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This category has the following 60 subcategories, out of 60 total.
Pages in category "Mercy"
The following 332 pages are in this category, out of 332 total.
- Mercy (BG and SB canto 1)
- Mercy (Cantos 2 and 3)
- Mercy (Cantos 4 and 5)
- Mercy (CC Adi-lila)
- Mercy (CC Antya-lila)
- Mercy (CC Madhya-lila)
- Mercy (Conversations 1967 - 1973)
- Mercy (Conversations 1974 - 1975)
- Mercy (Conversations 1976)
- Mercy (Conversations 1977)
- Mercy (Lectures, BG)
- Mercy (Lectures, Other)
- Mercy (Lectures, SB)
- Mercy (Letters 1947 - 1970)
- Mercy (Letters 1971 - 1977)
- Mercy (Other books)
- Mercy (SB cantos 6 to 8)
- Mercy (SB cantos 9 to 12)
- A devotee should always be very kind to the general public in instructing Krsna consciousness because that is the only solution for getting out of the clutches of maya. That is really humanitarian work, for it is the way to show mercy
- A father personifies Lord Brahma; a brother, King Indra; a mother, the planet earth; and a sister, mercy. A guest personifies religious principles, an invited guest personifies the demigod Agni, and all living entities personify Lord Visnu, the SPG
- A forgetful, conditioned soul is fearful. But a liberated soul is never fearful, just as a small child completely dependent on the mercy of his father is never fearful of anyone
- A glossary of some of the important words in this chapter (SB 4th Canto, Ch 28): Vidarbha-rajasimha - The best of persons who are expert in fruitive activities, Virya - One who has mercy, Yavana - The servant of Yamaraja
- A person in the renounced order should not take interest in material activities, but if he does so out of affection for a particular person, that should be considered his special mercy
- A small child is completely dependent on the mercy of his parents, so the parents give special attention to that child
- A worldly fire (of war) can be extinguished only by the water of the mercy cloud of saints, just as a forest fire can be extinguished only by rains falling from a cloud
- According to Sanskrit conception, service is offered to the superior. And to the inferior, mercy
- Aditi placed herself at the mercy of her husband so that he would give her directions by which to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead so that all her desires would be fulfilled
- Advancement in Krsna consciousness involves developing the qualities of truthfulness, cleanliness, mercy, gravity, intelligence in spiritual knowledge, simplicity, material opulence, fame, forgiveness, and control of the mind and the senses
- After passing the pauganda age (from five to ten years), Srimati Radharani first appears as mercy
- All glories to Advaita Acarya, who is also an ocean of mercy! All glories to all the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, whose hearts are always filled with mercy
- All of you citizens on the surface of the globe who have a relationship with me and are worshiping Him by dint of your occupational duties are bestowing your mercy upon me. Therefore, O my citizens, I thank you
- Along the Buddhist path there are nine principles: (8) The Vedas are compiled by human beings. (9) Pious activities, showing mercy to others and so on are advised
- Also the four principles of religiosity (truth, austerity, mercy and cleanliness) and the duties in the four social orders all became manifest
- Always in need of food, shelter and clothing, he (a poverty-stricken man) must be satisfied with what is obtained by the mercy of providence - SB 10.10.15
- An important man in the social order can be known by his mercy only. Similarly, one must be very dear to the Lord in order to know the Lord
- An offense at the feet of a Vaisnava is more dangerous than an offense at the lotus feet of the Lord. Vidura was certainly very liberal to bestow mercy upon his brother Dhrtarastra, whose past life was very materialistic
- An unlimited distribution of mercy is compared to the water falling from the clouds. Maharaja Prthu distributed his mercy incessantly, much like rainfall
- As an infant, he cries and cries, and he is totally dependent on his mother's mercy. Sometimes a mother cannot understand what the child wants. Sometimes an ant may be biting the child, but the mother thinks that the child is hungry
- As for us, who are all rogues and debauchees born of an envious family of demons, how have we received Your mercy? It has been possible only because Your mercy is causeless
- As Murari Gupta treated his patients, by his mercy both their bodily and spiritual diseases subsided
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.20), kamais tais: when one worships demigods, this is certainly because of deep-rooted desires he wants fulfilled by the mercy of those demigods. People are generally attached to the worship of demigods for some motive
- As the Age of Kali advances, duration of life, memory, mercy, religiousness, and all other such assets decrease. So no one has any assurance of long life in this age
- At the present moment, even in the civilized world, so-called civilized, if one man is being killed on the open street, nobody will go and help him because the tendency for showing mercy to others, that is diminishing
- Austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, became curtailed by proportionate development of pride, attachment for women and intoxication
- Austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, the basic principles of religion, prepare the ground for the reception of advancement in spiritual knowledge
- Austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, the basic principles of religion, prepare the ground for the reception of advancement in spiritual knowledge, and Maharaja Pariksit made this favorable condition possible
- Because of his sinful activities, a murderer is killed by the mercy of the king. Krsna, the supreme judge, deals with matters in a similar way because He is the supreme controller
- BG confirms the purpose of Vedic knowledge is to find Krsna. Brahma-samhita says it is very difficult to find Krsna, the S.P. of Godhead, by systematic reading of the Vedic literature. But He is very easily available through the mercy of a pure devotee
- Bhisma's aspiration to remember the gopis is a prayer to have their mercy also at the last stage of his life
- Bound by such hallucinations, materialistic men prepare various plans for a still more comfortable life, but suddenly cruel death comes without mercy and takes away the great planmaker against his desire
- But for King Vena, who is simply inauspicious, who would blaspheme the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by whose mercy one is awarded all kinds of fortune and opulence?
- But the present emergency - the ministers said (to Kamsa) - is not intended for such mercy or military etiquette. Now you should prepare to fight under any circumstances
- By His mercy I have attained the shelter of the great personality Sri Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, and by His mercy I have found the refuge of Sri Svarupa Damodara
- By his mercy I have received Your interview here. Consequently I consider that today I have become a successful human being
- By killing a murderer the government shows mercy to him because if a murderer is not killed in this life, he will be killed and forced to suffer many times in future lives
- By pride, either artificial or real, the resultant action of austerity is spoiled; by too much affection for female association, cleanliness is spoiled; by too much addiction to intoxication, mercy is spoiled
- By showing extraordinary mercy one is called daya-vira. And when one is munificent in executing religious rites, he is called dharma-vira
- By showing mercy to all living entities, being satisfied somehow or other and controlling the senses from sense enjoyment, one can very quickly satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Janardana
- By such mercy (being a krpa-siddha), even if a devotee is dumb he can speak or write to glorify the Lord splendidly, even if lame he can cross mountains, and even if blind he can see the stars in the sky
- By the mercy of Advaita Acarya, the devotees who strictly followed the path of Caitanya Mahaprabhu attained the shelter of Lord Caitanya's lotus feet without difficulty
- By the mercy of all the devotees, one can attain the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord. Without His mercy, my kingdom does not appeal to me
- By the mercy of His Divine Grace, I have got here many American boys and girls who are sincerely assisting me
- By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, I have had so much work to do since I came to the West that although I was thinking of writing you a letter, up until now I could not write
- By the mercy of Srila Vyasadeva, Sukadeva Gosvami was attracted by the pastimes of Lord Krsna. Being thus attracted by Krsna's transcendental qualities, he also became a devotee and engaged in His service
- By the mercy of such devotees (patita-pavana), the lowest sinful men and women can attain the lotus feet of the Lord
- By the mercy of the devotees of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, that poet from Bengal gave up all other activities and stayed with them at Jagannatha Puri. Who can explain the mercy of the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- By the mercy of this elephant, animals like the foxes, wolves, buffalos, bears, boars, gopucchas, porcupines, monkeys, rabbits, the other deer and many other small animals loitered elsewhere in the forest. They were not afraid of him
- By the mercy of Vyasa, I have heard these most confidential talks directly from the master of all mysticism, Krsna, who was speaking personally to Arjuna. BG 18.75 - 1972
- By their mercy, all these devotees ordered me to write of the last pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Because of their order only, although I am shameless, I have attempted to write this Caitanya-caritamrta
- By their mercy, one can sharpen the sword of knowledge, and with the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead's mercy one must then conquer the enemies mentioned above
- By too much addiction to intoxication, mercy is spoiled; and by too much lying propaganda, truthfulness is spoiled
- By Your auspicious mercy, quarrels and disagreements arising among different scriptures are vanquished
- Chivalrous activities can be manifested in the acts of mock-fighting, giving charity, showing mercy and executing religious principles
- Chivalrous activities in the matter of fighting, charity, mercy and execution of religious rituals are called constitutional
- Conditional life means being under the control of a woman, and certainly the living entity is always at the mercy of a woman or a man
- Devananda Pandita was a professional reciter of Srimad-Bhagavatam, but by the mercy of Vakresvara Pandita and the grace of the Lord he understood the devotional interpretation of the Bhagavatam
- Devotional service can be attained only by the mercy of a pure devotee. Without a pure devotee’s mercy, one cannot even escape the bondage of material existence
- Due to epilepsy, I sometimes fall unconscious. Out of their mercy, these four men maintain Me
- Equal mercy to the punishable and the protectable
- Even if they are hidden under different guises, I offer my respects to all of them. By their mercy, may there be good fortune in the royal dynasties that are always offending them
- Even my own son does not render such service. By your mercy, I did not become fatigued while on this tour
- Everyone should consider his father to be his first teacher because by the mercy of one's father one gets this body. The father is therefore the natural spiritual master. Our next spiritual master is he who initiates us into transcendental knowledge
- Everyone, by constitutional position, is an eternal servant of God. Therefore, a devotee's business is to awaken everyone's Krsna consciousness. That is his mercy
- Give up household life, which is full of sex, as well as stories about such things, and take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the mercy of the liberated souls. In this way, please give up your attraction for material existence
- Give up your demoniac nature and act without enmity or duality. Show mercy to all living entities by enlightening them in devotional service, thus becoming their well-wishers
- Gopinatha Pattanayaka, his head covered with the silken wrapper, fell at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and described in detail the King's mercy toward him
- Grace means he'll willingly give you mercy, & mercy means you ask for mercy. Sadhana-siddha & krpa-siddha. You are trying to earn one lakh of rupees - that is sadhana. But if somebody is gracious he can give: "Take a lakh. Don't work hard" That is grace
- Gradually (in the age of Kali), the basic principles of brahminical culture, namely austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, became curtailed by proportionate development of pride, attachment for women and intoxication
- Haridasa Thakura lived for some time during the Caturmasya period in the village named Kulina-grama, where he chanted the holy name, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, and distributed his mercy to the descendants of the Vasu family
- He (Dhrtarastra) had lost all men and money, and now he was living at the mercy of his nephew, whom he had put into troubles of various types. And despite all these reverses, he thought that he would prolong his life more and more
- He (Siva) is naturally very kind towards women, on whom even the uncivilized hunters also show their mercy
- He (Sukracarya) did not like to do this, but he was obliged to because of affection. He plainly admitted that although he should not have asked the King for mercy for his daughter, because of affection he could not avoid doing so
- He (Supreme Lord) can be known only by His devotees through His mercy
- He (the living entity) becomes devoid of truthfulness, cleanliness, mercy, gravity, spiritual intelligence, shyness, austerity, fame, forgiveness, control of the mind, control of the senses, fortune and all such opportunities
- He (Vasudeva Datta) was far, far above philanthropists, philosophers and fruitive actors. He was the most exalted personality to ever show mercy to the conditioned souls. This is not an exaggeration of his transcendental qualities. It is perfectly true
- He (Vidura) accepted out of his own mercy what was offered to him by Maharaja Yudhisthira, but the purpose of living in the palace was to deliver his elder brother, Dhrtarastra, who was too much materially attached
- He liberated the universe by preaching sankirtana. Thus the people of the world received the treasure of love of Godhead through the mercy of Sri Advaita
- Hearing this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Do not speak like that. Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya has shown great affection and mercy toward Me"
- Here is the Gosvamis' photo. You can see how they have become mendicant: a small loincloth, one waterpot only, that's all, finished, no possession. So, why? They wanted to show their mercy to the suffering humanity
- Hiranyakasipu condemned his Vaisnava son Prahlada for being durvinita-ungentle, uncivilized, or impudent. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, however, has derived a meaning from this word durvinita by the mercy of the goddess of learning, Sarasvati
- How can we show our mercy to everyone? There are millions and millions of poor people, so how can we show them all mercy
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) offer my respectful obeisances to Sri Advaita Acarya, whose activities are all wonderful. By His mercy, even a foolish person can describe His characteristics
- I am also very much obliged to you as you have shown to me so much mercy, even by illustrating my photograph instead of your goodness
- I am simply messenger. Mercy is of Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Prabhupada. Before your coming they predicted, that "Somebody will bring." Maybe that somebody I am. Bhaktivinoda Thakura predicted
- I have learned about the glories of the Lord's holy name from Haridasa Thakura, and by his mercy I have understood these glories
- I now worship the lotus feet of all my readers, for by the mercy of their lotus feet there is all good fortune
- I therefore take shelter of the lotus feet of Virabhadra Gosani, so that by His mercy my great desire to write Sri Caitanya-caritamrta will be properly guided
- If a Brahmin has committed some fault or a woman has committed some fault or a child has committed some fault or a cow has transgressed the law, oh, there is no punishment for them. Daya. They should be shown always mercy. They require protection
- If anyone depends on the master's mercy, he's a sudra. Here in Delhi, New Delhi, these big, big buildings, big, big officers, as soon as the government will fail, they will be street dogs, that's all
- If the conditioned soul becomes Krsna conscious by the mercy of saintly persons who voluntarily preach scriptural injunctions and help him to become Krsna conscious, the conditioned soul is liberated from the clutches of maya, who gives him up
- If there is a superior person present, the superior person cannot be the object of our mercy. Rather, we are objects for the mercy of the superior person. Therefore showing compassion and mercy is a relative activity
- If they see a Vaisnava standing at the Simha-dvara begging alms, out of mercy they arrange with the shopkeepers to give him something to eat
- If we human beings, if we forget even ordinary mercy, compassion and gratefulness, then what is that human life?
- If we stick to our determination and pray for the mercy of the director of intelligence sitting within the same bodily tree, like a bird sitting with another bird as explained in the Upanisads
- If you want to realize God, then the other service, seva, not daya. You cannot show your mercy to God. God is full. There is no need of your showing mercy
- If you want to show any mercy at all to the living entities, then enlighten them in Krsna consciousness, as Prahlada Maharaja did. Otherwise, it is materially beyond your power to show mercy
- In order that human beings be distinct from the animals, the great saint Narada recommends that every human being be educated in terms of the above-mentioned (in SB 7.11.8-12) thirty qualifications - truthfulness, mercy, austerity, tolerance, etc
- In the age of Satya your four legs were established by the four principles of austerity, cleanliness, mercy & truthfulness. But it appears that three of your legs are broken due to rampant irreligion in the form of pride, lust for women, and intoxication
- In the performance of a sacrifice, there are seven transcendental means to obtain the mercy of the Supreme P. of G: (4) by offering hymns, (5) by going through the priest, (6) by offering gifts to the priests and (7) by observing the regulative principles
- In the performance of a sacrifice, there are seven transcendental means to obtain the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead: (1) by sacrificing valuable things or eatables, (2) by acting in terms of place, (3) by acting in terms of time
- In the previous verse (SB 4.11.13) it has been explained that one should treat all living entities with tolerance, mercy, friendship and equality. By such behavior one satisfies the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the revealed scriptures the following twelve varieties of rasas are enumerated: (1) anger, (2) wonder, (3) conjugal love, (4) comedy, (5) chivalry, (6) mercy, (7) servitorship, (8) fraternity, (9) horror, (10) shock, (11) neutrality, (12) parenthood
- In this age of Kali the propensity for mercy is almost nil. Consequently there is always fighting and wars between men and nations
- In this verse (SB 4.29.1b) the words daya jivesu, meaning "mercy to other living entities," indicate that a living entity must be merciful to other living entities if he wishes to make progress in self-realization
- In this way (showing mercy to suffering humanity) they (Gosvamis) adopted change of life. That is Vaisnava. Vaisnava personally has no demand for life, no unhappiness. He is completely satisfied with Krsna
- In three millenniums religious principles are protected by three kinds of spiritual culture, namely austerity, cleanliness and mercy
- Indra, you are bereft of all shame, mercy, glory and good fortune. Deprived of these good qualities by the reactions of your fruitive activities, you are to be condemned even by the man-eaters (Raksasas)
- Information of that kingdom of light can be attained through the mercy of a self-realized soul. One also has to get rid of all material desires
- It is by the glorious mercy of Sri Virabhadra Gosani that people all over the world now have the chance to chant the names of Caitanya and Nityananda
- It is impossible to describe the influence and knowledge of Ramananda Raya, for only by his mercy have I understood the unalloyed love of the residents of Vrndavana
- It is My desire to stay with you, and therefore if you would return to Jagannatha Puri, you would show great mercy to Me
- It is stated that mercy is one of the qualities of a Buddhist, but mercy is a relative thing
- It is stated that Yasoda received such incomparable mercy from the SPG that it cannot even be compared to the mercy received by Brahma, or by Lord Siva, or even by the goddess of fortune, Laksmi, who is always situated on the chest of Lord Visnu
- It is the concern of the acarya to show mercy to the fallen souls. In this connection, desa-kala-patra (the place, the time and the object) should be taken into consideration
- It was by Dronacarya's mercy that you learned the military art of throwing arrows and the confidential art of controlling weapons
- Kalakanya continued: O gentle one (King of the Yavanas), I am now present before you to serve you. Please accept me and thus show me mercy. It is a gentleman's greatest duty to be compassionate upon a person who is distressed
- Kalidasa replied, "My dear sir, please bestow your mercy upon me. I have come to see you, although I am very fallen and sinful"
- Kaviraja Gosvami here stresses krpa-siddha, perfection by the mercy of superior authorities. This mercy does not depend on the qualifications of a devotee
- King Prthu was dependent on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is known as Adhoksaja. Because King Prthu Performed so many sacrifices, he was superhumanly enhanced by the mercy of the Supreme Lord
- King Prthu, however, being an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, did not depend on the mercy of the heavenly King
- King Puranjana took his punishment dealt by his wife, the Queen, as mercy upon him. He considered himself the most obedient servant of the Queen. She was angry at him for his sinful activities - namely, hunting in the forest and leaving her at home
- King Satyavrata wanted to show his own mercy, not knowing that the fish was Lord Visnu. By such unknowing devotional service, one is favored by the SP of Godhead. Service rendered to the Supreme Lord, knowingly or unknowingly, never goes in vain
- Krsna replied to the messenger of Paundraka, "At that time (when your head is severed from your body by My disc), instead of becoming My shelter, as you (Paundraka) have demanded, you will be subject to the mercy of these lowborn birds"
- Let him be pleased with us, since he is my brother-in-law, the husband of my sister Sati. He is also the worshipable lord of all women. He is the personality of all opulences & can show mercy towards women, who are excused even by the uncivilized hunters
- Life for life. This is atonement. When the government punishes a murderer with capital punishment, death, that is a mercy upon him. That punishment is accepted practically all over the world from time immemorial
- Living the conditional life is just like plying a boat in the middle of the ocean. One is completely at the mercy of the ocean, and at every moment there is every chance of being drowned in the ocean by slight agitation
- Long, long ago, Jyamagha had satisfied the demigods and Pitas by worshiping them. Now, by their mercy, Jyamagha's words came true
- Lord Jesus Christ certainly finished the sinful reactions of his followers by his mercy, but that does not mean he completely delivered them from the pangs of material existence
- Lord Krsna said, "He can very easily cross over ocean of nescience, and he is not subject to the influence he illusory energy. Dear friend, everyone should consider his father to be his first teacher because by the mercy of one's father one gets body"
- Lord Krsna said, "My dear friend, everyone should consider his father to be his first teacher because by the mercy of one's father one gets this body. The father is therefore the natural spiritual master"
- Lord Siva said: You are all the sons of King Pracinabarhi, and I wish all good fortune to you. I also know what you are going to do, and therefore I am visible to you just to show my mercy upon you
- Lord Sri Krsna said: O Arjuna, you should not show mercy by releasing this relative of a brahmana (brahma-bandhu), for he has killed innocent boys in their sleep
- Maharaja Nanda replied, "Because rainfall is due to the mercy of King Indra and the clouds are his representatives, and because water is so important for our living, we must show some gratitude to the controller of this rainfall, Maharaja Indra"
- Maharaja Prthu used to distribute his mercy to suffering humanity, and it was like rainfall after excessive heat
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was inquisitive to learn whether Vidura maintained himself by the mercy of the free kitchen houses - chatras
- Man cannot check all these evils simply by statutory acts and police vigilance, but he can cure the disease of the mind by the proper medicine, namely advocating the principles of brahminical culture - austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness
- Material enjoyment entails money, beauty and the reputation they bring, which can all be achieved by the mercy of the goddess of fortune. The goddess of fortune, however, never remains alone
- Mercy of the ocean
- Mercy representation
- My dear slender maiden, when a master chastises his servant, the servant should accept this as great mercy. One who becomes angry must be very foolish not to know that such is the duty of his friend
- My Lord, You are certainly the inexhaustible Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, Sri Hari. It is to show Your mercy to the living entities that You have now assumed the form of an aquatic
- My path is very difficult. I am blind, and my feet are slipping again and again. Therefore, may the saints help me by granting me the stick of their mercy as my support
- Neither all the demigods, nor the so-called gurus nor all other people, either independently or together, can offer mercy that equals even one ten-thousandth of Yours. Therefore I wish to take shelter of Your lotus feet
- No one is equal to or above Krsna, and certainly the so-called great sages and philosophers who are at the mercy of material nature cannot equal Him. BG 1972 purports
- No one is superior to you in peaceful life and mercy, and no one knows better than you how to execute devotional service or how to become the best of the brahmanas. Therefore, you know all the principles of confidential religious life
- No other king in this world could equal Kartaviryarjuna in sacrifices, charity, austerity, mystic power, education, strength or mercy
- Now I wish to establish some temple of Ramacandra, Sita Ram. Of course it depends on the mercy of Lord Ramacandra
- O master of the demigods, please attempt to lift the earth, which is merged in the great water, because it is the dwelling place for all the living entities. It can be done by your endeavor and by the mercy of the Lord
- O mighty-armed, who in this world will not be attracted by your arms, which are just like the bodies of serpents? Actually you relieve the distress of husbandless women like us by your attractive smile and your aggressive mercy
- O my Lord, there is no limit to the unwanted orders of lusty desires. Although I have rendered these desires so much service, they have not shown any mercy to me. I have not been ashamed to serve them, nor have I even desired to give them up
- O object of my worship, I am born from the house of Your lotus navel for the purpose of creating the universe by Your mercy. All these planets of the universe were stationed within Your transcendental abdomen while You were enjoying sleep
- O Vyasadeva, in that association and by the mercy of those great Vedantists, I (Narada) could hear them describe the attractive activities of Krsna And thus listening attentively, my taste for hearing of the Personality of Godhead increased at every step
- Ocean of all mercy
- Ocean of transcendental mercy
- One can attain the position of master only by the mercy of the master, not independently. Unless one understands this philosophy, he is still a mudha; in other words, he is not very intelligent
- One cannot achieve the mercy of the goddess of fortune unless one prays both to her and to the supreme enjoyer, the Personality of Godhead
- One should give up association with a person who is a playmate for women, for by associating with such an unholy person one becomes bereft of all good qualities, such as truthfulness, cleanliness, mercy, gravity, intelligence, shyness, beauty, fame, etc
- One should neglect an envious person. A preacher’s duty is to love the Supreme Personality of Godhead, make friendships with Vaisnavas, show mercy to the innocent and reject or neglect those who are envious or jealous
- One subbranch of Haridasa Thakura consisted of the residents of Kulina-grama. The most important among them was Satyaraja Khan, or Satyaraja Vasu, who was a recipient of all the mercy of Haridasa Thakura
- One who does not show Him respect or cannot appreciate His mercy despite all these merciful gestures is an asura, or opponent of bona fide devotional service to Lord Visnu, even though he may be very much exalted in human society
- One who has crossed the oceans by ship may have sufficient experience of such dependence upon the mercy of the ocean
- One who is only ordinarily fortunate cannot obtain such mercy. Only persons who have the full mercy of Krsna can receive such remnants
- Only if somebody brings a light into the darkness is it truly possible to see things as they are. Similarly, the light of knowledge is kindled by our preceptors, and we can see things as they are only by our preceptors' mercy
- Ordinarily a murderer is hanged, and in the Manu-samhita it is said that a king bestows mercy upon a murderer by killing him, thus saving him from various kinds of suffering
- Overeating, over-sense gratification, overdependence on another's mercy, and artificial standards of living sap the very vitality of human energy. Therefore the duration of life is shortened
- People do not show any mercy. And ksama. Ksama means forgiveness. That is also being reduced. Memory reduced, merciful reduced, span of life reduced, bodily strength reduced, health is reduced. This is the symptom of Kali-yuga
- People from different villages who came to see such an empowered individual would become like him simply by seeing him and receiving the mercy of his glance
- Persons who are desirous of becoming great personalities must be decorated with the following qualities: truthfulness, cleanliness, mercy, perseverance, renunciation, peacefulness, simplicity and control of the senses
- Physical killing is for very big, big, strong man like Mao, or this Lenin, like that. Not common people. They have to be shown mercy
- Please arrange our meeting with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It is only by your mercy that we can attain the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord
- Puru replied: O Your Majesty (King Yayati), who in this world can repay his debt to his father? By the mercy of one's father, one gets the human form of life, which can enable one to become an associate of the Supreme Lord
- Rainfall comes by the mercy of King Indra. Rainfall will remain on the surface of the globe, always keeping the earth moistened, and thus it will be auspicious for all kinds of production
- Ramacandra Khan, who was envious of Haridasa Thakura, sent a professional prostitute to attempt to defame him, but by the mercy of Haridasa Thakura, even the prostitute was delivered
- Ramananda Raya was surprised by Lord Caitanya's behavior, and he cited a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.8.4): "The great personalities and sages appear in the homes of worldly men just to show them mercy"
- Recently newspapers are reporting that faith in a personal God is diminishing. This means that people are becoming more and more foolish. This is natural in Kali-yuga, for as the age of Kali progresses, bodily strength, memory and mercy diminish
- Rsyasrnga performed a son-giving sacrifice on behalf of Maharaja Dasaratha, who had no issue, and then Maharaja Dasaratha had sons. From Romapada, by the mercy of Rsyasrnga, Caturanga was born, and from Caturanga came Prthulaksa
- Saintly people are interested in performing sacrifices & austerities for the advancement of spiritual life, but Vena, instead of being obliged because of the saints' mercy, turned out to be their enemy because he prohibited their ordinary duties
- Sakarunam means mercy. Not that... Because one has committed murder in a fanatic condition, he is excused sometimes. That is sakarunam. The judgement should be given not simply on the superficial causes
- Salva addressed Krsna, "You rascal, Krsna! Look. This is Your father, who has begotten You and by whose mercy You are still living. Now just see how I kill Your father. If You have any strength, try to save him"
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya has shown Me the limit of devotional service. Only by his mercy have I understood that devotional service to Krsna is the essence of all mystic yoga
- Seeing the fatigue of the disciples, the spiritual master has stopped making them dance, and because that mercy no longer makes them dance, my words now sit silently
- Seeing the influence of Madhavendra Puri, all the people gathered there were struck with wonder. They saw that the Annakuta ceremony, which had been performed before during the time of Krsna, was now taking place again by the mercy of Madhavendra Puri
- She said, "Write a separate drama about me. By my mercy it will be extraordinarily beautiful"
- Showing compassion and mercy is a relative activity. It is not the Absolute Truth. Apart from this, we also must know what actual mercy is. To give a sick man something forbidden for him to eat is not mercy. Rather, it is cruelty
- Since King Prthu was thus offered the kingdom by the virtue of the mercy of great saintly persons, he did not want to divide his kingdom among saints like the Kumaras
- Since Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is Krsna Himself, inaugurated the Krsna consciousness movement, without His mercy one cannot be elevated to the transcendental platform of Krsna consciousness
- Since the Buddhist philosophy does not admit the existence of the spirit soul, the so-called mercy of the Buddhists is defective
- So nature's mercy is that as soon as you think that you will enjoy life like this, she will give you good opportunity. That means changing a body
- Sometimes a father punishes his child, and when the child is grown up and comes to his senses, he understands that the father's punishment was not actually punishment but mercy
- Spending fifty percent for the service of the Lord or for propagation of spiritual knowledge in society by way of the sankirtana-yajna is the maximum display of human mercy
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted sannyasa to bestow His great mercy on people in general, who cannot appreciate Him as Radha and Krsna Themselves
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu confirmed these verses recited by Sri Ramananda Raya, saying, "This is the limit of the goal of human life. Only by your mercy have I come to understand it conclusively"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested all the Vaisnavas present to show mercy toward the two brothers, Rupa and Sanatana, who had just been initiated by the Lord
- Sri Maitreya said: O Vidura, all glory unto you. You have inquired from me of the greatest of all goodness, and thus you have shown your mercy both to the world and to me because your mind is always absorbed in thoughts of the Transcendence
- Sri Yadunandana Acarya was a student of Vasudeva Datta, and he received all his mercy. Therefore he could accept Lord Caitanya's lotus feet, from all angles of vision, as the supreme shelter
- Sridhara Swami continued, "Only by your (spiritual master's) mercy, I shall be able to get relief from all obstacles to spiritual life, and I shall be situated in blissful life"
- Srila Madhvacarya remarks that the goddess of fortune, the mother of the universe, could not get mercy similar to that which was offered to Prahlada Maharaja
- Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura is the authorized writer on the pastimes of Lord Caitanya. Without his mercy, therefore, one cannot describe these pastimes
- Srimati Radharani first smears Her body with the paste of Krsna's affection for Her. She then takes Her bath in the water of mercy
- Suddenly cruel death comes without mercy and takes away the great planmaker against his desire, forcing him to give up the present body for another body
- Suffering condition of the living entity, and he can be rescued by the mercy of sadhu, saintly persons, the scriptures and the spiritual master. They are prepared to bestow their mercy upon everyone, provided people like to take their instruction & mercy
- Sukracarya was certainly very sorry that because of his daughter's complaint he had to go to his disciple to beg some mercy, which he was obliged to do because he had accepted the profession of priesthood
- Suta Gosvami said: O brahmanas, King Yudhisthira fully supported the statements of the Queen, which were in accordance with the principles of religion and were justified, glorious, full of mercy and equity, and without duplicity
- Take advantage of this movement. We have tried to open, our humble attempt to open a center here. Do not be envious upon us. Kindly take mercy upon us. We are..., our humble attempt. And take advantage of it. That is our request
- Taking mercy on the great sages who lived at Badarikasrama, the Lord authorized Uddhava to speak on His behalf. Unless one has such authorization, one cannot understand or preach the devotional service of the Lord
- That transcendental body (of Radharani) takes bath three times: first in the water of mercy, second in the water of youthful beauty, and third in the water of youthful luster
- That very second I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) started for Vrndavana, and by His (Nityananda's) mercy I reached there in great happiness
- The basic principles of irreligiosity, such as pride, prostitution, intoxication and falsehood, counteract the four principles of religion, namely austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness
- The best way to show mercy is to spread Krsna consciousness. The entire world is suffering for want of this knowledge. People should know that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original cause of everything
- The devotees are also yogesvaras by the unlimited power of the Lord, just as a child is powerful by the strength of the parents. They do not try to protect themselves by any artificial means, but are saved by the mercy of the parents
- The disease is not ordinary. It is always fatal. But by His especial mercy anything can be done. That is another thing. Lost appetite means life finished. (pause) Tavad tanu-bhrtam tvad upeksitanam (SB 7.9.19)
- The duration of life will be reduced. There are predictions in the scriptures that in this age, man's duration of life, his mercy and his intelligence are being reduced
- The dust and shade of the lotus feet of the Vaisnavas have been granted to this fallen soul by the mercy of Lord Nityananda
- The empiric philosophers, despite their theoretical knowledge of Brahman, cannot utilize the mercy of the Supreme Brahman because they lack affection
- The fire of threefold miseries experienced by materialistic men can be extinguished only by the cloud of mercy of the saints and sages who can pour down the water of transcendental messages to put an end to the miseries of the householders
- The gopis said, "O Providence, you are so cruel! It appears that you do not know how to show mercy to others. By your arrangement, friends contact one another, but without fulfilling their desires you separate them"
- The great sage Narada thought it fitting that, although the brothers would be punished to become trees, by his mercy they would continue to keep their memory and be able to know why they were being punished
- The karmis try to receive the favor and mercy of Laksmi, but because they are not devotees of Narayana, their opulence is flickering
- The King (Uttanapada) said that since he was very much addicted to his wife, he had lost all his mercy. That is the result of becoming too affectionate toward women
- The light of knowledge is kindled by our preceptors, and we can see things as they are only by our preceptors' mercy. From our very birth we have become accustomed to gathering knowledge by the mercy of our preceptors, whether father, mother, or teacher
- The Lord is not dependent on anyone's mercy for His opulence; He is always self-sufficient
- The Lord is the personality of religious principles. In three millenniums religious principles are protected by three kinds of spiritual culture, namely austerity, cleanliness and mercy. The Lord is called tri-yuga in that way also
- The Lord said, "You have committed an offense at the lotus feet of Srivasa Thakura, first you must go there and beg for his mercy, and then if he gives you his blessings and you do not commit such sins again, you will be freed from these reactions"
- The mass of people must be taught to practice these principles (austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness) from childhood
- The mercy bestowed upon the tried devotee by the Supreme Personality is described as brahma, which indicates that the greatness of that mercy can be compared only to the all-pervasive greatness of Brahman
- The mercy of their lotus feet is my spiritual master, and my words are my disciples, whom I have made dance in various ways
- The principles of religion do not stand on some dogmas or man-made formulas, but they stand on four primary regulative observances, namely austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness
- The principles of religion, namely austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, as we have already discussed, may be followed by the follower of any faith
- The saints and sages, being freed from all the disturbances of the senses and mind, meditate upon You, for by Your mercy only can one become free from the clutches of the three modes of material nature
- The same judge who gave the verdict cannot check it. But if the man begs for the mercy of the king, the king can check the execution. He can go totally above the law
- The spiritual master is the mercy manifestation of the Supreme Person
- The theory is humanitarianism, daridra-narayana-seva . . . Seva . . . It is not seva. A poor man, you can have mercy, daya. That is allowed. Just like we distribute prasadam. That is balisesu
- The three transcendental qualifications - cleanliness, austerity and mercy - are the qualifications of the twice-born and the demigods. Those who are not situated in the quality of goodness cannot accept these three principles of spiritual culture
- The word mayamaya is very significant in this verse. Maya means "mercy," "specific knowledge" and also "illusion." Therefore Lord Boar is everything; He is merciful, He is all knowledge, and He is illusion also.
- The words matuh anugrahat ("by the mercy of their mother") refer to the breast milk of their mother. In India it is a common belief that if a baby is fed his mother's milk for at least six months, his body will be very strong
- The writing of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami manifests specific mercy bestowed upon the author, although he thought of himself as the most fallen. We should not consider him fallen because he describes himself as such
- There is no defeat in this material world for persons who control the mind and senses by controlling the breathing process and who are therefore experienced, mature mystics. This is because by such perfection in yoga they have attained your mercy
- Therefore you should be kind towards me by showing me complete mercy. I desire to have sons, and I am much distressed by seeing the opulence of my co-wives. By performing this act, you will become happy
- These are some of the ways in which the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be satisfied by the devotee. The first item mentioned is dayaya sarva-bhutesu, showing mercy to all conditioned souls
- These are the general principles to be followed by all human beings: truthfulness, mercy, austerity (observing fasts on certain days of the month), bathing twice a day, tolerance, discrimination between right and wrong, control of the mind
- These attributes (austerity, cleanliness, mercy & truthfulness) have diminished in the Treta-yuga to three fourths, in the Dvapara to half, and in this age of Kali to one fourth, which is also gradually diminishing on account of prevailing untruthfulness
- These confidential pastimes of Radha and Krsna have expanded through the mercy of the damsels. Without their mercy, they cannot be understood. One has to follow in the footsteps of the damsels of Vraja in order to understand
- These men (men on the path of sense gratification) are always after the mercy of the illusory goddess of fortune, but they do not know that the goddess of fortune can live only under the protection of Visnu
- These three prohibitions (namely illicit sex, intoxication, and eating food other than the prasada offered to Krsna) are based on the principles of austerity, cleanliness and mercy
- They (cowherd boys) were equal with Krsna, therefore they could show mercy. You are not equal
- They (Prahlada Maharaja's class friends) were all fools, devoid of Krsna consciousness, and therefore he was showing them how to become Krsna conscious. This is the highest mercy
- They (the mlecchas) have to depend ultimately on the mercy of the demigods like the sun-god, Indra and Candra, and such demigods must be satisfied by performances of sacrifice
- They describe the Vedas in their original sense, and out of mercy (anugraha) they preach the purpose of the Vedas to all conditioned souls
- This (mercy towards other living entities) means he must preach this knowledge after perfecting himself and understanding his own position as an eternal servant of Krsna. Preaching this is showing real mercy to living entities
- This is His special mercy upon me and I always think about this with gratitude to this exalted personality coming directly from Vaikuntha World and we had the great fortune to meet Him
- This is predicted in SB (12.2.1): In Kali-yuga, this age of quarrel and hypocrisy, there shall be a waning of these qualities: religiosity, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, memory, bodily strength, duration of life, and mercy
- This King Prthu will be as powerful as the sun-god, and just as the sun-god equally distributes his sunshine to everyone, King Prthu will distribute his mercy equally
- This material cosmic manifestation is being maintained by the mercy of nature, by which we are getting sunlight, air, and rain by which to grow our food so that we can eat and grow nicely
- This mercy can be perceived by the devotee when he is completely freed from contamination. It is stated, therefore, that only when all contamination is rooted out and the devotee is completely detached from material attractions can he receive God's mercy
- This peace of mind was complete in the Satya age because of the existence of the above-mentioned attributes of the human beings - austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness
- This service attitude (render loving service physically and mentally without reservation) will induce the great souls to be more favorable in bestowing their mercy, which injects the neophyte with all the transcendental qualities of the pure devotees
- This sort of service or mercy (people are anxious to give service to other living entities but they are expert in killing the poor living entities) is not recommended in the Vedic wisdom
- This verse (CC Madhya 19.204) is quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.8.45). Those who are spiritually advanced forget Krsna’s opulence by the mercy of yogamaya. For instance, mother Yasoda considered Krsna an ordinary child
- Those who are too addicted to sex life cannot understand the purpose of the Absolute Truth, nor can they be clean in their habits, not to mention showing mercy to others
- Through the mercy of Ramananda Raya, I have understood that ecstatic love of Krsna is the highest goal of life and that spontaneous love of Krsna is the highest perfection
- Thus Bali Maharaja is understood to be one who received the highest perfection of devotional service by special mercy
- To become a person Krsna conscious, a Krsna conscious person, from the systematic way, it is very difficult. But by the mercy of Krsna Himself, He has made the path very easy
- To drive out corruption from the state we must organize society to accept the principles of religion - austerity, cleanliness, mercy & truthfulness - & to make the condition favorable we must close all places of gambling, drinking, prostitution & falsity
- To propagate the systematic transcendental knowledge of devotional service is the greatest mercy that one can show in this world
- To show mercy to His devotees in each of these nine tracts of land, the SPG known as Narayana expands Himself in His quadruple principles of Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. In this way He remains near His devotees to accept their service
- To surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord is also not very easy. Such surrender is possible by persons of austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness. These four principles of advanced civilization were remarkable features in the age of Satya
- Ultimately the result of such mercy certainly depended on the will of the Supreme Lord in the present life; Dhrtarastra attained liberation only, and after many such liberated states of life one can attain to the stage of devotional service
- Understanding by whose mercy this had happened, he immediately offered his respectful obeisances with his head and began chanting prayers just suitable for the transcendental Lord, the supreme eternal, who is worshiped by the choicest verses
- Unless one is educated in the above-mentioned (in SB 7.11.8-12) thirty qualities (truthfulness, mercy, austerity (observing fasts on certain days of the month), bathing twice a day, tolerance, etc.), there cannot be any peace
- Unless the living entity receives the mercy of the saintly persons, the spiritual master or Krsna, it is not possible for him to get out of the darkness of material existence; by his own endeavor it is not possible
- Unless we know what mercy really is, we may create an undesirable situation. If we wish to show real mercy, we will preach Krsna consciousness in order to revive the lost consciousness of human beings, the living entity’s original consciousness
- We actually see that the present generation is not as strong as the previous. People also have short memories. We also understand that sometimes people are killed while other people pass by, not caring. Thus mercy is also diminishing
- We go forward on the path of knowledge by the mercy of our preceptors - from learning the alphabet up to completing our university career
- We receive heat, light, water and all other natural amenities through the mercy of the demigods. We are also indebted to our forefathers, who have given us these bodies, paternal property, intelligence, society, friendship and love
- We should be compassionate to all living entities and should show them mercy
- What is the wonder if the maidservant of Krsna, His external energy, begs for love of Godhead? Without the mercy of a devotee and without the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, love of Godhead cannot be possible
- What these materialistic men can do mercy to the others? They cannot do anything. Here is the real mercy, to awaken a person to Krsna consciousness
- What to speak of Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, the goddess of fortune, Laksmi, is the Lord's constant companion in service, since she always associates with His body. But even she could not get such mercy - as mother Yasoda
- When a devotee revives his loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it should be understood that he has been successful in achieving the desired goal of his life. At that time everything is automatically done by the mercy of the holy name
- When a husbandless woman is attacked by an aggressive man, she takes his action to be mercy
- When a person is in a lower position, we have a duty to help him. For example, because a small child is helpless, he is dependent on the mercy of the parent: Mother, I want this. Yes, my dear child
- When a person shows love for God and friendship for devotees, displays mercy towards the innocent and is reluctant to associate with nondevotees, he may be considered a pure devotee
- When a real sannyasi or vairagi accepts something from householder, it is a great benefit for him. Therefore to accept little from this house, to accept little from that house, that is also another mercy of the renounced sannyasi or devotee of the Lord
- When all the sons of Pracinabarhi left home to execute austerities, they met Lord Siva, who, out of great mercy, instructed them about the Absolute Truth
- When Durvasa touched his lotus feet, Maharaja Ambarisa was very much ashamed, and when he saw Durvasa attempting to offer prayers, because of mercy he was aggrieved even more
- When everyone is taught to sacrifice fifty percent of his accumulated gold for the Lord's service, certainly austerity, cleanliness and mercy automatically ensue, and thus the lost three legs of the personality of religion are automatically established
- When one chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra loudly, he actually shows mercy to all living entities. To spread the Krsna consciousness movement throughout the world, the devotees should be satisfied in all conditions
- When Raghunatha dasa met all the devotees, Advaita Acarya showed him great mercy
- When she thought that Krsna was holding up the hill for such an extremely long time, her clothes became soaked with perspiration. May mother Yasoda Vrajesvari protect the whole universe by her infinite mercy!
- When Sunahsepha was brought into the sacrificial arena, he prayed to the demigods for release and was released by their mercy
- When the king orders a murderer to be killed, it is his mercy. It is his mercy. Because he saves him from so many other entanglement. Better kill him so that his sinful reaction is finished
- When there is sufficient austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, naturally mother earth is completely satisfied, and there is very little chance for Kali to infiltrate the structure of human society
- When we get by evolutionary process, come to this human form of life by God's grace, nature's mercy, we can understand what is what
- Who can understand the influence and mercy of Lord Nityananda Prabhu? He is so powerful that He induced Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to come eat chipped rice on the bank of the Ganges
- With the progress of the age of Kali, four things particularly, namely the duration of life, mercy, the power of recollection, and moral or religious principles will gradually diminish
- Yadunandana Acarya was the priest and spiritual master of Raghunatha dasa. Although born in a brahmana family, he had accepted the mercy of Vasudeva Datta
- You are not even attached to the goddess of fortune, who is worshiped by the great demigods like Brahma, who pray to achieve her mercy
- You have got very nice good planet, very nice city, Rome and London and America, this and that. That's all right. But as soon as it is dark, you cannot see anything. The mercy of sunshine, Krsna's mercy, is there. Therefore you can see. You can enjoy
- Your Lordship is my only means of getting out of this darkest region of ignorance because You are my transcendental eye, which, by Your mercy only, I have attained after many, many births