Pages in category "Magnitude"
The following 32 pages are in this category, out of 32 total.
- A certain class of philosophers, they are astonished simply by seeing the great magnitude of God. But there is smaller, smallest, anor aniyan. These are much smaller than the atom magnitude. But that is beyond our experience. Therefore we say nirakara
- A living being and the Lord cannot be distinguished simply by the difference in the magnitude of the body. So the answer depends on the specific significance of the body of the Lord, as distinguished from the body of the common living being
- According to astronomical calculation, the planets and the universe, they can increase. So the Absolute Truth, that is eternally increasing. There is no comparison of Brahman's increasement and magnitude. Sanatana: and that is also eternal
- According to the statement of Maharaja Pariksit, who heard about Krsna from Sukadeva Gosvami, krsna-katha is equally applicable to every human being, whatever condition of life he is in. Surely everyone will appreciate it to the highest magnitude
- Actually there is breadth and length, but we cannot measure it. Similarly, the magnitude of the spirit soul is smaller than the point. We cannot measure it with our material measuring instruments
- All these millions and billions of universes combined together constitute only one fourth of the magnitude of the whole creation of the Lord
- As living entities, we are very minute, infinitesimal, and God is infinite. Indeed, the magnitude of the individual spirit soul is so microscopic that it cannot be seen. One cannot even imagine it with his material senses
- In our present position we can simply understand the magnitude of greatness when it is compared to the sky. We fail to measure the sky, but the happiness and liberty obtained in association with the Lord are far greater than the sky
- In the Agama Puranas the transcendental abode is described as follows: The associated members there are free to go everywhere within the creation of the Lord, & there is no limit to such creation, particularly in the region of the three-fourths magnitude
- Nobody can be equal to or greater than God. They are simultaneously one and different. In quality they are one, but in magnitude they are different. This is the whole philosophy of the four Vaisnava sampradayas
- Now as we are growing in magnitude we should managed things in such a nice way that there may not be any misunderstanding between one center and another
- So similarly, we, we living entities, we are also spiritual atoms. We are spiritual atoms. And our magnitude also has assessed in the sastras
- Some people who are inclined to hear about the soul may be attending lectures, in good association, but sometimes, owing to ignorance, they are misguided by acceptance of the Supersoul & the atomic soul as one without distinction of magnitude. BG 1972 p
- The Bhagavata Purana and other authoritative scriptures of scientific magnitude describe how the living entities in different forms of body evolve one after another. It is not a new idea, but educators are giving stress only to Darwin's theory
- The individual living entity never has sufficient knowledge; otherwise, how could he have come under the control of maya, or the material energy? The word "sufficient" can be accepted, therefore, only in proportion to the magnitude of the living entity
- The Lord's inconceivable potency that descends to bless us with spiritual perfection shows the magnitude and glory of His potencies
- The magnitude of the soul is one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair, very small. I think smaller than the atom. That spirit soul is everywhere. Sarva-gata. Everywhere
- The magnitude of the soul is so small for our material calculation that he cannot be seen even by the most powerful microscope; therefore, he is invisible
- The magnitude of the soul is stated in the sastra, 1/10000 part of the tip of the hair. We cannot measure even the tip of the hair, and how we can measure it
- The sastra describes that the magnitude of the living entity is one ten-thousandth the size of the tip of a hair
- The whole cosmic situation is a complete unit and unless and attempt genuine is made for harmonizing the whole disturbed system and partial attempt on our part however large in magnitude will fail to approach the ultimate goal
- There is no instance of religious books of philosophy being distributed in such magnitude in history. Now go on enthusiastically and increase this book distribution unlimitedly