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Pages in category "Responsible"
The following 252 pages are in this category, out of 252 total.
- A devotee of the Lord is never controlled by such deputed demigods, who function as assistants of the Lord, but he shows them all respects on account of the responsible positions to which they have been appointed by the Lord
- A devotee's conclusion is that no one is directly responsible for being a benefactor or mischief-monger without the sanction of the Lord; therefore he does not consider anyone to be directly responsible for such action
- A father takes the responsibility of maintaining the children. Why? Why he takes such, I mean, a grave responsibility, a family man. That "why" is answered - just to have happy and enjoyable life. That's all
- A king, there must be one king responsible. But he was guided by the ministers and learned brahmanas, sages. There was a body to guide him, to train him. Therefore, the monarchical government was perfect
- A ksatriya is profited, either dead or alive. That will be explained. Because in a fighting, I mean to say, real religious fighting, on principle it is a ksatriya is not responsible for killing
- A married man becomes responsible, because there is affection, family affection. And one who is not married, he's irresponsible, because there is no family affection. That is the basic defect of the present society
- A person who is born into a responsible family - such as a ksatriya, or a government servant - but who neglects to execute his prescribed duties according to religious principles falls down at the time of death into the river of hell known as Vaitarani
- A question may be raised herein that since it was the desire of the Lord that Pariksit Maharaja be put into that awkward position so that he might be delivered from material existence, then why was a brahmana's son made responsible for this offensive act
- A responsible father never begets children like cats and dogs. Instead of being encouraged to adopt artificial means of birth control, people should be educated in KC because only then will they understand their responsibility to their children
- A responsible government must teach Krsna consciousness very vigorously for the benefit of all. Without Krsna consciousness, neither the state nor the citizens of the state can be responsible
- A responsible king like Maharaja Pariksit could not allow the friend of irreligiosity to flourish in his kingdom at the cost of the good fame of the Pandavas
- A responsible king or chief executive has many responsible duties to attend to in ruling over the citizens. The most important duty of the monarch or the government is to perform various sacrifices as enjoined in the Vedic literatures
- A responsible king was always approachable by his citizens
- A responsible king who executes his appointed duty by giving proper protection to all living entities on his planet is promoted to the heavenly planetary system. This is also dependent upon the pleasure of the Supreme Lord
- A responsible monarchy is better than a so-called democratic government in which no one is responsible to mitigate the grievances of the citizens, who are unable to personally meet the supreme executive head
- A responsible personality like Brahmaji refuses to be addressed as the Supreme Lord by his disciples or subordinates, but foolish persons praised by men of the nature of dogs, hogs, camels and asses feel flattered to be addressed as the Supreme Lord
- Abhimanyu's widow, Uttara, should have followed the path of her husband, but because she was pregnant, and Maharaja Pariksit, a great devotee of the Lord, was lying in embryo, she was responsible for his protection
- According to the Vedic injunction atma vai putra-namasi, the father becomes the son. The mother is simply like a storekeeper, because the seed of the child is placed in her womb, but it is the father who is responsible for maintaining the son
- After Lord Brahma understood the precarious condition of the earth, he first visited the demigods headed by Lord Indra, who are in charge of the various affairs of this universe, and Lord Siva, who is responsible for annihilation
- All the laws or injunctions are for human being. So human being, human life, is very responsible life. As you cannot violate the state law, similarly, you cannot violate the laws given by God. That is called dharma. If you violate, then you are punished
- Although it is called "legalized prostitution," there is no difference between prostitution and married life, but there is some control. People become responsible. By responsible life, they can make advance. Irresponsible life will not help
- Although Lord Sri Krsna was always offered the respects due the Supreme Lord from all responsible quarters, the Lord never deviated from the customary usages between the four orders of society
- Although people are generally punished after the witnesses of their misdeeds are examined, where are the witnesses responsible for one's suffering the reactions of past karma? the answer by the Yamadutas is given here - in SB 6.1.42
- Although the dog simply barks, the owner is held responsible. The dog is not responsible because it is an animal, but because the owner of the animal has made the dog his best friend, he is responsible by law
- Although the street dogs are not appointed by anyone to act as watchmen, they think they are responsible for protecting the neighborhood, and as soon as someone unknown enters it, they all begin to bark
- Although they are ordinary living entities, they are able to attain responsible posts, like Lord Brahmā, Indra, Candra and Varuṇa
- An irresponsible life is adopted by the people in the age of Kali because of a sinful desire to condemn brahminical culture, God consciousness and cow protection, for which the state is responsible
- Animals can kill other living animals, and there is no question of sin on their part, but if a man kills an animal for the satisfaction of his uncontrolled taste, he must be responsible for breaking the laws of nature
- Animals can kill other living animals, and there is no question of sin on their part, but if a man kills an animal for the satisfaction of his uncontrolled taste, he must be responsible for breaking the laws of nature. BG 1972 Introduction
- Another gopi said, "Do not think that one can be killed only by certain weapons. We are being killed by Your (Krsna's) absence. You should consider how You are responsible for killing women"
- Another gopi said, "You (Krsna) never spent any money for us, yet we are simply attracted by Your glance. Now, if we die without receiving Your glance, You’ll be responsible for our deaths"
- Any responsible executive agent at the top of administration has to tolerate different types of onslaughts from the very persons for whom he works. Brahmaji was criticized even by the gopis, the highest perfectional devotees of the Lord
- Any woman who has ever performed such an infamously sinful act (of poisoning a child) must atone for it, but no one now is doing that. Under the circumstances, the women responsible must suffer in this life and the next
- Anyone who takes pride in doing responsible work but does not give credit to the Supreme Lord is certainly falsely proud and cannot execute anything nicely
- As GBC member your task is very responsible. You must always keep yourself pure and in this way your preaching work will take effect
- As God is the supreme living being in the universe and is the maintainer of all other living beings, the king is the supreme citizen in the state and is responsible for the welfare of all others
- As long as a foolish person thus considers the self to be the killer of the killed, he continues to be responsible for material obligations, and consequently he suffers the reactions of happiness and distress - SB 10.4.22
- As some of the old prisoners in government jails are entrusted with some responsible work of prison management, so the demigods are improved conditioned souls acting as representatives of the Lord in the material creation
- As soon as there is little impurity, the whole thing will deteriorate and go to hell. Therefore I am praying that all my advanced disciples, GBC men, sannyasis, temple officers, all of you will become sober-minded and feeling always very much responsible
- Because of Your joking and laughing, You are becoming responsible for the killing of women. It would be better for You to satisfy us by giving us the charity of the nectar of Your lips
- Being a responsible king, Prthu Maharaja recommends that everyone take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus be immediately purified
- Both the father and the mother were responsible for the boy's success in being liberated from the material bondage. That is the process of successful family planning. It is to beget children for complete perfection
- Both the girls and the boys should be trained up. Then they'll be responsible husband and wife and live peacefully. In their young days, if you give them freedom, they'll spoil. What can be done?
- Brahmaji agreed to this proposal (desiring to serve the Lord), and therefore he is given the responsible post of creating generations in the vacant universe
- By recitation of the hymns of the Vedas in the proper way, certainly the performer gets relief from the reactions of sins, but in case of such sacrifices improperly done under inexpert management, surely one has to become responsible for animal sacrifice
- By responsible life, they can make advance. Irresponsible life will not help. Therefore loke vyavayamisa-madya-seva nitya hi jantoh. So our tendency for sense gratification is controlled
- By the Vedic injunction, the wife is accepted as the better half of a man's body because she is supposed to be responsible for discharging half of the duties of the husband
- Cats and dogs can kill other animals for food without incurring sin, but if a man kills an animal for the satisfaction of his uncontrolled taste buds, he is responsible for breaking the laws of nature. Consequently he must be punished
- Consequently, the person performing (animal) sacrifice will be responsible for the death of the animal, just as much as a murderer is responsible for killing another man
- Considering all these points, it appears that the post of monarch in the Vedic civilization is a very responsible one
- Even a responsible king like Maharaja Prthu can become a pure devotee of the first order. We can distinctly see from King Prthu's behavior how he became ecstatic, both externally and internally, in pure devotional service
- Even if we kill one mosquito, we are responsible
- Every living entity is responsible for his activities in this life, and after death he is taken to the court of Yamaraja, where it is decided what kind of body he will take next
- Everyone is appreciating your presentation. Please keep up this standard of behavior. Do not make any artificial discrepancies amongst yourselves because you are acting on a very responsible business
- Everyone is important, but some are directly responsible for the advancement of human society and some are only indirectly responsible. However, when Krsna consciousness is there, then everyone's total benefit is taken care of
- Everyone is responsible for his fallen condition because of his own activities. When activities are changed to devotional service, one's auspicious life begins
- Everyone is responsible for his own action, either pious or sinful
- Everyone is responsible for his own life. If an individual becomes a pure devotee of Krsna, he is then delivered from the ocean of nescience
- Everyone is subject to the law of death, yet no one takes it seriously. This is illusion. Thinking we will live forever, we go on doing whatever we like, feeling that we will never be held responsible
- Everyone should be very responsible and take charge of his dependents just as a spiritual master takes charge of his disciple or a father takes charge of his son
- Everyone, door to door, a devotee has to go and teach them that - You are leading a very, very irresponsible life. Be responsible to your consciousness and be a devotee of Krsna. That will save you
- Factually everyone is responsible for his own sinful activities. Therefore Sukadeva Gosvami recommends, tasmat puraivasv iha papa-niskrtau - SB 6.1.8
- Family life, according to Vedic system, or anywhere, is responsible life to maintain the wife, children. Everyone is engaged. They think this is the only duty
- Foolish people do not know that every individual soul is responsible for his own actions and reactions in life
- For a ksatriya who are engaged in fighting, in religious fight must be religious fight. The cause must be right. Then the fighting is all right. So ksatriya, killing in the religious fight, he's not responsible; he's not sinful
- For one who objects that he will be held accountable for such unauthorized activities as begging, borrowing and stealing, Carvaka Muni replies, You will not be held responsible. As soon as your body is burned to ashes after death, everything is finished
- Formerly the kings were taken instructions, the head of the state, because they were responsible for the citizens' spiritual life, not only material prosperity but spiritual prosperity. That is the verdict of Vedic literature
- Formerly, when there were responsible kings, up to the time of Dvapara-yuga, when Lord Krsna was present, the king was liable to be blamed for the untimely death of a child in the presence of his parents
- Garga Muni stated, "I do not want to become responsible for all these future calamities"
- God incarnates in different forms, such as those of a fish, a tortoise, a hog, a combined lion and man, just to give protection to civilized man, the cow & the demigods, who are directly responsible for the regulative life of progressive self-realization
- He (Rupa Gosvami) and his brother Sanatana were then named Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika respectively, and they held responsible posts as ministers of Nawab Hussain Shah
- Hellish conditions do not affect Narada Muni because he is engaged in greatly responsible activities in devotional service
- His duty (sannyasi's duty) is a most responsible one; it is to work for Krsna. Moreover, this is the real duty for everyone in all stages of life
- How many causes are responsible for manifesting the various results of activities performed under the three modes of material nature (sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna)?
- Human being is so responsible. If he remains fool, then he loses the chance of life. Why these books are here? This SB, BG, Vedanta-Sutra, and so many nice books there are. Why? Just to make us advanced in knowledge
- I (Prabhupada) have worked alone, now you are so many. Our scope is unlimited, resources unlimited, so we must be exceptionally enthusiastic and sober-minded and responsible for working in that spirit
- I am old man of eighty years; still, I am busy. I am traveling all over the world, writing book at night, talking with visitors, and so many things. You can see. So where we are escaping? We are the most responsible worker
- I am so glad that Dayananda is doing everything so nicely. He is intelligent, responsible boy, and whatever you do conjointly, it has my approval. You may note it
- I am very much anxious to open schools for educating children of responsible leaders in our Krishna Consciousness way of life, especially also in India
- I cannot give sannyas to any devotee who has not proven himself to be responsible in all respects. Better you prove yourself first by being ideal householder and forget all this nonsense
- I do not think it is a very good place. There is no water arrangement. The temple is not being maintained properly. They are keeping long hairs and not living responsibly. I do not think it is good to put good money after bad
- I shall go to see Sacimata, but I shall not go for Your sake. I shall be responsible for the abandoning of my vow and service to Gopinatha
- I thank you very much also for your kind appreciation of my humble service in the cause of Krishna Consciousness movement. I think every Indian is responsible for spreading this movement all over the world
- I think every Indian is responsible for spreading this movement all over the world. That is the order of Lord Caitanya in pursuance of the dictum of Lord Krishna
- I want that responsible persons like you should try to understand the scientific value of this movement. It is not a sentimental movement. It is based on philosophy, science, authority
- Ideal state means the king must be very responsible. There are many instances. Just like Yudhisthira Maharaja, he was a pious king
- If a man kills an animal for the satisfaction of his uncontrolled taste buds, he is responsible for breaking the laws of nature. Consequently he must be punished
- If a man secures some money by killing someone and with that money maintains his family, those who enjoy the black money earned by him are also partially responsible and are also sent to hell, but he who is the leader is especially punished
- If a servant makes a mistake, the master is punishable because he is responsible for the offense. Taking this seriously, Yamaraja, along with his servants, prayed with folded hands to be excused by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana
- If a spiritual master cannot direct his disciples to become free of sinful activities, he becomes responsible for their sinful acts. These subtle laws of nature are unknown to the present leaders of society
- If one considers the intelligence needed to orbit man-made satellites, one cannot be fooled into thinking that there is not a gigantic intelligence responsible for the arrangements of the various planetary systems
- If one is a brahmana he should not give up his body because by doing so he would be responsible for killing a brahmana; therefore a brahmana should leave the place or block his ears so that he will not hear the blasphemy
- If only a few of big businessmen become devotees, they can change the whole world. So it a very great and responsible task, now do it very boldly and Krishna will reward you with all success
- If parents simply give birth to children like cats and dogs but cannot save their children from imminent death, they become responsible for the activities of their animalistic children. Lately, such children are turning into hippies
- If the question is raised why the brahmana community as a whole was made responsible for allowing Kali into the world affairs, the answer is given in the Varaha Purana
- If the state head or king allows the citizens to become sinful by indulging in illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling, then the king is responsible
- If there is God, then I become responsible for my sinful life. So therefore let me deny God: "There is no God," or "God is dead. Finish, finished
- If there is question of hell and heaven, then we are responsible in this life for our next life, whether we are going to hell or heaven
- If we accept a material body, then all the miserable conditions that we are undergoing with this body, we have to accept it. This is not pessimistic view of life, but this is a fact. Only responsible persons, they can understand
- If you collect for yourself even patram without offering to Krsna, if you take, you are responsible for killing
- If you go on killing in the mosque, some day you may come to your sense, that you are a rascal; you are becoming responsible. But if you open slaughterhouse, that sense will never come
- If you simply cook for your sense gratification, then you have to take responsibility of all the killing business. But if you offer to Krsna and take the prasadam, you become free from the contamination
- In a democracy no one is trained like a prince; instead, politicians are voted to responsible posts of administration by diplomatic arrangements
- In a responsible monarchy the citizens had no grievances against the government, and even if they did, they could approach the king directly for immediate satisfaction
- In ancient days, the citizens were God conscious and honest in their dealings, and the kings were responsible for the welfare of the state. The same basic principles are accepted in the democratic governments of the present day
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that He is the seed-giving father of all living entities (aham bija-pradah pita (BG 14.4)), and therefore He is responsible for maintaining them
- In contrast to the principles of the kings of old, the modern state is concerned only with propaganda for levying taxes and is no longer responsible for the spiritual welfare of the citizens
- In modern politics the post of monarch has been abolished, and the president is not held responsible for the comforts of the citizens
- In New York, all the nice girls, they are actually very suitable for our students, and I encourage that all the Brahmacaris may be very responsible, and marry one of the girls
- In the cosmic administration there is only one party, which consists of the servants of God, and the responsible deities of the various planets maintain the cosmic laws in terms of the orders of the SG. But the people suffer on account of their own folly
- In the Manu-samhita the concept of a life for a life is sanctioned, and it is actually observed throughout the world. Similarly, there are other laws which state that one cannot even kill an ant without being responsible
- In the Vedanta-sutras it is confirmed that the Lord is never partial to any living entity. The living entity is responsible for his own acts. The Lord only gives him facilities, through the agency of material nature, the external energy. BG 1972 purports
- In this age life is very short and nobody is very responsible, how to fulfill the mission of life. They are imitating simply animals
- In this material world our karma is responsible for everything. Therefore, due to our work we create our own circumstances. So, if you like to cooperate with our missionary work you are welcome to return back
- Indeed, the hellish conditions already described await the sinful men responsible for such suffering
- It does not matter if the reaction is good or bad; if our activities are not dovetailed with the desire of the Supreme Lord, or if we do not act in Krsna consciousness, then we shall be responsible for the results of all our activities
- It doesn't matter whether you kill a big animal or a small plant. You are responsible. Just like a soldier. He kills hundreds and thousands of men and he is given gold medal. And as soon as he kills one man for his sense gratification he is hanged
- It is not dependence; it is protection. So there should be responsible father, responsible husband, responsible sons to keep woman very happy. In India still it is going on
- It is not the government's partiality, that somebody go to the prison house and somebody will go to the university and occupy responsible position. No. It is our fault that we do not take opportunity or the facilities offered by the government or Krsna
- It is not the place alone which is responsible for beautifying the temple; it is the devotees who are actually beautifying the temple
- It is quite clear that according to Vedic culture a woman who accepts a paramour or second husband in the presence of the husband she has married is certainly responsible for the degradation of her father's family and the family of her husband
- It is the duty of a responsible king to protect the social and spiritual orders in human society
- It is the duty of every responsible Indian to broadcast the transcendental message of Srimad-Bhagavatam throughout the world to do all the supermost good as well as to bring about the desired peace in the world
- Karmana, by your activities. You are forming your next body. You are responsible for your next body. Therefore you should not become a tenth-class man like Ajamila
- King Citraketu responsibly desired to beget a child so that he and his forefathers might be delivered from the darkest regions
- Knowing the ultimate doer (God), one should not pose himself as ignorant of the actual performer. To answer this doubt, the reply is that the Lord is also not directly responsible, for everything is done by His deputed maya-sakti, or material energy
- Maha-sankarsana, Karanodakasayi, Garbhodakasayi, Ksirodakasayi, and Sesa. These five plenary portions are responsible for both the spiritual and material cosmic manifestations. In these five forms Lord Balarama assists Lord Krsna in His activities
- Maharaja Ambarisa. His example is there, because who can be more busy than a responsible king? He has to do so many political affairs, and still, his mind was fixed up, sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayoh (SB 9.4.18), in Krsna . . . this is required
- Maharaja Prthu was a responsible monarch, and he had to execute the duties of a ksatriya, a king and a devotee at the same time
- Materialistic point of view is like that. They do not know that we are eternal & we are responsible for our activities. That is knowledge. But they have no knowledge. They simply want to enjoy. They do not care for death also. Simply sense gratification
- My Guru Maharaja used to say this material world is a society of cheaters and cheated. That's all. I want to be cheated because I don't accept God. If there is God, then I become responsible for my sinful life. So therefore let me deny God
- Nanda Maharaja consoled his younger brother Vasudeva by saying that destiny is ultimately responsible for everything. Vasudeva should not be unhappy that his last child, the daughter, had gone to the heavenly planets
- Nanda Maharaja consoled his younger brother Vasudeva by saying that destiny is ultimately responsible for everything. Vasudeva should not be unhappy that his many children had been killed by Kamsa
- Neither the government nor the responsible leaders of the public want such literature, yet it is in the marketplace because the people want it for sense gratification
- Now that I have brought him here, I am asking him to leave. Now he can go wherever he likes, for I am no longer responsible for him
- O Vasu, I know from within your mind what you desired in the days of yore when the Vasus and other demigods responsible for expanding the universal affairs performed sacrifices
- Once a well-known swami in India was asked whether God or providence is responsible for the sufferings of humanity. The swami replied that these sufferings were all God's pastimes or lila
- One has renounced the family life. He has no more botheration how to maintain his wife and children. Then what is his duty? That duty is very responsible duty - to work for Krsna
- One may argue that because this material world is created by the Lord, He is therefore responsible for its condition
- One may be very responsible officer, like Ambarisa Maharaja, the emperor. It is not joke. But still his mind is absorbed in the thought of Krsna
- One may foolishly decry the existence of God by various means ("There is no God," or "I am God"), but ultimately one is responsible for all his actions, both good and bad
- Our movement is based on this Bhagavad-gita, the authorized book of knowledge, and approved by big acaryas in India - Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Lord Caitanya. So you are all responsible representative of papers. Try to understand this movement
- Pariksit Maharaja said: "It is not that if I say there is no God that there will be no God or that I will not be responsible for what I do." The atheists deny God due to their sinful activities
- Pariksit, due to his natural affection for Krsna as a devotee of God, was always executing his royal duties on behalf of the Lord, and as a responsible king of the world he was always careful to see that the influence of Kali would not enter his kingdom
- People will be killed and injured, and animals and women will be stolen. And for all these sins we shall be responsible
- Pride in victory, or moroseness in defeat, is useless. One should fully depend on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is responsible for the victory and defeat of all living entities
- Sankarsana is the master of integration and disintegration, whereas Pradyumna, another feature of Lord Vasudeva, is responsible for universal growth and maintenance
- Sex life is the cause of material bondage, and therefore it is prohibited in three asramas and is allowed only in the grhastha-asrama. The grhastha is responsible for producing first-quality brahmacaris, vanaprasthas and sannyasis
- Since it was the desire of the Lord that Pariksit Maharaja be put into that awkward position so that he might be delivered from material existence, then why was a brahmana's son made responsible for this offensive act?
- Since we have lost our responsible monarchical government, the four divisions of social order - means brahmana, ksatriya, vaisyas and sudra - they are deviated due to unemployment. The brahmana could not get sufficient engagement in their duties
- Since you Muslims cannot bring killed cows back to life, you are responsible for killing them. Therefore you are going to hell; there is no way for your deliverance
- So don't be irresponsible to your life. Be responsible and be prepared for the next life and act accordingly, as the direction is there in the Bhagavad-gita, and prove that you are human being
- So there is next life. There is no doubt. The practical proof there is . . . and Krsna has given many proof. I have spoken in this meeting many times. There is next life. So we should be responsible
- So yesterday we discussed the different grades of life: first class, second class, third class, fourth class, fifth class, sixth class. So this kind of life, without any responsibility and carried away by the waves of time, is the tenth-class life
- Soma, or the predominating deity of the moon, is responsible for the living entity's ability to relish the taste of food through the tongue
- Some of the philosophers, who deny all sorts of duality, declare that one's own self is responsible for his personal happiness and distress. Others say that superhuman powers are responsible, while yet others say that activity is responsible
- Sometimes he even goes to the hellish planets. Hellish conditions do not affect Narada Muni because he is engaged in greatly responsible activities in devotional service
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: The first created being and most powerful demigod in this universe is Lord Brahma, who is always responsible for developing universal affairs
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura was a responsible officer and a householder, yet his service to the cause of expanding the mission of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is unique
- Subuddhi Raya was a big landholder and a responsible, respectable gentleman
- Suppose if you take electricity, light, you are responsible for paying the bill. Similarly, you are taking so much advantage of the sunlight; you are also obliged to pay the debts, repay the debts
- That is a very important work and you are especially responsible to make it successful. All other GBC men should give you all assistance for building up the standard there
- That is the duty of the husband. If wife's a little hair is infringed, he should take steps immediately. That is husband. Not that accept wife today and give it up tomorrow. That is not husband. Husband must be very responsible to take care of the wife
- The atheists theory is: after death everything is finished. No one is responsible for anything he does during his life." This atheistic conception of life is killing human civilization, for it is without knowledge of the continuation of eternal life
- The brahmana took it to be most unnatural, and therefore he held the King responsible
- The brahmanas are the religious preceptors for all other castes, and the sannyasis are the spiritual masters for all the castes and orders of society. So also are the king and the public leaders who are responsible for the material welfare of all people
- The cow stands with tears in her eyes, the sudra milkman draws milk from the cow artificially, and when there is no milk the cow is sent to be slaughtered. These greatly sinful acts are responsible for all the troubles in present society
- The direct offender is more responsible for sinful activities than the indirect enjoyer
- The eight Vasus and the demigods in the upper planetary system, who are responsible for the management of the universal affairs, performed a sacrifice in the days of yore, desiring to fulfill their respective ultimate goals in life
- The elder members are responsible for purifying processes in the family, beginning from birth to death. But on the death of the elder members, such family traditions of purification may stop. BG 1972 purports
- The father is never responsible for the different futures of his children
- The foolish living entity declares freedom from all control, but factually he is not free; he is fully under the control of material nature. He must therefore be most careful and responsible in the activities of his life
- The great kings were very responsible in taking the instructions given by great saintly personalities. The kings used to accept the instructions given by great sages like Parasara, Vyasadeva, Narada, Devala and Asita
- The great saint Ambarisa Maharaj, although a responsible king, fixed his mind on Krsna, and similarly anyone who tries to fix his mind in this way will very rapidly make progress in successfully reviving his original Krsna consciousness
- The history of Priyavrata and Svayambhuva Manu describes how exemplary, responsible monarchs performed the duties of government with disinterest, keeping themselves always aloof from the contamination of material attachment
- The householders are specifically responsible for seeing that the laws of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are maintained, without fighting between men, communities, societies or nations
- The intelligent class of men, the brahmanas, are especially responsible for broadcasting this knowledge of our relationship with the Lord and leading the general mass of people to the right path
- The killing was committed not in the course of administration but for the sake of self-aggrandizement, and as such he thought himself responsible for all the sins
- The king is also responsible for overseeing the other protectors (protectors of women, protectors of beggars) mentioned in this verse - SB 6.4.12
- The king is duty-bound to protect the living entities in his kingdom. Thus although the parents are directly responsible for the protection and maintenance of their children, the duty of the king is to see that all parents do their duty properly
- The king is responsible. The government is responsible that any one of his subject, either animal or man, he is not disturbed; he feels secure of his property, of his person. And it is the duty of ksatriya to save, to protect
- The king would supply everything for their benefit, and because of this he would levy taxes. If the king or government otherwise levies taxes on the citizens, he becomes responsible for the sinful activities of the citizens
- The living entity is responsible for his conditional life in the material world, and therefore he is described as prabhu ("the master"). If he likes he can come to this material world, and if he likes he can return home, back to Godhead
- The mercy the Lord bestows upon a particular person engaged in executing the responsible work entrusted unto him is beyond imagination. But His mercy is received due to our penance and perseverance in executing devotional service
- The names of those elephants (on the top of Lokaloka Mountain are the four gaja-patis, the best of elephants) are Rsabha, Puskaracuda, Vamana and Aparajita. They are responsible for maintaining the planetary systems of the universe
- The nyaya-sastra confirms, bhrtyaparadhe svamino dandah: if a servant makes a mistake, the master is punishable because he is responsible for the offense
- The old system of gurukula should be revived as the perfect example of a system designed to produce great men, sober and responsible leaders, who know what is the real welfare of the citizens
- The Pandavas acted as truly chivalrous heroes, exhibited all the good qualities of ksatriyas and were very responsible princes, always thinking of the welfare of the citizens
- The personified Vedas continued, "Just as sparks dance in a blazing fire, all living entities are dancing on Your support. You are providing them with everything they desire, and yet You are not responsible for their position of enjoyment or suffering"
- The post of Brahma is the highest responsible post within the universe, and it is offered to the most perfect personality of the universe
- The progressive religionists and those who are responsible human beings or those who do not want to spoil their valuable human lives should refrain from all the principles of irreligiosity, especially illicit connection with women
- The real aim of life, how to get out of this bhavarnava, nescience, that is the aim of life. If we remain again like the monkeys and cats and dogs, eating, sleeping, mating and dancing, that is not very responsible life
- The real regulated life is that if sixteen rounds is not completed, then we have to go . . . forego sleeping. The main thing is that we should always be careful that we are going . . . we have taken up a very responsible task, Krsna consciousness
- The sacrifice of a goat or a similar animal before the goddess Kali is mentioned in sastras just to keep people from eating slaughterhouse meat and becoming responsible for the killing of animals
- The servants of the Lord, Visnu, are entrusted with this responsible work, and so they wander over the earth and to all other planets in the universe
- The so called democratic government means some of the sudras, rascals without any knowledge of the highest aim of life. By hook and crook they get some votes and get the responsible chair in government. Naturally they can whimsically enact any law
- The sufferings of humanity are not to be equated with the pastimes of the Supreme Being, nor is the Supreme Being responsible for them. The Lord is never responsible for anyone's vices or virtues
- The vaisya community is specifically responsible for the economic improvement of the society by producing grain, by giving protection to the cows, by transporting food when needed, and by banking and finance
- The warning is already there, and responsible leaders of religious sects must meet together and form a common platform of a league of devotees of the Lord. There is no need for self-realized souls to live in a secluded place
- The word nija-sasane ("in his own governmental duty") indicates that both the government and the citizens are responsible for the execution of varnasrama-dharma
- There are varieties of conditions, and regardless of the condition to which we are subjected, we are responsible
- There is no responsibilities - all false, maya. Everyone is maintained by God. It is our false conception that I am giving protection to anybody. That is false
- There is so much quarrel and trouble all over the world because India has failed in her duty by neglecting this responsible work
- Therefore (as in ancient days the kings & the citizens from village were taught the principles of self-realization according to the Vedic codes) the citizens were GC and honest in their dealings, & the kings were responsible for the welfare of the state
- These three modes of material nature, being further manifested as matter, knowledge and activities, put the eternally transcendental living entity under conditions of cause and effect and make him responsible for such activities
- They are responsible, these rascal politicians, the rascal scholars, so-called. Actually if we want good of the people, these rascals should be disclosed and people should come back. We should... Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is
- They have taken Jesus Christ as contractor to take up their sins. That is their philosophy. They commit all kinds of sins, and poor Jesus Christ will be responsible. That is their religion
- This boy. He is also a responsible officer in New York. He is also chanting. All these sannyasis. And we have got all these beads. So there is no need of meditating in darkness. We are going on the open street. We are chanting Hare Krsna
- This is the duty of all responsible Indians, how to make his life perfect, utilizing Vedic knowledge, and then distribute it throughout the whole world
- This life is meant for not to live extravagantly without any responsibility like cats and dogs. We should be very responsible. Austerity. Little austerity. In the Kali-yuga you cannot undergo severe austerity
- Those in complete Krsna consciousness are not ultimately responsible for their actions. Everything is dependant on the supreme will, the Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Virat (the phenomenal manifestation of the Supreme Whole), hiranyagarbha (the numinous soul of everything), and karana (the cause, or causal nature) are all but designations of the purusas, who are responsible for material creation
- Votes cast by them (the mass of people) actually have no value, and thus persons elected by such irresponsible votes cannot be responsible representatives like Maharaja Yudhisthira
- We are in this material world according to our association with different modes of nature. We are making one type of mentality, and at the time of death, that mental position is responsible for carrying me in a different type of body
- We are responsible for this (killing). Willingly or unwillingly, we are becoming entangled in many sinful activities
- We can have any form of life out of 8,400,000 species that are before you. You should always remember that "If by chance I slip to one of them, then how I have wasted my time." This is responsible life
- We can just imagine how responsible a task is entrusted to a sadhu like Mahatma Vidura
- We find in Vedic history that if a ksatriya king was irresponsible, sometimes a consulting board of brahmanas maintained by the monarchy would dethrone him. Considering all these points, it appears that the post of monarch is a very responsible one
- We should not misuse it. Very responsible life. If you are misled, that is a dangerous civilization
- When a Krishna Conscious person is elevated to a responsible position, he never becomes puffed up
- When animals are killed in a slaughterhouse, six people connected with the killing are responsible for the murder
- When government employs some police force, some military force, that does not means impious. That is required. Similarly, fighting or violence is not always impious. But a responsible person, he does not take violence unnecessarily
- When Raghunatha dasa's father and mother saw that their son was no longer acting like a crazy fellow and was responsibly attending to his duties, they became very happy
- When the kings were not responsible, then gradually the government by the people was introduced. Otherwise, formerly, the kings were very responsible, especially for the advancement of transcendental knowledge of the citizens
- When the master of the treasury addressed him as sinless, Dhruva Maharaja, considering himself responsible for killing so many Yaksas, might have thought himself otherwise
- When the mind is thinking, feeling and willing, then there is action. In certain areas of the United States, a dog owner is responsible according to law if his dog barks at someone passing on the road
- When the sun rises, all the flowers but the kumuda blossom beautifully. Similarly, lotuslike men take pleasure in the advent of a responsible king, but men who are like the kumuda do not like the existence of a king
- Whenever a great sage undergoes severe austerities for material power, the King of heaven, Indra, becomes very envious. All the demigods have responsible posts for the management of universal affairs and are very highly qualified with pious activities
- Whether he (the modern man) believes or not, the next life is there, and one has to suffer if one does not lead a responsible life in terms of the injunctions of authoritative scriptures like the Vedas and puranas
- Whether he is man or dog. If he is a man, he must decide right and wrong. He is responsible. That is a man
- Why this ordinary question to be repeatedly made and I answer? A waste of time. This is a serious movement. One should be responsible men, leaders of the society. If you want to take some benefit out of this movement, they should question
- Woman is never given any responsible post. That is the opinion of the greatest politician in the history of the world, Canakya Pandita
- Woman requires protection, and the husband is responsible to give protection, the father is responsible to give protection, and the elderly children, they are responsible to give protection
- Yamaraja has very little time to take leave from his responsible office of punishing the wrongdoers. There are more wrongdoers than righteous men
- You are responsible to train so many children in the highest knowledge of life, so that cannot be neglected in any way. You are also doing editing work, so I think that in these two ways you can remain yourself always busy in devotional service
- You can avoid man-made law, but you cannot avoid God-made law. That you cannot do. You must be responsible. If you kill an ant even without knowledge, you are responsible
- You learn from the sastra. You learn from Bhagavad-gita what Krsna says and do it. Then you are not responsible for anything. Just like there is lawbook