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Pages in category "Imprisoned"
The following 91 pages are in this category, out of 91 total.
- A criminal is put in prison and punished by the government, but the same government, if it likes, can release the criminal from imprisoned life
- A prisoner cannot go out of the prison house naturally, but somehow or other he arranges to jump over the wall and goes away. Then he becomes a criminal for further imprisonment
- After finishing this business, Krsna and Balarama immediately released Their father and mother, Vasudeva and Devaki, who had been imprisoned by Kamsa
- After installing Sahadeva on the throne, He (Krsna) released all the kings and princes who had been imprisoned unnecessarily by Jarasandha
- After the departure of Narada, Lord Krsna addressed the messenger who had come from the imprisoned kings and told him that they should not be worried, for He would very soon arrange to kill the King of Magadha, Jarasandha
- Anyone who hears these (the killing of Sisupala and Jarasandha and the releasing of the imprisoned kings) narrations from authorized persons will immediately be freed from all the reactions of the sinful activities of his life
- At the present moment, all the government men, their first qualification is whether he went to jail during this movement. Yes. The more one suffered imprisonment, he is given more exalted post. Not only jail; in the jail they were beaten very severely
- At the very moment the messenger of the imprisoned kings was presenting their appeal before the Lord (Krsna), the great sage Narada arrived
- He (Baladeva) was also entrusted to Nanda Maharaja along with His mother, Rohini, when Vasudeva embraced imprisonment by mutual agreement with Kamsa. So Nanda Maharaja is also the foster father of Baladeva along with Lord Krsna
- He wished good fortune to all the imprisoned kings and the messenger. After receiving this assurance from Lord Krsna, the messenger returned to the imprisoned kings and informed them of the happy news of the Lord's forthcoming visit
- If one releases a conditioned soul or imprisoned person according to religious principles, he himself is also released from material bondage by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In all species of life, in all forms of life, as many creatures are there, they are all My (Krsna's) sons BG 14.4 - So how can you treat others as not your brother? Even the ant is also your brother. He is in a different class of imprisonment, that's all
- In illusion an attached person serves such family members, and by serving them he is destined to enter into a hellish condition of life. For example, a thief steals something to maintain his family, and he is caught and imprisoned
- In other words, although Magadhendra was able to imprison so many kings, upon the appearance of Krsna they were all released. Krsna did this out of His sincere compassion for the kings
- In the material world a so-called family is a combination of several persons in one home to fulfill the terms of their imprisonment
- In this way (sometimes going here and sometimes there and sometimes doing this or that) the living entity wanders throughout the entire universe, imprisoned in various species and thus engaging in various activities for which he must suffer the reactions
- Kamsa did not hesitate to kill his nephews and imprison his sister and his father. For demons to do such things is not astonishing. Nonetheless, although Kamsa was a demon, he was aware that Lord Visnu cannot be killed, and thus he attained salvation
- Kamsa was his brother-in-law, and Vasudeva accepted voluntary imprisonment by Kamsa on mutual agreement to deliver the eighth son of Devaki. This was foiled by the will of Krsna
- Kamsa, the most powerful son of Ugrasena, even imprisoned his own father, the King of the Yadu, Bhoja and Andhaka dynasties, and personally ruled the states known as Surasena - SB 10.1.69
- Killing an animal or any other living being simply places an impediment in the way of his completing his term of imprisonment in a certain body
- Krsna said, "The living entity is imprisoned in the material condition on account of his false conception of himself as the supreme enjoyer. This false ego of the living entity is the cause of his imprisonment in material existence"
- Krsna's compassion for distressed persons was exhibited when He released all of the kings imprisoned by Magadhendra. While dying, Grandfather Bhisma prayed to Krsna and described Him as the sun which eradicated darkness
- Narakasura kidnapped many daughters of great kings and kept them imprisoned in his palace
- Naturally, the prisoner cannot go out of the prison house, but if somehow or other he manages to escape, that means he becomes again a criminal. He will be arrested again, and his term of imprisonment will be increased, or he will be punished more
- No demigod, however, can release the imprisoned living being from the conditioned life of material existence. This can be done only by Visnu. Therefore, the ultimate benefit may be derived from Visnu, the Personality of Godhead
- Not only the gopis but anyone who follows these instructions of Krsna is immediately freed from the jiva-kosa imprisonment
- O Hrsikesa, master of the senses and Lord of lords, You (Krsna) have released Your mother, Devaki, who was long imprisoned and distressed by the envious King Kamsa, and me and my children from a series of constant dangers
- One can chant while sleeping, while working, while imprisoned in the womb or while outside
- One is warned against such allurements (wealth and women) because entanglement again in illusory pleasure means degradation of the self and further imprisonment in the material world. By this warning, one should follow one's vigilant intelligence only
- One who imprisons a living entity within a cave is put into the hell known as Avata-nirodhana
- So this is a chance given, human form of life. Just like after imprisonment you are again given little freedom. You cannot be completely free; however, you may declare that, I belong to free nation
- Sukadeva Gosvami assured Maharaja Pariksit that the pastimes of Lord Krsna - the killing of Sisupala and Jarasandha and the releasing of the imprisoned kings - are all transcendental vibrations
- The attached householder is like a silkworm, which weaves a cocoon in which it becomes imprisoned, unable to get out. Simply for the satisfaction of two important senses - the genitals and the tongue - one is bound by material conditions
- The consciousness of the living entity who falsely presents himself as the enjoyer of the material world is called jiva-kosa, which means imprisonment by the false ego
- The foolish man does not know that a particular term of bodily existence is awarded to him to undergo a term of imprisonment & the human body is awarded, after many, many births and deaths as a chance for self-realization to go back home back to Godhead
- The human form of life is a chance to get out of this imprisoned life, and as such the only occupation of the human being is to reestablish his lost relationship with God
- The imprisonment and release of Vasudeva and the killing of various demons were all manifestations of the pastimes of the Lord
- The kings who were imprisoned by Magadhendra were put into dark cells, and when Krsna appeared there, the darkness immediately disappeared, just as if the sun had risen
- The law of nature is so subtle that every part of our body is influenced by the respective stars, and a living being obtains his working body to fulfill his terms of imprisonment by the manipulation of such astronomical influence
- The living being is by constitution transcendental to material encagement, but he is now imprisoned by the external energy, and therefore he thinks himself one of the material products
- The living entities have to change their material coverings for undergoing different terms of imprisonment
- The man brought before Lord Krsna by the doorkeeper (of Sudharma assembly house) was a messenger from all these imprisoned kings. Being duly presented before the Lord, the man began to relay a message from the kings, as follows
- The messenger concluded, "As the messenger and representative of all those imprisoned kings, I have submitted my words before Your Lordship (Krsna) and presented their prayers to You"
- The messenger said, "Dear Lord, it is known to You (Krsna) that Jarasandha possesses the power of ten thousand elephants, and with this power he has imprisoned us, just as a lion hypnotizes a flock of sheep"
- The messenger said, "He has arrested and imprisoned us, knowing fully that as Your (Krsna's) devotees we are subordinate to Your sovereignty"
- The messenger said, "We have now come to the real conclusion of our lives. Our kingly positions were nothing but the reward of our past pious activities, just as our suffering imprisonment by Jarasandha is the result of our past impious activities"
- The Nawab requested Sanatana to accompany him on an expedition to Orissa, but when Sanatana Gosvami refused, the Nawab ordered that he be imprisoned
- The question was why a sinful man commits sinful activities although he has full knowledge of the after result by knowing it from authority and by seeing it personally. A thief commits theft repeatedly and is imprisoned repeatedly
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead was engaged in His so-called household affairs in order to teach people how one can sanctify one's household life although one may be attached to the imprisonment of material existence
- The third-class prisoners, being less materially opulent than the first-class prisoners, endeavor to imitate them, for they also have no information of the real nature of their imprisonment. Thus they also are misled by the illusory material nature
- Then Vasudeva remembered the cows he had wanted to give in charity to the brahmanas after the birth of Krsna & Balarama. But being imprisoned by Kamsa at that time, Vasudeva had been able to do so only within his mind, for Kamsa had stolen all his cows
- There are innumerable conditioned souls rotting in the material world, imprisoned by maya under the spell of sense gratification. The living entity is so entranced by the spell of maya that in conditioned life even a pig feels satisfied
- These saintly kings (God's representatives) give protection to all the prajas, or living beings, to live and to fulfill their terms of imprisonment
- They (different rulers of the world) were very weak due to hunger, and their faces had lost all beauty and luster. The kings' long imprisonment had caused every part of their bodies to become slack and invalid
- This is a knowledge, that every living entity is imprisoned within this body. This knowledge is equally good for Hindus, Muslim, Christian or everyone. There is no question of Christianism or Hinduism
- This Kamsa imprisoned his father and became the King of Mathura. By the grace of Lord Krsna and His brother, Lord Baladeva, Kamsa was killed, and Ugrasena was reinstalled on the throne
- This material life is a term of imprisonment in sex. Just like imprisonment means you are detained in a place allotted by the government, you cannot go out. So here, this material world, the imprisonment is the sex. You cannot go out
- Those who are condemned, those who want to try to lord it over, they are imprisoned within the walls of material universe. So their number is very small
- Those who pursue the four Vedic goals (religiosity, economic development, sense gratification, and liberation), even up to impersonal liberation, find themselves imprisoned by their senses and enslaved by their desires
- To revolve in the cycle of transmigration in a series of lives numbering 8,400,000 is an imprisoned life for the condemned conditioned souls
- Uddhava said, "(If we can somehow gain victory over Jarasandha) The imprisoned kings will be released, and with great pleasure we shall enjoy the spread of Your transcendental fame for having saved the innocent kings whom Jarasandha has imprisoned"
- Uddhava said, "As for the Rajasuya sacrifice arranged in Hastinapura, it will be held, either because of the pious activities of the imprisoned kings or the impious activities of Jarasandha"
- Uddhava said, "Considering all these (conquer demoniac kings like Jarasandha and Sisupala, release the pious imprisoned kings and perform the great Rajasuya sacrifice) points, I think that Your Lordship should immediately proceed to Hastinapura"
- Uddhava said, "My Lord (Krsna), it appears that You are to go personally to Hastinapura to conquer demoniac kings like Jarasandha and Sisupala, to release the pious imprisoned kings, and also to perform the great Rajasuya sacrifice"
- Vasudeva began to narrate his own past history - how he had been imprisoned by King Kamsa, how his babies had been killed, how immediately after Krsna’s birth he had carried Krsna to the place of Nanda Maharaja
- Vasudeva had been imprisoned by Kamsa, and therefore, although present in Mathura, he was unable to see Nanda Maharaja for many years. Therefore when they met again, Vasudeva considered this meeting to be another birth
- Vasudeva said, "Dear friend, I was imprisoned by Kamsa, and now I am released; therefore this is another birth for me. I had no hope of seeing you again, but by God's grace I can see you"
- Vasudeva said, "My dear brother, in the beginning, due to my being imprisoned, I could never serve you as a friend, and although at the present moment"
- Vasudeva thought "In my home, although I am imprisoned, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has taken birth. How many millions and millions of times should I be prepared to observe this auspicious ceremony!"
- Vasudeva very humbly wondered that although he was an ordinary living entity conditioned by material nature and was externally imprisoned by Kamsa, the all-pervading Personality of Godhead, Visnu, or Krsna, was appearing as a child in his home
- Vasudeva was transcendentally jubilant, and he wanted to perform a festival, as ksatriyas do to celebrate the birth of a child, but because of his imprisonment he was unable to do it externally, and therefore he performed the festival within his mind
- Vedic knowledge has been kept imprisoned or concealed, but every human being needs to understand it in truth
- We are in this material world handcuffed, imprisoned. Our aim of life is how to get out of this material bondage, or prison house
- We have seen in the history of India that Aurangzeb killed his brother and nephews and imprisoned his father to fulfill political ambitions. There have been many similar instances, and Kamsa was the same type of king
- We should not act in such a way that this imprisonment with this material body will continue birth after birth, either American body, Indian body, dog's body, hog's body, so many - 8,400,000's of body. That is called yoga
- When one is advanced in Krsna consciousness, he does not consider himself as good as Krsna. Whenever he thinks that he is the enjoyer of material advantages, he is imprisoned in the bodily conception
- When the term of the living entity's imprisonment or punishment in the lower species is finished, he is again offered a human form and given a chance to decide for himself which way he should plan
- While Sanatana Gosvami was imprisoned in Bengal, a letter arrived from Srila Rupa Gosvami