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Pages in category "Recite"
The following 78 pages are in this category, out of 78 total.
- According to the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (188), the three brothers (Govinda, Madhava and Vasudeva Ghosa) were formerly Kalavati, Rasollasa and Gunatunga, who recited the songs composed by Sri Visakha-gopi
- After hearing this description of Lord Krsna from the male parrot, the female parrot began to recite a description of Srimati Radharani
- After the end of the battle, Krpacarya again became a member of the royal assembly, and he was called during the birth of Maharaja Pariksit for recitation of auspicious Vedic hymns to make the ceremony successful
- Again Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said to Ramananda Raya, "Please say something. I want to hear." Understanding the situation, Ramananda Raya recited the following words of the gopis
- All his desires are fulfilled simply by engaging constantly in the Lord's loving service. Lord Siva shows us that any devotee can be successful simply by chanting the prayers which he has recited
- All of these subjects in the Ramayana seem very pitiable, and they may appear to be very distressing to the reciter, but actually this is not so
- All the Praceta princes simply stood in the water for ten thousand years and recited the prayers given to them by Lord Siva
- Anyone who hears, recites or chants them surely gets all his spiritual desires fulfilled. Thus Krsna's childhood pastimes, His sporting with Balarama and the cowherd boys in Vrndavana, were described
- As a historical example of this, learned sages recite the story of an ancient discussion between Prahlada Maharaja and a great saintly person who was feeding himself like a python
- As usual the author concludes the chapter (9 of CC Madhya) by reciting the names of Sri Rupa and Raghunatha and reinstating himself at their lotus feet
- At the critical hour of death one must recite the name of Govinda. This is the recommendation of all great transcendentalists
- At the same time, Lord Brahma cautioned all his sons and disciples by reciting the prayers now recited by Lord Siva
- Austerity of speech consists in speaking truthfully and beneficially and in avoiding speech that offends. One should also recite the Vedas regularly. BG 17.15 - 1972
- Because this prayer was offered by Lord Brahma, "He (Govinda) is always served with great reverence and affection by hundreds of thousands of laksmis, or gopis." We follow him by reciting this prayer
- By recitation of the hymns of the Vedas in the proper way, certainly the performer gets relief from the reactions of sins, but in case of such sacrifices improperly done under inexpert management, surely one has to become responsible for animal sacrifice
- For a devotee these informations of Krsna, oh, become so . . . "My Krsna is so God. Oh, my God is so powerful." And, I think, sometimes I recited one story. This is for very instructive
- Formerly, O King, when Maharaja Yudhisthira was performing the Rajasuya sacrifice, the great sage Narada, responding to his inquiry, recited historical facts showing how the Supreme Personality of Godhead is always impartial, even when killing demons
- I advise you to recite these prayers, which are as effective as great austerities. In this way, when you are mature, your life will be successful, and you will certainly achieve all your desired objectives without fail
- I offer my respectful obeisances to Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, by whose mercy even a lame man can cross over a mountain and a dumb man recite Vedic literature
- I shall continually recite Vedanta philosophy before Caitanya Mahaprabhu so that He may remain fixed in His renunciation and thus enter upon the path of monism
- If he (Svarupa Damodara) would find that there were no incompatibilities in the rasas, or transcendental mellows, he would then allow the poet to approach Lord Caitanya and recite his poetry
- If one recites this narration while offering oblations to the pitas and demigods, especially during the sraddha ceremony, the demigods and inhabitants of Pitrloka will be extremely pleased with him and bestow upon him the fulfillment of all desires
- In great ecstasy, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said to Svarupa Damodara in a faltering voice, "My ears are dying of thirst. Please recite something to quench this thirst. Let Me hear it"
- In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (106) it is described that he (Devananda) was formerly Bhaguri Muni, the sabha-pandita who recited Vedic literatures in the house of Nanda Maharaja
- It is the duty of a son or a disciple to offer respects and recite suitable prayers when he approaches his father or spiritual master. But Bhrgu Muni purposely failed to offer respects, just to see Lord Brahma’s reaction to this negligence
- It is the system in Vrndavana that in every temple there is recitation of the sastras
- Macbeth may be recited by two men, without anything else, and simply by their acting ability and the meaningful words alone, they can very easily capture the entire audience and give them real substance
- Mother Yasoda recited all the holy names of Visnu so that He might save the child
- My dear sons of the King, the prayers I have recited to you are meant for pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul
- Once a friend of Bhagavan Acarya's from Bengal wanted to recite a drama that he had written that was against the principles of devotional service, and although Bhagavan Acarya wanted to recite this drama before Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- One day Haridasa Thakura was sitting in his cave, reciting the holy name of the Lord very loudly
- One should (17) circumambulate the temple, (18) recite various prayers, (19) chant softly, (20) chant congregationally, (21) smell the incense and flower garlands offered to the Deity, and (22) eat the remnants of food offered to the Deity
- One should not foolishly consider the Puranas mythological. If they were mythological, Sukadeva Gosvami would not have taken the trouble to recite the old historical incidents concerning the life of Ajamila
- One should not offer obeisances silently to the spiritual master; or in other words, one should recite aloud the prayers to the spiritual master while offering obeisances
- One who reads the thousand names of Visnu can be released from all offenses. In the same Skanda-Purana, Reva-khanda, it is said that one who recites prayers to tulasi or sows a tulasi seed is also freed from all offenses
- One who rises from bed early in the morning and recites this history of Citraketu, controlling his words and mind and remembering the Supreme Personality of Godhead, will return home, back to Godhead, without difficulty
- Persons who are infected with the disease of material attachment and who suffer from the pangs of repeated birth and death cannot relish such recitation of the Lord's glories, just as a person suffering from jaundice cannot relish the taste of sugar candy
- Persons who have completely taken shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord should recite this narration of Dhruva Maharaja without taking remuneration
- Prahlada certainly heard and recited the topics of politics and economics taught by the teachers, but he understood that political philosophy involves considering someone a friend and someone else an enemy, and thus he did not like it
- Raghupati Upadhyaya recited, "Those who are afraid of material existence worship the Vedic literature. Some worship smrti, the corollaries to the Vedic literature, and others worship the Mahabharata"
- Recitation of scriptures
- Rendering personal service to the Deities. 13) Singing. 14) Sankirtana. 15) Chanting. 16) Offering prayers. 17) Reciting notable prayers. 18) Tasting maha-prasadam (food from the very plate offered before the Deities
- So far as your fraternal quarrel is concerned, I may recite in this connection one story
- Specifically, recitation is recommended on the full moon or dark moon day, on the day after Ekadasi, on the appearance of the Sravana star, at the end of a particular tithi
- Specifically, recitation is recommended on the full moon or dark moon day, on the day after Ekadasi, on the appearance of the Sravana star, at the end of a particular tithi, or the occasion of Vyatipata, at the end of the month, or on Sunday
- Srila Yamunacarya has recited in his Stotra-ratna: By serving You constantly, one is freed from all material desires and is completely pacified. When shall I engage as Your permanent eternal servant and always feel joyful to have such a fitting master?
- Such recitation should of course be performed before a favorable audience. When recitation is performed this way, without professional motive, the reciter and audience become perfect
- Svarupa Damodara, the Lord’s (Caitanya's) secretary, did not allow him (Bhagavan Acarya) to do so - he wanted to recite a drama before Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu which was against the principles of devotional service written by his friend of Bengal
- The citizens of Mathura began to recite Krsna's pastimes - His birth as the son of Vasudeva, His being taken into the care of Nanda Maharaja and his wife in Gokula, and all those events leading to His coming to Mathura to favor them
- The disciples will remain with me. They will have daily chanting and reciting scriptures very nicely, which will attract hundreds of persons during the performances
- The fifth fault (in CC Adi 16.41, recited by Kesava Kasmiri) is bhagna-krama, which means - broken order
- The Lord (Caitanya) described initiation, morning duties and duties of cleanliness - washing the face and brushing the teeth - the process of work and the prayers to be recited both in the morning and the evening
- The material creation means material engagement, but material engagements can be counteracted if we always remember our relationship with the Lord as that relationship is described in these prayers recited by Lord Siva
- The sixty-four regulative principles (of devotional service) are as follows: (36) To visit places of pilgrimage and temples of the Supreme Lord. (37) To circumambulate the temple. (38) To recite prayers. (39) To chant the Lord's name softly to oneself
- The very word vimukti, or liberation, indicates that the Lord's birth and activities are all transcendental; otherwise simply by reciting them one could not attain liberation
- The word viviktam is very significant. No one should think of the prayers recited by Lord Siva as being sectarian; rather, they are very confidential
- There are many sages who are expert in performing austerities; there are many men who give much in charity; there are many famous men, scholars and thinkers, and there are those who are very expert in reciting Vedic hymns
- Thereafter, Vedic hymns which had not been pronounced before, priestly rituals, the subject matters of the recitation, and transcendental activities were all established, one after another
- This verse (CC Madhya 19.96) recited by Raghupati Upadhyaya was later included in Sri Rupa Gosvami’s Padyavali - 126
- We can engage our words in chanting Hare Krsna mantra, in preaching Hare Krsna mantra, in reciting the book. That is vag. And we can ask others to hear, deha-vag; and buddhi, intelligence
- We should take the path of devotional service, following Prahlada Maharaja, and his prayers, his instructions are so valuable that even simply by reciting this Prahlada Maharaja's stotra, This prayer of Prahlada Maharaja is very, very important
- When he recited or heard about the beauty and sweetness of Krsna, he would be overwhelmed with ecstatic love and become oblivious to everything
- When Lord Brahma understood that the Supreme Personality of Godhead was now within the womb of Aditi, he began to offer prayers to the Lord by reciting transcendental names
- When Raghupati Upadhyaya was requested by the Lord to recite more, he immediately offered his respects to the Lord and granted His request
- Whenever there is a recitation of poetry or a dramatic play on the different pastimes of Krsna, the audience develops different kinds of transcendental loving service for the Lord. They enjoy different types of vibhava, anubhava and sancari-bhava
- Whenever they (prakrta-sahajiyas) are asked to hear a recitation of Vedic literature, they refuse, saying, “What business do we have reading or hearing transcendental literatures? They are meant for neophytes”
- Whoever hears or recites these descriptions of the expansions of Krsna's body is certainly a very fortunate man. Although this is very difficult to understand, one can nonetheless acquire some knowledge about the different features of Krsna's body
- You can call sermon, because there is prayer song and there is, I mean to say, recitation from scriptures
- You simply repeat, recite, the instruction of Krsna. That is preaching. That is preaching. And we are doing the same thing. We are doing. We are not introducing any new interpretation. Whatever Krsna has said, bas, finished