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- A child will sometimes take something important, so we have to flatter him. "Oh, you are so nice. Please take these lozenges and give me that paper. It is nothing; it is paper." And he will say, - Oh, yes. Take. That's nice
- A man is dying on the deathbed, and his friend comes, "How you are feeling?" "Yes, I am all right." (laughter) Now he's going to die, and he says, "I am all right." So this is called maya
- Actually we are not in peace, but maya is dictating, "Oh, you are very comfortable," and he's accepting, " Oh, I'm very comfortable." Yes. This is your problem
- After death, he sees, "Yes. The body is not my son. The body is not my husband." So that is foolishness. The foolish person understands late, and intelligent person understands very quickly. That is the difference
- After receiving the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Yogamaya twice confirmed her acceptance by saying, "Yes, sir, I shall do as You order," & then saying om. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura comments that om signifies Vedic confirmation
- After the death, we have to give somebody, some living entity. So generally, it is given to the vultures. So why to the vultures? Take the civilized men, who are as good as vultures. The so-called civilized men. Yes
- Ajamila was engaged in maintaining the family. Everyone is engaged like that. Cats and dogs also do that. It is not very extraordinary thing. Sometimes they say, "It is my duty." Yes, it is duty, but the prime duty is to solve the real problems
- All learned scholars cleanse head. Yes. And at least we get relief. A little hair growing is also burdensome. We cleanse. So it is personal convenience. So that is not the point of preaching
- And on the broad road. A very important place. Very nice. You immediately take that house. Yes. Hare Krsna
- Ar na koriho mane asa. You rascal, you do not desire anything else. Are you not singing daily? But do you understand the meaning? Or you are singing only? What is the meaning? Who will explain? Nobody knows? Yes, what is the meaning?
- Arjuna's desire was not to fight, but Krsna's desire was to fight - just the opposite. Arjuna ultimately agreed to Krsna's desire: "Yes," karisye vacanam tava (BG 18.73): "Yes, I will act according to Your desire." That is bhakti
- As soon as somebody says: "I am God," kick him on his face. Yes. "Yes, you are God, I am God. I am the kicking God." That should be the answer. "I am the shoe-beater God. Now you protect yourself if you are God." Don't accept this false God
- As soon as you are self-realized, you become jubilant. In the bodily concept of life we are always full of anxiety and morose. Yes, that is the material condition
- As soon as you get rid of these bad sinful activities, you are mukta. That is called mukti. And after mukti, tato nistha, then we have got firm conviction: "Yes, Krsna consciousness is the only business." Tato nistha, tato rucih
- Ask any one of them, these European, American boys, "Are you sticking to Krsna consciousness sentimentally or understanding?" Ask them. They will explain, "Yes, understanding." Not blindly. Blindly one cannot stick - that is not possible
- Astikyam means completely convinced of God and his relationship with God. That is called astikyam. Or full faith in the statement of the Vedas. Whatever Veda says, that's right. Yes. No argument
- At the present moment in Kali-yuga, it is said (in SB), svikaram eva hy udvahe. Boys and girls will loiter in the street and two of them, as they agree, "Yes, we will live together." That's all
- At the present moment, all the government men, their first qualification is whether he went to jail during this movement. Yes. The more one suffered imprisonment, he is given more exalted post. Not only jail; in the jail they were beaten very severely
- Axiomatic truth. How it is truth? You may not have sufficient intelligence, but if you go deep into the matter you will find it is all truth: "Yes, it is all right." That is called Vedic injunction
- Because he is godless, he did not say, "Even God cannot kill me." That he forgot. In this way he took benediction that "I shall not die on the land." "Yes." "I shall not die on the water." - Yes
- Because he was very proud of his possession, so Vamanadeva came to Bali Maharaja: "Maharaja, you are ksatriya. You are very charitable, I have heard. If you can give me little land?" So Bali Maharaja was very much pleased: Yes, I will give You
- Because the child offers to the father in love, father takes it very seriously, "Oh, you are so nice. Yes, yes. Give me." "A leaf, a fruit, a little water." What is the value of these? But - Because he is giving Me in faith and devotion, I accept it
- Because the government means a set of fools, so all foolish people are flourishing. Government is a set of fools because sinful men. They cannot be intelligent. A sinful man cannot be intelligent. Yes. That's a fact
- Because the people became atheist, so Lord Buddha, just to take them under his control, he also collaborated and said, "Yes, there is no God, but you hear me." But he is incarnation of God
- Before Brahma could take part in creation, he had to undergo tapasya. Is it not stated in the sastra? Yes. So tapasya is essential. You cannot avoid it
- Beginning is hearing. If you patiently hears, then that dormant God consciousness again becomes revived. Yes. Then his life is successful
- Bhagavad-gita, yes. You do not read even. You should have reference immediately
- Bhaktisiddhanta's writing is not very easy to understand, yes; but we should try, read and read again, and simply that vibration will help us
- Biology, you can teach them the evolution of the species from Padma-Purana, 8,400,000's, one after another. Yes
- By the mercy of guru, you get the mercy of Krsna. If guru approves, that "Here is a nice devotee," then Krsna accepts, - Yes, here is a nice devotee
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu then said, "Yes, you have spoken correctly. The sastras enjoin that the devotee can partake of everything left by Krsna"
- Can any one of you stand up and tell me what is God? Yes. Do you know what is God?
- Cleansing the temple as clean as glass, always. Everyone remarks this that our temples are very clean. Yes. Temple means must be very clean. The more you cleanse the temple, the more your heart becomes cleansed
- Difference between animal and man is... Suppose there palatable dish. So man, unless he is offered, although he is greedy, although he is hankering, but he's awaiting the invitation, "Yes, you can take." But cats and dogs, without invitation
- Do you know what is meant by "sacrifice"? Yes. That (sacrifice to Visnu, to Krsna) means pleasing Krsna. If Krsna is pleased, He can change destiny
- Do you think you have attained peace? Can anyone of you say, "Yes, I am completely in peace." Then why the youngsters are so much frustrated and confused?
- Doing it (tiny flyover) for unlimited years. When they will be finished, there is no guarantee. Here (Australia) in your country they do, they have contract, - Yes, within six months
- Equal terms. "If you have no sword, I will give you a sword." Yes. "Take this sword. I take another." That is ksatriya spirit
- Even it is little offensive, still these rascals should be taught good lesson. Yes. They're misleading. Godlessness. As soon as you say "God created", immediately they become arrogant. That is our protest. If they accept God, then we give them all credit
- Except service of Krsna, there is no other thing. That is devotee. So that service is given by the spiritual master, and the spiritual master will approve, "Yes your service is all right," then Krsna is also pleased
- Face to face. Yes. Where there is tiger, a ksatriya, would meet him with a sword. That's all. "Come on. You attack and be killed." Even twenty years before, the king of Jaipur, every year he should go in the forest and kill one tiger personally
- Father says: "My dear child, when you were two years old you fell down and there was a fracture in your brain." He cannot remember. The father can say: "Yes, it happened. You have forgotten. I remember." Similarly, Krsna can remember everything
- First of all, they were importing European masters, and now they are importing dogs. Now they will have to import European brahmanas. Yes. Because in India all the brahmanas are now finished
- First World War, yes. That was futile. Again you have started United Nation. Where is the benefit? There cannot be benefit
- Flatly said, "Yes, yes, I will be happy." All right, say it. Krsna is so kind - You want to be naked? All right, you become naked for ten thousand years and stand up
- From your letter it appears you have found a nice place for a center there. Yes, we can use everything in Krsna's service and when Krsna gives us a nice big house that does not mean we use it for our eating and sleeping, but we work harder in His service
- Go to a friend, "Sir, I want to take little flower to offer to Krsna," at least if he is human being he will never deny. "Yes, take it." If he's a dog, that is a different thing. If he's a human being you can collect this little flower and fruit anywhere
- God is one, and to realize Him, the path is one. There cannot be two paths. Just like suppose in India. So India is from here to the eastern side? Yes. This is an example. But you cannot find in the western side. Just like Columbus
- God is real, anything in connection with God, according to His instruction, that is real. All other things are imitation. So always remember that if somebody takes us as religionists, yes, we are religionists, but pure religionists
- Good child means Krsna conscious child. That's all. Yes. So we are trying to turn these children of the Western world, good children. And people should cooperate with us, this movement
- Government is a set of fools because sinful men. They cannot be intelligent. A sinful man cannot be intelligent. Yes. That's a fact. If he's intelligent, then his intelligence is used for wrong things
- Guru says, "Just brush my shoes." "Yes, sir." You cannot think, "Oh, I am coming from a respectable person, I am so much learned, and my guru is asking me to 'Brush my shoe'? No, I am not doing it." No, then you are not disciple. That is the training
- Guru will say that, "Yes, you're right. The soul was there." How it is right? "No, in sastra." "What is that sastra?" "In Bhagavad-gita it is said, dehino 'smin yatha dehe
- He (Jaya) doesn't mind that "I am going to be enemy of Krsna." The principle is that he's following. If Krsna says that "You become My enemy," I can become His enemy. That is bhakti-yoga. Yes. I want to satisfy Krsna
- He (Kardama) said, "Yes, I shall accept your daughter under religious regulations of marriage"
- He (Krsna) is being served by many thousands of goddess of fortune. Then what is this value of this leaf and flower and fruit? But still, He says, tad aham asnami, "Yes, I eat them." And once God eats from your hand, then your life is successful
- He (Lord Buddha) is the incarnation of God, but he is preaching amongst people who don't believe in God. So he is cheating in this way that, - Yes, there is no God. You hear me
- He has become a sannyasi, vairagi, and, but, so much thing, but privately he has got so many connections. Yes. That is called markata-vairagya, monkey's renunciation
- He has got so many degrees and he's a rascal and he's durjana, a bad man? - "Yes." "Why?" Suppose a serpent, he has got a gem on his head. Is it not fearful? Very good example
- He has to be treated by this Krsna consciousness treatment, and the maya will be separated, and he will see, "Ah, yes, I am part and parcel of Krsna." Then he comes to the direct relationship
- He is calculating in that way, "Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten." But Atlantic Ocean is beyond his conception. So these are all Dr. Frog's philosophy. Yes. And the so-called philosophers, they are Dr. Frog
- He proposed these four things: "Yes. We can make you (Zetland) brahmana, provided you give up these bad habits. "What is that? "No illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication." He said, "It is impossible. This is our life!" You see
- He sometimes forces. He puts you in such circumstances that you have no other way than to surrender to Krsna. Yes. That is special favor
- He went to the prostitute, and she was astonished: "Well, Bilvamaṅgala" - his name was Bilvamaṅgala - "how do you dare to come here like this?" Oh, he described, "Yes. I did this, I did this, I did this, I did this." Oh, the prostitute was astonished
- He's smoking fire, and he's becoming cool. (laughter) And the advertisement is going on, and the rascals are captivated by these advertisement, and they smoke, become cool. Yes
- Hearing Mukunda dasa give this proper decision, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu confirmed it, saying, "Yes, it is correct. One who awakens devotion to Krsna is certainly the spiritual master"
- Hearing these quotations from the revealed scripture Srimad-Bhagavatam, Jhadu Thakura replied, "Yes, this is true, for it is the version of sastra. It is true, however, for one who is genuinely advanced in devotion to Krsna"
- Her name was Cintamani. So the prostitute said, "My dear Bilvamangala, if you have got so intense love for me, oh, had it been for God, for Krsna, how would have been, your life, sublime." Oh, that struck him: "Yes." He at once left
- Here the basic principle only sex, everyone is inviting, "Yes, come on, sex. Come on, sex." But this way, that way, sex, anyway you enjoy, you cannot be satisfied. That is certain. Because that is not your platform of enjoyment
- I (Narada Muni) was wondering whether all the boars and other animals that are half-killed belong to you.The hunter replied, 'Yes, what you are saying is so'
- I am glad to learn that you are realizing about Krishna's providing us with more and more facilities and that you are appreciating for my following purely the instructions of my Spiritual Master. Yes, that is the secret of success
- I am in receipt of your letter, undated. Regarding the booklet, "A Guide to the Care of Srimate Tulasi devi," yes, the book is very nice. It is approved. But one thing is that no sprays can be used, not at all
- I am so glad to understand from you your concern about the managing of our Krsna Consciousness movement. Yes, you are my elder disciple, you are one of the leaders of our Society
- I am very glad that you are seriously interested, & Krsna is pleased upon you. And that you are sincerely trying, I can understand from these tulasi plants. Yes. This is the practical demonstration. Unless there is bhakti, this tulasi plant will not grow
- I am very glad to hear that everything is going on nicely, especially your developing your new 250-acre farm. Yes, if you can get the government to support our project, that would be big triumph for us
- I am very glad to learn also that you are feeling joy while chanting the mantra Hare Krishna. Yes, it is exactly like this. If anyone chants this mantra in good faith and in simple understanding, then surely this transcendental vibration will act
- I am very pleased with your sincere service attitude in pushing on our preaching work in these parts of the world and yes, Krsna will give you strength because He is sitting in your heart
- I am very upset to learn the news of that incident in Trinidad. Yes, you are right to stay away from such a place, and there is no harm if husband and wife live separately for some time
- I approve your ideas. Yes, London is a city where we can open many centers. If possible, do it
- I call, "Father," father immediately replies, "Yes, my son." But when the soul of the father is not there, this body of the father whom I am seeing as father, although he is there, still he cannot reply. This is the distinction
- I can see from your letter that you are very sincere about Krsna Consciousness and Gurukula. Yes, you should always feel yourself most fortunate and glad that you are in the Krsna Consciousness movement where you can learn sanskrit and English
- I do not find any difference between western mind and eastern mind. Because so many western mind is changed. Yes. So there was no difficulty. Two, two plus two equal to four is to be understood by the western mind and the eastern mind
- I have no qualification. How can I become guru? There is no need of qualification. "Still I can become guru?" Yes. "How?" Yare dekha tare kaha krsna-upadesa: "Whomever you meet, you simply instruct what Krsna has said. That's all. You become guru
- I hear that these Naxalites are taken to slaughterhouse to learn how to kill. Do you know that? Somebody was telling. Yes. Your husband was telling
- I receive so many letters daily that "I wish to marry." Immediately I sanction, "Yes, you get yourself married." But one who is strict, one who can follow very rigidly the orders of brahmacari and sannyasi, they continue
- I shall not die in the air. - "Yes." "I shall not be killed by any animal." "Yes." In this way, whatever intelligence he got, but he forgot one thing, that "God cannot also kill me." Because maya is there, he forgot it
- I'm very much anxious to begin printing here if Macmillan company does not take up the work. Please therefore let me know yes or no from Macmillan; if he is serious or not, then immediately send the manuscripts, finished or not
- If I again become victimized . . . the laws of nature is there. If you want, you can enjoy. Nature will give you: "All right, you want so much sex. All right, come on, become a hog. Yes." So nature is ready. It is not very difficult
- If I am eternal, why I am put into this condition of changing, of transmigrating from one body to another? Is there any possibility of not changing the body, to keep eternality? - Yes. That is possible
- If it is possible to go to spiritual master directly, that should be taken chance. But if he's not, it is not possible, then his picture or his idea should be offered respect. Yes. But if he's directly available, one should avail of that
- If one does not ordinarily take care, outlaw, then he'll be put into the prison house and by force, by beating, by punishment, he has to accept: "Yes, yes, I accept"
- If one is actually Vaisnava, then by seeing him one will chant Hare Krsna. This has been created all over the world. Yes. Wherever we go, they chant Hare Krsna. Even at midnight in Athens. Yes. That we have experienced
- If somebody comes, "What is Krsna?" You say: "Yes, I am serving Krsna, but I do not know what is Krsna," what is his service? He must know, because here it is said, asamsayam samagram (BG 7.1), without any doubt
- If somebody says, "Yes, it is all right. You go on with this (sex and intoxication). Simply meditate for fifteen minutes and you'll actually realize that you are God..." This is asuric
- If somebody says: "Yes, there is God, but I have no business with Him," no. You should know actually what is His name, what does He do, where is His residence, what is His business. And these things are possible to understand in this human form of life
- If someone gives you one piece of paper, "Yes, it is $10 note," then are you not cheated? You must know what is $10 note. Otherwise you'll be satisfied with a paper, piece of paper. That's all. If you do not know God, then how you can see God?
- If the higher section says yes, it is a nice movement, it will progress very quickly. Our mission is undoubtedly the highest welfare activity to the human society
- If there are suggestions from his friends, children, parents, brothers or anyone else, he should externally agree, saying, "Yes, that is all right," but internally he should be determined not to create a cumbersome life
- If there is still the concept that, "I am this body and anything belonging to this body is mine," then you have to chant very cautiously to make progress. Yes. That's all. These ten kinds of offenses you should be guard against
- If they have gone to the spiritual world and stays in the Brahman effulgence, and still they are maninah, not certain? Yes. Why? Because they cannot stay there. This is very logical argument and statement of the Vedic literature
- If this pencil belongs to me, the etiquette is - My students sometimes ask, "Can I use this pencil?" "Yes, you can." Similarly, if I know that everything belongs to Krsna, I will not use anything without His permission. That is honesty & that is knowledge
- If you are actually serious to understand Krsna consciousness, then you must be very much energetic: "Yes, I shall learn this art verily in this life"
- If you are not yourself expert, then even if I say: "Yes, I am God-realized," how you will take it as truth?
- If you are satisfied with this sacrifice and if you are actually able to do so, kindly bring Maharaja Nimi back to life in this body." The demigods said yes to this request by the sages
- If you are serious to understand God, then God will help you also. He is within you. He'll help you. Yes
- If you can induce a nondevotee to spend something of his hard earned money in Krsna consciousness, that is very good to him. Yes. This is called ajnata-sukrti. He does not know, but he is advanced one step to Krsna consciousness
- If you cannot take the responsibility, then remain as a brahmacari. Why should you marry? Yes. If you practice brahmacarya, then you become free, seventy-five percent freedom immediately
- If you do not know what is God, then what is the use of this rocket? Just like they are going to the rocket planet, moon planet. Now the American government stopped announcing this rascaldom. You know that? Yes
- If you eat proper, nourishing foodstuff, you'll feel yourself strength and your hunger satisfied. You haven't got to ask anybody. Similarly, if you come to the proper path and if you follow the principle, you'll understand, Yes, I am making progress
- If you execute your duty nicely, there is no question of sin. To execute duty is piety. Yes
- If you execute, you try to follow this system of religion, then you will directly understand: Yes, you are making progress. Just like these boys and girls, and you also join, dancing. This is directly connecting God. Otherwise they are not dogs
- If you have got any doubts, you can question. Yes. Because this is a discussion. We are trying to understand God, so you must understand it nicely. Question is one of the items for understanding
- If you have got some influence, strength, then in your favor everything will be decided. You are the most irreligious person, but if you can bribe the priestly order, he will certify, "Yes, you are religious." So money, not actual qualification
- If you have little attraction for this world - "It is good" - then you have to remain here. Yes. Krsna is so strict
- If you make charity to Krsna you can purchase Krsna. Yes. Although Krsna is all-powerful proprietor, you can purchase Krsna. So do that. If you have got any money, spend for Krsna consciousness
- If you manufacture one palanquin... Palanquin. You know palanquin? Then sometimes you can carry Sridhara Maharaja there. Yes. It will be great service and benefit for you. Because he's, he's very now... Feeble now
- If you say that we have got senses, so in order to keep the body fit, we have to give something for the enjoyment of the senses. That is accepted, yes. But don't aggravate it
- If you say yes, then I will send you the dictaphone copies for doing the needful. This will give me great relief, and I am expecting a reply as soon as possible
- If you say, "Why Krsna is eating by the eyes?" yes, that is Krsna. That is Krsna. If you offer something, Krsna, simply by seeing, He is eating. That is Krsna. And again if you say, "If He is eating, why the plate is full?" that is Krsna
- If you seriously hear and chant, seriously - "Yes, this life I shall engage only for increasing my love of Vasudeva" - if you are determined, it can be done. There is no difficulty. And as soon as you do this, you increase fully your love for Krsna
- If you want to enter into the spiritual kingdom, as Lord Jesus Christ also said: "The kingdom of God is for the meek and the . . ." Huh? Meek and mild, yes. So that is the qualification. You have to become humble
- In Christian philosophy they believe that Lord Jesus Christ suffered to be crucified by assimilating all the sinful activities of the people. Yes. A devotee of Lord thinks like that
- In darkness at night the only happiness is sleeping and sex, that's all. There is no other happiness. And when there was dark in New York, electricity failed, and so many women became pregnant. (laughs) Yes
- In one sense it is right. They are spiritual molecules. Yes. Here also, spiritual molecules, but here it is called material because there is no sense of Krsna
- In the human form of life, in Africa, they are cannibals. They eat their grandfather as a feast. They make a feast. And, you will be not surprised, they like to eat white man. Yes
- In the material world, if you give service you become tired. But transcendental world, if you give service, you more become enthusiastic. Yes, more service. That is happening. I do not pay these boys. Rather, they pay me, and they engage the service
- In the universities they say that "What is the wrong if I become an animal?'' I asked them, "Do you like to be animal?'' "Yes.'' "Then all right, next time you become animal. (laughter) This is your I give you this blessing. That's all''
- In the Vedas it is said that cow dung is pure, although it is the stool of an animal. We accept: "Yes, it is pure." And actually you'll find, yes, it is pure. If you analyze, you'll find all antiseptic properties
- In your country you are following the footprints of Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, that is the way. Or any acarya. Because the acarya, they come here to teach us about Krsna consciousness, or God consciousness. That is their business
- Is there any science to give knowledge how one becomes immortal? Yes, there is. You can become immortal. Not in this material science; not in the so-called universities. But there is knowledge in the Vedic scripture
- ISKCON members speak knowingly of happiness. Don't followers of Krsna conscious ever get angry? - Yes. They can get angry. Why not? They're very much angry to the nondevotees: "You rascal! Why you are not surrendering yourself to God? You rascals." Yes
- It appears that this scientist has become very intelligent. Yes, try to meet with them somehow and make arrangement for them to meet with me when I come for the San Francisco Rathayatra. That will be very nice
- It has become a fashion of the modern age that to become irreligious is religious. Yes. That is fact
- It is dangerous civilization. Dangerous. And anyone who will come and say: "Yes, you enjoy your senses and simply sit down for fifteen minutes, and you chant this one alphabet - bas. You finish your business." This is going on
- It is not easy job to become a spiritual master. Yes. Then when it is overloaded, you'll suffer
- It is not that mass of people is interested in Ph.D. degree. But if one is interested in Ph.D. degree, government provides: "Yes, in university you come." That is the real facility. So if anyone is interested to understand KC, why it should be denied
- It is not very difficult. Simply to keep yourself in thoughts of Krsna. That's all. It is very simple thing. Then you are assured to your next birth in the spiritual sky in the kingdom of God or in the Goloka Vrndavana. Yes
- It is very astonishing that "Engaging the tongue I become perfect?" Yes. The beginning is the tongue because tongue is the greatest enemy. People are going to hell on account of being unable to control the tongue. Therefore one has to control the tongue
- It may be asked why Narada Muni stayed in the presence of Prajapati Daksa and tolerated all his accusations and curses. Was that for Daksa's deliverance? The answer is yes
- It may be that government may take action against me because I'm speaking something revolutionary. Yes. But that is the fact. Why you should work?
- It will take forty thousands of years. Who is going for forty thousand, flying forty thousands of years and again come back and see you: "Yes, I went to such and such planet." Is it possible? So we are so poor. It is not possible in that way
- Jayananda looks like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. (laughter) Yes. He was tall and stout and strong, Caitanya Mahaprabhu. (laughing) Yes. Very good
- Just coming here from Philadelphia we were talking with the aeroplane crews, the captain, the pilot. They were very patiently hearing us. The question was very intelligent the pilot made, that "If everything is created by God" Yes. That is a fact
- Just like if you are lusty, that lust should be utilized for Krsna. I am lusty to accumulate money. Yes, you bring money, but utilize it for Krsna
- Kisora age is called from eleven years to sixteen years. These teen years, or, in English, what is called? Adolescent? Yes. This, this age... So Krsna represents Himself just like a boy from eleven to sixteen years old. Not more than that
- Krsna advises 4 things: man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65). Then what will be the result? Mam evaisyasi. Simply by practicing these things. It does not require any M.A., Ph.D. Simply you have to agree, Yes, I shall think of Krsna
- Krsna divided Himself into His energy and Himself. That energy, original spiritual energy, is Radharani. That is stated by Jiva Gosvami. Yes. Radha krsna-pranaya-vikrtir hladini saktir asmat
- Krsna is the most beautiful. Radharani is the most beautiful. Couple, young couple. Our object of worship when we see how nice Radharani, how nice Krsna - beauty. Yes
- Krsna said, "Yes. Don't be agitated. I am coming, I am coming." Like that. And practically He never came back. He left at the age of 15, 16 years old, then He became engaged in fighting, being educated and marrying and becoming king and so on
- Krsna said, - Yes, there are innumerable Brahmas. You are only four-headed. There are eight-headed, there are sixteen-headed, thirty-headed, sixty-four-headed, hundred-twenty-eight-headed, and millions of headed. So all right, I am calling them all
- Krsna's cowherd boyfriends said to Krsna, "Krsna, we want to taste that fruit, if You can arrange for it." Krsna immediately said yes
- Later on they'll write. Yes. For the time being, I am writing
- Lennon. Yes. He has kept a very big photo, naked, near his fireplace. (chuckles) I was talking with him in his house and saw the photograph. And he is not at all ashamed
- Like Arjuna - in the beginning, he was declining to fight, on account of his individuality. But when he accepted Krsna as his spiritual master, he became sisya (a disciple). Whatever Krsna ordered, he said yes. That doesn't mean he lost his individuality
- Lord Buddha propagated, "Yes, there is no God. But what I say, you follow." "Yes, sir." But he is God. This is cheating. Yes. They do not believe in God, but they believe in Buddha, and Buddha is God
- Lord Buddha said, "Yes, there is no God. There is no God. There is void only. But you believe me, what I say." Just see. He is incarnation of God, and the people amongst whom he is preaching, to them he is saying, "There is no God," but he is God
- Lord Jesus Christ, when he was being crucified, he was requesting God, "My Lord, please excuse them. They do not know what they are doing." This is the position of the devotee. Yes
- Love is not definition; love is the action. Yes, love. I love God. Love is my activity
- Mamaivamso jiva-bhutah jiva loke sanatana (BG 15.7). Sanatana-jiva-loke jiva amsa. Amsa cannot be the full. Yes. Amsa, part, cannot be equal to the whole
- Many times they give me very great credit that I have done wonderful. Yes, I have done wonderful. But what is the reason? Because I am not a rascal. I speak what Krsna has spoken. That's all. Very easy
- Mayavada philosophy says, "Yes, that zero, but with life." That is the mistake. If there is life, then there must be varieties
- Mimeograph. I was printing. Yes. Then he inquired this Dai Nippon . . . many place
- Mira challenged that "I came to Vrndavana. I know that only Krsna is purusa here, and everyone is woman. So how does it mean that Rupa Gosvami's declined to see another woman?" So Rupa Gosvami agreed, "Yes, I am mistaken"
- Mother killing. He was about to be killed. He admits. His grandmother advised the mother. Yes. Krsna saved him. Because he is devotee, some way or other, he was saved
- My Guru Maharaja wanted to publish Govinda-lilamrta. He asked permission of Bhaktivinoda Thakura. "Yes you can print one copy"
- My spiritual master wanted me to preach, but I did not like it, but he forced me. Yes. That is my practical experience
- Na tat-samas cabhyadhikas ca drsyate. These are the informations from Vedas, Upanisads, that He has nothing to do. Yes. That is real God. If God has to work, God has to do something, then what kind of God He is?
- Nanda Maharaja would respond, "Yes, I see that. Maybe He (Krsna) is some demigod." And even that was not certain - maybe
- Narada then said, "Yes, you (Nalakuvera and Manigriva) shall become trees, arjuna trees, and you will stand at the courtyard of Nanda Maharaj. But Krsna Himself will appear in time as the foster son of Nanda, and He will deliver you"
- Narayana may order, "Go to hell and preach." "Yes." Tulyartha. - Then if You send me in heaven or hell, I don't mind
- Next time he may be getting chance. Because he (Dr. Radhakrishnan) was at heart afraid of God. Because sometimes he was, "Swamiji, you pray for me to God." Yes. He told me that
- Not any other nonsense talks, gossiping. Simply hear and chant. Then srnvatam sva-kathah krsna. If you seriously hear and chant, seriously - "Yes, this life I shall engage only for increasing my love of Vasudeva" - if you are determined, it can be done
- Now the spiritual master is explaining, "Yes, this is the right result of chanting Hare Krsna. Unless You come to this emotional stage, transcendental emotional stage, You should know that You have not come to the perfectional stage of chanting"
- Now you are in doubt about whether a guru is needed. Yes, a guru is needed, but you have to go to a real guru. That is the instruction given by Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita
- Nowadays, the so-called Vedantists and so-called Vedic civilization, they are also advocating, "Yes, you can do whatever you like; there is no restriction." But actually that is not the fact
- Oh, yes sir, I shall give you whatever you like," the hunter said. If you want some animal skins, come to my house. I have many skins of animals, including tigers and deer. I shall give you whatever you like
- Oh, yes, certainly (he will experience the indwelling of God when one becomes sinless). That is the platform of understanding God
- On another occasion, the cowherd boys were surrounded by fire. Not knowing anyone else but Krsna, they immediately called for Him, and Krsna was ready: "Yes." Thus Krsna immediately swallowed the whole fire
- One approaches a Mahatmaji and says, "I am suffering from this disease. Please help me." And the Mahatmaji says, "Yes, I have a mantra that will heal you and give you success. Give me a little money and take it." This is not a real guru
- One boy, he appeared in his examination. His father asked, "How did you reply to your examination paper?" "Yes, quite nice." Then he said, "How?" So there were very difficult questions that I could not answer
- One clergyman, he was talking with me. He said, "Swamiji, I have seen your disciples have a very nice face, glowing face." And "Yes, certainly. They must be. They are making spiritual progress"
- One knowledge you get from me, and then you practically apply your consciousness that "Yes, what Prabhupada has said, it is right." That is called vijnana
- One man is kicking on your face, and you are saying: "Yes, in future, when I shall become strong, I shall kick him." But you are, my dear sir, being kicked now. What you are doing now? "Yes, I'm getting strength by your kicking"
- One man was challenged, "You have no intelligence." So he said, "Yes." He was searching these . . . "No, why you are searching here?" - No, here is intelligence. If here is money, then my intelligence can work. Otherwise what is the use of intelligence
- One may question, "Oh, understanding Vedanta-sutra, one is liberated from this material entanglement? So you are asking me simply to chant Hare Krsna? Will that purpose be served?" Oh, His (Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) guru said - Yes, it will be served
- One of the cowherd boys said, "Yes, what you say is true. This animal’s upper lip appears to be just like the sunshine, and its lower lip is just like the reflection of red sunshine on the ground"
- One should have knowledge perfectly, and it must be demonstrated. Demonstrated in practical field. Yes. But that means one who has actually felt himself that, "I am not this body," then naturally his bodily necessities will be reduced to the minimum
- One should obey the command of his father or spiritual master with due deference, saying, "Yes, sir"
- One who is not God-conscious, one who does not know that he is not body, he is animal. That's all. Maybe in different dress… So you have to set up real human society in a small scale so people will see, "Yes." Because man has got intelligence
- One, if he is firmly fixed-up, "Yes, by surrendering to Krsna I get all perfection of life," that is called sraddha. That is called sraddha
- Our devotional service begins from the tongue. People will be, "How service begins from the tongue?" Yes
- Our philosophy is simple because we take it, Krsna's word, as it is, that's all. And we believe it firmly: "Yes, this is the truth." To understand Krsna is not difficult. What Krsna says, you accept it
- Our this Krsna consciousness movement begins when you are ready to surrender. Tad viddhi pranipatena (BG 4.34). Pranipat means surrender. Prakrsta-rupena nipata: "Yes, I surrender to you." That is the beginning
- Out of the nine responses you got from GBC members for your proposal to reduce the price of BTG to the temples to 10 cents, there are seven in favor. Therefore I say yes
- Parikshit Maharaj was baby but Krishna appeared full grown but reduced to scale, yes, the paintings may be signed "ISKCON PRESS"; no drawings should be made. Simply you paint the important verses, and less important verses may be avoided
- People may ask, "Can you show me God?" Yes, of course. God can be seen in so many ways. But if one closes his eyes and says, "I shall not see God," then how can He be shown
- People should be informed that "Yes, there is sex after death. Why there is no sex? Because there is life after death. You get another body. Maybe a god's body, demigod's body, or dog's body, you'll get another body"
- People want sense gratification. If somebody encourages, "Yes, you take this mantra and you'll be very powerful sex enjoyer," people will pay for that: "Yes, give me that." This rascaldom is going on. You see? So what we can do?
- People, they sometimes say, "Can you show me God? Have you seen God?" These questions sometimes we meet. So the answer is here. Yes, you can see God. Everyone can see God. I am also seeing God. But there must be the qualification
- Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your appreciative letter dated December 1st, 1975. Yes, when I come next time I will see you
- Please send me immediately one copy of Bhakti Sutra (with original Sankrit text). I shall immediately begin the commentary. Yes you can edit on the tapes of Teachings of Lord Caitanya
- Prahlada, master of all the chiefs of the demons, took the Supreme Lord's order on his head with folded hands. After saying yes to the Lord, circumambulating Him and offering Him respectful obeisances, he entered the lower planetary system known as Sutala
- Prakasananda Sarasvati said, "Yes, I have heard about Him. He is a sannyasi from Bengal, and He is very sentimental. I have also heard that He belongs to the Bharati-sampradaya, for He is a disciple of Kesava Bharati. However, He is only a pretender"
- Rather these girls, when they dress in Indian way, they look more beautiful. That you will have to admit. Yes. The same girl will dress in your...
- Regarding asking me questions, yes you can ask, but unless it is sanctioned by me, you cannot act on it
- Regarding having Parivrajakacarya go to Asia to preach, yes, I agree. It is all right
- Regarding my head for the statue, that will appear in the museum, all of them, they are perfectly done. Locana has done very, very well. Yes, it is good if you prepare a mold so that these life-sized murtis can be available
- Regarding Navayauvana Prabhu in Chicago going with you to Iran; yes it is all right. He is anxious to go so he can accompany you and help to begin one center in that country
- Regarding Philadelphia's move, yes, that is all right. And yes, we require many Ph.D.'s for our Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Study
- Regarding Picture number 1, it was not enclosed, but yes Mother Yasoda feeding Krsna is parental love
- Regarding Spiritual Sky donating to BBT, yes it is all right if some contribution comes to BBT. It will be a welcome facility for expansion of temple activities
- Regarding Spiritual Sky, yes you can be appointed. Gopala Krishna has suggested that the Board meet bi-annually, and I approve of it
- Regarding the artist you have written about, if he can paint improved paintings, we shall publish. Yes, you can bring him to Bombay when you come
- Regarding the baby Acarya das, yes, the name is approved by me and it is a very nice thing that he was born with umbilical cord wrapped like sacred thread
- Regarding the book distribution to the Indians, yes that was my program. Hold a meeting and sell books. These books are not fiction or imagination. If the Indians like the authority of the books, take advantage and distribute profusely
- Regarding the farm in Gainesville, yes we require land for food grain production. One of our programs should be to send food grains to India for Vrindaban and Mayapur. If we distribute profusely prasadam we will become very popular
- Regarding the press you are thinking to purchase, yes it appears to be a very good opportunity. It may be that in the future we shall also purchase one offset press, but in any case, this is a good opportunity for buying this sort of press
- Regarding your difficulty in rendering Caitanya Bhagavata, yes you are right that you are overstepping your position. Better to stop it
- Regarding your going to other's meetings, yes, you can go to preach but do not pick a quarrel or have any violence. Try to attract the sincere devotees there
- Regarding your new place, yes, if many more devotees actually remain there, it is a good scheme
- Regarding your proposal for printing the condensed version of Bhagavad-gita, yes, do it. From your figures of book distribution you are doing real preaching
- Regarding your question about placing an effulgence around Krishna's head in all of these pictures, yes this should be done
- Regarding your questions about Gaura Nitai Deity worship: Yes, it is all right Gaura Nitai may wear turbans as well as crowns
- Regarding your seeking permission for selling some leather goods and water pipes: I say yes, you can sell. We have nothing to do with these things, but in special cases, if somebody asks us to sell intoxicants or similar things, we cannot do that
- Replying to Kesava Kasmiri sarcastically, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu indirectly minimized the value of his poetry by saying - Yes, your compositions are so nice that no one but you and your worshipable mother, the goddess of learning, can understand them
- Sanatana asked his servant, "Isana, I think you have some valuable things with you." Isana replied, "Yes, I have seven gold coins"
- Sanatana Gosvami informed him (the poor brahmana), Actually, this is not the best benediction. But are you prepared to take the best benediction from me? The brahmana said, Yes, sir. Lord Siva has sent me to you for the best benediction
- Sex life increases the bodily concept of life. Therefore, the whole process is to reduce it to nil. Yes. Reduce it
- Simply by Brahman realization, you cannot stay on the platform of understanding that, "I am not this body." You'll fall down again. You'll fall down again and accept this body, - Yes, I am this body
- Simply you have to agree, "Yes, I shall think of Krsna, chant Hare Krsna." That's all. That is required. Then gradually you become bhakta. Gradually you worship, and gradually you offer obeisances, surrender. That one, that is wanted by Krsna
- Since Narada Muni is an approved saintly person, when cursed by Daksa he replied, "tad badham: Yes, what you have said is good. I accept this curse." He could have cursed Daksa in return, but because he is a tolerant and merciful sadhu, he took no action
- Sitting in a right-angle posture and the eyes half-closed. Not fully closed. If you fully close then you will sleep. I have seen so many yogis snoring, sleeping. Yes. Naturally, if you close your eyes and you have no subject matter to think
- Sivananda Sena replied, Yes, sir. Raghunatha dasa is with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and is a very famous man. Who does not know him
- So any boy and girl like, simply go to him. Maybe there is some fee: "Yes, we agree to marry," and certifies, "They are married." No. Not like that. Formerly as the father and mother used to select and see the future
- So far increasing the New Orleans' farm, yes, if you have got more men, you can get more land. You should make a stock of ghee from the farm and if possible open a restaurant in the city for attracting people. You can prepare samosas, kacoris, rasgullas
- So far my coming to Moscow, yes I will come, but I may not be arrested. Still I shall go, and I shall speak on pure communism
- So far the concert of Indian musicians and dancers for raising funds for the new temple, yes you may do that, I have no objection
- So far the Garuda Stambha is concerned, from the photograph, yes, it is approved what you have done
- So long I deny Krsna, that is disunity, and as soon as I agree, "Krsna, yes," then this is unity. This is unity. Unity does not mean that Krsna and Arjuna become united, homogeneous
- So many rascals come, they challenge, "Can you show me God?" So... Yes. We can show you God, provided you have got the eyes. God can be seen by different type of eyes. Not these eyes. That is stated in the sastra
- So there is agitation against chanting. That is also good. Yes, "Hare Krsna is bad"
- So, yes it can be continued. It is 3 per cent less than what they were giving. What can be done?
- Someone may ask, "Then shall we do nothing?" Yes do nothing simply to improve your material position. Whatever material happiness is allotted for you by destiny, you'll get it wherever you are
- Sometimes the father and the spiritual master may be the same man, and sometimes they are different men. In any case, the order of the father or the order of the spiritual master must be carried out without hesitation, with an immediate yes
- Sometimes the so-called rsis and yogis, they also say, "Yes, when you have got the senses, it is meant for enjoyment. Why it should be stopped?" Yes. Really it has to be stopped
- Sometimes we are criticized: "Slave mentality." Yes, we want voluntarily to become slave - of Krsna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then inquired whether he was Ramananda Raya, and he replied, "Yes, I am Your very low servant, and I belong to the sudra community"
- Still I am rascal? - Yes. You are rascal. "Why?" Aruhya krcchrena, "Because the symptoms are there that you are a rascal." So you have to understand by the symptoms
- Suppose a son has committed something, "Yes, I shall give you something," a father cannot deny it. If it is a good family, the father will say that - Although my son should not have promised it, but he has done it. All right, it will be given
- Thank you very much for the offer of the use of your place in Allahabad during the Kumbha. Yes, most probably we are going. I shall let you know later on
- That kind of staunch faith is not very easy. It is for the great personality. Immediately accepts. Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya (BG 18.66). Immediately accepts: "Yes." Then sa mahatma sudurlabhah. That is not very easily done
- That voluntary attitude, Yes, Krishna, I shall gladly co-operate whatever you say, that ready willingness to obey is only possible if there is love
- The Bible says: "Thou shall not kill," and they are simply engaged in killing business, and still they want to be happy. Just see the fun. Therefore Krsna says - Yes, you be killed by occasional world war. You must be killed
- The brahmana replied, - Yes, I am crying because when I take up this book, I see a picture of Krsna driving Arjuna's chariot. Sri Krsna is so kind that He has accepted the position of a servant to His devotee. Therefore when I see this picture, I weep
- The dehi, the spirit soul, is within this body. Now you apply your logic and reason, you will see, "Yes. It is all right." That is the system of Vedic civilization: that anything which is described in the Vedas, that is real proof; that is real knowledge
- The fight between the demigods and the demons. So the same fight is there in different name, "Communists and the capitalists." But the capitalists are also eighty percent, ninety percent demons. Yes. Because they do not know the science of God
- The King asked, "Have you submitted my petition to the Lord?" Sarvabhauma replied, "Yes, with much endeavor I have tried my best"
- The Lord (Caitanya) concluded, "Now, therefore, let us carefully scrutinize this verse." The poet replied, "Yes, the verse You have recited is perfectly correct
- The Lord said, "Yes, I am known as a teacher of grammar, but factually I cannot impress My students with grammatical knowledge, nor can they understand Me very well
- The lust is dictating that "You do this nonsense." "Yes, I'll do. Yes, I'll do." So in this way, we are actually servant of our senses and the dictation of the senses. This is our position
- The majority of Indian population, they are personalists. Yes, majority. Either they worship God or demigod, but they are personalists. Recently the Mayavadi philosophers, they have poisoned, the impersonalism, calamity. God is person
- The majority vote and my opinion should be taken. When the majority opinion is present, my opinion will be yes or no. In most cases it will be yes unless it is grievously against our principles
- The Mayavadis they want to merge into the Supreme, but we want to become father of Krsna. Why merge? More than Krsna. The devotee can beget Krsna. Krsna accepts that. Yes, I shall become your child. I shall be controlled by your stick
- The modern civilization, they are wanting, "We may have this, we may have that, we may have this, we may have that." "Yes, you take all. But don't talk of happiness, please." That is the only problem
- The new Sixth Canto Bhagavatams are very nice. Yes, actually they are worshipable Deities
- The order carriers of Yamaraja suspected that there was a ruler even above Yamaraja. To eradicate their doubts, Yamaraja immediately replied, Yes, there is one supreme controller above everything
- The order of the father or the order of the spiritual master must be carried out without hesitation, with an immediate yes. There should be no argument. That is real service to the father and to the spiritual master
- The queens continued, "Is it a fact that for this reason you are suffering from insomnia like us? Yes, we admit that there is no remedy for this disease"
- The son or disciple should accept the words of his spiritual master and father without hesitation. Whatever the father and the spiritual master order should be taken without argument: Yes
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is completely well versed. Krsna just like says: "Yes, I spoke this philosophy millions of years. I remember; you have forgot." There we have to study, how Krsna's brain is
- Then what do you want? - Krsna asked. The girls replied, "We want You to become our husband." And Krsna is so kind that He immediately said yes and accepted them
- There are two sankhyas - theistic and atheistic. The Sanskrit in the Visnu Purana is even easier than in Raghu-vamsa. Yes, Bhagavad-gita As It Is should be studied from the beginning. There must be study from my books also
- There is enthusiasm: "Yes, we must do it." That is wanted, not theoretically on the armchair of devotional service. That will not be successful. Armchair theory will not help you. You must be practical and there must be enthusiasm
- There is no science, there is no philosophy, there is no education throughout the whole world that the aim of life is to stop these four things: birth, death, old age and disease. They cannot think of. Yes? Birth can be stopped?
- These blunt senses, they cannot appreciate what is Krsna. Yogamaya-samavrtah. He's covered. To the nondevotees, He is covered. To the devotees - sevonmukhe hi jihvadau svayam eva (CC Madhya 17.136) - He reveals: Yes, I am here like this
- These foolish scientific men, "You can speak, but if you use microphone, then I'll kill you." Yes. The Gopala Banh's policy. They would not say: "Not allow." But in a different way
- They (the great scientists) do not care what is the real problem and how to solve it. They do not care for it. But here is a movement, Krsna consciousness. There is the real solution of all problems, if people take it seriously. Yes
- They are all married couples. I got them married. Yes. I got them married. They're young boys, all within thirty. My oldest disciple, he is twenty-eight. Otherwise, twenty-five, twenty-four. Utmost thirty
- They are also educated, they are young men, and they are coming from respectable family. They are not dull-headed dogs. So why they are sticking to this principle unless they feel, "Yes, I am making progress"?
- They are little animals with four hand, two legs, two hand, hand animals. That's all. Yes. Rejected them. Vedic civilization rejected them, mlecchas and yavanas. But they can be reformed. The process is the same
- They are not fiction or imaginary stories, all the Puranas. Itihasa, yes. So Sukadeva Gosvami is giving an instance from the history which is very instructive
- They say that you spiritualists, you are very pessimistic. Yes. He should be pessimistic. There is no question of being optimistic. Where is the optimistic view?
- They say: "Can you show me God?" Yes, you will see God. If you are devotee, that you will see God immediately, "Here is God." And if you are not devotee, then you will see God at the time of death, because death is God
- They think that Krsna is saying, "Yes, I am the Hindu God. Yes, I am Indian." But He is like the sun. Why American sun or Indian? Nothing is American or Indian; that is all artificial
- This is Krsna's mercy. If somebody is thinking, "If I had like this, like that, like that, like that," "All right, you will have all." Just like Hiranyakasipu wanted to save himself in this way, "Yes, all are granted," but still he had to die
- This is real God consciousness, yes, not that "I am God conscious, and I kill the animals." That is not God conscious. To accept the trees, plants, lower animals, insignificant ants even, as brothers
- This kind of answer, that if I ask you that "You produce life from chemicals," and if you answer that "Yes, we shall do it in future," that is not very scientific answer. What do you think? Is that very scientific answer?
- This nearby come, the... Come near. Yes. This is specially meant for driving away the flies. Yes. This camara is meant for that. Even it is touching body, there is no harm
- This politician was surprised, that "Oh, you are publishing daily a Bengali paper?" "Yes. Why you are surprised?" He was surprised. He was politician. He was thinking that "What one may speak of God, or Krsna, daily in a paper?" He was surprised
- Thoroughly study Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Yes. Understand the philosophy of life. Apply in your own life and try to spread among friends
- Those who are following, they are happy, practically you can see. And those who are not following, they are unhappy. Yes
- Those who are strictly following the regulations of Krsna consciousness, he's living in the spiritual world. He's not in the material world. Just like we are not living in Los Angeles; we are living in Vaikuntha. Yes. That's a fact
- Those who are too dull, it takes little time. But give them chance: Chant, chant, chant, chant! Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse! But when it is properly cleansed, then he will be ready. Arjuna's decision was not to fight. Now he says, "Yes." That is required
- To become a devotee is not to become impotent, but everything has proper use. Just like if you are lusty, that lust should be utilized for Krsna. I am lusty to accumulate money. Yes, you bring money, but utilize it for Krsna
- To err is human. That is a fact; everyone will agree. Yes. Nobody can say, "I never committed any mistake." Nobody can say that. That is not possible. So long we have got this bodily concept of life, this is mistake
- To love Krsna, you don't require any material acquisition. No, it will not help. So if somebody says: "I have to bring fruit and flower at least, and incense to the temple, otherwise..." Yes. That is the sign of love. The sign of love is six
- Unless one feels necessity, why they will accept your proposal, "Chant Hare Krsna"? How you'll make them feeling, "Yes, it is necessary"? That is wanted
- Unless the higher section (of human society) understands this movement, it will make progress slowly. If the higher section says yes, it is a nice movement, it will progress very quickly
- Water is liquid; that is dharma, that it is his religion. Water cannot be solid. If you say, "Yes, water sometimes becomes solid; it becomes ice," but that is unnatural
- We are eating every, anything. Any moving animals we can eat - bird, beast, goats, cows, horse, ass, whatever is available. - Yes, you can eat. But that is the natural law for the animals and uncivilized man, not for the civilized man
- We are not after the office; we are after educating people. Yes. Even if you go to office, you cannot do. Even if give manifesto, that you will stop slaughterhouse, and you are elected a senator, you cannot stop. Because they are majority there
- We are not only establishing New Vrindaban, but there is New Navadvipa, New Jagannatha Puri. Yes. We have already started New Jagannatha Puri in San Francisco
- We are so ignorant of this law of karma, we are thinking, "Now this position of American or Indian or this or that, for fifty years or sixty years, utmost - that is one, everything, all in all. There is no more life." Yes
- We are the same. You are doing in a larger scale, I (the thief) am doing in a small scale. That is the difference. So he was set free, "Yes." Alexander the Great, he was sensible man, "Yes, what I am doing? The same thing in a bigger scale that's all"
- We do not accept authority. We want to become authority ourself: "I am authority." Everyone wants to become authority. And that is being supported by so-called swamis, "Yes, you can manufacture your own religion." But that is not the process
- We do not know what is divorce. In our country there is no divorce, at least in Hindu law. Yes. Wife and husband, once combined, that is for life. There is no question of separation, in all circumstances. Either in distress or in happiness
- We don't say no sex life. Yes, you have sex life. Get your bona fide wife, live peacefully
- We don't say that you should not be lusty. If you have got capacity to earn money, earn money, as much as you can, but utilize it for Krsna. If I am very angry, yes, you remain angry, but utilize it for Krsna
- We find so many learned scholars, they do not surrender to Krsna, then what is their position? Krsna says: "Yes, mayaya apahrta-jnana." They are learned, so-called learned, but their knowledge has been taken away by maya
- We have got very much attachment toward doing business, for earning money and become very happy. So Krsna says, "Yes, you can do business. There is no harm. But you give Me the result"
- We have published so many books about Krsna - to hear. Just like man is sleeping; you talk loudly, and he will be awakened. Yes. That's it
- We have to accept knowledge from Veda, Vedic knowledge, not this rascal's knowledge. Rascal knowledge is that, "Yes," as soon as he comes to the imperfect point, - Yes, we are trying
- We have to become a yes man to the Supreme Lord. That's all. That is the perfection of our spiritual life. Now we are all "no men." God says this, I say "no." Stubborn. Now simply we have to say "yes". That's all
- We have to learn to say "Yes" to Krsna or His representative. Then you will be all right. If you say "No," then it is maya
- We offer our all respect to Jesus Christ. Yes. We call "Lord." We offer our sincere respects to him. That is all right. His teaching is all right. He gives you the message of God. We are doing the same thing. So therefore he is bona fide
- We read some nice philosophical portion from Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam. Yes. You have got ears. (shouts:) But the rascals are not coming! That is their rascaldom. Because they will go to hell
- We require a place to live together, "Home, sweet home." Yes, very sweet. The whole day and night, work. And this is moha. He is working hard day and night. There is not a single moment leisure, and still, he's: "Sweet home." This is illusion
- We should not restrict God with our speculative mind, that "How is that? Oh, four-headed Brahma, then thousand-headed Brahma? How it is possible?" Yes
- What is this body? It is to be neglected? "Yes." Asocyan anvasocas tvam: "It is not to be lamented"
- Whatever Krsna says, that is Supreme, not a third-class man's version. Is it clear? Yes. We should not take a third-class, fourth-class man's version. We should take from the sastra
- Whatever we see, very superior or inferior, good or bad, that is all from Krsna. "Bad is also Krsna?" Yes. Bad is also Krsna because there cannot be anything existing without Krsna - no existentional position
- When Arjuna actually became intelligent, he said, sthito 'smi gata-sandehah karisye vacanam tava. This is understanding. Yes, now I am situated in my proper understanding, I shall carry out Your (Krsna's) order
- When Brahma said, "Yes, let it be so," the most fortune Drona, who was equal to Bhagavan, appeared in Vrajapura, Vrndavana, as the most famous Nanda Maharaja, and his wife, Dhara, appeared as mother Yasoda - SB 10.8.50
- When he was arrested and he was being judged by Alexander, the thief pleaded that "What is the difference between you and me? You are a great thief. I am a small thief." So Alexander understood it and got him released, "Yes." This is generosity
- When it is offered to Krsna. Yes. Therefore we offer flowers to Krsna. We are doing service to the flowers
- When one gentleman read my book Easy Journey to Other planets, he became very enthusiastic about going to other planets. "Oh, yes," I said, "we can go with this book." "Yes," the gentleman said, - then I shall come back
- When Pariksit Maharaja was informed that he was to die within seven days, he accepted the curse, "Yes, I was wrong to insult the sage." Otherwise, he could counteract; he was also very powerful. But he did not
- When people say in India, "Swamiji, you have done wonderful," and yes, I do not know. I'm not a magician. But so far I am confident that I did not adulterated the words of Krsna. That's all. That's my credit
- When Prahlada was in the presence of his atheist father, his father asked him, "Where is your God?" When he replied that God resides everywhere, the father angrily asked whether his God was within one of the pillars of the palace, and the child said yes
- When Ramananda Raya presented this proposal (from Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 10.14.3), Lord Caitanya at once said, "Yes, this is right"
- When the boys saw that the brahmanas would not reply to them even with a simple yes or no, they became very much disappointed. They then returned to Lord Krsna and Balarama and explained everything that had happened
- When they come to understand that, "We are all fools and rascals." That will be real progress. Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu presented Himself that, "My Guru Maharaja found Me a rascal number one." Yes. That is real progress
- When you come to this material world, giving up the protection of God, that is our craziness. So a crazy man must suffer. Therefore we are suffering. Yes. But you have the right to become a crazy
- While he is lying in this condition some friends come to him and ask how he is feeling. "Yes, I am feeling well." What is this well
- Who is in Krsna consciousness, he sees everyone on the same level. How it is, that? Has he become a madman, that a highly intellectual person and the dog, he sees on the equal level? Yes. Because he is not seeing on the material platform
- Who will protest it? Or "How this child can say like . . ." Yes. He can say, provided he has taken the lesson from the father. This is the way
- Why they should accept Bhagavata? We are not accepting Bible, so why they should accept Bhagavata? That is no argument. You must present the Vedic knowledge in such a way that they will be obliged to accept: "Yes, it is right."
- Why you are coming? I never came to flatter you, neither I never came to say, "Yes, there is no God." I am speaking just opposite, everything opposite. "You are drunkard; no drink. You are illicit sex hunters; no illicit sex"
- Why you are lacking? You say you have got enough books. I inquired from you in the morning. You said - Yes, we have got enough stock
- Yamaraja is one of the GBC of Krsna. Yes. As we have got twelve GBC's, similarly Krsna has got GBC's
- Yes (it is possible to overthrow a government), if you become all devotee, it is very easy. Because nowadays, the - Government of the people, by the people
- Yes (Krsna incarnated as a fish), when there was pralaya. This is the way how creation carries on
- Yes (we always encourage chanting Hare Krsna). That is the only method in this age. By chanting Hare Krsna, one's... The reservoir of understanding will be cleared. And then you, he can receive, he can receive the spiritual knowledge
- Yes (when you become enlightened, you will see the God). That is after. In the beginning you have to accept this (God's human nature) form, but when you advance, then you will see always
- Yes I know very well that Gargamuni Maharaja is an expert collector and preacher. He is so expert in collecting therefore I call him Gargamoney
- Yes I will go to the Delhi temple when I come. You make all arrangements so that everything shall be nice there. I will also go to Madras if you arrange
- Yes there is no objection to your casting clay forms of Deities into plaster. I understand you are a nice artist in this medium, so make Deities of Gaura-Nitai and send me photographs of the forms
- Yes we are willing to help you to make your college a Krsna Conscious institution, but you must agree to follow
- Yes we require all of our books to be translated into Spanish
- Yes! why not? You may write to the other temples and ask them to contribute something to the program, that is approved by me
- Yes! You can practice the restrictions for Caturmasya. Pradyumna Prabhu will send you these under separate cover
- Yes! You have done it very nicely. I thank you very much, so immediately it can be printed in BTG and then later on it can be published in book form
- Yes, a new man may commit blunders in the beginning, but that does not mean we may be too impatient with him
- Yes, avoid corresponding with your mother
- Yes, be attached to the Deity and your life will be successful
- Yes, begin the bus program village to village, distributing kirtana, prasadam and books. That will make our foundation strong
- Yes, everyone can see (Bhagavad-gita). Who has given such information? All practical. (...) It is the greatest miracle
- Yes, everyone of us should be ideal to the other so everyone can get impetus to make progress more and more
- Yes, everyone of you should write something, so if you have completed any small booklets, you may send them to me and I shall see them and send to Hayagriva for possibly printing
- Yes, Giriraja is to be regarded as the absolute authority in all matters. Why do you disobey? Of course, everything should be departmentally managed, but unless there is discipline how will anything get done?
- Yes, God is always there in His Arca Vigraha form, either as Krishna or Rama or Caitanya, whatever. So He must be offered all respects as if He is there personally present
- Yes, have our literature translated into Russian. Why not have our Bhagavad gita distributed underground there as they are doing the Bible?
- Yes, He (Lord Krsna) does not need come here, but if He comes here, we cannot object. We cannot object. We cannot say that He cannot come here. He is free. He is svayambhu; He is fully independent
- Yes, I also maintain a hope for Syamasundara. Everyone is hoping that Syamasundara will be able to reestablish himself in Krsna Consciousness again
- Yes, I am not so fool that I shall give everything
- Yes, I approve Amarendra's program to have the men go out on book distribution and distribute the feast at the Temple instead of at the college
- Yes, I approve of the Life Member Committee, for the Temple construction in Hyderabad. You may do the same in Bombay also
- Yes, I approve of your helping to rectify the situation in Germany
- Yes, I approve your distribution ideas, namely subscriber agents, news agents. The subscription drive is a solid program
- Yes, I approve your idea to have a sankirtana party in America to support the Polish preaching
- Yes, I did not approve of your starting you own magazine. You can write articles for Back to Godhead magazine. Why attempt separately?
- Yes, I have already received a copy of your book "Krsna, the Cowherd Boy" and also given suggestions for the same. So you can present it to Satsvarupa and the editors and if they approve, then I approve and the book may be printed by our Press
- Yes, I have heard of your plan to open a branch in Trinidad. That will be very nice and the selected members are approved by me
- Yes, I have seen the spot for the factory-mandir. Go ahead with the plans and send me a copy of the plans. It is very nice that Mr. Patnai will help us. Persist in that direction. He will be a great help if he can get some land for us
- Yes, I was there in Buffalo, it is nice. Nitai Gaura is there. It is a very good opportunity. Take advantage and do it nicely. Surely Nitai Gaura will give you strength
- Yes, I will come for the ground breaking ceremony because it is special event. So you please send tickets for four of us to come
- Yes, if anyone agrees to live with us in the temple he must without any exception follow the four rules and regulations, plus the other regulative principles, otherwise he may be asked kindly to leave the temple and live outside
- Yes, if I ask my servant that "You ask me to get up at seven o'clock," that does not mean.... (laughter)
- Yes, if it is enhancing our distribution of books to wear warm clothes like coat-pants in winter, I have no objection, you may wear them
- Yes, if Lord Visnu appeared as a Saivite then He must have Saivite tilaka. The brahmanas in Krishna lila should have shaved heads and sikhas
- Yes, if there are African girls also who want to join us, and if they get the consent of their elder family members to live with us, they may live in the temple provided there is separate place for them so that boys and girls will not mix freely
- Yes, if you can inject this Krishna Consciousness to the young children, it will be a great service to the humanity and to the Lord
- Yes, it certainly requires many leaders to manage the many affairs of a large scale institution, so you must train up whatever men you have got and try to manage this way
- Yes, it is a very good proposal that you should run for Mayor in Atlanta. I very much approve of this plan
- Yes, it is all right that you devote your time to painting instead of street sankirtana. The main thing is that you be engaged in some worthwhile work for Krsna without wasting even a moment
- Yes, it is Bhagavan's special mercy upon me that I am getting such immense wealth. You will be pleased to know that my books are selling to the extent of one million of dollars per month
- Yes, it is respectful to circumambulate the temple, keeping your right side to the Deities if possible. You may dance around the temple in this way if you like
- Yes, it is the mercy of Krishna that we have got such an important building in Toronto. It is a top-most triumph
- Yes, it is worst. Because I am spirit soul, I am now imprisoned with this material body. It is my unnatural state, and I am eternal, and because I have accepted this material body I have to undergo birth, death, old age and disease
- Yes, it will be a great service, even in prison, if you can preach there
- Yes, it will help to read Bhagavad-gita but to have to hear from the realized person. Without the help of guru, if you read independently, you may be misguided
- Yes, Mrs. Gandhi should be informed of all these incidents, how our temple has been dismantled by the municipality
- Yes, occasionally devotees may be pictured with full head of hair instead of sikha. You should use your own discretion; the garb can be Vedic or "American.'' There is no harm
- Yes, parts of my letters may be reprinted as a second article by me; no drawings should appear in the magazine
- Yes, progress of devotional service becomes choked up when there is gross offense to the Spiritual Master. So far I am concerned, you have no offense
- Yes, reading my books will help you, philosophy must be there, but without performing devotional service, then simply learning the philosophy will have no effect
- Yes, Rupa Goswami is a Gopi by the name of Rupamanjari, but not all the six Goswamis of Vrndavana are Gopis
- Yes, sannyasi, brahmacari, means preaching. They are not meant for material management. They have dedicated their life for spiritual
- Yes, such opening of temples, holding daily street sankirtana, distributing books, preaching in the schools and colleges, this is our standard programme for injecting Krishna Consciousness in the world
- Yes, Swami Bon is envious. What can be done?
- Yes, that is our aim, to destroy the position of the mundane scholars. Mundane scholars are called adhyksik, which means simply sense perceivers, no realization
- Yes, that is the right idea, to strengthen whatever devotees we have got in spiritual life, fix them beyond any doubts. Then our potency will increase and we may recruit dozens of new devotees easily
- Yes, that possibility is always there. But my proposal is that if you are not true Christian, then your preaching will not be effective. I don't say that now we are strictly following and we will not fall down in future. I don't say that
- Yes, the advanced men can distribute the big books, and the new men the smaller ones. Your entire program is approved by me
- Yes, the conditioned souls are parts and parcels of the Lord and thus they were with Krsna before being conditioned
- Yes, the GBCs should move and visit other other zones, and I quite approve that the GBC chairman can do this
- Yes, the general principle is that one is sent to the particular type of hell, and when he is practiced to suffer the hellish condition, he is given a similar body as reaction
- Yes, the idea to make S.F. our headquarters, that is in my mind, but that church is not yet settled. The man is prolonging it. Actually, if you get the church I shall make that my headquarters, and I shall come there to your temple occasionally
- Yes, the mind is subject to so many impressions from past activities as well as so many past lifetimes, so when disturbing thoughts enter your mind you should simply ignore them. Actually the process is to always remember the Lotus Feet of the Lord
- Yes, the name Gokulananda for your new son is approved by me, now raise this Sankirtana man up very carefully in Krsna consciousness
- Yes, the plan you have sited for the lake and island is approved by me. I am very glad that you are doing this work and since the work started on September 8th, it is already going on
- Yes, the process is to give the very best to the Spiritual Master no matter what the cost. Just like you'll recall in the story of Krishna and Sudama at the Gurukula of their Spiritual Master
- Yes, they are animals. Yes. If they are sensible, they can understand, now, what is the difference. A dog is thinking, "I am very stout and strong dog." He has, on the basis of his body. And another man, a big American, thinks, "We are very big nation"
- Yes, they must be strange, because they are spiritual. You are all material. So for the material persons, we are surely strange people
- Yes, this is not a new thing in the history of the world that preachers are sometimes persecuted. But at the present status of civilization I do not think anybody will be crucified like Lord Jesus Christ
- Yes, this supplying of milk to the temple is wanted. Thank you. In the way that Atlanta is doing, every center must have a farm so we can get all milk and if possible vegetable, even fruit, flowers and milk
- Yes, to call one another prabhu is all right, but not to become prabhu. To accept others as prabhu, and remain as servant is the idea. But because somebody is calling you prabhu, one should not become a prabhu, and treat others as servants
- Yes, to make a KC coloring book for children is a very good idea for serving and for spreading KC to the young children. Please do it. It will be a great service
- Yes, train up the brahmanas very carefully. Many Indians and foreigners criticize us how we can create brahmanas. They are under the impression that brahmanas are born like horses and asses are born
- Yes, try to convince your brothers gradually to come to the temple and take up this Krishna Consciousness. It will be a great service
- Yes, try to get the land you have mentioned and construct a nice temple. That will be a great credit for you. I think the people there will be very much attracted to this movement. It is being received enthusiastically all over the world
- Yes, try to pick up Chayavan Swami. He seems to want to do some good for the African people but you must convince him that besides Krishna Consciousness all other so-called welfare work is simply a waste of time
- Yes, try to reduce the expenditures more and more
- Yes, unless one is pessimistic of this material world, he is animal
- Yes, Vallabhacarya's Vaisnava, acarya. But that very deviation, that "I have done something better than Sridhara," that is not our parampara system. Then he was thinking himself better than Sridhara. That is not allowed. We should always remain servant
- Yes, we are pure politicians. What is pure politicians? Politics requires violence. So annihilate the demons and give protection
- Yes, we can make rapid advancement in the company of devotees, if we leave the company of devotees then again we become rogues and rascals
- Yes, we die - to live forever. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti (BG 4.9). We die for that. This is the last death
- Yes, we shall consult. First of all, let them take. Then we shall propose that
- Yes, we want voluntarily to become slave -- of Krsna. We are, at the present moment, we are slave of the senses
- Yes, with great pleasure I will accompany and we shall go village to village. I have seen the pictures and the buses look very nice
- Yes, world is round. That is fact. Goloka. In Vedic literature it is bhu-gola, jagad-anda. These words are there. We can see also it is round, jagad-anda. The universe is round. And Goloka. Or Bhu-gola. Bhu-gola, the earth is round
- Yes, you are correct in stating that spiritual activities, even mentally performed, are beneficial. You have seen the picture in NOD how a brahmana simply by mental service was promoted to Vaikuntha
- Yes, you are right - all qualifications come if you simply surrender to a bona fide Guru. Please follow all of our rules very careful and your life will be perfect
- Yes, you can call it Hinduism, but actually it does not belong to any "ism." It is a science of understanding God. But it appears like Hindu religion
- Yes, you can go on with your book distribution as you were doing before, there is not any harm. I thought that our men were becoming like hippies, but now I understand from you that that is not the case. So I have no objection
- Yes, you can make nice children's books, and in this connection, you can correspond with Satyabhama who is already working on a condensed version of KRSNA book
- Yes, you can open a restaurant in Edinburgh
- Yes, you can protect yourself from the aggressor, but when you kill an innocent animal, what is the reason?
- Yes, you have better work there. You should stay in Bombay and continue the same work there
- Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious
- Yes, you may wear any clothing that you find comfortable; no, it is not very good to use yeast in preparing prasadam. It is better to prepare bread in the process as you have seen done in the temple
- Yes, you may write some of the stories in simplified version for the children. That is very nice. The story of characters cannot be changed or anything made up, but simply the language may be changed
- Yes, you must rectify this mistake. All society stationary must bear my name as founder-acarya. Please do it immediately
- Yes, you will find defects. But if the devotees stick to Krsna consciousness principle, these defects will soon become finished
- Yes, your appointment as the new president of the Miami Temple is completely approved by me, now take advantage and preach among all the young people there and recruit some good men
- Yes, your debating program is approved by me. If we study the Bhagavad-gita thoroughly we can defeat all philosophies
- Yes, your plan for travelling and preaching was very much approved by me
- Yes, your plan to have all temple presidents report the scores on new men recruited is approved by me. You can keep count which temple is recruiting the most men, just as they keep count of the book distribution
- Yes, your plan to keep headquarters half year in Chicago and half year in Dallas, that is approved by me
- Yes. I initiate also. Well, this is the process of self-realization, to know...
- Yes. If they are authorized, it is correct
- Yes. It is a nasty world. The only safety is to take shelter of Rama. Harer nama harer nama... Kirtaniyah sada harih. When there are so many material inconveniences... Trnad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna. Very nasty world
- Yes. That if you want to eat meat and chicken, then you first of all sacrifice before their deity. So at least they'll be restricted from eating meat purchased from slaughterhouse
- Yes. That is Krsna consciousness. There should be one nation under God, and one world government under God as well
- Yes. The rascal Sai Baba says, "I am God."
- Yes. Thoughts actually made by spirit, but it is covered by matter. Therefore in the material condition you can think only of matter. Just like this body is covered by so many material things, but actually, the spirit is covered
- You all write very strongly, vehemently. Even it is little offensive, still these rascals (the scientists) should be taught good lesson. Yes. They're misleading. Godlessness. As soon as you say "God created", immediately they become arrogant
- You apply your arguments and you will find, "Yes. I was a child." So that body is no longer existing; I am existing. Therefore the conclusion is, we must conclude logically, that body may be finished but I will exist. That is the eternality of the soul
- You are having some doubts whether or not the mass of people will be able to appreciate Krsna Consciousness. Yes, it is a fact that most people cannot approach Krsna Consciousness. Just like a rare gem
- You ask: "You said when you gave me the name Tusti dasi, 'Now you can be satisfied without eating.' Do you mean that I should eat very little?" Yes in spiritual life one must be careful not to eat more than is required to keep body and soul together
- You can analyze. Karsana you cannot understand the meaning? Krsna means all-attractive. Krs-karsati. Yes. Krsna means attractive, all-attractive
- You can go behind him. Yes. This man is... You are dozing. Hm
- You can sleep this way. I am asking you. Yes, you're sleeping. You can go and sleep. Don't make here
- You cannot stop them. But some of them, those who are intelligent, they will see, "Yes, here is life." As they are coming to nakedness, they will come to this, our mode of life. So you have to become an ideal society
- You go to professor and say, "Oh, if you are a professor, can you make me immediately M.A.?" and if he says, "Yes, why not?" then are you not a fool? He is also fool. The so-called spiritual master is also rascal, and the man who has gone to him is rascal
- You go to the president, Johnson. Ask him, "Don't you serve anybody?" "Oh, yes, I am serving the country." So who is out of service? Nobody is out of service. But he's serving the illusion. And as soon as he serves the Supreme, he becomes mahatma
- You have seen sometimes the horse. They are having foams in the mouth. So we have to work so hard in this material world that sometimes foam comes. Yes. We become thirsty
- You have seen the picture of Krsna? Yes. So better we shall become animal of Krsna. So there is nothing wrong. Even if we become an animal of Krsna, that is also very worthy. That is not ordinary thing. Krsna is embracing
- You have to simply abide by the orders of Krsna or His representative, that's all. That is required. Yes. The more you practice, the more you become mad
- You wanted little history of this movement? I have given you. That you can create. Yes. How the movement is going on, but we cannot spoil our time in that way, that I describe the biography of a person
- You were asking, "Are you God-realized?" If I say: "Yes," then how you'll believe it? You do not know what is God realization. Then why do you put this question?
- You will find today's text. It has given very nice example, that the prostitute changes her dress to attract people. Similarly, we are changing our dress for sense gratification. Yes
- Your bus program is a very nice idea, and I pray that by Krsna's grace you will have all success. Yes, you are correct that by distributing books, that income will be sufficient for all programs
- Your confidence to do whatever you are instructed by the Spiritual Master is very encouraging. Yes, this is the method of the Vedic injunction, staunch faith in Spiritual Master and Krsna makes one perfect in spiritual understanding
- Your ideas about influencing the leaders of society, yes, that must be done. But political power is not in their hands actually, factually speaking. It is the common people who elect the leaders of your country
- Your photograph is not yourself? Yes, similarly, it is Krsna's painting. But the difference is that you cannot talk with your photograph, but we can talk with Krsna's photograph
- Your thinking about my health; yes by the Grace of Lord Nrsimha, I am not in bad health. Rather I have improved since I have come from India back