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Pages in category "Grudge"
The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total.
- Highly qualified brahmanas situated in the mode of goodness have no grudges against the mode of worship of others. They have all respect for other demigods, even though they may look ghastly, like Kala-bhairava or Mahakali
- His brothers used to give him broken rice, oil cakes, the chaff of rice, worm-eaten grains and burned grains that had stuck to the pot, but he gladly accepted all this as if it were nectar. He did not hold any grudges and ate all this very gladly
- Once when Parasurama left the asrama for the forest with Vasuman and his other brothers, the sons of Kartaviryarjuna took the opportunity to approach Jamadagni's residence to seek vengeance for their grudge
- One should not grudge being controlled by time despite being a true follower of religious principles
- One would never grudge parting with it (king's claim) because due to the pious king and religious harmony there was enough natural wealth, namely grains, fruits, flowers, silk, cotton, milk, jewels, minerals, etc & therefore no one was materially unhappy
- The bearing of a grudge, aversion and chastisement are all visible symptoms - of amarsa
- The brahmacaris, vanaprasthas, and sannyasis all curtailed their necessities to the minimum, and therefore no one would begrudge maintaining them in the bare necessities of life
- The main thing is we must not carry grudges or continue to quarrel amongst one another. Bury the hatchet and join together to push on this movement cooperatively
- The people should not begrudge the poor administrations they themselves elect
- They (all state princes) felt the supernatural power of the Pandavas, and thus without grudge all of them submitted and paid tributes to the Emperor
- They have got goods enough; where to sell? As soon as they go to the British territories, "No, you cannot sell. If you want to sell, then hundred percent duty." So price increase. This was the grudge. Everyone knows. This is the cause of two wars
- When brahmanas are free from envy, untruthfulness, unnecessary pride, grudges, disturbance by the opulence of others, and false prestige, their blessings never go in vain - SB 10.7.13-15
- When He saw someone doing nicely, the Lord praised him, but if He saw that someone was not working to His satisfaction, He immediately chastised that person, not bearing him any grudge
- When there was gambling between the rival brothers, designed by Sakuni, Karna took part in the game, and he was very pleased when Draupadi was offered as a bet in the gambling. This fed his old grudge
- Whoever performs his every activity with transcendental consciousness - according to My (Krsna's) direction, without any grudge toward Me - he also becomes free from the bondage of work