Category:Transcendental Activities
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Pages in category "Transcendental Activities"
The following 87 pages are in this category, out of 87 total.
- A devotee is sometimes greatly praised because of his transcendental activities, and sometimes he is criticized, even though there is no reason for adverse criticism
- A devotee of the Lord regards both the activities of the Lord and those of His pure devotees on an equal level, for they are all transcendental
- A perfection most desired by the jnanis and yogis (oneness with God) and for which they execute their different types of transcendental activities
- After one attains these (vibhava, anubhava, sattvika & vyabhicari), there is actually an exchange of rasa or transcendental activity with the God. This exchange in loving reciprocation between the lover & the beloved is generally called krsna-bhakti-rasa
- Akrura also considered the necessity of the transcendental pastimes of the Lord. He thought that the transcendental activities, instructions, qualities and pastimes of Krsna are all for the good fortune of people in general
- All material activities meant for satisfying the senses are contaminated, & Maharaja Nabhi did not perform anything contaminated. He simply executed his transcendental activities even when performing yajna. Consequently he obtained the S. Lord as his son
- All these symptoms (of transcendental activities) are not awakened simultaneously; they act according to the exchange of transcendental relationships. Sometimes one symptom is prominent, and at another time another is prominent
- Although the spirit soul does not do anything and is transcendental to such activities, he is thus affected by conditional life
- Although You appear engaged in material activity, You are transcendental to all material qualities. Consequently these transcendental activities of Yours are extremely difficult to understand
- As a devotee, he was always ready to give respect to other devotees and to engage in the devotional service of the Lord. This is the bhakti-yoga process. Due to all these transcendental activities, King Gaya was always free from the bodily conception
- Devotional activities are transcendental and free from mistakes, illusion, cheating and imperfection
- Devotional service to the Lord consists essentially of nine transcendental activities: (1) hearing about the Lord, (2) glorifying the Lord, (3) remembering the Lord, (4) serving the lotus feet of the Lord, (5) worshiping the Lord
- Devotional service to the Lord consists essentially of nine transcendental activities: 6) offering prayers to the Lord, (7) serving the Lord, (8) enjoying friendly association with the Lord, and (9) surrendering everything unto the Lord
- Divya-jnana means transcendental knowledge. So divya is di, and jnanam, ksapayati, explaining, that is ksa, di-ksa. This is called diksa, diksa, the combination. So diksa means the initiation to begin transcendental activities. That is called initiation
- Even after successive births, the karma-yogi revives the transcendental sense of service, and by his natural attachment, he tries again to give further perfection to the progress of his transcendental activities
- Everything generated from the body or the mind is always imperfect and perishable, but transcendental spiritual activities are always bright and wonderful
- He (the neophyte) may be compared to a patient who is treated by various restrictions under medical jurisdiction. Generally, liberated souls also take pleasure in describing the transcendental activities
- He is misled and always attracted by temporary, illusory happiness. But Your transcendental activities are so powerful that if one engages in the hearing and chanting of such topics, he can be delivered from illusion
- I am sure that because you are in serious and sincere attitude of service to Krishna, He is giving you all good counsel to propagate these transcendental activities
- If a man is captivated by material enjoyment, and even if the seed of such enjoyment is within the heart of the conditioned soul, he can be overpowered by a flood of transcendental activities performed in love of God
- If one asks how a personality can be beheld in four quite opposing ways, the answer is that the Lord is the reservoir of all transcendental qualities and activities
- If there is enemy, then there is lamenting, but if there is no enemy, then samah sarvesu bhutesu mad-bhaktim labhate param. That is the beginning of transcendental activities, bhakti
- If you by meditation you link up with the Supersoul within yourself that is also transcendental activity. Or you directly worship as a devotee, Krsna. Anything you adopt, that is spiritual life
- In many places throughout Bhagavad-gita, the Personality of Godhead mentions the word buddhi-yoga, or intelligence with transcendental results. And by this word buddhi-yoga we can also understand transcendental, devotional activities
- In the third six chapters (of Bhagavad-gita), knowledge, renunciation, the activities of material nature and transcendental nature, and devotional service were described. BG 1972 purports
- In this way (if a man can be overpowered by a flood of transcendental activities performed in love of God) his potential seed cannot fructify into a conditional life of material existence
- In trying to get out of the entanglement of material life, there are many who want to be one with the Supreme. Even in their transcendental activities, this lower-grade mentality of tamisra continues
- It is enjoined in the scriptures that one has to suffer the reaction of not executing prescribed duties; therefore one who fails to discharge transcendental activities properly becomes subjected to these reactions. BG 1972 purports
- It is not by any kind of transcendental activity - neither fruitive action, nor the cultivation of knowledge, nor cultivation of mystic yoga - that a person can achieve the highest perfection without adding a tinge of devotional service
- Lord Gaura,who is the all-pervading Supersoul, the SP of Godhead, appears as a great saint and powerful mystic who is above the three modes of nature and is the emblem of transcendental activity. He disseminates the cult of devotion throughout the world
- Lord Rsabhadeva is the master of all Vedic knowledge, human beings, demigods, cows and brahmanas. I have already explained His pure, transcendental activities, which will vanquish the sinful activities of all living entities
- Mahatma Gandhi sacrificed everything - his family, his profession. And many other leaders. But what for they were working? They were working for some material benefit, that's all, not for any spiritual benefit. So that is not transcendental activities
- Materialistic persons are considered condemned because they are interested in hellish activities and not in transcendental activities
- O King Pariksit, the transcendental activities of Lord Ramacandra have been described by great saintly persons who have seen the truth
- O my merciful Lord Caitanya, may the nectarean Ganges waters of Your transcendental activities flow on the surface of my desertlike tongue
- One can execute this transcendental activities staying as he is, but he must follow and try to apply in practical life the instructions as they are given in the Bhagavad Gita or Srimad-Bhagwatam, received through the proper channel
- One should perform sacrifice, penance and charity with the word tat. The purpose of such transcendental activities is to get free from the material entanglement. BG 17.25 - 1972
- One who is transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman and becomes fully joyful. He never laments nor desires to have anything; he is equally disposed toward every living entity. In this situation, he begins transcendental activities
- Persons who are bereft of the all-auspicious performance of chanting and hearing about Your transcendental activities are certainly unfortunate and are also bereft of good sense. They engage in inauspicious activities, enjoying SG for a very little while
- Pious activities cannot be compared with transcendental activities
- Prthu Maharaja's activities were not ordinary but were all spiritual and transcendental, for his aim was to satisfy the Lord
- Ramananda Raya began to relate the confidential and transcendental activities of Radha and Krsna
- Realization of transcendental activities is made possible by many, many years of apprenticeship in the devotional service, but simply attraction of love for the Personality of Godhead, as it was developed in Narada Muni, by hearing, is highly effective
- Simply by understanding the transcendental activities and the appearance and disappearance, he becomes fully spiritualized, and the result is that he at once . . . he does not get, the spiritual body is already existing
- Since a devotee engages in philosophical research to understand the Supreme Person as He is his activities may thus appear to be like those of a mental speculator, but actually he is trying to understand the spiritual nature and transcendental activities
- Sri Suta said: On the western bank of the River Sarasvati, which is intimately related with the Vedas, there is a cottage for meditation at Samyaprasa which enlivens the transcendental activities of the sages
- Supreme Lord, who is eternally engaged in transcendental activities, chooses a particular land in which to unfold His earthly pastimes, and that this designated country is Bharata-varsa, or India
- The chanting of the holy name of Krsna or the holy name gopi is on the transcendental platform of loving affairs. Since he (Lord Caitanya's student) was not expert in understanding transcendental activities, his question (to Him) was merely impudent
- The higher stage of ecstasy can be characterized by the following thirteen transcendental activities: (1) dancing, (2) rolling on the floor, (3) singing, (4) clapping, (5) bristling of the hairs of the body, (6) thundering, (7) yawning
- The higher stage of ecstasy can be characterized by the following thirteen transcendental activities: (8) breathing heavily, (9) forgetting social conventions, (10) salivating, (11) laughing, (12) aching, (13) coughing
- The Krsna consciousness movement offers a process of transcendental activities wherein the mind is fully absorbed in affairs pertaining to Krsna
- The pure devotees are transcendentally situated on the Brahman platform, and they know everything about transcendental and material activities. BG 1972 purports
- The purport of the song is that the lover and the beloved, before meeting, generate a kind of emotion by the exchange of their transcendental activities. That emotion is called raga, or attraction
- The Supreme Absolute Truth Personality of Godhead is never impersonal. All the Vedic scriptures glorify the transcendental performance of His various personal activities and pastimes
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead creates this material world, maintains it, and annihilates it in due course of time, but because He is transcendental to such activities, He is never affected by ego in such action or by the modes of material nature
- The transactions of the spiritual world are inconceivable to us in our present state of life. Great liberated souls like Rupa Gosvami and others have tried to give us some hints of transcendental activities in the spiritual world
- The transcendental activities of Dhruva Maharaja are well known all over the world, and they are very pure
- The transcendentalist, knowing himself to be different from the material body and mind, always tries to cultivate transcendental activities
- The word hetu is used to indicate the reason or cause. Generally people are engaged in transcendental activities for three reasons: some want material happiness, some want mystic perfection and some want liberation from material bondage
- There can be no loss for either the mystic or the karma-yogi in his attempt to perfect such transcendental activities. And the gain is always assured, even if the process is only partially completed
- There is variegatedness in transcendental activities. Sometimes we like to chant, sometimes we like to wash dishes. There is no difference on the Absolute plane. I am sure Krishna will give you all intelligence to work transcendentally
- Thereafter, Vedic hymns which had not been pronounced before, priestly rituals, the subject matters of the recitation, and transcendental activities were all established, one after another
- They (those engaged in transcendental activities in different ways) may artificially think of becoming liberated without accepting the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord, but that is not possible
- They (transcendentalists) know that mundane activities done under the modes of nature are completely different from activities of transcendental service
- This (achieving the highest perfection) is possible only by the association of a pure devotee, who can give a finishing touch to the transcendental activities of all jnanis, yogis, or karmis, in terms of prescribed duties defined in the scriptures
- This chanting and dancing do not belong to this material world. They are actually transcendental activities, for the more one engages in chanting and dancing, the more he can taste the nectar of transcendental love of Godhead
- Those who are desirous of achieving complete perfection in life must submissively hear all topics that are connected with the transcendental activities and qualities of the Personality of Godhead, who acts wonderfully
- Those who are not so well situated, due to material attachment, should be shown the ways of transcendental realization, by Your Goodness, through descriptions of the transcendental activities of the Supreme Lord
- Those who have developed a taste for understanding the transcendental subject matter are never tired of hearing such narrations. One is quickly satiated by mundane activities, but no one is satiated by transcendental or devotional activities
- Those who take shelter under the lotus feet of the Lord can completely throw off all such miseries without difficulty. Others, who are engaged in transcendental activities in different ways, cannot do so. For them it is very difficult
- To engage both boys and girls in fully transcendental activities is a policy intended to spread the Krsna consciousness movement
- Transcendental activities cannot be understood in the emotional relationship with the Supreme Lord as master and servant, friend & friend or parent & son. This confidential subject matter can be understood only in the association of the damsels of Vraja
- We must not be concerned with pious activities or impious activities. We must be concerned with transcendental activities only. That will save us from this bondage of birth, death, old age and disease. That should be our aim in life
- When we actually see people come to our center, chant, dance, take prasadam, become jubilant and purchase books, we know that certainly Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is always present in such transcendental activities, and He is very pleased and satisfied
- Without desiring fruitive results, one should perform various kinds of sacrifice, penance and charity with the word tat. The purpose of such transcendental activities is to get free from material entanglement
- Without self-realization, the artificial methods of devotional service cannot be accepted as pure devotional service. Self-realized pure devotional service is completely different from all other kinds of transcendental activity