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Pages in category "Independence"
The following 203 pages are in this category, out of 203 total.
- A living entity misuses his little independence when he wants to lord it over material nature. This misuse of independence, which is called maya, is always available, otherwise there would be no independence
- A living entity must have independence, although it is very little, minute. That Krsna does not touch. He'll never touch. You'll have to agree, "Yes, Krsna, I shall surrender unto You. Yes. That is for my benefit." This is Krsna consciousness
- A living entity's independence is lost by material contact. In the spiritual field he has full independence, and therefore there is no question of becoming dependent upon the three modes of material nature
- A servant has no individual independence. He acts only on the order of the master. A servant acting on behalf of the supreme master has no affection for profit and loss. He simply discharges his duty faithfully in terms of the order of God. BG 1972 pur
- A woman has no independence... She is always under the protection, either under the protection of the father or under the protection of the husband or under the protection of the grown-up sons. That is position. And woman becomes happy in that way
- According to Manu, women, the fair sex, should not have independence at any stage of life
- Actually the mind is acting as my, because I have got little independence, because I am part and parcel of the Supreme who has got full independence, therefore I have got little independence
- After the sixteenth year the parents shall treat their child as a friend, and the child is allowed to gradually develop his adult responsibility and independence
- All the living entities have individual independence and when some of the children misuse the godgifted independence for their sense gratification and not to fulfill the plan of Godhead, they develop the demonic qualities and become asuras
- Although there is no comparison between the two qualities of independence, the living entity is minutely independent, and the Supreme Lord is fully independent
- Anyone who goes to the Vaikuntha planets or Goloka Vrndavana planet is freely offering his service to the Lord. That is complete independence
- Anyone who will give him false hope that "If you get independence, then overnight you will become like this, like this, like that," that leader is very nice. If there is some political meeting giving only bluff, lots of bluffs only, & people gather there
- As fragmental parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, the living entities have also fragmental qualities, of which independence is one. BG 1972 purports
- As iron attracted by a magnetic stone moves automatically toward the magnet, my (Prahlada's) consciousness, having been changed by His (Lord Visnu's) will, is attracted by Lord Visnu, who carries a disc in His hand. Thus I have no independence
- As part and parcel of the Lord, every individual living entity has a minute quantity of independence, & by misuse of this minute independence, the nondevotees commit offense after offense, to both the Lord and His pure devotees engaged in missionary work
- As soon as one grows, keeps away from the mother, from the father, the so-called independence. Actually we are dependent on Krsna. He is supplier. He is giving us food, everything. So we must have confidence. That's all
- As soon as people declare their independence of the supreme controller, they are immediately put into this material world to try their luck freely, as far as possible
- As the supreme father of all living entities, He (Krsna) does not interfere with their independence, but gives all facilities so that they can fulfill their material desires. BG 1972 purports
- Because I want sense gratification, therefore let me under the name of independence, let me become naked and have sex life on the street. That day is coming. It already has come to some extent
- Because of his minute independence, the living entity can obey or disobey the orders of the Supreme Lord
- Because there is no first-class man to take charge of the woman, they are declaring independence. All the men are doing that. They keep girlfriend, make her pregnant, and go away
- Because we are part and parcel of God - God is fully independent - so we have got also little particle of independence. As soon as we misuse that independence, disobey the words of God, we become sinful
- Because you are also part and parcel of Krsna, therefore you have got the quality of independence, to make your choice whether to be under the influence of this inferior nature or to become under the influence of superior nature
- Because you are part and parcel of Krsna, you have got little independence, minute quantity, not full independence
- Because you are son of God - God has got full independence, almighty - therefore you have acquired the quality of your father. You have got little independence. So God does not interfere with your little independence
- Bheda-drstya means that Brahma sometimes thinks that he is independent of the Supreme Lord, or he thinks of himself as one of the three equally independent incarnations
- By misuse of one's independence one at once becomes a victim of Maya and thus he loses all importance in Krishna Consciousness. So it is my definite opinion that his lecture anywhere now will bear no spiritual sequence. He must rectify his mistake
- By proper use of the independence he (the living entity) comes under the direct order of Krsna. Thus he attains his normal condition in the pleasure-giving potency. BG 1972 purports
- Each and every one of the living entities within this universe has this minute independence, but Brahma, being the chief of all living entities, has a greater potential of independence than any other
- Even the elephant, who is so strong, is captured and loses its independence while satisfying its genitals with a female elephant
- Every individual soul has got little independence. Not full independence. That can be used properly; that can be misused also. That depends on me
- Every living entity has got an independence, minute, because he is also spiritual atom. We are all spiritual atoms. That atomic, spiritual atomic force... Just like a material atomic force is so strong, so you can just imagine how strong is spiritual atom
- God does not interfere with our tiny independence. If we want to act according to the order of God, then He will help us
- God has given independence to everyone. BG 1972 purports
- God has got full independence; you have got also independence. But your independence and God's independence not the same. Similarly, any quality you take, you have got little of it
- Government means people in general, they are losing their independence. Personal independence, nil. Russia, cent percent, no personal independence
- He (God) is asking that you surrender. He is not forcing. God can force you - He is all-powerful - but He doesn't interfere with your independence
- He (Krsna) says the plain truth, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65). He is saying to everyone. So if we do not do - we have got little independence - then we are in this miserable condition of life
- He (Yudhisthira) had no dependence on his brothers, who had all along been helping him. This stage of complete independence from everything is also called the purified stage of fearlessness
- He is born dependent because part and parcel of God. His constitutional position is dependent. Just like child. A child declares independence. What is the meaning of that independence? Danger. That's all. Simply inviting dangers
- He is slapped by the police. He says, "Oh, I am independent. Go on slapping." This is insanity. Is it not insanity? The police slaps him, and he says, "I am independent." Do you think independence? So that sort of independence we are having
- Here (in BG 18.63) Lord Krsna telIs Arjuna that he can do as he chooses. God does not interfere with the little independence of the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- How God can withdraw the independence He has given to you? That He will not withdraw. It is up to you to use your independence properly. That proper use of independence is to surrender
- How we can be independent? We are teeny, very small. There is no question of independence. The so-called independence, as we fight for independence, that is maya
- I am completely dependent. My Lord is Gauracandra, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I cannot do anything independently, without His order
- I am spirit soul, part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. As soon as the mind is contaminated, I rebel, because I have got little independence. "Why shall I serve Krsna or God? I am God." It is simply a dictation from the mind
- If Krsna forces, then His gift of independence is misused from His side. We are misusing our, that gift of independence, but for that reason, Krsna cannot withdraw your independence
- If she (a woman) is given independence and allowed to mingle unrestrictedly with men, she will be spoiled. A spoiled woman, being manipulated by paramours, might even kill her husband
- If the state cannot withdraw your independence, then what is the meaning of this independent country?
- If the Supreme Lord as Supersoul does not give such facilities (to fulfill material desires), then there is no meaning to independence. BG 1972 purports
- If we actually want the happiness and independence that transcend death, we have to establish ourselves and remain in our constitutional position as pure consciousness
- If you like to remain as inferior, you can remain. God has given you independence. And if you like to become superior, you can become superior. It is not God's discrimination; it is your discrimination
- If you violate the orders of God, then you suffer. You are perfect because you have got independence, but you misuse that perfectness. That is your fault. You perfect. You become imperfect by misusing
- In British time there was no begging at least. Now their independence means they are begging. So these are all false notions. Nobody is independent. He is dependent in some way or other under the laws of nature
- In Krsna reside (20) the discharge of proper duty, (21) complete independence, (22) dexterity, (23) fullness of all beauty, (24) serenity, (25) kindheartedness, (26) ingenuity, (27) gentility, (28) magnanimity (29) determination
- In many varieties of ways we have to convince them and prove that "You are foolishly thinking that there is independence, so-called scientific advancement, and only promising, 'Yes, in future we shall be like this, be like this.' " What is future
- In spite of the father's good will, the son is sometimes misguided because of his misuse of personal independence. Every living entity, however small or big he may be, has the choice of independence
- In the Manu-smrti it is stated that a woman should not be given independence, but should be given protection by her father, husband and elderly sons. In all circumstances a woman should remain dependent upon some guardian
- In the modes of passion, there is little independence, and in the modes of goodness, he has got full independence whether to remain in the struggle for existence world or go back to home, BTG. Brahma janati iti brahmanah. That is real knowledge platform
- In the prison house, if you think a first-class prison is very nice, but after all, it is prison house; your independence is cut down
- In this age, women are trying to take independence of father, husband or children. That is not good. That is described in the sastra
- In this verse (SB 4.9.35) the word svarajyam, which means complete independence, is very significant
- In Vedic society no girl was allowed to remain independent and unmarried. Independence for women means they become like prostitutes, struggling to capture some man who will take care of her
- In Western countries we have seen many women very unhappy simply for the sake of independence. That independence is not recommended by the Vedic civilization or by the varnasrama-dharma
- Independence does not mean their position is very lower, no. Just like children. Children has no independence. No independence means they are well-protected. No independence does not meant that he has no independence to act. No. She has got
- Independence implies that one can use it properly or improperly. It is not static; it is dynamic. Therefore, misuse of independence is the cause of being influenced by maya
- Independently means if we want to enjoy life according to my whims. That is called so-called independence. But by such independence, we are never happy, so we transmigrate for this so-called illusory happiness from one body to another
- India was under subjugation by so many foreigners: Mohammedans, Greeks, and so many others. Lastly, the Mohammedans ruled for eight hundred years. And the Britishers ruled for two hundred years. So now they have got independence, India
- Indian independence was achieved not by Gandhi's non-violence method but (by) Subhas Bose's violence method. And he wanted to explain nonviolence from Bhagavad-gita. Just see, another foolishness
- Individual independence and maya are so strong that they can stop progress at any moment
- Iron has no power to heat or burn, but after coming in contact with fire the iron becomes red-hot and can then diffuse heat and burn other things. Material nature is like iron, for it has no independence to act without the touch of Visnu
- It is clearly explained herein (SB 4.29.26-27) that the living entity has a little independence, indicated by the word sva-drk, meaning "one who can see his own welfare."
- It is the particular mentality - one is going to the university, one is going to the prison house. That is your individual independence. That is your choice
- It is when people are a little grown-up, when they have got little independence and their own ways of doing things, then if they marry there is often difficulty to adjust, just as it is more difficult to bend the bamboo when it is yellow
- Krsna does not force that "You must do this." He can give you instruction. Just like Krsna gives instruction, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66). Now it is my independence
- Krsna does not force; Krsna desires, He orders, that "You do this." Sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66). But He does not interfere with the little independence. That is Krsna's mercy
- Krsna does not touch your independence. Therefore He has given you advanced consciousness in human form of life, so that you now decide which way you shall go
- Krsna gives everyone full independence-whatever one likes - but His ultimate instruction we find in the Bhagavad-gita: man should give up all other engagements and fully surrender unto Him. That will make man happy. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is fully independent, and because we are part and parcel of Him we also have this quality of independence. Therefore we have a choice as to which energy we will function under
- Krsna is fully independent; therefore we have got the quality of independence. But because we are very small, minute particle, we have got minute particle of independence
- Let me go out. I shall enjoy life freely. - What freedom? You are already rich man's son. You can enjoy the property of your very, very rich, powerful father, and what independence you will enjoy? This is criminality
- Living entities also have partial independence, but by misuse of their independence, when the service attitude is transformed into the propensity for sense enjoyment, they come under the sway of lust
- Lord Brahma saw samskara (reformation) and kama (desire), their own independence being completely subordinate to the potency of the Lord, had all taken forms and were also worshiping those visnu-murtis - SB 10.13.53
- Lord Brahma saw that kala (the time factor) and svabhava (one's own nature by association), their own independence being completely subordinate to the potency of the Lord, had all taken forms and were also worshiping those visnu-murtis - SB 10.13.53
- Lord Brahma saw that karma (fruitive activity) and the gunas (the three modes of material nature), their own independence being completely subordinate to the potency of the Lord, had all taken forms and were also worshiping the visnu-murtis - SB 10.13.53
- Many great political leaders have tried to establish independence, but due to such so-called independence the people's dependence has only increased
- Maya and Krishna are just like the sunshine and darkness: the darkness has no independent existence without the sun. But still the darkness is existing in some corner of the sunlight
- Maya is so strong that Kala Krsnadasa left Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s company to join gypsy women. Even though a person may associate with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he can be allured by maya and leave the Lord’s company due to his slight independence
- Misusing the energy. We have spent ten million by power, gas, going there and coming, so many cars. Another ten million. So all these twelve million, three . . . thirteen million dollars spent for nothing. Dancing like dogs, independence, maya
- My Guru Maharaja, he convinced me (Prabhupada) that "Dependence, independence, they are temporary. But we are concerned with the eternal benefit of the human kind, and therefore you should take up this matter"
- Narada Muni had also spoken of a man who is the husband of the prostitute. The Haryasvas understood this as follows. If one becomes the husband of a prostitute, he loses all independence
- No independence does not meant that he has no independence to act. No. She has got. But under the protection
- No one but Visnu has any independence. If we develop consciousness of this fact, then we are in actual Krsna consciousness. We should always remember that Krsna is the only supreme master and that everyone else is His servant
- Nobody wants to become old man. Why he's enforced to become old man? But they have no brain to understand what is independence, what is happiness. They have taken distress as happiness. So that is due to lack of knowledge
- Not preset (committing suicide). That you can do because you have a little independence. It is not natural to commit suicide; it is unnatural. So because we have independence, we can go from nature to - un-nature
- Now unless one is shot dead, he would not leave family life. Even Mahatma Gandhi, he got independence and everything; still he would not leave. So he was shot dead. This is our position. All politicians, all big big men, they are not going to retire
- Now we are seeking ananda (bliss) in different atmospheres. Because we have a little independence, we have decided to go to the prison house of material nature and try to serve our senses instead of Krsna
- One who does not understand the instructions of the Gita is faithless, and is to be considered to be misusing the fragmental independence awarded to him by the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- One who is sane person, he knows that, "I may be first-class prisoner, but that does not mean I am not prisoner. I am prisoner." The suffering of the prison house, that I have no independence to do anything, that is prison life
- Our present position is bondage. We are bound up by the laws of nature. We may foolishly declare independence - that is our foolishness - but actually we are bound up by the laws of nature
- Patasaha (of CC Adi 17.195) refers to the king. Nawab Hussain Shah, whose full name was Ala Uddin Saiyad Husen Sa, was at that time (A.D. 1498-1521) the independent King of Bengal
- Persons who are desirous of becoming great personalities must be decorated with the following qualities: strength, memory, independence, tactfulness, luster, patience, kind-heartedness, ingenuity, gentility, mannerliness and determination
- Pure-in-heart transcendentalists know that although the living entity is very insignificant, he is part and parcel of the Absolute Truth and so has a proportionate measure of independence
- Sanatana Gosvami said: "I do not know what is independence. I am dancing like dog, how independence I can get, that I do not know." Real independence is: birth, death, old age and disease. When we get free from these 4 problems, that is real independence
- Saranagati, surrender to Krsna, is our only business. This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to teach people to, not to declare independence, which is not possible, nor to try to make this world happy without Krsna
- She is already dependent on nature's law that man is free from becoming pregnant and the woman has to take the burden. Then where is the independence, equal right? Equal right means sometimes man may become pregnant, sometimes woman may become pregnant
- Since every living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he has small independence
- So everyone has got little independence. So everyone can go to the spiritual world if he likes. But if he does not like, he will remain here. That is his choice
- So the Gandhi's picture, Gandhi was fishing with the tackle, and Jinnah was standing behind with a knife and plate, that "Let this rascal struggle for independence, and as soon as, he's get, I will take share and go away, Pakistan"
- So-called independence means anatha. Anatha. What is the independence? At any time nature's law will come and kick it out
- That means he's killed my independence
- The conditioned state is caused by misuse of the individual independence of the spiritual platform, for this separates the living entity from the association of the spiritual energy
- The independence in thinking is there by the grace of the Lord, but the thinking can be given shape by the grace of the Lord, and therefore the common saying is that man proposes and God disposes
- The independence of the individual living entity is not real independence, but is just the reflection of the real independence existing in the Supreme Being
- The individual living entity is given that independence. His conditional life is ended and his life becomes successful as soon as he turns his face to the Lord, but by misusing his independence he enters into material existence
- The living entity by nature has minute independence to choose his own good or bad fortune, but when he forgets his supreme master, the Personality of Godhead, he gives himself up unto the modes of material nature
- The living entity cannot be happy trying to be independent in the material world
- The living entity exists in the natural state of Krsna consciousness, but he has marginal independence, and this allows him to forget Krsna
- The living entity is described as isvara (in BG 15.8), the controller of his own body. If he likes, he can change his body to a higher grade, and if he likes he can move to a lower class. Minute independence is there. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity is situated between the two energies of the Lord, and because he belongs to the superior energy of the Lord, he has a particle of independence. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity sometimes becomes conditioned by the modes of nature, simply by abusing his small measure of independence that he is entitled to enjoy
- The living entity, as part and parcel of the Lord, is partially independent because he partially possesses all the qualities of the Lord. Anyone who has some independence may sometimes misuse it due to ignorance
- The Lord is always eager to take the living entity back to the spiritual energy, but due to his minute independence, the individual entity is continually rejecting the association of spiritual light. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord never interferes with the little independence that has been offered to us. We have got little independence because we are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. Oh, so under certain percentage we have got independence. Not full
- The materialists foolishly play that they are independent, but such false independence is vanquished at every instance by the superiority of the material nature
- The more you become servant of the servant, you are perfect. And as soon as you declare independence, you are rascal. This is the process. We should always remain most obedient servant of my master
- The parts and parcels are meant to serve the whole, and when they misuse their independence they are subject to the miseries of the laws of matter, just as criminals are subject to police action
- The real independence of a living entity, who is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is to remain always dependent on the Supreme Lord, just like a child who plays in complete independence, guided by his parents, who watch over him
- The real sva-raja is go back to home, back to Godhead
- The scientists can manufacture a big jet airplane 747, but they cannot manufacture a tiny mosquito, so what is their so-called declaration of independence
- The state considers its citizens to be its parts and parcels, and when a citizen misuses his relative independence, the state puts him under police authority
- The sufferings of humanity are caused by the misuse of the discriminative power or the little independence which is given to individual souls
- The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna and all His plenary portions and extensions of plenary portions are nondifferent from one another, and thus the supreme independence is in each and every one of them
- The whole process is that all living entities, being constitutionally parts and parcels of the supreme living being, the Absolute Personality of Godhead, have proportionately minute independence of action also
- There is no independence, either materially or spiritually. But we're falsely thinking to become independent. That is called illusion, maya
- There is no question of independence. Either you remain free or in the prison house, you are under the laws of government. So why falsely declaring independent and don't care for the government
- There is no question of independence. The woman must be given protection in childhood by the father unless she is married, and in youthhood by the husband, and in old age by grown-up sons. This is Vedic civilization
- These rascal misleading and therefore the human life and it is spoiled. - Therefore I was talking about the "What is the meaning of the independence ?" The life is spoiled
- They (so many boys) have got easy income, and they are not working. And because there is no proper work, they are becoming hippies. They are manufacturing independence. "Idle brain is a devil's workshop." This human psychology is the same everywhere
- They (the living entities) also have partial independence, but by misuse of their independence, when the service attitude is transformed into the propensity for sense enjoyment, they come under the sway of lust
- They (the living entities) also have partial independence, but by misuse of their independence, when the service attitude is transformed into the propensity for sense enjoyment, they come under the sway of lust. BG 1972 purports
- They (the transcendental pastimes or lila of the Supreme Lord) exhibit full sense, independence, and freedom of action and reaction
- They (third-class men) want to be diseased. They want to be criminals. So there must be some department for them. Just like Monte Carlo. So this is a facility for the living entities, for the slight independence which has been given by God to them
- They are planning so many things for future, but it is being baffled. So many schemes, so many there are. Our . . . in India there is a planning commission, after independence. So whatever they did, all failure
- This (CC Madhya 10.65) is factual evidence showing that it is possible at any time to fall down from the Lord’s association. One need only misuse his little independence
- This is purely cultural programme for spreading the Hindu culture and if the Hindus have no such scope for spreading their culture then what is the meaning of independence
- This position (of independence) is attained by a devotee, and he gives up the tendency for material enjoyment after seeing its faultiness
- This Vedic truth that woman has no independence, she is always under the protection, either under the protection of the father or under the protection of the husband or under the protection of the grown-up sons. That is position
- Those who are firmly fixed up in devotional service to Krsna are making proper use of their independence and so they do not fall down
- Time, nature, prakrti (as cause and effect), the mind, the material elements, false ego, the modes of nature, the senses, the universal form, complete independence and the moving and nonmoving beings appear subsequently as His opulences
- Transcendental pleasure derived from loving service to the Lord is actual independence
- Under certain percentage we have got independence. And that independence we can use properly or misuse it also. When we misuse, then we become krpana, the miser. And when we use it properly, then we become brahmana
- Unfortunately, because of the living entity's little independence, the living entity wants to "deprogram" the program of Krsna. This is the material disease
- Vedic civilization recommends that a woman stay under the protection of a man. During childhood she should be cared for by her father, in youth by her husband, and in old age by a grown son. In any stage of life, a woman should not have independence
- Visnu, the Supreme Lord, has no independence but is bound to award a certain kind of result to the worker. Such a dependent goal becomes subjected to the worshiper, who accepts the Supreme Lord to be both impersonal and personal, as he may wish
- We are all under authority, yet we say that we don't want authority. This is called maya, illusion. We do, however, have a certain independence - we can choose to be under the authority of our senses or the authority of Krsna
- We are completely under nature's law, and we are declaring independence. This is our foolishness
- We are falsely claiming proprietorship; we are encroaching upon others' independence. This is our business. How there can be peace? It is not possible
- We are part and parcel of God. We have got little independence. But if we misuse it, then we shall be punished. So there is no question of independence. Independence, little; that is interdependence, not independence
- We are teaching that you become humble, meek, surrender. You have got the independence. That is your business
- We can keep only our independence when we become servant of God, because there is no injustice
- We don't want any political independence, social reformation, or humanitarian benefit, nothing; we simply request people, "Please chant Hare Krsna and come with us," that's all
- We have got immense independence, but we are now conditioned by this body. Therefore in the human form of life it is an opportunity to get back our original independence. That is called Krsna consciousness. Freedom
- We have got little independence and we can misuse it, that "Why shall I serve Krsna? Let me serve myself." "Let me serve myself" means "Let me serve my different propensities - kama, krodha, lobha, moha, matsarya,"
- We have seen in the Western countries, in the name of independence, so many women are unhappy. So that is not recommended in the Vedic civilization and varnasrama-dharma
- We may join God's transcendental pastimes in our unconditioned state of life, but as long as we're conditioned by the laws of karma, in contact with the inferior energy, sufferings are our own creations, born of a gross misuse of our little independence
- What can be more pathetic than a man who claims to answer to no authority but who follows his senses blindly wherever they lead him? Our false claim to independence is simply foolishness
- What is the meaning of living being? Dull matter, it has no independence. Even it is a big mountain or big thing, it has no independence. It will stand still. But a small ant, even a microbe, it has got independence because it is living creature
- What is the value of your independence? Can you avoid death? Suppose you are independent. What is the meaning of this independence? When death will come, will catch you by your neck and throw you away, your independence
- Where is the benefit of equal right, independence? Phalena pariciyate. We have to see the result of every action - whether the result is beneficial. If the result is not beneficial, the action is not beneficial
- Where is the question of independence? Whatever you do not want, it is being forced upon you. So where is your independence?
- Where is your so-called belief or independence? That is foolishness. But they have no brain that "I am being kicked. I'm being enforced to do something, and still I'm thinking 'independent,' 'I believe.' " What is this meaning of your belief? There is no
- With the help of the spiritual energy we can understand that independence is visible only in Krsna, who by His inconceivable energy is able to act in any way He likes
- Woman requires protection. According to Vedic culture, woman has no independence. Because they cannot keep their independence. It is not possible
- Women should not be given independence," or "Women are not independent." That is a, I mean, a truth, Vedic truth
- You are criminal. You are punished. Again you are set free. That means you are given again independence. But again if you misuse, then again you are put into prison
- You are recognized all over the world as a very pious man, and you are supposed to be very devotee of BG. You fought for independence. Now you have got your independence. So I request you to take the teachings of BG to preach all over the world
- You cannot give independence to the children. That is not possible. Then it is not good for them. Similarly, woman also should be taken care of. They should not be given freedom. That is not good for them
- You don't, you do not want, you want or not want, that is not the question. First of all you must know what is your real identity. You do not want and do want, that independence you have got always. That is a different thing
- You have to understand that woman is never given to be independence. Independence means just like child has to be taken care, similarly, woman has to be taken care