything in relation to the material body of the jiva
- Although Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not manifest His natural ecstatic love, everyone became a pure devotee simply by seeing and hearing Him
- Although the boy was only seven years old and still had no education, he composed such a nice verse. Everyone was struck with wonder
- Although the serpent of eternal time, which is fearful in force, endlessly chases everyone, ready to swallow him, if one who fears this serpent seeks shelter of the Lord, the Lord gives him protection, for even death runs away in fear of the Lord
- Although the SPG is time, fearful to everyone, He flees Mathura in fear of His enemy to take shelter in a fort; and although He is self-sufficient, He marries 16,000 women. These pastimes seem like bewildering contradictions, even to the most intelligent
- Although the Supersoul is in everyone's heart, He talks only to the pure devotees who constantly engage in His service
- Although the Supreme Lord is situated in the core of everyone's heart, unless one is a Vaisnava, unless one is engaged in bhakti, one does not get sound advice by which to return home, back to Godhead. Such instructions are meant only for devotees
- Although the time factor is fearful to everyone, fear personified is afraid of the Supreme Lord, who is therefore known as abhaya, fearless. Taking shelter of God brings actual fearlessness, and therefore the demigods decided to take shelter of the Lord
- Although they are medicine, but they are bitter medicine. Not very palatable. Neither everyone can take it
- Although they were exploiting. But nobody could understand. Everyone was feeling happy. And as soon as they left, everyone is unhappy. That distinction I can give evidence, I can, from my personal experience. Things were very, very nice
- Although to see the universal form of Krsna is very, very difficult and not possible for anyone and everyone, it is still more difficult to understand His personal form as Syamasundara. BG 1972 purports
- Although we appear combined together in a family, society or nation, each of us has an individual destiny. Everyone takes birth according to individual past work; therefore everyone must individually enjoy or suffer the result of his own karma
- Always thinking of how he could be relieved from the sinful reaction for killing a brahmana, King Indra, invisible to everyone, lived in the lake for one thousand years in the subtle fibers of the stem of a lotus
- Amayo yas ca bhutanam (SB 1.5.33). Is very important verse. Actually, this is the essence of Krsna consciousness movement. What is that? People become diseased by sense gratification. Everyone knows. Too much sense gratification means creating disease
- Among Vaisnavas there may be some difference of opinion due to everyone's personal identity, but despite all personal differences, the cult of Krsna consciousness must go on
- An advanced devotee will offer respects to everyone - even to cats and dogs
- An ordinary man may possess an ordinary cow, give protection to this animal, take sufficient milk from it, and engage the milk to produce butter and clarified ghee, especially for performing the agnihotra-yajna. This is possible for everyone
- And what is bhagavat-pranitam dharma? That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, we know, everyone. He came, Krsna came. His mission was dharma-samsthapanarthaya, for establishing the religious principles, or reestablishing
- Another day, when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said to the boy, "Recite, My dear Puri dasa," the boy composed the following verse and expressed it before everyone
- Another meaning of the word atma may be accepted in this way: the principle who is the Supersoul in every atma, or, one may say, the soul of everyone, became manifested as Dattatreya, because the word amsa, part and parcel, is used here - SB 4.1.15
- Answered in Srimad-Bhagavatam, people are working so hard because they do not actually know what the goal of life is. Everyone says that he is looking after his self-interest, but he does not know what his self-interest is
- Any action done for Krsna, is to be considered the highest welfare work for everyone, because the benefit of such an offering is distributed throughout the creation. Love for Krsna is distributed to all living entities
- Any man who is going to purchase a new shirt and coat, he considers before going to the tailor's house what kind of shirt he will have, what kind of coat. Everyone thinks. That is natural. You cannot deny it
- Any rascal speaking about Bhagavad-gita we hear. That is not the process. Then you will misunderstand. Just like milk is very good food, everyone knows. But when it is touched by the tongue of the serpent, it is poison immediately
- Any way do not disturb them (the Bengalis) or any one about their personal affairs but give every one the chance of joining us in Kirtan that will pave the path of Krishna Consciousness. You are intelligent enough and I hope you will understand me right
- Anyone has relative position. Everyone will find somebody is greater than him, somebody is lower than him. He's not absolute, Nobody
- Anyone who was killed, who died in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, in the presence of Krsna, they all attained their original, constitutional position, spiritual form. They all went back to home, back to Godhead, everyone
- Anything created by God is enjoyed by everyone, not that a particular type of society or a particular type of community. God's gift is enjoyable by everyone. That is actually spiritual communism
- Anywhere we are going, beginning from old man to child, everyone chants Hare Krsna. Therefore it is recommended. Our intelligence should be applied there, that what is recommended in the Vedas, that is perfect
- Appearance of Krsna is the answer to all imaginative iconography of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Everyone imagines the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to his mode of material nature
- Arcana-marga, temple worship. Everyone can establish a small temple in his house, and he can begin family-wise: himself, his wife, his children. That is wanted
- Arcye visnau sila-dhih: everyone knows that the Deity in the temple is made of stone, but to think that the Deity is merely stone is an offense
- Arjuna is asking, "What is the real meaning of atma?" Atma means the soul. You are also atma. I am also atma. Every one of us, the minute particle, part and parcel of Krsna
- Arjuna was in a relationship with the Lord as friend. Of course there is a gulf of difference between this friendship and the friendship found in the material world. This is transcendental friendship which cannot be had by everyone. BG 1972 Introduction
- Arjuna was not in favor of the fight, and he thought it was better not to fight; then there would be no frustration. In reply, the Lord is saying that even if he did not fight, every one of them would be destroyed, for that is His plan. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna was the original target, but in fact Bhagavad-gita was spoken for everyone, for all human beings, and therefore one must take advantage of it
- Arriving at the home of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, everyone saw the Lord lying unconscious. Seeing Him in this condition, Gopinatha Acarya became very unhappy, but at the same time he was happy just to see the Lord
- As a cloud indiscriminately pours water on the earth, the beneficent King Citraketu, to increase the reputation, opulence and longevity of his son, distributed like rainfall all desirable things to everyone
- As a sincere friend of Krsna, one should preach this philosophy, requesting everyone to surrender unto Krsna. Atma-nivedanam means offering Krsna everything, including one's body, mind, intelligence and whatever one may possess
- As confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, Mahabharata and the Upanisads, He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna Himself, and He is worshipable by everyone in this age of disagreement
- As confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Bhagavad-gita, the Mahabharata and the Upanisads, He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna Himself, and He is worshipable by everyone in this age of disagreement - CC Preface
- As far as different faiths are concerned, religions may be of different types, but on the spiritual platform, everyone has an equal right to execute devotional service. That is the platform of oneness and the basis for a classless society
- As far as disease and old age are concerned, everyone gets practical experience. No one wants to be diseased, and no one wants to become old, but there is no avoiding these. BG 1972 purports
- As far as eating is concerned, there is no problem. If Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, supplies everyone with eatables, why should He not supply His devotee
- As far as His (Caitanya's) nature is concerned, He was kind to everyone. No one but the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be kind to everyone. Therefore the Lord’s name is Krsna - all-attractive
- As far as the destruction of the citizens is concerned, Maharaja Prthu maintained that he could uphold everyone by his own mystic powers
- As is the nature of this material world, the King of heaven, Indra, is very anxious if a great sage undergoes severe austerities. The whole material world is filled with such envy that everyone becomes afraid of his neighbors
- As Krsna will be satisfied, everyone will be satisfied. So take to this Krsna consciousness service by hearing, by speaking, by remembering, by giving actually service, by worshiping, by making friendship, and after all, everything for Krsna
- As Krsna's part and parcel, we offer respect to everyone. So not that they are amazed with the greatness of a living entity. He thinks that his greatness is due to Krsna's favor
- As long as Caitanya Mahaprabhu remained at Karpura, all kinds of people met Him, and by His grace everyone became a devotee of the Supreme Lord
- As long as one has a material body, one is understood to be impure. In such an impure, material condition, one cannot enjoy a truly blissful life, although everyone seeks it
- As long as we are in the material world, it is not possible to classify everyone in the same category because each and every person is working under the influence of the modes of material nature
- As long as Yamaraja, who causes everyone's death, is present here (in SB 1.16.8), no one shall meet with death. The great sages have invited the controller of death, Yamaraja, who is the representative of the Lord
- As people looked on, the tree became fully grown, with fruits that fully ripened. Thus everyone was struck with wonder
- As previously stated, all the residents of the villages visited by Lord Caitanya became Vaisnavas and began to chant Hari and Krsna. In this way, in all the villages visited by the Lord, everyone became a Vaisnava, a devotee
- As soon as one gets a material body, he has to work very hard to maintain it. He may engage in different fields of activity, but whatever the case, everyone has to work very hard to maintain the material body
- As soon as people are addicted to these four principles - illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling - when everyone can see, that means Kali-yuga. Drstva
- As soon as people received instructions from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they began to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Thus everyone laughed, chanted and danced with the Lord
- As soon as the heart is cleansed, one can understand Krsna immediately. It is a cleansing process, this hearing process. Hrdy antah-stho hy abhadrani suhrt satam. He is friend... Krsna is friend of everyone, but He is a special friend of the devotees
- As soon as they heard Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu say this, everyone became ashamed. Thus the devotees began to work with great attention
- As soon as this (HaridasThakura leaving that place) was settled, the snake actually crawled out of its hole in the cave and left the cave for good before everyone present
- As soon as we take this vow, that "From this day my life is dedicated to Krsna. Krsna wants everyone to surrender. I surrender. I believe," from that day you become free from all designation
- As soon as you evacuate, he (hog) will at once enjoy. So there are different types of sense gratification according to different types of body. Everyone who has a material body receives sense gratification
- As soul they are one in quality, but in consciousness they're different. He knows everyone's pleasure and pains; I know my pleasure and pain
- As spirit soul, everyone exists eternally, but the asat has accepted the material world as his shelter, and therefore he is full of anxiety
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 5.18), panditah sama-darsinah: one who is perfectly learned does not see anyone as lesser or greater, because he sees everyone from the spiritual platform
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, naham prakasah sarvasya yogamaya-samavrtah: (BG 7.25) the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is not manifest to everyone and anyone. To the common man He is unseen
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 14.4), Krsna is the kind father of everyone
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38): Everyone, beginning from the small insect known as indra-gopa up to Indra, the King of the heavenly planets, is obliged to undergo the results of his fruitive activities
- As such, He (the Supreme Lord) is everyone's master. He is sometimes manifest on the surface of the globe, but He is simultaneously within all matter
- As the human being requires protection, similarly, the cows . . . not only cows; everyone requires protection by the government. Why they should be not protected
- As the ideal Supreme Personality Krsna fulfilled the desires of everyone
- As the ideal Supreme Personality, He (Krsna) fulfilled the desires of everyone, from the brahmanas, the highest persons in human society, down to the ordinary living entities, including the lowest of men
- As the Lord (Krsna) Himself says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.15), sarvasya caham hrdi sannivisto mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca: "I am in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness"
- As the moon never refuses to distribute its pleasing rays even to the home of a candala, a Vaisnava never refuses to act for everyone's welfare
- As the Supersoul within the heart of all living entities, Krsna knows everyone’s desire, everyone’s request and everyone’s prayer. Although all these may be contradictory, the Lord has to create a situation in which everyone will be pleased
- As the supreme teacher of human society, He teaches His own way of activities, and thus He inaugurates the real path of religion. I request everyone to follow Him
- As they tasted the uncommon sweetness and fragrance of the prasadam, everyone's mind was struck with wonder
- As usual, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu danced jubilantly. Everyone was covered with milk, yogurt and yellow turmeric water
- As varnasrama-dharma is executed from different positions by different men, so the Krsna consciousness principles can be followed by everyone in every part of the world
- As watering the root of a tree immediately distributes water to every part of the tree, so an offering made to Krsna, or any action done for Krsna, is to be considered the highest welfare work for everyone
- Asat means which will not stay, nonpermanent, for the time. Just like we have accepted this body. This is asad-graha. This body will not stay. Everyone knows, but still, I am too much attached to this body. This is called asad-graha
- Asat: they will not stay. I have got experience. Everyone has got. I was children, you were children. Now, I had father to take protection or other relative, friend. But now they are gone. Asatsu. Everything is finished
- Aside from liberation, even if we consider only the preliminary necessities of life - dharma, artha and kama (religion, economic development and sense gratification) - we will see that they are not the same for everyone
- Asuras, instead of accepting these instructions (of Bhagavad-gita) directly, make commentaries according to their own whimsical ways and mislead everyone, without profit even for themselves
- Asuras, instead of accepting these instructions directly, make commentaries according to their own whimsical ways and mislead everyone, without profit even for themselves. One should therefore be very careful of demoniac, godless persons
- Asuras, they are engaged for fruitive result. They are working, but they are expecting that "I shall enjoy the result" So that freedom is given to everyone, that "You can work at your responsibility and enjoy or suffer"
- At every step there is danger, but under the strong grip of maya, we forget this. So the task is very great to give real knowledge, Krishna consciousness, to everyone
- At Jagannatha Puri, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed chanting and dancing unceasingly. Thus He enjoyed the pastime of sankirtana. He manifested His causeless mercy, pure love of God, to everyone, including the lowest man
- At least five thousand years ago, Lord Sri Krsna expressed His desire that everyone surrender to Him (sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66)). Why is it that people cannot do this?
- At least for the time being, they (warriors on the battlefield) knew that Krsna has come. Suppose a prominent man comes in a big meeting. Is not everyone conscious of that person?
- At present everyone goes to school, and everyone is given the same type of education, although no one knows what the result will be. The result, however, is most unsatisfactory, as we have seen in the Western countries especially
- At the end of life, when one has to go back home, back to Godhead, everyone has to take care of himself without help rendered by another
- At the end of my life, if I get a good balance, bank balance, then I shall live peacefully without any botheration. - So everyone hopes like that for future. But what is this civilization? They have no future hope
- At the end of the festival Minaketana Ramadasa went away, offering his blessings to everyone. At that time he had some controversy with my (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami's) brother
- At the end of the festival Minaketana Ramadasa went away, offering his blessings to everyone. At that time he had some controversy with my brother
- At the present moment Bhagavad-gita is being interpreted by anyone and everyone according to his whims. That is not permissible. That is not Bhagavad-gita
- At the present moment everyone is in a diseased condition: people are thinking they are something other than servants of Krsna. Now this movement is trying to bring everyone to the position of recognizing that they are eternal servants of Krsna
- At the present moment everyone is very much anxious to become God and cheat you. There are so many so-called swamis. They are coming, and they are preaching that - You are God. I am God
- At the present moment it has become fashionable for everyone to write in his own way, but such writing is never accepted by serious devotees
- At the present moment Krsna, in the BG, wanted: sarva-dharman parityajya. Krsna wanted Arjuna - Arjuna means everyone - that they should surrender to Krsna and be engaged in the service of Krsna. So when we speak of Krsna, means God, the SPG
- At the present moment the human society teaches one to love his country or family or his personal self, but there is no information where to repose the loving propensity so that everyone can become happy
- At the present moment, society is in a chaotic condition, and everyone has given up the cultivation of spiritual life, which is especially meant for the brahmanas
- At the present moment, the human society has been educated to love his country or family or one's personal self, but they have no information where to repose the loving propensity so that everyone can become happy
- At the time of the Lord's appearance, the demigods flying freely in the sky showered flowers. All the directions, all the waters and everyone's mind became very satisfied
- Atmavat sarva-bhutesu, and treating everyone equally, as he wants to be treated himself. If by pinching your body or giving pain to your body, if you feel pain, you should not give such pain to any living entity
- Auspicious stars were visible in the sky (at the time of Krsna's birth), and on the surface in all towns and villages or pasturing grounds and within the mind of everyone there were signs of good fortune
- Austerity is good for everyone because it frees one from material conditions
- Baladeva is the immediate expansion of Krsna. He also engages in the service of Krsna, and certainly the ordinary living entities are serving. Everyone is created, constitutionally, for serving Krsna
- Balarama said, "Don't you (Kurus) even think that Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, can sit on the exalted royal throne and command everyone? All right! If your thinking is like that, you deserve to be taught a very good lesson"
- Because a person who performs krsna-bhakti but does not understand Krsna Caitanya and Nityananda will simply waste his time, the author, Krsnadasa Kaviraja, requests everyone to take to the worship of Caitanya and Nityananda and the Panca-tattva
- Because devotees are learned and know that every living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, they preach Krsna consciousness to everyone so that everyone may be happy
- Because everyone (the people of the world) was happy in all respects, there was no resentment, although there were sometimes battles between the state kings for political reasons and supremacy
- Because everyone has got that tendency, the sastra gives them chance to act, fruitive activities. Because by working, working, one day it will come when he will be not interested working any more. Then athato brahma jijnasa
- Because everyone in the material world is envious, there is competition. The devotees of the Lord are not only free from all material envy, but they are also kind to everyone in an attempt to establish a competitionless society with God in the center
- Because everyone who has come to this material world, that is for sense gratification. Those who deny to satisfy Krsna, they are sent here, "All right, you satisfy your sense by your labor here"
- Because I cannot see what is happening beyond this wall, oh, that does not mean there is nothing beyond this wall. So everyone wants to see God immediately. God you can see when you are perfectly qualified
- Because King Rantideva saw everyone as part of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he never distinguished between the brahmana and the sudra, the poor and the rich. Such equal vision is called sama-darsinah
- Because Krsna had expanded Himself as everything and because the whole life of everyone in Vrndavana was meant for Krsna, the men increased in their affection for their sons
- Because Lord Sri Krsna is the original person from whom everything and everyone has emanated - aham sarvasya prabhavah (BG 10.8), janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1) (Vedanta-sutra 1.1.2) - nothing can be equal to or greater than Him
- Because of associating with the three gunas of the material potency, everyone identifies himself with his body
- Because of forgetfulness of this object (the only lovable object for everyone), people are suffering in this material world, but if one fortunately revives his old consciousness of loving Krsna and connects with Visvatma, one becomes perfect
- Because of the yajna performed by Marutta, everyone was pleased, especially the brahmanas and ksatriyas
- Because one who works in Krsna consciousness is servant to all, he is very dear to everyone. And, because everyone is satisfied by his work, he is pure in consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Because Philosophers and other thoughtful persons are bewildered by word jugglery and disturbed by the different calculations of the scriptures, their theories cannot touch You (the Lord), who are the ruler and controller of everyone
- Because the King was able to make everyone happy for sense gratification, primarily by the touch of his hand, his name was Santanu
- Because the transcendental sound vibration directly appeals to the soul, therefore everyone will take it if the vibration is made by a pure devotee
- Because they are missing the aim of life, they are committing suicide. And this varnasrama-dharma was planned in such a way that everyone would be spiritually advanced
- Because they were sannyasis, renounced order of life, Caitanya Mahaprabhu offered His respect by bowing down before them. It is the duty of everyone, not only between the sannyasi and sannyasi. It is the custom of Vedic system
- Because this infinitesimal spirit emanates from the infinite Supreme Spirit, the karma-yogi in the highest state can observe everyone and everything with equanimity. Such a karma-yogi views everything in relation to the Absolute
- Because we accepted this material body, we must be always afraid. Not only we, even a small ant or birds and beasts, everyone
- Because we are in the neophyte stage, we should not imitate the vision of maha-bhagavata. Maha-bhagavata does not see anyone nondevotee. He sees everyone better devotee than himself
- Because we are so-called civilized, we have created the problems for eating, sleeping, mating. Otherwise there is already arrangement for everyone, by God. Eko bahunam vidadhati kaman
- Because we have to say we are servant of Krsna; therefore we have to teach everyone to surrender to Krsna. Not that, I am God, you surrender to me
- Because we need drinking water, by God's arrangement the sunshine evaporates the water from the ocean, takes it high in the sky, and then distributes clear, distilled water. Just see how God is providing everything that everyone needs
- Because you have committed, executed vikarma, therefore you have got this body. It doesn't matter whether it is rich body or poor body, everyone has to undergo the threefold miserable condition of life
- Because you have got leg and hand, therefore the coat has got leg and hand. You can . . . everyone can understand. It is very easy. So the original, the spirit soul, has got form. Therefore the cloth has been cut into form. It is very easy to understand
- Before death overcomes you, you make a solution of the problem. That is intelligence, that "The greatest danger is awaiting me - death." That is sure. "As sure as death." Everyone knows
- Before the reign of King Prthu there was no planned arrangement for different cities, villages, pasturing grounds, etc. Every thing was scattered, and everyone constructed his residential quarters according to his own convenience
- Beginning from Lord Brahma down to the insignificant ant, everyone, without exception, is attracted by the illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Beginning from the great King of heaven down to the ant, everyone is undergoing the reactions of past deeds. But a devotee of Krsna is relieved from such reactions by the grace of Krsna
- Being a responsible king, Prthu Maharaja recommends that everyone take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus be immediately purified
- Being duskrtis, they (persons influenced by passion and ignoranxe) completely forget the existence of the supreme controller, who is sitting within the core of everyone's heart (isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati (BG 18.61))
- Being forgetful of his real position, the conditioned soul may take help from sastra, guru and the Supersoul within his heart. Krsna is situated within everyone’s heart as the Supersoul
- Being very proud of my learning, I am thinking, 'Let me become victorious.' Sri Caitanya, however, is trying to purify me by nullifying this false pride, for a characteristic of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is that He acts for everyone's welfare
- Best trans-cosmic culture for making everyone happy
- Bhagavad-gita (5.18) says, panditah sama-darsinah: those who are learned see everyone's conditional life equally
- Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.9) clearly says, yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra loko 'yam karma-bandhanah: everyone may be engaged in his occupational duties, but the result of these duties should be offered for sacrifice to satisfy the Supreme Lord
- Bhagavad-gita clearly says that the strong material energy controls everyone and that getting out of her control is extremely difficult. That controlling energy belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and works under His control
- Bhagavad-gita is not meant for any particular party or nation but for everyone all over the world - even for the animals
- Bhagavad-gita says that even when Lord Krsna was seen by everyone while He was present on the surface of the earth, the impersonalists and the so-called yogis could not see Him because they were devoid of devotional eyesight
- Bhagavan svayam is Krsna (krsnas tu bhagavan svayam). He is Visvatma, the original Supersoul of everyone, because his plenary portion expands as the Supersoul
- Bhakti-yoga, thus being the supreme means of self-realization, is recommended here. Everyone must therefore seriously take up the methods of bhakti-yoga, even though one aspires for material enjoyment or liberation from material bondage
- Bhisma, everyone knows. Bhisma is one of the authorities, authorities of religious principle. There are twelve authorities
- Blind man leading other blind men. There is no sense. Whole civilization. It is, this Krsna con..., our movement is a challenge to everyone, a challenge, genuine challenge. After all, everyone wants happiness, but they do not know what is happiness
- Both by rising & setting, the sun decreases the duration of life of everyone except one who utilizes the time by discussing topics of the all-good Personality of Godhead
- Both by rising and by setting, the sun decreases the duration of life of everyone, except one who utilizes the time by discussing topics of the all-good Personality of Godhead
- Both enjoyer and enjoyed have consciousness, but the consciousness of the enjoyed is subordinate to the consciousness of the enjoyer. Although Krsna is the enjoyer and we the enjoyed, the enjoyment can be participated in equally by everyone
- Both the poor man and the rich man can take advantage of the Krsna consciousness movement, and here (in SB 10.10.18) it is advised that everyone do so. There is no profit in avoiding the association of the members of the Krsna consciousness movement
- Brahma in his prayer admitted that although anyone and everyone could say that they knew about Krsna, as far as he was concerned, he did not know anything about Him
- Brahma is addressed as pitamaha, grandfather. He's the original first creature in this material world, in this universe, and everyone has come from him. Therefore he is called pitamaha. Pitamaha means grandfather
- Brahma is known as the grandfather of everyone, and the Personality of Godhead, being the father of Brahma, is known as the great-grandfather of all living beings
- Brahma said, "I am just aspiring for a birth in which I will be smeared by the dust of the devotees' feet, because I can see that everyone here (in Vrndavana) is simply full of Krsna consciousness"
- Brahma says that, This form is bhuvana-mangalam mangalaya. This form, Krsna, is meant for all auspicity for everyone
- Brahmacari, householder and retired - everyone has got specific duty. That is mentioned in all the sastras
- Brahmaji is conscious of his actual position, and he knows how less intelligent persons, bewildered by the illusory energy of the Lord, whimsically accept anyone and everyone as God
- Brahman means His (Krsna's) effulgence, bodily rays. You may ask, "What is that bodily rays?" You can see every day. Everyone has got bodily rays according to his quality. You see the sun, the bodily rays, the sunshine
- Brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras and everyone are engaged in their occupational duty, but if one remembers his first duty - keeping in constant contact with the Supreme Personality of Godhead - everything will be successful
- Brahmanda Purana, Visnu Purana, Srimad-Bhagavata Purana, they are sattvika-puranas. The whole scheme is that everyone, every living entity within this material world, they are infected
- Brahmanism is not a system meant to create a monopoly for a particular class of men. Everyone should be educated so as to become a brahmana. At least there must be an opportunity to allow everyone to attain the destination of life
- Brahmin means one who knows Brahman. That is the Krsna consciousness movement. And we are all Brahman, you, me, everyone, because we are part and parcel of the Supreme Brahman, aham brahmasmi
- Brahminical culture also, similarly, it is just like sunshine. It is meant for everyone. But the people must be intelligent enough to take it. Unfortunately, this system, although India was observing very rigidly, now it is slackened, or practically nil
- But those who fully worship the unmanifested, by controlling the various senses and being equally disposed to everyone, such persons, engaged in the welfare of all, at last achieve Me. BG 12.3-4 - 1972
- By astronomical calculation, people were informed about this great eclipse prior to its taking place, and therefore everyone, both men and women, decided to assemble at the holy place in Kuruksetra known as Samanta-pancaka
- By distributing prasada one should satisfy everyone assembled, including even the lowest of men, the candalas (eaters of dog flesh)
- By going out for sankirtana and selling books to the citizens at large, in this way we are gradually getting the support of everyone, not just a select few
- By His (God's) impersonal feature He is all-pervading Brahman, by His localized feature He is present in everyone's heart as the Supreme Soul
- By His (God's) superior intelligence, the Lord gives everyone the chance to fulfill his desires to the fullest extent, and the resultant reaction is also awarded by the Lord
- By mentioning Brahma, the chief of all living entities within this material world, he (Bhrgu Muni ) wanted to state that everyone, including also Brahma and Lord Siva, is under the concept of the body and under the spell of material energy - all but Visnu
- By nature's own way the complete system of material activities is a source of perplexity for everyone. BG 1972 purports
- By nature's own way, everyone has to meet death, and if such a process of death is accelerated by anyone's penances, there is no satisfaction for the Lord
- By pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one pleases everyone, just as by watering the root of a tree one satisfies every branch, twig and leaf of the tree
- By practical experience and by hearing from authorities, everyone knows what sinful activity is, and no one can say - I do not know what sin is
- By practicing mystic yoga, a rajarsi could become smaller than the smallest, greater than the greatest, and could get whatever he desired. A rajarsi could also create a kingdom, bring everyone under his control and rule everyone
- By reading these instructions, a pure devotee can understand love of Krsna, the mellows of devotional service and the conclusion of devotional service. Everyone can understand all these things to their ultimate end by studying these instructions
- By sacrifices of animals, ordinary human beings will worship you (Yogamaya) gorgeously, with various paraphernalia, because you are supreme in fulfilling the material desires of everyone - SB 10.2.10
- By seeing the face of Krsna, everyone was transcendentally satisfied. Krsna, although the S P of God, was playing the part of an ordinary human being, and thus He immediately touched the feet of Yudhisthira, Bhima because they were His two older cousins
- By seeing their faces, one whose body has been pricked by pins can understand the pain of others who are pinpricked. Realizing that this pain is the same for everyone, he does not want others to suffer in this way - SB 10.10.14
- By serving God, nobody is loser. He serves himself, he serves his country, he serves his family, he serves the human society, he serves the living entity - everyone
- By spiritual activity everyone factually benefits, whereas by materialistic activity no one benefits and instead one becomes entangled in the laws of karma
- By the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu you are taking sannyasa, some of you. Keep it very perfectly and go from town to town, city to city, village to village, all over the world and spread this Krsna consciousness movement so that everyone will be happy
- By the grace of the Lord, Brahma was able to execute the tremendous task so perfectly that everyone is amazed to see the workmanship of the vidhata, or the regulator
- By the prowess of their devotional service, they could directly perceive the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in everyone's heart as the Supersoul, and realize that there was qualitatively no difference between themselves and Him
- By the request of Jagannatha Misra the brahmana cooked for a third time, but for a third time the Lord (Nimai) came before him & began to eat the food, although the child had been locked within a room & everyone was sleeping because it was late at night
- By understanding this philosophy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and engaging in His transcendental service, everyone can become freed from all contaminations of the modes of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- By utilizing our energy in this way (disseminating KC propaganda by selling books, by making publicity, newspapers, television) to give everyone access to the Absolute Truth, that is the real understanding of desire to serve humanity
- By worshiping or satisfying Acyuta, the SP of G, Krsna, one can satisfy everyone, just as one can water the branches, leaves and flowers of a tree simply by watering its root or as one satisfies all the senses of the body by giving food to the stomach
- Caitanya is everyone's spiritual master, but for the sake of formality, He also accepted a spiritual master so that others may learn that this is essential
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu advises everyone, especially every Indian, to become a guru under His order
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu desired that on the surface of the globe, as many towns and villages are there, the Krsna consciousness movement should be spread. And everyone, Indian especially, was advised to take up this mission and preach
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has asked everyone to become guru. Everyone. Because there is need of guru. The world is full of rascals; therefore there is need of so many gurus to teach them
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has entrusted this missionary work to everyone. Bharata-bhumite manusya-janma haila yara (CC Adi 9.41). So there is good field for Krsna consciousness. They want it
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given open declaration: Anyone who is desirous of becoming Krsna conscious, it is open. Anyone can come. By proper training by the expert spiritual master everyone can be raised to the brahminical platform & then Vaisnava platform
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given the example: stool is impure, rejectable. Everyone knows. Veda says: "No, cow dung is pure." And you examine it; you'll find it is pure. That is Vedic knowledge
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has recommended that everyone chant the Hare Krsna mantra just to cleanse the dust from the heart. If the dust of the heart is cleansed away, then one can actually understand the importance of the holy name
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted everyone in India to know the science of Krsna and preach Krsna consciousness. This is very simple
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted everyone, at least in India, to become a preacher of this mission. In other words, one should become a guru and preach the Lord's instructions all over the world for the peace and prosperity of humanity
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's, this Krsna consciousness movement propagana, what is this propaganda? He says that "Every one of you become guru." He wants not rascal imitation guru but real guru
- Certainly Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is in all respects the incarnation of Lord Krsna. Now He has come to Mathura to deliver everyone
- Chanting is so effective that it benefits even the animals, beasts, birds, insects, everyone. Hm. Go on. This is the best welfare activity
- Chanting is very simple, but one must practice it seriously. Therefore the author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami, advises everyone to keep this verse (CC Adi 17.32) always strung about his neck
- Charitable disposition of mind is there in everyone's heart, but one does not know how to make the best use of charity. Best use of... Not only charity - whatever you spend, you must spend for Krsna
- Child Krsna did not belong only to Nanda & Yasoda; He was the son of all the elderly inhabitants of Vrndavana & the friend of all contemporary boys & girls. Everyone loved Him. He was the life & soul of everyone, including the animals, the cows & calves
- Child Pariksit, after coming out of the womb, was in the habit of examining everyone to see whether he was the same personality whom he first saw in the womb
- Classless society is Krsna consciousness. "Eat Krsna-prasadam." Everyone will like. That is classless: "Everyone chant Hare Krsna, everyone eat Krsna-prasadam." Life is successful. Classless society on the spiritual platform, not on the material platform
- Cleansing the temple as clean as glass, always. Everyone remarks this that our temples are very clean. Yes. Temple means must be very clean. The more you cleanse the temple, the more your heart becomes cleansed
- Columbus, by dint of his past service unto the Lord, was blessed with the credit of discovering America. Similarly, no one can create anything without the sanction of the Lord, since everyone sees according to his ability
- Common people have joined. Everyone. We are opening centers so that any common man from any caste, any creed, any nation, they can come and join
- Concerning the new bhakta program, unless one is educated, we should not admit anyone and everyone without discrimination. One who has got culture and education, he can be accepted
- Concisely, it may be said that everyone is a thief and is liable to be punished. Punishment by the laws of nature takes place in the cycle of birth and death
- Conjugal love is so elevated that it is defeating all other varieties of mellows. Srila Jiva Gosvami comments in this connection that such a loving state of mind is not possible for all. It is possible only in the case of the gopis of Vrndavana
- Considering the fallen age at the present moment, God is so merciful and kind that He presents Himself as sound, sound vibration, which everyone can produce by his tongue and can hear, and God is present there
- Considering this (that Krsna consciousness is beneficial to everyone, whether one is a pure devotee or a nondevotee), who will not take shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna?
- Cooperation is possible to be made either by life, wealth, intelligence or words. Every one has got some of the above assets of the above four principles, and we can engage them in the service of the Lord
- Covering the whole land of Gokula with particles of dust, that demon (Trnavartasura), acting as a strong whirlwind, covered everyone's vision and began vibrating everywhere with a greatly fearful sound - SB 10.7.21
- Cultivation of knowledge is also not easy for everyone. That is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita. - Out of many millions of persons, human being, one may be interested to know - What is the aim of life? Why I am suffering
- Damodara Pandita impudently said to the Lord, "Everyone says that You are a great teacher because of Your instructions to others, but now we shall find out what kind of teacher You are"
- Death is already there in material nature, but we are so eager to promote it by killing everyone at one drop - this is called mayayapahrta-jnana knowledge carried away by illusion
- Death is inevitable for everyone, intelligent or foolish
- Deity worship should be practiced by everyone. That cleanses the contaminated body. It is the custom that before entering one must be cleansed & bathe himself regularly. The whole idea is that we must very much sincere in our activities to serve Krishna
- Demons said, "All the demigods have taken part in churning the ocean of milk. As everyone has an equal right to partake in any public sacrifice, according to the eternal religious system it is befitting that the demigods now have a share of the nectar"
- Demons think of everyone as a friend or enemy, but Vaisnavas say that since everyone is a servant of the Lord, everyone is on the same platform
- Demons, they are anxiety. Everyone has anxiety, but their anxiety, aparimeyam. Just like ordinary man, he has got some anxiety: "How to maintain my family? How to get money to maintain family?" like that. But the demons, they are immeasurable, unlimited
- Described in Second Canto (of SB) Lord Brahma saw Vaikuntha before the creation of universe. Viraraghava Acarya mentions that this Vaikuntha is within the universe. It is situated above the mountain known as Lokaloka. This planet is worshiped by everyone
- Describing the history of Ajamila's life, the Yamadutas relate that in the beginning he was a learned scholar of the Vedic literature. He was well behaved, neat and clean, and very kind to everyone. In fact, he had all good qualities
- Devaki, having been initiated by Vasudeva, became beautiful by carrying Krsna, the original consciousness for everyone, the cause of all causes, within the core of her heart, just as the east becomes beautiful by carrying the rising moon - SB 10.2.18
- Devotees are the most exalted personalities as the servants of Krsna, still they think themselves lower than everyone
- Devotees are the most exalted personalities as the servants of Krsna, still they think themselves lower than everyone, and that humble attitude is their credit
- Devotees have no problem understanding the ultimate cause of everything, but nondevotees must face many opposing elements because everyone who wants to be a prominent philosopher invents his own way
- Devotional service means every living entity has a specific duty towards God. God wants everyone to do a particular duty for Him, that is service. Just like God instructed Arjuna to fight, so to fight was Arjuna's duty
- Devotional service to Krsna is exactly like a pleasing, jubilant forest of lotus flowers wherein there is ample honey. I request everyone to taste this honey
- Devotional service to the Lord is the only means by which the Lord can be attained, and this devotional service can be accepted by everyone and anyone in any country and under any circumstance
- Dharma-ksetra everyone knows. Kuruksetra is still dharma-ksetra. Everyone goes there for religious performances. Where is the difficulty? Why you make it difficult
- Directions are given to the sincere devotee in two ways: one is by way of the saints, scriptures and spiritual master, and the other is by way of the Lord Himself, who resides within the heart of everyone
- Directly we don't approach Krsna. Therefore in Vrndavana you will see everyone is praising Radharani because Radharani is very quickly pleased. And as soon as Radharani is pleased, Krsna is automatically pleased
- Disturbance is due to want of an ultimate goal, and when one is certain that Krsna is the enjoyer, proprietor and friend of everyone and everything, then one can, with a steady mind, bring about peace. BG 1972 purports
- Do not be puffed up with false knowledge. Everyone, we should think that we are ignorant. We should have to receive knowledge
- Do not consider that it is ordinary box. It is the whole post office. But for your convenience the postal department has come before you like a small box. Similarly everyone knows that this murti is made of stone or wood or metal. But it is not that
- Do you think all the caves of the mountains they are now closed? There are many caves. If you want at all shelter, there are already there are natural rooms, apartment. (everyone laughs) You can live there
- Does it require your lamp to show the sunlight? The sunlight is itself so illuminous that everyone can understand, "This is sunlight." If somebody brings some lamp, "I will show you the sun," sun is already visible. Why your lamp is required?
- Don't be disappointed that "Because I am poor, I cannot become devotee." Everyone can become devotee
- Don't expect any respect for yourself, but you offer respect to everyone
- Don't think like that, that "Krsna is Indian, Krsna is Hindu," or like that, or "ksatriya. Therefore He is meant for others." No. Because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is everyone's property
- Don't try to interpret in a different way. The whole mischief is that everyone has got his own theosophy. And Bhagavad-gita is a popular book, and he wants to prove his own philosophy through Bhagavad-gita
- Dormant love for Krsna exists in everyone's heart, and it simply has to be awakened by the regulative process of devotional service
- Dormant love for Krsna exists in everyone’s heart, and it simply has to be awakened by the regulative process of devotional service
- Drsta means by direct experience. Direct experience everyone has seen, that a thief, he is arrested. This is our direct experience. He has committed theft, and therefore he is arrested by the police. It is our direct experience
- Due to the forceful vibration of kirtana, the entire world began trembling. When everyone chanted the holy name, they made a tumultuous sound
- Due to the intimate relationship between the soul and the body, the body is important and dear to everyone. Similarly, the soul, being part and parcel of Krsna, the Supreme Lord, is very, very dear to all living entities
- During the first yuga, Satya-yuga, people were very pious. Everyone practiced the mystic yoga system for spiritual understanding and realization of God. Because everyone was always absorbed in samadhi, no one was interested in material sense enjoyment
- Dvandva means fighting or quarreling. Every one of us has got nature for fighting with others unnecessarily. Even some people come here with a spirit of fighting with me. So this is called dvandva
- Education, austerity, penance or, in the modern world, business, industry, education and so on-all should be engaged in glorifying the Lord. Then everyone in the world will be happy
- Either Krsna or we, every one of us are ever-existing, because we are part and parcel of Krsna. Therefore, if Krsna is ever-existing, so we are also ever-existing. A particle of gold is gold, qualitatively
- Engage this tongue for these two business: chant Hare Krsna and take prasadam. He will forget dog-eating. There is no exception. Everyone can become Krsna conscious if he follows, beginning, these two rules: chant Hare Krsna and take prasadam. That's all
- Enjoyment is the goal of everyone's life. But the difference is that the materialist is trying to hanker after flickering enjoyment, and the transcendentalists, they are hankering after the spiritual enjoyment, or eternal enjoyment
- Especially in this age of Kali, there are no garbhadhana ceremonies; everyone enjoys sex with his wife like a cat or dog
- Especially in this age, human society is covered by the mode of ignorance, and therefore everyone thinks his present body to be everything, without consideration of the past or future
- Eternality belongs to everyone. Not that the Hindus, after giving up this body, exist, and the Muslims or Christians do not exist. Everyone exists eternally. So sanatana-dharma is meant for everyone
- European history is full of fighting, war. The basic idea is that everyone wanted to become master. That is the material disease. We are now discussing Bali Maharaja. He also wanted to become master of the whole universe. So that is the material disease
- European, American boys, they were never practiced to it, not in their family or by culture. But because Krsna consciousness is there in everyone's heart, simply by little practice it comes, it develops
- Even a man of knowledge acts according to his own nature, for everyone follows his nature. What can repression accomplish? BG 3.33 - 1972
- Even a man of knowledge acts according to his own nature, for everyone follows the nature he has acquired from the three modes. What can repression accomplish?
- Even an animal like a tiger has this loving propensity at least in a dormant stage, and it is certainly present in the human beings. The missing point, however, is where to repose our love so that everyone can become happy
- Even at the present moment, everyone everywhere can be happy and free from material tribulations by following Srimad-Bhagavatam. There is no need of austerities and penances, which in this age are very difficult to perform
- Even fifty years ago, I saw that in the villages of Bengal and the suburbs of Calcutta, people engaged in hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam daily when all their activities ended, or at least in the evening before going to bed. Everyone would hear the Bhagavatam
- Even if another Vaisnava was actually at fault, Raghunatha Bhatta would not criticize him; he saw only that everyone was engaged in Krsna's service. That is the position of a maha-bhagavata
- Even if he is higher officer, everyone has to consult the higher authorities. Similarly, this means that I'll not independently make any plan, but I must accept the standard plan which is coming directly from the Supreme Consciousness through a channel
- Even if one does not have money, he can preach the Hare Krsna mantra to everyone. One can go everywhere, to every home, and request everyone to chant the Hare Krsna mantra. Thus the entire world situation will become very happy and peaceful
- Even if one does not read any philosophy, he is sexually inclined. Nobody is taught it in the schools and colleges. Everyone already knows how to do it. That is the general tendency. But education should be given to stop it. That is real education
- Even if one does not repay his debts, he is freed from all debts if he renounces the material world for the sake of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose lotus feet are the shelter of everyone. This is the verdict of the sastra
- Even if one has many material desires to fulfill, he should take to Krsna consciousness and worship the Supreme Lord Krsna, who is so merciful that He fulfills everyone's desires
- Even if one is an enemy of Krsna, a maha-bhagavata sees him to be engaged in Krsna's service. Another crude example is that everything appears yellow to the jaundiced eye. To a maha-bhagavata, everyone but himself appears to be engaged in Krsna's service
- Even if you cannot offer anything . . . I think everyone can offer, I think, a flower can be offered, a little fruit can be offered
- Even in the Christian world the Supreme Lord God is accepted as the supreme father. "O father, give us our daily bread." It is very good, accepting the Supreme Lord, the supreme father. Everyone must accept. That is human life. That is human knowledge
- Even in the paramahamsa stage, one cannot give up chanting. Haridasa Thakura and the Gosvamis were all engaged in chanting a fixed number of rounds; therefore chanting on beads is very important for everyone, even though one may become a paramahamsa
- Even in the presence of being agitated, one who is not agitated, that is called dhirah. Otherwise, everyone becomes agitated. That is natural
- Even in this material world, if we understand perfectly well that we are not enjoyer, Krsna is enjoyer, then that is spiritual world. This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to convince everyone that we are not enjoyer, enjoyer is Krsna
- Even in your house there is a serpent, see that he is not fasting without food. This is the spiritual communism. They are now after communism, but they do not know what is communism. Everyone will be taken care of. That is communism, real communism
- Even Lord Siva affirms that liberation can be achieved only by the mercy of Visnu. Lord Siva says: There is no doubt that Visnu is the deliverer of liberation for everyone. BG 1972 purports
- Even Mr. Nixon is in such exalted post, he's also full of anxieties, when he'll be kicked out. You see. So find out any man who is not in anxiety. Not only human being but also animals, birds, beasts - everyone. That is the symptom of material existence
- Even the lion, although so powerful, must endeavor with great difficulty to find another animal to eat, and similarly everyone in this material world must work with great difficulty to continue his life
- Even though I (Prabhupada) am a fool number one, I become guru, because I am repeating what Krsna has said. That's all. I don't require any education. Very simple thing. Everyone can become guru if he simply repeats what Krsna has said, that's all
- Eventually everyone will dry up and be thrown in the fire. That is a fact. We may survive for a few years, but we cannot avoid death. In fact, it is said, - As sure as death
- Every civilized nation, every civilized man has got his scripture. May he be a Christian, may be a Hindu, may be a Muhammadan or may be a Buddhist. It doesn't matter. But everyone has got his authority, book of authority, scripture
- Every country, every nation and every community throughout the world has some conception of the holy name of God, and as such either the Hindus or the Muhammadans or the Christians, everyone can easily chant the holy name of God in a meditative mood
- Every day there are obituaries, and if we bother to go to the cemetery or crematorium grounds we can validate them. Yet everyone is thinking, - Somehow or other I'll live
- Every father, every state, every guardian, every guru, everyone, relative, should educate his dependent in Krsna consciousness to give them chance to be liberated from this bondage of miserable condition of material life
- Every householder must offer food to the Lord, and the result will be that everyone, even a company of guests numbering ten thousand, will be satisfied because of the Lord's being satisfied. That is the way of devotional service
- Every individual living entity is subject to the supreme control of the Paramatma, who puts everyone in different positions of the controller and the controlled
- Every inhabitant of Bharata-varsa can perfect his life by discharging bhagavad-bhakti and then preaching this cult throughout the world for the benefit of everyone
- Every living entity is suffering in this material existence from past activities; therefore everyone has a very old history
- Every minute and every second we experience that living entities are going to the temple of death. Men, insects, animals, birds - everyone is going. This world, therefore, is called mrtyuloka - the planet of death
- Every one of the thousands of wives of Krsna was thinking that Krsna was captivated by her feminine beauty, but this was not the case
- Every one of them is thinking on the bodily platform: "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am German," and "I am Englishman," like that. Therefore there is no solution because the basic principle is wrong
- Every one of these living entities, they are making . . . having a hard struggle for existence. But under the spell of the illusory energy, they are thinking, "We are happy," although whole day and night they are unhappy; their desires are not fulfilled
- Every one of us are already old. (We) generally understand that old age means nearing death, but who can guarantee that there is no death immediately? At any moment
- Every one of us is conducting his own institution, and there is difference of opinion even between Gaudiya Mission and Gaudiya Math
- Every one of us is under the impression that we are these bodies, but actually we are not. Accepting the body to be the self is called illusion, or maya. The third imperfection is that conditioned souls have a tendency to cheat
- Every one of us should be spiritually strong. Otherwise, superficially if we want to manage, it will not be possible
- Every one of you become a guru, not a bluffer, but a guru, real guru. "How real guru? What can be done? I have no qualification." Yare dekha tare kaha krsna-upadesa: (CC Madhya 7.128) "You simply take the words of Krsna and preach."
- Every part of His (the Lord's) body is pleasing for everyone to see. Apart from His smiling face, every part of His body - His hands, His legs, His chest - is pleasing to the devotees, who cannot at any time stop seeing the beautiful form of the Lord
- Everyone accepts Him (Krsna), all the acaryas, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Sankaracarya, Lord Caitanya. So why don't you accept Krsna? Why you're searching after learned man? Here is the best learned man. Simple truth
- Everyone acts in this world to maintain his family and their paraphernalia, but no one is working without some self-interest, some personal gratification, be it concentrated or extended. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone acts under the dictation of the ego. Therefore Lord Siva is trying to purify false egotism through the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everyone admitted that although they had heard many statements glorifying the holy name of the Lord, they had never heard such sweet descriptions as those of Rupa Gosvami
- Everyone always desires to possess something
- Everyone assembled was very eager to hear the different versions of the Atmarama sloka again, and since they were so eager, Lord Caitanya again explained the sloka in the same way that He had explained it to Sanatana Gosvami
- Everyone became very much astonished to see the emotional ecstasy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and everyone began to chant, "All glories! All glories!" again and again
- Everyone becomes a servant of the senses just beginning from the tongue. They cannot control the tongue. They eat anything and everything. Therefore they cannot control others senses also
- Everyone becomes agitated. That is natural. A young boy sees another young man or a young man sees another young girl. Natural sex appetite, natural. But one who can control that, that is dhirah. That is dhirah
- Everyone becomes beautiful by his special qualities. And the special quality of the brahmana, as described here (in SB 9.15.40), is forgiveness
- Everyone began to chant, "All glories to Haridasa Thakura, who revealed the importance of chanting the holy name of the Lord"
- Everyone begins his activities with some plan and ambition, but actually, from the beginning of one's plan to the end, one does not derive any happiness
- Everyone believed that the Pandavas, along with their mother, Kunti, had been killed. This information was also sent to Lord Krsna and Balarama
- Everyone believes in the concept of the body, and all are thus submerged in the darkness of illusion
- Everyone busy, but when one is busy in such a work that leads to devotional service of the Lord, that busyness, that occupation, is the supermost. That occupation is the supermost
- Everyone came before Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and said, "Now we have directly seen Lord Krsna." Thus by the mercy of the goddess of learning they were made to speak the truth
- Everyone can accept Krsna in so many ways. We can love Krsna as Arjuna did, or as Mother Yasoda did. Similarly, Pariksit Maharaja simply heard about Krsna and developed love
- Everyone can be an isvara. So we are also controller of something. A business man is controller of his business; I am controller of my disciples. There are so many controllers. So in that sense, everyone is isvara, in the sense of controller
- Everyone can be delivered, regardless of his situation or culture. We have spread this Krsna consciousness movement throughout the world, and people are becoming happy because of it
- Everyone can be elevated to the spiritual platform by the process of bhakti-yoga
- Everyone can be, sudhyanti, they can be purified. But if you take the real process, this is Krsna consciousness process
- Everyone can become a fearless and honest person if his very existence is purified by discharging the prescribed duty for each and every order of life
- Everyone can become a first class speaker. Simply cram the purports of my books. The references are there, the philosophy is there. Everything is there. So if you do it, everyone will be pleased with your speaking
- Everyone can become a guru and deliver the local people. How? Yare dekha, tare kaha 'krsna'-upadesa. Then you are guru
- Everyone can become a tridandi sannyasi if he dedicates these three things (body, mind, words) for Krsna's service, then he's tridandi sannyasi. Of course officially, tridandi-sannyasi, one has to take three rods joined together. That's a symbolic
- Everyone can become representative of Krsna. How? If you simply carry the message of Krsna without any adulteration. That's all
- Everyone can become spiritual master if he presents the instruction as it is. Not that "I am now advanced. I can change the process what I received from spiritual master." That is rascaldom
- Everyone can come to the platform of a Vaisnava, which includes having all the qualifications of a brahmana
- Everyone can elevate the functions of the different parts of his body to the highest perfectional stage simply by engaging them in the service of the Lord or His representative
- Everyone can enjoy the company of the Lord in the spiritual realm if he at all desires and sincerely tries for it by the process of bhakti-yoga
- Everyone can execute the cult of Krsna consciousness at home
- Everyone can experience that although we try to keep the body in a comfortable position, it is always giving pain and is subjected to the threefold miseries. Otherwise, why are there so many hospitals, welfare boards and insurance establishments?
- Everyone can have a similar privilege. If one loves Krsna as one's child, then one will have such a privilege, because the mother has the most love for the child
- Everyone can join in His (Lord Caitanya's) sankirtana movement. No previous qualification is necessary. just by following His teachings, anyone can become a perfect human being
- Everyone can join in His (Lord Caitanya's) sankirtana movement. No previous qualification is necessary. Just by following His teachings, anyone can become a perfect human being - CC Preface
- Everyone can offer, and then take the food with friends. And chant before the picture of Krsna, and lead a pure life. Just see the result - the whole world will become Vaikuntha, where there is no anxiety
- Everyone can practice at home. Is it very difficult task, to gather some flowers and some leaves and decorate and have some picture or statue of the Lord, offer Him some fruits, flower? Everyone can do this
- Everyone can see God. To see God is not very difficult job. There are so many points described in the Bhagavad-gita. For the devotees, those who are serious about seeing God, they can see God. God is present everywhere
- Everyone can see that a man who commits murder is punished, but seeing this is not enough to deter one from killing
- Everyone can see that his grandfather has died, and therefore he will also die; man is mortal. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone can serve Krsna provided he is qualified. And what is that qualification?
- Everyone can take shelter at the lotus feet of the Lord to enjoy equal benedictions from the Lord, but nondevotees do not do so, and therefore they suffer the consequences created by the material energy
- Everyone can take to Krsna. Then everything will be settled up
- Everyone can test which one is first-class religion because by the result of such activities one will be able to render service to the Supreme
- Everyone can think of Krsna. Here is Krsna's form. Everyone can chant Hare Krsna. Everyone can offer obeisances. Everyone can offer some fruits and flowers. This is the opportunity
- Everyone can understand it (that we are spirit souls). It is very simple thing. But the modern education has made them so dull brain, they cannot understand, neither do they try to understand. That is the difficulty
- Everyone can understand that if I pinch any part of my body or your any part of the body, you feel pain. Or similarly, if you get some other facilities, pleasure, so pains and pleasure are felt so long there is consciousness
- Everyone can understand that we drink the milk of cows and take the help of bulls in producing agricultural products
- Everyone cannot understand God simply by erudite scholarship or mental speculation. Only one who is actually engaged in Krsna consciousness and devotional service can understand what Krsna is. University degrees are not helpful. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone captures the post for personal gratification, and thus instead of one king, a number of irresponsible kings grow up to tax the citizens
- Everyone claims that "We are also following Vyasadeva." But not superficially. Actually following Vyasadeva. Just like Vyasadeva accepted Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everyone comes in his own ability according to karma. Nobody is responsible for his birth. Everyone is responsible for his work
- Everyone comes to this material world attracted to sense gratification, and the hard knot of sense gratification is the attraction between male and female
- Everyone commits mistake, everyone becomes illusioned, everyone's sense perception are all imperfect, and everyone is a cheater
- Everyone complain, "I am sick because I am eating too much," or "no eating." Why? No eating or eating too much should be avoided. Simply you eat what will keep your health nice. That is eating
- Everyone danced and chanted in ecstatic love, and a great noise resounded. Everyone was overwhelmed with transcendental bliss just to see the dancing of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Everyone depends upon dharma (religiosity), artha (economic development), kama (sense gratification) and ultimately moksa (salvation), but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, due to His magnanimous character, can give more than salvation
- Everyone desires comfort for his body and tries to make a suitable situation for this purpose, forgetting that the body is meant to be eaten by dogs, jackals or moths and thus turned into useless stool, ashes or earth
- Everyone desires to achieve the ultimate goal of life, but in modern civilization the great scientists think that man's life has no plan. This gross ignorance is very dangerous and makes civilization very risky
- Everyone desires to be master or proprietor of something, then minister, then president, and then God. When everything else fails, the living entity wants to become God
- Everyone desires to have more sons than daughters, and since the number of daughters was less than the number of sons, it appears that King Puranjana's family life was very comfortable and pleasing
- Everyone does not know. But it is the duty of the father, duty of the state, duty of the teachers to educate from the very beginning
- Everyone drank the water that had touched the lotus feet of Haridasa Thakura, and then they smeared remnants of Lord Jagannatha's sandalwood pulp over Haridasa Thakura's body
- Everyone drinks water, and as soon as you drink water when you are thirsty, and the taste of the water appeases your thirst, so if you simply remember that "In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated that this taste is Krsna,"
- Everyone engaged in Deity worship, whether at home or in the temple, should always seek the mercy of Narada Muni in order to avoid the thirty-two offenses while worshiping the Deity. These offenses in Deity worship are mentioned in The Nectar of Devotion
- Everyone engaged in the practice of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra will be completely cleansed, from the core of his heart, and be saved from the cycle of birth and death
- Everyone engages in some sort of service. If one does not know one's constitutional position, one engages in the service of his personal gross body or his family, society or country
- Everyone engages in work with his hands, legs and other senses just to achieve a certain goal according to his concocted ideas
- Everyone enjoys play-acting, only there is at present a dearth of proper material for elevating the general mass of people to the proper standards. Practically, the whole world is going to hell
- Everyone enjoys the fruits of his qualitative activities
- Everyone falsely thinking, "I am free. Our nation is free. I am free." What nonsense free? You are locked up already. He has preferred to remain in this prison locked up by sex because he is rascal
- Everyone feels the absence of his relative who is away from home. The particular symptom of the age of Kali is that no family is now blessed to live together
- Everyone follows the path that leads toward Him (Krsna), but there are different degrees of progress on that path, and the Lord is realized in proportion to one’s advancement
- Everyone goes and mixes as every river goes down to the ocean, and there is no more distinction which is the river water and which is the ocean water. They become one. That is the monistic philosophy
- Everyone goes out of India. They go there to exploit. But it is for the first time that India is giving something to the outsiders, this spiritual knowledge. And the proof you can see. We are giving, we are not taking
- Everyone goes to God to mitigate some problem, that "God, give us our daily bread." That means bread is a problem, and as soon as the problem is finished, they forget God
- Everyone hankers for happiness, but although happiness originally comes from the pleasure potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in the material world, because of material activities, the pleasure potency of the Lord becomes a source of miseries
- Everyone has a chance to become purified by associating with this Krsna consciousness movement and strictly following the rules and regulations
- Everyone has a combination of faults and glories. But a Vaisnava, a sober man, accepts only a man’s glories and not his faults, for flies seek sores whereas honeybees seek honey
- Everyone has a limited duration of life, but a devotee's lifetime can be extended by the mercy of the Supreme Lord, who is able to nullify the results of one's karma. Karmani nirdahati kintu ca bhakti-bhajam - BS 5.54
- Everyone has a particular relationship with the Lord, and that relationship is evoked by the perfection of devotional service. BG 1972 Introduction
- Everyone has a particular transcendental mellow by which he loves and serves Krsna
- Everyone has a particular type of faith, regardless of what he is. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone has a tendency to give something in charity; Krsna says, "Give it to Me," and this means that all surplus money accummulated should be utilized in furthering the Krsna consciousness movement. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone has a tendency to give something in charity; Krsna says, "Give it to Me," and this means that all surplus money accumulated should be utilized in furthering the Krsna consciousness movement
- Everyone has a vocation in life, but with what consciousness does he enter upon it
- Everyone has achieved a certain type of body given by material nature according to the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everyone has an eternal relationship with the Lord, either as master and servant, friend and friend, parent and child, husband and wife, or lover and beloved. These relationships are eternally present
- Everyone has aversion. Therefore we give this chance to everyone to chant with us Hare Krsna mantra. This is the only. If you go on chanting, then gradually that cause of aversion will be cleared
- Everyone has blazing fire within the heart. That is the proof of material existence. Nobody is without anxieties. That blazing fire means anxieties, always
- Everyone has choice. Choice, but under the control. Exactly like that. By your choice, you go to the prison house. By your choice, you go to the university
- Everyone has come to this material world for sense gratification, and the position of those who are too attached to sense gratification and who therefore accept the grhastha-asrama is very precarious
- Everyone has dormant love for Krsna, and by culture and education that has to be awakened. That is the purpose of this Krsna consciousness movement
- Everyone has experience that this material pleasure comes to an end. Spiritual enjoyment, however, does not end; rather, it increases. That is the difference. Therefore we have to associate with Govinda
- Everyone has experienced that hindrances are imposed upon us by the supreme power. The demons regard these hindrances as mere accidents or chance, but devotees accept them as acts of the supreme ruler. When faced with hindrances, devotees pray to Lord
- Everyone has forgotten his real constitutional position. Therefore all of them are hovering in the air without any concrete knowledge of the goal of life
- Everyone has got a chance. So this Krsna consciousness movement is giving chance to everyone to become devata. It is so nice movement
- Everyone has got a destined breathing period by superior arrangement, so if you don't spend your breathing, then you'll prolong your life. This is the system
- Everyone has got a particular relationship with Krsna in his original, constitutional position. That will be revealed gradually as you advance in devotional service in the prescribed rules and regulation. That is called svarupa-siddhi
- Everyone has got a particular relationship with the Lord and that relationship is evoked by the perfection of devotional service. At the present status of our life we have not only forgotten the Supreme Lord, but also our eternal relationship with Him
- Everyone has got asakti. Asakti means attachment, this material attachment
- Everyone has got attachment, either for his family, either for some friend or for some house or some hobby or for some cats, some dogs. There is attachment. That is not to be learned
- Everyone has got desires, different types of desire. Child is desiring some way or other. The boy is desiring another way. So the desire is on account of this body, different desire
- Everyone has got different types of occupation. As it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, brahma-karma, ksatriya-karma, vaisya-karma, sudra-karma
- Everyone has got experience in every country. When he has no difficulty to get money, then what he will do? He will simply drink or invent some means of intoxication, naked dance
- Everyone has got experience. When we want to do something wrong, there is conscience: "Don't do it." "No, no, let me do." There is struggle. So this is the struggle between the soul and the Supersoul
- Everyone has got experience. While sex life one enjoys, the breathing is very heavy. Very, very heavy. So he loses the balance of his breathing period
- Everyone has got God-gifted instrument, this ear. And if we give aural reception, we'll learn. There is no need of education, A-B-C-D. No
- Everyone has got his own opinion, however condemned it may be. And on that point everyone is prepared to fight with one. Therefore it is called Kali-yuga
- Everyone has got his particular propensity. So someone is serving as the land there; someone is serving as the throne; someone is serving as the supplying agent of fruits and flowers; someone is engaged in His service as the gopis, confidential servitors
- Everyone has got his particular type of occupation, either as intelligent class of men, or as the administrator class of men, or as Vaisyas, traders, or merchant, or as a laborer. Everyone has got
- Everyone has got interest. But nobody knows what is real interest. That is missing
- Everyone has got little fortune, opulence, but nobody is comparable with Krsna. Therefore in the sastra it is said, krsnas tu bhagavan svayam: "Real Bhagavan is Krsna," the supreme controller
- Everyone has got some idea. He has surrendered there. Either political, social, economical, religious, anything. Everyone has got some idea. And the leader of that ideal is also there. So our business is to surrender
- Everyone has got some occupational duty. So dharmam hi saksad bhagavat-pranitam (SB 6.3.19). That occupational duty is assigned by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Tena tyaktena bhunjithah - ISO 1
- Everyone has got some problem. That is material existence. So sometimes, when we are disgusted with this material life, we want to forget, forget all the things
- Everyone has got some specific talent, either human being or cats and dogs or ants, everyone
- Everyone has got the chance. Even he is born in a papa-yoni, everyone... Otherwise, why Krsna will say, te 'pi anti param gatim? Simply the condition is: mam hi pariah vyapasritya: "One should take to Krsna consciousness fully"
- Everyone has got the gold, but they are not in awareness that what is that gold
- Everyone has got the potency to become maha-bhagavata, provided he tries. Sadhana-siddha and nitya-siddha. Prahlada Maharaja is nitya-siddha and there are sadhana-siddhas, just like we are
- Everyone has got the right to interpret in a different way, but we have to accept parampara, the disciplic succession. Just like I have given one burfi. Everyone knows it is burfi, and if somebody interprets, "It is stone," so it will not be accepted
- Everyone has got to give up this body. That's a fact. Even people do not know that after giving up this body I will have to accept another body, better or lower according to my karma. There is no such cultivation of knowledge
- Everyone has his destined happiness also. No one can get more or less of these things simply by personal endeavors. Even if they are obtained, they can be lost again. One should not, therefore, waste time with these flimsy things
- Everyone has his individuality: "I am this," "I am very learned," "I am very beautiful," "I am white," "I am black," "I am Indian," "I am American," this is called ego. So this egotism is there, but we cannot see it
- Everyone has his intellectual equal and superior, and no one can claim that he has neither. However, this is not the case with the Lord
- Everyone has his life, his wealth, his intelligence and his words, and all of them should be offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the via medium of the spiritual master
- Everyone has his proprietory right in regard to prescribed duties, but should act without attachment to the result; such disinterested obligatory duties doubtlessly lead one to the path of liberation. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone has knowledge of huge empires throughout the history of the world but all the societies engaged in such economic development (sarve 'rtha-kamah) have been frustrated by the laws of nature through periodic wars, pestilence, famine and so on
- Everyone has lusty desires within, and as soon as one is agitated by the movement of a beautiful woman's eyebrows, the cupid within immediately throws his arrow at the heart. Thus one is quickly conquered by the eyebrows of a beautiful woman
- Everyone has mixed-up ideas because nobody is properly trained up. Some ideas they have got, inquiries they have got. But unless one comes to the right person, he cannot be enlightened
- Everyone has no idea what is Krsna. And because the representative of Krsna induces one to see Krsna and gives his knowledge and intelligence and tactics how to see Krsna, therefore he is as good as Krsna. That is the verdict of all sastras
- Everyone has seen Lord Krsna Himself. There is no doubt about it. Hearing this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu began to laugh. He then said, "Everything is correct"
- Everyone has seen that as soon as there is earthquake, they began to scream: "Oh, now I'm going to die, going to die." As soon as there is any shaking in the aeroplane, they began to scream. He's afraid of death, but he says - Oh, that is not a problem
- Everyone has some kind of intelligence, and one who utilizes his intelligence is called an atmarama. There are two types of atmaramas. One is a learned scholar and philosopher, and the other is an uneducated, illiterate, foolish person
- Everyone has some particular duty. The sastra has concluded (nirupitah) that everyone should glorify the Supreme Personality of Godhead by his own qualifications
- Everyone has some particular relationship with Krsna, the Supreme Lord, which he has forgotten. But as we become Krsna conscious, gradually our old consciousness of our relationship with Krsna is revived
- Everyone has some potency. You have special potency. Do not waste it in the service of maya, but use it in the service of Krsna
- Everyone has some prescribed duties to perform, but the perfection of such duties will be reached only if the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, is satisfied by such actions
- Everyone has some vague idea of God, but no clear idea. Therefore God descends to show what He is. If we speculate on God, someone will think one thing and another person will think another. This is the result of speculation
- Everyone has the chance to become first-class man and come to the understanding, the value of life, and mold our life so that we can, next life, we can get better chance
- Everyone has the propensity for sex life, but in demoniac civilization sex is enjoyed without restriction. According to Vedic culture, sex is enjoyed under Vedic instructions
- Everyone has the right to live at the cost of God with God consciousness. This is the sum and substance of the Krsna consciousness movement
- Everyone has to adjust things in his particular way, but I again repeat that at least one hour should be set aside for chanting the beads. I hope this will help you both ways and I pray to Krishna that He will give you all protection
- Everyone has to bear the actions and reactions of time as long as one is within the conditions of the material world
- Everyone has to conquer over sleeping, so that is called daksah. And daksah means expert. Whatever business is entrusted to him, he does it very nicely, daksa
- Everyone has to die sometime, but the problem is that most men your age are thinking, "I will live another fifty years'', but now you have been informed that in your case, you will not live so long
- Everyone has to hear either from Krsna or from His bona fide representative. That is srotriyam. And the result will be that after becoming student of such bona fide guru, one will be firmly fixed up in God consciousness
- Everyone has to learn from his superior about knowledge; even Brahma, who is the first living being within this material world, has to meditate upon the Supreme Lord and take help from Him in order to create
- Everyone has to perform yajna according to the Vedic hymns
- Everyone has to perform yajna according to the Vedic hymns. As stated in the Upanisads, fire, the altar, the auspicious full moon, the period of four months called caturmasya, the sacrificial animal, and the beverage called soma are necessary requisites
- Everyone has to suffer or enjoy the fruits of his activity; no one can check the laws of material nature that govern such things - CC Preface
- Everyone has to suffer or enjoy the fruits of his activity; no one can check the laws of material nature which govern such things. As long as one is engaged in fruitive activity, he is sure to be baffled in an attempt to attain the ultimate goal of life
- Everyone has to surrender to someone superior. That is always the nature of our living condition. At the present moment we are trying to surrender to someone - either to society or to our nation, family, state or government
- Everyone has to take sannyasa. It is not that a particular man, simply Caitanya Mahaprabhu has to take sannyasa. No. That is obligation. You must
- Everyone has to test himself that, "How far I have advanced?" That means "How far I have become detached with material contamination." That's all. The test is in your hand. And if you are sincere, then you should test yourself
- Everyone has to work for maintenance of his body and soul together, & Krsna recommends herein (BG 9.27) that one should work for Him. Everyone has to eat something to live; therefore he should accept the remnants of foodstuffs offered to Krsna. BG 1972 p
- Everyone here wants to lord it over the material nature, and thus everyone creates his own destiny under the supervision of the Supreme Lord
- Everyone in every town and village should be enlightened by the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Krsna consciousness should be distributed to everyone indiscriminately. In this way, the entire world will be peaceful and happy
- Everyone in heavenly planets such as Pitrloka must return to earth after exhausting the effects of his pious acts
- Everyone in human society is a manava, or descendant from Manu, but Dhruva Maharaja is a distinguished manava because he is a great devotee
- Everyone in human society is engaged for the ultimate benefit of life, but persons who are in the bodily conception cannot achieve the ultimate goal, nor can they understand what it is
- Everyone in India is a devotee; they have simply been misled by politicians and so many things. By Lord Chaitanya's mercy we are again reviving their original Krishna Consciousness, just as we are doing in all our centers all over the world
- Everyone in Krsna consciousness should execute his duty, without regard for victory or defeat
- Everyone in material world is under the modes of material nature. There were three different parties in churning of Mandara Mountain - the demigods, in the mode of goodness, the demons, in the mode of passion, & the snake Vasuki, in the mode of ignorance
- Everyone in Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya's house is very dear to Me, including his maids and servants and even his dog. And what to speak of his relatives
- Everyone in the flames of material miseries can find the path of liberation in You (Krsna)
- Everyone in the fourteen worlds meditates upon Him, and all the denizens of Vaikuntha sing of His qualities and pastimes
- Everyone in the human form of life should be induced to associate with devotees. By rendering a little service, even by eating prasadam, what to speak of chanting and dancing, everyone can be promoted to Vaikunthaloka
- Everyone in the material life, in all species and varieties of life, is full of anxieties, either by breaking or without breaking the laws of nature
- Everyone in the material world is a servant; no one is master. One may think that he is the master, but he is actually a servant
- Everyone in the material world is engaged in a struggle for existence. Everyone tries to save himself from danger, but when one is unable to save himself, if he is pious, he then takes shelter of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everyone in the material world is engaged in all kinds of political, philanthropic and humanitarian activities to make material life happy and prosperous, but this is not possible
- Everyone in the material world is full of thoughts about how to maintain his family, how to protect his wealth, how to keep pace with friends and relatives, etc. Thus he is always in fear and lamentation, trying to keep up with the status quo
- Everyone in the material world is more or less an asura, an atheist. If one preaches, one has to learn to tolerate the asuras and speak in such a way that they can also become devotees
- Everyone in the material world is trying his best to become the supreme controller - individually, nationally, socially and in many other ways
- Everyone in the party was very anxious at heart to see Caitanya Mahaprabhu; therefore they hastily went on to Jagannatha Puri
- Everyone in the royal palace, including the King (Yudhisthira) and his brothers and mother, was raptly attending the lectures. But it was known to Vidura that his instructions were especially meant for Dhrtarastra, who was too materialistic
- Everyone in the world is rendering service to Lord Krsna in one way or another. Some are doing it favorably, and others antagonistically
- Everyone in the world is suffering. Despite so many attempts on the parts of the governments and planning commissions of the world, still the suffering continues
- Everyone in this material world engages in achieving the fruits of his labor
- Everyone in this material world has come with these lusty desires and greediness. Even demigods like Lord Siva, Lord Brahma
- Everyone in this material world has imperfect senses; therefore whatever knowledge has been gathered through the senses is necessarily imperfect
- Everyone in this material world is a rascal. A particular living entity desires, "If I can get the opportunity to obtain the post of Brahma, then I can create a big universe." Thus he receives the body of Brahma
- Everyone in this material world is attempting to acquire riches to satisfy the senses. Actually no one cares for anything other than acquiring material possessions and maintaining them
- Everyone in this material world is distressed by miserable conditions, but Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati says that this world is full of happiness. How is this possible
- Everyone in this material world is hankering for enjoyment, but one who is free from this hankering can taste how relishable the Bhagavatam is
- Everyone in this material world is struggling hard in order to achieve blissful life. Unfortunately, people do not know how to achieve it. Atheists do not believe in God, and certainly they do not please Him
- Everyone in this material world is suffering. It is called dukhalayam ashasvatam. Why should you give up your life? Instead come and live with us
- Everyone in this material world is trying his best how to satisfy the senses. This is the material disease
- Everyone in this material world is working like a madman under certain impressions falsely acquired in the material condition
- Everyone in this material world knows that the supernatural power is the ultimate disposer of everything
- Everyone in this material world trying to mitigate or trying to become free from the distress. Duhkhasya. Atyantika-duhkha-nivrtti. Atyantika means supreme. The struggle for existence in this material world is everyone is trying to get some happiness
- Everyone in this material world, from Lord Brahma down to the ant, is eager to keep his body comfortable. A pure devotee may also be comfortable, but he is not eager for such a benediction
- Everyone in this material world, he does not know what is the aim of life. Unnecessarily he is making plan - this plan, that plan, this plan, that plan - and all plan is being frustrated by the laws of nature. Every plan will fail
- Everyone in this material world, they are suffering. Just like in the prison house there are different grades of prisoner: first class, second class, third class. But if the first-class prisoner thinks they are enjoying life, that is ignorance
- Everyone in this material world, they're born foolish and still they're manufacturing knowledge. That is cheating. That is going on
- Everyone interested in Krsna consciousness should ultimately take shelter of Radha-kunda and execute devotional service there throughout one's life. This is the conclusion of Rupa Gosvami in the tenth verse of Upadesamrta
- Everyone is addicted to hearing of activities of another person, whether a politician or a rich man or an imaginary character whose activities are created in a novel
- Everyone is advised that one should not freely mix even with one's daughter or with one's mother or with one's sister
- Everyone is after success in religion, economic development, sense gratification and ultimately merging into the existence of Brahman. These are the general practices of the common man
- Everyone is anxious to see God, but in our present stage of life we are conditioned and deluded. We have no idea of things as they really are
- Everyone is asking why I have come to this village of Ramakeli. No one knows My intentions
- Everyone is at the present moment out of touch of the real science of spiritual knowledge. Everyone is going under some religious badge only, so it is very difficult to deal with them unless they are very much serious to understand the science of God
- Everyone is attracted to hard labor for becoming happy in this material world, but although various activities are going on all over the world simply for the sake of happiness, unfortunately only problems are being created from such fruitive activities
- Everyone is bad. Without any discrimination you can say. Mandah sumanda-matayo
- Everyone is becoming engineering, technologist or medical man or so many. But the real problem of life is to understand the self
- Everyone is being controlled by God, but a devotee is so exalted that Krsna says that "I wish to be controlled by you." This is Krsna's position
- Everyone is born foolish. Everyone. Even the human beings, because they are coming from the animal kingdom by evolution, so the birth is the same, ignorance, like animals. Therefore, even though one is human being, he requires education
- Everyone is busy how to exploit the resources of material nature. That is advancement of civilization. Advancement of civilization means how to exploit the material resources. But they do not know, the foolish people do not know that is not advancement
- Everyone is condemned in this material world. But first-class condemned, second-class condemned, third-class condemned. So you'll find this first class, second class, third, you cannot stop it
- Everyone is eating. The ants within your home, within the hole of your room, they're also eating. So who is not eating? Everyone is eating. Why you have made a civilization to work hard like an ass for your eating? What is this civilization?
- Everyone is engaged in getting more and more money, and therefore the ideal goal of human life is being lost. Concisely, it may be said that everyone is a thief and is liable to be punished
- Everyone is engaged in his duty. They are not interested to hear about Krsna-katha - that is the real business of life - because they are engaged in duty, duty. So why they do that?
- Everyone is engaged in maintaining the body, home and family. Consequently everyone becomes confused at the end of life, not knowing what spiritual life and the goal of human life are
- Everyone is fallen and the lowest of the mankind, because he's missing the chance of understanding Krsna in this human form life, and nobody knows what he's going to be next life. So it it a very risky civilization without any understanding of Krsna
- Everyone is full of anxiety. Not only human society but also bird society, beast society - everyone. Anyone who has got this material body, he's full of anxiety. But we want to get free from anxieties. That is our aspiration.
- Everyone is hankering after happiness in life, but in this age the members of human society, blind as they are, do not have the proper vision that the Personality of God is the reservoir of all happiness because He is the ultimate source of everything
- Everyone is hankering after happiness, just as in the desert everyone is hankering after water. If in the desert there is a drop of water, it may of course be said that water is there, but the benefit from that drop of water is very insignificant
- Everyone is immortal, but he is fallen in such material condition that he thinks himself as mortal
- Everyone is important, but some are directly responsible for the advancement of human society and some are only indirectly responsible. However, when Krsna consciousness is there, then everyone's total benefit is taken care of
- Everyone is in ignorance. Any sinful activity is done out of ignorance. So ignorance is no excuse. The butcher is killing animal because he does not know what is the effect of this killing
- Everyone is in the darkness of ignorance. Therefore everyone needs to be enlightened with transcendental knowledge
- Everyone is inclined in this age to eat meat and fish, drink liquor and indulge in sex life
- Everyone is indebted to the demigods, to living entities in general, to his family, to the pitas and so on, but if one fully surrenders to Krsna, Mukunda, who can give one liberation, even if one performs no yajnas, one is freed from all debts
- Everyone is inventing so many methods. Consequently human society has lost the standard ways of life, both materially and spiritually, and as a result people are bewildered, and there is no peace or happiness in the world
- Everyone is looking, that is another thing. But food is there. He has no arrangement for making industry. (aside:) Hare Krsna. He has no arrangement for making industry
- Everyone is motivated by sex life, but sex life is not actually discouraged. We have this material body, and as long as we have it, sex desire will be there
- Everyone is not of the same intellect. You may be more intelligent than me, another may be more intelligent than you, but that varieties of intelligence does not mean missing the real point
- Everyone is obliged to repay the debt of gratitude. The Yadus who went to the Prabhasa pilgrimage site performed their duties by distributing land, gold, and well-nourished cows in royal charity, as described in the following verse - SB 3.3.26
- Everyone is part and parcel of Krsna (mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah (BG 15.7)), and therefore everyone's senses are also Krsna's. When we use the senses for Krsna's service, we attain the perfection of life
- Everyone is proud of his own position, but here was an astounding experience, in which the emperor of the entire world felt himself defeated in all details of material happiness by the opulence of Saubhari Muni
- Everyone is related to the Supreme Lord, but one should not mistakenly think that because one is related to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he has become the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana
- Everyone is riding on the chariot of mind. And the mind is taking him here and there, here... And the yoga practice is also treatment
- Everyone is servant. Therefore we teach our students to address "prabhu." "I am your servant, you are my master, prabhu." That is the meaning of prabhu. Prabhu means master. And Prabhupada means supreme master. That is the meaning
- Everyone is sleeping in the darkness of Kali-yuga, but when there is a great acarya, by his calling only, everyone takes to the study of the Vedas to acquire actual knowledge
- Everyone is subject to the law of death, yet no one takes it seriously. This is illusion. Thinking we will live forever, we go on doing whatever we like, feeling that we will never be held responsible
- Everyone is sudra. Kalau sudra-sambhavah. Who is going to become brahmana? We are inviting everyone, "Come here, become brahmana." Who is interested?
- Everyone is suffering for misuse of their intelligence, denying the authority of God. And everyone can take advantage. We are giving that knowledge. Without any exception, everyone can take
- Everyone is thinking that "My family, my wife, my children, my nation, my community, that is everything. What is Krsna?" This is the greatest illusion imposed by maya. But nobody will able to give you protection
- Everyone is thinking that his birthplace and his mother is better than the heaven
- Everyone is thinking, "I am very comfortable at home. I have got my wife. I have got my children. I have got my bank balance. I have got so many things. I have got my nation, community. I am secure. I am secure." Why he is thinking like that?
- Everyone is thinking, "Oh, I must have a vocation in order to maintain my family." Society, the government or the family have to be satisfied, and no one is free from such consciousness One has to be in proper consciousness to execute any activity nicely
- Everyone is trying communally, nationally, individually for his or their interest. So that is not good. Svarthe pramattah. They do not know what is real self-interest
- Everyone is trying to get out of suffering, in any field of action; in the economic field, in the political field, or any field of activity, social or national, everyone is trying to get out of misery. There is no other activity
- Everyone is trying to live, struggle for existence, but these living conditions are different, according to the body. The body is made according to his destination of happiness and distress by superior authority
- Everyone is trying to live. Nobody wants to die. Why this psychological desire is there? I want to live. That means that he is eternal. Therefore he wants to live
- Everyone is under the impression that he is of this material world, and with this concept of life everyone is working in ignorance in different forms of life. The activities of the particular type of body are called karma, or fruitive action
- Everyone is uneducated. Everyone is born rascal and fool. He should be enlightened, elevated, by vijnana-vidhuta. Vijnana-vidhuta-vibhramah. This can be achieved when one is interested in the matter of self-realization. If one is interested. Atma-tattvam
- Everyone is unhappy although they are rendering service and taking service. This is going on, but nobody is happy because this is artificial. Real service... Unless the thing comes to the real point, there is no peace
- Everyone is working and expecting some result. One may ask what is the purpose of working if no result is expected
- Everyone is working hard day and night just to give pleasure to his own self, under either the bodily or spiritual concept of life. We are attached to material possessions because they give pleasure to the senses or to the body
- Everyone knew that Damodara Pandita was strict in practical dealings. Therefore everyone was afraid of him and dared not do anything independent
- Everyone knew that he (Arjuna) was a great warrior. Even Dronacarya gave him benedictions and awarded him the special weapon by which he could kill even his teacher. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone knew that He was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, yet His behavior was exemplary
- Everyone knows "This is not good," but he is punished; again he does that. So Pariksit Maharaja said, What is the use of this atonement?
- Everyone knows a flimsy idea there is God, but we can give actually who is that God, what is His name, what is His address, what is His father's name, what is His mother's name - everything. That is Krsna consciousness
- Everyone knows animal life is full of suffering, but they cannot realize. But a human being can realize. And when the question comes, when he becomes intelligent enough that "Why I am suffering?" then his human life begins
- Everyone knows God is great. "Great" means everyone is small; He is great. Nobody is equal to Him. Nobody is greater than Him. That is the meaning of greatness
- Everyone knows how to eat, how to use sex. Nobody requires any university education
- Everyone knows it, but nonetheless one plans to hear or think something very pleasing. Unfortunately, all of one's plans are annihilated in due course of time
- Everyone knows something of everything or everything of something, and this is generally known as knowledge. But as soon as we leave the body, all of this knowledge is vanquished
- Everyone knows that "I'll not live forever." But even though it is temporary, adhruvam, not eternal, it is arthadam. It is said, arthadam. Whatever little life you have got, you can attain perfection
- Everyone knows that a snake is dangerous and poisonous, and when its hood is decorated with jewels, it is no less poisonous or dangerous
- Everyone knows that Deity is made of brass metal. But that is not metal. Because we cannot see Krsna in any other way at present, therefore Krsna has appeared as made of metal
- Everyone knows that God is great, and we can conclude from this (EKC 5) that His enjoyment is great also
- Everyone knows that he has got a father. That is not difficult. Anyone who is in this material world, in material world or spiritual world, there is a father
- Everyone knows that I am very fond of mangos. Actually amongst all fruits I like them most. They are considered the king of fruits
- Everyone knows that in the body, the stomach is the enjoyer. Not the hands, legs, eyes, ears. These are there simply to help the stomach
- Everyone knows that lotus flowers grow in the water but water never grows from a lotus. All such contradictions, however, are wonderfully possible in Krsna: the great river Ganges has grown from His lotus feet
- Everyone knows that lotus flowers grow in the water of the Ganges. But to say that the Ganges takes birth from a lotus flower seems extremely contradictory
- Everyone knows that the mind is so swift that in even one ten-thousandth of a second it can take us millions of miles. If we have seen something millions of miles away, the mind can go there immediately
- Everyone knows that the sun has two types of energy - heat and light. Similarly, Krsna has an external energy and an internal energy, and He also has a marginal energy, which is a mixture of the other two
- Everyone knows that the wind blows within space, and on earth it is blowing everywhere. There is no place where there is no air or wind. If we wish to drive out air, we have to create a vacuum artificially by some machine
- Everyone knows that Vamanadeva was not at all poverty-stricken. His begging from Maharaja Bali was a device to favor him
- Everyone knows well that when we eat something, or in other words, when we put foodstuffs in the stomach, the energy created by such action is immediately distributed throughout the whole body
- Everyone knows, I have never changed my dress. Rather, I have given the dress to the foreigners, and they have taken it. The Ramakrishna mission people came to request me that I dress myself in coat, pant, hat. Because they are doing
- Everyone less than human being, they cannot inquire about the Absolute Truth: "What is the aim of life? What is the Absolute Truth? What I am? What is my relationship?" These things are the subject matter for discussion in the human form of life
- Everyone like the common people respect the opinions of intelligent scholars
- Everyone likes illicit sex
- Everyone lives hundred years, but the ant's hundred years and my hundred years and Brahma's hundred years, they are different, relative. Law of relativity
- Everyone looked, all together, like the demigods from heaven. This was especially true of the women, who were very nicely dressed
- Everyone loves himself, and when he becomes more advanced, he loves the Supersoul also. A person who is self-realized does not recommend the worship of anyone but the Supersoul
- Everyone loves his body and wants to protect it because he is within the body as the soul, and everyone loves the soul because the soul is part and parcel of the Supersoul
- Everyone loves somebody. But we are being frustrated, because that is not real love
- Everyone marked a great change in Bhattacarya, and they concluded that this change was made possible only by the inconceivable power of Lord Caitanya. Thus they took it for granted that Lord Caitanya was none other than Lord Krsna Himself
- Everyone may be accepted as an isvara, or controller, but still such controllers are controlled by others. For example, one may have undergone severe austerities but still be under the control of anger
- Everyone means those who are actually seeking after God realization, they are following the same path, but on account of their distance of vision, they are realizing the Absolute Truth in different way
- Everyone met Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya on his way to Varanasi
- Everyone must act according to his position and try to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for that will make one's life successful. This was instructed in Naimisaranya - in SB 1.2.13
- Everyone must be below, subordinate. That is Vedic instruction. And that has been selected, or that has been concluded, who is that Supreme Being. That is we get from Vedic information: isvarah paramah krsnah (Bs. 5.1), that Supreme Being means Krsna
- Everyone must be educated in Visnu worship and engaged in the devotional service of Hrsikesa, the owner of the senses. The conditioned souls are meant not to satisfy their material senses but to satisfy the senses of Hrsikesa
- Everyone must be engaged in his particular duty, but the perfection of such work should be tested by how far the Lord is satisfied with such activities
- Everyone must be self-interested. That is natural. But they do not know what is self-interest. The self-interest is to approach Visnu or Krsna and satisfy Him. That is self-interest
- Everyone must die in this way (in great bereavement), and after one's mental condition is taken into account by the laws of material nature, he is given another chance to fulfill his desires in a different body
- Everyone must engage in the service of the Lord. Taking the word api in the sense of ascertainment, there are, all together, sixty different meanings
- Everyone must follow the four regulative principles and chant minimum of 16 rounds japa daily. There is no question of falldown if one seriously follows these principles
- Everyone must go to learn the Vedas from an authorized teacher and must satisfy the teacher by service and reward
- Everyone must have a woman, parakiya. This is sahajiya-vada
- Everyone must have been very anxious to know about the annihilation of the Yadu dynasty, and that message must have been explained by God to Uddhava and dispatched to Badarikasrama for the information of Nara-Narayana and other pure devotees of the Lord
- Everyone must take to this consciousness of Krsna and engage in devotional service to become intelligent and purified. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone must understand Krsna's activities - janma karma ca me divyam - BG 4.9
- Everyone naturally gets a father and mother at the time of birth, but the real father and mother are those who can release their offspring from the clutches of imminent death. This is possible only for parents advanced in Krsna consciousness
- Everyone naturally surrenders to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, either directly or indirectly
- Everyone needs it (money and food). If that is your definition... If one needs money and food, then everyone needs money and food. So everyone is poor
- Everyone needs money. Everyone needs it. Who is not poor? There are so many gentlemen sitting here. Who is not in need of money and food? You are also in need of money. So how do you distinguish poor from rich
- Everyone needs money. Everyone needs. Who is not poor? Anyone find out. So many gentlemen sitting here. Who is not in need of food and money? You are also in need of money. So what do you distinguish poor and rich? Everyone needs
- Everyone of the Hindu community in the Western world has got some very good feeling for me because superficially they are seeing that I am spreading Hindu religion
- Everyone of us is very intimately connected with Krsna, and Krsna is sitting in everyone's heart. Krsna is so kind, that He is simply waiting, "When this rascal will turn his face towards Me"
- Everyone please hear these topics about Ramananda Raya, although they are so wonderful and uncommon that they should not be spoken
- Everyone present was astonished to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's dancing and His bodily transformations. Whoever came did not want to return home
- Everyone receives knowledge from the authority, but general authority, and our process of accepting authority is little different. Our process of accepting one authority means he is also accepting his previous authority
- Everyone remarks that the temples of the Krsna consciousness movement are very clean, and they must be very clean
- Everyone requires possessions such as food grains, clothing, money and other things necessary for the maintenance of the body, but one should not collect more than necessary for his actual basic needs
- Everyone requires the psychiatric treatment so that the mind may be transferred from matter to spirit soul. Then you'll be cured. The disease is of the mind
- Everyone requires to be cured of this disease of ignorance. The disease of ignorance, means "I am this body. I am this body." I am not this body
- Everyone respected Govinda as the dearest servant of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and Govinda served all the Vaisnavas and saw to their needs
- Everyone rises early in the morning to offer worship to the Deities. The devotees prepare nice food for Krsna, they decorate the temple, make garlands, go out chanting, and sell books
- Everyone said, "Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is present in my group. Indeed, He does not go anywhere else. He is bestowing His mercy upon us"
- Everyone saw the complexion of Lord Caitanya's body change from white to pink, so that His luster resembled that of the mallika flower
- Everyone says, "God is great," but he is trying to be as great as God. How it is possible?
- Everyone says, "God is great. God is omnipotent. God is all-powerful," but we do not know how God is great, how God is all-powerful, how God is omnipotent. That we should know. And that is the prerogative, a special power for the human being
- Everyone says: "Swamiji, you have done wonderful thing." But I say: "I do not know any magic, jugglery. But wonderful thing is that I have not adulterated." That is wonderful
- Everyone searches after some dear friend, some sweet friend. Why? We want the cooperation of a dear friend who will help us. This is part of the struggle for existence, and this is natural
- Everyone sees that this existence is neither comfortable nor secure and can never become comfortable or secure at any stage of development
- Everyone sees the sun every day, but that does not mean that everyone knows what the sun actually is. Similarly, when Lord Sri Krsna was present five thousand years ago, very few could know what He was
- Everyone sees the sun, moon, fire and electricity. One should simply try to understand that the splendor of the sun, the splendor of the moon, and the splendor of electricity or fire are coming from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone serious about understanding the transcendental science and seeing the transcendental form of the Lord must first of all attempt to see the lotus feet of the Lord by studying the First and Second Cantos of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Everyone serves the purpose of the Supreme Godhead, & what to speak of such small and insignificant living entities as ourselves? We are surely eternal servants of the Lord
- Everyone should act according to his occupational duties just to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then everyone will be happy
- Everyone should be engaged in devotional service to the Lord in full Krsna consciousness. That is recommended in this verse (BG 18.46). BG 1972 purports
- Everyone should be engaged. If one is not competent to dress the Deity - everyone is competent - he can simply wash the temple and cleanse it. That will also help
- Everyone should be engaged. That is management. So all GBC members must see that in every temple, everyone is engaged
- Everyone should be induced to accept this order (surrendering to God), for this is victory (dig-vijaya). And it is the duty of the soldier, the devotee, to impress upon everyone this philosophy of life
- Everyone should be interested to understand the Absolute Truth. But this is Kali-yuga. Practically nobody is interested. The symptoms of Kali-yuga is Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah (SB 1.1.10). They are very slow or all bad, mandah
- Everyone should be prepared to propagate this movement (of Krsna consciousness). As instructed by Lord Caitanya, one should be humbler than the grass on the ground and more tolerant than the tree
- Everyone should be unhappy to see others in distress and happy to see others happy. One should feel the happiness and distress of others as his own. It is on this basis that the Buddhist religious principle of nonviolence is established
- Everyone should consider his father to be his first teacher because by the mercy of one's father one gets this body. The father is therefore the natural spiritual master. Our next spiritual master is he who initiates us into transcendental knowledge
- Everyone should observe the different ceremonies and celebrations of the Lord by all means. One of the most important of these ceremonial functions is called Urja-vrata
- Everyone should offer up the fruits of his occupational duty to the lotus feet of the Lord Visnu , or Krsna." That is why the Vedic system is called varnasrama - literally, "social organization with a spiritual perspective
- Everyone should understand that Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the ultimate proprietor of all the planets and is therefore the enjoyer of all activities, political, social, cultural, religious, economic and so on
- Everyone there began to speak of Haridasa Thakura's great qualities as if they had five mouths. Hearing this, both brothers were extremely happy
- Everyone thinks - The butcher thinks, "It is my life. I must cut the throat of the animals daily." Just like that - what is that hunter? And Narada Muni met him? Yes, Mrgari
- Everyone thinks in his own way. That is not philosophy. That is not law: "I think..." "We think..." No. You cannot think. What is your value? You are imperfect. Your senses are imperfect. How you can think perfect things?
- Everyone thinks in terms, "I am this body," that's all. He is not human being, but every so-called civilized man is thinking like that. So where is the civilization of human being? All go-kharahs, animals
- Everyone thinks that he is right and everyone is wrong. We do not think like that. We take the words of the authority, that's all. Or we have no respect. This is our program. That is the way of parampara
- Everyone thinks that his intelligence is perfect. Sometimes one employs his intelligence in the worship of Uma, the wife of Lord Siva, in order to obtain a beautiful wife
- Everyone thinks that Krsna is a great fighter & that no one can conquer You. So now You'll have to prove Your strength. I think that if You stand before me any longer, with my sharp arrows I shall send You to a place wherefrom You will never return"
- Everyone thinks that my contemporary devotees are doing better than me. We are trained to address Godbrothers as Prabhu, which means Master. This means we shall try to find out always the serving side of our Godbrothers
- Everyone thinks that there is no use in going to the temple just to worship God. But worship for economic benefit is not recommended in the scriptural injunction. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone thinks, in terms of individual capacity, that this universe, which is manifested before us, is all in all. And so the scientist in the human society of the twentieth century calculates the beginning and end of the universe in his own way
- Everyone thoroughly knew the position of King Yudhisthira; because he was a great devotee of Lord Krsna, no accomplishment was extraordinary for him
- Everyone tried to satisfy Krsna-even the cows, the flowers, the fruits, and the water of Vrndavana. This is because everything in Vrndavana is spiritual; nothing is material
- Everyone tries to become happy by planning in the material world, but the law of nature is so cruel that it sets fire to one's schemes; the fruitive worker is not happy in his schemes, nor is there any satiation of his continuous hankering for happiness
- Everyone tries to become rich man because generally one thinks that at old age I'll get some income and I shall sit down very peacefully. So you are already sitting down peacefully. Why you take another means?
- Everyone tries to make a permanent plan for happiness, but everyone is baffled by the laws of material nature. Therefore the materialistic world is called the darkest region of God's creation
- Everyone under the spell of the mode of ignorance becomes mad, and a madman cannot understand what is what. Instead of making advancement, one becomes degraded. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone wants akuto-bhayam: "I must be very safe and sound in every respect, in my social position, so far my health is concerned, anything." Everyone wants that security. But there is no security. That is called struggle for existence
- Everyone wants happiness
- Everyone wants health and security, but actually there is no security. There is simply a struggle for existence. People are struggling for security, but in reality this is all foolishness
- Everyone wants money, everyone wants good wife, good family, good comfortable life. Caitanya Mahaprabhu denies, that "I don't want all these things."
- Everyone wants peace in the world. The peace marchers do not know how to obtain peace, but they want peace. I read a speech of the Archbishop of Canterbury in which he said, "You want the kingdom of God without God." This is our defect
- Everyone wants sense gratification, to be servant of the senses. If the senses want "Do this," he will do it. And our Movement is that we shall not hear the dictation of the senses, we shall do what Krsna says. That is just opposite
- Everyone wants some money. Without money he cannot exist. The process may be different, how he's earning money. Similarly, every religion, the aim is to go back to home, back to Godhead
- Everyone wants that his son should be hard working, just like hogs and dogs, and satisfy senses. That's all. Everyone wants. That is civilization. Nobody wants that his son should be a devotee. They will not tolerate that
- Everyone wants that I live in a nice family home with my children, wife and good income, "I shall be very happy". For this reason one takes the risk marrying. There is pleasure there
- Everyone wants the eternal life of bliss and knowledge. In the material world an eternal life of bliss & knowledge is progressively realized in the upper planets but after reaching there one is inclined to achieve progress along the path back to Godhead
- Everyone wants to achieve life's ultimate goal, but due to being absorbed in the material energy, we waste our time with sense gratification
- Everyone wants to act as the proprietor of his actions so that he can enjoy the result. A devotee, however, has no such desire; he acts because the Personality of Godhead wants him to act in a particular way. He has no personal motive
- Everyone wants to be free from all kinds of fear, and everyone wants the fullest extent of happiness in life
- Everyone wants to be happy in his householder life, but the laws of nature do not allow one to become happy in material existence, which is like a spontaneous forest fire
- Everyone wants to be master of another. Actually he does not serve anyone. He serves because he gets some money. So as soon as the money payment is stopped, immediately servant becomes disobedient. Therefore there is no service in the material world
- Everyone wants to be puffed up before his friends and relatives. So this is materialism
- Everyone wants to be the lord, even though such lordship is conditional and temporary
- Everyone wants to be the master, because to become a servant is not a very palatable thing. But to become the servant of God is not exactly like this
- Everyone wants to become God, imitator. Imitation. Therefore they say, "Why Krsna shall be alone God? I am God"
- Everyone wants to become happy by imitating the prosperity of Narayana
- Everyone wants to become happy. That is the highest principle
- Everyone wants to dance, to sing, to eat and to hear the truth. This process is truly susukham - very happy
- Everyone wants to eat, sing and dance, Through this formula - dancing, singing and eating Krsna prasada and hearing philosophical discussion, transcendental topics from Bhagavad-gita - so don't you think it is very happy?
- Everyone wants to elevate himself to a higher status of existence or, out of frustration, become one with the Supreme. All these desires are different types of materialism; they are not favorable for devotional service
- Everyone wants to enjoy this material world according to his whims and purpose. Krsna gives facility to everyone. So that facility is given according to his desire, a particular type of body
- Everyone wants to exploit the resources of the material nature. He wants to become master. That is the struggle for existence
- Everyone wants to exploit the state resources till he dies. No one retires from political life unless forced to do so. How can such low-grade men do good to the people? The result is corruption, intrigue and hypocrisy
- Everyone wants to lead the medical science. It is time to give greatest relief from disease, but they cannot stop disease or death. That is the problem
- Everyone wants to live forever, but nature will not allow that. That's a fact. We may think very independent, but we are not independent. We are under the stringent laws of nature
- Everyone wants to live here (in this material world) peacefully, but situations develop in such a way that this is not possible for anyone
- Everyone wants to propound a type of philosophical method and tries to become famous. That is the natural way. But you make your philosophical presentation in different way. You have got right. But don't try to interpret in Bhagavad-gita
- Everyone wants to relish some kind of taste in everything, but one who is engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord can derive unlimited pleasure from such engagement
- Everyone wants to satisfy his senses, but above the senses is the mind, above the mind is intelligence, above intelligence is the self, above the individual self is the Superself. Above the Superself is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, visnu-tattva
- Everyone wants to take pleasure by his own knowledge, that "I know something," but in the presence of Krsna this conception will not help. We have to submit. You have to. There is no other alternative: na tams tarkena yojayet
- Everyone wants to take pleasure in his own knowledge, thinking, I know something. But in the presence of Krsna this conception cannot stand, for one cannot bring Krsna within the limitations of prakrti. One must submit. There is no alternative
- Everyone wants to take something from the father. One is always saying, "Father, give me this. Father, give me that." However, accepting the Supreme Lord as one's son means rendering service
- Everyone was afraid of Hiranyakasipu's atheistic principles. When Lord Nrsimhadeva appeared in order to kill him, Hiranyakasipu's atheistic principles could not save him. Lord Nrsimhadeva killed Hiranyakasipu & took away all his power, influence & pride
- Everyone was astonished by the dancing of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and even Lord Jagannatha became extremely happy to see Him
- Everyone was astonished to see such a performance of sankirtana, and they all agreed that never before had kirtana been so performed and ecstatic love of God so exhibited
- Everyone was astonished to see the decorations on the Ratha car. The car appeared to be newly made of gold, and it was as high as Mount Sumeru
- Everyone was astounded that such a large statue had come from such a distance, and they built a temple on the spot in honor of the Deity, and today people are still worshiping Saksi-Gopala, the Lord as a witness
- Everyone was astounded to see the greatness of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Indeed, I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) cannot properly describe the pastimes of the Lord at Prayaga
- Everyone was chanting the holy names of Hari and dancing. In this way the domicile of Advaita Acarya was converted into Sri Vaikuntha Puri
- Everyone was completely satisfied, and therefore there was no chance of anyone's asking for anything. The people were absorbed in great affection for the King (Rsabha). Since this affection was always expanding, they were not inclined to ask for anything
- Everyone was engaged in material enjoyment, whether sinfully or virtuously. No one was interested in the transcendental service of the Lord, which can give total relief from the repetition of birth and death
- Everyone was eulogizing Haridasa Thakura, such a great devotee. So the zamindar, the village zamindar, he became very much envious. So he employed one prostitute to pollute Haridasa Thakura
- Everyone was filled up to the neck because Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu kept telling the distributors, "Give them more! Give them more"
- Everyone was happy during the reign of Maharaja Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everyone was happy in his position, everyone - brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. The culture was so nice that nobody was unhappy, even if he is a sudra or even if he is a vaisya or a brahmana or ksatriya
- Everyone was happy to see the Lord lie down on that bed, but Jagadananda was inwardly angry, and externally he appeared very unhappy
- Everyone was increasing in affection for Krsna. When the cowherd men coming down from the hill saw their own sons, who were no one else than Krsna, their affection increased
- Everyone was offered two earthen pots. In one was put chipped rice with condensed milk, and in the other chipped rice with yogurt
- Everyone was overwhelmed with moroseness and almost unconscious, but out of ecstatic love they continued to wander here and there, searching for the Lord
- Everyone was pleased to receive this garland worn by Lord Jagannatha. Afterwards they all returned to the place where Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was staying
- Everyone was then very pleased to see the Deity of Lord Jagannatha. Lord Nityananda in particular was overwhelmed with ecstasy
- Everyone was trained to attain the highest goal of life, and therefore the people were also enlightened enough not to quarrel over trivialities
- Everyone was unhappy for a fortnight because they could not see the Deity of Lord Jagannatha. Upon seeing the Lord at the festival, the devotees were very happy
- Everyone was very pleased, and they all gathered together at the house of Advaita Acarya
- Everyone who actually desires to understand the Vedanta philosophy must certainly accept the explanation of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the Vaisnava acaryas who have also commented on the Vedanta-sutra according to the principles of bhakti-yoga
- Everyone who deals with the Supreme Personality of Godhead gradually acquires the qualities of the Lord
- Everyone who desires to be free from all anxieties should always hear about, glorify and remember the Personality of Godhead, who is the supreme director of everything, the extinguisher of all difficulties, and the Supersoul of all living entities
- Everyone who died in His (Krsna's) presence (on the battlefield of Kuruksetra) attained complete liberation from material bondage and was transferred to the spiritual world
- Everyone who died in the battlefield of Kuruksetra, they got salvation. That is stated in Bhisma's teachings. So they got the benefit, but not that everyone understood Krsna
- Everyone who does not obey the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is criminal. Stena eva sa ucyate. Stena eva sa . . . this is the verdict of the sastra. Forgetfulness of Krsna, or God, is materialism
- Everyone who follows the path of Arjuna can become a dear friend to Krsna and obtain the same perfection as Arjuna. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone who happens to take his birth in India is a potential benefactor of others, because it is on Indian soil alone that the culture of transcendental knowledge has been most elaborately presented, from ancient times to the present
- Everyone who has accepted a material body must maintain the necessities of the body by acting or earning some livelihood. A devotee should only work for such income as is absolutely necessary
- Everyone who heard the explanations of the Atmarama sloka was amazed. Indeed, everyone considered Lord Caitanya to be none other than Sri Krsna Himself
- Everyone who is captivated by the material energy and absorbed in thinking "I am this body, and everything belonging to this body is mine" is in illusion
- Everyone who is encaged in this material body, he's unhappy. That is the sum and substance of the whole material existence
- Everyone who is illusioned and commits mistakes is a fool, but still such fools pose themselves as being sources of infallible knowledge
- Everyone who is in this material world, forgotten God, or Krsna, he is already intoxicated. Just like intoxicated man, he cannot recognize even his father, mother, or even his sister or mother. It has been practical
- Everyone who is intelligent should know that because of our concept of bodily existence, we are subjected to suffering and enjoyment
- Everyone who is not a KC person is a butcher. Even the so-called pious man, who is not in KC, he is also a butcher. Because he is killing his own self
- Everyone who is not in Krsna consciousness must be considered to be in illusion. One's so-called feelings of happiness and satisfaction resulting from material things are also illusions
- Everyone who is not Krsna conscious is to be considered crazy because he exists on a platform which is temporary and transient
- Everyone who is not serving Krsna, he is in the wrong path
- Everyone who ordinarily engages in material affairs can derive the highest benefit from this Krsna consciousness movement. All kinds of spiritual endeavors are more or less tinged with material contamination
- Everyone who saw Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu could understand that He was performing a miracle, but they did not know how it was that He could see on all four sides
- Everyone who will come to this Krsna consciousness will become good man, even he's a bad man. That is the influence of Krsna consciousness. Sarvair gunaih tatra samasate surah - SB 5.18.12
- Everyone will be benefited. Simply you have to preach. You have to preach in the same way that where there is no necessity, there also the preaching will go on. You have to become like cloud
- Everyone will be incorrigible. Only hope is Hare Krsna. The whole Vedic system is to make human being correct. Being incorrect, they are suffering in this material world repetition of birth, death
- Everyone will be pleased with him because the Personality of Godhead, the supreme controller of the universe, is always satisfied with a devotee who does not wish for anything beyond Him
- Everyone will die. So nobody can check death. However great scientist he may, he cannot stop death. By laws of nature one is becoming old. By your scientific advancement you can stop first of all
- Everyone will have to change his body and position, and as long as one remains here, he will have to fight and struggle for existence. This is the way of material life
- Everyone will understand. Hare Krsna. That is proved. We are going to Africa. We are going to Canada, Europe, America. Everyone chants Hare Krsna. That is the language. When a young man and young woman loves one another, there is no question of language
- Everyone with common sense can understand that, "What philosophy?" Here they see practically character, philosophy, devotion, faith, strict discipline. Any gentleman will appreciate
- Everyone within the creation of the Lord is rendering service to the Lord indirectly or directly. No one is an exception to this law of the Lord
- Everyone within this material world is conditioned by the modes of material nature and therefore has four defects
- Everyone within this material world is engrossed in the modes of passion and ignorance
- Everyone within this material world, beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant ant, is full of material desires for sense enjoyment, and everyone is busy in sense gratification
- Everyone works according to the inspiration given by the Supersoul. Because everyone has a different goal of life, everyone acts differently, as guided by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everyone works under the influence of various modes of material nature, and when the various modes are prominent, the demigods or demons appear victorious under the influence of these modes
- Everyone works very hard to earn money, but no one knows that his real self-interest is in serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everyone worships God: "My Lord, my Lord, my Lord." So therefore God sometimes wants that "Who will chastise Me?"
- Everyone worships Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore He sometimes desires to be controlled by someone else. Such a controller can be no one else but a pure devotee
- Everyone worships the Supreme Lord with great reverence; therefore the Lord sometimes wants to enjoy the chastisement of His devotees
- Everyone worships the Supreme Lord with great reverence; therefore the Lord sometimes wants to enjoy the chastisement of His devotees. In this way the relationship eternally existing between the Lord and His devotees is fixed, just like the sky overhead
- Everyone's aim is duhkha-nivrtti. It may be presented in a different way. So the Buddha philosophy is also duhkha-nivrtti, stop pains
- Everyone's center is Krsna: "How Krsna will be happy?" This is Vrndavana life. If we try to follow the footsteps of the residents of Vrndavana, how to love Krsna, then our life is successful
- Everyone's central point is Krsna. Everyone is loving Krsna so much that they do not know He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everyone's duty is to stop this birth and death problem by chanting Hare Krsna mantra. That is the only duty. And this should be taught from the very beginning of life
- Everyone's energy is generated or borrowed from the reservoir of energy of the Lord; therefore, the resultant actions of such energy must be given to the Lord in the shape of transcendental loving service for Him
- Everyone's enjoyment is not of the same standard. We can see that. Somebody is enjoying some way, another is enjoying . . . "One man's food, another man's poison." What is enjoyed by the hog is not enjoyed by other animal
- Everyone's life must be so arranged that the last stage of life, say at least the last fifteen to twenty years prior to death, can be absolutely devoted to the devotional service of the Lord to attain the highest perfection of life
- Everyone's mind is not of the same category
- Everyone's point is happiness. And what is that standard of happiness, that you have to take from some authority. That authority we accept Krsna
- Everyone's prescribed duty is glorious if it is performed in devotional service of the Lord, without desire for profit. Such loving service must be performed without reason, without impediment, and spontaneously
- Everyone's servant means
- Everyone, all nonsense rascals, silent. He does not know what is God. And what is his religion? If you do not know what is God, a vague idea, that is not religion. You must know what is God
- Everyone, and especially the brahmana and ksatriya, was trained in the transcendental art under the care of the spiritual master far away from home, in the status of brahmacarya. Modern man, however, is incompetent to understand it perfectly
- Everyone, door to door, a devotee has to go and teach them that - You are leading a very, very irresponsible life. Be responsible to your consciousness and be a devotee of Krsna. That will save you
- Everyone, especially the grhasthas, who are mudha-dhi, ignorant about the goal of life, should be given opportunities to hear about Krsna
- Everyone, especially the householder, commits five kinds of sinful activities: When sweeping a floor or igniting a fire we kill many germs, and when we walk on the street we kill many ants and other insects
- Everyone, especially the householder, commits five kinds of sinful activities: When we receive water from a water pitcher, we kill many germs that are in it. Similarly, when we use a grinding machine or eat food, we kill many germs
- Everyone, especially the karmis, they think that they will live forever. This is the most wonderful thing