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Pages in category "Transcendental"
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- Caitanya Mahaprabhu describes Srimad-Bhagavatam as the spotless Purana because it contains transcendental narrations of the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna
- In this material world both the so-called man and so-called woman are imitating the real purusa; the Supreme Personality of Godhead is actually the enjoyer in the transcendental sense, whereas all others are prakrti
- So-called transcendental
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu discovered the transcendental lakes known as Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda
- Transcendental fact
- Transcendental fraud
- Transcendental incarnation
- Transcendental loving attitude
- Transcendental mood
- Transcendental ocean
- Transcendental sky
- Transcendental sources
- We are transcendental
- You are transcendental
- A brahmana who is well versed in Vedic knowledge and fully conversant with transcendental matters becomes a representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore one should worship such a brahmana or Vaisnava
- A city government may have a rest house where the governor & important government officers stay. Such a rest house is not an ordinary house. Similarly, Svetadvipa, which is in the ocean of milk, in this material world, it is param padam, transcendental
- A conditioned soul is already allured by the modes of material energy, & there is every chance of being allured again, even while performing transcendental discipline. This is called yogat calita-manasah: deviation from the transcendental path. BG 1972 p
- A description of this transcendental land of Krsna is given in the Brahma-samhita, which is considered by Lord Sri Caitanya to be the most authentic literature in this connection
- A desire to serve the Lord, the supreme predominator, is spiritual or transcendental, and one has to attain this purification of the mind and the senses to get admission into the spiritual kingdom
- A gopi described Him to a friend, "When Krsna returns, He is garlanded with tulasi leaves, He puts His hand on the shoulder of a cowherd boyfriend and begins to blow His transcendental flute"
- A liberated soul realizes the Absolute Personality of Godhead, who is transcendental and who is manifest as a reflection even in the false ego
- A maha-bhagavata Vaisnava has the transcendental eyes to see who is sleeping under the spell of maya, and he engages himself in awakening sleeping conditioned beings by spreading the knowledge of Krsna consciousness
- A mahatma is rare and transcendental, and he is a pure devotee of Lord Krsna
- A mellow temporarily appearing transcendental but contradicting mellows previously stated and lacking some of a mellow’s necessities is called rasabhasa, an overlapping mellow, by advanced devotees who know how to taste transcendental mellows
- A person who is able to attain this transcendental qualification is called jivan-mukta, liberated, even though he is apparently in material conditions. This liberation is achieved by one who constantly engages in the transcendental loving service of God
- A person who is interested in inquiring about transcendental subjects, krsna-katha, makes a paramahamsa very glad. Therefore Kapiladeva was very glad to hear that His mother was eager to receive information on how to be delivered from material bondage
- A prakrta-bhakta cannot understand that Vrndavana is always transcendental. Therefore Srila Jiva Gosvami has discussed this point in his Tattva-sandarbha, that we cannot accept any manufactured ideas
- A pure devotee does not accept any kind of mukti. He wants only to serve Krsna in a transcendental relationship. This is the perfectional stage of spiritual life
- A pure Vaisnava is a liberated soul and is transcendental even to the position of a brahmana
- A sannyasi cannot act like a householder, nor can a householder act like a sannyasi, but above these two kinds of persons, one who engages in material activities and one who renounced material activities, there is the person who is transcendental to both
- A sentimentalist who has no Vaisnava qualifications cannot produce transcendental writings
- A serious disciple must be alert when selecting a bona fide spiritual master. He must be sure that the spiritual master can deliver all the transcendental necessities
- A spiritual master from the sannyasa order has very little opportunity to perform arcana, Deity worship, but when one accepts a spiritual master from the transcendental sannyasis, the principle of Deity worship is not at all neglected
- A transcendentalist who wants to work from spiritual platform, he has no botheration, "Whether I am doing good or bad?" He has only to see, "Whether I am acting on the platform of spiritual consciousness or material consciousness?" That's all
- A transcendentally sober person who, with faith and love, continually hears from a realized soul about the activities of Lord Krsna in His rasa dance with the gopis
- A Vaisnava is transcendental even to a brahmana. In the material conception, the position of a brahmana is the highest in human society, but a Vaisnava is transcendental even to a brahmana. Both the brahmana and Vaisnava are spiritually advanced
- A Vaisnava is transcendental. He hasn't got to train under this discipline. Because he takes shelter of Krsna directly, he's given immediately all protection
- According to Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (NOD 1.2.270), "Devotional service with ecstatic attachment for that service, which becomes natural for the devotee, is called raga, or transcendental attachment"
- According to some authorities, this condition cannot be accepted as one of the transcendental humors, or rasas
- Activities in Krsna consciousness are on the absolute plane; they are transcendental and have no material effect. One is, therefore, filled with peace in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Actually his (who has become Krsna conscious) mind is cleansed by his transcendental connection with the lotus feet of the Lord. At such a time one is enlightened by the loving service of the Lord
- Actually your (Sanatana's) body is transcendental, never material. You are thinking of it, however, in terms of a material conception
- Advanced transcendentalists are called sudhiyah. Sudhi means "intelligence," sudhi means "highly advanced," and sudhi means "devotee."
- After addressing Arjuna in this way, Lord Krsna called for His transcendental chariot. He mounted it along with Arjuna and proceeded north
- After many, many births understanding the Brahman . . . Brahman understanding is certainly transcendental, but because Brahman is only partial realization of the Absolute Truth, only the eternity
- After seeing the transcendental Personality of Godhead (Maha-Visnu), Akrura immediately became overwhelmed with joy and great devotion, and all over his body there was transcendental shivering
- After sitting in the above manner, make the mind remember the three transcendental letters (a-u-m), and by regulating the breathing process, control the mind so as not to forget the transcendental seed
- After the elimination of all sins or obstacles on the path of devotional service, one can become attracted, one can have steadiness, one can have perfect taste, one can have transcendental emotions, and one can be situated in loving service of the Lord
- After thus advising him how to worship, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally offered Raghunatha dasa the govardhana-sila with His transcendental hand. As advised by the Lord, Raghunatha dasa worshiped the sila in great transcendental jubilation
- Akrura began to think within himself that he was unfit for gaining the transcendental opportunity of seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Krsna)
- All (transcendental symptoms of ecstasy) were manifested by Uddhava in the presence of Vidura
- All activities - whether verbal, physical, or mental - are transcendental if offered to the Lord with love and devotion
- All conceptions of the Absolute Truth, namely, impersonal Brahman, localized Paramatma, or any other transcendental conception, exist within the category of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- All eight kinds of transcendental transformations were visible in the Lord's body. All the devotees were struck with wonder to see such a sight
- All of Me, namely My actual eternal form and My transcendental existence, color, qualities and activities - let all be awakened within you by factual realization, out of My causeless mercy
- All of the devotees all over the world are simply praying now. They have been placed into great transcendental anxiety, Srila Prabhupada. They are simply praying for your recovery. Do you think that this powder has been successful
- All of the energies are of Visnu-sakti, that is to say they are different potencies of Lord Visnu. That energy is para, transcendental. BG 1972 Introduction
- All of these symptoms are transcendental, and they are exhibited in different ways, acting and interacting under different conditions. They are like the reciprocation of love between the lover and beloved
- All over the civilized world we find some process or form of religion - when man is devoid of any such religion or of transcendental traits, he is nothing but a beast
- All the 4 original sampradayas are still scrupulously engaged in the transcendental service of God up to date, & they all declare that Lord Krsna, Mukunda, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, & no other personality is equal to Him or greater than Him
- All the devotees present so greatly appreciated this verse that they expressed their gratitude to Sri Rupa Gosvami for his transcendental recitation
- All these (childhood) pastimes of Krsna, and the great enjoyment exhibited by the mothers, are transcendental; nothing about them is material. They are described in the Brahma-samhita as ananda-cinmaya-rasa
- All these demigods, being empowered by the Lord (Krsna) with certain energies, engage in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- All these rivers (Brahmaputra, Sona, Candravasa, Tamraparni, Avatoda, Krtamala, Vaihayasi, Kaveri, Veni, etc.) are transcendental. Therefore one can be purified by remembering them, touching them or bathing in them. This practice is still going on
- All these stages (elimination of obstacles, becoming attracted, steadiness, perfect taste, transcendental emotions, & being situated in loving service to God) develop by the association of pure devotees, and that is the purport of this stanza - SB 1.5.25
- All these trees and birds and beasts were pious living entities born in the transcendental abode of Vrndavana just to give pleasure to the Lord and His (Krsna's) eternal associates, the cowherd boys
- All Vedic literatures declare that transcendental subjects cannot be understood simply by argument or logic. Spiritual matters are far above experimental knowledge
- Along with the reading of Vedic literature (svadhyaya), one must engage in devotional worship of the Deity (arcana-vidhi). Together these will enhance the devotee’s transcendental understanding of devotional service. Sravanadi suddha-citte karaye udaya
- Although flowering plants like the mandara, kunda, kurabaka, utpala, campaka, arna, punnaga, nagakesara, bakula, lily and parijata are full of transcendental fragrance, they are still conscious of the austerities performed by tulasi
- Although in all the stages both the Supreme Lord and the living entities exist, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is always transcendental to our concept of life, whether we are in bondage or in liberation
- Although one may be conducted by some impression, or some conception of life, still, originally, he is nirguna, or transcendental. BG 1972 purports
- Although Pariksit Maharaja had no need for geographical knowledge of this universe, that knowledge was also spiritual and transcendental because he was thinking of the entire universe as an expansion of the energy of the Lord
- Although some of the gopis are talkative, some mild and some equipoised, all of them are transcendental and faultless. They please Krsna by their unique characteristics
- Although Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramananda Raya were embracing in ecstasy, the Lord restrained His transcendental emotions upon seeing the outsider brahmanas
- Although Sri Gopala ate everything offered, still, by the touch of His transcendental hand, everything remained as before
- Although superficially it appears that Krsna is engaging Arjuna to fight in the sinful activities, no, that is not sinful. Whatever Krsna does, it is not sinful; it is transcendental, the most pure activity
- Although they (the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran) have their arguments and reasonings, they are not very sound and transcendental. As such, modern people advanced in science and philosophy deem these scriptures unacceptable
- Although Vidura was older than Uddhava, he was anxious to become a servant of Uddhava in the transcendental relationship. This formula of transcendental disciplic succession is taught by Lord Caitanya also
- Although Visvamitra Muni was engaged in practicing mystic yoga with closed eyes, his transcendental meditation was broken when he heard the tinkling of bangles on the hands of Menaka
- Although we (the reciters) are unable to glorify you (Prthu) adequately, we nonetheless have a transcendental taste for glorifying your activities. We shall try to glorify you according to the instructions received from authoritative sages and scholars
- Although You appear engaged in material activity, You are transcendental to all material qualities. Consequently these transcendental activities of Yours are extremely difficult to understand
- Among the transcendental mystics, variously classified as karma-yogis, dhyana-yogis, jnana-yogis, hatha-yogis, and bhakti-yogis, the last-named bhakti-yogis are the greatest of all
- An invented devotional attitude simply creates disturbances in the transcendental realm. If a person overly addicted to family life takes to Srimad-Bhagavatam or Krsna consciousness to earn a livelihood, his activity is certainly offensive
- An opponent may say, "This is your interpretation, but actually the Supreme Lord is Narayana, who is in the transcendental realm"
- "And who is the most worshipable Deity?" Caitanya Mahaprabhu next inquired. Ramananda Raya immediately replied that the transcendental couple, Sri Radha and Krsna, is the ultimate object of worship
- And, if by the manifestation of such shadow attachment one feels the disappearance of all material pangs, then it is called para attachment
- Animals offered for the yajna were rejuvenated to a new span of life by the transcendental power of chanting the Vedic hymns, which, if properly chanted, are different from what is understood by the common layman
- Another gopi said to her friends, "My dear friends, the cows are also charmed as soon as they hear the transcendental sound of the flute of Krsna"
- Another significant feature of the Visnu forms was that all of Them were looking transcendentally beautiful. Their smiling resembled the moonshine, and Their glancing resembled the early rising of the sun
- Any action performed for the satisfaction of Krsna in this transcendental bhakti-rasa stage of life can be relished perpetually. When one is thus engaged in devotional service, all varieties of rasas, or mellows, turn into eternity
- Any activities which are not favorable to the transcendental favor of the Lord cannot be accepted as devotional service
- Any food prepared by the injunction of the scripture offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be taken even if prepared long, long ago, because such food is transcendental. BG 1972 purports
- Any food prepared by the injunctions of the scripture and offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be taken even if prepared long, long ago, because such food is transcendental
- Any person seriously inclined to hear about the pastimes of Krsna's rasa dance, with great faith and a transcendental, spiritually inspired mind, is immediately freed from the natural lusty desires found within the heart of a materialistic man
- Anyone engaged in the service of the Lord is already transcendental to the variegatedness and interaction of the three material qualities
- Anyone who factually understands the transcendental appearance and disappearance of the Lord by His inconceivable energy becomes liberated from the laws of birth and death and is placed in the eternal spiritual sky where the Vaikuntha planets are
- Anyone who has captured Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda Prabhu in his heart will become blissful by hearing all these transcendental conclusions
- Anyone who is engaged in the service of the Lord, he is transcendental to all these material laws. He is not material. Just like this child: he does not know what is KC, but he is also dancing, because he is already on the transcendental platform
- Anyone who says unto the Lord, "You are the same Supreme Brahman, the Personality of Godhead" is certainly liberated instantly, and consequently his entrance into the transcendental association of the Lord is guaranteed. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who understands Krsna's appearance, disappearance and activities, all these transcendental things, he goes back to the kingdom of Godhead after leaving this body. Now this fact should be clearly understood
- Anything done without the transcendental objective-whether it be sacrifice, charity or penance-is useless. Therefore, in this verse (BG 17.28), it is declared that such activities are abominable. BG 1972 purports
- Anything transcendental to material nature is called inconceivable, whereas arguments are all mundane. Since mundane arguments cannot touch transcendental subject matters, one should not try to understand transcendental subjects through mundane arguments
- Arjuna submitted the three different questions (BG 14.21), & the Lord answers them one after another. In these verses (22-25), Krsna first indicates that a person transcendentally situated neither envies anyone nor hankers for anything. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna was in a relationship with the Lord as friend. Of course there is a gulf of difference between this friendship and the friendship found in the material world. This is transcendental friendship which cannot be had by everyone. BG 1972 Introduction
- Arjuna, who is a constant companion of Krsna's, must have had transcendental eyes; he was not an ordinary man. Therefore he was not captivated by the universal form. BG 1972 purports
- As a lamp in a windless place does not waver, so the transcendentalist, whose mind is controlled, remains always steady in his meditation on the transcendent Self
- As already explained, Vrndavana is the spiritual abode of Krsna, and the word Cupid is also spiritual and transcendental. One should not take the material Cupid and Krsna to be on the same level
- As an expansion of Lord Visnu he (Lord Siva) is called Hara, and he is transcendental to the material qualities
- As far as the seven transcendental meters for singing the names of the Lord, that is not so important for now. Better to try to increase the purity of the chanting first, that is our most important thing
- As from wood, fire can be manifested, or as butter can be churned out of milk, so also the presence of the Lord as Paramatma can be felt by the process of legitimate hearing and chanting of the transcendental subjects
- As is stated in the Bhagavad-gita by the Lord Himself, His birth, deeds and activities are all transcendental. Similarly, the birth, deeds and activities of the associates of the Lord are also transcendental
- As long as one is in material, conditioned life, strict discipline is required in the matter of moral and immoral activities. The absolute world is transcendental and free from such distinctions because there inebriety is not possible
- As much as possible go on reprinting all the books and distributing them profusely. Your idea for issuing a series of Transcendental Teachings is good. We want to flood the market with Krishna consciousness publications
- As referred to above, not only ordinary literatures devoid of the transcendental glorification of the Lord are condemned, but also Vedic literatures and speculation on the subject of impersonal Brahman when they are devoid of devotional service
- As ripened fruit becomes more relishable when first touched by the beak of a parrot, or suka, so Srimad-Bhagavatam has become more relishable by being delivered through the transcendental mouth of Sukadeva Gosvami
- As soon as I (Narada) began to meditate upon the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead with my mind transformed in transcendental love, tears rolled down my eyes, & without delay the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna appeared on the lotus of my heart
- As soon as one comes to know his real position as transcendental servant, he at once becomes free from all miseries
- As soon as there is some motive, that is cheating religion. But bhakti, there is no such thing, dharma, artha, kama, moksa. It is above, transcendental
- As the Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.65) confirms, one should engage in transcendental worship in order to be fit for being attracted by Krsna, the all-attractive
- As the devotee thinks that it is due to being a devotee of the Lord that he is elevated in all good qualities, so the Lord also thinks that it is because of His devotion to the servitor that all His transcendental glories have increased
- As the goal of Spiritual realization is only one, love of God, so the Vedas stand as a single comprehensive whole in the matter of transcendental understanding
- As the Padma Purana states, The holy name of Krsna is identical with Krsna and is like a cintamani gem, a touchstone. That name is Krsna personified in sound and is therefore perfectly transcendental and eternally liberated from material contamination
- As they talked of Krsna, Svarupa Damodara Gosvami would sing songs exactly suitable for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's transcendental emotions
- As this transcendental affection continued between Rohini and Balarama and Yasoda and Krsna, they all enjoyed transcendental bliss
- As we have already quoted above from the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu of Rupa Gosvami, even mundane things, if dovetailed in the service of the Lord Sri Krsna, are accepted as transcendental
- At any rate, we must understand the transcendental importance of Mathura-Vrndavana and Navadvipa-dhama. Anyone who executes devotional service in these places certainly goes back home, back to Godhead, after giving up his body
- At the beginning of creation the Supreme Spirit entered the universe, and the first living being, Brahma, was born on a lotus flower grown from the transcendental abdomen of Visnu
- Authorized scriptures like Bhagavad-gita contain the transcendental teachings of the Lord Himself or of self-realized personalities. These scriptures are free from four human frailties: illusion, mistakes, limited senses, and the cheating propensity
- Bali Maharaja, by gaining the transcendental favor of the Lord in exchange for his great material sacrifice, was able to have a place in Vaikunthaloka with equal or greater facilities of eternal enjoyment
- Bearing his stringed instrument, the tumburu, on his shoulders, the great sage Narada Muni always glorifies Lord Ananta. Narada Muni has composed many transcendental verses in praise of the Lord
- Because He (Nityananda Prabhu) always remembered Radha-Krsna and Their service, this was transcendental madness. Sri Advaita Acarya was pointing out this fact
- Because I am transcendental, beyond both the fallible and the infallible, and because I am the greatest, I am celebrated both in the world and in the Vedas as that Supreme Person
- Because Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is beyond the material world, one cannot speculate upon Him by any material method. One has to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead simply by the transcendental method of Krsna consciousness
- Because of his development of transcendental attachment for the Supreme Lord, a surrendered soul feels the presence of his beloved everywhere, and all his senses are engaged in the loving service of the Lord
- Because Rantideva was the king, the chief executive in the state, all the residents of the state became devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, by the king's transcendental association
- Because the reality of these feelings (anxiety, crying etc.) is in the transcendental world, of which this world is only an imitation, mother Yasoda and Rohini enjoyed them transcendentally
- Because You are above all material qualities, these are not found in You. Your superior spiritual potency is completely transcendental, and for You there is no such thing as relative pleasure, pleasure mixed with pain, or pain itself
- Before the creation there were no material minds or material eyes; therefore the mind by which the Supreme Personality of Godhead desired to create is transcendental, and the eyes with which He glanced over material nature are also transcendental
- Being an unalloyed devotee of the Personality of Godhead, Marshal Arjuna was able to discuss the transcendental philosophy of Bhagavad-gita even on the battlefield of Kuruksetra
- Being completely transcendental to the material conception, Lord Rsabhadeva states that His heart is composed of dharma. Dharma is explained in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.66): sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja
- Being spiritualized, these transcendental activities (performed in relation with the transcendental spirit soul) transcend the limits of material annihilation
- Being unaffected by material conditions, being pleased with whatever was available by the grace of the Lord to maintain body and soul together he gave full attention to Vasudeva, who is the transcendental Supersoul, free from material contamination
- Being very much pleased with Citraketu, who was a self-controlled devotee and surrendered soul, Narada, the most powerful sage, spoke to him the following transcendental instructions
- Best trans-cosmic culture for making everyone happy
- Beyond this (gross manifestation) is a transcendental manifestation finer than the finest form. It has no beginning, no intermediate stage and no end; therefore it is beyond the limits of expression or mental speculation
- Bhakti is different. Bhakti is transcendental. It has nothing to do with this material world
- Bhakti means the process of purifying the senses. That's all. And as soon as your senses are purified, transcendentalized, you see God face to face
- Bhakti, devotional service, is paro dharmah, transcendental dharma; it is not material dharma
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives his opinion about how a person completely engaged in the service of the Lord transforms his body from material to transcendental
- Bhrasta means one, yoga-bhrasta, one who is prosecuting the yoga system. Yoga system means the transcendental process by which we realize ourself, we link up our life with self-realization. That is called yoga
- Bilvamangala Thakura actually entered into the transcendental pastimes of Lord Krsna. He has recorded his transcendental experiences and appreciation in the book known as Krsna-karnamrta
- Bilvamangala Thakura wrote, "I know that I am not at all fit to offer my prayers to You, but because You are known as Dinabandhu, the friend of the fallen, I humbly pray that You will kindly purify me by the beams of Your transcendental glance"
- Bombay is the most important city in India. There are many advanced gentlemen in Bombay interested in transcendental elevation. Why not join this movement which does not discriminate between human being to human being
- Both are transcendental entities (Bindu-sarovara and the Ganges) and are worshiped by great sages and scholars
- Both of us (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja and Srila Prabhupada) were trained in the devotional service of the Lord from the very beginning of our lives. Later on we met by the order of the transcendental system. BG 1972 purports
- Both the Ganges and the Yamuna are amartya (transcendental) rivers, and Yamuna is still more sanctified for the following reasons
- Both the lowest of fools and he who is transcendental to all intelligence enjoy happiness, whereas persons between them suffer the material pangs
- Both those who are present during such activities and those who hear the transcendental narrations of such activities are benefited
- Brahma advises Priyavrata to remain transcendental in the fortress not of family life but of the lotus feet of the Lord - abja-nabhanghri-saroja
- Brahma could understand that because of the presence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vrndavana is transcendental to all other places and is free of lust and greed
- Brahma said, "We may be proud of being controllers of the senses, but here the residents of Vrndavana are so transcendental that they are not under our control. Actually they are enjoying their senses through service to You"
- Brahma said, "You are present in everyone's heart, and there is no need to search out the Supersoul anywhere else. If someone does so, he is simply in ignorance. One who is transcendental to such a position understands that You are unlimited"
- Brahma-samhita is vijnana as realized by Brahma's transcendental experience, and in that way he presented the form and the pastimes of Krsna in the transcendental abode
- Brahmaji also described the highest planet of the Vaikunthaloka as Goloka Vrndavana, where the Lord resides as a cowherd boy keeping transcendental surabhi cows and surrounded by hundreds and thousands of goddesses of fortune
- But that means Jesus Christ is transcendental, not of this material world
- By discharge of devotional service, one feels transcendental satisfaction as the mind becomes detached from material objectives. It is something like curing a disease by expert treatment and appropriate diet. BG 1972 purports
- By his (Vasudeva Datta's) transcendental presence the whole world is glorified and all conditioned souls are also glorified
- By His internal potency, Maha-sankarsana maintains the transcendental existence of all the planets in the spiritual sky, where all the living beings are eternally liberated souls. The influence of the material energy is conspicuous there by its absence
- By his transcendental plans he (a pure devotee of God) purifies such activities (material activities). This is described in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
- By killing the demon Hiranyaksa He (God) fulfilled His promise to kill the demons and always protect the demigods headed by Brahma. The statement that the Lord returned to His own abode indicates that He has His own particular transcendental residence
- By the grace of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu this literature (transcendental literature) is selling profusely and people are chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra with great delight. This is the preaching process of the Caitanya cult
- By the influence of such forgetfulness (due to spiritual loving sentiment induced by the yogamaya potency), the attractive beauty of the gopis plays a prominent part in the transcendental satisfaction of the Lord, who has nothing to do with mundane sex
- By the order of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the cult of Srimad-Bhagavatam or the Bhagavad-gita can be preached all over the world, reclaiming all persons willing to accept the transcendental cult
- By the presence of consciousness, the presence of the transcendental soul is verified, and as soon as consciousness leaves the body, the material body is not active
- By the transcendental desire of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, water has been sprinkled all over the tree, and thus there are innumerable fruits of love of Godhead
- By transcendental engagement, one achieves all transcendental qualities automatically, by the grace of the Lord, and thus his liberation is complete in itself, without his making extraneous endeavors to acquire knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- By work with transcendental results, or karma-yoga, not only does one become immune from the bondage of work, but also one develops his transcendental devotion toward the Absolute Personality of Godhead
- By your principles of devotion to your husband, you have achieved and can enjoy transcendental gifts very rarely obtained by persons proud of aristocracy and material possessions
- By your transcendental endeavor it is being fulfilled, otherwise who expected that in this remote village (New Mayapura) of France, Hare Krsna maha-mantra would be chanted?
- Caitanya continues, "After receiving the transcendental orders of Gopala, this great personality traveled thousands of miles just to collect sandalwood by begging"
- Caitanya continues, "Such behavior exhibited in loving service between the devotee and the devotee's lovable object, Sri Krsna, is transcendental. It is not possible for a common man to understand. Common men do not even have the capacity"
- Caitanya describes Srimad-Bhagavatam as the spotless Purana because it contains transcendental narrations of the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna
- Caitanya explained briefly the transcendental situation and spiritual enjoyment of life, and He taught that the first stage of perfection is to become a religious man in the ordinary sense, as known in the material world
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that the holy name, or omkara, the transcendental representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has all the potencies of the Personality of Godhead
- Caitanya told Ramananda Raya, Such a position (of transcendental loving reciprocation) cannot be attained without the performance of transcendental activities. So will you kindly explain to Me how I can raise Myself to this platform?
- Certainly one who is not the Supreme Personality of Godhead should never, even within his mind, imitate the activities of the transcendental rasa-lila of Krsna
- Chanting Hare Krishna does not require any artificial artistic sense, but still, if the procedure is presented rhythmically, then the people may be attracted more by the transcendental music
- Civic and other popular leaders should center their activities upon Visnu, and by this act of transcendental work, they will themselves be benefited and shall be able to do good for their respective followers
- Considering the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be his own son, Maharaja Nabhi was certainly in illusion, but this was transcendental illusion. This illusion is required; otherwise how can one accept the supreme father as his own son
- Continual perfect love of Godhead is called sthayi-bhava, and when it is performed in a particular type of transcendental relationship it is called anubhava. But the stage of mahabhava is visible amongst the personal pleasure potential energies
- Day after day the symptoms increased, and at night they increased even more. All these symptoms, such as transcendental anxiety, agitation and talking like a madman, were present, just as they are described in the sastras
- Devaki was kept within the prison walls of Kamsa's palace, and no one could see her transcendental beauty, which resulted from her conceiving the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Devotees are neither in goodness, passion nor ignorance. They are transcendental to all these qualities
- Devotees in a transcendental parental relationship with the Lord think of Him as their dependent child. They forget His exalted position and think that unless they properly feed Him He will fall victim to undernourishment and His health will deteriorate
- Devotees situated in the transcendental rasa of servitorship render their particular service whenever there is an opportunity
- Devotees take a transcendental interest in hearing of them (Krsna's activities). The pure devotee does not make the distinction that some activities of the Lord should be heard and others avoided
- Devotees who are correctly situated in a transcendental relationship with Krsna are attracted by loving features, not by a godless display of opulences. BG 1972 purports
- Devotional activities when mixed with the culture of knowledge are technically called jnana-yoga. But when such devotional activities transcend the limits of all such work or mental knowledge, this state of affairs is called pure transcendental devotion
- Devotional service develops in the degrees of thinking of the Supreme Lord as master, as friend, as son and, at last, as lover. These distinctions in transcendental variegatedness must always be present
- Devotional service in Krsna consciousness is so sublime that even a little service rendered to Krsna, knowingly or unknowingly, gives one the greatest transcendental benefit
- Devotional service is such a powerful transcendental method that it surpasses all other methods of transcendental realization
- Devotional service may be regulative or affectionate. One who has not developed transcendental affection for Krsna should conduct his life according to the directions and regulations of the scriptures and the spiritual master
- Devotional service reciprocated between the Lord and His devotee is an exhibition of the transcendental pleasure potency of the Lord
- Devotional service to the Lord is rendered by all limbs or parts of the body. It is the transcendental dynamic force of the spirit soul; therefore a devotee is engaged one hundred percent in the service of the Lord
- Dharma is transcendental. As Lord Sri Krsna teaches, we must give up all other systems of religion and simply surrender unto Him. Thus the Lord & His devotees and representatives teach the transcendental dharma, which does not allow animal-killing at all
- Dhruva Maharaja thus surpassed the seven planetary systems of the great sages who are known as saptarsi. Beyond that region, he achieved the transcendental situation of permanent life in the planet where Lord Visnu lives
- Discussed (Sukadeva Gosvami) this act of the Lord's pleasure potency certainly not in relation to sex, but to relish a transcendental taste inconceivable to the mundaners who are after sex life
- Don't accept this chanting as something auspicious activity. It is transcendental to auspicious and inauspicious activities. It is a vibration from the spiritual sky which will attract you gradually to the spiritual sky, beyond this material sky
- Dry philosophical speculations even on the transcendental subject of the Absolute have very little attraction without directly dealing with the glorification of the Lord
- Due to my indifferent health, for the time being I am going to India; and even if I cannot come back, I will work for an American house there so all you transcendental children can come there and learn and be strong enough to preach this cult
- Due to the association of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, My mind became enlightened. Therefore I asked him about the truths of transcendental loving service to Krsna
- Either you become intelligent class of men or you become administrator or you become mercantile class or laborer, if you engage yourself in Krsna consciousness then your position is transcendental. You are no more in the material nature
- Empowered representatives (of God) are called saktyavesa-avataras, or incarnations invested with transcendental power of attorney
- Engagement of the senses and the mind as described above (SB is the perfect process for transcendental achievement, which is called yukta in the Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 purports
- Enjoyment is real life. Enjoyment. That enjoyment, not this material world, the sex. No. Above this. Transcendental. That we find information in Krsna consciousness
- Even an uneducated person can understand transcendental words if he is a fully surrendered soul. But without that mood of surrender, Bhagavad-gita remains incomprehensible
- Even if an unalloyed devotee is found to be fallen due to a previous material contamination, he is nevertheless to be accepted as fully transcendental because of his being engaged cent percent in the devotional service of the Lord
- Even if one is born in a low family, like a family of candalas (dog-eaters), one can become filled with transcendental symptoms through realization of the supreme stage of love of Godhead. These transcendental symptoms are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Even if they (the neophytes) make a show of constantly chanting the holy name of the Lord, they cannot relish the transcendental taste of the holy name. The show of tears in the eyes, trembling, perspiration or unconsciousness, etc., is condemned
- Even on the lower stages of devotional service one is transcendental, and if one continues with devotional life, he continues to be a deva or sura
- Even sometimes amongst the gopis there is envy, but that enviousness is transcendental and should not be accepted in the mundane sense
- Even the great ocean was perturbed by the falling of the mountainlike body of the transcendental boar, and it appeared to be frightened, as if death were imminent
- Even the Narada-bhakti-sutra is a summary of the Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Therefore the beginning of devotional service is to hear these two important transcendental books of knowledge
- Even though one may not like it, reputation, as ordained by providence, comes to him. Indeed, one's transcendental reputation is known throughout the entire world
- Even though the king sometimes comes in the prison, he is not bound by the laws of the prison house. The king is therefore always transcendental to the laws of the prison house, as the Lord is always transcendental to the laws of the material world
- Every Krsna conscious person is constantly endeavoring to utilize different transcendental devices in the service of God. Such a devotee renounces all material enjoyment and completely dedicates himself to the service of his spiritual master and Caitanya
- Every living being can immediately purify his mind of material contamination by touching the transcendental water of the Ganges, yet its waters remain ever pure
- Everything pertaining to the Absolute has the same potency and that the spiritual world, the associates in the spiritual world and the threefold energies of the Lord in the spiritual world are all transcendental
- Everywhere people express this astonishment at the sincerity of the devotees, and we take great pride in the transcendental behavior of our students
- Exchange in loving reciprocation between the lover and the beloved is generally called krsna-bhakti-rasa, the transcendental taste of exchanging loving sentiments between the devotee and the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Exerting oneself to satisfy one's own hunger is kama-karma, fruitive activity, but to tirelessly toil to feed the Supreme Lord with delicacies is niskama-karma, transcendental work aimed at pleasing Him
- Expansions of transcendental service may appear to be material to the materialist, but factually they are expansions of the causeless mercy of the Lord towards the devotee
- Extreme desire to serve the Lord is manifest in the transcendental land of Vraja. And it is specifically manifested among the gopis. The gopis' love for Krsna is so elevated that for our understanding it is sometimes explained as being "lusty desire"
- Factually, no one can become the father or mother of Krsna; but a devotee's possession of such transcendental feelings is called love of Krsna in parental relationship
- Feeling such transcendental sentiment, one sometimes laughs and sometimes cries, sings and dances like a madman, and sometimes traverses hither and thither
- Feelings of ecstasy are displayed by highly advanced devotees of the Lord. There are eight kinds of transcendental changes in the body - tears, shivering of the body, perspiration, restlessness, throbbing, choking of the throat, etc
- Finally there (in the Priti-sandarbha) is a discussion of direct transcendental enjoyment and enjoyment in separation, previous attraction and the glories of Srimati Radharani
- First of all it (Back to Godhead magazine) was published in Calcutta, than in Allahabad, then at Delhi. In this way at last it has come to U.S.A. and my American disciples are taking care of this transcendental magazine
- Foolish people who are not in the transcendental disciplic succession commit great blunders by trying to understand the highest transcendental rasa known as the rasa dance without following in the footsteps of Sukadeva Gosvami
- Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be
- For a ksatriya, a military man, shooting arrows at the enemy is considered transcendental, and refraining from such a duty is demoniac. Therefore, there was no cause for Arjuna to lament. BG 1972 purports
- For devotional service, all other transcendental processes are just like nipples on the neck of a goat. The nipples on a goat's neck may be squeezed, but they do not supply milk
- For example, a brahmana who is born out of the head of the Lord has as his business to preach the transcendental Vedic sounds, or sabda-brahman
- For householders it is prescribed that one should hear the Bhagavad-gita or other transcendental texts of which we now have ample supply from the lips of the devotee of the Lord
- For one who understands that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the pure and transcendental Personality, these (Six to Twelve) chapters (of Bhagavad-gita) will be very beneficial. BG 1972 purports
- For people in general-especially those who are not in the renounced order of life-transcendental engagement of the senses and the mind as described above (SB 9.4.18-20) is the perfect process for transcendental achievement. BG 1972 purports
- For the benefit of all in human society, they (the six Gosvamis) left behind them immense literatures of transcendental importance
- For the sake of relishing transcendental flavors in the Absolute Truth, there are five diverse manifestations. These are called the form of a devotee, the identity of a devotee, the incarnation of a devotee, the pure devotee and devotional energy
- Freedom from doubt and delusion, can be achieved when one is not hesitant and when he understands the transcendental philosophy. Slowly but surely he becomes free from bewilderment. BG 1972 purports
- From his (King Bharata's) life it is understood that transcendental endeavors, or the practice of yoga, never go in vain. By the grace of the Lord the transcendentalist gets repeated opportunities for complete perfection in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 p
- From revealed scriptures it is understood that Krsna lives in three transcendental places. The most confidential residence of Krsna is Goloka Vrndavana
- From the Svetasvatara Upanisad (3.12): The Supreme Personality of Godhead is Mahaprabhu, who disseminates transcendental enlightenment. Just to be in touch with Him is to be in contact with the indestructible brahma-jyotir
- From the very beginning of His birth, it was observed that Rsabhadeva's feet were marked with the transcendental signs (a flag, thunderbolt, lotus flower, etc.). In addition to this, as the Lord began to grow, He became very prominent
- From time immemorial these two transcendental pilgrims have sometimes been competitors
- Garuda works as the carrier of the Lord; therefore he is considered the transcendental prince of all carriers. With his two wings Garuda began to vibrate the Sama Veda, which is chanted by great sages to pacify the Lord
- Gaudiya Vaisnavas perceive the ultimate objective in Vedic hymns composed of eighteen transcendental letters that adore Krsna as Madana-mohana, Govinda and Gopijana-vallabha
- Gaurangera Duti Pada, 1969 part one - Lord Caitanya's pastimes are also as much transcendental as Lord Krsna's
- Gaya was very famous and pious; he was the best of saintly kings. Lord Visnu and His expansions, who are meant to protect the universe, are always situated in the transcendental mode of goodness, known as visuddha-sattva
- Generally the so-called Bhagavatam reciters are either professional readers or so-called learned impersonalists who cannot enter into the transcendental personal activities of the Supreme Person
- Go on like this, transcendental rivalry, just like San Francisco and Los Angeles, this pleases me very much. But it is not that we are envious
- Goodness is also a kind of contamination. In goodness one becomes aware of his position and transcendental subjects, etc, but his defect is in thinking, "Now I have understood everything. Now I am all right." He wants to stay here
- Gradually, by such transcendental association (of Krsna consciousness), one becomes convinced of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, and at the time of death such a Krsna conscious person can never forget Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare is the transcendental process for reviving this original pure consciousness. By chanting this transcendental vibration, we can cleanse away all misgivings within our hearts
- Haridasa Thakura says that a great devotee of the Lord exclaims ha rama, ha rama, but although yavanas do not know the transcendental meaning of ha rama, ha rama, they say those words in the course of their ordinary life
- He (a devotee) is already situated on the Brahman platform and is in the transcendental realm, although he appears to be living within the body or within the material world
- He (a Krsna conscious person) is always aloof from material things because he is always transcendental, and he is always alone, having nothing to do with persons not in Krsna consciousness. Therefore a person in KC is the perfect yogi. BG 1972 purports
- He (Brahma) desired to restore Hiranyakasipu's original body, and therefore, by sprinkling transcendental water from his waterpot, he immediately did so
- He (Krsna) also advised him (Indra) to remain as King of heaven but to be careful of false pride. After this, the transcendental surabhi cow who had come with Indra to see Krsna offered her respectful obeisances unto Him and worshiped Him
- He (Krsna) bathes in the ocean of transcendental convulsions. Before Krsna's beauty, these convulsions often continue without treatment, just as ordinary convulsions which a physician will allow to continue, not even allowing a drink of water for relief
- He (Krsna) can never be detached from the service of His transcendental associates like Rukmini and other goddesses of fortune, as described in the Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38): laksmi-sahasra-sata-sambhrama-sevyamanam
- He (Krsna) is always self-satisfied, but sometimes, being the leader of the devotees, He enjoys transcendental pleasure by descending on the material world, although from Him only the material world is created
- He (Lord Krsna) is the husband of everyone, but to one who accepts Him as such, He reciprocates. This unalloyed affection for the Lord is never to be compared to mundane lust. It is purely transcendental
- He (Maharaja Prthu) remained at his position as a ksatriya to rule the world and at the same time remained transcendental to such activities by satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (Sukadeva Gosvami) was recognized when he spoke on the subject of Bhagavatam, and he never attempted jugglery like a magician. Outwardly he appeared to be a retarded, dumb madman, but in fact he was the most elevated transcendental personality
- He (Supreme Person) is situated as a silent tree, and He illumines the transcendental sky, and as a tree spreads its roots, He spreads His extensive energies. BG 1972 purports
- He (the person who is acting in Krsna consciousness) becomes accustomed to not taking pleasure in anything beyond the transcendental happiness derived from the service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- He (the pure devotee of God) is always in the spiritual sky, which he attains by being transcendental to the sevenfold material covering by the effect of his devotional service
- He (the yogi) can then (after concentrating the vital force between the eyebrows) decide whether he wants to go to the abode of Krsna in the transcendental Vaikunthas, or to travel to higher planets in the material universe
- He has arms that extend to His knees, and His eyes are like the petals of a lotus. In His person are all the transcendental symptoms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He is worshiped by Lord Brahma and Siva and all those who are transcendental to all pretensions. Being so revered with awe and veneration, may that Supreme Absolute be pleased with me
- He relished the symptoms of various transcendental emotions, such as jubilation, lamentation, anger, humility, anxiety, grief, eagerness and satisfaction
- He was personally the Supreme Lord Visnu and was therefore transcendental, yet because He had the body of a hog, He searched after the earth by smell
- He who has accepted as everything the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu can attain this transcendental treasure
- Hearing, chanting, remembering, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, worshiping, praying, assisting, fraternizing with the Lord, and sacrificing everything for Him are different parts of the same devotional service, which is full of transcendental mystery
- Her (Radharani's) transcendental breasts are covered by Her sari in the form of affection and anger toward Krsna
- Here is a chance for me to carry out His transcendental Order and because you are Srila Prabhupada's foremost and favourite disciple and actually engaged in His service, I am just seeking your favour and mercy in making this attempt successful
- Herein (CC Antya 3.122) one can clearly see how a Vaisnava delivers a fallen soul by a transcendental trick. The prostitute came to pollute Haridasa Thakura, but he took it as his duty to deliver the prostitute
- Herein (SB 2.7.47) also the same is affirmed in the statements about the material elements; they are all transcendental, free from all contamination of material identification
- His (the Supersoul's) name is Paramatma, not atma, and He is transcendental. It is distinctly clear that the atma and Paramatma are different. The Supersoul, the Paramatma, has legs and hands everywhere, but the individual soul does not. BG 1972 purports
- His (the surrendered soul's) eyes are engaged in seeing the beautiful couple Sri Radha and Krsna sitting on a decorated throne beneath a desire tree in the transcendental land of Vrndavana
- His (Vyasadeva's) son was a great devotee, an equibalanced monist, whose mind was always concentrated in monism. He was transcendental to mundane activities, but being unexposed, he appeared like an ignorant person
- How did it so happen that King Pariksit met this great sage, making it possible for this great transcendental essence of the Vedas (Bhagavatam) to be sung to him?
- How wonderful it is that simply by residing in Mathura even for one day, one can achieve a transcendental loving attitude toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead! This land of Mathura must be more glorious than Vaikuntha-dhama, the kingdom of God
- Human life is meant not for becoming a hog or dog, but for tapo divyam (SB 5.5.1), transcendental austerity. Everyone should be taught to undergo austerity, tapasya
- Hundreds of thousands of examples can be cited of people who have escaped the greatest dangers of life due to a slight advancement in Krsna consciousness. We therefore request everyone to take advantage of this great transcendental literary work
- I (Akrura) am bereft of Your transcendental association, being just like a foolish creature who leaves a water hole covered by water-nourished vegetation and goes in search of water in the desert
- I am encouraged to hear from you that Melbourne Temple is even better than Sydney Temple, so I must surely come there to see it. Go on like this, transcendental rivalry, just like San Francisco and Los Angeles, this pleases me very much
- I am getting thousands of letters from Western countries, from my disciples, how much transcendental feeling they are enjoying
- I am glad to see in your letter indication that within very short time, you have been entrapped by Lord Krishna's Grace and you have expressed your transcendental feelings in such a nice way
- I am very glad to learn that Brahmananda, Yourself and all others have the transcendental courage to take all risks for Krishna and this act will enhance your glory in Krishna consciousness
- I am very much encouraged to know that you are all advancing in KC at New Vrndavana and I am very much eager to see your transcendental community grow still more to become an ideal Krsna conscious asrama
- I have duly received your bags for the beads and thank you very much. I hope you are Kirtana nicely and feeling transcendental happiness
- I have just now come to Mayapur and am very hopeful to regain my strength and health on account of being in this transcendental atmosphere. Every moment we are passing here in great delight
- I have no objection for Mirabai's songs, but I think Hare Krishna is the greatest common factor understandable by all people all over the world. The chanting is transcendental and quickly effective
- I know that Supreme Personality of Godhead who is transcendental to all material conceptions of darkness. Only he who knows Him can transcend the bonds of birth and death. There is no way for liberation other than this knowledge of that Supreme Person
- I think this policy of Sankirtana, Prasadam and Srimad-Bhagavatam has been successful in all the centers. Please therefore follow this transcendental policy with heart and soul and make your center as spiritually opulent as far as possible
- I want all our students to write articles for our transcendental magazine. That is practical
- I want that all of my spiritual sons and daughters will inherit this title of Bhaktivedanta, so that the family transcendental diploma will continue through the generations
- I want to start a center in India at the birth-site of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu specially for accommodating non-Indian students for taking lessons in this great transcendental art
- I wish to thank you very much for your reading our books so carefully and scrutinizingly. Any man who read these literatures will find a storehouse of transcendental information
- Ideal transcendental concept
- If because of laziness one does not come to know Krsna conclusively, one will be misguided about the cult of devotion, like those who declare themselves advanced devotees and imitate the transcendental symptoms sometimes observed in liberated souls
- If by the dress of sannyasi, you take some money and eat and sleep, then it is transcendental fraud
- If in our vicinity some such industry (coal or oil industry) is started, the whole idea of Vrindaban will fade away. Vrindaban conception is a transcendental village, without any botheration of the modern industrial atmosphere
- If one actually has the seed of transcendental emotion in his heart, the symptoms will be visible in his activities. That is the verdict of all revealed scriptures
- If one can develop his unflinching love for the transcendental Supreme Personality of Godhead, that can give complete satisfaction, otherwise there is no possibility of satisfaction in the material world or anywhere else
- If one can perceive God, he is transcendental to all material demands. We are always dissatisfied in the material world in circumstances that won't continue; happiness is temporary, and temporary plight also will not exist for much time
- If one follows in the footsteps of the inhabitants of Vrndavana out of such transcendental covetousness, he does not care for the injunctions or reasonings of sastra. That is the way of spontaneous love
- If one is actually fortunate enough to have faith in these discussions (between Ramananda Raya and Lord Caitanya), he can enter into the transcendental association of Radha and Krsna
- If one is always able to fix his mind on Krsna in devotional service, it is very easy for him to remain in an undisturbed transcendental trance, or in samadhi
- If one is not convinced of this (real happiness is transcendental to material, sensual experience), he will surely be agitated & will fall down. One should know that the happiness he is trying to derive from material senses is not really happiness
- If one takes shelter of the transcendental holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he hasn't got to go through the dharma sastras or abiding by the rules and regulation of different kinds of religious scripture
- If people become Krsna conscious, by the transcendental will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead there will be enough foodstuffs produced so that people will have no economic problems at all. One can very easily understand this fact
- If the boy and girl are devotees there need be no such considerations (examining the horoscopes). A devotee is transcendental, and therefore in a marriage between devotees, the boy and girl form a very happy combination
- If the children obey the father's will, family affairs will run smoothly, with one interest and a pleasing atmosphere. The same situation is transcendentally arranged in the absolute family of the Para-brahman, the Supreme Spirit
- If the spiritual master is favorably inclined, one naturally receives the mercy of the Supreme Lord, and by the mercy of the Supreme Lord one immediately becomes transcendental, conquering all the influences of sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna
- If the yogi is reluctant to maintain any connection with the material world, he can, in less than a second, reach the transcendental Vaikuntha and appear there completely in his spiritual body which will be suitable for him in the spiritual atmosphere
- If they will simply take to reading this transcendental literature we are presenting, the same reading capacity will elevate them to the highest perfection of spiritual life. So this is very important task we are doing
- If we have to work for the satisfaction of the yajna-purusa, Visnu, then we must find out the direction of work in Brahman, or the transcendental Vedas. The Vedas are therefore codes of working directions. BG 1972 purports
- If we just accept the principle of surrender unto Krsna, we will become actually transcendental to so-called material happiness
- If we play, train our devotees to present some dramatical performances or movie, I think it will be very successful, because they will play from transcendental sentiment, not for trade purpose
- If we want to go still further and acquire knowledge transcendental, we must first of all seek qualified transcendental preceptors who can lead us on the path
- If you all carry these words successively, then the transcendental parampara system will be exactly maintained and people in general will be benefited
- If you are serious about serving Krishna, then remain with us for sometime to learn the transcendental art
- If you associate with this transcendental incarnation, sound incarnation of God, then you will be gradually godly. You will be godly. You can become godly with God's association, not by any other material, extraneous thing. No
- If you perform tapasya for transcendental understanding, then the result will be that your next life you will be promoted to the spiritual sky
- If You simply deliver us by Your transcendental strength, then certainly Your name will be known as Patita-pavana, the savior of the fallen souls
- If You want to make a lame man like me dance, kindly bestow Your transcendental blessings by placing Your lotus feet on my head
- Illusioned mundaners cannot understand the transcendental and reciprocal relationship between the Lord and His devotees, and therefore they want to lord it over material nature or cynically merge with the Absolute
- Impersonal realization of the Absolute Truth is certainly transcendental, but this does not mean that one who has attained this realization can understand the sac-cid-ananda form of the Lord
- In all circumstances, his (unalloyed devotee's) activities and dealings with Krsna are transcendental and thus not understandable by mundane moralists. It is therefore better not to discuss such activities among mundane people
- In any case this affection is relished by the devotees in different transcendental tastes, and therefore the general name for this state is affection, or pure affection for Krsna
- In Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna affirms that each and every living entity that be is His part and parcel, and as such, each and every living entity is His eternal, transcendental servitor
- In Brahma-samhita the transcendental land of Vrndavana is described as being always spiritual. That spiritual land is populated by goddesses of fortune, who are known as gopis. These are all beloved of Krsna, & Krsna is the only lover of all those gopis
- In Chapter Fourteen (of Bhagavad-gita) the contamination of all kinds of processes by material nature is described. Only devotional service is described as purely transcendental. BG 1972 purports
- In contrast with the conchshell blown by Bhismadeva, the conchshells in the hands of Krsna and Arjuna are described as transcendental. BG 1972 purports
- In describing Dhruva Maharaja's activities two specific words have been used - vikhyata, very famous, and visuddha, transcendental
- In his (Bilvamangala Thakura's) adoration of Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, he states that Jayasri, the goddess of fortune, Srimati Radharani, takes shelter in the shade of His lotus feet to enjoy the transcendental rasa of nuptial love
- In His form as Karanodakasayi Visnu the Lord impregnates material nature by His glance. The transcendental molecules of that glance are particles of spirit, or spiritual atoms
- In his liberated stage the devotee is attracted by one of the five humors in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. As he continues to serve the Lord in that transcendental mood, he attains a spiritual body to serve Krsna in Goloka Vrndavana
- In his prayer, the author of Srimad-Bhagavatam first proposes that Lord Sri Krsna is the primeval Lord and that if any transcendental nomenclature for the Absolute Personality of Godhead is to be accepted, it should be the name Krsna, the all-attractive
- In Krsnaloka is a transcendental place known as Svetadvipa or Vrndavana
- In other words, unless one is already beyond liberation, one cannot relish the transcendental glories of the Lord, nor can one understand the transcendental form of the Lord
- In prema-vilasa there are two kinds of emotional activities - separation and meeting. That transcendental separation is so acute that it is actually more ecstatic than meeting
- In Sanskrit, there are two words, para, and apara, which describe the superior (transcendental) and the inferior (material) approaches to religion
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.32.22) Krsna told the gopis: Your relationship with Me is completely transcendental, and it is not possible for Me to offer anything in exchange for your love, even after many births
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam Vyasadeva establishes from the very beginning that the supreme source of everything is a cognizant, transcendental person
- In such a transcendental angry mood sometimes sarcastic remarks, unfavorable glances and insulting words are exhibited
- In that exchange of service (between the devotee and God) there are many transcendental transactions, which are called transcendental qualitative activities
- In that pure stage of life (the highest platform of pure goodness), one can taste this nectar, and this tasting capacity is technically called rasa, or transcendental mood
- In the Absolute world the fool is also the master and the master is also a fool in reciprocal exchange of dealings. Lord Caitanya also accepted Himself a great fool before His spiritual master and all of us must follow the transcendental process
- In the asamprajnata-samadhi there is no longer any connection with mundane pleasure, for one is then transcendental to all sorts of happiness derived from the senses. BG 1972 purports
- In the attitude of the denizens of Vrndavana, such as Nanda Maharaj and Mother Yasoda, is to be found the ideal transcendental concept of becoming the father and mother of Krsna, the original Personality of Godhead
- In the beginning of prema-bhakti, a particular relationship between the Supreme Lord and the devotee is not established, but when prema-bhakti develops, a relationship with the Supreme Lord is manifested in different transcendental flavors
- In the beginning Srivasa Thakura described the transcendental sweetness of Vrndavana's pastimes. Hearing this, the Lord felt great and increasing jubilation in His heart
- In the BG (4.9) Krsna says that His birth and deeds are all divyam, transcendental. In the same chapter (BG 4.5) the Lord says that both He and Arjuna had many, many previous births, but that while Krsna could remember all of them, Arjuna could not
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly stated that out of many hundreds and thousands of men only one person deserves to enter into transcendental realization
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated that anyone who factually understands the transcendental appearance and disappearance of the Lord by His inconceivable energy becomes liberated from the laws of birth and death
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that His appearance, birth and activities are all transcendental and that one who understands them factually becomes immediately eligible to be transferred to the spiritual world
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu by Srila Rupa Gosvami, the chief disciple of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, these transcendental symptoms displayed by pure devotees like Uddhava are systematically described
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, eight kinds of transcendental changes taking place in the body are described. Stambha, being stunned, refers to the mind’s becoming transcendentally absorbed
- In the Brahma Purana it is said, "The transcendental significance of Purusottama-ksetra, which is the 80-square-mile field of Lord Jagannatha, cannot be properly described"
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta, (Adi-lila, Fourth Chapter) Kaviraja Gosvami has very nicely described this dynamic increment of the ocean of spiritual happiness in the transcendental person of Srimati Radharani, the pleasure potency of Lord Krsna
- In the city if you live in the brothel, the liquor shop, gambling, that is association with ignorance. But if you live in the temple, that is transcendental; that is Vaikuntha
- In the course of time, the transcendental news of Krsna's pastimes in Vrndavana was almost lost
- In the days of Haridasa Thakura, all the brahmanas worshiped Narayana in the form of the salagrama-sila. Therefore begging from a brahmana’s house meant taking krsna-prasadam, which is transcendental - nirguna
- In the Fifth Canto (of SB) it is stated that the Ganges began when Vamanadeva's left foot pierced the covering of the universe so that the transcendental water of the Causal Ocean leaked through
- In the five principal transcendental relationships, awe and veneration are sometimes impediments to one’s service to the Lord
- In the material world the false ego of the living being trying to lord it over the material nature is something like the moth's falling in a blazing fire
- In the material world there is attachment for material enjoyment, but this is not rati. Transcendental rati can be awakened only on the spiritual platform. Ecstatic love for Krsna (prema) is described in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu - 1.41
- In the material world, affection is contaminated by rajo-guna and tamo-guna, but in the suddha-sattva the affection that maintains the devotees is transcendental
- In the Naradiya Purana there is a statement of how this servitorship is transcendental
- In the performance of a sacrifice, there are seven transcendental means to obtain the mercy of the Supreme P. of G: (4) by offering hymns, (5) by going through the priest, (6) by offering gifts to the priests and (7) by observing the regulative principles
- In the performance of a sacrifice, there are seven transcendental means to obtain the mercy of the Supreme P. of Godhead: However, one cannot always obtain the Supreme Lord through this paraphernalia. Nonetheless, the Lord is affectionate to His devotee
- In the performance of a sacrifice, there are seven transcendental means to obtain the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead: (1) by sacrificing valuable things or eatables, (2) by acting in terms of place, (3) by acting in terms of time
- In the previous chapter (of CC Adi 2) it has been established that Krsna, the son of Vrajendra (the King of Vraja), is the SPG, with six opulences. He eternally enjoys transcendentally variegated opulences on His planet, which is known as Goloka
- In the previous verses, the general transcendental qualifications of the Supreme Personality of Godhead were described. Now the specific purpose of the Lord's appearance is also described - in SB 3.33.5
- In the rainy season some of the roads are not frequently used and become covered with long grasses, and thus it becomes very difficult to see the road. Similarly, in this age the transcendental scriptures are not properly studied by the brahmanas
- In the spiritual world satisfaction of the senses is equally shared by the transcendental reciprocators. Since the activities are unlimited and constantly increasing, there is no scope for material attempts or artificial arrangements
- In the temple there must be the Deity of the Lord, and the Lord should be worshiped by the devotees. This combination of the devotees and the Deity creates a first-class transcendental place
- In the temple, Baladeva and Sri Sri Radha-Gopinatha are together on the throne. It is supposed that the Deity of Baladeva was installed later because according to transcendental mellow, Baladeva, Krsna and Radha cannot stay on the same throne
- In the transcendental realm of Vraja (Vraja-dhama) one should serve the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna, with a feeling similar to that of His associates
- In the transcendental realm, enjoyment is fully relished in variety
- In the transcendental world also, Krsna reciprocates with His pure devotees in the transcendental attitude, just as the devotee wants Him. BG 1972 purports
- In the Vedic literature it is stated that the two wings of the transcendental bird Garuda, who carries the Lord everywhere, are two divisions of the Sama Veda known as brhat and rathantara
- In this age of Kali, the sankirtana-yajna (the chanting of the names of God) is recommended by the Vedic scriptures, and this transcendental system was introduced by Lord Caitanya for the deliverance of all men in this age. BG 1972 purports
- In this chapter I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have to some extent described the essence of the pastimes of Lord Caitanya at the end. If I die in the meantime and cannot describe them in detail, at least the devotees will have this transcendental treasure
- In this Fifth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita, God says that work in devotional service is better than dry mental speculation. Devotional service is easier than the latter because, being transcendental in nature, it frees one from reaction. BG 1972 purports
- In this horrible condition of life there is only one way of liberation - to engage in the activities of transcendental chanting and hearing of the holy name of the Supreme Lord: Hare Krsna
- In this Kamyavana, Krsna performed enchanting pastimes. Here you will be able to take darsana of many ponds and other transcendental spots. I cannot even describe in writing all the sacred tirthas found at Kamyavana - Bhakti-ratnakara, Fifth Wave
- In this material world there are 8,400,000 species of life. As spirit souls, they are all transcendental to this material world. Why, then, do they exhibit themselves in different stages of life
- In this prayer, the first proposition holds that Lord Krsna is the primeval Lord, and if any transcendental nomenclature is to be understood as belonging to the Absolute SPG, it must be the name indicated by the word Krsna, which means the all-attractive
- In this verse (BG 14.21), Arjuna's questions are very appropriate. He wants to know the symptoms of a person who has already transcended the material modes. He first inquires of the symptoms of such a transcendental person. BG 1972 purports
- In this verse (SB 2.1.11), Sri Sukadeva Gosvami recommends the transcendental chanting of the holy name of the Lord
- In this verse (SB 7.14.29) it is authoritatively stated that any place where the Deity is worshiped is transcendental; it does not belong to the material world
- In this way Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's dealings with them continued every day. Thus receiving the transcendental favor of the Lord, Srila Rupa Gosvami felt unlimited pleasure
- In this way the Lord (Krsna) and the gopis reached the cool, sandy bank of the Yamuna, where there were lilies and lotus flowers. In such a transcendental atmosphere, the gopis and Krsna began to enjoy one another
- In this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would taste various transcendental relationships of pure love in the company of Jagadananda Pandita
- In this way, the material creation is generated and again withdrawn. When Lord Krsna and Arjuna entered the water, it appeared that there was a strong hurricane of transcendental effulgence blowing, and the water of the Karana Ocean was greatly agitated
- In transcendental sense happiness, the senses are engaged in the service of Hrsikesa, or the supreme owner of the senses - Krsna
- In transcendental work, the material results are gained automatically, without any separate endeavor
- In your country there are so many transcendental yogis, and they say, "Yes, whatever you like, you can do. God has given you senses, you must enjoy." These are manufactured cheating processes
- Indeed, Vasudeva is agitated just to see the sweetness of Govinda, and a transcendental greed awakens in Him to enjoy that sweetness
- Intelligent men are attracted by the transcendental acting of the Lord with a pure, unalloyed devotee like Arjuna
- Intelligent persons who are endeavoring for liberation from old age and death take refuge in Me in devotional service. They are actually Brahman because they entirely know everything about transcendental and fruitive activities. BG 7.29 - 1972
- Iron rod put into the fire, when it is red-hot, it is no longer iron rod. It is fire. Similarly this body, if you constantly keep in touch with spiritual activities, then it is no longer material. It is spiritual. The body's also spiritual
- It (Vedanta-sutra) covers the subject of eternity, and the methods are scholarly. So there cannot be any doubt about the transcendental scholarship of Vyasadeva. So why should he lament?
- It has been suggested that Candidasa and Vidyapati were great friends because the writings of both express the transcendental feelings of separation profusely
- It is a characteristic of love of Godhead that by nature it induces transcendental symptoms in one's body and makes one more and more greedy to achieve the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord
- It is also said in the Padma Purana that the kingdom of tripad-vibhuti is transcendental, whereas the pada-vibhuti is mundane; tripad-vibhuti is eternal, whereas the pada-vibhuti is transient
- It is clearly stated by Kapila Muni that bhakti activities, or activities in devotional service, are transcendental to mukti. This is called pancama-purusartha
- It is customary with this verse (om ajnana-timirandhasya, jnananjana-salakaya, caksur unmilitam yena, tasmai sri-gurave namah) to offer obeisances to the spiritual master who enlightens his disciples in the matter of transcendental knowledge
- It is Krsna's promise that by surrender peace and eternal life will come automatically (BG 18.62): O scion of Bharata, surrender unto Him in all respects, so that by His mercy you can have transcendental peace and the eternal abode
- It is necessary for the devotee, or transcendental gardener, to pour water on the plant daily by chanting and hearing. Unless one waters the plant by chanting and hearing, there is every chance that it will dry up
- It is necessary that leaders like Gandhi establish themselves on the transcendental footing of the personal feature of the Absolute Truth, known as Visnu or the all-pervading Godhead
- It is not that, "Here is an American Vaisnava, here is an African Vaisnava, an Indian Vaisnava." Vaisnava is Vaisnava. Vaisnava is transcendental
- It is not wonderful, therefore, that all the transcendental controllers surrender to Him (Krsna) and make all offerings of worship
- It is our experience in the material world that trees stand in one place, but in the spiritual world a tree can go from one place to another. Therefore everything in the spiritual world is called alaukika, uncommon or transcendental
- It is said that the moon does not withhold its shining from the courtyard of a crooked person. Similarly, Krsna's transcendental mercy is never denied to anyone who has rendered service unto Him, whether through lust, anger, fear or pure love
- It is said there, "Meditation focusing on the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead has been accepted as transcendental and beyond the experience of material pain and pleasure"
- It is stated (in the Bhakti-sandarbha) that through bhakti one can attain all success because bhakti is transcendental to the material qualities. There is a discussion of how the self is manifest through bhakti
- It is stated in Bhagavad-gita that anyone who engages in devotional service to the Lord automatically becomes transcendental to the three destinations of material nature and is situated in the brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20), or self-realized, stage
- It is the realized soul who is actually self-controlled because he is surrendered to Krsna. He is transcendental because he has nothing to do with mundane scholarship. BG 1972 purports
- It is the transcendental torchlight by which one can see perfectly the transcendental Absolute Truth realized as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- It is to be understood that any person who is constantly engaged in chanting the holy names of the Lord, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, has attained a transcendental affection for Krsna
- It is transcendental and is completely distinct from our experience in material existence. This relation of servant and the served is the most congenial form of intimacy. One can realize it as devotional service progresses
- It is very difficult to understand the activities of a transcendental person. Sometimes they may seem rather odd, but a transcendental personality remains in his position, unaffected by material considerations
- It must be known that all these forms of happiness (within the material worlds) are temporary. Thus, the worker cannot attain to real happiness, which is permanent and transcendental
- It purifies the heart of the living entity and helps him attain his spiritual identity. One who relates this transcendental narration will be liberated from all material bondage and will no longer have to wander within this material world
- Just as a living being attains a transcendentally attractive form by rendering service to Lord Hari, similarly, all the in habitants of the land and the water assume beautiful forms by taking advantage of the newly fallen water
- Just like Arjuna was asked to fight by Krishna, so it was Prabhupada's dream to make Mayapur a transcendental city
- Just like we keep conchshell in the Deities' room. Conchshell is considered very pure, transcendental; otherwise, how we can keep before Deity and you blow conchshell?
- Kabe hama bujhaba se yugala-piriti. The conjugal love between Radha and Krsna is not an ordinary human affair; it is fully transcendental
- Kapiladeva replies, "If one hears from devotees, the way of transcendental experience quickly opens, and gradually one attains firm faith that in due course develops into attraction and devotion"
- Kapiladeva said: "These are the characteristics of transcendental loving service to Purusottama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead: it is causeless, and it cannot be obstructed in any way"
- Kardama Muni was beyond the position of a conditioned soul. He was transcendental to all material limitations
- Kaviraja Krsnadasa, explains the distinction between lusty desire and the service attitude here: " 'Lusty desire' refers to the desire to gratify one's senses, and 'transcendental desire' refers to the desire for serving the senses of the Lord"
- Keep trying to place my books in auspicious places such as libraries, universities, clubs, etc. and someday the world will realize and appreciate these transcendental literatures
- Kindly become conversant with these transcendental scientific principles try to teach them to others while practicing them yourself. When you chant, avoid very carefully the ten offenses to the Holy Name
- King Citraketu said: O great lord Angira, because of austerity, knowledge and transcendental samadhi, you are freed from all the reactions of sinful life
- King is supposed to be dealing in politics, economics. Therefore, according to social position, he is lesser than the brahmin, because they are simply engaged in the matter of transcendental advancement of life
- Krishna is so sublime and transcendental that He cannot be realized by mental speculation or by personal endeavor, education, or material acquisition
- Krsna also reciprocated the feelings of the Pandavas. Maharaja Pariksit, as a pure devotee of Krsna, could appreciate Krsna's transcendental reciprocation of the feelings of His devotees, & thus he himself also was overwhelmed with the dealings of Krsna
- Krsna and Radharani are both transcendentally qualified, and both of Them attract one another. Yet in that transcendental attraction, Radharani is greater than Krsna, for the attractiveness of Radharani is the transcendental taste in conjugal love
- Krsna consciousness is the development of love of Krsna-a position transcendental even to material liberation. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is all-attractive, but pure devotional service attracts even Him. This means that pure devotional service is even transcendentally stronger than Krsna Himself, because it is Krsna's internal potency
- Krsna is born, He takes part in a battle with Arjuna, He has a father by the name of Vasudeva & a Mother Devaki and a family - what can be considered transcendental? Krsna says, evam yo vetti tattvatah - we must know of His birth and activities in truth
- Krsna is so attractive that out of transcendental attachment, a devotee will abandon all four principles of spiritual life - religiosity, economic development, regulation of sense gratification and salvation
- Krsna is so kind and merciful that in spite of such opulence He played with Arjuna as a friend. Such is the transcendental loving reciprocation between the devotee and the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is worshiped by transcendental verses, transcendental language, Vedic language. That is transcendental language. Therefore it is called uttama-sloka
- Krsna said that happiness can be achieved in pure consciousness, or when your senses are transcendental. He gave hint. Not only hint, He practically suggested also that: You simply surrender unto Me
- Krsna said: O supremely virtuous one, O Personality of Godhead (Balarama), just see how these bees and wasps are following You, glorifying Your transcendental fame and worshiping You
- Krsna's friends told Him, "My thighs became almost completely stunned so that I could not move even an inch. Therefore, my dear friend, I must acknowledge the wonderful vibration of Your transcendental flute"
- Krsna's superior spiritual energy is transcendental and eternal. It is beyond all the changes of material nature, which is manifest and annihilated during the days and nights of Brahma. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is always eager to give information to the conditioned soul that there is a spiritual sky far, far beyond this material sky, transcendental to the innumerable universes created within the total material energy
- Krsna, who is visnu-tattva, has expanded Himself in many Visnu forms, of which Lord Ramacandra is one. We know that the visnu-tattva is carried by the transcendental bird Garuda and is equipped with different types of weapons in four hands
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami never claims to have written this transcendental literature by carrying out research work. He simply admits his indebtedness to the notes taken by Svarupa Damodara, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami and other authoritative persons
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja, placing himself in a helpless condition, states that he has no personal power, but by the desire of Caitanya & expressed through the Vaisnavas, it is possible for him to cross a transcendental ocean to present Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
- Krsnaloka, the abode of Krsna, has three divisions, which are known as Dvaraka, Mathura and Gokula. In that abode the Personality of Godhead expands Himself into four plenary portions-Krsna, Balarama, Pradyumna (the transcendental Cupid) and Aniruddha
- Kunti said, "if such great sages, who are transcendental to all the reactions of material existence, are unable to know You, then as far as we are concerned, belonging to the less intelligent woman class, how is it possible for us to know Your glories"
- Kunti, after overhearing Arjuna's telling of the end of the Yadu dynasty & disappearance of Lord Krsna, engaged in the devotional service of the transcendental P of G with full attention & thus gained release from the course of material existence
- Kurus said, "You are the original creator, sustainer and annihilator of the whole cosmic manifestation, and still Your position is always transcendental"
- Liberation does not mean stopping activities; it means being purified of illusory activities and becoming transcendental to relations with the gross and subtle bodies
- Like the air passing through different types of atmosphere, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although appearing sometimes as a human being and sometimes as a lower animal, is always transcendental
- Living entities are subjected to the repetition of birth and death because they are conditioned by material nature, but since You are transcendental, one who is inclined to associate with You in transcendence escapes the conditions of material nature
- Living entities other than human beings have no capacity to understand transcendental subjects. The human being is therefore considered to be the highest of all creations, and we must understand the nature of this higher standing
- Lord Brahma himself said, “Let me worship that spiritual land where Krsna is present.” This transcendental Vrndavana is not appreciated by those who are not devotees or self-realized souls because this Vrndavana-dhama is all spiritual
- Lord Brahma presented King Prthu with a protective garment made of spiritual knowledge. Bharati (Sarasvati), the wife of Brahma, gave him a transcendental necklace. Lord Visnu presented him with a Sudarsana disc
- Lord Brahma was born out of the transcendental body of Lord Visnu, and Lord Siva was born out of the body of Brahma. Lord Visnu, therefore, is the supreme cause
- Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, the great sage Angira, and similar directors of universal management showered flowers and chanted mantras indicating the transcendental glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Lord Brahma, surrounded by the other demigods, was bright-faced because the Lord was pleased. Thus he offered prayers to the Lord with transcendental words
- Lord Brahma,sprinkled transcendental, infallible, spiritual water from his kamandalu upon Hiranyakasipu's body, which had been eaten away by ants and moths. Thus he enlivened Hiranyakasipu
- Lord Caitanya assumed the role of the gopis to taste the predominated happiness of transcendental mellows. Only the confidential devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu can understand this transcendental secret
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally approaches the fallen conditioned souls of the iron age to deliver the highest principle of transcendental relationships with the Lord
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu prays: In these transcendental names (like Krsna and Govinda) You have invested all Your transcendental energies, and there is no hard and fast rule for chanting these holy names - Siksastakam, 2
- Lord Caitanya said in the mood of Srimati Radharani, "My dear lover, let Me describe some of the characteristics of Your transcendental lips"
- Lord Caitanya told Sanatana Gosvami, "Thus far I have explained devotional service according to the regulative principles. Now I shall explain devotional service to you in terms of transcendental attachment"
- Lord Caitanya was irritated by the criticism (He chanted the names of Gopis), and so there was some misunderstanding between Him and His students. He wanted to chastise them for desiring to instruct Him on the transcendental process of chanting
- Lord Jagannatha was astonished to see the transcendental dancing and chanting of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and He stopped His car just to see the dancing
- Lord Jagannatha was astonished to see the transcendental dancing and chanting of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and He stopped His car just to see the dancing. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu then danced in such a mystical way that He pleased Lord Jagannatha
- Lord Kapila will eventually explain how it (the yoga system) is transcendental, but the preliminary introduction is given here (in SB 3.25.13)
- Lord Krsna and His friends went to the forest to play with the cows, and it is said that the boys who accompanied Krsna enjoyed transcendental friendship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Lord Krsna even attracts the mind of the goddess of fortune simply by vibrating His transcendental flute
- Lord Siva is an associate of the external energy; therefore he is absorbed in the material quality of darkness. Lord Visnu is transcendental to maya and the qualities of maya. Therefore He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Lord Sri Krsna is the primeval Lord, and if any transcendental nomenclature for the absolute Personality of Godhead is to be accepted, it should be the name Krsna, meaning "all-attractive"
- Love of Godhead is dormant in every living entity, and the entire process of devotional service unto the Lord is meant for awakening this dormant, eternal love of Godhead. But there are degrees of such transcendental awakening
- Loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact
- Lusty desire refers to the desire to gratify one's personal senses, and transcendental desire refers to the desire for serving the senses of the Lord
- Lusty desire' refers to the desire to gratify one's personal senses, and 'transcendental desire' refers to the desire for serving the senses of the Lord
- Maharaja Pariksit was a maha-bhagavata, or a first-class devotee, who was not only well versed in the science of devotion but also able to convert others to become devotees by his transcendental instructions
- Maharaja Pariksit, although born in a family of great devotees, the Pandavas, and although securely trained in transcendental attachment for the association of the Lord
- Maharaja Prthu did not allow himself to function outside the institution of four varnas and four asramas, although as a Vaisnava he was a paramahamsa, transcendental to all material activities
- Maharaja Prthu is addressed here (SB 4.21.52) as vivrddha-sattva, or one who is situated in the transcendental position
- Mahatma has nothing to do with this material world; he is simply under the care of the transcendental prakrti
- Main principle is that as you go on hearing about this transcendental message, then you gradually become attached to these transcendental things. And the more you become attached to these transcendental things, the more you forget these material things
- Man-made religious scriptures and transcendental philosophical talks are quite different. Indeed, there is a gulf of difference between the two. This subject matter has been very diligently described by Sriman Madhvacarya
- Mantra means when you are delivered from that concoction, speculative way of your mind, and you come to the transcendental platform. That is the effect of mantra. So this mantra, this Hare Krsna mantra, is called the maha-mantra
- Material devotees are more attached to material benefit than transcendental profit. Therefore, one has to make definite progress from the position of material devotional service to the second-class devotional position
- Material education is infected by the three modes of nature, but spiritual education, for which there is a great need in human society, is transcendental
- Materialistic conditioned souls do not understand the transcendental exchanges of love, but they like to indulge in sense gratification in the name of devotional service
- Materialistic persons are always burning in a blazing fire of material miseries. The gopis were burning in a transcendental blazing fire due to separation from Krsna
- May Krsna bless you for your growing enterprise to broadcast this Movement. This kind of transcendental enthusiasm is the basic impetus for Krsna Consciousness. My Guru Maharaja used to say, "One who has got life - he can preach"
- May the Lord cover their influence by His own transcendental influence. May Nrsimhadeva protect us in all directions and in all corners, above, below, within and without
- May the Supreme Lord who is known as the son of Srimati Sacidevi be transcendentally situated in the innermost core of your heart - CC Adi 3.4
- May the Supreme Lord who is known as the son of Srimati Sacidevi be transcendentally situated in the innermost core of your heart - CC Antya 1.132
- Mayapur Chandrodaya temple, is meant for transcendental United Nation. What the United Nation has failed, that will be achieved here by the process recommended by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Mayapur is already wonderful being the transcendental birthplace of Lord Caitanya. By utilizing western talents to develop this place certainly it will be unique in the world
- Mayavadi philosophers have created atheistic havoc all over the world, for such a conclusion is against the very nature of the transcendental process of pure devotional service
- Merchant makes profit both ways - when the price goes down, he purchases, and when the price goes up, he sells. So our Krsna conscious men should be transcendental business men, and Krsna gives the right intelligence how to deal with all classes of men
- Message of Godhead is presented herewith (the book Message of Godhead) in that transcendental spirit, for the benefit of people in general and real seekers of truth in particular
- Modern institutions in the transcendental service of Visnu
- Mundane news is static whereas transcendental news is dynamic, inasmuch as the spirit is dynamic and matter is static
- Music and dancing employed in sense gratification are demoniac, but the same music and dancing, when employed in glorifying the Supreme Lord as kirtana, are transcendental, and they bring about a life completely fit for spiritual enjoyment
- Music and dancing, when employed in glorifying the Supreme Lord as kirtana, are transcendental, and they bring about a life completely fit for spiritual enjoyment
- My ambition was that I would publish BTG in huge quantity so that people may understand transcendental blessings of Lord Caitanya
- My dear friend, see how this forest of Vrndavana is full of transcendental creepers and trees
- My dear Lord, You have made me drink this transcendental nectar of krsna-katha. Therefore I am sold to Your lotus feet, life after life
- My dear servants, this transcendental religious principle, which is known as bhagavata-dharma, or surrender unto the Supreme Lord and love for Him, is uncontaminated by the material modes of nature
- My Lord, all obeisances unto You, who are eternal, beyond time's limits of past, present and future. You are inconceivable in Your activities, You are the master of the three modes of material nature, and, being transcendental to all material qualities
- Nanda Maharaja in Vraja, who in transcendental paternal love has no knowledge that his son is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, still ecstatic love makes him, what to speak of others, feel himself to be a servant of Lord Krsna
- Narada is eternally free to move in all parts of the transcendental and material creations of the Almighty. He appears and disappears in his own transcendental body, which is without distinction of body and soul, unlike conditioned beings
- Narada Muni continued: All the sons of the demons appreciated the transcendental instructions of Prahlada Maharaja and took them very seriously. They rejected the materialistic instructions given by their teachers, Sanda and Amarka
- Narada said, "This (Mandakini, Bhogavati and Ganges) sacred, transcendental water flows throughout the entire universe, purifying wherever it flows"
- Narayana is the transcendental Personality of Godhead beyond the material creation
- "Narayana is transcendental to the creation." (Gita-bhasya) Since all the activities of Narayana are spiritual, when Narayana said, "Let there be creation," that creation was all-spiritual
- Natural transcendental pleasure is the ultimate goal of yoga
- Negation of the mundane conception does not establish a transcendental fact
- Negation of the variegatedness of the inferior energy does not necessitate negation of the positive transcendental bliss of the spiritual world. Therefore the Lord's gentleness, His smile, His character and everything related to Him are all transcendental
- New Vrndavana a transcendental community
- Nirmatsaranam, persons who are completely transcendental to the material activities of separateness, who make no distinction between "mine" and "yours," but who simply engage in the devotional service of God, are actually fit to accept bhagavata-dharma
- No common man can understand the ecstasy of transcendental love between Radharani and Krsna, nor can he understand the transcendental flavor of the transcendental love between Krsna and the gopis
- No one can excel the devotional service of Srimati Radharani. Indeed, even Krsna cannot understand the attitude of Srimati Radharani; therefore He took Her position and appeared as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, just to understand Her transcendental feelings
- No one is higher or lower than anyone else in transcendental relationships with the Lord, for in the absolute realm everything is equal. But although these relationships are absolute, there are also transcendental differences between them
- Nondevotees who consider devotional activities and ordinary material activities to be on the same level are offenders to the chanting of the transcendental holy name of the Lord
- None of them (karmis, jnanis, yogis) are situated in a transcendental position. Only devotees who belong to none of the groups, are transcendental
- Not knowing your transcendental situation, I have loved you while remaining attached to the objects of the senses. Nonetheless, let the affinity I have developed for you rid me of all fear
- Not only did Dhruva Maharaja perform many sacrifices, but he carried on his transcendental occupation of engagement in the devotional service of the Lord
- Not only must they (transcendental students) hear about the activities of the Lord, but they must also hear about the transcendental qualities of the devotees who are constantly thinking of the lotus feet of the Lord within their hearts
- Not only Visvanatha Cakravarti but also Srila Rupa Gosvami treated them (the eight transcendental symptoms of bhava) very critically
- Nothing remains unachieved when the Supreme Personality of Godhead is pleased with someone. By transcendental achievement one understands everything else to be insignificant
- Now I shall chant one mantra which is not only transcendental, pure and auspicious, but is the best prayer for anyone who is aspiring to attain the ultimate goal of life. When I chant this mantra, please hear it carefully and attentively
- Now the spiritual master is explaining, "Yes, this is the right result of chanting Hare Krsna. Unless You come to this emotional stage, transcendental emotional stage, You should know that You have not come to the perfectional stage of chanting"
- Now, according to Vedic rites, activities in the mode of goodness are considered auspicious for progress on the path of liberation, and such activities are known as deva prakrti, transcendental by nature. BG 1972 purports
- O learned brahmana (Sukadeva), the transcendental spirit soul is different from the material body. Does he acquire the body accidentally or by some cause? Will you kindly explain this, for it is known to you
- O Lord, You (Visnu) are always in full knowledge, and to bring all good fortune to all living entities, You appear in different incarnations, all of them transcendental to the material creation - SB 10.2.29
- O My dear friend, what severe austerities have the gopis performed to drink His transcendental beauty and sweetness through their eyes in complete fulfillment? Thus they glorify their births, bodies and minds
- O my Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead! Kindly hear my third reason. There are countless universes and fathomless transcendental Vaikunthas
- O object of my worship, I am born from the house of Your lotus navel for the purpose of creating the universe by Your mercy. All these planets of the universe were stationed within Your transcendental abdomen while You were enjoying sleep
- O scion of Bharata, surrender unto Him utterly. By His grace you will attain transcendental peace and the supreme and eternal abode. BG 18.62 - 1972
- O self-illuminated one (Krsna), the great saintly persons who have crossed over the ocean of nescience by the help of the transcendental boat of Your lotus feet have not taken away that boat
- O Supreme Lord, if persons obsessed with material desires for sense gratification through material opulence worship You, who are the source of all knowledge and are transcendental to material qualities, they are not subject to material rebirth
- O Uddhava, does Yuyudhana fare well? He learned the intricacies of the military art from Arjuna and attained the transcendental destination which is very difficult to reach even for great renouncers
- O Uddhava, in the lotus millennium in the days of yore, at the beginning of the creation, I spoke unto Brahma, who is situated on the lotus that grows out of My navel, about My transcendental glories, which the great sages describe as Srimad-Bhagavatam
- O Vidura, who can estimate or measure the transcendental time, work and potency of the gigantic form manifested by the internal potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- Ocean of transcendental mercy
- Of all the transcendental vibrations, the "om" (omkara) represents the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- Omkara is the ultimate representation of all the Vedas. Indeed, the Vedic mantras or hymns have transcendental value because they are prefixed by the syllable om
- Omkara, or the pranava, is the seed of transcendental realization, and it is composed of the three transcendental letters a-u-m
- On that throne sits the son of Nanda Maharaja, Sri Govindadeva, the transcendental Cupid
- On the Lord's bosom were the lock of hair called Srivatsa and the transcendental jewel named Kaustubha. He wore a yellow garment, covered by a belt, and He was decorated by a flower garland, surrounded by bees
- On the mahamaya platform, dances take place on the basis of sense gratification. But when Krsna called the gopis by sounding His flute, they very hurriedly rushed toward the spot of the rasa dance with the transcendental desire to satisfy Krsna
- On the mundane platform one cannot believe that prasadam is transcendental, that Govinda is the original form of the SPG, or that a Vaisnava is a liberated person. These transcendental considerations are out of the ordinary Vedic scholar’s jurisdiction
- On the other hand, that literature which is full of descriptions of the transcendental glories of the name, fame, forms, pastimes, etc., of the unlimited Supreme Lord is a different creation, full of transcendental words
- On the other side, both Lord Krsna and Arjuna, stationed on a great chariot drawn by white horses, sounded their transcendental conchshells. BG 1.14 - 1972
- On the platform of jnana-kanda, one may give up the objects of ku-visaya and su-visaya. But that is not the perfection of life. Perfection is transcendental to both jnana-kanda and karma-kanda; it is on the platform of devotional service
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "Even with hundreds of mouths I could not express the transcendental pleasure She (Radharani) derives from My association"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "The vibration of My transcendental flute attracts the three worlds, but My ears are enchanted by the sweet words of Srimati Radharani"
- One after the other, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu made all the devotees sit in their proper places. He then began to distribute prasadam with His own transcendental hand
- One attains a completely spiritual body fit to render service to the transcendental couple Radha and Krsna: sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam
- One can realize the Supersoul within oneself. He is within one's body but apart from the body, or transcendental to the body. Sitting in the same body as the individual soul, the Supersoul has no affection for the body, whereas the individual soul does
- One can, by the mercy of Godhead, pass the transcendental M.A. examination without even having passed the preliminary examinations
- One can, by the mercy of Godhead, pass the transcendental M.A. examination without even having passed the preliminary examinations. But this extraordinary mercy of Godhead is possible only by a confidential relationship with the Personality of Godhead
- One cannot approach the transcendental region, or paravyoma, the spiritual sky, by worshiping Lord Siva or Brahma or any other demigod
- One cannot compare the lusty desires of a materialistic man to the transcendental lusty desires of Krsna
- One cannot foolishly manufacture an interpretation of Bhagavad-gita and still bring about transcendental benefit. Anyone who tries to squeeze some artificial meaning for an ulterior motive is not one engaged anxiously in bona fide hearing of krsna-katha
- One cannot know You by experimental knowledge. One can simply understand Your transcendental existence to be like the great ocean, in which different grades of living entities are included
- One devotee said, "Shall I execute devotional service from here at home? This I cannot do, because my mind is being attracted by the transcendental land of Vrndavana"
- One does not take sannyasa, freedom from family responsibility in the renounced order of life, to make another family or to create an embarrassing transcendental fraud in the name of sannyasa
- One has to realize that "I am not this body." Kevalam prakrteh param. "I am beyond this body, far, transcendental to this material world
- One is quickly satiated by mundane activities, but no one is satiated by transcendental or devotional activities
- One may argue that His (the Personality of Godhead) relation with the goddesses of fortune may be transcendental, but what about His relation with the Yadu dynasty, being born in that family, or His killing the nonbelievers like Jarasandha
- One must also follow the pratigrhnati principle and be willing and ready to receive the transcendental gift
- One must attempt to engage one's bodily, mental and verbal activities in the transcendental glorification of the Lord, otherwise such activities will remain unchaste and impure
- One must be freed from all kinds of designations, and when one is thus converted to transcendental purity, one can then serve the Lord by purified senses
- One must learn the transcendental subject by submissive aural reception from the right sources. Therefore these sages addressed the speaker Suta Gosvami with great respect
- One particle of that transcendental, blissful nectar is the life and soul of the ear, which is like a cakora bird that lives in hope of tasting that nectar
- One practices yoga in order to attain perfection on the spiritual platform. There is no question of material happiness or distress. It is transcendental
- One reaches the stage of astonishment (vaicitri), which awakens transcendental madness. Udghurna and citra-jalpa are two among the many divisions of transcendental madness
- One should accept the mood of the gopis in their service. In such a transcendental mood, one should always think of the pastimes of Sri Radha and Krsna
- One should be initiated by a bona fide spiritual master and worship Krsna with these transcendental mantras - the Kama-gayatri or kama-bija mantras
- One should give up all other duties and surrender unto the lotus feet of Krsna. That is the real religious principle everyone should follow. Even though one follows Vedic scriptures, one may not know this transcendental principle
- One who cannot understand the distinctions between the spiritual world and the material world has no qualification to examine or know the situation of the transcendental quadruple forms
- One who does not care for transcendental necessities of life and simply engages like an animal in eating, sleeping, fearing and mating has spoiled his life
- One who executes Caitanya's mission must be considered eternally liberated. He is a transcendental person & does not belong to this material world. Such a devotee, engaging in the deliverance of the total population, is as magnanimous as Caitanya Himself
- One who has faith in his spiritual master actually receives transcendental instruction, and as his attachment for material life slackens, he is able to advance on the spiritual path
- One who has not been attracted by the transcendental beauty of rasa will certainly be dragged down into material attraction, thus to act in material contamination and progress to the darkest region of hellish life
- One who is engaged in Lord Krsna's devotional service lives in a direct relationship with the Supreme Lord, so there is no doubt that his position is transcendental from the very beginning. BG 1972 purports
- One who is interested in spiritual life should be attached to paro dharmah, the religious principles by which one becomes a devotee of the Supreme Lord
- One who is situated in the most confidential knowledge of Krsna is naturally transcendental; he therefore has no material pangs, although he is in the material world. BG 1972 purports
- One who relates this transcendental narration will be liberated from all material bondage and will no longer have to wander within this material world
- One who sees the Supersoul in every living being and equal everywhere does not degrade himself by his mind. Thus he approaches the transcendental destination. BG 13.29 - 1972
- One who strictly follows the Vedic literature and chants the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead will actually be situated in the transcendental disciplic succession. Those who want to attain life’s ultimate goal must follow this principle
- One who takes a vow to satisfy Lord Siva or who follows such principles will certainly become an atheist and be diverted from transcendental scriptural injunctions
- One who will pass this examination will be awarded with the title of Bhaktivedanta. I want that all of my spiritual sons & daughters will inherit this title of Bhaktivedanta, so that the family transcendental diploma will continue through the generations
- Only one who is prepared to present Bhagavatam in the light of Sukadeva Gosvami and only those who are prepared to hear Sukadeva Gosvami and his representative are bona fide participants in the transcendental discussion of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Other pure devotees, who are more or less attached to Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu, are attracted by other transcendental relationships, such as parental affection, friendship and servitorship
- Otherwise, there is no possibility of invoking our transcendental sentiments in these places. Such transcendental feelings are aroused immediately and without fail after one arrives in Mathura or Vrndavana
- Our Krsna consciousness movement distributes krsna-prasadam, and those who eat such transcendental food are sure to become devotees of the Lord. This is a very scientific method
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is that you take only krsna-prasadam, that's all. You save yourself. Even if I cannot discriminate, Krsna's prasadam I take, it is transcendental. I don't require any discrimination
- Our natural position is to provide enjoyment for Krsna. In the spiritual world, for example, Krsna enjoys, and the gopis, the transcendental cowherd girls, supply the ingredients for Krsna's enjoyment. This is bhakti
- Our only appeal is that all book sellers, all publishers, may come forward and cooperate with us and distribute the transcendental literature in the unique form. They will find something sublime, and we'll be benefited
- Our reality is God realization. There are different stages, I mean to say, direct perception, then receiving knowledge from authority, then personal experience between the two, then above that transcendental, and then, I mean to say, spiritual
- Our religion is not a part time transcendental recreation. We live in God
- Our whole aim is how to get out of this material encagement and go back to the spiritual world, go back to home. That is the aim. That is called para gatim. Para means transcendental; gati means aim of life. Para gati
- Out of His causeless mercy only, the Lord comes to this earth and leaves behind His merciful activities so that the devotees may derive transcendental benefit
- Out of His supreme good will, the Lord became his son & dealt with everyone as if He were an ordinary human being. Thus King Nabhi began to raise his transcendental son with great affection, & he was overwhelmed with transcendental bliss, joy & devotion
- Out of three transcendental propensities of the Supreme Lord, iccha-sakti, jnana-sakti and kriya-sakti, the kriya-sakti, that is represented by, or the controller of the kriya-sakti is, Sankarsana, Balarama
- People are seeking after transcendental reading matter more and more, so if we stick to our standard, as I have given you, then there is no doubt they will come to read our magazines in great numbers
- People engage in the activities of religion, economic development and sense gratification, and ultimately they work with an idea that they are going to become one with the Supreme Lord (mukti). But bhakti is transcendental to all these activities
- People from the three worlds used to come visit Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Anyone who saw Him received the transcendental treasure of love for Krsna
- Persons who are chanting the holy name are transcendental to those who are factually performing the Vedic rituals and those who expect to be qualified
- Persons who are constantly engaged in the transcendental meditation of seeing Krsna, internally & externally, by thinking of Him playing the flute, entering Vrndavana forest & tending the cows with the boys have really attained the perfection of samadhi
- Please go kill him and thus regain Your wife, Sitadevi. O great hero, although my water presents no impediment to Your going to Lanka, please construct a bridge over it to spread Your transcendental fame
- Practically, our Krishna Consciousness movement is based on transcendental pleasure. Music, dancing and feasts are the chief items for pleasure, and this pleasure is originally on the transcendental realm
- Prajapati Daksa said: The SPG is transcendental to the illusory energy and the physical categories it produces. He possesses the potency for unfailing knowledge and supreme willpower, and He is the controller of the living entities and the illusory energy
- Prasada is transcendental. It is not material thing
- Prasadam is transcendental, and there are no transformations or contaminations, just as there are no contaminations or transformations in the body of Lord Visnu Himself
- Professional men recite Srimad-Bhagavatam and discuss krsna-bhakti for an exchange of money. They cannot distribute such exalted transcendental property to everyone and anyone
- Prthu prayed, "I shall simply always pray unto Your Lordship that You may give me millions of tongues and millions of ears so that I can constantly chant and hear of Your transcendental glories"
- Pure devotees chant the Hare Krsna mantra, and simply by hearing this chanting from a purified transcendental person, one is purified of all sinful activities, no matter how lowborn or fallen one may be
- Pure devotees engage themselves fully in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. Their minds cannot be diverted from the lotus feet of Krsna. Their talks are solely on the transcendental subjects. BG 1972 purports
- Pure devotees, being perfectly directed by the Supreme Lord, do not create any artificial perplexity in the matter of transcendental understanding by wasting time in discussing what is Brahman and what is non-Brahman, or maya
- Pure goodness is transcendental; in purified goodness one can understand the real nature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Putana came to kill Krsna, but because He sucked her milk, she was immediately purified, and her dead body attained a transcendental quality
- Radharani sleeps in Her room with the aroma of pride, and when She lies down in Her bed, the transcendental variety of Her loving ecstasies is like a jeweled locket in the midst of Her necklace of separation
- Radharani tries to combine or unite Her associates with Krsna by many transcendental maneuvers, and She takes more pleasure in these meetings than in Her own meetings with Him
- Raghava Pandita was an eternal servant of Krsna, and everything he saw was related to the service of the Lord. He was always absorbed in the transcendental thought of how he could always serve Krsna with everything
- Rahasyam, the transcendental secrecy of Bhagavad-gita, that secret will not be opened to a so-called scholar or academic educated. It must be taken from the (indistinct) authorized person, evam parampara praptam (BG 4.2), by disciplic succession
- Rajo-guna, tamo-guna - directly distress. And sattva-guna, there is little taste of happiness, but that is not complete happiness. The complete happiness is that sattva-guna without any touch of rajo-guna and tamo-guna. That is transcendental
- Ramacandra Puri could not understand that his spiritual master, Madhavendra Puri, was feeling transcendental separation. His lamentation was not material. Rather, it proceeded from the highest stage of ecstatic love of Krsna
- Ramananda Raya was a greatly advanced scholar in devotional service, and by the grace of Lord Caitanya he gathered all transcendental conclusions just as a cloud gathers water from the ocean
- Real peace can be obtained only in that transcendental stage of existence. That is the state of real contentment
- Reasons and arguments together with the transcendental process of approaching the Absolute Truth help even the staunch impersonalist to become attracted by the personal activities of the Lord
- Religious systems are meant to show the existence of God, who is then generally approached as the cosmic order-supplier. But Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's transcendental mission is to distribute love of Godhead to everyone
- Relishing the transcendental sweetness of Krishna Kirtana is only possible when one is actually advanced, towards perfection
- Revelation is made possible from the deeper aspect within the human personality. The real knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His relationship with us can be revealed only by this transcendental method
- Rsi Saunaka asked: O Suta, the great and transcendentally powerful Vyasadeva heard everything from Sri Narada Muni. So after Narada's departure, what did Vyasadeva do?
- Rupa said, "I simply wish and hope that some way or other I may be able to approach Your lotus feet, and this hope is giving me pain, because I think myself quite incompetant to approach that transcendental goal of life"
- Sa gunan samatityaitan brahma-bhuyaya kalpate: one who is engaged in devotional service has already been freed from the reactions of his material karma, and thus he immediately becomes brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20), or transcendental
- Saints are very rarely seen in the houses of householders, and Maharaja Pariksit prayed to him (Sukadeva) to instruct him as soon as possible. The householders also should be intelligent enough to get some transcendental information from visiting sages
- Saktyavesa avatara, there are two kinds: one directly empowered for particular mission, comes from the transcendental spiritual sky, and others, those who are in this material world, but they have got some specific power
- Sankaracarya has accepted that Narayana and Krsna are transcendental, and in Bhagavad-gita also Lord Krsna has established, aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate: (BG 10.8) "I am the origin of everything; everything emanates from Me
- Sankirtana is our life and soul, and if we execute this transcendental business in all earnestness, then there will be no difficulty in any way. We should not pray to Krishna anything except to ask to engage in His service
- Santa-rasa is not given much importance because as soon as there is a slight understanding between the knower and the known, active loving transcendental reciprocations and exchanges begin
- Sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja. If you accept this principle, then you become actually transcendental to this so-called material happiness and distress. That is yoga
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was very surprised to see the personal beauty of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as well as the transcendental transformations wrought on His body due to love of Godhead
- Sat means - effect, asat means - cause, and param refers to the ultimate truth, which is transcendental to cause and effect. The cause of the creation is called the mahat-tattva, or total material energy, and its effect is the creation itself
- Sati said: You (Daksa) have shown so many defects, but you do not know that his (Siva's) position is always transcendental
- Seeing my (Narada's) attempts in that lonely place, the Personality of Godhead, who is transcendental to all mundane description, spoke to me with gravity and pleasing words, just to mitigate my grief
- Self-realization in the relation as servitor is certainly transcendental, and when a sense of fraternity is added, the relationship develops. As affection increases, this relationship develops into paternity and conjugal love
- Self-realization with a sense of servitude for the Lord is certainly transcendental, but when a sense of fraternity is added the relationship develops, and as affection increases, this relationship develops into parenthood and conjugal love
- Seven transcendental means to obtain the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- She (mother Laksmiji) offers benedictions even to Lord Brahma and other living entities in this material world, yet she is transcendental to all material qualities
- She approaches Him very humbly saying, - My dear Kapila, You are the SPG, but I am a woman, and my intelligence is not very sharp. Nonetheless, I want to understand these sublime transcendental subjects from You. It is possible by Your mercy
- Similarly, the transcendental mellow of Ugrasena, Krsna's grandfather, is mixed with servitude and parental affection. The affection of all the elderly gopis in Vrndavana is a mixture of parental love, servitude and fraternity
- Simply by chanting harer nama, the holy name of Lord Krsna, you become again situated in the original position. Everything is adjusted, because it is transcendental. So there is no other way
- Simply by knowing in truth about the Lord's transcendental births and activities, one can get liberation at once. That is the verdict of the Bhagavad-gita
- Simply by one stroke - by accepting Krsna consciousness - one immediately rises to the highest position. By just taking to Krsna consciousness, one develops all transcendental qualifications
- Simply by receiving the glories of the Lord through purified transcendental ears, the devotees of the Lord are immediately freed from strong material desires and engagement in fruitive activities
- Since Hari’s devotees are transcendental to the control of the three material qualities, certainly He Himself is transcendental
- Since He (God) is transcendental, His speech is also transcendental, as is His activity; everything in relation to Him is transcendental. The word amrta refers to one who does not meet with death
- Since I have become a madman, I am saying one thing instead of another. This is because I am being carried away by the waves of the nectarean ocean of Lord Krsna's transcendental sweetness
- Since neophytes are not all on the same transcendental level, they are advised to worship different types of demigods according to their situation in the different modes of material nature
- Since the clouds in the sky were mildly thundering and showering, Ananta-naga, an expansion of the SP of Godhead (Krsna), followed Vasudeva, beginning from the door, with hoods expanded to protect Vasudeva & the transcendental child - SB 10.3.48-49
- Since the yogi has so many transcendental objectives on which to meditate, there is no reason for his meditating on something imaginary, as is the practice of the so-called yogis whose objective is impersonal
- Since this suddha-sattva (Transcendental) existence is under the direct action of the internal potency, in this state the activities of material consciousness stop
- Since transcendental behavior is different from mundane behavior, it should not be taken that the Lord receives service from His wife just as a demigod or human being might receive service from his wife
- Sisupala died without appreciating the Lord, while others died with appreciation of the Lord. Both were transferred to the spiritual sky, but those who awakened to love of God were transferred to the planets of the transcendental sky
- So Arjuna pretended to display weakness, placing himself in the category of ordinary people who are illusioned in the material world. And by this action of his, Marshal Arjuna helped in the manifestation of BG from the transcendental lips of the PG
- So the more we read Srimad-Bhagavatam, the knowledge becomes clarified. Each and every verse-transcendental. Is this clear?
- Some slokas or prayers should also be chanted. By chanting, one immediately becomes auspicious and transcendental to the infection of material qualities. Actually one has to chant and remember Lord Krsna twenty-four hours daily
- Sometimes a maha-bhagavata, or very advanced devotee, does not manifest such transcendental symptoms as tears in the eyes, whereas sometimes a kanistha-adhikari, a neophyte devotee, displays them artificially
- Sometimes a person melts and manifests these transcendental symptoms (standing of the hairs on end, etc.) yet at the same time is not well behaved in his personal transactions. This indicates that he has not reached complete perfection in devotional life
- Sometimes a person melts and manifests transcendental symptoms yet at the same time is not well behaved in his personal transactions. This indicates that he has not yet reached complete perfection in devotional life
- Sometimes He (Krsna) breaks the churning rod, and sometimes He throws butter on the fire. In this way, he increases the transcendental pleasure of His Mother Yasoda
- Sometimes such meditative processes pass for transcendental meditation. King Puranjana, the living entity, being thus victimized by the hard struggle for existence, took to transcendental meditation with his friends and relatives
- Sometimes the vibration of Lord Krsna's flute, His bugling, His smiling, His footmarks on the ground, the transcendental fragrance of His body and the appearance of a new cloud in the sky also become impetuses for ecstatic love of Him
- Spiritual affection for the Supreme Lord is transcendental in all cases, but the individual devotee has a specific aptitude for a particular relationship, and that relationship is more relishable for him than the others
- Spiritual energy is transcendental
- Spontaneous love of Krsna is transcendental. It may seem that the regulative principles are being violated, but the devotee is on the transcendental platform
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu praised the metaphors and other literary ornaments of Srila Rupa Gosvami's transcendental poetry. Without such poetic attributes, He said, there is no possibility of preaching transcendental mellows
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "The body of a devotee is never material. It is considered to be transcendental, full of spiritual bliss"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's body appeared like a transcendental Himalayan mountain bearing ecstatic emotional flower trees, all of them blooming
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s capital is the touchstone of love of Godhead, and consequently He is a great owner of that transcendental treasure. After making unlimited amounts of gold, the touchstone remains the same
- Sri Krsna, in His Paramatma feature, lives in the hearts of all living beings in both the transcendental and mundane creations. As the Paramatma, He witnesses all actions the living beings perform in all phases of time, namely past, present and future
- Sri Narada advised Srila Vyasadeva to become absorbed in transcendental meditation on the Personality of Godhead and His activities. Srila Vyasadeva did not take notice of the effulgence of Brahman because that is not absolute vision
- Sri Narada Muni continued: After speaking these words to Hiranyakasipu, Lord Brahma, the original being of this universe, who is extremely powerful, sprinkled transcendental, infallible, spiritual water from his kamandalu upon Hiranyakasipu's body
- Sri Rupa Gosvami said, "I do not know anything. The only transcendental words I can utter are those which Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu makes me speak"
- Sri Rupa Gosvami thus concludes the first division of the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, offering up his treatise for the transcendental pleasure of Sanatana Gosvami, who has established the transcendental beauty
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Thakura took hold of Gaudiya Vaisnavism with a vow to propagate it in its true perspective, even as it was practiced with unparalleled and unprecedented transcendentalism by Sri Rupa and Sri Sanatana Gosvamis
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati has given a description of these books (of Srila Rupa Gosvami). The Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu is a great book of instruction on how to develop devotional service to Lord Krsna and follow the transcendental process
- Srila Jiva Gosvami was never opposed to the transcendental parakiya-rasa, nor has any other Vaisnava disapproved of it
- Srila Narada chants the glorification of the Lord not for his personal benefit but because the glorifications are identical with the Lord. Narada Muni penetrates into the presence of the Lord by the transcendental chanting
- Srila Raghunatha dasa writes in Vilapa-kusumanjali (5): Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of Caitanya, who, by His unreserved mercy, kindly placed me in the ocean of transcendental joy under the care of Svarupa Damodara Gosvami
- Srila Ramananda Raya further inquired, "How have you (Rupa Gosvami) described Vrndavana, the vibration of the transcendental flute, and the relationship between Krsna and Radhika?'
- Srila Rupa Gosvami remarks that there is also transcendental excellence in this kind of symptom
- Srila Rupa Gosvami states herein that according to some learned scholars, the three kinds of transcendental mellow so far described - namely, servitude, fraternity and parental affection - are sometimes mixed up
- Srila Vyasadeva described the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as fully independent and transcendental. This implies that there is no one superior to Him or equal to Him
- Srimad-Bhagavatam does not approve this viewpoint. Even the great transcendental scholar Vyasadeva had need of a spiritual master, and under the instruction of his spiritual master, Narada, he prepared this sublime literature, Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Srimad-Bhagavatam does not have anything to do with the materialistic way of life; it gives transcendental information to educate people in the superior system of para vidya
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is already sublime, transcendental. And when it is spoken through the mouth of Sukadeva Gosvami, it becomes still sweeter, just like the fruit
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is full of transcendental chanting of the holy name, and therefore the chanting and hearing of Srimad-Bhagavatam are transcendentally full of mellows
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is not a creation of the mental speculators. The sound of Srimad-Bhagavatam is transcendental, and the resonance of Srimad-Bhagavatam is as good as that of the Vedas
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the pure transcendental process of religion
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the transcendental narration of the activities of the same Lord Krsna, which alone can satisfy the hankering desires of the living being for eternal peace and liberation from miseries
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is transcendental because it has nothing to do with anything mundane
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is transcendental to all of them because it has nothing to do with anything mundane. So the inquiries are very intelligent and relevant
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is transcendental to all the sense gratifying activities of the material world. It is a pure transcendental literature, understandable by the devotees of the Lord who are above competition in sense gratification
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is transcendental to all these sense gratificatory activities. It is purely transcendental literature which can be understood only by the pure devotees of the Lord who are transcendental to competitive sense gratification
- Srimad-Bhagavatam says, "Although they (The impersonalists) rise to the transcendental situation of existence in impersonal Brahman, they certainly fall from that exalted position because they deride Your lotus feet"
- Srimati Radharani does not touch the body of anyone but Krsna. I taste My own transcendental features by accepting the complexion of Srimati Radharani
- Srimati Radharani once spoke a verse to Her gopi friends describing how She hankers for the transcendental scent of Krsna's body. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recited that same verse and made its meaning clear
- Srimati Radharani's transcendental body is brilliant in luster and full of all transcendental fragrances. Lord Krsna's affection for Her is like a perfumed massage
- Srinivasacarya said that the Gosvamis were always absorbed in the ocean of transcendental feelings in the mood of the gopis. When they lived in Vrndavana they were searching for Krsna, crying, "Where are You, Krsna?"
- Still, those who are utterly sinful do not surrender unto Him (Krsna), even though He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and all other living beings are His transcendental, eternal servitors, part and parcel of Him
- Such (swanlike) spiritually advanced men are called also manasa because they always keep up the standard of transcendental voluntary service to the Lord on the spiritual plane
- Such a transcendental situation (God's) is hardly understood by those whose devotion is mixed with speculative knowledge or fruitive activities
- Such are the transcendental pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the son of mother Saci. He even delivered a dog simply by inducing it to chant the maha-mantra, Hare Krsna
- Such association (between Krsna & Radharani) have nothing to do with material lust, although it resembles the material union between man & woman. It is only because that similarity is there that such reciprocation is sometimes called, transcendental lust
- Such knowledge is self-satisfying due to its being free from material attachment, and being transcendental it is approved by authorities. Who could fail to be attracted
- Such mixed transcendental flavors are manifested by such devotees as Uddhava, Bhima and Mukhara, the personal attendant of Mother Yasoda
- Such persons (the inhabitants of Satyaloka), being fully aware of knowledge both mundane and transcendental, have no interest in either the mundane or transcendental worlds. They are practically desireless devotees
- Such transcendental birds stop their own singing simply to hear the glories of the Lord
- Such transcendental devotees are completely situated in an uncontaminated state of life. By the process of DS I shall surely be able to cross the nescient ocean of material existence, which is filled with the waves of blazing, firelike dangers
- Such transcendental reciprocation (between Krsna and Radharani) is not even possible to understand from the platform of material goodness. One has to actually transcend material goodness in order to understand
- Sukadeva Gosvami appeared very innocent because he was transcendental to sex relations. The ladies, by their special qualifications, could sense this at once, and therefore they were not very concerned about him
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued, "The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, is transcendental to the three qualities of material nature"
- Sukadeva Gosvami said, "Being greatly afflicted by affection for the transcendental Lord, fell down upon His lotus feet to offer respectful obeisances"
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: What you have said is correct. The glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is praised in eloquent, transcendental verses by such exalted personalities as Brahma, are very pleasing to great devotees and liberated persons
- Sukadeva Gosvami was transcendental to mundane activities, but being unexposed, he appeared like an ignorant person
- Suta Gosvami said: Now I shall begin the transcendental narration of the Lord Krsna & topics of the birth, activities & deliverance of King Pariksit, the sage amongst kings, as well as topics of the renunciation of the worldly order by the sons of Pandu
- Tama means "darkness," and ut means "above, transcendental"; therefore, uttama means "above the darkest region of the material world
- Tamas means this material world or darkness, and uttamam means that which is transcendental to material activities. BG 1972 purports
- Tapasvi means those who are seeking after eternal happiness. Karmis, yogis, there are many tapasvis. But real tapasvi . . . tapo divyam (SB 5.5.1). Divyam means transcendental
- That is our success, when there is opposition. They are not going to oppose any such movement like Transcendental Meditation
- That literature is full of transcendental words directed toward bringing about a revolution in the impious lives of this world's misdirected civilization
- That literature is full of transcendental words directed toward bringing about a revolution in the impious lives of this world's misdirected civilization - SB 1.5.11
- That one can transcend this material world does not imply that there is no transcendental variegatedness
- That Sankarsana, who is transcendental pure goodness, is a partial expansion of Nityananda Balarama
- That Supreme Person is not impersonal and therefore is distinctively a nara, or person. Therefore the transcendental water created from the Supreme Nara is known as nara. And because He lies down on that water, He is known as Narayana
- The Absolute Personality of Godhead must be completely full of opulence, strength, fame, beauty, knowledge and renunciation. Yet the transcendental Personality of Godhead is astonishingly ascertained as impersonal
- The advancement of knowledge and consciousness. So for that divyam, knowledge, one has to be initiated. Divyam. Diksa means beginning of transcendental knowledge
- The airplane sent by Lord Visnu to carry Dhruva Maharaja to Sisumara was a completely spiritual, transcendental airplane. Material scientists can neither see such vehicles nor imagine how they fly in the air
- The ambition to corroborate the existence of the transcendental Absolute Truth by limited conjectural endeavors cannot be fulfilled, because He is beyond the scope of our limited speculative minds
- The apparent wounds caused by the sharpened arrows are misleading to the common man, but one who has a little absolute knowledge can understand the transcendental exchange (between Bhismadeva and Krsna) in the chivalrous relation
- The ascending approach to the Absolute Truth ends in the realization of impersonal Brahman and the localized Paramatma but not the Supreme Transcendental Personality
- The association of a bona fide spiritual master like the sage Maitreya can be of absolute help in achieving transcendental attachment for the direct service of the Lord
- The basic principle of self-realization is knowledge that the living entity isn't this material body but that he is different from it & that his happiness is in eternal life, bliss & knowledge. These are transcendental, beyond both body & mind. BG 1972 p
- The beautiful face of the goddess of fortune appears in ponds of transcendental crystal water when she worships the Lord with tulasi leaves in her garden
- The best course is to surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead with body, mind and words and always be engaged in His service. This transcendental labor is fruitful, but other attempts to understand the Absolute Truth are never successful
- The best method is that one should live at a place where the transcendental form of the Lord is worshiped. The temple of the Lord is a transcendental place, whereas the forest is a materially good habitation
- The best process is Krsna consciousness. If one is always able to fix his mind on Krsna in devotional service, it is very easy for him to remain in an undisturbed transcendental trance, or in samadhi. BG 1972 purports
- The BG is the spoken message of the Lord Himself recorded by Vyasadeva, and the SB is the transcendental narration of the activities of the same Krsna, which alone can satisfy the hankering desires of the living being for eternal peace and liberation
- The Bhagavad-gita confirms in the Sixth Chapter (47), stating that anyone absorbed in such thought (of Krsna) is the best of all yogis. Such transcendental absorption is known as samadhi
- The Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu mentions eight kinds of transcendental transformations in the bodies of advanced devotees. These are sometimes checked by the devotee, and there are two stages of such checking, technically known as dhumayita and jvalita
- The books distribution in Los Angeles during the six day period is transcendental samadhi. They are working in trance, not on the material platform. No common man can work so hard
- The Brahma-samhita is vijnanam as realized by Brahma's transcendental experience, and in that way he presented the form and the pastimes of Krsna in the transcendental abode
- The brahmana entered one palace which was very gorgeously decorated. When he entered this beautiful palace, he felt that he was swimming in the ocean of transcendental pleasure. He felt himself constantly diving and surfacing in that transcendental ocean
- The brahmanas are situated in the supreme transcendental mode of nature-sattva-guna. Because of this, they are fixed in mind control (sama), sense control (dama), and truthfulness (satya)
- The chanting is transcendental, and therefore, simply by vibration, one gradually becomes spiritually advanced, and thus he offers himself to become my disciple. In that discipleship also, I do not charge anything. Neither do I offer anything new
- The chanting of Hare Krsna, is so nice and transcendental that it will eventually melt even the hearts of persons who are impersonalists. Rupa Gosvami says that the impersonalists' symptoms are simply reflections of ecstatic love, not the real thing
- The citizens of Dvaraka were in a state of melancholy due to the Lord's absence from the transcendental city, as much as we are put in a state of melancholy at night because of the absence of the sun
- The city of Dvaraka thus fully displayed all opulences. The heroes in the dynasty of Yadu used to think themselves the most fortunate residents of the city, and actually they enjoyed all transcendental facilities
- The conditioned soul can ultimately go back home, back to Godhead. This process of transcendental help by the Lord is described in Bhagavad-gita - BG 10.10
- The cowherd friends of Krsna were so happy in His company that they expressed their transcendental feelings within themselves thus, "My dear Krsna, You are always busy tending the cows which are scattered all over beautiful Vrndavana"
- The cult of Bhagavata-dharma, has nothing to do with mundane affairs, sociology, politics, economic development or any such sphere of life. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the purely transcendental urge of the soul
- The damsels of Vrndavana are not a subject for the attraction of those in the material world; they are transcendental attractions for the all-attractive Krsna
- The damsels of Vrndavana, the gopis, are super goddesses of fortune. The enjoyer in Vrndavana is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. The trees there are all wish-fulfilling trees, and the land is made of transcendental touchstone
- The demigods said: Let us offer our respectful obeisances unto the transcendental Personality of Godhead, who created as His external energy this cosmic manifestation, which is situated in Him as the air and clouds are situated in space
- The demigods said: When You appear in Your different incarnations, You take different names and forms according to different situations. Krsna is Your name because You are all-attractive; You are called Syamasundara because of Your transcendental beauty
- The demigods were jubilant not only because the appearance of the Supreme Lord would do away with the burdensome demons, but also because they would be able to see upon the ground the transcendental marks from the soles of the Lord's lotus feet
- The demigods, headed by Indra, charged the demon with their soldiers, striking him with their own transcendental bows and arrows and other weapons but Vrtrasura swallowed all their weapons
- The denizens of heaven, who live in the planetary systems beginning from Svarloka, cannot see Lord Visnu in Svetadvipa. Unable to reach the island, they can simply approach the beach of the milk ocean to offer transcendental prayers to the Lord
- The devotee more or less depends on his transcendental enthusiasm, patience and firm conviction. These things will surely help him to reach perfection
- The devotees have full knowledge of the spiritual world, the Personality of Godhead and His transcendental association in unlimited spiritual planets called Vaikunthalokas
- The dexterity and sacrifice of the devoted worker, the knowledge of the sannyasi (renunciant), the stillness and profound love for Godhead of the mystic - all these qualities are included and coexisting within the qualities of the transcendental worker
- The difference between conditional life and liberated life occurs when we purify the mind and the consciousness. When they are purified, one becomes transcendental to material happiness and distress
- The doctrine of transcendental enjoyment by Krsna cannot be mixed up with the doctrine of transcendental feeling of separation from Krsna in the role of Radharani
- The ears are accustomed to hearing so many sounds in the world, but at the moment of death one has to hear the transcendental omkara from within
- The Earth personified said, "My dear Lord, You are the Supersoul, in order to satisfy the aspirations of Your devotees, You descend to the earth in Your various transcendental incarnations, which are just appropriate to the devotees' worshipful desire"
- The English maxim that God helps those who help themselves is also applicable in the transcendental realm
- The enlightened transcendentalist is not captivated by such illusory things (demigod worship) ; therefore he is always absorbed in the transcendental thought of the Supreme in different stages of realization, namely Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- The essence of the hladini-sakti is love of Godhead, the essence of love of Godhead is bhava, or transcendental sentiment, and the highest pitch of that bhava is called mahabhava
- The extraordinary transformations of the body due to transcendental feelings would never have been possible for anyone but the Lord, in whose body all transformations were manifest
- The feeling of separation from the Lord is undoubtedly painful to the devotee, but because it is in connection with the Lord, it has a specific transcendental effect which pacifies the heart
- The feelings of happiness and distress of the soul, who is transcendental by nature, are caused by the spirit soul himself
- The first and foremost of such devotional engagements is hearing about Krsna. This is a very powerful transcendental method for purging the mind of all misgivings
- The first realization is impersonal Brahman, but one must go still further to realize Paramatma and eventually the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshiped by the transcendental feelings of a devotee
- The followers, disciples & sons are all on one level for the bona fide spiritual master, he is always kind to them and always speaks to them on transcendental subjects, even though he is not asked by them. That is the bona fide spiritual master's nature
- The form you are seeing with your transcendental eyes cannot be understood simply by studying the Vedas, nor by undergoing serious penances, nor by charity, nor by worship. It is not by these means that one can see Me as I am
- The Ganges water is pure because of its emanating from the toe of the Lord, and there is no difference between the water emanating from the toe and that from the tips of the hair on the shoulder of Lord Boar. They are both absolute and transcendental
- The general tendency is to avoid transcendental subject matters as far as possible or, in any case, not to go into the details
- The glories and pastimes which are broadcast by the instrument of Narada are also transcendental, without a tinge of material inebriety
- The glories of Lord Nityananda's transcendental attributes are unfathomable. Even Lord Sesa, with His thousands of mouths, cannot find their limit
- The goddesses of fortune worship the Lord in their own gardens by offering tulasi leaves on the coral-paved banks of transcendental reservoirs of water
- The gopis are all transcendental spirit souls. One should never think that the gopis and Krsna have material bodies
- The gopis are exalted above all the advanced devotees because they are always totally dependent upon Sri Krsna, the transcendental cowherd boy. Among the gopis, Srimati Radharani is the most dear to Krsna
- The gopis said, "Dear malati flower, dear mallika flower, dear jasmine flower, all of you must have been touched by Krsna while He was passing this way after giving us transcendental enjoyment"
- The gopis said, "He (Krsna) has taken Her along with Him. Dear friends, just imagine how the dust of this place is transcendentally glorious"
- The gopis said, "If You (Krsna) accuse us, however, of encouraging prostitution, then we can only ask, Where is that woman within these three worlds who is not captivated by Your beauty and the rhythmic songs vibrated by Your transcendental flute?"
- The gopis said, "Since we have tasted this transcendental enjoyment, we are no longer interested in going to anyone but You for the satisfaction of our lust. Dear Krsna, the lotus feet of the goddess of fortune are always worshiped by the demigods"
- The gopis said, "Since You (Krsna) are the Supreme Personality of Godhead and like to enjoy the parakiya-rasa and are famous as a transcendental woman hunter, we have come to satisfy Your transcendental desires"
- The gopis were relieved from their transcendental burning condition by realizing Krsna was with them. Internally, they remembered His association within their hearts, externally Uddhava helped them associate with Him by his conclusive instructions