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Pages in category "Pregnant"
The following 121 pages are in this category, out of 121 total.
- A king would maintain not only his wife but also the many friends and maidservants of his wife. Some of these maidservants would become pregnant and give birth to children. Such children were accepted as dasi-putra, the sons of the maidservants
- A man is allowed to keep more than one wife because he cannot enjoy sex when the wife is pregnant. If he wants to enjoy sex at such a time, he may go to another wife who is not pregnant. These are laws mentioned in the Manu-samhita
- A man is allowed to keep more than one wife because he cannot enjoy sex when the wife is pregnant. If he wants to enjoy sex at such a time, he may go to another wife who is not pregnant. These are laws mentioned in the Manu-samhita and other scriptures
- A perfectly successful yogi is expert in eight kinds of perfection. By the anima-siddhi, he can become smaller than an atom, and in that state he can enter anywhere. With this yogic power, Indra entered the womb of Diti while she was pregnant
- Abhimanyu's widow, Uttara, should have followed the path of her husband, but because she was pregnant, and Maharaja Pariksit, a great devotee of the Lord, was lying in embryo, she was responsible for his protection
- According to religious injunctions a man is restricted to enjoy sex only once in a month, after the menstrual period of the wife, and if the wife is pregnant, he is not allowed sex life at all. That is the law for human beings
- According to the Vedic scriptures the contraceptive method should be restraint in sex life. It is not that one should indulge in unrestricted sex life and avoid children by using some method to check pregnancy
- After receiving semen from Maharaja Citraketu, the King of Surasena, Queen Krtadyuti gradually developed in her pregnancy, O King Pariksit, just as the moon develops during the bright fortnight
- After the garbhadhana purificatory process, there are certain other samskaras like simantonnayana, sadhabhaksanam, etc., during the period of pregnancy, and when the child is born the first purificatory process is jatakarman
- All these things (illicit sex, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, being punished in the same way the next life) can be avoided by remaining on the transcendental platform of Krsna consciousness. In this way one does not commit sinful activity
- Although Saibya was barren, by the grace of the demigods she became pregnant and in due course of time gave birth to a child named Vidarbha
- Although the Queen had no son, after eating that food, which had the power to produce a male child, she became pregnant by her husband, and in due course of time she gave birth to a son
- Any woman desires a child. So when she is married, it is supposed that she will get a child. But if she wants immediately child after being married, that is not possible. She must be patient, then in due course she will be pregnant and there will be child
- As a result of this couplement, she (Prtha) became pregnant, and Karna was born by her. By the grace of the sun, she again turned into a virgin girl, but being afraid of her parents, she quitted the newly born child, Karna
- As Krttikadevi, after receiving the semen of Lord Siva from Agni, conceived a child named Skanda Karttikeya, Krtadyuti, having received semen from Citraketu, became pregnant after eating remnants of food from the yajna performed by Angira
- Bahuka died when he was old, and one of his wives wanted to die with him, following the sati rite. At that time, however, Aurva Muni, knowing her to be pregnant, forbade her to die
- Because there is no first-class man to take charge of the woman, they are declaring independence. All the men are doing that. They keep girlfriend, make her pregnant, and go away
- Because you are woman, you have to be pregnant. How you can avoid it?
- Both Kardama Muni and Devahuti were spiritually enlightened; she desired from the beginning that first she be pregnant and then she be empowered with the achievement of God's grace and love of God
- Brhaspati accepted Tara from Brahma, when he saw that she was pregnant he wanted her to deliver a son immediately. Tara certainly very much feared her husband, and she thought she might be punished after giving birth
- Brhaspati assured her (Tara) that he would not punish her, for although she was unchaste and had become pregnant illicitly, she wanted a son
- Brhaspati wanted to have a sexual relationship with his brother's pregnant wife. This can happen even in the society of the higher demigods, so what to speak of human society?
- Despite all her (Gandhari's) good qualities, she had the natural frailties of a woman, and she was envious of Kunti when the latter gave birth to a male child. Both the queens were pregnant, but Kunti first gave birth to a male child
- Diti knew that because of his (Siva's) being quickly angered he might spoil the pregnancy she had so unlawfully (by untimely sexual intercourse) achieved
- Diti prayed: He (Siva) is so great that if he likes he can immediately destroy my pregnancy, but by his mercy he can also fulfill my desire that my pregnancy not be spoiled
- Diti was very aggrieved to learn that because of her untimely pregnancy her sons would be demons and would fight with the Lord
- Diti’s pregnancy caused the demigods to be very much afraid, and the demigods went to see Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma explained the original incident involving the cursing of Jaya and Vijaya by the Catuhsana Kumaras
- During the period of pregnancy sex life should be strictly avoided
- Generally a pregnant mother is sent to the hospital, and as soon as her child is born he is washed with an antiseptic, and this concludes everything
- Going to girls and making them pregnant, then talking of Gopis, that is going on, that is nonsense. Without coming to the perfectional stage, if anyone tries to understand the Gopis he becomes a sahajiya
- Having heard that the eighth pregnancy of Devaki could not bring forth a female child, Kamsa may certainly consider this point and suspect that Krsna is the son of Devaki and Vasudeva - SB 10.8.8-9
- He (Brahma) knows everyone's heart and everyone's intentions. Therefore he was requested to explain this incident. Why was the pregnancy of Diti causing such anxieties all over the universe?
- He (Kamsa) sometimes wanted to kill Devaki; then he restrained himself that, "If I kill Devaki in pregnancy, it will be bad reputation." So he restrained himself
- Here is no inebrieties, in the spiritual world. Here it is full of inebrieties. You'll see that Krsna is enjoying with the gopis but there is no inebriety. There is no pregnancy, there is no abortion. That is the beauty
- Illicit sex creates pregnancies, and these unwanted pregnancies lead to abortion. Those involved become implicated in these sins, so much so that they are punished in the same way the next life
- In a Vedic society, even before the child is born, when the mother is pregnant, many recommended ritualistic ceremonies are performed
- In all eight of these heavenly varsas, although men and women enjoy sex pleasure, there is no pregnancy. Pregnancy takes place only in lower-grade life
- In grades of life higher than ours, pregnancy occurs once in a lifetime
- In grades of life higher than ours, pregnancy occurs once in a lifetime. People still have sex life, but there is no pregnancy
- In Kali-yuga there are many pregnancies due to illicit sex, and sometimes abortions ensue. These sinful activities are witnessed by the agents of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and a man and woman who create such a situation are punished
- In return for Lord Indra's benediction that they would be able to enjoy lusty desires continuously, even during pregnancy for as long as sex is not injurious to the embryo, women accepted one fourth of the sinful reactions
- In the forest he (Jarasandha's father, king of Magadha) was blessed by one great rsi to have a son, and he gave him one mango to be eaten by the queens. The queens did so and were very soon pregnant
- In this connection (Narayani became the mother of Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura) the sahajiyas cite a malicious story that after eating the remnants of Lord Caitanya’s food Narayani became pregnant and gave birth to Vrndavana dasa Thakura
- In Vedic civilization, childbirth or pregnancy is never regarded as a burden; rather, it is a cause for jubilation
- In Vedic society, even before the child is born, when the mother is pregnant, many recommended ritualistic ceremonies are performed. before the birth of the child there is the garbhadhana ceremony
- Just as a maddened bull elephant follows a female elephant who is able to conceive pregnancy, Lord Siva followed the beautiful woman (Mohini-murti) and discharged semen, even though his discharge of semen never goes in vain
- Just like a faithful wife. Time will come she will become pregnant and she will have child
- Kamsa feared Devaki's existence because after her eighth pregnancy she would give birth to a son who would kill him. Vasudeva, therefore, to assure his brother-in-law the utmost safety, promised to bring him all the sons
- Knowing that she was pregnant, the co-wives of the wife of Bahuka conspired to give her poison with her food, but it did not act. Instead, the son was born along with the poison. Therefore he became famous as Sagara ("one who is born with poison")
- Krsna had so many girlfriends. There are so many nice descriptions of embracing, kissing, but there is no pregnancy or abortion
- Krsna might have hundreds and thousands, but where is the pregnancy and contraception?
- Married life, if you indulge sex life more than once in a month, or in pregnancy, that is against religious principles
- May Lord Nrsimhadeva, who appeared as the enemy of Hiranyakasipu, protect me in all directions. His loud laughing vibrated in all directions and caused the pregnant wives of the asuras to have miscarriages
- My advice for the present is that during your time of pregnancy you should eat very simple foods, hot or spicy foods are not to be taken and also sexual relations are forbidden
- My mother, being pregnant, desired the safety of her embryo and desired to give birth after her husband's arrival. Thus she stayed at Narada Muni's asrama, where she rendered service unto Narada Muni with great devotion
- On the arrival of the autumn season, all the cows, deer, birds and females in general become pregnant, because in that season all the husbands generally become impelled by sex desire
- On the other hand, when the Lord (Caitanya) learned that the wife of one of His householder devotees was pregnant, He asked that the baby be given a certain auspicious name - CC Intro
- On the planet earth human beings do become pregnant, although the tendency is to avoid having children
- One can understand the pregnancy of Sacimata when one is actually advanced in spiritual consciousness and fully engaged in the devotional service of the Lord
- One day after Bharata Maharaja had taken his bath as usual in the River Gandaki and was chanting his mantra, he saw a pregnant deer come to the river to drink water
- One who patiently follows the regulative principles of devotional service, the time will undoubtedly come when he will achieve the desired result, just as the females reap results by becoming pregnant
- Owing to the (pregnant) mother's eating bitter, pungent foodstuffs, or food which is too salty or too sour, the body of the child incessantly suffers pains which are almost intolerable
- People in modern civilization do not like pregnancy or childbirth, and when there is a child, they sometimes kill it. We can just consider how human society has fallen since the inauguration of Kali-yuga
- Please try to be steadfast in your time of pregnancy and Krishna will be pleased. Yours will be the first baby born into a KC family in America, so we must be very careful for him while he is in the womb
- Practically speaking, there is no sex life in the spiritual world, but even if sometimes it does occur, there is no pregnancy at all
- Pregnancy takes place only in lower-grade life. Animals like dogs and hogs become pregnant twice a year, and each time they beget at least half a dozen offspring. Even lower species of life such as snakes give birth to hundreds of young at one time
- Sex life is there in Krsna, not exactly like this, but there is a, I mean to say, unification of embracing, kissing, everything is there, but there is no pregnancy, there is no abortion. That is the perfection
- She (Devahuti) reminded her husband (Kardama Muni) of his promise to her parents: "I will remain only until the time of Devahuti's pregnancy
- Simply by Krsna's glance, matter becomes agitated and then becomes pregnant and gives birth to the living entities
- Since the child depends completely on the assimilated foodstuff of the mother, during pregnancy there are restrictions on the food taken by the mother
- Such pregnant females are exactly like the transcendentalists who, by the grace of the Supreme Lord, are bestowed with the benediction of their destinations in life
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Men with a poor fund of knowledge and a heinous character speak nonsensically. Fearing such rascals, Lord Ramacandra abandoned His wife, Sitadevi, although she was pregnant. Thus Sitadevi went to the asrama of Valmiki Muni
- The birth of a human being's material body takes place due to a mixture of the ovum and semen, but the history of birth is that although the ovum and semen mix together after sex, there is not always pregnancy
- The child in the womb is a part of the husband's body. Therefore the husband, through his representative, indirectly remains within the womb of his pregnant wife
- The child to which Mamata gave birth was begotten by Brhaspati irreligiously, for although Mamata was the wife of Utathya, Brhaspati made her pregnant by force. Therefore Brhaspati became bharta
- The doe was pregnant, and when it jumped out of fear, the baby deer fell from its womb into the flowing waters of the river
- The embryonic body of Parīkṣit which was in formation after Uttarā's pregnancy by Abhimanyu, the great hero, was burned by the brahmāstra of Aśvatthāmā, but a second body was given by the Lord within the womb, and thus the descendant of Pūru was
- The garbhadhana ceremony before sexual intercourse was compulsory for persons in the higher grades of society, and it is very scientific. Other processes recommended in the Vedic literature during pregnancy are also very important
- The menstrual period prolongs at least for 5 days, so after this 5 days, one can have sex life provided he desires to get a child. And as soon as the wife is pregnant, no more sex life, until the child is born and is grown up at least for 6 months
- The mental situation at the time of sex life may then be transferred into the womb of the wife, and good children can come out of that pregnancy
- The omen spoke of astamo garbhah, referring to the eighth pregnancy (of Devaki), but did not clearly say whether the child was to be a son or a daughter
- The pregnancy (of Sacimata) approached its thirteenth month, but still there was no sign of the delivery of the child (Nimai Pandita). Thus Jagannatha Misra became greatly apprehensive
- The pregnancy will take place when there is actually living soul within this material creation, material combination, emulsification. That is the knowledge we get from Vedic sources
- The pregnant wife should worship her husband and offer him prayers. She should meditate upon him, thinking that he is situated in her womb
- The real story of what happened after Yogamaya attracted the child of Devaki into the womb of Rohini in the seventh month of Rohini's pregnancy is described as follows in the Hari-vamsa
- The seed comes from the father, that you cannot deny. Mother, without seed, cannot be pregnant and cannot give child. That is our experience. Nature is mother, and the seed is given by the father
- The seventh pregnancy of Devaki signifies the appearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The sex impulse is so strong in this material world that even Brhaspati, who is supposed to be the priest of the demigods and a very learned scholar, wanted to have a sexual relationship with his brother's pregnant wife
- The virtuous lady Diti had been very apprehensive of trouble to the gods from the children in her womb, and her husband (Kasyapa) predicted the same. She brought forth twin sons (Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu) after a full one hundred years of pregnancy
- The virtuous lady Diti had been very apprehensive of trouble to the gods from the children in her womb, and her husband predicted the same. She brought forth twin sons after a full one hundred years of pregnancy
- There is an authoritative Vedic literature called Pinda-siddhi in which the scientific understanding of pregnancy is very nicely described
- There is no performance of the purificatory processes known as samskaras, which begin from the time of the mother’s pregnancy and continue up to the point of the individual’s death
- This (CC Madhya 17.142) is a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.15.43). Vidura and Maitreya discussed the pregnancy of Diti
- Thus Brhaspati assured her that he would not punish her, for although she was unchaste and had become pregnant illicitly, she wanted a son
- Too much salt, chili, onion and similar food is forbidden for the pregnant mother because the child's body is too delicate and new for him to tolerate such pungent food
- Understanding that Urvasi was pregnant, Pururava returned to his palace. At the end of the year, there at Kuruksetra, he again obtained the association of Urvasi, who was then the mother of a heroic son
- Unless Jadurani develops a better health and strength, I do not advise her to become pregnant. I think you will understand the instruction as I have given and try to follow it as far as possible
- Unless the soul enters the mixture (of the ovum and semen), there is no possibility of pregnancy, but when the soul takes shelter of the mixture the body takes birth, exists, grows, transforms and dwindles, and ultimately it is vanquished
- Vasudeva, a pure devotee of the Lord, was eager to see Krsna appear as his child from the eighth pregnancy of Devaki. Therefore he wanted to deliver all the children quickly so that the eighth turn would come and Krsna would appear
- Visnu said: In due course of time Prsni became pregnant and gave birth to the child. The Lord spoke to Devaki and Vasudeva: At that time My name was Prsnigarbha
- When Devaki became pregnant for the seventh time, a plenary expansion of Krsna known as Ananta appeared within her womb
- When Lord Brahma was fully informed by Angira about the entire incident, he severely chastised the moon-god, Soma. Thus Lord Brahma delivered Tara to her husband, who could then understand that she was pregnant
- When Sakuntala accepted Maharaja Dusmanta as her husband, he married her according to the gandharva-vidhi. Sakuntala later became pregnant by her husband, who left her in the asrama of Kanva Muni and returned to his kingdom
- When the demigod named Brhaspati was attracted by his brother's wife, Mamata, who at that time was pregnant, he desired to have sexual relations with her
- When the proud Devayani understood from outside sources that Sarmistha was pregnant by her husband, she was frenzied with anger. Thus she departed for her father's house
- When the Sudarsana disc enters those provinces, the pregnant wives of the demons all have miscarriages due to fear of its effulgence
- When the time came, the pregnant mother Sitadevi gave birth to twin sons, later celebrated as Lava and Kusa. The ritualistic ceremonies for their birth were performed by Valmiki Muni
- With great jubilation she became pregnant, having taken semen from Kasyapa, and faithfully began discharging the vow
- With our eyes we can only see, but Krsna, merely by seeing, can make others pregnant. There is no need of sex, for simply by glancing, Krsna can create pregnancy
- Women should, should be allowed to beget children as soon as they're able. But as soon as the pregnancy is there, there should not be any sex life. They have got sex life in pregnancy also. So many things, we have... We can guide them all
- You can have sex with your wife five days after menstrual period, and if she is pregnant, then you cannot have sex life. So if you have sex life more that this, that is against religious principles
- You're killing your children. That is very good? Unrestricted sex, and when she is pregnant you kill. Are you human being or raksasa, demon? - Challenge them like this