They (the thousand maidservants) then decorated her (Devahuti) with very excellent and valuable jewels, which shone brightly. Next they offered her food containing all good qualities, and a sweet, inebriating drink called asavam
Expressions researched:
"They then decorated her with very excellent and valuable jewels, which shone brightly. Next they offered her food containing all good qualities, and a sweet, inebriating drink called asavam"
SB Canto 3
They then decorated her with very excellent and valuable jewels, which shone brightly. Next they offered her food containing all good qualities, and a sweet, inebriating drink called āsavam.
SB 3.23.29, Translation and Purport: They then decorated her with very excellent and valuable jewels, which shone brightly. Next they offered her food containing all good qualities, and a sweet, inebriating drink called āsavam.
Āsavam is an Āyur-vedic medical preparation; it is not a liquor. It is especially made from drugs and is meant to improve metabolism for the healthy condition of the body.
- One Thousand
- Maidservant
- Decorated
- Devahuti
- With
- Very
- Excellent
- Valuable
- Jewels
- Which
- Shining
- Bright
- Next
- Offer
- Food
- Contains
- All Good
- Good Qualities
- Sweet
- Inebriety
- Drink
- Named - called
- Bhagavatam Verses Spoken by Maitreya Rsi - Vaniquotes
- Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 03 Chapter 23 - Devahuti's Lamentation
- Srimad Bhagavatam, Cantos 01 to 09 - All Verse Translations
Page Title: | They (the thousand maidservants) then decorated her (Devahuti) with very excellent and valuable jewels, which shone brightly. Next they offered her food containing all good qualities, and a sweet, inebriating drink called asavam |
Compiler: | MadhuGopaldas |
Created: | 18 of Jul, 2012 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=1, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=0 |
No. of Quotes: | 1 |