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Pages in category "Pleasing"
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- A devotee of the Lord does not need to try to please the demigods separately. Simply by worshiping the Supreme Lord, a devotee can please all of them
- A dog cannot thrive without having a master, and for the sake of pleasing the master, dogs offend many people
- A gopi told mother Yasoda, "The breeze blowing from the south creates a pleasing atmosphere because it is fragrant and very cool"
- A person who is engaged in devotional service in full Krsna consciousness is to be understood to be doing the best service to the whole world and to be pleasing everyone in the world
- A royal procession like that of Maharaja Pariksit surrounded by well-decorated chariots, cavalry, elephants, infantry and band not only is pleasing to the eyes, but also is a sign of a civilization that is aesthetic even on the fighting front
- Acceptance of service rendered by a woman may appear very pleasing, but one should be very cautious in accepting such service because it is clearly said that woman is the gateway to death, or forgetfulness of one's self
- After addressing the innumerable trees and plants and the earth, they (the gopis) turned their faces toward the beautiful deer, who were looking at them very pleasingly
- After hearing Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all the Mayavadi sannyasis were moved. Their minds changed, and thus they spoke with pleasing words
- After hearing the auspicious and pleasing words of the planet earth, the King accepted them. He then transformed Svayambhuva Manu into a calf and milked all the herbs and grains from the earth in the form of a cow, keeping them in his cupped hands
- After pleasing Bali Maharaja with mild words, Lord Indra, the King of the demigods, who was most intelligent, very politely submitted all the proposals he had learned from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu
- After the scorching heat of the summer season, it is very pleasing to see dark clouds in the sky. As confirmed in Brahma-samhita. The Lord wears a peacock feather in His hair, and His bodily complexion is just like a blackish cloud
- Agnidhra considered Purvacitti an expansion of Lord Visnu because of the pleasing scent of her body
- All of this (enjoyment of the five sense objects) is also very pleasing to the animals; therefore in human society there are restrictions in the enjoyment of the five sense objects. If one does not follow, he becomes exactly like an animal
- All the birds within the forests began to sing with sweet voices, & the peacocks began to dance with their consorts. The wind blew very pleasantly, carrying the aroma of different flowers, and the sensation of bodily touch was very pleasing
- All the birds within the forests began to sing with sweet voices, and the peacocks began to dance along with their consorts. The wind blew very pleasantly, carrying the aroma of different flowers, and the sensation of bodily touch was very pleasing
- All the warriors who fought against Arjuna but who were able to see the lotuslike face of the Lord on the battlefront achieved the abode of the Lord, exactly as devotees of the Lord do. The words "pleasing to the eyes of the seer" are very significant
- Although he was abominable, all but the three principal demigods - Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Lord Visnu - personally worshiped him to please him by bringing him various presentations because he had powerfully executed great austerities in mystic yoga
- Always attended by their respective servants, they enjoy life in gardens alongside the lakes. In this pleasing situation, the wives of the demigods smile playfully at their husbands and look upon them with lusty desires
- An intelligent man should conclude that material economic development is not at all pleasing
- Ananya-bhavena, without any deviation, unflinching, staunch devotee, they are called sadhu. So we have to associate with sadhu. Satam prasangat. When you discuss about Krsna with sadhu or devotees, it becomes very pleasing
- Another opulence, to have a very nice wife, beautiful, obedient, very pleasing. So these are material necessities. People generally aspire for these three things: wealth, many followers, and a good wife at home
- Anyone who comes in contact with the Society automatically becomes a devotee. We have actual experience that many karmis and others come to the Society and find a very pleasing and peaceful atmosphere in the temples of ISKCON
- Aromatic and pleasing to see, the food was the essence of all sweetness. Thus the two brothers, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda Prabhu, ate it with great satisfaction
- As a breeze carrying a pleasant fragrance from a garden of flowers at once captures the organ of smell, so one's consciousness, saturated with devotion, can at once capture the transcendental existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As a result of fruitive activities, we have thus been subjected to being beasts of burden for these bodies, & being forced by conditioned life, we have given up the pleasing life of Krsna consciousness. Now we realize that we are the most foolish persons
- As long as he remained at home, Dhruva Maharaja performed many great ceremonial sacrifices in order to please the enjoyer of all sacrifices, the Supreme Personality of Godhea
- As Nanda Maharaja spoke to Akrura with pleasing words, Akrura forgot all the fatigue of his day’s journey from Mathura to Vrndavana
- As one makes progress in Krsna's service, however, he will find it pleasing. This is indicated by Krsna in Bhagavad-gita: yat tad agre visam iva, pariname 'mrtopamam, atma-buddhi-prasada-jam - BG 18.37
- As soon as one's service is recognized by Krishna, he is immediately called, "Please come here.'' That is the verdict of the Vedic literature
- As soon as the point comes, to please your senses, then you come to material world, immediately. Krsna-bahirmukha hana bhoga vancha kare, nikata-stha maya tare japatiya dhare
- As stated in BG (10.10), when one engages in devotional service twenty-four hours a day (tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam) in accordance with the instructions of the spiritual master, his devotional service becomes more and more pleasing
- As the moon never refuses to distribute its pleasing rays even to the home of a candala, a Vaisnava never refuses to act for everyone's welfare
- As the pastimes and activities of the Supreme Lord are pleasing to hear, hearing about His devotees, who are very dear to the Supreme Person, is also pleasing and potent
- At night the pleasing moonshine glittered through the network of holes in the windows. There were many heavily flowered trees of parijata, and the mild wind stirred the fragrance of the flowers all around
- At that time Sri Advaita Acarya Prabhu, in His own house at Santipura, was dancing in a pleasing mood. Taking Haridasa Thakura with Him, He danced and loudly chanted Hare Krsna. But why they were dancing, no one could understand
- At the auspicious time for the appearance of the Lord a pure breeze began to blow, pleasing the sense of touch and bearing the aroma of flowers
- At the auspicious time for the appearance of the Lord the sun, the moon and the other stars and planets were very peaceful. All directions appeared extremely pleasing, and the beautiful stars twinkled in the cloudless sky - SB 10.3.1
- At the end of ten thousand years of severe austerities performed by the Pracetas, the SPG, to reward their austerities, appeared before them in His very pleasing form. This appealed to the Pracetas and satisfied the labor of their austerities
- At the end of this time, all the members of the Yadu dynasty tried to please the inhabitants of Vrndavana to their hearts’ content
- At the time for Lord Krsna's appearance, the great sages and the demigods, being pleased, began to shower flowers. At the seashore, there was the sound of mild waves, and above the sea there were clouds in the sky which began to thunder very pleasingly
- Because of ignorance, we consider every life offered by nature to be happy and pleasing, but in the degraded life within this material world, from the life of Lord Brahma down to that of an ant, no one can actually be happy
- Because we are always accustomed to accept what is immediately very pleasing, but sometimes we'll find that we are not getting which is immediately very pleasing, but we should not be disappointed. We shall stick to Krsna
- Bhisma was piercing His body; the blood was coming out. Still how it is pleasing? So that has been explained by Visvanatha Cakravarti that when a lover is kissing and biting, that is also pleasure
- Birth after birth the conditioned soul is entrapped with so many pleasing and displeasing elements, which are all false and temporary. They accumulate due to our reactions to material desires
- Brahma said, "This temporary existence of the material world appears to be pleasing and dear on account of its having evolved from Your body, which is eternal and full of bliss and knowledge"
- Brahmanas are beautiful when they are forgiving, ksatriyas when they are heroic & never retreat from fighting, vaisyas when they enrich cultural activities & protect cows, & sudras when they are faithful in the discharge duties pleasing to their masters
- By crying out the word "Krsna," the boys at once transcended the fearful situation. Out of His great affection, Krsna did not want His friends to give up their pleasing lunch engagement and go searching for the calves
- By nature's way, when a man cries, there may be two causes. When one cries in great happiness upon the fulfillment of some desire, the tears coming forth from the eyes are very cold and pleasing, whereas tears in times of distress are very hot
- By performing an asvamedha sacrifice and thereby pleasing the SPG, who is the Supersoul, Lord Narayana, the supreme controller, one can be relieved even of the sinful reactions for killing the entire world, not to speak of killing a demon like Vrtrasura
- By pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one pleases everyone, just as by watering the root of a tree one satisfies every branch, twig and leaf of the tree
- By the moonshine, all the vegetables are nourished. The moonshine is so pleasing that people can easily understand that they are living by the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- By Your love-filled glance, with its cool and pleasing smile of sympathy, and by the sweet, nectarean words emanating from Your beautiful face, free us from the anxiety caused by this Vrtrasura, who always pains the cores of our hearts
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu had both a good mother and pleasing wife, and He was very happy at home. Nonetheless, for the benefit of the whole human race, He took sannyasa and left both His mother and wife
- Citraketu very sportingly felt that since the mother wanted to curse him, he could accept this curse just to please her. This is called sadhu-laksanam, the characteristic of a sadhu, or a devotee
- Devotional service of the Lord is ever green, and it is increasingly transcendentally pleasing. Thus there is a gulf of difference between the results derived from devotional service and those derived from religious rituals
- Devotional service to Krsna is exactly like a pleasing, jubilant forest of lotus flowers wherein there is ample honey. I request everyone to taste this honey
- Do not change our principles. Practicing is already done by kirtana. It is not required for us to become artists. Our main point is service to Krishna, not to please an audience
- Due to remaining in the water for a long time, they (the gopis) felt cold and were shivering, yet upon hearing the pleasing joking words of Govinda, their minds were perturbed with great joy
- Dvivida could climb up into the trees and jump from one branch to another. Sometimes he would jerk the branches, creating a particular type of sound - kilakila - so that Lord Balarama was greatly distracted from the pleasing atmosphere
- Each and every country may have different types of sacrifice to please the Supreme Lord, but the central point in pleasing Him is ascertained in the Bhagavatam, and it is truthfulness
- Economic development may be pleasing for some time, but it cannot endure. Thus many big businessmen are now very morose because they are being harassed by various plundering governments
- Every living entity has a tendency to hear pleasing messages, and as such almost every one of us is inclined to hear news and talks broadcast by the radio stations. But the difficulty is that no one is satisfied at heart by hearing all those messages
- Everyone desires to have more sons than daughters, and since the number of daughters was less than the number of sons, it appears that King Puranjana's family life was very comfortable and pleasing
- Everyone knows it, but nonetheless one plans to hear or think something very pleasing. Unfortunately, all of one's plans are annihilated in due course of time
- Everything in the subterranean heavens is very nicely arranged. There are well situated residential quarters, there is a pleasing atmosphere, and there are no bodily inconveniences or mental anxieties
- Everything is fierceful to the enemy, to the demons, but to the devotees they're all beautiful. They are pleasing. That is the difference between the Personality of Godhead and material personality
- Expecting the return of Durvasa Muni, the King had not taken his food. Therefore, when the sage returned, the King fell at his lotus feet, pleasing him in all respects, and fed him sumptuously
- For a devotee, everything in the world is very pleasing because he knows how to use everything in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- For a pure devotee of the Lord, any topics in relation with His name, fame, quality, entourage, etc., are all pleasing
- For material facilities, the conditioned soul tries to please goddess Durga, and mother Durga supplies all kinds of material facilities. Because of this, the conditioned souls are allured and do not wish to leave the external energy
- For the Lord's appearance, the great sages and the demigods, being pleased, began to shower flowers. At the seashore, there was the sound of mild waves, and above the sea there were clouds in the sky which began to thunder very pleasingly
- Freed from all sinful reactions are those who concentrate their minds with great attention upon My very pleasing abode; the white island, Svetadvipa, which is always brilliant with spiritual rays; My mark of Srivatsa; the Kaustubha gem
- From the description of the beauty of Narada Muni when he was one of the denizens of Gandharvaloka (in SB 7.15.70), it appears that everyone on that planet is extremely beautiful and pleasing and always decorated with flowers and sandalwood
- From the lips of devotee when it is heard, then it becomes hrt-karna-rasayana: it becomes very pleasing to the ear and to the heart
- He (Akrura) saw the four-handed Supreme Personality of Godhead, smiling very beautifully. He was very pleasing to all and was looking toward everyone with a merciful glance
- He (Krsna) suggested that they forgo the sacrifice. His reasons for discouraging the sacrifice performed to please Indra were twofold
- He (Prakasananda Sarasvati) not only appreciated the explanation of Vedanta-sutra by Caitanya, but stated that the direct explanation of the Upanisads and Vedanta-sutra is so pleasing that we forget ourselves & forget that we belong to the Mayavadi sect
- He also acknowledged the service of the devotees & vanquished their distress by His beautiful smile. The reflection of His face, decorated with earrings, was so pleasing because it dazzled with the rays from His lips & the beauty of His nose and eyebrows
- Hearing from Krsna or His expansion or plenary expansion like Kapila is very pleasing to the senses
- Her (Radharani's) talks, which are very pleasing to the ear, are verbal. The bodily qualities are age, beauty, luster and grace
- Hiranyakasipu thought that Prahlada, being nothing but a small boy with no actual experience, might reply with something pleasing but nothing practical. Prahlada Maharaja, however, being an exalted devotee, had acquired all the qualities of education
- Hiranyakasipu, having become a devotee of Lord Brahma, who is known as Hiranyagarbha, and having undergone a severe austerity to please him, is also known as Hiranyaka
- His (Balarama's) eyes rolled in a pleasing attitude. He was decorated with long garlands of forest flowers, and the whole situation appeared to be a great function of happiness because of this transcendental bliss
- His (Maharaja Prthu's) words, which were nicely composed in highly metaphorical ornamental language, were pleasing to hear and were not only mellow but also very clearly understandable and without doubt or ambiguity
- His (Prahlada Maharaja's) tall, elegant figure was dressed in yellow garments, he had long arms, and his beautiful eyes were like the petals of a lotus. He was very dear and pleasing to everyone
- His (Vasudeva) eyes filled with tears, and he began to cry. Nanda Maharaja, desiring to please his friend Vasudeva and being affectionately bound with love for Lord Krsna and Balarama, passed three months in their association
- How can a person who is most affectionate to his family, the core of his heart being always filled with their pictures, give up their association? Specifically, a wife is always very kind and sympathetic and always pleases her husband in a solitary place
- I also understand that you do not want to get married now, but if you marry at all, you should marry now. Because after the age of 30, marriage is not so pleasing
- I am living very comfortably with my society, family. "Society, friendship and love, divinely bestowed upon man," there is one poetry. That's all right. But it is so nice, so pleasing, but one day comes, "Please get out." Finished. You cannot protest
- I am so pleased with your honest endeavor to open a branch in Buffalo. Those who try to distribute Krishna Consciousness amongst the general mass of people are very much favorite to Lord Krishna and Lord Chaitanya
- If a person has neither a mother nor a pleasing wife at home, he should leave home and go to the forest, because for him there is no difference between the forest and home
- If any part of my body is engaged in giving service to the physician, that is not very palatable. But in healthy condition, when the parts and parcels of the body give service to the healthy body, that is very nice. That is pleasing
- If one tries to understand the discourses given by the sat, or pure devotees, those instructions will be very pleasing to the ear and appealing to the heart
- If the brahmana Vamanadeva is not satisfied by whatever gifts one has given, why not please Him with the riches one is destined to lose at death?
- If the children obey the father's will, family affairs will run smoothly, with one interest and a pleasing atmosphere. The same situation is transcendentally arranged in the absolute family of the Para-brahman, the Supreme Spirit
- If there is only rose only, although rose is very nice flower, it is not so pleasing. With rose, some green foliage, some grass, inferior quality, it looks very beautiful
- If we want permanent life, knowledge, and bliss, we must seek them somewhere else, not in the changeable, temporary rainy season, which is flooded with so many varieties of pleasing sights that vanish when the season ends
- If you take a nice fruit, mango, the taste is pleasing. That is called rasa, that taste. Anyway, anything enjoy, there is a rasa. Rasa. You love somebody, you kiss somebody, embrace somebody, there is a rasa
- If you want to be promoted to a heavenly planets, then you just perform the duties to please the particular demigod
- In addition to human society, he (a person who is engaged in devotional service in full Krsna consciousness) is pleasing even the trees and animals, because they also become attracted by such a movement
- In addition to the various flowers and living entities about the lake, there were also many musical vibrations. The void of the impersonalists, which has no variegatedness, is not at all pleasing compared with such a scene
- In all other business, there is no question of pleasing Krsna. When one nation declares war upon another, there is no question of pleasing Krsna or serving Krsna. They're pleasing their own senses, serving their own whims
- In front of the balcony windows were pigeons and peacocks walking and cooing. All the grain dealers’ shops within the city were decorated with different kinds of flowers and garlands, newly grown grass and pleasing flowers like narcissus and roses
- In good association we hear about the Supreme Lord, Supreme Person, and it becomes very pleasing to the heart, to the ear. Taj-josanad: and if we again remember them, then the benefit is there
- In household affairs the first attraction is the beautiful and pleasing wife, who increases household attraction more and more. One enjoys his wife with two prominent sense organs, namely the tongue and the genitals
- In India, after the scorching heat of the summer, the rainy season is very welcome. The clouds accumulating in the sky, covering the sun and the moon, become very pleasing to the people, and they expect rainfall at every moment
- In Ketumala-varsa, Lord Kamadeva (Pradyumna) moves very graciously. His mild smile is very beautiful, and when He increases the beauty of His face by slightly raising His eyebrows and glancing playfully, He pleases the goddess of fortune
- In modern civilization people are very much interested in exploiting the resources of material nature through the methods of science. Indeed, this is considered advancement. This is not actually advancement, however, but is simply pleasing to hear
- In order to please his wife, children and society and to keep up his prestige, one has to work. Therefore, the whole material world is more or less in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- In order to please the demigods, He (the Supreme Lord) wanted to go Himself to Dhruva Maharaja to stop him from this severe austerity
- In order to please them both, I (Aghasura) shall kill this Krsna, along with His assistants, the other cowherd boys - SB 10.12.14
- In such a case (when one has a good wife and mother), everything about household affairs and all the paraphernalia in the house becomes very pleasing
- In summer season warm is not very pleasing, but in the winter season the same warmth is pleasing. So warmth is pleasing or painful according to the seasonal changes
- In summer season warm is not very pleasing, but in the winter season the same warmth is pleasing. So warmth is pleasing or painful according to the seasonal changes. Therefore Krsna advised Arjuna that, - Don't be subjected to the seasonal changes
- In summer we suffer, and in winter we suffer. In the summer, fire brings suffering, and in the winter the same fire is pleasing. Similarly, in the winter, water is suffering, but in the summer it is pleasing
- In the association of pure devotees, discussion of the pastimes and activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is very pleasing and satisfying to the ear and to the heart
- In the beginning this (sexual intercourse of men & women) may be very pleasing to the senses, but at the end, or after some time, it becomes just like poison. They are separated or there is divorce, there is lamentation, there is sorrow, etc. BG 1972 p
- In the fourth line the letter 'bha' occurs four times. This arrangement of alliteration is a pleasing ornamental use of sounds
- In the months of April and May the rays of Maharaja Priyavrata's brilliant sun were as pleasing as the rays of the moon, and in October and November, both morning and evening, that sun provided more warmth than the sunshine
- In the Third Canto, 2nd Chapter, 13th verse, of Srimad-Bhagavatam there is a statement about this. "The SP of Godhead, in His pleasing dress, appeared at the scene of the sacrificial arena when King Yudhisthira was performing the raja-suya sacrifice"
- In the third season of the year, the Lord enjoyed as the central beauty of the assembly of women by attracting them with His pleasing songs in an autumn night brightened by moonshine
- In the trees and green plants, full of flowers and leaves, pleasing to the eyes, birds like cuckoos and swarms of bees began chanting with sweet voices for the sake of the demigods (at the auspicious time for the appearance of the Lord) - SB 10.3.1-5
- In the winter the water is painful, and in the summer the water is pleasing. So what is the position of the water? It is pleasing or painful? It is neither, but in certain season, by touching the skin it appears to be painful or pleasant
- In this material world, sex enjoyment is very pleasing, but if you enjoy it more, then you become impotent, reaction will be there. If you can eat four ounce, and if you eat five ounce, immediately there is indigestion; two days you will have to starve
- In this verse the words priya-yositam and apriyah are very significant. The word yosit means "woman," and priya means "dear" or "pleasing
- In this way (hearing Visnu as He is and meditating upon Him) one becomes jubilant (nandanti). The word nandana means "pleasing," and one comes in touch with the reservoir of pleasure in this way
- Indra rode on the back of his carrier, Airavata, surrounded by all the demigods, while all the great sages offered him praise. Thus he shone very beautifully, pleasing the three worlds as he rode off to kill Vrtrasura
- It is pleasing to see that the veteran leader Mahatma Gandhi is trying his best to invent a method for bringing in a godly atmosphere all over the world. He is preaching restraint, toleration, moral principles, and so on
- It is the duty of the householder to make his family members happy, and by following this tarpana (pleasing) system he can make his forefathers happy also
- It was very pleasing to see him put on a black deerskin & wear a ring of kusa grass on his finger, for this increased the natural beauty of his body. It appears that Maharaja Prthu observed all the regulative principles before he performed the sacrifice
- It will be very pleasing to learn that in the morning you are now studying from one and one half to two hours and in the evening you have class from forty five minutes to an hour, and you are stressing the importance of lecturing and preaching
- Kapiladeva replies, "The spiritually powerful message of Godhead can be properly discussed only in a society of devotees, and it is greatly pleasing to hear in that association"
- King Indra's city was full of pleasing orchards and gardens, such as the Nandana garden. Because of the weight of the flowers, leaves and fruit, the branches of the eternally existing trees were bending down
- King Yayati, who was very lusty, followed his wife, caught her and tried to appease her by speaking pleasing words and massaging her feet, but he could not satisfy her by any means
- Krsna has a longer vamsi, which is called mahananda, or sanmohini. When it is still longer it is called akarsini. When it is even longer it is called anandini. The anandini flute is very pleasing to the cowherd boys and is technically named vamsuli
- Laksmana said, "I was nicely dressed with new silken garments, flowers decorated my hair, and because of Lord Krsna's victory I was in ecstatic joy and smiling very pleasingly"
- Let me please Your Lordship by chanting the bija-mantra omkara. I wish to offer my respectful obeisances unto the Personality of Godhead, who is the best among the most highly elevated personalities
- Let me see those who have come here to fight, wishing to please the evil-minded son of Dhrtarastra. BG 1.23 - 1972
- Like the sun, the moon must also be full of flames because without flames there cannot be illumination. The flames on the moon, however, unlike those on the sun, must be mild and pleasing
- Lord Balarama, the most prominent member of the Yadu dynasty, acted as guardian of the bridegroom, Samba, and very pleasingly accepted the dowry
- Lord Bharata was accompanied by ministers, priests and other respectable citizens, by professional musicians vibrating pleasing musical sounds, and by learned brahmanas loudly chanting Vedic hymns
- Lord Brahma & Lord Siva, accompanied by great sages like Narada and followed by many other demigods, invisibly appeared in the house of Kamsa. They began to pray to the SPG in select verses, which are very pleasing to the devotees
- Lord Krsna and Lord Balarama, along with King Ugrasena, satisfied the inhabitants of Vrndavana, headed by Maharaja Nanda and the cowherd men, by profusely offering all kinds of gifts to worship them and please them
- Lord Krsna tells Uddhava, "My dear friend, if someone offers Me the best thing in his possession, or anything which is very pleasing to him, he will be eternally benefitted"
- Lord Krsna was not very pleasing to the demons when He was present in Vrndavana, but the six Gosvamis were pleasing to the demons when they were present in Vrndavana
- Lord Siva prays to the controller of the mind, Lord Aniruddha, to be pleased to help him engage his mind on the lotus feet of the Lord. It is stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.34): man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru
- Lord Siva's name is Asutosa. He's very quickly becomes pleased to offer benediction, therefore generally people go to Asutosa, Lord Siva. He does not consider. If you can please him, you can take any kind of benediction from him. He'll be ready
- Lord Visnu's appearance at the sacrificial arena of Maharaja Nabhi was just to please the King and his assistants. Otherwise there was no reason for His being present there
- Maharaja Bharata had three pleasing wives, who were daughters of the King of Vidarbha
- Maharaja Dasaratha had three wives. One of them, Kaikeyi, served him very pleasingly, and he therefore wanted to give her a benediction. Kaikeyi, however, said that she would ask for the benediction when it was necessary
- Maharaja Prthu's speech was very beautiful, full of metaphorical language, clearly understandable and very pleasing to hear. His words were all grave and certain
- Maharaja Prthu's speech was very beautiful, full of metaphorical language, clearly understandable and very pleasing to hear. His words were all grave and certain. It appears that when he spoke, he expressed his personal realization of the Absolute Truth
- Maharaja Prthu's words, which were nicely composed in highly metaphorical ornamental language, were pleasing to hear and were not only mellow but also very clearly understandable and without doubt or ambiguity
- Maitreya continued: O Vidura, seeking to please his beloved wife, the sage Kardama exercised his yogic power and instantly produced an aerial mansion that could travel at his will
- Maitreya Muni was greatly attached to Him (the Lord), and he was listening in a pleasing attitude, with his shoulder lowered. With a smile and a particular glance upon me, having allowed me to rest, the Lord spoke as follows
- Maitreya said: When Kardama left for the forest, Lord Kapila stayed on the strand of the Bindu-sarovara to please His mother, Devahuti
- Material advancement may be very pleasing to an ordinary man, but ultimately he is defeated because he identifies himself with the material body and considers everything related to it to be his property. This is ignorance. Actually nothing belongs to him
- Material opulence may be somewhat pleasing for the time being, but to come to that temporary pleasing condition one must work extremely hard. When a poor man is rich he may be better situated, but to come to that position he had to accept many miseries
- Merely talking about Krsna is so pleasing, we can simply imagine how pleasing it is to render service to Krsna
- My (Krsna's) dear friends, just see how this riverbank is extremely beautiful because of its pleasing atmosphere. And just see how the blooming lotuses are attracting bees and birds by their aroma - SB 10.13.5
- My dear Barhisman, you should never out of ignorance take to the Vedic rituals or to fruitive activity, which may be pleasing to hear about or which may appear to be the goal of self-interest. You should never take these to be the ultimate goal of life
- My dear King, on the heart of Lord Murari he saw religion; on the chest, both pleasing words and truthfulness; in the mind, the moon; on the bosom, the goddess of fortune, with a lotus flower in her hand; on the neck, all the Vedas & all sound vibrations
- My dear Lord, You can act as You please. No one can say anything to restrict You. Nevertheless, the entire world is impudent. People can say anything. How can You stop them?
- My dear Mother, even if he worships with proper rituals and paraphernalia, a person who is ignorant of My presence in all living entities never pleases Me by the worship of My Deities in the temple
- My dear sons of the King, the prayers I have recited to you are meant for pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul
- Narada Muni said: I had a beautiful face and a pleasing, attractive bodily structure. Decorated with flower garlands and sandalwood pulp, I was most pleasing to the women of my city. Thus I was bewildered, always feeling lusty desires
- No one welcomed her but her mother and sisters, who, with tears in their eyes and with glad faces, welcomed her and talked with her very pleasingly
- Not knowing the prowess of Siva & Parvati, Citraketu strongly criticized them. His statements were not pleasing & therefore Parvati, being very angry, spoke as follows to Citraketu, who thought himself better than Lord Siva in controlling the senses
- Now that Sri Krsna, the Absolute Truth, the master of all mystic powers, has departed for His own abode, please tell us by whom religious principles are presently protected
- Now this place (New Mayapura) is very nice. The outside, so pleasing, the outdoors. This facility is nowhere in America, outdoors
- O beautiful girl with beautiful eyebrows, certainly Providence, by His causeless mercy, has sent You to please the senses and minds of all of us. Is this not a fact?
- O great one, O Supreme Lord, because of combination with pleasing and displeasing circumstances and because of separation from them, one is placed in a most regrettable position, within heavenly or hellish planets, as if burning in a fire of lamentation
- O King Pariksit, Maharaja Bharata had three pleasing wives, who were daughters of the King of Vidarbha
- O King, when Lord Indra reached the heavenly planets, the saintly brahmanas approached him and properly initiated him into a horse sacrifice (asvamedha-yajna) meant to please the Supreme Lord
- O my Lord, I do not aspire for material opulence or wealth, nor do I want a great number of followers to accept me as their leader, nor do I want a very beautiful wife to please me
- O Suta Gosvami, your words are pleasing to our minds. Please therefore explain this to us as it was spoken by the great devotee Sukadeva Gosvami, who is very expert in transcendental knowledge, and who spoke to Maharaja Pariksit upon being asked
- Once, along with her husband, she (Satyabhama) met Draupadi, and she was anxious to be instructed by Draupadi in the ways and means of pleasing her husband
- One can see the reflection of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and one can see his own existence as well. This state of consciousness is very pleasing, transparent and sober. In the beginning, consciousness is pure
- One can spiritually advance if one actually follows the instructions of Narada Muni. If one pleases Narada Muni, then the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hrsikesa, is also pleased
- One devotee exclaimed, "By such beautiful bodily features, the enemy of the demon Madhu has appeared so pleasing that He (Krsna) can bestow upon me transcendental bliss simply by my seeing His transcendental qualities"
- One life, just take little trouble. It is no trouble; it is very happy life. But because we are accustomed to these material habits, we think it is trouble. No. It is not trouble. It is very pleasing. Su-sukham kartum avyayam
- One may make his living conditions very pleasing for the senses, but despite all favorable conditions, one must in due course of time meet death
- One should please them by offering them clothing, ornaments and cows. This is the ceremony called visnu-aradhana, or worship of Lord Visnu
- One will never be successful in pleasing his so-called family, society and nation, even if one endeavors to sacrifice his life
- One's forefathers may have to take a body on another planet, but by performance of this tarpana (pleasing) system they become very happy wherever they may be
- Other sinful persons, such as dog-eaters & candalas, who are less than sudras, can also be freed in this way. But you are a devotee & we shall help you by performing the great horse sacrifice. If you please Narayana in that way, why should you be afraid?
- Our business should be, for God realization, to please Him. And that pleasing process is this devotional service
- Our eternal relationship with God is sabhajana: God is great, and we are subordinate. He is the predominator, and we are the predominated. The duty of the subordinate is to please the predominator
- Pairs of cakravakas and many other water birds nest in the lakes and always enjoy in a happy mood, making sweet, pleasing vibrations that are very satisfying and conducive to enjoyment of the senses
- Persons in Krsna consciousness, or devotees of the Lord, can please everyone, as is evident in the Krsna consciousness movement
- Persons who are peaceful, equipoised, cleansed and purified, and who know the art of pleasing all other living entities, keep friendship only with devotees of the Lord; they alone can very easily achieve the perfection of going back home, back to Godhead
- Please follow the routine work as you are doing now and everything will be pleasing and smooth. That is sure and certain. Whenever there is doubt or question, just discuss this amongst yourselves, and if there is no satisfactory solution, you refer to me
- Please tell me whether the best friend of the Kurus, our brother-in-law Vasudeva, is doing well. He is very munificent. He is like a father to his sisters, and he is always pleasing to his wives
- Pleasing one's society, family, community and nation is extremely difficult. Pleasing Narayana is not at all difficult; it is very easy
- Pleasing the acarya means pleasing Krsna
- Prahlada Maharaja said: A wife is always very kind and sympathetic and always pleases her husband in a solitary place. Who could give up the association of such a dear and affectionate wife?
- Preyah means immediately pleasing. And sreyah means ultimately benefit, benediction
- Prthu Maharaja exacted taxes and gave such strong orders to the citizens and government that no one had the power to disobey him. On the other hand, he pleased everyone just like the moonshine
- Prthu Maharaja was a powerful incarnation of Lord Krsna's potencies; consequently any narration concerning his activities is surely very pleasing to hear, and it produces all good fortune
- Purvacitti could attract the minds and vision of both humans and demigods by her playful movements, her shyness and humility, her glances, the very pleasing sounds that poured from her mouth as she spoke, and the motion of her limbs
- Rasa means pleasure, taste, pleasing taste, rasa, or humor. Everyone has got different taste. So all the taste are there in Krsna. Raso vai sah, labdhvanandi. Anyone who has tasted Krsna he gets real taste of pleasure, either in this rasa or that rasa
- Relationship between Godbrothers must be very genuine and pleasing, otherwise the future of our institution will not be very hopeful. After all, very soon you have to manage
- Satyabhama instigated her husband to get the parijata flower from the heavenly planets, and the Lord got it even by force from the demigods, as a common husband secures things to please his wife
- Seasonal changes may come and go in life - sometimes they may please us, and sometimes they may pinch us - but our duty in human life is to understand God. We shouldn't care for all these catastrophes that come and go
- She (Prtha) also served the great mystic sage Durvasa, and being satisfied by her faithful service, Durvasa Muni gave her a mantra by which it was possible for her to call for any demigod she pleased
- She should speak pleasingly and truthfully and should be very careful and always clean and pure. Thus a chaste woman should engage with affection in the service of a husband who is not fallen
- Since Maharaja Prthu was a perfect devotee of the SPG, he wanted to protect the Lord's creation by pleasing the various citizens according to their various desires. Therefore Prthu Maharaja used to please them in all respects by his words
- So long the life is there. Then it is beautiful. Otherwise no more beautiful. If you garland . . . suppose I become dead and you garland. It may be pleasing to somebody, but what is the value? There is no value
- Sri Govinda, who pleasingly accepts the loving transcendental service of His devotees, gives all protection to the words and actions of His devotees
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: O King, while Maitreya, the great sage, was thus speaking, Vidura, the learned son of Dvaipayana Vyasa, expressed a request in a pleasing manner by asking this question
- Srila Rupa Gosvami begins his great book by offering his respectful obeisances unto Sri Sanatana Gosvami, who is his elder brother and spiritual master, and he prays that Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu may be very pleasing to him
- Struck with wonder and disappointment upon seeing the strength of the demon, the demigods lost their own strength. Therefore they all met together to try to please the Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, by worshiping Him
- Such claims (if one chant Hare Krsna or the name of demigods, the result will be the same) made by mental speculators are no doubt very pleasing to mental speculators, but those who are actually in knowledge do not admit such conclusions
- Such happiness (which is in the beginning may be very pleasing to the senses, but at the end, or after some time, which becomes just like poison) is always in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- Such topics (God's name, fame, quality, entourage) have been approved by great devotees like Narada, Hanuman, Nanda Maharaja and other inhabitants of Vrndavana, certainly such messages are transcendental and pleasing to the heart and soul
- Such views (of a class of common men) may be very pleasing to an ordinary person, but they are full of misconceptions. One who worships the demigods, motivated by material lust, cannot attain the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: When the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vamanadeva, heard Bali Maharaja speaking in this pleasing way, He was very satisfied, for Bali Maharaja had spoken in terms of religious principles. Thus the Lord began to praise him
- Sukadeva Gosvami told Pariksit that every living entity is actually most attached to his own self. Outward paraphernalia such as home, family, friends, country, society, wealth, opulence and reputation & all only secondary in pleasing the living entity
- Sukadeva Goswami was blackish and very beautiful due to his youth. Because of the glamor of his body and his attractive smiles, he was pleasing to women. Though he tried to cover his natural glories, the great sages honored him by rising from their seats
- Sunrise, fire and moonlight are so pleasing to the living entities. Without their help no living entity can live. BG 1972 purports
- Sunshine is making the whole thing very hot, and the moonshine making them pleasing. So God's arrangement is so nice that everything is going on nicely. There is brain behind it. Why there is sunshine, why there is moonshine, everything described
- Taking advantage of the pleasing atmosphere, Krsna and Balarama began to sing very melodiously. The damsels became so absorbed in Their rhythmical song that they almost forgot themselves
- That deer is exactly like a prince. When will it return? When will it again display its personal activities, which are so pleasing? When will it again pacify a wounded heart like mine?
- The air was filled with the pleasing notes of karandava ducks, plavas, swans, ospreys, waterfowl, cranes, cakravakas and cakoras
- The aroma of catuhsama is very pleasing. It is also mentioned in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa
- The atmosphere within the abdomen was not at all pleasing, but as far as the child's feeding was concerned, it was being properly done by the laws of nature
- The attachment to the body is there only because the "I," the spirit soul, is within the body. Similarly, when one is further advanced, he knows that the spirit soul is pleasing because it is part and parcel of Krsna
- The basic principle of one's education should be Krsna consciousness, nothing else. Then life will be pleasing and successful, both in this world and in the next
- The castle (created by Kardama Muni) was fully equipped with all necessary paraphernalia, and it was pleasing in all seasons. It was decorated all around with flags, festoons and artistic work of variegated colors
- The chanting of the holy name of the Lord - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare - is pleasing to the ear, and it expands good fortune to the audience who hears it chanted
- The character of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is full of nectar. Hearing about it is pleasing to the ear and mind
- The child's broken language and movements were very pleasing to Ajamila, who was very attracted to the child. He always took care of the child and enjoyed his activities
- The city (of Indra) always resounded with the vibrations of peacocks, pigeons and bees, and above the city flew airplanes full of beautiful women who constantly chanted auspicious songs that were very pleasing to the ear
- The city called Gramaka, which is approached through the lower gate of Asuri (the genital), is meant for sex, which is very pleasing to common men who are simply fools and rascals
- The conversation was taking place in the temple before the Deity of Gopala Krsna, and the young man was anxious not to offend the Deity. However, despite the youth's pleas, the old man insisted on the marriage
- The demigods have the great mystic power of being able to appear and disappear according to their will, and since Indra was very pleased with Vijitasva, he bestowed this mystic power upon him. Thus Vijitasva became known as Antardhana
- The devotee Bhagavata is a direct representative of Bhagavan, the Personality of Godhead. So by pleasing the devotee Bhagavata one can receive the benefit of the book Bhagavata
- The entire world is described in Bhagavad-gita as duhkhalayam asasvatam - miserable and temporary. Economic development may be pleasing for some time, but it cannot endure
- The evening in the rainy season is dark all around. There is no sight of the twinkling stars on the horizon or the pleasing moon. They are covered by clouds. & the insignificant glowworms become prominent in the absence of the luminaries in the open sky
- The form of the Lord is described herein (SB 4.8.45). The Lord's face is perpetually very beautiful and pleasing in attitude. To the devotees who see Him, He appears never to be displeased, and He is always prepared to award benedictions to them
- The generation are becoming degraded, because they are not aiming at the sreyas. They are simply aiming at the preyas - immediate pleasing thing. They do not know that immature sex life spoils the brain, spoils strength. Everything is spoiled
- The gopis said, "Our husbands, friends, family members and children are all dear and pleasing to us only because of Your presence, for You are the Supersoul of all living creatures. Without Your presence, one is worthless"
- The great devotee Uddhava soon came back from the abode of the Lord to the human plane, and wiping his eyes, he awakened his reminiscence of the past and spoke to Vidura in a pleasing mood
- The great sages and the demigods, being pleased, began to shower flowers. At the seashore there was the sound of mild waves, and above the sea there were clouds in the sky which began to thunder very pleasingly
- The happiness one enjoys in this way (by sense enjoyment) is like the pleasure of embracing a young woman in a dream; for some time it may be pleasing, but actually the basic principle is false
- The husband is considered very magnanimous because he gives as many children to the wife as she likes. Every woman is fond of children; therefore any husband who can please his wife by sex and give her children is considered very magnanimous
- The inhabitants of those (Heavenly) planets enjoy life in a pleasing atmosphere of clear lakes filled with newly grown lotus flowers and gardens filled with fruits, flowers, various kinds of birds and humming bees
- The instructions of BG and the descriptions of SB are so pleasing that almost anyone suffering from the threefold miseries of material existence will desire to hear the glories of the Lord from these books and thus benefit on the path of liberation
- The King's behavior was very pleasing to the reciters, and consequently the reciters continued their praise and even foretold the King's future activities, as they had been instructed by the sadhus and sages
- The King, with aggrieved mind, began to speak to his wife with very pleasing words. Although he was filled with regret and tried to pacify her, he could not see any symptom of anger caused by love within the heart of his beloved wife
- The Krsna consciousness movement is seriously engaged in enlightening people through the pleasing topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam. All over the world, the message of SB and BG is being accepted in all spheres of life, especially in advanced, educated circles
- The kusa grass illuminates all directions, but its flames are very mild and pleasing. This gives some idea of the flames existing on the moon
- The Lord is decorated with small golden bells around His waist, and His lotus feet are decorated with golden ankle bells. All His bodily features are very attractive and pleasing to the eyes. He is always peaceful, calm and quiet
- The Lord is not like a shopkeeper trying to please all sorts of customers in the mental speculator exchange. The Lord is what He is, the Absolute Personality of Godhead, and He demands absolute surrender unto Him only
- The Lord's beauty is compared to rainfall because when the rain falls in the rainy season, it becomes more and more pleasing to the people. After the scorching heat of the summer season, the people enjoy the rainy season very much
- The mantras chanted in this connection (of performing sacrifice to please the Pitrloka) are also Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The material enjoyments of youth are especially pleasing to a person who has no spiritual training
- The material enjoyments of youth are especially pleasing to a person who has no spiritual training. If one is trained only according to the bodily conception of life, he simply leads a disappointed life because bodily sense enjoyment finishes
- The mild wind blowing through the gardens of fruits and flowers in Vrndavana appeared very much pleasing to all - all but the gopis, who were always overtaken by heartfelt sorrow in the absence of Krsna
- The moon pleases the demigods, pitas, human beings, animals, birds, reptiles, trees, plants and all other living entities. Everyone is satisfied by the presence of the moon. Therefore the moon is also called Sarvamaya (all-pervading)
- The oblations offered to the Pitrloka or the sacrifice performed to please the Pitrloka, considered as a kind of drug in the form of clarified butter, is also Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The other gopi continued, "We (gopis) exchanged pleasing conversation then. Does He (Krsna) remember that particular night? We remember that night, and we feel separation. Separation from Krsna makes us agitated, as if there were fire in our bodies"
- The pleasing words of the Vedas that inspire one to elevate oneself to the heavenly planets or merge into the existence of the Supreme are for the less intelligent who are described in BG 7.15: those whose knowledge is taken away by the illusory energy
- The process (of KC) is not troublesome but pleasing. Now they (American and European, the young students who are voluntarily practicing this KC) are realizing that purified existence constitutes the difference between animal life and human life
- The protection of the earthly planet is dependent on proper rainfall, and as stated in Bhagavad-gita and other scriptures, sacrifices are performed to please those demigods who are in charge of rainfall
- The queens said, "At the present moment, you (dry rivers) appear very lean and thin, so we can understand that your position is exactly like ours. We have lost everything due to being separated from Syamasundara, we no longer hear His pleasing words"
- The real enjoyment in this material world is sex. Now if we want to enjoy sex, covered with coats and pants, is that enjoyment is pleasing?
- The regulative principle by which the demigods and forefathers are worshiped is called tarpana, which means "pleasing"
- The same gopi said, "And because Govardhana Hill is so obliged to Lord Krsna and Balarama, it is supplying different kinds of fruits, roots and herbs, as well as very pleasing crystal water from its lakes, in presentation to the Lord"
- The same pleasure potency is there in the living being in little quantity, and as soon as they utilize it, it becomes painful. And the same pleasure potency in the spiritual world, Krsna's dancing with gopis, that is not painful. That is pleasing
- The sentiments you express are very praiseworthy in devotional service. Especially it is pleasing to me that you are so happy in your service to the deities
- The servant pleasingly renders service unto the Lord, and the Lord also very pleasingly reciprocates, rendering even more service unto the servant
- The sons of the King became very much amazed when they heard vibrations from various drums and kettledrums along with other orderly musical sounds pleasing to the ear
- The sounds of the waterfalls on the mountain create a pleasing vibration. In this way the mountain stands, increasing the beauty of all directions
- The speaking is very pleasing when there are many persons here. I cannot speak alone here. That is not ananda. I can speak here at night, dead of night, nobody here. That is not ananda. Ananda means there must be others
- The SPG is the dearmost objective of all auspicious benedictions. A human being who sings this song sung by me can please the SPG. Such a devotee, being fixed in the Lord's devotional service, can acquire whatever he wants from the Supreme Lord
- The sun distributes heat and light and at the same time exacts water from all planets. The moon is very pleasing at night, and when one becomes fatigued after a day's labor in the sun, he can enjoy the moonshine
- The Vaikuntha planet is so pleasing and so celestial that it is compared to the middle jewel or locket in a necklace of jewels
- The Vedic performances are, of course, very glittering and pleasing to hear about, but they do not serve the real purpose of life
- The water and the fire are the same, but sometimes they are pleasing, sometimes they are not. This is due to the touch of the skin
- The water is the same, but due to seasonal changes, sometimes the water is very pleasing and sometimes it is very painful. So long we shall remain in the material world, the pains and pleasure on account of this material body we have to feel
- The wind is sparsa, or touch. The waterfall is rasa, or taste. The spring air (kusumakara) is smell. All these varieties of enjoyment make life very pleasing, and thus we become captivated by material existence
- The wives of the priests (in Daksa's sacrificial arena) requested that the animals be brought back to life by the glance of Lord Visnu to make a pleasing yajna
- The woman continued: According to authorities, the householder life is pleasing not only to oneself but to all the forefathers, demigods, great sages, saintly persons and everyone else. A householder life is thus beneficial
- The word amrta is also an important reference to the moon, and the word ambuja means "lotus." The pleasing moonshine and pleasing fragrance of the lotus combined to bring pleasure to everyone hearing krsna-katha from the mouth of Sukadeva Gosvami
- The word sundara, or snigdha, means "very pleasing." Kandarpa-koti-kamaniya. Krsna's beauty is so pleasing that not even millions upon millions of Cupids can compare to it
- The youthful duration of their lives is very pleasing, and both men and women enjoy sexual union with great pleasure for a long time. After years of sensual pleasure - when a balance of one year of life remains - the wife conceives a child
- Their cheeks are decorated with glittering earrings, and the beauty of their faces is extremely pleasing to see
- Then (after Krsna removed the yogamaya curtain), looking in all directions, Brahma immediately saw Vrndavana before him, filled with trees, which were the means of livelihood for the inhabitants & which were equally pleasing in all seasons - SB 10.13.59
- There are one's own father and mother to be taken care of, and one also becomes concerned with the social atmosphere and with pleasing his brothers and sisters
- There are two kinds of benefit: one is called preyas and one is called sreyas. Preyas means immediately very pleasing. The sense satisfaction, very pleasing immediately. But sreyas means ultimate goal
- There is no stronger obstruction to one's self-interest than thinking other subject matters to be more pleasing than one's self-realization
- There was a Muslim tailor near the house of Srivasa Thakura who used to sew the garments of the family. One day he was very pleased with the dancing of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; indeed, he was enchanted
- Thereafter, Indra released himself from the cage of the network of arrows. Appearing with his chariot, flag, horses and chariot driver and thus pleasing the sky, the earth and all directions, he shone effulgently like the sun at the end of night
- These (Balarama's ability to please all the inhabitants of Gokula and His extensive physical strength) are some of the reasons why Balarama is known as Sankarsana, Balarama or sometimes Rama
- They (animals in Daksa's sacrificial arena) should not have been killed, as they were by Lord Siva to replace the head of Daksa with an animal's head . It was pleasing to see an animal sacrificed and rejuvenated, & that pleasing atmosphere had been lost
- They (dogs) bark at innocent people just to please the master. Similarly, when one is a servant, he has to perform abominable activities according to the orders of the master
- They (the inhabitants of Gokula) entered Vrndavana, where it is always pleasing to live in all seasons. They made a temporary place to inhabit by placing their bullock carts around them in the shape of a half moon - SB 10.11.35
- They will have to come to this point gradually. They're disappointed. Life is not very pleasing
- Thinking in this way (with a desire for a son to kill Indra), Diti began constantly acting to satisfy Kasyapa by her pleasing behavior. O King, Diti always carried out Kasyapa's orders very faithfully, as he desired
- This book production is real progress. It is very good news to hear that you are producing so many books in the European languages. This is most pleasing to me
- This causal form of the Lord is not at all pleasing to the asuras, and therefore they think of the Lord as formless in order to feel secure that they will not be vanquished by the Lord
- This custom is still prevalent in India in some of the royal families and temples. Professional musicians sing with sahnais, and the sleeping members of the house gradually get up from their beds in a pleasing atmosphere
- This flowing honey falls incessantly from the top of Suparsva Mountain and flows all around Ilavrta-varsa, beginning from the western side. Thus the whole land is saturated with the pleasing fragrance
- This is the best process for pleasing the transcendental Supreme Personality of Godhead, known as Adhoksaja. It is the best of all regulative principles, the best austerity, the best process of giving charity, and the best process of sacrifice
- This is the form of the Lord which is meditated upon by the followers of the yoga process, and it is pleasing to the yogis in meditation. It is not imaginary but factual, as proved by great yogis
- This King will please everyone by his practical activities, and all of his citizens will remain very satisfied. Because of this the citizens will take great satisfaction in accepting him as their ruling king
- This kusa grass, which was created by the demigods by the will of the Supreme Lord, appears like a second form of fire, but with very mild and pleasing flames. Its young shoots illuminate all directions
- Those who are bereft of all good sense, or those whose intelligence is withdrawn by the deluding energy of maya, aspire to achieve all sorts of material enjoyment in life 1) by pleasing the various demigods
- Those who are intelligent should know that in the Kali-yuga there is no possibility of performing Vedic sacrifices. But unless one pleases the demigods, there will be no regulated seasonal activities or rainfall. Everything is controlled by the demigods
- Those who are not freed from all misconceptions perform sacrifices to please the minor demigods, but the devotees of the Lord know very well that Lord Sri Krsna is the supreme enjoyer of all performances of sacrifice they perform the sankirtana-yajna
- To Arjuna, who was so intimately related with Krsna in friendship, this form of the universal manifestation was not pleasing; rather, it was fearful. BG 1972 purports
- To be married to a man who had many wives was not a very pleasing situation because the husband’s love would be divided among his many wives
- To execute his duties properly Maharaja Priyavrata took advantage of his good wife Barhismati, who was always very expert in pleasing her great husband by properly dressing herself, smiling, and exhibiting her feminine bodily features
- To execute this Krsna consciousness is very pleasing. And pratyaksavagamam, and you'll understand directly how we are advancing. So where is the difficulty? The difficulty is dog obstinacy. They'll not do it. "Why shall I do it?'' This is the difficulty
- To have great amount of money, that is also opulence. Dhanam janam. And another a opulence, to have a very nice wife, beautiful, obedient, very pleasing. So these are material necessities
- To increase the life of knowledge means ananda. Ananda means pleasure. We want pleasure. So you will get more and more pleasing life. In the material way of life we are experienced only unpleasure, difficulties, the just opposite
- To observe Ekadasi-vrata and Dvadasi-vrata means to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Those interested in advancing in Krsna consciousness must observe Ekadasi-vrata regularly
- To please himself, King Satyavrata, not knowing that the fish was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, decided with great pleasure to give the fish protection
- Trees and vegetables are essential, and they give happiness all year round, in all seasons. That is the arrangement in Vrndavana. It is not that in one season the trees are pleasing and in another season not pleasing
- Unless one is religiously guided by intelligence and renders devotional service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, his home can never become very pleasing to a saintly person
- Usa replied, "Aniruddha's arms are very long, & his general bodily features are so pleasing that any young girl would be attracted. I feel much pride in saying that this beautiful young man was kissing me, & I was enjoying the nectar of his kissing"
- Vasudeva's mind was full of anxiety because his wife was facing danger, but in order to please the cruel, shameless and sinful Kamsa, he externally smiled and spoke to him as follows - SB 10.1.53
- Vidagdha-atmiya-vakya refers to words written by a devotee who fully understands pure devotional service. Such devotees, who follow the parampara system, are sometimes described as sajatiyasaya-snigdha, or "pleasing to the same class of people"
- Vidagdha-madhava of Srila Rupa Gosvami: "My dear Krsna, the touch of Your mother is so pleasing and cooling that it surpasses the cooling capacity of the pulp of sandalwood and of bright moonshine mixed with the pulp of usira root"
- Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks that in the months of April & May the rays of Priyavrata's brilliant sun were as pleasing as the rays of the moon, and in October & November, both morning and evening, that sun provided more warmth than the sunshine
- Water is the same, my skin is the same, but due to seasonal changes, the same water is sometimes pleasing and sometimes distressing. Matra-sparsas tu kaunteya sitosna-sukha-duhkha-dah
- We are sure that you will find this process (of chanting Hare Krsna and reading our books) very pleasing and very effective
- We have to associate with sadhu. Satam prasangat. When you discuss about Krsna with sadhu or devotees, it becomes very pleasing
- When discussed among devotees, krsna-katha is pleasing to the heart and ear. This requires a little training, and this training is given by the devotees. We should follow the devotees in their practical daily life, in their routine work and behavior
- When he (Narada Muni) heard the pleasing words of the Lord, the feelings of separation were to some extent mitigated. A devotee in love with God feels always the pangs of separation and is therefore always enwrapped in transcendental ecstasy
- When King Pururava saw Urvasi, his eyes became jubilant in the ecstasy of joy, and the hairs on his body stood on end. With mild, pleasing words, he spoke to her as follows
- When one (neophyte devotee) is promoted to the next platform of transcendental consciousness, one can understand the importance of mahatmas and devotees, and in that stage one tries to please them
- When one has become purified by this process of offering everything back to the Supreme he becomes simply attached to pleasing the Supreme Lord. This is the perfection of life
- When one's characteristics are very sweet and desirable, his personality is called pleasing
- When suitable food prepared with ghee is offered to saintly persons, the function is pleasing to the forefathers and the Supreme Lord, who are never pleased when animals are killed in the name of sacrifice
- When the body becomes old, a perfect yogi can find a young, able body. Giving up his old body, the yogi can enter into the young body and act as he pleases. Being a plenary expansion of Lord Vasudeva, Lord Rsabhadeva possessed all these mystic yoga powers
- When the chanting of the holy name, form, qualities and paraphernalia is heard from the mouth of a pure devotee, his hearing and chanting are very pleasing. Sanatana Gosvami has forbidden us to hear the chanting of an artificial devotee or nondevotee
- When the news of Pradyumna's return spread all over the city of Dvaraka, all the astonished citizens came with great eagerness to see the lost Pradyumna. "The dead son has come back," they said. "What can be more pleasing than this"
- When the temple was cleansed, it was purified, cool and pleasing, just as if the Lord's own pure mind had appeared
- When we discuss Krsna with a sadhu, the discussion becomes very pleasing, and we develop some taste, which is called rasa, or mellow. Rasa is the enjoyment we derive from drinking something very nice when we are thirsty
- Whenever the activities of Vamanadeva are described in the course of a ritualistic ceremony, whether the ceremony be performed to please the demigods, or please one's forefathers in Pitrloka, that ceremony should be understood to be extremely auspicious
- Whether one is in the heavenly or hellish planets or is a rich or a poor man's son, material conditions are everywhere. Therefore no condition of life is at all pleasing
- While Krsna and Balarama were enjoying the gifts of the rainy season in this way, the autumn season gradually arrived, when all the water reservoirs become very clean, and when pleasing and refreshing air blows everywhere
- While traveling as a pilgrim, one should not be worried about pleasing society. One should remain always absorbed in the function of pleasing the Lord
- Who could give up the association of such a dear and affectionate wife? Small children talk in broken language, very pleasing to hear, and their affectionate father always thinks of their sweet words. How could he give up their association?
- Why should one waste his time for so-called economic development, which is neither permanent nor pleasing to the soul?
- Within the walls of the houses, fragrant incense was burning, and smoke rose through the windows, making the entire atmosphere very pleasing
- Without Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, this kingdom is not pleasing to me. Therefore please try to devise some plan to enable the Lord to stay here
- Yamuna prayed, "My dear Balarama, You are the most powerful personality, and You are pleasing to everyone"
- You are thinking in summer season something as very pleasing. The same thing in winter season will not be pleasing. So they will come and go. Don't bother about this so-called suffering and enjoyment. Do your duty, Krsna consciousness
- You cannot please everybody. But you must stick to your own principle and behave nicely. That's all
- You have to carry out his orders, that's all. God's representative is the guru. He asks you to do this, to do that - if you do that, that is pleasing
- You may construct a library and a meditation hall to please the donors, but as far as possible the library should carry our books and books of other Vaisnava acaryas
- Your business endeavours will surely be pleasing unto the Supreme Lord
- Your dancing and distributing charity are very pleasing to me. I can understand that there is some special purpose in these actions
- Your Honor appears learned, expert and intelligent in every way. You can speak very well, saying things that are pleasing to the heart. You see that people in general are engaged in fruitive activities, yet you are lying here inactive
- Your special affection for my Indian project is very pleasing to me and shows you understand my intentions very well