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- In his previous life Narada Muni was the son of a maidservant
- Satyakama Jabala was born of a maidservant, but wanted to become a brahmana, and so he approached Gautama Muni for initiation
- There is a drama in Bengali that in a house a doctor came to diagnose. There were two patients, the housewife and the maidservant
- A king would maintain not only his wife but also the many friends and maidservants of his wife. Some of these maidservants would become pregnant and give birth to children. Such children were accepted as dasi-putra, the sons of the maidservants
- A prominent figure in the history of the Mahabharata, Vidura was conceived by Vyasadeva in the womb of the maidservant of Ambika, mother of Maharaja Pandu. He is the incarnation of Yamaraja. Being cursed by Manduka Muni, he was to become a sudra
- A wife who has no sons is neglected at home by her husband and dishonored by her co-wives exactly like a maidservant. Certainly such a woman is condemned in every respect because of her sinful life
- After the performance of the different sacrifices, Vasudeva offered ample riches, clothing, ornaments, cows, land and maidservants to the priests
- All the maidservants began to beat the Ratha car with sticks, and they treated the servants of Lord Jagannatha almost like thieves
- All the principal servants of Lord Jagannatha are then arrested by her (of the goddess of fortune's) maidservants, brought before her and forced to fall down at her lotus feet
- Although each and every queen had thousands of maidservants engaged for her service, the queens were all personally attentive in serving Krsna. Each one of them used to receive Krsna personally when He entered the palace
- Although I took birth as a sudra from the womb of a maidservant, I engaged in the service of Vaisnavas who were well-versed in Vedic knowledge. Consequently, in this life I got the opportunity to take birth as the son of Lord Brahma
- Although I was worshiped by those on the path of monism and initiated into self-realization through the yoga system, I have nonetheless been forcibly turned into a maidservant by some cunning boy who is always joking with the gopis
- As far as material conveniences are concerned, they automatically come, just as the maidservants of a queen follow the queen wherever she goes. Liberation is no problem for the pure devotee, and all material conveniences are simply awaiting him
- Because Narada Muni, in his previous life, was the poverty-stricken son of a maidservant, he got the association of saintly persons and later became the exalted Narada Muni
- Because Ramananda Raya always placed himself in the position of a maidservant of the gopis, his rehearsal with the girls was actually on the spiritual platform
- Because Saubhari Muni was expert in chanting mantras perfectly, his severe austerities resulted in an opulent home, with garments, ornaments, properly dressed & decorated maidservants & manservants & varieties of parks with clear-water lakes & gardens
- Because the gopis are worshipable personalities, Ramananda Raya, who considered the two girls gopis and himself their maidservant, engaged in their service by massaging their bodies with oil to cleanse them completely
- By the grace of Kardama Muni, Devahuti experienced actual realization simply by serving. We get a similar example in the life of Narada Muni. In his previous life, he was a maidservant's son, but his mother was engaged in the service of great devotees
- By yogic powers he created for her this great airplane and gave her a big house with maidservants and all opulences. Kardama Muni was merely a human being, but he could perform such wonderful things by yogic powers
- Devahuti was a king's daughter and almost a king's wife also. Although Kardama Muni was not a king, by his yogic mystic power he accommodated Devahuti very comfortably in a nice palace with maidservants and all opulence
- Devayani then expressed her desire as follows: "Whenever I marry by the order of my father, my friend Sarmistha must go with me as my maidservant, along with her friends"
- Each & every wife had hundreds and thousands of maidservants, yet when Krsna entered the palaces of His thousands of wives, each one of them used to receive Krsna personally by seating Him in a nice chair, worshiping Him with all requisite paraphernalia
- Each queen did all these things herself and did not wait for the maidservants. In other words, Krsna and His different queens displayed on this earth an ideal household life
- Even maidservants who're constantly engaged in rendering service to the husband are honored by the husband & thus they have nothing for which to lament. Our position is that we're maidservants of the maidservant. Therefore we're most unfortunate
- Everyone in Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya's house is very dear to Me, including his maids and servants and even his dog. And what to speak of his relatives
- For a woman who has no son, who is not cared for by her husband and whose co-wives neglect her, treating her like a maidservant, to go to the forest is better than to remain at home
- For her (Laksmana) dowry, he (Duryodana) first gave 1,200 elephants, each at least 60 years old; then he gave 10,000 nice horses, 6,000 chariots, dazzling just like the sunshine, and 1,000 maidservants decorated with golden ornaments
- Formerly, Narada Muni was the son of a maidservant, & therefore in his next birth he attained perfection (sadhana-siddhi) because of having executed devotional service. Yet he is also a nitya-siddha because he never forgets the Supreme Personality of God
- He (a brahmana who was suffering from leprosy) desired to enjoy the company of a prostitute, and therefore his wife went to her and became her maidservant, just to draw her attention for his service
- He (Devaka) also gave ten thousand horses , eighteen hundred chariots, and two hundred very beautiful young maidservants, fully decorated with ornaments - as a dowry for Devaki - SB 10.1.31-32
- Her husband (Kardama Muni) was living in a cottage, and since she (Devahuti) was always engaged in serving him, her royal beauty disappeared, and she became just like an ordinary maidservant
- How one can become this fortunate (to get helped from within by Krsna and from without by the spiritual master) can be seen in the life of Srila Narada Muni. In his previous life he was born of a maidservant
- Human reason fails to understand how by serving the devotee Bhagavata or the book one gets gradual promotion on the path of devotion. But actually these are facts explained by Srila Naradadeva, who happened to be a maidservant's son in his previous life
- I (Narada Muni) was the only son of my mother, who was not only a simple woman but a maidservant as well. Since I was her only offspring, she had no other alternative for protection: she bound me with the tie of affection
- If a gopi envious of Me satisfies Krsna and Krsna desires her, I shall not hesitate to go to her house and become her maidservant, for then My happiness will be awakened
- If one becomes bhakta, then mukti becomes her maidservant. Why shall I ask for mukti? Mukti is nothing. Kaivalyam narakayate. What is the mukti? It is as good as hell. Mukti means to merge into the Brahman effulgence, but there is no service of Krsna
- In great agitation, the maidservant struck her breast with both hands and cried loudly in regretful words. Hearing her loud voice, the Queen immediately came, and when she approached her son, she saw that he was suddenly dead
- In his (Narada Muni's) previous life he was the son of a maidservant, but by good association with pure devotees he became enlightened in devotional service, and in the next life he became a perfect man comparable with himself only
- In his (Narada Muni) previous life he was born of a maidservant. Although he was not born into a prestigious position, his mother was fortunately engaged in rendering service to some Vaisnavas
- In his previous life he was simply a boy of a maidservant, but through association with great devotees he became a devotee of the Lord of his own standard, unique in the history of devotional service
- In Ilavrta-varsa, Lord Siva is always encircled by ten billion maidservants of goddess Durga, who minister to him. The quadruple expansion of the Supreme Lord is composed of Vasudeva, Pradyumna, Aniruddha and Sankarsana
- In India there is still a class of servants, called sudras, whose maidservant wives are called sudranis. Sometimes people who are very lusty establish relationships with such maidservants and sweeping women
- In one millennium he (Narada Muni) was the son of a maidservant, and in the next millennium he became a great sage
- In the beginning of these affairs (in SB 9.18.6-16) concerning Sarmistha and Devayani, we saw that Sarmistha had many friends. Now these friends became maidservants of Devayani
- In the city known as Kanyakubja there was a brahmana named Ajamila who married a prostitute maidservant and lost all his brahminical qualities because of the association of that low-class woman
- In the history of this world, when Lord Krsna, the supreme Visnu, was ruling over Dvaraka, Queen Rukmini, who was the chief of all Krsna's queens, used to serve Lord Krsna personally in spite of having many hundreds of maidservants to assist her
- In the Ilavrta-varsa, Lord Siva is the only male. There he lives with his wife, Bhavani, who is attended by many maidservants. If any other male enters that province, Bhavani curses him to become a woman
- In the kitchen of the demon was a maidservant whose name was Mayavati. This woman had formerly been the wife of Cupid, called Rati
- In the Narada-pancaratra, devotional service to the Lord is likened unto a queen. When a queen gives an audience, many maidservants follow her. The maidservants of devotional service are material opulence, liberation and mystic powers
- In the next life he (the maidservant's son) was Narada Muni, the most exalted of Vaisnavas and the most important guru and acarya of Vaisnavas
- In this situation, Lord Sri Krsna sat very comfortably and enjoyed the service of Rukminiji, who was assisted by her maidservants
- In this way all the maidservants of the goddess of fortune arrested the servants of Jagannatha, bound them around the waist and brought them before the goddess of fortune
- In Vaikunthaloka, Putana attained the position of a nurse (dhatry-ucitam), as described by Uddhava. Putana was elevated to the position of a nurse and maidservant in Goloka Vrndavana to assist mother Yasoda
- In Vrndavana all the spiritual entities - the cowherd boys, the cow maids, the forest, the trees, the hills, the water, the fruits, the cows, and all others - enjoy life spiritually in association with the Lord, Sri Krsna
- It appears from this verse (SB 3.23.34) that in the beginning Devahuti thought herself to be dirty and dressed in a very niggardly way. When her husband asked her to enter the lake, she saw the maidservants, and they took care of her
- It is customary in the renounced order of life that one should not take any service from a servant or maid, but Devahuti was being served by the celestial maidservants
- It is stated that as the personal attendants and maidservants of a queen follow the queen with all respect & obeisances, similarly the joys of religiousness, economic development, sense gratification, liberation follow the devotional service of the Lord
- May we inquire from you (swan) whether Krsna is happy? We want to know. Does He remember us? We know that goddess of fortune is serving Him alone. We are simply maidservants. How can we worship Him, who speaks sweet words but never fulfills our desires
- Mother loves child. It is not like the maidservant who is paid. Mother loves spontaneously child, as duty. She loves to serve the child. Similarly, our love of God will be spontaneous, without any motive, and without being impeded
- Narada Muni can approach any planet in unlimited space within no time. We have already discussed his previous life as the son of a maidservant
- Narada was actually a son of a maidservant. He had no opportunity to go to school. He was simply assisting his mother, and fortunately his mother rendered some service to the devotees. BG 1972 purports
- Narada was simply a maidservant's son, but he got the opportunity to serve exalted brahmanas & Vaisnavas, & thus in his next life he not only became liberated, but became famous as the supreme spiritual master of the entire Vaisnava disciplic succession
- Narada, he's also saktyavesa avatara. In his previous life, he was a maidservant's son, but by the association of devotees, he rose up to this position, Narada
- Narada, who happened to be the son of a maidservant, had no education, nor was he born into a high family. BG 1972 purports
- Naradaji is one of the liberated souls, and after his liberation he was known as Narada; otherwise, before his liberation, he was simply a son of a maidservant
- O muni (Vyasadeva), in the last millennium I (Narada Muni) was born as the son of a certain maidservant engaged in the service of brahmanas who were following the principles of Vedanta
- Oh, just see the activities of this servant-maid Sarmistha! Disregarding all etiquette, she has put on my dress, just like a dog snatching clarified butter meant for use in a sacrifice
- Once upon a time, seeing that her maidservant was engaged in different household duties, mother Yasoda personally took charge of churning butter. And while she churned butter, she sang the childhood pastimes of Krsna and enjoyed thinking of her son
- One who wants to be elevated to the transcendental stage of perfection should follow in the footsteps of the damsels of Vraja as an assistant maidservant of the gopis
- Riding in a palanquin covered with cloth and accompanied by maidservants, Sita Thakurani came to the house of Jagannatha Misra, bringing with her many auspicious articles such as fresh grass, paddy, gorocana, turmeric, kunkuma and sandalwood
- Royal princes maintained menservants and maidservants with all provisions, as if they were their own children or family members
- Rukmini was very eager to get the opportunity to serve her husband, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. She therefore wanted to serve the Lord personally and took the handle of the camara from the hand of a maidservant and began to move the fan
- Satyakama was born of a maidservant, but he wanted to become brahmin. So he went to Gautama Muni: "Sir, make me your disciple." In those days, Vaidic brahminical culture, without becoming brahmin, he cannot be initiated
- Seeing her, the damsels suddenly rose and said with folded hands, "We are your maidservants. Tell us what we can do for you"
- She (Devahuti) was always in trance in transcendental bliss, the thought of the Personality of Godhead was always carefully fixed in her mind. She did not become thin, for she was taken care of by the celestial maidservants created by her husband
- She (Sudama's wife) was fully decorated with a gold necklace and ornaments, and while standing among the maidservants she appeared like a demigod’s wife just alighting from an airplane
- She was amazed to find herself surrounded by a thousand maids in the presence of her husband and to witness his yogic power
- Simply by associating with them & accepting the remnants of foodstuff left by the sages, the son of the maidservant got the chance to become the great devotee & personality Naradadeva. These are the miraculous effects of the association of Bhagavatas
- So far Narada Muni is concerned, in His previous life He was a maidservant's son, but by the mercy of the devotees He later on became siddha and next life He appeared as Narada with complete freedom to move anywhere by the grace of the Lord
- Sri Bilvamangala Thakura said, If I have unflinching devotion unto the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, then mukti, or liberation, serves me as my maidservant. Mukti, the maidservant, is always ready to do whatever I ask
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu blessed a maidservant named Duhkhi with the name Sukhi. He called for Kholaveca Sridhara and showed him His maha-prakasa. Then He called for Murari Gupta and showed him His feature as Lord Ramacandra
- Sri Narada Muni in his previous life was just an ordinary maidservant's son, so how he became so perfectly transformed into the spiritual body of eternal life, bliss and knowledge is certainly important
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: One day when mother Yasoda saw that all the maidservants were engaged in other household affairs, she personally began to churn the yogurt - SB 10.9.1-2
- Srila Bilvamangala Thakura stated that for persons who engage in the devotional service of the Lord, all material benedictions wait like maidservants
- Srila Narada Muni became the topmost devotee of the Lord simply by the association of pure devotees of the Lord. By birth he was the son of a maidservant and had no knowledge of his father and no academic education, even of the lowest status
- Srila Naradadeva happened to be a maidservant's son in his previous life. The maidservant was engaged in the menial service of the sages, and thus he also came into contact with them
- Srila Ramananda Raya used to act in that way because he thought of himself in his original position as a maidservant of the gopis
- Such a big city, there was lake, there was garden, there was maidservant, big, big palaces, and the whole thing was floating in the sky, and he (Kardama Muni) made her (Devahuti) see all the different planets
- Suniti said: My dear boy, whatever has been spoken by Suruci is so, because the King, your father, does not consider me his wife or even his maidservant. He feels ashamed to accept me
- The brahmana desired to enjoy the company of a prostitute, and therefore his wife went to her and became her maidservant, just to draw her attention for his service
- The concrete example is the spiritual master Narada Muni. In his previous life he was simply a boy of a maidservant, but through association with great devotees he became a devotee of God of his own standard, unique in the history of devotional service
- The female population is always greater than the male, but since a woman needs to be protected by a man, the king would maintain many girls, who acted either as friends or as maidservants of the queen
- The foolish, childlike materialists cannot reach beyond the conception of the maidservant, material nature
- The goddess of fortune is evidence of this, for although she constantly lives on the heart of Narayana, she wants to render service to His lotus feet. She therefore considers herself a maidservant and serves Him constantly
- The intelligent grown-up sons of the Lord know well that all the acts of material nature are controlled by the Lord, just as a maidservant is under the control of the master, the father of the undeveloped children
- The living entities are exactly like small children playing the material field under the control of the maidservant of the Lord - nature
- The maidservants bound the servants of Jagannatha, handcuffed them and made them fall down at the lotus feet of the goddess of fortune. Indeed, they were arrested just like thieves who have all their riches taken away
- The maidservants were carrying water pitchers, camara whisks and boxes for betel nuts. There were hundreds of maidservants, all attractively dressed and wearing valuable necklaces
- The pious wives of the Yaksas act as personal maidservants to assist Bhavani, the wife of Siva. Because they drink the water of the River Arunoda, their bodies become fragrant, and as the air carries away that fragrance, it perfumes the entire atmosphere
- The woman replied to Krsna, "My dear Syamasundara, dear beautiful dark boy, You may know that I am engaged as a maidservant of Kamsa. I am supplying him pulp of sandalwood daily"
- Their two brothers were named Sripati and Srinidhi. These four brothers and their servants and maidservants are considered one big branch
- Then in a mirror she beheld her own reflection. Her body was completely freed from all dirt, and she was adorned with a garland. Dressed in unsullied robes and decorated with auspicious marks of tilaka, she was served very respectfully by the maids
- Then the maidservants of the goddess of fortune said to the servants of Jagannatha, "Why did your Jagannatha abandon the great opulence of the goddess of fortune and, for the sake of a few leaves, fruits & flowers, go see the flower garden of Radharani"
- There are 7 kinds of mother. Real mother, then a spiritual master or teacher's wife, guroh patni. Brahmani, the wife of a brahmana. Atma-mata guroh patni brahmani raja-patnika. And the queen, the wife of the king. Dhenu, cow; dhenur dhatri, maidservant
- Therefore, most gentle lord, kindly favor your maidservant. We have now been deprived of our opulence and residence by our competitors, the demons. Kindly give us protection
- They (the cowherd boys, the cow maids, the forest, the trees, the hills, the water, the fruits, the cows, and all others) are simultaneously one with and different from the Lord. But ultimately they are one in different varieties
- They (the living entities) accept the maya, or the maidservant, as all in all and thus wrongly conceive the Supreme Truth to be feminine - goddess Durga, etc
- They (the thousand maidservants) then decorated her (Devahuti) with very excellent and valuable jewels, which shone brightly. Next they offered her food containing all good qualities, and a sweet, inebriating drink called asavam
- They appeared before Devahuti within the water and presented themselves as her maidservants, simply awaiting her orders
- This is ideal of human civilization. The every woman should try to become maidservant of her husband, and every man should try to become the hundred times servant of Krsna. This is Indian civilization. Not that "Husband and wife, we are equal rights"
- This is the idea, to become servant and to become maidservant. This is ideal of human civilization
- This Narada Muni's history is very interesting, that he was not educated, a boy, and not coming from cultured family - maidservant's son. The only qualification was that nirupito balaka eva yoginam. He was engaged as a boy servant to the yogis
- This princess, means daughter of Manu, she began to serve Kardama Muni. And in the yoga asrama, it was a cottage, and there was no good food, no maidservant, nothing of the sort. So became gradually very lean and thin, and she was very beautiful
- Those (brahmanas) who were not married were given wives, maidservants, grain, silver, utensils, garments, jewels, household furniture, chariots, etc. This charity was nicely performed as a sacrifice according to the Vedic rituals
- Vrndavana-dhama is made of transcendental touchstone. Its entire surface is the source of all valuable jewels, and the cintamani stone is used to decorate the lotus feet of the maidservants of Vrndavana
- Vyasadeva, following the order of his mother, Satyavati, begot three sons, two by the womb of Ambika and Ambalika, the two wives of his brother Vicitravirya, and the third by Vicitravirya's maidservant. These sons were Dhrtarastra, Pandu and Vidura
- When a ksatriya prince is married, at least a dozen maidservants of similar age are given along with the bride. After giving the cows & maidservants, the King enriched the dowry by giving 9,000 elephants and a hundred times more chariots than elephants
- When all the maidservants brought Lord Jagannatha's servants before the lotus feet of the goddess of fortune, the Lord's servants were fined and forced to submit
- When she thought of her great husband, the best of the sages, Kardama Muni, who was very dear to her, she, along with all the maidservants, at once appeared where he was
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's associates saw such impudence exhibited by the maidservants of the goddess of fortune, they covered their faces with their hands and began to smile
- When the maidservant approached the child, who was lying down, she saw that his eyes were turned upward. There were no signs of life, all his senses having stopped, and she could understand that the child was dead
- When the procession arrived, the maidservants of the goddess of fortune began to arrest all the principal servants of Lord Jagannatha
- While Devahuti was thinking of what to do in that great palace in her dirty clothes, there were at once, by the yogic powers of Kardama Muni, one thousand maidservants prepared to serve her
- With all this paraphernalia (an airplane as large as a small town with gardens, servants, maidservants and palatial buildings), Kapiladeva's mother, Devahuti, and His father, Kardama Muni, traveled all over the universes and visited different planets
- With the first complete engagement, one becomes automatically detached from material contamination, and liberation becomes the maidservant of the devotee