Category:This Will Please Me Very Much (Prabhupada)
Pages in category "This Will Please Me Very Much (Prabhupada)"
The following 30 pages are in this category, out of 30 total.
- Harikesa Prabhu has been working in that connection also. He has shown me some film script which appears nice, so if conjointly you are able to do something for Krsna in this way, that will please me very much
- He is a sannyasi and his main business is to travel and preach as I am doing in this old age, and that will please me very much
- I am encouraged to hear from you that Melbourne Temple is even better than Sydney Temple, so I must surely come there to see it. Go on like this, transcendental rivalry, just like San Francisco and Los Angeles, this pleases me very much
- I know that you (Vaikunthanatha) are so intelligent boy, along with your good wife Saradia, so you may do as you like, but it would please me very much if you will dedicate yourself and your wife completely to the preaching work. That is important
- If preaching work is strong, management will automatically be strong. So in all cases, become a very good preacher, and this will please me very much
- If someone wants to understand a little philosophy, he can purchase one of our books. We have got so many big, big books. So in this spirit carry on with great enthusiastic endeavor and this will please me very, very much
- If there is possibility to lay down the corner-stone there I can also do that before leaving from India. This will please me very much and give me great relief to know that we have done something solid in Vrindaban before I leave, and the credit is yours
- If this standard (temple's activities, regulative spiritual life and preaching work) of devotional practices is maintained at the highest level, everything else you do will become automatically successful. And that will please me very much
- If this standard of devotional practices is maintained at the highest level, everything else you do will become automatically successful. And that will please me very much
- One who explains the supreme secret to the devotees is the most dear to Krsna and never will there be one more dear. So always keep them enthused in this book distribution. This pleases me very much
- Our philosophy has the full potency to deliver anyone from the darkest realms of ignorance to the enlightened realm of complete cognizance. The potential is there, simply you have to master the words & deliver them purely, & this will please me very much
- Simply travelling and preaching, and infiltrating the schools where young boys and girls are interested to learn something which will satisfy them. In both activities you may distribute many of our literatures, and that will please me very much
- So I am very pleased that you are determined to start a nice centre in Edinburgh, and this will please me very much to hear regular reports how you are doing
- So in cooperation with others, go on traveling, preaching, distributing my books, and this will please me very very much
- So kindly cooperate with him (Bali Mardan) as much as possible, and that will please me very much
- So you will continue on and consult with Karandhara and the other GBC men and formulate some program to preach this Krishna Consciousness in the colleges and this will please me very much
- That school (in Dallas) is very, very important business, and the best man must be found out for taking charge there and developing it nicely, and if he sticks and works hard to build it up, that will please me very much
- The 3 lacs from Ashok Birla plus the $100,000 from here will I think be sufficient to finish the temple. It will please me very much to see it completed timely
- The art is how to apply authority and discipline so they will enjoy it and not reject, and I think you all instructors are learning yourselves that art more and more, and this pleases me very much
- Their enthusiasm for distributing my books will please me very much. Not only will I be pleased, but my guru maharaja will also be pleased and they will all be blessed
- Their new names are: Bhojadeva das, Taraka dasi and Mukhara dasi respectively. Now it will please me very much if you all can work together nicely and recruit many more young people to join our movement, it is their only future hope
- Yes if you (Kirtiraja Prabhu) can arrange for the translation of my books in Polish language that will please me very much
- You (Tusta Krsna Maharaja) have assimilated the process of birth very nicely through the books. This has pleased me very much and I wish that all my students can become as adept at presenting the information in the books like this
- You have all got good intelligence, now use it to full capacity for Krishna's service and cooperate together. That will please me very much