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- Glory to the all-merciful Radha and Madana-mohana! I am lame and ill advised, yet They are my directors, and Their lotus feet are everything to me - CC Adi 1.15
- Glory to the all-merciful Radha and Madana-mohana! I am lame and ill advised, yet They are my directors, and Their lotus feet are everything to me - CC Antya 1.5
- Glory to the all-merciful Radha and Madana-mohana! I am lame and ill advised, yet They are my directors, and Their lotus feet are everything to me - CC Madhya 1.3
- The nonpermanent appearance of happiness & distress, & their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance & disappearance of winter & summer seasons. They arise from sense perception & one must learn to tolerate them (BG 2.14)
- There are two types of animal-killers. The soul is also sometimes called the "animal" or the living being. Therefore, both the slaughterer of animals and those who have lost their identity of soul are animal-killers
- Those who desire to eat meat may satisfy the demands of their tongues by eating lower animals, but they should never kill cows
- A baby gives pleasure by speaking sweet words in broken language, and when the sons and daughters are grown up one becomes involved in their education and marriage
- A brahmana may renounce his family and accept sannyasa. Others - ksatriyas and vaisyas - may also give up their families and take to Krsna consciousness. Such renunciation is called karma-tyaga. By such renunciation, the SP of Godhead is satisfied
- A brahmana's property is called brahma-sva, and according to Manu's law it cannot be acquired even by the government. Both brahmanas, however, insisted that the cow was theirs and could not be taken back under any condition
- A certain brahmana (Canakya) will betray the trust of King Nanda and his eight sons and will destroy their dynasty. In their absence the Mauryas will rule the world as the age of Kali continues
- A civilization which guides the citizens to become animals in their next lives is certainly not a human civilization
- A civilization which guides the citizens to become animals in their next lives is certainly not a human civilization. BG 1972 purports
- A class of men with no brahminical qualifications claim the eating privilege known as brahmana-bhojana simply on the basis of their birth in brahmana families
- A class of men, who claim brahminical qualification simply by their birthright in the family of a brahmana, claim that the study of the Vedas is a monopoly of the brahmana caste only
- A clear explanation is given in the beginning of the Isopanisad, in which it is stated that the Supreme Lord is so complete that although unlimited energies, their transformations emanate from Him, Krsna's personality is not in the least bit transformed
- A conditioned soul and a liberated soul may apparently be on the same platform, but factually they are differently engaged, and their attention is always alert, either in sense enjoyment or in self-realization, respectively
- A day may come when the people of this earth will be able to travel in outer space and see the variegatedness of these millions of planets with their own eyes. In every planet there is as much material variegatedness as we find in our own planet
- A devotee gives the nondevotees his association but is not affected by their misbehavior. Thus by the activities of a pure devotee even those who are bereft of love of Godhead get a chance to become devotees of the Lord one day
- A devotee in advanced ecstatic love exclaims, 'O my Lord Ramacandra! O my Lord Ramacandra!' But the yavanas also chant, 'ha rama, ha rama!' Just see their good fortune
- A devotee like Dhruva Maharaja, by the grace of the Lord, knows all the manifestations of the Lord and their different positions
- A devotee treats friends and enemies equally by trying to educate them both in Krsna consciousness. Of course, atheistic men do not follow the instructions of pure devotees, but instead consider a devotee their enemy
- A devotee, instead of criticizing such (religious) systems, will encourage the followers to stick to their principles so that gradually they can come to the platform of religion in goodness. Simply by criticizing them, a devotee's mind will be agitated
- A faithful wife cannot live without her lord, the husband, and therefore all widows used to voluntarily embrace the burning fire which consumed the dead husband
- A father and mother are always affectionate to their children. When the children are disobedient the parents chastise them, not due to enmity but only for the child's instruction and welfare
- A father and mother cannot protect their child, a physician and medicine cannot relieve a suffering patient, and a boat on the ocean cannot protect a drowning man
- A father’s and mother’s taking care of their children is not the cause of their comfort. Sometimes it is found that in spite of all care by the parents, the children go bad or succumb to death. Therefore material causes are not sufficient for results
- A few living entities are born in the human species, and others are born as animals. Although both are living entities, their relationships are impermanent
- A foolish civilization is extremely risky, and the Krsna consciousness movement is trying to make people aware of their fully dependent condition under the stringent laws of nature and is trying to save them from being victimized by strong maya
- A good father and mother never cheat when their son inquires from them; they give exact and correct information. Similarly, if we get spiritual information from an authority and if the authority is not a cheater, then our knowledge is perfect
- A gopi described, "The wives of the black deer become enchanted upon hearing the vibration of His flute, which resembles the vibration of the vina. The deer come to Krsna and become so charmed that they stand still, forgetting their homes and husbands"
- A gopi told mother Yasoda, "Minor demigods like the Gandharvas and Siddhas take advantage of this atmosphere and offer prayers to your son (Krsna) by sounding their bugles and drums"
- A gopi told mother Yasoda, "Taking advantage of this opportunity, the most exalted demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva come down to offer their evening prayers, and they accompany the cowherd boys in glorifying the qualities of Krsna"
- A government exacts various taxes from the citizens, such as income tax and sales tax, which the citizens are able to pay by their different material activities: agriculture, trade, industry and so on
- A guru or bhakta does not aspire that he is going to Vaikuntha, Krsna. "Never mind." But their only desire, his only desire, is that to serve the predecessor acarya and live with devotee. That's all
- A karmi, a business man, is improving his business. Just like in your country there are..., there were many great business brain-Mr. Henry Ford, Rockefeller. So they concentrated their attention how to earn money. They are also called yogi in that way
- A king is not supposed to submit, although they submitted to great sages and brahmanas. But generally, their spirit is ordering, commanding spirit
- A king should give protection to the citizens for their development to the highest standard of life, and he can therefore levy taxes from them
- A king should not simply give orders to his dependents because he is supreme; sometimes he must follow their instructions. Similarly, the dependents should depend on the king. This mutual dependence will make everyone happy
- A Krsna conscious person does not make much endeavor even to maintain his body. He is satisfied with gains which are obtained of their own accord. BG 1972 purports
- A ksatriya government should engage people in performing yajna, studying the Vedas and giving charity. Thus the people will receive their necessities for life very easily, and there will be no disturbances in society
- A list of the different centers of the Madhvacarya-sampradaya can be found at Udupi, and their matha commanders are (1) Visnu Tirtha - Soda-matha, (2) Janardana Tirtha - Krsnapura-matha, (3) Vamana Tirtha - Kanura-matha
- A list of the different centers of the Madhvacarya-sampradaya can be found at Udupi, and their matha commanders are (4) Narasimha Tirtha - Adamara-math, (5) Upendra Tirtha - Puttugi-matha, (6) Rama Tirtha - Sirura-matha
- A list of the different centers of the Madhvacarya-sampradaya can be found at Udupi, and their matha commanders are (7) Hrsikesa Tirtha - Palimara-matha, and (8) Aksobhya Tirtha - Pejavara-matha
- A living being is entrapped by his fruitive activities, exactly like a silkworm trapped in its own cocoon. Foolish persons are generally encaged by their fruitive actions (karma) because of a strong desire to enjoy this material world
- A living entity cannot exist without desires, but desires that can never be fulfilled are called kama, lusty desires. Kamais tais tair hrta jnanah: (BG 7.20) because of lusty desires, nondevotees are deprived of their intelligence
- A lot of migratory fish and crabs, for example, are no longer migrating to their traditional breeding grounds. So our work, our approach, is to attempt first to understand what has happened
- A man has got attraction for woman; a woman has got attraction for man. This is nature's bondage, shackle. And when they are actually united, either by the father, mother, or by their own way, that shackle, that attraction, increases
- A man sleeps soundly when he is fatigued, and when a rich man is greatly fatigued he goes to his garden with many female friends and there enters the water and enjoys their company. Such is the tendency of the living entity within this material world
- A materialistic father and mother want to engage their sons in begetting children, striving for improved economic conditions and rotting in materialistic life. They are not unhappy when their children become spoiled, useless citizens
- A Mayavadi philosophers, they are so dangerous that they mislead their follower to the hell. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has therefore strongly warned, mayavadi-bhasya sunile haya sarva-nasa
- A peon's duty is that he must sincerely carry out the order of the postmaster and deliver the letter to the proper person. That is their duty. Similarly, this parampara system is like that. Every one of us should become a spiritual master
- A perfection most desired by the jnanis and yogis (oneness with God) and for which they execute their different types of transcendental activities
- A person fixed in spiritual knowledge will not be attracted by the allurement of material nature in the form of beautiful women and the sex pleasure enjoyed in their association
- A person on the verge of death remains in a coma for many days before giving up the body. This is common among so-called leaders and politicians who think that without their presence the entire country and all society will be in chaos. This is maya
- A person who desires elevation to the heavenly planets worships various demigods, and material nature may be pleased to offer such devotees their desired positions
- A person's achieving perfection in devotional service simply by the causeless mercy of the Lord is explained in the Srimad-Bhagavatam in connection with the brahmanas and their wives who were engaged in performing yajna, or sacrifice
- A physician may sometimes advise the extrication of such useless eyes from their sockets so that one can be relieved of the constant trouble
- A poor man receives sadhus very quickly, offers them obeisances, and tries to take advantage of their presence, whereas a rich man keeps a big greyhound dog at his door so that no one can enter his house
- A pure devotee knows that there is no need to ask the Absolute Truth for any material necessities. Therefore, while informing the Lord about their distress in being attacked by Vrtrasura, the demigods apologized for offering prayers for their safety
- A pure devotee, who engages in preaching the principles of devotional service, as prescribed in the SB, does not need to separately worship the demigods; the demigods are automatically pleased with him and offer all the blessings within their capacity
- A responsible father never begets children like cats and dogs. Instead of being encouraged to adopt artificial means of birth control, people should be educated in KC because only then will they understand their responsibility to their children
- A sadhu is suhrdah sarva-dehinam (SB 3.25.21), the friend of everyone. Why then should the rich, instead of associating with sadhus, waste their valuable time in association with other rich men who are averse to spiritual life
- A sadhu should never flatter kings or rich men to live comfortably at their cost. A sadhu is to speak to the householders about the naked truth of life so that they may come to their senses about the precarious life in material existence
- A sannyasi is allowed to beg from door to door, but a grhastha cannot do so. Grhasthas may earn their living according to the four divisions of spiritual life
- A section of the population, especially male, did not marry at all. Instead of allowing their semen to be driven downwards, they used to lift the semen up to the brain. They are called urdhva-retasah, those who lift up
- A so-called party of devotees named nadiya-nagari has sprung up and introduced the worship of Visnupriya. This certainly indicates their ignorance concerning Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's pastimes
- A so-called yogi was kept for days by his disciples, who thought that their guru was in samadhi. When decomposition began and a bad smell unfortunately began to overwhelm the yogic power, the disciples allowed the dead body of the yogi to be burned
- A sober, self-realized person who has full knowledge should merge the various parts of the body in their original sources
- A special advantage in devotional service is that devotees not only enjoy the transcendental pastimes of the Lord by hearing and chanting and glorifying them, but also are not very much attached to their bodies, unlike the yogis
- A staunch believer in the sastras, with all their diversities, is the right person from whom to gather real knowledge
- A stone boat would be unable to float and would sink in the water with its passengers. Similarly, those who mislead people go to hell, and their followers go with them
- A Vaisnava always follows the order of guru and Krsna. Sri Caitanya-caritamrta was written by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami by their mercy
- A Vaisnava comes, God also comes and God's son or very confidential devotee also comes - their only mission is how to save these sinful men who are suffering so much. That is their mission
- A Vaisnava tries to bring conditioned souls to their senses
- A woman cannot be naked before any male except her husband. The unmarried gopis desired Krsna as their husband, and He fulfilled their desire in this way
- A woman should not be given independence at any stage. Women must be cared for so that they will not be free to manifest their natural tendency for gross selfishness
- Abhiseka function was especially observed at the house of Srivasa. All the devotees, according to their means, worshiped the Lord (Caitanya) with all kinds of paraphernalia, and the Lord gave benedictions to each devotee according to his desire
- About our tenants; most of them are employed. So, there is good chance of their vacating when they are transferred. You should be very vigilant to see that they do not transfer occupancy to someone else and cause unnecessary harassment
- Above these gross materialists are the mental speculators who hover aloft in the mental spheres, and their occupational duties involve making poetry and philosophy or propagating some ism with the same aim of selfishness limited to the body and the mind
- Acaryaratna (Candrasekhara) and Srivasa Thakura were overwhelmed with joy, and immediately they went to the bank of the Ganges to bathe in her waters. Their minds full of happiness, they chanted the Hare Krsna mantra and gave charity by mental strength
- Acaryas means great teachers, bona fide teachers - perhaps you have heard their name - just like Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Nimbarka, Visnu Svami, Lord Caitanya
- Accepting nonpermanent things, such demoniac people create their own God, create their own hymns and chant accordingly. The result is that they become more and more attracted to two things - sex enjoyment and accumulation of material wealth
- Accompanied by the stringed instrument (Narada Muni's vina), the singing seems like a shower of nectar, and all the devotees dance in ecstasy to the fullest extent of their satisfaction
- According to Bhagavad-gita, because the leaders of society are bereft of all factual knowledge due to their atheistic way of life, they are actually sinful rascals and are the lowest among men
- According to Bhagavad-gita, Seventh Chapter, the laws of nature are so stringent that it is impossible for the living entity to surpass their enforcement
- According to His (Caitanya's) method, if people are simply given a chance to hear about Krsna, certainly they will gradually develop their dormant awareness, or love of Godhead. Sravanadi-suddha-citte karaye udaya - CC Madhya 22.107
- According to Jiva Gosvami, a preacher has to accept many disciples to expand the cult of Sri Caitanya. This is risky because when a spiritual master accepts a disciple, he naturally accepts the disciple's sinful activities and their reactions
- According to Lord Caitanya, those who try to give personal interpretations to the Vedic statements are not at all intelligent. They mislead their followers by inventing their own interpretations
- According to our Indian system, their enjoyment is not meat-eating as in the Western countries. Their enjoyment is eating ghee more, become chubby, fatty. That is their enjoyment
- According to Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, sons always outlive their fathers in other planetary systems and other lands in this universe, especially on Svargaloka
- According to Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti, there are two classes of paramahamsas, namely the brahmanandis (impersonalists) and the premanandis (devotees), and both are awarded their desired destinations, although the premanandis are more fortunate
- According to the custom of the Vedic civilization, when a girl is married, the brother takes the sister and brother-in-law to their home
- According to the order of their father (Rsabhadeva), they became well cultured, well behaved, very pure in their activities and expert in Vedic knowledge and the performance of Vedic rituals
- According to the prayers of the personified Vedas, however, none of them (Mayavadis' opinion) is valid because their process of knowledge is created within the temporary material world
- According to the varnasrama system, the brahmanas are always honored first. Thus at the festival, the brahmanas and their wives were first offered the remnants of food, and then the others - ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras
- According to the Vedic literature, living entities have knowledge, and thus they are called cetana, which means "in knowledge." Their situation in different conditions of life, therefore, is not accidental
- According to the Vedic sastras, everything must be done according to regulative principles, but here it is stated that the thieves and rogues devised their own process for killing an animalistic man
- According to the Vedic system of marriage for producing children, every man and woman was enlightened in spiritual knowledge, and at the time of their combination to produce a child, everything was scrutinizingly and scientifically done
- According to the Vedic system, a dog is not allowed to enter the house. Because of their uncleanliness, cats and dogs are not allowed within the apartment of a gentleman, but are so trained that they stand outside
- According to the Vedic system, when small girls ten or twelve years old would go to the bank of the Ganges to take their bath, they would especially worship Lord Siva with prayers to get good husbands in the future
- According to their (Mayavadis') imperfect speculation, the impersonal Brahman is considered to be the only existence in the cosmic manifestation
- According to their (modern scientists) experience, the moon is full of dust, but this does not explain how it gives us soothing rays from a distance of millions of miles
- According to their (the atheistic Sankhya philosophers') conclusions, the source of the energy is also a product of the energy. Such philosophers wrongly observe that the living creatures within the cosmic manifestation are caused by the material energy
- According to their (the atheists) own theory, everything is God. Then why is the Deity not God? Actually, they have no conception of God
- According to their (the followers of the Patanjali system) description, citi-saktir iti. They believe that when one becomes perfect, he cannot remain a person. This yoga system is therefore abominable because its final conception is impersonal
- According to their belief in various material relationships, people are promoted to various planets. One who is very faithful to his brothers should follow a path similar to theirs and get the opportunity for promotion to Marudloka
- According to their elevated spiritual understanding, the omniscient Lord, who manifests various forms, is present everywhere. May He always protect us everywhere from all calamities
- According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, & some are going down into the lower planetary systems
- According to their philosophy, through sexual indulgence one can elevate oneself to the spiritual platform
- According to their previous activities in the modes of goodness, passion or ignorance, they (who do not follow rules and regulations of the scriptures out of laziness or indolence) acquire a nature which is of a specific quality. BG 1972 purports
- According to them (some misled people), the system of nadiya-nagari, which they have recently invented in their fertile brains, is the worship of Gaura, Lord Caitanya, but they do not like to worship Radha and Krsna
- According to these Acharyas (Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya) Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam are, in their original stand, the real commentaries of the Vedanta Sutras
- According to this verse (satatam kirtayanto mam yatantas ca drdha-vratah (BG 9.14)), it is the duty of the mahatmas to chant the Hare Krsna mantra and try to spread it all over the world to the best of their ability
- According to Vedic civilization, a human being must be God conscious. He should understand what God is, what this material world is, who he is, and what their interrelationships are. This is called sreyas, or ultimately auspicious activity
- According to Vedic civilization, in a monarchy the king is advised by saintly persons and sages. By taking their advice, he can become the greatest executive power, and everyone in his kingdom will be happy, peaceful and prosperous
- According to Vedic civilization, it is imperative to give up the family at a certain stage, by force if necessary. Unfortunately, so-called followers of Vedic life do not give up their family even at the end of life, unless they are forced by death
- According to Vedic civilization, this giving up of home by vanaprastha and sannyasa is compulsory. But people are so attached to their homes that even up to the point of death they do not like to retire from home life
- According to Vedic instructions, one should understand the constitutional position of the living entity, the position of the Lord, and the position of material energy in their interrelation
- According to Vedic literature, we understand in the sun planet also there are varieties of living entities, but their bodies are made of fire. As our body is made of earth, similarly, their bodies are made of fire
- According to Vedic politics, the children and Brahmin, old men and woman, they have no fault. They are out of all laws of the state. Their fault will never be taken as seriously. They are innocent. They require protection
- According to Vedic system, big, big king, they give up their kingdom and becomes a sannyasi, mendicant, voluntary acceptance of adversity. This is good. To live very comfortably and forget God is not good business
- According to Viraraghava Acarya: the cosmic manifestation is described as sat and asat, as cit and acit. Matter is acit, and the living force is cit, but their origin is the Supreme PG, in whom there is no difference between matter and spirit
- According to Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, the rasa dance was performed during the long period of Brahma's night, but the gopis could not understand that. In order to fulfill their desire, Krsna extended the night to cover such a great period of time
- Activities such as mystic trance, becoming one with the Supreme, and the religious principles of brahminism, such as speaking the truth and tolerance, have their own respective attractions
- Actual Brahman realization means Krsna consciousness and engagement in devotional service. The devotees are therefore real brahmacaris because their activities are always in Krsna consciousness, devotional service
- Actually I do not know any of them, although I have a desire to know them. Since Gopinatha Acarya knows them all, he will give you their names
- Actually people should be trained up to be happy with one's own self. So the yogis and the philosophers, they are trying to be satisfied with their own self
- Actually Sri Caitanya-caritamrta is not a subject matter for research workers or literary scholars. It is simply meant for those devotees who have dedicated their lives to the service of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Actually the conditioned souls are covered by the illusory creative cloud of matter, and the Lord reserves the right of not being exposed to their eyes
- Actually the Mayavadi philosophy was started with Vivekananda. Because I don't find in the Christian faith that they are Mayavadis. Their belief is service to God. Of course, they are somewhat Mayavadis
- Actually the members of the Kuru dynasty were very much puffed up due to their opulence, kingdom, aristocracy, family tradition, great warriors, family members and vast, expansive empire
- Actually the modern ideal of a classless society can be introduced only by Krsna consciousness. Let men perform their occupational duty, and let them give their profits to the service of the Lord
- Actually they (scientists, philosophers, economists and mathematicians) do not know how to get relief from the material condition and renovate their spiritual life of transcendental bliss and knowledge
- Actually this (CC Madhya 1.208) is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s initiation of Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika. They approached the Lord with all humility, and the Lord accepted them as old servants, as eternal servants, and He changed their names
- Actually those who are meat-eater, beef-eater, they are killing their father and mother and become implicated in sinful life
- Actually we see, however, that even during the presence of Krsna, when Nanda Maharaja and the other cowherd men had the Supreme Personality of Godhead in their presence, there were disturbances. Of course, in every case, Krsna came out victorious
- Actually, everyone is trying to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead in various ways, but according to their methods of approach, the Supreme Lord endows them with different benedictions
- Actually, if we study what is the position of chemical theory, the so-called scientists, they could not produce life from chemicals, although their theory is that from matter life comes
- Actually, Srila Sankaracarya's principles for the acceptance of sannyasa were very strict, but later the so-called Mayavadi sannyasis became degraded because of their false philosophy, which propounds that by accepting sannyasa one becomes Narayana
- Actually, there is no death. The vital force always exists with the soul and when the soul is awakened from so-called sleep, he can see his eleven friends, or the active senses and the mind with their various desires (wives). The vital life-force remains
- Actually, when Jiva Gosvami was alive, some of his followers disliked the parakiya-rasa of the gopis. Therefore Srila Jiva Gosvami, for their spiritual benefit, supported svakiya-rasa
- Aditi, the mother of the demigods, appealed to Kaśyapa Muni to give the demigods protection. When we speak of the demigods, this also includes their mother
- Adjusted their (Rupa Gosvami and Anupama's) affairs with the state and, on the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, went to see the Lord at Jagannatha Puri
- Advaita Acarya said, "Just sit down here on these seats." Catching Their hands, He sat Them both down
- Advaita Acarya, Lord Nityananda, Srivasa Pandita, Gadadhara Pandita, Svarupa Damodara, Murari Gupta, Haridasa Thakura and all the other devotees of Sri Krsna Caitanya - bowing down with devotion, I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja) hold their lotus feet on my head
- Advised by Vyasadeva, all the brothers (the five Pandavas) began their maha-prasthana. On the way, at the request of his brother (Yudhisthira), he (Arjuna) gave up all important weapons as useless, and he dropped them all in the water
- After addressing the innumerable trees and plants and the earth, they (the gopis) turned their faces toward the beautiful deer, who were looking at them very pleasingly
- After bathing in the sea, Advaita Prabhu and all the other devotees returned, and on their return they saw the top of the Jagannatha temple. They then went to the residence of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to take their luncheon
- After begging the permission of all the Vaisnavas present, the two brothers, at the time of their departure, humbly submitted something at the lotus feet of the Lord
- After being instructed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all the wives returned home to their respective husbands
- After birth, every man is indebted in so many ways. He is indebted to the demigods for their supplying necessities like air, light and water
- After bringing them within his jurisdiction, he (Yamaraja) properly judges them according to their specific sinful activities and sends them to one of the many hellish planets for suitable punishments
- After death such people are brought by the assistants of Yamaraja to the hell known as Sulaprota, where their bodies are pierced with sharp, needlelike lances
- After death they (atheist class of men) do not know, they are so fools and rascals. After death there is life, they don't believe in. If they believe, then their whole plan is spoilt. But believe or not believe, there is
- After delivering His instructions to the kings and princes, Lord Krsna immediately arranged for their comfort and asked many servants and maidservants to take care of them
- After dispatching His (Lord Krsna's) queens along with their children and sending their necessary luggage ahead, He mounted His chariot, which bore the flag marked with the symbol of Garuda
- After eating, the two brothers washed Their hands and mouths. Then Raghava Pandita brought flower garlands and sandalwood pulp and decorated Them
- After embracing their children, the men took the cows back to the top of Govardhana Hill. Along the way they began to think of their children, and affectionate tears fell from their eyes
- After enjoying fully amongst themselves, the queens and Lord Krsna would come out of the water, and they would give up their wet garments, which were very valuable, to be taken away by the professional singers and dancers
- After enjoying love affairs with Krsna by dancing, embracing and kissing, the gopis would sometimes become very tired, and Krsna, out of His causeless mercy and compassion, would smear their faces with His lotus hands
- After entering Dvaraka, Krsna was received in different ways by different members of His family. Upon seeing their husband from a distance, the queens of Dvaraka immediately embraced Him within their minds and slowly glanced over Him
- After entering the house of His father, He (Krsna) was embraced by the mothers present, and the Lord offered His obeisances unto them by placing His head at their feet. The mothers were headed by Devaki (His real mother)
- After entering the village of Vrndavana, all the calves entered their respective cowsheds, and the boys went to their respective mothers and homes
- After every dissolution of the material cosmos, all the living entities take shelter in the body of Karanodakasayi Visnu, and when creation takes place again, they come forth from His body in their various species to resume their activities
- After exhausting the results of their so-called pious activities, they again return to the earth, which is called martya-loka, the place of death
- After finishing the results of pious activities, the karmis return to this planet in the form of rain, and they begin their life as grass and plants in the evolutionary process
- After finishing Their baths, They returned at noon to the temple. Admitting His own men, Sri Nityananda Prabhu closed the outside door
- After finishing their family life, which lasted thousands of years according to the calculations of the demigods, the Pracetas decided to leave home, putting their wife in the charge of a son named Daksa. This is the process of Vedic civilization
- After finishing their lunch, Krsna and His friends and calves began to return to their Vrajabhumi homes. While passing, they enjoyed seeing the dead carcass of Aghasura in the shape of a gigantic serpent
- After finishing their prescribed duties, the many servants of Lord Jagannatha, who are known as visayis, return home at night
- After finishing this business, Krsna and Balarama immediately released Their father and mother, Vasudeva and Devaki, who had been imprisoned by Kamsa
- After getting up from bed in the morning, those who desire their own welfare - the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and in particular the brahmana Vaisnavas - should chant this narration as it is, without deviation, to counteract the troubles of bad dreams
- After giving these cows, the King first sumptuously fed all the brahmanas, and when they were fully satisfied, he was about to observe the end of Ekadasi, with their permission, by breaking the fast
- After giving this dowry, the king of Kosala Province (Nagnajit) bade his daughter and great son-in-law be seated on a chariot and allowed them to go to their home, guarded by a division of well-equipped soldiers
- After hard working, when man comes home, if he finds out good foodstuff and nicely satisfied by eating, and then the woman gives satisfaction by sex, then both of them remain fully satisfied, and then they can improve their spiritual understanding
- After hearing all this, I sent all the mlecchas back to their homes. Five or seven nonbelieving Hindus then approached me
- After hearing from the mouth of their master about the extraordinary glories of the Lord and His name, fame and attributes, the Yamadutas were struck with wonder. Since then, as soon as they see a devotee, they fear him and dare not look at him again
- After hearing Jarasandha speak in that way, Krsna answered, 'My dear King Jarasandha, heroes do not talk much. Rather, they show their prowess. Because you are talking a great deal, it appears that you are assured of your death in this battle"
- After hearing Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all the Mayavadi sannyasis were moved. Their minds changed, and thus they spoke with pleasing words
- After hearing Nilambara Cakravarti's prediction, Sacimata and Jagannatha Misra observed the name-giving festival in great joy, inviting all the brahmanas and their wives
- After hearing of their love for Him, He immediately thought Himself to be always indebted to the residents of Vrndavana. Then Krsna began to pacify Srimati Radharani as follows
- After hearing their complaints, in sweet words I told them, 'Please go back home. I shall certainly prohibit Nimai Pandita from continuing His Hare Krsna movement
- After hearing Their mother (Devaki) speak in this way, Lord Balarama and Krsna immediately called for the assistance of yogamaya and started for the lower planetary system known as Sutala
- After hearing these words (from goddess Durga), Kamsa became very much overwhelmed with fear. Out of pity, he immediately released Vasudeva and Devaki from the bondage of their shackles and very politely began to address them
- After I pass from this world, how will my sons and daughters, who are now fully dependent on me, live and continue their lives? Their position will be similar to that of passengers aboard a ship wrecked in the midst of the ocean
- After instructing all the foolish relatives of Suyajna, Yamaraja, in the form of a boy, disappeared from their vision. Then the relatives of King Suyajna performed the ritualistic funeral ceremonies
- After Kamsa's wrestlers expressed their determination, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the killer of Madhu, confronted Canura, and Lord Balarama, the son of Rohini, confronted Mustika
- After Krsna did this (killed Gardabhasura), they all returned home, and their report of the day's activity perturbed Mother Yasoda because Krsna had been sent alone into such danger in the Talavana Forest. Thus she looked upon the boys with anger
- After Krsna killed Gardabhasura, they all returned home, and their report of the day's activity perturbed mother Yasoda because Krsna had been sent alone into such danger in the Talavana forest
- After Krsna returned from His teacher's home, He was pleased to see Uddhava, who happened to be His dearmost friend. Krsna wanted to send him to Vrndavana with a message to the residents to pacify their deep feelings of separation
- After Lord Siva drank all the poison, both the demigods and demons took courage and resumed their activities of churning (the ocean of milk)
- After observing this brave act performed by the chaste wife Arci, the wife of the great King Prthu, many thousands of the wives of the demigods, along with their husbands, offered prayers to the Queen, for they were very much satisfied
- After offering obeisances to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all the devotees departed for their residences, and Gopinatha Acarya showed them their respective quarters
- After practicing the yogasana for mystic yoga, the Pracetas managed to control their life air, mind, words and external vision. Thus by the pranayama process they were completely relieved of material attachment
- After reaching home, the two queens (Asti and Prapti) explained their awkward position following Kamsa's death. The King of Magadha, Jarasandha, was mortified on hearing of the pitiable condition of his daughters
- After removing all the paraphernalia of worship, one should offer them water to wash their hands and mouths, and then one should worship them again
- After saying this, he made them all eat the various cakes and condensed-milk preparations. After feeding them, he offered them water to wash their hands, feet and mouths
- After saying this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu began to recite the same verse again and again. Both the King and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu were trembling, and tears were flowing from their eyes
- After saying this, the Kazi returned home, and the devotees, greatly shocked that they were forbidden to chant Hare Krsna, submitted their grief to Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- After saying this, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose prowess is never defeated, left. The Pracetas were unwilling to be separated from Him because they had not seen Him to their full satisfaction
- After seeing that each was taken care of, Lord Krsna, in a sweet voice, asked them (Kings) to return to their respective kingdoms
- After self-realization, the jnanis who are actually mature in their knowledge must surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord, as stated in BG (bahunam janmanam ante (BG 7.19)). Self-realization is not complete unless one comes to the devotional platform
- After so much distress, when the kings and princes saw Lord Krsna, with His beautiful transcendental features, they looked upon Him to their hearts' content
- After some days, Jagannatha Misra passed away from this world to the transcendental world, and both mother and son were very much aggrieved in their hearts
- After some time they regained their senses and sat together to discuss various subjects
- After sunrise the gopis came as usual to offer their respects to Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda, but when they saw the golden chariot of Uddhava at the door, they began to inquire among themselves: What was that chariot, and to whom did it belong
- After taking rest, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and all the devotees departed to take their baths
- After taking their baths and dressing very nicely, the kings appeared happy and gentle. Then they were supplied nice food. Lord Krsna supplied everything for their comfort, as befitting their royal positions
- After taking Their baths and finishing all other morning duties, Krsna and Balarama could hear the beating of the kettledrums in the wrestling arena. They immediately prepared Themselves to proceed to the spot to see the fun
- After taking their lunch, all the Vaisnavas stood up and chanted the holy name of Hari, and the resounding noise filled all the upper and lower planetary systems
- After the Battle of Kuruksetra, although the inimical kings were killed, their sons and grandsons were still there to deal with the Pandavas
- After the Battle of Kuruksetra, the celebrated couple (Dhrtarashtra and Gandhari), having lost all their sons and grandsons, were under the care of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- After the brahmana had been received nicely and seated on Lord Krsna's own cushioned bed, he and Krsna took each other's hands and began to talk about their early life, when they had both lived under the protection of the gurukula
- After the Caturmasya period they (merchants, sannyasis, kings and students) all get the freedom to go out and perform their respective duties, and by doing so they can achieve the results they desire
- After the creation, they (the conditioned souls) again exercise their old propensity for lording it over the material world. These activities of the conditioned souls anger Anantadeva, and He desires to destroy the entire material world
- After the damsels of the heavenly planets bathe in the water, it becomes yellowish and fragrant due to the kunkuma from their bodies. Thus the elephants come to bathe there with their wives, the she-elephants, and they also drink the water
- After the death of the father and mother, the children get married and beget their own children. Thus generation after generation these things go on in the same way without anyone's attaining liberation from the embarrassment of material life
- After the demon had been thrown into the trees, all the friends and associates of Dhenukasura immediately assembled and attacked Balarama and Krsna with great force. They were determined to retaliate and avenge the death of their friend
- After the departure of their father, the nine brothers married the nine daughters of Meru named Merudevi, Pratirupa, Ugradamstri, Lata, Ramya, Syama, Nari, Bhadra and Devaviti
- After the disappearance of Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami in Vrndavana, Srila Jiva Gosvami became the acarya of all the Vaisnavas in Bengal, Orissa and the rest of the world, and it is he who used to guide them in their devotional service
- After the first rainfall, when there is a thundering sound in the clouds, all the frogs begin to croak, like students suddenly engaged in reading their studies
- After the Pracetas had finished their penances, they were blessed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Lord blessed them by telling them that after finishing their family life they would return home, back to Godhead, in due course of time
- After the rainy season, the farmers begin to rebuild the partitioning walls of the paddy fields so that the water will be conserved, just as yogis try to use their conserved energy for self-realization
- After the return of their wives from Krsna, the brahmanas engaged in the performance of sacrifices began to regret their sinful activities in refusing food to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- After the three worlds - the upper, lower and middle planetary systems - merged into the water of dissolution, the living entities of all the three worlds remained in their subtle bodies by dint of the energy called kala
- After the varieties of living entities are created, they are subject to happiness and distress according to their association
- After they had regained their patience, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu began to speak
- After thinking of Radha & Krsna and Their pastimes for a long time & after getting completely free from material contamination, one is transferred to the spiritual world. There the devotee attains an opportunity to serve Radha & Krsna as one of the gopis
- After this, Advaita Acarya made the Lords wash Their hands and mouths. He then took Them to a nice bed and made Them lie down to take rest
- After this, all the sannyasis took the Lord into their midst, and thus they all took their meal together
- After this, all the thieves, according to their imaginative ritual for killing animalistic men, bathed Jada Bharata, dressed him in new clothes, decorated him with ornaments befitting an animal, smeared his body with scented oils
- After this, Krsna did not proceed further into the sacrificial arena but went out the gate and proceeded toward Their resting camp. Along the way, He visited various places in Mathura City with great delight
- After this, the surabhi cows and all the demigods and their mothers joined the heavenly king, Indra, in worshiping Lord Krsna by bathing Him with Ganges water and the milk of the surabhis
- After this, they (the hunter and his wife) began to feel ecstasy and began to dance and sing Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. They raised their hands and danced with their clothes flying
- After thus accepting prasadam, they all went to take rest at their respective residences, and in the evening they again came to meet Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- After thus instructing the devotees, the Lord asked their permission to go to Jagannatha Puri. He assured them that at intervals He would come there and meet them again and again
- After Yayati's fall (from the heavenly planets), his daughter and grandson bestowed upon him their accumulated virtues, and by the help of his grandson and friend Sibi, he was again promoted to the heavenly kingdom
- Again election, as if election will change their quality. Let them remain as rascal, and simply by election, in place of one rascal, another rascal will improve it. Let them remain rascal, but get vote
- Aggressive materialistic warriors are actually punished by the Supreme Lord for their policy of unnecessarily disturbing world peace
- Agni, or heat, separated from His (the universal form's) mouth, and all the directors of material affairs entered into it in their respective positions. By that energy the living entity expresses himself in words
- Ajamila saw three awkward persons with deformed bodily features, fierce, twisted faces, and hair standing erect on their bodies. With ropes in their hands, they had come to take him away to the abode of Yamaraja
- Ajnana-bhida means - that which can match all kinds of speculation - In ignorance, people are imagining the form of the Lord; sometimes He has no form and sometimes He has form, according to their different imaginations
- Akrura continued, "After being properly initiated in the method of Pancaratra, they decorate their bodies with tilaka and engage in worshiping Your different forms of visnu-murti"
- Akrura continued, "Anyone who knows Their (Krsna and Balarama's) unlimited strength would never dare offend Them or fight with Them"
- Akrura continued, "Even if you (Dhrtarastra) treat them (the Pandavas) not as the owners of the throne but as your subjects, you should impartially think of their welfare as though they were your own sons"
- Akrura continued, "My dear Lord Krsna, this time You have appeared in the home of Vasudeva as His son, with Your plenary expansion, Sri Balarama. Your mission is to kill all the atheistic royal families and destroy their huge military strength"
- Akrura continued, "My dear Lord, I am completely incapable of controlling my mind, which is now driven by the unbridled senses and is attracted by fruitive activities and their results. Therefore, my intelligence is very miserly"
- Akrura continued, "My dear Lord, whatever eternal forms and incarnations You accept when You appear in this world are meant for relieving the living entities of their ignorance, illusion and lamentation"
- Akrura continued, "Similarly, the worshipers of the demigods may or may not reach You (Krsna). There is no guarantee. Their success depends on the strength of their worship"
- Akrura continued, "The conditioned souls want to quench their thirst, but they do not know where to find water. They give up the spot where there is actually a reservoir of water and run into the desert, where there is no water"
- Akrura continued, "Under the impression of false identification & false possession, everyone is transmigrating from one body to another on the path of fruitive activities & their reactions. My dear Lord, I am no exception among these conditioned souls"
- Akrura said, "My dear Krsna & Balarama, it is very kind of You to have killed Kamsa & his associates. You have delivered the whole family of the Yadu dynasty from the greatest calamity. The Yadus will always remember Your saving of their great dynasty"
- Alas, the time has already come when the leaders, whom ordinary men regard as beacons, are themselves mostly atheists at the bottom of their hearts and are against the principles laid down by Godhead
- All animals like deer, camel, ass, monkey, even flies and snakes, none should be ill treated. Even they enter into the house or in the fields and take their eatables, they should not be stopped. Because they have also got the right to eat
- All avataras, their mission is to preach the message of God. Avatara has no other business. The message of God. Saktyavesavatara
- All conditioned souls, being under the impression of the bodily concept, are working according to their particular type of body. These activities are creating their future conditioned life
- All fifty princesses then accepted him (Saubhari Muni) as their husband, although he was only one man
- All five of these philosophies (of monism) completely reject the predominance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and strive to establish their own philosophical theories
- All glories to all the devotees, headed by Srivasa Thakura! All glories to the readers who have taken Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as their life and soul
- All glories to the devotees of Lord Caitanya, headed by Srivasa Thakura! In order to fulfill all my desires, I remember their lotus feet
- All glories to the devotees of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, headed by Srivasa Thakura! I beg their power so that I can properly describe Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- All glories to the listeners of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta who have accepted it as their life and soul
- All glories to the moons who are devotees of the principal moon, Lord Caitanyacandra! Their bright moonshine illuminates the entire universe
- All His (Lord Krsna's) appearances are meaningful because they show His real characteristics to the conditioned souls, who have forgotten their relationship with the Supreme Lord. He does everything for their benefit
- All important men, leaders of the society, they should take this Vedic culture, Krsna consciousness, and not only preach in their own country, but all over the world
- All Indians should seriously take up the cult of Caitanya & should perfect their lives by adopting the process of devotional service. After perfecting their lives, they should broadcast this message all over the world for the welfare of all human beings
- All leaders should ponder how they can discharge their duties by satisfying the transcendental senses of Visnu, for what the leaders do will be imitated by their followers
- All living creatures, who are struggling for existence in this material world, that is their pravrtti, to enjoy this material world. But when one becomes inclined to nivrtti, he becomes devata
- All living entities are by constitution eternal servant. That is their healthy position. So long they remain servant of the Supreme, that is healthy
- All living entities are created by the Supreme Lord according to their past deeds. This includes Asuras, Yaksas, Kinnaras and angels, the serpentines, the monkey-shaped Kimpurusas, the human beings, the inhabitants of Matrloka and the demons
- All living entities are created by the Supreme Lord according to their past deeds. This includes Brahma and his sons like Daksa, the periodical heads like Vaivasvata Manu and the demigods like Indra, Candra and Varuna
- All living entities are created by the Supreme Lord according to their past deeds. This includes Pisacas, ghosts, spirits, lunatics and evil spirits, the good and evil stars, the goblins, the animals in the forest, the birds and the household animals
- All living entities are created by the Supreme Lord according to their past deeds. This includes the great sages like Bhrgu, Vyasa and Vasistha, the inhabitants of Pitrloka and Siddhaloka, the Caranas, Gandharvas and Vidyadharas
- All living entities are created by the Supreme Lord according to their past deeds. This includes, the reptiles, the mountains, the moving and standing living entities, the living entities born from embryos, from eggs, from perspiration and from seeds
- All living entities are serving Krsna in different ways, but when they are Krsna conscious, their service is fully manifest
- All living entities are wandering in different types of bodies throughout different planets, & if in the course of their wanderings, they come in contact with a devotee by the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, their lives become successful
- All living entities encaged in various material bodies are illusioned by the present activities of material enjoyment. They forget their real business, which is to go back home, back to Godhead
- All living entities, moving and nonmoving, receive their vital force, their bodily strength and their very lives from the air. All of us follow the air for our vital force, exactly as servants follow an emperor
- All materialistic philosophers have tried to avoid the Supreme PG by putting forward their own mentally concocted philosophies. However, Vyasadeva has thoroughly studied all these philosophical speculations and in answer has compiled the Vedanta-sutra
- All men undergo hard, laborious duties all day and night and in all seasons of the year, only for the sake of sense pleasure with their mates. These foolish creatures have no information of other enjoyment
- All men were advised to follow the path of Sri Krsna, leaving aside all mundane - isms. Offenders misunderstood this instruction, however, because of their poor fund of knowledge
- All nitya-siddhas within this material world may appear to toil like ordinary men, but they never forget their position as servants of the Lord
- All of our devotees in the Western countries give up their old habits of illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling. Of course, five hundred years ago these practices were unknown in India - at least in eastern India
- All of the boys were fearing that their very means of livelihood, the cows, were now lost. When searching out the cows in the forest, they themselves became very tired and thirsty. Soon, however, they heard the crying of their cows
- All of them (cows) were full of milk, due to having their first-born calves with them, and they were very tame and peaceful
- All of them (great sages who were the sons of fire-gods and rigidly followed the regulative principles in their desire to have conjugal love for Krsna) got Him as their husband
- All of them (Jesus, Caitanya . . .) agreed that we have to go to a separate world, where peace and prosperity have their real being. We have to search out our eternal peace & prosperity in the kingdom of God, which is a place other than this mortal world
- All of them (movable and immovable objects) act as His tributaries, just like subordinate kings who offer their annual taxes to the emperor
- All of them (the material elements, the living entities and material nature) together are recipients of power from the Supreme Personality of Godhead and are thus able to manifest their individual capacities
- All of these adherents of various scriptures were ready to present the conclusions of their respective scriptures, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu broke all their opinions to pieces and established His own cult of bhakti based on the Vedas, Vedanta
- All of these are instructed herewith (BG 6.10) to be constantly engaged in their (transcendentalists) particular pursuits so that they may come to the highest perfection sooner or later. BG 1972 purports
- All people thus chanted the Hare Krsna maha-mantra during the lunar eclipse, and their minds were struck with wonder
- All persons have some ambition - to become a very big businessman, to become a great industrialist, to become a great poet or philosopher. But they do not know that even if their ambition is fulfilled, the result is temporary
- All persons who participated in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra or otherwise with the Lord (Krsna) or with Baladeva, etc., would benefit by attaining spiritual existence according to the situation of their minds at the time of death
- All rascals should be challenged vigorously. They are misleading the whole population, and blaspheming the Indian spiritual culture. People are depending so much on this culture for their upliftment, and they are blackmailing for money’s sake
- All raw materials was being taken away, and this necessities of India, especially cloth, was being supplied. And the local weavers, their hands cut off. So many thing
- All sorts of respectable brahmana gentlemen and ladies, carrying plates filled with various gifts, came with their presentations. Seeing the newborn child, whose form resembled natural glaring gold, all of them happily offered their blessings
- All such bewilderment of the pure devotees of the Lord is specifically meant for their further advancement in knowledge of the Lord
- All the accusations made by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu against His beloved devotees actually showed His great appreciation of their intense love for Him. Yet He mentioned these faults one after another as if He were offended by their intense affection
- All the activities of the Yadus and Bhojas were executed by the internal potency of the Lord because He wanted them to be dispatched to their respective abodes after He had finished His mission of descent
- All the activities of their senses are engaged in the service of God. Because of such devotion, the Lord gives Himself to His devotees as if they could use Him for any purpose they might desire. Of course, devotees have no purpose other than to serve
- All the assembled kings and their daughters especially were struck with wonder and very much pleased upon hearing the chivalrous activities of Krsna
- All the associates of Lord Nityananda were formerly cowherd boys in Vrajabhumi. Their symbolic representations were the horns and sticks they carried, their cowherd dress and the peacock plumes on their heads
- All the birds within the forests began to sing with sweet voices, & the peacocks began to dance with their consorts. The wind blew very pleasantly, carrying the aroma of different flowers, and the sensation of bodily touch was very pleasing
- All the birds within the forests began to sing with sweet voices, and the peacocks began to dance along with their consorts. The wind blew very pleasantly, carrying the aroma of different flowers, and the sensation of bodily touch was very pleasing
- All the boys dealt with their mothers as usual, and the mothers also, on the approach of evening, bathed their respective children, decorated them with tilaka and ornaments and gave them necessary food after the day's labor
- All the Brahmas who came to see Krsna offered their respects at His lotus feet, and when they did this, their helmets touched His lotus feet
- All the Buddhists... I have seen in Japan. Their temple is as good as Hindu temple
- All the citizens joined their friends & relatives to welcome Lord Krsna with great pomp & jubilation, & a tumultuous vibration of conchshells, drums & bugles received the Lord. In this way the SP of Godhead, Krsna, entered His capital, Dvaraka
- All the cosmic manifestations that exist on the gross and subtle elements, as well as the means of their agitation comes from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda
- All the cowherd boys began to express their joyfulness for being with Krsna, the supreme Brahman. At that time, Brahma showed his astonishment by exclaiming, "What am I seeing here?" This is an instance of astonishment in ecstatic love
- All the cowherd men conferred and agreed to give those boys who had passed their fifth year charge of the cows in the pasturing ground. Given charge of the cows, Krsna and Balarama traversed Vrndavana, purifying the land with Their lotus footprints
- All the cows and bulls were placed in the front along with their calves, and the men, with their bows and arrows, surrounded the herds and carts and began to blow on their horns and bugles. In this way, with tumultuous sound, they started for Vrndavana
- All the cows came immediately (down Govardhana Hill) and began to lick their bodies, and the calves also began to suck milk from the milk bags. There appeared to be a great bond of affection between the cows and calves
- All the cows were well decorated with garments and had full milk bags. They were mild-natured, young and beautiful and were accompanied by their calves
- All the dealings between the calves and their respective mothers taking care of them were enacted by Krsna Himself
- All the demigods and their exalted qualities, such as religion, knowledge and renunciation, become manifest in the body of one who has developed unalloyed devotion for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva
- All the demigods and their wives are constantly supplied with sandalwood pulp and flower garlands by their servants. In this way, all the residents of the eight heavenly varsas enjoy, attracted by the activities of the opposite sex
- All the demigods are living entities who have been appointed to their various posts as the masters of the moon, the earth, Venus and so on because of their great service and pious acts
- All the demigods engaged in the administration of each universe (brahmanda) offer their respectful obeisances unto Him. Indeed, the helmets on their heads are beautiful because they are decorated with the imprints of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord
- All the demigods offered their prayers to the Lord (Krsna), bowing down before Him, and requested the Lord to do the needful
- All the demigods took the opportunity of the Supreme Personality of Godhead’s constructing a city of His own choice to present their respective gifts, making the city of Dvaraka unique within the universe
- All the demigods who were performing the sacrifice took their bath at the confluence of the Ganges and the Yamuna after completing the yajna performance. Such a bath is called avabhatha-snana
- All the demigods, along with the prajapatis and their descendants, being blessed by Laksmiji's glance upon them, were immediately enriched with good behavior and transcendental qualities. Thus they were very much satisfied
- All the demigods, being afraid of him (Bali), left the heavenly planets and went away, following the instructions of their guru
- All the demigods, headed by Indra, became offenders at the lotus feet of Brhaspati, and Lord Brahma, being aware of this, condemned their neglect
- All the descendants of Ajamidha, who was a ksatriya, became brahmanas. This was certainly because of their qualities and activities
- All the devotees kept their hands raised over the prasadam distributed to them, for they did not want to eat without seeing the Lord eat first
- All the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, headed by Srivasa Thakura, have their own emotional humors in which they render service unto Him
- All the devotees of the Lord traverse this earth just to recover the conditioned souls from their delusion. BG 1972 purports
- All the foolish persons who are born foolish, all their activities are defeat for them unless they are enlightened to inquire about atma-tattvam
- All the gopis entrusted their silken garments and ornaments to the care of their friends and then put on fine white cloth. Lord Krsna, taking His beloved gopis with Him, bathed and performed very nice pastimes in the water of the Yamuna
- All the gopis were solaced by the instructions of Uddhava, and they requested him to stay in Vrndavana for a few days more. Uddhava agreed to their proposal and stayed with them not only for a few days but for a few months
- All the gopis, girls, before their marriage, they prayed to Katyayani that "You give me Krsna as my husband." So Krsna..., it is not possible socially, but Krsna makes such a plan that He accepted every one of them as His wife. That is vastrana-lila
- All the great kings and emperors used to come before Him (Krsna), offer their gifts and pay obeisances with their helmets at the feet of the Lord
- All the great sages mentioned in this verse (SB 4.29.42-44) have their planets near Brahmaloka, the planet where Lord Brahma resides along with four great sages - Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara
- All the great sages then glorified Lord Sri Krsna, who was present there, by confidential Vedic hymns. Then all of them returned to their respective hermitages, bearing always Lord Krsna within their hearts
- All the horses fell, their necks severed, and the chariots fell also, along with their flags and the fighters and drivers on the chariots. Almost all the infantry soldiers fell on the field of battle, their heads, hands and legs cut off
- All the immovable trees and plants seek their subsistence upwards. They are almost unconscious but have feelings of pain within. They are manifested in variegatedness
- All the incarnations emanate from Krsna, and after the end of their pastimes they again merge with Krsna
- All the incarnations of the Lord mentioned above are transcendental and there is not a tinge of materialism in their bodies
- All the inhabitants of Kulina-grama village, headed by Vaninatha Vasu, were servants of Lord Caitanya, who was their only life and wealth
- All the inhabitants of the heavenly planets and their youthful wives are fully decorated with golden helmets, bangles and belts, and thus they enjoy life
- All the kings present, belonging to the Kuru dynasty, Matsya dynasty, Kekaya dynasty and Srnjaya dynasty, were very angry and immediately took up their swords and shields to kill Sisupala
- All the knowledge that Sri Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami directly acquired from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was broadcast all over the world by their expert service
- All the learned scholars have given their opinion. The mind is by nature very restless, and one should not make friends with it. If we place full confidence in the mind, it may cheat us at any moment
- All the living entities in the material world are very active, having obtained their particular types of bodies. A man works all day and night for sense gratification, and animals like hogs and dogs also work for sense gratification all day and night
- All the living entities who have lost their place in paradise due to disobedience to the Supreme Father are put into the hands of the material energy to undergo a prison life of the threefold miseries
- All the living entities, although born under the glance of the Supreme Lord, still take their different bodies according to their past deeds and desires. BG 1972 purports
- All the luminaries, from the sun up to Dhruvaloka, distribute their rays throughout the three worlds, but only within the boundary formed by this mountain (Lokaloka Mountain)
- All the members of the Kuru dynasty, such as Dhrtarastra, Bhisma, Vidura and Arjuna, thought it an insult to their family tradition that the boy, Samba, could possibly have kidnapped their daughter
- All the members of the Yadu dynasty were very opulent, happy and prosperous, and they had no anxieties. Because of their implicit faith in and devotion to Lord Krsna, they were never defeated by any other kings
- All the men loaded their valuables on carts and slowly left with their cows and other paraphernalia. After they had cleared out everything, Lord Krsna very slowly replaced Govardhana Hill in exactly the same position it had been before
- All the other gopis help increase the joy of Krsna's pastimes with Radharani. The gopis act as the instruments of Their mutual enjoyment
- All the people gathered there began to clap in great ecstasy, and no one could estimate the bounds of their pleasure. The brahmanas present began to praise Krsna and Balarama ecstatically
- All the people gathered there sat down to honor the prasadam, and by and by they took food. All the brahmanas and their wives were fed first
- All the people of the village then called for the elderly brahmana and brought him to their meeting place. The young brahmana then began to speak before them as follows
- All the planets and all the hundreds and thousands of stars revolve around the polestar, the planet of Maharaja Dhruva, in their respective orbits, some higher and some lower
- All the planets rest on the sunshine, and because of the heat of the sun, they all revolve in their orbits. On each and every planet, the trees and plants grow and change colors due to the sunshine
- All the political parties - I have seen personally - simply they are making plan how to keep their position in the government so they may not be dethroned, other party may not come. The whole time is wasted
- All the princes and visitors who came to Kundina for the marriage had assembled outside the temple to see Rukmini. The princes were especially eager to see her because they all actually thought that they would have Rukmini as their wife
- All the princes who saw Lord Krsna forgot all their past tribulations. With folded hands and with great devotion, they offered prayers to Lord Krsna, as follows
- All the queens incessantly thought of Krsna. After their pastimes in the water, the queens said, “Our dear friend the osprey, Krsna is now asleep, but we stay awake at night because of Him
- All the residents of Vaikunthaloka know perfectly well that their master is Narayana, or Krsna, and that they are all His servants. They are all self-realized souls who are nitya-mukta, everlastingly liberated
- All the residents of Vidyanagara were of different faiths, but after seeing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they abandoned their own faiths and became Vaisnavas
- All the rivers, seas, hills, mountains, serpents, cows, birds, animals, heavenly planets, the earthly planet and all other living entities collected various presentations, according to their ability, to offer the King
- All the saintly kings and all the demigods, including Lord Siva and Lord Brahma, worship the Lord by bowing down with their helmets. Let me offer my obeisances unto His lotus feet
- All the saintly persons, Pitas (denizens of Pitrloka) and demigods who were present at the meeting and heard Prthu Maharaja expressed their good will with the words sadhu, sadhu. They all accepted the good mission of Prthu, and they were fully satisfied
- All the senses have to be stopped in their external activities and concentrated on the form of visnu-murti, the form of God. The mind is very turbulent, but it has to be fixed on the Lord in the heart
- All the soldiers and persons on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra attained their original spiritual form like the Lord after their death because by the causeless mercy of the Lord they were able to see Him face to face on that occasion
- All the sons of Agnidhra were endowed with the nature of their mother - Purvacitti
- All the Vaisnava brahmanas residing in Sri Ranga-ksetra invited the Lord to their homes. Indeed, He had an invitation every day
- All the various actions that we perform in this world beget various specific results. When we begin to enjoy the fruits of such performances, these further actions also produce, in their turn, further specific results as a matter of course
- All the Visnu forms were of bluish color and dressed in yellow garments; all of Them had four hands decorated with club, disc, lotus flower and conchshell. On Their heads were glittering golden helmets inlaid with jewels
- All the wives of Krsna were so exquisitely beautiful that their smiling and shyness were able to captivate the minds of great demigods like Siva. But still they could not even agitate the mind of Krsna, in spite of their attractive feminine behavior
- All the worlds exist because You oversee them. None can live, move or have their being without Your supervision
- All their (materialistic so-called chemists and atheistic philosophers) so-called scientific knowledge is null and void because of their atheistic temperament. Thus they cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- All their (the gopis) guardians forbade them to go to Krsna, but they disregarded them. Being young girls, they were protected either by husbands, elder brothers or fathers
- All their activities are without God, without God consciousness. Therefore they have failed. Everyone will fail, because they do not know what is the aim of life. That is the mistake
- All these charities were meant for the brahmanas, whose lives were devoted entirely to the welfare of society, both spiritually and materially. The brahmanas were not giving their services as paid servants
- All these different social divisions are born, with their occupational duties and living conditions, from the SP of Godhead. Thus for unconditional life and self-realization one has to worship the Supreme Lord under the direction of the spiritual master
- All these flowers were present on that lake, and because the lake was so calm and quiet and filled with lotus flowers, superior birds, like swans, cakravakas and karandavas, stood on the shores and vibrated their different songs
- All these learned scholars (Angira Muni, Romaharsana etc.), in their turn, rendered their entrusted Vedas unto their many disciples, grand-disciples and great grand-disciples, and thus the respective branches of the followers of the Vedas came into being
- All these material perfections (siddhis) are certainly very attractive for a mundane person, but their brilliance exists only as long as one does not take to devotional service
- All these religious systems - Muhammadanism, Jewism, then Christianism, Buddhism - their history's not more than 2,000 years
- All these sages (beginning with Marici, Vasistha and Atri) regard devotional service as the highest perfection of life. Therefore they all carry the holy water of the Ganges on their heads
- All these so-called nationality, big, big nations, big, big races, caste and so on, so on, what is their position? The position is that all of them are animals. That's all. This is the verdict of the sastra
- All these so-called rascal scholars of Bhagavad-gita, their only business is how to kill Krsna - Kamsa, as Kamsa was planning how to kill Krsna. That was his plan, demon. He was also thinking of Krsna, but he was thinking Krsna, how to kill Him
- All these sons of Lord Krsna (Pradyumna, Carudesna and Samba) left their respective palaces and leaving aside all engagements, including lying down, sitting and dining, hastened toward their exalted father
- All these sons of Lord Krsna left their respective palaces and leaving aside all engagements, including lying down, sitting and dining, hastened toward their exalted father
- All these twenty-four forms constitute the chief prabhava-vilasa pastime forms of the Lord. They are named differently according to the position of the weapons in Their hands
- All these various speculative philosophers are one in denying the existence of the Supreme Lord Visnu, and they are very much enthused to propagate their own theories and be recognized by the people
- All these waters, flowers and scented articles were then very nicely offered to the Deities to Their satisfaction
- All these women auspiciously glorified their lives despite their being without individuality and without purity. Their husband, the lotus-eyed P of G, never left them alone at home. He always pleased their hearts by making valuable presentations
- All these young boys, they were Christians and they are attracted, attached to Swami, and they are so nice. They can appreciate that their character and their behavior, everything is so godly. They are astonished
- All those princesses were lodged in different apartments, and the Lord simultaneously assumed different bodily expansions exactly matching each and every princess. He accepted their hands in perfect rituals by His internal potency
- All those thousands of people assembled in the market, they have got their sleeping place. They have got their eating place. So by arrangement. There is arrangement. Similarly, there may be millions and millions of living entities; God has arrangement
- All those who have tried their utmost to do good for others but have failed despite all honest endeavors should approach Sri Krsna or His bona fide servitors, following the footsteps of Marshal Arjuna
- All those who met Akrura, known also as the son of Gandini, were very much pleased to receive him and inquire about the welfare of their respective relatives
- All Vedic civilization is summarized in this verse: all living entities, either on this planet or on other planets, have to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead by their respective duties
- Allured by the Bhattatharis, Krsnadasa went to their place early in the morning. The Lord also went there very quickly just to find him
- Almost all the sages go to the Himalayas for their personal benefit, but Prahlada Maharaja said that he did not want liberation alone. He decided to wait until he was able to deliver all the fallen souls of the world
- Almost anyone expert in studying grammar interprets the sastras in many ways by changing the root meanings of their words. A student of grammar can sometimes completely change the meaning of a sentence by juggling grammatical rules
- Along with me there are about a thousand men - including the brahmanas - and all of them appear to have had their hearts melted simply by seeing You
- Along with the other little cowherd boys, Krsna and Balarama went into the pasturing ground and took charge of the calves, and there They played with Their playmates. While taking charge of the calves, sometimes the two brothers played on Their flutes
- Already transcendentally enlightened, they (the gopis) simply engage their purified senses in the service of the Lord (Krsna) in the remote village of Vrndavana
- Although a father, mother, brother or friend may sometimes punish one as a well-wisher, they never punish their subordinate like this. But because You are the most worshipable Lord, I regard the punishment You have given me as most exalted
- Although accusing them (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's personal associates), Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was indirectly indicating that He was very satisfied with their behavior in pure love of Godhead
- Although Akrura was a great devotee, he was cursed by the inhabitants of Vrndavana because of his taking Krsna away from their midst. Because of wounding their feelings, Akrura was forced to join the conspiracy declared by sinful men
- Although all the elderly gopis knew that Krsna was the son of mother Yasoda, they still desired, If Krsna had become my son, I would also have taken care of Him like mother Yasoda. This was their inner ambition
- Although all these Mayavadi sannyasis who called themselves Narayana were actually unaware of the position of Narayana, due to their austerities Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu enabled them to understand Him to be Narayana Himself
- Although bewildered, so-called scientists and philosophers are not ready to surrender themselves to the lotus feet of a person who knows things in their proper perspective
- Although both Yogamaya and Mahamaya act in all material activities, doglike watchmen such as politicians and diplomats think that they are protecting their neighborhoods from the dangers of the outside world. These are the actions of maya
- Although Brahma was already entangled in bewilderment, he wanted to show his power to the cowherd boys; but after he took away the boys and their calves and returned to his abode, Krsna created further astonishment for Brahma
- Although by special blessing the Pracetas would enjoy material facilities for millions of years, they would not be attached to them. Thus at the end of their material enjoyment they would be promoted to the spiritual world and return to Godhead
- Although chaste women may follow the rules and regulations of Vedic principles to become ever faithful to their husbands, Krsna is able to break their stonelike chastity with the chisel of His beauty
- Although crocodiles are very fierce animals, they are powerless when they venture out of the water onto land. When they are out of the water, they cannot exhibit their original power
- Although due to feminine shyness there were many hindrances to embracing the dear husband, Lord Sri Krsna, the queens performed that act by seeing Him, by putting Him in the cores of their hearts, and by sending their sons to embrace Him
- Although everyone admires the ecstatic chanting and dancing of the devotees, who are therefore popularly known as “the Hare Krsna people,” Mayavadis cannot appreciate these activities because of their poor fund of knowledge
- Although formerly the government was a monarchy, all the kings were very affectionate toward the citizens, and they strictly kept them engaged in their respective duties. Therefore society was very smoothly conducted
- Although from Vedic literatures we can understand that there are forms in other parts of the world, at present there is no information of their location
- Although Garuda was not under anyone’s order, being the carrier of Lord Visnu, he did not disobey the order of the great yogi. Instead of staying and eating many fish, he carried off one big fish, who was their leader
- Although God is one, He maintains all living entities with their necessities for life
- Although He (Lord Ananta) has been chanting the glories of Lord Krsna since time immemorial, He has still not come to their end
- Although He (Lord Krsna) is present in every atom, the Supreme Personality of Godhead may not be visible to the dry speculators; still the mystery is unfolded before the eyes of the pure devotees because their eyes are anointed with love of Godhead
- Although he dressed the two young girls and decorated their bodies with his own hand, he remained unchanged. Such is the mind of Srila Ramananda Raya
- Although human beings are creating their beehives in order to enjoy the sweetness of their senses, they are at the same time suffering from the bites of other persons or nations. Godhead as Paramatma is simply witnessing all these activities
- Although in other places the incarnations are described as bhagavan because of their specific functions, nowhere are they declared to be the Supreme Personality. In this stanza the word svayam signifies the supremacy as the summum bonum
- Although in the beginning the princes (Jarasandha party) had been full of hope for success in their heroic action, after their defeat they could only try to encourage Sisupala with flattering words
- Although India has the sublime knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, Indians have not done their proper duty of distributing it. Now, therefore, the Krsna consciousness movement has been set up to distribute this knowledge as it is, without distortion
- Although Kamsa had spoken very nicely on the subject of real knowledge, his past deeds were abominable and atrocious, and therefore he further begged forgiveness from his sister and brother-in-law (Devaki and Vasudeva) by falling at their feet
- Although Krsna cheated the young unmarried gopis and made them stand naked before Him and enjoyed joking words with them, and although He treated them just like dolls and stole their garments, they were still pleased with Him and never lodged complaints
- Although Krsna touched their feet and offered them obeisances and prayers, they did not embrace Him but simply stood up to hear the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although Krsna was acting so wonderfully, Maharaja Nanda and mother Yasoda could not think of Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Instead, they always accepted Him as their beloved child
- Although Krsna was born as their son, Vasudeva and Devaki were always conscious of His position
- Although Lord Balarama patiently heard their insulting words and simply observed their uncivil behavior, from His appearance it was clear that He was burning with anger and was thinking of retaliating with great vengeance
- Although Lord Buddha is accepted as an incarnation of Krsna, the followers of such incarnations are not very advanced in their knowledge of the Vedas
- Although Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His devotees in disciplic succession can defeat all kinds of learned scholars, scientists and philosophers in arguments but their main business as preachers is to introduce sankirtana everywhere
- Although Lord Sri Krsna was constantly by their (the queens of Dvaraka) sides, as well as exclusively alone, His feet appeared to them to be newer and newer
- Although many men take sannyasa to become liberated, because of their imperfections they again become attached to women, material activities, social welfare work and so on
- Although Mayavadis profess monism, they differentiate between the holy name of the Supreme Lord and the Lord Himself. For this offense of namaparadha they gradually glide down from their exalted position of brahma-jnana, as confirmed in SB 10.2.32
- Although one may understand that spirit soul and matter are different, their actual separation is not possible, either by philosophical speculation or by proper understanding
- Although people are generally punished after the witnesses of their misdeeds are examined, where are the witnesses responsible for one's suffering the reactions of past karma? the answer by the Yamadutas is given here - in SB 6.1.42
- Although people may be enemies, in order to fulfill their desires again and again, they sometimes get married. Unfortunately, these marriages do not last very long, and the people involved are separated again by divorce or other means
- Although Purusottama, the best of all living entities, has no benefit to derive from the common living entities, He does have the right to discriminate between their right and wrong ways
- Although Radha and Krsna are one in Their identity, They separated Themselves eternally. Now these two transcendental identities have again united, in the form of Sri Krsna Caitanya
- Although Ramananda Raya was a grhastha engaged in government service & Sanatana Gosvami was in the renounced order of complete detachment from material activities, they were both servants of the SPG who kept Krsna in the center of all their activities
- Although she was received by her sisters and mother, she did not reply to their words of reception, and although she was offered a seat and presents, she did not accept anything
- Although some of the gopis are talkative, some mild and some equipoised, all of them are transcendental and faultless. They please Krsna by their unique characteristics
- Although such men (who have reached more than eighty years of age still go to nightclubs and pay heavy fees to drink wine and associate with women) are too old to enjoy anything, their desires have not ceased
- Although such persons (materialists) may call themselves preachers, live in Vrndavana or Navadvipa, and also print many religious books, it is all for the same purpose, namely to earn a living to maintain their wives and children
- Although such persons may be elevated to the heavenly planets by their pious activities and although they may enjoy life there for many thousands of years, they must return to this planet when the results of their pious activities are exhausted
- Although such persons may chant the holy name of the Lord, they are not yet properly purified. Such people should be respected within one's mind, but their association should be avoided
- Although the Bhagavad-gita is the scripture of Hindus and the Indians, still, they are not so easy to accept Krsna consciousness. Because their brain is puzzled
- Although the blue lotus is a friend of the sun, in Krsna’s pastimes it nevertheless plunders their mutual friend the cakravaka
- Although the boys were village boys and were not expected to be learned in all the Vedic principles of religious ritual, they hinted that because of their association with Krsna and Balarama, they knew all those principles
- Although the Buddhists are unfit for discussion and should not be seen by Vaisnavas, Caitanya Mahaprabhu spoke to them just to decrease their false pride
- Although the cows and elder gopis of Vrndavana had greater affection for Krsna than for their own offspring, after this incident their affection for their offspring increased unlimitedly, exactly as it did for Krsna
- Although the demigods were very powerful in material opulence, the demons defeated them in battle because the demigods had behaved disrespectfully toward a brahmana, Brhaspati, who was their spiritual master
- Although the duskrtis have brain power and merit, their merit and brain power are used for abominable activities. Sometimes, for example, materialistic scientists invent a lethal weapon
- Although the Gita says sri-bhagavan uvaca, indicating that Krsna spoke, they (people) cannot understand Krsna. This is due to their misfortune or incapability, which is caused by rajo-guna and tamo-guna, the modes of passion and ignorance
- Although the gopis and all the other inhabitants of Vrndavana had the affection and attachment for husband and home, their central affection was for Krsna in some transcendental relationship
- Although the gopis at Vrndavana expressed their lusty desires in relationship with a paramour (parakiya-rasa), they actually had no lusty desires
- Although the gopis were seemingly anguished by the Lord's (Krsna's) teasing behavior, when Krsna would leave them they could not tolerate the separation and used to follow Him with their eyes and minds
- Although the great sages could subdue the disturbance by their powers - just as they could kill the King - they considered it improper on their part to do so. Thus they did not attempt to stop the disturbance
- Although the incident of the kidnapping was not a very happy occurrence in the kingdom of Vidarbha, kidnapping was not an unusual affair among ksatriyas. Kidnapping was, in fact, current in almost all their marriages
- Although the Lord is equally kind to every living being, the living beings, for their own part, are able to please the Lord to either a greater or lesser extent
- Although the members of the so-called Hindu society had followed the social customs and formulas, they had practically forgotten to execute their religious principles strictly
- Although the men came down disappointed, baffled and angry, as soon as they saw their own children, their hearts melted with great affection. At once their anger, dissatisfaction and unhappiness disappeared
- Although the Pandavas, because of the influence of Krsna's yogamaya, could not think of their fortunate position, every saintly person, including the great sage Narada, could understand it, and therefore they constantly visited Maharaja Yudhisthira
- Although the Paramatma is aloof from the living entities, He knows their intentions, and He gives them facilities by which they can enjoy or suffer the results of their actions
- Although the Pracetas desired to see the Lord to their full satisfaction, the Lord left. According to Srila Jiva Gosvami, this is an exhibition of His kindness to innumerable other devotees. Although He was being attracted by the Pracetas, He left
- Although the sons of Jamadagni, including Lord Parasurama, were a long distance from home, as soon as they heard Renuka loudly calling "O Rama, O my son," they hastily returned to the asrama, where they saw their father already killed
- Although the Supreme Lord was present as their child, Devaki and Vasudeva began to pray to Him
- Although the Supreme Lord, Visnu, is always equal to both of us - namely, the demigods and the demons - this time, being devoutly worshiped by the demigods, He has taken their side and helped them kill Hiranyaksa
- Although the transcendental pleasure being enjoyed by the cowherd boys could not be stopped, unless they stopped the transcendental pleasure of their various activities they could not eat their lunch
- Although the words 'brahma' and 'atma' indicate Krsna, their direct meaning refers only to the impersonal Brahman and the Supersoul respectively
- Although the yogis and jnanis are trying to understand God, they are not aware of their illusory condition. Maya-sukhaya bharam udvahato vimudan: They are fools because they are working hard for illusory happiness
- Although their (jnanis' and yogis') destination is not so important in comparison to the destination of the devotees, the labor of the nondevotees is far greater than that of the bhaktas
- Although their offense was not very severe, he killed them to lessen the burden of the world
- Although there are varieties of personalities, from Brahma down to the insignificant ant, all of whom are living beings, their development of knowledge is different
- Although there is a relationship of master and servant, both master and servant are one because of their spiritual identity. This is also ekatvam. Thus the conception of ekatvam for the Vaisnava is different from that of the Mayavadi
- Although they (great kings and emperors) were extremely opulent and were the masters of kingdoms, they could give up all their possessions because they were trained early as brahmacaris. Prahlada Maharaja's advice is therefore very appropriate
- Although they (human beings) go on making such questions and answers for their whole lives, they are not at all satisfied. Satisfaction of the soul can only be obtained by questions and answers on the subject of Krsna
- Although they (Kasira Mayavadis) have their own arguments, which are not very strong, they have no conception of the variegated activities of the Absolute Truth
- Although they (Mayavadis) have apparently realized that they are not material body but spirit soul, they nonetheless neglect the duty of the spirit soul, which is to render service to the Supreme Soul. Therefore their intelligence remains unsanctified
- Although they (prakrta-sahajiyas) do not know the principles of Vaisnava philosophy and are not very much advanced in education, by these symptoms they attract many men to become their followers
- Although they (the demons) are not devotees, their thinking of Visnu is effective, and thus they generally attain sayujya-mukti
- Although they (the four sampradayas) are four in number, their conclusion is the same. And another sect is Sankarite sampradaya. So all these five different section of the Hindus, they accept Sri Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although they (the Mayavadis) present themselves as great Vedantists, they are factually mayayapahrta-jnana; in other words, they seem to be very learned scholars, but the essence of their knowledge has been taken away
- Although they (the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran) have their arguments and reasonings, they are not very sound and transcendental. As such, modern people advanced in science and philosophy deem these scriptures unacceptable
- Although They all have Their residences eternally in the spiritual sky, some of Them are situated within the material universes
- Although they are lacking the knowledge of Vedanta presented by the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the transcendental form of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Mayavadis are very proud of their study
- Although they are not in darkness, but without being in the platform of sattva-guna, nobody can become very intelligent person, philosopher, or mental speculator also. Their position is very high in the material calculation
- Although they are very much puffed up at being liberated, Mayavadi philosophers very shortly fall down again to material activities due to their neglecting the lotus feet of the Lord
- Although this avidya-sakti (material energy, or nescience) is also an energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is especially intended to keep the living entities in a state of forgetfulness. This is due to their rebellious attitude toward the Lord
- Although this material world is prison house - all criminals are here, revolt, to a person are here, those who do not care for God - but still, their fooding problem, their lodging problem is there by arrangement of God. Everything is there
- Although this was a transaction of spiritual potency (Vasudeva and Devaki apparently wanted to live like ordinary grhasthas for sexual indulgence), their desire appears like attachment for sex in conjugal life
- Although two friends may be living peacefully together, due to their propensity to cheat they become enemies when there is a transaction between them
- Although unfortunate people also get this opportunity (association with devotees), due to their great misfortune they cannot take shelter of pure devotees, and consequently they continuously suffer
- Although Visvarupa was the son of the daughter of their eternal enemies the demons, the demigods accepted him as their priest in accordance with the order of Brahma when they were abandoned by their spiritual master, Brhaspati, whom they had disrespected
- Always anxious to fulfill their unlimited desires for sense gratification, they (materialists) are conspicuous by their ability to exploit their fellow living beings
- Americans do not wish to share their prosperity with any foreigner who has not qualified himself as a citizen of America. Similarly, the same mentality is prevailing in every other planet where there are more intelligent living beings residing
- Amogha did not receive an opportunity to be freed from all offenses after being attacked by the disease, but Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya and his wife were very dear to the Lord. Because of their relationship, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu excused Amogha
- Among all the progeny of Rathitara, these sons were the most prominent because, owing to their birth, they were considered brahmanas
- Among people in general, 99.9 percent try to talk like experienced advisers, but they are actually devoid of spiritual knowledge and are therefore like inexperienced children speaking nonsensically. Consequently their words cannot be given any importance
- Among the creators & living entities, Brahma is the chief. The various Brahmas exhibit four, eight, sixteen, etc., heads accordingly, & they are the chief creators in their respective universes. The Brahmas are representatives of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Among the gopis, there is not a pinch of desire for sense gratification. Their only desire is to give pleasure to Krsna, and this is why they mingle with Him and enjoy with Him
- Among the mixed classes known as sankara, those who are not thieves are known as antevasayi or candalas (dog-eaters), and they also have their hereditary customs
- Amongst the animals, amongst the birds, there is no contraceptive method. They are increasing their population, and they are being fed by God. So why in the human society the population theory is so acute?
- Amongst the human beings, the king is the representative of Krsna because Krsna is the maintainer of the universe, and the kings, who are appointed on account of their godly qualifications, are maintainers of their kingdoms. BG 1972 purports
- An advanced devotee has nothing to do with the sahajiyas, who manufacture their own way and commit sins by indulging in illicit sex, intoxication and gambling, if not meat-eating
- An animal that enters a forest keeps its individuality, although apparently the beast merges with the forest. Similarly, in material existence, both the material energy and the living entities of the marginal potency maintain their individuality
- An asura is not a devotee of Lord Visnu; instead, for his sense gratification he is a devotee of the demigods, bhutas, pretas and so on. Thus one can judge who is a devata, who is a Raksasa and who is an asura by how they conduct their activities
- An illustration of this principle is that many great empires which developed in the past are no longer existing because their wealth was squandered away by later descendants
- An ordinary living being, in his material condition, experiences the results of his own fruitive activities and therefore falls under their influence
- An ugly person becomes beautiful when he becomes a learned scholar. In the same way, brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras become beautiful by their qualities
- Ananta, or Sesa, is the source of the power which sustains all the planets in their different positions. Materially this sustaining power is known as the law of gravitation, but actually it is a display of the potency of Sankarsana
- And the descendants of King Yadu, due to their family relationship with Krsna, are always thinking of Him as one of their members
- Anger will continue even in the liberated stage. These four mendicant brothers, the Kumaras, were considered liberated persons, but still they were angry because they were restricted in their service to the Lord
- Animal life means there is no sin. It is promotion. Because they are animal, their consciousness is not developed. Just like a child - a child, if he steals, that is not sin. He will not be criminally charged
- Animals are also trying their best to eat well, to have an enjoyable sex life, to sleep peacefully, and to defend themselves. What then is the difference between man's knowledge and animal's knowledge
- Animals can kill other living animals, and there is no question of sin on their part, but if a man kills an animal for the satisfaction of his uncontrolled taste, he must be responsible for breaking the laws of nature. BG 1972 Introduction
- Animals in bodies lower than that of the human being are conscious only as far as their bodily distress and happiness are concerned; they cannot think of more than their bodily necessities of life-eating, sleeping, mating and defending
- Animals, of course, have no sense of responsibility, but even humans, who have developed a sense of responsibility, while away their valuable time without engaging in devotional service to the Lord; they live merrily, unafraid of impending death
- Another example given in this connection is that if a man is potent and if a woman is not diseased, then by their conjugation there will be conception
- Another gopi said, "He is the only friend of the suffering living entities. When He plays His flute, all the cows and other animals of Vrndavana, although engaged in eating, simply take a morsel of food in their mouths and stop chewing"
- Another gopi said, "Their ears raise up and they become stunned. They do not appear alive but like painted animals. Krsna's flute-playing is so attractive that even the animals become enchanted, and what to speak of ourselves"
- Another important devotee of Lord Nityananda Prabhu was Visnudasa, who had two brothers, Nandana and Gangadasa. Lord Nityananda Prabhu sometimes stayed at their house
- Another important point is that none of the gopis who danced with Krsna were in their material bodies. They danced with Krsna in their spiritual bodies. All their husbands thought that their wives were sleeping by their side
- Another significant aspect of this verse (SB 3.15.46) is that the sages (four Kumaras) describe their experience of hearing from their father, Brahma, who was born of the Lord directly
- Another significant feature of the Visnu forms was that all of Them were looking transcendentally beautiful. Their smiling resembled the moonshine, and Their glancing resembled the early rising of the sun
- Anucarah means "those who can immediately understand the purpose of their master"
- Any child can disprove it (their statement that life started from matter). And that theory is also wrong that lower type of animals were first created. No. All different varieties were, all were existing
- Any king who does not teach his citizens about their respective duties in terms of varna and asrama but who simply exacts tolls and taxes from them is liable to suffer for the impious activities which have been performed by the citizens
- Any local language we can speak. They'll simply show their movement. Speaking somebody, he will show like that. In cinema they do that
- Any parents who cannot enlighten their offspring in Krsna consciousness cannot be accepted as a real father and mother
- Any way do not disturb them (the Bengalis) or any one about their personal affairs but give every one the chance of joining us in Kirtan that will pave the path of Krishna Consciousness. You are intelligent enough and I hope you will understand me right
- Anyone who follows in the footsteps of recognized devotees, such as Brahma, Siva, the Kumaras, Manu, Kapila, King Prahlada, King Janaka, Sukadeva Gosvami, Yamaraja & their followers in disciplic succession, very easily finds the door of liberation open
- Anyone who has accepted this material body, even a small ant, and the demigods, Indra and Lord Brahma, by their pious activities they have got big, big post as demigods, long, prolonged life and many other facilities. But they are all living entities
- Apparently even demons can be elevated to positions as demigods when their atheistic character is reformed
- Apparently, they (the gopis) left their father, husband and came to Krsna. So that is, from Vedic principle, it is wrong. One young girl cannot go to other young man, giving up the protection of father, brother, and... So they did it
- Apprehension of some mishap to Krsna or to His beloved queens, as exhibited by Baladeva and Yudhisthira, has been explained. This apprehension is not exactly due to their ignorance of the inconceivable potencies of Krsna but to their intense love for Him
- Are all the chieftain sons of Lord Krsna, such as Susena, Carudesna, Samba the son of Jambavati, and Rsabha, along with their sons, all doing well?
- Are those who create some sort of God by selecting a human being and placing their faith in him worshiping in goodness, passion or ignorance? Do such persons attain the perfectional stage of life? Arjuna is putting these questions to Krsna. BG 1972 pur
- Are you in a sorry plight because the demigods are now bereft of their share of sacrificial offerings because no sacrifices are being performed at present? Or are you grieving for living beings because of their sufferings due to famine and drought?
- Arjuna agreed, although at first he was not willing to fight. Duties are required for ordinary persons. They should not jump up and try to imitate Krsna and indulge in rasa-lila and thus bring about their ruin
- Arjuna continued, "Such executive heads simply live for their own livelihood while occupying exalted posts as chiefs of state"
- Arjuna delivered them (the five Apsaras) from their abominable condition (as crocodiles), and from that day the lake known as Pancapsara became a place of pilgrimage
- Arjuna is found to be similarly bewildered. All such bewilderment of the pure devotees of the Lord is specifically meant for their further advancement in knowledge of the Lord
- Arjuna put this question (of BG 4.4) before Him in order that Krsna would describe Himself without being depicted by the demons who always try to distort Him in a way understandable to the demons and their followers. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna sees that the leaders of the opposite party (Bhisma, Drona, Karna and all the sons of Dhrtarastra) & their soldiers & Arjuna's soldiers are all being annihilated. This is an indication that Arjuna will emerge victorious in battle. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna trees are still found in many forests, and their skin is used by cardiologists to prepare medicine for heart trouble. This means that even though they are trees, they are disturbed when skinned for medical science
- Artificially, they (materialists) may sit down for so-called meditation, but immediately after their yogic performance they will engage themselves again in such activities as illicit sex life, gambling, meat-eating and many other nonsensical things
- As a consequence of sinfulness, men are condemned (mandah), their intelligence is unclear (sumanda-matayah), they are unfortunate (manda-bhagyah), and therefore they are always disturbed by many problems (upadrutah). This is their situation in this life
- As a father and mother care for their child, Govinda cared for Prahlada Maharaja, who remained always absorbed in thoughts of Govinda. This is Krsna consciousness. Prahlada Maharaja is the vivid example of perfection in Krsna consciousness
- As a herd of bulls circumambulates a central pole on their right side, all the luminaries within the universal sky unceasingly circumambulate the abode of Dhruva Maharaja with great force and speed
- As a matter of fact, they (the enemies of the karma-yogis) are pantheist pretenders, trying to cover their extravagancy by falsely labeling it transcendental service to Godhead
- As a matter of gratitude, they (human beings) should feel obliged to the Lord for their supply of foodstuff, and they must first offer Him food in sacrifice and then partake of the remnants
- As a result of their (the atheists) inexperience in the Absolute Truth and their reluctance to accept authority, they become more and more atheistic; they cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As an evidence, people are receiving these boys who are chanting and dancing. Out of their love they are contributing something, they are purchasing magazines. So this is sympathy, sign of love
- As both parties (a handsome man and a beautiful woman) move their eyebrows and glance at one another, their lusty desires increase more and more
- As by the friction of bamboos destruction takes place, so also, at sunset, by the interaction of the faults of intoxication, all their minds became unbalanced, and destruction took place
- As cats, dogs and other animals not knowing their true interest in life become increasingly involved in ignorance, the so-called educated person who does not know his own self-interest or the true goal of life becomes increasingly involved in materialism
- As cats, dogs, not knowing their true interest in life, become increasingly involved in ignorance, the so-called educated person who does not know his own self-interest or the true goal of life becomes increasingly involved in materialism
- As chaste women bring their gentle husbands under control by service, the pure devotees, who are equal to everyone and completely attached to Me in the core of the heart, bring Me under their full control
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (6.41), they (the transcendentalists) are allowed to take their next birth either in the family of a bona fide brahmana or in the family of a rich merchant who is devoted to the service of Godhead
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (7.23), antavat tu phalam tesam tad bhavaty alpa-medhasam: "Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary
- As criminal prisoners scatter as soon as their terms are over and they are released, all of us who have temporarily assembled as family members will continue to our respective destinations
- As doctors differ, so also sages differ in their different prescriptions for spiritual salvation
- As explained before, the particles of Brahman are like sparks blissfully dancing within a fire, but there is a chance of their falling from the fire to smoke, although smoke is another condition of fire
- As far as his (Arjuna's) soldiers were concerned, he was sympathetic from the beginning, but he felt compassion even for the soldiers of the opposite party, foreseeing their imminent death. BG 1972 purports
- As far as material sense gratification is concerned, materialists may go on increasing their enjoyment as far as they can imagine, but because people in such a material condition are servants of their senses, they cannot be satisfied
- As far as neglecting the presence of others is concerned, the wives of the brahmanas who were performing sacrifices at Vrndavana left home as soon as they heard that Krsna was nearby. They left their homes without caring for their learned husbands
- As far as our senses are concerned, there are many animals, both beasts and birds, who are very expert in exercising their senses more keenly than human beings
- As far as perfections in mystic power are concerned, there are 18, and as far as types of liberation from material bondage are concerned, there are 5. The state of being where all varieties of enjoyment are conspicuous by their absence is called ahaituki
- As far as the devotees are concerned, their assets - the achievement of devotional service and the consequent opulence of Vaikuntha, even on this planet - are never destroyed
- As far as the living entities are concerned, they are impregnated into this material nature, and as a result of their past deeds they take different positions. Thus the activities of this material world begin. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the miscreants are concerned, for them devotional service is very difficult because their lives are selfish, irregular and without spiritual goals. BG 1972 purports
- As for saintly persons, who must travel to preach transcendental knowledge, they also are restrained by the rainy season. But during the autumn, all of them leave their confines
- As for the small aquatics living in the reservoirs, they cannot understand that their ponds are diminishing day by day, as the materially engrossed persons cannot understand that their duration of life is being reduced day by day
- As for the subordinate living entities, they fight under the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Victory or defeat is not actually theirs; it is an arrangement by the Lord through the agency of material nature
- As for their (the Yadu dynasty's) military strength, it is said that King Ugrasena alone had ten quadrillion soldiers as personal bodyguards
- As husband & wife, a man & woman plan together to attain happiness & decrease unhappiness, working jointly in many ways, but because their activities are full of desires, these activities are never a source of happiness, and they never diminish distress
- As husband and wife plan together to attain happiness and decrease unhappiness, working jointly in many ways, but because their activities are full of desires, these activities are never a source of happiness, and they never diminish distress
- As iron has the power to burn when made red-hot in the association of fire, so the body, senses, living force, mind & intelligence, although merely lumps of matter, can function in their activities when infused with a particle of consciousness by the SPG
- As it is essential to get food grains and water by digging the earth, it is also essential to give protection to the cows and take nectarean milk from their milk bags
- As it is mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita, the demigods cannot fulfill the desires of their worshipers without the sanction of Narayana, or Krsna
- As it is said in the Bhagavad-gita, foolish persons, after exhausting the results of their pious activities in the heavenly kingdom, come back again to this lower planetary system and then again try to go to the higher planetary system
- As it is said: Because of their uncontrolled senses, persons too addicted to materialistic life make progress toward hellish conditions and repeatedly chew that which has already been chewed - SB 7.5.30
- As it is stated in the Caitanya-caritamrta, the only master is Krsna, and all others are His servants. The whole world is under the waves of the material spell, and beings are floating like straws in water. So their struggle for existence is continuing
- As Kesi's last breath came, his eyeballs bulged in their sockets and he passed stool and urine simultaneously. Thus the vital force of his life expired. When the horse was dead, his mouth became loose, and Krsna could extract His arm without difficulty
- As Krsna came nearer, they pushed their sons forward to embrace Him. Others were trying, out of shyness, not to shed tears, but they still could not keep the tears from gliding down. This is an instance of concealment caused by shyness
- As Krsna was speaking with Rukmini, the commanders of the Yadu dynasty's soldiers, headed by Balarama, known as Sankarsana, by Gada, not tolerating the opposing soldiers' defiant attitude, began to strike their horses, elephants, & chariots with arrows
- As long as the devotees were in Nilacala, Jagannatha Puri, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu maintained His external consciousness, but after their departure His chief engagement was again the madness of ecstatic love for Krsna
- As long as their tendency for foolish work remains powerful, all their plans in the struggle for existence will be cut to pieces. I therefore offer my obeisances unto Him who acts as eternal time
- As Lord Brahma descended on his carrier, the great swan, all the residents of the planets named Siddhaloka, Gandharvaloka, Sadhyaloka and Caranaloka, as well as great sages and demigods flying in their different airplanes, assembled
- As mentioned in the last chapter, there was a great rumor that the five Pandava brothers, along with their mother, Kunti, had died, according to the plan of the sons of Dhrtarastra, in a fire accident in the house of lac in which they were living
- As mentioned in the Mandukya Upanisad, the rope for a snake and the oyster for gold examples have their different applications and can be understood as follows
- As Murari Gupta treated his patients, by his mercy both their bodily and spiritual diseases subsided
- As on this earth planet we have a multivariety of living entities, we can understand from Vedic literatures that in the sun also there is a variety of living entities, but their bodies are made of fire, just as ours are made of earth
- As Paramatma and eternal friend of the living entities, the Lord, by one of His plenary portions, accompanies the living entities to guide them in their material enjoyment and to become witness to all activities
- As Queen Draupadi and King Yudhisthira were taking their avabhrtha bath, the citizens of Hastinapura as well as the demigods began to beat on drums and blow trumpets out of feelings of happiness, and there was a shower of flowers from the sky
- As scholars of the Vedas, they (the Yadus) verified the Vedic hymns: eko devah... sarva-bhutadhivasah... antaryami... and vrsninam para-devata... The Yadus, therefore, accepted Lord Krsna as the Supersoul incarnated in their family, and not more than that
- As small calves tied with ropes await anxiously the time of milking, when they will be allowed to drink the milk of their mothers, I always yearn for the opportunity to render direct service unto You
- As soon as a boy and girl are married, they want an apartment. Then they have children. And when they have children, they want social recognition - society, friendship, and love. In this way their material attachment goes on increasing
- As soon as a man takes his birth, he is immediately indebted to so many sources. He is indebted to the great sages because he profits by reading their authoritative scriptures and books. For example, we take advantage of the books written by Vyasadeva
- As soon as He got up, His bones assumed their proper places. With half-external consciousness, the Lord looked here and there
- As soon as people declare their independence of the supreme controller, they are immediately put into this material world to try their luck freely, as far as possible
- As soon as Saturday is over and Sunday comes, they again begin their sinful activities, expecting to be forgiven the next Saturday. This kind of prayascitta, or atonement, is condemned by Pariksit Maharaja, the most intelligent king of his time
- As soon as the boon was offered to him, the demon wanted to touch the very head of Lord Siva. That is their way
- As soon as the human beings deviate from their original nature, the Lord comes to teach them, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: My dear living entities, give up all material activities and simply surrender unto Me for protection - BG 18.66
- As soon as the living entities are subjected to the control of the other two qualities, namely passion and ignorance, their precarious conditional life becomes intolerable
- As soon as the people of the village had understood that the Deity was going to be installed, they had brought their entire stocks of rice, dhal & wheat flour. They brought such large quantities that the entire surface of the top of the hill was filled
- As soon as the Pracetas saw that the great sage Narada had appeared, they immediately got up even from their asanas. As required, they immediately offered obeisances and worshiped him
- As soon as the sons of Devaki were killed, they would return to their original place. The devotees wanted to see this also. Generally speaking, no one kills his own nephews, but Kamsa was so cruel that he did so without hesitation
- As soon as the Visnudutas heard their master's name being chanted, they immediately came
- As soon as the wife becomes proud of her parentage, her pride creates great misunderstanding between the husband and wife, and their nuptial life is ruined
- As soon as there is creation by the Lord's glancing over the material nature, immediately the living entities spring up in their different living conditions, just as different types of vegetation grow after a rainfall
- As soon as there is scarcity of food grain, so many so-called association will come out, "Give us grain. We have to feed such and such person, such and such village." So it is not going to the village. It is collected, and they use at their own
- As soon as there is some money, they become busy in purchasing things for their children and others. Such persons are never interested in understanding the values of life - what is God, what is the individual soul, what is its relationship with God, etc
- As soon as they (the cowherd boys) saw Krsna coming toward them, they one after another embraced the son of Nanda and held Him to their chests. After this, they assembled all the calves under their charge and began to return home
- As soon as they (the living entities) are subjected to the control of the other two qualities, namely passion and ignorance, their precarious conditional life becomes intolerable
- As soon as they felt the warmth of the fire, they (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) immediately took shelter of Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although He was playing just like their child
- As stated by Prahlada Maharaja (SB 7.9.19), balasya neha saranam pitarau nrsimha: a father and mother cannot ultimately take care of their children
- As stated in BG (12.5), kleso 'dhikataras tesam avyaktasakta-cetasam. Persons who do not ultimately accept the SPG and take to devotional service, but who instead are attached to impersonalism and voidism, must undergo great labor to achieve their goals
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 12.5), impersonalists simply waste their time in mundane mental speculation because they are addicted more to false arguments than to reality. Therefore, the association of the impersonalists is condemned herewith by Brahma
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 13.3), ksetra-jnam capi mam viddhi sarva-ksetresu bharata. The individual souls are proprietors of their individual bodies, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the proprietor of all bodies
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.41): "Those who are on the spiritual path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one. O beloved child of the Kurus, the intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched."
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.11), sex life not contrary to the principles of religion is sanctioned by Krsna. Because Sarmistha, the daughter of a king, had begged Yayati for a son, their combination was not lust but an act of religion
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, antavat tu phalam tesam tad bhavaty alpa-medhasam: (BG 7.23) Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary
- As stated in Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Madhya 8.274): The maha-bhagavata, the advanced devotee, certainly sees everything mobile and immobile, but he does not exactly see their forms. Rather, everywhere he immediately sees manifest the form of the SG
- As stated in SB 10.82.44: "Devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the life of every living entity." Indeed, the Lord informed the damsels of Vraja that their love for Him was the only cause of their achieving His association
- As such, it is not improper to conclude that the living entities appearing within this material world in different shapes, such as human beings, demigods, animals, birds and beasts, all get their respective bodies due to different desires
- As sunset approached, Krsna, Balarama and Their cowherd boyfriends went to the outskirts of the city, where all their carts were assembled
- As the ages are going on, people are becoming degraded in their standard of spiritual understanding
- As the birds fly in the sky as far as their capacity allows, so do the learned devotees describe the Lord as far as their realization allows
- As the brahmanas are recognized by their particular qualification of inclination towards the transcendental knowledge of Vedic wisdom also the ksatriyas are recognized by the power to protect society from the disturbing elements of thieves and miscreants
- As the dust on the lotus flower exhibits the exquisite beauty of the flower, all the gopis applied the dust of kunkuma on their lotuslike faces. These beautiful gopis took their different presentations and very soon reached the house of Maharaja Nanda
- As the father and mother are the friends and maintainers of their children, as the eyelid is the protector of the eye, as the husband is the maintainer and protector of a woman, so the king is the protector and giver of life to all his subjects
- As the fighting progressed, the princes and soldiers of the enemy began to fall from their horses, elephants and chariots. Within a short time, millions of severed heads, decorated with helmets and earrings, had fallen on the battlefield
- As the followers of a king follow their lord, similarly when the total energy is in motion, all other living entities move, and when the total energy stops endeavoring, all other living entities stop sensual activities
- As the gopis & Krsna danced together, a very blissful musical sound was produced from the tinkling of their bells, ornaments & bangles. It appeared that Krsna was a greenish sapphire locket in the midst of a golden necklace decorated with valuable stones
- As the gopis were very hastily passing over the stone road, the flower garlands which were decorating their bodies fell to the ground, and it appeared that a shower of flowers was falling from the sky
- As the human beings on this planet have to change their bodies (tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13)), the living entities known as Indra, Candra, Varuna and so on will also have to change their bodies in due course of time
- As the ignorant perform their duties with attachment to results, similarly the learned may also act, but without attachment, for the sake of leading people on the right path. BG 3.25 - 1972
- As the King and Queen lamented, all their male and female followers joined them in crying. Because of the sudden accident, all the citizens of the kingdom were almost unconscious
- As the modern astronauts who go to the moon or other heavenly planets by force of jet propulsion have to come down again after exhausting their fuel, so also do those who are elevated to the heavenly planets by force of yajnas and pious activities
- As the mothers cared for their respective babies, by the arrangement of yogamaya the babies thought, Here is My mother, and the mothers thought, Here is my son. Because of affection, milk naturally flowed from the mothers' breasts, & the babies drank it
- As the parijata tree came down to the earthly planet, the fragrance of its flowers also came down, and the celestial drones migrated to this earth in search of their fragrance and honey
- As the queens loudly cried, their tears glided down their breasts, becoming reddened by kunkuma powder, and fell upon the lotus feet of their husband
- As the sparks of a fire or the shining rays of the sun emanate from their source and merge into it again and again, the mind, the intelligence, the senses, the gross and subtle material bodies all emanate from the Lord and again merge into Him
- As the sun and moon drive away darkness by their appearance and reveal the nature of everything, these two brothers dissipate the darkness of ignorance covering the living beings and enlighten them with knowledge of the Absolute Truth
- As the Supersoul living in everyone's heart, Lord Krsna could understand their (the wives of the brahmanas) minds; they had come to Him despite all the protests of their relatives, fathers, husbands & brothers, & despite the duties of household affairs
- As the supreme father of all living entities, He (Krsna) does not interfere with their independence, but gives all facilities so that they can fulfill their material desires. BG 1972 purports
- As the supreme master of all bodily, mental and intellectual activities, He (Lord Kamadeva) is the only enjoyer of their results. The five sense objects and eleven senses, including the mind, are His partial manifestations
- As the supreme master of all bodily, mental and intellectual activities, Krsna is the only enjoyer of their results. The five sense objects and eleven senses, including the mind, are His partial manifestations
- As their envy increased, they lost their intelligence. Being extremely hardhearted and unable to tolerate the King's neglect, they finally administered poison to the son
- As their eyes began to drink the nectarean honey of His lotus face, their thirst increased. Thus their eyes did not leave Him
- As their weapons & mantras decreased, the demons began showering mountain peaks, trees and stones upon the demigod soldiers, but the demigods were so powerful & expert that they nullified all these weapons by breaking them to pieces in the sky as before
- As there are four divisions within our body - the head, the arms, the belly and the legs - similarly, human society, taken as a whole, is divided into four classes of men according to their material qualities and occupational duties
- As they (Krsna and Satya) traveled fast to their new home, the King's (Nagnajit) heart was enlivened with affection for them
- As They (Ksna and Balarama) grew up They began talking with Their parents and others in childish language, and thus They gave great pleasure to all the inhabitants of Vrndavana
- As they danced and embraced, spiritual symptoms manifested in their bodies. They perspired, trembled and shed tears, and the Lord began to speak in His ecstasy
- As through devotion to the Lord one can attain His abode, many have attained that goal by abandoning their sinful activities and absorbing their minds in the Lord through lust, envy, fear or affection
- As usual for small children, He learned to play, and with His playmates He went to the houses of neighboring friends, stealing their eatables and eating them. Sometimes the children fought among themselves
- As usual the author concludes the chapter (9 of CC Madhya) by reciting the names of Sri Rupa and Raghunatha and reinstating himself at their lotus feet
- As was socially customary, they (the queens of Lord Sri Krsna) covered their faces shyly and looked about coyly
- As we have already pointed out, these dualities - such as heat and cold, pleasure and pain - arise due to the contact of the senses with their objects. In other words, they are born of identification with the body
- As we have learned from the Second Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the ruling power of the demigods and the influence of material nature are conspicuous by their absence in the spiritual world
- As we see from this incident (in SB 9:18.6-16), this has been their (women's) nature for a long, long time
- As you will say, "To err is human", so in the neophyte stage we may always expect some discrepancies are there. Kindly see the things in this light and forgive their small mistakes
- Aside from the rivers, the trees standing on the banks like great ascetics and engaging in welfare activities for all living entities drink the nectar of Krsna's lips by drawing water from the river with their roots
- Aside from the sun and the touchstone, there are many other material things that transform their energy in different ways and yet remain as they are
- Astavakra Muni was curved in eight joints of his body, and thus he used to move in a peculiar curved manner. The daughters of the demigods could not check their laughter upon seeing the movements of the muni
- Asura means demon. They are just opposite . . . they are very much against anything, they want simply . . . cheaply to become God. That is their demonic principle
- Asuras always engage in atheistic material activities, exploring ways to utilize the resources of matter to enjoy sense gratification. The visnu-bhaktas, Krsna conscious devotees, are also active, but their objective is to satisfy the SP of Godhead
- Asuras do not know that their bodies consist of the five elements of material nature and that when they fall they become objects of pastimes for dogs and vultures
- Asuras in the dress of sannyasis even explain the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam in different ways according to their own imaginations. Thus they continue to remain asuras birth after birth
- Asuras work for personal sense gratification, whereas devotees work for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord. Both work conscientiously, but their motives are different
- Asuras, instead of accepting these instructions (of Bhagavad-gita) directly, make commentaries according to their own whimsical ways and mislead everyone, without profit even for themselves
- Asvatthama discharged the brahmastra simply to kill the Pandavas, namely the five brothers headed by Maharaja Yudhisthira and their only grandson, who was lying within the womb of Uttara
- At death, he sees the messengers of the lord of death come before him, their eyes full of wrath, and in great fear he passes stool and urine
- At every home, every family, you can sit down together at the end of their work and simply question about Krsna and try to understand the answers. The books are already there. Answers are already there. So this is our Krsna consciousness movement
- At home (during the birth of Krsna), the brahmanas, who were accustomed to offering sacrifices in the fire, found their homes very pleasant for offerings
- At home, the brahmanas, who were accustomed to offer sacrifices in the fire, found their homes very pleasant for offerings - at the time of Krsna's birth
- At Kaliya Lake, many people mistook a fisherman for Krsna. When some respectable people came to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they expressed their opinion that when one takes sannyasa, he becomes Narayana. Their mistake was corrected by the Lord
- At last my ever-willing blessings are bestowed upon Syamasundara, Brahmananda, Hayagriva, Satsvarupa, Devahuti, Jadurani, Muralidhara, Bharadvaja and Pradyumna, etc., for their hard labor in different ways to make this publication a great success
- At least everyone is engaged in earning a livelihood in some profession or occupation. In these dealings, one has to meet many undesirable people, and their behavior is compared to the biting of mosquitoes. This creates very undesirable conditions
- At lunchtime Aghasura appeared by the arrangement of yogamaya, so that for the time being they (the cowherd boys) could stop their activities and take lunch
- At night he (the philosophical mind) sees the stars in the sky, and he naturally speculates about their inhabitants. Such inquiries are natural for man because man has a developed consciousness which is higher than that of the animals
- At present there are droughts throughout Europe & America, & people are suffering, but if people take this KC movement seriously, if they stop their sinful activities & chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra, all their problems will be solved without difficulty
- At present, politicians are very eager to take charge of the government, and they engage their men in canvassing from door to door to get votes to win the post of president or a similar exalted office
- At present, sevaitas assume the title of gosvami on the basis of their being engaged as sevaitas of the Deity
- At that moment (when Krsna was eating at Pandava's place) all of the sages accompanying Durvasa were taking bath in the river, and when Krsna felt satisfaction from eating Draupadi's offering, they also felt satisfaction, and their hunger was gone
- At that time all the great minds and thinkers, accompanied by their disciples, and sages who could verily sanctify a place of pilgrimage just by their presence, arrived there on the plea of making a pilgrim's journey
- At that time the Bengal was being ruled by the Mohammedans, Pathans, and their entrusted ministers were these Rupa and Sanatana. They were converted into practically Mohammedan
- At that time the yogi realizes the truth of his relationship with the SPG. He discovers that pleasure and pain as well as their interactions, which he attributed to his own self, are actually due to the false ego, which is a product of ignorance
- At the age of ten years Jiva Gosvami left home and went to Benares, the seat of Sanskrit scholars. He learned there Sanskrit very nicely, became a very great scholar, and then joined their uncles in Vrndavana
- At the end of ten thousand years of severe austerities performed by the Pracetas, the SPG, to reward their austerities, appeared before them in His very pleasing form. This appealed to the Pracetas and satisfied the labor of their austerities
- At the end of the four-month Caturmasya period, Caitanya Mahaprabhu again consulted with Nityananda Prabhu daily in a solitary place. No one could understand what Their consultation was about
- At the present moment civilized nations have given up God consciousness for economic development. They are actually no longer interested in advancing in God consciousness. Formerly their forefathers were engaged in executing religious principles
- At the present moment if one man is attacked, the passersby will not care for it because they have lost their sympathy or mercifulness for others. Our neighbor may starve, but we don't care for it
- At the present moment in Kali-yuga, Raksasa fathers and mothers are killing their own children in the womb, and some are even eating the fetus with great relish. Thus the so-called civilization is gradually advancing by producing Raksasas
- At the present moment it is impossible to gather sacrificial necessities because of the poverty of the population and their lack of knowledge in Vedic mantras
- At the present moment people are very proud of their architectural art, yet floors are generally decorated with colored cement. It appears, however, that the castle constructed by the yogic powers of Kardama Muni had floors of emerald with coral daises
- At the present moment the churches, temples and mosques all over the world are not attracting people because foolish priests cannot elevate their followers to the platform of knowledge
- At the present moment the so-called democracy means, to tell the truth, all cunning, 3rd-class, 4th-class men, they are doing. They have no sympathy for the general public. Their only aim is, so long he's in the office, gather as much money as possible
- At the present moment they are busy with these four things: how to eat, how to sleep, how to have best process of sex life, and how to defend by atomic bomb. This is their advancement of civilization
- At the present moment we have heaps of papers and promises of their being converted into gold by economic development of modern civilization, and still there is no possibility of spending riches like Maharaja Yudhisthira
- At the present moment we see that some of the members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness are tending to leave their preaching activities in order to sit in a solitary place
- At the present moment, all the government men, their first qualification is whether he went to jail during this movement. Yes. The more one suffered imprisonment, he is given more exalted post. Not only jail; in the jail they were beaten very severely
- At the present moment, although the so-called brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas and śūdras have lost their original culture, they claim to be brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas and śūdras by birthright
- At the present moment, vague idea, what is God; practically no idea. What is their God? "God is good." They . . . sometimes they say: "God is great," but what is that God, how great He is, how He is good, nobody knows
- At the request of Lord Brahma, Prajapati Daksa, who is known as Pracetasa, begot sixty daughters in the womb of his wife Asikni. All the daughters were very affectionate toward their father
- At the same time, all the friends of Aghasura, especially Kamsa, who were all accustomed to eating flesh and blood, expressed their jubilation, understanding that Krsna had also entered the mouth of the demon
- At the same time, many hundreds of well-known prostitutes began to proceed on various vehicles. They were all very eager to meet the Lord, and their beautiful faces were decorated with dazzling earrings, which enhanced the beauty of their foreheads
- At the same time, they continued to hope that Krsna would be their husband. Their attitude toward Krsna was that of paramour love. Therefore, the loving affairs of Krsna with the gopis are called parakiya-rasa
- At the time of death the Yamadutas become the custodians of those persons who have strongly gratified their senses. They take charge of the dying man and take him to the planet where Yamaraja resides
- At the time of death, all yogis give up the material body with full detachment simply by placing their minds at Your lotus feet. That is the perfection of yoga
- At the time of death, atheists' attempts to use their so-called scientific knowledge and philosophical speculation to deny the supremacy of the Lord cannot work
- At the time of the rasa dance those gopis who could not join Him gave up their bodies simply by thinking of Him. Absorption in Krsna consciousness by feeling separation is thus the quickest method for attainment of the lotus feet of Krsna
- At the time of Their appearance, the incarnations of the Lord are known in the world because people can consult the sastras to understand an incarnation's chief characteristics, known as svarupa and tatastha
- At the very moment the messenger of the imprisoned kings was presenting their appeal before the Lord (Krsna), the great sage Narada arrived
- At Visnu-kanci is Lord Varadaraja, and Hari is situated at Mayapur, Lord Caitanya's birth site. Thus in different places throughout the universe there are various Deities in temples bestowing Their causeless mercy upon the devotees
- At Vrndavana, the Lord immediately created all material and spiritual planets in one moment. Indeed, all of them were created with their predominating deities
- Atheist class of men, in the beginning in their lifetime, they say, "What is God? We don't care for God." But when God comes as death they say, 'Yes, Sir, take me wherever You want." Finished. At that time you cannot say - No, no, I don't care for death
- Atheists do not want any God, and Lord Buddha therefore said that there is no God, but he adopted the means to instruct his followers for their benefit
- Atheists very vaguely explain that these varieties of existence occur simply by chance, but the theists who believe in the injunctions of the Vedas must reach all their conclusions under the direction of the Vedas
- Atoms are the ultimate state of the manifest universe. When they stay in their own forms without forming different bodies, they are called the unlimited oneness
- Attacked by Lord Siva's golden arrows, all the demoniac inhabitants of those three dwellings lost their lives and fell down. Then the great mystic Maya Danava dropped the demons into a nectarean well that he had created
- Attracted by electricity throughout the sky and driven by forceful winds, clouds gradually cover the surface of the earth to satisfy the needy people by supplying water, which is the substance of their life
- Avataras descend of their own free will, and although they may act like ordinary human beings, they do not belong to this material world. Lord Krsna and His avataras can be understood only by the grace of the Lord
- Avisuddha means their knowledge is not very pure
- Balarama and Krsna enjoyed Their childhood pastimes, imitating Lord Ramacandra's monkeys, who constructed the bridge over the ocean, and Hanuman, who jumped over the water to Ceylon. They used to imitate such pastimes among Their friends
- Balarama and Krsna, along with all Their friends, played all kinds of sports and enjoyed the soothing atmosphere of Vrndavana, full of rivers, lakes, rivulets, fine trees and excellent gardens filled with fruits and flowers
- Balarama is a svamsa expansion of the Lord, and therefore there is no difference in potency between Krsna and Balarama. The only difference is in Their bodily structure
- Balarama said, "It is clear now that these leaders of the Kuru dynasty have become mad over their worldly possessions and opulence"
- Balarama said, "The principal deities of all planets engage in His service and consider themselves most fortunate to take the dust of the lotus feet of Krsna on their helmets"
- Balarama was astonished to see all the residents of Vrndavana so affectionate toward their own children, exactly as they had been for Krsna. Similarly, the cows had grown affectionate toward their calves - as much as toward Krsna
- Bali Maharaja appreciated the actions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although all the members of the demoniac families except Prahlada Maharaja and Bali Maharaja considered Visnu their eternal traditional enemy
- Bali Maharaja cited the tangible examples of Maharaja Sibi and Maharaja Dadhici, who had given up their lives for the benefit of the general public
- Bali Maharaja could not understand how the Supreme Personality of Godhead favors His devotees by forcibly stopping their materialistic activities
- Because a ksatriya family, it is to be understood they must go on fighting. Even in their marriage there would be fighting. Without fighting, no marriage takes place in ksatriya family
- Because a person is killing some cow or some animal, we are calling butcher, but mostly they are killing their soul
- Because a Vaisnava fully takes shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he personally has no problems, but because he is compassionate toward the fallen, conditioned souls, he is always thinking of plans to save them from their hellish life
- Because Asamanjasa engaged in such abominable activities, his father gave up affection for him and had him exiled. Then Asamanjasa exhibited his mystic power by reviving the boys and showing them to the King and their parents
- Because brahmanas are considered to be the spiritual masters of society, they offered their blessings to Krsna and His family on account of Krsna's release. They also asked Maharaja Nanda to give them some charity on that occasion
- Because foolish mudhas do not awaken their spiritual nature, they do not understand Krsna or Rama (avajananti mam mudha manusim tanum asritam) - BG 9.11
- Because He (God) is all-powerful, He is not subject to the conditioned soul's arguments regarding His existence or nonexistence. He is pleased to protect His devotees by killing their enemies. He enjoys both the killing and the protecting
- Because He (Nityananda Prabhu) always remembered Radha-Krsna and Their service, this was transcendental madness. Sri Advaita Acarya was pointing out this fact
- Because I am situated on the platform of knowledge - Kamsa said - understanding that I am not at all the killer of your (Devaki's) sons, I have no responsibility for their death
- Because in the mundane philosophers, mundane scholars, they want to give his own interpretation of everything. That is their habit. They don't accept the interpretation of the higher authorities
- Because India has got the opportunity to be spiritually advanced by the grace of learned, saintly persons, they should first of all make their life perfect by taking education & distribute the knowledge throughout the whole world. That is India's mission
- Because it (physical nature) is created at a certain point and will be annihilated at a certain point, the conception of the universal form of the Supreme Lord that includes all the demigods and their different planets is called adhidaivatam. BG 1972 p
- Because Krsna had expanded Himself as everything and because the whole life of everyone in Vrndavana was meant for Krsna, the men increased in their affection for their sons
- Because Lord Caitanya neither studied Vedanta formally nor ceased from singing and dancing He was criticized by all the sannyasis at Benares, as well as by their householder followers
- Because Nabhaga did not return from the place of his spiritual master, his brothers thought that he had taken brhadvrata-brahmacarya. Therefore, they did not preserve his share, and when he returned they gave him their father as his share
- Because of all their false propaganda, everyone is asking, What is Hare Krsna? What is Hare Krsna? And that is our triumph. They're chanting Hare Krsna
- Because of drinking the breast milk of their mother, the nine sons of Agnidhra naturally had strong, well-built bodies. Their father gave them each a kingdom in a different part of Jambudvipa. The kingdoms were named according to the names of the sons
- Because of extreme love, devotees like Raghava Pandita and his sister, Damayanti, thought of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as a human being, but their love for Him was boundless
- Because of ignorance only, the queens thought of the dead body as their husband and somehow or other thought that if the body were kept their husband would remain with them. Such a conception of the self is certainly for go-khara-cows and asses
- Because of intense love for Krsna, the cowherd men and women simply remained silent, thinking of how Krsna and the boys had been saved (from Bakasura). The cowherd men and women looked upon Krsna and the boys and did not desire to turn their eyes aside
- Because of pure love, the devotees of Krsna in Goloka Vrndavana, Vrajabhumi, loved Krsna as an ordinary human being like them. Yet although they considered Krsna one of them, their love for Krsna knew no bounds
- Because of the features of Krsna's face, the mothers were so attracted that they could not chastise Him. Instead of chastising Him, they smiled and enjoyed hearing of Krsna's activities. Thus the gopis remained satisfied, & Krsna enjoyed their happiness
- Because of the fragrance of His lotus feet, carried by the air and mixed with the aroma of tulasi, their minds changed; instead of becoming one with the Supreme Lord, they thought it wise to be devotees
- Because of the influence of Kali-yuga, Vaisnavas who have dedicated their lives to preaching the glories of the Lord are sometimes harassed and punished by courts on false charges of disturbing the peace
- Because of their (Mayavadi philosophers) poor fund of knowledge, they cannot understand the distinction in the spiritual world between knowledge, the knower and the object of knowledge
- Because of their (Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda) intense parental love for Krsna, they thought that Krsna was an innocent child and had been saved by the Supreme Lord
- Because of their (Persons) foolish activities, they are unaware that the ultimate goal of human life is to achieve Visnu, the Lord of the cosmic manifestation
- Because of their (the Kumaras) refusal to marry, Lord Brahma became so angry that his eyes became reddish. From between his eyes, Lord Siva, or Rudra, appeared. The mode of anger is consequently known as rudra
- Because of their (the plenary expansions and incarnations of the Supreme Lord) activities in controlling maya, sometimes they are known as mayika, or having a relationship with maya. This is a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 2.6.42
- Because of their (the so-called scientist's and philosopher's) devilish brains, they will next be forced to accept an abominable life and practically never be able to liberate themselves from the conditional life of material existence
- Because of their (those who want to remain in this world) attachment to material activity, they cannot attain liberation, either by the instructions of superior persons or by their own endeavor or by passing resolutions in big conferences - SB 7.5.30
- Because of their (those without devotional service) impure consciousness and for want of shelter in the Vaikunthalokas, such so-called liberated persons again fall down into material existence
- Because of their (who are puffed up by material possessions) ignorance, however, they cannot understand that since their minds are materially polluted, neither the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krsna, nor the Vaisnavas accept their offerings
- Because of their acceptance and rejection of material pleasure and misery, the Mayavadi philosophers are eternally subjected to material misery
- Because of their compassion for the poor fallen souls, the six Gosvamis gave up their exalted positions as ministers and took vows as mendicants
- Because of their envy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, nondevotees are born in demoniac families life after life. They are great offenders, and because of their offenses the Supreme Lord keeps them always bewildered
- Because of their exalted position, those who are on Brahmaloka at the time of dissolution go directly back home, back to Godhead, along with Lord Brahma
- Because of their fault of being devotees, the American boys who have sacrificed everything for preaching Krsna consciousness are charged with being members of the CIA
- Because of their love for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they served Him in many ways, and that night the Lord stayed at the temple of Gopinatha
- Because of their material conceptions, the sahajiyas advertise themselves as knowers of transcendental mellows, but they do not understand the transcendental nature of devotional service
- Because of their natural affection for Krsna, they (the inhabitants of Dvaraka) began to call Satrajit ill names, for he was the cause of Krsna's disappearance. They went to worship the goddess Candrabhaga, praying for the return of Krsna
- Because of their pious activities, the sakama devotees are promoted to the higher planetary systems, but at heart they still desire to lord it over the material resources
- Because of their poor fund of knowledge, the materialists are disturbed when there is an apparent increase of population on the earth. Whenever there is a living being on the earth, however, his subsistence is immediately arranged by the Lord
- Because of their poor fund of knowledge, the Mayavadi philosophers forget the fact that Krsna is always full with six opulences, eight transcendental qualities and eight kinds of perfection
- Because of their royal exalted posts, all these demons became very much puffed up, and their only business was to harass their subjects. Lord Krsna appeared on this planet just at the end of Dvapara-yuga to annihilate all these demoniac kings
- Because of their spiritual compassion for all the fallen souls, Vaisnavas go out to preach, but unfortunately, because of the influence of Kali-yuga, Vaisnavas who have dedicated their lives to preaching the glories of the Lord are sometimes harassed
- Because of Vamanadeva's bright effulgence, the priests, along with Bali Maharaja and all the members of the assembly, were robbed of their splendor
- Because people are being educated to become more bodily conscious, therefore their sufferings are increasing. Sufferings are increasing. And if you reduce this bodily concept of life, then suffering also will be reduced
- Because people are misled. So they should be given opportunity to study, to understand what is God consciousness, what is Krsna consciousness. So through the sastras. That is also required. The Gosvamis practically demonstrated in their life everything
- Because people vary in their desires, You have distributed various holy names by Your mercy
- Because Philosophers and other thoughtful persons are bewildered by word jugglery and disturbed by the different calculations of the scriptures, their theories cannot touch You (the Lord), who are the ruler and controller of everyone
- Because such easy going rascals are unable to assume the position of "Prabhupada'' or unfit for the post, they are so envious and you are talking on their behalf. I am very sorry for this
- Because the business in India is important in this respect, that partly due to their subjugation by foreigners, their original culture has been killed
- Because the cowherd boys were under the illusion that Krsna could be in some mishap, their symptoms are not at all astonishing; they had dedicated their friendship, their possessions, their desires and their very selves to Krsna
- Because the demigods are all materialistically conditioned souls, although they are situated in very exalted positions, their benedictions cannot be permanent. permanent benediction is spiritual benediction, since a spirit soul is eternal
- Because the demigods themselves are temporary, their benedictions are also temporary & have no permanent value. Those who aspire for such benedictions have a poor fund of knowledge - tad bhavaty alpa-medhasam
- Because the demons are ordinary human beings, their minds change, and being materially conditioned, they think that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is conditioned also
- Because the doormen were also devotees of the Lord, they were able to understand their mistake and were terrified when the four Kumaras were ready to curse them
- Because the four Kumaras wanted to engage themselves completely in the service of the Lord as brahmacaris, their refusal to obey their father's order was not irreligious
- Because the gopis are worshipable personalities, Ramananda Raya, who considered the two girls gopis and himself their maidservant, engaged in their service by massaging their bodies with oil to cleanse them completely
- Because the great sage (Narada) was compassionate upon them (Nalakuvara and Manigriva), he wanted to finish their false enjoyment of intoxication and association with young girls and wanted them to see Lord Krsna face to face
- Because the householders are engaged in family affairs and have forgotten their purpose in life-awakening their Krsna consciousness - it is the business of the sannyasis to go as beggars to the householders and encourage them to be KC. BG 1972 purports
- Because the impersonalists and the voidists are not sufficiently purified in their spiritual activities, arcana is not meant for them
- Because the impersonalists cannot appreciate the spiritual happiness of association and the exchange of loving affairs with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, their ultimate goal is to become one with the Lord
- Because the Kumaras were sons of Brahma, they had the opportunity to learn Vedic knowledge from the disciplic succession, and therefore, in spite of their impersonalist beginnings, they became, in the end, direct seers of the personal feature of the Lord
- Because the material activities have been a source of distress for us, they (philosophers) claim that we should actually stop these activities. Their culmination of perfection is in a kind of Buddhistic nirvana, in which no activities are performed
- Because the Mayavadi sannyasis teach Vedanta philosophy to their students or disciples, they are customarily called jagad-guru. This indicates that they are the benefactors of all people
- Because the Mayavadis are great offenders and atheistic philosophers, the holy name of Krsna does not come from their mouths
- Because the people of Kali-yuga are fallen, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, out of kindness, did not bring any weapon to kill them. Rather, by spreading KC, love of Krsna, He wanted to kill their nefarious, demoniac activities. This is the purpose of the KCM
- Because the people of this age have no gold in their possession, they are actually poverty-stricken, and therefore they are considered unfortunate
- Because the pure devotees have developed their spontaneous love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are allowed to enter into the spiritual planets to enjoy spiritual bliss in association with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Because the sons of Sagara Maharaja had offended a great personality, the heat of their bodies had increased, and they were burnt to ashes. But simply by being sprinkled with water from the Ganges, all of them became eligible to go to the heavenly planets
- Because the Yamadutas had been defeated and their master could not protect them, they were inclined to say that there was no need to serve such a master
- Because their (men with a mercantile mentality) desires are not purified, they are still mercantile men, even though they go to temples to make a show of being devotees
- Because their (Siva's and Sankarsana's) activities involve them with the mode of ignorance, they are sometimes called tamasi
- Because their (the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) devotional service is free from material desires, it is unimpeded by material circumstances
- Because their (those who want to remain in this material world) senses are uncontrolled, they gradually descend to the darkest regions of material existence to repeat the same process of birth and death in desirable or undesirable species of life
- Because these living entities do not wish to keep their individual existences, they are combined and allowed to remain in Brahmaloka like so many atomic particles of sunshine emanating from the sun
- Because these spiritual sparks are all Krsna's parts and parcels, as the Lord states in the Bhagavad-gita (mamaivamsah), they (the conditioned souls) can revive their original position by getting free from material contact. This is pure understanding
- Because they (Mitra & Varuna) were great saints, they tried to control their lust, but they could not do so, and thus they discharged semen. This semen was kept carefully in a waterpot, and Vasistha was born from it
- Because they (mode of goodness, passion or ignorance) are produced by Krsna, their position is in Him, but He is not in them, for Krsna Himself is transcendental to the three modes
- Because they (Modern politicians) get some political power for some days, they become so much attached to their positions that they never retire unless they are removed from their posts by cruel death or killed by some opposing political party
- Because they (people) are not giving any importance to the instructions of Krsna, the advancement of their so-called civilization resembles the crazy efforts of men in a lunatic asylum
- Because they (persons engaged in devotional service) are nirmatsara, not jealous of anyone, they want to make others devotees, even their enemies. In this regard, Srila Madhvacarya remarks, kanksate moksa-gam api sukham nakanksato yatha
- Because they (prakrta-sahajiyas) chant bhaja nitai-gaura, their chanting immediately evokes tears and other signs of ecstasy
- Because they (prakrta-sahajiyas) do not follow the regulative principles but instead violate even ordinary morals, their contemplation of rasa-lila is a futile attempt, which sometimes results in their imitating the dealings of the gopis and Lord Krsna
- Because they (the big political leaders) spoil their lives with the illusion of "this is my land and my family," they cannot progress spiritually and attain liberation from the clutches of maya
- Because they (the devotees) fix their minds on the lotus feet of the Lord and concentrate on the holy name of the Lord, they do not feel the so-called pains and pleasures caused by the dualities of this material world
- Because they (the four Kumaras) were sincerely searching for the Lord, they finally saw His personal feature directly, which corresponded with the description given by their father. They thus became fully satisfied
- Because they (the impersonalists) have no idea of the transcendental form of the Supreme Lord there is no chance of their chanting and hearing of His transcendental activities
- Because they (the puzzled people) were speculating with their imperfect knowledge, they saw Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as an ordinary human being and a boatman's light in the lake as Krsna
- Because they (the so-called householders) are unable to control their senses, they continue a life of chewing the chewed and therefore descend to the darkest material regions
- Because they are fools, they do not know their happiness is different. It cannot be had from the ugra-karma
- Because they are offenders unto Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is identical with His holy name, the holy name 'Krsna' does not manifest in their mouths
- Because they are so poor that they cannot purchase diamond. But diamond must be there. They are so poor-hearted, their education has been so poorly given that they cannot understand
- Because they constantly engage in the transcendental service of the Lord, it is natural to conclude that their senses are also transcendental, for one cannot serve the Lord with material senses
- Because they could find no reason for their falling down, they were puzzled. When they saw child Krsna bound up to the wooden mortar by the ropes of mother Yasoda, they thought that it must have been caused by some demon
- Because they had very good tendency for learning Sanskrit to know so many things. That was their research. They knew it that in Sanskrit language there are so many wonderful things
- Because they have become imperfect, therefore they are blaming God. "God is good;" they forget this. That is their imperfectness. One side, they say, "God is good." Still, they're blaming God. What is this nonsense?
- Because they make research in their teeny brain, they come to the conclusion voidism and impersonalism that, "Make it zero, this botheration." That is also imperfect. So when they come to Bhagavan and engage himself in the service, then it is perfect
- Because we do not know what is spirit, and we think spirit is something just opposite to this matter, and matter we find manifestation, form, therefore spirit should be formless. That is their conclusion
- Because Women in modern civilization do not live naturally, their hips & breasts do not develop this natural fullness. Because of artificial living, women have lost their natural beauty, although they claim to be independent & advanced in civilization
- Because you are a teacher of Vedanta philosophy, you are the master of all the people in the world and their well-wisher as well. You are also the benefactor of all kinds of sannyasis
- Because you brought Me back here, I could no longer hear the nectarean voices of Krsna and the gopis, nor could I hear the sounds of their ornaments or the flute
- Before being dispatched to their respective abodes (Lord's family members'), they were sent to the holy place of Prabhasa, where they performed pious activities and took food and drink to their heart's content
- Before engaging in sexual intercourse, both the husband and the wife must consider their mental condition, the particular time, the husband's direction, and obedience to the demigods
- Before me, many svamis went in the Western country, but they did not give the actual pure Vedic culture. They invented their own ways. Therefore it was not very fruitive. It was not very satisfactory. People did not accept
- Before the birth of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, eight daughters took birth one after another from the womb of Sacimata, the wife of Jagannatha Misra. But just after their birth, they all died
- Before their (the personal associates of Lord Visnu) liberation to Vaikunthaloka they possessed material bodies, but once they come to Vaikuntha they no longer have them
- Beggars always present themselves as possessing nothing, and this may be very good for them because in this way they are assured of not losing their money and of always drawing the attention and compassion of others for the sake of collection
- Begging permission from Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His devotees, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya then went with Gopinatha Acarya to take lunch. After finishing their lunch, they returned to Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Being a liberated soul and completely learned, he sees all material varieties as meaningless because their basic principle is nescience
- Being assured by Lord Krsna, all the inhabitants of Vrndavana entered beneath the great hill along with their property and animals, and they all appeared to be safe
- Being attracted by this glaring effulgence (emanating from Caitanya's body), all the Mayavadi sannyasis stood up and showed Him their respects. Amongst them was one sannyasi named Prakasananda Sarasvati
- Being captivated by the activities of their offspring, they (parents) take much care for their well-being. As for Vasudeva and Devaki, they were always anxious for the protection of their sons, Krsna and Balarama
- Being captivated by the beautiful features of Krsna & Balarama, Their talking, Their smiling, Their glancing & Their other activities, the hunchbacked woman began to smear all the pulp of sandalwood over Their bodies with great satisfaction and devotion
- Being covered by material bodies, the conditioned souls, including even greatly learned scholars and falsely educated professors, all think that as soon as the body is finished, everything is finished. This is due to their bodily conception of life
- Being engaged in their celestial pastimes, the queens forgot themselves, and their loosened hair appeared like beautiful waves of a river
- Being forbidden to offer sacrifices, the brahmanas had been very much distressed in mind, intelligence and activities, but just on the point of Krsna's appearance, automatically their minds became full of joy
- Being forbidden to offer sacrifices, the brahmanas were very distressed in mind, intelligence & activities. But just on the point of Krsna's appearance, automatically their minds became full of joy
- Being forcibly taken away by Sankhacuda, the damsels of Vraja called out the names of Krsna and Balarama for protection. The two brothers immediately began to follow them, taking up big logs of sala wood in Their hands
- Being ordered by Their teacher, Krsna and Balarama immediately returned home on Their chariot. They traveled at great speed, like the wind, and made sounds like the crashing of clouds
- Being situated in elevated consciousness, who are very much attached to the studies of Srimad-Bhagavatam, who are always cheerful in the association of devotees, have in their pure hearts the transcendental ecstasy of attachment
- Being very eager to enjoy the fruits of their activities, conditioned souls become involved in the actions and reactions of material life. Consequently they enjoy and suffer the results of karma
- Bengalis are generally not very stout and strong. Therefore when a lone Bengali traverses the roads of Bihar, the plunderers on the road capture him, rob all his belongings and kidnap him for their own service
- Bengalis are habituated to eating cooked rice as their staple food. When they went to Mathura in the north, they found that the people generally ate capatis or rotis made of wheat. The Bengalis could not digest this food
- Besides them (demigods) there (Kailasa) are other human beings, who are known as Kinnaras and Gandharvas and are accompanied by their beautiful wives, who are known as Apsaras, or angels
- Better situated are those who desire sense gratification and promotion to the heavenly planets. Such people want to enjoy themselves like denizens of heaven in the gardens of paradise. They at least retain their individuality in order to enjoy life
- Better to resolve the whole situation by approaching their leaders at once & reconciling everything with them by bringing them prasadam & other nice gifts & giving them our philosophy, and if they are willing to hear it, also teach them how to chant HK
- Between the husband and wife, one person is sufficient to execute this devotional service. Because of their good relationship, both of them will enjoy the result
- Bewildered by the spell of the material energy, persons who could not understand that Advaita Prabhu is nondifferent from Visnu wanted to follow Him with their impersonal conceptions. The attempt of Advaita Prabhu to punish them is also auspicious
- Bhagavad-gita informs us that in this body there is a proprietor. I am the proprietor, and others are the proprietors of their bodies. I say, "My hand," but not "I hand." Since it is "my hand," I am different from the hand, being its owner
- Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, or Vedic literature, or any scripture. For whom they are meant? Those who are godly, for their elevation, so that they can elevate more and more. It is not for the atheistic persons
- Bhagavan means the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But those who are very, very advanced, recognized by Bhagavan, they are also sometimes called bhagavan. Just like Lord Siva, Lord Brahma, Narada Muni, on their status, sometimes they are called bhagavan
- Bhagavata-dharma is the process of religion enunciated by pure devotees, direct representatives of the Supreme Personality of Godhead like Narada, Sukadeva Gosvami and their humble servants in the disciplic succession
- Bhaktas enter even the planet of Krsna very easily, but the less intelligent yogis and jnanis, by their meditation, remain running after Krsna. Even if they enter Krsna's effulgence, they fall down
- Bhakti Yoga is the process for all the ages, but the method is different in each age. The rascal people have got some idea of Bhakti according to their whims. Some meditate on light, but real meditation means to concentrate on Krishna
- Bhakti-yoga is the sunlike illumination for delivering the conditioned souls, whose general condition is described here (in SB 3.29.5). They have no eyes to see their own interests
- Bharata Maharaja, Rsabhadeva's eldest son, was specifically very exalted. For this reason the other sons were advised to serve him for his pleasure. That was to be their duty
- Bhimasena and King Jarasandha engaged themselves in fighting, and with their respective clubs, which were as strong as thunderbolts, they began to strike each other very severely, both of them being eager to fight
- Bhismadeva, at his dying stage, he advised that woman's shyness is the valve to control. If their shyness is broken, then it will create disaster
- Bhismadeva, Dhrtarastra, Dronacarya, Duryodhana and Bahlika bowed their heads before the Lord with great respect because all of them knew the exalted position of Lord Balarama as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Bhu-mandala is divided into seven islands because of these seven oceans. You (Sukadeva) have given a very general description of their measurement, names and characteristics. Now I (King Pariksit) wish to know of them in detail. Kindly fulfill my desire
- Big big so-called professors, learned scholars, they talk foolishly: "Swamiji, after this body is finished, everything is finished." That is their conclusion. And the body comes by accident
- Big political leaders might be able to conquer equally powerful political enemies, but unfortunately they cannot subdue their strong senses, the enemies that always accompany them
- Blasphemies do not touch the heart of the devotees of the Lord because they know perfectly well what is what. Their intelligence regarding the Lord is never disturbed
- Bleeding from the mouth and passing stool and urine, his (Aristasura's) eyes starting from their sockets, he passed to the kingdom of death
- Both brahmanas and Vaisnavas are supposed to be fully engaged in transcendental service, and Rupa Gosvami, considering their important transcendental position, gave them fifty percent of his wealth
- Both brothers, Lord Krsna and Lord Baladeva, went to Mathura from Vrndavana and killed Their maternal uncle (Kamsa), who had given so much trouble to Their parents, Vasudeva and Devaki
- Both Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika belonged to the brahmana caste, but because they were employed by Muslims, their original habits degenerated into those of the Muslim community
- Both groups (the impersonalist Sankarites of Varanasi and the Buddhists of Saranatha) are Mayavadis, and Krsna takes away their knowledge due to their atheistic philosophies
- Both Indra & Prthu were envious and angry with each other, but since both of them were Vaisnavas, or servants of Lord Visnu, it was their duty to adjust the cause of their envy. This is also a first-class example of cooperative behavior between Vaisnavas
- Both Kasisvara and Govinda were Godbrothers of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and thus the Lord duly honored them as soon as they arrived. But because Isvara Puri had ordered them to give Caitanya Mahaprabhu personal service, the Lord accepted their service
- Both Krsna and the gopis increase their transcendental beauty at every moment, and there is always transcendental competition between them
- Both man and woman desire one another; that is the basic principle of material existence. Women in general always keep themselves beautiful so that they can be attractive to their lusty husbands
- Both Navadvipa and Varanasi were celebrated for their highly educational activities. At the present time these cities are still inhabited by great, learned scholars, but Varanasi is especially a center for Mayavadi sannyasis who are learned scholars
- Both parties, the girl's father and the boy's father, will spend. Still in India, there are cases like that. They'll spend their hard-earned money during the marriage ceremony of their son and daughter
- Both the Arjunas (the King of Haihaya, and the other is the grandfather of the child) are famous for their bowmanship, and the child Pariksit is foretold to be equal to both of them, particularly in fighting
- Both the brothers, Rupa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami, they became gosvamis. And other gosvamis, Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Sri Jiva Gosvami, they became their assistants
- Both the impersonalists and the personalists enter the spiritual realm, the spiritual sky, but the impersonalists are given their place in the impersonal Brahman effulgence, whereas the personalists are given a position in the Vaikuntha planet
- Both the impersonalists and the personalists enter the spiritual realm, the spiritual sky, but the impersonalists are given their place in the impersonal Brahman effulgence, whereas the personalists are given a position in the Vaikuntha planets
- Both the intermediate and impudent heroines can be classified as sober, restless and both sober and restless. All their characteristics can be further classified in three divisions
- Both the jnanis and karmis depend on direct sense perception for their imperfect knowledge. The karmis never agree to accept anything not directly perceived, and the jnanis put forth only hypotheses
- Both the Kauravas and the Yadavas were relatives of Vidura, and Vidura heard of their extinction due to fratricidal war
- Both the spiritual and the material skies and their paraphernalia are emanations of the internal and external energies of the Lord. External energy is comparatively inferior, whereas the internal potency is superior
- Both these temples and their management have to be reformed in the present context. We shall have to accommodate the process of temple entry by all classes of people
- Both Visnudasa and Gangadasa stayed for some time with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Jagannatha Puri, and the Caitanya-bhagavata states that formerly Nityananda Prabhu stayed at their house
- Brahma continued: Even though the sages (the four Kumaras) had been bitten by the serpent of anger, their souls were not satiated with hearing the Lord's (Visnu) lovely and illuminating speech, which was like a series of Vedic hymns
- Brahma continued: Even though the sages had been bitten by the serpent of anger, their souls were not satiated with hearing the Lord's lovely and illuminating speech, which was like a series of Vedic hymns
- Brahma found Krsna, the S. P. of Godhead, playing the part of a small cowherd boy; he saw that little child with a lump of food in His left hand, searching out His friends and calves, just as He had been doing one year before, after their disappearance
- Brahma is born out of the lotus stem grown from the navel abdomen of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who is Krsna's plenary expansion; therefore Brahma and Siva, who is born of Brahma, and all other demigods must offer their respectful obeisances. BG 1972 purports
- Brahma said, "I am simply surprised with the fortunate position of Maharaja Nanda, mother Yasoda and the cowherd men & gopis, because You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth, are existing here as their most intimate lovable object"
- Brahma said, "I wish to be one of them instead of such an exalted person as I am now, for I am full of ignorance. The gopis and cows of Vrndavana are so fortunate that they have been able to supply their breast milk to You"
- Brahma said, "On the other hand, persons who falsely think themselves to be liberated without taking shelter of Your lotus feet fall down because their intelligence is not pure"
- Brahma said, "Persons who are engaged in performing great sacrifices cannot attain the perfection of understanding You, but simply by devotional service these innocent village women and cows are all able to satisfy You with their milk"
- Brahma said, "Persons who do not know that You are the Supreme Soul remain within this material world in spite of their so-called meditation"
- Brahma said, "Simply by understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can overcome the chain of repeated birth and death. I therefore recommend that people should not try to understand You (Krsna) by their speculative knowledge"
- Brahma said, "Since all Your (Krsna's) pastimes are spiritual, there is no possibility of their being contaminated by the material modes of nature"
- Brahma said, "They (Krsna's devotees) know they are always protected by You (Krsna), and so they can matter-of-factly pass over the heads of their enemies without any care"
- Brahma said, "They (residents of Vrndavana) are actually relishing Your presence and enjoying Your association by dint of their sensory activities"
- Brahma stole all the other boys and their calves from the pasturing grounds, but when he returned to the pastures he saw that all the boys and calves were still there, for Lord Krsna had created them all again
- Brahmanahood is not so easy job that one can be turned into a brahmana all of a sudden. We initiate our students into brahmanahood only after seeing their behavior for at least one year
- Brahmanas are interested in receiving contributions as priests, and ksatriyas are interested in drinking. All of them, therefore, were satisfied with their different engagements - Because of the yajna performed by Marutta
- Brahmanas generally act as spiritual masters of two dynasties. One is their disciplic succession, and the other is the dynasty born of their semen. Both descendants belong to the same gotra, or dynasty
- Brahmanas in the assembly would chant Vedic hymns & explain them to the audience to the best of their knowledge & sometimes some of them would recite historical accounts of the activities of prominent kings. Krsna would be very much pleased to hear them
- Brahmanas well conversant in Vedic knowledge have given their verdict that in every age (yuga) the conduct of different sections of people according to their material modes of nature is auspicious both in this life and after death
- Brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras are distinguished by their qualities of work, O chastiser of the enemy, in accordance with the modes of nature. BG 18.41 - 1972
- Brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras and everyone are engaged in their occupational duty, but if one remembers his first duty - keeping in constant contact with the Supreme Personality of Godhead - everything will be successful
- Brahmanas, the topmost section of human society, are mostly devotees. They are generally unaware of the happenings within the material world because they are always busy in their activities for spiritual advancement
- Brahmanas, they would simply advise about health and the future, so that is their profession and people give them eatables, cloth, so they have nothing to do for working outside
- Buddha had to deny the existence of the soul because their brain will not tolerate such things. Therefore he did not say anything about the soul or God. He said that "You stop animal killing." If I pinch you, you feel pain. So why give pain to others?
- Bulls tied by ropes in their nostrils move according to the direction of the driver
- But at least, they could not go there. Otherwise, why they are giving up this job? They could not go there. That's a fact. Their plan was to... They were selling land even on the moon planet
- But because they (the gopis) had that natural tendency to accept Krsna as their supreme husband, the relationship between the gopis and Krsna is called parakiya-rasa
- But because they (The Mayavadi philosophers) have no actual love for Paramatma, they remain ever entrapped by the influence of maya and are unable to approach the vicinity of Paramatma. This inability is due to their lack of affection for the Paramatma
- But there are others above us, the transcendentalists, who are concerned not only with their body and mind and the world at large, but also with the transcendental subject that is above the body and mind and the world at large
- Butchers cannot be interested in Krsna consciousness, for they are already materially allured. Their only interest lies in developing comforts for the temporary body
- By adopting the mood of the associates and friends of Radharani and following in their footsteps, one can ultimately achieve the perfectional stage of being transferred to Goloka Vrndavana, the transcendental abode of Krsna
- By broadcasting the holy name and fame of the Supreme Lord, the polluted atmosphere of the world will change, and as a result of propagating the transcendental literatures like Srimad-Bhagavatam, people will become sane in their transactions
- By constant hearing of the holy name, their (persons who have no intelligence or no faith in the subject matter) hearts will be purified, and then they will be able to understand the transcendental position of the holy name
- By constantly drinking and taking bath in the fresh rainwater of the rainy season, the tired and parched animals are refreshed, and their complexions become brilliant as their health is invigorated by the arrival of new rainwater
- By controlling the senses, or by the process of yoga regulation, one can understand the position of his self, the Supersoul, the world and their interrelation; everything is possible by controlling the senses. Otherwise, we are no better than animals
- By crying out the word "Krsna," the boys at once transcended the fearful situation. Out of His great affection, Krsna did not want His friends to give up their pleasing lunch engagement and go searching for the calves
- By developing their economic condition, they can enjoy material life. Materialistic persons, therefore, are interested in those elevating processes, which are called trai-vargika. Trai means "three"; vargika means "elevating processes"
- By false prestige one is misguided, so the Supreme Lord takes away their position of false prestige as a special favor
- By following in the footsteps of such associates and by entering under their eternal guidance, one can acquire an intense desire to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By following the principles exhibited by Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda and their associates, the inhabitants of Vrndavana, ordinary living beings may attain such affection as exhibited by Nanda and Yasoda
- By His (Lord Krsna) one plenary portion as Paramatma, the Lord controls innumerable universes, with all their demigods; yet He agrees to be controlled by a devotee
- By His inconceivable potency the Lord can become the universal form, as explained in Bhagavad-gita, and at the same time He can remain within the box of His devotees as their worshipable Deity
- By His one plenary portion as Paramatma, the Lord controls innumerable universes, with all their demigods; yet He agrees to be controlled by a devotee
- By literary contribution, one's intelligence is tested. All big, big men of the material world, scientists, philosophers, even technicians, they are recognized by their writings, by their contribution, not by their gigantic body
- By manipulating a fire-generating stick, great saints and sages can bring forth the fire lying dormant within wood. In the same way, O Lord, those expert in understanding the Absolute Truth try to see You in everything - even in their own bodies
- By manipulating his axe and arrows, Lord Parasurama cut to pieces the shields, flags, bows and bodies of Kartaviryarjuna's soldiers, who fell on the battlefield, muddying the ground with their blood
- By mistake the doormen (Jaya and Vijaya) held the sages (four Kumaras) from entering Vaikunthaloka, but because they were engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord, their annihilation was not expected by advanced devotees
- By mundane scholarship Sankaracarya has tried to obscure the actual meaning of the Vedanta-sutra. Not only has Sankaracarya done this, but all authors who attempt to give their own views of necessity misinterpret Vedanta-sutra
- By nature's arrangement, animals that cannot use their front legs as hands are meant to be the food of animals like tigers, which have claws; and four-legged animals like deer and goats, as well as food grains, are meant to be the food of human beings
- By nature’s own arrangement, the childhood of the embodied living being is enjoyed by his parents. Even in the animal kingdom, parents are found to be affectionate to their cubs
- By observing their husband progressing in spiritual existence, Saubhari Muni's wives were also able to enter the spiritual world by his spiritual power, just as the flames of a fire cease when the fire is extinguished
- By offering such obeisances (to the sannyasis of the Krsna consciousness movement), as recommended by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they (caste brahmanas) will diminish their offenses and automatically awaken to their natural position of devotional service
- By offering the remnants of prasada, flower garlands, sandalwood pulp and ornaments, one should daily worship the brahmanas and worship women who peacefully live with their husbands and children
- By past pious deeds, one may become the king of a country, but because the results of the pious acts of Duryodhana and company were dwindling, it became evident from their actions that they were sure to lose the kingdom to the Pandavas
- By perfecting their yogic practice, yogis can reach the highest planet, Brahmaloka, or Satyaloka, and after giving up their material bodies, they can enter into the body of Lord Brahma
- By practice of Krsna consciousness yoga, one can know everything in full-namely the Absolute Truth, the living entities, the material nature, and their manifestations with paraphernalia. BG 1972 purports
- By simple chanting of this transcendental vibration the people of this age will make exact progress in the matter of spiritual realization....Those who are hopeless about their spiritual realization, Lord Caitanya is the only one hope
- By such association (association of persons engaged in Krsna consciousness) he (a person) will benefit in spiritual advancement. By their words and instructions, he will be able to cut off his attachment to material existence
- By the arrangement of supernatural power, even the great scientists and thinkers of the world suffer frustration of their various plans and thus rot in the material world birth after birth
- By the arrangement of the Supreme Lord, low-grade living beings like bugs and mosquitoes suck the blood of human beings and other animals. Such insignificant creatures are unaware that their bites are painful to the human being
- By the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the rivers on some planets produce gold on their banks
- By the cooperation of material nature, which is considered to be prakrti, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is considered the purusa, all the affairs of the universe are going on nicely in their proper order
- By the flowing of their waves, the various oceans of the universe, along with their tributaries, the rivers, which are compared to their wives, supplied various kinds of gems and jewels for Hiranyakasipu's use
- By the force of their (the gopis) ecstatic feelings, it appeared to them that Krsna was personally present and dancing before them. Because of their sweet remembrance of Krsna, they could not check their tears, and they cried without consideration
- By the grace of God the SC of every species of life can occupy its proper place, and these species can express their spiritual affection for God in the santa-rasa, as displayed by the land, water, hills, trees, fruits, and flowers of Vrndavana
- By the grace of Krsna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu there will be no trouble. You'll be happy. Try to preach this Krsna consciousness movement in India at least for some time, and help them to rise to their standard of Krsna consciousness
- By the grace of Lord Brahma, King Agnidhra and the heavenly girl Purvacitti, found their union quite suitable. Thus they enjoyed worldly and heavenly happiness for many thousands of years
- By the grace of the Lord His dhamas and He Himself can all be present simultaneously, without losing their original importance. Only when one fully develops in affection and love of Godhead can one see those dhamas in their original appearance
- By the inclination to serve the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, suffering humanity can immediately cleanse the dirt which has accumulated in their minds during innumerable births
- By the influence of Indra, the King of heaven, the sons of Sagara had lost their intelligence and disrespected a great personality (Kapiladeva). Consequently, fire emanated from their own bodies, and they were immediately burned to ashes
- By the influence of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all these people abandoned their own opinions and became Vaisnavas, devotees of Krsna
- By the insurmountable intricacies of the material nature of the Lord, all these plans for progress are being constantly frustrated. They have no eyes to see that their attempts at peace & friendship are failing. But here is the hint to get over the hurdle
- By the judgment of Yamaraja, material nature gives them (nondevotees) bodies suitable for the reactions of their past activities. This is the process of dehantara, or transmigration of the self from one body to another
- By the mercy of Lord Caitanya even such materially absorbed persons can be extricated from their entanglement in the maya by contact with offenseless chanting of the Lord's Holy Names Hare Krsna Mantra
- By the order of a judge, one person is released from jail, and another is imprisoned, but the judge is not responsible, for the distress and happiness of these different people is due to their own activities
- By the order of the spiritual master they immediately rise, and after finishing their morning duties they sit down to study the Vedas or chant Vedic mantras
- By the prowess of their devotional service, they could directly perceive the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in everyone's heart as the Supersoul, and realize that there was qualitatively no difference between themselves and Him
- By the result of their actions one should know that they are asara, or useless, whereas the success of the ISKCON party, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, which strictly follows guru and Gauranga, is increasing daily all over the world
- By the supreme will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they (the stars located above the moon) are fixed to the wheel of time, and thus they rotate with Mount Sumeru on their right, their motion being different from that of the sun
- By their (the Pracetas) austerity they worshiped the master of austerity, Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By their (the pure devotees) association, sinful persons are freed from sinful reactions, and therefore wherever a pure devotee goes is a sacred place of pilgrimage. The importance of holy places is due to the presence there of such pure devotees
- By their devotion to Sukracarya, they have increased their strength so much that now they are even able to easily seize my abode from me
- By their dress and ornaments, and by their behavior, it appears that although they (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) were in a small village, they still were rich in material possessions
- By their mercy, all these devotees ordered me to write of the last pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Because of their order only, although I am shameless, I have attempted to write this Caitanya-caritamrta
- By their mercy, one can sharpen the sword of knowledge, and with the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead's mercy one must then conquer the enemies mentioned above
- By their spiritual powers they (the brahmanas engaged as priests in the sacrificial ceremony of Maharaja Nabhi) could call on the Supreme Personality of Godhead and enable their disciple, Maharaja Nabhi, to see the Lord face to face
- By their various activities in different pastimes, all of these friends used to give transcendental pleasure to Krsna
- By this act (teaching King Indra a lesson) Lord Krsna taught human society, as He has instructed in the Bhagavad-gita also, that one should worship the Supreme Lord by all acts and by all their results. That will bring about the desired success
- By this time you have experience of our Indian standard of life and your standard of life in America, so you will have to take little trouble to adjust their habits. And as you will be the head Brahmacary you should learn to tolerate
- By virtue of his devotional service he (the devotee) attains the brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) stage without a doubt. The yogis & jnanis are always doubtful about their constitutional position; they mistakenly think of becoming one with the Supreme
- By vision, by meditation and by touch only do the fish, the tortoise and the birds maintain their offspring. Similarly do I also, O Padmaja! BG 1972 purports
- By yoga-maya, the Lord remains concealed to the nondevotees or casual devotees who are serving their sense gratification. The Lord is never visible to the pseudodevotees who worship the demigods in charge of universal affairs
- By your own work you can recruit men locally, that is the best process. So immediately resume the preaching work amongst the Africans and show yourselves as always meek and humble and refrain from a tough attitude and in this way gain their confidence
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu directly empowered Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami. Following in their footsteps, the other Gosvamis understood Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His mission
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu presented himself in this way: I’m very much afraid of the illogical arguments of the Mayavadi philosophers. Therefore I think I have no authority regarding their explanations of the Vedanta-sutra
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said: "Do not mix freely with the residents of Mathura; show them respect from a distance. Because you (Jagadananda Pandita) are on a different platform of devotional service, you cannot adopt their behavior and practices"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's preaching and teaching, their effect you have to follow. Then our life will be successful. We don't manufacture ideas. That is not wanted
- Caitanya said, You (Vasudeva Datta) desire the liberation of all kinds of living entities without discrimination. You are very anxious for their good fortune, and I say that simply by your prayer all living entities within the universe can be liberated
- Caitanya said, You (Vasudeva Datta) do not even have to take up the burden of their sinful activities. Thus there is no need for you to suffer for their sinful lives. Whoever receives your compassion becomes a Vaisnava immediately
- Caitanya then preached pure bhakti and instilled into their hearts spiritual love for Krsna which obliged them to give up sectarian feelings
- Caitanya-caritamrta compares the desires of the spiritual and material world to gold and iron. Both gold and iron are metal, but there is a vast difference in their value
- Calcutta was developed under British rule by the influential mercantile community, and especially by the suvarna-vanik community who came down from Saptagrama to establish their businesses and homes all over Calcutta
- Cari varna means four castes, four division of human society: the brahmin, the ksatriyas, the vaisyas and the sudra. They have got their specific duties. One who is brahmin, he has got his specific duty
- Celestial musicians and their wives sang in chorus about the pure reputation of the Emperor (Svayambhuva Manu), and early in the morning, every day, he used to listen to the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead with a loving heart
- Cent percent men, they are mandah, bad men. They won't hear about their real necessities of life
- Certainly it was right for Jiva Gosvami to stop such a dishonest scholar from advertising that he had defeated Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami, but due to their illiteracy the sahajiya class refer to this incident to accuse Srila Jiva Gosvami
- Certainly their (hawks' and vultures') eyesight is much keener than human beings', but this does not mean that their existence is more important than that of a human being
- Chand Kazi threatened to convert the Hindus into Muslims by the simple process of sprinkling water on their bodies
- Chand Kazi threatened to convert the people into Muslims by the simple process of sprinkling water on their bodies
- Changing varieties are the mother of enjoyment. The cowherd boys would continuously play, then stop, and then again enjoy in a different way. Therefore every day a demon would come and interrupt their sporting pastimes
- Charity is offered to the brahmanas because since they are always engaged in higher spiritual service, they have no time to earn their livelihood. BG 1972 purports
- Cheaters are always there to manufacture their own way of spiritual realization
- Checking population by contraceptive method is another sinful activity, but in this age of Kali people have become so sinful that they do not care for the resultant reactions of their sinful lives
- Children are fond of playing. They do not want to go to school to receive an education, and they think that to play all day and night and enjoy with their friends is the aim of life
- Churches, mosques or temples are now practically vacant. Men are more interested in factories, shops, and cinemas than in religious places which were erected by their forefathers
- Cidiya-kunja is a place now managed by the gosvamis of Srngara-ghata in Vrndavana. They are also known as belonging to the Nityananda family, most probably on the basis of their relationship with Krsnadasa
- Ciranjiva and Sulocana were both residents of Srikhanda, where their descendants are still living
- Citing the stringent laws of the Almighty and their reactions upon living beings, Lord Sri Krsna and the munis began to pacify those who were shocked and affected
- Civic and other popular leaders should center their activities upon Visnu, and by this act of transcendental work, they will themselves be benefited and shall be able to do good for their respective followers
- Clear understanding of material nature, the Supersoul, the individual soul and their interrelation makes one eligible to become liberated and turn to the spiritual atmosphere without being forced to return to this material nature. BG 1972 purports
- Cobras and snakes without hoods, large snakes, scorpions and many other poisonous animals took poison out of the planet earth as their milk and kept this poison in snake holes. They made a calf out of Taksaka
- Compassionate Mahatma Vidura could not stand to see the Pandavas distressed at any time. Therefore he did not disclose this unpalatable and unbearable incident (the annihilation of the Yadu dynasty) because calamities come of their own accord
- Complete control of the mind and senses and their complete concentration on one kind of activity is called tapah
- Concealing their real anger, they (the great sages) pacified him (King Vena) with sweet words
- Conditional life is for persons who are of miserly intelligence or who do not properly utilize their intelligence
- Confusion, everywhere. You know that in the Western countries, the hippy movements. What are the hippies? They're also educated, coming from very rich family also, but they do not like the way of envelopment as their fathers and grandfathers liked
- Contemptuous sons are born of the condemned womb of their mother. In Bhagavad-gita (1.40) it is said, "When there is deliberate negligence of the regulative principles of religious life, the women as a class become polluted
- Cripple-minded persons, always engaged in satisfying their senses, sometimes expand their activities in order to do good for others through some "ism" like nationalism, humanitarianism or altruism
- Crows and swans are not birds of the same feather because of their different mental attitudes. The fruitive workers or passionate men are compared to the crows, whereas the all-perfect saintly persons are compared to the swans
- Crying loudly and embracing the bodies of their husbands, which lay on the wrestling dais, the wives of Kamsa and his brothers lamented, addressing the dead bodies
- Curiously enough, although the other party (Jarasandha's party) was equipped with greater military strength, when they heard the vibration of Krsna's conchshell their hearts were shaken
- Dadhici, Sibi and many other great personalities were willing to sacrifice even their lives for the benefit of the people in general. This is the evidence of history
- Dai Nippon has upped their price for Hindi BTG considerably, so it is better to print in Bombay just as you have done with Gujarati BTG. When you return to Bombay, you can try for this
- Darwin's theory that life is made possible by chemical evolution is not correct. They are missing the soul. That is their mistake. They are simply observing the material cover. That is the basic mistake of modern civilization
- Dear cuckoo, you possess a very sweet voice, and you are very expert in imitating others. You could excite even a dead body with your voice. Therefore, tell the queens that good behavior is their proper duty
- Dear Krsna, because of their separation from You, the inhabitants of Vraja are so afflicted that they appear to be diseased. Their bodies are feverish, and they cannot move properly. They are simply lying down on the ground and breathing heavily
- Declaration of independence by the woman class, is not their happiness. They are unhappy. Better to become dependent upon father, upon husband and upon elderly children. That is their happiness
- Deluding books of knowledge, not having Narayana as their aim, are not at all knowledge, but are the playgrounds for crows who are interested in the rejected refuse of the world
- Demigods depend on the protection of Visnu; they are not independent. Bhagavad-gita, therefore, condemns the worship of demigods because there is no need of it and clearly states that only those who have lost their sense go asking favors of the demigods
- Demigods like Marici and their descendants, who are meant to enjoy this material world. From these two kinds of demigods were gradually manifested all other living entities, including the human beings
- Demigods such as Lord Brahma and Lord Siva come in contact with the material energy, and their power and potency are therefore of different gradations
- Demigods such as Lord Brahma, along with great sages and saintly persons, Siddhas, Caranas and Gandharvas - all being very curious to see the fight between Lord Siva and Lord Krsna and their assistants - hovered over the battlefield in their airplanes
- Demoniac people create their own God, create their own hymns and chant accordingly. The result is that they become more and more attracted to two things-sex enjoyment and accumulation of material wealth. BG 1972 purports
- Demons are always anxious to have a godless society for their sense gratification
- Demons are full of hate, greed, anger, lust, etc., & they are tireless in their efforts to illicitly amass great wealth merely to gratify their sensual urges. On the other hand, their competitors are no less expert in cheating them of their black wealth
- Demons are generally fond of worshiping the demigods, and there are evidences that by such worship they get power for their sense gratification. This later proves to be a cause of trouble to the brahmanas, demigods and other innocent living entities
- Demons can do anything for their personal benefit, not considering what is pious or vicious
- Demons do not know that "I am not this body. I am spirit soul. Aham brahmasmi." So therefore they do not know this. Therefore they are called nastatmanah. They have lost their spiritual sense. Why? Alpa-buddhayah, not very intelligent
- Demons have lost all intelligence because they do not know what is actually their self-interest. Even if they have information of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they decline to approach Him
- Demons like Kamsa feared Krsna, but their feelings cannot be described as ecstatic dread in devotional service
- Demons may falsely accuse the preachers of the Krsna consciousness movement, but Krsna will arrange a fight between the demons in which all their military power will be engaged and both parties of demons will be annihilated
- Demons think of their possessions as their property, but actually everything belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who can take anything at any time He likes
- Demons think that they will manufacture their own process of yajna and prepare some machine, by which they will be able to reach any higher planet. The best example of such a demoniac man was Ravana. BG 1972 purports
- Demons without godly qualities should not accept false praise from their followers
- Demons, because of their miscreant behavior, cannot understand the Lord, in spite of seeing the many revealed scriptures and the uncommon activities of the Lord
- Demons, they are anxiety. Everyone has anxiety, but their anxiety, aparimeyam. Just like ordinary man, he has got some anxiety: "How to maintain my family? How to get money to maintain family?" like that. But the demons, they are immeasurable, unlimited
- Describe how the creation of the globes throughout the universe, the four directions of the heavens, the sky, the planets, the stars, the mountains, the rivers, the seas and the islands, as well as their different kinds of inhabitants, takes place
- Describing the incarnations and their symptoms, the Laghu-bhagavatamrta has stated that when Lord Krsna descends to conduct the creative affairs of the material manifestation, He is an avatara, or incarnation
- Desire and greed are the products of false identification of oneself with the body. When one becomes free from this contamination, then his mind and consciousness also become freed and attain their original state
- Despite their (especially rich men, who regularly worship the Deity, give charity to brahmanas) outward show of Vaisnavism and charity, their inner desire is to enjoy a higher standard of material life
- Devahuti was more sexually excited (than Kardama Muni), and therefore she had nine daughters at once. All the daughters, however, were very beautiful, and their bodies were nicely formed; each resembled a lotus flower and was fragrant like a lotus
- Devaki and her husband, Vasudeva, were assured that their child was the SP of Godhead and could not be killed by Kamsa, but because of affection, as they thought of Kamsa's previous atrocities, they were simultaneously afraid that Krsna would be killed
- Devaki and Vasudeva offered their prayers to Him (Krsna) and asked Him to assume His two-handed form. The Lord immediately assumed His two-handed form and ordered that He be transferred to Gokula, on the other side of the river Yamuna
- Devotees (who always think favorably of Krsna as their master or friend) must attain a situation better than Brahmaloka, the impersonal bodily effulgence of Krsna
- Devotees accept only the bare necessities of life to keep themselves fit to act in KC. The balance of their energy is used for developing KC, through which one can be transferred to the abode of Krsna by always thinking of Him, even at the point of death
- Devotees are distributing their possession to these unfortunate people. Therefore he's immediately recognized. That is the process. Devotee does not want any recognition, he knows that, My Lord wants this rascal to go back to home. So let me try my best
- Devotees are not liable to punishment by Yamaraja, but persons who have no information of Krsna consciousness cannot be protected by their material life of so-called family enjoyment
- Devotees automatically have all mystic power, but they do not like to compete with Krsna. Instead, they fully surrender to Krsna, and their yogic power is demonstrated by Krsna's mercy
- Devotees have no lusty desires for oneness; instead, their desire is to be freed from all material hankering. they are called niskama, desireless
- Devotees in a transcendental parental relationship with the Lord think of Him as their dependent child. They forget His exalted position and think that unless they properly feed Him He will fall victim to undernourishment and His health will deteriorate
- Devotees in Vrndavana who are friends of the Lord can increase their ecstatic love to the point of anuraga. Parental affectionate lovers, Krsna's father and mother, can increase their love of Godhead up to the end of anuraga
- Devotees should always be happy with all the dealings of their master, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Devotees, having no shelter other than the Supreme Personality of Godhead, naturally cry to Him (Krsna) for help, exactly like children who do not know anything but the protection of their parents
- Devotional service begins when the mind, intelligence & ego are completely purified. Mayavadi sannyasis do not purify their intelligence, mind & ego, and consequently they cannot engage in the service of the Lord or expect the causeless mercy of the Lord
- Devotional service in conjugal love is described briefly in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, but it is very elaborately discussed in the Ujjvala-nilamani. This book describes different types of lovers, their assistants, and those who are very dear to Krsna
- Dharma is meant for the human society. The animal society, they have no, nothing to do about religion, neither they know what is religion, what is this body, what is soul. It is not their business. Dharma is the business of the human society
- Dhrtarastra and his materialistic sons wanted to falsely lord it over the world by dint of their own strength. The Lord encouraged them in this, and thus they became more and more bewildered
- Dhrtarastra happened to be the superior in the house, and he took care of the Pandavas when they were small children because their father died at an early age. So it was the duty of the elderly members of the family
- Dhruva Maharaja and Prahlada Maharaja were also grhasthas, householders, but they trained themselves in such a way that even as householders they were not faced with interruptions in their service
- Dhruva Maharaja saw two very beautiful associates of Lord Visnu in the plane. They had four hands and a blackish bodily luster, they were very youthful, and their eyes were just like reddish lotus flowers
- Dhruva Maharaja was their enemy, but still, upon witnessing the wonderful, heroic acts of Maharaja Dhruva, they were very pleased with him. This straightforward appreciation of an enemy's prowess is a characteristic of real ksatriya spirit
- Dhruva thereafter lived in his father's palace which had walls bedecked with highly valuable jewels. His affectionate father took particular care of him & he dwelled in that house just as the demigods live in their palaces in the higher planetary systems
- Differences of body are meaningless from the viewpoint of a learned transcendentalist. This is due to their relationship to the Supreme, for the Supreme Lord, by His plenary portion as Paramatma, is present in everyone's heart. BG 1972 . BG 1972 purports
- Different individuals with different bodily features enjoy or suffer various reactions according to their past deeds
- Different people are of different mentalities. Therefore it is not my business either to praise them or to blaspheme them. I only desire their welfare, hoping that they will agree to become one with the Supersoul, Krsna
- Different people may accept certain welfare activities to be beneficial for human society, according to their own views, but the welfare activity that can be rendered to people in general, for eternal benefit, is the spreading of the KC movement
- Different persons achieve different types of mukti-sayujya, salokya, sarupya, samipya and sarsti - according to their own intense desire, which is called bhava
- Difficulty is these rascals are going on as scholar, dehatma-buddhih. Their life is bodily concept of life, & they are passing as scientist, scholars, leaders, politicians, & they are leading us andha yathandhair. They are blind, & they are leading us
- Disunity between individual souls is so strong within this material world that even in a society of Krsna consciousness, members sometimes appear disunited due to their having different opinions and leaning toward material things
- Do those who do not follow the rules and regulations of the scriptures but who have faith in something and worship gods and demigods and men attain success in their effort? Arjuna is putting these questions to Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Dogs, fallen persons and untouchables, including candalas (dog-eaters), should all be maintained with their proper necessities, which should be contributed by the householders
- Don't go all of a sudden to see the face of the Lord, just like the sahajiyas did. Their reading of Bhagavata means rasa-lila. Rasa-lila is the smiling of Krsna, where Krsna is personally enjoying very sweet smiling
- Don't manufacture your meditation. Just like there are so many meditators. They have manufactured their own way of meditation. That is not recommended, anusmara. Anu means "Follow. You become thoughtful, but taking the instruction from higher authority"
- Don't remain mudhah. This is Krsna consciousness movement. Krsna consciousness movement is to educate people not to remain mudhah. Be intelligent. It is a very nice cultural movement that it is trying to awaken people to their God consciousness
- Doubt, misapprehension, correct apprehension, memory and sleep, as determined by their different functions, are said to be the distinct characteristics of intelligence
- Draupadi was married with the Pandavas during their exile in the forest, but when they went back home Maharaja Drupada gave them immense wealth as a dowry
- Dry speculators, having been repulsed by the material phenomena in their search for knowledge of the Absolute, think that the transcendental form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is also repulsive
- Due to aroma of the parijata flower, the honeybees would begin their humming vibration, & the birds also would begin their sweet chirping sounds. All together it would sound like the singing of professional chanters engaged in offering prayers to Krsna
- Due to epilepsy, I sometimes fall unconscious. Out of their mercy, these four men maintain Me
- Due to having no information of Krsna consciousness they appeared very dirty and wretched. Since they have taken to Krsna consciousness, their health has improved, and by their following the rules and regulations, their bodily luster has increased
- Due to ignorance only mental speculators always think of Lord Krsna as like themselves and make their own conclusions, which are absurd and unauthentic from the version of the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Due to monetary transactions, relationships become very strained and end in enmity. Sometimes the husband and wife walk on the path of material progress, and to maintain their relationship they work very hard
- Due to remaining in the water for a long time, they (the gopis) felt cold and were shivering, yet upon hearing the pleasing joking words of Govinda, their minds were perturbed with great joy
- Due to renunciation, Vedanta study, meditation and the strict regulative principles of their daily routine, Mayavadi sannyasis are certainly in a position to execute pious activities
- Due to strong ecstasy, they (the gopis) overcame that stage of weakness (feminine shyness) and became caught up with the idea of embracing the Lord, and this thought factually made them unconscious of their surrounding environment
- Due to the different types of attraction for Krsna, there are different varieties of devotees. Their symptoms are manifested transparently, just like jewels
- Due to the exhaustion of the pious results of their past deeds, Duryodhana, or his father, Dhrtarastra, did not take the message (of Krsna) very seriously. That is the way of persons who have no credit of pious deeds
- Due to the performance of the sacrifice, the various foods were all very palatable. After collecting a feast, they (the wives of the brahmanas) prepared to go to Krsna, their most beloved object, exactly in the way rivers flow to the sea
- Due to their (Prabhupada's personal family) accepting the posts of zamindars in the Muslim government, they received the title Mullik. Similarly, Rupa, Sanatana and Vallabha were also given the title Mullik. Mullik means - lord
- Due to their (the living entities') unauthorized plans for economic development, the price of commodities is rising daily all over the world, so much so that is has become difficult for the poorer classes, and they are suffering the consequences
- Due to their (unintelligent men, who do not know Me perfectly) small knowledge, they do not know My higher nature, which is imperishable and supreme
- Due to their contact with the material energy, their existence is always troublesome. Being always in distress, the conditioned soul considers the material energy to be very much disturbing. This fact is explained by a Vaisnava kavi, or poet
- Due to their envy, these dacoits brought him before the goddess Kali for sacrifice. Such people are always addicted to envious activities, and therefore they dared to try to kill Jada Bharata
- Due to their favorable breeze the pearls garlanding the umbrella also moved, like drops of nectar falling from the white full moon or ice melting due to a gust of wind
- Due to their greed for material position, they (so-called political leaders) falsely present themselves as leaders before the people and collect their votes, although they are completely under the grip of the laws of material nature
- Due to their misfortune. they (the people in this age) forget the Vedic principles. Following non-Vedic principles in this age, they think themselves the Supreme Lord and thus spread the cult of atheism all over the world
- Due to their unclean habits they are prohibited, but at the same time they are given other facilities so they may be elevated to the highest grade of devotional service by association with pure devotees
- During Krsna's advent, the Vedic scholars took birth in the shape of the gopis in Vrndavana; as young gopis, they got the association of Krsna in fulfillment of their previous birth's desire
- During the absence of Krsna, the entire day would appear to the gopis to be as unbearable as a hot day in autumn. The Lord so much appreciated this natural feeling of the gopis that He declared His inability to repay their intense love
- During the day they (materialistic householders) are busy trying to find out where money is, and if they get money they spend it to maintain their families. Yamaraja specifically advises his servants to bring these persons to him for punishment
- During the daytime of Brahma they (jivas) exhibit their activities, and at the coming of Brahma's night they are annihilated. BG 1972 purports
- During the rainy season, the mercantile community cannot move from one place to another and so do not get their desired profit. Nor can the royal order go from one place to another to collect taxes from the people
- During the reign of Lord Ramacandra, the streets of the capital, Ayodhya, were sprinkled with perfumed water and drops of perfumed liquor, thrown about by elephants from their trunks
- During the time of King Prthu, the earth was fully under the control of the King. Thus all the inhabitants of the earth could get their food supply by creating various types of calves and putting their particular types of milk in various pots
- During the transition of the British in Bangladesh during the last Hindu-Muslim riots, many Hindus were converted into Muslims by having cows’ flesh forcibly pushed into their mouths
- During this period (Caturmasya) the merchants cannot do free business, dedicated souls like sannyasis cannot freely preach the doctrines of the Vedas, kings cannot go out to tour their states, and students cannot go to their schools, which are closed
- During this time, Krsna, the maternal cousin of the Pandavas, & His special friend Arjuna were both throwing the liquid substances on the bodies of the queens. The queens became bashful, but at the same time their beautiful smiling brightened their faces
- During World War II it was reported that many wives of the German soldiers went to church to pray for their husbands' safe return, but when they found they had been killed in battle, they became atheistic
- Durvasa Muni was always accompanied by sixty thousand disciples and that if there was a little discrepancy in their reception, he would be very angry and would sometimes curse the host
- Duryodhana was as strong as the King of heaven, still the sons of Prtha, the Pandavas, were able to snatch away their kingdom from him. Both Garuda & the Parthas are pet devotees of the Lord, and thus it was possible for them to face such strong enemies
- Duryodhana was thus insulted by the opulence of the Pandavas, and he became their determined enemy
- Each and every branch of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's devotees has unlimited spiritual power and glory. Even if one had thousands of mouths, it would be impossible to describe the limits of their activities
- Each child can take advantage of the father's property & instruction, but even though the inheritance and instruction may be the same for all the children, out of their different desires each child creates a different life and thereby suffers or enjoys
- Each had a bugle made of buffalo horn and a stick and a flute, and each called his respective calves by their particular names. The cowherd boys were so proud of Krsna's wonderful activities that, while entering the village, they all sang His glories
- Elsewhere (in BG 4.11), Krsna also says: Actually, everyone is trying to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead in various ways, but according to their methods of approach, the Supreme Lord endows them with different benedictions
- Emperor Aurangzeb also inaugurated a tax that Hindus had to pay because of their being Hindus. Thus all the poor Hindus of the lower class voluntarily became Muslims to avoid the tax. In this way the Muslim population in India increased
- Empirical, atheistic philosophers like Kapila spent innumerable tedious hours researching the material phenomena of this cosmic creation. Yet it remained beyond the grasp of their limited intelligence
- Endless waves arise moment after moment in that ocean of love. How could an insignificant living entity estimate their limits
- Enjoy, but where is your enjoyment? Come to the practical point. Where is your enjoyment? You are simply suffering. That is their rascaldom
- Envious men will find out some fault anywhere. There is no fault, actually, but they will manufacture some fault. That is their business. So many persons were envious of my Guru Maharaja, but He was preaching and did not care for them
- Especially at the present moment, misguided men are suffering in the darkness of materialism, and their so-called learning has enabled them to discover the atomic bomb. They are consequently on the verge of annihilation
- Especially in India, there are many such doctors (who becomes a doctor by practical knowledge) who perform their medical services perfectly. They are accepted even by the government
- Especially in the Western countries, their only plan is how to satisfy the senses. They have no other plan. But real life is to stop this line of civilization - nivrtti. Nivrtti means - stop
- Especially in this age, because people are interested in hearing Bhagavad-gita from unscrupulous persons who depart from the simple presentation of Bhagavad-gita and distort it for their personal satisfaction, they fail to derive the real benefit
- Even a faultless person like Vidura could be charged with something abominable and punished
- Even a high-court judge, because he has to spend more than his income, he adopted these vile means of living. The trend of modern civilization is like that. They unnecessarily increase their expenditure and adopt these all vile means
- Even a person who thinks of Krsna as an enemy and is killed by Him may be liberated by becoming one with the body of Krsna. What then must be the destination of devotees who always think favorably of Krsna as their master or friend?
- Even after liberation, the devotees do not lose their individual identities. BG 1972 purports
- Even all scientists, they accept a formula from an authority, "Law of gravitation." They accept it. Then their physical, so many things they discover. But accept one formula. Just like this formula is given by Sir Isaac Newton. So they accept guru
- Even an intelligent class of men may be forgetful in their relation with the Lord. The whole bhakti-yoga process is therefore a revival of the lost relation. This revival is possible in the human form of life
- Even authorities like Sri Jiva Goswami and Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura mention in their commentaries, svami caranat, as we have learned it from the lotus feet of Sridhara Svami
- Even during the great Hindu-Muslim riots in neighboring places, the descendants of the Kazi honestly preserved the assurance given by their forefather
- Even fifty years ago, I saw that in the villages of Bengal and the suburbs of Calcutta, people engaged in hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam daily when all their activities ended, or at least in the evening before going to bed. Everyone would hear the Bhagavatam
- Even great sages who have no material attachments do not contact him, despite their always being absorbed in meditation to attain his personal contact
- Even if all the innumerable living entities wanted to become Krsna conscious, there would be no scarcity of love of Godhead, nor would there be insufficiency in providing for their maintenance
- Even in the beginning, because they (prakrta-sahajiyas) are chanting the holy names of nitai-gaura, their swift advancement on the path of love of Godhead is very prominently visible
- Even in those who are apparently very educated, the same family attachment is there. They cannot give up the association of their families, even in old age or invalidity, for they are attached to sense enjoyment
- Even on a day when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was invited to dine by others, if Gadadhara Pandita, Bhagavan Acarya or Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya invited Him, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had no independence. He would accept their invitations as they desired
- Even pure knowledge is insufficient if it is devoid of transcendental devotional service, Narada said. And what to speak of fruitive activities when they are devoid of devotional service? How can they be of any benefit to their performer?
- Even the activities of the salvationists are considered to be useless because of their failure to pick up the fountainhead of all liberties
- Even the actual yogis aspire after such success with great interest by performance of their various practices. Who can tolerate separation from Him?
- Even the birds and beasts get their bread without having to go to church to ask God for it. Similarly, our bread is also provided, whether we go to church or not
- Even the carnivores could be trained to be vegetarians. Their nature is to eat meat. You have to give him. That is different thing. But they can be tamed. But not very trustworthy
- Even the demigods are not able to understand the SPG. They can speculate to the limits of their imperfect senses and can reach the opposite conclusion of impersonalism, of something not manifested by the 3 qualities of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- Even the learned sages become disturbed in their intelligence when they see that You take shelter in a fort although You are the controller of invincible time, and that You enjoy householder life surrounded by many women although You enjoy in Your Self
- Even the tolerant Siva could fall victim to them, still, despite all their magical feats and attractions, they could not agitate the senses of the Lord
- Even they (the mudhas) are so-called educated, their real knowledge is taken away. Real knowledge is to inquire about the Absolute Truth, athato brahma jijnasa
- Even those who are going to church, they are also praying God, "God, give us our daily bread." These rascals, they have made God as agent for their sense gratification. This is their philosophy
- Even those who are liberated do not resent accepting, in the present body, the results of their past activities. While sleeping, one dreams many unreal things, but when he awakens he disregards them and makes progress in factual life
- Even though during the time of dissolution all the conditioned living entities remain merged within the spiritual existence of the Lord, as if in deep sleep, their original desires to lord it over the material nature do not subside
- Even though Krsna's queens in Dvaraka tried to restrain their feelings, they inadvertently shed tears upon seeing their Lord
- Even though people may officially unite, they all have different interests. In the United Nations, for instance, all the nations have their particular national ambitions, and consequently they cannot be united
- Even though saintly persons are always aloof from society, out of mercy and compassion they consider how the citizens can peacefully execute their rituals and follow the rules and regulations of varnasrama-dharma
- Even though the demigods have the advantages of being situated in the higher planetary system, their minds, senses and intelligence are agitated by material conditions
- Even though the demigods said that they were demanding Dadhici's body for their benefit in accordance with the order of Lord Visnu, Dadhici superficially refused to give them his body
- Even though the four Kumaras were instructed by their great learned father, Brahma, they could not actually understand the Absolute Truth
- Even though the gopis who were friends of Rohini and mother Yasoda and who allowed their breasts to be sucked by Krsna were not directly His mothers, they all had the same chance as Rohini & Yasoda to go BTG & act as His mother-in-law, servants and so on
- Even though the Lord is not visible to the eyes of ordinary men, those who are beyond the covering layers because of their transcendental devotional service can still see Him
- Even though we have our wonderful eyes, we cannot see things in their true perspective. What is true for the eyes is also true for the other senses we use for gathering knowledge
- Even today in India, widows or women whose husbands have taken sannyasa follow the principles of austerity, even though they live with their children
- Even when the plants and creepers are no longer to be seen, their seeds remain, and these dormant seeds fructify in contact with water
- Every day a demon would come and interrupt their (the cowherd boys) sporting pastimes. The demon would be killed, and then the boys would engage again in their transcendental pastimes
- Every day Lord Krsna used to give many groups of 13,084 cows. Each of the cows was decorated with a silken cover and pearl necklace, their horns were covered with gold plating, and their hooves were silver-plated
- Every day Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu refused their invitations because He feared associating with Mayavadi sannyasis
- Every entity is contained within the scope of 8,400,000 species of life; some of them are moving and some of them are inert. In all cases, however, the seed of their life is Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Every gentleman in your country is anxious about their children, and gradually if the richer section of the people or the government cooperates with us, we can expand this movement for total welfare of the younger generation
- Every human being is expected to perform duties meant for approaching Lord Visnu. Therefore Yamaraja advises the Yamadutas to bring him those persons who have forgotten their duties toward Visnu
- Every living entity is eternal; therefore he has future. But for himself he is thinking, "There is no life, next." And he is thinking of the life which will come as his grandson or son, what will be their future. And he is blind about the own future
- Every man in this material world is almost without any spiritual knowledge. Still, they are proud of their learning, their knowledge, their degrees. This is going on
- Every one of these living entities, they are making . . . having a hard struggle for existence. But under the spell of the illusory energy, they are thinking, "We are happy," although whole day and night they are unhappy; their desires are not fulfilled
- Every part of our own body, such as the mouth, hands, thighs and legs, is meant to render service to the whole. That is their constitutional position. In subhuman life the living entities are not conscious of this constitutional position
- Every picture is with the gopis. People are generally inclined to man and women connection, and by selling these pictures will affirm their sinful activities in the name of Krishna. These are not meant for the common man but for advanced devotees
- Everyone acts in this world to maintain his family and their paraphernalia, but no one is working without some self-interest, some personal gratification, be it concentrated or extended. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone is born fool. So fool's activities means defeat. So human life, although born fool, they should have knowledge. Without knowledge all their activities are defeat of life, parabhava
- Everyone is conscious of the last stage of life, when he will meet the cruel hands of death, but some consider their age and circumstances, concern themselves with the influence of time and thus engage in pious activities
- Everyone is dying, and everyone is trying not to die. This is the problem. Nobody wants to die, but everyone is dying. That problem this rascal scientist cannot solve. Therefore they are like dogs, and to catch their tail is like that. Yes
- Everyone is engaged in material sense gratification, but people have no plan for making an ultimate solution to their real problems, namely birth, disease, old age and death
- Everyone is following the footprints of great personalities in every department of knowledge. Even scientists, they are also following the law of gravitation, basing their further progress on the law of gravitation
- Everyone is obliged to repay the debt of gratitude. The Yadus who went to the Prabhasa pilgrimage site performed their duties by distributing land, gold, and well-nourished cows in royal charity, as described in the following verse - SB 3.3.26
- Everyone is trying communally, nationally, individually for his or their interest. So that is not good. Svarthe pramattah. They do not know what is real self-interest
- Everyone means those who are actually seeking after God realization, they are following the same path, but on account of their distance of vision, they are realizing the Absolute Truth in different way
- Everyone must be educated in Visnu worship and engaged in the devotional service of Hrsikesa, the owner of the senses. The conditioned souls are meant not to satisfy their material senses but to satisfy the senses of Hrsikesa
- Everyone respected Govinda as the dearest servant of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and Govinda served all the Vaisnavas and saw to their needs
- Everyone should follow the instructions of the brahmanas, for their only business is to spread sabda-brahma, Vedic knowledge, all over the world. Whenever there is a scarcity of brahmanas to spread Vedic knowledge, chaos throughout human society results
- Everyone was increasing in affection for Krsna. When the cowherd men coming down from the hill saw their own sons, who were no one else than Krsna, their affection increased
- Everything in the world belongs to the brahmanas, and out of their humility the brahmanas accept charity from the ksatriyas, or kings, and the vaisyas, or merchants
- Everything is enacted by the laws of nature, and these laws are under the direction of Godhead. The atheists, or unintelligent men, do not know this. They are busy making their own plans, and big nations are busy expanding their empires
- Everything was Krsna. The calves, the cowherd boys and their maintainer Himself were all Krsna. In other words, Krsna expanded Himself in varieties of calves and cowherd boys and continued His pastimes uninterrupted for one year
- Everything was safe, but on the first voyage it was drowned, and all important men of your country, they lost their life. So danger there must be, because you are in a dangerous position
- Everywhere were heard the sounds of the conchshell and kettledrum and various other vibrations of music and song. The learned brahmanas showered their blessings upon the newly married couple - Krsna and Satya
- Evil spirits, who cause persons to forget their own existence and give trouble to the life airs and the senses. Sometimes they appear in dreams and cause much perturbation; sometimes they appear as old women and suck the blood of small children
- Examples of svamsa expansions can be found in the quadruple forms of God residing in Their respective places, beginning with Sankarsana, Vasudeva, Pradyumna & Aniruddha, and also in the purusa-avataras, lila-avataras, manvantara-avataras & yuga-avataras
- Exceptionally qualified daughters of powerful kings were allowed to make a choice of their own bridegrooms in open competition, and such ceremonies were called svayamvara, or personal selection of the bridegroom
- Expert dramatists, artists, dancers, singers, historians, genealogists and learned speakers all gave their respective contributions, being inspired by the superhuman pastimes of the Lord. Thus they proceeded on and on
- Expert religionists know perfectly well how to adjust religious principles in terms of time and place. All the great acaryas or religious preachers or reformers of the world executed their mission by adjustment of religious principles
- Experts in distinguishing one mellow from another sometimes accept some overlapping transcendental mellows (rasabhasa) as rasas due to their being pleasurable and tasteful
- Explained in SB, "The beginning is to hear about Krsna in the association of devotees who have cleansed their hearts by association. Hearing about the transcendental activities of the Lord will result in one's feeling transcendental bliss always"
- Extensively ignorant, they (lower animals) can know their desirables only by smell, and by such intelligence only can they understand what is favorable and unfavorable. Their knowledge is concerned only with eating and sleeping
- Externally the brothers (Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami) became just like ordinary mendicants, but their hearts were filled with transcendental loving service and a great love for the cowherd boy of Vrndavana
- Factory is another name for hell. At night, hellishly engaged persons take advantage of wine and women to satisfy their senses, but they are not even able to have sound sleep because their various mental speculative plans constantly interrupt their sleep
- Factually Lord Brahma does not create the living entities. In the beginning of the creation he is empowered to give different bodily shapes to the living entities according to their work during the last millennium
- Factually the only real husband of all women is Krsna, the supreme husband. Because the gopis were liberated souls, they understood this fact. Therefore they rejected their material husbands and accepted Krsna as their real husband
- Factually, although the demons say that life is a dream, they are very expert in enjoying this dream. And so, instead of acquiring knowledge, they become more and more implicated in their dreamland. BG 1972 purports
- Factually, an advanced devotee avoids speaking with persons who are not in devotional life, but to those who are in devotional life he speaks in friendship, and he speaks to the innocent for their enlightenment
- Falling at the feet of Devaki and Vasudeva, he (Kamsa) begged their pardon and tried to convince them that because the events that had taken place were destined to happen, they should not be unhappy for his having killed so many of their children
- Family affection is very strong, and therefore Narada Muni followed this tactic of reminding them (the Savalasvas) of their family relationship with the Haryasvas
- Famous yogis and demons can sometimes enact very magical feats by their mystic power, but in the presence of the Sudarsana cakra, when it is let loose by the Lord, all such magical jugglery is dispersed
- Fastened by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to the machine of material nature according to the results of their fruitive acts, they (the planets and stars) are driven around the polestar by the wind and will continue to be so until the end of creation
- Father and son generally sit together, so mother Yasoda requested Krsna and Balarama to return, and she advised the other boys to go home so that their parents would not have to wait for them
- Fathers and mothers have protective feelings for their children even in bird and beast society, not to speak of human society
- Favoring the gopis, Krsna rides on the chariots of their minds, and just to receive loving service from them, He attracts their minds like Cupid. Therefore He is also called Madana-mohana, the attractor of Cupid
- Fearful with awe and veneration, all present touched their hands to their heads and prepared to offer their prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Adhoksaja
- Females are not meant for the renounced order of life; they should be faithful to their good husbands, for if a husband is competent for liberation, his wife will also achieve liberation with him
- Finally, after some deliberation, He also entered the mouth of the demon. When Krsna entered, all the demigods, who had gathered to see the fun and who were hiding within the clouds, expressed their feelings with the words "Alas! Alas!"
- Finding their father so deluded in an act of immorality (Brahma was sexually inclined to his own daughter), the sages headed by Marici, all sons of Brahma, spoke as follows with great respect
- First Lord Balarama inquired from them (the cowherd men and boys, the gopis, and King Nanda and Yasoda) about their welfare, and then, since they had not seen Him for such a long time, they began to ask Him different questions
- First of all he (King Nagnajit) gave them (Krsna and Satya) 10,000 cows and 3,000 well-dressed young maidservants, ornamented up to their necks. This system of dowry is still current in India, especially for ksatriya princes
- First of all the jokers would talk in such a way that the Lord (Krsna) and His associates would enjoy their humor, which would refresh the morning mood
- First of all, King Yudhisthira, along with his brothers, wives, children, other relatives and ministers, washed the lotus feet of Lord Krsna and sprinkled the water on their heads
- First-class men, they should cultivate knowledge to guide the human society, brahmana. Sama dama titiksa (BG 18.42). They should learn, ideal men. Under their advice. . . Brahmana is considered to be the guru of other sections: ksatriya, vaisya, sudra
- Followers of the smrti-sastra are called smartas. Most of them are nondevotees, and their main business is following the brahminical principles strictly. However, they are not enlightened in devotional service
- Following in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, whenever there are obstacles the Hare Krsna movement should kill the opposition with reason and argument and thus stop their demoniac behavior
- Following in the footsteps of Srila Vyasadeva, Sukadeva Gosvami and all the acaryas in disciplic succession, the whole population of the world should glorify Lord Krsna, and for their best interest they should take to this Krsna consciousness movement
- Following in their (Rupa Gosvami & Sanatana Gosvami) footsteps the propagators of the Caitanya cult in the Western countries are spreading the sankirtana movement & inculcating the principles of Vaisnava behavior, thus purifying & reforming many persons
- Following the behavior of Lord Siva, they (the members of the assembly) did not protest; instead, following their master, they remained silent
- Following the inauguration of Govardhana-puja, people in Vrndavana still dress nicely and assemble near Govardhana Hill to offer worship and circumambulate the hill, leading their cows all around
- Following the order of Lord Brahma, all the Pracetas accepted the girl as their wife. From the womb of this girl, the son of Lord Brahma named Daksa took birth. Daksa had to take birth from the womb of Marisa due to his disobeying and disrespecting Siva
- Following the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Govinda, His personal servant, called for all the poor beggars, who were unhappy due to their poverty, and fed them sumptuously
- Foolish material scientists have manufactured their own theories of evolution, which are simply concerned with the material body. But actually this is not the real evolution
- Foolish materialists, in the garb of leaders of the people in general, stick to family affairs without attempting to cut off relations with them, and thus they become victims of nature's law and get gross bodies again, according to their work
- Foolish men should take lessons from the drying pools of water and should know, in their own interests, that life is eternal, continuing even after death. Only the body changes, whether spiritually or materially
- Foolish men, or men with a poor fund of knowledge, do not understand the Supreme Lord, and they interpret Krsna according to their respective whims
- Foolish men, puffed up by a false sense of scientific advancement, have concentrated their energy in the pursuit of so-called economic development on this planet, not knowing of the variegated economic facilities available on other planets
- Foolish people are not satisfied in the performance of their occupational duties because they have no information of the soul and how it is beyond the purview of the body and mind
- Foolish people do not know that by attempting to escape anxiety by drink and sex, they simply increase their duration of material life
- Foolish people do not know that by attempting to escape anxiety by drink and sex, they simply increase their duration of material life. It is not possible to escape material anxiety in this way
- Foolish people have manufactured, out of their tiny brains, many remedial measures for removing the threefold miseries pertaining to the body and mind, pertaining to the natural disturbances and in relation with other living beings
- Foolish people try to concoct knowledge by manufacturing something in their brains. That is not the real way of knowledge. Knowledge is sabda-pramana, evidence from the Vedic literature
- Foolish persons engrossed in their material assets are unnecessarily proud of being leaders of the people, but they ignore the spiritual value of man
- Foolish persons may even make a show of so-called yoga, but they are unable to control the senses and mind, which is the real purpose of yoga practice. Such people can have no opulence in their lives. In a word, they are very unfortunate
- Foolish persons, they do not know what is the ultimate goal of their life. They are thinking that, Satisfaction in the material way of life will give me ultimate pleasure or ultimate satisfaction. That is my ultimate goal
- Foolishly proud of their (pasandi's) material birth as brahmanas and their consequently higher position in the social order, they think of the other classes - namely the ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras - as lower classes
- Fools and rascals of modern society have no knowledge of the extent of the responsibility of the government. Animals are also citizens of the land in which they happen to be born, and they also have the right to continue their existence
- Fools do not know what is within and what is without. They comment on the Bhagavad-gita according to their own whims. Such persons cannot be elevated to the highest stage of love of Godhead
- For a long time the wives had been eager to see Krsna. However, when they were preparing to leave home to go see Him, their husbands, fathers, sons and relatives asked them not to go. But the wives did not comply
- For a very long time the women of Mathura had heard about Krsna and Balarama and Their uncommon characteristics, and they were very much attracted and eager to see Them
- For advanced education there are various kinds of books of knowledge, such as the four Vedas, their six supplements, the Vedanta-sutra, books of logic, books of religiosity and the Puranas
- For all our activities there are witnesses; therefore it is said in the scriptures that the living entities are under superior supervision and that they are rewarded and punished according to their work
- For drawing raw materials from villages and bring it to the Calcutta, Bombay port and export to their (the Britishers') country. Because their country does not produce anything. They’re starving
- For enjoy that sex life, they are working so hard, day and night. Therefore he's neither serving the society, community, family, but he's serving his sense gratification. That's all. This is their service
- For example, as there is no separation between fire and air, there is no separation between Krsna and the living entities. When the living entities forget Krsna, they are not in their normal condition
- For example, great demons like Ravana, Kamsa and Hiranyakasipu were always thinking of Krsna, but they were thinking of Him as their enemy. This sort of thinking cannot be accepted as bhakti or Krsna consciousness
- For example, if the family is brahmana their contamination period is 12 days, for the ksatriyas and vaisyas it is 15 days, and for sudras 30 days
- For example, the members of the Yadu dynasty lived in the family of Krsna, and Krsna was the center of all their activities
- For example, there are many things made of clay, such as earthen pots, dishes and bowls. After their annihilation, these things may be transformed into many other material objects, but in all cases their existence as clay continues
- For flickering happiness, people waste their human energy, not understanding the importance of the Krsna consciousness movement but instead accusing the simple devotees of brainwashing
- For innumerable universes and their inhabitants come into existence and are annihilated by the simple direction of the Lord
- For instance, some of the wives of the brahmanas who were performing sacrifices gave up their lives in the presence of their husbands for the sake of Krsna
- For nine days, nine chief devotees, headed by Advaita Acarya, got an opportunity to invite the Lord to their homes
- For one year there was no discussion of the incident of the Aghasura demon in the village of Vraja. But when the boys attained their sixth year, they informed their parents of the incident with great wonder
- For others, who are miscreants, you have destined different kinds of hells which are horrible and ghastly. Yet sometimes it is found that their destinations are just the opposite. It is very difficult to ascertain the cause of this
- For persons who are papistha, very sinful, and duracara, misbehaved or very unclean in their habits, who are against the existence of God, who disrespect Vaisnavas and brahmanas, and who eat anything and everything, untimely death is sure
- For raising crops from the land, how many men will be required--that we must estimate and for herding the cows and feeding them. We must have sufficient pasturing ground to feed the animals all round. We have to maintain the animals throughout their life
- For sense gratification the Asura children of Godhead and Nature forgets the plan of Godhead and thus they begin to exploit and trouble the mother Nature and other obedient children of Nature, for their own benefit
- For spiritual realization one has to purify the heart and know things in their true perspective
- For the common man he fulfills all desires, and because of their engagement in thinking of his lotus feet, he also blesses higher personalities who are seeking after brahmananda (transcendental bliss)
- For the karma-yogi, the mystic perfections manifest automatically due to the ever-increasing freshness of their object of attention, the Personality of Godhead
- For the last 50 years Gaudiya Math people are there but their relationship with local inhabitants is not so cordial. If we continue this philanthropic work to give them enlightenment & food without any discrimination, it will be appreciated by all people
- For the maintenance of their bodies and the satisfaction of their tongues, cruel persons cook poor animals and birds alive. Such persons are condemned even by man-eaters
- For the transcendentalists who are situated in the topmost spiritual perfection, He grants their specific destinations
- For their return to the Vaikuntha world, it was arranged that Jaya & Vijaya, for three consecutive births, would act as deadly enemies of the Lord & that at the end of these lives they would return to the Vaikuntha world & serve Him as His associates
- For this contradiction (the gopis have no inclination for their own enjoyment, and yet their joy increases) I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) see only one solution: the joy of the gopis lies in the joy of their beloved Krsna
- For those who are fruitive workers, the Lord awards the desired results of their prescribed duties, as the yajnesvara; and those who are yogis seeking mystic powers are awarded such powers. BG 1972 purports
- For those who do not want to understand Krsna as He is but want to understand by dint of their own imperfect vision, Krsna, God, remains unknown
- For those who have decided to continue their existence in this material world for the gratification of their senses, there is no chance of becoming Krsna conscious, not by personal endeavor, by instruction from others or by joint conferences.
- Foreseeing the bad effects of their presenting Vedanta philosophy in a perverted way, Srila Vyasadeva compiled Srimad-Bhagavatam as a commentary on the Vedanta-sutra
- Forgetting that in due course of time they (people) have to change their bodies according to the material laws and suffer the repetition of birth, death, old age and disease
- Formerly it was customary that the sages used to go to the kings and the kings used to visit the sages in their hermitages; each was glad to fulfill the other's purpose. This reciprocal relationship is called bhakti-karya
- Formerly marriage was a religious ceremony. Marriage was, this boy and this girl should be married, it is a religious function where the father and mother will see their horoscope and see if they are compatible, they will agree, they will live peacefully
- Formerly the Hindus had not been straightforward in executing their Hindu principles, but now they were freely chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Therefore it must have been by the strength of someone else that they were so daring
- Formerly there was no industry - people generally depended on agricultural work - therefore the mercantile community, they used to produce food grains and distribute them, and protection of cow was their duty
- Formerly, a ksatriya king was generally the husband of many wives, and after the death of the king, especially in the battlefield, all the queens would agree to accept saha-marana, dying with the husband who was their life
- Formerly, ksatriyas would, at their pleasure, kidnap a princess from another royal house, and there would he a fight between the ksatriya and the girl's family; then, if the kidnapper was the winner, the girl would be offered to him for marriage
- Formerly, the brahmanas used to ignite the fire of sacrifice not with matches or any other external fire but with their powerful mantras, called arani
- Forms which are invisible can be understood only by touch; that is the independent appreciation of invisible form. Visible forms are understood by analytical study of their constitution
- Four devotees then humbly insisted that they go with the Lord, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, being the independent Supreme Personality of Godhead, did not accept their request
- Four kinds of impure devotees who engage themselves in the transcendental service of the Lord achieve their respective goals. BG 1972 purports
- Four principles of material existence are necessary for the spiritual advancement of human society, and although Lord Krsna had no need to do so, He exhibited His household activities so that people might follow in His footsteps for their own interest
- Fourth class men. Their background is wrong. No scientist, no politician, no philosophers, at the present moment, believe in this, that there is soul, and the soul is transmigrating from one body... Nobody believes it
- Freed from the contamination of the modes of nature, the speaker and hearer (of Srimad-Bhagavatam) are fixed in a transcendental mentality, knowing that their position on the transcendental platform is to serve the Supreme Lord
- Freed from the modes of material nature, they do not act for sense gratification; rather, since they are situated in their own occupational duties, they act as one is expected to act
- Friends of His own age and younger friends worshiped Him, and He returned their respectful obeisances, as did Laksmana and mother Sita. In this way they all entered the palace
- Frightened by the braying of the asses, birds flew shrieking from their nests, while cattle in the cowsheds as well as in the woods passed dung and urine
- From another point of view, Vasudeva and Devaki were very pleased when they understood that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, would come as their eighth son
- From Bengal the devotees had brought varieties of Bengali food that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu liked. They also cooked various grains and vegetables in their homes and offered them to the Lord
- From birth they are extremely powerful and cruel, and although they are proud of their strength, they are always defeated by the Sudarsana cakra of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who rules all the planetary systems
- From Sri Narada Muni’s narration, it is understood that when Arjuna went to visit the holy places, he learned about the condemnation of the five Apsaras. He delivered them from their abominable condition, and from that day the lake known as Pancapsara
- From Srimad-Bhagavatam we can know the substance as well as the relativities in their true sense and perspective
- From that moment when the Mayavadi sannyasis heard the explanation of the Vedanta-sutra from the Lord, their minds changed, and on the instruction of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they too chanted "Krsna! Krsna!" always
- From the 4 principal four-handed forms (Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) there are manifest the principal twenty-four forms called vaibhava-vilasa, & they are named differently according to the placement of different symbols in their hands
- From the ages six to ten they should tighten the discipline of their child, and from the ages of ten till the sixteenth year the parents should be as strict as a tiger with their child so that he will be afraid to be disobedient at all
- From the description given in this verse (SB 4.30.6), Garuda appears to belong to the Kinnara planet. The inhabitants of the Kinnara planet have the same features as Garuda. Their bodily features are like those of a human being, but they have wings
- From the material point of view, the four sages' disobedience to the order of their father (Brahma) was certainly abominable, but because such disobedience was for a higher purpose, they were free from the reaction of disobedience
- From the movement of the different kinds of ornaments on their bodies (the gopis), they were looking still more beautiful. In this way, they all reached the house of Nanda-Yasoda and blessed the child: "Dear child, You live long just to protect us"
- From the original quadruple expansions, twenty-four forms are manifested. They differ according to the placement of the weapons in Their four hands. They are called vaibhava-vilasa
- From the rice, heaps of rice, one scorpion, small scorpion, is coming. The fact is that the parent of the scorpion, they put their eggs within the rice and, being fermented, the scorpion comes out, not that from rice the scorpion is coming out
- From the sky, the denizens of the heavenly planets showered flowers like the mallika, the most fragrant of all flowers, as a token of their congratulations. Accompanying the showers of flowers was a vibration of bugles, drums and conchshells
- From the spiritual point of view, from material point of view also, people are reducing their duration of life and their merciful tendency, their strength, their stature
- From the study of the Gita does it appear that the demigods and their abodes are impersonal? Clearly, neither the demigods nor Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are impersonal. They are all persons. BG 1972 purports
- From the very beginning of creation different varieties of living entities were existing. It is not that some of them have become extinct. Everything is there; it is due to our lack of knowledge that we cannot see things in their proper perspective
- From the very beginning of life, those who are ajitendriya, who cannot control their senses, are educated only for sense gratification, as we have seen in the Western countries
- From the very beginning of their lives (Jaya and Vijaya) they thought of Lord Krsna as an enemy, and even though blaspheming Lord Krsna, they chanted the holy name of Krsna constantly along with their inimical thoughts
- From the very beginning of their lives, Sukadeva Gosvami and the four Kumaras, known as catuh-sana, were liberated and self-realized on the Brahman platform. Nonetheless, they were attracted by the qualities of Krsna, and they engaged in His service
- From the womb of Urvasi, six sons were generated by Pururava. Their names were Ayu, Srutayu, Satyayu, Raya, Vijaya and Jaya
- From their side we should be received, not just that we simply canvass to take their place for our own program. The Gaudiya Math invitation should not be accepted
- From their very births, the nine great mystic yogis (Yogendras) were impersonal philosophers of the Absolute Truth. But because they heard about Krsna's qualities from Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and the great sage Narada, they also became Krsna's devotees
- From this incident (of Vidyadhara) we can learn that those who are too proud of their material assets or who are inimical toward others are degraded to the bodies of snakes
- From Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha, there are eight additional pastime expansions. O Sanatana, please hear Me as I mention Their names
- Fulfillment of their lusty desires and greediness, they are bringing the authority of Bible, Bhagavad-gita. This is going on in the name of religion
- Gambling is also an art. Ksatriyas are allowed to exhibit talent in this art of gambling. By Krsna's grace, the Pandavas lost everything by gambling and were deprived of their kingdom, wife, family & home because they were not expert in the gambling art
- Gambling is so dangerous. The bet was the wife. The Pandavas and the Kurus were playing on chess, and they lost their kingdom, they lost their wife, then they were ordered to be banished for twelve years and one year incognito
- Gandharvas are both male and female. This indicates that both men and women lose their life-span imperceptibly by the force of time, which is herein (SB 4.27.13) described as Candavega
- Gandhi gave lifelong service according to his own. Hitler gave lifelong service. Napoleon gave lifelong service. But their ultimate end was very, very regrettable. Nobody realized his service. He was punished. This is material world
- Gandhi or Vinobha or Vivekananda or Aurobindo, they did not come in the parampara system. They have made themselves important by their own ideas. That we want to check. Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- Gap of understanding because the basic principle is wrong, because everyone is fool. And they are trying to understand things with their foolish background. There is the wrong. They are trying to be advanced in knowledge on the foolish background
- Generally a materialistic person becomes very happy when there is something for his sense gratification and his body, but when he sees that others have something for their sense gratification and he hasn't, he is sorry and envious. BG 1972 purports
- Generally brahmanas and sannyasis are very proud of their spiritual positions. Therefore, to cut down their false pride, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu preached Krsna consciousness through Ramananda Raya
- Generally hippies are sons of great fathers and great families. It is not that they are always poor. But some way or another they abandon the shelter of their rich fathers and travel all over the world
- Generally householders think that engaging in family affairs is their prime duty and that self-realization or enlightenment in spiritual knowledge is secondary. Out of compassion only, saintly persons and brahmanas go to householders' homes
- Generally people are not aware of their interest in life - to return home, back to Godhead. People do not know about their real home in the spiritual world
- Generally people do not like to accept plain living and high thinking. That is their unfortunate position
- Generally pure devotees utilize their valuable time in chanting and discussing various activities of Lord Krsna or Lord Caitanya amongst themselves
- Generally the citizens, great and common, all had an aspiration to see the king and take benediction from him. The king knew this, and therefore whenever he met the citizens he immediately fulfilled their desires or mitigated their grievances
- Generally the daughters were too shy to express their opinions before their father, but the father would accept the daughters' intentions through someone else, such as a grandmother to whom the grandchildren had free access
- Generally the demigods are surcharged with sattva-guna, and therefore when the demons and the demigods fight, the demigods are victorious because of the prominence of their sattva-guna qualities. However, this is not the partiality of the Supreme Lord
- Generally the girls desire good husband and a good home, children, that is their natural propensity, so we want to show some ideal householders also. But the proposal that marriage will solve the question of lust, is not practical
- Generally the inhabitants of Vaikuntha dress in yellow clothing. Their bodies are delicate and attractively built, and their eyes are like the petals of lotus flowers
- Generally, a sannyasi is addressed as Narayana by the Mayavadis. Their idea is that simply by taking sannyasa one becomes equal to Narayana or becomes Narayana Himself
- Generally, at the present moment, everyone is grha-vrata. That's all. They simply want "How to improve my economic condition." That's all. Individually, socially, family wise, internationally or nationally, that is their aim
- Generally, conditioned souls have lost their atma, or self, but those who are transcendentalists have realized the self
- Generally, householders receive saintly persons to get their blessings, but their real aim is to become happy in the material world. Asking such material benedictions is not recommended in the sastras
- Generally, in the material world two things are going on. The karmis are busy try to earn money for their sense gratification, and the jnanis, they've given up the world as mithya
- Generally, people take to become a devotee of goddess Kali for eating meat. That is their purpose. In the Vedic culture, those who are meat-eaters, they have been advised that "Don't eat meat purchased from the slaughterhouse or from the market"
- Generally, the conditioned souls forget Krsna when they are enticed by the material, external energy. Consequently they are called krsna-bahirmukha, bereft of their relationship with Krsna
- Generally, the ksatriyas or the administrative class are always busy with their political affairs, and they have very little chance to hear about the transcendental pastimes of Lord Krsna
- Generally, the so-called learned philosophers, scientist, or so-called educated, they deny the existence of God. They depend more or less on their experimental knowledge of science
- Generally, we recommend our disciples to chant at least 16 rounds on their japa beads daily, and this should be completed
- Genuinely purified souls actually control all their sensory activities and also master their true, spiritual self. Such spiritualized persons alone can show actual sympathy to the fallen in terms of the individual, the place, and the time
- Girls are never thrown into the public street to search out their husband, for when girls are grown up and are searching after a boy, they forget to consider whether the boy they select is actually suitable for them
- Girls become at the age of twelve, thirteen years, their sex desires become strong. But boys, they do not become sex desire so strong, unless they are badly associated
- Give up your demoniac nature and act without enmity or duality. Show mercy to all living entities by enlightening them in devotional service, thus becoming their well-wishers
- God does so for the benefit of all conditioned souls so that they can turn their attention to transcendence. By doing so, the conditioned soul will gradually be promoted to the transcendental position and easily cross the ocean of nescience
- God is situated as the Supersoul in everyone's heart, but He is so kind to His devotees that He gives them instructions by which they may continue to progress. When they receive instructions from the all-perfect, there is no chance of their being misled
- God will come to destroy all this population by cutting their throat. That is kalki-avatara
- God’s position is completely different from their (Mayavadi philosophers) concoction. Such Mayavadi philosophers consider themselves above the influence of karma-kanda - fruitive activities and their reactions
- Gopala Bhatta also got the opportunity to serve the Lord at this time - when Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was touring South India and stayed for four months during the period of Caturmasya at their house
- Gopinatha Acarya informed the Lord that both the husband and the wife were fasting and that their son-in-law, Amogha, was dying of cholera
- Gopinatha Acarya was the brother-in-law of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya; therefore their relationship was very sweet and intimate
- Gopinatha Pattanayaka said, 'My horses never turn their necks or look upward. Therefore the price for them should not be reduced'
- Gopis addressed Krsna as follows: "Not only women, but even stronghearted men are subject to falling down from their position at the sound of Your flute"
- Gopis said, "My dear Krsna, due to separation from You, all of the denizens of Vrndavana have changed their color. And because of this change of color even the great sage Narada was thinking of Vrndavana as a white island in the ocean of milk
- Gopis said, "You (Krsna) are enthusing them by the vibration of Your enchanting flute; and, as their teacher, You are teaching them all the intricacies of loving affairs"
- Gopis said, "You (Krsna) are teaching them to offer solemn prayers, as well as training them to cheat their husbands and to join You in the gardens at night, without caring for the instructions of their superiors"
- Gopis, who enjoyed transcendental bliss, so much so that they were never fully satisfied to see Krsna's face, but instead condemned the creator of the body for making eyelids that obstructed their vision
- Gopis, who were the exalted friends of Krsna, saw Krsna constantly, but because their eyelids disturbed their vision of Krsna, the gopis condemned the creator, Lord Brahma
- Gosvami Giridhara, one of the SB commentators, remarks that Agnidhra was born when Priyavrata was infatuated by lusty desires. This may be accepted as a fact because sons are begotten with different mentalities according to the time of their conception
- Govinda Ghosa, Madhava Ghosa and Vasudeva Ghosa. They are three brothers, and their sankirtana, congregational chanting, pleases the Lord very much
- Gradually Akrura learned from Kunti and Vidura that the sons of Dhrtarastra were intolerant and envious of the five Pandava brothers because of their extraordinary learning in military science and their greatly developed bodily strength
- Gradually the brahmana families have become degraded because of the contamination of Kali-yuga. Thus they misguide people by exploiting their sentiments
- Gradually, by their degradation, they forget service of Krsna. Simply they fight for their position. Then they fall down their position
- Great devotees of the Lord travel all over the world from one place of pilgrimage to another, and on their way they meet many conditioned souls and deliver them by their association and distribution of transcendental knowledge
- Great generals like Bhisma, Drona, Karna, Bhurisrava, Susarma, Salya, Jayadratha, and Bahlika all directed their invincible weapons against me. But by His (Lord Krsna's) grace they could not even touch a hair on my head
- Great personalities give up their family relationships and material possessions to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Indeed, they sometimes even sacrifice their lives for the satisfaction of the Lord, just to become His personal servants
- Great personalities like Manu, Lord Brahma and Lord Siva cannot fully understand Your (Lord Krsna) glories and potencies. Nonetheless they have offered their prayers according to their own capacities
- Great sages who were the sons of fire-gods rigidly followed the regulative principles in their desire to have conjugal love for Krsna. As such, in their next lives they were able to associate with the Lord, the origin of all creation
- Great sages, completely freed from material lusty desires, devote their minds fully to the service of the Lord
- Great saintly persons who have attained complete perfection in mystic yoga are not visible in this age on earth because humanity is not worthy of their presence
- Great stalwarts like Lord Siva can, by their wrathful glances, overcome lust and vanquish him, yet they cannot be free from the overwhelming effects of their own wrath
- Great thinkers in the Western countries must look to the people of India if the message of Godhead, of genuine spiritualism, is to reach their ears
- Great, great leaders, on account of their godlessness, they cannot lead the people nicely. Therefore there is no peace and prosperity in the society
- Greedy capitalists accumulate wealth under so many miserable conditions, the result being that because they collect money by questionable means, their minds are always agitated. Thus they are unable to sleep at night, and they have to take pills
- Grhasthas are different because although grhasthas live in householder life with their wives and children, they are eager for spiritual advancement
- Gross sensualists, encumbered by the main ideas, desires and associations of the lives they have led, desire something against their interest and thus foolishly take on new bodies that perpetuate their material miseries
- Haridasa Thakura had been born in a Muslim family, and Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami, having given up their social status in Hindu society, had been appointed ministers in the Muslim government
- Haridasa Thakura was caned in twenty-two marketplaces, and Lord Caitanya's principal assistant, Nityananda, was violently attacked by Jagai and Madhai. But still they were tolerant because their mission was to deliver the fallen souls
- Haridasa Thakura was strictly renounced, and thus Ramacandra Khan called for prostitutes because prostitutes know how to break a man's vow of celibacy by their feminine influence and thus pollute a mendicant or a person engaged in devotional life
- Having accepted him (Narada Muni) as their (the Haryasvas) spiritual master, they circumambulated that great sage and followed the path by which one never returns to this world
- Having accepted him (Narada Muni) as their spiritual master, they circumambulated that great sage and followed the path by which one never returns to this world
- Having dressed up like cowherd boys, all the devotees carried pots of milk and yogurt balanced on rods over their shoulders. Thus they all arrived at the festival grounds chanting the holy name of Hari
- Having failed to set fire to Dvaraka, the fiery demon went back to Varanasi, the kingdom of Kasiraja. As a result of his return, all the priests who had helped instruct the black art of mantras, along with their employer, Sudaksina, were burned to ashes
- Having gotten their most beloved Lord, the gopis began to please Him by moving their eyebrows and smiling and also by suppressing their anger. Some of them took His lotus feet in their laps and massaged them
- Having lost sight of their destinations in life, all living entities are wandering in different species throughout the universe, sometimes getting birth in a lower species and sometimes existence in higher planetary systems
- Having made their plot, the Buddhists brought a plate of untouchable food before Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and called it maha-prasadam
- Having spoken thus, the two brothers offered prayers to the lotus feet of the Lord and returned to their homes. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu then desired to leave that village
- Havisman, Sukrta, Satya, Jaya, Murti and others will be the seven sages, the Suvasanas and Viruddhas will be among the demigods, and Sambhu will be their king, Indra
- He (a grhamedhi) enjoys sex and produces children, who in their turn marry and produce grandchildren. The grandchildren also marry and in their turn produce great-grandchildren. In this way the entire earth becomes overpopulated
- He (Atri Rsi) began to offer prayers to the three deities, who were seated on different carriers - a bull, a swan and Garuda - and who held in their hands a drum, kusa grass and a discus. The sage offered them his respects by falling down like a stick
- He (Balarama) came before Maharaja Nanda and Yasoda and offered His respectful obeisances. In response, mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja offered their blessings unto Him
- He (Balarama) was astonished to see all the residents of Vrndavana so affectionate to their own children, exactly as they had been to Krsna. Similarly, the cows had grown affectionate to the calves - as much as to Krsna
- He (Bangavati Caitanya dasa) also had a branch of descendants. Their names were Mathuraprasada, Rukminikanta, Jivanakrsna, Yugalakisora, Ratanakrsna, Radhamadhava, Usamani, Vaikunthanatha and Lalamohana, or Lalamohana Saha Sankhanidhi
- He (Bhismadeva) was always surprised that, although the Pandavas were so righteous and Draupadi practically the goddess of fortune, and although Krsna was their friend, still they had to undergo such severe tribulations
- He (Caitanya) removes the distresses of His devotees and satisfies their desires. He, the abode of all holy places and the shelter of all sages, is worshipable by Siva & Brahma. He is the boat of the demigods for crossing the ocean of birth and death
- He (Dhruva) was the son of a ksatriya, and ksatriyas are notorious for their quick tempers. Dhruva took this (his mother's dragging him from his father's lap) to be a great insult, and he went to his mother who had been deposed
- He (God) gives the living entities freedom to act as they like, but on the other hand they must accept a body according to the reactions of their activities. Thus there are different types of bodies
- He (God) is so kind that He awards salvation even to His enemies because they come into contact with Him and are indirectly absorbed in Him by their inimical thoughts
- He (God) is the master of all, and He is the only person who can accept the service of all living entities, but since this knowledge is lacking in Mayavada philosophy, Mayavadis do not have knowledge even of their relationship with God
- He (Gopala Capala) did not know that the deliverance of the fallen does not consist of curing their bodily diseases, although it is also a fact that when a man is delivered from the material clutches his material bodily diseases are automatically cured
- He (Jarasandha) decided that he would fulfill their (Krsna's, Arjuna's and Bhima's) desires in spite of their being ksatriyas, because they had already diminished their position by appearing before him as beggars
- He (Kamsa) also told the trainers of the elephants, "Be sure to bring the elephant named Kuvalayapida and keep him at the gate of the wrestling arena. Try to capture Krsna and Balarama on Their arrival and have the elephant kill Them"
- He (Kardama Muni) delivered Santi to Atharva. Because of Santi, sacrificial ceremonies are well performed. Thus he got the foremost brahmanas married, and he maintained them along with their wives
- He (Kasyapa Muni) married thirteen daughters of Prajapati Daksa, and their names are Aditi, Diti, Danu, Kastha, Arista, Surasa, Ila, Muni, Krodhavasa, Tamra, Surabhi, Sarama and Timi
- He (King Bahulasva) washed the feet of his divine guests (Krsna, Narada Muni and others), and afterward he and his family members sprinkled the water on their own heads
- He (King Bhismaka) was hospitable not only to Krsna, Balarama and kings such as Jarasandha but also to many other kings and princes according to their personal strength, age and material possessions
- He (King Nrga) prayed to them that he was their servant and that there had been some mistake. Thus, in order to rectify it, he prayed that they be very kind upon him and accept his offer in exchange for the cow
- He (King Pracinabarhi) did not wait for their return but simply left messages to the effect that his sons were to protect the mass of citizens
- He (Krsna) appeared to the wrestlers exactly like a thunderbolt. To the people in general He appeared as the most beautiful personality. To the females He appeared to be the most attractive male, Cupid personified, and thus He increased their lust
- He (Krsna) can be known only by one who has His mercy. The Yadavas were all exceptionally learned and experienced, but in spite of knowing the Lord as the one who lives in everyone's heart, they could not understand that He is the Personality of Godhead
- He (Krsna) did not feel any surprise that the Kesi demon was killed so easily, but the demigods in the sky were amazed, and out of their great appreciation they offered Krsna greetings by showering flowers
- He (Krsna) expanded Himself to become exactly like the boys, who were of all different features and facial and bodily construction, and who were different in their clothing and ornaments and in their behavior and personal activities
- He (Krsna) had not actually been invited to visit the city, yet He went to see the Pandavas out of His affection for His great devotees. He visited the Pandavas without warning, and all of them got up from their respective seats as soon as they saw Him
- He (Krsna) manifests His transcendental pastimes in Vraja so that people may be attracted into that sphere of activities and leave aside their imitation relationships with the mundane. Then, after fully exhibiting all such activities, the Lord disappears
- He (Krsna) took His arrows from their quiver, and one after another He set them on the bowstring and shot them toward the enemy. They were so accurate that the elephants, horses and infantry soldiers of Jarasandha were quickly killed
- He (Krsna) was appreciative, therefore, that both the girl and her father were eager to have Him as their intimate relative
- He (Krsna) was very much pleased by the behavior of the trees, fruits and flowers, and He began to smile, realizing their desires
- He (Lord Krsna) does not require anyone's extraneous help for His personal satisfaction. Therefore, the queens could not satisfy the Lord by their feminine attractiveness, but they satisfied Him by their sincere affection and service
- He (Maharaja Yadu) was like the four Sanakas (catuh-sana), who refused the order of their father, Brahma, for the sake of a better cause
- He (Nanda Maharaja) gave so many cows just for the welfare of his wonderful child (Krsna), and the brahmanas in return bestowed their heartfelt blessings. And the blessings offered by the able brahmanas were never to be baffled
- He (Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami) never cared to hear blasphemy of a Vaisnava. Even when there were points to be criticized, he used to say that since all the Vaisnavas were engaged in the service of the Lord, he did not mind their faults
- He (Rupa Gosvami) compares their (the logicians) arguments and logic to volcanic eruptions in the midst of the ocean
- He (Rupa Gosvami) says that persons who are neophytes and who have developed a little love of Godhead are not interested in the activities of sense gratification, in proportion to their devotion
- He (Samba) was also known as Jambavati-suta for the same reason. As previously explained, all the sons of Krsna were as qualified as their great father
- He (Sankhacuda) appeared before Krsna, Balarama and the damsels of Vraja and began to lead the girls away to the north. He commanded them as if he were their proprietor and husband, despite the presence of Krsna and Balarama
- He (Sarvajna) had two sons, named Aniruddhera Rupesvara and Harihara, who were both bereft of their kingdoms and thus obliged to reside in the highlands
- He (the child) learns the names of things and the basic relations of one thing to another by questioning his parents. A good father and mother never cheat when their son inquires from them; they give exact and correct information
- He (the living entity) falsely accepts himself as their son (of a certain father and mother) and acts affectionately
- He (the Lord) creates and remains aloof from the creation, whereas the living entities are entangled in the fruitive results of material activities because of their propensity for lording it over material resources. BG 1972 purports
- He (the Lord) is avikaram, changeless. He is always the same Supreme, but unfortunately the Mayavadi philosophers, because of their impure hearts, cannot understand that the Supreme Soul, the Supersoul, is different from the individual soul
- He (the Lord) is the creator of the four divisions of the social order, beginning with the intelligent class of men, technically called brahmanas due to their being situated in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- He (the Lord) is what He is and does not agree to be a subject of their (foolish people's) speculations, which perpetually lead them to conclude that His impersonal feature is supreme
- He (the Supersoul) lives within all of them (the living entities) and witnesses their actions, allowing them to act according to their desires and also giving them the results of their different activities
- He (thief) spent all night placing different bags in different places, but his conscience bothered him so that he could not take anything from them. In the morning, when the other pilgrims awoke, they looked around for their bags and couldn't find them
- He (Vasudeva Datta) told the Lord (Caitanya): If You think that they (people on this earth) are so sinful that they cannot be delivered, please transfer all their sins unto me. I shall suffer for them. This is a Vaisnava's mercy
- He (Vidura) hinted that the party of the Pandavas was being sent to Varanavata to be killed, and thus he (Vidura) warned Yudhisthira to be very careful in their new residential palace
- He also acknowledged the service of the devotees & vanquished their distress by His beautiful smile. The reflection of His face, decorated with earrings, was so pleasing because it dazzled with the rays from His lips & the beauty of His nose and eyebrows
- He also kidnapped both men and women, taking them away from their residential places to the caves of the mountains
- He amalgamated the mind with the senses and the senses with the sense objects, according to their respective positions, and he also amalgamated the material ego with the total material energy, mahat-tattva
- He can persuade his followers to falsely imitate the rasa dance, but he is unable to lift Govardhana Hill. We have many experiences in the past of Mayavadi rascals who delude their followers by posing themselves as Krsna in order to enjoy rasa-lila
- He cared for the citizens exactly like a father, and the citizens, being fully engaged in their occupational duties of varna and asrama, accepted Him as their father
- He completely controlled his senses and their objects, and in this way he fixed his mind, without diversion to anything else, upon the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He has advanced so much, and I could not do so." This is material civilization. Envious, grhamedhi. Everyone is envious. Either you take person to person or neighbor to neighbor, their sympathy is lip sympathy
- He is Govinda because He is the pleasure of the cows and the senses. Those who have purified their senses by the devotional service of the Lord can render unto Him real service and thereby derive transcendental pleasure out of such purified senses
- He is the author of the Vedanta philosophy, & He knows the Vedanta philosophy perfectly well. The so-called Vedantists & Mayavadis cannot understand Krsna as He is; they simply mislead their followers imitating the actions of Krsna in an unauthorized way
- He left My company to associate with the Bhattatharis, but I rescued him from their company and brought him here
- He posts a sign saying "Beware of Dog" and avoids the association of saintly persons, whereas a poor man keeps his door open for them and thus benefits by their association more than a rich man does
- He then fetched water and washed the sages' feet with great devotion. Then both husband and wife drank that water and sprinkled it on their heads
- Hearing their inquiries, Krsna immediately thought that His devotees in Vrndavana should be informed of the spiritual sky and the Vaikuntha planets therein
- Hearing's so important. Even amongst the Mayavadi school, they hear Vedanta-sutra. We also hear, but we hear, hear real Vedanta-sutra. Because they falsely interpret, their hearing is spoiled, but we don't interpret. We hear actually
- Her (Putana's) abdomen seemed like a dried-up lake. All the cowherd men and women became struck with awe and wonder upon seeing this. And the tumultuous sound of her falling shocked their brains and ears and made their hearts beat strongly
- Here (in CC Adi 7.151) we do not find any mention of the demigods or Visnu, and yet Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted food in the midst of the sannyasis on the basis that they had chanted the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and that He had excused their offenses
- Here (in San Francisco) the Indians who have come from the Gujarat province, they are generally devotees of Lord Krishna. They are offering their willing cooperation. Especially I have come for this purpose, how to engage them in Krishna Consciousness
- Here (in SB 10.2.32) it is said that persons who think themselves liberated but do not execute devotional service, not knowing their relationship with the Lord, are certainly misled
- Here (in SB 3.15.31) we can mark that even great saintly persons like the Kumaras were also angry, but they were not angry for their personal interests. They were angry because they were forbidden to enter the palace to see the Personality of Godhead
- Here amongst the educated class there is influence of all these rascals - Vivekananda, Aurobindo, and . . . that is their one defect. But in the mass there is no influence
- Here they (Kumaras) express their gratitude because although they were foolish impersonalists in the beginning, by the grace of the Lord they could now have the good fortune to see His personal feature
- Herein (SB 4.12.45) it is recommended by Maitreya that every one of them can hear the narration about Dhruva Maharaja and thus get their desired goal
- High government officers and ministers stick to their prize posts until death, and they neither dream nor desire to get out of homely comforts. Bound by such hallucinations, materialistic men prepare various plans for a still more comfortable life
- Higher planets, such as Maharloka, Tapoloka, Satyaloka and Brahmaloka, do not dissolve in the devastating water. This is because of the causeless devotional service rendered unto the Lord by their inhabitants
- Highly qualified persons, who are uncommon, accept only the good qualities of others, not considering their bad qualities, whereas the common man can judge what are good qualities and what are bad qualities
- Hindus, Muslims and Christians are faithful in their particular type of religion, and they go to the church, temple or mosque, but they cannot give up the association of persons who are too much addicted to sex life and satisfaction of the palate
- Hindus, Muslims and Christians are faithful in their type of religion, and they go to the church, temple or mosque, but unfortunately they cannot give up the association of persons who are too much addicted to sex life and satisfaction of the palate
- Hippies and murderer in the name of religion. This is their culture. And abortion. Because there is no such culture, therefore the result is the abortion and killing and bombing, making the whole atmosphere abominable. This is your culture
- Hiranya means gold, and kasipu means soft bed, cushion. So materialist persons, they are very much fond of gold and enjoying sex. That is their business. So Hiranyakasipu is the typical example of this materialistic person
- Hiranyakasipu and Ravana also performed great austerities, but they did so to demonstrate their demoniac tendencies
- Hiranyakasipu defeated the rulers of all the other planets where there are living entities and brought them under his control. Conquering the abodes of all, he seized their power and influence
- Hiranyakasipu had been exactly like a fever of meningitis in the head of the three worlds. Thus when the wives of the demigods saw that the great demon had been killed by the personal hands of the SPG, their faces blossomed in great joy
- Hiranyakasipu was so alert against being burnt to ashes by the anger of great sages like Bhrgu that by dint of austerity he surpassed their power and placed even them under his subordination
- His (God's) bona fide devotees try their utmost to broadcast the message of our transcendental relationship with Him. In this way the devotees work to remind the fallen souls of their actual position and to bring them back home, back to Godhead
- His (Krsna's) fingernails are many full moons, and they dance on the flute in His hands. Their song is the melody of that flute. His toenails are also many full moons, and they dance on the ground. Their song is the jingling of His ankle bells
- His (Krsna's) love for them was so intense that there is no comparison to that ecstasy, and the damsels of Vraja were so much attached to Him that their affection excelled that of the great demigods like Brahma and Siva
- His (Krsna) beauty is victorious over the gopis of Vrndavana, and it subdues their patience. His pastimes astound the goddess of fortune, and His bodily strength turns Govardhana Hill into a small toy like a ball
- His (Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) father and mother, Jagannatha Misra and Sacidevi, seeing the honor of their transcendental son, also became very pleased within their hearts
- His (Sanatana Gosvami's) brother, Rupa Gosvami, was also a minister in the government, but both of them gave up their lucrative government posts to become mendicants and serve the Supreme Lord
- His (Vasudeva) seven wives, headed by Devaki, are all sisters. Are they and their sons and daughters-in-law all happy?
- His body is decorated with the Srivatsa, the Kaustubha jewel and a flower garland, and His hands hold a conchshell, disc, club and lotus flower. Devotees like Narada always think of Him within their hearts
- His chest had brushed against their breasts, crushing His flower garland and coloring it with red kunkuma powder. Attracted by the fragrance of that garland, humming bumblebees followed Krsna like celestial beings of Gandharvaloka
- His childhood companions would also be struck with wonder, and when they came back home they would narrate the story to their parents, and everyone would appreciate the qualities of their Krsna
- His disciples, the demons, are now unconcerned about the demigods because of their firm determination to follow the instructions of Sukracarya
- His elders such as Lord Nityananda, Advaita Acarya and Srivasa Thakura, as well as His other devotees - whether His juniors, equals or superiors - are all His associates who help Him in His pastimes. Lord Gauranga fulfills His aims with their help
- His golden, bejeweled armor smashed, his ornaments and garlands fallen from their places, his hair scattered and his eyes lusterless, the slain King lay on the battlefield, his entire body smeared with blood, his heart pierced by the arrows of the enemy
- His plenary parts and associates perform the work of weapons as their own specific duties. Please hear from me another meaning of the word "anga."
- Householders in Krsna consciousness are actually grhasthas - that is, those living in the asrama with their families and children. Sri Advaita Prabhu was an ideal grhastha, and His house was the ideal grhastha-asrama
- Householders who perform their work with a view to transcendental results, out of sympathy for all others, are really eligible to become public leaders. All others who claim to be public leaders are mistaken
- How can a person who is most affectionate to his family, the core of his heart being always filled with their pictures, give up their association? Specifically, a wife is always very kind and sympathetic and always pleases her husband in a solitary place
- How greatly fortunate are Nanda Maharaja, the cowherd men and all the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi! There is no limit to their fortune, because the Absolute Truth, the source of transcendental bliss, the eternal Supreme Brahman, has become their friend
- How has Krsna offended the gopis so that they want to reject Him from their minds? The answer is given as follows
- How many common men have written their autobiographies, and how enthusiastically we have read and accepted them. But when the Personality of Godhead Himself tells about Himself, we cannot take it as it is. This is nothing but our misfortune
- How many names shall I speak to you? All the devotees you see here are associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is their life and soul
- How much devoted, beautiful. They are spiritual, they are not material. Their bodies are not material bodies. Krsna does not embrace a material woman
- How the transcendentalists realize their identity beyond birth and death, beyond the material body, and transfer themselves from the material universe to the spiritual universes are the subjects of the following chapters - of BBD - We Are Not These Bodies
- How they can train up their children. Here is the prescription how to train up. So in this age, although it is very difficult task, at least if we teach our children to chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra, then everything is possible
- How wonderful are the powerful ksatriyas. They cannot tolerate even a slight infringement upon their prestige. Just imagine! This boy is only a small child, yet harsh words from his stepmother proved unbearable to him
- However, Svarupa Damodara stopped them, and the shopkeepers returned to their shops and sat down with their baskets
- However, their weapons fell from their hands and struck their own bodies. When some of the Bhattatharis were thus cut to pieces, the others ran away in the four directions
- However, when such persons come in contact with the pure devotee, they give up their fruitive activity and fully engage in the service of the Lord
- Human being means with logic. According to their definition, man is rational animal. They're not even rational. Like cats and dogs. There is no rationality
- Human life begins when he is ready to serve the Supreme Lord Visnu. That is human life; otherwise it is animal life. Therefore the whole world is in chaos. They are not eager to serve Visnu. They are simply eager to serve their senses
- Human life is meant for attaining the highest perfection of KC, but when people are godless & the presidents or kings are unnecessarily puffed up with military power, their business is to fight and increase the military strength of their different states
- Human society is becoming so degraded that they are trying to forget God. That is their advancement of civilization. The more you deny existence of God and become a so-called rascal scientist, then you are advanced. This is the position
- Husbands as a class cannot repay their debt to women either in this life or in the next. Even if they engage themselves in repaying the women throughout their whole lives, it is still not possible
- I (Krsna) am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts
- I (Krsna) have heard that after King Pandu's death, his young sons - Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva - along with their widowed mother, have come under the charge of Dhrtarastra, who is to look after them as their guardian
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) wish to place the lotus feet of the Gosvamis on my head. Their names are Sri Svarupa Damodara, Sri Rupa Gosvami, Sri Sanatana Gosvami, Sri Raghunatha dasa Gosvami and Sri Jiva Gosvami
- I (Narada Muni) was very much attached to those sages. I was gentle in behavior, and all my sins were eradicated in their service. In my heart I had strong faith in them. I had subjugated the senses, and I was strictly following them with body and mind
- I (Pariksit) have also heard that the different planetary systems are supposed to be in the gigantic body of the virat-purusa. But what is their actual position ? Will you (Sukadeva) please explain that
- I (Prahlada Maharaja) see that there are many saintly persons indeed, but they are interested only in their own deliverance. Not caring for the big cities and towns, they go to the Himalayas or the forest to meditate with vows of silence (mauna-vrata)
- I also pity them because I see how their duration of life is spoiled by eternal time while they involve themselves in presentations of philosophical speculation, theoretical ultimate goals of life, and different modes of ritual
- I am accepting Vaclav and Jan as my initiated disciples. Their spiritual names are Paragati dasa and Turiya dasa respectively. See that they chant regularly 16 rounds and follow our principles. Then they will remain strong in Krishna consciousness
- I am confident that the words spoken by Vyasadeva or Krsna, that is perfect. Therefore they are rascals, because their statement do not corroborate. In other words, we can understand. That is our advantage
- I am just requesting you to become ideal example of Krsna consciousness in householder life and thus you will encourage so many others who come in your contact to adjust their lives to this sublime process. That in itself will be the greatest service
- I am little observing now, that our men are losing their enthusiasm for spreading on our programmes of Krishna Consciousness movement. Otherwise, why so many letters of problems are coming, dissatisfied? That is not a very good sign
- I am now delivering some lectures every Sunday at the L.A. Temple and the series may be called "Sinful Activities and Their Resultant Reactions.'' They will be transcribed here weekly, and sent to you for editing
- I am practically seeing that as soon as they begin to learn a little sanskrit immediately they feel that they have become morethan their guru and then the policy is kill guru and be killed himself
- I am prepared to talk with any God conscious man. Let us chalk out a program so that people may be benefited, but they want to go in their own stereotyped way
- I am so glad the press workers have become enlivened in their work. This is required if we at all wish to be a truly worldwide organization. Worldwide means worldwide distribution of literatures. That is the business of ISKCON Press
- I am so pleased to know that your efforts at placing our books in the local libraries is successful and it is especially heartening to learn that they already have got our books on their shelves
- I am very glad to see that the small children from all other countries, and Indian, Bengalis, all together, forgetting their bodily consciousness. That is the greatest achievement in this movement, that everyone forgets the bodily conception of life
- I am very much pleased to know that you are trying to organize a home for retired gentlemen for fully devoting the rest of their lives for service to Lord Krsna. My Krsna Consciousness movement is especially meant for this purpose
- I am writing what I have heard, not that I am speculating. Mostly, the philosophers, they write as they speculate. They write their own opinion. But our process is not that. We don't speculate
- I create after the Lord's creation by His personal effulgence (known as the brahmajyoti), just as when the sun manifests its fire, the moon, the firmament, the influential planets and the twinkling stars also manifest their brightness
- I did not want their benedictions, however, because I am interested in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who created everything in this material world. I am more interested in the Supreme Personality of Godhead than in all material benedictions
- I do not pray to God for the eight perfections of mystic yoga, nor for salvation from repeated birth and death. I want only to stay among all the living entities and suffer all distresses on their behalf, so that they may be freed from suffering
- I do not see some of your teachers here. I request them to make the students from the very beginning God consciousness. Then their future life is very peaceful, prosperous and hopeful
- I don't go (to the movies or restaurant). We do not go to the movies or to the restaurant. It is different taste. Therefore it is calculated three kinds of men - sattvika, rajasika, tamasika - their tendencies are different
- I feel happy when I see my spiritual boys and girls especially those who have been married by my personal presence are very happy in their conjugal relationship. Even if there is some misunderstanding you should always remain rigid in service of Krishna
- I have been engaged in the service of Laksmi-Narayana, and it is due to Their mercy that I have been able to see Your lotus feet
- I have heard from the authorities of the Rama Krishna Mission that their charitable dispensaries of hospitals are mostly run by paid men, as formally no intelligent medical practitioner was joining them to run it on
- I have now described for you this planet earth, other planetary systems, and their lands (varsas), rivers and mountains. I have also described the sky, the oceans, the lower planetary systems, the directions, the hellish planetary systems and the stars
- I have repeatedly heard about these higher and lower statuses of human society from the mouth of Vyasadeva, & I am quite satiated with all these lesser subject matters and their happiness. They have not satisfied me with the nectar of topics about Krsna
- I have seen that many ladies and gentlemen in your country have no family life, but they have placed their love in cats and dogs. Because they want to love someone but do not see anyone suitable, they place their valuable love in cats and dogs
- I have the very same Gandiva bow, the same arrows, the same chariot drawn by the same horses, and I use them as the same Arjuna to whom all the kings offered their due respects
- I have thus repeated the principal pastimes and their meaning, for by such repetition one can remember the descriptions in the book
- I have today informed my centers at New York and Dallas to receive Mr. & Mrs. Malkani and arrange for their accommodation
- I have told them that Krsna is the Supreme Lord, and they have accepted. This is my magic, and this is their magic. That's all
- I know that our scriptures are full of imagination and mistaken ideas, yet because I am a Muslim I accept them for the sake of my community, despite their insufficient support
- I know there is some difficulty in the matter of getting the passport and visa for preaching in foreign countries at the present moment, but if the Gaudiya Mission decides to send their representatives in all other parts of the world, I can help them
- I know they're very good souls; they might have done some mistake out of misunderstanding - but you invite them to come back again and take their position. It is not very good sign that they have left. They'll never be happy
- I meet many people who talk of Buddha philosophy, but their practical life is different
- I offer my respectful obeisances to all the residents of Vrndavana. I wish to place their lotus feet on my head in great humbleness
- I offer my respectful obeisances to Srimati Radharani and Sri Krsna along with Their associates Sri Lalita and Visakha. BG 1972 Introduction
- I saw in front of St. James Park, Lord Clive's statue. Very, very nice buildings, but it is now difficult for them to repair. That opulence has gone. They have lost their empire. No more income, sufficient income. This is the nature of material world
- I saw Krsna and the gopis enjoying all kinds of pastimes while laughing and joking together. Hearing their vocal expressions enhanced the joy of My ears
- I saw one husband and wife pulling on a thela, hand-cart, with great load, and the small child is on the load. That means their child. They are laborer class. But ordinary laborer class, poor man, but they are living husband and wife and children happily
- I say the Indians are becoming insane. By the influence of so many rascals they are becoming insane. So that has to be rectified. But insanity is prevailing all over the world, but not so much insanity as in India, that they are rejecting their own things
- I shall therefore deem it a favor done to Me if you order that, although reaping the fruit of their transgression, they may return to My presence soon and the time of their exile from My abode may expire before long
- I sincerely take shelter of that form of Yours which I am now seeing. This form is the original source of all living beings and their senses
- I surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, descended in the form of Kapila, who is the fully cognizant maintainer of all the universes under the three modes of material nature, and who absorbs the material manifestations after their dissolution
- I therefore worship the lotus feet of these six diversities of the one truth by invoking their benedictions
- I think that all my sisters must have gone to this great sacrificial ceremony with their husbands just to see their relatives
- I think you should send United Shipping Corporation the price in advance of the sitar, and for the balance they can make their invoice. The balance may be deposited in the Hawaii bank, and ask the United Shipping Corporation to send the documents
- I want that all the hippies should come to me and I shall solve their problems. Actually all these hippies should join us
- I was sponsored by a friend's son, Gopala Agarwal, who is settled up in this country by marrying an American girl, Sally. I was their guest, and I feel very much obliged to Gopala and his wife Sally for their nice treatment and reception
- I wish that Gaudiya Mission should send their preachers and establish different centers in different parts of the world. That will fulfill the Mission of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaj
- I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, whose transcendental form displays the varieties of countless planets, with their different opulences, in millions and millions of universes - BS 5.40
- I worship Lord Kesava. Coming back from the forest of Vraja, He is worshiped by the gopis, who mount the roofs of their palaces and meet Him on the path with a hundred manners of dancing glances and gentle smiles
- If a husband and wife are very much attached to one another in Krsna consciousness, they will both benefit because Krsna is the center of their existence. Otherwise, if the husband is too much attached to his wife, he becomes a woman in his next life
- If a king, being afraid to meet rogues & thieves kills poor animals & eats their flesh comfortably at home, he must lose his position. Because in this age kings have such demoniac propensities, monarchy is abolished by the laws of nature in every country
- If a race appears strong in body, their country is materially considered to be among the highly advanced nations of the world
- If a spiritual master cannot direct his disciples to become free of sinful activities, he becomes responsible for their sinful acts. These subtle laws of nature are unknown to the present leaders of society
- If a venomous serpent is bereft of its poison fangs, it is no longer fearful. Similarly, if the senses are engaged in the service of the Lord, there is no need to fear their activities
- If anyone wants even material happiness, he can worship the Supreme Lord without deviation, and persons who are desirous of liberation can also worship the Supreme Lord and achieve their goal of life
- If Arjuna is on the same level with Krsna, and Krsna is not superior to Arjuna, then their relationship of instructor and instructed becomes meaningless. BG 1972 purports
- If by simply copying you want to take so much credit that you will defy the existence of God, you are so fool, rascal, then how much credit should be given to the original person who has made all these things existing. What is their answer?
- If chemical combinations are the source of life, why don't the scientists manufacture something like an egg through chemistry and put it in an incubator so that a chicken will come out? What is their answer?
- If even a small number of human beings take it (Krsna consciousness movement) seriously, then by their chanting loudly, all living entities, including even trees, animals and other lower species, will be benefited
- If Ganesa, Lord Siva's son and the expert scribe of the demigods, tried for millions of millenniums to fully describe one day of the Lord's pastimes, he would be unable to find their limit
- If George and John Lennon both lead the procession, that will be a great service. Because of their presence many young men especially will join the procession
- If hogs and dogs in their material bodies live in filthy places, one should not think that the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His Paramatma feature also lives in a filthy place
- If in this universe there are many rulers and justices who disagree about punishment and reward, their contradictory actions will neutralize each other, and no one will be punished or rewarded
- If it is applicable for their satisfaction of senses, they'll do it. They don't care anything. "Oh, I can satisfy my senses by this way. Never mind. Oh, we don't care for God, for sin or hell or this or that. They are all simply allegory." Hedonism
- If Lord Brahma can make a mistake in understanding Krsna, what to speak of ordinary persons, who either misunderstand Krsna or falsely present a so-called incarnation of Krsna for their own sense gratification
- If Lord Caitanya, Lord Nityananda and Advaita had exhibited Their all-powerful Visnu potencies within this material world, people would have become greater impersonalists, monists & self-worshipers than they had already become under the spell of this age
- If my students and admirers submit application to the visa department submit that they want me for their benefit they sanction Permanent Resident Visa
- If one achieves the favor of the Supreme Lord, it is to be understood that he has finished all kinds of austerities and penances and has attained efficiency in their execution
- If one does not hear Krsna, then he must be grouped in these categories: duskrtina, mudha, naradhama, mayayapahrta-jnana. What is the value of their so-called education if they cannot understand the simple truth, tatha dehantara-praptih - BG 2.13
- If one gets the advantage of association with saintly persons, by their instructions one becomes more and more purified of material desires
- If one is satisfied with his material father and mother and their instructions and does not make further progress by accepting a spiritual master and being educated in the sastras, he certainly remains in darkness
- If one is seriously interested in Krsna conscious activities, he must be ready to follow the rules and regulations laid down by the acaryas, and he must understand their conclusions
- If one is unhappy to see the distress of other living beings and happy to see their happiness, his religious principles are appreciated as imperishable by exalted persons who are considered pious and benevolent
- If one performs activities for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality, the yajna-purusa, his work does not produce reactions, whereas karmis, who act for themselves, are bound by the reactions of their work
- If one wishes to enjoy the senses more than required, he becomes attached to family life, which means bondage. All the Pracetas admitted their fault in remaining in household life
- If one worships the demigods, the external energy of the Lord can award some results, but this is not to say that one can attain the Supreme Lord by such worship. Indeed, their worship is discouraged in Bhagavad-gita
- If outsiders want to send their children to us, it will not be for their accreditation, but because they will get the best education for relieving them of all anxieties of material life and for this education the government has no idea
- If parents simply give birth to children like cats and dogs but cannot save their children from imminent death, they become responsible for the activities of their animalistic children. Lately, such children are turning into hippies
- If people try to understand this Krsna consciousness movement scientifically and philosophically, with their best knowledge and judgement, and try to cooperate, there will be peace all over the world
- If people want to be relieved from the reactions of their misdeeds, they must take shelter of Lord Caitanya & refrain from those things which are prohibited in the sastras. The prohibitory rules are dealt with in the Lord's teachings to Rupa Gosvami
- If persons already born in Bharatavarsa live like cats and dogs, not taking full advantage of their birth in this land, they are certainly unfortunate
- If persons who are trying to be liberated hear such narrations as the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, then their path of liberation becomes very clear
- If possible you can collect something for our Gurukula and Temple also, and if some high-class men want to offer their children to Gurukula we can accept
- If Sesa Naga Ananta personally were to make the pastimes of Lord Caitanya into sutras, even with His thousands of mouths there is no possibility that He could find their limit
- If she (a woman) has no grown-up sons she must go back to her father and live as a widow under his protection. It appears that Kamsa had no grown-up sons. Therefore, after his wives became widows they returned to the shelter of their father
- If the American people are serious about curbing the degraded criminal life of their nation, they must take to the Krsna consciousness movement and try to create the kind of human society advised in Bhagavad-gita 4.13
- If the existence of the Supersoul and the individual is admitted, then the impersonalist theory of monism is nullified. Therefore some impersonalists and void philosophers twist the Patanjali system in their own way and pollute the whole yoga process
- If the Gaudiya Mission decides to send their representatives in all other parts of the world, I can help them in this matter. Similarly, I would also expect cooperation from all our Godbrothers in the matters where I require their help
- If the head of the government is saintly, certainly the citizens become saintly, and they are very happy because both their spiritual and physical needs and hankerings are satisfied
- If the human body and the material creation are used for the service of the Supreme Lord, their activities are never false
- If the human society makes progress of their so-called knowledge on this wrong basis understanding, then what will be the result? Everything wrong, everything wrong, everything wrong. Everything foolish
- If the Indians do not meet this responsibility and instead get enticed and bedazzled by the illusory energy as it is manifest in the West in such variegated forms, then they will become known as misers and end their lives in disgrace
- If the king or dictator individually, or the members of the government collectively, cannot maintain the state or kingdom according to the rules of Manu-samhita, certainly their government will not endure
- If the Krsna consciousness movement spreads, the so-called businessmen will have to close their slaughterhouses, breweries and cigarette factories. Therefore they are also very much afraid
- If the leaders do not do everything for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Godhead, how can they expect to drag themselves or their followers from the mire of sins committed in the course of discharging prescribed duties?
- If the living entities take advantage of the Lord's instructions as given in the Bhagavad-gita and develop Krsna consciousness, then their lives become sublime, and they can go back to Godhead
- If the members of human society actually want peace of mind, tranquillity and friendly relations between men and nations, they must follow the Krsna conscious system of religion, by which they can develop their dormant love for Krsna, the S P of God
- If the members of human society do not understand Him, the Supreme, through their advancement in knowledge and activities, but simply work very hard like cats and dogs all day & night for temporary happiness, what will be the benefit of their activities?
- If the members of the assembly thought that Citraketu had blasphemed Lord Siva, they would certainly have left at once, blocking their ears with their hands
- If the members of the Krsna consciousness movement strictly follow this recommendation (chanting the holy name of the Lord) of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, their position will always be secure
- If the owners give their laborers and office staff prasadam, then both the givers and the receivers will gradually become purified and more attracted to the Supreme Lord
- If the people of the world, taking into account their respective material qualities, divide the whole society into four orders for material progress, the entire human society will undoubtedly be happy
- If the police do not allow you to perform kirtana in public places, do not disobey their orders. Try to abide by the law of the state for taking advantage of performing kirtana as far as possible
- If the Pracetas tried to kill them off, their own subjects would also suffer, for trees are also required for food
- If the qualities of one group are found in the men of another, those men should be recognized by their qualities, by their symptoms, not by the caste of the family in which they were born
- If the sparks somehow or other fall out of the fire, they lose their natural illumination; thus it is ascertained that the living entities come into this material world exactly as sparks fall from a great fire
- If the taste and character differ between the man and woman, their combination will be unhappy. Even about forty years ago, in Indian marriages, the taste and character of the boy and girl were first of all matched, and then they were allowed to marry
- If the tenants become devotees and follow our principles, arising early like the others, then we can forgo their rent, but no nonsense concessions of sitting room
- If the Vedic injunctions are followed, all of them - brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras - will be elevated to the transcendental platform, and their lives will be successful
- If their (the logicians) judgment is impartial, they will understand that no other humanitarian activities can surpass those of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- If there are a few people trained up in this line (of Krsna consciousness), and they become ideal examples to the society, immense benefit can be derived from their examples of life
- If there are good leaders, then they will see that the cheating scientists, they're spoiling state money. They'll be stopped in their nefarious activities. They could not become successful in the moon expedition. Now they have made another plan
- If there are restrictions, rules and regulations, people will not become attracted. Therefore those who want followers in the name of religion, just to have a show only, don't restrict the lives of their students nor their own lives. BG 1972 purports
- If these rogues offer Me obeisances, the reactions of their sinful activities will be nullified. Then, if I induce them, they will take to devotional service
- If they (communists or capitalists) do not recognize the proprietorship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all the property they claim to be their own is stolen
- If they (modern scientists) would at all consider this subtle subject matter and the problems of life, they would see that their future is very dark. Thus they try to avoid considering the future and continue committing all kinds of sinful activities
- If they (rubber-stamped Harijans) are influenced by a desire other than the transcendental service of Visnu, every effort to raise them up from their degraded position will result in disaster & disturbance of the peace & tranquillity of the social order
- If they (the atheists leaders) do not do everything for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Godhead, how can they expect to drag themselves or their followers from the mire of sins committed in the course of discharging prescribed duties
- If they (the brahmanas) do not do something to relieve the distressed condition of human society, it is said that due to such neglect their spiritual knowledge diminishes
- If they (the members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness) follow the rules and regulations and chant sixteen rounds daily, their endeavor to preach the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will certainly be successful
- If they (the scientists) accept God, then we give them all credit. That's all right. Otherwise zero. We don't deprecate their intention of advancement in knowledge. But we simply protest against their defying the authority of God. That is our point
- If they remain unreasonably stuck up in their own concocted philosophy, then it is difficult. But it is a fact that the living entity is eternally one with and different from God. Find this verse: mamaivamso jiva-loke - BG 15.7
- If they were actually capable scientists, they could personally go by airplane to other planets, but this they are unable to do. Having now given up their moon excursions, they are attempting to go to other planets, but without success
- If this kind of civilization continues, the time will soon come when the Supreme Personality of Godhead will take away all the material opulences. Then people will come to their senses
- If those who are attached to demigod worship fortunately associate with the devotees, their dormant devotional service and appreciation of the Lord's qualities gradually awaken. In this way they also engage in Krsna's devotional service
- If those who live in Bharata-varsa rigidly follow the principles of varnasrama-dharma and develop their dormant Krsna consciousness, they need not return to this material world after death
- If water is mixed with milk, fruit juice or other similar substances, it increases their volume, and no one can understand which has increased
- If we are at all to gather knowledge, we must gather it from these (the four Vedas, with their supplementary Puranas, the Mahabharata, the Ramayana and their corollaries, which are known as smrtis) sources without hesitation
- If we are really anxious to know the principles of eternal life or life after death, and if we really want to see things in their true perspective, it is necessary for us to establish a relationship with a preceptor who can really open our eyes
- If we can simply follow in their (the inhabitants of Vrndavana's) footsteps, even to a minute proportion, our lives will surely become successful, and we shall enter the spiritual kingdom, Vaikuntha
- If we study that the asuras, their symptoms are described... So asuras are condemned. They cannot have any happiness. They'll simply go on theorizing. There is no solution, so one has to become deva
- If we work very hard under their (Marxists, Freudians, nationalists and industrialists) guidance instead of adopting the process practiced by Nara-Narayana, we shall waste our valuable human form of life. Thus we shall certainly be cheated and misled
- If women are given freedom to mingle with men like equals, which they now claim to be, they cannot keep their propriety
- If you (the hunter) are hunting all these poor animals, why don't you kill them at once?" Narada asked. You half-kill them, and they are suffering in their death pangs. This is a great sin
- If you are strong enough, then the lower qualities will not affect you. And if you are not strong, if you are weak yourself, then where you are going to convert, they will induce their infectious quality, and you will be victimized
- If you become zero, no body, then you are free from pains and pleasure. This is their philosophy, nirvana philosophy, sunyavadi: "Make it zero." But that is not possible. That is not possible
- If you can establish a nice educational center, I know many parents of your country will be glad to send their children in New Vrindaban. But we have to create a nice atmosphere and educational system there
- If you divide all people, you will find one class of men, they are not interested with this opulence of material happiness. They are seeking - philosophers, learned scholars, scientists, religionists, reformers. Their business is different
- If you have got a different type of philosophy, you can write. Why you should touch Bhagavad-gita and misrepresent it? So because they are sudras - their business is to cheat - they do that. But a brahmana will not do that
- If you inquire from our students carefully, you will come to understand that these superficial matters are not very serious in the long run & that the students are becoming very happy by their acquiring spiritual knowledge & serving Krsna in so many ways
- If you read these literatures carefully you will realize the topmost science of Krsna Consciousness and be more inspired to spread the same to all persons as their real welfare benefit
- If you say to the scientist: "What you have done for the human society to live eternally in perfect happiness?" What is their answer? (They will say that they are trying) That is nonsense. Therefore we kick on your face. Therefore we have got the right
- If you want to learn something, you have to approach some expert in the matter, similarly, if you want to learn what is dharma, how to execute it, then you have to approach such gurus or their representative
- If your parents don't receive you as their beloved son, I don't wish to keep you in that blazing fire. I thank you very much for the strength of your mind and Krishna will certainly help you
- Ignorant of their real master, the foolish workers waste their valuable time serving mammon. Unfortunately, they never surrender to the supreme master of all masters, nor do they take time to hear of Him from the proper sources. BG 1972 purports
- Ignorant personalities, or conditioned souls, have no choice but to accept their precarious condition under material nature. The only remedy is to surrender to Visnu and always pray to be excused
- Illusioned living entities are given a chance at intervals to rectify their perverted mentality of becoming false masters of the material nature, and they are imparted lessons from the Vedas about their eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord Krsna
- Imitating Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and ignoring the sastra, rascals present themselves as incarnations and introduce their rascaldom as a religious process
- Imitating the behavior of Sumati, they (Jains) claim to be the descendants of Rsabhadeva. Those who are Vaisnavas carefully avoid their company because they are ignorant of the path of the Vedas
- Immediately upon hearing the vibration of the flute, they (the gopis) all left their respective engagements and proceeded to the spot where Krsna was standing. While they ran very swiftly, their earrings swung back and forth
- Impersonal Brahman, the localized Paramatma and the Personality of Godhead are three subjects, and the glowing effulgence, the partial manifestation and the original form are their three respective predicates
- Impersonal monists are always attacked by these Tattvavadis (Srila Madhvacarya's party), who attempt to defeat their philosophy of impersonalism. Generally, they establish the supremacy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Impersonalist philosophers (Mayavadis) maintain that both the living entity and God Himself are under the control of maya when they come into this material world. This is the fallacy of their philosophy - CC Intro
- Impersonalists also sometimes chant the Hare Krsna mantra and dance, but their aim is not to serve the Lord. It is to become one with the Lord and merge into His existence
- Impersonalists and monists have misguided their followers because they incorrectly think that the Supreme Lord and the individual souls are equal in all respects
- Impersonalists headed by Astavakra and later by Sankaracarya accept the impersonal Brahman effulgence as the cause of everything. According to their theory, the material manifestation is temporary and unreal
- Impersonalists prefer to merge into the existence of the Transcendence, but the personalists, or devotees, do not annihilate their individuality, & thus the devotees of God individually enjoy spiritual variegatedness on the planets of the spiritual sky
- Impersonalists sometimes show their incomplete knowledge by addressing the Lord as being nameless. They always offer prayers indirectly, saying, "You are this, You are that," but they do not know to whom they are praying
- Impersonalists spend their time in philosophical speculation to understand the transcendental nature of the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- Impersonalists who perform Vedic fruitive sacrifices are attracted to the various fire-gods and offer oblations in their name
- Impersonalists, they do not know what is love. Because he's one. Their philosophy is oneness. So how there can be love, one? Is it possible? Have you got any such experience, love means one? No. Love means two. There must be two: the lover & the beloved
- In a similar way (the father has to pinch the child while he asleep so that he can get awake to take some medicine), Narada Muni cursed Nalakuvara and Manigriva in order to cure their disease of material blindness
- In accordance with their father's order to beget children, the second group of sons also went to Narayana-saras, the same place where their brothers had previously attained perfection by following the instructions of Narada
- In actuality the Mayavadi philosophers very strictly follow the austerities and penances of spiritual life and in this way are elevated to the impersonal Brahman platform, but due to their negligence of the lotus feet of the Lord they again fall down
- In addition to these nineteen sons, there were eighty-one younger ones, all born of Rsabhadeva and Jayanti. According to the order of their father, they became well cultured, well behaved, very pure in their activities and expert in Vedic knowledge
- In all activities they (men of passionate intelligence) simply take the wrong path; therefore their intelligence is in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- In all kinds of danger, they (the devotees) should be confident of their protection by the Visnudutas or the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In all living entities, one spirit soul is there, although they have different bodies in terms of their previous work. BG 1972 purports
- In all other business, there is no question of pleasing Krsna. When one nation declares war upon another, there is no question of pleasing Krsna or serving Krsna. They're pleasing their own senses, serving their own whims
- In all scriptures it is stated that man should live on fruits and vegetables. Their teeth are made in that way. They can eat very easily and digest. Although jivo jivasya jivanam (SB 1.13.47): one has to live by eating another living entity
- In all three stages of their consciousness - namely, wakefulness, dreaming & deep sleep - the devotees are absorbed in the thought of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, in their complete absorption in the thought of Krsna, they do not sleep
- In ancient days, the citizens were God conscious and honest in their dealings, and the kings were responsible for the welfare of the state. The same basic principles are accepted in the democratic governments of the present day
- In Bhagavad-gita (10.8) Krsna tells Arjuna: I am the source of everything; from Me the entire creation flows. Knowing this, the wise worship Me with all their hearts
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.11) it is said, ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham: the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the supreme judge who rewards or punishes different persons according to their surrender unto His lotus feet
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.21) it is said, ksine punye martya-lokam visanti: When the results of their pious activities are exhausted, those who have enjoyed in the heavenly planets fall again to earth
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.21) Krsna says, ksine punye martya-lokam visanti: when the persons living in the heavenly planets exhaust the results of their pious activities, they return to this earth
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.21) we find, ksine punye martya-lokam visanti: those who are elevated to the higher planetary systems must come down again as soon as the results of their pious activities are exhausted
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna admits that it is He only who superintends the creative energy, the sum total of matter. Thus Vyasadeva neither worships Brahma nor the sun but the Supreme Lord, who guides both Brahma and the sun in their creative activities
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna personally speaks of go-raksyam, cow protection. Meat-eaters, according to their different positions and the directions of the sastra, are allowed to eat flesh, but never the flesh of cows. Cows must be given all protection
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord indicates that all things abide in Him in both their beginning and in their end and also in the interim state
- In Bharata-varsa, all the acaryas contributed their experience, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally appeared to teach the people of Bharata-varsa how to progress in spiritual life and be fixed in devotional service to the Lord
- In different places throughout the universe there are various Deities in temples bestowing Their causeless mercy upon the devotees. All these Deity forms are nondifferent from the murtis in the spiritual world of the Vaikunthas
- In due course of time, various types of diseases are manifest in those who are sinful. Similarly, in this world there are many deceptive friends in false garbs, but eventually, because of their false behavior, their actual enmity becomes manifest
- In due course of time, when all the causative and effective manifestations of the universe, including the planets and their directors and maintainers, are annihilated, there is a situation of dense darkness. Above this darkness, however, is the SPG
- In each creation, the living entities are given a chance to close their business as conditioned souls. When they misuse this opportunity and do not go back home, back to Godhead, Lord Sankarsana becomes angry
- In each of their (Jaya and Vijaya) three births - first as Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu, second as Ravana and Kumbhakarna, and third as Sisupala and Dantavakra - the Lord personally killed them
- In essence, Maharaja Yudhisthira was saying - My dear Lord Vidura, you yourself are a holy place because you are an advanced devotee. People like you always carry Lord Visnu in their hearts
- In every scripture... Just like in Christian, their prayascitta is to confess, similarly, there are different types of prayascitta
- In every step they (the demons) enjoy her womanly beauty, and while they enjoy her beauty their minds become agitated by sex desire
- In exchange for the paraphernalia of worship He usurped for Himself, Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to bless the girls to fulfill all their ambitions and desires
- In fear, the members of these orders all worship the Supreme Lord by offering Him presentations according to their respective activities
- In Germany during the First World War the women went to church and prayed to God to send their husbands, sons and brothers back safely, but none of them came back. All of the women became atheists
- In great ecstatic love they both began to cry, and thus their minds were slackened
- In great humility, both brothers took bunches of straw between their teeth and, each binding a cloth around his neck, fell down like rods before the Lord
- In hopes of achieving naiskarmya, freedom from material action, many highly elevated sannyasis stopped their activities, yet they failed and returned to the material platform to act as materialistic persons
- In human society there have been many instances in which great, exalted politicians have fallen from government and become lost in historical oblivion. The cause of this is avisuddha-buddhayah: (SB 10.2.32) their intelligence is impure
- In India also there are many examples of devotees risking their lives for the spreading of God consciousness, such as Thakur Haridasa. Why such risk? Because they wanted to spread Krsna consciousness, and it is difficult. BG 1972 purports
- In India during the Mohammedan rule, many servants, by plans and devices, took over the posts of their masters
- In India it is still a practice that many advanced transcendentalists give up their family lives and go to Vrndavana to live there alone and completely engage in hearing and chanting the holy pastimes of the Lord
- In India nowadays there is a great movement for removing the caste system because the higher caste, brahmanas, they are claiming, due to their birthright, higher position, and the others, they are in inconvenience
- In India there are many parties of spiritual understanding, generally classified as two: the impersonalist and the personalist. Both of them, however, lead their lives according to the principles of the Vedas. BG 1972 purports
- In India there is a class of men known as arya-samaja who say that they accept the original Vedas only and reject all other Vedic literatures. The motive of these people, however, is to give their own interpretation
- In India there is no state religion. Every country has state religion. Even Pakistan, it has divided. It is now a part of India. But they have also their state religion. But unfortunately India has no state religion
- In India, actually, everyone is a devotee. They have simply been mislead by the politicians and so many things. By Lord Caitanya's mercy we are again reviving their dormant Krishna Consciousness, just as we are doing in our centers all over the world
- In India, in British period, every officers had to learn the local language. We were student in the Scottish Church College. Our all professors were Europeans, but during their service they had to learn Bengali
- In India, still there are many saintly persons. They are simply interested with the supreme controller. So by their research work they have found out the supreme person who is simply controller but He is never controlled by anyone. That is Krsna
- In Kali-yuga one has a maximum lifetime of one hundred years, but as people become degraded, the duration of their lives decreases
- In Kali-yuga the citizens will abandon their attempts to lead a peaceful life and will leave their homes and hearths and go to the forest in sheer disappointment
- In Kali-yuga the direct method (Krsna consciousness) is especially more feasible than the indirect because people are short-living, their intelligence is poor, and they are poverty-stricken and embarrassed by so many miserable disturbances
- In Kali-yuga the kings and heads of state enjoy life at the cost of taxes exacted from the citizens. Such unfair taxation makes the people dishonest, and the people try to hide their income in so many ways
- In Kuruksetra University, we gave some books to the Vice-chancellor. Please inquire what is their decision concerning taking books and standing order
- In Los Angeles many fathers and mothers used to come to see me to express their feelings of gratitude for my (Prabhupada's) leading the Krsna consciousness movement throughout the entire world. BG 1972 Preface
- In modern civilization, men do not think milk to be important, they do not live very long. In this age men can live up to one hundred years, their duration of life is reduced because they do not drink large quantities of milk. This is a sign of Kali-yuga
- In modern times, girls and ladies have ornaments made of plastic instead of gold, and plastic utensils are used instead of golden ones, yet people are very proud of their material wealth
- In my household life I was strictly following the regulative principles but my wife was reluctant to assist me properly. Therefore I was obliged to give up their company
- In old age the senses lose their strength, and although an old man desires to enjoy his senses, and especially sex life, he is very miserable because his instruments of enjoyment no longer function
- In one night, therefore, they (the gopis) enjoyed the company of Krsna as their beloved husband, but that night was not an ordinary night
- In order to be fair to Satadhanva, Krsna and Balarama also left Their chariot and began to follow Satadhanva on foot. While Satadhanva and Krsna were running, Krsna took His disc and cut off Satadhanva's head
- In order to be freed from the wrath of Varunadeva, as well as to fulfill the desired end of their (the gopis') vows and ultimately to please their worshipable Lord, Krsna, they immediately abided by His order
- In order to dissipate the ignorance of the human beings who work under the material energy, which is separated from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord comes down to revive their original nature of spiritual activities
- In order to establish this fact (the rasa dance is spiritual), Krsna, the supreme mystic, expanded Himself into many forms and stood beside each gopi. Placing His hands on the shoulders of the gopis on both sides of Him, He began to dance in their midst
- In order to fulfill their (living entities) desire to lord it over the material energy of material forms and names, they are given a chance for such false enjoyment, and a chance to understand the real position through the revealed scriptures
- In order to mitigate this troublesome position (to meditate on impersonal feature), some of their acaryas, Sankaracarya, has said that "You imagine a form. There is no real form, but you imagine some form"
- In order to present their (Mayavadi atheists) false, imaginary meanings, they must adopt so much word jugglery and grammatical interpretation that they finally become ludicrous
- In order to properly receive Lord Balarama, they (Kurus) all took in their hands auspicious paraphernalia for His reception and went to see Him outside the city gate. According to their respective positions, they welcomed Lord Balarama
- In order to show them (the gopis) His causeless mercy and to curb their false pride, He (Krsna) immediately disappeared from the scene, exhibiting His opulence of renunciation
- In order to understand Radha and Krsna, worship Them and engage in Their loving service, one must be guided by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu and the six Gosvamis, Lord Caitanya’s direct disciples
- In other planets there are very many intelligent persons. They are called demigods, because they are very, very intelligent. Their duration of life is very long
- In other words, those who are after material enjoyment and those who are against the supremacy of the Lord are called avaisnava, and their company should be strictly avoided
- In our Krsna consciousness movement it is advised, therefore, that the sannyasis and brahmacaris keep strictly aloof from the association of women so that there will be no chance of their falling down again as victims of lusty desires
- In our Society they (the boys and girls of Krsna consciousness) are actually enjoying life; otherwise they would not have sacrificed their valuable time for this movement
- In perfect human society, people are situated in the orders of varna and asrama and are engaged in worshiping Lord Visnu by their respective activities
- In proportion to the people's unlawful desires, their accumulated money is taken away by the agents of illusory energy in the shape of medical practitioners, lawyers, tax collectors, societies, constitutions, so-called holy men, famines and earthquakes
- In relationship with the Yadus and Pandavas, the Lord acted sometimes as their master, sometimes as their advisor, sometimes as their friend, sometimes as the head of their family and sometimes even as their servant
- In return for Indra's benediction that their branches and twigs would grow back when trimmed, the trees accepted one fourth of the reactions for killing a brahmana. These reactions are visible in the flowing of sap from trees
- In return for Lord Indra's benediction that there would be no cessation to their lusty desires, women accepted one fourth of the sinful reactions for killing a brahmana
- In Sanskrit a woman's voice is called nari-svara because women generally sing and their singing is very attractive
- In SB 10.8.45 it is said, "Lord Krsna, the SPG, who is worshiped with exalted hymns by all the Vedas & Upanisads & by great personalities through sankhya-yoga in the mode of goodness, was considered by mother Yasoda and Nanda to be their own little son"
- In Siddhaloka (Brahmaloka) there live two kinds of living entities - those who are killed by the SP of Godhead due to their having been demons in their previous lives and those who are very fond of enjoying the impersonal effulgence of the Lord
- In society one will find many sannyasis, vanaprasthas, grhasthas and brahmacaris, but if all of them properly live in accordance with their duties, they are understood to be sadhus
- In some areas, people begin to imitate the devotees by shaving their heads and chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, only a few days after hearing the mantra
- In South America the people are not so rich nor so enlightened as their North American neighbors, but they are very nice people and somewhat pious and that is their credit. Now just try to deliver Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's message to them
- In spite of achieving the power to control in all directions and in spite of enjoying all types of dear sense gratification as much as possible, Hiranyakasipu was dissatisfied because instead of controlling his senses he remained their servant
- In spite of hearing the glories of devotional service, they (those who are in the modes of passion and ignorance) are not attracted. Thus they manufacture their own way of elevation. These are some of the defects of human society. BG 1972 purports
- In spite of the living entities' always being under the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in their different positions, spheres and species of life, He is never responsible for their different living conditions
- In spite of their (empiric philosophers and yogis) strict adherence to the principles of yama, niyama, asana, dhyana, dharana and pranayama, the great yogis and jnanis are unable to enter into the internal potency of the Lord
- In spite of their (mundane wrangelrs') pride in speculation, they can never appreciate the simple potential activities of the banyan tree. Such speculators are poor souls destined to remain in matter perpetually
- In spite of their (Narada, Sanaka, Brahma, Siva) great education in knowledge, and despite their meeting the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, they cannot actually understand the perfection of the living entity's relationship with Lord Visnu
- In spite of their (the brahmanas) advancement in Vedic knowledge and rituals, they do not understand Krsna; therefore their knowledge of the Vedas is useless
- In spite of their (the people in general) enjoying the material advantages, they can be liberated in this very life by practicing Krsna consciousness by the simple method of chanting the holy names of the Lord - Hare Krsna Hare Krsna
- In spite of their material touch, such forms of the Lord as the virat and arca are all nondifferent from His eternal form as Lord Krsna
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.14.32) it is stated that Maharaja Nanda and the cowherd men & inhabitants of Vrndavana are very fortunate because the Supreme Brahman, the Personality of Godhead, full of bliss, engages in His eternal pastimes as their friend
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam this particular mantra is explained in the questions and answers between Maharaja Pariksit & Sukadeva Gosvami at the very beginning of their meeting. Hearing & chanting of the science of God is the basic principle of devotional life
- In that atmosphere (the lower heavenly planets) they enjoy life with their very beautiful wives, who are always sexually stimulated. Nonetheless, they are all devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as will be explained in subsequent verses
- In that ecstatic mood, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recited many other verses, but people in general could not understand their meaning
- In that great assembly, Maharaja Prthu first of all worshiped all the respectable visitors according to their respective positions. After this, he stood up in the midst of the assembly, and it appeared that the full moon had arisen amongst the stars
- In that great palace, the Pandavas lived with their family members, and Queen Draupadi served her husbands very peacefully. And because in those days Lord Krsna was also there, the palace was also decorated by His thousands of queens
- In that personal abode of the Lord, the material modes of ignorance and passion do not prevail, nor is there any of their influence in goodness
- In the age of Kali in most cases the rulers are impious, and therefore the citizens are also continuously unhappy. But in the case of democracy, the impious citizens themselves elect their representative to rule over them
- In the age of Kali, the executive heads of state will be indifferent to religious principles, and therefore under their patronage the opponents of religious principles, such as greed, falsehood, cheating and pilfery, will naturally follow
- In the assembly house were professional jokers, dancers, musicians and ballet girls, and as soon as the Lord (Krsna) sat on His throne they would begin their respective functions to please the Lord and put Him in a happy mood
- In the beginning Brahma begot so many sons, and each of them were asked to increase the population. Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana, they were also requested by their father to increase population, but they refused
- In the beginning of this narration, simply by remembering the spiritual master, the devotees of the Lord, and the Personality of Godhead, I have invoked their benedictions
- In the beginning the cowherd men were angry that the cows were being attracted by the calves, but when the men came down from the hill, they themselves were attracted by their sons, and therefore the men embraced them
- In the beginning they may want the opulences of Krsna, but at the mature stage the dormant love for Krsna exhibited in Vrndavana becomes prominent in their hearts
- In the beginning, Brahma created four great sages named Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara. All of them were unwilling to adopt materialistic activities because they were highly elevated due to their semen's flowing upwards
- In the Bhagavad-gita (9.20-21) Lord Krsna states: When they (those who study the Vedas) have enjoyed vast heavenly sense pleasure and the results of their pious activities are exhausted, they return to this mortal planet again
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is said. They are very much proud of their knowledge, advancement of knowledge, scientific knowledge. But Krsna says, mayayapahrta-jnanah. Their knowledge has been taken away by maya
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord confirms that He awards different positions to different living entities in proportion to their surrender. This proportionate reward by the Personality of Godhead to the living entities is not partiality
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that He awards benedictions to the worshiper according to his desire. The Supreme Personality of Godhead gives all living entities conditioned within this material world full freedom to act in their own way
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says, "I am the seed-giving father of all living entities." It is very simple to understand that the father gives birth to the children but the children act according to their own desires
- In the Bhagavad-gita the spiritual sparks are declared to be sanatana (eternal); therefore the material energy, maya, cannot affect their constitutional position
- In the Bhagavad-gita, also, Krsna says that He deals with different kinds of persons according to their dealings with Him
- In the Bible it is said, "Thou shalt not kill," and their fathers indulge in killing business. So naturally their generation has degraded
- In the Brahma-samhita it is said that beginning from the indra-gopa germ up to the great Indra, King of heaven, all living beings are subjected to the law of karma and are bound to suffer and enjoy the fruitive results of their own work
- In the Brahma-samhita it is said that sages whose eyes have been smeared with the ointment of pure love can see the form of Syamasundara (Krsna) continuously in the centers of their hearts
- In the cosmic administration there is only one party, which consists of the servants of God, and the responsible deities of the various planets maintain the cosmic laws in terms of the orders of the SG. But the people suffer on account of their own folly
- In the course of the battle, the warfield became strewn with the severed heads of heroes, their eyes still staring and their teeth still pressed against their lips in anger. Helmets and earrings were scattered from these severed heads
- In the course of their (Samba, Pradyumna, Caru, Bhanu and Gada) excursion, all of them became thirsty, and so they tried to find out where water was available in the forest
- In the creation, during Brahma's day, the three planetary systems - Svarga, Martya and Patala - revolve, and the inhabitants, including the lower animals, human beings, demigods and Pitas, appear and disappear in terms of their fruitive activities
- In the evening, Krsna and Balarama, along with the boys and cows, returned to Vrndavana, playing Their flutes
- In the eyes of a devotee, politicians, social workers, philanthropists, philosophers and humanitarians are simply wasting their time, for human society is not freed from the cycle of birth and death by their activity and propaganda
- In the family combination of a man and a woman there is much labor and responsibility for both of them, yet when they are single they feel more trouble for want of their united activities
- In the First Canto we have already discussed the lamentation of Arjuna and Yudhisthira, to whom the disappearance of Lord Krsna was almost intolerable up to the end of their lives
- In the heavenly planets (during the birth of Krsna), the angels and their wives, along with the Vidyadharas and their wives, began to dance
- In the heavenly planets, although the residents enjoy superior sense gratification, they never forget their positions as eternal servants of the Supreme Being
- In the heavens, different demigods from different planetary systems, such as Siddhaloka, Gandharvaloka and Caranaloka, also began to show their complete satisfaction
- In the history of Aryan civilization there have been many instances in which famous princesses have selected their husbands in open competitions. For example, it was in such a competition that Sitadevi accepted Lord Ramacandra as her husband
- In the human form of life the father and mother can award their son the greatest benediction by teaching him to become a devotee
- In the interior of the villages she-jackals yelled portentously, vomiting strong fire from their mouths, and jackals and owls also joined them with their cries
- In the International Society for KC, those who are twice initiated so as to become brahmanas must bear in mind their great responsibility to be truthful, control the mind and senses, be tolerant, and so on. Then their life will be successful
- In the Kali-yuga, because there is no such division, so everyone is sudra or less than sudra. This is their yajna. This is also yajna
- In the law of nature or the court of the Supreme Personality of Godhead there cannot be such contradictory judgments. The judges and their judgments must be perfect and free from contradictions
- In the line of royal succession in the family of Maharaja Yudhisthira, all the kings, without exception, were the wisest men of their times, and so also it is foretold about Maharaja Pariksit and his son Maharaja Janamejaya, who was yet to be born
- In the living entities lower than the human being, they follow the nature's way, their allotted food. So similarly, we are human beings, and we have got special food
- In the lower species of life the spirit souls are densely covered by the material modes, and thus carnal appetites dominate their lives
- In the lower stage of human civilization there is always competition between men in their attempt to dominate material nature
- In the Mahabharata there is a verse - ramante yogino 'nante - to the effect that the yogis (yogino), those who are endeavoring to elevate themselves to the spiritual platform, are actually enjoying (ramante), but their enjoyment is anante, endless
- In the Malabar district, a section of the brahmanas are known as Nambudari brahmanas, and the Bhattatharis are their priests
- In the material condition, all living entities are engaged in sense gratification, but when they associate with devotees who follow the regulative principles, they become purified and awakened to their original consciousness
- In the material condition, the senses are as strong as poisonous snakes. But when the senses are engaged in the Lord’s service, they are like poisonous snakes with their fangs removed, and so they are no longer dangerous
- In the material creation Brahma has to create all kinds of living entities with bodies suitable to their material conditions. Brahma wants to be protected by the Lord because he has to contact many, many vicious living entities
- In the material world a so-called family is a combination of several persons in one home to fulfill the terms of their imprisonment
- In the material world everyone is trying to become happy, and although their material attempts are baffled in every way, due to their nescience they cannot understand their mistakes
- In the material world many living entities come into contact with one another and, increasing their attachment to a particular type of body, become related as father, husband, mother, wife, etc
- In the material world, although the Lord is all-pervasive in His impersonal feature, the living entities have forgotten their Krsna consciousness to a greater or lesser degree, just as sparks sometimes fall from a blazing fire
- In the material world, opulences are achieved by materialistic persons by dint of their labor. One cannot enjoy material prosperity unless he works very hard to achieve it
- In the material world, unless women are trained to be chaste and faithful to their husbands, there cannot be peace or prosperity in society
- In the materialistic way their last point of happiness is sex life. That's all. So they have enjoyed sex life in this way; now they are trying to enjoy sex life in that way. But the enjoyment is the same. There is no more enjoyment
- In the mode of ignorance, people become mad. Being distressed by their circumstances, they take shelter of intoxication, and thus they sink further into ignorance. Their future in life is very dark. BG 1972 purports
- In the mode of passion, people become greedy, and their hankering for sense enjoyment has no limit. BG 1972 purports
- In the modern society, even a boy thinks himself self-sufficient and pays no respect to elderly men. Due to the wrong type of education being imparted in our universities, boys all over the world are giving their elders headaches
- In the morning they (the bridegroom's party who were sleeping in the boat) all got up early, but to their astonishment they saw that the boat had not moved an inch toward the destination, even though the boatmen had rowed vigorously all night long
- In the morning they begin fishing, this walking, and golfing, no engagement. These poor fellows, they have been not informed that there is better engagement. They do not know. This is their civilization
- In the morning, the gopis prepared for morning arati by lighting their lamps and sprinkling butter mixed with yogurt. After finishing their mangala-arati, they engaged themselves in churning butter from yogurt
- In the name of scientist, they are exploiting this innocent person, taking their money and spoiling it without any good result
- In the next life the king will be able to share one sixth of the pious activities of the citizens. Otherwise, by levying taxes on the sinful citizens, he will have to share the reactions of their sinful activities
- In the Padyavali of Rupa Gosvami it is stated that when the gopis hear the sound of Krsna's flute, they immediately forget all rebukes offered by the elderly members of their families
- In the place known as Samanta-pancaka he (Lord Parasurama) created nine lakes filled with their blood
- In the political field the leaders of men fight with one another to fulfill their personal sense gratification. The voters adore the so-called leaders only when they promise sense gratification
- In the present day, people who have no control over their senses, who have no understanding of philosophy and who do not follow religious principles or rules and regulations are nonetheless pretending to be yogis
- In the rasa dance, the Lord showed His favor to the most fortunate gopis by placing His arms on their shoulders and dancing with each of them individually. No one can compare with the gopis, who received the causeless mercy of the Lord
- In the Satya-yuga, cent percent people were aware of their spiritual necessity of life. Next yuga, seventy-five percent. Next yuga, fifty percent, and this yuga, Kali-yuga, seventy-five percent are rascals, and twenty-five percent, they are little wise
- In the SB (10.87.30) the personified Vedas pray to God, "O supreme eternal, if the living entities were equal with You and thus all-pervading and all-powerful like You, there would be no possibility of their being controlled by Your external energy, maya
- In the service of the Lord Mukunda, the senses are transcendentally engaged. Thus there is no chance of their being engaged in sense satisfaction. The senses want some engagement
- In the Siddhartha-samhita, there is a description of the twenty-four forms of Visnu, and these forms are named according to the position of the symbolic representations in Their four hands
- In the spiritual world all those who are in the devotional service of the Lord are eternally fixed, for they understand the position of the Supreme Being, as well as their individual constitution
- In the spiritual world both the living entities and the Lord are manifest in their original status, like live sparks in a blazing fire
- In the spiritual world, all the perverted forms of material variegatedness are fully represented in their original spiritual identity. The only difference is that material activities are contaminated by the three modes of material nature
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is recommended by Prahlada Maharaja that unmarried boys should accept this Bhagavata dharma or Krishna Consciousness for their life's benefit
- In the state known as Usinara there was a celebrated King named Suyajna. When the King was killed in battle by his enemies, his kinsmen sat down around the dead body and began to lament the death of their friend
- In the upper planetary system there is shipping and that traders there engage in navigation as their occupational duty. Sometimes, as on this planet, these traders are shipwrecked in the middle of the ocean
- In the Vaikuntha planets the inhabitants fly in their airplanes, accompanied by their wives and consorts, and eternally sing of the character and activities of the Lord, which are always devoid of all inauspicious qualities
- In the Vaikuntha world there is comparative DS. Just like Radharani & the gopis, they are on the same status, but the gopis know that, "Radharani is the better worshiper than us." Therefore their only business is how to take Radharani and join with Krsna
- In the varnasrama-dharma system, certain classes, such as the brahmanas and sannyasis, do not need encouragement from the opposite sex. Ksatriyas and grhasthas, however, actually need the encouragement of their wives in order to execute their duties
- In the Vayu Purana an acarya is defined as one who knows the import of all Vedic literatures, abides by their rules and regulations, and teaches his disciples to act in the same way
- In the Vedic literature, whenever the words "Brahman" or "Para-brahman" are used, they are to be understood to refer to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. This is their real meaning
- In the warfield, scarcity of water is a well-known fact. Water is very rare there, and both the animals and men, working strenuously on the warfield, constantly require water to quench their thirst
- In the Western countries, Christians believe that Lord Jesus Christ, their spiritual master, appeared in order to eradicate all the sins of his disciples. To this end, Lord Jesus Christ appeared and disappeared
- In the Western world one atheistic government tried to induce the innocent citizens to embrace atheistic views. The government sent their propagandists to proselytize the people in the villages
- In the yoga system this process is called pratyahara, which means "just the opposite." Although during life the eyes are engaged in seeing worldly beauty, at death one has to retract the senses from their objects and see the beauty within
- In their (Nalakuvara and Manigriva) previous lives they were cursed by the great sage Narada in order to receive the highest benediction of seeing Lord Krsna
- In their (the lowest class of men's (adhama)) opinion, as soon as the designations of the material body are dissolved, the jiva, the living entity, will mix with the Supreme
- In their dealings as husband and wife, Krsna & His queens would smile, talk, joke, embrace and so on, and their conjugal relationship ever-increasingly developed. In this way, Krsna and the queens enjoyed transcendental happiness in their household life
- In their eagerness to win, they performed maneuvers of various kinds, and their contest looked like an encounter between two forceful bulls for the sake of a cow
- In their elevated condition, the brahmanas are called Vaisnavas. There are two types of brahmanas - namely, brahmana-pandita and brahmana-vaisnava
- In their ignorance they (worshipers of the demigods) believe that each and every demigod is a separate God and a competitor of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- In their last birth, Jaya and Vijaya did not become demons or Raksasas. Instead they took birth in a very exalted ksatriya family related to Krsna's family. They became first cousins of Lord Krsna and were practically on an equal footing with Him
- In their madness, they (people who are in mode of ignorace) are very reluctant to make advancement in spiritual understanding. BG 1972 purports
- In their mature stage of love of Godhead, when they were living in Vrndavana, the gosvamis would also cry - Radharani, where are You? Where are Your associates? Where are You, O son of Nanda? Where are you all. In this way they were searching after Krsna
- In their mock fighting, the cowherd boys would sometimes climb on Krsna’s shoulders, and sometimes they would make Krsna climb on their shoulders
- In their movements, intended to give impetus to lusty feelings, they'd sometimes press Krsna's hand on their laps & sometimes they'd keep His lotus feet on their breasts. After doing this, they would talk with Krsna as if they were very angry with Him
- In their next lives they are carried by the Yamadutas to the hell known as Kumbhipaka, where they are cooked in boiling oil
- In their philosophical discussions the Mayavadis deny the existence of the Supreme Lord's multifarious energies. Such sub-standard debates are indeed on the kindergarten level
- In their prophecies the learned sages and brahmanas accepted Prthu Maharaja as a plenary partial expansion of the Lord. During the presence of Lord Krsna a king declared himself Vasudeva, and Lord Krsna killed him
- In their temples impersonalists install deities of Lord Visnu, Lord Siva, the sun-god, goddess Durga and sometimes Lord Brahma also, and this system is continuing at present in India under the guise of the Hindu religion
- In their third birth the same Jaya and Vijaya appeared in a family of ksatriyas as your cousins, the sons of your aunt. Because Lord Krsna has struck them with His disc, all their sinful reactions have been destroyed, and now they are free from the curse
- In their two houses Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu begged food on the Ekadasi day and personally ate it
- In this age it is very difficult to find such a head of state who is expert in killing the undesirables. Modern heads of state sit very nicely in their palaces and try without reason to kill innocent persons
- In this age of a godless civilization, the sages of world-recognized religious sects who believe in God must come out of their secluded places and preach the science of God, the Supreme Will, to the people in general
- In this age of Kali a community has sprung up known as the arya-samaja, which is ignorant of the import of the Vedas in the parampara system. Their leaders decry all bona fide acaryas, and they pose themselves as the real followers of the Vedic principles
- In this age of Kali the direct method of spiritual advancement is especially more feasible than the indirect because people are short-living, their intelligence is poor, and they are poverty-stricken and embarrassed by so many miserable disturbances
- In this age of Kali the people want their own government, because the kings have become corrupt. Formerly it was not like that
- In this age people are generally short living. They are not living for more than sixty or seventy years. Formerly they were living more than hundred years. Gradually their duration of life is decreasing. And it is stated also that it will decrease
- In this age the people in general as well as their so-called leaders are all unlucky fellows, faithless in spiritual knowledge and influenced by the age of Kali
- In this age there are many cheaters who show some jugglery and magic. They even create gold to amaze their followers, and their followers accept them as God. This type of cheating is very prominent in Kali-yuga
- In this age we are decreasing our memory. Formerly, when this Bhagavad-gita was written by Vyasadeva, before that, people were so sharp in their memory that there was no need of publication of books
- In this age, although people are greatly sinful, simply chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra can relieve them from the reactions of their sins. Eka krsna-name: only by chanting Krsna’s name is this possible
- In this age, animals are kept nicely sheltered, completely confident that their masters will protect them, but unfortunately as soon as the animals are fat, they are immediately sent for slaughter. Such cruelty is condemned by Vaisnavas like Visnudutas
- In this age, as Bibhisana indicated, both brahmanas and kings are in a wretched condition. Actually there are no kings or brahmanas in this age, and due to their absence the whole world is in a chaotic condition and is always in distress
- In this age, however, one must take into account that the brahmanas are uncertain in their qualifications. Because there are no yajnic brahmanas, all yajnas are forbidden
- In this age, Kali-yuga, to kill the demons means to stop their demonic activities by the astra, kirtana, hari-sankirtana, which is spread by His (Krsna's) associates. Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Prabhu, Srivasa adi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda
- In this age, many unscrupulous men manufacture their own religious faiths which are not based on any revealed scriptures, and very often people who are addicted to sense gratification are attracted by such institutions
- In this age, people are all bad and unfortunate, and they do not accept Vedic instructions to make their life successful
- In this age, people are prepared to argue that they can understand that which is beyond their limited knowledge and perception through so-called scientific observations and experiments, not knowing that actual truth comes down to man from authorities
- In this age, so many girls are unmarried and falsely imagining themselves free, but their life is miserable. Here (in SB 9.9.32) is an instance in which a woman felt that without her husband she was nothing but a dead body
- In this age, so-called kings and presidents do not treat all other living entities as their own self
- In this century, for instance, we have attempted to put out the fire of war, but it has not been possible. There was a First World War, and then a League of Nations was formed to try to prevent a second, but despite their attempts a second took place
- In this connection Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes that even great sages and great devotees like Narada and Sanaka do not get an opportunity to come to Radha-kunda to take their baths
- In this connection, we should be careful about the so-called siddha-pranai. The siddha-pranai process is followed by a class of men who are not very authorized and who have manufactured their own way of devotional service
- In this iron age the members of well-to-do families generally misuse their wealth. Instead of improving their spiritual condition, they are misled by faulty association and fall victim to sensuality
- In this material world, in this universe, we have heard of so many planets, but it is not possible to go and see. They cannot go even in the moon planet, and still, they are very much proud of their advancement of knowledge
- In this regard (SB 8.19.40), Srila Rupa Gosvami says: "One who rejects things without knowledge of their relationship to Krsna is incomplete in his renunciation" - Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.66
- In this verse (BG 17.4) the Supreme Personality of Godhead describes different kinds of worshipers according to their external activities. BG 1972 purports
- In this verse (CC Adi 2.17) from SB (11.6.47), vata-vasanah refers to mendicants who don't care about anything material, including clothing, but who depend wholly on nature. Such sages do not cover their bodies even in severe winter or scorching sunshine
- In this verse (CC Madhya 9.49) it is clearly said, tarkei khandila prabhu. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu put forward such a strong argument that the Buddhists could not counter Him to establish their cult
- In this verse (of CC Antya 14.51), the outward activities of the kapalika mendicants have been described, but not their actual life
- In this verse (SB 3.2.11) the word avitrpta-drsam is most significant. Conditioned souls in the material world are all trying to satisfy their senses in various ways, but they have failed to do so because it is impossible to be satisfied by such efforts
- In this verse (SB 7.6.16) it is clearly stated that despite their so-called advanced knowledge, they actually have the same mentality as cats and dogs
- In this verse the word (SB 5.9.15) sva-vidhina (according to their own ritualistic principles) is very significant
- In this way (a boy and girl are married, they want an apartment. Then they have children. And when they have children, they want social recognition) their material attachment goes on increasing. And all of this requires money
- In this way (heavily striking each other), all of the clubs used by Jarasandha and Bhimasena became ruined, and so the two enemies prepared to fight with their strong-fisted hands
- In this way (the beauty of Lord Krsna increases at the sight of the beauty of the gopis. And the more the gopis see Lord Krsna's beauty, the more their beauty increases) a competition takes place between them in which no one acknowledges defeat
- In this way all the devotees sat down to take their lunch in consecutive lines, one beside the other
- In this way all the devotees, wherever they were situated, in every city and every country, danced, performed sankirtana and gave charity by mental strength on the plea of the lunar eclipse, their minds overwhelmed with joy
- In this way both the poet and Caitanya Mahaprabhu went back to their homes, and at night the poet worshiped mother Sarasvati
- In this way he (Vena) could reject their advice and make accusations against them (the saintly sages), comparing them to a woman who does not care for her husband who maintains her but goes to satisfy a paramour who does not maintain her
- In this way mother Sacidevi and Jagannatha Misra, having obtained a son who was the husband of the goddess of fortune, had all their desires fulfilled
- In this way people engage in various laborious activities, and their attachment for body, home, family, nation and community becomes more and more deep-rooted
- In this way the Kazi and the Lord talked with each other with various indications, but no outsider could understand the inner meaning of their conversation
- In this way the minds of great personalities are always engaged in Krsna. With their minds engaged in Krsna, naturally the captivated devotees simply talk of Krsna
- In this way their (third-class devotees) minds may remain always absorbed in the thought of the Lord - His form, His activities and His transcendental nature. This state of Krsna consciousness is a liberated stage
- In this way their arguments appear in various forms, but the poetry of the Bhagavatam expertly refutes them all
- In this way there is a chain of sinful activities and their concomitant distresses, and the conditioned soul is suffering life after life due to these sins
- In this way they both departed to perform their respective duties. Then, in the evening, Ramananda Raya returned to see Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In this way they danced continuously for twelve hours, and in the evening they all took a bath in the Ganges and then returned to their homes
- In this way, all the demigods began to present their respective gifts according to their different capacities. There are thirty-three million demigods, each entrusted with a particular department of universal management
- In this way, many thousands of elephants, horses and men were killed, and their blood flowed just like the waves of a river. In that river, the severed arms of men appeared like snakes and their heads like tortoises
- In this way, the demon Haryaksa and the Lord, the Personality of Godhead, struck each other with their huge maces, each enraged and seeking his own victory
- In this way, the maintainers of the complete creation, Krsna and Balarama, used to take care of the calves every day, beginning in the morning, and thus They enjoyed Their childhood pastimes as cowherd boys in Vrndavana
- In this way, they (a class of priestly persons) exercised their artificial power for some time, until Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, the powerful acarya of the Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya, completely smashed their idea
- In this way, when everyone else was properly seated, the five brothers (The Pandavas) took their seats near Lord Krsna
- In this world there are many deceptive friends in false garbs, but eventually, because of their false behavior, their actual enmity becomes manifest
- In those days in the jungles there were many hermitages. Those who wanted to live secluded life in the jungle, in the forest, they would have their home, very small cottage, and their means of living was milk and fruit
- In those days, by misusing their brahminical heritage, the brahmanas passed a law to the effect that anyone not born in a brahmana family was to be considered a sudra. Thus even the ksatriyas and vaidyas were also considered sudras
- In trance, you'll find yogi picture, their trance, they are in meditation, completely silent, stop breathing and seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, within the heart. This is actual yoga system
- In trying to get out of the entanglement of material life, there are many who want to be one with the Supreme. Even in their transcendental activities, this lower-grade mentality of tamisra continues
- In Vedic times spiritually cultured people used to do everything for the sake of Visnu. They used to earn wealth according to their capacity for the service of Visnu
- In village they have got their family, husband, wife, some children. If one lives spiritual life, he is actually happy. Materially, nobody can be happy. In your country, although there is enough facility for material enjoyment, actually they are not happy
- In Vrndavana there are cows that fulfill all desires (kama-dhenus), and their number is unlimited. They graze from forest to forest and deliver only milk. The people want nothing else
- In Vrndavana, the natural speech of the people sounds like music, and their natural motion resembles a dance
- In Western countries, in comparison to our country, every home is aristocratic. At least their standard of living is so high. So what we call aristocratic, that is a common affair
- In your country, the hippies. They have given up everything, but sex is there. They cannot give it up. They have renounced everything, their father's property, their happy life, everything, but the sex is there. They cannot leave it
- Incarnations or sons of God are not making propaganda for going back to Godhead only within the human society. Their work is also going on in all types of societies, amongst demigods and those other than human beings
- Indeed, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya engaged in water sports with Sri Ramananda Raya, and they both lost their gravity and became like children
- Indeed, the car began to move automatically, and the devotees simply carried the ropes in their hands. Since it was moving effortlessly, they did not need to pull it
- Indeed, their effulgence is like the brilliance of a million suns. Nor have I ever heard the Lord's names chanted so melodiously
- Indeed, Vedic culture prescribes tapasya, and one can see many tapasvis undergoing austerities in India. In the winter they stand in water up to their necks and meditate
- Independence does not mean their position is very lower, no. Just like children. Children has no independence. No independence means they are well-protected. No independence does not meant that he has no independence to act. No. She has got
- India being exploited for so many thousands of years and their standard of civilization deteriorated, the condition is now . . . still, India's position is unique, still, in this fallen condition
- India you will find in the bazaars. There is crowd, and the cows enter there, and they eat the vegetables to their heart's content. But he is not punishable. Still the cow is not punishable
- India's original culture and religion is being spread all over the world, and out of their religious feeling if they come to stay in Vrindaban especially, why the government should harass them
- India's position is very precarious, because they have left their own culture & they're trying to imitate the Western culture, which they cannot due to so many circumstances, & therefore they're put into, between the horns of Scylla & Charybdis. You see
- India's position is very precarious, because they have left their own culture and they're trying to imitate the Western culture, which they cannot, due to so many circumstances, & therefore they're put into . . . between the horns of Scylla and Charybdis
- Indians are automatically taught tapasya through their Vedic culture, but they come to America to forget that culture and accept another type of life
- Indirectly he (Narada Muni) asked them the (Haryasvas) to find within the cores of their hearts the situation of the Supersoul, Lord Visnu, for then they would truly be experienced
- Individual infinitesimal persons, who are parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality, may know directly and indirectly everything about their bodies or external features, but the Supreme Personality knows everything
- Indra addresses his mother in this manner, "My dear Mother (Aditi), persons who have given up all kinds of desire and are simply engaged in devotional service to the Lord know what is actually their self-interest"
- Indra addresses to Aditi, "Such persons are actually serving their self-interests and are considered first-class experts in the matter of advancing to the perfectional stage of life"
- Indra said, "Because they have taken Krsna so seriously, they must be punished. They should be destroyed with their cows." In this way Indra ordered the Samvartaka cloud to go to Vrndavana and inundate the place
- Indra said, "My dear Lord (Krsna), You are the supreme father, the supreme spiritual master and the supreme king. Therefore, You have the right to chastise all living entities whenever there is any discrepancy in their behavior"
- Indra said, "The father, the spiritual master and the supreme executive officer of the state are always well-wishers of their sons, their students and their citizens respectively. As such, the well-wishers have the right to chastise their dependents"
- Indra said, "They (the inhabitants of Vrindavana) are simply inhabitants of the forest, but being infatuated with their friend Krsna, who is nothing but an ordinary human being, they have dared to defy the demigods"
- Indra said, "You (Krsna) are so merciful that without accepting their offenses You devise means so that their false prestige is subdued and they can know that You, and no one else, are the Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- Indra, the King of the demigods, has his own abode, as do Candra, the lord of the moon planet, and Surya, the predominating deity of the sun planet. There are many millions of demigods, and the stars and planets are their respective homes
- Indra, Varuna and Indra . . . There are big, big stalwart demigods. They also offer their respect. They think themselves as subordinate, humble servants of Krsna
- Industrialists, businessmen or karmis are called mudhas in the sastras. They work very hard, accumulate money, and are satisfied to see that this money is plundered by their sons and grandsons
- Infinite universes with their infinite planets within are floating on and are produced from the Brahman effulgence emanating from the transcendental body of Maha-Visnu, who is worshiped by Brahma, the presiding deity of the universe
- Influenced by his personal bodily luster, all the fire-gods and other participants in that great assembly, with the exceptions of Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, gave up their own sitting places and stood in respect for Daksa
- Influenced by Lord Caitanya’s Krsna consciousness movement, sannyasis give up their study of Sankhya philosophy
- Influenced by Lord Caitanya’s Krsna consciousness movement, supposedly learned scholars give up their studies of Vedic literature, yogis give up their impractical practices of mystic yoga, ascetics give up their austere activities of penance & austerity
- Influenced by these features of Krsna, they (Krsna's wives) all used to dress themselves very attractively, desiring to attract Him by their feminine bodily appeal
- Influential stars, planets, luminaries and atoms all over the universe are rotating in their respective orbits under the direction of the Supreme, represented by eternal kala
- Inhabitants of Vrndavana never desired anything like elevation to the heavenly planets or merging into the effulgence of Brahman to become one with the Absolute Truth because of their great desire to love Krsna
- Innumerable living entities are engaged in different types of worship of the Supreme, according to their abilities and karma, but everyone is engaged (jivera 'svarupa' haya-krsnera 'nitya-dasa' (CC Madhya 20.108)); there is no one who is not serving
- Instead of being disturbed by the torments of his father (Hiranyakasipu), Prahlada influenced these friends and cleansed their minds
- Instead of crawling with Their knees, the babies (Krsna and Balarama) could now stand up by holding on to something and walk little by little, without difficulty, by the strength of Their legs
- Instead of focusing on the various external tabernacles of these living entities (their embodiments under various modes of nature), with his absolute vision the karma-yogi penetrates to the spirit which is embodied therein
- Instead of living engrossed in material activities, people throughout the world should take advantage of this movement and chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra at home with their families
- Instead of looking upon Brahma with resentment, they (Narada & Priyavrata) very feelingly offered him their respect
- Instead of sitting in their hearts to be appreciated in yogic meditation, He seated Himself by their sides. By seating Himself outside, He showed special favor to the gopis, who were the selected beauties of all creation
- Insurmountable, eternal time imperceptibly overcomes those who are too much attached to family affairs and are always engrossed in their thought
- Intelligence refers to the power to analyze things in their proper perspective, and knowledge refers to understanding what is spirit and what is matter
- Intelligent men should encourage the performance of sankirtana-yajna by their personal behavior. This means that they should follow the process of austerity by restricting themselves from illicit sex life, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication
- Intelligent persons or leaders of men should not devote their energies only for worldly betterment in the matter of eating, sleeping, defending, and gratifying the material senses
- Intelligent yogis do not wish to waste their time within this material world at all; they do not care for the material facilities in higher planetary systems, but are interested in going directly to the spiritual sky, back home, back to Godhead
- Interested only in getting more and more money for their sons and grandsons, such foolish persons do not even know what their position is going to be in the next life. There are many incidents that illustrate this point
- Invite them, "Come and see." Give them prasadam. This is our policy. We are not constructing big, big buildings and temples for our convenience. For their convenience. This is sannyasi
- Is it not the duty of the guardians who are taking care of the people, or their son, to educate human being in such a way that they can get better body? Where is that education
- Isvaranam, those who are isvaras, the controllers, there is no fault. You should not imitate them; simply you should imitate their instruction. Not that their activities which we may not understand, why he is doing that
- It (Srimad-Bhagavatam) should never be heard from the professional Bhagavatam reciters who earn their livelihood by gratifying the senses of the audience
- It (the spiritual sentiment in the minds of the damsels of Vraja by which they think of Lord Krsna as their paramour) has nothing to do with sexual psychology, although the pure love of such devotees seems to be sexual
- It appears from the statement of this verse (SB 6.12.26) that sometimes there are flying mountains and that their wings are cut by the thunderbolt of Indra. Vrtrasura's huge body resembled such a mountain
- It appears from this verse (SB 3.15.17) that the Vaikuntha planets are full of all opulences. There are airplanes in which the inhabitants travel in the spiritual sky with their sweethearts
- It appears from this verse (SB 3.15.43) that the four Kumaras were impersonalists or protagonists of the philosophy of monism, becoming one with the Lord. But as soon as they saw the Lord's features, their minds changed
- It appears that all the members of the assembly, including Lord Brahma, requested him (Daksa) not to be angry and leave their company, but in spite of all these requests, he left. That is the effect of cruel anger
- It appears that mother Yasoda and Rohini could not be separated from Krsna and Balarama even for a moment. They used to pass their time either by taking care of Them or by chanting about Their pastimes. Thus mother Yasoda and Rohini looked very beautiful
- It becomes very difficult for snakes to leave a forest when there is a fire. Other animals may flee due to their long legs, but serpents, only being able to crawl, are generally burnt in the fire
- It bewilders their nostrils, loosens their belts and hair, and makes them madwomen. All the women of the world come under its influence, and therefore the scent of Krsna's body is like a plunderer
- It had happened that when King Jarasandha conquered all other kingdoms, many kings did not bow their heads before Jarasandha, and consequently all of them, numbering twenty thousand, were arrested and made his prisoners
- It has become especially fashionable for modern scholars and politicians to interpret Bhagavad-gita as if it were something fictitious, and by their wrong interpretations they are spoiling their own careers and the careers of others
- It has been decided that among human beings Babhru is the best and that Devavrdha is equal to the demigods. Because of the association of Babhru and Devavrdha, all of their descendants, numbering 14,065, achieved liberation
- It has been generalized, manda: "all bad." But only difference is that in our camp the bad's are being reformed; outside there is no reforming. There is hope of their being good, but outside there is no hope. That is the difference
- It has now become fashionable for any rascal or fool to be elected God, and there are many missionaries who have concocted their own gods, giving up their relationship with the real God
- It is a different commodity, material - spiritual identity, which is different from this combination of matter, this body. So it requires little training to understand. Although it is very simple fact, but their brain is very dull, material
- It is a fact that persons who are trying to understand the Supreme Truth by their personal endeavors of mental speculation or mystic powers of yoga achieve the same goal as others who are personally killed by the Lord
- It is a fact, however, that these innocent people carrying your palanquin without payment are certainly suffering due to this injustice. Their condition is very lamentable because you have forcibly engaged them in carrying your palanquin
- It is a good opportunity both ways: to keep good relations with your father and to make money and serve Krishna with the money profusely. Your plan for supplying the temples with nice ornaments for their Deities is also very good
- It is a Vedic custom that the junior members of the family should offer respects to the elders every morning. The children or disciples especially should offer their respects to their parents or spiritual master in the morning
- It is a very good idea for people to come to our vegetarian restaurant and take so many nice things, especially the panir, fried cheese, and sandesh, kachori, rasagulla, samosa and in this way they will forget their meat-eating
- It is accepted that besides the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there are demigods who have their different planets (BG 7.23), and the Lord also has a planet. BG 1972 purports
- It is actual for the materialistic person that there is an animal, during daytime she is witch, & at night she is tigress. So din ka dakini rat ka baghini palak palak rahu cuse. The witches, they also, by their black art, they suck the blood of children
- It is admitted that in the Western countries the people have done their best to advance in the culture of material science, centered on the material body and mind
- It is advised that one chant the holy name of the Lord without offenses and according to the regulative principles, yet due to their past bad habits they violate these rules and regulations
- It is also said in CC Madhya 19.151 - According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems
- It is also said that Vasudeva and Devaki, in their previous birth as Sutapa and Prsni, underwent a severe type of penance to get the Lord as their son, and as a result of such austerities the Lord appeared as their son
- It is an old system among Indian girls and women that when they take a bath in the river they place their garments on the bank and dip into the water completely naked
- It is astounding that Lord Sri Krsna, who is one without a second, expanded Himself in sixteen thousand similar forms to marry sixteen thousand queens in their respective homes
- It is because of the interaction of these three material modes of nature that the five knowledge-gathering senses, the five working senses and their controller, the mind, are manifested
- It is by their kindness, of the previous acaryas that they let us sit between them just like a father calls for a child to sit down next to him
- It is calculated that our six months is equal to their one day (on the moon planet). That is called deva calculation. In this way you can get very long duration of life, very comforts, and nice beautiful body and residential quarters
- It is confirmed in BG 2.14 - O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that sun planet is also inhabited by living beings. But their body is made of fire. That is the difference. Just like here our body is made of earth
- It is customary in Hindu society for parents to give their children names like Krsnadasa, Govinda dasa, Narayana dasa and Vrndavana dasa. Thus they chant the names Krsna, Govinda, Narayana and Vrndavana and get the chance to be purified
- It is described that due to their lusty desires they have lost their intelligence, and therefore they have taken to worshiping the different demigods
- It is especially the case in the acarya families (that the children receive a spiritual impetus from the very beginning of their life). Such families are very learned and devoted by tradition and training, & thus they become spiritual masters. BG 1972 p
- It is estimated that at least four hundred men descended in this dynasty (of Raghunandana). All their names are recorded in the village of Sri Khanda
- It is fashionable for materialistic persons to compete with the power of God. When so-called scientists try to manufacture living entities in their laboratories, their only purpose is to defy the talent and ability of the SPG. This is called illusion
- It is fruitless to see and talk of the material modes of nature and their resultant so-called happiness and distress as if they were factual
- It is generally found that even if two men have the same moral standards of ethics, honesty and morality, their positions are still not the same
- It is incorrect to think of the Supreme Lord and the living entities as being on the same level or equal in all respects. There is always the question of superiority and inferiority in their personalities. BG 1972 purports
- It is indicated here that in the villages or outside the towns, the inhabitants must depend on the cows for their prosperity. When the cows are destroyed, the people are destitute of all kinds of opulences
- It is known to them (the demigods) that their position in the higher planetary system is impermanent
- It is learned from various scriptures that the demigods approach Lord Visnu in the ocean of milk and submit their grievances whenever there is some difficulty in the administration of universal affairs
- It is learned here (SB 3.1.30) that Kamadeva appeared as Pradyumna, Karttikeya as Samba, and one of the Vasus as Uddhava. All of them served in their different capacities in order to enrich the pastimes of Krsna
- It is mentioned herein (SB 3.2.29) that the beautiful cows and bulls were of various checkered colors - red, black, green, yellow, ash, etc. And because of their colors and healthy smiling features, the atmosphere was enlivening
- It is most important that the chief executive rule the citizens by keeping them fully engaged in their respective occupational duties. Some of the citizens were brahmanas, some were ksatriyas, and some were vaisyas and sudras
- It is necessary at the present moment to understand something about absolute knowledge if we want to bring the human race back to sanity. Thus intelligent persons or leaders of men should not devote their energies only for worldly betterment
- It is necessary for people to be educated spiritually so that instead of begetting children like cats and dogs, they will undergo austerities to produce devotees. This will make their lives successful
- It is necessary that the priests & pujaris must be enlightened both in Theism & Sanskrit language. They shall be primary teachers of the Bhagwat Gita in different temples. Both these temples and their management have to be reformed in the present context
- It is not a fact that those who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth are free from the material miseries of birth, old age, disease and death. The conclusion is that one cannot be happy by simply executing pious or impious activities
- It is not a question of arranging huge sacrifices. The priests (of King Nabhi) were regretful, thinking that they were not on the path of devotional service and that their sacrifice was not pleasing to the Lord
- It is not necessary to commit violence to stop the opposition from hindering a movement, for one can kill their demoniac behavior with reason and argument
- It is not possible for their (scientists) so-called science to understand what is the situation of this planetary system and what is the origin of life. They do not know. They admit
- It is not possible for them (demons) to get their desired boons from the Supreme Lord because their purposes are always sinful
- It is not required that everyone has to become brahmana. Neither it is possible. So if the brahmana and the sudra combine together, work, then both their lives will be perfect
- It is not that one accepts a portion of Bhagavad-gita according to his own whimsical interpretations and then rejects another portion. This is not sraddha. Sraddha means accepting the instructions of Bhagavad-gita in their totality
- It is only by their (Vaisnava's) mercy that the conditioned soul is awakened to Krsna consciousness. When awakened, he is no longer eager to enjoy the materialistic way of life. Instead, he devotes himself to the loving transcendental service of the Lord
- It is only due to fear of Him (the Supreme Brahman) that death and Indra, the King of heaven, perform their respective duties
- It is out of causeless mercy of Krsna even the demons are so proud, but they have taken their mercy from Krsna to go to hell. And the devotees take the mercy of Krsna to render Him loving service. That is the difference between the demons & the devotees
- It is out of nescience only that the empiric philosophers try to approach the Supreme Truth on the strength of their own intellect
- It is predicted how fallen souls will behave. They will keep their hair long and consider themselves very beautiful, or they will pluck out their hair as the Jains do. They will keep themselves unclean and will not wash their mouths
- It is Ramacandra Puri's business to inquire always about how others are eating and conducting their daily affairs
- It is recommended that a woman desiring to advance in KC live peacefully with a husband & that the couple not separate under any condition. The husband & wife should control sex indulgence & concentrate their minds on KC so their life may be successful
- It is requested that all our devotees in the ISKCON community become pure Vaisnavas, so that by their mercy all the people of the world will be transferred to Vaikunthaloka, even without their knowledge
- It is said here that desire and greed are the products of false identification of oneself with the body. When one becomes free from this contamination, then his mind and consciousness also become freed and attain their original state
- It is said in Srimad Bhagavatam, "Even though they (young girls) were not properly dressed and although their hair was loose and there were many household duties to perform, they still gave up everything and immediately went into the street to see Krsna"
- It is said in the Bhagavatam that less intelligent people who have lost their spiritual sense take shelter of demigods for immediate fulfillment of material desires. BG 1972 purports
- It is said in the Gita that after exhausting the results of their pious activities, all the demigods, who are inhabitants of the higher planetary system, have to come back again to this earth
- It is said in the sastras that by killing animals in a sacrifice, one immediately promotes them to human birth. Similarly, by killing their enemies on a battlefield, the ksatriyas who fight for a right cause are elevated to the heavenly planets
- It is said in the smrti-sastras that men who are punished by the king on the principle of a life for a life are purified of all their sins, so much so that they may be eligible for being promoted to the planets of heaven
- It is said that after enjoying love affairs with Krsna by dancing, embracing and kissing, the gopis would sometimes become very tired, and Krsna, out of His causeless mercy and compassion, would smear their faces with His lotus hands
- It is said that all the living entities who died on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra attained their original constitutional position (svarupa) because they had the chance to see Krsna face to face riding in the chariot of Arjuna
- It is said that because Krsna was constantly performing various types of sacrifices and was inviting the demigods from the higher planetary systems, the demigods were almost always absent from their consorts
- It is said that persons who only mentally speculate to know things as they are and who do not engage in the transcendental loving service of the Lord are simply wasting their time
- It is said that the dacoits in Bengal used to worship the goddess Kali for fulfillment of their sinful desires to plunder others' property, but they never went to a Visnu temple because they might have been unsuccessful in praying to Visnu
- It is said that those who are miscreants and the lowest of mankind, who are fools and asses, cannot accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead because of their demoniac nature
- It is said that when there is a thundering sound in the clouds, the mighty lion immediately replies with his thundering roar. But the lion doesn't care when all the foolish jackals begin to make their less important sounds
- It is said there that those who are sober devotees can offer their submission to Krsna in three ways: 1) samprathanatmika, very feelingly offering prayers; 2) dainyavodhika, humbly submitting oneself; 3) lalasamayi, desiring some perfectional stage
- It is so pleasing that more and more boys are joining the Krishna Consciousness movement and I wish that the whole group known as the hippies may take advantage of this movement, and make their life very successful
- It is specifically mentioned in this verse (in SB 4.3.4) that they (many heavenly women) approached with their husbands, for when a woman is decorated nicely, her husband becomes more cheerful
- It is specifically mentioned that the karmis who are aspiring after the fruitive results of their activities can achieve the results of all perfectional stages simply by chanting the maha-mantra
- It is stated by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura that Krsna saved the cowherd boys from the blazing forest fire within a second, while their eyes were closed
- It is stated that just as the atoms and particles of dust are floating within the air along with the birds and their number cannot be calculated, so innumerable universes are floating within the pores of the transcendental body of the Lord
- It is stated that their (persons) intelligence, whether high or low, is not even purified
- It is suggested by Srimad Vijayadhvaja Tirtha that on this occasion (abhiseka ceremony) the demigods from higher planetary systems also came in their airplanes to bestow their blessings on Dhruva Maharaja on his arrival at the capital of his father
- It is the duty of a father and mother to arrange for the marriage of their sons and daughters. That is the obligation in Vedic society
- It is the duty of a father to understand the astrological position of his children and do what is needed for their happiness
- It is the duty of a king to give protection to the citizens and to fulfill their desires. At the same time, the citizens must obey the laws of the state
- It is the duty of a Vaisnava to go from door to door to try to get unfortunate people to accept good fortune. A Vaisnava thinks, "How can these people be delivered from their hellish life?" That was also Maharaja Pariksit's inquiry
- It is the duty of all grhasthas to invite a sannyasi to their homes if he happens to be in the neighborhood or village. This very system is still current in India
- It is the duty of attendants to give protection to their master, and in case of failure it is their duty to die
- It is the duty of every Indian not to forget their culture, but bring that culture, pure, wherever you are living and behave yourself to that culture and teach others. That is Indian mission
- It is the duty of parents to hand over their daughters to suitable persons just befitting their family tradition in cleanliness, gentle behavior, wealth, social position, etc
- It is the duty of the father, the spiritual master and the king to regulate their subordinates in such a way that they ultimately become fully unalloyed devotees of the Supreme Lord
- It is the duty of the government to see that the citizens act according to these material divisions for their spiritual advancement. No one should remain unemployed or unoccupied in any way
- It is the duty of the king or the government to insure that the people observe the social order and that they are also employed in their respective occupational duties
- It is the duty of the ruler to satisfy them (the human beings) in their sense enjoyment as well as to elevate them to Krsna consciousness so that they all can ultimately return home, back to Godhead
- It is the general opinion that among modern-day spiritualists who have tried to know the Supreme through their own puny efforts, Sri Aurobindo has attained some degree of realization
- It is the movement to qualify men to their respective positions. It is an educational system to divide first class, second class, third class, fourth class. They all required
- It is the order of Lord Caitanya that krsna-katha should be spread all over the world, because if the conditioned souls, suffering under the pangs of material existence, take to krsna-katha, then their path of liberation will be open and clear
- It is their (followers of Jaimini) opinion that if there is a God, He will be pleased with man and give man all desired results if man simply performs his material activities nicely
- It is their (the yogis) desire to show some miraculous results through the practice of yoga
- It is to be concluded that Jagannatha Misra and Sacimata are nitya-siddhas, ever-pure associates of the Lord. Their hearts are always uncontaminated, and therefore they never forget the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is to be concluded that those who worship demigods or self-proclaimed incarnations of God are all atheists. They have lost their knowledge, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.20): kamais tais tair hrta-jnanah prapadyante ’nya-devatah
- It is to be concluded that when Lord Caitanya induced them (Mayavadi sannyasis) to chant Hare Krsna and excused them for their offenses, they were purified, and therefore there was no objection to taking lunch, or bhagavat-prasadam, with them
- It is to be noted that the natural characteristic of the gopis is to love the Supreme Lord. Their lusty desire is not to be compared to material lust
- It is to be understood that all the queens of Krsna who lived with Him at Dvaraka were in their previous lives very greatly exalted devotees who wanted to establish a relationship with Krsna in conjugal love
- It is typical of mundane philosophers to want to establish their own opinions and refute those of others
- It is understood from the authoritative source of Vedic literature that especially in this age, Kali-yuga, people are generally short-living, extremely bad in their habits, and inclined to accept methods of devotional service that are not bona fide
- It is up to you to reestablish their (unfortunate peoples) lost relationship with Krsna by being sincere to preach the message of Krsna purely by yourself following the instructions of the Lord and his bona-fide representative, the spiritual master
- It is very dangerous civilization. They are spoiling their human form of life. This human form of life is meant for different purpose: tapasya. But they have been engaged in the lives of hogs and dogs
- It is very difficult for one to surrender fully unto the Personality of Godhead without being purified by devotional service. The example of the learned brahmanas and their wives is vivid
- It is very difficult to find a man who perfectly understands the position of the soul, the Supersoul, the atomic soul, their respective functions, relationships and all other major and minor details. BG 1972 purports
- It is very difficult to find out the real path how to realize perfection of life, but it is advised that if you simply follow the footsteps of the great personalities, authorities, or their representatives, then you will be led to the perfectional stage
- It is very good that you are feeling so much responsibility for the welfare of Their Lordships, and I hope that you will very enthusiastically engage yourself in tending to Their needs
- It is very important to note in this connection how wealthy the inhabitants of Vrndavana were simply by raising cows. All the cowherd men belonged to the vaisya community, and their business was to protect the cows and cultivate crops
- It is within our experience that the politicians in India do not quit their positions until death. This was not the practice in olden days
- It may be argued that all householders are not very rich & that one cannot receive great saintly persons or preachers because they are always accompanied by their disciples. If a householder is to receive a saintly person, he has to receive his entourage
- It might be that Brahma wanted to warn his subordinates (by being sexually inclined to his own daughter) about human frailties in their dealings with women. This is always very dangerous for persons who are on the path of self-realization
- It should be noted in this connection that when Krsna entered into the wives' hearts & when they embraced Him & felt the transcendental bliss of being merged with Him, the Supreme Lord did not lose His identity, nor did the individual wives lose theirs
- It should be noted that a class of so-called devotees (known as prakrta-sahajiya) follow their own concocted ideas and, representing themselves as Krsna and Radha, indulge in debauchery. Such devotional service and attachment are false
- It so happened that when this very cobbler came to his former house, his former sons and grandsons beat him with shoes. Unless the karmis and jnanis become interested in KC, they will simply continue to waste their life in fruitless activities
- It was a rumor, but actually it was so; they (The five Pandavas) returned to their capital city, Hastinapura, and people saw them face to face
- It was impossible even for learned scholars to oppose Caitanya for a long time, for there was some spell in Him which touched their hearts and made them weep for their spiritual improvement
- It was the practice of Svarupa Damodara Gosvami to examine all literatures to find out whether their conclusions were correct. Only then would he allow them to be heard by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Jagai and Madhai uttered Your holy name by way of blaspheming You. Fortunately, that holy name became the cause of their deliverance
- Jagannatha Misra had a number of daughters by his wife, Srimati Sacidevi, but they all expired at an early age. The two surviving sons, Sri Visvarupa and Visvambhara, became at last the object of their parental affection
- Jagannatha Misra Purandara was respected by my father. Thus because of their relationship with my father, I respect both Jagannatha Misra and Nilambara Cakravarti
- Jains refer to Lord Rsabhadeva as their original preceptor. If such people are serious followers of Rsabhadeva, they must also take His instructions
- Jamadagni displayed the Lord's power to kill all the disobedient kings powerfully situated in their respective states
- Jarasandha and all the other princes were very angry at Krsna for having kidnapped Rukmini. Struck by Rukmini's beauty, they had fallen from the backs of their horses and elephants, but now they began to stand up and properly arm themselves
- Jarasandha and Bhimasena were very angry, and they began to smash each other with their fists
- Jayadratha, Krtavarma and Salya - all are determined to lay down their lives for Duryodhana's sake. It is already concluded that all of them would die in the Battle of Kuruksetra for joining the party of the sinful Duryodhana. BG 1972 purports
- Jhadu Thakura's wife then took the mangoes from their covering of banana tree leaves and bark and offered them to Jhadu Thakura, who began to suck and eat them
- Jnana indicates the senses which are sources of knowledge, and their controlling deities. Work entails the working organs and their controlling deities. All these are generated in the second creation
- Jnanis and yogis without devotion may think themselves liberated, but actually their intelligence is not as pure as that of a devotee. The jnanis and yogis cannot become factually liberated unless they become elevated to the position of devotees
- Jnanis are not as sinful as karmis, but they do not try to reclaim others back to Godhead. They perform austerities for their own liberation. Yogis are also engaged in self-aggrandizement by trying to attain mystic powers
- Jnanis, karmis and materialistic planmakers generally attract the attention of conditioned souls, but when the materialists cannot fulfill their plans and when their devices are frustrated, they become angry
- Judging from the exhaustive description of the lakes and rivers on Trikuta Mountain, on earth there is no comparison to their super-excellence. On other planets, however, there are many such wonders
- Jugglers and magicians of the mundane world are actually puzzled by the jugglery of the Lord in His transcendental activities, but they try to adjust their bewilderment by saying that it is all mythology
- Just after the advent of Shri Krishna, even while He was a mere child, even then Kamsa, Putana, Aghasura, Bakasura, Gardhabasu, Pralambasura and other such demons tried their best to kill Shri Krishna. But their attempts failed
- Just as a calf can derive milk from a cow, all living entities - including animals, birds, bees, reptiles and aquatics - can receive their respective foods from the planet earth, provided that human beings are not asat, or adhrta-vrata
- Just as a prisoner cannot move or enjoy life fully, so the living entities who have been conditioned by the laws of material nature cannot experience their actual ever-joyful nature
- Just as in this world the man-eaters drank their victims' blood, dancing and singing in jubilation, their victims now enjoy drinking the blood of the sacrificers and celebrating in the same way
- Just as innumerable atomic infinitesimal fragments pass through the holes of a screened window, so millions and trillions of universes in their seedling form are coming out from the bodily pores of Maha-Visnu
- Just as it is the duty of the brahmanas to elect a proper king, it is the duty of the king to see that all the varnas-brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra - are fully engaged in their respective occupational duties
- Just as it is the nature of all living entities within this material world to become envious of their competitors, King Indra, although King of heaven, was also envious of King Prthu and therefore wanted to stop him from performing one hundred sacrifices
- Just as Krsna used to call His cows by their different names, so the gopis imitated Him, calling the cows by their respective names
- Just as one is immediately frightened upon seeing a live serpent or even the form of a serpent, one endeavoring for self-realization should similarly fear a materialistic person and a woman. Indeed, he should not even glance at their bodily features
- Just as serpents agitated by Garuda rush towards Garuda with upraised hoods, all the Yaksa soldiers prepared to overcome Dhruva Maharaja with their upraised weapons
- Just as the celestial waters of the Ganges flow unobstructed into the ocean, so when My devotees simply hear of Me, their minds come to Me. I reside in the hearts of all
- Just as the eye is always protected by the eyelid, they are protected by the sons of Prtha, who snatched back their rightful kingdom from the hands of their enemy Duryodhana, just as Garuda snatched nectar from the mouth of Indra, the thunderbolt carrier
- Just as the king has the right to keep his treasury confidential and secret, the people should also keep their individual earnings a secret. There is no fault in such dealings
- Just by dint of their (the kings and princes) being in front of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all reactions to their sinful activities were washed away. Therefore, without reservation, they surrendered themselves at the lotus feet of the Lord
- Just by seeing Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, everyone became a devotee. They began to chant "Krsna" and "Hari" and all the holy names. They all were merged in a great ecstasy of love, and they began to dance, raising their arms
- Just like amongst the birds and beasts there is no economic problem. The birds rise in the morning, and they chirp between themselves, and after a few hours or minutes they go away, and they get their food
- Just like at the present moment, the government has got inspectors to see, inspect the schools, whether the teachers are duly discharging their educational curriculum, similarly, formerly the king, he was raja-danda-vit
- Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu: He delivered Jagai-Madhai. They were all this addicted to illicit sex, meat-eating, drinking and intoxication, gambling. That is their business
- Just like father's property is meant for the son's enjoyment. That's a fact. So "If other sons, without any labor, without any endeavor, they can get their food, why I am stealing?" This is knowledge
- Just like in a particular Mission they say that, "We are devotees of Goddess Kali." Their real mission is to eat meat. Therefore they have become devotees of Goddess Kali
- Just like in government, there are so many departments. So you need not to flatter him, but you do your duty, you pay your tax, you abide by the laws, then everything will be right. You need not worship any person. That is their philosophy, karma-mimamsa
- Just like in higher planets, there are also living beings. They are called devatas, demigods, because their magnitude of pleasure is far, far greater than ours
- Just like nowadays, party. India is suffering in party politics. And they did not like to give importance to monarchy. They wanted to rule according to their whims, and therefore the whole scheme failed
- Just like Radharani's love to Krsna. She does not require any return. You see? Krsna left Vrndavana, Radharani, and their whole life remained simply crying for Krsna. Krsna never returned. But still, they loved Krsna. That is love
- Just like the birds or beast, they are getting their bread without going to the church. They do not go to the church for asking God, "Give us our daily bread." The bread is there in the tree. They go and take as much bread as they like
- Just like the strength of fire within fuel wood, the Lord remained within the water of dissolution, submerging all the living entities in their subtle bodies. He lay in the self-invigorated energy called kala
- Just like these Western people, mostly Christians. It is clearly stated in the Bible, "Thou shall not kill," and they're simply killing. Their only business is killing
- Just like this abortion. Now they've passed some law which allows killing. So now it is going on, wholesale slaughtering, by mothers of their own children. This is the condition of human society
- Just like this Vivekananda Society, their daridra-narayana-seva. The daridras are lying on the street, but they collect money in the name of serving the poor, and they live very comfortably - big, big belly. You see
- Just like Vasudeva and Devaki. In their previous life they underwent severe austerities. They were married couples, but they had no sex. They were determined that "Unless we get the Lord as our son, we are not having any son."
- Just like we are training them as ideal man - by character, by religion, by behavior, by education. That is the purpose of this Krsna consciousness movement. And you can see practically what was their previous life and what they are now
- Just like young boy and young girl, they meet together. Immediately their sex impulse become agitated. It hasn't got to be taught them. Naturally. Naturally, he wants to talk or she wants to talk. So this is called rati, spontaneous attraction
- Just see how their flocks of white airplanes have made the entire sky very beautiful
- Just see how these trees are maintaining every living entity! Their birth is successful. Their behavior is just like that of great personalities, for anyone who asks anything from a tree never goes away disappointed
- Just see! This pigeon is like a messenger of death. The shrieks of the owls and their rival crows make my (Yudhisthira Maharaja's) heart tremble. It appears that they want to make a void of the whole universe
- Just to deliver all the sinful persons of this age by propagating the chanting of the holy name, Lord Krsna and Lord Balarama have advented as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu. Jagai and Madhai are evidence of Their success
- Just to encourage the members of the assembly and to enhance their pleasure, King Prthu glanced over them with eyes that seemed like stars in a sky wet with dew. He then spoke to them in a great voice
- Just to transfer their thinking power to the spiritual capacity, the Krsna-dvaipayana Vyasa, he has made so many Vedic literatures
- Just try to understand, if the major portion of the living entities have no problem... Their necessities of life are being supplied by the supreme eternal, God. Just like an elephant. There are millions of elephants in African jungle
- Kalanemi and all the other demons were killed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, and when Sukracarya, their spiritual master, brought them back to life, they were again killed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Kalayavana, the King of Magadha and Salva attacked the city of Mathura, but when the city was encircled by their soldiers, the Lord refrained from killing them personally, just to show the power of His own men
- Kaliya's wives prepared to worship the Lord, and in their haste their clothes, hair and ornaments became disarrayed. They also surrendered unto the Supreme Lord and began to pray
- Kaliya's wives were flattering Krsna so that He would spare their husband. Therefore this is an example of uparasa, or imitation
- Kama (lust) can be utilized to satisfy Krsna, and krodha (anger) can be utilized to punish the demons. When both are used for Krsna's service, they lose their material significance and become spiritually important
- Kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada and matsarya - lust, anger, greed, illusion, pride and envy - all have their proper use for the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotee
- Kaminam, those who are very lustful, what is their pleasure spot? That vagina, that's all. That urinal. That is their pleasure. Is urinal, is very nice place? But he's sophisticated. He finds, "Oh, this is very nice place." This analytical study
- Kamsa addressed his sister and brother-in-law (Devaki and Vasudeva) as maha-bhagau because although he killed their ordinary children, the goddess Durga took birth from them
- Kamsa admitted his own fault, but whatever he had done was under the control of providence. Kamsa might have been the immediate cause for the death of Devaki's sons, but the remote cause was their past deeds. This was an actual fact
- Kamsa begged Devaki's pardon by analyzing the matter deeply. He was not the cause of the death of Devaki's sons. Rather, this was their own destiny. Under the circumstances, Devaki should excuse Kamsa and forget his past deeds without lamentation
- Kamsa called all his counselors together & narrated the incidents that happened the night before. All the counselors of Kamsa were demons & eternal enemies of the demigods, so they became depressed upon hearing their master speak of the night’s events
- Kamsa might have been the immediate cause for the death of Devaki's sons, but the remote cause was their past deeds. This was an actual fact
- Kamsa refrained from provoking this great danger of a family fight, for it would have caused many persons to lose their lives
- Kamsa said, "The cowherd boys who have come with Them should be plundered and all their riches taken away. Nanda Maharaja should immediately be arrested and killed for his cunning behavior, and that rascal Vasudeva should also be killed without delay"
- Kamsa said, "With their help it will be easy to kill all the kings on the surface of the earth who support the demigods. This is my plan. In this way I shall be free from all opposition, it will be very pleasant to rule the world without obstruction"
- Kamsa was affectionate toward his sister, and therefore he had become the chariot driver to carry her and his brother-in-law to their home
- Kamsa's ministers reminded Kamsa that despite his power, he was cognizant of the principles of fighting, and therefore he had excused the demigods because of their incapability
- Kapila Muni was not at all angry at the sons of Sagara Maharaja; rather, they were burnt to ashes by the heat of their own bodies
- Kapila said: The senses are symbolic representations of the demigods, and their natural inclination is to work under the direction of the Vedic injunctions. As the senses are representatives of the demigods, so the mind is the representative of the SPG
- Kapiladeva said to Devahuti, "My laughing, My pastimes and My glance appear to them so beautiful that their minds are always absorbed in thoughts of Me, and their lives are dedicated fully unto Me"
- Kapiladeva said to His mother, "My dear Mother, those who are My pure devotees, who have no desire for material benefit or philosophical speculation, have their minds so much engaged in My service that they are never interested in asking Me for anything"
- Kapiladeva said: "Just as the celestial waters of the Ganges flow unobstructed into the ocean, so when My devotees simply hear of Me, their minds come to Me, who reside in the hearts of all"
- Kardama Muni was one of the prajapatis. He married Devahuti, the daughter of Manu, and their son was Kapiladeva
- Karl Marx. He is thinking how the laborer, the worker, their senses will be gratified. That is his philosophy
- Karmis are always anxious to accumulate wealth for their sense gratification, but for that purpose they must work very hard. Yet even though they work hard, the results are not satisfying
- Karmis change their professions at any moment, but a Krsna conscious person does not change his profession
- Karmis change their professions at any moment, but a Krsna conscious person does not change his profession, for his only profession is to attract the attention of Krsna by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and living a very simple life
- Karmis work day and night to improve their economic condition, jnanis undergo severe austerities in order to get liberation, and yogis also undergo severe austerities by practicing the yoga system for attainment of wonderful mystic powers
- Karmis, jnanis and yogis cannot be bound in devotional service. Karmis fully engage in the activities of the body. Their aim of life is to give comfort to the body only
- Kasyapa warned his wife that because Lord Siva would see their sex indulgence, the time was not appropriate
- Kasyapa, Prajapati, the creator of the living entities, gave his twin sons their names; the one who was born first he named Hiranyaksa, and the one who was first conceived by Diti he named Hiranyakasipu
- Keeping the polestar to their right, all the stars inhabited by the great sages like Dharma, Agni, Kasyapa and Sukra circumambulate this planet, which continues to exist even after the dissolution of all others
- Kindly explain all about the elementary principles of creation, the number of such elementary principles, their causes, and their development, and also the process of devotional service and the method of mystic powers
- King (Maharaja Pariksit) addressed him as follows: "I am surprised that Rukmi and Krsna, who were so greatly inimical to one another, could again be united by marital relationships between their descendants."
- King Anga addressed the priestly order: My dear priests, kindly tell me what offense I have committed. Although invited, the demigods are neither taking part in the sacrifice nor accepting their share
- King Bahulasva and the brahmana Srutadeva, knowing well that the Lord (Krsna) had come there just to grace them with favor, immediately fell at the Lord's lotus feet and offered their respects
- King Gaya gave full protection and security to the citizens so that their personal property would not be disturbed by undesirable elements. He also saw that there was sufficient food to feed all the citizens. (This is called posana)
- King Indra used his thunderbolt to cut off the heads of both Bala and Paka in the presence of all their relatives and followers. In this way he created a very fearful atmosphere on the battlefield
- King Nrga said, "All the cows were purchased with money earned legally. Furthermore, their horns were gold-plated, their hooves were bedecked with silver plating, and they were covered with necklaces and with silken wrappers embroidered with pearls"
- King Nrga said, "Such a person who remembers his past life is called jati-smara. In modern times also there are instances of small children recalling many details of their past lives"
- King Pariksit inquired: My dear lord, due to their birth, the forty-nine Maruts must have been obsessed with a demoniac mentality. Why did Indra, the King of heaven, convert them into demigods? Did they perform any rituals or pious activities?
- King Pariksit said: O my lord, O Sukadeva Gosvami, Yamaraja is the controller of all living entities in terms of their religious and irreligious activities, but his order had been foiled
- King Pariksit said: What are the opulences of the great mystics, and what is their ultimate realization? How does the perfect mystic become detached from the subtle astral body?
- King Pracinabarhisat left his kingdom before his sons arrived after their execution of penance and austerity
- King Prthu continued: By the grace of the Supreme Lord I have been appointed the king of this planet, and I carry the scepter to rule the citizens, protect them from all danger and give them employment according to their respective positions
- King Prthu found out the cause for the scarcity of food grains. He could understand that it was not the people's fault, for they were not lazy in executing their duties
- King Yayati had five youthful sons, and he begged all his sons to exchange their youth for his old age. No one agreed except the youngest son, whose name was Puru
- King Yudhisthira was never disturbed by all the calamities that overcame them even though Lord Krsna was ever their (five pandava's) companion
- King's duty is to see that everyone is following the brahminical culture. The brahmin is executing his occupational duties nicely, the ksatriyas are doing nicely in their occupational duties; similarly, vaisyas, sudras
- Kings are not only grhasthas, who are generally absorbed in sense gratification, but are sometimes employed to kill animals in hunting because they have to practice the killing art, otherwise it is very difficult for them to fight their enemies
- Kings like Maharaja Ambarisa and many other rajarsis who were pure devotees of the Lord simply passed their time in the service of the Supreme Lord
- Kirata-hunandhra-pulinda-pulkasa abhira-sumbha yavanah khasadayah (SB 2.4.18). This is a list of the names of candalas. The pasandis say that when these lower-class men are allowed to chant, their influence is enhanced
- Kirtaniyah sada harih: (CC Adi 17.31) "The holy name of the Lord should be chanted twenty-four hours daily." In this Krsna consciousness movement we request the devotees to chant at least sixteen rounds on their beads daily
- Knowing Duryodhana's plan, Krsna came to the Pandavas and asked their wife Draupadi if there were any remnants of food which she could offer to Him
- Knowing that the car festival would take place in the morning, all the servants of Lord Jagannatha were doubling their offerings of food
- Knowledge of these four items - namely oneself, the universe, God, and their internal relationship - is called sambandha-jnana, or the knowledge of one’s relationship
- Kratu's wife, Kriya, gave birth to sixty thousand great sages, named the Valakhilyas. All these sages were greatly advanced in spiritual knowledge, and their bodies were illuminated by such knowledge
- Krishna Consciousness movement is the need for the Western countries at this time. The Westerners have sufficiently enjoyed their material achievements and they are now, especially the younger generation, seeking for something spiritual
- Krishna tells Arjuna, His disciple, that "It is lust only . . . which is the all-devouring, sinful enemy of this world." In the Vedic language, their word for materialistic "love" as we call it at present day; "kama" lust for material desire, not love
- Krsna & Balarama remained in Mathura not in Their original forms but in Their expansions as Vasudeva & Sankarsana. Real Krsna & Balarama were in Vrndavana in Their bhava manifestation, whereas in Mathura They appeared in prabhava & vaibhava expansions
- Krsna addressed the inhabitants of Vrndavana, "My dear Stoka Krsna, Varuthapa, Bhadrasena, Sudama, Subala, Arjuna, Visala, and Rsabha - just look at these most fortunate trees of Vrndavana. They have dedicated their lives to the welfare of others"
- Krsna always tries to please His devotees as much as the devotees try to please Krsna. As the devotees always think of Krsna within their hearts, Krsna also thinks of His devotees within Himself
- Krsna and Baladeva are not subjected to the regulations of the universe; on the contrary, the whole universe is under Their subjugation
- Krsna and Balarama exactly followed those principles with great devotion and underwent the regulations of brahmacarya. Thus They satisfied Their spiritual master, who instructed Them in Vedic knowledge
- Krsna and Balarama fell at Their parents' feet and offered them prayers. Vasudeva and Devaki had suffered so much trouble from Kamsa because Krsna was their son
- Krsna and Balarama strictly followed those regulative principles while living under the instruction of their spiritual master, Sandipani Muni, who was a resident of Avantipura, in the northern Indian district of Ujjain
- Krsna and Balarama taught us (the duties of a vaisya) by Their personal behavior. Krsna took care of the cows and played His flute, and Balarama took care of agricultural activities with a plow in His hand
- Krsna and Balarama were immediately received by Their affectionate mothers, Yasoda and Rohini, who, according to the time's demands, began to fulfill the desires of their affectionate sons
- Krsna and Balarama would pile up planks so that They could reach the pots and would then pick holes in the pots with Their hands so that the contents would leak out and They could drink it. This was another means for stealing butter and milk
- Krsna and Jambavan first of all fought with weapons, then with stones, then with big trees, then hand to hand, until at last they were hitting each other with their fists, their blows like the striking of thunderbolts
- Krsna appeared differently to different people according to their different relationships (rasas) with Him. Krsna is the reservoir of all pleasure and all kinds of rasas, both favorable and unfavorable
- Krsna asked them to go back to their husbands and homes. The gopis apparently became very angry and began to talk to Krsna with faltering voices
- Krsna became very ingratiated and satisfied by the simple dealings of the gopis, and He immediately delivered their respective garments, one after another
- Krsna began to call the cows by their respective names, with great noise. Upon hearing Krsna calling, the cows immediately replied with joy. But by this time the forest fire had surrounded all of them, and the situation appeared to be very fearful
- Krsna called these girls (gopis) from their homes and invited them to dance with Him. That dance is called the rasa-lila dance
- Krsna called these girls (gopis) from their homes and invited them to dance with Him. That dance is called the rasa-lila dance, and it is the most elevated of all the Vrndavana pastimes - CC Intro
- Krsna clearly says that only those who have lost their sense worship the demigods for paltry rewards (7.20, 23)
- Krsna conscious devotees know very well that this material world is designed by the complete arrangement of the Lord to fulfill all the necessities of life for all living beings, without their having to encroach upon the life or rights of one another
- Krsna consciousness movement is an educational movement to raise the person from the asat platform to the sat. They have gone amock. So it is a humble attempt to stop their this suicidal policy
- Krsna consciousness movement is to educate people not to remain mudhah. Be intelligent. It is a very nice cultural movement that it is trying to awaken people to their God consciousness
- Krsna consciousness movement means we are creating brahmanas. So others, they should cooperate. Then their life will be also perfect
- Krsna consciousness movement will transform these uncivilized men to real civilization. Their civilization is now compact in masonry work, collecting stones and bricks and piling them. This much, their civilization
- Krsna continued, "I have been invited for this purpose by Brahma, the superintending deity of this universe, and thus I have now appeared in the dynasty of the Yadus as one of their family members"
- Krsna continued, "Just as one extracts and uses fire after manipulating ordinary wood, after dealing with these demoniac princes I shall bring forth Rukmini, like fire, from their midst"
- Krsna continued, "My full cooperation with you (Maharaj Ugrasena) will make your position more exalted and secure so that the kings of other dynasties will not hesitate to pay their respective revenues"
- Krsna continued, "People worship the demigods when in need of some sense gratification, the demigods offer benedictions to their devotees after being worshiped. A devotee like you, Akrura, is always ready to offer people the greatest benediction"
- Krsna continued, "Persons who are proud of their riches, even if they are offered association with My devotees, do not take advantage of consciousness of Me. In other words, the poorer class of men may have some interest in Me, rich men have no interest"
- Krsna continued, "They (the personalities in the royal order) were not unfit in any way, over & above that, your father, your brother had no objection to such a marriage. On the contrary, they gave their word of honor you would be married with Sisupala"
- Krsna continued, "We (Krsna and Balarama) think that to combat persons of equal age and strength is good for Us, but to fight great wrestlers like you would not be good for the audience. It would contradict their religious principles"
- Krsna delivers all Vaisnavas from the reactions to their past sinful activities
- Krsna does not change His constitutional position, not even when He appears in this material world. Ordinary living entities have their constitutional spiritual positions covered
- Krsna does not like His devotees to be proud of their service to Him. He accepts everyone's service, but He does not like one devotee to proudly consider himself better than others
- Krsna expanded as everything; therefore their affection increased. Now this chapter is ended after describing how their affection was overflowed on account of Krsna's expansions
- Krsna freely moves amongst His friends as a cowherd boy in Vrndavana, and when He plays His flute, all living creatures, mobile and immobile, become overwhelmed with ecstasy. They quiver, and tears flow from their eyes
- Krsna had 16,108 wives, and in each of them He begot ten sons, all of them equal to their father in the opulences of strength, beauty, wisdom, fame, wealth and renunciation. "Like father, like son"
- Krsna had many thousands of cows, and they were divided into groups according to their colors. They were also differently named according to color. When He would prepare to return from the pasturing ground, He would gather all the cows
- Krsna had many, many friends, of whom Sridama, Sudama and Subala were prominent. Thus Krsna Himself became Sridama, Sudama and Subala and entered their respective houses with their respective calves
- Krsna Himself explains the forms of the living entities in the Second Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, where He clearly says to Arjuna that He, Arjuna and all other living entities, who were previously in their original forms, are separate individual identities
- Krsna indirectly praised the fatherhood of Nanda Maharaja and motherhood of Yasoda as most glorious because although He and Balarama were not their born sons, Nanda and Yasoda actually enjoyed Their childhood pastimes
- Krsna is not easy to understand. Nor is He to be understood by persons who officially go to the temple to offer worship. They make their visit, but they cannot understand Krsna as He is. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is providing for millions and trillions of living entities by supplying all their necessities
- Krsna is very pleased with His devotees and their offerings. Therefore in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.26) the Lord says: “If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept it
- Krsna knows no loss, He knows no defamation, He has no fear, He has no anxiety, and He does not know calamity. He is simply encircled by the dancers of Vraja and is enjoying their company in the rasa dance
- Krsna led all the cowherd men, headed by Nanda Maharaja, to the lake where Akrura would later be shown the Vaikuntha planetary system. They took their bath immediately and saw the real nature of the Vaikunthalokas
- Krsna mentions this bhava stage in the Bhagavad-gita (10.8): I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who know this perfectly engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts
- Krsna practically showing how to live Vrndavana life. In Vrndavana nobody knows Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Nobody knows. But their love for Sri Krsna is intense. That is wanted
- Krsna quarreled with Radharani, & all the gopis hid themselves in a cluster of white lotus flowers. They submerged their bodies up to their necks in the water. Only their faces floated above the surface, & the faces were indistinguishable from the lotuses
- Krsna replied, "Because of Haihaya, Nahusa, Vena & Ravana's false perception of their positions, they fell from their exalted posts & they no longer remained kings of their respective kingdoms & were lost in the violence of abominable conditioned life"
- Krsna replied, "In the past there were many rebellious kings, such as Haihaya, Nahusa, Vena, Ravana & Narakasura. Some of them were demigods & some were demons, but because of their false perception of their positions, they fell from their exalted posts"
- Krsna said to Arjuna, "You are fighting for Me; therefore you are not asura." Those who are fighting for their sense gratification, they're asuras, but if need be fighting for, for cause, right cause...
- Krsna said to Uddhava, "Even if they are offered the four kinds of spiritual opulences, they will refuse to accept them. So what to speak of their desiring anything within the material world"
- Krsna said, "Above all, the damsels of Vraja, the gopis, are the most glorious because You (Balarama) embrace them with Your strong arms, being attracted by their beauty"
- Krsna said, "As long as you are here, they must be searching in different places, and their minds must be very agitated. So don’t tarry. Please go back and make them peaceful"
- Krsna said, "Even though they are trees and animals, these residents of Vrndavana are glorifying You. They are prepared to welcome You to the best of their ability, as is the practice of great souls in receiving another great soul at home"
- Krsna said, "Everywhere you (the gopis) go you will find that all these animals are loitering to find their prey. I think, therefore, that you are taking a great risk in coming here in the dead of night. Please turn back immediately, without delay"
- Krsna said, "Kindly forbid Her from this devious policy of putting Her face near Mine." When Krsna was speaking like this, the friends of Radharani could not check their laughter. This is an instance of ecstasy in conjugal love
- Krsna said, "My dear friends, just see how this spot is very nice for taking lunch and playing on the soft, sandy Yamuna bank. You can see how the lotus flowers in the water are beautifully blown and how they distribute their fragrance all around"
- Krsna said, "One should therefore avoid bad company and associate only with devotees. With their realized instructions, such saints can cut the knot connecting one with activities unfavorable to devotional service"
- Krsna said, "The cuckoos who are residing in this forest are welcoming You (Balarama) with their joyful, sweet cries because they consider that Your appearance in their home is so auspicious"
- Krsna said, Having held the impersonal point of view in their past lives, they have been put into this stationary condition of life, but now they have the opportunity of seeing You in Vrndavana
- Krsna said: "O Arjuna, there are no greater receptacles of deep love for Me than the gopis, who cleanse and decorate their bodies because they consider them Mine"
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (7.20): "Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures"
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita: I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who know this perfectly engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts - BG 10.8
- Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, "All are pursuing the path of realizing Me, but those who have adopted courses without any bhakti find their endeavor very troublesome." Krsna cannot be understood unless one comes to the point of bhakti
- Krsna says, "All are pursuing the path of realizing Me, but those who have adopted courses without any bhakti find their endeavor very troublesome." Krsna cannot be understood unless one comes to the point of bhakti
- Krsna says, "If ever a devotee should desire some material profit - to be promoted to the heavenly planets - or some spiritual profit - to go to the Vaikunthas - by My causeless mercy their desires are very easily fulfilled"
- Krsna says, "Those who are simply attached to Me by loving service. These devotees have everything at their disposal, but they desire nothing outside of My devotional service"
- Krsna says, catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah (BG 4.13) according to their qualities & work, you take some men & put them in the brahminical class, others in the ksatriya class, still others in the vaisya class, & the rest in the sudra class
- Krsna showed His universal form to Arjuna just to show him that these people were already killed for their unlawful action. That scene was shown to Arjuna because devotees are always peaceful, & they cannot perform such horrible actions. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna smiled and at once called for many Brahmas from many universes. The four-headed Brahma saw many other Brahmas coming to see Krsna and to offer their respects. Some of them had 10 heads, some had 20, some had a 100 and some even had a million heads
- Krsna tells Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita (2.14): O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- Krsna then threw His weapons, and Bhaumasura's commander in chief, Pitha, along with his assistants, fell down, their military dress cut off and their heads, legs, arms and thighs severed. All of them were sent to the superintendent of death, Yamaraja
- Krsna took the opportunity of their looking at the forest to advise them. "I think you have come out to see the beautiful Vrndavana forest on this night," He said, "but you must now be satisfied. So return to your homes without delay"
- Krsna was a beautiful boy, and they were attracted by the beauty of Krsna. They wanted Him as their husband, lover, to dance with them. That is the gopis
- Krsna was anxious to know about the Pandavas because at a very young age they had lost their father. Being very friendly to His devotees, Krsna was anxious to know about them, He deputed Akrura to go to Hastinapura, get information of the real situation
- Krsna was dressed in glowing garments of yellow, Balarama in blue, and They held new twigs of mango tree, peacock feathers and bunches of flowers in Their hands
- Krsna was not attracted by the opulence or personal beauty of the gopis but by their pure devotional service. Similarly, the gopis were attracted to Krsna as a cowherd boy, not in sophisticated guise
- Krsna was once addressed by His friend thus: "My dear Mukunda (Krsna), due to their being separated from You, the cowherd boys are standing just like neglected Deities in the house of a professional brahmana"
- Krsna was smiling because He was thinking to Himself - I have delivered two young demigods from the bondage of standing for a long time as trees, but as for Me, I am bound by the ropes of the gopis and am subject to their chastisements
- Krsna was so obliged to the gopis, the cowherd girls of Vrndavana, that He felt unable to return their love. "I cannot repay your love," He told them. "I have no more assets to give" - CC Intro
- Krsna was so obliged to the gopis, the cowherd girls of Vrndavana, that He felt unable to return their love. "I cannot repay your love," He told them. "I have no more assets to return"
- Krsna went on speaking, "After all, your husbands are householders, and without your help how can they execute their prescribed duties"
- Krsna's duty was to please all kinds of men belonging to the different castes, both in the city and within the palace compound. He made them happy by fulfilling their different desires, and when the Lord saw them happy He also became very much pleased
- Krsna's eyes dance and move obliquely, acting like arrows to pierce the minds of Srimati Radharani and the gopis. When the arrow succeeds in hitting its target, their minds become agitated
- Krsna's family - Krsna and His wives, along with their sons and grandsons and even great-grandsons - all combined together, include very nearly one billion family members
- Krsna's knowledge of His spiritual identity is never overcome by material action, whereas the minute part-and-parcel living entities are prone to forget their spiritual identity due to material action
- Krsna, Balarama and Uddhava offered him obeisances in turn and were offered appropriate sitting places. When all were comfortably seated, Akrura washed their feet and sprinkled the water on his head
- Krsna, being very kind to His devotees, fulfills their desire; because they always want Krsna's association, the Lord is always prepared to give it to them
- Krsna, the SPG, personally appeared and left His instructions for the benefit of all human society, but fools & rascals unfortunately think of Him as an ordinary human being and twist the instructions of Bhagavad-gita for the satisfaction of their senses
- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, acted as the supreme friend and relative of the Pandavas, and sometimes He even acted as their servant by carrying a letter from the Pandavas to Dhrtarastra and Duryodhana
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami ends every chapter with this verse: Praying at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha, always desiring their mercy, I, Krsnadasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, following in their footsteps
- Krti. Krti means meritorious. But duskrti: badly meritorious. They are using their brain for something atrocious, simply planning how to do harm to others. That is called duskrtina
- Ksatriya kings used to obey very faithfully the orders of learned brahmanas and saintly persons, and in this way they would rule their country. Similarly, vaisyas used to follow the king's orders, and sudras used to serve the three higher castes
- Ksatriyas are allowed to practice this killing (animal) art because they have to kill their enemies mercilessly to maintain peace in society
- Ksatriyas used to fight the kings of various dominions and kidnap their beautiful princess-daughters, after conquering their relatives. This system was laudable because they would be married only on the basis of the chivalry of the conquering ksatriya
- Ksatriyas used to learn the technology of warfare, and vaisyas learned business from their fathers or other businessmen; they were not meant to study the Vedas
- Kurus said, "The Yadus are now trying to go against those who have fed them nicely. Their flourishing condition is due to our gifts & merciful behavior & still they are so shameless that they are trying to order us. How regrettable are these activities"
- Laborer class, they are neither intelligent, nor, I mean to say, they want to take part in politics, nor they are able to do independent business. Under the circumstances, they are to give their labor and work under somebody and get some remuneration
- Lack of rain, scarcity of food grains, and overtaxed by the government, so much so that people will give up their hearth and home and go to the forest and hills in disappointment and confusion. So these are the symptoms of Kali-yuga, gradually degrading
- Laksmiji sometimes has to go to satisfy her numerous devotees, but tulasi leaves never forsake their position, and the Lord therefore appreciates the service of the tulasi more than the service of Laksmi
- Later on, with the advent of the age of Kali, the wives gradually began to be less adherent to their husbands, and the voluntary embrace of the fire by the widows became a thing of the past
- Later, the kings of the Kesari dynasty established their capital there (in Ekamra-kanana), and for many hundreds of years they reigned over the state of Orissa
- Learned men perform all their activities for transcendental results and thus direct all their activities toward the transcendental service of the Personality of Godhead
- Learned scholars and saintly persons declare the other eight varsas to be meant for very highly elevated pious persons. After returning from the heavenly planets, they enjoy the remaining results of their pious activities in these eight earthly varsas
- Learned scholars who are free from mistakes, illusions and propensities to cheat have thus described the planetary systems and their particular symptoms, measurements and locations
- Leaving aside their leader even in the very beginning of the fight, they decided to flee because all their prowess had been taken away by the enemy
- Less intelligent men claim that there is no God, but when the manifestation of different living entities & their activities is visible, enlightened persons see You (Krsna) present in every atom & through the via media of Your external & marginal energies
- Less intelligent men create their own "Gods" by advertising a human being as God. This is their mistake
- Less intelligent persons claiming to be on an equal level with God must first prove themselves to be absolute and independent, and then they must substantiate their claim to being one with God
- Less intelligent persons, they become asuras because they cannot calculate. They cannot think of. Their brain does not provide provision to think of all these things. A dull brain
- Less intelligent students of either of the above schools sometimes argue in favor of their own respective realization
- Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Srivasa Thakura and all the other devotees of the Lord. I fall down to offer them respect. I worship their lotus feet
- Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the SPG, Lord Hrsikesa, the controller of all my senses and the origin of everything. As the supreme master of all bodily, mental and intellectual activities, He is the only enjoyer of their results
- Let people have the chance to live with bhaktas. Then their habits will change. In the human form of life one has this chance
- Let the logicians compare all the results of other humanitarian work with the merciful activities of Lord Caitanya. If their judgment is impartial, they will understand that no other humanitarian activities can surpass those of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Let the materialists operate in their own way, but we have got Vaisnavism stand and we should train the general public to accept it and come up to our platform of process of doing things, not that we should reduce to their standard
- Let them fill their jails with us again and again, but we shall not stop our Sankirtana movement
- Like the full moon, he illuminated the entire assembly of Vaisnavas by speaking Sri Caitanya-mangala, and by the nectar of his qualities he increased their transcendental bliss
- Living entities also have partial independence, but by misuse of their independence, when the service attitude is transformed into the propensity for sense enjoyment, they come under the sway of lust
- Living entities are fallible because when they come in contact with the material world they lack their spiritual identity, and thus the body materially obtained becomes subjected to birth, growth, transformation, situation, deterioration and annihilation
- Living entities, as parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, have inherited different proportions of His original qualities, and in terms of their inheritance of these qualities, they appear as different species of life
- Long, long ago, Jyamagha had satisfied the demigods and Pitas by worshiping them. Now, by their mercy, Jyamagha's words came true
- Long, long ago, Lord Indra regretted his disrespect to his spiritual master, Brhaspati. Similarly, it is advised that the American people regret their mistaken advancement in civilization
- Lord Balarama then offered His respectful obeisances to the elderly cowherd men and accepted the obeisances of the younger cowherd men. Thus, according to their different ages and relationships, Lord Balarama exchanged feelings of friendship with them
- Lord Balarama took the other tusk of the elephant on His shoulder. Accompanied by Their cowherd boyfriends, They entered the arena
- Lord Brahma advised the demigods to accept the son of Tvasta as their spiritual master although he was always inclined toward the benefit of the asuras
- Lord Brahma also advised them (the demigods) that Lord Siva is so powerful that by his anger all the planets and their chief controllers can be destroyed immediately
- Lord Brahma and all the predominating deities of the various planetary systems began to worship Lord Vamanadeva, their supreme master, who had reduced Himself from His all-pervading form to His original form
- Lord Brahma chastised the demigods for not properly respecting this brahmana (Brhaspati), who was their guru. Lord Brahma wanted to impress upon the demigods that one's guru should not be disrespected under any circumstances
- Lord Brahma knew the mind of Lord Siva very well, and he was confident that the demigods, who were offenders at his lotus feet, could mitigate their offenses by going to him and surrendering without reservation
- Lord Brahma praised Kardama Muni's nine daughters, saying: All your thin-waisted daughters are certainly very chaste. I am sure they will increase this creation by their own descendants in various ways
- Lord Brahma said: After thus congratulating the sages for their nice words, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose abode is in the kingdom of God, spoke as follows
- Lord Brahma underwent a severe type of meditation for one thousand celestial years, yet he said that the glories of the Lord are inconceivable. Therefore what can the froggish philosophers hope to gain from their mental speculations?
- Lord Brahma, a human being and an ant all live for one hundred years, but their lifetimes of one hundred years are different from one another. This world is a relative world, and its relative moments of time are different
- Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and the other demigods returned to their respective abodes, but Indra did not, for he was disturbed at having killed Vrtrasura, who was actually a brahmana
- Lord Buddha deluded the atheists because such atheists who followed his principles did not believe in God, but they kept their absolute faith in Lord Buddha, who himself was the incarnation of God
- Lord Caitanya and all His devotees, naturally enthusiastic although agitated, must have made a great noise with their loud cries
- Lord Caitanya and all their followers by disciplic succession, all unanimously agree that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Lord Caitanya has advised His followers that their business is to propagate krsna-katha
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted the mood of the gopis, who accept Vrajendranandana, Sri Krsna, as their lover
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Laksmidevi are eternal husband and wife. Therefore it was quite natural for their dormant love to awaken when they saw each other. Their natural feelings were immediately awakened by their meeting
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu has condemned the Mayavadis as offensive to the Supreme Personality of Godhead because of their thinking that the Lord and the conditioned living entities are one and the same
- Lord Caitanya said: "No one can describe the fortunate position of Kulina-grama. It is so sublime that even sweepers who tend their hogs there also chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra"
- Lord Caitanya was an ideal sannyasi, and when He was at Puri His feminine devotees could not even come near to offer their respects. They were advised to bow down from a distant place. This is not a sign of hatred for women as a class. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Kapila continued: This instruction is not meant for the envious, for the agnostics or for persons who are unclean in their behavior. Nor is it for hypocrites or for persons who are proud of material possessions
- Lord Krsna advised Arjuna: O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- Lord Krsna and Balarama are not two different Personalities of Godhead. God is one without a second, but He expands Himself in many forms without their being separate from one another. They are all plenary expansions
- Lord Krsna and Balarama, the reservoir of all knowledge, exhibited Their perfect understanding of all the arts and sciences mentioned above. Then They offered to serve Their teacher by awarding him anything he desired
- Lord Krsna and His queens remained together as husband and wife, and Krsna, as an ideal husband, treated them in such a way that at every moment there was an increase of transcendental bliss in their smiling exchanges, talking and mixing
- Lord Krsna and Lord Ramacandra, in the manner of ksatriyas, sometimes showed Their mercy by killing asuras, but Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu awarded love of God without difficulty even to the asuras
- Lord Krsna begged pardon from His parents for Their (Krsna's and Balarama's) inability to serve their feet, due to being away from home because of great fear of Kamsa
- Lord Krsna continued: "If you (Yudhisthira) want to conquer the worldly kings, there is no possibility of their emerging victorious"
- Lord Krsna finally admitted His defeat before the transcendental affection of the gopis and declared that He was unable to repay them for their unalloyed affection
- Lord Krsna is especially pleasing to such devotees, in whose hearts He is always present because of their highly elevated transcendental love
- Lord Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He has His own planet, and the demigods have theirs. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Krsna made Srimati Radharani close Her eyes in shame before Her friends by His words relating Their amorous activities on the previous night
- Lord Krsna said, "All living entities achieve higher or lower bodies and create enemies, friends or neutral parties only because of their different kinds of work"
- Lord Krsna thought: "Devotional service rendered to Me by the living beings revives their eternal life. O My dear damsels of Vraja, your affection for Me is your good fortune, for it is the only means by which you have obtained My favor"
- Lord Krsna thought: "The influence of yogamaya will inspire the gopis with the sentiment that I am their paramour"
- Lord Krsna took the Syamantaka jewel in His hand and showed it to all His relatives and friends present and then returned the jewel to Akrura in their presence, so that they would know that the jewel was actually being kept by Akrura in Dvaraka City
- Lord Krsna, however, enjoyed all of His sixteen thousand wives simultaneously. Although it may be said that yogis also can expand their bodies into many forms, the yogi's expansion and Lord Krsna's expansion are not the same
- Lord Krsna, in spite of searching for the calves, could not find them, and He even lost His boyfriends on the bank of the Yamuna, where they had been taking their lunch
- Lord Krsna, indebted to the Pandavas' devotional service, sometimes acted as their messenger, and He guided them through many dangerous situations. Therefore Maharaja Pariksit should not have been saddened because Lord Krsna did not appear in his family
- Lord Krsna, who is known as Kesava, could immediately understand their (the gopis) pride caused by their great fortune of enjoying Him personally
- Lord Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Advaita Acarya accepted a sannyasi as their spiritual master, namely Madhavendra Puri, who was a disciple of Laksmipati Tirtha
- Lord Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Advaita Acarya also accepted another sannyasi as their spiritual master, Madhavendra Puri. This Madhavendra Puri is also known as Laksmipati Tirtha
- Lord Ramacandra gave them the benediction that their desires would be fulfilled when He would appear as Krsna. Therefore the desire of the gopis to enjoy the appearance of Lord Krsna was long cherished
- Lord Ramacandra remained silent, and His silence shows that He accepted the prayers of the sages (they desired conjugal love in the manner of the gopis). Thus they were blessed by Lord Ramacandra to have association with Lord Krsna in their future lives
- Lord Ramacandra ruled His kingdom exactly as a father takes care of his children, and the citizens, being obliged to the good government of Lord Ramacandra, accepted the Lord as their father
- Lord Siva is also called Asutosa. Asu means "very soon," and tosa means "to become satisfied." The demigods were advised to go to Lord Siva and beg his pardon, and because he is very easily pleased, it was certain that their purpose would be served
- Lord Siva is called pasupati because he protects the living entities in their developed consciousness so that they may follow the Vedic system of varna and asrama
- Lord Siva, as the progenitor, engages in sex with Bhavani, the progenitress, to produce living entities, and from the mixture of their vital fluid the river named Hataki is generated
- Lord Siva, the king of the ghosts, sitting on the back of his bull carrier, travels at this time, accompanied by ghosts who follow him for their welfare
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu considered Sri Ramananda Raya and Sri Sanatana Gosvami to be equal in their renunciation
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu first sent those two persons in advance. The King inquired, "Who are these two? Please let me know their identities"
- Lord Sri Krsna agreed to become the son of Vasudeva and Devaki upon being pleased with their severe austerities. Therefore if any austerities have to be done, they must be done to achieve the end of knowledge, Vasudeva
- Lord Sri Krsna is so merciful that He descends to reclaim suffering humanity and preaches Bhagavad-gita with the intense desire that all living beings give up all of their engagements and take shelter of His lotus feet
- Lord Sri Krsna said: O Arjuna, you should not show mercy by releasing this relative of a brahmana (brahma-bandhu), for he has killed innocent boys in their sleep
- Lord Sri Krsna, when He was personally present at Vrajadhama, stopped the worship of the demigod Indra and advised the residents of Vraja to worship by their business and to have faith in God
- Lord Visnu entered the demons as the quality of passion, the demigods as the quality of goodness, and Vasuki as the quality of ignorance to encourage them and increase their various types of strength and energy
- Lord Visnu said: "My devotees, having fulfilled their desires by serving Me, do not accept the four kinds of salvation that are easily earned by such service. Why then should they accept any pleasures that are lost in the course of time?"
- Lord Visnu specifically is always the controller of the three qualities. There is no question of His coming under their control
- Lord Visnu, Lord Brahma & Lord Siva are situated within this universe as the directors of the three modes, & their connection with the modes is known as yoga. This does not indicate, however, that these personalities are bound by the qualities of nature
- Loudly chanting the holy name of Hari, all of them tasted the prasadam. As they tasted it, their minds became mad in the ecstasy of love
- Low-class people, due to their gross ignorance, introduce a system of religion that deviates from the Vedic principles. Following their own mental concoctions, they automatically fall down into the darkest regions of existence
- Lower animals have knowledge only of their hunger and thirst. They have no acquired knowledge, no vision. Their behavior exhibits no dependence on formalities
- Lusty desires are experienced when one is concerned with his own personal sense gratification. The mood of the gopis is not like that. Their only desire is to satisfy the senses of Krsna
- Luxury leads to poverty. When the American becomes too much luxurious, they'll not be able to defend their country. Then it will be finished
- Macbeth may be recited by two men, without anything else, and simply by their acting ability and the meaningful words alone, they can very easily capture the entire audience and give them real substance
- Macmillan cannot increase the price unless their raw materials are costly. But we can help them to print it at a lower cost, so why they won't agree
- Madhavendra Puri said, "These two assistants will regularly grind the sandalwood, and you should also get two other people to help. I shall pay their salaries"
- Mahabharata especially was written for three classes of men. What are those? Stri, sudra, dvija-bandhu. Stri means woman, sudra means worker class, and dvija-bandhu means persons who have taken their birth in higher caste, but they're degraded
- Mahabharata is called, according to Vedic authorities, as the history of India. I do not know who first designated it as an "epic." That is the cause of the falldown of Hindu culture. They did not believe in their Vedic literatures presented by Vyasadeva
- Maharaja Antardhana was not very happy while exacting taxes or punishing the citizens for their criminal activities; therefore, on the plea of performing sacrifices, he retired from the royal majestic power at a very early age
- Maharaja Pariksit conquered all parts of the earthly planet - Bhadrasva, Ketumala, Bharata, the northern Kuru, Kimpurusa, etc. - and exacted tributes from their respective rulers
- Maharaja Pariksit has compared their (Those who are attached to Vedic ritualistic ceremonies) activities to kunjara-sauca, the bathing of an elephant
- Maharaja Pariksit inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami - When all the members of the Yadu dynasty met their end, Krsna also put an end to Himself, and the only member of the family who remained alive was Uddhava. How was this possible
- Maharaja Pariksit inquired, "Also, why did the cows become so loving toward the calves, more than toward their own calves?"
- Maharaja Pariksit inquired, "During the absence of the original cowherd boys, when Krsna expanded Himself, why is it that the boys' parents became more loving toward Him than toward their own sons?"
- Maharaja Pariksit was already aware of this fact, but he wanted the great sages assembled there to unanimously give their verdict on his conviction so that he might be able to go on with his confirmed duty without controversy
- Maharaja Pariksit was rajarsi-sattama, the best of all saintly kings, and Sukadeva Gosvami was muni-sattama, the best of munis. Both of them were elevated because of their common interest in krsna-katha
- Maharaja Pariksit was surprised, thinking - What did mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja do in their previous lives by which they got such a great opportunity, the opportunity to be the affectionate father and mother of Krsna
- Maharaja Priyavrata greatly loved his wife Barhismati, and with the increase of days, their exchange of nuptial love also increased
- Maharaja Prthu and Queen Arci united in the Vaikuntha planets. In the Vaikuntha planets there are husbands and wives, but there is no question of their giving birth to children or having sex life
- Maharaja Prthu did not ask the Kumaras about their good fortune, for the Kumaras are always auspicious by dint of their life in celibacy. Since they are always engaged on the path of liberation, there was no question of ill fortune
- Maharaja Prthu inquired from the four Kumaras about the fallen conditioned souls who are rotting in this material world due to their past bad or inauspicious activities. Is there any possibility for their auspicious spiritual life
- Maharaja Prthu was assured of this fact; instead of wasting time by asking the Kumaras about their welfare, he preferred to inquire from them whether he could soon be relieved from the dangerous position of materialistic existence
- Maharaja Yadu was different from his brothers. As stated in the next verse, turvasus coditah pitra druhyus canus ca bharata (SB 9.18.41). Maharaja Yadu's brothers refused to accept their father's proposal because they were not completely aware of dharma
- Maharaja Yudhisthira said: My dear brother (Arjuna), please tell me whether our friends and relatives, such as Madhu, Bhoja, Dasarha, Arha, Satvata, Andhaka and the members of the Yadu family are all passing their days in happiness
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was always conscious of the great plight of his uncle Dhrtarastra and aunt Gandhari, and therefore he took all possible care of them in their old age and aggrieved conditions
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was saying - My dear Lord Vidura, people like you always carry Lord Visnu in their hearts. You can revitalize all holy places after they have been polluted by the pilgrimages of sinners
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was the rightful heir to his father's kingdom. But just to favor his own sons, headed by Duryodhana, Dhrtarastra, Maharaja Yudhisthira's uncle, adopted various unfair means to cheat his nephews of their rightful share of the kingdom
- Mahatma, those who are great souls, in their spiritual society of Krsna consciousness, by discussing about Krsna as in terms of the Vedic literature and authoritative literature, they enjoy transcendentally. This is transcendental pleasure
- Maitreya continued: My dear Vidura, descendant of Kuru, as a herd of bulls circumambulates a central pole on their right side, all the luminaries within the universal sky unceasingly circumambulate the abode of Dhruva Maharaja with great force and speed
- Maitreya is now explaining about the progeny of the sons of Brahma (SB 4.8.1). Out of the many sons of Brahma, the brahmacari sons headed by Sanaka&Narada did not marry at all & therefore there is no question of narrating the history of their descendants
- Maitreya said: My dear Vidura, because of their pious nature, all the sons of Pracinabarhi very seriously accepted the words of their father with heart & soul, and with these words on their heads, they went toward the west to execute their father's order
- Malicious editors and scholars who attempt to misrepresent the Pancaratra-sastras to refute their regulations are most abominable
- Man is meant for hard working, and woman is meant for homely comfort, love. So both of them, if they are situated in their respective duties under proper training, then this combination will help them to make progress in spiritual life
- Man-made satellites and mechanical space vehicles will never be able to carry human beings to the planets of outer space. Men cannot even go on their much-advertised trips to the moon
- Manda means everything bad or everything slow. Duration of life is bad, then their activities also very bad, always sinful activities
- Mandhata begot three sons in the womb of Bindumati, the daughter of Sasabindu. These sons were Purukutsa, Ambarisa, and Mucukunda, a great mystic yogi. These three brothers had fifty sisters, who all accepted the great sage Saubhari as their husband
- Many great kings left their princely standard of living and went to the forest to practice austerity according to Vedic culture, just to become purified
- Many headless trunks were generated on that battlefield. With weapons in their arms, those ghostly trunks, which could see with the eyes in the fallen heads, attacked the enemy soldiers
- Many heavenly women assembled with their husbands, the devarsis, demigods and rajarsis, in that great sacrifice named brhaspati-sava
- Many hundreds of male and female carnivorous demons, completely naked and carrying tridents in their hands, then appeared, crying the slogans "Cut them to pieces! Pierce them!"
- Many hundreds of well-known prostitutes began to proceed on various vehicles. They were all very eager to meet the Lord, and their beautiful faces were decorated with dazzling earrings, which enhanced the beauty of their foreheads
- Many interested people come to honor prasada, and whenever possible they invite members of the Society to their homes and feed them sumptuously with prasada. In this way both the members of the Society and the general public are benefited
- Many materialistic persons used to come and bother him and disturb his daily routine of chanting, so to avoid their company he used to sit by the side of a latrine, where materialistic persons would not go because of the filth and the obnoxious smell
- Many men come here and by their talents, earn huge amounts of money, but it remains here, and he goes alone with his works only to accept another different kind of body, forgetting everything behind
- Many monkeys in India were caught and sent to Europe so that their sex glands could serve as replacements for those of old people. Those who actually descend from the monkeys are interested in expanding their aristocratic families through sex
- Many of our Temples are now requiring pictures of Pancatattva and Acaryas, principally your Spiritual Master and my Spiritual Master, for their Guru Gauranga worship
- Many of the demigods were unable to fight with you (Kamsa), and they immediately surrendered themselves unto you by loosening their turbans and the tufts of hair on their heads
- Many organizations. So they are called duskrtina. They are educated. They have got good brain, they can act very nicely, but their intelligence is being used for sinful activities. They are called duskrtina
- Many other commentators due to poor fund of knowledge tamper with the lines of Bhagavad-gita and twist the meaning for their personal motives, but we do not do like that. We present it exactly as it is; without any additions or subtractions
- Many others like Sukadeva Gosvami and other purified souls, Kasyapa and Angirasa and others, all accompanied by their respective disciples, arrived there
- Many people before me, many svamis went there to make Christians Hindus. They kicked there on their face. They did not become successful. Because they talked nonsense
- Many people from different parts of the world are joining this Society to awaken their dormant Krsna consciousness
- Many people go to holy places and leave their sinful activities there, thus becoming free from contamination. When these contaminations pile up, they are counteracted by the visit of great personalities like Sri Caitanya and His strict followers
- Many people have tried to see God, but they do not succeed. That is because their purpose is not strong. That is due to maya, forgetfulness
- Many philosophers and great rsis, or mystics, try to distinguish the Absolute from the relative by their tiny brain power. This can only help them reach the negative conception of the Absolute
- Many plants and creepers that were almost dead during the months of April and May are now visible again in various forms, for they are nourished by their roots in the moist earth
- Many professional singers used to sing about the glories of King Puranjana and his glorious activities. When it was too hot in the summer, he used to enter a reservoir of water. He would surround himself with many women and enjoy their company
- Many pseudo-devotees dress the outward material body because they confuse the body with the soul. They are mistaken when they think that the spiritual bodies of Krsna, Radharani and Their associates, the damsels of Vraja, are composed of material nature
- Many rivers and their branches flow through the nine varsas (of Jambudvipa)
- Many self-realized renunciants, like the famous Sukadeva Gosvami, got a taste for knowledge of the Supreme PG after practicing their impersonal disciplines. Then they relished indescribable bliss by hearing the Supreme Lord's transcendental pastimes
- Marking these and many other omens of evil times, everyone but the four sage - sons of Brahma, who were aware of the fall of Jaya and Vijaya and of their birth as Diti's sons, was seized with fear
- Marriage is a concession for people who are unable to control their senses. Raghunatha, being an advanced devotee of Krsna, naturally had no desire for sense gratification. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised him not to enter the bondage of marriage
- Mass of people, they are not advanced. So simply by their vote, if somebody is elected, then they will have to repent
- Material nature & the living entities should be understood to be beginningless. Their transformations and the modes of matter are products of material nature
- Material nature and the living entities should be understood to be beginningless. Their transformations and the modes of matter are products of material nature. BG 13.20 - 1972
- Material nature displays wonderful workmanship by creating varieties of bodies for the living beings according to their propensities for sense gratification. The living entity who wants to taste stool is given a body that is suitable for eating stool
- Material scientists are attempting to go to the moon and other planets, but they cannot imagine going to the topmost planet, Brahmaloka, for it is beyond their imagination
- Material scientists are now attempting to penetrate this mystery, and a day may come when the people of this earth will be able to travel in outer space and see the variegatedness of these millions of planets with their own eyes
- Material scientists sometimes suggest that the tendencies of male and female bodies cause their union and that this is the cause of the birth of the child
- Materialistic asuras sometimes make a show of religion, but their ultimate aim is material prosperity
- Materialistic demons sometimes appear to be very powerful and are seen to establish their supremacy throughout the world
- Materialistic men are always interested in their own profit. For this purpose they can offer any kind of respect to anyone, but when their personal interest is over, they are no longer friends
- Materialistic men are not interested in taking directions from a liberated person, but they are very much interested in their own concocted ideas, which make them repeatedly fail in their attempts
- Materialistic people are sometimes called sudras, or descendants of monkeys, due to their monkeylike intelligence. They do not care to know how the evolutionary process is taking place
- Materialistic people do not care to know how the evolutionary process is taking place, nor are they eager to know what will happen after they finish their small human life span. This is the attitude of sudras
- Materialistic persons are very enthusiastic to maintain their family members, wife and children, and that there are also many mystic speculators who are engaged in speculating about liberation from the miseries of material life
- Materialistic persons take to so-called religion to get some blessings so that they can improve their economic position and enjoy the material world through sense gratification
- Materialistic persons think that the path of religion is meant for improving their material conditions. The materialist goes to a temple to worship many varieties of demigods just to receive some benediction to improve his material life
- Materialistic persons who are not inclined to give up their sinful activities like illicit sex, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating sometimes want to become our disciples
- Materialistic persons who are very fond of money and great families worship different demigods to attain their desires, especially goddess Durga, Lord Siva and Lord Brahma. Such materialistic persons are called sriyaisvarya-prajepsavah
- Materialistic persons who attach all their faith to the Vedic rituals are described in Bhagavad-gita
- Materialistic persons who engage in elevating their position in the material world are not interested in such activities of the Lord. They may be interested in the activities of a great politician or a great rich man of this world
- Materialistic persons, who are under the full control of material intelligence, cannot engage their senses in Krsna's service. Thus, consciously or unconsciously, they become entangled by the dictations of material intelligence
- Materialistic scientists and philosophers generally use such words as maybe and perhaps because they do not have actual knowledge of complete facts. Therefore their instructing others is an example of cheating
- Materialistic scientists do not know where to find the soul within the body with their material instruments, but this verse (SB 6.1.31) clearly explains that the soul is within the core of the heart - hrdaya
- Materialistic scientists think that although this planet earth is full of opulence, all others are vacant. Because they simply speculate, this is their scientific conclusion
- Materialistic scientists, puffed-up by the magical changes their so-called inventions have brought about, cannot see the real potency of Godhead behind matter
- Materialistic warmongers are not even afraid to fight with their mightiest enemy, the Personality of Godhead
- Materialists always think of sense gratification, but Prahlada Maharaja prays that the Lord's mercy will change their minds and they will stop thinking of sense gratification. If they think of Krsna always, everything will be all right
- Materialists are generally very attached to their present bodily comforts and to the bodily comforts they expect in the future. Therefore they are always absorbed in thoughts of their wives, children and wealth and are afraid of giving up their bodies
- Materialists are most abominable in their ideas. They think that they can enjoy directly perceivable gross objects by their senses and that they can similarly deal with the transcendental features of Lord Caitanya
- Materialists simply believe their imperfect senses and do not take instructions from the revealed scriptures
- Materialists spoil their valuable lives pursuing luxury and neglecting to perfect their lives through spiritual realization
- Materialists who are addicted to experimental knowledge and the so-called "scientific method" cannot place their faith in the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Materialists who have neither faith in the plan of God nor any aspiration for higher spiritual development misuse their God-given intelligence only to augment their material possessions
- Materialists who try to get the favor of the goddess of fortune only to possess her for personal enjoyment are frustrated. Theirs is not a good policy
- May the Lord cover their influence by His own transcendental influence. May Nrsimhadeva protect us in all directions and in all corners, above, below, within and without
- Maya has no substantial existence, but as long as its hallucinations go on, their reactions are felt. The Lord, by His causeless mercy, displays the reality of life so that our hallucinations may be completely dissipated
- Maya is so strong that she'll not allow to take real knowledge from the real person, but we shall read volumes of books who are defective with their four kinds of imperfectness, namely they commit mistake, they are illusioned, they are cheater, etc
- Mayavadi philosophers are very proud of exhibiting their Vedanta knowledge through grammatical jugglery, but in the Bhagavad-gita Lord Sri Krsna certifies that they are mayayapahrta-jnana, bereft of real knowledge due to maya
- Mayavadi philosophers cannot imagine how this oneness (with paraphernalia of Visnuloka) can be achieved even in different varieties. Their idea of oneness is that there is no variety. Therefore they have become impersonalists
- Mayavadi philosophers do not understand this simple fact. Their tiny brains and poor fund of knowledge cannot afford them sufficient enlightenment to realize that when a man's energy is transformed, the man himself is not transformed but remains the same
- Mayavadi philosophers regard even Lord Krsna's body as material, but their opinions cannot impede the spiritual activity of the Lord
- Mayavadi philosophers think that since the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth, has become everything, He has no separate existence. Their philosophy is called advaita-vada. Actually, however, their philosophy is not correct
- Mayavadi philosophers, they also accept Vyasadeva as their original spiritual master, but they have interpreted Vyasadeva's views; therefore they are not considered to be bona fide disciples
- Mayavadi philosophers, who do not understand the relationship between themselves, the cosmic manifestation and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are simply wasting their time, and their philosophical speculation has no value
- Mayavadi sannyasis accept the meanings expressed in the explanations of the Vedanta-sutra by Sankaracarya, which are based on monism. Thus they explain the Vedanta-sutra, the Upanisads and all such Vedic literatures in their own impersonal way
- Mayavadi sannyasis always misinterpret all the sastras with their word jugglery and grammatical compositions
- Mayavadi sannyasis are always very puffed up because of their knowledge of Sanskrit and because they belong to the Sankara-sampradaya
- Mayavadi sannyasis are very proud of their Sanskrit education. Sometimes people ask our students, "Whether you have learned Sanskrit?" Krsna consciousness understanding does not depend on Sanskrit scholarship. That is the teaching of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Mayavadi sannyasis generally call themselves jagad-guru, the spiritual master of the whole world. Many consider themselves worshipable by everyone, although they do not even go outside India or their own district
- Mayavadi sannyasis in India are limited in their experience to a small town or village, or perhaps to the country of India. Nor do such sannyasis have sufficient education
- Mayavadi sannyasis neither chant nor dance. Their technical objection is that this method of chanting and dancing is called tauryatrika, which indicates that a sannyasi should completely avoid such activities and engage his time in the study of Vedanta
- Mayavadi sannyasis, not knowing that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was a tridandi, think of Caitanya Mahaprabhu as an ekadandi-sannyasi. This is due to their vivarta, bewilderment
- Mayavadis consider devotional service to be an aspect of fruitive activities (karma-kanda). According to their view, bhakti consists of mental speculation or sometimes meditation. This is the difference between the Mayavadi and Vaisnava philosophies
- Mayavadis do not discuss these philosophies (of the Vaisnava acaryas), for they are firmly convinced of their own philosophy of kevaladvaita, exclusive monism
- Mayavadis think that everyone can claim to be God, but that is their illusion, for no one else can perform such extraordinary activities as Krsna
- Meanwhile, all the devotees journeyed from their homes in Bengal to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Medical science has given the chance of committing sinful activities. That's all. And the medical man and the man who is committing such sinful activities, they will suffer. This is the advantage of their so-called medical science
- Meditating on the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord at the end of their lives, they (the Pracetas) advanced to the ultimate goal, Visnuloka
- Meditation? That you can see from the result. You'll find so many persons meditating, but see their life. Phalena pariciyate. One has to be judged by the result
- Men are accustomed to reaching conclusions according to their capacity for understanding, but the Supreme Lord is not subject to our limited capacity for understanding
- Men are engaging in many sinful activities and becoming degraded by opening slaughterhouses, breweries and cigarette factories, as well as nightclubs and other establishments for sense enjoyment. In this way they are spoiling their lives
- Men in the mode of goodness have an introspective mind, and after a regulative struggle for existence they retire at a ripe old age and engage their time in cultivating the human spirit
- Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary. Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My (Krsna's) supreme planet - BG 7.23
- Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary. Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet. BG 7.23 - 1972
- Men who have gone to Vrndavana but who still hanker for sex should immediately leave Vrndavana and stop their grievous offenses at the lotus feet of the Lord
- Merry peacocks danced just like actors and actresses, and merry cuckoos called their mates very nicely
- Minimizing their bodily wants as far as possible, they (the six Gosvamis) each accepted only a loincloth and a begging bowl
- Mischievous, miscreants, simply wasting money. They're taking huge salary, huge research fees from the government, and simply misleading persons. That is their business
- Mitra begot three sons in the womb of his wife, whose name was Revati. Their names were Utsarga, Arista and Pippala
- Modern advanced in science people, they think: "Oh, what is the use of asking bread in the church? Why not take to industry?" That is their aim. In India, especially, this is the situation
- Modern civilization is centered around animal-killing. Karmis are advertising that without eating meat, their vitamin value or vitality will be reduced; so to keep oneself fit to work hard, one must eat meat
- Modern civilization is in the opinion that if they can improve their material condition of eating, sleeping, mating and defending, that is advancement of civilization. But that is not advancement of civilization
- Modern civilization, they are giving all value to this body, all their philanthropic work, hospitalization and this, so many things
- Modern educators do not know the aim of human life; they are simply concerned with how to develop the economic condition of their countries or of human society
- Modern impersonalists are still less intelligent, for they do not even follow their great predecessor, Sankaracarya, who has specifically stated that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Modern men want to see everything with their eyes, although they are not sufficiently qualified. Consequently, they disbelieve in the existence of the demigods or of the Supreme God
- Modern politicians who pose themselves as dhiras are actually adhiras, and one cannot expect perfect knowledge from them. They are simply busy seeing to their own remuneration in dollars and cents
- Modern presidents, governors and chief executive officers are all unworthy of their posts because they are not conversant with Vedic administrative knowledge and they do not take direction from great saintly persons and brahmanas
- Modern psychologists can study the actions of the mind - thinking, feeling and willing - but they are unable to go deep into the matter. This is due to their lack of knowledge and to their not being associated with a liberated acarya
- Modern scientists are proud of their knowledge because they are discovering new methods to dominate the laws of material nature. They think that this is the advancement of human civilization
- Modern scientists have stopped their brainwork by discovering the theory of uncertainty, but factually for a living being there cannot be any brain activity which is not checked by time and space limitations
- Modern scientists like Jagadisha Chandra Bose, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, etc., may be very boastful of their respective creative energies, but all were dependent on the Supreme Lord for so many things
- Modern warfare waged between capitalists and communists is due to their avoiding the advice of Srila Rupa Gosvami regarding atyahara
- Monkey, they are very busy. Do you know? But their business is to simply destroy
- More than sixteen thousand queens in Dvaraka, engaged their feminine attractive features in the transcendental service of the Lord by smiling & serving, and the Lord was pleased to behave with them exactly like a perfect husband enjoying household life
- Most of the girl friends of Krsna were married, but because Krsna was their friend before their marriages, they could not forget His attractive features, which were always fascinating to them, even after their marriages
- Most of the gopis in their previous lives were great sages, expert in the study of the Vedas, and when Lord Krsna appeared as Lord Ramacandra they wanted to enjoy with Him
- Most of the residents of these planets, who are known as Daityas, Danavas and Nagas, live as householders. Their wives, children, friends and society are all fully engaged in illusory, material happiness
- Most of them are meat-eaters, and even though they may not be meat-eaters and may pose themselves to be very religious and pious, they still allow cow slaughter within their state. Such sinful heads of state cannot actually be popular at any time
- Most people are bound by the knots of the marital relationship, and consequently they forget their relationship with Krsna
- Most persons are passionate and ignorant, and therefore their plans and projects can hardly do any good to others
- Mother Yasoda sent Rohinidevi to call Rama and Krsna from Their play, since it was the right time for lunch. Therefore Rohinidevi went to call Them, breaking Their engagement in play
- Mother Yasoda told Krsna, "Today is Your birthday ceremony; therefore You should come back home and give cows in charity to the brahmanas. Don't You see how Your playmates are decorated with ornaments by their mothers?"
- Mother Yasoda, Rohini, Maharaja Nanda and the cowherd men became so happy that as they embraced Krsna they thought they had achieved their ultimate goal of life
- Motherly gopis, just like Yasoda and ladies, offer their, loving Krsna as son, and the younger girls, they're loving Krsna as husband, as lover. So in this way in Vrndavana there are different transcendental mellows of loving affairs
- Mucukunda continued, "Kings and emperors sometimes accept the life of an ascetic to forget their royal life, but by Your special causeless mercy I have already been bereft of royalty. I do not need to become a mendicant or practice renunciation"
- Mukunda, or Krsna, is also the source of solace for the damsels of Vrndavana. The damsels of Vrajabhumi are always suffering because of separation from Krsna, but when they meet Him during the moonlit autumn night, their fatigue of separation is relieved
- Mundane and compromising offers attract many foolish creatures, who become puffed up with their manufactured methods of spiritual realization. The Vedic instructions, however, do not uphold them
- Mundane scholars can always discover novel meanings in Bhagavad-gita, and in this way they may certainly exhibit their mundane erudition - but this is all just the play of maya. The real essence of Bhagavad-gita cannot be transmitted through such persons
- Mundane speculators cannot capture the spiritual elephant within their limited conception. It is just like a frog’s trying to measure the Atlantic Ocean by imagining it so many times larger than his well
- My (Kapiladeva's) dear respectful mother (Devahuti), I have already described the path of understanding the Absolute Truth, by which one can come to understand the real truth of matter and spirit and their relationship
- My attraction for family is not for their benefit. By my sense gratification the family members help me, therefore I am attracted. The wife gives me pleasure; therefore I like wife. The wife also likes husband because husband gives pleasure
- My concern is only for the fools and rascals who are making elaborate plans for material happiness and maintaining their families, societies and countries. I am simply concerned with love for them
- My dear friend, if you say, "Just try to control Your senses," what shall I say? I cannot become angry at My senses. Is it their fault? Krsna's beauty, sound, touch, fragrance and taste are by nature extremely attractive
- My dear King (Pariksit), I (Sukadeva Gosvami) have thus described how people generally act according to their different desires and, as a result, get different types of bodies in higher or lower planets
- My dear King Pariksit, the sons of Kartaviryarjuna, who were defeated by the superior strength of Parasurama, never achieved happiness, for they always remembered the killing of their father
- My dear King Yudhisthira, all the children were very much affectionate and respectful to Prahlada Maharaja, and because of their tender age they were not so polluted by the instructions and actions of their teachers
- My dear King, the order carriers of Visnu, the Visnudutas, immediately arrived when they heard the holy name of their master from the mouth of the dying Ajamila, who had certainly chanted without offense because he had chanted in complete anxiety
- My dear King, when the gopis were missing Krsna, they were so much absorbed in meditation upon Him that all of their senses stopped functioning, and they lost all bodily sense. It was as though they had become liberated from all material conditions
- My dear Ksatta, Vidura, the celestial damsels come down to those rivers in their airplanes with their husbands, and after sexual enjoyment, they enter the water and enjoy sprinkling their husbands with water
- My dear Lord - Prahlada began - I am not very anxious for my own deliverance. At this point we may contrast this attitude with that of the Mayavadi philosophers who are very careful that their personal salvation is never interrupted
- My dear Lord, devotees who have fully dedicated their lives unto your lotus feet certainly observe your presence as Paramatma in each and every being, and as such they do not differentiate between one living being and another
- My dear Lord, it is after You endeavor that Lord Brahma, Indra and the other directors of the cosmic manifestation become occupied with their activities. It is after You perceive the material energy, My Lord, that the senses begin to perceive
- My dear Lord, let me suffer perpetually in a hellish condition, accepting all the sinful reactions of all living entities. Please finish their diseased material life
- My dear Lord, O infallible one, my position is like that of a person who has many wives, all trying to attract him in their own way. For example, the tongue is attracted to palatable dishes, the genitals to sex with an attractive woman
- My dear Lord, what can I (Bilvamangala Thakura) say about the opulence of Your Vrndavana? Simply the ornaments on the legs of the damsels of Vrndavana are more than cintamani, and their dresses are as good as the heavenly parijata flowers
- My dear Lord, You are the viewer of the results of pious activities. You are inclination, disinclination and their resultant activities. You are the cause of the miserable conditions of life caused by irreligion, and therefore You are death
- My dear Lord, You have assumed this body in order to diminish the sinful activities of the fallen and to enrich their knowledge in devotion and liberation
- My dear mother, in a restaurant or place for drinking cold water, many travelers are brought together, and after drinking water they continue to their respective destinations
- My dear Pitambara, because of separation from You (Krsna) all the residents of Goloka Vrndavana are perspiring. They are lamenting with different words, and their eyes have become moistened with tears. Actually, all of them are in great confusion
- My dear Sanatana, first hear the meanings of the other words, beginning with the word 'muni.' I shall first explain their separate meanings, then combine them
- My dear Sanatana, just hear from Me as I tell you how the different visnu-murtis hold Their weapons, beginning with the disc, and how They are named differently according to the placement of the weapons in Their hands
- My dear Vidura, all the followers of Lord Siva surrounded the arena of sacrifice. They were of short stature and were equipped with various kinds of weapons; their bodies appeared to be like those of sharks, blackish and yellowish
- My dear Vidura, carrier of bows and arrows, all the demigods who were performing the sacrifice took their bath at the confluence of the Ganges and the Yamuna after completing the yajna performance
- My dear Vidura, chief of the Kurus, in this way King Prthu and all the others who subsist on food created different types of calves and milked out their respective eatables. Thus they received their various foodstuffs, which were symbolized as milk
- My dear Vidura, when great sages curse, their words are as invincible as a thunderbolt. Thus when they cursed King Vena out of anger, he died
- My devotees take great care and respect in rendering Me service. They offer obeisances to Me with all their bodily limbs. They worship other devotees and find all living entities related to Me. For Me they engage the entire energy of their bodies
- My father-in-law was married when he was eleven years. And my mother-in-law was seven years. You see? So actually, the point is that the marriage was taking by the calculation, "Whether this couple will be happy in their life?"
- My Lord (Krsna), when Jarasandha is killed, queens of all the imprisoned kings will be joyful at their husbands' being released by Your mercy that they will sing Your glories, being as pleased as the gopis were when released from the hands of Sankhacuda
- My Lord, due to Your illusory energy, all living beings in this material world have forgotten their real constitutional position, and out of ignorance they are always desirous of material happiness in the form of society, friendship and love
- My Lord, even the learned sages become disturbed in their intelligence when they see that Your Greatness engages in fruitive work although You are free from all desires, that You take birth although You are unborn, that You flee out of fear of the enemy
- My Lord, my heart breaks to see the sufferings of all the conditioned souls; therefore I request You to transfer the karma of their sinful lives upon my head
- My mind's five disciples, the senses of perception, gather the remnants of that nectar from the gopis and bring them to the yogi of My mind. The senses maintain their lives by eating those remnants
- My sisters, my mother's sisters and their husbands, and other affectionate relatives must be assembled there, so if I go I shall be able to see them, and I shall be able to see the flapping flags and the performance of the sacrifice by the great sages
- My son Prahlada, you rascal, you know that when I am angry all the planets of the three worlds tremble, along with their chief rulers. By whose power has a rascal like you become so impudent that you appear fearless and overstep my power to rule you?
- My sweetness is always newer and newer. Devotees taste it according to their own respective love
- Nabhaga acted exactly according to the advice of his father, and the great sages of the Angira dynasty gave him all their wealth and then went to the heavenly planets
- Nabhaga was very simple hearted. Therefore when he went to his father, the father, in compassion for his son, suggested that as a means of livelihood Nabhaga could go to the descendants of Angira and take advantage of their misgivings in performing yajna
- Nabhaga's father said: All the descendants of Angira are now going to perform a great sacrifice, but although they are very intelligent, on every sixth day they will be bewildered in performing sacrifice and will make mistakes in their daily duties
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: O Lord, our father, known as Kuvera, the demigod, is Your servant. Similarly, the great sage Narada is also Your servitor, and only by their grace have we been able to see You personally
- Nanda & mother Yasoda are the eternal father & mother of Krsna. This means that whenever Krsna descends, Nanda & Yasoda, as well as Vasudeva & Devaki, also descend as the Lord's father & mother. Their personalities are expansions of Krsna's personal body
- Nanda Maharaja and Vasudeva were intimate friends, and so were their wives, Yasoda and Devaki. Although their names were different, they were practically nondifferent personalities
- Nanda Maharaja was very confident about the qualifications of the brahmanas and their blessings. He was fully confident that simply if the good brahmanas showered their blessings, the child Krsna would be happy
- Narada and the Kumaras travel throughout the universe to educate the conditioned souls that their business in the world is not that of sense gratification but of reinstating themselves in their original position of devotional service to the S P of God
- Narada became angry with their behavior and cursed them thusly, "You have no sense, so it is better if you become trees instead of the sons of Kuvera"
- Narada describes his previous life to his disciple Vyasadeva. He says that while engaged as a boy servant for those purified devotees during the four months of their stay, he was intimately associating with them
- Narada Muni advised Prajapati Daksa's second group of sons to follow their elder brothers and be promoted to the spiritual world
- Narada Muni advises that human beings not waste their time simply jumping like cats and monkeys, without real benefit. The duty of the human being is to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Narada Muni asked them (the Haryasvas) to consider why they should follow their father's order to be entangled in family life
- Narada Muni considered all this (the wanting to enjoy weath, wine and women affected by the modes of passion and ignorance) in the case of Manigriva and Nalakuvara because he found in them so much pride in the wealth of their father, Kuvera
- Narada Muni cursed Nalakuvara and Manigriva in order to cure their disease of material blindness
- Narada Muni described to the boys (the Haryasvas) their ultimate goal of life and advised them not to become ordinary karmis to beget children. Thus all the sons of Daksa became enlightened and left, never to return
- Narada Muni encouraged Prajapati Daksa's second group of sons (the Savalasvas) by awakening their natural affinity for their brothers (the Haryasvas). He urged them to follow their older brothers if they were at all affectionate toward them
- Narada Muni once addressed Krsna jokingly: "My dear Lord of the cowherd boys, Your bulls while eating grass from the pasturing ground and moving on their four legs, have certainly eaten up all the grass of irreligion!"
- Narada Muni replied: My dear King, those who stay at home as householders must act to earn their livelihood, and instead of trying to enjoy the results of their work themselves, they should offer these results to Krsna, Vasudeva
- Narada Muni says that according to his opinion the enemies of Krsna are better situated because they are fully absorbed in thoughts of Krsna in terms of killing Him, just as a very lusty man always thinks of women and their association
- Narada Muni taking advantage of their highly elevated position in austerity, instructed them (Daksa's sons) to become Vaisnavas in the renounced order. This is the duty of Narada Muni and his followers
- Narada Muni then inquired, 'Why did you not kill the animals completely? Why did you half-kill them by piercing their bodies with arrows'
- Narada Muni took advantage of their (the Haryasvas) good behavior and culture to properly direct them not to be involved with this material world, but to use their culture and knowledge to end their material affairs
- Narada Muni wanted to impress upon people in general that Krsna is fully independent. His activities, such as His appearance in the family of Yadu or His friendship with Arjuna, do not necessarily oblige Him to act to enjoy their results
- Narada Muni's purpose was to get the sons of Prajapati Daksa to divert their attention toward spiritual realization instead of involving themselves in the ordinary but complicated affairs of propagation
- Narada Muni, as their (Haryasvas) spiritual master, gave them the sastric instructions that they should give up this material world, and as bona fide disciples they followed his instructions
- Narada Muni, the topmost pure devotee, praises Krsna's enemies like Sisupala because their minds are always completely absorbed in Krsna. Indeed, he thinks himself deficient in the inspiration of being feelingly absorbed in Krsna consciousness
- Narada personally says - Once only, by their (great devotee's) permission, I took the remnants of their food, and by so doing all my sins were at once eradicated. Thus being engaged, I became purified in heart. BG 1972 purports
- Narada relieved the half-dead animals, and, getting freed from their dreadful condition, they fled away. Upon seeing Narada execute this miracle, the dark hunter was struck with wonder. After taking Narada to his home, he bowed down again at his feet
- Narada said, "Persons engaged in speculating on transcendental knowledge and performing charitable functions have for all their auspicious activities simply to gain a place in the association of devotees and to chant the glories of the Lord"
- Narada spoke as follows: "Because the Pandavas are Your cousins, You have inquired about them in the role of their well-wisher, and therefore I shall let You know about their intentions. Now please hear me"
- Narada tells his disciple Vyasadeva that in a previous life he was engaged as a boy servant of purified devotees during four months of their stay and that he was intimately associating with them. BG 1972 purports
- Narada tells there of his previous life and how he developed to the stage of ecstatic love. He was engaged in the service of great devotees and used to hear their talks and songs
- Narada then revived the half-dead animals, and, getting freed from their dreadful condition, they fled away. Upon seeing Narada execute this miracle, the black hunter was struck with wonder
- Narada was very eager to accelerate the descent of Krsna as soon as possible. He therefore informed Kamsa that in Vrndavana personalities like Nanda Maharaja and all the other cowherd men and their wives
- Narakan narah nanogra-yatanan neyat tan me: "How can they be delivered from their fierce miseries and horrible pains?" That is typical of a Vaisnava heart
- Narendra is a small lake still existing in Jagannatha Puri, where the Candana-yatra festival takes place. Up to the present date, all the Bengali devotees who visit the Jagannatha temple first take their bath in this lake
- Naturally their (the materialists') hearts are always burning, but in spite of all inconvenience, they still work to maintain such false families because they have no information of the real family association with Krsna
- Needy pious men pray to God to improve their economic condition because all they know is sense gratification, while those in difficulty ask Him to free them from a hellish life of tribulations. Such ignorant people do not know the value of human life
- Neither Brahmaji nor the demigods like Indra can enter into this island of Svetadvipa, but they can stand on the shore of the ocean of milk and transmit their message to Lord Visnu, known as Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- Neither of them (the two brahmanas) agreed to exchange it (the cow) for the 100,000 cows. Thus disagreeing with the King's proposal, the two brahmanas left the place in anger, thinking that their lawful possession had been usurped
- Neither the father nor the son can see the reality - that both of them are awaiting death. When death comes, however, all their plans for material enjoyment are finished
- Neophytes may sometimes commit some offense. There is nothing surprising in this, but their ardent desire to convey the idea of Krishna consciousness is always laudable
- Nevertheless, because their father had ordered them to increase the population, they performed severe austerities to fulfill his desires
- Nevertheless, in ecstatic love, the blue lotuses began to taste the cakravakas. This is a reversal of their natural behavior, but in Lord Krsna's kingdom such reversals are a principle of His pastimes
- Next grew feelings of hunger and thirst, and in their wake came the manifestation of the oceans. Then a heart became manifest, and in the wake of the heart the mind appeared
- Nitai Pada Kamala, 1968 part two - They (human animals) have become maddened by a false concept of the bodily life. Ahankare matta hoiya, nitai-pada pasariya: And for this reason they have completely forgotten their eternal relationship with Nityananda
- No one among these four classes of atheist (the gross materialists, the immoral sinners, the number-one fools and bewildered by maya despite their mundane erudition) ever believes in the SPG, what to speak of offering prayers unto His lotus feet
- No one can attain spiritual perfection by physical strength. One must have the spiritual strength which is infused by Balarama, or Sankarsana. Ananta, or Sesa, is the source of the power which sustains all the planets in their different positions
- No one can bind Krsna by any means other than love. He is bound only by obligation to His devotees, because of their ecstatic love for Him
- No one can understand Krishna as He is by the blunt material senses but He reveals Himself to the devotees, being pleased with them for their transcendental loving service
- No one can understand Krsna as He is by the blunt material senses. But He reveals Himself to the devotees, being pleased with them for their transcendental loving service unto Him. (Padma Purana). BG 1972 purports
- No one is peaceful if his wealth and wife are forcibly taken away. All the inhabitants of Nagaloka, which is situated below the earthly planetary system, were in great anxiety because their wealth had been stolen and their wives kidnapped by Hiranyakasipu
- No one should trust a demon, despite any amount of affection. Aside from this, a king, a politician or a woman cannot be trusted, since they can do anything abominable for their personal interest
- No one welcomed her but her mother and sisters, who, with tears in their eyes and with glad faces, welcomed her and talked with her very pleasingly
- No, "Do not trust" means you are also not trustworthy. Nobody trusts you, and you should also not. That is their philosophy
- Nobody is caring. Hundreds and thousands of people are starving, unemployment, but they are getting their fat salary, and they are satisfied. Bring income tax and divide amongst themselves, that's all
- Nobody is interested to become brahmana. They are interested to become dogs and hogs. That is their interest
- Nobody knows Krsna. They may speculate by their so-called scholarship, ABCD knowledge, but Krsna, Krsna is not there. They cannot turn even a single man to become a Krsna devotee. That is not possible. They can be fool
- Nonbelievers put forward their own theories of the creation, which usually result in statements such as, "It's hard to understand," "Our imagination cannot conceive it, but it's quite possible," "It's incomprehensible," and so forth
- Nondevotees engage their senses in very troublesome and extensive work, and they suffer insomnia at night because their intelligence constantly breaks their sleep with various mental speculations
- Nondevotees may make a show of religion, but it is not very effective because although they ostentatiously attend a temple or church, they are thinking of something else. Such persons are neglecting their religious duty and are punishable by Yamaraja
- Nondevotees must undergo material hardships because they are prone to commit sinful fruitive activities. The desire to commit sinful actions continues in their hearts due to ignorance
- Nondevotees never care to take any instruction from the Lord, and therefore the Lord is silent in their case, although He witnesses all their activities and awards them the necessary results, good or bad
- Nondevotees, because of their meager knowledge and speculative habits, cannot understand the real nature of the Lord
- Nondevotees, cannot see the Lord face to face; to such persons the Lord appears as death and takes away all their possessions by force
- Nondevotees, who have not developed their loving qualities, think that the activities, form and attributes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are fictitious
- None of them (Krsna's sons) were inferior in their qualities to their divine father, Lord Krsna
- Nonetheless they have offered their prayers according to their own capacities. In the same way, we, although much lower than these personalities, also offer our prayers according to our own capability
- Nonetheless, because their (the gopis') desire sometimes appears to resemble material lust, their transcendental love for Krsna is sometimes described as lust
- Nor can he (a husband) protect their (women who worship You (Kamadeva) by strictly observing vows because they wish to acquire a husband to satisfy their senses) wealth or duration of life
- Nor does the Supreme Lord assume anyone's sinful or pious activities. Embodied beings, however, are bewildered because of the ignorance which covers their real knowledge
- Nor should we extend invitations to Mayavadis and atheists nor accept their invitations, for by such intimate intermingling we may become affected by their atheistic mentality (sangat sanjayate kamah)
- Not actually knowing the transcendental nature of love of God, the sahajiyas accept their material emotions to be indicative of advancement. In this way they pollute the process of devotional service
- Not all, but those who are intelligent and fortunate take to this process of devotional service (kevalaya bhaktya), and their only desire is to serve Krsna
- Not being aware of the real goal of life, they (churches, temples and mosques) simply keep their congregations in ignorance. Consequently, those who are well educated have become uninterested in the ritualistic ceremonies
- Not far away from Their residential quarters, both Krsna and Balarama, equipped with all kinds of playthings, played with other cowherd boys and began to tend the small calves - SB 10.11.38
- Not knowing how to meditate, foolish people simply suffer, and there is no benefit derived from their spiritual activities
- Not knowing this (with the appearance of kala, death, one must take another body by the laws of nature), they (atheists) unnecessarily waste their time in their occupation as watchdogs and do not try to get the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Not only children but also elderly persons should be very careful to protect their sense of Krsna consciousness and avoid unfavorable circumstances so that they may not forget their prime duty
- Not only did they (Lord Siva's followers and devotees) pollute the entire sacrificial arena by their very presence, but they disturbed the whole situation by passing stool and urine
- Not only do foolish men and women consider the body the self, but we have even seen that the dead body of a so-called yogi was kept for days by his disciples, who thought that their guru was in samadhi
- Not only human beings, but also animals, birds, beasts, they should live comfortably, and without any disturbance they must get their food. That is our Communism
- Not only in this age, but formerly also, there were many sages who tried to invent their own systems of religion without reference to devotional service to Supreme Lord, but there cannot be any religious principle without devotional service to the Lord
- Not only must they (transcendental students) hear about the activities of the Lord, but they must also hear about the transcendental qualities of the devotees who are constantly thinking of the lotus feet of the Lord within their hearts
- Not only now, from time immemorial, so long the history of this creation is there, material world, there have been so many atheists and so many... But in the ancient days their number were very small. Now they have increased
- Not only Rohini but many others in the Yadu dynasty were scattered all over the country due to their fear of the atrocities of Kamsa. Some of them were even living in the caves of the mountains
- Not only were the Kumaras born of the best brahmana (Lord Brahma), but they are addressed herein (in SB 4.22.12) as dvija-sresthah ("the best of the brahmanas") on account of their being Vaisnavas also
- Not receiving the results of yajna, the demigods also became disturbed. They left their residential quarters in the heavenly planets and, unobserved by the demons, began wandering on the planet earth to see the disasters
- Not regularly bathing or washing their mouths regularly, they will always remain unclean, and they will pluck out their hair. Following a concocted religion, they will flourish
- Now I (Brahma) shall state, one after another, the transcendental incarnations of the Lord known as lila-avataras. Hearing of their activities counteracts all foul matters accumulated in the ear. These pastimes are pleasing to hear and are to be relished
- Now it is not required the bows and arrows or . . . because they're already dead, because they have no conception of God. Simply fighting how to avoid God, this is their business
- Now it will please me very much if you all can work together nicely and recruit many more young people to join our movement, it is their only future hope
- Now people are degraded from their high standard of living, from spiritual point of view, material point of view. And still, they stand, previous social construction, their living condition, their feelings of religion. It is still going on. Climate also
- Now take any religion and take their highest conclusion - it is there in Krsna consciousness
- Now their (the Pracetas') father's attachment for fruitive activities was disapproved by Narada, who therefore kindly instructed Pracinabarhi by telling him the allegorical story of Puranjana
- Now there is crisis. So how their motorcars will move? They are concerned. So why their crisis? Because the petrol is the life of the movement of the motorcar. Similarly, that spiritual spark, or spirit soul, is the petrol of this body
- Now these boys, (the cowherd boys) who have performed many, many pious activities in their past lives, are playing with that Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Now they (the wives of the brahmanas) saw Him eye to eye and face to face, and Krsna entered within their hearts through their eyes
- Now they are imitating animals, becoming naked. That is they, that is their advancement of civilization, to become naked, nudist. So actually decline, from human life they are decline to animal life
- Now you are converting the Christians into Hinduism. Then where is the difference between their activities and your activities?" So this fool does not know this is not making a person from Christian to Hindu. This is not the process
- Now, after the death of Kamsa and the reinstallment of Ugrasena as king, the neighboring kings were given all kinds of presentations and comforts. Then they returned to their respective homes
- Now, because people are being frustrated and cheated, they do not know where to place their love, and at last they place their love in cats and dogs
- Now, here is a beautiful, well-qualified girl named Marisa, who was raised by the trees as their daughter. You may accept this beautiful girl as your wife
- Now, Hiranyakasipu having been killed, their (the nagas') wealth and wives were returned, and their wives felt satisfied
- Now, their theory is that when the child comes out of the womb, then he gets the soul. Is it not?
- Nowadays it is the fashion of the atheistic class of men to try to become God by following some mystic process. Generally the atheists claim to be God by dint of their imagination or their meditational prowess. Krsna is not that kind of God
- Nowadays there are so many rascal gurus who manufacture their mantras as a process for material advancement, not spiritual advancement. Still, the mantra cannot be successful if it is manufactured
- Nowadays there are so many yoga schools to encourage people in developing their lusty desires and greed through the practice of yoga. People are therefore very much fond of so-called yoga practice
- Numerous living entities are distributed all over the universe in different planets and are so situated in terms of their own qualities in the modes of material nature
- O best among the brahmanas (Maitreya), those who are spiritual masters are very kind to the needy. They are always kind to their followers, disciples and sons, and without being asked by them, the spiritual master describes all that is knowledge
- O best of the brahmanas, many men have laid down their lives on the battlefield, being unafraid of fighting, but rarely has one gotten the chance to give his accumulated wealth faithfully to a saintly person who creates holy places
- O brahmana (Purvacitti), I (Agnidhra) can simply hear the tinkling of your ankle bells. Within those bells, tittiri birds seem to be chirping among themselves. Although I do not see their forms, I can hear how they are chirping
- O completely peaceful Lord, although material nature, fruitive activities and their consequent material names and forms are Your creation, You are unaffected by them
- O demigods, these demoniac soldiers have taken birth uselessly. Indeed, they have come from the bodies of their mothers exactly like stool. What is the benefit of killing such enemies from behind while they are running in fear?
- O great hero, for this reason you should not be the cause of spoiling the spiritual life of the general populace. If their spiritual life is spoiled because of your activities, you will certainly fall down from your opulent and royal position
- O hero Vidura, the greatly powerful heroes of the Yaksas, unable to tolerate the resounding vibration of the conchshell of Dhruva Maharaja, came forth from their city with weapons and attacked Dhruva
- O holy sage (Maitreya), tell me how the worshipful Ruci and Daksa, the son of Brahma, generated children after securing as their wives the other two daughters of Svayambhuva Manu
- O indefatigable one, when you are sent by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to enter among the soldiers of the Daityas and the Danavas, you stay on the battlefield and unendingly separate their arms, bellies, thighs, legs and heads
- O Indra, your enemies, the demons, were extremely weak because of their disrespect toward Sukracarya, but since they have now worshiped Sukracarya with great devotion, they have again become powerful
- O infallible one (Lord Kamadeva), Your lotus palm is the source of all benediction. Therefore Your pure devotees worship it, and You very mercifully place Your hand on their heads
- O Janardana, although these men, their hearts overtaken by greed, see no fault in killing one's family or quarreling with friends, why should we (Arjuna and Krsna), who can see the crime in destroying a family, engage in these acts of sin?
- O King (Pariksit), I (Sukadeva) shall nevertheless try to explain to you the principal regions, such as Bhu-goloka (Bhuloka), with their names, forms, measurements and various symptoms
- O king of sharp-edged swords, you are engaged by the SPG. Please cut the soldiers of my enemies to pieces. O shield marked with a hundred brilliant moonlike circles, please cover the eyes of the sinful enemies. Pluck out their sinful eyes
- O King Yudhisthira, after all the demigods, headed by Lord Brahma, were properly worshiped by Prahlada Maharaja, they offered Prahlada their utmost benedictions and then returned to their respective abodes
- O King, I do not wish to go down to the planet earth, for there the people in general will bathe in my water to cleanse themselves of the reactions of their sinful deeds
- O King, the demons, aggravated by their usual anger, took their lances and tridents in hand, and against the will of Bali Maharaja they pushed forward to kill Lord Vamanadeva
- O learned brahmana (Sukadeva), it was formerly explained that all the planets of the universe with their respective governors are situated in the different parts of the gigantic body of the virat-purusa
- O Lord of my life, may I again become their servant so that my mind may always think of Your transcendental attributes, my words always glorify those attributes, and my body always engage in the loving service of Your Lordship?
- O lotus-eyed Lord, as baby birds that have not yet developed their wings always look for their mother to return and feed them, I always yearn for the opportunity to render direct service unto You
- O Maharaja Pariksit, because Yadu, Madhu and Vrsni each inaugurated a dynasty, their dynasties are known as Yadava, Madhava and Vrsni. The son of Yadu named Krosta had a son named Vrjinavan
- O Maharaja Pariksit, Yayati similarly requested his sons Turvasu, Druhyu and Anu to exchange their youth for his old age, but because they were unaware of religious principles, they thought that their flickering youth was eternal
- O mighty-armed one (Krsna), all the planets with their demigods are disturbed at seeing Your great form, with its many faces, eyes, arms, thighs, legs, and bellies and Your many terrible teeth; and as they are disturbed, so am I (Arjuna)
- O mighty-armed, one whose senses are restrained from their objects is certainly of steady intelligence. BG 2.68 - 1972
- O most auspicious lady, one should perform all the ceremonies under the direction of learned acaryas and should satisfy them and their priests. By distributing prasada, one should also satisfy the brahmanas and others who have assembled
- O My dear friend, what severe austerities have the gopis performed to drink His transcendental beauty and sweetness through their eyes in complete fulfillment? Thus they glorify their births, bodies and minds
- O my Lord, I do not aspire for material opulence or wealth, nor do I want a great number of followers to accept me as their leader, nor do I want a very beautiful wife to please me
- O my lord, O great devotee, persons like you (Gargamuni) move from one place to another not for their own interests but for the sake of poor-hearted grhasthas (householders). Otherwise they have no interest in going from one place to another - SB 10.8.4
- O my Lord, You always dwell in the vision and hearing of Your pure devotees. You also live in their lotuslike hearts, which are purified by devotional service
- O Narada Muni, O personality of sinful action, you have obstructed their progress toward good fortune in this world and the next because they are still indebted to the saintly persons, the demigods and their father
- O never-born, O blue-throated one, not only my relatives but also other women, dressed in nice clothes and decorated with ornaments, are going there with their husbands and friends
- O Prajapati, King Pracinabarhisat, in this way King Puranjana also begot 110 daughters. All of these were equally glorified like the father and mother. Their behavior was gentle, and they possessed magnanimity and other good qualities
- O Providence, you have no mercy! You bring embodied souls together through friendship and affection, but before their desires are fulfilled, you separate them. Your activities are like the foolish pranks of children
- O sage (Maitreya), persons who because of their sinful activities are averse to the topics of Transcendence and thus ignorant of the purpose of the Mahabharata (Bhagavad-gita) are pitied by the pitiable
- O sage, please select the essence of all these scriptures and explain it for the good of all living beings, that by such instruction their hearts may be fully satisfied
- O Sanatana, now just hear about the incarnations who appear during the reign of each Manu (manvantara-avataras). They are unlimited, and no one can count them. Just hear of their source
- O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. BG 2.14 - 1972
- O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of heat and cold, happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons - BG 2.14
- O son of Mitra, kindly describe how the planets are situated above the earth as well as underneath it, and also please mention their measurement as well as that of the earthly planets
- O sons of Daksa (the Savalasvas), please hear my (Narada Muni's) words of instruction attentively. You are all very affectionate to your elder brothers, the Haryasvas. Therefore you should follow their path
- O supreme shelter of everyone, great personalities like Brahma enjoy their perfection simply by tasting the honey of rendering service at Your lotus feet
- O unlimited Ananta! Better than these persons are the mystic yogis who worship You from the top of their heads
- Occupational duties are described in the religious scriptures. If one analyzes them, he can fully understand their qualities & faults and then give them up completely to render service unto the S P of God. Such a person is considered a first-class man
- Of all the gopis, Srimati Radharani is the topmost. Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami are the most exalted servitors of Srimati Radharani and Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Those who adhere to their service are known as rupanuga devotees
- Of course, in other lives one also gets a father and mother; even cats and dogs have fathers and mothers. But in the human form of life the father and mother can award their son the greatest benediction by teaching him to become a devotee
- Of course, they (modern scientists) may go on their frivolous excursions, but the students of the Vedic literature will never believe them or give them any credit for exploring other planets
- Of course, those who are Krsna’s servants cannot kill such imitation gods, but they should try their best to defeat them through the evidence of sastra, authentic knowledge received through the disciplic succession
- Of the one hundred sons, half disobeyed Visvamitra by not accepting Sunahsepha as their eldest brother, but the other half accepted his order. Therefore the father blessed the obedient sons to become the fathers of sons
- Of the one thousand sons of Kartaviryarjuna, only five remained alive after the fight with Parasurama. Their names were Jayadhvaja, Surasena, Vrsabha, Madhu and Urjita
- Of the philosophers mentioned, none really cares for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the cause of all causes. They are always busy refuting the philosophical theories of others and establishing their own
- Of the three deities supervising the creation, maintenance and dissolution of the universe, Lord Visnu is never separate from the original Visnu. However, Lord Siva and Brahma, due to their association with maya, are different from Visnu
- Offenders have to wait until they receive the mercy of devotees, and then they can become eligible to see the lotus feet of the Lord within themselves. But due to their offenses and their extreme materialism, they cannot see even the devotees of the Lord
- Offenses at their lotus feet are so destructive that even the descendants of Yadu who were born in the family of Lord Krsna were destroyed due to offenses at their feet. The SPG cannot tolerate any offense at the lotus feet of brahmanas and Vaisnavas
- Offering obeisances will relieve them of all the reactions to their offenses. Then, by My grace, devotional service (bhakti) will awaken in their pure hearts
- Offering their minds unto You and enjoying transcendental bliss, they are expert in achieving the real goal of life. O Lord, You are the soul and dear friend of such devotees, who never need return to this material world
- Often he (Dvivida) would go to the hermitages of great saintly persons and sages and cause a great disturbance by smashing their beautiful gardens and orchards
- Old history you will find that India, they had got their own ships for exporting spices to Greece and other countries of Europe. The history is there. And they were supplying muslin cloth, even just before the British period, Muslim period
- On account of good government in the presence of Krsna and Balarama, the inhabitants of Mathura felt complete satisfaction in the fulfillment of all their material desires and necessities
- On account of the variegatedness of the external potency, there are manifestations of many qualitative demigods, beginning with Brahma and Lord Siva, and people are attracted to these demigods according to their own material quality
- On account of their (women's) helplessness, these rascals are enjoying: "Come here in the club, in the shop." Advertise, "Topless, bottomless." This is going on. And they claim to be civilized
- On hearing the statement of Upananda, all the cowherd men immediately agreed. "Let us immediately go there." Everyone then loaded all their household furniture and utensils onto the carts and prepared to go to Vrndavana
- On seeing the two demigods (Nalakuvara and Manigriva) so degraded by intoxication, Narada desired their welfare, and therefore he exhibited his causeless mercy upon them by cursing them
- On the contrary, others are dependent on Him for the activities of their different sense organs. Unless the living entity is inspired and directed by the Supersoul, he cannot act
- On the other hand, the tree of material entanglement, which thrives on fruitive activities and their results, can never bring forth any hope for peace
- On the other hand, they captivate My heart who are gladdened in heart and who, their lotus faces enlightened by nectarean smiles, respect the brahmanas, even though the brahmanas utter harsh words
- On the other side Balarama and Krsna, along with Their friends, could not find their animals, and they became very much aggrieved. They began to trace the cows by following their footprints, as well as the path of eaten grass
- On the other side, both Lord Krsna and Arjuna, stationed on a great chariot drawn by white horses, sounded their transcendental conchshells. BG 1.14 - 1972
- On the refusal of the sons to obey the order of their father, there was much anger generated in the mind of Brahma, which he tried to control and not express
- On the strength of this verse (SB 4.30.6), we can understand that in Kinnaraloka the inhabitants can fly with their wings. There is also a planet, known as Siddhaloka, where the inhabitants can fly even without wings
- On this earth there may be a king or a president or a dictator - these are men like us, but they have some extraordinary power, and in order to get favors from them, to take advantage of their power, we worship them in one way or another
- Once Brahma was watching all the cows and the cowherd boys dressed in yellow garments and decorated with valuable jewels. The boys were expanding their four arms and were being worshiped by many hundreds of other Brahmas
- Once Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to the house of Sridhara after kirtana and drank water from his damaged iron pot. Then He bestowed His benediction upon all the devotees according to their desires
- Once Lord Sri Krsna playfully manifested Himself as Narayana, with four victorious hands and a very beautiful form. When the gopis saw this exalted form, however, their ecstatic feelings were crippled - CC Adi 17.281
- Once Lord Sri Krsna playfully manifested Himself as Narayana, with four victorious hands and a very beautiful form. When the gopis saw this exalted form, however, their ecstatic feelings were crippled - CC Madhya 9.150
- Once the cowherd boys in Vrndavana were vainly searching after Krsna for a long time, and for that reason their faces became blackened, and their complexions appeared faded
- Once the fair denizens of heaven pleased Astavakra Muni by their service and were blessed by the muni to have the Supreme Lord as their husband
- Once the great King Anga arranged to perform the great sacrifice known as asvamedha. All the expert brahmanas present knew how to invite the demigods, but in spite of their efforts, no demigods participated or appeared in that sacrifice
- Once these mind-clouding doubts disperse, one enters the doors of pure devotional service. Karmis and jnanis are also tainted by material desires - the desire to enjoy their senses and the desire for liberation, respectively
- Once upon a time, the same saintly persons, after taking their bath in the River Sarasvati, began to perform their daily duties by offering oblations into the sacrificial fires
- Once we understand that all things are dependent upon Krsna for their existence, there is no possibility of His ever becoming lost to us
- Once when Parasurama left the asrama for the forest with Vasuman and his other brothers, the sons of Kartaviryarjuna took the opportunity to approach Jamadagni's residence to seek vengeance for their grudge
- Once when the Lord explained the glories of the holy name to the devotees, some ordinary students who heard Him fashioned their own interpretation
- Once while the boys were engaged in their transcendental pastimes, a great demon of the name Pralambasura entered their company, desiring to kidnap both Balarama and Krsna
- One (cowherd boy) would say, "I will go there and touch Krsna," and another would say, "Oh, you cannot go. I’ll touch Krsna first." Some of them played on their flutes or vibrated bugles made of buffalo horn
- One after another they (gopis) came out of the water, but because they were completely naked, they tried to cover their nakedness by placing their left hand over their pubic area. In that posture they were all shivering
- One after another, all of them (Kamsa's wizards) were killed by the Lord as if He (Krsna) were only playing with dolls. Children play with toy lions, elephants, boars, etc., which are broken by the children in the course of their playing with them
- One after the other, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu made all the devotees sit in their proper places. He then began to distribute prasadam with His own transcendental hand
- One big professor came to lecture on chemical evolution, and he challenged immediately, that "If I give you the chemicals, can you produce life?" He said, "That I cannot say." (chuckles) So this is their position
- One can distinguish between a neophyte Vaisnava and an advanced Vaisnava by their activities
- One can raise himself from the lowest position to the highest simply by associating with devotees and hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam regularly from their mouths
- One can realize all three transcendental features of the Absolute Truth (Bhagavan; Paramatma; and Brahman) simply by studying the condition of the gopis in their meeting with Uddhava, as described in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- One can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead through devotional service. There is no other way. We have to hear from the authorities and from the sastras and consider the Supreme Lord in terms of their statements
- One cannot directly perceive the kingdom of heaven, its king and other inhabitants, or how they perform their various engagements, for no one can go to the heavenly planets
- One cannot understand Vedic knowledge from the veda-vada-ratas, who read the Vedas and misconstrue their subject matter. One has to know the Vedas from the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One devotee may want Krsna as supreme master, another as his personal friend, another as his son, and still another as his lover. Krsna rewards all the devotees equally, according to their different intensities of love for Him. BG 1972 purports
- One gopi said, "The sound Krsna produces with his flute creates such a nice atmosphere that the denizens of the heavenly planets, who travel in space with their wives and beloveds, stop their airplanes, for they are stunned by the vibration of the flute"
- One gopi said, "Wives of the demigods who are seated in the planes then become very much ashamed of their singing and musical qualifications. Not only that, but they become afflicted with conjugal love, & their hair & tight clothes immediately loosen"
- One gopi told mother Yasoda, "When He (Krsna) plays (the flute), either in the morning or in the evening, all the demigods, including Lord Siva, Brahma, Indra and Candra, bow their heads and listen with great attention"
- One has to accept a wife because a wife will produce children, and the children in their turn will offer foodstuffs and funeral ceremonies so that the forefathers, wherever they may live, will be made happy
- One meat-eater said, 'The Hindus say, "Krsna, Krsna," and they laugh, cry, dance, chant and fall on the ground, smearing their bodies with dirt
- One must approach a particular type of guru to execute a particular type of duty. Therefore although Visvarupa was inferior to the demigods, the demigods accepted him as their guru to conquer the demons
- One must be a submissive student of the six Gosvamis, from Srila Rupa Gosvami to Raghunatha dasa Gosvami. Not following their instructions but imagining how to worship Gaurasundara and Radha-Krsna is a great offense
- One must circumambulate the temple building at least three times. (In every temple there is an arrangement to go around the temple at least three times. Some devotees go around more than three times - ten times, fifteen times - according to their vows)
- One must perform sacrifices as prescribed in the sastras, and they must give in charity their hard-earned money for Krsna's cause. That is called dana. Yajna, dana, and tapasya
- One must understand this subject (of Ramananda Raya's serving two young girls by massaging their bodies with oil) very seriously and never attempt to imitate such activities
- One name is sufficient. If you can chant one name only, that is sufficient. But that is not possible. So to understand the value of name at least we must have some numerical strength. All the Gosvamis used to do that. We follow their footprints
- One of His (Krsna's) final instructions to Arjuna indicates total dependence on Him: In all activities, and for their results, just depend upon Me, and work always under My protection. In such devotional service, be fully conscious of Me. BG 18.57
- One of my students told me that in the last war in the concentrated camp, the human being, they also ate their stool out of hunger. You see? There was no food, so they ate their own stool
- One of the gopis told her friends, "The highest perfection of the eyes is to see Krsna and Balarama entering the forest and playing Their flutes and tending the cows with Their friends"
- One of their conclusions has been to be able to make one element to change into another element. They were able to take iron and transform it into chrome by chemical process
- One often sees that many so-called svamis and yogis sometimes advertise themselves as competent to cross the ocean of nescience and to help others cross, but in actuality they are found to be simply victims of their own senses
- One party strictly followed the instructions of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, but another group created their own concoction about executing his desires
- One philosopher may disagree with another philosopher, and one scientist may put forward a theory contradicting the theory of another scientist. All of this is due to their working on the mental platform without a standard of knowledge
- One should accept the mood of the gopis in their service. In such a transcendental mood, one should always think of the pastimes of Sri Radha and Krsna
- One should also concentrate on the nice garland on the neck of the Lord, which is always surrounded by bumblebees, with their nice buzzing sound
- One should also consider that those who engage in the missionary activities of the Krsna consciousness movement are under the guidance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They are not actually beggars; their real business is to deliver fallen souls
- One should avoid those who simply dress as Vaisnavas or so-called gosvamis, and those who make a business by selling Vedic mantras and reciting Srimad-Bhagavatam to maintain their families
- One should endeavor to go back home, back to Godhead. Otherwise there is no difference between human life and the lives of jungle animals and birds. Animals and birds also have freedom, but because of their lower birth, they cannot use it
- One should fearlessly follow the twelve mahajanas and their line of disciplic succession and thus be liberated from the clutches of maya
- One should know perfectly well that all such manifestations (of Krsna, Radharani and Their associates) are expansions of eternal bliss and knowledge in the transcendental world. They have nothing to do with these material bodies
- One should know that scholarship is not the qualification necessary to understand Krsna. Even the demigods and the great sages have tried to understand Krsna by their mental speculation, and they have failed to do so. BG 1972 purports
- One should not live in Vrndavana and commit offenses, for a life of offenses in Vrndavana is no better than the lives of the monkeys and hogs there. Many monkeys and hogs live in Vrndavana, and they are concerned with their sexual desires
- One should see how they (devotees from all parts of the world) are advanced in KC and how they are conducting Deity worship, sankirtana and Ratha-yatra. Considering all these points, the envious persons must refrain from their malicious atrocities
- One should understand that the activities of persons who are proud of their material experience bring only results contradictory to those such persons conceive while awake, sleeping and deeply sleeping
- One side there is encouraged, contraceptive method, another, unlimited, unrestricted sex. This is their civilization. Why not teach him not to practice illicit sex? Then everything is done automatically
- One side there will be no rain, another side there will be scarcity of foodstuff. Other side, the government will simply levy taxes. So people will become mad. They will give up their hearth and home and go to the jungle. This time will come, very soon
- One side, there will be no rain, and there will be scarcity of food grain, and government will tax heavily. In this way people will become mad, and they will give up their hearth and home and go to the forest. This is the foretelling
- One thing is that at least in Bengal they do not require much information because this Caitanya Movement is their movement. It is simply a plea
- One thing is that their difficulty is language. Indians are there, they can speak on the local language
- One thing, I must warn you in this connection that these records are distributed amongst teenagers, therefore the language and presentation should be suitable for their understanding. I think you will understand me right in this connection
- One who actually assimilated the essence of the Vedas can preach the truth. He is compassionate to conditioned souls who are suffering the threefold miseries of this conditional world due to their not being Krsna conscious
- One who can completely control sex life is able to work wonderfully with his brain, especially in remembering. Thus students who simply hear Vedic instructions once from their teacher could remember them verbatim without needing to read books
- One who can rise to that position (rising their attention to the top of the head) is understood to have become perfect and to be no longer subjected to birth and death. Even if such yogis come in contact with pure devotees, they also render causeless DS
- One who does not understand the truth of self-realization is called ignorant, but one who understands the self, the Superself, their interrelation, and activities in self-realization is called viditatma-tattva
- One who is in personal touch with Krishna, their spiritual bliss is incomparable. The spiritual bliss derived from impersonalist realization is just like a drop of water in the presence of the Atlantic Ocean. That is the difference
- One who is, who are sages, their duty is they always forgive any enemy. Just like you have got very nice example, Lord Jesus Christ. He was being crucified, but he forgave all the persons who were engaged in crucifying him
- One who studies carefully, under the direction of a bona fide spiritual master, can understand the real knowledge that the SPG is actually the conductor of all the activities of the individual soul, and the controller of their results as well
- One who understands Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu in reality can understand Their identity as well as the breaking of the staff
- Only a few come to Krishna, and all of them are mahatma - simply because they have come to the right place, Krishna. That is not by chance, but due to their past pious deeds. No one can approach Krishna without being purified, so this is the process
- Only an outward comparison has been made between the mind and their activities (of kapalika mendicants), but their behavior should never be imitated
- Only Brahma could understand the message transmitted by Lord Visnu, and he broadcast it to the demigods for their immediate action
- Only fools are ungrateful to their benefactors. The Lord, however, does not require benefit from anyone besides Himself because He is full in Himself; still He feels benefited by the unalloyed services of His devotees
- Only misers desire to enjoy the fruit of their own work just to be further entangled in material bondage. Except for work in KC, all activities are abominable because they continually bind the worker to the cycle of birth and death. BG 1972 purports
- Only persons deprived of their intelligence by the spell of the deluding energy will worship those feet with a view to attain the trivial and momentary pleasures of the senses, which even persons rotting in hell can attain
- Only persons who have anointed their eyes with love of Godhead can see the Personality of Godhead in every step of their activities
- Only persons who have dedicated their lives unto the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead can relish the real nectar of devotion
- Only the devotees of Lord Visnu or Krishna can be purified, not the devotees of any demigod. They will have to wait for their next birth according to their own karma
- Only the less intelligent worship the demigods for their various purposes. The most intelligent worship only the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- Only the pure devotees can know the transcendental name, form and activities of Lord Krsna due to their being completely freed from the reactions of fruitive work and mental speculation
- Only the Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshipable, but those who are not very conversant with, or faithful to, the scriptural injunctions worship different objects, according to their specific situations in the modes of material nature. BG 1972 pur
- Only those who are krpana, those who are not self-realized, they are hankering after sense gratification. They want to enjoy the fruits of their labor. But you don't be. Arjuna, you don't be
- Only those who are very intelligent take to sankirtana-yajna to fulfill all their desires, material and spiritual, whereas those who are lusty for sense enjoyment perform karma-kandiya-yajnas
- Only those who discipline their lives so as to attain this objective fulfill the purpose of their human birth; others plunge into oblivion
- Only those who go through life being kicked about by fate, slaving hard to fill their bellies and maintain a roof overhead, can harbor so preposterous a wish as to compete with the omnipotent Supreme Controller. It is ludicrous
- Only those who have become purified in their love for Krsna can participate in it. One therefore should not take this process of Krsna consciousness as something cheap, but as a matchless gift bestowed upon suffering humanity by the Lord Himself
- Only those who have passed their lives in practicing the regulative principles of religion, who have acted piously and have conquered sinful reactions can accept devotional service and gradually rise to the pure knowledge of the SPG. BG 1972 purports
- Only to such devotees (liberated souls) do the pastimes of the Lord and their transcendental nature become automatically manifest by dint of devotional service
- Only to the devotees does the Lord give instructions by which to advance further and further in devotional service. To others, the nondevotees, the Lord gives instructions according to the manner of their surrender
- Only when one fully develops in affection and love of Godhead can one see those dhamas in their original appearance
- Ordered by King Indra, all the dangerous clouds appeared above Vrndavana and began to pour water incessantly, with all their strength and power. There was constant lightning and thunder, blowing of severe wind, and incessant falling of rain
- Ordered by their father (Daksa) to create more and more population, the Haryasvas went west to the place where the River Sindhu (now the Indus) meets the Arabian Sea
- Ordinarily, the mundaners cannot easily understand their eternal relationship with Krsna. Instead, they themselves have posed as Krsna, under the false inducement of the illusory energy. This false position of supreme enjoyer gives them much trouble
- Ordinary conditioned persons generally embrace their wives and enjoy their company in solitary places. How wonderful it is that Lord Mahadeva, although a great master of austerity, is embracing his wife openly in the midst of an assembly of great saints
- Ordinary devotees bound up by the formalities of Vedic rites cannot enter deep into confidential loving service to the Lord, and thus their realization remains imperfect. Sometimes they even fall victim to the calamity of impersonalism
- Ordinary kings and executive heads should all be inclined to hear repeatedly about Prthu Maharaja's activities in order to also be able to rule over their kingdoms or states very faithfully for the peace and prosperity of the people in general
- Ordinary living beings work for the improvement of their conditional lives. But the Lord is already full of all opulence, all strength, all fame, all beauty, all knowledge and all renunciation. Why should He desire improvement?
- Other demigods also delivered their respective weapons to me, and in addition I was able to reach the heavenly planets in this present body and was allowed a half-elevated seat
- Other princes supporting the King of Kalinga and Rukmi were also captured, and Balarama beat them with His club, breaking their legs and hands. They did not try to retaliate but thought it wise to run away from the bloody scene
- Others (who are not in Krsna consciousness) do not know what their future holds; they have no knowledge of what the next life holds. So they are therefore in constant anxiety. BG 1972 purports
- Others in the bodily concept of life are angry at their enemies but not at Lord Visnu. Hiranyakasipu, however, was everlastingly angry. He was angry not only because of false prestige but also because of continuous enmity toward Visnu
- Others say that since both Vasudeva and Devaki prayed for You (Krsna), You have taken Your birth as their son. Undoubtedly You are unborn, yet You take Your birth for their welfare and to kill those who are envious of the demigods
- Others, who were demons and atheists, could not stand it when the Lord was praised. Out of their natural fear of the devastating form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they fled. BG 1972 purports
- Our business is not in the estimation of this material world to become a good man. Our estimation is how Krsna will accept me as good man, that's all. We don't care for this world. Just like gopis, they left their husbands
- Our business is to present the will of Krsna, not that of any mundane speculator like the politician, philosopher or scientist, for they have very little knowledge of Krsna, despite all their other knowledge. BG 1972 Preface
- Our identification with the gross body and subtle mind is different from spiritual understanding. Since the intelligence and mind are material, the loving affairs of Sri Radha and Krsna are beyond their perception
- Our married couples are rendering the greatest service to humanity, their countrymen, and to their parents, of that kindly be assured by me. Do not worry for anything in this connection
- Our members are not only cured of the disease called materialism but are also living a very happy life. Everyone accepts them as great devotees of Krsna, and their qualities are manifest in their very faces
- Our mission is that especially those who have taken their birth in India that it is their responsibility to become perfect in the science of Krsna Consciousness and to deliver everyone in the world
- Our principle is to study the books as well as to distribute the books. People will be benefited and their life will be successful
- Our request to all our students is that they daily chant at least sixteen rounds of this harer nama maha-mantra (CC Adi 17.21) offenselessly, following the regulative principles. Thus their success will be assured without a doubt
- Out of 100 persons, seventy-five percent, they are engaged in the service of the Supreme Lord. The rest twenty-five percent who are grhasthas, they are meant for sacrificing fifty percent of their income for this seventy-five percent
- Out of curiosity and eagerness, the people of Kundina assembled before Krsna and Balarama to drink the nectar of Their beauty. With tearful eyes, they offered Krsna and Balarama their silent respects
- Out of false hopes, they are trying to become successful. That is not possible. Such kind of hope is useless hope. Leaving aside Visnu, & simply they are trying to become very highly learned. So they are mogha, means their hopes will never be successful
- Out of fear of the Supreme Personality of Godhead the wind blows, out of fear of Him the sun shines, out of fear of Him the rain pours forth showers, and out of fear of Him the host of heavenly bodies shed their luster
- Out of so many human beings who are suffering, there are a few who are actually inquiring about their position, as to what they are, why they are put into this awkward position and so on. BG 1972 Introduction
- Out of the broken, fallen trees came two great personalities, shining like blazing fire. All sides became illuminated & beautiful by their presence. The two personalities immediately came before child Krsna & bowed down to offer their respects & prayers
- Out of those actually trying to understand their spiritual situation, one who can come to the understanding that Krsna is the Supreme PG, the proprietor of everything, the unborn, is the most successful spiritually realized person. BG 1972 purports
- Overburdened with their heavy hips and swollen breasts, the gopis could not proceed very quickly toward the house of Nanda Maharaja, but out of ecstatic love for Krsna they proceeded as quickly as possible
- Padma Purana said, "And when they (people lower than sudra) are properly dressed, with tilaka on their bodies and beads in their hands and on their necks, they appear to be coming from Vaikuntha"
- Pandita Haridasa had great faith in Lord Caitanya and Nityananda. Therefore he took great satisfaction in knowing about Their pastimes and qualities
- Para-duhkha-duhkhi. We should be sorry for their plight. So we shall remain strong in our spiritual consciousness
- Paradoxically, although Your flute is nothing but dry wood, Your lips constantly make it drink their nectar. They create a mind and senses in the dry wooden flute and give it transcendental bliss
- Paramananda Puri and Brahmananda Bharati were both personally given garlands and sandalwood pulp from the very hands of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This increased their transcendental pleasure
- Parents and other relatives of the Lord achieve all mystic opulences automatically because of their intimate relationship with the Lord. Such opulences include all details of material enjoyment, salvation and mystic powers
- Parents are not unhappy when their children become spoiled, useless citizens, but they lament when they join the Krsna consciousness movement to achieve the ultimate goal of life
- Parents never take seriously the offenses of their children. I therefore beg Your pardon and ask for Your benediction
- Pariksit Maharaja asked Sukadeva Gosvami why Krsna was so beloved by the residents of Vrndavana, who loved Him even more than their own offspring or life itself
- Pariksit Maharaja naturally inquired, What kind of pious activities did Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda perform in their past lives by which they achieved such a stage of perfection
- Pariksit Maharaja said: "It is not that if I say there is no God that there will be no God or that I will not be responsible for what I do." The atheists deny God due to their sinful activities
- Pariksit Maharaja says, nivrtta-tarsair upagiyamanat (SB 10.1.4). The holy name of the Lord can be chanted by those who have fully satisfied their material desires or who are fully situated on the transcendental platform and devoid of material desire
- Pariksit Maharaja's observations indicate that even five thousand years ago it was the practice of criminals to atone for their crimes but then commit the same crimes again, as if forced to do so
- Parvati, the wife of Lord Siva, told her husband, "My dear Pancamukha (five-faced), just look at the Pandavas! After hearing the sound of Krsna's conchshell known as Pancajanya, they have regained their strength and are just like lions
- Passing away of the great warrior (Bhismadeva) attracted the attention of all the contemporary elites, and all of them assembled there to show their feelings of love, respect and affection for the great soul
- Passing by very slowly and smiling, Lord Krsna immediately stole their hearts. He who is the husband of the goddess of fortune passed through the street like an elephant
- Paurnamasi tells Nandimukhi, "Just see how wonderful it is! Great sages meditate upon Krsna after being relieved from all material transactions, and with great difficulty they try to situate Krsna in their hearts"
- People all over the world are madly engaging in sense gratification and in this way spoiling their human lives, with the risk that in the next life they may become animals or less. Human society should be saved from such a risky civilization
- People all over the world, especially in India, have forgotten their relationship with SPG and His eternal servants. Therefore the principles of morality, religion and ethics have almost disappeared. This situation is most unprofitable for human society
- People are attached to household life for sex only. They are always harassed in many ways by their material engagements, and their only happiness is that after working very hard all day, at night they sleep and indulge in sex
- People are embarrassed for improving their economic condition in other countries. Of course, if one is cultured, he is not embarrassed in any condition of life
- People are generally baffled because their various acts of sin and virtue are directed merely toward ameliorating the distress & enhancing the happiness of the temporary body and mind by behavior like eating, sleeping, defending, & gratifying the senses
- People are imagining the form of the Lord: sometimes He has no form and sometimes He has form, according to their different imaginations. But the presentation of Krsna in the Brahma-samhita is vijnanam - scientific, experienced knowledge given by Brahma
- People are manufacturing ideas: philanthropism and altruism, Communism, this "ism," that "ism." But they are manufacturing their own way. The Krsna solves, that, Not in this way. Simply make Me center, and the whole thing will be done
- People are trying to oppose this Krsna consciousness movement. But they cannot possibly check this movement or stop the activities of the devotees in Europe and America by their artificial impositions
- People are unwilling to accept the Krsna consciousness because they are blind. They do not see actual position of their life. That is the position (of) conditioned soul. They are busy simply for sense gratification
- People are willing to give up their lives for the land where they were born, but they do not know that land, body, wife, children, country and society really have nothing to do with them
- People bewildered by material conditions try to be united, but although they strive for unity among men and nations, all their attempts are futile. Everyone must struggle alone for existence with the many elements of nature
- People can hold meetings to glorify the Lord in their respective languages and with melodious songs, and if such performances are executed in an offenseless manner, it is certain that the participants will gradually attain spiritual perfection
- People cannot feel secure about their lives and property, yet the so-called governments continue, and government ministers get fat salaries, although they are unable to do anything good for society
- People do not consider how they are risking their lives in an attempt to have illicit sex life, kill animals to satisfy their tongue, enjoy intoxication and gamble
- People do not know that their self-interest is to return home, back to Godhead, or to approach Lord Visnu. Durasaya ye bahir-artha-maninah: instead, they are simply bewildered
- People do not try to understand Krsna; they simply try for economic development. Their first business should be to understand Krsna. Other business should be secondary. So at the present moment, it is very difficult task
- People do not wish to engage their money in nonproductive thing because they have become economic. But that is a wrong theory. You see? That economic means forgetting God. And that means, I mean to say, animal life
- People generally consider cowherd men lowly members of society, but herein (CC Adi 17.111) Caitanya Mahaprabhu confirms that they are so pious that in their next lives they are going to be brahmanas
- People held in the grip of maya are thrown into oblivion after death, and as a result of their karma, in the next life they become dogs or gods, although most of them become dogs
- People in general all engage in foolish acts, not in the really beneficial activities enunciated directly by You for their guidance
- People in general must understand the importance of Krishna Consciousness, and they must in this democratic day send their real representatives who can make right decisions whether there should be war or no war
- People in general want to hear and read from the authorities something about the unknown, but their taste is exploited by unfortunate literatures which are full of subject matter for satisfaction of the material senses
- People in general, because of their foolishness only, try to become masters of everything, forgetting the transcendental mellow of servitorship to the Lord
- People in general, being bewildered by the illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are always engaged in animosity toward one another. But devotees, even at the risk of their own temporary lives, try to save them
- People in general, bound by the sweet words of the Vedas, engage themselves again and again in fruitive activities, enamored by the results of their actions
- People in general, under the leadership of materialistic men, are gradually descending to the status of lower animals, devoid of all transcendental realization, knowing nothing beyond their material bodies and the material world
- People interested in material activities, which are expounded in the Vedas, are intent on performing material sacrifices and placing faith in their material activities. For such people, spiritual advancement is definitely not manifest
- People jeer at Krsna because they are envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Their destiny is certainly to take birth after birth in the species of atheistic and demoniac life. BG 1972 purports
- People love to read various kinds of fiction to spend their time and energy. Now this tendency can be directed to Krsna. The result will be the imperishable satisfaction of the soul, both individually and collectively
- People may ask how the Kumaras could refuse the orders of Brahma, who was their father and above all the creator of the universe
- People must stop this cow killing, the greatest sin. They should divert their tendency for happiness differently than by killing and drinking
- People should give up the company of so-called yogis, jnanis, karmis and philanthropists because their association can benefit no one
- People should learn BG and accept the Supreme PG, Krsna, as the Lord of everything; they should practice satisfying the senses of the Supreme Lord instead of trying to satisfy their own senses. Training in KC will help one be promoted to Vaikuntha
- People should take advantage of this Krsna consciousness movement and leave their troublesome life of killing
- People sometimes have eighty to ninety percent of their income taken away, and these taxes are lavishly spent for the high salaries drawn by the officers and rulers
- People take advantage of the popularity of Bhagavad-gita, and they try to impress under the shelter of Bhagavad-gita their own philosophy or own idea. That is useless. You try to understand Bhagavad-gita as it is
- People who are almost blind because of lusty desires are recommended to worship the demigods to have their material desires fulfilled, but actually those desires are not fulfilled by the material demigods
- People who are eating meat are still, despite their meat-eating, subject to so many diseases and unhealthy conditions. Gambling is also discouraged because it simply agitates the mind
- People who are entangled in academic knowledge are conditioned souls who are confused about the facts of "I", "mine" and "my" understanding. Consequently they are unable to detach their minds from the external energy
- People who have no taste for the devotional service of the Lord are occupied in material engagements. Their senses are engaged very extensively in troublesome duties in the gigantic plants of heavy industrial enterprise
- People will be reduced to eating flesh and seeds, and many good, spiritually inclined people will have to forsake their homes because they will be too harassed by drought, taxation and famine
- People's real business is how to satisfy their senses. "If for satisfying my senses I'll have to pose myself as a religious person, so let me do that." That is their religion. But that is not religion. Real religion is no sense satisfaction
- People, being harassed in famine and taxation, they'll give up their hearth & home, will go to the forest and hills. Gradually, time will come when the ages will be reduced so much that a person twenty-thirty years old will be considered as grand old man
- People, they try to understand (the science of Krsna) which is impossible to understand by their own effort. That is a great mistake. Therefore this very word is used, durbodham. What is religion & what is God, that is very, very difficult to understand
- Perfect knowledge of self and Superself and of their relationship is compared herein (BG 4.37) to fire. This fire not only burns up all reactions to impious activities, but also all reactions to pious activities, turning them to ashes. BG 1972 purports
- Perfection of human civilization is made possible by utilizing the gifts of nature in their own way
- Performing artists like the Gandharvas, as well as the royal jokers, began to play their panava drums, conchshells, kettledrums, vinas, mrdangas and bugles, and they exhibited their dancing art to please the Lord (Krsna)
- Perhaps you know the picture of Madhvacarya, one of the great Acaryas in our line, who is holding two fingers up to indicate Krishna and jiva. The impersonalists hold up one finger because their idea is that everything is one
- Perpetually, their (people who jeer at Krsna because they are envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead) real knowledge will remain under delusion, and gradually they will regress to the darkest region of creation. BG 1972 purports
- Personal associates like Gadadhara, Svarupa Damodara, Ramananda Raya, and the six Gosvamis (headed by Rupa Gosvami) are all situated in their respective transcendental humors. Thus the Lord submits to various positions in various transcendental mellows
- Personal servants of the Deity and the spiritual master should always be very careful, for negligence may overcome them in their duty
- Personalities like Sri Ganga-narayana, Ramakrsna and many others, who were actually born in brahmana families, accepted Narottama dasa Thakura and Syamananda Gosvami as their spiritual masters
- Persons averse to a loving relationship with God are more or less condemned by their own actions
- Persons devoid of atma-tattva do not inquire into the problems of life, being too attached to the fallible soldiers like the body, children and wife. Although sufficiently experienced, they still do not see their inevitable destruction
- Persons devoid of atma-tattva do not inquire into the problems of life, being too attached to the fallible soldiers like the body, children, wife, etc. Although sufficiently experienced, still they do not see their inevitable destruction
- Persons engaged in pursuing spiritual understanding have no time to earn their livelihood. They depend completely on the mercy of the Lord, who (Krsna) says in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.22) that He personally carries to them all their necessities
- Persons of normal mental condition must obey the scriptural injunctions. Those who are not in such a position neglect and disobey the scriptures and manufacture their own way of austerities and penances. BG 1972 purports
- Persons or nations anxious to spread their influence all over the world should consider this point. If one is able to eradicate completely the threefold miseries of the citizens, he should aspire to rule the world
- Persons who are bewildered by empiric knowledge or direct sensual perception, & who consider that this limited material world can be gauged by their material estimations, conclude that anything that one can discern by direct sense perception is but maya
- Persons who are decorated with tilaka or gopi-candana (a kind of clay resembling fuller's earth which is produced in certain quarters of Vrndavana), and who mark their bodies all over with the holy names of the Lord
- Persons who are demons, enemies of the SPG, are called asuras. As stated in Bhagavad-gita, the asuras, because of their enmity toward the SPG, take birth after birth in asura families and therefore glide down to the darkest hellish regions
- Persons who are everlastingly fooled by lust and desire lose all power of understanding their change of body and their stay in a particular body. They cannot comprehend it. BG 1972 purports
- Persons who are falsely under the impression of being liberated, without devotional service to the Lord, may reach the goal of the brahmajyoti
- Persons who are in full knowledge of the Personality of Godhead, analyzing His different energies and knowing their own constitutional position, are certainly very, very dear to the Lord
- Persons who are strongly entrapped by the consciousness of enjoying material life, and who have therefore accepted as their leader or guru a similar blind man attached to external sense objects, cannot understand that the goal of life is to return home
- Persons who are too addicted to this material world execute their prescribed duties very nicely and with great faith. They daily perform all such prescribed duties with attachment to the fruitive result
- Persons who are too much addicted to the childish activities of economic development and sense gratification are sometimes especially favored by the Lord when He destroys their construction of these things
- Persons who are too sexually inclined and materialistic become so hardhearted because of a slight loss of prestige that they can tolerate even the death of their children
- Persons who are unable to pin their faith on the personal feature of the Absolute are given a chance to associate with His virat-rupa, or the cosmic impersonal feature of the Lord
- Persons who cannot think of anything beyond the limit of their own power are like frogs in a well who cannot imagine the length and breadth of the great Pacific Ocean
- Persons who do not ultimately accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead and take to devotional service, but who instead are attached to impersonalism and voidism, must undergo great labor to achieve their goals
- Persons who have accepted the lotus feet of Krsna as the ultimate shelter of their lives, and who are pleased to perform all details of devotional service, have in their pure hearts the transcendental ecstasy of attachment
- Persons who have achieved eternal, blissful life exactly on the level of Sri Krsna, and who are able to attract Lord Krsna by their transcendental loving service, are called eternally perfect. The technical name is nitya-siddha
- Persons who have lost their consciousness on account of being too much attached to material enjoyment, they cannot understand Krsna consciousness
- Persons who have lost their vision due to the dense darkness of ignorance in the age of Kali shall get light from this Purana
- Persons who have Visnu tilaka on their forehead, are to be understood as the devotees of Lord Visnu in this world. Their presence makes the world purified, and anywhere they remain they make that place as good as Vaikuntha
- Persons who put tulasi beads on the neck, who mark twelve places of their body as Visnu temples with Visnu's symbolic representations
- Persons who smell the aroma of Your lotus feet, carried by the air of Vedic sound through the holes of the ears, accept Your devotional service. For them You are never separated from the lotus of their hearts
- Persons who take to such austerities (like fasting for some ulterior purpose) are, according to Bhagavad-gita, certainly demoniac. Their acts are against the scriptural injunction and are not beneficial for the people in general. BG 1972 purports
- Persons who want to exploit the administrative power for their own self-interest do not like the presence of a good king. Although professing democracy, they want to be kings themselves
- Persons who, because of their serious attitude, attain the stage of enlightened devotional service achieve the complete meaning of renunciation and knowledge and attain the Vaikunthaloka in the spiritual sky simply by drinking the nectar of Your topics
- Persons whose activities are dictated by material desires and who are also addicted to worshiping the demigods cannot become pure devotees at any stage of their lives
- Persons whose bodies are marked with tilaka, symbolizing the conchshell, wheel, club and lotus - who keep the leaves of tulasi on their heads, whose bodies are always decorated with gopi-candana, can help the seer be relieved from all sinful activities
- Philosophers following the precepts of Patanjali practice raja-yoga. They imagine a form of the Absolute Truth within many forms. That is their process of self-realization
- Philosophers generally try to use their mind to speculate about the nature of the soul. But with the mind they can never understand
- Physical presence is not essential; presence by message is real touch. Lord Krishna is present by His message. We feel always the presence of our past Acharyas simply by their immutable instructions. I hope you will understand me right and do the needful
- Picking up their bows and arrows, they (Jarasandha and other princes) began to chase Krsna on their chariots, horses and elephants. To check their progress, the soldiers of the Yadu dynasty turned and faced them
- Pious persons like you (Dadhici, the son of Atharva), whose activities are praiseworthy, are very kind and affectionate to people in general. What can't such pious souls give for the benefit of others? They can give everything, including their bodies
- Pitrloka is also located in this region between the Garbhodaka Ocean and the lower planetary systems. All the residents of Pitrloka, headed by Agnisvatta, meditate in great samadhi on the Supreme Personality of Godhead and always wish their families well
- Placing their lotus feet on my head, always hoping to serve them, I, Krsnadasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, following in their footsteps
- Please also describe the expansions of different sacrifices and the paths of mystic powers, analytical study of knowledge, and devotional service, all with their respective regulations
- Please also describe the imperfections and contradictions of the faithless atheists, the situation of crossbreeding, and the movements of the living entities in various species of life according to their particular modes of nature and work
- Please also explain the regulations for offering respects to the forefathers, the creation of the Pitrloka, the time schedule in the planets, stars and luminaries, and their respective situations
- Please also explain what may generally be the common religious affiliations of human society, as well as their specific occupational duties in religion, the classification of the social orders as well as the administrative royal orders
- Please bring to me only those sinful persons who do not use their tongues to chant the holy name and qualities of Krsna, whose hearts do not remember the lotus feet of Krsna even once, and whose heads do not bow down even once before Lord Krsna
- Please continue to try & convince the world leaders who are in Washington D.C. about our Krishna Consciousness program. Why don't you approach the Congressmen & Representatives & inform them of the work that our men are doing within their states & cities
- Pleased to see their wives back home, the brahmanas sat together with them and executed the performances of sacrifices, as enjoined in the sastras. According to Vedic principle, religious rituals must be executed by the husband and wife together
- Pleasing Narayana does not require as much endeavor as pleasing one's family, community and nation. We have seen important political leaders killed for a slight discrepancy in their behavior
- Pracinabarhi's sons are described as sadhavah because of their complete obedience to their father. The father, king and spiritual master are supposed to be representatives of God, and as such they have to be respected as the Supreme Lord
- Pracinabarhisat was waiting for the arrival of his sons, but following the instructions of Narada, as soon as his intelligence was properly developed, he simply left instructions for his sons. Thus without waiting for their arrival, he left home
- Practicing evil habits and behaving foolishly, the subjects will be like their rulers." The idea is that in the democratic days of Kali-yuga, the general population will fall down to the standard of sudras
- Prahlada further says: My dear Lord, there are many saintly persons and sages who are very interested in their own liberation
- Prahlada Maharaja prayed: My Lord Nrsimha-deva, O Supreme, because of a bodily conception of life, embodied souls neglected and not cared for by You cannot do anything for their betterment
- Prahlada Maharaja replied: Because of their uncontrolled senses, persons too addicted to materialistic life make progress toward hellish conditions and repeatedly chew that which has already been chewed
- Prahlada Maharaja said that a child is certainly dependent on his father and mother, but in spite of their presence, the child is harassed in many ways
- Prahlada Maharaja was a great devotee of Lord Visnu, but his father was very much against Visnu. Because the father and son thus differed in their consciousness, the demon father inflicted all kinds of bodily pain upon Prahlada
- Prahlada Maharaja was already educated in devotional life, but when his father sent him to those two sons of Sukracarya to be educated, they accepted him at their school along with the other sons of the asuras
- Prahlada Maharaja, although born in a demon family, was an exalted devotee, and he desired their welfare. Thus he began instructing them about the futility of materialistic life
- Prahlado janako bhismo balir, Maharaja Bali, a king. He was a grandson of this Prahlada Maharaja. He became mahajana. All these persons, they became authorities by their exemplary character for advancing in Krsna consciousness
- Prajapati Daksa said: My sons were not at all freed from their three debts. Indeed, they did not properly consider their obligations
- Prajapati Daksa sent his second group of sons for cultural improvement, despite the risk that because of the instructions of Narada they might become as intelligent as their older brothers
- Prakrta-sahajiyas, ...artificially think that hearing the rasa-lila will help them by diminishing the lusty desires of their diseased hearts...
- Prakrta-sahajiyas, who consider the transcendental pastimes of Krsna something like the behavior between a man and a woman, artificially think that hearing the rasa-lila will help them by diminishing the lusty desires of their diseased hearts
- Pravrttim nivrttim ca jana na vidur asurah, na saucam napi cacarah: "There is no cleanliness, nor good behavior." Na satyam tesu vidya...: "And there is no truth in their life." This is asuric
- Praying at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha, always desiring their mercy, I, Krsnadasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, following in their footsteps - Adi-lila
- Praying at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha, always desiring their mercy, I, Krsnadasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, following in their footsteps - Antya-lila
- Praying at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha, always desiring their mercy, I, Krsnadasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, following in their footsteps - Madhya-lila
- Predominating deities of the higher planetary systems came to participate in the sacrifice, including Gandharvaloka, Siddhaloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka, Nagaloka, Yaksaloka, Raksasaloka, Paksiloka and Caranaloka, as well as famous kings and their queens
- Present by the invitation of King Yudhisthira to participate in the great sacrifice were all the exalted demigods, including Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Indra, the King of heaven, accompanied by their associates
- Present fighting, the politicians, out of their whims they declare war, that is not religious fighting - that is abominable. That is to serve their political ends
- Present here now is the same Supreme Personality of Godhead whose true form cannot be understood even by such great personalities as Lord Brahma and Lord Siva. He is realized by devotees because of their unflinching surrender
- Pretenders diligently cultivate and exhibit certain mannerisms of devotees, and so the impersonalists reject them from their fold. Thus ostracized by both impersonalists and Vaisnavas, they form a cult of demented sentimentalists
- Previously, all the great kings and emperors expanded their kingdoms with a regard for the welfare of the people in general. Indeed, while engaged in such activities for the benefit of the general public, eminent men sometimes even sacrificed their lives
- Previously, the mothers of Sridama, Sudama, Subala and Krsna's other friends did not have the same affection for one another's sons, but now the gopis treated all the boys as their own
- Priests never demand anything from their disciples to live in opulence, imitating ksatriyas or vaisyas
- Princes offered prayers to Krsna, "Foolish persons think that their material possessions will give them protection; engaged in sense gratification, they falsely accept this material world as a place of eternal enjoyment"
- Prior to the rasa dance, Lord Krsna hid Himself in a grove just to have fun. When the gopis came, their eyes resembling those of deer, by His sharp intelligence He exhibited His beautiful four-armed form to hide Himself
- Professional reciters may ask money to extinguish the blazing fire within their bellies, but they cannot make any spiritual improvement or become perfect. It is therefore strictly forbidden to recite Srimad-Bhagavatam as a profession to earn a livelihood
- Professor Apte, in his dictionary, describes the Brahmana portion of the Vedas as that portion which states the rules for employment of hymns at various sacrifices and gives detailed explanations of their origin, sometimes with lengthy illustrations
- Progress in material advancement is blind, and the leaders of such material advancement are also blind. They are leading their followers in the wrong way
- Prthu Maharaja continued: How can such persons, who have rendered unlimited service by explaining the path of self-realization in relation to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, be repaid except by folded palms containing water for their satisfaction?
- Prthu Maharaja inquired from the sages about persons entangled in this dangerous material existence because of their previous actions; could such persons, whose only aim is sense gratification, be blessed with any good fortune?
- Prthu Maharaja requested the Kumaras to be satisfied by their own benevolent activities in delivering souls from the clutches of maya
- Prthu Maharaja was greeted by the residents of other planets and their presiding deities. They presented various gifts to the King and acknowledged him as the proper type of king
- Prthu Maharaja, in the same way, could not restrain himself from receiving the four Kumaras, who were bright by dint of their spiritual progress, and thus not only he himself but also his officers and associates all received the four Kumaras
- Prthu was a ksatriya, and he discharged his ksatriya duties perfectly. Similarly, brahmanas, vaisyas and sudras can discharge their respective duties perfectly and thus at the ultimate end of life be promoted to the transcendental world, or param padam
- Punishment by Yamaraja is a process of purification for the most abominable sinful persons. Therefore the Yamadutas requested the Visnudutas not to obstruct their taking Ajamila to Yamaraja
- Puranjana got both sons and daughters married. It is the duty of a father and mother to arrange for the marriage of their sons and daughters. That is the obligation in Vedic society
- Puranjana increased his whole family by begetting sons who in their turn begot grandsons
- Puranjana inquired from the woman about those eleven men and their wives and the snake. The woman gave a brief description of them
- Pure devotees always engage in pure devotional activities, and therefore their meeting with the Lord is natural
- Pure devotees are not desirous of any material enjoyment, nor are they averse to it. They completely dovetail their desires with the desires of the Lord and perform nothing on their personal account. Arjuna is a good example
- Pure devotees are not mundane sentimentalists, but are factually realists because their activities are supported by the Vedic authorities who have given aural reception to the facts mentioned in the Vedic literatures
- Pure devotees can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but demons, because of their miscreant behavior, cannot understand the Lord, in spite of seeing the many revealed scriptures and the uncommon activities of the Lord
- Pure devotees concentrate their minds in Krsna consciousness in full devotional service; therefore they are always situated in the transcendental position. BG 1972 purports
- Pure devotees do not ask anything from the Lord for their personal benefit. Even if offered personal benefits, pure devotees do not accept them, because their only desire is to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead by transcendental loving service
- Pure devotees engage themselves fully in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. Their minds cannot be diverted from the lotus feet of Krsna. Their talks are solely on the transcendental subjects. BG 1972 purports
- Pure devotees like King Kulasekhara are particularly careful to avoid a process that will end in their becoming one with the existence of the Lord, a state known as advandva, nonduality. This is simply spiritual suicide
- Pure devotees may deal with the three modes of material nature, but because of their transcendental intelligence in Krsna consciousness, they are not influenced by the material qualities. The spell of material activities does not attract such devotees
- Pure devotees of the Lord are all embodiments of perfection in yoga; four Vedic goals are truly at their beck and call. And beyond these goals is the supreme destination: superconsciousness, or God consciousness. This is the fifth & paramount Vedic goal
- Pure devotees of the Lord are not enthusiastic to put aside their service to the Lord in order to go visit holy places of pilgrimage
- Pure devotees of the Lord are not proud of their definite progress, whereas the nondevotee speculator is in the darkness of illusory energy and is very much proud of his misleading knowledge based on speculation without any definite path
- Pure devotees of the Lord carry the message of Godhead in order to deliver the fallen souls, and the common man who is bewildered by the influence of the external energy of the Lord should avail himself of their association
- Pure devotees simply act for the pleasure of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore the results of their activities are spiritual, or permanent. They are not like those of the karmis, which are nonpermanent
- Queen Krtyadyuti's co-wives, who had poisoned the child, were very much ashamed, and they lost all their bodily luster. While lamenting, O King, they remembered the instructions of Angira and gave up their ambition to bear children
- Queens of Kasiraja began to lament the death of their husband, "Our dear lord," they cried, "upon your death, we have become just like dead bodies"
- Radha continued, "He has many new girlfriends, who are no doubt happy in His association. Because the lusty, burning sensation of their breasts has been satisfied by Krsna, they are happy. If you go there, glorify Krsna, they may be pleased to reward you"
- Radharani and the gopis should never be accepted as ordinary women; indeed, to understand their position we need the guidance of a spiritual master
- Raghava Pandita offered Them betel nuts and worshiped Their lotus feet. He also distributed betel nuts, flower garlands and sandalwood pulp to the devotees
- Raghava Pandita then said, People are always coming and going through that door. The dust from their feet blows up and touches the ceiling
- Raising their necks, dogs cried here and there, now in the manner of singing and now of wailing
- Raji conquered the kingdom of heaven, and therefore when Indra, the heavenly king, begged Raji's sons to return it, they refused. Because they had not taken the heavenly kingdom from Indra but had inherited it from their father
- Raksasa are called man-eaters, more than tigers. They, for their self-satisfaction, they can eat, I mean to say, even, even their own sons. You see? They are called raksasas. No shame
- Raksasas are understood to be accustomed to eating their own sons, as snakes and many other animals sometimes do
- Ramakeli-grama is situated on the banks of the Ganges on the border of Bengal. Srila Rupa and Sanatana Gosvamis had their residences in this village
- Ramakrishna Mission allurement is that daridra-narayana-seva and hospital. That is their only allurement. They have no program. Nobody, attracted by their philosophy. And what philosophy they have got? Never mind
- Ramananda Raya invited all the others for their meals, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu made His resting place in a garden outside the temple
- Ramananda Raya said, "My dear Lord, You have told me about the science of Krsna and Radharani and Their loving affairs, the affairs of the rasa dance and Their pastimes. I never thought that I should be able to speak on this subject matter"
- Ramananda Raya was very happy to receive these books. He tasted their contents along with the Lord and made a copy of each
- Ramanuja-sampradaya - that means followers of Acarya Ramanuja; Madhvacarya-sampradaya, or the followers of Madhvacarya; Nimbarka-sampradaya, followers of Nimbarka Acarya; and Visnu Svami-sampradaya. Their conclusion is the same
- Rascal svamis and yogis encourage foolish persons to go on eating flesh and killing animals and at the same time continue their so-called meditation and mystical practices
- Rascal. Kick them upon their face. You rascal, you are talking of morality, rascal, you go to hell. Your place is hell
- Rascals and foolish people are lured by the prayers of their foolish leaders for sense gratification, and they cannot understand what is meant by Krsna consciousness
- Rascals, they have created problems. Therefore we have started this Krsna consciousness movement for their benefit. Let them cooperate, and we shall make solution of all problems-political, social, everything. Let them come and cooperate
- Ravana or those like him may be very powerful and opulent in this material world, but theirs is not a secure position, because, after all, they are bound by the results of their karma (karmana daiva-netrena) - SB 3.31.1
- Real ahimsa means not checking anyone's progressive life. The animals are also making progress in their evolutionary life by transmigrating from one category of animal life to another. BG 1972 purports
- Real devotee, santah, saintly persons, their eyes are purified by the ointment of love of Godhead
- Realized devotees are like bumblebees maddened by their own mellows at Krsna's lotus feet. The scent of those lotus feet perfumes the entire world
- Recently there is division of Pakistan and India. Twenty years before, this Pakistan was part of India. Now, these Muhammadans, they did not come from outside. They changed their faith from Hindus to Muhammadans. Now they divided their property
- Regarding Jesus Christ, unfortunately he could not meet such nice devotees as I have met. Jesus said, Thou shalt not kill, but their first business was to kill him
- Regarding MacMillan, if they will not print our Bhagavad-gita As It Is in hard bound then why not publish our own edition of the book, enlarge and revised hard bound? We cannot be checked by their decision to print or not to print our books
- Regarding Narada, it is understood that because his previous life was very pious and his association very good, he was born as Narada. Others were also born in their own capacities, according to their backgrounds
- Regarding the Composer machine, there will be no difficulty in transferring the money to the Iskcon Press account. But in Columbus they are already so negotiating for a similar IBM Composer, so let me see what is their terms here
- Regarding using our Temple for marriage ceremonies for the Hindu community, if they contribute something to the Temple they can use the Temple and perform the marriage with their own priest
- Regulative principles in devotional service are meant for those who have not invoked their natural love of Godhead
- Rejected persons of the material world who refuse to understand pure DS as the eternal function of the living entities, and as actual liberation of the living being from conditioned life, become bereft of all DS because of their poor fund of knowledge
- Remaining in light is a very simple method, therefore you see all these boys with their beads chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare. In this way maya cannot touch them. No intoxication, no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling
- Remembering His loving affairs with Sudama in their childhood, Krsna began to shed tears while receiving him
- Residential quarters were so arranged that the different castes - brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras - had their respective quarters. It appears from this that the caste system mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita existed even at that time
- Responsible fathers should not hinder their sons who are making cultural advancement in association with the Krsna consciousness movement. This is not a father's duty
- Riding on palanquins nicely decorated with silks, flags and golden lace, the sixteen thousand queens followed their exalted husband, Lord Krsna. The infantry soldiers carried shields, swords and lances in their hands and acted as royal bodyguards
- Royal princes maintained menservants and maidservants with all provisions, as if they were their own children or family members
- Rukmini continued, "But in order to achieve the favor of Your (Krsna's) lotus feet, they renounced their exalted positions and entered the forest to practice penances and austerities"
- Rukmini continued, "From the history of the world we can see that princes like Anga, Prthu, Bharata, Yayati and Gaya were all great emperors of the world, and there were no competitors to their exalted positions"
- Rukmini continued, "My dear Lord, You have advised me to select one of the princes such as Sisupala, Jarasandha or Dantavakra, but what is their position in this world"
- Rukmini continued, "My dear Lord, You have stated that the richest section of human society does not worship You. This is also correct, because persons who are puffed up with material possessions think of utilizing their property for sense gratification"
- Rukmini continued, "My dear lotus-eyed Lord, I cannot understand Your statement that women and other persons who have taken shelter under Your lotus feet pass their days only in bereavement"
- Rukmini continued, "Their (Krsna's devotees) aim of life remains a mystery to the common human being; the lowest of mankind can know neither You nor Your servants. A contaminated human being cannot even imagine the pastimes of You and Your devotees"
- Rukmini continued, "These so-called beggars execute their spiritual advancement in life, tolerating all tribulations in the material world. My dear husband (Krsna), do not think that I accepted You as my husband out of my inexperience"
- Rukmini continued, "They (opposing princes) are always dishonored like dogs, they are miserly like cats. They have sold themselves like slaves to their wives. Any unfortunate woman who has never heard of Your glories may accept such a man as her husband"
- Rukmini continued, "They (Sisupala, Jarasandha or Dantavakra) are always engaged in hard labor to maintain their household life, just like the bulls working hard day and night with an oil-pressing machine. They are compared to asses, beasts of burden"
- Rukmini said to Draupadi: When Jarasandha and other kings, bows and arrows upraised, stood ready to deliver me in charity to Sisupala, Krsna forcibly took me from their midst, as a lion takes its share of goats and sheep
- Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami had practically become Mohammedans and had therefore changed their names to Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself made them gosvamis
- Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami resigned their ministerial post and joined Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for propagating His mission of Krsna consciousness. So rupa-sanatanau, they are very responsible government officers
- Rupa Gosvami describes, "The sound vibration created by the flute of Krsna wonderfully stopped Lord Siva from playing his dindima drum, and the same flute has caused great sages like the four Kumaras to become disturbed in their meditation"
- Rupa Gosvami says, "Out of their attraction they distributed food to Krsna." Here the two devotional mellows are conjugal love and parental love, and the result is called upa-rasa in conjugal love
- Rupa Gosvami states that when the gopis hear the sound of Krsna's flute, they immediately forget all rebukes offered by the elderly members of their families. They forget their defamation and the harsh behavior of their husbands
- Rupa Gosvami wrote of Caitanya: Those who hear Caitanya-caritamrta will keep You (Lord Caitanya) in their hearts. It will be easy to understand Krsna through You
- Rupa Gosvami, their giving up family life was meaningful. But if somebody, out of poverty, he comes to Vrndavana to solve the capati problem, that is not Rupa Gosvami
- Sadhu, those who are saintly persons, they're always thinking of the miseries of the people in general. They are not meditating for their own purpose
- Sages are naturally inclined to do good to the common man, and when they see a personality like Maharaja Pariksit advance in devotional service, their pleasure knows no bounds, and they offer all blessings in their power
- Sages like Marici prayed for the mercy of the Lord (to protect Brahma, who was sexually inclined to his own daughter, from the allurement of lusty material desires), and their prayer was fruitful
- Saintly people are interested in performing sacrifices & austerities for the advancement of spiritual life, but Vena, instead of being obliged because of the saints' mercy, turned out to be their enemy because he prohibited their ordinary duties
- Saintly persons like the Kumaras, Narada, Prahlada, Janaka, Sukadeva Gosvami and Kapiladeva, as well as the followers of such authorities as the Vaisnava acaryas and their servants, can render a valuable service to humanity
- Saints (like the Kumaras) were not to be forbidden to enter the kingdom of Vaikuntha, but by chance the doormen (Jaya and Vijaya) objected to their entrance. This was not fitting
- Sakama devotees, of course, achieve from the Lord the results they desire from their prayers, but they do not immediately become fit to return to Godhead
- Sanandana said, "The personified Vedas sing, 'Due to their (the living entities) own faults they imitate You (Visnu) by trying to become the supreme enjoyer. Thus they disobey Your supremacy and become offenders'"
- Sanandana said, "The personified Vedas sing, 'The conditioned souls are struggling very hard to escape from material bondage, and according to their different conditions of life they have been given different types of engagement'"
- Sanandana say, "The personified Vedas sing, 'Because of their offenses, Your material energy has taken charge of them. Thus their transcendental qualities of joyfulness, bliss and wisdom have been covered by the clouds of the three material qualities'"
- Sanatana Gosvami and Haridasa Thakura, thinking themselves mlecchas and yavanas because of their past association with Muslims, did not enter the temple or even travel on the path in front of the temple gate
- Sanatana Gosvami even engaged some ten or twenty learned brahmanas and began an intensive study of Srimad-Bhagavatam in their company. While he was thus engaged, he submitted sick-leave reports to his employer, the Nawab
- Sanatana Gosvami saw that although the hotel keeper did not know them, he was being especially attentive to their comfort
- Sanatana means "eternal." Thus, Sanatana Gosvami was interested in the eternal happiness of the living entities more than just the temporary happiness of their temporary body and mind
- Sanda and Amarka, the priests of the demons, were eager to know from Prahlada Maharaja who the Vaisnavas were that came to instruct him in Krsna consciousness. Their purpose was to discover the names of these Vaisnavas
- Sanda and Amarka, the teachers of Prahlada Maharaja, chastised and threatened their disciple in various ways and began teaching him about the paths of religion, economic development and sense gratification. This is the way they educated him
- Sandalwood is very cold, and venomous serpents, because of their poisonous teeth, are always very warm, and they take shelter of the sandalwood trees to become cooler
- Sankaracarya had four principal disciples, & he established four centers under their management. In North India at Badarikasrama, the monastery named Jyotir-matha was established. At Purusottama, the Bhogavardhana or Govardhana monastery was established
- Sankaracarya had four principal disciples, and he established four centers under their management. In Dvaraka, the Sarada monastery was established. And the fourth monastery, established in South India, is known as Srngeri-matha
- Sankaracarya has tried to prove that Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna & Aniruddha expand through cause & effect. He has compared Them with earth & earthen pots. That is completely ignorant, for there is no such thing as cause & effect in Their expansions
- Sankaracarya's first condition is that "First of all you take sannyasa; then you talk of becoming Narayana." Who is taking sannyasa? So they are simply falsely thinking. Actually, their intelligence is impure, consciousness is impure
- Sankaracarya, who is an incarnation of Lord Siva, is faultless because he is a servant carrying out the orders of the Lord. But those who follow his Mayavadi philosophy are doomed. They will lose all their advancement in spiritual knowledge
- Sankhya philosophy is described here (SB 3.26.71) in detail in the sense that the virat-purusa, or the universal form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the original source of all the various sense organs and their presiding deities
- Sankhya philosophy, after describing the nature of prakrti (material nature) and purusa (the enjoyer), asserts that the creation is only a product of their unification or proximity to one another
- Sannyasi life is meant for distributing knowledge to the householders and others who have forgotten their real life of spiritual advancement. BG 1972 purports
- Sannyasis with the titles Tirtha and Asrama generally stay at Dvaraka, and their brahmacari name is Svarupa. Those known by the names Vana and Aranya stay at Purusottama, or Jagannatha Puri, and their brahmacari name is Prakasa
- Sannyasis, who are no longer bound by fruitive activity and who have taken to devotional service after all their material desires have been vanquished, also learn by these instructions
- Santah means the persons who are sadhu, who are pious. They can cut off by their words our attachment with this material world. They can cut off
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was a brahmana and a realized soul, whereas Prataparudra was a ksatriya. Ksatriya kings used to obey very faithfully the orders of learned brahmanas and saintly persons, and in this way they would rule their country
- Sati and Lord Siva are eternally related; even after she changes her body, their relationship is never broken
- Sati said to Lord Siva: I think that all my sisters must have gone to this great sacrificial ceremony (of Daksa) with their husbands just to see their relatives
- Satrughna had two sons, named Subahu and Srutasena. When Lord Bharata went to conquer all directions, He had to kill many millions of Gandharvas, who are generally pretenders. Taking all their wealth, He offered it to Lord Ramacandra
- Saying this, Kasi Misra and the temple inspector took their leave, and Gopinatha and Vaninatha went with them
- SB describes the reception given to Balarama and Krsna by the peacocks of Vrndavana: O worshipable one, just see how the peacocks that are returning to their nests are receiving You with full pleasure. These peacocks are just like the damsels of Vraja
- Scarcity of grains, and government will exact taxes for poor-feeding, and it will be used for their own purpose. These are the Kali symptoms
- Scholars take pride in explaining everything in their own way, and they declare that one can understand the Vedic scriptures in any way he likes. This "any way you like" method is foolishness, and it has created havoc in the Vedic culture
- Scientists insist upon their most illogical and foolish theory that life comes from matter, although this is quite impossible
- Scientists of the material world have invented atomic weapons, and when tested in a city or some insignificant place on this planet, such powerful weapons create so-called havoc, but if atomic weapons are tested on the sun, what is their significance?
- Seated in their airplanes in the sky, the inhabitants of the higher planetary systems beat many kettledrums. The demigods, saints, Pitas, Siddhas and various great personalities showered flowers on the head of Lord Siva, wishing him all victory
- Seeing all these marks, neither His father nor His mother could understand whose footprints they were. Thus struck with wonder, they could not understand how those marks could be possible in their home
- Seeing him unable to support them, his wife and others do not treat him with the same respect as before, even as miserly farmers do not accord the same treatment to their old and worn-out oxen
- Seeing his (Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami's) tendency to leave home, his father and uncle engaged special bodyguards to watch over him, but nevertheless he managed to escape their vigilance and went away to Jagannatha Puri to meet Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Seeing Krsna gave them so much pleasure that it appeared as if they were not only drinking the nectar of seeing His face but were also smelling the aroma and licking up the taste of His body and were embracing Him and Balarama with their arms
- Seeing Narada passing by, the damsels of heaven covered their bodies with cloth, but the two sons (Nalakuvara and Manigriva), being drunkards, did not have this decency. Narada became angry with their behavior and cursed them
- Seeing the greatness of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Prataparudra Maharaja and his ministers and friends were so moved by ecstatic love that the hair on their bodies stood on end
- Seeing the lamentation of both husband and wife, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu tried to pacify them. According to their desire, He ate the prasadam and was very satisfied
- Seeing the Lord (Visnu) present before them, King Nabhi and his priests and associates felt just like poor people who have suddenly attained great riches. They received the Lord and respectfully bent their heads and offered Him things in worship
- Seeing the Lord's special mercy upon King Prataparudra, the devotees praised the King's good fortune, and their minds became open and blissful
- Seeing the miserable condition of the living entities in the Kali-yuga, Lord Caitanya, the savior of the fallen souls, has expounded a method for their salvation. This method is taken from the scriptures and is applicable to everyone
- Seeing the performance of such austere penances, the demigods, who had been wandering throughout the planets, now returned to their respective homes
- Seeing the victory of the demigods, the demons became intolerant of their superior opulence. Thus they began to march toward the demigods with raised weapons
- Seeing their affection, the Lord was moved by ecstatic love. He began to sport with them exactly as a friend sports with his friends. Thus He voluntarily came under the control of His friends
- Seeing this incident (of Jatila being angry at Abhimanyu), all the girl friends of Radharani, who were present there, began to smile, and a portion of their teeth was visible. This is an instance of hasita smiling
- Sei purusa maya-pane kare avadhana. Simply by His (Krsna's) glance, material nature is impregnated with all living entities. According to their karma and fruitive activity, they emerge in different bodies. That is the explanation given by the BG - 2.13
- Self-interested persons, by demoniac austerity, want to kill even their benedictors, whereas the Vaisnava wants to remain an ever-existing servant of the Lord and never to occupy the post of the Lord
- Self-preservation is the first law of nature. So when there is danger, people will give up their wife and property and go. Just like people are going
- Sensualists are never prepared for death. They simply want to live on and on and extend their life by so-called scientific advancement
- Separating their arms, legs, heads and bellies from their bodies, he delivered the Yaksas to the planetary system which is situated above the sun globe and which is attainable only by first-class brahmacaris, who have never discharged their semen
- Sex life, according to religious principles (dharma), should be for the propagation of children, not otherwise. The responsibility of parents is then to make their offspring Krsna conscious. BG 1972 purports
- Sex philosophy. This is their education. So how can you expect gentlemen? It is not possible. From the very beginning there is no culture, animal culture. Just like dog: as soon as he finds another female dog, he wants to have sex. This is education
- Sex serves as the natural attraction between man and woman, and when they are married, their relationship becomes more involved
- Sexually inclined demons have no respect even for their father, and the best policy for a saintly father like Brahma is to leave such demoniac sons
- She (Kunti) was certainly living like a poor innocent animal in the midst of several tigers. Being a devotee of Lord Krsna, she always thought of Him and expected that one day Krsna would come and save them from their dangerous position
- She (Kunti-devi) knew perfectly well that without Krsna's grace no one could have saved them from the fire "accident" designed by the sons of Dhrtarastra. In a choked-up voice, she began to narrate before Krsna the history of their life
- She (Rukmini) explained that it was the custom of her family to visit the temple of goddess Durga, their family deity, before a marriage
- She thought of Him in the calm and quiet atmosphere of Vrndavana, dressed as a cowherd boy. But at Kuruksetra He was in a royal dress and was accompanied by elephants, horses and crowds of men. Thus the atmosphere was not congenial for Their meeting
- Shedding tears from their eyes, they dedicate their whole lives to the Lord's service
- Shouting like this, the sons of Sagara, sixty thousand all together, raised their weapons. When they approached the sage, the sage opened His eyes
- Shyness is a gift of nature to the fair sex, and it enhances their beauty and prestige, even if they are of a less important family or even if they are less attractive. We have practical experience of this fact
- Sikhi Mahiti, Madhavi and their brother Murari Mahiti were all unalloyed devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu who could not forget Him for a moment of their lives
- Similarly, Balarama, Sudama and other friends would taste one another's food and laugh. In this way, the friends very jubilantly began to eat their respective preparations brought from home
- Similarly, certain Christians go to church to confess their sins, thinking that confessing their sins before a priest and performing some penance will relieve them from the results of their weekly sins
- Similarly, if the conditioned souls somehow or other think of Krsna, who is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), they will become free from their sins
- Similarly, the living entities who have come down to this material world have made their own choice to enjoy this material world. It is not that Krsna sent them into this world
- Similarly, there are Sankhya philosophers, metaphysicians or materialistic scientists who study this cosmic manifestation by their invented scientific method and do not recognize the supreme authority of God as the creator of the cosmic manifestation
- Simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord the inhabitants of hell became released from their hellish persecution
- Simply by having water from the Ganges come in contact with the ashes of their burnt bodies, the sons of Sagara Maharaja were elevated to the heavenly planets
- Simply by hearing, by attending lectures in the different centers of the Krsna consciousness movement, where topics of Krsna from Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam are discussed, they (mudha-dhi) will be purified of their sinful inclination
- Simply by remembering the names of all these Vaisnavas, one can attain the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Indeed, simply by remembering their holy names, one achieves the fulfillment of all desires
- Simply by seeing the Lord and smelling the aroma of tulasi and saffron from His lotus feet, the Kumaras became devotees and abandoned their long-cherished impersonalism
- Simply by the association of such pure devotees, the moonlike rays from their hearts reflect on him, and by the influence of the pure devotees he may show some likeness of attachment caused by inquisitiveness, but this is very flickering
- Simply fighting how to avoid God, this is their business. It is very difficult to convince them about the existence of . . . they're seeing every moment there is existence of God, but they're so stubborn, so much bewildered by maya, they'll not
- Simply official prayascitta will not help a man ceasing from sinful activities. Official. In Christian religion also, they accept, confess their sinful activities, and again they commit the same sinful activities
- Simply on the strength of grammatical knowledge and word jugglery, professional reciters maintain their bodies and their desires for sense gratification by reading Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Simply to protect their lives, they hastily fled from their homes, wives, children, animals and household paraphernalia. Paying no heed to all these, the demons simply fled
- Simply to teach the children of the Yadu dynasty there were as many as 38,800,000 tutors, or acaryas. If so many teachers were needed to educate their children, one can simply imagine how vast was the number of family members
- Simultaneously, the mothers (Yasoda and Rohini) rendered service and bestowed benediction upon their transcendental sons. They took care of their children by bathing Them and dressing Them very nicely
- Since boys and girls in the Western countries freely intermingle, special concessions regarding their customs and habits are necessary to bring them to Krsna consciousness. The acarya must devise a means to bring them to devotional service
- Since Brahma and the other creators are nothing but small portions of a portion of You, their partial power to create does not make them God (isvara). Their consciousness of themselves as separate Lords is therefore merely false prestige. It is not valid
- Since Dadhici had promised to impart brahma-vidya to the Asvini-kumaras, he agreed to their proposal. Therefore, because Dadhici imparted brahma-vidya through the mouth of a horse, this brahma-vidya is also known as Asvasira
- Since Daksa's sons (Haryasvas and Savalasvas) had not liberated themselves from these three debts (obligations to the demigods, the saints and their father), how could Narada Muni have led them to the renounced order of life?
- Since death must take away the living entity without hesitation, it is the ultimate God realization of the atheists, who spoil their lives thinking of country, society and relatives, to the neglect of God consciousness
- Since everyone within this material world is more or less influenced by sinful activities, in the beginning it is essential that one take to the worship of Guru-Gauranga and ask their favor
- Since everything is dependent on the supreme will of the PG, one should be equipoised in fame & defamation, victory 7 defeat, life & death. In their effects, represented as happiness & distress, one should maintain oneself in equilibrium, without anxiety
- Since He is aloof from the material emanations, He is free from their interactions and is Lord of material nature. You should therefore engage in His devotional service, thinking yourself qualitatively one with Him
- Since it is necessary for householders to increase their financial assets for various expenditures, Krsna was found somewhere engaged in matters of economic development
- Since Krsna appeared within this material world to manifest His pastimes as a human being, He and Arjuna immediately offered their respects to Lord Maha-Visnu by bowing down before Him
- Since Lord Siva is himself associated with women, he knows very well their defective nature, and he might not take very seriously Diti's unavoidable offense, which occurred due to her faulty nature
- Since Lord Sri Ramacandra is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, He is not attached to anything in this material world. He is the most beloved Supersoul of all self-realized souls, and He is their very intimate friend
- Since Maharaja Prthu was a perfect devotee of the SPG, he wanted to protect the Lord's creation by pleasing the various citizens according to their various desires. Therefore Prthu Maharaja used to please them in all respects by his words
- Since materialistic philosophers and scientists are too much engaged with their imperfect senses, naturally they conclude that the living force is a product of a material combination. But the actual fact is just the opposite
- Since modern scientists and philosophers are too materialistic, and since their knowledge is taken away by the illusory energy, they cannot explain how the gross body is changing
- Since neophytes are not all on the same transcendental level, they are advised to worship different types of demigods according to their situation in the different modes of material nature
- Since people are contaminated by the lower qualities, they will lead their next lives either as animals or in other degraded forms of life
- Since people do not know about the next life and the intricate workings of nature, they manufacture their own laws, but they should properly consult the established injunctions of the sastras and act accordingly
- Since Prthu Maharaj and his wife Arci were carried by two separate airplanes, it may be concluded that even after being burned in the funeral pyre they remained separate, individual persons. In other words, they never lost their identity or became void
- Since pure devotees give up their homes, wives, children, relatives, riches and even their lives simply to serve Me, without any desire for material improvement in this life or in the next, how can I (Krsna) give up such devotees at any time
- Since the brahmanas were expert in astrology, people would also be greatly inquisitive about their past, present and future
- Since the deities (Visnu, Brahma and Siva) were smiling, he (Atri Muni) could understand that they were pleased with him. Their glaring bodily effulgence was intolerable to his eyes, so he closed them for the time being
- Since the demigods were not visible in the heavenly kingdom, their mother, Aditi, because of separation from them, was very much aggrieved. One day after many, many years, the great sage Kasyapa emerged from a trance of meditation and returned
- Since the gopis are on the platform of pure transcendental knowledge, their minds are always filled with Krsna consciousness
- Since the holy name and Krsna are nondifferent, the members of the Krsna consciousness movement not only chant the holy name of the Lord offenselessly, but also do not allow their tongues to eat anything that is not first offered to the SP of Godhead
- Since the kings were so mercifully treated by Lord Krsna, they felt great happiness, and their bright faces appeared just like the stars in the sky after the end of the rainy season
- Since the living entities are all members of the same supreme family, their interest and that of the Supreme Being are not different. Every living being is the son of the Supreme Being
- Since the Lord is very kind to everyone, the impersonalists, who accept bhakti as the means of merging in the existence of the Lord in His impersonal brahma-jyotir, are also awarded their desired destination
- Since the perfection of such austerity was completely manifested in the lives of the gopis, Uddhava was fully satisfied upon seeing their transcendental position
- Since the Vedic society is divided into four classes of men - the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras - their means of livelihood are also mentioned in the scriptures
- Since their (Lord Caitanya and Venkata Bhatta's) conversation took place long, long before the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu was composed, the question may be raised as to how either of them quoted the verse
- Since they (student of Krsna consciousness) have taken to Krsna consciousness, their health has improved, and by following the rules and regulations, their bodily luster has increased
- Since they (the demigods) considered Gajendra's prayer to be directed toward God, they felt offended, and this in itself was offensive. Consequently, when the Lord went there, they also went & offered prayers to God so that their offense might be excused
- Since they (The four Kumaras) were conscious of their own weakness, they prayed to the Lord to remove their still-existing passion and ignorance
- Since this cosmic manifestation is limited, their existence is also limited
- Since we have lost our responsible monarchical government, the four divisions of social order - means brahmana, ksatriya, vaisyas and sudra - they are deviated due to unemployment. The brahmana could not get sufficient engagement in their duties
- Sincerely, seriously, they (young princesses) offered their hearts to Krsna's lotus feet with unalloyed devotional attitude. As the Supersoul in everyone's heart, Krsna could understand their uncontaminated desire, He agreed to accept them as His wives
- Sinful men take their baths in the waters of the Ganges and Yamuna at places such as Prayaga, Vrndavana and Mathura. In this way they are purified, but their sinful actions and reactions remain at the holy places of pilgrimage
- Sisupala and Dantavakra were formerly Jaya and Vijaya, the doorkeepers of Vaikuntha. Merging into the body of Krsna was not their final destination. For some time they remained merged, and later they received the liberations of sarupya and salokya
- Sisupala said, "By their (personalities who have undergone great austerities) knowledge and direction, they can deliver many persons who are suffering from the pangs of material existence"
- Sisupala's achievement of oneness with the Supreme Lord was different because Jaya and Vijaya, from the very beginning of their material existence, were ordained to treat the Supreme Lord as an enemy for three lives and then return home, back to Godhead
- Sitting down on the ground and keeping Krsna in the center, they (the cowherd boys) began to open their lunch boxes brought from home. Lord Sri Krsna was seated in the center of the circle, and all the boys kept their faces toward Him
- Small children, they learn better these things from their mother and women in general. So I thing that some mothers of our children should go to Dallas and take charge of teaching the children, especially how to play nicely the pastimes of young Krishna
- Small pools of water accumulate during the rainy season, and in the autumn they gradually dry up. The little creatures playing in those small pools do not understand that their days are now numbered and will end very soon
- So entrapped living entities, they are in different grades of life, 8,400,000 different forms of life. Now, how they are entrapped? The sex. Yan maithunadi-grhamedhi-sukham hi tuccham. This is their pleasure
- So far as our Krishna Consciousness is concerned, we can supply millions of pictures of Krishna, Visnu & Their multi-incarnations, as well as Their transcendental Pastimes. We have to create a unique position for this paper, at least in the western world
- So far human being is concerned, their food is also designated, that you take prasadam
- So far other swamis and panditas are concerned, actually nobody would be equal to us because they do not come in the parampara system. As such their line of thought is null and void according to our understanding
- So far the Vaisnava is concerned, sometimes they come forward to fight with us: "Why we should be vegetarian?" No, no, we have no quarrel with the nonvegetarian. Let them eat at their risk
- So he (Narada) asked the great devotees whether he could eat them, and they gave their permission. Narada then ate those remnants and consequently became freed from all sinful reactions. BG 1972 purports
- So long there is enough space for our devotees so they may be able to carry on their preaching work, but if you can get such building as you are describing in the midtown area costing between $1 - 1.6 million, that will be your greatest achievement in KC
- So long they do not come to the point of understanding spirit soul, they are simply rascals. And whatever they are doing, simply being defeated actually. The so-called scientific research, simply their defeat
- So many living entities. So we are very small particle, and we have come here in this material world. Just like the Europeans especially, they go to other countries for colonizing to use the material resources for their sense gratification
- So many species of life. They have no economic problem. They have no economic problem. There is no question of starvation. They are eating, they are sleeping, they are having their mating, opposite sex, and they are defending also
- So that is India's position now. They do not care for their original culture. They are after money. You teach them something to earn money. Therefore they are after technology. This is not experience in India
- So that was the position of the Pandavas; although Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the greatest among all greats, still He remained with those royal brothers, being attracted by their devotion, by their friendship and by their love
- So the Mayavadi philosophers of Benares, after hearing the explanation of Vedanta-sutra from Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they were very much satisfied. Sei haite sannyasira phiri gela mana. Their mind turned. "Oh, this is the real explanation."
- So the Yamadutas, their description of the body already given. They are not very good-looking. So when they saw the Visnuduta - the description of the Visnuduta is in the next verse - they were surprised, that - Wherefrom such nice features of the body
- So their (animals) progress (of life) should not be checked simply to satisfy one's palate. This is called ahimsa
- So there is ample sastra-pramana, approved by the acaryas. Caitanya Mahaprabhu converted many Pathans into Vaisnava, changed their name. So things are going according to sastra and mahajana
- So these Yamadutas, they are accustomed to go to the sinful men like Ajamila and many others. Their business is to arrest the sinful soul and take the soul to Yamaraja. So they were very much surprised by seeing these beautiful Visnuduta
- So they approached goddess Katyayani to have Krsna as their husband. There are many other circumstances which also testify to the supreme authority of Krsna and show that He is not bound by the rules and regulations of the material world
- So-called earners of money are those who simply know tricks by which they can take away God's money under the guise of business and industry. After accumulating this money, they enjoy seeing it plundered by their sons and grandsons
- So-called gurus instruct their disciples for the sake of material profit. Some guru advises that one meditate in such a way that his intelligence will increase in regard to keeping his body fit for sense gratification
- So-called householders keep themselves shackled in family life, and furthermore they want their children to be shackled in the same way. Playing the parts of playboys in the hands of women, they glide down to the darkest regions of material existence
- So-called politicians, erudite scholars and philosophers who read Bhagavad-gita try to twist some meaning from it to suit their material purposes, but their misunderstandings of Krsna will not yield them any profit
- So-called scholars, Mayavadis, cannot understand Krsna with their poor fund of knowledge. One should therefore approach an authorized person to understand Krsna
- So-called scholars, philosophers and politicians exploit the importance of Bhagavad-gita by distorting its meaning for their own purposes. Therefore this verse (of SB 10.1.4) warns that krsna-katha should be recited by a person who is nivrtta-trsna
- So-called scientists and philosophical speculators are unable to understand the Supreme Lord by virtue of their knowledge. Knowledge is not perfect unless one comes to the platform of devotional service
- So-called scientists are making various plans by which living entities in the future can live forever, but while they are thus pursuing such scientific knowledge, Yamaraja, in due course of time, will take them away from their business
- So-called scientists have tried in many ways to produce a living body in their chemical laboratories, but no one has been able to do it because unless the spirit soul is present, a body cannot be prepared from material elements
- So-called social, national and government leaders mislead people more and more, under the bodily conception of life, with the result that all the leaders, with their followers, are gliding down to hellish conditions birth after birth
- Society girls generally try to satisfy their clients by offering their bodies for the men to enjoy. But this society girl, Kubja, was actually captivated by a lust to satisfy her senses with Krsna
- Some authorities say that there is a total of twenty-one hellish planets, and some say twenty-eight. My dear King (Pariksit), I (Sukadeva Gosvami) shall outline all of them according to their names, forms and symptoms
- Some gopis undid their hair and kept it in front of them as dresses to cover the lower portions of their bodies and used their hands as bodices to cover their breasts
- Some materialistic sahajiyas who cannot actually understand the pastimes of Radha and Krsna manufacture their own life-styles without referring to authority. Such sahajiyas are called sakhi-bheki, and sometimes they are called gaura-nagari
- Some of our big sannyasis, he took it that unless you become very strong and stout by eating meat and exercise, gymnastics, you cannot understand spiritual life. This is their interpretation. But that is not the fact
- Some of the disciples strictly accepted the orders of the acarya, and others deviated, independently concocting their own opinions under the spell of daivi-maya
- Some of the gopis fanned Radha and Krsna, others massaged Their feet, and some fed Them betel leaves to chew. When Radha and Krsna fell asleep, all the gopis also lay down. When I saw this, My mind was very happy
- Some of the gopis then addressed their gopi friends: "Dear friends, why don’t you question these creepers, who are so jubilantly embracing the big trees as if the trees were their husbands?"
- Some of the gopis were factually detained from going to Krsna by their husbands and were locked up by force within their rooms
- Some of the men in Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s civil disobedience movement were agitated because they could not control their minds. But the Lord was thoroughly peaceful, sober and unagitated
- Some of the prominent devotees like Advaita Acarya used to invite Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to take His meals at their homes. The Lord accepted such invitations accompanied by His devotees
- Some of them (ladies) had been taking their lunch, but as soon as they heard that Krsna and Balarama were in the city, they left their eating and ran to the roofs
- Some of them (ladies) placed their clothes in the wrong place. Some anointed their eyes on one side only, some wore ankle bells only on one leg or wore only one earring. In great haste, not even decorated properly, they went to see Krsna from the roofs
- Some of them (ladies) were in the bathroom taking their baths, but without properly finishing their baths, they went to see Krsna and Balarama. Some were engaged in feeding their children breast milk, but they put their babies aside and went to see them
- Some of them (the cowherd boys) gladly followed the peacocks and imitated the onomatopoetic sounds of the cuckoo. While the birds were flying in the sky, the boys ran after the birds’ shadows along the ground and tried to follow their exact courses
- Some of them (the gopis) wanted to decorate their faces with cosmetic ointments and to dress themselves very nicely before going to Krsna
- Some of them (the gopis) were breast-feeding their small babies, and some were engaged in distributing food to the members of their families, but they left all such engagements and immediately rushed toward the spot where Krsna was playing His flute
- Some of them are effulgent like coral and diamonds in complexion and have garlands on their heads, blooming like lotus flowers, and some wear earrings
- Some of them, who thought that they could not properly take action against Sisupala, left the assembly in protest, covering their ears with their hands in order not to hear further accusations. They left the meeting, condemning the action of Sisupala
- Some of these conditioned souls are engaged in the false enjoyment of material senses and others in simply negating their real life in the spiritual world
- Some old animals would be sacrificed, but in exchange for their old bodies they received other, new bodies. That was the test of Vedic mantras
- Some rascal says: "The animals, they have no soul." So why the animals have no soul? Their consciousness is not developed, but soul is there
- Some sannyasis go naked, and sometimes they wear red garments and pass under the name of kapalika. These are simply symbolic representations of their sinful activities
- Some sparks fall onto water; they immediately lose their original brilliance and become extinct. They are comparable to the living entities who take their birth in the midst of gross materialists
- Some stress death and point to the illusory existence of everything material, whereas others stress life, trying to preserve it perpetually and enjoy it to the best of their ability. Both of them are fools and rascals
- Some yogis meditate within their heart on the localized Visnu, who is four-handed and who holds 4 symbols: conch, disc, mace & lotus. The yogi who thinks of the four-handed Visnu becomes absorbed in devotional ecstasy & evinces the symptoms of that state
- Somebody is drinking, somebody is gambling, somebody is going to the restaurant, somebody is going to the Times Square, somebody is going here, there. Their real aim is to become happy. But because in avidya, ignorance, they are unable to become happy
- Somebody was discussing with me saguna and nirguna. Saguna means, according to their version, or a standard version, saguna means the material quality. They worship saguna-rupa. Saguna means forms of this material world
- Somehow or other you come to the power, and you do whatever you like, and the people in general will have to depend on such leaders for their welfare. How they can be happy? If the whole system is defective, how they can be happy
- Someone may ill-treat him (the sadhu, or devotee of the Lord) because the conditioned souls are not prepared to receive the transcendental knowledge of devotional service. They do not like it; that is their disease
- Sometimes a great personality like Sukracarya cannot neglect sons and daughters, for sons and daughters are by nature dependent on their father and the father has affection for them
- Sometimes a saintly person is misunderstood by grhasthas, especially when he instructs their young sons to accept Krsna consciousness. Generally a grhastha thinks that unless one enters grhastha life he cannot properly enter the renounced order
- Sometimes a spiritual master takes the risk of being overwhelmed by the sinful reactions of the disciples and undergoes a sort of tribulation due to their acceptance. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore advised that one not accept many disciples
- Sometimes atheists argue that since God is invisible to their eyes, they do not believe in God. For them the Supreme Lord is describing a method by which one can see God in His impersonal form
- Sometimes children want to imitate their mother and cook in the kitchen, and at such a time the mother supplies them with some toys so that the children can imitate her cooking
- Sometimes devotees think of merging into the Brahman effulgence, and consequently they are promoted to Siddhaloka. Because of their impersonal understanding, they are actually punished
- Sometimes foolish rascals, not knowing the purpose of the Lord (Krsna) or the purpose of the gopis, unnecessarily criticize from their own angle of vision, but the real purpose of vastra-harana is expressed by the Lord in this verse of CC Adi 14.69
- Sometimes he (Dvivida) would pass urine and stool on their (saintly persons and sages) sacred sacrificial arenas. He would thus pollute the whole atmosphere
- Sometimes I think that so many cars are going this way, and so many cars are going this way. Why they not settle up their business by telephone, that "I do here your business", "I do here,"?
- Sometimes it is actually seen that these Mayavadis also chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, although their motive is to merge into the Brahman effulgence of the Absolute
- Sometimes it is seen that when a Mayavadi sannyasi reads the Bhagavatam, flocks of men go to hear jugglery of words that cannot awaken their dormant love for Krsna
- Sometimes materialistic scholars think He (Caitanya) was diseased or crazy. Their problem is that they always engage in material sense gratification and can never understand the feelings of the devotees and the Lord
- Sometimes penance and austerity are executed to attract people and receive honor, respect and worship from others. Persons in the mode of passion arrange to be worshiped by subordinates and let them wash their feet and offer riches. BG 1972 purports
- Sometimes people flatly tell the American devotees that their sannyasa or title of gosvami is not bona fide
- Sometimes politicians act most sinfully for their own sense gratification. It is not unusual for a politician to kill the opposing party
- Sometimes pseudo spiritualists accept a spiritual master who is not even fit to become a disciple because they want to keep him under their control. This is useless for spiritual realization
- Sometimes so-called "realist'' philosophers do not believe that there was any person of the name Vyasadeva. Their opinion is that any person distributing the Vedic knowledge is called a Vyasadeva
- Sometimes the devotees are dissatisfied due to their not seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead personally. When the Pracetas saw the Supreme Lord personally present, their unhappiness vanished
- Sometimes the Lord (Caitanya) would be absorbed in a particular emotion and would stay awake all night reciting related verses and relishing their taste
- Sometimes the prakrta sahajiyas claim that they have heard the truth from their guru. But one cannot have transcendental knowledge simply by hearing from a guru who is not bona fide
- Sometimes the sahajiyas imitate advanced devotees and live in their own whimsical way, avoiding the principles set down in the revealed scriptures
- Sometimes the texts are interpreted fashionably to suit their own purposes. Therefore, first one should select a competent and bona fide speaker and then hear from him
- Sometimes these big leaders take up the guise of a sannyasi and call themselves mahatmas, but their only business is conquering their political enemies
- Sometimes these senses are described as kala sarpa. Kala sarpa means the black cobra. As soon as the cobra touches - immediately dead. Similarly, if we allow this kala sarpa to act in their own way, that means we are inviting death at every moment
- Sometimes They (Krsna and Balarama) used to imitate the sounds of various animals and birds. In this way, They enjoyed Their childhood pastimes apparently like ordinary, mundane children
- Sometimes they (materialistic persons) adopt the dress of a sannyasi or preacher. They train some of their family members as lawyers and continually seek help from a high-court to acquire riches on the plea of maintaining temples
- Sometimes they (Mayavadi sannyasis) rise to the Brahman effulgence, but because their minds are not completely purified, they must return to material existence
- Sometimes they (offenders) consider such mahajanas very conservative, or they create their own mahajanas. In this way they ignore the principles of the parampara system. This is a great misfortune for everyone
- Sometimes they (pasanda) create their own imaginary God or accept an ordinary person as God and advertise him as equal to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sometimes they (the gopis) presented beautiful music for His (Krsna's) pleasure, and He responded by praising their singing
- Sometimes they (yogis) go early in the morning to Jagannatha Puri, to Ramesvaram, to Haridwar, and take their bathing in different Ganges water and others. That is called laghima-siddhi. He became very light
- Sometimes they become so busy simply enjoying their troubles that they never cross the ocean. There is no guarantee that the nondevotees will cross the ocean, but even though they manage to cross, they have to undergo severe austerities and penances
- Sometimes they felt diseased from their separation from Krsna, and being so greatly disappointed, they were aimlessly wandering on the banks of the Yamuna
- Sometimes those sages (to whom Narada was giving service as a boy servant in his previous life) left remnants of food on their dishes, and the boy, who would wash their dishes, wanted to taste the remnants. BG 1972 purports
- Sometimes yogis and jnanis in the beginning take to the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra as a way to begin their various practices
- Sometimes yogis and jnanis voluntarily give up all material opulences to practice their system of liberation and taste spiritual bliss. However, they frequently fall down because artificial renunciation of material opulences cannot endure
- Sometimes yogis enter into the bodies of other people and act as they desire when their bodies are not working properly
- Sometimes, being defeated or plundered by a superior, powerful agent, a living entity loses all his possessions. He then becomes very morose, and lamenting their loss, he sometimes becomes unconscious
- Sometimes, by thinking of Krsna, they became so confident of being out of all danger that they would lie down at night in the courtyards of their houses. This is an instance of dizziness in ecstatic love due to natural affection for Krsna
- Sometimes, due to their powerful positions, princes or government servants neglect the position of brahmanas and Vaisnavas, not knowing that because of their offense they will be ruined
- Sometimes, in their presence, He would begin eating the curd and butter. There was no need for Krsna to eat butter, since His belly was always full, but He would try to eat it, or else He would break the pots and distribute the contents to the monkeys
- Sometimes, of course, having acquired a fragmental portion of Krsna's mystic power, asuras demonstrate their power to the foolish public and assert themselves to be God, not knowing that God is the supreme Yogesvara
- Soon Krsna and Balarama had grown sufficiently to be given charge of the calves. Cowherd boys, from the very beginning of their childhood, are trained to take care of the cows, and their first responsibility is to take care of the little calves
- Space vehicles may go very high in the sky, but as soon as their fuel is finished, they have to return to this earthly planet. All these activities are performed in illusion. The real attempt should now be to return home, back to Godhead
- Spiritual education means just to inject in their ears about our philosophy, externally they chant beads, wear telok, without any discrimination of Hindu or Muslim or anything
- Spiritual revolution means the people should understand what is the Supreme Truth, and then mold their character and activities according to that relationship. Then that is success of human life
- Spiritually inclined people will have to forsake their homes because they will be too harassed by drought, taxation and famine. The Krsna consciousness movement is the only hope to save the world from such devastation
- Spiritually, no one was killed on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. Only their dresses were changed by the order of Krsna, who was personally present. BG 1972 purports
- Sravanam kirtanam visnoh, clearly state. But these bogus, so-called swamis and yogis, they cheat people, bluff people by their own concoction. That is the difficulty
- Sri Advaita Acarya fed the two Lords cloves and cardamom mixed with tulasi flowers. Thus there was a good flavor within Their mouths
- Sri Advaita Acarya then smeared the bodies of the Lords with sandalwood pulp and then placed very fragrant flower garlands on Their chests
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also asked them to execute the congregational chanting of the holy name of the Lord at their homes, and He assured them that they would be able to meet Him again
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramananda Raya worked like miners, excavating all kinds of valuable metals, each one better than the other. Their questions and answers are exactly like that
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu became very happy just to speak of the glories of His devotees. Indeed, when He spoke of their glories, it was as if He had five faces
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu composed those eight stanzas to instruct the devotees, but He also personally tasted their meaning
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu could understand that the Tattvavadis were very proud of their Vaisnavism. He therefore smiled and began to speak to them
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has prescribed: Let people chant the Hare Krsna mantra constantly. Then their demoniac tendencies will be killed, and they will become first-class devotees, happy in this life and in the next
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ordered Ramananda Vasu and Satyaraja Khan to become the worshipers of these ropes and every year bring silken ropes from their village
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted devotees all over the world, and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura confirmed this. It is in pursuit of their will that the ISKCON movement is spreading all over the world
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to prove that His devotees are exalted and that their character is ideal
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was always anxious to deliver the fallen souls because their fallen condition gave Him great unhappiness. That is the platform on which one can propagate the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission is to kill the demon - not by life but by their heinous activities. Anyone who comes to be killed by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, his heinous, nefarious activities becomes killed and he becomes a Vaisnava, just like Jagai-Madhai
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda, Advaita Prabhu, Svarupa Damodara, Rupa Gosvami, Raghunatha dasa and their followers are all accepted by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Advaita Prabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu are all visnu-tattva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu. Therefore all living entities are under Their lotus feet
- Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami was later initiated by his uncle, the great sannyasi Prabodhananda Sarasvati. Both the father & the mother of Gopala Bhatta Gosvami were extremely fortunate, for they dedicated their entire lives to the service of Lord Caitanya
- Sri Isopanisad confirms that these pseudo religionists are heading toward the most obnoxious place in the universe after the completion of their spiritual master business, which they conduct simply for sense gratification
- Sri Isopanisad points out that one who worships the demigods and attains to their material planets still remains in the darkest region of the universe. The whole universe is covered by the gigantic material elements
- Sri Jagadish Chandra Bose, Sir Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin - the brilliant brain substance of each of them stopped working utterly, as soon as this little spark of living substance separated from their respective bodies
- Sri Krsna advises in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.14): O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- Sri Krsna knows what the living beings have done for hundreds and thousands of past births, and He sees what they are doing now; therefore He knows the results of their present actions that will fructify in the future
- Sri Maitreya said: The demigods, the inhabitants of the higher planets, were freed from all fear upon hearing the cause of the darkness explained by Brahma, who was born from Visnu. Thus they all returned to their respective planets
- Sri Maitreya said: Thus Lord Brahma, who is understood by transcendental vibration, tried to satisfy the demigods, being pleased with their words of prayer
- Sri Narada said: O pious King, do not lament for anyone, for everyone is under the control of the Supreme Lord. Therefore all living beings and their leaders carry on worship to be well protected. It is He only who brings them together and disperses them
- Sri Narottama dasa Thakura sings: "I am the servant of the six Gosvamis, and the dust of their lotus feet provides my five kinds of food." A Vaisnava always desires the dust of the lotus feet of previous acaryas and Vaisnavas"
- Sri Nityananda Raya, Jagadananda, Damodara Pandita and Mukunda all became ecstatic in their happiness, and dancing along the way, they went to meet the Lord
- Sri Raghunatha dasa was the son of Govardhana Majumadara. Their family priest was Balarama Acarya, who was a favorite of Haridasa Thakura's, and the family's spiritual master was Yadunandana Acarya, a favorite of Vasudeva Datta's
- Sri Ramanujacarya presented his philosophy as visistadvaita-vada, and Sri Madhvacarya presented his philosophy of tattva-vada, both of which are stumbling blocks to the Mayavadis because they defeat their philosophy in scrupulous detail
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Being neglected by their husband and seeing Krtadyuti's opulence in possessing a son, Krtadyuti's co-wives always burned in envy, which became extremely strong
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: Hearing these enigmatic words of Narada Muni, the Haryasvas considered them with their natural intelligence, without help from others
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: King Indra, the leader of the demigods, inquired about the armor known as Narayana-kavaca from Visvarupa, who was engaged by the demigods as their priest. Please hear Visvarupa's reply with great attention
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: My dear King, when all the demigods offered Him their prayers, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Hari, carrying His weapons, the conchshell, disc and club, appeared first within their hearts and then before them
- Sri Vidura said: O great brahmana, since the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the complete spiritual whole and is unchangeable, how is He connected with the material modes of nature and their activities?
- Sri Vyasadeva neither worships Brahma nor the sun but the Supreme Lord, who guides both Brahma and the sun in their creative activities
- Sri Yamunacarya said: O my Lord! You are unknowable to persons involved with atheistic principles despite Your being acknowledged by the famous authorities renowned for their depth of knowledge in the transcendental science. BG 1972 purports
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura describes such sahajiyas (who consider a bona fide spiritual master an ordinary human being or a member of a certain caste) as most unfortunate. Because of their misconceptions, they fall into a hellish condition
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives his opinion that those who are attracted to studying many kinds of literature concerning various subject matters and philosophical speculation, are deprived of unalloyed DS because of their splayed attention
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives his opinion that those who are attracted to studying many kinds of literature concerning various subject matters, especially fruitive activities are deprived of unalloyed DS because of their splayed attention
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura remarks - The impersonalists imagine some forms of the Absolute Truth through the direct perception of their senses
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya - when they (sahajiyas) try to ascribe the responsibility for their lusty activities to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they become offenders to Svarupa Damodara and Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains that this verse (CC Madhya 9.146) and many others like it were current among devotees long before the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu was composed. Thus devotees would always quote them and explain their purport in ecstasy
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura gives the following summary of the conversations between Ramananda Raya and Sri Caitanya. Ramananda Raya replied to five questions of Caitanya, and these questions and their replies are recorded in verses 57-67 - of CC Madhya 8
- Srila Kaviraja Gosvami and one who follows in his footsteps do not have to cater to the public. Their business is simply to satisfy the previous acaryas and describe the pastimes of the Lord
- Srila Locana dasa Thakura has sung, apana karama, bhunjaye samana, kahaye locana dasa. Instead of taking good instructions from the sages and the sastras, godless nondevotees act whimsically, according to their own plans
- Srila Madhvacarya says that less intelligent nondevotees think that their conclusion is the ultimate, but because devotees are completely learned, they can understand that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the ultimate goal
- Srila Rupa Gosvami advises that we should meet with the Vaisnavas in an appropriate way, according to their particular status
- Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami began their spiritual lives at a very old age, that is, after they retired from their occupations and family lives. Yet they presented many valuable literatures for the advancement of spiritual life
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has refuted the charges directed against the devotees by Sripada Sankaracarya regarding their explanation of the quadruple forms Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has said that by affection and love for the SPG, devotees can express their mind to Him with their words. Others, however, cannot do this, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita - bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah - BG 18.55
- Srila Rupa Gosvami warns devotees to not commit such incompatibilities in their writings or in their dealings
- Srila Sanatana Gosvami and Srila Rupa Gosvami became genuine gosvamis after dedicating their lives to the service of the Lord
- Srila Sivananda Sena guided all the devotees of Lord Caitanya who went from Bengal to Jagannatha Puri, and he personally bore all the expenses for their journey. This is described in the Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, Chapter 16, verses 19 through 27
- Srila Sridhara Svami has composed a nice verse in this regard - Let others engage in severe austerities, let others fall to the land from the tops of hills and give up their lives
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura compares one's family to high mountains. Becoming happy in their association is like a hungry man's endeavoring to climb a mountain full of thorns
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks that Mohini-murti dragged Lord Siva to so many places, especially to where the great sages lived, to instruct the sages that their Lord Siva had become mad for a beautiful woman
- Srila Vyasadeva and his representatives are pure in thought due to their spiritual enlightenment, fixed in their vows due to their devotional service, and determined to deliver the fallen souls rotting in material activities
- Srila Yamaraja, the supreme controller of the living entities in terms of their pious and impious activities, was very pleased with his servants because they had chanted the holy name of Narayana in his dominion
- Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Mahabharata are the two most important Vedic scriptures, but you have paid no attention to their statements
- Srimad-Bhagavatam describes the reception of Balarama & Krsna: The cuckoos on the branches of the trees are also receiving You in their own way. The residents of Vrndavana are so glorious that everyone is prepared to render devotional service to the Lord
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the summum bonum remedy for suffering humanity in the clutches of maya. Srila Vyasadeva therefore first of all diagnosed the actual disease of the conditioned souls, i.e., their being illusioned by the external energy
- Sriman Bhagavan das is mailing out one newsletter of our activities to the Indian families in U.S.A. to gain their support, especially in Chicago. I have seen one copy and it is very nice
- Srimat Prabodhananda Sarasvati writes in his Caitanya-candramrta that when influenced by Lord Caitanya’s Krsna consciousness movement, materialists become averse to talking about their wives and children
- Srimati Radharani and the gopis are not interested in their personal happiness derived from association with Krsna. Rather, they become happy by seeing one another associate with Krsna
- Srivasa Thakura continued, "Who has taught these people? What are they saying? Now You can cover their mouths with Your own hand"
- Sry-aisvarya-prajepsavah. Sri, beauty, beautiful women. Sri, aisvarya, wealth, and praja. Praja means many children. They are spending their whole time earning money, amass money, huge bank balance
- Starting from Lord Brahma to an ant, whoever accepted this material body, is suffering their karma. Karmic reaction is pious and impious activities. The reaction of pious activities is also one kind of suffering
- Statement in Srimad Bhagavatam: "How wonderful are the fortunate residents of Vrndavana, such as Nanda and the other cowherd men. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the supreme Brahman, has actually become their intimate friend!"
- Still in India you go to the village. They are happy with their destination. This is the Indian culture. Now we are injecting discontentment, injecting. Otherwise everyone was happy in his position: "God has given this position. So this is all right"
- Striking their breasts in affliction because their husbands had been killed by the arrows of Laksmana, the women embraced their respective husbands and cried piteously in voices appealing to everyone
- Students are generally supposed to rise early in the morning. They do not usually arise of their own accord, however, but only when there is a bell sounded in the temple or other spiritual institution
- Students prepare for two to five years in college, and the final test of their education is the examination. If they pass the examination, they get a degree. Similarly, in the subject of life, we prepare for the examination at the time of death
- Students who do not pray or meditate in the early morning, and again in the evening, gradually become agnostics, and their minds float about aimlessly without purpose
- Students' prayers 24 hours a day to listen to the political talks and desiring the war should stop is useless. God cannot be their order supplier
- Subhadra and Balarama also sat on their respective thrones. There followed the bathing of Lord Jagannatha and finally the offering of food
- Such (materialistic, godless) leaders do not know that their temporary gains will vanish along with the destruction of their temporary body
- Such (members of the ISKCON who work very hard in their office or in the factory or some other place, & whatever they earn they give to the Society) highly elevated souls are actually sannyasis and are situated in the renounced order of life. BG 1972 pur
- Such a bath is called avabhrtha-snana. After thus becoming purified in heart, they departed for their respective abodes
- Such are the symptoms of pure devotees when they are chanting. All the pure devotees are as bright as sunshine, and their bodily luster is very effulgent. In addition, their performance of sankirtana is unparalleled
- Such attracted (foolish persons) persons become involved in society, community and nation and waste their time, not having profited from having obtained human forms
- Such brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas, purified by their family traditions and by their behavior, should worship the Lord, study the Vedas and give charity. In this system, they should follow the principles of the four asramas
- Such descriptions (in Brahama-samhita) of the Lord's body are not imaginary; rather, they are the statements of those who have seen the Lord with their supernatural vision. This supernatural vision is bestowed upon devotees like Brahma
- Such descriptions of the Lord's body are not imaginary; rather, they are the statements of those who have seen the Lord with their supernatural vision
- Such foolish men cannot be attracted towards the activities of the Supreme Powerful, who is actually the neutralizing measure for their foolish activities, unless and until they have the good sense to be guided by the great souls
- Such foolish prisoners cannot see that however they improve their position by artificial means, the calamities of repeated birth, death, disease and old age are always beyond the jurisdiction of their control
- Such hadis (who engage in public sanitary activities like picking up stool and sweeping the street, sometimes they are untouchable, especially when engaged in their profession) also have the right to become devotees
- Such incarnations (of Lord Visnu) are visible in every manv-antara (i.e., in the course of the reign of each Manu, who lives for 71 x 4,320,000 years). Fourteen such Manus take their birth and die, to yield a place for the next, during one day of Brahma
- Such interpreters (who care nothing for Lord Krsna or Arjuna) explain the verses of the Bhagavad-gita in their own way and postulate all sorts of rubbish in the name of the Gita. Such interpreters believe neither in Sri Krsna nor in His eternal abode
- Such living entities live in different ways in accordance to the degree of their entanglement in material nature
- Such men (mayayapahrta-jnana), unable to recognize their own foolishness, never consider how it is that God can be entrapped by maya, His own illusory energy
- Such misbehavior (disrespecting a great personality) is called mahad-vyatikrama. They (sons of Sagara Maharaja) were killed by the fire of their own bodies because of insulting a great personality
- Such mistakes should be considered negligible. One should see only how such poets have displayed their poetic power
- Such people (industrialists, businessmen or karmis) do not want to return their wealth to its actual owner
- Such people (those who act for sense gratification) will gradually become poverty-stricken, for they cannot use things which are to be enjoyed by the Supreme Lord for their own sense gratification
- Such people (who are interested in material promotion engage in ritualistic religious ceremonies) generally become impersonalists. They are interested in worshiping Lord Siva or goddess Durga, but their return is one hundred percent materialistic
- Such persons (in mode of passion or ignorance) are not always very much religious and pious in their activities, but since they worship Lord Siva for some material profit, they sometimes obey the religious principles
- Such persons (who are without attraction or hatred) are to be considered already liberated, and their symptoms are described below. BG 1972 purports
- Such persons (who have no information of Krsna consciousness) complacently believe that their nations, communities or families can protect them, unaware that all such fallible soldiers will be destroyed in due course of time
- Such persons who claim to be equal with Krsna and indulge in rasa-lila create a dangerous situation for the people in general. Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, was already present as the Supersoul within the bodies of the gopis & their husbands
- Such pregnant females are exactly like the transcendentalists who, by the grace of the Supreme Lord, are bestowed with the benediction of their destinations in life
- Such saints (who are very interested in their own liberation) are not very compassionate, but I (Prahlada) am anxious for these fallen people who are unnecessarily working so hard simply for the gratification of the senses
- Such sentiments (anger and mercy) are definitely not absent in the Absolute, as the impersonalists think, making their mundane estimation of the transcendental world
- Such so-called Vedantists may go on talking about the Vedas or may execute austerities in their own way, but it is not possible for them to attain to such an exalted position as Dhruva. As far as ordinary kings are concerned, it is not at all possible
- Such transcendental birds stop their own singing simply to hear the glories of the Lord
- Such transcendentally beautiful ladies, their hands playing with lotuses and their leg bangles tinkling, are sometimes seen sweeping the marble walls, which are bedecked at intervals with golden borders, in order to receive the grace of the SPG
- Suddenly, due to their feelings of separation, Lord Krsna appeared among the gopis dressed in yellow garments and wearing a flower garland. His lotus face was smiling, and He was directly attracting the mind of Cupid
- Suffering condition of the living entity, and he can be rescued by the mercy of sadhu, saintly persons, the scriptures and the spiritual master. They are prepared to bestow their mercy upon everyone, provided people like to take their instruction & mercy
- Sukadeva Gosvami and Maharaja Pariksit discussed this subject, and Pariksit Maharaja was anxious to know how the conditioned souls could be saved from their hellish lives
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: When all the demigods requested the great Visvarupa to be their priest, Visvarupa, who was advanced in austerities, was very pleased. He replied to them as follows
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: My dear King Pariksit, all the kings of the dynasty of Mithila were completely in knowledge of their spiritual identity. Therefore, even though staying at home, they were liberated from the duality of material existence
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: When the asuras, with their serpent weapons, severely attacked the demigods in a fight, many of the demigods fell and lost their lives. Indeed, they could not be revived
- Sukadeva Goswami was blackish and very beautiful due to his youth. Because of the glamor of his body and his attractive smiles, he was pleasing to women. Though he tried to cover his natural glories, the great sages honored him by rising from their seats
- Sukadeva said, "He (Ambarisa) engaged his body in associating with the pure devotees of the Lord. - When you associate with someone you have to sit down together, eat together, etc. - and in this way the touch of your body with their body is inevitable"
- Sunrise, fire and moonlight are so pleasing to the living entities. Without their help no living entity can live. BG 1972 purports
- Sunrise, midday, sunset and midnight occur in all those places according to specific times, thus engaging all living entities in their various occupational duties and also making them cease such duties
- Sunya means zero. That is called nirvana. Buddha philosophy advocates nirvana: no more desire. That is their philosophy: By desire you are becoming implicated, so make all your desires extinct. Then there will be no more feelings of pains and pleasure
- Superficially both classes (asuras and visnu-bhaktas) may appear to work in the same way, but their purposes are completely opposite because of a difference in consciousness
- Suppose I am debtor by hundreds of dollars to you. I give you a post-dated check, and still I say: "Now I am clear of your debt." And that post-dated check will never be paid. This is their (the scientists) theory
- Surely some disciple or other of these great scientists (Sri Jagadish Chandra Bose, Sir Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin) would have brought them back to life (if it were possible) and would thus have prolonged their scientific contribution to the world
- Surrounding him were the Vidyadharas, Apsaras, Kinnaras, Patagas (birds) and Uragas (snakes). All of them were offering Indra their respects and services, and the Apsaras and Gandharvas were dancing and singing with very sweet musical instruments
- Surrounding Lord Indra, King of heaven, were the demigods, seated on various types of vehicles and decorated with flags and weapons. Present among them were Vayu, Agni, Varuna and other rulers of various planets, along with their associates
- Surrounding Maharaja Bali on all sides were the commanders and captains of the demons, sitting on their respective chariots
- Sutapa & his wife Prsni, inaugurated their devotional activities on the basis of full knowledge. Gradually they developed love for the SPG, & when this love was mature, God appeared as Visnu, although Devaki then requested Him to assume the form of Krsna
- Sutra means codes. Just like they have got code book. One word, it is meaning so many other things. Businessmen, they have got codes. When they send cable to their customer or to their principle, they use some codes
- Svamsa expansions can be found in the quadruple forms of the Lord residing in Their respective places, beginning with Sankarsana, Vasudeva, Pradyumna and Aniruddha, and also in the purusa-avataras, lila-avataras, manvantara-avataras and yuga-avataras
- Svarupa Damodara Gosvami and Raghunatha dasa Gosvami recorded all these transcendental activities of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in their notebooks
- Svayambhuva had two daughters, Akuti and Prasuti. The Prajapati Ruci married Akuti, and Daksa married Prasuti. These couples and their children produced immense numbers of children to populate the entire universe
- Svayambhuva Manu had two daughters, named Akuti and Devahuti. From their wombs, the Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared as two sons named Yajnamurti and Kapila respectively. These sons were entrusted with preaching about religion and knowledge
- Swamis like Vivekananda or others who came here before me, manufactured their own ideological religion and that is not in conformity of the Bhagavad-gita
- Sweden they are the richest men, but the largest number of suicide cases are there. So this kind of material richness will not help you. That will not help. Actually, practically, we are experiencing. Why their every nation is dissatisfied?
- Taking advantage of the pleasing atmosphere, Krsna and Balarama began to sing very melodiously. The damsels became so absorbed in Their rhythmical song that they almost forgot themselves
- Taking advantage of this opportunity, the demons, remembering their former enmity, began to vanquish the three worlds - the upper, middle and lower planetary systems
- Taking the feet of Srila Rupa Gosvami, Sri Sanatana Gosvami, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami and Jiva Gosvami on my head, I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) always desire their mercy
- Tamo-gunas, the persons who are in the darkness of knowledge, they have got their faith. It is not that they have no faith. They have got faith. But that faith is in the lowest status of life. That faith will not help him for spiritual realization
- Tapana Misra and Candrasekhara appealed to the lotus feet of the Lord regarding their grief at the criticism of Him by the sannyasis in Benares. Caitanya Mahaprabhu merely smiled, yet He wanted to fulfill the desires of His devotees
- Tapasya means first brahmacarya, how to restrain this sex desire. That is first step. Where is their tapasya? "It is very difficult to do this tapasya. Oh." Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given harer nama
- Tell the Bhattacarya and Ramananda Raya to stop their childish play because they are both learned scholars and very grave and great personalities
- Temple building or mosque building is coming down from time immemorial. People are investing their money, hard-earned money. Why? Uselessly? Nonproductive? No. They do not know. They do not know how much productive that is
- Temple Presidents may henceforward send recommendation for first and second initiation to whichever of these eleven representatives are nearest their temple
- Thanks to the culture of nescience, befooled men have created their own nations within these planets in order to grasp sense enjoyment more effectively for these few years
- That (CC Adi 7.116) is the position of the conditioned souls. Because they are in touch with the material world, their spiritual quality is almost dead
- That (Ramakrishna Mission has learned to drink wine and eat meat) is their contribution. And they have spoiled the Hindu culture
- That a devotee (Jaya and Vijaya) should come into an atheistic family is surprising, but it is simply a show. After finishing their mock fighting, both the devotee and the Lord are again associated in the spiritual planets
- That a devotee should come into an atheistic family is surprising, but it is simply a show. After finishing their mock fighting, both the devotee and the Lord are again associated in the spiritual planets
- That beautiful person, Supreme Person, Krsna, is being observed and seen by saintly persons always. Why they are seeing? Because their eyes have been cleared by the ointment of love of God
- That force of literary influence will change everything and save the people from their miserable condition and corrupt status of life
- That great archer the King of Kasi, the great fighter Sikhandi, Dhrstadyumna, Virata & the unconquerable Satyaki, Drupada, the sons of Draupadi, & the others, such as the son of Subhadra, greatly armed, blew their respective conchshells. BG 1.16.18 - 1972
- That great archer the King of Kasi, the great fighter Sikhandi, Dhrstadyumna, Virata, the unconquerable Satyaki, Drupada, the sons of Draupadi, and the others, O King, such as the mighty-armed son of Subhadra, all blew their respective conchshells
- That happiness which is derived from contact of the senses with their objects and which appears like nectar at first but poison at the end is said to be of the nature of passion. BG 18.38 - 1972
- That incident was not forgotten by Brahma (that Brahma's previous sons the four kumaras, refused to obey their father), and therefore the obedience of Manu Svayambhuva was very encouraging
- That is a very lucrative business (taking large crowds of men to the different places of pilgrimage & collecting money from them), but Rupa & Sanatana Gosvamis, expressing their opinion in the presence of Caitanya, disapproved of such crowded pilgrimages
- That is the defect of their civilization. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). They are taking care of the body, but beyond the body there is something else, which is eternal. Even after the annihilation of the body, it does not become destroyed
- That is the duty of the superiors, and it is the duty of the subordinates to obey their orders perfectly and in a disciplined way
- That is the mood of the devotee, that he is always concerned for the general mass of people, that they should stop their sinful activities and become delivered from the most dangerous conditions of life by taking to this Krishna Consciousness
- That is the way of demoniac dealings. Demons do not try to find their own faults or those of their friends, but try to find the faults of their enemies. Jarasandha also criticized Krsna for not even being a ksatriya
- That is their foolishness. They are thinking God a person like me, like himself. That is foolishness
- That is up to you to judge - by the result. If they are actually advanced, why they should leave ISKCON? I know they're very good souls; they might have done some mistake out of misunderstanding - you invite them to come back again & take their position
- That is Vivekananda. Yata mata tata patha. That means everyone can become authority. This is their philosophy
- That most unkind king, Puranjana, had killed many animals in various sacrifices. Now, taking advantage of this opportunity, all these animals began to pierce him with their horns. It was as though he were being cut to pieces by axes
- That night, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was attended by Svarupa Damodara Gosvami and Ramananda Raya. Keeping His hands around their necks, the Lord began to lament
- That oneness was exhibited by the wives of the brahmanas in their love for Krsna
- That same Lord Visnu, in the form of Lord Sesa, holds the planets upon His heads, although He does not know where they are, for He cannot feel their existence upon His heads
- That successful life is there even in the cats and dogs and hogs. The hogs are also laboring very hard. The cats and dogs, they are also for their food. And the sex is there. Everything is there. That is not successful life
- That the ksatriyas had killed Parasurama's father was only a plea; the real fact is that because the ksatriyas, the ruling class, had become polluted, their position was inauspicious
- That the people of Orissa and Bengal eat fish in their private homes is a fact. But they do not offer anything like that to the Lord Jagannatha. The Lord is offered all nice foodstuffs as we are striving to do in our all our temples here
- That was the position of the two brothers, Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika. They belonged to the highly situated sarasvata-brahmana community, but they were ostracized due to their acceptance of ministerial posts in the government of Hussain Shah
- The 3 brothers (Govinda, Madhava and Vasudeva Ghosa) were among one of the seven parties that performed kirtana when Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu attended the Ratha-yatra festival at Jagannatha Puri. Vakresvara Pandita was the chief dancer in their party
- The Absolute Truth remains above the philosophers and their acquired knowledge. The conception of the Absolute is never perfectly attained by such an ascending process, because of its being born of imperfect, material senses
- The activities of such men (like Hiranyakasipu and Kamsa or, in the modern age, Napoleon or Hitler) are certainly very great, but as soon as their bodies are finished, everything else is finished. Then they remain in name only
- The activities of the Lord are pleasing to experimental vision also, but impersonalists will not believe in His identity because they study the personality of the Lord by comparing their personality to His
- The activities of those who are conditioned by material nature are taken into account, and in their next life, according to these activities, they are offered different types of material bodies
- The activities of Yogamaya are distinctly visible in this chapter (SB 10.4), in which Devaki and Vasudeva excuse Kamsa for his many devious, atrocious activities and Kamsa becomes repentant and falls at their feet
- The acts of commission and omission made by them (the materialistic leaders) during their lifetime of leadership will remain in the psychic encagement of mind and the subtle psychic life will develop again in another suitable body
- The acts of commission and omission made by them (the materialistic leaders) during their lifetime of leadership will remain in the psychic encagement of mind, intelligence, and false egoism in a very subtle form
- The actual happiness of the karmis is sex life. They work very hard outside the home, and to satiate their hard labor, they come home to enjoy sex life. King Puranjana went to the forest to hunt and after his hard labor he returned home to enjoy sex life
- The adherents of Kamsa were all influenced by the mode of passion as well as illusioned by the mode of ignorance, and their only business was to create enmity with saintly persons. Such activities can only reduce one's duration of life
- The administrative class, technically called the ksatriyas due to their being situated in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- The Advaita Acarya branch received the water supplied by the original gardener, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In this way, the subbranches were nourished, and their fruits and flowers grew luxuriantly
- The aim of this Krsna consciousness movement is to bring all living entities back to their original consciousness. All living entities within the material world are, to varying degrees, afflicted with a type of madness
- The airplane (that carried Dhruva) was piloted by the two chief associates of Lord Visnu, namely Sunanda and Nanda. Only such spiritual astronauts can pilot their airplane beyond the seven planets and arrive in the region of eternal blissful life
- The animal cannot understand that there is soul and there is transmigration of the soul. And if the human society makes progress of their so-called knowledge on this wrong basis understanding, then what will be the result? Everything wrong
- The animal, he is seeing that "One animal is being killed. Next time is mine," but still eating grass. He has no anxiety. This is called pramattah pasyann api na pasyati. This is animal life, that even though fact is there, they will close their eyes
- The animals have their due time for sexual intercourse, but the human being has no regular time for such activities
- The animals wander naked, so man is also trying to become naked, nudyism. This is life. So their extra intelligence is being used like that - very, very abominable condition of the human society
- The anthropology, Darwin's theory. They do not believe in soul, transmigration of the soul. They have their own theories. But they are also not definite
- The Apsaras pleased everyone (on the birth ceremony of Arjuna) by their heavenly dances and songs
- The aquatics live within water for their whole life-span. Certain favorable conditions are created to enable them to live within water
- The arguments offered by pure devotees to their disciples are so convincing that even a dull-headed disciple is immediately enlightened with spiritual knowledge
- The arms, thighs, necks and legs of the soldiers were severed, and their flags, bows, armor and ornaments were torn apart
- The artharthi have been described as sukrti, pious, because in their distress or need for money they have approached the Supreme Lord. Unless one is pious, one cannot approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The asses ran hither and thither in herds, striking the earth with their hard hooves and wildly braying
- The assistants, or messengers, of Yamaraja are likened here to vultures, and those who do not execute their respective duties in protecting their wards are compared to serpents
- The asuras . . . mayayapahrta-jnanah (BG 7.15). They may think themselves as very advanced in knowledge, but they are rascal number one because their so-called knowledge, the effect of knowledge, is taken away by maya
- The asuras are generally strongly built, as described here, and therefore their mental condition is very sound, and their prowess is also extraordinary
- The asuras do not accept any evidential proof from the revealed scriptures, nor do they recognize the authority of the great acaryas. They want to see with their own eyes at once
- The asuras sometimes become so powerful that they can engage even Narada Muni and similar devotees in their service. This does not mean that Narada was subordinate to Hiranyakasipu
- The asuras who fought against the Lord face to face got salvation due to their being killed by the Lord. This salvation of the demons is not due to their being devotees of the Lord; it is because of the Lord's causeless mercy
- The asuras, clouded in their understanding, took the evening twilight to be a beautiful woman showing herself in her alluring form, and they seized her
- The asuras, the demons, impede the advancement of the Krsna consciousness movement, and therefore Krsna arranges occasional fights between different asuras who are very much interested in increasing their military power
- The asuras, they are asuci, unclean. That is their misfortune, that they cannot understand what is the right way, what is the wrong way. So suci, cleanliness, is the first qualification of the daiva-prakrti or devatas
- The asuras, who are never devotees of Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, lost their pride in fighting when they found all their endeavors futile
- The Asvini-kumaras were very pleased to see Sukanya's chastity and faithfulness. Thus they showed her Cyavana Muni, her husband, and after taking permission from him, they returned to the heavenly planets in their plane
- The atheistic Sankhyaite philosophers will of course offer their arguments that the material cosmic manifestation is due to prakrti and purusa - material nature and the living entity, or the material cause and the effective cause
- The atheists are faithless on account of their many misdeeds in their present and past lives. They fall into four categories: (1) the gross materialists, (2) the immoral sinners
- The atheists are faithless on account of their many misdeeds in their present and past lives. They fall into four categories: (3) the number-one fools, and (4) those who are bewildered by maya despite their mundane erudition
- The atheists, who do not (execute their prescribed duties), are condemned in Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.19) by the following statement: tan aham dvisatah kruran samsaresu naradhaman
- The atomic living entities are existent in the Brahmajyoti and the Brahmajyoti is distributed everywhere, so the living entities are also spread everywhere. Their another name is "sarvaga," all-pervading
- The attempt of the empiric philosophers to understand the Absolute Truth by speculation is always futile because their process of understanding, their objective and the instruments by which they try to understand the Absolute Truth are all material
- The attendants who came with Sati were meant to protect her from calamities, but since they were unable to protect their master's wife, they decided to die for her, and before dying they wanted to kill Daksa
- The attraction of Kamsa to Krsna in fear and the attraction of Sisupala in envy are not accepted as devotional service, however, because their attitudes are not favorable. Devotional service should be executed only in a favorable frame of mind
- The attraction of such gardens was that singing birds would sit on the trees, and their chanting voices, as well as the humming sound of the bees, made the whole atmosphere as pleasing as possible
- The aula-sampradaya, baula-sampradaya and others invented their own ways of understanding Lord Caitanya's philosophy, without following in the footsteps of the acaryas
- The austerity and meditation of Laksmi are mentioned in SB 10.16.36, where the wives of the serpent Kaliya, in their prayers to Krsna, said that the goddess of fortune, Laksmi, also wanted His association as a gopi and desired the dust of His lotus feet
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta says - I beg their pardon (who imitate some smarta-brahmana) with great humility, but I am submitting that I personally have no desire to add or subtract anything
- The authorized scriptures direct the individual souls to revive their relationship with the Supersoul
- The Ayurvedic medicine, they treat patient on this principle, how things are disturbed. They have got their calculation: kapha, pitta, vayu. Tri-dhatu. This body is a composition of these three dhatus
- The babajis, they are against anything preaching. They are very, very much against preaching. So I am preaching. Babajis, the Mayavadi sannyasis, and all of them, their idea is that I am ruining this bhajana and Hindu dharma. This is the propaganda
- The bamboo trees standing by the banks of the rivers & the lakes were also happy to see their descendant so engaged in the service of the Lord, just as persons who are advanced in transcendental knowledge take pleasure in seeing their descendants engaged
- The banyan tree (asvattha) is one of the highest and most beautiful trees, and people in India often worship it as one of their daily morning rituals
- The beautiful damsels, the wives of the denizens of the heavenly planets, are compared to lightning. In summation, the airplanes with their passengers which came from higher planets to Kailasa were very pleasant to look at
- The beautiful flowers placed in their hair would fall, and the queens, being seemingly harassed by the Lord’s throwing water at them, would approach Him on the plea of snatching the syringelike instrument
- The beautiful wives of the heavenly denizens, their eyes very beautifully glittering, were near her (Sati's) residence and were going to the sacrifice dressed in fine clothing and ornamented with earrings and necklaces with lockets
- The beauty is that the Pandavas have not lost their faith and love for You (Krsna), in spite of all these tribulations. In fact, they are always thinking of You and chanting Your name in ecstatic friendship
- The beauty of Lord Caitanya's body and His ecstatic love of God were witnessed by everyone. Many people used to come see Him, and as soon as they saw Him, all their unhappiness and distress vanished
- The beauty of Lord Krsna increases at the sight of the beauty of the gopis. And the more the gopis see Lord Krsna's beauty, the more their beauty increases
- The beauty of the Gopala Deity stole away their minds, and feeling great happiness, they remained there for two or four days
- The benedictions of the demigods, however, are condemned in Bhagavad-gita. Antavat tu phalam tesam tad bhavaty alpa-medhasam: (BG 7.23) "Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary"
- The benefit (of training people according to their own qualities) will be that the whole social body will function harmoniously. The social body must have a brain and arms and a belly and legs to be complete
- The best examples (of being conditioned by mode of goodness) are the scientist and philosopher: each is very proud of his knowledge, and because they generally improve their living conditions, they feel a sort of material happiness. BG 1972 purports
- The best of the demigods, along with their wives, who are like ornaments of heavenly beauty, meet together and enjoy within those gardens, while their glories are sung by lesser demigods known as Gandharvas
- The best policy is to disassociate oneself from the three modes of material nature and be always transcendental to their contamination
- The best policy is to disassociate oneself from the three modes of material nature and be always transcendental to their contamination. This is possible only when one fully engages in the devotional service of the Lord
- The best way to use money is to open such a center, where all may come live and reform their character
- The betel chewed by Krsna is priceless, and the remnants of such chewed betel from His mouth are said to be the essence of nectar. When the gopis accept these remnants, their mouths become His spittoons
- The Bhagavad-gita (7.20) condemns demigod worship: Only persons whose intelligence is lost and who are mad with lusty desires worship the demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures
- The Bhagavad-gita advises that in the interest of the mundane workers, they should not be restrained from their ordinary engagements; on the contrary, they may be encouraged to stay engaged in that way, within the process of karma-yoga
- The Bhagavad-gita indicates that in the material world all component forms are subject to decay and death, regardless of their duration of life
- The Bhagavatam considers those who are attached to their bodies to be like cows and asses - sa eva go-kharah
- The Bhagavatam further states: Due to their spontaneous attachment for the Lord, when they (devotees) chant His holy names they sometimes cry, sometimes laugh, dance, sing and so on, not caring for any social convention - SB 11.2.40
- The Bhagavatam gives the example that dirt and fire are practically one and the same. From the earth grow trees, and from their wood come fire and smoke. Nevertheless, for heat we can utilize the fire but not the earth, smoke or wood
- The Bhagavatam says that because nondevotees neglect the transcendental loving service of the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead, their intelligence is not sufficient, and therefore these persons fall down
- The bhaktas, by their transcendental devotional service unto the lotus feet of the Lord, become so overwhelmed with transcendental bliss that automatically their desires for material enjoyment stop
- The bhakti-vedantas see that the people in general are wasting time in false sensuous things. Their business is to get the ignorant mass of people to reestablish their lost relationship with the Personality of Godhead
- The Bhattatharis used to increase their numbers by using women to allure outsiders
- The big, big chemist, big, big scientists, they are trying to create living entities. Their theory is, "By chemical evolution there is living symptoms." But it is not possible
- The blooming lotus flowers in the clear water in the forest appeared like persons who have fallen down from yoga practice but have again become beautiful by resuming their spiritual life
- The body is composed of senses, and the senses are always hungry after their objects. The eyes see a beautiful person and tell us - Oh, there is a beautiful girl, a beautiful boy. Let's go see
- The body is just like a dress, and here (in SB 9.1.33) this is proved. Sudyumna and his associates were all male, which means that their souls were covered by male dress, but now they became female, which means that their dress was changed
- The body is material. Therefore all these activities for comforts of the body . . . that is demon, more or less. So cinta . . . the demons, they are anxiety. Everyone has anxiety, but their anxiety, aparimeyam
- The body is not at all good; it is simply a cause of bondage to the material world. Unfortunately, even though the body is destined for destruction, fools and rascals invest all their faith in the body and are never eager to return home, back to Godhead
- The body is taken as the pancala-desa, or the field of activities wherein the living entity can enjoy the senses in their relationship to the five sense objects, namely gandha, rasa, rupa, sparsa and sabda
- The body, the life airs, the external and internal senses, the five gross elements and the subtle sense objects cannot know their own nature because they are only matter, the nature of the other senses or the nature of their controllers
- The bogus saviors do not care for bona fide knowledge received from qualified brahmanas and Vedic sources. Their only business is indulging in sex and recommending sexual freedom even for widows
- The boons of the demigods are material and temporary. Both the material worlds and their inhabitants, including the demigods, and their worshipers, are bubbles in the cosmic ocean. BG 1972 purports
- The boy and the girl must be equally rich, equally cultured, equally educated. Equality. They find out. Even by horoscope, they test whether their astronomical calculations are also equal, so that after marriage they may not be unhappy
- The boys collected flowers, leaves of flowers and the bark of trees and placed their lunch on them, as well as in their boxes, and thus they began to eat their lunch, keeping company with Krsna
- The boys could understand that by drinking the water of the Yamuna they had died and that the merciful glance of Krsna had restored their lives. Thus they appreciated the mystic power of Krsna, who is known as Yogesvara, the master of all mystic yogis
- The boys did not know this (that the serpent was a demon), however, and thus while Krsna was planning how to stop the destruction of His intimate friends, all the boys along with their calves entered the mouth of the serpent. But Krsna did not enter
- The boys surrounded Prahlada Maharaja, giving up their playthings, and sat down to hear him. Their hearts and eyes being fixed upon him, they looked at him with great earnestness
- The Brahma-samhita, Chapter Five, verse 46, states that the visnu-tattva, or the principle of the Absolute Personality of Godhead, is like a lamp because the expansions equal their origin in all respects
- The brahmacari system made their brain so powerful that whatever they will hear from the spiritual master, they will keep in the brain and never forget. They will repeat verbatim. Smrti. It is called retaining power
- The brahmacaris, vanaprasthas, and sannyasis all curtailed their necessities to the minimum, and therefore no one would begrudge maintaining them in the bare necessities of life
- The brahmana class means the first-class ideal men, so that by the seeing their character, their behavior, others will try to follow. Yad yad acarati sresthah (BG 3.21). Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying to create some first-class men
- The brahmana class or intelligent class is working in one way, the ksatriya or administrative class is working in another way, and the mercantile class and the laborers are all tending to their specific duties. BG 1972 Introduction
- The brahmana householders, particularly, used to worship Visnu without fail, and even now the descendants of those brahmanas continue to worship Visnu daily as their family Deity
- The brahmana is meant for giving good intelligence. The vaisyas are meant for maintaining the economic condition. So as the government maintains the force, military police, their business is to chastise
- The brahmana priests were very hopeful that their sacrifice (the sacrifice performed by Daksa) would be carried out without obstacles now that Lord Visnu was present
- The brahmana's son, Srngi, said: O just look at the sins of the rulers who, like crows and watchdogs at the door, perpetrate sins against their masters, contrary to the principles governing servants
- The brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra can elevate themselves by worshiping the Lord according to their activities
- The brahmanas and Vaisnavas know what to eat, and by their personal example they do not eat anything which is not offered first to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They eat only prasada, or remnants of the food offered to the Lord
- The brahmanas and yajnika priests should be sufficiently paid for their expert service. This payment is called daksina
- The brahmanas are always dedicated to the Lord's service with their bodies, words and mind. There is no better person than a brahmana who thus engages himself and dedicates himself to the Supreme Lord
- The brahmanas are very dear to the Supreme Lord due to their high sattva-guna qualities, and they also engage in welfare activities for all conditioned souls in the material world
- The brahmanas continued, "Although we are considered to be masters in all purificatory processes, we did not actually know what their goal is because we are too much attached to the materialistic way of life"
- The brahmanas continued, "He (Krsna) had no need to send them (His friends). He could have satisfied their hunger then and there just by willing to do so"
- The brahmanas did not refuse Lord Ramacandra's gift, after accepting it they returned it to the King. The brahmanas were so pleased with Lord Ramacandra's affection toward them that their hearts melted
- The brahmanas engaged as priests in the sacrificial ceremony were not ordinary brahmanas. They were so powerful that they could bring forth the Supreme Personality of Godhead by their prayers. Thus Maharaja Nabhi was able to see the Lord face to face
- The brahmanas entrusted with the performance of yajna were very realized souls, and to test their realization an old animal was offered in the fire and rejuvenated. That was the test of a Vedic mantra
- The brahmanas indirectly criticized the followers of Lord Siva, but because the brahmanas were always protected by Lord Visnu, Siva's followers could not do any harm to their prosecution of the sacrificial process
- The brahmanas or Vaisnavas do not live at others' cost; they live by spending their own money, although it appears that they are collecting this money from others
- The brahmanas recited auspicious Vedic hymns, which purified the environment by their vibration. The experts in reciting old histories like the Puranas, the experts in reciting the histories of royal families, and general reciters all chanted - SB 10.5.5
- The brahmanas repented their sinful activities. They wanted to go personally to offer their obeisances unto Him, but being afraid of Kamsa, they could not go to Krsna and surrender unto Him
- The brahmanas said, "They (the wives of the brahmanas) gave up their family connections, which are just like a dark well for the continuation of material miseries"
- The brahmanas said, "They (the wives of the brahmanas) have so devotedly dedicated their lives to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, that they could easily do what is ordinarily so difficult"
- The brahmanas should always be worshiped and under their guidance the ruler should discharge his duty and rule the citizens
- The brahmanas should live by spreading knowledge and should therefore take contributions from their disciples
- The brahmanas thus began to condemn their own activities. They realized that in spite of being so elevated by birth, education and culture, they still were under the spell of the illusory energy
- The brahmanas were not, so to speak, flatterers of the kings, but the kings were actually glorified by their actions, and they were sincerely still more encouraged in pious acts by brahmanas in a dignified way
- The brahmanas were so powerful that simply by their cursing one would immediately die
- The brahmanas were very pleased to perform their daily ritualistic ceremonies undisturbed - On the occasion of Lord Krsna's birth
- The brahmanas were well qualified, and since none of them were rich, their family members were always in want for the necessities of life
- The brahmanas' community, all saintly persons and learned scholars, brahmanas . . . there was a committee, and the king would take their advice how to manipulate the political affairs or administration, and they would consult standard books
- The brahmanas, by their preaching, sanctify the three worlds with the dust of their lotus feet, and thus they are worshipable even for Krsna
- The brahmanas, ksatriyas, sudras and vaisyas must execute their prescribed duties as these duties are stated in the sastras. In this way everyone can satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu
- The brahmanas, the cows and the defenseless creatures are My (the Lord's) own body. Those whose faculty of judgment has been impaired by their own sin look upon these as distinct from Me. They are just like furious serpents
- The brahmanas, they can pull on their livelihood by six ways. Pathana pathana yajana yajana dana pratigraha. Six. And they must be qualified with twelve high qualities
- The brahmanas, those who are in charge of religion, the priestly order or the maulavis or the brahmanas - they're the same order - their duty is to keep people enlightened in the real mission of life
- The British government fabricated the Hindu-Muslim riot, and lastly, at last also, their purpose was fulfilled by partition of India - Pakistan and India
- The brothers Jagai and Madhai belonged to the brahmana caste, and their residence was in the holy place of Navadvipa. They never served low-class persons, nor were they instruments to abominable activities
- The calves are actually supposed to be released when their mothers are milked, but Krsna would release them before that time, and naturally the calves would drink all the milk from their mothers
- The calves do not suck the teats of the cows, nor do the cows give milk. They are standing, crying, tears in their eyes, and the bulls take no pleasure in the pasturing grounds
- The calves, being disturbed, would immediately begin running here and there, and the children would be dragged over clay and cow dung. To see this fun, Yasoda and Rohini would call all their neighborhood friends, the gopis
- The calves, seeing that the babies (Krsna and Balarama) were holding them tightly, would also become afraid. Then the ladies would come to rescue the babies and gladly laugh. This was their enjoyment
- The candidates for punishment are those who are confirmed by these many witnesses to have deviated from their prescribed regulative duties. Everyone engaged in fruitive activities is suitable to be subjected to punishment according to his sinful acts
- The caretakers of the bow, who were standing by watching, became very angry, and with their respective weapons in hand they rushed toward Krsna, shouting, “Arrest Him! Arrest Him! Kill Him! Kill Him!” Krsna and Balarama were surrounded
- The celestial species of human beings, like the Gandharvas and Vidyadharas, can sing wonderfully and can entice even the minds of the heavenly demigods. Their musical rhythm represents the musical sense of the Lord
- The change of dress is only a formality. Lord Caitanya did not accept the name of a sannyasi, and in this age of Kali the so-called sannyasis should not change their former names, following in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya
- The characteristics and modes of love are different in different women. Their jealous anger also takes on different varieties and qualities
- The children of these ladies (the queens of Dvaraka) are Pradyumna, Samba, Amba, etc: Ladies like Rukmini, Satyabhama and Jambavati were forcibly taken away by Him (Krsna) from their svayamvara ceremonies after He defeated many powerful kings
- The chivalrous princes assembled there were so overwhelmed by Rukmini's beauty that they became almost unconscious and fell from their horses and elephants. Full of lust, they hopelessly desired Rukmini's hand, comparing their own beauty to hers
- The Christian have got your sacred place. The Muhammadans they have got their sacred place, Medina, Mecca. You have got your Jerusalem. Similarly, these, those who are followers of Vedic principles, they have got their several places, sacred places
- The churches, mosques and temples are practically vacant, for people are more interested in factories, shops and cinemas. Thus they have deserted the religious places erected by their forefathers
- The citizens (Dvaraka) expressed their joy on this occasion. On hearing the statements of His citizens, the all-pervasive Personality of Godhead, Krsna, simply smiled
- The citizens arrived before the Lord (Krsna) with their respective presentations, offering them to the fully satisfied and self-sufficient one, who, by His own potency, incessantly supplies others
- The citizens began to speak in ecstatic language to receive the Lord, just as wards welcome their guardian and father
- The citizens of Ayodhya, upon seeing their King return after a long absence, offered Him flower garlands, waved their upper cloths, and danced in great jubilation
- The citizens of Indraprastha felt their hearts become joyful simply by hearing the vibration of Krsna's conchshell because they could understand that Jarasandha had been killed. Now the Rajasuya sacrifice by King Yudhisthira was almost certain
- The citizens of the state must give in charity up to fifty percent of their income for the purpose of creating a spiritual atmosphere in the state or in human society, both individually and collectively
- The citizens of their kingdoms were greatly pleased to see them return, and when they heard of the kind dealings of Lord Krsna, they were all very happy
- The colorful greenery of the newly grown grass, the seasonal flowers, the frog's umbrellas, the butterflies, and the other variegatedness of the rainy season perfectly represent a well-to-do family absorbed in vanity over their personal assets
- The combination of living entities in different modes of material nature is called crossbreeding. The faithless atheists do not believe in the existence of God, and thus their paths of philosophy are contradictory
- The communists are first class disciples of Kali; therefore our attention should be more upon them because of their serious materialistic fever
- The Communists, they, they are staunch enemy of the capitalist. Their whole philosophy is against God and against capitalism. So if America becomes Krsna conscious and fights, they have got strength plus God's blessing. They'll come out victorious
- The conception of the universal form of the Supreme Lord, which includes all the demigods and their different planets, is called adhidaivata
- The conclusion is, therefore, that even when the living entities become free from all contamination of material conditions and merge into the spiritual kingdom, their individual tastes in relationship with the Supreme Lord continue to exist
- The conditioned living beings contact material association by their own choice, dictated by a strong desire to lord it over the resources of the material world and become imitation lords of all they survey. Everyone is trying to become an imitation God
- The conditioned soul has become so dull and rascal, he does not take seriously that "Why I am dying?" Therefore they have made their own theory, that there is no life after death, everything finished after death
- The conditioned soul may take a form birth after birth due to his conditional existence in matter, but the self-centered impersonalists, by their gross ignorance, accept the Lord as one of them because of self-centered egoism
- The conditioned souls are not prepared to receive the transcendental knowledge of devotional service. They do not like it; that is their disease. The sadhu has the thankless task of impressing upon them the importance of devotional service
- The conditioned souls in the material world are different from their external bodies made of material energy. Thus the demigods living in the upper planetary systems and the living entities living in the lower planetary system are of the same nature
- The conditioned souls may try to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead for many billions of years through their mental speculative processes, traveling at the speed of the mind or the wind
- The conditioned souls who have come to the material world to fulfill their desires to lord it over material nature are bound by the laws of nature. The best course is to abide by the Vedic rules; that will help one to be gradually elevated to liberation
- The conditioned souls' greatness is like that of a young husband and wife who, though uneducated, praise one another and become attracted to their own temporary beauty. This kind of greatness is appreciated only by low-class men with no qualifications
- The conditioned souls, who are condemned due to their forgetfulness of the Lord, are put under the control of the external potency when she creates the material world
- The conditioned souls, who have come to this material world for sense gratification, are allowed to enjoy their senses under certain regulative principles. If they violate these regulations, they are judged and punished by Yamaraja
- The consciousness is developed from tree to worms, microbes, worms, germs - their consciousness is little more higher. Then birds, their consciousness is little more higher; then beasts, their consciousness is little more higher
- The cowherd boyfriends of Krsna felt very proud of their association with Him
- The cowherd boys were decorated with various clothes and ornaments, and no one could count their vast numbers
- The cowherd boys would come out of the water when they saw their own shadows & stand imitating, making caricatures & laughing. They would also go to an empty well and make loud sounds, and when the echo came back, they would call it ill names and laugh
- The cowherd friends used to please Krsna by sitting together with Him on couches or on swings, by lying together on their beds, by joking together and by swimming in the pool
- The cowherd men who were present there looked upon Krsna as their own kinsman, coming from the same village of Vrndavana. The impious ksatriya kings who were present saw Him as the strongest ruler and their chastiser
- The cowherd men who were taking care of the cows on the top of Govardhana Hill tried to stop them, but they failed. Baffled by their failure, they were feeling ashamed and angry
- The cowherd men, who had come to execute the ritualistic function of worshiping Lord Siva and Ambika, finished their business and prepared to return to Vrndavana. While returning, they recalled the wonderful activities of Krsna
- The cows also, who had been away in the pasturing ground, returned in the evening and called their respective calves. The calves immediately came to their mothers, and the mothers began to lick the bodies of the calves
- The cows especially, being much aggrieved from the heavy rain, bowed down their heads, and taking their calves underneath their bodies, they approached the Supreme Personality of Godhead to take shelter of His lotus feet
- The cows had younger calves who had started sucking milk from their mothers, and some of the cows had newly given birth, but now, because of love, the cows enthusiastically showed their affection for the older calves, which had left off milking
- The cows taken care of by Krsna had different names, and Krsna would call them with love. After hearing Krsna calling, the cows would immediately respond by mooing, and the boys would enjoy this exchange to their hearts' content
- The cows that followed the Lord within the forest moved slowly because of their heavy, milk-laden udders
- The cows were so melted with affection for the calves that they did not care about the rough path from the top of Govardhana Hill down to the pasturing ground. They approached the calves with their milk bags full of milk, and raised their tails upwards
- The cows, being fed by new grasses, became very healthy, and their milk bags were all very full. When Lord Krsna called them by name, they immediately came to Him out of affection, and in their joyful condition the milk flowed from their bags
- The cows, followed by their calves, appeared tired of grazing, because of full milk bags. Calmly and quietly the cows and calves rested and ruminated, chewing their cud
- The cows, the trees, the cowherd men and Gopis, their chief engagement was loving Krishna, and in New Vrindaban we want to create this atmosphere and thereby show the whole world how practical and sublime our movement is
- The created beings are of many varieties, such as the demigods, human beings and lower animals, and all of them are subject to the reactions of their past good or bad activities. BG 1972 purports
- The creation of the human beings, who are of one species only and who stock their eatables in the belly, is the ninth in the rotation
- The creator has constructed women in such a way that their beautiful voices and movements and the beautiful features of their hips, their breasts, and the other parts of their bodies attract the members of the opposite sex, and awaken their lusty desires
- The cursing of Jaya and Vijaya is here repented. Now the Kumaras are thinking in terms of their position in the modes of passion and ignorance, and they are prepared to accept any kind of punishment from the Lord
- The custom in Vedic society is to examine the horoscopes of a girl and boy being considered for marriage to see whether their combination is suitable
- The damsels of Braja and Radharani were very expert in talking cunningly, so as soon as they saw Krsna they began their talkings; and Krsna, pretending to go for some flowers for them, immediately left that place and entered into a mountain cave
- The damsels of the heavenly planets, polluted by thoughts of sex life, come down to bathe in the sanctified rivers and enjoy sprinkling water on their husbands
- The daughters of a king generally select their own husbands
- The daughters were asked separately to submit their selection of a husband who was famous for his acts and personality. The ultimate selection depended on the choice of the father
- The defeated members in duel fighting had to carry the victorious members on their backs, as a horse carries its master. They (the cowherd boys) began playing, and at the same time tended the cows as they proceeded through the Bhandiravana forest
- The demigods and demons were disappointed, and their faces seemed to shrivel because the mountain had been sunk by the strength of providence
- The demigods and their followers are all annihilated at the period of devastation, but one who reaches the kingdom of God gets a permanent share in eternal life. That is the verdict of Vedic literature
- The demigods approached the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the controller of both kinds of entities (material entities and spiritual entities), in order to know why their breathing was choked
- The demigods are all attached to the Personality of Godhead, and for their pleasure the demon, who was a source of trouble to the world, was killed
- The demigods are also in the category of living entities; they are not separate gods. But men whose knowledge is immature and contaminated by the modes of material nature worship various demigods, according to their intelligence
- The demigods are also ordinary living entities, but due to their faithfulness - their devotional service attitude - they have been promoted to such posts
- The demigods are called sakama devotees, or devotees with material desires in mind, while the pure devotees are called niskama devotees because they have no desires for their personal interests
- The demigods are devotees of the Lord for the sake of material possessions, but although the demons apparently do not have the SPG on their side, He always acts as their well-wisher by depriving them of their positions of false prestige
- The demigods are entrusted by the Lord to create different species of living entities according to their past deeds. They are herein (in SB 3.5.51) asking the favor of the Lord for the intelligence and power to carry out their task
- The demigods came to Mathura from their celestial kingdom. This indicates that Mathura is still more important than the celestial kingdom of the upper planetary system
- The demigods certainly wanted Lord Visnu to relieve their anxiety, but now they directly approach Lord Krsna
- The demigods explained that this (the fact that Visvarupa was junior in age to the demigods) should not be a cause for hesitation; he could become their priest because he was advanced in Vedic knowledge
- The demigods express their mature verdict that persons who are interested in meditating on something void or impersonal cannot cross over the ocean of nescience
- The demigods from the higher planetary systems showered flowers, congratulating Krsna and Balarama. Among the demigods were powerful personalities like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, and all joined together in showing their jubilation over Kamsa's death
- The demigods have the great mystic power of being able to appear and disappear according to their will, and since Indra was very pleased with Vijitasva, he bestowed this mystic power upon him. Thus Vijitasva became known as Antardhana
- The demigods live in the heavenly planets for months, years and ten-thousands of years according to demigod time, and then again, after the results of their pious activities are exhausted, they fall down to this earth
- The demigods named the Mauhurtikas took birth from the womb of Muhurta. These demigods deliver the results of actions to the living entities of their respective times
- The demigods own their material possessions only within the limits of time
- The demigods prayed (to Krsna) - Men influenced by the three modes of material nature imagine their own God according to the modes of material nature. In this way God is presented in various ways
- The demigods said: Men influenced by the three modes of material nature imagine their own God according to the modes of material nature. In this way God is presented in various ways, but Your appearance will establish what the real form of God is
- The demigods were harassed by the demons, who were infested with tamo-guna. However, as Lord Brahma has previously described, since the time of sattva-guna had now arrived, the demigods could naturally expect to fulfill their desires
- The demigods were naturally bereft of the results of yajna and hampered in executing their respective duties. Therefore they came down to the planet earth to see how people had become disturbed and to consider what to do
- The demigods were situated on the top of Mandara Hill, and all their wives began to shower flowers on the funeral pyre and began to talk amongst themselves
- The demigods who reside with Lord Brahma in Satyaloka go to Vaikunthaloka in their present bodily constructions at the time of the dissolution
- The demigods who were present also began to offer beautiful prayers to Krsna. & the ladies and girls present expressed their joy from all corners of the arena. In other words, there was no one in that particular place with whom Krsna was not very popular
- The demigods' wives thought that if Lord Buddha appeared, all kinds of sacrifices would be stopped, and thus their husbands would not be invited to such ceremonies and thus would not be separated from them
- The demigods, being envious of the austere life of the rigid brahmacaris, would try to cause them to break their vows by dispatching soldiers of Cupid. But in the case of the Lord, it became an unsuccessful attempt
- The demigods, being severely oppressed by their enemies and being unable to see Indra on the battlefield, were very anxious. Having no captain or leader, they began lamenting like traders in a wrecked vessel in the midst of the ocean
- The demigods, being thus advised by Brhaspati for their benefit, immediately accepted his words. Assuming forms according to their desire, they left the heavenly kingdom and scattered, without being observed by the demons
- The demigods, headed by Indra, charged the demon with their soldiers, striking him with their own transcendental bows and arrows and other weapons but Vrtrasura swallowed all their weapons
- The demigods, who are very puffed up by their material opulence, pray to the Lord only for material happiness, not knowing anything better. Devotees like Prahlada Maharaja, however, do not want material happiness
- The demon Bhaumasura immediately released a weapon called Sataghni, by which he could kill hundreds of warriors with one stroke, and all his assistants simultaneously threw their respective weapons at the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The demon Yaksas are by nature very heinous, and by their demoniac power of illusion they can create many strange phenomena to frighten one who is less intelligent
- The demon's name was Sankhacuda because on his head there was a valuable jewel resembling a conchshell. Just as the two sons of Kuvera had been puffed up over their wealth and opulence and did not care for Narada Muni's presence
- The demoniac do not believe their (personalities like Vyasadeva, Narada, Asita and Parasara's) statements, and they purposely oppose the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees
- The demoniac mentality is described here (in BG 16.10). The demons' lust is never satiated. They will go on increasing and increasing their insatiable desires for material enjoyment. BG 1972 purports
- The demoniac persons who want to kill the Vedic culture are extremely envious of the feeble citizens, and they act in such a way that ultimately their discoveries will be inauspicious for everyone
- The demoniac work very hard all day and night, but the purpose of their hard work is to enjoy sex life
- The demonic principle is to become bound up by their desires, but if you are on the spiritual platform, then all your desires means loving service to the Lord. That is wanted
- The demons (Raksasas), the servants of Hiranyakasipu, thus began striking the tender parts of Prahlada Maharaja's body with their tridents
- The demons also have their own types of beverages in the form of liquors and beers, just as the demigods use soma-rasa for their drinking purposes
- The demons are considered highly elevated in knowledge, but because they do not use their good intelligence for the service of the Lord, they are called demons. The demigods, however, act very intelligently to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The demons are under the impression that no one is more wealthy and popular than themselves. They think that their wealth will somehow be protected by some spirit, and in this way they are deluded. Their final destination is hell
- The demons do like that, tapasya for living ever. But they will not take the real method of tapasya, to purify. Their real aim is this material world, and here they want to become immortal. That is their foolishness
- The demons increase their military power by the will of the Supreme, so that their numbers will be diminished and the devotees will have a chance to advance in Krsna consciousness
- The demons or atheists have faith in their own endeavors, but although they work very hard day and night, they cannot get any more than their destiny
- The demons understood that the beautiful woman had attracted the attention of them all. Therefore they unanimously requested Her (Mohini-murti) to become the arbiter to settle their dispute
- The demons who live on that planet (Vitala) with their wives decorate themselves with various ornaments made from that gold (Hataka), and thus they live there very happily
- The demons, the Raksasas, can neither see nor touch the Supreme Lord, although they may superficially think that they are striking the Lord's transcendental body with their material weapons
- The denizens (of heaven) used to drink nectar to become immortal, but actually they were not confident of their immortality. On the other hand, the boys who were playing with Krsna had no fear of the demons. They were free of fear
- The denizens of the heavenly kingdom are called amara, or deathless, due to their possessing a long span of life, far greater than that of the human beings
- The descendants of Paramesvari Thakura took many disciples from brahmana families, but as these descendants gradually took to the profession of physicians, persons from brahmana families ceased becoming their disciples.
- The desire of the gopis to enjoy the appearance of Lord Krsna was long cherished. So they approached Goddess Katyayani to have Krsna as their husband
- The devatas, the demigods, fortunately understood the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and thus they offered their prayers. Then Lord Siva and Lord Brahma led the demigods in returning to their homes
- The device used for killing animals in the sacrifice was not designed to facilitate eating their flesh. The killing was specifically intended to give a new life to the sacrificed animal by the power of Vedic mantra
- The devotee always prays to the Lord and His internal energy (consort) so that he may engage in Their transcendental loving service
- The devotee cannot remain in darkness, & because a devotee is enlightened by the Personality of Godhead, his knowledge is certainly perfect. This is not the case for those who speculate on the Absolute Truth by dint of their own limited power of approach
- The devotee of the Lord never finds faults with the Lord. Although they may be put in uncomfortable situations even then they offer their gratitude to the Lord, that it is Your mercy. This is the outlook of a devotee of the Lord
- The devotees are described as positive, comparative and superlative in terms of their love and attachment for Krsna
- The devotees are not at all interested in arguing with the nondevotees to nullify their theories. Rather than wasting time, they always engage themselves in the transcendental loving service of the Lord in full Krsna consciousness
- The devotees are representatives of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and to elevate the conditioned souls to their original consciousness, they travel all over the universes to enlighten the conditioned souls
- The devotees are situated in liberation (brahma-bhuyaya kalpate (BG 14.26)), and therefore they cannot be called back to their material homes and materialistic activities
- The devotees considered Ramacandra Puri to be like a great burden on their heads. When he left Jagannatha Puri, everyone felt extremely happy, as if a great stone burden had suddenly fallen from their heads to the ground
- The devotees develop a spiritual individuality in their spontaneous service attitude, which is enhanced on and on, up to the point of madhurya-rasa, or transcendental loving service reciprocated between the lover and the beloved
- The devotees do not want the fruitive results of their work, nor do they want any kind of salvation. They relish the glorious superhuman activities of the Lord, such as His lifting Govardhana Hill and His killing the demon Putana in infancy
- The devotees express their minds before the Deity, and in many instances the Deity also gives answers
- The devotees gave their opinion and said, "The Lord will never meet the King, and if we requested Him to do so, the Lord would surely feel very unhappy"
- The devotees in the Krsna consciousness movement move within this material world, but because their senses are fully engaged in the service of the Lord, they are always aloof from the material world. They are always living in a transcendental position
- The devotees never fall down, but the materialists, i.e., the fruitive workers and the speculative philosophers, do fall down, being forced by their respective modes of nature
- The devotees of Krsna, in their loving relationships with Krsna, sometimes forget their own identities; sometimes they think themselves one with Krsna and yet relish still greater transcendental mellow in that way
- The devotees of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu were not common men, and they could not be subjected to the rules and regulations governing the visiting of holy places. Rather, they exhibited their spontaneous love for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The devotees of the Lord do not bother about the impersonal Brahman conception of God; their faith and devotion bring them to surrender immediately unto the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The devotees of the Lord never willingly commit any sinful act, but sometimes they commit something abominable due to their previous habits
- The devotees of the Lord who are transcendental to the above-mentioned three modes of material nature can see the all-blissful transcendental form of the Lord with their vision of love in the attitude of pure devotional service
- The devotees of the Lord, who are all confidential servitors, are sometimes perplexed in the discharge of their respective duties, but they are never discouraged
- The devotees of the Supreme Lord are always calm and quiet, and their perfection is very rarely seen, even in millions of persons
- The devotees pray to Lord Caitanya, to eliminate their stock of passion and ignorance, the most conspicuous assets of this yuga
- The devotees saw that both Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Gopala were brilliantly effulgent and had eyes like lotuses. They were both absorbed in ecstasy, and both Their faces resembled full moons
- The devotees work to remind the fallen souls of their actual position and to bring them back home, back to Godhead. Such stainless servants of Godhead are very dear to Him
- The devotees worship all these forms (Lord Rama, Baladeva, Sankarsana, Narayana, Maha-Visnu and so forth) according to their liking, and the Lord, out of His affection, presents Himself as arca-vigraha
- The devotees' vision, however, is different; their vision is smeared with love of God
- The devotees, however, also know that the battlefield of Kuruksetra by itself has nothing to do with their business, but in addition they know that "Krsna" does not mean just Krsna alone
- The devotees, however, because of fully surrendering at the lotus feet of the Lord, are never baffled in their attempts
- The devotees, out of their extreme love for Govinda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, always carry the Lord within their hearts. The Lord is already in the heart of everyone, but the Vaisnavas and the brahmanas perceive and see Him always in ecstasy
- The devotees, with their perfect eyes, see the transcendental form of the purusa who has thousands of legs, thighs, arms and faces-all extraordinary
- The difference between a devotee & a nondevotee is this, just like the bee & the fly: the bee always is attracted by the honey & flies go to the open sores. So the devotee is only attracted by the good qualities in other people & does not see their faults
- The difference between the impersonalists and the personalists is that the impersonalists, limited by their speculative processes, cannot even approach the SPG, whereas the devotees please the SPG through His transcendental loving service
- The difference is that the S P of Godhead always exists in the ananda-maya stage, whereas the subordinate living entities, because of their minute position as fragmental portions of the Supreme Lord, are prone to fall to the other stages of life
- The different birds are flying in different positions according to their respective abilities, but the sky has nothing to do with this ability
- The different changes in the material world take place as actions and reactions of the three gunas, but above the three gunas is their director, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The different forms of Krsna are distributed throughout the universe to give pleasure to the devotees. It is not that devotees are born only in India. There are devotees in all parts of the world, but they have simply forgotten their identity
- The different forms of these living entities are only their external dresses. Every living being is actually a spirit soul, a part and parcel of God. Therefore one should not favor only one kind of living being
- The different weights on the anchor which keep us grounded in material life are our attachment to religious forms and rituals without knowing their true purpose - all these anchor the boat of the human body in the material universe
- The differentiation among varieties of life and their suffering and enjoyment is explained by some to be the result of karma. Others say it is due to nature, others due to time, others due to fate, and still others say that it is due to desire
- The difficulty is that the people in this country, they want to continue their practice of sense gratification, and at the same time they want to become transcendentally advanced. This is quite contradictory
- The directive scriptures made by the Manus in different ages and millenniums are called sad-dharma, good guidance for the human beings, who should take advantage of all the revealed scriptures for their own interest, to make life's successful termination
- The diseased condition in which he cannot understand his eternal relationship with Krsna is the contaminated stage, or maya. Since the gopis are on the platform of pure transcendental knowledge, their minds are always filled with Krsna consciousness
- The diseases that attack the body are compared here to soldiers. These soldiers are not ordinary soldiers, for they are guided by the King of the Yavanas, who acts as their commander-in-chief
- The distinction between one's own son and another's son is not unnatural. Many elderly women have motherly affection for the sons of others. They observe distinctions, however, between those other sons and their own
- The dog, jackal, tiger, fox, cat, rabbit, sajaru, lion, monkey, elephant, tortoise, alligator, gosapa, etc., all have five nails in their claws. They are known as panca-nakhas, or animals having five nails
- The dramatic actors would then play their parts, and the dancing ballet girls would separately display their artistic movements
- The drivers of our spaceships may be very proud of their achievements, but they do not consider the supreme driver of these greater, more gigantic spaceships called planets
- The dry speculators, however, because of their following the principles of austerity and penance, can have knowledge of the impersonal features of the Lord to some extent, but there is no chance of their understanding His ultimate form as Govinda
- The dualities found within this material world, such as beginning and end, mine and theirs, are all absent from the personality of the Supreme Lord
- The duration of Manu's life is 309,600,000 years. The demigods possess their material opulence only until the end of the life of Manu
- The duties human beings have to perform are higher than those of animals, who are always engaged in simply feeding their hungry stomachs. Yet the modern soul-killing civilization has only increased the problems of the hungry stomach
- The duty of the state, duty of the father, duty of the teacher - everyone, those who are guardians - they should teach their subordinate how to become faithful to God. This one qualification will make him perfect
- The dynasties known as Yadava, Madhava and Vrsni had their origin from Yadu, Madhu and Vrsni
- The earrings of the gopis, their cheeks, their hair with flowers - as they sang and danced these combined to appear like clouds, thunder, snow and lightning. Krsna's bodily features appeared just like a group of clouds
- The Earth personified continued, "Everything is therefore simultaneously one with You (Krsna) and different from You, and the philosophers who try to separate everything from You are certainly mistaken in their viewpoint"
- The Earth personified continued, "Your (Krsna's) soft and delicate lotus feet are always worshiped by Your unalloyed devotees, and those lotus feet pacify their lotuslike hearts. I therefore repeatedly offer my respectful obeisances unto You"
- The Earth personified continued, 'You Krsna) are always transcendental to all these material activities. My dear Lord, I know that earth, water, fire, air, sky, the five sense objects, mind, the senses, their deities, egotism & the total material energy"
- The educational system should take very seriously if at all they want to make their country nice, not varna-sankarah. Strisu dustasu varna-sankarah bhavisyati. This Vedic culture is so scientifically made
- The eighth (business of the gopis) to show expertise in expressing Their (Radharani and Krsna's) desires, the ninth to conceal the faults of the heroine, the tenth to cheat their respective husbands and relatives
- The eighth creation is that of the lower species of life, and they are of different varieties, numbering twenty-eight. They are all extensively foolish and ignorant. They know their desirables by smell, but are unable to remember anything within the heart
- The eighth incarnation was King Rsabha, son of King Nabhi and his wife Merudevi. In this incarnation the Lord showed the path of perfection, which is followed by those who have fully controlled their senses and who are honored by all orders of life
- The elderly gopis could not distinguish between their own sons and Krsna, for since their own sons had been taken by Brahma, Krsna had expanded as their sons
- The elephant and the gorilla are very strong animals, and we should understand that they get their strength from Krsna
- The elephants, horses, chariots, charioteers, infantry soldiers and various kinds of carriers, along with their riders, were slashed to pieces
- The empiric philosophers, despite their theoretical knowledge of Brahman, cannot utilize the mercy of the Supreme Brahman because they lack affection
- The enchanting vibration of His (Krsna's) songs became a great impediment to the young girls, who were supposed to remain chaste and faithful to their husbands
- The entire issue was so complicated that those who were not strong enough forgot their positions, and thus cursing and countercursing went on in that great assembly
- The entire night was passed in this way, in ecstatic love of Godhead. In the morning they both departed to tend to their respective duties
- The entire process of cosmic arrangement is intended just to give a chance to the conditioned souls to enter the kingdom of God, and there is an adequate arrangement for their maintenance by the nature of the Lord
- The entire world is working under the influence of the modes of material nature, especially ignorance and passion, but if people engage in hearing and chanting about the glories of the Supreme Lord, their lives can be successful
- The exact words used in this connection are vardhayan kama-devam. In Vrndavana, as the boyfriend of many gopis, and in Dvaraka, as the husband of many queens, Krsna increased their lusty desires to enjoy with Him
- The example given here (in SB 10.4.19) is that pots and dolls are produced from the earth, and when broken or destroyed they mingle with their original ingredients. In any case, the source of supply remains the same
- The example of Ramananda Raya is certainly unique. The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta has given this description (of Ramananda Raya's serving two young girls by massaging their bodies with oil) because in perfect DS one can attain such a position
- The example of the damsels of Vrajabhumi Vrndavana (the gopis) is given because these eternal consorts of God terribly suffered the separation of Lord Krsna when God was absent from their presence for His engagement in tending the cows in the forest
- The expansions of Lord Visnu always retain their supremacy; they are never connected with the material qualities
- The expert spiritual master engages his followers in work that will gradually develop their consciousness of service to the Lord
- The eye, is controlled by light, light is distributed by the sun rays, and their controlling deity is the sun. Similarly, mind is controlled by the moon
- The fallen girls under the clutches of Bhaumasura sincerely prayed to Lord Sri Krsna for their deliverance, and their sincerity of purpose made them at once pure by virtue of devotion. The Lord therefore accepted them as His wives
- The false arguments and philosophical word jugglery of your (Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya) disciples are not faults of theirs. They have simply received the benediction of Mayavada philosophy
- The father and mother of this day kill their children within the womb. How degraded human society has become! Their scientific knowledge is so advanced that they think that within the egg and the embryo there is no life
- The father and son relationship as exhibited here in the dealings of Brahma and Manu is excellent. Both the father and the son are well qualified, and their example should be followed by all humankind
- The father should give education at home. Leaders should give education in institution. Politicians should give education in their assemblies, congress. Guru should give education how to surrender to Krsna. The father & mother should educate
- The female relatives, whose eyes were flooded with tears out of anxiety for Krsna, came out of the palace. They could stop their tears only with great difficulty. They feared that tears would cause misfortune at the time of departure
- The few religious deeds that the demons perform are merely a show; they are meant only to flatter their false ego and bring them more recognition and respect. They perform them only for their own sense enjoyment and are invariably acts of violence
- The fig tree (asvattha) is one of the most beautiful and highest trees, and people in India often worship it as one of their daily morning rituals. BG 1972 purports
- The fire within the bodies of the sons of Sagara Maharaja became so much hotter that all of them burned to ashes. The fire's increased heat was due to their misbehavior toward a great personality
- The first business is that the GBC must see to the management of their zones. Still, I require a permanent secretary. In addition, one GBC man may come and go
- The first business of the gopis is to chant the glories of both the hero (Krsna) and the heroine (Radharani). Their second business is to gradually create a situation in which the hero may be attracted to the heroine and vice versa
- The first division (the karma-kanda) recommends fruitive activities by which people can advance to higher planets. Above this is the upasana-kanda, which recommends worship of the various demigods for the purpose of attaining their planets
- The first living creature is Brahma himself, and from him were created sages like Marici, who in their turn created Kasyapa Muni and others, and Kasyapa Muni and the Manus created different demigods and human beings, etc
- The first procedure in receiving guests is to wash their feet, and it is learned from Vedic literature that one time when Maharaja Yudhisthira performed a rajasuya-yajna, Krsna took charge of washing the feet of the visitors
- The first-class example is the gopis. They gave up everything. Their family, their relatives, their husband, their sons, their father, their prestige, their honor - everything sacrificed, simply for Krsna. That is the highest perfection
- The five brothers, headed by King Yudhisthira, underwent all sorts of difficulties because of the conspiracy of their cousins, headed by Duryodhana. But in the long run King Yudhisthira was enthroned by Lord Sri Krsna, and his enemies were vanquished
- The five stores are the five working sensory organs. They transact their business through the combined forces of the five elements, which are eternal. Behind all this activity is the soul. The soul is a person and an enjoyer in reality
- The florist continued, "You are equally disposed as the friend of all living entities; You are the Supersoul, & You do not discriminate between friend & enemy. Yet You are pleased to give Your devotees the special result of their devotional activities"
- The followers of Lord Caitanya cannot blindly accept that everyone born in a brahmana family is a brahmana. Therefore one should not indiscriminately follow the Lord's example of showing respect to brahmanas by drinking water that has washed their feet
- The followers of the Patanjali yoga system actually want to merge into the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This indicates that they do not want to engage in His service despite their knowledge of Him
- The followers of the Vedic injunctions take their information from Vedic statements, such as the verses from the Katha Upanisad and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The following verse appears in Gita-govinda (1.11): His (Krsna's) soft legs and hands, just like the most beautiful moon, are used on the bodies of the gopis. When He embraces different parts of their bodies, He is so beautiful
- The foolish atheists do not accept the supreme authority of the Lord. Such foolish people unnecessarily concoct their own duties without referring to the supreme authority of the Lord
- The foolish human society, they do not know that their real profit is Krsna consciousness. Visnu or Krsna conscious, the same thing. Durasaya ye bahir-artha-maninah. They are trying to be profitable by the external world
- The foolish impersonalists still maintain that the Lord is formless and that these forms are impositions. From the study of the Gita does it appear that the demigods and their abodes are impersonal?
- The foolish people, they do not know. They are trying to improve their economic condition, position, and wasting their time. It has no value. Modern people will take it as very revolting that there is no need of this endeavor for economic development
- The foolish with a poor fund of knowledge cannot know the transcendental nature of the forms, names and activities of the Lord, who is playing like an actor in a drama. Nor can they express such things, neither in their speculations nor in their words
- The fools and rascals, they try to comment on the Bhagavad-gita by their ABCD scholarship. That is not possible. It is sabda-brahman. It will be revealed to the person who has devotion to Krsna. Yasya deve para bhaktir yatha deve
- The forgetful living entities or conditioned souls have forgotten their relationship with the Supreme Lord, and they are engrossed in thinking of material activities. BG 1972 Introduction
- The form of the Lord as four-handed Narayana is the object of meditation for the followers of yoga-marga. In the modern age there are so many so-called yogis who do not target their meditation on the four-handed Narayana form
- The forms of a water jug, bowl or dish are false, but their existence as earth is real. This is the impersonalists' version. This cosmic manifestation is certainly produced from the Absolute Truth, but because its existence is temporary, it is false
- The four brahmana sages (Kumaras) were nevertheless extremely delighted to behold Him (Lord Visnu), and they experienced a thrill throughout their bodies
- The four forms (Vasudeva, etc.), the twelve (Kesava, etc.), and the eight (Purusottama, etc.) all together constitute twenty-four forms. The forms are differently named in accordance with the placement of the weapons They hold in Their four hands
- The four Kumaras and Sukadeva Gosvami were liberated from the beginning, yet in their later life they became attracted to the pastimes of Krsna and became devotees
- The four Kumaras inaugurated their own spiritual party, or sampradaya, known as the Kumara-sampradaya, or later on as the Nimbarka-sampradaya, for the advancement of bhakti
- The four Kumaras were cognizant of their situation in the modes of passion and ignorance because, although in Vaikuntha, they wanted to curse devotees of the Lord
- The four leaders of the human society, namely the sannyasis, the brahmana, the king and the public leader, must be tested crucially by their character and qualification
- The four orders of the social system - namely brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra - are arranged according to guna and karma, their qualities and work
- The four sages (Kumaras) now offer their humility to the Personality of Godhead because of their having been haughty in cursing two other devotees of the Lord - Jaya and Vijaya
- The four sages Sanat-kumara, Sanatana, Sanandana & Sanaka are described as actually sincere devotees. Although they had heard from their father, Brahma, about the personal feature of the Lord, only the impersonal feature - Brahman - was revealed to them
- The four sages were impersonalists in the beginning of their spiritual life, but afterwards, by the grace of their father and spiritual master, Brahma, they understood the eternal, spiritual form of the Lord and felt completely satisfied
- The four social orders (intellectual, administrative, mercantile, and laborer) are set by Him (Krsna) according to the qualities these persons have acquired through their actions under the modes of nature
- The four sons of Brahma, the Kumaras, declined to become family men even on the request of their great father, Brahma. Those who are serious about gaining release from material bondage should not be entangled in the false relationship of family bondage
- The four Vedas, with their supplementary Puranas, the Mahabharata, the Ramayana and their corollaries, which are known as smrtis, are all authorized sources of knowledge
- The four-headed Brahma of this universe saw innumerable other Brahmas coming to see Krsna and offer their respects. Some of them had ten heads, some had twenty, some had a hundred and some had a million heads
- The fruitive actors can attain their goals by devotional service, and the salvationists can also attain their goal in life by devotional service to the Lord
- The fruitive workers sacrifice their material possessions for material enjoyment, whereas the impersonalist sacrifices his material designations with a view to merging into the existence of the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- The function of the acarya is to change the activities of both the first-class and third-class prisoners for their real benefit. This endeavor makes him a very dear devotee of the Lord
- The Gandharvas and Kinnaras began to sing, and, accompanied by their respective wives, all the Gandharvas began to shower flowers on the dancers
- The girls then brought the offerings before the Lord, who ate them all and blessed the girls to their satisfaction
- The glories of Lord Nityananda's transcendental attributes are unfathomable. Even Lord Sesa, with His thousands of mouths, cannot find their limit
- The glowing effulgence of His (Govinda's) transcendental form is the impersonal Brahman, which is absolute, complete and unlimited and which displays the varieties of countless planets, with their different opulences, in millions and millions of universes
- The glowing effulgence of His transcendental form is the impersonal Brahman, which is absolute, complete and unlimited and which displays the varieties of countless planets, with their different opulences, in millions and millions of universes
- The god of death entered His anus with the organ of defecation, but the virat-purusa could not be spurred to activity. The god Indra entered the hands with their power of grasping and dropping things, but the virat-purusa would not get up even then
- The God of the monists, or Mayavadis, cannot eat, see, or hear. Such a concocted, formless God can never bring peace to the world. How can a God who has no sensory organs see the miseries of the people or hear their heartfelt prayers?
- The goddess of fortune, by her favorable and merciful glance, can increase the opulence of the three worlds, along with their inhabitants and their directors, the demigods
- The goddesses of fortune worship the Lord in their own gardens by offering tulasi leaves on the coral-paved banks of transcendental reservoirs of water
- The gopis and inhabitants of Vrndavana used to see the luster of lotus flowers everywhere, and they could hardly withdraw their eyes from such a vision
- The gopis and the queens of Dvaraka, simply by enhancing their lusty desires to enjoy Krsna as their boyfriend or husband, received the highest type of salvation
- The gopis are forced to abandon their household duties and come before Lord Krsna. In this way all social etiquette, shame and fear are vanquished. The vibration of His flute causes all women to dance
- The gopis are never pleased to see anything but Krsna. The only solace for their eyes is the beautiful moonlike face of Krsna, the worshipful object of all senses
- The gopis are not as pleased when they directly mix with Krsna as when they serve to unite Srimati Radharani with Krsna. Their transcendental pleasure lies in uniting Them
- The gopis are not interested in dry speculation, in the arts, in music, or other conditions of material life. They are bereft of all understanding of material enjoyment and renunciation. Their only desire is to see Krsna return
- The gopis are so fortunate that they can see and think of Krsna twenty-four hours a day, beginning from their milking the cows or husking the paddy or churning the butter in the morning
- The gopis are the epitome of this perfectional stage of knowledge. They are not simple mental speculators. Their minds are always in Krsna
- The gopis became tired after long singing & dancing. Krsna was dancing beside them, & to alleviate their fatigue they took Sri Krsna’s hand & placed it on their raised breasts
- The gopis became tired after long singing and dancing. Krsna was dancing beside them, and to alleviate their fatigue they took Sri Krsna's hand and placed it on their raised breasts
- The gopis become happy by seeing one another associate with Krsna. In this way their dealings are further nourished by love of Godhead, and seeing this, Krsna is very pleased
- The gopis by their lusty desires, Kamsa by fear, Sisupala by envy, the Yadus by their familial relationship with Krsna, you Pandavas by your great affection for Krsna, and we the general devotees, by devotional service, have obtained the mercy of Krsna
- The gopis came upon many trees so laden with fruits and flowers that their branches were bent down to the ground
- The gopis continued, "Dear Krsna, You are known as Hari. You destroy all the miseries of all living entities, specifically of those who have left their homes and family attachment and have completely taken to You"
- The gopis continued, "We (gopis) can understand that family affection is very strong. Even great sages who have taken to the renounced order of life cannot give up family affection cent percent. Sometimes they think of their family members"
- The gopis cursed the creator for creating eyelids that interfered with their vision
- The gopis desired to have Krsna as their husband, and since it is only before her husband that a woman can be naked, to fulfill their desire Lord Krsna accepted their prayers by this pastime of stealing their garments
- The gopis do not care for their own pleasures or pains. All their physical and mental activities are directed toward offering enjoyment to Lord Krsna
- The gopis dressed themselves very luxuriantly and sat in bull-driven carts, chanting the glories of Krsna's pastimes. The brahmanas, assembled there to act as priests for Govardhana-puja, offered their blessings to the cowherd men and their wives
- The gopis have become purified by Krsna's glance, and as such, Cupid's influence is distinctly visible on their bodies
- The gopis have fallen into the great ocean of separation and are being devoured by the timingila fish of their ambition to serve You. The gopis are to be delivered from the mouths of these timingila fish, for they are pure devotees
- The gopis have no inclination for their own enjoyment, and yet their joy increases. That is indeed a contradiction
- The gopis kept their individuality to enjoy the company of Lord Krsna, but Kamsa was accepted into His (Krsna's) impersonal brahmajyoti
- The gopis know Krsna's desires, and they know how to render perfect loving service for His enjoyment. They perform their service expertly for the satisfaction of their beloved
- The gopis regretted that their breasts were so hard, fearing that Krsna might not be very pleased to keep His soft lotus feet there. When those lotus feet were pricked by the grains of sand in the pasturing ground, the gopis were pained and began to cry
- The gopis said that even if they could have that duration of night, it would still not be sufficient for their meeting with Krsna
- The gopis said to their gopi friends, "It appears that the flowers of the creepers must have been touched by the nails of Krsna. Otherwise, how could they feel so jubilant?"
- The gopis saw the plants, creepers and trees loaded with fruits and flowers and ready to serve Krsna. In this way they immediately remembered their worshipable Lord Sri Krsna. They did not simply see plants, creepers and trees the way a mundaner sees them
- The gopis saw their beloved Krsna at Kuruksetra after a long separation. They secured and embraced Him in their hearts through their eyes, and they attained a joy so intense that not even perfect yogis can attain it
- The gopis simply wanted to satisfy Krsna's senses, and thus they completely gave up the conventional path of social restriction, not caring for their relatives or the chastisement of their husbands
- The gopis suffered their relatives' punishment and scolding, all for the sake of serving Lord Krsna. They render loving service to Him for the sake of His enjoyment
- The gopis then came upon many trees so laden with fruits and flowers that their branches were bent down to the ground
- The gopis think that if their eyes are not engaged in seeing the beautiful face of Krsna, it would be better for them to be struck by a thunderbolt
- The gopis think: "Krsna finds joy in seeing and touching this body." It is for this reason that they cleanse and decorate their bodies
- The gopis think: "Krsna has obtained so much pleasure by seeing me." That thought increases the fullness and beauty of their faces and bodies
- The gopis used to discuss Krsna amongst themselves, and their talks were as follows. "My dear friends," one gopi said, "do you know that when Krsna lies on the ground He rests on His left elbow, and His head rests on His left hand?"
- The gopis used to worship not only Lord Siva but Katyayani, or Durga, as well, but their aim was to attain the favor of Lord Krsna
- The gopis wanted to keep Krsna at home always, and in this way their minds were absorbed in Krsna consciousness. Such pure Krsna consciousness can arise only in Vrndavana
- The gopis wanted to please Krsna, and therefore as Krsna sang, they responded and encouraged Him by saying "Well done! Well done!" Sometimes they presented beautiful music for His pleasure, and He responded by praising their singing
- The gopis were advised by their superiors to bolt the doors at night, but they were so carefree that they did not carry out this order very rigidly
- The gopis were envious of the deer because the deer were able to offer their service to Krsna along with their husbands. The gopis thought themselves not so fortunate because whenever they wanted to go to Krsna, their husbands were not very happy
- The gopis were relieved from their transcendental burning condition by realizing Krsna was with them. Internally, they remembered His association within their hearts, externally Uddhava helped them associate with Him by his conclusive instructions
- The gopis were so much attracted to Krsna that when they heard the vibration of His flute they instantly left their homes, families, children, honor and feminine bashfulness and ran toward the place where Krsna was standing
- The gopis were very much afflicted because they saw Krsna walking on the sand and thought that Krsna's lotus feet, which they dared not place on their breasts because they thought their breasts not soft enough, were being pierced by broken chips of stone
- The gopis worshiped goddess Durga, or Katyayani, but their inner desire was to get Lord Krsna as their husband. Krsna, as Paramatma, could realize the ardent desire of the gopis, and therefore He enjoyed the pastime of vastra-harana
- The gopis worshiped Katyayani, Yogamaya, to attain Krsna as their husband
- The gopis' songs were like thunder, their beauty appeared to be just like lightning in the sky, and the drops of perspiration visible on their faces appeared like falling snow. In this way, the gopis and Krsna fully engaged in dancing
- The gopis, being naturally very affectionate to Krsna, began to offer Him yogurt mixed with their tears, and they poured incessant blessings upon Him
- The gopis, by their lusty desires, which were based upon their intense love for Krsna, became the most beloved devotees of the Lord
- The gopis, following the proper system, protected Krsna, their child, with this mantra: "May the carrier of the bow, who is known as the enemy of Madhu, and Lord Ajana, the carrier of the sword, protect Your two sides" - SB 10.6.22-23
- The gopis, following the proper system, protected Krsna, their child, with this mantra: May Aja protect Your legs, may Maniman protect Your knees, Yajna Your thighs, Acyuta the upper part of Your waist, and Hayagriva Your abdomen - SB 10.6.22-23
- The gopis, headed by mother Yasoda and Rohini, chanted the names of Visnu to give Krsna's body full protection from all evil influences. They washed their hands and feet and sipped water three times, as is the custom before chanting mantra
- The gopis, the girlfriends of Krsna, were almost of the same age as He. Within their minds they desired that Krsna be their husband, but because of feminine bashfulness they could not express their desire
- The gopis, they are village cowherds women. They are, according to social construction, they are not very high class. They did not belong to the brahmana class. But their worship, method of worship, has been taken the highest
- The gopis’ breasts are compared to cakravakas and their hands to red lotuses protecting them. This is a wonderful instance of reverse analogy
- The Gosvamins are praying, in their mature stage, when they were living at Vrndavana, they were praying in this way: Where, Radharani, where You are? Where are Your associates? Where You are, Nanda-suno, the son of Nanda Maharaja, Krsna?
- The Gosvamis cried, "O gopis, where are You? Where are You, Srimati Radharani?" They never said, "We have now seen Radha and Krsna, and therefore our mission is fulfilled." Their mission remained always unfulfilled; they never met Radha and Krsna
- The gosvamis restrain all their senses, and they stick to the path made by the previous acaryas
- The Gosvamis would live under a tree for one night only, and the trees would satisfy all their desires. For the common man this may all seem very wonderful, but as one makes progress in devotional service, all this can be realized
- The Gosvamis would live under a tree for one night only, and the trees would satisfy all their desires. For the common man this may all seem very wonderful, but as one makes progress in devotional service, all this can be realized - CC Intro
- The Gosvamis, ideal. They left their comfortable position as ministers, went to Vrndavana, and became a mendicant
- The grandchildren also marry and in their turn produce great-grandchildren. In this way the entire earth becomes overpopulated, and then suddenly there are reactions provoked by material nature in the form of war, famine, pestilence and earthquakes, etc
- The great business magnates, industrialists who work very hard to earn money by different ways and questionable means, eat the thorny results of their actions mixed with their own blood
- The great devotee Prahlada Maharaja confirms that people in general do not know that their ultimate center of attraction is Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And in the Visnu category, Sri Krsna is the supreme attraction
- The great devotees sometimes treat God (Krsna) as a son in their execution of devotional service - CC Intro
- The great heroes of the Yadu dynasty, being protected by the arms of Sri Krsna, always remain fearless in every respect. & therefore their feet trample over the Sudharma assembly house, which the best demigods deserved but which was taken away from them
- The great kings, leaders and soldiers fight with one another in order to perpetuate their names in history. They are forgotten in due course of time, and they make a place for another era in history
- The great politician Canakya said that if there is a good tree within a garden or forest, its flowers will fill the forest with their fragrance. Similarly, a good son within a family makes the whole family famous all over the world
- The great sage Maitreya is now going to explain about the descendants of this Manu (in SB 4.8.6), all of whom are widely celebrated for their pious activities
- The great sage Maitreya said: After hearing King Prthu speak so nicely, all the demigods, the denizens of Pitrloka, the brahmanas and the saintly persons present at the meeting congratulated him by expressing their good will
- The great sage Maitreya told Vidura: When the demigods were thus reassured by the Personality of Godhead, they were freed from all fears, and after offering their obeisances, they returned to their heavenly planets
- The great sage Narada spoke as follows: "In conditioned life, all living entities are within the jurisdiction of the three modes of material nature. As such, they are unable to see Your (Krsna's) presence everywhere with their material eyes"
- The great sage Narada thereafter thought that it was his duty to put those demigods into a condition where they could not be falsely proud of their material opulence and prestige. Narada was compassionate and wanted to save them from their fallen life
- The great sage Narada thought it fitting that, although the brothers would be punished to become trees, by his mercy they would continue to keep their memory and be able to know why they were being punished
- The great sage Narayana continued, "In this meeting, all the great sages and brahmacaris very elaborately discussed the point about which you have asked Me, and their discussion was very interesting"
- The great sage Narayana continued, "Their discussion was on the subject matter of understanding the Absolute Truth, Brahman. You were not present at that meeting because you had gone to see My expansion Aniruddha, who lives on the island of Svetadvipa"
- The great sages used to advise the head of the state, or the king, and he used to rule the populace in accordance with their instruction. After the disappearance of King Anga, there was no one to follow the instructions of the great sages
- The great sages, having thus decided, approached King Vena. Concealing their real anger, they pacified him with sweet words and then spoke as follows
- The great sages, thus manifesting their covert anger, immediately decided to kill the King. Vena was already as good as dead due to his blasphemy against the SPG. Thus without using any weapons, the sages killed King Vena simply by high-sounding words
- The great saint Narada Muni said: The demons, headed by Hiranyakasipu, accepted Sukracarya as their priest for ritualistic ceremonies. Sukracarya's two sons, Sanda and Amarka, lived near Hiranyakasipu's palace
- The greater demons, like Hiranyakasipu, are always prepared to chastise the Vaisnavas, and they try to make arrangements so that Vaisnavas will not come to sell their books and preach Krsna consciousness
- The grhasthas, vanaprasthas, brahmacaris and sannyasis should endeavor together with their total energy to become Krsna conscious. This type of civilization is called daiva-varnasrama
- The guests from many kingdoms, like Srnjaya, Kamboja, Kuru, Kekaya & Kosala, were present with their different flags & gorgeously decorated elephants, chariots, horses & soldiers. All of them passed in a procession, with Yudhisthira in the forefront
- The Hare Krsna movement is trying to elevate such foolish persons (the so-called scientists, philosophers and other leaders) by enlightening their intelligence so that they will take advantage of the human body
- The Haryasvas did not consider pious and impious activities. Their materialistic father (Daksa) had instructed them to increase the population, but because of the words of Narada Muni, they could not heed that instruction
- The Haryasvas, the sons of Prajapati Daksa, were certainly well behaved, learned and advanced, and in accordance with the order of their father they went to perform austerities to beget good sons for their family
- The Haryasvas, the sons of Prajapati Daksa, were very well behaved, cultured sons, but unfortunately, because of the instructions of Narada Muni, they deviated from the order of their father
- The heavenly denizens from the upper planets used to visit the palace of King Kuntibhoja, and Kunti was engaged for their reception
- The heavenly physicians like the Asvini-kumaras could give youthful life even to one who was advanced in age. Indeed, great yogis, with their mystic powers, can even bring a dead body back to life if the structure of the body is in order
- The heralding sound of the auspicious conchshell was very encouraging, and apparently the sound pacified their dejection (the inhabitants of the city of Dvaraka were in a mood of dejection, because they could not bear the separation of the Lord)
- The heroes who died on the battlefield immediately became ghosts, and although their heads had been severed from their bodies, new trunks were generated, and these new trunks, seeing with the eyes in the severed heads, began to attack the enemy
- The higher forms of life are there in the upper planetary system. Their duration of life, material standard of living, very, very comfortable, thousand times better than here
- The highest standard of bodily comfort is achieved by a fruitive worker who by pious activities reaches the plane of heaven, or the kingdom of the creative gods with their delegated powers
- The Hindus, Muslims, they are innocent. They don't fight. These politicians engaged them to fight artificially for their political ambition. The wars also declared nowadays, on account of the rascal politicians. The people do not want it
- The hobgoblins and ghosts attack men who are impure, and their attack is spoken of as insanity
- The householders are allowed a pension from service so that they can live for a higher cultural life. But foolish men, reluctant even to accept this pension, want to artificially increase the duration of their life
- The householders should earn a livelihood by an honorable means and spend fifty percent of their income to propagate KC all over the world. Thus a householder should give in charity to such institutional societies that are engaged in that way. BG 1972 p
- The housekeeper and the guards of the palace could guess very easily that she was having relations with a male friend, and without waiting for further developments, all of them informed their master, Banasura
- The human beings on earth generally cover themselves with external fragrances to stop their bad bodily odors
- The human life is meant for getting out of this ignorance of life. But people are being put into ignorance, and their human life is being spoiled. So therefore this Krsna consciousness movement is the greatest welfare activity to the human society
- The human society requires this knowledge and we are trying to give this knowledge alone with our humble attempt, and these foreigners are helping with their pranair arthair dhiya vaca, by their life, by their money, by their intelligence, by their words
- The human society, they should be advanced so much that even the birds, they have nothing to kill for their eating. They have got sufficient food. And we are advanced human being, we are killing for eating instead of God giving us so much food
- The humility of these two brothers could even melt stone. Because I was very pleased with their behavior, I told them, 'Although you are both very much exalted, you consider yourselves inferior, and because of this, Krsna will very soon deliver you'
- The hunter received the two great sages at his home and offered them a sitting place, brought water, washed their feet, took water to them to drink, and finally both he and his wife touched the water with their heads
- The husband and wife (Jagannatha Misra and Sacimata), having gotten Visvarupa as their son, were very pleased within their minds. Because of their pleasure, they specifically began to serve the lotus feet of Govinda
- The husband and wife should control sex indulgence and concentrate their minds on Krsna consciousness so their life may be successful
- The husband and wife, Jagannatha Misra and Sacimata, were very unhappy because their eight daughters had passed away. Now, when they got Visvarupa as their son, certainly they became extremely happy
- The husband, according to Vedic instruction, is required to please the wife with sufficient food, ornaments and clothing. Then, if they are satisfied with their mutual dealings, good children are born. In this way the entire world can become peaceful
- The idea expressed in this statement is that the gopis were comparing their attraction for Krsna to an attack by demons
- The idea is that they (demoniac human beings) do not know how to expend their energy for right causes, being unaware of the benefit of Krsna consciousness. Actually, there are two classes of men - one is Krsna conscious, the other is non-Krsna conscious
- The idea that scientists can develop a chemical situation resembling that of an egg and bring life from it is nonsensical. Their theory that a chemical combination can have life may be accepted, but these rascals cannot create such a combination
- The illusory energy acts very powerfully on them because in spite of their elevated mundane education, such persons are faithless and are infected by the mentality of atheism
- The immigration department by their confidential conspiracy did not allow me to enter into Nairobi. Therefore, from the Nairobi airport I immediately arranged to come to London
- The impersonalists are full of duplicity. Sometimes they pretend to execute devotional service, but their ultimate idea is to become one with the Supreme. This is duplicity, kapata
- The impersonalists cannot observe such goddesses of fortune because of their dry speculative habit. And those who are artists, overtaken by the beautiful creation, should better see to the beautiful face of the Lord for complete satisfaction
- The impersonalists cannot reach the Vaikuntha planets to become associates of the Lord, and therefore, according to their desires, Krsna gives them sayujya-mukti
- The impersonalists desire salvation from Him, and He always awards them according to their aspiration
- The impersonalists desire to merge into the existence of the supreme, but without keeping their individuality they have no chance of hearing and chanting the glories of the Supreme Lord
- The impersonalists desire to merge into the spiritual existence, to end their individual existence, but according to Srimad-Bhagavatam, mukti is only the beginning of one's becoming situated in his normal condition
- The impersonalists do not believe in the form of the Lord, and thus they would hardly believe in the Lord's sleeping. Their idea is obtained by a poor fund of knowledge; they calculate everything in terms of man's capacity
- The impersonalists or the void philosophers, their process of so-called yoga is simply troublesome, and maybe some profit there, but the ultimate profit, they cannot have. It is not possible
- The impersonalists or the voidists, so where is their God? So there is no God for them. Impersonal. So there is no activity. What they will hear and where they will chant? If you have no activity, then what shall I hear about you
- The impersonalists sacrifice their individuality so that the living spark can merge into the impersonal effulgence emanating from the transcendental body of the Lord, but the devotee has a specific abode
- The impersonalists who try to avoid everything material may undergo severe austerities, but they miss the opportunity of being engaged in the service of the Lord. Thus their renunciation is not sufficient for perfection
- The impersonalists, in order to establish their philosophy, accept these discussions (in the Upanisads and Vedanta-sutra) in terms of laksana-vrtti, or indirect meanings
- The impersonalists, they do not develop body. They simply remain as spirit particle. That is their idea. But we Vaisnava, we want to serve Krsna, therefore we require hands, legs and mouth and tongue, everything. So we are giving such body
- The impersonalists, who try to lose their individuality, also lose both material and spiritual pleasure. The last destination of the Buddhist philosophers is to become just like a stone, which is immovable and has neither material nor spiritual activity
- The importance of tulasi leaves is very clearly mentioned here (SB 3.15.19). Tulasi plants and their leaves are very important in devotional service. Devotees are recommended to water the tulasi tree every day and collect the leaves to worship the Lord
- The incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead all function differently, but their main purpose is to protect the devotees & annihilate the miscreants. Yet even though the duskrtis, or miscreants, are annihilated, this is ultimately good for them
- The incessant arrows shot by Krsna appeared like a whirlwind of blazing fire killing all the military strength of Jarasandha. As Krsna released His arrows, all the elephants gradually began to fall, their heads severed by the arrows
- The individual souls, who are put into the miseries of the material world, are suffering the resultant reactions of their unsanctioned activities. This is the verdict of Bhagavad-gita - BG 16.19
- The infinitesimal living entities are emanations from the original infinite spirit. In their constitutional position as infinitesimal spirits, there is no trace of matter
- The influence of Cupid is very prominent. As both parties move their eyebrows and glance at one another, their lusty desires increase more and more
- The inhabitants of both Siddhaloka and Vidyadhara-loka are naturally endowed with mystic yogic powers by which they not only can fly in outer space without a vehicle but can also fly from one planet to another simply by exerting their will
- The inhabitants of Dvaraka City were so much pleased that they dressed themselves with the nicest possible ornaments and garments and went to present gifts, according to their means, to the newly married couple, Krsna and Rukmini
- The inhabitants of Gandharvaloka and Caranaloka then took the opportunity to play their musical instruments, such as conchshells, bugles and drums. They began dancing and singing along with their wives
- The inhabitants of Pitrloka are generally men of the karma-kandiya, or fruitive activities category, who have been transferred there because of their pious activities. They can stay there as long as their descendants offer them visnu-prasada
- The inhabitants of the Vaikuntha planets are described as having a glowing sky-bluish complexion. Their eyes resemble lotus flowers, their dress is of yellowish color, and their bodily features very attractive
- The inhabitants of the village brought to the Deity of Gopala as much food grains, ghee, yogurt and milk as they had in their village
- The inhabitants of Vaikuntha give preference to the service of the Lord, not their own sense gratification. Serving the Lord in transcendental love yields such transcendental pleasure that, in comparison, sense gratification is counted as insignificant
- The inhabitants of Vaikuntha travel in their airplanes made of lapis lazuli, emerald and gold. Although crowded by their consorts, who have large hips and beautiful smiling faces, they cannot be stimulated to passion by their mirth and beautiful charms
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana and their animals remained there for 1 week without being disturbed by hunger, thirst or any other discomforts. They were simply astonished to see how Krsna was holding up the mountain with the little finger of His left hand
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana are all pure devotees. Their destination after quitting the body is Krsnaloka. They even surpass the Vaikunthalokas
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana assembled together, decorated their cows and gave them grass. Keeping the cows in front, they began to circumambulate Govardhana Hill
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana assembled together, decorated their cows and gave them grass. Keeping the cows in front, they began to circumambulate Govardhana Hill - SB 10.24.31-33
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana wanted their minds to be always fixed upon His (Krsna's) lotus feet, their words to be always engaged in glorifying Him, and their bodies to be always engaged in bowing down
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana wanted their minds to be always fixed upon His (Krsna's) lotus feet, their words to be always engaged in glorifying Him, and their bodies to be always engaged in bowing down as they constantly remembered Him
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana, including the cowherd boys and men, the gopis, mother Yasoda, Maharaja Nanda and all the cows and calves, saw Krsna coming from the Yamuna, and it was as though they had recovered their very life
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana, Vrajabhumi, are living examples of devotional service. Theirs is ideal devotional service with attachment, and such devotion cannot be found anywhere except Vrndavana
- The inhabitants, being joyous, decorated their respective houses and shops with flags and festoons. The brahmanas chanted Vedic mantras at numerous places. The people constructed road crossings and gates at entrances to lanes and streets
- The inquiries of the sages headed by Saunaka are praised by Suta Gosvami on the merit of their transcendental nature
- The inquisitive are usually intelligent. They are always researching to understand things. They may ask, "What is God?" & then conduct scientific research to find out. They are also considered pious because their research is directed to the proper object
- The insuperable ecstasy was so strong that the queens, who were shy, first embraced the Lord in the innermost recesses of their hearts. Then they embraced Him visually, and then they sent their sons to embrace Him (which is equal to personal embracing)
- The intelligent men, or the brahmanas specifically engaged in the service of the Lord, were properly maintained without anxiety for the needs of the body, and the King and other householders gladly looked after all their comforts
- The intelligent person is in KC, & he has no need to worship the paltry demigods for some immediate, temporary benefit. The demigods of this material world, as well as their worshipers, will vanish with the annihilation of this material world. BG 1972 p
- The jiva is spiritual energy, while the sky is matter. It is wrong to compare a spiritual subject to a material object. This is a typical example of how the impersonal speculators waste their time trying to equate spiritual substance with mundane things
- The jiva-bhuta, the living entities, control this material world with their limited potencies
- The jnani and yogis may rise to the highest position, Brahman realization, but because of their lack of devotion unto the lotus feet of the Lord, they again fall down into material nature
- The jnanis & the yogis, by their endeavor, they are trying to get out of this entanglement, but the devotees, simply by engaging himself in the vasudeva-bhakti, vasudeva-parayana, simply by bhakti they come out of the entanglement without any difficulty
- The jnanis and yogis are generally impersonalists, and although they attain the temporary form of liberation by merging into the impersonal effulgence, the spiritual sky, according to Srimad-Bhagavatam their knowledge is not considered pure
- The jnanis are mental speculators who simply try to understand what is spirit and what is matter. Their process is neti neti: "This is not spirit, this is not Brahman"
- The jnanis want to see Him to become one with Him, and the yogis want to see Him partially represented within their heart as Paramatma, but the bhaktas, or the devotees, want to see Him in His complete perfection
- The jnanis, or monistic philosophers, because of their impersonal conception of the Lord, cannot enter the Vaikuṇṭha planets, but they also cannot stay eternally in the brahma-jyotir. Thus after some time they fall again to this material world
- The jnanis, they are simply trying to get out of the material world, but their attempt will be failure because they do not catch up the real spiritual work. Real spiritual work is Krsna
- The jnanis, yogis and karmis are not particularly dear, for the karmis simply want to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead as their order supplier
- The kapalika mendicants are tantric materialists who carry skulls in their hands. They are not Vaisnavas and have nothing to do with spiritual life; therefore they are untouchable
- The Kapalika process is very vicious - they kill their disciples, and so many things there are, the Buddha Kapalika. It became a vicious religious system. So Sankaracarya wanted to stop
- The karma-mimamsa also, that, they say that, "After all, if we act virtuously, then we shall get good result. So what is the use of worshiping God? Let us work virtuously." This is their view
- The karma-yogi renders this immense benefit (by helping living entities revive their eternal relationship with Krsna) to the ordinary living entities-who are entirely addicted to mundane activities - without disturbing them in their ordinary engagements
- The karmis have no end to their desires. "Bring money, bring money, bring money, bring money." You have seen. You have got good experience in your country. Millionaires, multi-millionaires, still working hard
- The karmis transmigrate through different bodies in the cycle of birth and death, sometimes going upward and sometimes downward, thus suffering the results of their actions in the karma-cakra, the cycle of birth and death
- The karmis try to receive the favor and mercy of Laksmi, but because they are not devotees of Narayana, their opulence is flickering
- The karmis want to use the property of the Lord for their selfish sense gratification, but a devotee endeavors to use the Lord's property for God's service
- The karmis, however, or jnanis or yogis endeavor always for their own personal happiness
- The karmis, jnanis and yogis have their particular mentalities in the modes of nature, and therefore they are called itara or nondevotees. These itaras, including even the yogis, sometimes harass the devotees of the Lord
- The karmis, they are more and more becoming entangled: "Give me this, give me that, give me that"; ultimately, "Give me the post of Brahma," "Give me the post of Indra." So their business is simply "give me"
- The killing of cows by human society is one of the grossest suicidal policies, and those who are anxious to cultivate the human spirit must turn their attention first toward the question of cow protection
- The killing of Pralambasura & the devouring of the devastating forest fire by Krsna and Balarama became household topics in Vrndavana. The cowherd men described these wonderful activities to their wives and to everyone else, & all were struck with wonder
- The Kimpurusas and Kinnaras took possession of that shadowy form left by Brahma. That is why they and their spouses sing his praises by recounting his exploits at every daybreak
- The King (Barhisman) therefore decided to reject the so-called priestly orders that simply engage their followers in the ritualistic ceremonies without giving effective instructions about the goal of life
- The king is duty-bound to protect the living entities in his kingdom. Thus although the parents are directly responsible for the protection and maintenance of their children, the duty of the king is to see that all parents do their duty properly
- The King of heaven and the fire-god disclosed their identity, and the King (Sibi) was blessed by them
- The king or government may levy taxes upon the citizens in various ways provided the king is able to give full protection to his subjects to assure the security of their life and property
- The King said: By the grace of the Lord, those who have lost their self-knowledge since time immemorial, and who because of this ignorance are involved in a material, conditional life full of miseries, obtain the chance to meet the Lord's devotee
- The King saw that there was no other way to satisfy them for their exalted activities. The word vinoda-patram can be divided into two words, vina and uda-patram, or can be understood as one word, vinoda-patram, which means "joker
- The King thought to himself: Persons who have no son are certainly fortunate. They must have worshiped the Lord in their previous lives so that they would not have to suffer the unbearable unhappiness caused by a bad son
- The king would supply everything for their benefit, and because of this he would levy taxes. If the king or government otherwise levies taxes on the citizens, he becomes responsible for the sinful activities of the citizens
- The King's behavior was very pleasing to the reciters, and consequently the reciters continued their praise and even foretold the King's future activities, as they had been instructed by the sadhus and sages
- The kingdom of Godhead is where the erotic principles of Godhead are eternally relished in their real form, distinct from the perverted sexual love so much adored and indulged in by the fallen souls in their diseased condition
- The kings and executive heads of government in the Vedic age never accepted their positions for sense enjoyment. Such exalted kings, who were known as rajarsis, ruled only to maintain and protect the kingdom for the welfare of the citizens
- The kings began to manage the affairs of their kingdoms in accordance with the instructions of Lord Krsna, and all those kings and their subjects passed their days very happily. This is a vivid example of a Krsna conscious society
- The kings of Hastinapura were taken to be the ruling kings of the whole world. Their fame was widely spread throughout the entire kingdom, and their administration was conducted under the good counsel of learned brahmanas
- The knowledge of the self and Supreme Self is very confidential and mysterious, but such knowledge and specific realization can be understood if explained with their various aspects by the Lord Himself
- The Krsna conscious devotees collect the money of others for the service of Krsna, and they are satisfied with Krsna’s prasadam and whatever He gives them for their maintenance. They do not desire material comforts
- The Krsna consciousness movement is spreading to enlighten people about their real position, their original relationship with Krsna. One requires Krsna’s special power in order to be able to do this
- The krsna-katha is not a subject matter for debating club. It is meant for the devotees. Without devotees, nobody can understand. The others who are not devotee, they simply waste their time in reading Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam, such literature
- The ksatriya kings were mostly staunch Vaisnavas, worshiping Lord Visnu in either the Radha-Krsna or Laksmi-Narayana form; still, for their material welfare they used to worship goddess Durga
- The ksatriyas had killed his father was only a plea; the real fact is that because the ksatriyas, the ruling class, had become polluted, their position was inauspicious
- The ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras eat their food by virtue of the brahmanas' mercy. It is the brahmanas who enjoy their own property, clothe themselves with their own property and give charity with their own property
- The Kumaras and Narada are known as naisthika-brahmacaris. Such brahmacaris are called vira-vrata because their vow of celibacy is as heroic as the vows of the ksatriyas
- The Kumaras did not accept the offering of their father (Lord Brahma) because they were elevated far beyond the business of generating a great number of sons
- The Kumaras entered all the six doors of the palace, and no one checked them; therefore when they attempted to enter the seventh door and were forbidden by the doormen, who checked them with their sticks, they naturally became very angry and sorrowful
- The Kurus thought, "If they (Yadus) come to challenge us because their son was arrested, we shall accept the fight & teach them a lesson, automatically they will be subdued under pressure, as the senses are subdued by the mystic yoga process of pranayam"
- The Kurus thought, "The kings of the Kuru dynasty are the emperors whereas the kings of the Yadu dynasty are able to enjoy their land only because we have granted it to them"
- The ladies are as beautiful as lightning because of their celestial complexions, and all these combined together appear just like the sky decorated with both clouds and lightning
- The ladies had lost their sense of enjoyment. They could not encourage the fighting between the strong and the weak
- The ladies in the Vaikuntha planets are as beautiful as the goddess of fortune herself. Such transcendentally beautiful ladies, their hands playing with lotuses and their leg bangles tinkling, are sometimes seen sweeping the marble walls
- The ladies of the palace, who were blessed with beautiful teeth and the most wonderfully beautiful faces, walked here and there in the palace, their ankle bells tinkling melodiously, and saw their own beautiful reflections in the gems
- The lady continued, "While engaged in cleaning their houses and washing their floors, they (the gopis) are always absorbed in thought of Krsna"
- The leader of the elephants who lived in the forest of the mountain Trikuta once wandered toward the lake with his female elephants. He broke many plants, creepers, thickets and trees, not caring for their piercing thorns
- The leaders incite them toward false, illusory gain and thus engage them in various acts of sin. In temporarily benefiting themselves, such leaders sacrifice the real interest of their followers and destroy the followers
- The leaders must know first of all how they can do good for their followers, by understanding the real method of karma-yoga, or work with transcendental results. If the physician is himself a diseased fellow, how can he endeavor to heal others?
- The leaders must know that the real disease of the people in general is their aversion to serve the almighty Godhead, Visnu
- The leaders of modern civilization select their own residential quarters in a place where there are such naturally beautiful gardens and reservoirs of water, but they leave the common men to reside in congested areas without parks and gardens
- The leaders of the Kurus, especially Dhrtarastra & Duryodhana, were joyful because they knew very well that Balarama was a great well-wisher of Kurus. There were no bounds to their joy on hearing the news (Balarama arrived), & so they welcomed Uddhava
- The leaders of the society, if it is serious, will adopt this, in the educational system, in their private life. In that way they shall ask some question, then it will benefit. Otherwise it will be simply a show
- The learned brahmanas, who had no other source of income, were completely dependent on the vaisya community for their maintenance, and they received gifts on such festive occasions as birthdays and marriages
- The learned karma-yogis tactfully engage such foolish mundaners in the respective works for which they have special attachments - but in relation with Krsna - without disturbing them in their general activities
- The legs of their bodies were as beautiful as golden palm trees, their arms were decorated with golden bracelets and armlets, and on their heads there were very valuable helmets bedecked with gold
- The liberated soul in devotional service, attracted by the transcendental qualities of Krsna, becomes more and more elevated, whereas those who engage in dry speculation and simply cultivate knowledge without devotion fall due to their many offenses
- The light of India's knowledge, contained in the sublime philosophy of the Vedas, the Upanisads, the Vedanta-sutra, the Puranas, the Gita, and their corollaries, is certainly available, but by divine will it is temporarily beyond our view
- The lions there, being very proud of their strength, roar with unbearable envy, thinking that another lion is roaring in that way because of the resounding vibrations of the denizens of heaven singing in the caves
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows Saccidananda Bharati, 1544; Narasimha Bharati, 1585
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows: Abhinava-narasimha Bharati, 1521
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows: Bharati-krsna Tirtha, 1250; Vidyaranya Bharati, 1253
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows: Bodhanacarya, 680; Jnanadhanacarya, 768
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows: Candrasekhara Bharati, 1290; Narasimha Bharati, 1309
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows: Candrasekhara Bharati, 1371; Narasimha Bharati, 1386
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows: Dhanamadi-narasimha Bharati, 1498
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows: Jnanottama-sivacarya, 827; Jnanagiri Acarya, 871
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows: Narasimha Bharati, 1479; Narasimha Bharati, 1485
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows: Narasimha Tirtha, 1067; Vidyatirtha Vidya-sankara, 1150
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows: Nrsimha Bharati, 1689; Saccidananda Bharati, 1692
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows: Purusottama Bharati, 1328; Sankarananda, 1350
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows: Purusottama Bharati, 1398; Ramacandra Bharati, 1430
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows: Sankaracarya, 622 Saka; Suresvaracarya, 630
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era (or Sakabda), are as follows: Simhagiri Acarya, 958; Isvara Tirtha, 1019
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era, are as follows: Abhinava-saccidananda Bharati, 1730; Narasimha Bharati, 1739
- The list of the disciplic succession from Sankaracarya is available, and the names of the acaryas and the dates of their accepting sannyasa, according to the Saka Era, are as follows: Saccidananda Bharati, 1627; Abhinava-saccidananda Bharati, 1663
- The living entities (jivas) are minute samples of the Supreme Lord, and being so they therefore find in their activities the desire for eternal existence, for complete knowledge, and for happiness
- The living entities all over the universes are enjoying the effects of the respective fruitive results of their own work, life after life
- The living entities are also His (God's) marginal potency, and by their own choice they can live in either the transcendental or material worlds
- The living entities are always subordinate to the Supreme. Consequently their duty is to always seek the mercy of the Lord in order to be protected by Him in all circumstances
- The living entities are described as parts and parcels of the Lord because He is the life and soul of all living entities, being situated within their hearts as the antaryami, as enunciated by the philosophy of inconceivable oneness and difference
- The living entities are engaged in their respective activities of sense gratification, and these activities are not ordained by the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities are factually beyond this covered inferior energy. They have their pure spiritual existence and their pure identity, as well as their pure mental activities. All of them are beyond the manifestation of this material cosmos
- The living entities are parts and parcels of the of Godhead, they are all sons of the Lord, and for their benefit, because they are hovering under the impression that they can lord it over material nature, the Vedas are given to them for their guidance
- The living entities are struggling to become happy, but unless they take to the bhakti cult, their happiness is not possible
- The living entities are subordinate under all circumstances, but in their forgetfulness they are suffering. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities belong to the eternal superior nature of the Lord, but due to contamination by the inferior nature, matter, their illusion is also eternal. The conditioned soul is therefore called nitya-baddha, or eternally conditioned. BG 1972 pur
- The living entities cannot attain knowledge of Visnu by enjoying their habits of mental speculation
- The living entities change their material bodies in different shapes and forms under the influence of the different modes of nature, but in the transcendental state the devotee is guna-tita, or above the material modes of goodness, passion and ignorance
- The living entities enter into the supreme existence when they are liberated, and they do not change their original constitutional position
- The living entities have three kinds of vision, according to their positions in self-realization. According to the bodily concept of life, one sees differentiation in terms of varieties of bodies
- The living entities have to change their material coverings for undergoing different terms of imprisonment
- The living entities in different forms are sons of the Lord, and therefore the father, the Supreme Lord, supplies them food according to their different bodies
- The living entities in the material world are forgetful of their eternal relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This forgetfulness is called avidya, or nescience
- The living entities take their different forms in the various species of life according to their past deeds, and the Lord doesn't interfere with them. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities, according to their association with the different modes of material nature, will be happy, distressed or between the two in their next lives also
- The living entities, along with their different tastes, remain individually submerged in Brahman until another manifestation of the material world
- The living entities, although qualitatively one with the Supreme, are infinitesimal, and not infinite. Had they been infinite, there would have been no possibility of their being covered by ignorance
- The living entities, being impregnated in the material world, come out and form at the time of creation according to their past deeds. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities, who are called marginal energy, perform material activities when acting under the inferior external energy. And when they engage in activities under the internal spiritual energy, their activities are called Krsna conscious
- The living entities, who are struggling in this world with the mind and five senses, have their material bodies which are changing as long as the living entities are conditioned. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity comes down into this material world for sense gratification, and his intelligence, represented by the woman, gives him the proper direction by which he can satisfy his senses to their best capacity
- The Lord (Caitanya) embraced the two brothers (Rupa Gosvami and Vallabha), and, out of His causeless mercy, touched their heads with His lotus feet. Being blessed in this way, the brothers offered prayers to the Lord in their own words
- The Lord (Caitanya) explained that within this brahmanda, or universe, there are innumerable living entities who, according to their own fruitive activities, are transmigrating from one species of life to another and from one planet to another
- The Lord (Caitanya) used to read the books of Vidyapati, Jayadeva and Candidasa, relishing their songs with His confidential associates like Sri Ramananda Raya and Svarupa Damodara Gosvami
- The Lord (Narayana) wanted the demigods to pray for unalloyed devotional service, but instead they prayed for an opportunity to kill their enemy. This is the difference between a pure devotee and a devotee on the material platform
- The Lord accepts the offerings of devotees because of their transcendental love. Because they are in love with the Supreme Lord, they do not eat anything without offering it first to the Lord
- The Lord and all His devotees then went to the residence of Kasi Misra. Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya and Pandita Gosani also invited the Lord to dine at their homes
- The Lord and His pure devotees are always beyond the range of Maya's action. Even though they appear like action of Maya, we should understand their action of Yogamaya or the internal potency of the Lord
- The Lord and living beings are all individual persons. With the help of the material energies the living beings are also creating something, but none of their creations are equal or superior to the creations of the Lord
- The Lord and the devotees both conquer. The Lord is conquered by the devotees, and the devotees are conquered by the Lord. Because of being conquered by one another, they both derive transcendental bliss from their relationship
- The Lord assures that He positively eats such foodstuffs offered by the devotees. So, judging from all sides, the Yadus were perfectly trained civilized persons, and their being cursed by the brahmana sages was only by the desire of the Lord
- The Lord awards enjoyment to living entities in proportion to their qualifications, but good qualifications in themselves are not sufficient to enable one to receive awards. The mercy of the Lord is also required
- The Lord continued: Those who remember you every evening of every day will become friendly with their brothers and with all other living entities
- The Lord could have chastised the demon immediately while the demon was deriding the Lord with ill words, but the Lord tolerated him to please the demigods and to show that they should not be afraid of demons while discharging their duties
- The Lord creates the social divisions of human society - brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras - and ordains that they follow rules and regulations suited to their particular position
- The Lord descends as an incarnation to deliver the devotees and kill the miscreants. The Lord of the universe and of everything would appear to kill the sons of Diti because of their offending the devotees of the Lord
- The Lord descends to reclaim all of these fallen, conditioned souls to call them back to the sanatana eternal sky so that the sanatana living entities may regain their eternal sanatana positions in eternal association with the Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Lord dispatched Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami to Vrndavana to excavate and renovate the holy places and from there establish the cult of bhakti. Therefore Vrndavana was given to Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami as their place of residence
- The Lord enjoyed in the company of Lord Baladeva and the other cowherd boys and sometimes sat with them on the same stone slab. While sitting they ate simple food like rice, dal, vegetables, bread, and curd, which they had brought from their homes
- The Lord enters the hearts of all living entities as the Supersoul and He gives them intelligence and fulfills their material desires. This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita. Sarvasya caham hrdi sannivistah. "I am sitting in everyone's heart" - BG 15.15
- The Lord forces them (who neglect & disobey the scriptures) to take birth in the womb of demoniac persons. Consequently they will live by demoniac principles life after life without knowing their relationship with the SP of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord got up on the shoulders of the thieves, & while they were thinking they were safely carrying the child to rob His ornaments, the Lord misled them, and thus instead of going to their own home the thieves came back to the home of Jagannatha Misra
- The Lord indicated that in the Mayavadi sampradaya there are many so-called sannyasis who, even though illiterate & unintelligent, hear Vedanta-sutra from their spiritual master just as a matter of formality. Although they listen, they do not understand
- The Lord is so kind that He takes away their (devotees who aspire for material benedictions) material desires and gives them the highest benediction
- The Lord is the indirect protector of the unrighteous also, for He rectifies their sins through His external potency
- The Lord is the soul of all living beings, and He desires always to have all the living beings, in their svarupa, in their constitutional position, to participate in transcendental life in His association
- The Lord killed many inimical nondevotees, but they all received sarupya; in other words, they returned to their original spiritual bodies. One who does not know the Lord's position says that God is unkind to him but merciful to others
- The Lord learned all the Vedas with their different branches simply by hearing them once from His teacher, Sandipani Muni, whom He rewarded by bringing back his dead son from the region of Yamaloka
- The Lord only gives them (living entities) the proper facilities for such activities and the regulations of the modes of nature, but He is never responsible for their past and present activities. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord ordered Yogamaya: O My potency, who are worshipable for the entire world and whose nature is to bestow good fortune upon all living entities, go to Vraja, where there live many cowherd men and their wives - SB 10.2.7
- The Lord reminded Vasudeva and Devaki of two other incarnations in which He had appeared as their son. He had appeared as Prsnigarbha and Vamanadeva, and now this was the third time He was appearing as the son of Devaki to fulfill their desire
- The Lord resides in everyone's heart, and because all living entities who come to this material world do so in order to fulfill their desire for sense enjoyment, the Lord directs the living entities to enjoy their senses
- The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.28): All created beings are unmanifest in their beginning, manifest in their interim state, and unmanifest again when they are annihilated. So what need is there for lamentation
- The Lord shows all mercy not only to conditioned souls but also to the devotees, who are already liberated due to their devotional service
- The Lord tells Arjuna that there is no point in understanding how things exist in their separate opulence and grandeur. He should know that all things are existing due to Krsna's entering them as Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord then placed His two hands on the heads of both of them, and in return they immediately placed the lotus feet of the Lord on their heads
- The Lord thought, "All the so-called professors and scientists and their students generally follow the regulative principles of religion, fruitive activities and austerities, yet at the same time they are blasphemers and rogues"
- The Lord was also filled with ecstatic love, and He embraced them all. Out of their love, they began to cry with pleasure
- The Lord was fighting on the back of Garuda, who was helping Him by striking the horses and elephants with his wings and scratching their heads with his nails and sharp beak
- The Lord was pacified after killing those kings who were burdensome to the earth. They were puffed up with their military strength, their horses, elephants, chariots, infantry, etc
- The Lord would cry, & the ladies would begin chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, clapping their hands. In this way all the ladies of the neighboring houses would assemble in the home of Sacimata to join in the sankirtana movement twenty-four hours a day
- The Lord's bangles, necklace, crown and anklets are all bedecked with invaluable jewels. Since the jewels and pearls are spiritual, there is no material calculation of their value
- The Lord's devotees do not mind the offenses of the foolish in their many gross and subtle bodily endeavors. The Lord's devotees continue to bestow the blessings of devotion upon all such offenders without hesitation. That is the nature of devotees
- The Lord's lotus feet are called tirtha-pada because under their protection there are hundreds and thousands of saintly persons who sanctify the sacred places of pilgrimage
- The Lord, however, did not reply to their inquisitiveness, but instead immediately sent for the brahmana. An airplane sent from Vaikuntha immediately brought the brahmana into Lord Narayana's presence
- The Lord, who is the controller of all energies, thus creates, by His own potency, eternal time, the fate of all living entities, and their particular nature, for which they were created, and He again merges them independently
- The lotus feet of Krsna, which are worshiped not only by the goddess of fortune but by such exalted demigods as Brahma and Lord Siva, and which great yogis meditate upon within their hearts, are placed on the beautiful high breasts of the gopis
- The lotus feet of Sri Rupa Gosvami and Raghunatha dasa Gosvami are my source of strength. Remembering their lotus feet can fulfill all one's desires
- The love of the gopis nourishes the sweetness of Lord Krsna. That sweetness in turn increases their love, for they are greatly satisfied
- The lower and higher positions of different living entities are due to their desires, for the Lord, being equal to all, fulfills everyone's desires
- The lower animals serve human beings as servants serve their master. BG 1972 Introduction
- The lower stratum of those who strive for perfection are the karmis, or fruitive workers, who look to gratify their senses. Above them are the jnanis, or seekers of knowledge
- The lowest of fools do not understand material miseries; they pass their lives merrily and do not inquire into the miseries of life
- The lusty affairs of the gopis actually constitute the topmost love of Godhead because the gopis never act for their own personal satisfaction. They are simply pleased by engaging other gopis in the service of the Lord
- The mahat-tattva principle is the generating source of all the modes of material nature, and the living entities take birth in the material world in bodies supplied by the mother, material nature, in terms of their previous work
- The maidservants bound the servants of Jagannatha, handcuffed them and made them fall down at the lotus feet of the goddess of fortune. Indeed, they were arrested just like thieves who have all their riches taken away
- The male parrot sang, "The glorification of Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is beneficial to everyone in the universe. His beauty is victorious over the gopis of Vrndavana, and it subdues their patience"
- The manifested world, as well as the spirit soul, is still unexplained by the godless atheists through the medium of experimental knowledge, although they have put forward many theories manufactured by their fertile brains
- The Manu-samhita (2.140) explains the duties of an acarya, describing that a bona fide spiritual master accepts charge of disciples, teaches them the Vedic knowledge with all its intricacies, and gives them their second birth
- The Manus and their laws are meant to give right direction in life. The impetus for activity is the desire for fruitive work
- The Marwaris in India, they don't educate their son. Just like Birla. They say: We can purchase these rascals. Why we should waste our time? So-called technicians, so-called expert computer, these are . . . we can purchase. Why we shall waste our time
- The material creation is meant for fulfilling the desire of the Lord, and His desire is that the conditioned souls who are unfit to enter into the kingdom of God have a chance to improve their conditions for entering
- The material elements are accepted as the inferior energy of Krsna. By their interaction the cosmic manifestation takes place, rests on Krsna, and after dissolution again enters into the body of Krsna as His subtle energy
- The material energy is a covering of the spiritual spark, but in the absence of that material covering, the living beings in Vaikunthaloka are never forgetful of their identities
- The material father and mother are important only if they are interested in educating their son to become free from the clutches of death
- The material world is a manifestation of the three modes of material nature, but one has to become free from these modes to come to the spiritual world, where their influence is completely absent
- The materialistic men do not care to listen to such injunctions. According to them, the so-called renounced order of life is meant for those who are unable to earn their livelihood
- The materialistic persons, their policy is to take, earn money like anything, and employ it in sense gratification. That is their policy. But our policy is to take away the money from the atheist and employ it to the service of Ramacandra
- The materialists do not know that in the next life they will be degraded and that all their activities simply serve as parabhava, their defeat
- The mature devotees, who have completely executed Krsna consciousness, are immediately transferred to the universe where Krsna is appearing. In that universe the devotees get their first opportunity to associate with Krsna personally and directly
- The Mayavadi agnostics wander within this universe in different species of life due to their nondevotional activities. Such living entities are subjected to the punishments of Yamaraja. Only the devotees are exempt from the jurisdiction
- The Mayavadi impersonalist sannyasis cannot attain the paramahamsa stage. This is because of their impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth
- The Mayavadi philosopher, they say that when impersonal Absolute Truth comes, appears . . . They also accept the incarnation, but their philosophy is that ultimately the Absolute Truth is impersonal
- The Mayavadi philosophers are very fond of Vedanta, & they misinterpret it in their own way. Instead of understanding their own position, they criticized Caitanya as an unauthorized sannyasi, arguing that He was a sentimentalist, not a bona fide sannyasi
- The Mayavadi philosophers have presented their arguments in such attractive, flowery language that hearing Mayavada philosophy may sometimes change the mind of even a maha-bhagavata, or very advanced devotee
- The Mayavadi philosophers may be very proud of their so-called knowledge, but because they do not understand Vasudeva (vasudevah sarvam iti), they do not understand the world of duality, which is a manifestation of Vasudeva's external energy
- The Mayavadi philosophers recommend merging in the impersonal effulgence of Brahman; that is their ultimate goal, or destination. That merging is also mentioned here. But in spite of merging, one can keep his individuality
- The Mayavadi philosophers take advantage of the flickering nature of this cosmic manifestation to try to prove their thesis that this world is false
- The mayavadi sannyasins are frustrated beings in their attempt to enjoy the world, therefore they say the world is fake or the grapes are sour
- The Mayavadi sannyasis, engaged in the studies of sankhya and Vedanta and speculation, cannot relish transcendental service of the Lord. Because their studies become very tedious, they sometimes become tired of Brahman speculation. BG 1972 purports
- The Mayavadi-sampradaya sannyasis are generally known as Vedantis, as if Vedanta were their monopoly. Actually, however, Vedanti refers to a person who perfectly knows Krsna
- The Mayavadis and karmis should turn their attention to the magnanimous Vasudeva Datta, who wanted to suffer for others in a hellish condition
- The Mayavadis are called avisuddha-buddhayah, or unclean in knowledge. Because they are unclean in knowledge, all their austerities and penances end in frustration
- The Mayavadis are very proud of having monopolized the Vedanta philosophy, but devotees have their own commentaries on Vedanta such as Srimad-Bhagavatam and others written by the acaryas. The commentary of the Gaudiya Vaisnavas is the Govinda-bhasya
- The Mayavadis indulging in mental speculation and the karmis desiring the results of their actions cannot become gurus
- The Mayavadis try hard to look like spiritualists, but in fact they are gross materialists. They may be able to confuse and mesmerize the public with word jugglery, but in truth their so-called renunciation is as false as the monkeys
- The Mayavadis, there are two kinds of Mayavadis: the impersonalists and the voidists. They are all Mayavadi. So their philosophy is good so far, because a foolish man cannot understand more than this
- The Mayavadis, they think that, "Make me zero, void. Then there will be no pains and pleasure, no embarrassment." Their philosophy is like that. Impersonal, that is also the same thing. Or void. Voidism, the same thing, Make it zero
- The means of livelihood of all persons, namely production of grains and their distribution to the prajas, was generated from the thighs of the Lord's gigantic form. The mercantile men who take charge of such execution are called vaisyas
- The members of a demoniac civilization endeavor to make their living conditions very comfortable, but they cannot check death. The influence of the Sudarsana cakra will not allow their so-called material happiness to endure
- The members of such families (the demoniac householders) are no better than snakes because snakes are very much envious, and when that envy is directed to the saintly persons, their position becomes more dangerous
- The members of the impersonalist school explain their idea of oneness by the example of the mixing of river water with the seawater. But we should know that within the water of the sea there are living beings, who do not merge into the existence of water
- The members of the varnas, or social orders-brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra-must be ascertained by their symptoms, not by birth. Birth is immaterial; quality is essential
- The members of the Yadu dynasty acted automatically for their bodily necessities, but their actual attention was always fixed on Krsna. Their bodily activities were performed mechanically, but their minds were always absorbed in Krsna
- The members of this (Kamalakara Pippalai's) family still reside in the vicinity of the Mahesa village. Their family name is Adhikari, and they are a brahmana family
- The men and women of Hastinapura, or Indraprastha, their bodies smeared with scents and floral oils, were nicely dressed in colorful garments and decorated with garlands, jewels and ornaments
- The men and women within the palace all resembled demigods and were decorated with various ornaments, which seemed beautiful because of being placed on their bodies
- The men in Vedic society who engage in public sanitary activities like picking up stool and sweeping the street are called hadis. Sometimes they are untouchable, especially when engaged in their profession
- The men of the present day are almost unaware of their spiritual identity. They think that they are products of the elements of the material world and that everything will end with the annihilation of the body
- The mental concoctions of happiness and distress in this material world are compared to dreams because of their falseness
- The mental speculators compare everything from the standpoint of experimental knowledge of their own selves. Thus when the Lord is found to act like an ordinary person in matrimonial bondage, they consider Him to be like one of them
- The mercantile community, the royal order and great sages were free to move about in order to achieve their desired benedictions. Similarly, the transcendentalists, when freed from the encagement of the material body, also achieve their desired goal
- The mercy of their lotus feet is my spiritual master, and my words are my disciples, whom I have made dance in various ways
- The messenger concluded, "All the kings are very anxious to see You (Krsna) so that they can all personally surrender at Your lotus feet. My dear Lord, be merciful upon them and act for their good fortune"
- The messenger concluded, "As the messenger and representative of all those imprisoned kings, I have submitted my words before Your Lordship (Krsna) and presented their prayers to You"
- The messenger said, "Dear Lord (Krsna), we think that there are many living entities like us who are eternally entangled in fruitive activities and their reactions"
- The mistake of modern civilization is that we are, I mean to say, bringing up spoiled children. So when they are grown up, if they become hippies or communists, it is not their fault. It is the fault of the guardians
- The modern astronauts can travel only a few thousand miles away from the earth, and therefore their attempt to travel in the sky is something like child's play on the shore of an expansive ocean
- The modern civilization is that if you can use your senses more and more, then you are civilized. Then you are enjoyer. So Vedic civilization is different. Their aim is different
- The modern scientists are confusing everyone with their false propaganda and it is our duty to expose them and kill the demoniac tendency to forget Krsna
- The modern scientists despite their experience of imperfectness, they take everything that they find out as the last word of perfection
- The modern scientists’ theory that life begins from matter is nonsense. Both matter and life begin from life. Unfortunately the scientists do not know this scientific fact; they are drifting in the darkness of their so-called knowledge
- The monists and impersonalists try with great difficulty to explain this sutra in diverse ways in order to support their imperfect theory of oneness and impersonality. However, the fact remains that ananda, pleasure, cannot be enjoyed alone
- The more the gopas and gopis exchanged feelings with the Lord, the more their devotional service increased
- The more we sell books, the more we advance in KC, and the more we help others to have solid information how they may take advantage of their human form of life and achieve the supreme perfection
- The most brilliant part of His supreme character was that He (Krsna) begged pardon from His parents for being unable to serve their feet while absent from home because of fear of Kamsa
- The mothers of the boys heard the vibration of their flutes before their entrance, and to receive them, they came out of their homes and embraced them. Out of maternal affection, milk was flowing from their breasts
- The mothers placed their sons on their laps and bathed Them with tears, thus relieving themselves of the grief of long separation
- The mothers, after embracing their son (Krsna), sat Him on their laps. Due to pure affection, milk sprang from their breasts. They were overwhelmed with delight, and the tears from their eyes wetted the Lord
- The mudhas are those who are grossly foolish, like hard-working beasts of burden. They want to enjoy the fruits of their labor by themselves, and so do not want to part with them for the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- The mudhas, or rascals, take Krsna to be an ordinary man or a slightly more powerful man; out of their great misfortune, they cannot accept Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The mundane Ph.D.'s are completely unable to speculate on the Supreme with their limited senses. Such attempts by the puffed up Ph.D's are compared to the philosophy of the frog in the well
- The mundane workers, who are always desirous of enjoying the fruits of their mundane activities, suffer greatly under the pressing disadvantages of such activities, just like poor oxen tightly tethered to the grinding mill
- The mundane wranglers may speculate on the Gita in their own ways, but that is not Bhagavad-gita as it is. Therefore, Bhagavad-gita has to be accepted as it is, from the disciplic succession. BG 1972 purports
- The Naisadas are not allowed to live in cities and towns because they are sinful by nature. As such, their bodies are very ugly, and their occupations are also sinful
- The name of Prahlada Maharaja is very significant in this connection. Because Prahlada Maharaja was born in a family of demons, as the son of Hiranyakasipu, by his mercy the demons were and still are able to have their drinks in the form of wine and beer
- The natural process is to pour water on the root, but such disturbed leaders are more attracted to the leaves than the root. Despite their perpetually watering the leaves, however, everything dries up for want of nourishment
- The necks of the gopis became tinted with red due to their desire to enjoy Krsna more and more. To satisfy them, Krsna began to clap His hands in time with their singing
- The neophyte devotees are classified into four groups - the distressed, those in need of money, the inquisitive and the wise - according to their gradations of pious activities
- The next day, early in the morning, the Lord took His personal associates with Him and, with His own hand, smeared sandalwood pulp on their bodies
- The next day, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested all the devotees to return to their respective homes
- The next day, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His personal associates got up in the dark and attentively took their early-morning baths
- The next morning they both departed to perform their respective duties, but in the evening Ramananda Raya returned to meet the Lord again
- The next question put forward by Vidura to Maitreya is, "Why are the living entities subjected to so many miseries and misfortunes in spite of the Lord's presence in their hearts as the Supersoul
- The nondevotee class of men cannot think of the personal feature of the Lord. Because of their poor fund of knowledge, the personal form of the Lord, like Rama or Krsna, is completely revolting to them
- The nondevotees are fearful of death because they have no guarantee of where they are going or of the type of body they are going to get in their next life
- The nondevotees have been described in Bhagavad-gita as duskrtinah (miscreants), mudhah (asses or rascals), naradhamah (lowest of mankind) and mayayapahrta-jnanah - those who have lost their knowledge to the power of the illusory energy
- The nondevotees may speculate in their specific platform of activities, as politician or as mundane philosopher or mundane scientist, but that is not the fact. The fact should be learned from the devotees of Krsna
- The nondevotees, however, are neither like the demigods nor like the pure devotees, but are averse to the transcendental relationship with the Lord. They have revolted against the Lord and must perpetually undergo the reactions of their own activities
- The nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, and one must learn to tolerate them
- The offenders Nalakuvara and Manigriva, even though living amongst the demigods, had to undergo the punishment of becoming trees in their next lives, although by the grace of a devotee they were later delivered by the Lord
- The oneness of the Mayavadi philosophers and the oneness of Vaisnava philosophers are different. The Mayavadi and Vaisnava philosophers both want to merge into the Supreme, but the Vaisnavas do not lose their identities
- The oneness of the whole and the part is in their quality. The qualitative oneness of the small and large portions of the sky does not imply that the small sky becomes the big sky
- The only answer to this question is that they (people) are unfortunate because of supernatural control due to their offensive activities performed simply for the sake of sense gratification
- The only reformation that is necessary in society is to make an organized effort to turn the citizens into devotees of the Lord, and thus all good qualities of the denizens of heaven will overtake them in their own way
- The order carriers of Yamaraja suspected that there was a ruler even above Yamaraja. To eradicate their doubts, Yamaraja immediately replied, Yes, there is one supreme controller above everything
- The order carriers of Yamaraja, being very much aggrieved because of their defeat by the four Visnudutas, wanted to bring them before Yamaraja and, if possible, punish them. Otherwise they desired to commit suicide
- The original Deity of Mahesapura, Radhavallabha, was taken by the Saidabad Gosvamis of Berhampur, and since the present Deities were installed, a zamindar family of Mahesapura has looked after Their worship
- The other paraphernalia, such as flower garlands, fruits and vegetables, should be collected according to the country and according to their availability
- The other queens were extremely unhappy due to their being sonless. Because of the King's negligence toward them, they condemned themselves in envy and lamented
- The owners of such factories are engaged in finding a market for their industrial products, and the laborers are engaged in extensive production involving huge mechanical arrangements. "Factory" is another name for hell
- The palace of the King was surrounded by walls made of marble with many engravings made of valuable jewels like sapphires, which depicted beautiful women with shining jewel lamps in their hands
- The Panca-tattva is a very important factor in understanding Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There are sahajiyas who, not knowing the importance of the Panca-tattva, concoct their own slogans, such as bhaja nitai gaura, radhe syama
- The Pandavas and Draupadi were in exile, after losing their empire in gambling, and Jayadratha thought it wise to send news to Draupadi in an illicit manner through Kotisasya, one of his associates
- The Pandavas, not only in this life but also in their previous lives, had always performed the supreme pious work, and thus they are ever free from all the reactions of impious work
- The Pandavas, son of Pandu, they're all devotees. Even their political affairs, because there is connection with Krsna, it is krsna-katha
- The Pandavas, who were direct friends of Krsna, lost their kingdom, their wife was insulted, and they had to undergo many severe tribulations
- The paramahamsas are compared to royal swans who make their nests on the petals of the lotus flower. The Lord's transcendental bodily parts are always compared to the lotus flower because in the material world the lotus flower is the last word in beauty
- The Paramatma, or Supersoul, the guide of the individual living beings, does not take part in fulfilling the desires of the living beings, but He arranges for their fulfillment by material nature
- The part of the princely order of the Yadu dynasty who went to Prabhasa performed all duties to be done in a place of pilgrimage and offered their pious actions to their forefathers and others
- The part-and-parcel living entities are entangled in the conditioned life of material existence. Because of their diverse activities they are wandering all over the universe, transmigrating from one body to another and undergoing various miseries
- The parts and parcels are meant to serve the whole, and when they misuse their independence they are subject to the miseries of the laws of matter, just as criminals are subject to police action
- The party of Balarama, accompanied by Sridama and Vrsabha, came out victorious, and Krsna’s party had to carry them on their backs through the Bhandiravana forest
- The party went into a village and waited beneath a tree because no one but Sivananda Sena could arrange for their residential quarters
- The pastimes of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are wonderful and unlimited. Even personalities like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Sesa Naga cannot find their end
- The pearl necklaces on their breasts appeared reddish because a portion of their breasts was sprinkled with saffron powder. With their beautiful earrings and flowing hair, the queens appeared very attractive
- The peculiarity of the gradual development of the different senses is simultaneously supported by their controlling deities. It is to be understood, therefore, that the activities of the sense organs are controlled by the will of the Supreme
- The people approached him that "Mahatmaji, you have got influence over the Muslims. Why not stop cow-killing?" "Oh, I cannot touch on their religious principles." Just see. Cow-killing is religious. Their religious principle
- The people are being educated to become too much lusty, and as soon as their lust is not fulfilled, they'll be angry. Kama esa krodha esa rajo-guna-samudbhavah
- The people are missing the point--love of Krishna, and if somehow or other they can revive their lost consciousness and be fixed up in Krishna Consciousness, all questions and problems of the world will be solved very easily
- The people are so mad, they are talking so many nonsense things - nonsense philosophy, nonsense science - and our task is to meet all of them and at the same time pacify them in their lunatic condition
- The people in general want to read (that is a natural instinct), but because their minds are polluted they want such literatures
- The people of the Western country, they are fond of reading books and by propaganda work we have to change their taste and divert them from reading all worldly literatures, to transcendental literature
- The people of the world are looking for some way of being happy and making solution to their problems, and we are presenting the best and easiest method of making final solution of all the discrepancies of life and achieving the highest bliss
- The people of this age have been described as sumanda-matayah because their conceptions are so crippled that they accept a bluffer who produces a little gold to be God
- The perfection of their (the sages of Dandakaranya's) human form of life was achieved by their generating a transcendental sentiment to share conjugal love with Lord Krsna
- The perfection of their (the sages) human form of life was thus achieved by their generating a transcendental sentiment to share conjugal love with Lord Krsna
- The personal associates of Radharani are called sakhis, and Her near assistants are called manjaris. It is very difficult to express their dealings with Krsna because they have no desire to mix with Krsna or to enjoy Him personally
- The personal associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu sometimes behaved contrary to regulative principles out of intense love for the Lord, and because of their love Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself sometimes violated the regulative principles of a sannyasi
- The personal expansions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the individual identities of the Godhead, are always present. Similarly, the separated expansions of living entities have their identities. BG 1972 purports
- The Personality of Godhead appeared as the son of Vasudeva and Devaki because for a very long time they performed severe austerities to have the Supreme Lord as their son. Satisfied by their penance and determination, the Lord agreed to become their son
- The personified Vedas continued their prayers, "Dear Lord, Your impersonal feature is explained in the Vedas. You have no hands, but You can accept all sacrifices offered to You. You have no legs, but You can walk more swiftly than anyone else"
- The personified Vedas continued, "All these different persons, although concentrating their minds in different ways, achieve spiritual perfection according to their different perspectives because You, O Lord, are equal to all Your devotees"
- The personified Vedas continued, "If the individual souls were all-pervasive, there would be no question of their being controlled"
- The personified Vedas continued, "It is due to their own material desires that all living entities enjoy or suffer in different conditions of life. As Your parts and parcels, they are just like the sparks of a fire"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Just as sparks dance in a blazing fire, all living entities are dancing on Your support. You are providing them with everything they desire, and yet You are not responsible for their position of enjoyment or suffering"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Mystic yogis who still have contaminated desires for sense gratification are never successful in their attempt, nor can they realize the Supersoul within the individual self"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Only due to their mistakenly identifying themselves as products of the material nature are they transmigrating from one kind of body to another in forgetfulness of their eternal relationship with You"
- The personified Vedas continued, "The view of the personalists is that the material world, although very temporary, is nevertheless not false but factual. Such transcendentalists have different arguments to establish the validity of their philosophies"
- The personified Vedas continued, "They (Krsna conscious persons) are so purified that any place they go becomes a holy place of pilgrimage, and the water which washes their feet is able to deliver many sinful persons loitering within this material world"
- The personified vedas continued, "Unless they (great mystic yogis) take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master they fall victim to the material influence and are never successful in their attempts at self-realization"
- The personified Vedas said that if the yogis and the jnanis do not free themselves from sinful desires, then their particular process of self-realization will never be successful
- The personified Vedas stated that persons born after the creation of this material world cannot understand the existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by manipulating their material knowledge
- The philosophers and the logicians have tried to understand the intrinsic relationship of living entities with God by various conceptions and methods, on the strength of their mundane education and scholastic research
- The pilgrimage site of Kedaranatha still exists near Kashmir. It is almost always covered by snow, but for part of the year, during the month of July, it is possible to see the deity, and devotees go there to offer their respects
- The Pitas themselves took possession of the invisible body, the source of their existence
- The pitiable impersonalists pity those who are influenced by the modes of ignorance and passion, but the pure devotees of the Lord take pity on them both because both waste their most valuable time in the human form of life in false pursuits
- The planets occupied by the demigods are restricted to their own orbits, but Kardama Muni, by his yogic power, could travel all over the different directions of the universe without restriction
- The planets of the material creation have a limited length and breadth, but as far as the Vaikuntha planets are concerned, because they are spiritual there is no limit to their dimensions
- The police and Government men will gradually understand us and naturally their harassment will diminish. The same thing is happening everywhere. So prepare excellent literatures, that will enhance our prestige
- The policy followed by India now - that is, to imitate the Western way of life - is not very happy mood. This means they have lost their original culture
- The politician presents his manifesto for the public to convince them of his capacity for service. The voters therefore give the politician their valuable votes, thinking that he will render valuable service to society. BG 1972 Introduction
- The poor inhabitants of this earth, because of their incomplete knowledge, are captivated by a so-called bhagavan who can produce a small quantity of gold
- The population in this age, almost all of them, are manda - means bad or very slow - they do not understand what is the aim of life; therefore they are called manda. Because they do not understand their real interest of life, they can be called very bad
- The population outside the prison house, their number is very great, but within the prison house there are small number, criminals. So there are innumerable living entities
- The position of karmis is still more degraded. Their aim is to elevate themselves to the higher planetary systems. It is said, yanti deva-vrata devan: persons who worship the demigods are elevated to the heavenly planets
- The position of the gopis in their loving dealings with Krsna is transcendental. Although it is apparently like mundane sex, one should not confuse it with mundane sexual love, for it is pure and unadulterated love of Godhead
- The Pracetas lived at home for thousands of years and developed perfect knowledge in spiritual consciousness. At last they remembered the blessings of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and left home, putting their wife in charge of a perfect son
- The Pracetas were engaged in burning all the trees to ashes, and they considered the trees their enemies. To pacify the Pracetas, the predominating deity of the trees, under the advice of Lord Brahma, delivered the daughter Marisa
- The Pracetas were not interested in material benefit, for they had enjoyed all this sufficiently. Nor did they want the fulfillment of their material desires. They were simply interested in crossing the ocean of nescience
- The practical example of this (one who takes bath in water of the Ganges becomes free from all sinful reactions) is that the sons of Maharaja Sagara went to the heavenly planets when water from the Ganges merely touched the ashes of their burnt bodies
- The practice of yoga is similar to the yoga-nidra of Maha-visnu. Yogis are advised to keep their eyes half closed, but this state is not at all one of sleep, although imitation yogis, especially in the modern age, manifest their so-called yoga by sleeping
- The prakrta-sahajiyas do not consult the Vedic literatures, and they are debauchees, woman-hunters and smokers of ganja. Sometimes they give a theatrical performance and cry for the Lord with tears in their eyes
- The prakrta-sahajiyas exhibit these symptoms to advertise their so-called advancement in love of Krsna, but instead of praising the prakrta-sahajiyas for their symptoms of transcendental ecstasy, pure devotees do not like to associate with them
- The prayers of Brahma and other demigods are not to be compared to the prayers of the demons. Their purpose is to please the Supreme Lord
- The preachers of Krsna consciousness must go forward - in their Vaisnava dress or any other dress - for the purpose of preaching
- The predominated gopis were bound to Krsna in such pure love. For them there was no question of sexual love based on sense gratification. Their only engagement in life was to see Krsna happy in all respects, regardless of their own personal interests
- The predominating deities of even the greatest planets have been offered their exalted posts because of the very valuable pious activities they performed in previous births. This is indicated herein (SB 5.23.3) by the words karma-nirmita-gatayah
- The present chaotic conditions of the world are due to the ignorance of leaders who forget that they have been appointed to act by the SPG. Because they have been appointed by the Lord, their duty is to consult the Lord and act accordingly
- The present city of Vrndavana has been established by the Gaudiya Vaisnavas since the six Gosvamis went there and directed the construction of their different temples
- The president of the sun planet, He is the original person from where this sunshine and heat is coming. He is the person. And the population there, they are made so that their bodily effulgence is the heat and light
- The priest, they get some money and they want to continue their church business to get some money. So this is going on, cheating and cheated. Therefore the society has become the full of cheaters and cheated
- The princes opposing Krsna, who were led by Jarasandha and were all expert in fighting, shot their arrows at the Yadu soldiers just as a cloud splashes the face of a mountain with torrents of rain
- The princesses, being attracted by Saubhari Muni, gave up their sisterly relationship and quarreled among themselves, each one of them contending, "This man is just suitable for me, and not for you"
- The process by which all living beings in the womb of the mother develop their sense organs and sense perceptions appears to follow the same principles in the case of the virat-purusa, the sum total of all living entities
- The professional Bhagavatam reciter will generally speak on the subject of rasa-lila, which appears to the layman to be something like the dealings of ordinary men and women. Thus the professional reciters earn money from their so-called admirers
- The professional prostitutes jubilantly smeared these liquid substances on the bodies of the men, and the men reciprocated in the same way. All the liquid substances had been mixed with turmeric and saffron, and their color was a lustrous yellow
- The professional singers called sutas and magadhas would sing, and others would perform their dancing art. In this way, as devotees, they would offer respectful prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Krsna)
- The professions of a qualified brahmana are pathana, pathana, yajana, yajana, dana and pratigraha. The words yajana and yajana mean that a brahmana becomes the priest of the populace for the sake of their elevation
- The prominent members of the Kuru dynasty, from grandfather Bhismadeva to Arjuna and Duryodhana, had offered their respectful prayers
- The proper engagements for vaisyas, according to their nature, are to farm and to protect cows
- The Puranas, or old histories, are sometimes neglected by unintelligent men who consider their descriptions mythological. Actually, the descriptions of the Puranas, or the old histories of the universe, are factual, although not chronological
- The Puranas, which are like brothers, follow in the footsteps of their mother. O enemy of the demon Mura, the conclusion is that You are the only shelter. Now I have understood this in truth
- The pure devotees do not wish any return from the Lord in exchange for their service; they do not make business exchanges with the Lord. But the Lord, out of His own accord, fulfills all the desires of the devotees
- The purport is that Draupadi and her five husbands, the Pandavas, were put into severe tribulations by their cousin-brother, Duryodhana, as well as by others
- The purport of the song is that the lover and the beloved, before meeting, generate a kind of emotion by the exchange of their transcendental activities. That emotion is called raga, or attraction
- The purpose of performing real religion is to attain attachment for hearing and chanting the messages of the kingdom of God. Materialistic people are attached to ordinary newspapers on account of their lack of spiritual consciousness
- The purpose of saying Bhagavad-gita as it is, explained, that there are many editions of Bhagavad-gita, they have interpreted in their own way, giving up the spirit of Bhagavad-gita. So this particular name, "As It Is," significant
- The purpose of Your appearance is to kill the followers of the demoniac rulers of the world, who are in the dress of royal princes but are actually demons. I (Vasudeva) am sure that You (Krsna) will kill all of them and their followers and soldiers
- The purusa incarnation lying on the Causal Ocean is called the original purusa in the material creations, and in His virat form, in whom all the planets and their inhabitants live, He has many thousands of legs and hands
- The queens brought buckets of the same liquid substances and with syringes sprinkled them on the bodies of their brothers-in-law. As they engaged in such jubilant activities, their hair fell loose, and the flowers decorating their bodies began to fall
- The queens continued, "We must frankly admit that your voice is imbued with nectar, and it is so invigorating that it is competent to bring back life to those who are almost dead in separation from their dearmost friend"
- The queens did not want to deliver the dead body for burning because they were afraid of dying with the dead body of their husband
- The queens got up at once from their seats and meditations. As was socially customary, they covered their faces shyly and looked about coyly
- The queens of Dvaraka were so fortunate that they got Lord Sri Krsna as their husband and personal companion, although He is not approachable by exalted demigods like Brahma.
- The queens of Nagnajit were also very much pleased because their daughter Satya got Krsna as her husband. Since the King and queens were very much pleased on this auspicious occasion, there was a celebration all over the city in honor of the marriage
- The rajarsis would manage their kingdoms so nicely and piously that their subjects would respect them as if they were the Lord. That is the instruction of the Vedas
- The rasa dance is misunderstood by the foolish class of men. Some of them take this to be immoral, while others try to cover it up by their own stupid interpretations. They have no desire to follow in the footsteps of Srila Sukadeva Gosvami
- The rasa dance was performed during the long period of Brahma's night, but the gopis could not understand that. In order to fulfill their desire, Krsna extended the night to cover such a great period of time. One may ask how this was possible
- The rascal pasandis think that if anyone but a brahmana chants the holy name, the potency of the holy name is vanquished. According to their judgment, instead of delivering the fallen souls, the potency of the holy name is reduced
- The real aim is how to get the Nobel Prize by cheating. That is their real aim. How an educated man, learned man, will cheat
- The real aim of life is liberation, but unfortunately the opportunity for liberation is being denied to people in general, and therefore their human lives are being spoiled
- The real point is to concentrate the mind on the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Women such as the gopis were attached to Krsna, being captivated by His beauty, and their mental concentration on Krsna was provoked by lust
- The real symptom of a true civilization is that its citizens are inspired by Back to Godhead to take up the process of devotion and go back to Godhead, where they will eternally reside in their actual home. Only in this way can they end all futile labor
- The reason is asuram bhavam asritah: "They have taken to the nonsense philosophy of godlessness." That's it. For this reason their so-called education, university education, degrees, are simply illusion of maya
- The reason the Lord displays the rasa-lila is essentially to induce all the fallen souls to give up their diseased morality and religiosity, and to attract them to the kingdom of God to enjoy the reality
- The red vermilion of kunkuma decorating their beautiful breasts would adorn the chest of the Lord with a reddish color
- The relationship between master and servant continues due to their being unlimited and limited respectively
- The relish or taste of the mundane rasa does not long endure, and therefore mundane workers are always apt to change their position of enjoyment
- The remaining trees, being very much afraid of the Pracetas, immediately delivered their daughter at the advice of Lord Brahma
- The representatives of the Yaksas and Raksasas still exist in some countries of the world. It is understood that such uncivilized men take pleasure in killing their own grandfathers and holding a "love feast" by roasting the bodies
- The reptile society became so disturbed that their leader, Vasuki, appealed to Lord Brahma for protection. Lord Brahma made an arrangement by which Garuda would not create a disturbance
- The residents of all higher planetary systems, such as Gandharvaloka, Vidyadharaloka, Siddhaloka and Caranaloka, all combined and glorified the Lord by chanting His holy name as their wives and damsels danced with great joy
- The residents of Brahmaloka do not have gross material bodies to change at death, but they transform their subtle bodies into spiritual bodies and thus enter the spiritual sky
- The residents of Mathura were surprised at the pious activities the cowherd men in Vrndavana must have performed in their previous lives to be able to see Krsna and Balarama daily as cowherd boys
- The residents of Siddhaloka have full control in the eight kinds of yogic perfection, but from their statement it appears that they are pure devotees
- The residents of Siddhaloka, being naturally endowed with the powers of yogis, can go from one planet to another by their natural mystic powers without using airplanes or similar machines
- The residents of the material world who enjoy the products of these flowing rivers have no wrinkles on their bodies and no grey hair. They never feel fatigue, and perspiration does not give their bodies a bad odor
- The residents of the upper planetary systems, beginning from Brahmaloka down to Svargaloka, are so advanced in spiritual life that when they come to visit this or similar other lower planetary systems, they keep their weightlessness
- The residents of Vaikuntha are always powerful and effulgent. Some of them have complexions like red coral cat’s eyes and lotus flowers, and each of them has earrings of costly jewels. On their heads they wear flowery crowns resembling garlands
- The residents of Vrndavana and Mathura are devotees of Krsna in parental affection, and their feelings always conflict with the opinions of smarta-brahmanas
- The result (of hearing Bhagavatam from Mayavadi sannyasi and seeing professional dramas) is that the members of the audience remain in the same position of grham andha-kupam, family affection, and do not awaken their love for Krsna
- The result is that people in general are puzzled how to fix their minds in the service of the Lord; they are always disturbed about finding the real path of self-realization
- The result is that, without their (demoniac men's) knowledge, they are gliding toward hell. Here (in BG 16.16) the Sanskrit word mohajala is very significant. Jala means net; like fishes caught in a net, they have no way to come out. BG 1972 purports
- The river fishes sometimes go to the sea, but the sea fishes, they never come to the river. Similarly, there are living entities in the spiritual world. They never come in this material world. Their number is greater, at least three times greater
- The rogues exact taxes from the citizens for their own sense enjoyment, and in the future the people will be so much harassed that according to Srimad-Bhagavatam they will flee from their homes and country and take shelter in the forest
- The sage Rsabhadeva told his sons that once they purified their existence they would have unlimited happiness. We are all intended to attain peace and happiness, but whatever peace and happiness we find in this material world is limited
- The sages came from the highest planets down to the lower region through the water of the Ganges, and therefore the hair on their heads was wet
- The sages like Marici were not in the wrong in submitting their protests against the acts of their great father (Brahma was sexually inclined to his own daughter)
- The sages were almost too puzzled to speak before the Supreme Personality of Godhead for the first time, and the hairs of their bodies stood erect due to their extreme joy
- The sages, headed by Sanaka, had opened doors everywhere. They had no idea of "ours" & "theirs." With open minds, they entered the seventh door out of their own will, just as they had passed through the six other doors, which were made of gold & diamonds
- The sages, the four Kumaras, reject their cursing of the two doorkeepers, Jaya and Vijaya, because they are now conscious that persons who engage in the service of the Lord cannot be at fault at any stage
- The sahajiya's illicit connection and their imitation of the dress of Rupa Gosvami, as well as their avoidance of the prescribed methods of revealed scriptures, will lead them to the lowest regions of hell
- The sahajiyas pollute the process of devotional service. To try to become writers of Vaisnava literature, they introduce their material conceptions of life into pure devotional service
- The saints and sages, take all risks to propagate the message of Godhead. Lord Jesus Christ, Thakura Haridasa, Lord Nityananda Prabhu, and many such sages risked their life to propagate the message of Godhead
- The saints and the higher castes or orders of the society are judged by their proportion of knowledge in the science of God, or tattva jnana, and not by any kind of birthright or bodily designations
- The sakama-karmis are greedy after insignificant, transient happiness. They make progress in their mundane activities and enjoy the heavenly planets in the life hereafter, but all that enjoyment is temporary. Therefore the soul's real benefit evades them
- The same gopi said, "Although they are traveling in the air in their airplanes, enjoying the company of their husbands, on hearing the sound of Krsna's flute, they immediately become perturbed"
- The same gopi said, "It sounds to them like the pouring of nectar, and they immediately spread their long ears just to catch the liquid nectar of the flute"
- The same gopi said, "Not only are they attracted by the dress of Krsna and Balarama, but as soon as they hear the playing of the flute, the deer, along with their husbands, offer respectful obeisances unto the Lord"
- The sannyasis of Kali-yuga who change their robes from white to saffron and then think they can do whatever they like are more abominable than materialistic grhasthas. This is not recommended anywhere
- The Sanskrit book Advaita-carita states, Advaita Acarya Prabhu had three sons who were devotees of Lord Caitanya. Their names were Acyuta, Krsna Misra and Gopala dasa, and they were all born of the womb of His wife, Sitadevi
- The Sanskrit statements of SB are all transcendental sounds. Srila Vyasadeva revealed these statements after perfect realization, and therefore they are perfect, for liberated sages like Vyasadeva never commit errors in their rhetorical arrangements
- The Saranatha impersonalists do not even believe that the Absolute Truth, or Brahman, can be understood as the opposite of maya, or illusion. According to their vision, materialism is the only manifestation of the Absolute Truth
- The saris covering them (queens) became completely wet because of the liquids thrown on their bodies by Krsna & Arjuna. Parts of their beautiful bodies, particularly their breasts & their waists, became partially visible because of the wet cloth
- The satisfaction of possessing material opulences, although perhaps of a different standard, is available even in the lives of dogs and hogs, who cannot revive their eternal relationship with Krsna
- The scientists are cheaters because they present so many bogus things in the name of science. They propose going to the moon, but actually they end up cheating the entire public of large sums of money for their experiments. They cannot do anything useful
- The scientists can manufacture a big jet airplane 747, but they cannot manufacture a tiny mosquito, so what is their so-called declaration of independence
- The scientists invent nuclear weapons and collaborate with the big leaders to protect the interests of their own nation or society
- The scientists, from their angle of vision, should describe the glory of the Lord: how this biology is working by the manipulation of the Supreme Lord
- The scientists, they are trying to make a xerox copy of Professor Einstein. So why not the original? Hm? What is their answer?
- The scriptural injunctions for shaving and fasting are indirect orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. However, when there is a direct order from the Lord to take prasadam, naturally the devotees take prasadam as their first duty
- The scripture known as Brahma-tarka states that the Supreme Lord Hari is qualified by Himself, and therefore Visnu and His pure devotees and their transcendental qualities cannot be different from their persons
- The scriptures describe in detail the divisions of society, with their inherent characteristics. Therefore we commit a serious mistake when we regard the different classes of men as belonging to particular countries or races
- The scriptures of the Buddhist cult are chiefly based on argument and logic, and they contain nine chief principles. Because Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu defeated the Buddhists in their argument, they could not establish their cult
- The scriptures of the yavanas are three: the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran. Their compilation has a history; they are not eternal like the Vedic knowledge
- The second concerns the regulative principles for executing devotional service, and the third wave devotional service in ecstasy. In the fourth is the ultimate goal, love of God. These will be explicitly described along with their different symptoms
- The self-evident Vedic literatures are the highest evidence of all, but if these literatures are interpreted, their self-evident nature is lost
- The selfless love of Godhead exhibited by the gopis cannot have any parallel. We should not, therefore, misunderstand the carefulness of the gopis in their personal decoration
- The senses are transcendental in nature, but their activities become polluted when contaminated by matter
- The senses have their utility for the service of the Lord, and if properly engaged they can reach the highest perfection by being directly engaged in the service of the Lord in His personal presence
- The separated, material energy bewilders the living entities (jivas), and thus they work very hard under its influence, not knowing that they are not fulfilling their mission in life
- The servants were so careful that a male could not even see what was going on there, & so they were surprised that she (Usa) had become contaminated. Since they could not trace out the reason for it, they submitted the whole situation before their master
- The service attitude of the devotees who play the parts of superiors of the Lord is very difficult to understand, but it can be very plainly understood in connection with the superexcellence of their particular service to Lord Krsna
- The sevaitas who have inherited their positions now assume proprietorship of the temples, and some of them are selling the Deities’ property as if it were their own. However, the temples did not originally belong to these sevaitas
- The seven famous sages, and demigods like Indra and their followers, such as the Gandharvas, all appear simultaneously with Manu
- The seven great sages (Marici, Vasistha, Atri and so on) reside on planets beneath Dhruvaloka. Well aware of the influence of the water of the Ganges, to this day they keep Ganges water on the tufts of hair on their heads
- The seven groups began chanting and beating their drums in seven directions, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu began dancing in the center in great ecstatic love
- The seven persons headed by Svarupa Damodara who were engaged in distributing prasadam to others then took their meals within the room
- The Siddhas are inhabitants of Siddhaloka, where the residents travel in space without vehicles. At their mere will they can pass from one planet to another without difficulty
- The signs and constellations, with Sumeru and Dhruvaloka on their right, move with the wheel of time, and the antlike sun and other planets move with them
- The simple and delicate women truly thought that Lord Sri Krsna, their beloved husband, followed them and was dominated by them. They were unaware of the extent of the glories of their husband, as the atheists are unaware of Him as the supreme controller
- The Six Gosvamis and their followers started many temples, including the temples of Govinda, Gopinatha, Madana-mohana, Radha-Damodara, Syamasundara, Radha-ramana and Gokulananda
- The sixteen thousand queens, headed by the goddess of fortune Rukminidevi, the ideal wife of Lord Krsna, and accompanied by their respective sons, all followed behind Lord Krsna
- The sky is unlimited, but many birds fly higher and higher according to their own abilities
- The small rivulets that almost dried up during the months of May and June now begin to overflow their banks, like upstarts that suddenly overflow the limits of expenditure
- The snakes in Mahatala are always disturbed by fear of Garuda, the carrier of Lord Visnu, but although they are full of anxiety, some of them nevertheless sport with their wives, children, friends and relatives
- The so-called acaryas of the Age of Kali are more concerned with exploiting the resources of their followers than mitigating their miseries; but Sri Advaita Prabhu, as an ideal acarya, was concerned with improving the condition of the world situation
- The so-called educated persons, they are very much proud of their university degree, but if you ask some of them - What you are? Where from you have come to this world, and where you are going next
- The so-called followers of the Vedic injunctions make their own interpretations of the Vedic injunctions, and thus they establish different parties and sects of the Vedic religion
- The so-called husbands of the gopis were already enamored with the influence of the external energy of Krsna; so by dint of this very energy they could not understand that their wives had gone to dance with Krsna
- The so-called leaders, they do not know what is their spiritual identification, and becoming unnecessarily proud, they are doing anything and everything. Abodha-jatah. They do not know they'll have to be, have to suffer for this ignorance
- The so-called Mayavadi Vedantis do not know who Krsna is; therefore their title of Vedanti, or "knower of Vedanta philosophy," is simply a pretension
- The so-called modern scientist, they are simply correcting their mistake. Therefore they have no real knowledge
- The so-called national people are sacrificing so many lives. But what is their business? Business is that doggish mentality: "I am this body." So it is very difficult to give up this doggish mentality that "I am this body." Very, very difficult
- The so-called nationalism, socialism and communism - simply moha, moha, exactly the same way as the small, that insects, under some illusion, moha, they come to the light and sacrifice their life
- The so-called political leaders are busy making plans to advance the material prosperity of their nation, but factually these political leaders only want an exalted position for themselves
- The so-called progressive modern civilization has produced reprobate human beings, whose sins have been accumulating over many lifetimes. Yet if they surrender to Lord Krsna, even they will have all their sins eradicated forever
- The so-called spiritual masters say that any and all paths will take one to the supreme goal. Such mundane and compromising offers attract many foolish creatures, who become puffed up with their manufactured methods of spiritual realization
- The so-called Vedantists and Mayavadis cannot understand Krsna as He is; they simply mislead their followers by imitating the actions of Krsna in an unauthorized way
- The so-called Westernized scholars... Because the real purpose was that the rulers, they did not want to present Indian culture as very old, because then their Darwin's theory will be spoiled
- The so-called yogis who concentrate their mind or meditate upon the impersonal or void are described here - SB 3.15.46
- The society must be divided - brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra - and they must execute their proper duty. In this way there will be nice management
- The society was divided into brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras, and the members of this society would limit their endeavors to meeting their minimum demands. The brahmanas, in particular, would have no material desires
- The sociologists, the so-called swamis, yogis, they take advantage of it and try to prove their all nonsensical theories. But it is not at all Bhagavad-gita
- The soldiers on the side of King Paundraka began to shower their weapons upon Krsna. The weapons, including various kinds of tridents, clubs, poles, lances, swords, daggers and arrows, came flying in waves, and Krsna counteracted them
- The soldiers' (Jarasandha's party) hands were severed along with their bows and arrows and clubs; arms were piled upon arms, thighs upon thighs, and horses upon horses
- The soldiers, their upper and lower garments waving in the breeze, naturally looked very beautiful, and in the light of the glittering sunshine their shields, ornaments and sharp, clean weapons appeared dazzling
- The soles of His (Krsna's) feet are so soft that the gopis would not dare keep His lotus feet on their soft breasts
- The sons of Agnidhra ruled the kingdoms they received from their father
- The sons of Daksa followed their elder brothers. Not attempting to produce children, they engaged themselves in Krsna consciousness
- The sons of Dhrtarastra along with their allied kings, & Bhisma, Drona & Karna, & all our soldiers are rushing into Your mouths, their heads smashed by Your fearful teeth. I see that some are being crushed between Your teeth as well. BG 11.26-27 - 1972
- The sons of King Pracinabarhi, known as the Pracetas, underwent severe austerities within the seawater to carry out the order of their father. By chanting and repeating the mantras given by Lord Siva, they were able to satisfy Lord Visnu, SPG
- The sons of Maharaja Ghrtaprstha were named Ama, Madhuruha, Meghaprstha, Sudhama, Bhrajistha, Lohitarna and Vanaspati. In their island there are seven mountains, which indicate the boundaries of the seven tracts of land, and there are also seven rivers
- The sons of Maharaja Pandu were sitting silently nearby, overtaken with affection for their dying grandfather. Seeing this, Bhismadeva congratulated them with feeling. There were tears of ecstasy in his eyes, for he was overwhelmed by love and affection
- The sons of Sumati, who were very proud of their prowess and influence, following the order of their father, searched for the lost horse. While doing so, they dug into the earth very extensively
- The sound of Krsna's flute always resides within the ears of the gopis and increases their ecstasy. When it is heard, no other sound can enter into their ears, and amongst their family they are not able to reply to questions properly
- The sound of Lord Krsna's flute is so sweet that it has made the gopis forget all about their relationships with their kinsmen and flee to Krsna in the dead of night
- The SP of Godhead has innumerable energies, and all these energies are divine. Although the living entities are part of His energies and are therefore divine, due to contact with material energy, their original superior power is covered. BG 1972 purports
- The span of human life is scheduled for about a hundred years, although it is gradually decreasing. Thanks to the culture of nescience, befooled men have created their own nations within these planets in order to grasp sense enjoyment
- The sparks can everlastingly remain within the original fire as its parts and parcels, but the moment the sparks become separated from the original fire, their misfortunes and miseries begin
- The sparks fall into different conditions and retain more or less of their original brilliance. Some sparks fall onto dry grass and thus ignite another big fire
- The specific qualification of all the Pandava brothers was that they always engaged their senses in the Lord's service
- The SPG creates His minor parts and parcels, the jiva-tattva, beginning with Lord Brahma, the demigods and the expansions of Vedic knowledge & including all other living entities, moving and nonmoving, with their different names and characteristics
- The spirit soul is eternal, and the Supreme Lord is eternal; therefore reciprocation of their loving exchanges is eternal
- The spiritual master delivered the Vedic hymns and their explanations to the student, who would then remember them forever, without consulting books - before the beginning of Kali-yuga
- The spiritual master of the Buddhists did not initiate his disciples. Rather, his disciples were initiated by Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and they in turn were able to initiate their so-called spiritual master. This is the parampara system
- The spiritualist's endeavor is to work whole day and night strenuously without any hurt simply for Krsna. That is spiritual life. And the materialist means the same endeavor, always trying to satisfy their personal senses
- The splendor of their (the Lord's lotus feet) beautiful ruby nails resembles the orb of the moon and dispels the thick gloom of one's heart
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.2.32) states, Persons who are falsely puffed up, thinking they have become liberated simply by understanding their constitutional position as Brahman, or spirit soul, are factually still contaminated
- The srutis understood that without serving Krsna and following in the footsteps of the gopis there would be no possibility of their entering the kingdom of God and serving Krsna in the mood of conjugal love
- The standard instruction is there in the Bhagavad-gita. They do not care to know it. They want to know about the greatness of Bala Yogi, Sai Baba, this baba, that baba. That is their misfortune. They give up the real instruction, Bhagavad-gita
- The state of being in their (the living entities) past life in the past creation is simply manifested again, and all this is done simply by His will. This is the inconceivable potency of the Supreme Personality of God. BG 1972 purports
- The statement of Vrnda shows that the gopis were so enchanted by the beauty of Krsna that because they could not express their minds, they decided to commit suicide
- The statement that their (the sage's) hair was wet indicates that it was directly moistened by the water originating from the lotus feet of Visnu - the Ganges
- The story of the cursing of Nalakuvara and Manigriva and their deliverance by Krsna, under the all-blissful desire of the great sage Narada, is here described
- The streets of Ayodhya were not only cleaned but also sprinkled with perfumed water and drops of perfumed liquor, which were distributed by elephants through their trunks
- The striking of their (Bhima's and Jarasandha's) fists sounded like the striking of iron bars or like the sound of thunderbolts, and the two warriors appeared to be like two elephants fighting
- The strong elephants pulled with all their strength, but still the car remained at a standstill, not budging an inch
- The students of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness should note these two points (kirtana and drama) and try to apply these principles in their spreading of the Lord’s glories
- The sudras are the common laborer class. In a properly run society, all of these classes (brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras) are required. If they cooperate in their progress toward Krsna consciousness, there is no strife amongst them
- The sudras, the unintelligent class of men who cannot act independently in any of the above-mentioned activities, are meant for serving the three higher classes for their livelihood
- The sufferings are not extraneously imposed upon them; rather, the conditioned souls create their own suffering by their own acts
- The sufferings of the Pandavas were never due to their past deeds. The Lord had to execute the plan of establishing the kingdom of virtue, and therefore His own devotees suffered temporarily in order to establish the conquest of virtue
- The sun and planets, however, are seen in different signs and constellations at different times. This indicates that their motion is different from that of the zodiac and the wheel of time itself
- The sun is considered to be the eye of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda, and it also has a specific orbit within which it circles. Similarly, all other planets have their specific orbits. But together all of them encircle the polestar
- The supreme atma, or soul, is the Lord Himself, and the minute atma is the living entity. The supreme atma, or Paramatma, alone maintains all the individual minute beings, for the Supreme Lord wants to derive pleasure out of their affection
- The supreme benediction attained by the gopis in spite of their being born in the families of cowherd men was never attained even by the goddess of fortune herself, and certainly not by the denizens of heaven
- The supreme controller is Krsna. Others, who control their own departments in the affairs of the universe, are insignificant in comparison to Krsna, the supreme controller
- The Supreme Father does not forget His rebellious sons. He creates scriptures for them like the Vedas and Puranas in order to revive their lost relationship with Him and awaken their divine consciousness
- The Supreme King of all kings has created different planets and places of habitation where living entities are situated in terms of the modes of nature and work, and He has created their different kings and rulers
- The Supreme Lord appears as the son of one of His devotees just as Lord Krsna appeared as the son of Yasoda & Nanda Maharaja. These devotees could never think of their son as the SPG, for such appreciation would hamper their relationship of paternal love
- The Supreme Lord enters the material cosmos and causes creation, maintenance and destruction in their due course, whereas the part-and-parcel living entity enters the material elements and has his material body created for him
- The Supreme Lord is always independent, but because the living entities are not independent - due to their false idea of becoming independently happy - the material energy is troublesome
- The Supreme Lord is full in everything, and the small particles (living entities) of the Lord are also originally qualified like Him, but because of their minute existence, they are infected by material attraction and thus entangled
- The Supreme Lord is the proprietor of all planets, and He is always anxious to see that in each and every planet the living entities are happily living and executing their duties
- The Supreme Lord is the reservoir of the twenty-five elements, and as the Supreme Being, the conductor of cause and effect, He causes their manifestation
- The Supreme Lord is the Supersoul of all the demigods entrusted with the task of constructing the cosmic manifestation. Being thus prayed to (by the demigods), He thought to Himself and thus manifested the gigantic form for their understanding
- The Supreme Lord Krsna, being completely controlled by the gopis, sang and danced just like a puppet in their hands
- The Supreme Lord praised the Pracetas because they all faithfully obeyed the orders of their father. The Lord therefore blessed the sons of King Pracinabarhisat because they obeyed their father's orders
- The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna is the father of all living entities, who are placed in different high and low positions according to their desires or aspirations. Some of them are specifically endowed with powers by the will of the Lord
- The Supreme Lord, as He desires, is engaging all the living entities in different activities, and thus they exhibit their different talents and tendencies
- The Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, lies down in the water on the seat of Ananta, with His eyes closed, and the inhabitants of the Janaloka planets offer their glorious prayers unto the Lord with folded hands
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead appears in different incarnations, but His appearance in the role of a devotee is more beneficial to the conditioned souls than the other incarnations, with all their opulences
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is always anxious to elevate the living entities, who are His parts and parcels, and for their special benefit, the Lord travels all over the world in the form of self-realized persons like you
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the creator of everything, and although the living entities are not created but exist with the Lord eternally, their bodies are created, whereas the Supreme Lord's body is never created
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the master of the material nature (mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sacaracaram (BG 9.10)). Therefore, being the supreme controller of the laws of nature, the Lord cannot be under their influence
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead pushes the button of creation, and different energies create the material elements and various controllers of the physical elements, and their subsequent interactions follow the inconceivable plan of the SP of Godhead
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention My expansion of energy the goddess of fortune
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon devotional service
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon fire; the mantra omkara and the Absolute Truth
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon Lord Brahma and Lord Siva
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My bearer, Garuda, the king of the birds
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My bed, Sesa Naga
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My incarnations like Matsya, Kurma and Varaha
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My mark of Srivatsa and the Kaustubha gem
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My Sudarsana disc and Pancajanya conchshell
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My unlimited all-auspicious activities
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My Vaijayanti garland and My club, Kaumodaki
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon Narada Muni; Lord Siva and Prahlada
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the elephant Airavata and Dhruva Maharaja
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the residential quarters of Me
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the river Yamuna (Kalindi)
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the Rivers Ganges, Sarasvati and Nanda
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the seven rsis; and the pious human beings
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the sun and the moon
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the total material energy; the cows and brahmanas
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the white island, Svetadvipa
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the wives of Soma and Kasyapa
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Those who fix their minds on My personal form and are always engaged in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith are considered by Me to be most perfect
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead Vasudeva can accept offerings from His devotees of the results of their prescribed duties
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, knowing the minds of the unmarried young gopis, blessed them with their desired objective. They had prayed for Krsna to become their husband, and Krsna wanted to fulfill their desires
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Purusottama, only gives them a chance to act according to their desires. Therefore, the living entities act by taking advantage of the facility given by the Lord
- The supreme unborn, Lord Sri Krsna, caused the members of the Yadu dynasty to relinquish their bodies, and thus He relieved the burden of the world. This action was like picking out a thorn with a thorn, though both are the same to the controller
- The supreme whole is Krsna, and Baladeva and all Visnu incarnations are His fractions. Lord Krsna is therefore conscious of His superior position, and all Visnu incarnations are conscious of Their positions as devotees
- The surrendered souls are called akuto-bhaya. They are doubtless and fearless, and their entrance into the spiritual kingdom is guaranteed
- The svairinis like to marry men from their own group, the kaminis marry men from any group, and the pumscalis change husbands one after another
- The sweetness of Krsna's joking words plays indescribable havoc with the hearts of all women. His words bind a woman's ear to the qualities of their sweetness. Thus there is a tug-of-war, and the life of the ear departs
- The symptom of a qualified king or political leader is mentioned herein - he must be very merciful and compassionate to the people and see to their prime interest, which is to become elevated devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The tad-ekatma-rupa forms exist simultaneously with the svayam-rupa form and are nondifferent. At the same time, their bodily features and specific activities appear to be different
- The Tattvavada sampradaya of the Madhvacarya school sticks to the principle of varnasrama-dharma, which involves fruitive activity. Their ultimate goal is simply a form of material desire
- The Tattvavadis establish that the execution of the principles of varna and asrama for the sake of Krsna is the best way to attain the topmost goal. The Tattvavadis thus established their principles in terms of human society
- The teachers Sanda and Amarka tried to induce Prahlada Maharaja to accept the materialistic way of life, but actually their attempt was a failure
- The temple is an ideal institution, and people should come to learn, because if they can make every house like our temples, then their lives will surely be successful
- The ten daughters given to Yamaraja were named Bhanu, Lamba, Kakud, Yami, Visva, Sadhya, Marutvati, Vasu, Muhurta and Sankalpa. Now hear the names of their sons
- The ten sons of the next queen, Jambavati, were headed by Samba. Their names are as follows
- The Tenth Chapter describes the branches and subbranches of the main trunk and the distribution of their fruits
- The thief, the burglars, they risk their life. They go to steal to a man's house, and it is known that as soon as he is known, "He has come," the man, the proprietor of the house, may immediately shoot him. That risk he takes
- The third purusa is Ksirodakasayi Visnu, in whom is contemplated the virat-purusa, the gigantic form in which all the planets with their different developments and inhabitants are floating
- The third-class prisoners, being less materially opulent than the first-class prisoners, endeavor to imitate them, for they also have no information of the real nature of their imprisonment. Thus they also are misled by the illusory material nature
- The thoughts of My (Krsna) pure devotees dwell in Me, their lives are fully devoted to My service, and they derive great satisfaction and bliss from always enlightening one another and conversing about Me
- The three animals that were half-killed were then brought to their consciousness by the sage Narada. Indeed, the animals got up and swiftly fled
- The three brothers Govinda, Madhava and Vasudeva were the eighty-second, eighty-third and eighty-fourth branches of the tree. Lord Caitanya and Nityananda used to dance in their kirtana performances
- The three predominators (Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu) are worshipable by all living entities, and the fourth principle (Sri Gadadhara Prabhu) is to be understood as Their worshiper
- The threefold ahankara, the source of the gross elements, the senses and the mind, is identical with them because it is their cause. It is known by the name of Sankarsana, who is directly Lord Ananta with a thousand heads
- The tigers, the elephants, the deer and all other wild animals joined Him and were participating, in their own ways, by dancing and chanting Hare Krsna
- The torturing business of the demons is going on. Going on. As soon as the demons finds somebody little weak, they will torture. Weak in their way. A devotee is not weak, but they think that, These devotees, they are weak
- The training goes on, as we see in the vrndavana-lila of Krsna within this planet. Krsna therefore revealed the actual features of the Vaikuntha planets so that the inhabitants of Vrndavana could know their destination
- The transcendental molecules of that glance of the Lord appear in different species of life according to the seeds of their individual karma from the previous cosmic manifestation
- The transcendental vibration of hari-nama-sankirtana is imported from the spiritual world. Thus materialists who are addicted to experimental knowledge and the so-called scientific method cannot place their faith in the chanting of Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- The transcendentalists who aspire to the impersonal Brahman or localized Paramatma are not fully satisfied and still hanker for more. Even if they are satisfied in their minds, still, transcendentally, their eyes are not satisfied
- The treasure house of knowledge is contained in the Vedas, and their author, Vyasadeva, accepts Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Vyasadeva's spiritual master, Narada, also accepts Krsna as such
- The trees on the bank of the Yamuna and Ganges are always jubilant. They appear to be smiling with their flowers and shedding tears in the form of flowing honey
- The trees on the bank of the Yamuna, along with all the cows, bulls & calves, were full of pleasure because of Krsna's appearance there. The brahmana inhabitants of Vrndavana immediately came with their wives to congratulate Krsna and His family members
- The trees were overwhelmed with joy and were incessantly yielding honey, which flowed from the beehives hanging on their branches
- The Twentieth Chapter tells how Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recited His own eight stanzas of instruction and tasted their meaning in ecstatic love
- The two brothers got up, and again taking straw between their teeth, they humbly offered their prayers with folded hands
- The two brothers Uttama and Dhruva Maharaja also exchanged their tears. They were overwhelmed by the ecstasy of love and affection, and when they embraced one another, the hair on their bodies stood up
- The two brothers, Sakara Mallika & Dabira Khasa, very humbly submitted that due to their abominable activities they were now bound by the neck & hands & had been thrown into a ditch filled with abominable, stoollike objects of material sense enjoyment
- The two demigod sons of Kuvera (Nalakuvara and Manigriva) were so much intoxicated that they could not appreciate the presence of the sage Narada and therefore did not cover their bodies
- The two demigods Nalakuvara and Manigriva, because of their continuing memory, could understand the supremacy of Krsna by the grace of Narada
- The two demons born of Diti began to make their bodies as strong as iron frames, and they were so tall that they seemed to touch outer space. They were decorated with valuable ornaments, and they thought that this was success in life
- The two doormen were garlanded with fresh flowers which attracted intoxicated bees and which were placed around their necks and between their four blue arms
- The two of them danced in ecstatic love and embraced each other. Raising their arms, they said, "Chant the holy names of Hari and Krsna"
- The two purusas, the living entity and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, never lose their respective identities
- The two sons of Kuvera (the treasurer of the demigods) were puffed up on account of the opulence of their father, and so once on a heavenly planet they were enjoying themselves in a lake with some naked damsels of heaven
- The ultimate goal of life is Krsna, or Visnu, but those who are addicted to sex life cannot understand that their ultimate interest is Krsna consciousness
- The unfortunate baby birds, bereft of their mother, are waiting in the nest for her to feed them. They are still very small and have not yet grown their wings. How shall I be able to maintain them?
- The universes of the material creation have a limited length and breadth, but as far as the Vaikuntha planets are concerned, there is no limitation to their dimensions because they are spiritual
- The untrained descendants of the twice-born families are no more like their forefathers, and thus they are counted amongst the sudras, or once-born men
- The upper portions of Their (Krsna and Balarama's) bodies were already very attractive, and when the hunchbacked woman smeared Their bodies with sandalwood pulp, They looked even more beautiful
- The Vaikuntha planets are also surrounded by various airplanes, all glowing and brilliantly situated. These airplanes belong to the great mahatmas or devotees of the Lord. The ladies are as beautiful as lightning because of their celestial complexions
- The Vaisesika philosophers, however, because of their Mayavada conception, create differences. They say, brahma satyam jagan mithya: "The Absolute Truth is real, and the cosmic manifestation is false"
- The Vaisnava sannyasis travel all over the world to make every place a place of pilgrimage by the touch of their lotus feet
- The Vaisnava sannyasis, who are engaged in devotional service, are happy in the discharge of their transcendental duties, and they have the guarantee of ultimate entrance into the kingdom of God. BG 1972 purports
- The Vaisnava schools therefore never try to merge into the Brahman effulgence in their pursuit of spiritual perfection. They accept Krsna as the ultimate goal of self realization
- The Vaisnava, he should be always careful not to intermingle, means not to take up their ideas and thoughts. No. That is vaisnava-acara. Asat-sanga-tyaga, ei vaisnava
- The vaisyas are specifically advised to give protection to the cows and their pasturing ground or agricultural land instead of squandering their hard-earned money. That will satisfy the Lord
- The vanaprasthas, who have retired from family life, generally lament about their past family life because it engaged them in trying to fulfill lusty desires
- The vanaprasthas, who voluntarily avoid cleaning themselves and who allow their beards and nails to grow, no longer feel the discomforts of these burdens when they engage in the service of the Lord
- The varieties of energies produced by the interaction of material nature produce the varieties of species of life and their resultant happiness and unhappiness
- The various seasons displayed their respective qualities, & all living entities in the upper planetary system, in outer space & on the surface of the earth were jubilant. The demigods, cows, the brahmanas & the hills & mountains were all filled with joy
- The Vedas aim at the understanding of the Lord, and the Lord is the Vedas personified. Devaki is compared to the meaningful Vedas and the Lord to their purpose personified
- The Vedas give direction to civilized human beings to enable them to satisfy their propensities for sense gratification. In the nivrtti-marga, however, on the path of transcendental realization, sex is completely forbidden
- The Vedas recommend fruitive activities by which people can advance to higher planets, and they also recommend worship of the various demigods for the purpose of attaining their planets
- The Vedas said, "As such, Your devotees who have left their domestic comforts to associate with the liberated acaryas (teachers) are now fully merged in the devotional service of Your Lordship, and thus they do not care for any so-called liberation"
- The Vedic injunctions are self-authorized, and if some mundane creature adjusts the interpretations of the Vedas, he defies their authority. It is foolish to think of oneself as more intelligent than Srila Vyasadeva
- The veins of the universal body became manifested and thereafter the red corpuscles, or blood. In their wake came the rivers (the deities presiding over the veins), and then appeared an abdomen
- The vibration of His flute slackens the knots of their underwear even in front of their husbands. Thus the gopis are forced to abandon their household duties and come before Lord Krsna. In this way all social etiquette, shame and fear are vanquished
- The vibration of Krsna's flute is very aggressive, and it breaks the vows of all chaste women. Indeed, its vibration takes them forcibly from the laps of their husbands
- The villagers, they have cows and land. That is sufficient for their economic problem
- The visible effect of this chanting (of Hare Krsna maha-mantra) is that the members of the Hare Krsna movement, regardless of their backgrounds, all give up the four principles of sinful life and come to an elevated standard of devotion
- The visnu-tattva has ninety-four percent, the siva-tattva has eighty-four percent, Lord Brahma has seventy-eight percent, and the living entities are also like Brahma, but in the conditioned state their power is still more dim
- The Visnudutas made Ajamila aware of devotional service so that He might immediately become fit to return home, back to Godhead. To increase his eagerness to glorify the Lord, they disappeared so that he would feel separation in their absence
- The Visnudutas resemble the Supreme Personality of Godhead in their bodily features, transcendental qualities and nature. In other words, the Visnudutas, or Vaisnavas, are almost as qualified as the Supreme Lord
- The voidists, they say sunyavadi. They say, "There is no God." And the impersonalists, they say that there is God, but there is no head, there is no leg, there is no hand, there is no mouth, there is no, no, no... Ultimately, what is their God?
- The voters adore the so-called leaders only when they promise sense gratification. As soon as the voters are dissatisfied in their sense satisfaction, they dethrone the leaders. The leaders must always disappoint the voters by not satisfying their senses
- The Vrndavana people were ordinary men, agriculturists, taking care of the cows. They were not Vedantists, not philosopher, not scientist. Ordinary. But what is their credit? The credit is nobody could love Krsna excelling them. That was their credit
- The warriors of the Kuru dynasty (Karna, Sala, Bhuri, Yajnaketu, Duryodhana and Bhismadeva) accepted their great victory and took their daughter, Laksmana, away from him (Samba). Thereafter, they entered the city of Hastinapura in great triumph
- The Western people, they are not fools, but misguided. So you take the charge of guiding them; then Krsna consciousness movement will be successful. They will appreciate, they will take it up and reform, and their life will be successful
- The whole idea is to draw the attention of the mass of people to krsna-katha (Bhagavad-gita) through their strong affinity for hearing mundane topics
- The whole system of society was so well planned that all the members of society in their different positions as brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras had no difficulty in earning their livelihood. There was no competition among the divisions of society
- The whole world is working so hard. They are going to the office; they are going to the . . . working hours to earn livelihood. But what is the pleasure? The pleasure is sex. That's all. Their ultimate goal is sex
- The whole world situation is degrading, that people are not producing their own food. This is the problem, real problem
- The whole world, especially the Western country, their ideology, philosophy, is this, hedonism. "Enjoy this life very comfortably, as nicely as possible." But that is a great defect and great mistake
- The wife of King Citraketu said (after the death of their son): If the bonds of affection You (the Lord) have created are disturbed by fruitive action, no one will raise children with affection; instead, everyone will cruelly neglect his children
- The wife of Sivananda Sena also came, along with their three sons. Raghava Pandita joined them, carrying his famous bags of food
- The wives of Kamsa and his eight brothers were aggrieved at the sudden death of their husbands, and all of them struck their foreheads and shed torrents of tears
- The wives of Krsna were so fortunate that they got the Supreme Personality of Godhead as their husband, although their husband's personality was unknown even to Brahma and the other demigods
- The wives of Saubhari Muni also entered the spiritual world by the influence of their husband. They were unfit, but because they were faithful followers of their husband, they also entered the spiritual world with him
- The wives of the brahmanas who were performing sacrifices gave up their relatives just to satisfy Krsna. This is an example of a wife rejecting a husband who cannot deliver her from the impending dangers of birth and death
- The wives of the demigods, regretting the absence of their husbands, began to pray for the appearance of Lord Buddha, the ninth incarnation of Krsna in the age of Kali
- The woman is known as his better half, so if she looks after the comfort of the man, a man is working and she is looking after the comfort, then both will be satisfied and their spiritual life will progress
- The women of Mathura said: "What austerities must the gopis have performed? With their eyes they always drink the nectar of the form of Lord Krsna, which is the essence of loveliness and is not to be equaled or surpassed"
- The wonderful varieties of this material world are also created by You (Krsna), and You have entered as the Supersoul into all of them, down to the atom. You are the vital force of all these manifestations and also their supreme cognition
- The word "sarva-kanti" indicates that all beauty and luster rest in Her body. All the laksmis derive their beauty from Her
- The word arta refers to one who is physically distressed, and artharthi refers to one in need of money. Such persons are forced to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead for mitigation of their distress or to get some money
- The word asuci-vratah, unclean vow, is very significant in this connection. Such demoniac people are only attracted by wine, women, gambling and meat eating; those are their asuci, unclean habits. BG 1972 purports
- The word baddha-sauhrdah - "bound in friendship" - is particularly used here. Karmis, jnanis and yogis cannot be bound in devotional service. Karmis fully engage in the activities of the body. Their aim of life is to give comfort to the body only
- The word bhagavan means that one is a very opulent and powerful person like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Narada or Indra. They are all addressed as bhagavan due to their extraordinary opulence
- The word dista-karinah (in SB 4.28.1) indicates that he (the King of the Yavanas) is their (soldiers who attack the body as disease) commander
- The word praja-sarga (in SB 4.29.81) is very important. When the saintly King Pracinabarhi was induced by the great sage Narada to leave home and take to the devotional service of the Lord, his sons had not yet returned from their austerities in the water
- The word pratyuditah is very significant (in SB 6.2.21). The servants of Yamaraja are so powerful that they can never be hindered anywhere, but this time they were baffled and disappointed in their attempt to take away a man they considered sinful
- The word sauhrdam ("friendliness") is very significant in this verse (SB 7.6.24). People are generally ignorant of Krsna consciousness, and therefore to become their best well-wisher one should teach them about Krsna consciousness without discrimination
- The word saukra janma means "taking birth by seminal discharge." Animals can take their birth in this way too. However, a human being can be reformed from the saukra janma, as recommended in the Vedic civilization
- The word tamasah is very significant here (in BG 14.18). Tamasah indicates those who stay continually in the mode of ignorance without rising to a higher mode. Their future is very dark. BG 1972 purports
- The word tapo-dipita-manyavah indicates that persons who have undergone severe austerity (tapasya) are endowed with great mystic power, as evinced by the Pracetas, who created fire and wind from their mouths
- The word upakuryat means para-upakara, helping others. Of course, in human society there are many institutions to help others, but because philanthropists do not know how to help others, their propensity for philanthropy is ineffectual
- The word yajna indicates Lord Visnu. We should work only for His satisfaction. In modern times (Kali-yuga), however, people have forgotten Visnu altogether, and they conduct their activities for sense gratification
- The words bala adusita-dhiyah indicate that the children, being of a tender age, were not as polluted by materialistic life as their fathers
- The words matuh anugrahat ("by the mercy of their mother") refer to the breast milk of their mother. In India it is a common belief that if a baby is fed his mother's milk for at least six months, his body will be very strong
- The words mudha vartisyase katham reveal that Sukracarya was a brahmana of the priestly class. Such priestly brahmanas are mostly interested in receiving remuneration from their disciples
- The words pitra pitamahenapi justam vah depict an honest royal family, consisting of the kings, their father, their grandfather and their great-grandfathers. Such a royal family has a prestigious position because it maintains the citizens, or prajas
- The worshipers of the demigods are not very intelligent persons because they derive only temporary, exhaustible results. Their endeavors are those of less intelligent men. On the other hand, the Lord assures that His devotee has no fear of falling
- The worshipers of the demigods have one facility more than the unbelievers due to their being convinced of the Vedic version, by which they can get information of the benefit of worshiping the Supreme Lord
- The worshipful Brahma first laughed at their stupidity (they wanted to copulate wih Lord Brahma), but finding the shameless asuras close upon him, he grew indignant and ran in great haste out of fear
- The Yadavas were only partially cognizant of the Lord, but they are also glorious because they had the opportunity to associate with the Lord, who acted as the head of their family, and they also rendered the Lord intimate service
- The Yadus offered sincere obeisances by touching their heads to the ground. The Yadus or any enlightened family in Vedic culture are trained for attainment of human perfection by total cooperation of service between different divisions of social orders
- The Yamadutas saw that their (the Visnudutas) eyes were just like petals of the lotus flower, so beautiful. Sarve padma-palasaksah. And all dressed in saffron cloth, yellow. Kiritinah, with helmet; kundalino, earrings. Kiritinah and with flower garlands
- The Yamadutas, the order carriers of Yamaraja, were so disappointed that they asked their master, almost in great anger, whether there were many masters other than him
- The yogi should meditate upon His club, which is named Kaumodaki and is very dear to Him. This club smashes the demons, who are always inimical soldiers, and is smeared with their blood
- The yogis accept the eternity of the Supreme Person in one of their mantras - sa purvesam api guruh kalanavacchedat: Such a person is always supreme and is not influenced by the element of time
- The yogis also at times take to chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, but their purpose is different from that of the bhaktas. In all processes - karma, jnana or yoga - bhakti is required. That is the purport of this verse - SB 4.31.12
- The yogis and jnanis are confused in their attempts to understand Krsna, although the greatest of the impersonalists, Sripada Sankaracarya, has admitted in his Gita commentary that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The yogis and jnanis are confused in their attempts to understand Krsna. Although the greatest of the impersonalists, Sripada Sankaracarya, has admitted in his Gita commentary that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The yogis are also directed to concentrate their meditation upon Krsna within the heart, and by such a continued process of Krsna consciousness they can also become free from the clutches of the material energy
- The yogis begin their practice of yoga by worshiping the abdomen, and they try to concentrate their attention on their intestines. Gradually their meditation rises to the heart and concentrates on the mind and the heart
- The yogis should not have illicit connection with their disciples. Do they believe God is...? It is simply business for earning money and getting woman. They have no other... Valueless
- The younger brothers of Yudhisthira observed that the age of Kali had already arrived throughout the world & that the citizens of the kingdom were already affected by irreligious practice. Therefore they decided to follow their elder brother
- The younger Madhucchandas accepted Sunahsepha as their eldest brother and told him, "We shall follow your orders." Visvamitra then said to his obedient sons, "Because you have accepted Sunahsepha as your eldest brother, I am very satisfied
- The youth of America who are so searching I am very much sympathetic with them and their qualification of detachment to the material advancement of civilization will alone help them to advance in Krishna or God consciousness
- The youthful duration of their lives is very pleasing, and both men and women enjoy sexual union with great pleasure for a long time. After years of sensual pleasure - when a balance of one year of life remains - the wife conceives a child
- Their (all books of knowledge) purpose is to restrict bodily activities by certain rules and regulations, and these rules and regulations are known as codes of morality. The Bible, for instance, has ten commandments intended to regulate our lives
- Their (attracted devotees) pure devotion (suddha-bhakti), manifested from pure love of Godhead, surpasses the regulative principles of the authoritative scriptures
- Their (Bhaumasura's soldiers and commanders) arms, legs and heads separated from their trunks, and all their horses and elephants also fell with them. In this way, all the weapons released by Bhaumasura were cut to pieces by the Lord's arrows
- Their (Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu & Advaita Gosani's) so-called descendants who do not have the qualifications have accepted this title as a hereditary designation or a professional degree. That is not in accord with the sastric injunctions
- Their (cows and calves) eyes seemed to be embracing Krsna, and there were tears in their eyes. This is an instance of inertia resulting from hearing the transcendental vibrations of Krsna's flute
- Their (demonaic people's and non-Aryans) method of civilization is condemned in the previous verse (SB 6.16.43). Kah ksemo nija-parayoh kiyan varthah sva-para-druha dharmena: "What is the meaning of a civilization that kills oneself and others"
- Their (demoniac people's) only business is to indulge in all kinds of forbidden activities for sense gratification. Yad indriya-pritaya aprnoti: they deviate in this way because they want to gratify their senses. They have no other occupation or ambition
- Their (Demons) propaganda not to worship in the temple or church but simply to make material advancement for satisfaction of the senses is always current
- Their (Devotees) example is that just as the stomach is the source of energy of all the limbs of the body, God is the original source of all energy manifested in the material and spiritual worlds
- Their (devotees) relative, son, preceptor, benefactor and Supreme Deity, they cannot be deprived of their possessions at any time because they accept Me as their friend
- Their (Dvija Haridasa and his two sons Sridama and Gokulananda's) village, Kancana-gadiya, is situated within five miles of the Bajarasau station, the fifth station from Ajimaganja in the district of Mursidabad - in West Bengal
- Their (foolish persons) only profit is to take the trouble of going and coming back, just as at present many material scientists are spoiling their time by trying to go to the moon planet and again coming back
- Their (impersonalists) business is mostly word jugglery and mental speculation. Consequently the impersonalists pursue a fruitless labor, as confirmed in the Twelfth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita (12.5)
- Their (Indonesia's) culture is Hindu culture. But by religion they have accepted Muslim. They still, their names are Hindu names
- Their (intelligent men's) duty is to travel throughout human society and inspire its members to engage themselves in acts of spiritual culture by sacrificing their words, money, intelligence, and life. That should be the theme of human life
- Their (jealous fools who criticize the intermingling of boys and girls) stereotyped methods will never help spread Krsna consciousness
- Their (jnani's) dharma, or religion, consists of trying to make a peaceful atmosphere within this material world. The fools do not know that this has been tried for millions of years but has never happened and never will happen
- Their (jnani's) position is a little higher than that of the karmis because the karmis have taken this material world as everything
- Their (Kauravas) arrangement was expert and more than adequate, but He (Lord Sri Krsna), while going forward, did all this
- Their (Krsna and Balarama's) whole bodies became wet from Their ecstatic dancing. This is an instance of fatigue caused by dancing
- Their (living entities) situation in different conditions of life, therefore, is not accidental. It is by their choice, because they have knowledge
- Their (material scientists') plane must be able to fly in outer space and hover, and visit all other planets
- Their (Mayavadi philosophers) commentaries on the Vedanta-sutra are completely opposed to the principle of devotional service. Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore warns us to avoid these commentaries
- Their (Mayavadi's) brains cannot accommodate the fact that the huge cosmic manifestation can be created by a person. They doubt this because as soon as they think of a person, they think of a person within the material world with limited potency
- Their (of the scientists) attempts will be failures because no one can enter the moon or sun so easily. Like the attack of Rahu, such attempts will certainly be failures
- Their (people's) leaders are always encouraging them to follow this path, and the general populace, being ignorant of the laws of God, are following their blind leaders down the path of unhappiness
- Their (persons too addicted to materialistic life) inclinations toward Krsna are never aroused, either by the instructions of others, by their own efforts, or by a combination of both - SB 7.5.30
- Their (persons who are falsely puffed up thinking they have become liberated by understanding their position as spirit soul) intelligence is impure because they have no understanding of the PG, and ultimately they fall down from their puffed-up position
- Their (Persons) struggle for existence is in the wrong direction of material civilization, which is under the external energy. They are led by similar foolish persons, just as one blind man is led by another blind man and both fall in the ditch
- Their (prakrta-sahajiyas) ecstatic tears will of course help them in the long run, for as soon as they come in contact with a pure devotee their lives will become successful
- Their (Radha and Govinda's) companions (sakhis) are Her confidantes, who embody extensions of Her bodily form and who are imbued and permeated with ever-blissful spiritual rasa - BS 5.37
- Their (Radha and Govinda's) companions are Her confidantes, who embody extensions of Her bodily form and who are imbued and permeated with ever-blissful spiritual rasa
- Their (Radha and Krsna's) companions (sakhis) are Her confidantes, who embody extensions of Her bodily form and who are imbued and permeated with ever-blissful spiritual rasa - BS 5.38
- Their (Radha and Krsna's) transcendental exchanges of love are the superexcellent affairs of the pastimes in Vrndavana. By these expansions of Srimati Radharani’s personal body, She helps Lord Krsna taste the rasa dance and other, similar activities
- Their (Radharani's personal associates) affection for Krsna and Radharani is so pure that they are simply satisfied when Radha and Krsna are together. Indeed, their transcendental pleasure is in seeing Radha and Krsna united
- Their (Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami's) nephew Jiva Gosvami constructed the Radha-Damodara temple, Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami constructed the Radha-ramana temple
- Their (sahajiya's) association changes the transcendental devotional service of Lord Krsna into sense gratification, and when sense gratification enters the mind of a devotee, he is contaminated
- Their (so-called devotees known as sahajiyas) superficial imitation can create havoc on the path for the advancement of one's spiritual relationship with the Lord
- Their (some of younger women) hair and tight clothing loosened, and they forgot where they were standing
- Their (sudras' and dacoits') business is to plunder the wealthy, and to become successful they offer an animalistic man before the goddess Kali. It should be noted that they never sacrifice an intelligent man before the goddess
- Their (The atheists) theory is: "As long as you live, you should live prosperously. Never mind whether you commit all kinds of so-called sins. You must eat sumptuously
- Their (The atheists) theory is: Beg, borrow and steal, and if you think that by stealing and borrowing you are being entangled in sinful activities for which you will have to pay, then just forget that misconception
- Their (the Buddhist's) original Krsna consciousness was revived, and they were immediately able to chant Hare Krsna and begin worshiping the Supreme Lord Visnu
- Their (the citizens' and men of government's) duration of life is shortened, and almost everyone is wretched and bereft of bodily strength and spiritual power
- Their (the cowherd women's) ears were decorated with pearl rings, their necks were decorated with jeweled lockets, their lips and eyes were decorated with different kinds of lipstick and ointment, and their hands were decorated with nice golden bangles
- Their (the damsels) hair loosened, their clothes slackened, and their garlands began to fall to the ground
- Their (the demigods') impudent disrespect of their spiritual master (Brhaspati) was the cause of their defeat by the demons
- Their (the demoniac people's) plans for life are never finished, and they go on preparing plan after plan, all of which are never finished. BG 1972 purports
- Their (the elderly gopis) extra affection for their sons, who were now Krsna Himself, was due to bewilderment resembling that of Brahma
- Their (the followers of the Patanjali yoga system) position is even more abominable than that of those who want to merge into the Lord’s effulgence. These yogis meditate on the four-handed Visnu form of the Lord in order to merge into His body
- Their (the four Kumaras) complexions are very fair, there is an effulgence in their bodies, and they always travel naked. These four saintly persons almost always remain together
- Their (the gaura-nagaris, who place Lord Caitanya in the position of enjoyer and themselves as His enjoyed) concoctions are against the principles of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Their (the gopis) attraction to the vibration of the flute increased a thousand times due to the rising full moon, the red horizon, the calm and cool atmosphere and the blossoming flowers
- Their (the gopis) churning rods, their arms, their earrings, their bangles, their breasts - everything moved, and kunkuma powder gave their faces a saffron luster comparable to the rising sun
- Their (the gopis) faces were decorated hurriedly and were haphazardly finished; some even put the lower part of their clothes on the upper part of their bodies and the upper part on the lower part
- Their (the gopis) fourth business is to surrender unto Krsna, the fifth is to create a jovial atmosphere, the sixth to give Them (Radharani and Krsna) assurance to enjoy Their pastimes, the seventh to dress and decorate both hero and heroine
- Their (the gopis) offering was not exactly to their boys but to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who had expanded Himself into such boys. This was a chance for all the mothers of Vrndavana to feed the Supreme Personality of Godhead with their own milk
- Their (the gopis) simple presentation was so pure that Lord Krsna immediately became pleased with them. All the unmarried gopis who prayed to Katyayani to have Krsna as their husband were thus satisfied
- Their (the gopis) third business is to induce both of Them (Krsna and Radharani) to approach each other
- Their (the gopis) thought is eternally absorbed in the lotus feet of Krsna. Great sages and we ourselves also try to be absorbed in meditation on the lotus feet of Krsna
- Their (the impersonalist's) so-called acceptance of the Vedas has no meaning, for all the acaryas, even the impersonalist Sankaracarya, have recommended the worship of the transcendental form of the Lord
- Their (the inhabitants of Vaikuntha) bodies, being spiritual, have no equals in the material world. The beauty of a bright cloud when lightning flashes on it merely hints at their beauty
- Their (the Karma-mimamsa philosophers) opinion is that even if there is a God who gives man the result of his fruitive activities, there is no need to worship Him because unless man works He cannot bestow any good result
- Their (the locked up gopis) ecstasy of transcendental love for Krsna in His absence ended all their reactions to material pious activities
- Their (the locked up gopis) severely painful yearnings caused by their not being able to see Krsna freed them from all sinful reactions
- Their (the materialists') goal in life is to make the material body comfortable, but they forget the interest of the spirit soul
- Their (the Mayavadi philosophers) philosophy is zero philosophy. That is also no information of the spiritual world. Buddha philosophy and Mayavada philosophy, sunyavadi, nirvisesa, without varieties, or zero
- Their (the nonregulated section's) activities are never auspicious because, enjoying the animal propensities of eating, sleeping, defending and mating, they perpetually remain in material existence, which is always miserable. BG 1972 purports
- Their (the residents of Vaikuntha) chests are beautifully broad and fully decorated with necklaces of a brilliant diamondlike metal surrounded by costly jewels never to be found in the material world
- Their (the sages's) minds are never disturbed or diverted from contemplation on the Absolute Truth, nor are they ever contaminated by desire for material enjoyment
- Their (the so-called modern civilization) developed consciousness is being used for sense gratification. That's all. They have taken up, sense gratification is the highest aim of life. Hedonism
- Their (the ten million Rudras') associates, the ghosts and goblins, who are very fearful, were born of the other wife of Bhuta
- Their (the varied expansions of the Personality of Godhead) bodies, composed of eternity, bliss and knowledge, are everlasting; there is no chance of their decaying, for they are not creations of the material world
- Their (the varied expansions of the Personality of Godhead) forms are concentrated spiritual existence, always complete with all spiritual qualities and devoid of material contamination
- Their (the wives of the heavenly denizens') eyes moved, their earrings and other ornaments glittered and glared, their dresses were the nicest possible, and all of them had special lockets on their necklaces. Each woman was accompanied by her husband
- Their (those in mundane goodness) impersonal conception of the self as distinct from the body keeps them in goodness within material nature, and unless they are attracted by krsna-katha, they will never be liberated from the bondage of material existence
- Their (worshiped murti form's) names are Kesava at Mathura, Purusottama or Jagannatha at Nilacala, Sri Bindu Madhava at Prayaga, Madhusudana at Mandara, and Vasudeva, Padmanabha and Janardana at Anandaranya, which is situated in Kerala, South India
- Their aim (Narada and the Kumaras) is that all the conditioned souls may be educated to revive their original consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, and thus gain relief from the miserable conditions of material life
- Their aims and object is superficially good, that "We altogether preach." But they do not know the ways
- Their airships (in heaven) are not like those we have invented in the modern age, which fly only from one country to another; their airplanes were capable of going from one planet to another
- Their arms were adorned with brilliant bracelets, and they (Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu) stood as if covering the sun with their waists, which were bound with excellent and beautiful girdles
- Their bodies became so tall that they seemed to kiss the sky with the crests of their gold crowns. They blocked the view of all directions and while walking shook the earth at every step
- Their bodies become wrinkled and gradually deteriorate until they become almost like dwarves, and a bad odor emanates from their bodies because of unclean perspiration resulting from eating all kinds of nasty things
- Their business was, these Gosvamis, krsnotkirtana-gana-nartana-parau: they were always engaged in chanting "Krsna." That is the real purpose of human life, especially in this age
- Their cheeks are decorated with glittering earrings, and the beauty of their faces is extremely pleasing to see
- Their companions are Her confidantes, who embody extensions of Her bodily form and who are imbued and permeated with ever-blissful spiritual rasa
- Their conclusion (the members of the Mayavada school) is a great offense at the lotus feet of the Lord
- Their conferences, their United Nation, their scientific advancement, their educational system, philosophy and so on, so on, everything is meant for how to become happy in this material world
- Their dancing (of many other Brahmas and Sivas and demigods) was accompanied by various kinds of music, and all of Them were worshiping Lord Visnu
- Their developed consciousness is being used for sense gratification. That's all. They have taken up, sense gratification is the highest aim of life. Hedonism
- Their education system is so rubbish that they do not know what is liberation. Just like cats and dogs, they do not know what is liberation. Liberation means to get out of this false conditional life
- Their enthusiasm for distributing my books will please me very much. Not only will I be pleased, but my guru maharaja will also be pleased and they will all be blessed
- Their faces were decorated with tilaka and smeared with the dust raised by the cows, and Krsna's head was decorated with a peacock feather. Both He and Balarama played Their flutes, and the young gopis were joyous to see Krsna returning home
- Their first principle is that the creation has always existed. But if this were the case, there could be no theory of annihilation. The Buddhists maintain that annihilation, or dissolution, is the highest truth
- Their garlands attracted swarms of bees because they were garlands of fresh flowers. In the Vaikuntha world everything is fresh, new and transcendental. The inhabitants of Vaikuntha have bodies of bluish color and four hands like Narayana
- Their hair became disarrayed, their ornaments fell, and in a way that evoked sympathy from the hearts of others, the queens began lamenting their husband's death
- Their holy names were Rama, Laksmana, Bharata and Satrughna. These celebrated incarnations thus appeared in four forms as the sons of Maharaja Dasaratha
- Their house was always filled with riches and grains. As they saw the beloved body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, day after day their pleasure increased
- Their influence and their followers, these are the symptoms by which we can understand that Jesus Christ and Hazrat Muhammad was, were saktyavesa avataras
- Their intelligence being covered by sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna, they can see only the actions and reactions of these three modes of material nature
- Their intelligence has become dull because their minds are attracted to the ritualistic ceremonies mentioned in the Vedas - especially the Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Rg Veda
- Their legs were decorated with bells, Their waists with golden belts, & Their fingers with jeweled rings. Brahma also saw that upon the whole body of each Visnu, from the lotus feet up to the top of the head, fresh tulasi leaves and buds had been thrown
- Their looking at the face of Lord Jagannatha was interrupted only when He was offered food. Afterwards they would again look upon His face. When the food was being offered to the Lord, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed His kirtana
- Their meeting is exactly like a mixture of condensed milk and sugar candy. When they talk of the pastimes of Radha and Krsna, camphor is added. One who tastes this combined preparation is most fortunate
- Their mission is, "What is this nonsense, spiritual understanding? Simply some sentiment, waste of time. Produce. Enjoy. Invent so many things for sense gratification" - Western civilization. And this is very attractive to the raksasa class
- Their mutual enmity aroused, Pradyumna fought fiercely against Samba, Akrura against Kuntibhoja, Aniruddha against Satyaki, Subhadra against Sangramajit, Sumitra against Suratha, and the two Gadas against each other
- Their natural love for each other was awakened in them both, and they embraced and fell to the ground
- Their new names are: Bhojadeva das, Taraka dasi and Mukhara dasi respectively. Now it will please me very much if you all can work together nicely and recruit many more young people to join our movement, it is their only future hope
- Their nice appreciation of our movement is a great pleasure for me to note. Keep them very nicely, and as you consider that one or all of them are ready for initiation and are desiring like that, then they can send their beads to me to be chanted upon
- Their only business is enjoying Lord Krsna’s company, and even though such eternally liberated persons come within this material world to serve the Lord’s purpose, they enjoy Lord Krsna’s company without stoppage
- Their only business was to create enmity with saintly persons. Such activities can only reduce one’s duration of life. The demons accelerated the process and invited their deaths as soon as possible
- Their qualities are one and the same, but those who are fully surrendered to Krsna's lotus feet are qualified with another transcendental quality - atma-samarpana, full surrender without reservation
- Their scientific knowledge will be successful when by scientific knowledge they prove that God is the origin of the universe. That is success
- Their senses could not disturb them, for their senses were completely engaged in serving the Lord. The three brothers (sons of Priyavrata) are described as upasama-silah. Upasama means "completely subdued
- Their specific duties can be understood from a statement by Mother Yasoda, who said, 'Bakula, please cleanse the yellowish dress of Krsna. Varida, you just flavor the bathing water with aguru scent
- Their theories are incapable of revealing You, who are transcendental to their material conceptions because of polluted eagerness to arrive at the right conclusion
- Their two brothers were named Sripati and Srinidhi. These four brothers and their servants and maidservants are considered one big branch
- Their wealth was in milk, yogurt, clarified butter and many other milk products, and by trading their agricultural products, they (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) were rich in various kinds of jewelry, ornaments and costly garments
- Their whole life is miserable condition, tri-tapa-yatana, adhyatmika, adhibhautika, adhidaivika, but we are so foolish, we have accepted this miserable condition of life as customary
- Then she increases their great anxiety and induces them to give up the regulative principle of obeying superiors. Finally, she forcibly brings them to You to surrender in amorous love
- Then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took prasadam with all of them and then asked them to return to their dwellings and take rest
- Then the five brothers were detected at the marriage ceremony of Draupadi, so another rumor spread that the Pandavas and their mother were not dead
- Then the gopis on the riverbank rendered service by massaging Krsna and the other gopis with scented oil and smearing paste of amalaki fruit on their bodies
- Then the Lord (Krsna) personally entered the city accompanied by elderly relatives and invalid brahmanas with their wives, all offering benedictions and singing the glories of the Lord. Others also praised the glories of the Lord
- Then, as Jaya and Vijaya fell from the Lord's abode, a great roar of disappointment arose from all the demigods, who were sitting in their splendid airplanes
- There (at Raivataka Mountain) he (Dvivida) saw Lord Balarama in the midst of many beautiful young girls, enjoying their company while singing and dancing
- There (in Vrndavana) Krsna's dear friends, the cowherd boys and the gopis, serve Radha and Krsna by singing, dancing, offering betel nuts and refreshments and decorating Their Lordships with flowers
- There (on Mount Kailasa) are many kinds of animals, like deer, monkeys, boars, lions, rksas, salyakas, forest cows, forest asses, tigers, small deer, buffalo and many other animals, who are fully enjoying their lives
- There (under the wish-fulfilling tree) Krsna's dear gopi friends serve Radha and Krsna by singing, dancing, offering betel nuts and refreshments, and decorating Their Lordships with flowers - CC Intro
- There also arrived many Lord Sivas with various heads numbering one hundred thousand and ten million. Many Indras also arrived, and they had hundreds of thousands of eyes all over their bodies
- There are 18,000's of verses in Srimad-Bhagavatam. And the acaryas, the great saintly sages who are the preachers of this Bhagavatam throughout India, their opinion is that it is the ripened fruit of the Vedic desire tree
- There are all types of living entities according to their various karmas, but here the Lord claims that He is the father of all of them. BG 1972 Introduction
- There are also demons who enjoy depicting Krsna and His pastimes with the gopis, taking advantage of Krsna by their licentious character. These demons who print books and write lyrics on the raga-marga principles are surely on the way to hell
- There are also four incarnations for the four yugas, and their colors are described as white, red, blackish and black (sometimes yellow, as in the case of Lord Caitanya). There are different types of millenniums and incarnations for those millenniums
- There are also institutions (in India) collecting money from all parts of the world in the name of welfare activities for poverty-stricken people, but they are spending it for their own sense gratification
- There are also Krsna's parents, Nanda and Yasoda, who are also engaged in His service according to their respective transcendental emotions. One who desires to enter into the supreme abode of Krsna can take shelter of one of such transcendental servitors
- There are also many examples of (cheating) of teachers who actually know nothing but put forth theories in words like "perhaps" or "it may be," while in actuality they are simply cheating their students
- There are also many thoughtful writers and creative philosophers, but despite all their learning, if they cannot approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are simply useless mental speculators
- There are also planets where no sunlight reaches, and there are living entities who must live there due to their past deeds
- There are always rogues and thieves in human society, and as soon as a weak government is unable to execute its duties, these rogues and thieves come out to do their business. Thus the entire society becomes a hell unfit for gentlemen to live in
- There are ample food grains, milk, fruit and vegetables so that the human beings as well as the animals can eat sumptuously and to their heart's content
- There are atheists of various categories who do not believe in the creator, but that is due simply to their poor fund of knowledge
- There are big scholars, politicians, philosophers and scientists who speak on Bhagavad-gita in their own polluted way, and people in general hear from them, being uninterested in hearing the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead from a devotee
- There are different grades of fighters, including maha-rathi, eka-rathi and rathi, classified according to their fighting ability. These maha-rathis could fight alone with many thousands of men
- There are different grades of intelligence. In Europe, America, they are intelligent, but their intelligence is utilized for material purposes. And in India their intelligence is utilized for spiritual purpose
- There are different kinds and grades of living entities, and their conceptions and perceptions of happiness are also of all different types and grades
- There are different types of satisfaction. Karmis are satisfied in their fruitive activities, jnanis are satisfied to merge into the effulgence of Brahman, and devotees are satisfied to engage in the Lord's service
- There are different varieties of living entities on different planets, and they all derive their eatables from their planets in different forms. On the basis of these descriptions, how can one assume that there is no living entity on the moon
- There are eight kinds of marriage, of which marriage by agreement is called gandharva marriage. Generally the parents select the husband or wife for their daughter or son, but gandharva marriage takes place by personal selection
- There are existence man-eaters in Africa. So the human society is coming to that position. Like animal, they will eat their own sons and daughters. So therefore this practice, unnecessarily killing animal, is the one of the pillar of sinful life
- There are existing man-eaters in Africa. So the human society is coming to that position. Like animal, they will eat their own sons and daughters. So therefore this practice, unnecessarily killing animal, is one of the pillar of sinful life
- There are five different kinds of mukti. Impersonalists prefer to merge into the existence of the Transcendence, but the personalists, or devotees, do not annihilate their individuality
- There are five different names for the orbits of the sun, moon, stars and luminaries in the firmament, and they each have their own samvatsara
- There are hundreds and thousands of instances like this in which kings, in their mature age, would give up their kingdoms and go to the forest to practice austerity
- There are hundreds of branch monasteries under these four principal monasteries (established by Sripada Sankaracarya), and although there is an official symmetry among them, there are many differences in their dealings
- There are innumerable devotees of the Lord, of whom Srivasa Thakura is the foremost. I offer my respectful obeisances thousands of times unto their lotus feet
- There are innumerable living entities, and their activities, performed in the material world according to the different qualities of the material modes of nature, give them the chance to have different kinds of lives
- There are many celebrated businessmen and industrialists who produce great wealth and are highly praised by the public, but all their money is ultimately plundered by their sons and grandsons
- There are many charitable foundations which offer their gifts to institutions where sense gratification goes on. Such charities are not recommended in the Vedic scripture. Only charity in the mode of goodness is recommended. BG 1972 purports
- There are many commentators, they deviate from Krsna. I do not know why. That is their nefarious motive
- There are many demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva who sometimes offer benedictions to their respective devotees. For example, Ravana was blest with many benedictions by Lord Siva, and Hiranyakasipu was blest by Lord Brahma
- There are many desires to perform auspicious and inauspicious activities, but people do not know how life after life they are keeping their hearts unclean
- There are many examples in history of devotees of the Lord risking their lives for the spreading of God consciousness. The favorite example is Lord Jesus Christ. BG 1972 purports
- There are many examples in history of devotees who risked their lives for the spreading of God consciousness. The favorite example is Lord Jesus Christ. He was crucified by the nondevotees, but he sacrificed his life for spreading God consciousness
- There are many instances in which the parents of a female child have given someone a verbal promise that their daughter will be married to his son. Both parties agree to wait until the boy and girl are grown up, and then the marriage takes place
- There are many instances of so-called sannyasis who gave up the world as untruth, but again came to the material world because they were not seeking their real repose at the lotus feet of the Lord
- There are many karmis in the dress of devotees, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead can detect their purpose
- There are many materialistic persons who become preachers, gurus, religionists or philosophers only for the sake of maintaining a high standard of living and sense gratification for themselves and their families
- There are many members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness who work very hard in their office or in the factory or some other place, and whatever they earn they give to the Society. BG 1972 purports
- There are many misguided men who live in Vrndavana to satisfy their sexual desires, but they are certainly no better than the monkeys and hogs
- There are many mistakes and illusions in your scriptures. Their compilers, not knowing the essence of knowledge, gave orders that were against reason and argument
- There are many other heroes who are prepared to lay down their lives for my sake. All of them are well equipped with different kinds of weapons, and all are experienced in military science. BG 1.9 - 1972
- There are many other sages, like Sankaracarya, Gautama Muni, Narada Muni, etc., to whom we are indebted because we take advantage of their knowledge
- There are many people all over the world who claim for some time that they are husbands, political leaders or guardians, but in due course of time the Supreme Lord desires their removal from their posts, and their careers are immediately finished
- There are many persons with little in their possession who accept the renounced order of life like monkeys. They go here and there engaging in sense gratification and speaking intimately with women
- There are many practical experiences, and so many scholars, books we have studied, and their commentary is all nonsense because they are not bhakta. They try to understand Bhagavad-gita simply by their academic qualification. That is not possible
- There are many professional chanters who can perform congregational chanting with various musical instruments in an artistic and musical way, but their chanting cannot be as attractive as the congregational chanting of pure devotees
- There are many pseudo mystics who undergo severe penances for their own satisfaction, and there are others who undergo severe penances for the satisfaction of the senses of the Lord
- There are many redundant churches because the Christian people are gradually deviating from their religious beliefs on account of stereotype presentation of the Bible by sophisticated priests
- There are many rules and regulations for the worship of demigods in the scriptures, and one may question why the Vedic literatures recommended their worship. There is necessity
- There are many sages empowered with the influence of austerity and many yogis, philosophers and renouncers who sometimes exhibit their acquired power under the influence of the Rudra principle of anger and passion
- There are many similar incidents where great yogis and brahmanas, by dint of their yoga practice, have gone from this material world to Vaikunthaloka - but they were not meant to stay there. They came back
- There are many so-called advanced devotees who sit in a secluded place for their personal benefit. They do not go out to preach and convert others into Vaisnavas, and therefore they certainly cannot be called sparsa-mani, advanced devotees
- There are many so-called gentlemen, they write books on Krsna lila, paint picture." This is very nice. Krsna is advocating illicit intermingling." They take it as support of their sinful activities
- There are many so-called gurus who attract disciples by promising to cure their diseases or increase their material opulence by manufacturing gold. These are lucrative allurements for unintelligent men
- There are many so-called scholars and philosophers who read the Bhagavad-gita in a scholarly way. They simply waste their time and mislead those who read their commentaries
- There are many stars located 200,000 yojanas (1,600,000 miles) above the moon. By the supreme will of the SPG, they are fixed to the wheel of time, and thus they rotate with Mount Sumeru on their right, their motion being different from that of the sun
- There are many theoretical philosophers in the world who put forward their own theories of cause and effect especially about the cause of suffering and its effect on different living beings
- There are many thieves. At least in India I have seen. Their business is stealing, and they are put into the jail, and as soon as he comes out, again commits the same thing and put into the jail for many days
- There are many unmanifested living entities covered by the mode of ignorance who will gradually come to the mode of passion. Most of them will become criminals because of their fruitive activities and again fill the prisons
- There are many varieties of nondevotees who have their respective ways of liberation
- There are many who make as their destination different demigods, and by rigid performance of the strict respective methods they reach different planets known as Candraloka, Suryaloka, Indraloka, Maharloka, etc. BG 1972 purports
- There are many worshipers who are purified by different processes of worship - such as the Vaisnavas or the Aryans - who also worship the Supreme Lord according to their convictions and spiritual understanding
- There are many younger Muscovites who are very anxious for joining our movement. Unfortunately the government is so strict that it is difficult to take their cooperation for starting a center there. Everything is strictly under government control
- There are men who are very expert, but some of them employing their expertness in sinful activities, and some of them employing their expertness in pious activities. That is the difference
- There are millions of elephants in African jungle. They eat at a time fifty kilos. But they're getting their food. Similarly, a small ant, he's also getting his food. So the supreme eternal has arranged food, or the economic problems are solved by nature
- There are motorcars with dazzling polish, and a radio set receiving and broadcasting colorful news and melodious songs. All these captivate their proprietor as though he (the rich man) were in a dreamland of his own creation
- There are no kings or brahmanas in this age, and due to their absence the whole world is in a chaotic condition and is always in distress
- There are other opulences which the yogis can achieve by their mystic power. They are also material. A devotee does not aspire for all these material pleasures, although they are available to him simply by wishing
- There are other Vedanta commentaries, written by Vaisnava acaryas, none of whom follow Sri Sankaracarya or accept the imaginative commentary of his school. Their commentaries are based on the philosophy of duality
- There are others who are faithful in their understanding of spiritual life, and they are called workers who have renounced fruitive results. BG 1972 purports
- There are others who, because of their envying the Lord from the bottom of their hearts, are classified amongst the beasts, and for such envious beasts the subject matter of the Lord's appearance and disappearance is simply a mental disturbance
- There are others who, enlightened by sacrificing their material possessions in severe austerities, take strict vows and practice the yoga of eightfold mysticism, and others study the Vedas for the advancement of transcendental knowledge. BG 4.28 - 1972
- There are persons who are puffed up with the thought that they have become liberated or one with God or have become God, but in spite of thinking in such a puffed-up way, their intelligence is not laudable. They are less intelligent
- There are persons who worship various demigods, but the Supreme Truth, Krsna, declares in BG (7.23), antavat tu phalam tesam tad bhavaty alpa-medhasam - Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary
- There are philosophers who, instead of purifying their activities, try to make everything zero, or void of all activities. This lack of activity is represented by the trees and the hills. This is a kind of punishment inflicted by the laws of nature
- There are places like deserts, ice lands, and valleys in mountainous countries, and in each of them there are different kinds of men born of different modes of nature according to their past deeds
- There are principles to regulate attachment and aversion pertaining to the senses and their objects. One should not come under the control of such attachment and aversion, because they are stumbling blocks on the path of self-realization
- There are seven rsis headed by Bhrgu: Bhrgu, Vasistha, Atreya, like that. There are seven great rsis. The seven planets you see on the northern side, they are supposed to be their abodes, bhrgv-adayah, centering Dhruvaloka, the polestar
- There are so many men trying to benefit their families, but unfortunately they do not succeed. They do not know what the real problem is
- There are so many monkeys, dogs and hogs also; they are in Vrndavana. Do you mean to say that they are living in Vrndavana? No. Anyone who wants to satisfy senses in Vrndavana, their next life is dogs, hogs, and monkeys
- There are so many persons, they are trying to interpret Bhagavad-gita by their so-called scholarship, but nobody cares for them. They cannot turn even one person, a devotee of Krsna. This is a challenge
- There are so many things, duties of the wife. There are so many things, duty of the husband. And if they properly execute their respective duties and engage themselves simply in KC, the life will be very happy, and not only in this life, next life also
- There are some instances of great mystics' also expanding their bodily features in different ways, but Krsna did not expand Himself by any yoga process. Each expansion of Krsna was a separate individual
- There are some philosophers, called nondualists, who because of their impersonal conception think that varieties are false
- There are some philosophers, they do not agree to accept that God comes as incarnation. They do not believe in this theory. They say that, "Why God shall come to this rotten world?" That is their vision
- There are ten offenses we should avoid. The first offense is to decry persons who try in their lives to broadcast the glories of the Lord
- There are those who, although not conversant in spiritual knowledge, begin to worship the Supreme Person upon hearing about Him from others. Because of their tendency to hear from authorities, they also transcend the path of birth and death
- There are thousands of my disciples, European and American; their background is not Hindu culture, and still they are accepting this Krishna Consciousness philosophy
- There are twelve particular agents of the Lord who know the purpose of religion, and all of them render transcendental service unto Him. Persons who desire their own good may follow these mahajanas and thus attain the supreme benefit
- There are two classes of men. Some of them are full of polluted material things within their hearts, and some of them are materially free. Krsna consciousness is equally beneficial for both of these persons. BG 1972 purports
- There are two classes of Vaisnavas - the bhajananandis and gosthy-anandis. The bhajananandis worship the Lord only for their own personal benefit, but the gosthy-anandis try to elevate all others to Krsna consciousness so that they may be saved
- There are two kinds of bhauma ijya-dhih: those who worship the land of their birth, such as nationalists, who make many sacrifices for the motherland, and those who condemn the worship of the form of the Lord
- There are two kinds of liberated souls - those who are liberated by the favor of the Lord and those who are liberated by their own effort
- There are two kinds of men: daiva and asura. Visnu-bhaktah bhaved daiva asuras tad-viparyayah. So if they want to remain demons, that is their choice. But that will not help them
- There are two kinds of persons, namely the devas and the asuras. Asuras forget their relationship with Krsna (asuram bhavam asritah), whereas the devas do not forget
- There are two types of mahatmas - the impersonalist and the devotee. Although their ultimate goal is different, the process of emancipation is almost the same. Both want eternal happiness
- There are unlimited numbers of living entities in different varieties of bodies, some moving, some standing in one place, the conditioned life of these living entities is due only to their forgetfulness of their eternal relationship with the S P of God
- There are varieties of living entities, but no planet is vacant. That is not the fact. This is rascaldom. They are declaring the planets are vacant; only their father's property here, that is full of living entities. This is nonsense
- There are very learned scholars who have put forward the philosophy of devotion but even if a devotee does not take advantage of their literatures or of his spiritual master, if he is sincere in DS he is helped by Krsna within his heart. BG 1972 purports
- There blew winds which were most uninviting to the touch, hissing again and again and uprooting gigantic trees. They had storms for their armies and clouds of dust for their ensigns
- There have been many cases, even in the present day, in which women have killed their husbands to take advantage of their insurance policies. This is not a criticism of women but a practical study of their nature
- There is a chance of their being liberated, but nevertheless the conditioned souls, not taking advantage of this opportunity, continue in a life of sense enjoyment, and thus they are punished by birth and death again and again. This is the law of nature
- There is a church in the United Nations, and we tried to get a room there for making our propaganda. The church unity denied to give us. So their crippled mind is not expanded. Sa mahatma... Mahatma means broad-minded
- There is a class of men known as arya-samaja who say that they accept the original Vedas only. The motive of these people is to give their own interpretation. According to Caitanya, such interpretations are not to be accepted. They are simply not Vedic
- There is a class of professional brahmanas who take to Deity worship as a means of earning their livelihood. Brahmanas in this class are not very interested in the Deity; they are interested mainly in the money they can earn as holy men
- There is a distinction between the body and the soul of the materially existing living being, but because Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Jagannatha do not possess material bodies, there is no distinction between Their bodies and souls
- There is a great need to propagate the KC movement in the world so that even though people sometimes become angry & malicious toward one another, because of their being Krsna conscious such rivalry, competition and envy can be adjusted without difficulty
- There is a history behind the pair of arjuna trees. In their previous lives, the trees were born as the human sons of Kuvera, and their names were Nalakuvara and Manigriva. Fortunately, they came within the vision of the Lord
- There is a reference to Sesa Naga in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 5.17.21), where it is said: O my Lord, On Your thousands of hoods rest the innumerable global spheres, like grains of mustard so insignificant that You have no perception of their weight
- There is a statement in the Narayana-vyuha-stava prayers that persons who are always engaged in thinking of the Lord as their husband, friend, father or well-wisher are always worshipable by everyone
- There is always a difference between the life of a devotee and the life of a demon, and their realizations are as different as heaven and hell
- There is another plan behind the creation: to help the living entities realize that they are created for the transcendental sense gratification of the Lord and not for their individual sense gratification
- There is another statement in the Srimad-Bhagavatam telling of the damsels of Braja meeting Krsna at the sacred place of Kuruksetra, many years after their childhood pastimes
- There is another verse, that "Those who are engaged in devotional service," Krsna says, yoga-ksemam vahamy aham (BG 9.22), "I take personal charge for their maintenance." This is complete arrangement
- There is no better type of worshiping Krsna than the method by which gopis worship Krsna. They, their love was so intense that they did not care for any family, any honor or any prestige
- There is no department of knowledge how the living entities are working, how they are being transmigrated, they are falling down. A very risky civilization. So people should try to understand this KC philosophy very seriously if they want their own good
- There is no difference between the bodily forms of Sri Krsna and Balarama except that Their bodily colors are different. Similarly, Sri Narayana in Vaikuntha has four hands, whereas Krsna has only two
- There is no end of their desire, no end. They are called sarva-kamah
- There is no feeling of nationality because they are not thinking of the nation; they are thinking of their own pocket, that's all. Where is the nationality? They are simply bogus slogans. Actual unity, nationality, universality, is in Krsna consciousness
- There is no instruction how they are wasting their time, this human form of life, simply by jumping in the water. (laughter) And they are thinking, "I am enjoying, butterfly." You see? They do not know the value of this life
- There is no need to check the growth of population if the children are born as human beings with all precautions regarding their birth. So-called birth control is not only vicious but also useless
- There is no possibility of His (God's) accepting a form of maya as is forced on the ordinary living entities who are bound by the actions and reactions of their own deeds
- There is no question of their (so-called followers of Sri Caitanya) preaching the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu all over the world. But even though they are unable to do so, if anyone else does it they become envious
- There is not the slightest taint of lust in the gopis' love. Their relationship with Krsna is only for the sake of His enjoyment
- There is nothing in the codes of Sri Krsna to stipulate that these devoted persons will make their appearance within the boundaries of a particular caste, creed, color, or country. These devoted persons can and do appear everywhere
- There is one section who are called Arya-samajist. Their business is only to criticize all the scriptures. That is their business
- There is so much land still uncultivated. And if the overpopulated people are allowed to go there and cultivate and grow their food grains, ten times of the living entities on this face of the globe can be fed without any difficulty
- There is so-called government, millions of rupees they are spending and taking salary, government house, but the praja, they have no security for their life income
- There is the spiritual spark who is the proprietor of the body. This is the beginning of spiritual education. What is, the scientists cannot imagine, or they have no idea, from there we begin our education in spiritual life, beyond their jurisdiction
- There is, of course, suffering in the lives of animals and plants, which are suffering due to their past misdeeds. However, human beings should voluntarily accept suffering in the form of austerities and penances in order to attain the divine life
- There may be caste brahmanas, and we have all respect for them, but their birth in brahmana families does not mean that they are qualified to bestow blessings upon the other members of human society. This is the verdict of the sastras
- There may be many spiritual master, but if their business is one - to satisfy Krsna - although they're many, they're one. Although they're many, they are still one. The principle is one: to satisfy Krsna
- There must be a good government to see that the citizens are actually executing their religious rituals, and thieves and rogues must be curbed. When this is done the people can advance peacefully in spiritual consciousness and make their lives successful
- There was a continuous shower of stones, and all the priests and other members assembled at the sacrifice were put into immense misery. For fear of their lives, they dispersed in different directions
- There was a demigoddess named Kotara who was worshiped by Banasura, and their relationship was as mother and son. Mother Kotara was upset that Banasura's life was in danger, so she appeared on the scene (battlefield)
- There was certainly fear, but this fear could not check their (the gopis) devotional service to Krsna
- There was no cause for lamentation by Arjuna on account of death, neither for Bhisma or for Drona, for whom he was so much concerned. Rather, he should rejoice for their changing bodies from old to new ones, thereby rejuvenating their energy. BG 1972 pur
- There was no need of sprinkling machines (in the streets of Ayodhya because water were distributed by elephants through their trunks), for the elephant has a natural ability to suck water through its trunk and again throw it out in a shower
- There was no need to make fences all around. One side was already defended by thorn trees, and thus the thorn trees, the bullock carts and the animals encircled the inhabitants in their temporary residence - SB 10.11.35
- There was nothing wrong in the acts of the Kumaras when they refused their great father's request that they become family men
- There were demons like Ravana and Hiranyakasipu, Kamsa. So many demons there were, historical demons. But their process of life was the same as the modern demons. There is no change
- There were many brahmanas who would come daily to see the Supreme Lord (Krsna) before taking their breakfast; they were anxious to see Him, and He welcomed them
- There were many great saintly kings who were very expert in performing sacrificial rituals and very competent in conquering other kingdoms, yet despite their power they could not attain the loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There were many politicians who planned empires, supremacy and control of the world, but in due time all their plans and empires - and even the politicians themselves - were vanquished
- There were many waterfalls on Govardhana Hill, and their flowing made a nice sound. Krsna heard them as He looked into the caves of the hill
- There were signs on their (Krsna's, Arjuna's and Bhima's) bodies by which Jarasandha could understand that they were ksatriyas
- There, however, the watchmen alertly kept guard. Raghunatha dasa was thinking of various means by which to escape their vigilance
- Thereafter, he should satisfy the brahmanas. When the satisfied brahmanas bestow their blessings, he should devotedly offer them respectful obeisances with his head, and with their permission he should take prasada
- Therefore (as in ancient days the kings & the citizens from village were taught the principles of self-realization according to the Vedic codes) the citizens were GC and honest in their dealings, & the kings were responsible for the welfare of the state
- Therefore after offering obeisances to the devotees, for their satisfaction I shall speak without hesitating
- Therefore I shall mention them, revealing only their essence, so that loving devotees will understand them but fools will not
- Therefore only in name is he Siva, or auspicious; actually, he is the most mad and inauspicious creature. Thus he is very dear to crazy beings in the gross mode of ignorance, and he is their leader
- Therefore, my dear Lord, simply seeing You has now wiped away all the contamination of sinful activities and their results of material attachment and lusty desires, which always filled my mind and the core of my heart
- Therefore, through charitable gifts and attention, as well as through friendly behavior and by viewing all to be alike, one should propitiate Me, who abide in all creatures as their very Self
- These (16000) girls prayed piteously to Lord Krsna for their deliverance, and the merciful Lord, called by their fervent prayer, released them all by fighting and killing Bhaumasura
- These (BG 16.4) demoniac qualities are taken on by them (the demoniac) from the beginning of their bodies in the wombs of their mothers, and as they grow they manifest all these inauspicious qualities. BG 1972 purports
- These (brahma-bhuta) living entities have been described as vimukta-maninah, meaning that they falsely consider themselves liberated although their intelligence is not yet purified
- These (demoniac) speculators are envious of the existence of the Lord. Jagad ahur anisvaram: their conclusion is that the entire cosmic manifestation has no controller, but is just working naturally
- These (foolish) critics think that only Indians or Hindus should be offered sannyasa to preach, but their knowledge is practically nil
- These (humanitarian or philanthropic work) are undoubtedly good works in the sense that they are pious activities, and their result is that the performer may get some opportunities for sense gratification, either in this life or in the next
- These (illicit sex life, meat-eating and intoxication and gambling) are the four pillars of sinful life. If you allow people to indulge in sinful life, how you can expect good citizen? That is not possible. Their character must reform
- These 4 forms (Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna & Aniruddha) again expand into 3, and these all have different names, beginning with Kesava. These forms are 12 in all & they are known by different names according to the placement of symbols in their hands
- These all (austerities, pious duties, and mystic yoga) reward different results to their performer. The rewards of these practices, however, appear to be very glittering as long as one is not elevated to the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- These are the secrets of the acaryas. Sometimes they conceal the real purport of the Vedas and explain the Vedas in a different way. Sometimes they enunciate a different theory just to bring the atheists under their control
- These are young boys, so actually if you approach them humbly and you yourself go to their leaders and speak to them nicely about Krsna Consciousness they will agree to leave us alone, that I think
- These authorities (Vyasadeva and Sukadeva Gosvami), differ from modern scientists who conclude from their imperfect sensual experience that only this planet is inhabited by living beings whereas the other planets are all vacant or full of dust
- These branches and subbranches and their subbranches became so numerous that no one can actually write about them
- These calves were grown up, but still the mothers wanted to feed them. Therefore Balarama was a little surprised, and He wanted to inquire from Krsna about the reason for their behavior
- These confidential pastimes of Radha and Krsna have expanded through the mercy of the damsels. Without their mercy, they cannot be understood. One has to follow in the footsteps of the damsels of Vraja in order to understand
- These cows had their own calves, and the calves that were grazing beneath Govardhana Hill were larger; they were not expected to drink milk directly from the milk bag but were satisfied with the grass
- These devotees are compared to swans, ducks and bees. The river's flowing produces a melodious sound that gladdens their ears
- These different methods for liberation are generally only a professional practice and means of livelihood for those who have not conquered their senses. Because such persons are falsely proud, these procedures may not be successful
- These elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether) in their gross and subtle states are produced by Krsna, whose marginal potency also produces the living entities working within this material world
- These empiric philosophers and logicians (who born of imperfect, material senses) cannot realize their imperfection by the vanity of material knowledge, and the ultimate conclusion of such materialistic philosophers is atheism
- These fifty qualities (of Krsna) or characteristics are fragmentally present in every living entity. When they are completely spiritually free and situated in their original condition, all these qualities can be perceived in human life in minute quantity
- These foolish creatures (the first-class prisoners) do not know that they are nothing but play dolls in the hands of material nature and that at any moment material nature’s pitiless intrigues can crush to dust all their plans for godless activities
- These four brahmacaris, the Kumaras, are recognized scholars in the Vedas and other sastras. Their unlimited volumes of knowledge, backed by austerities and penances, are exhibited by their sublime, ideal character
- These four brothers and their family members fully engaged in the service of Lord Caitanya. They knew no other god or goddess
- These four classes of men (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra) are already there according to nature, but it is the government's duty to see that all four of these classes follow the principles of their varnas methodically
- These girls (visa-kanya) had poison injected into their bodies from the beginning of their lives so that in due course of time they would become so immune to the poison and so poisonous themselves that simply by kissing a person they could kill him
- These goddesses of fortune (in Vaikunthaloka), accompanied by their friends, always create a festive atmosphere of transcendental mirth. Always singing the glories of the Lord, they are not silent even for a moment
- These gopis came to Krsna, giving up their all engagements. They were engaged in, I mean to say, loving children, some of them were engaged in serving their husband, or unmarried girls, they were engaged to serving her father, brother
- These Gosvamis left their very comfortable lives as ministers. Zamindars and learned scholars and joined Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement, just to show mercy to the fallen souls of the world - dina-ganesakau karunaya
- These Goswamis used to work almost 24 hours. They used to sleep not more than 2 hours, & they produced immense literature. Of course, it is not possible to be in their level of activities, but as far as possible, we should try to work as hard as possible
- These hippies, they are also giving up all work, that is sannyasa, but there is no guide. There is no guide. And because they have no guide, therefore their intelligence is not being purified. Simply there is a propensity for renunciation
- These hippies, they are frustrating. They have given up everything. We can study their psychic movement. They are not satisfied. That is the main principle. That is natural, to accept adversity voluntarily, adversity. So this is frustration
- These jealous fools who criticize the intermingling of boys and girls will simply have to be satisfied with their own foolishness because they cannot think of how to spread Krsna consciousness by adopting ways and means that are favorable for this purpose
- These lawyers are highly educated with so many qualifications and are nicely dressed, but their mentality is more base than that of a dog. "This man has some money, so let us conspire to cheat him." They are simply miscreants
- These living entities are His superior energy because the quality of their existence is one and the same with the Supreme, but they are never equal to the Lord in quantity of power. BG 1972 purports
- These materialistic person, demons, their desires are never fulfilled - increasing, increasing, increasing; more, more more. So that means, increasing means, we are becoming implicated more and more
- These numberless plants and creepers resemble persons who dry up in severe penances for some material gain but then achieve their objectives and become luxuriously fat, nourished by sense enjoyment
- These ordinary men, they do not know that their ultimate destination of life is to go back to Visnu, go back to home, back to Godhead
- These pastimes were wonderful for everyone, even for those proud of their own opulence, including the Lord Himself in His form as the Lord of Vaikuntha. Thus His (Sri Krsna's) transcendental body is the ornament of all ornaments
- These people are generally baffled because their various acts of sin and virtue are directed merely toward ameliorating the distress and enhancing the happiness of the temporary body and mind by behavior like eating, sleeping, mating and defending
- These people do not know that at any moment they can be kicked out of their material situation. Due to ignorance, they do not know that real life is eternal
- These people they have no aim of life. What is the aim of human..., they do not know. So their animal propensities are being adjusted this way, that way, this way, that way. Just like they go to see naked dance
- These people were within Aryan civilization. Aryan, Iranian, their names are given. Up to Iran, their field(?). Europeans also, Indo-European. Gradually they declined. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission is to make them civilized
- These persons (who died in Mathura) had a slight breathing exhiliration, their eyes were wide open, the colors of their bodies were changed, and they began to utter the holy name of Krsna. In this condition they gave up their material bodies
- These planets (such as the sun, the moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter) and stars are all servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda or Krsna, and according to His order they sit in their chariots and travel in their respective orbits
- These planets, which are floating in air, are actually held in the fist of the universal form of the Supreme Lord. By His strength and energy, all moving and unmoving things stay in their place. BG 1972 purports
- These princes were very much puffed up with their worldly possessions and did not care a fig for anyone who came before them. In order to teach them some lessons, I agreed to kidnap you according to your desire; otherwise I actually have no love for you
- These professional men (singers, dancers and reciters of prayers) earn their livelihood by taking charity on such occasions from the homes of the Hindus. Eunuchs also take advantage of such ceremonies to receive charity. That is their means of livelihood
- These proud mlecchas (persons who are less than sudras), representing themselves as kings, will tyrannize their subjects, and their subjects, on the other hand, will cultivate the most vicious practices
- These questions are asked by Arjuna for their (the demons and atheists) benefit. The superior devotee is not only concerned for his own understanding, but for the understanding of all mankind. BG 1972 purports
- These rascals will change every year their theology. So what is the value of their words? Childish. He is a rascal. We say, "Krsna, the Supreme" We never change it. And "Surrender is the only process" We shall never change it
- These rascals, simply they are depending on their blunt senses, these stupids, so-called scientist. Therefore they're stupid. They simply believe on their eyes. They do not know how much defective these eyes and senses are
- These rascals, their mentality is like the dogs, and they are making United Nation. A dog can be united? Is it possible? No
- These rascals, they do not know that their real interest is to satisfy Visnu. They think, "Some way or other if I can satisfy my senses, then my life is perfect." But you cannot satisfy your senses without satisfying the Lord's sense
- These rascals, they're in ajnanam, dealing with sex life, dealing with the body as their philosophy, science. Dealing with the body and dealing with sex life is the animal business, and they are passing on as philosopher, scientist. This is their position
- These relations of the cows & gopis with their calves & boys remained unchanged, although actually the original calves & boys were not there. Actually the cows' affection for their calves & the elder gopis' affection for the boys causelessly increased
- These reports about Japan are coming from all over the world. This is very disturbing to me. Their own original face is coming out. This is not at all good. Now you have to do what you have to do to rectify the situation
- These sages (the sages of Dandakaranya) also concluded that the form of Lord Krsna is more attractive than that of Lord Ramacandra, and so they prayed to become gopis in their future lives to be associated with Krsna
- These senseless, shameless persons who are advancing in their knowledge by becoming naked, they are going to be tree next life
- These senseless, shameless persons who are advancing in their knowledge by becoming naked, they are going to be tree next life. The naked tree is standing naked for many thousands of years. Or animals - they have no shame
- These sins are like the dried leaves of creepers beneath a bamboo tree, which may be burned by fire although their roots remain to grow again at the first opportunity
- These six are my instructing spiritual masters, and therefore I offer millions of respectful obeisances unto their lotus feet
- These six sons, headed by Anga, later became kings of six states in the eastern side of India. These states were known according to the names of their respective kings. From Anga came a son named Khalapana, and from Khalapana came Diviratha
- These slokas (SB 7.5.30 and SB 7.5.32) are to be discussed. Their purport is that one cannot obtain krsna-bhakti, or the devotional service of the Lord, by official execution of the Vedic rituals. One has to approach a pure devotee
- These so-called sannyasis are very much appreciated by sinful men because they are all godless atheists and very expert in putting forward arguments and reasons to support their case
- These so-called scientists, they are simply wasting their time by so-called research work. There is nothing to be researched. Everything is there
- These symptoms (slight breathing exhiliration, their eyes were wide open, the colors of their bodies were changed) are prior manifestations of death
- These things do not strike even their dull brain, that - If atma. . . I am atma. I am the soul. I do not die even after the annihilation of this body
- These three places are full of internal potencies, and Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is their sole proprietor
- These two books, Bhagavata and Bhagavad-gita, if they actually read and assimilate, their life will be successful. So we want to organize widespread publicity of these books. They'll be benefited
- These two brothers (Rupa and Sanatana), however, did not allow him (Raghunatha dasa Gosvami) to die. They accepted him as their third brother and kept him in their company
- These two brothers are great devotees and suitable recipients of Krsna's mercy, but in their ordinary dealings they are government officials, ministers to the King
- These Vaisnava sampradaya, although they appear to be a separate party, but their aim is how to serve Krsna. So don't think the party means some opposite party
- They (a class of priestly persons) further claimed that the practice and spreading of devotional service belonged only to their particular class, which was known as Nityananda-vamsa
- They (a class of professional mendicants) know some magical art and mystical processes, and their business is to beg from door to door, sometimes pleading and sometimes threatening. Such mendicants are sometimes called yogis and sometimes kanaphata yogis
- They (activities in the spirit of Sri Isopanisad) guarantee their executor protection from the danger of sliding down into the evolutionary process of birth and death
- They (all children and youths) should be taught to hear the instructions of Bhagavad-gita, to put them into practice in their lives, and thus to become strong in devotional service, free from fear of being degraded to animal life
- They (all the forms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead) are predominating figures on the transcendental platform. There is no trace of material contamination in Their expansions because material laws cannot influence Them
- They (associates of Lord Visnu) come with the purpose of fulfilling the desire of the Lord, and their descent to this material world is comparable to that of the Lord
- They (Bhima and Jarasandha) were both expert fighters with clubs, and their techniques of striking each other were so beautiful that they appeared to be two dramatic artists dancing on a stage
- They (Brahmanas) are always busy in their activities for spiritual advancement. Nonetheless, when there is a calamity in human society, they cannot remain impartial
- They (demons) make a show of performing sacrifices, or they worship the demigods, or manufacture their own God. BG 1972 purports
- They (demons) manufacture their own religious principles and disobey great personalities like Vyasa, Narada, and even the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- They (devotees) are always anxious for the welfare of the fallen souls, who are attached to the false enjoyment of materialistic life, in which they forget their eternal relation with God
- They (different rulers of the world) were very weak due to hunger, and their faces had lost all beauty and luster. The kings' long imprisonment had caused every part of their bodies to become slack and invalid
- They (disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura) were unsuccessful because within their minds they were not actually serious about preaching His (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) cult in foreign countries
- They (Dvaraka and Vidarbha) are separated by a distance of not less than one thousand miles, but the horses were so fast that they reached their destination, a town called Kundina, within one night or, at most, twelve hours
- They (eternally liberated living entities) are counted among the associates of Krsna. Their pleasure, the only enjoyment of their life, is derived from rendering transcendental loving service to Krsna
- They (everyone in the line of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's devotional cult) should go everywhere, to all parts of the world, accepting those places as their prabhu-datta desa, the places of residence given by the spiritual master or Lord Krsna
- They (father and the mother of Gopala Bhatta Gosvami) allowed Gopala Bhatta Gosvami to go to Vrndavana, and they gave up their lives thinking of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- They (girls) are very carefully protected by their parents while unmarried, after marriage they are protected by their young husbands, and when elderly they are protected by their children
- They (God's confidential servants) descend out of their causeless mercy, just to benefit the fallen souls who are apt to be illusioned by the material energy of Godhead, called the modes of nature
- They (Gopis) discovered that their hair and clothes immediately loosened. Hearing the news that Krsna and Balarama were leaving for Mathura, others, who were engaged in household duties, stopped working
- They (inhabitants of Vaikuntha) consider glorification of the Lord more important than their own sense gratification. In the Vaikuntha planets there is no question of sense gratification
- They (intelligent people) also analytically study all the material elements, but despite their expert knowledge and expert scientific analysis of the whole cosmic manifestation, their endeavors are useless because they cannot understand the SP of G
- They (jnanis) will have to take birth. Their so-called liberation is not possible, because if you have to take birth, then where is your liberation? There is no liberation. Liberation means no more accepting birth in this material world.
- They (Kings and Princes) looked upon Him to their hearts' content, as if drinking nectar through their eyes, licking His body with their tongues, smelling the aroma of His body with their noses, and embracing Him with their arms
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned to recognize valuable jewels by studying their luster and colors. Then They learned the art of placing jewels in a gold and silver setting so that they look very beautiful
- They (Krsna and Balarama) satisfied them (Nanda and Yasoda), along with their friends and neighbors who had come with them from Vrndavana to Mathura, as fully as possible
- They (Krsna and Balarama) then saw Krpacarya, Vidura, Gandhari and Drona. Other members of the Kuru dynasty were not sorry, because they wanted the Pandavas and their mother to be killed
- They (Krsna and Balarama) were initiated by Their family priest, Gargacarya, usually known as Garga Muni, the acarya of the Yadu dynasty
- They (Krsna's playmates, friends and His parents) are so immersed in pure love that they do not even know that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In their loving exchange they forget that Krsna is the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- They (Krsna's queens and sons) were dressed in costly garments decorated with ornaments, and their bodies were smeared with sandalwood pulp and garlanded with fragrant flowers
- They (Krsna's wives) exhibited their feminine characteristics by smiling & moving their eyebrows, thus shooting sharp arrows of conjugal love just to awaken Krsna's lusty desires for them
- They (Kurus) simply wanted to see Him (Balarama) exhibit His inconceivable strength. Thus with great pleasure they handed over their daughter to Samba, and the whole matter was settled
- They (ladies) smeared their tears in their eyes, and their hearts throbbed
- They (lady) had heard of Krsna, but they had never seen Him, and now their longing was relieved. After going up on the roofs of the palaces of Mathura, the ladies, their faces joyful, began to shower flowers upon Krsna and Balarama
- They (less intelligent men) cannot imagine how a person like Krsna could be the origin of everything. Such persons are described as moghasah, baffled in their hopes
- They (Maharaja Priyavrata's sons, namely Agnidhra, Idhmajihva, Yajnabahu, Hiranyareta, Ghrtaprstha, Medhatithi and Vitihotra) all became kings by the order of their father
- They (materialistic fathers and mothers) are not unhappy when their children become spoiled, useless citizens, but they lament when they join the Krsna consciousness movement to achieve the ultimate goal of life
- They (materialists) devise many systems - such as capitalism and materialistic communism - to advance their material position. They are not interested in the laws of God or in a higher goal
- They (Mayavadis) are unable to understand the purport of tridanda-sannyasa, and as such they are not inclined to dedicate their lives to the service of Mukunda
- They (mayavadis) have no faith. On the contrary, they describe it (Srimad-Bhagavatam) in their own way. We should not hear, therefore, from the Mayavadis
- They (Mayavadis) simply think of merging into the existence of Brahman because of their disgust with material existence
- They (miscreants and lowest of mankind) are compared to ulukas, or owls, who cannot open their eyes in the sunlight. Because they cannot bear the sunlight, they hide themselves from it and never see it. They cannot believe that there is such illumination
- They (miscreants people) may be very well educated lawyers, for example, but their plan is to cheat. We have practical experience
- They (miscreants) are always planning something mischievous. They are the lowest of mankind because they do not believe in God. Why? Their knowledge has been plundered by the influence of the material energy
- They (mlecchas, or lowborn people who have not undergone the purifying process of samskara) will devour the citizens with their atheistic activities
- They (modern men) should see through the pages of authentic scriptures and should not simply believe their unqualified eyes. Even in these days, God can also be seen by qualified eyes tinged with the ointment of love of God
- They (modern scientists and philosophers) try to establish everything by their so-called scientific research, but they do not center anything around the supreme creator
- They (modern scientists) cannot answer because they are atheists who will not accept that everything comes from life. Their thesis is that life comes from matter
- They (Nalakuvara and Manigriva) used to drink a kind of liquor called Varuni. Accompanied by women singing after them, they would wander in that garden of flowers, their eyes always rolling in intoxication - SB 10.10.2-3
- They (Nalakuvara and Manigriva) were in the mode of darkness, and being therefore unable to control their senses, they were addicted to sex life. It was the duty of a saintly person like Narada to save them from their abominable condition
- They (Nanda and Yasoda) embraced Balarama and, seating Him on their laps, began their perpetual crying, wetting Balarama with their tears
- They (Nepal) have got a sentiment of Hinduism. So with their cooperation, a little foreign exchange, you can establish a stronghold there. It will be a great service
- They (our godbrothers) simply try to bring us to their platform, and they try to criticize us in every respect. We very much regret their naive activities and poor fund of knowledge
- They (people of Kasi) finally detected that the head (which was next to city gate) was not Krsna's but that of Kasiraja. When this was ascertained, the queens of the King of Kasi immediately approached and began to lament the death of their husband
- They (people of the present day) are only busy to keep their position of prestige and monetary gain. They have very little time to think of the welfare of the citizens
- They (people) even come out of their doors in the villages and enjoy the rainfall directly
- They (people) need only worship the Supreme Lord because their ultimate goal is to return to His abode. BG 1972 Introduction
- They (persons who want to exploit the administrative power for their own self-interest) compete for votes by bad propaganda and take pleasure in having politics but no king
- They (pure devotees) always think of the Lord as their only dependable friend and well-wisher. They do not care for any mundane creature, up to the status of Brahma, the lord of the universe
- They (Raji's sons) considered it (kingdom of heaven) their paternal property (because Raji conquered the kingdom of heaven). Why then should they return it to the demigods? - when Indra, the heavenly king, begged Raji's sons to return it
- They (Rupa and Sanatana) actually belonged to the brahmana caste. Unfortunately, because of being associated with the Muslim governmental service, their customs and behavior resembled those of the Muslims. Therefore they presented themselves as nica-jati
- They (Rupa and Sanatana) changed their names to Sakara Mallika and Dabira Khasa. Practically they became Muhammadan. And in those days many other Muhammadans, they also became this follower of Caitanya cult, especially Haridasa Thakura
- They (sages who are very interested in their own liberation) think, "Better let me save myself." I (Prahlada) regret that these great saintly persons do not come to the cities where people have manufactured a civilization based on constant hard work
- They (Sandipani Muni and his wife) decided to ask for the return of their son, who had drowned in the ocean near the shore at Prabhasa-ksetra
- They (scientists) cannot prove in their laboratories that matter can produce life, yet there are thousands and thousands of examples illustrating that matter comes from life
- They (scientists, philosophers, economists and mathematicians) are simply proud of their false prestige and position
- They (sinful persons) may make a show of being vanguards of religion, but behind this facade they continue their reprehensible activities. They vilify the sanctity of the religion of their birth and go against their own country's interest
- They (six Gosvamis) never said, "We have now seen Radha and Krsna, and therefore our mission is fulfilled." Their mission remained always unfulfilled; they never met Radha and Krsna
- They (so-called educated men) use their lives improperly and simply waste them thinking about the material welfare of their relatives, countrymen, society and so on
- They (so-called scientists) are not men of knowledge, but they pose as scientists and philosophers, although their so-called theoretical knowledge cannot produce practical results
- They (so-called svamis) say, "Don't encourage service to Lord Narayana. It is better to serve the starving people of the world." Unfortunately such materialists, either singly or combined in the form of the United Nations, cannot fulfill their plans
- They (so-called teachers of material society) appear to be very learned scholars, but actually the influence of the illusory energy has taken away their knowledge. Real knowledge means searching out Krsna. Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah - BG 15.15
- They (some of the atheists) are superficially very learned, but actually their real knowledge is taken away by maya
- They (Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami) had even changed their names to Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika. Thus they had supposedly been expelled from brahmana society
- They (the American people) must divide their society into first-class men, second-class men, third-class men and fourth-class men. Since they are now creating only men who are less than fourth class, how can they avoid the dangers of a criminal society
- They (the American people) should take advice from the spiritual master, the representative of Krsna. If they do so, they will be happy, and theirs will be an ideal nation to lead the entire world
- They (the Bhattatharis) allure others to supply women for their camp, and they cheat many women and keep them within their community. In this way they increase their population. In Bengal also there is a similar community
- They (the Bhattatharis) camp wherever they like and have no fixed place of residence. Outwardly they take up the dress of sannyasis, but their real business is stealing and cheating
- They (the brahmacaris) did not live at home means that they did not accept a wife, and so there was no question of their discharging semen
- They (the brahmanas and the Vaisnavas) should be worshiped. When their protection is performed, it is just like worshiping God. That is not exactly protection; it is a duty
- They (the brahmanas) could finally understand their mistake; engaged in the performance of Vedic rituals, they had neglected the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who had appeared just like an ordinary human being and asked for some food
- They (the brahmanas) could kill all the thieves and rogues by the prowess of their mantras, but they thought it the duty of ksatriya kings to do so. Thus they reluctantly did not take part in the killing business
- They (the brahmanas) regretted very much that, although their wives were elevated to the platform of pure devotional service, they themselves could not understand even a little bit of how to love & offer transcendental loving service to the Supreme Soul
- They (the cowherd boys) have passed all tests of regulative principles in their previous lives, and as a result they are now elevated to the position of direct association with Krsna as His dear friends
- They (the cowherd men and their wives) concluded that Krsna and Balarama were demigods who had kindly come to Vrndavana to become their children. In this way, the rainy season ensued
- They (the cowherd men) began to praise Nanda Maharaja, because by consulting him their doubts about Krsna were cleared. They said, "Let Krsna, who is so kind, beautiful and merciful, protect us"
- They (the cowherd men) began to show paternal love for the children, and with great affection they lifted them in their arms and embraced them. They began to smell their children’s heads and enjoy their company with great happiness
- They (the cowherd men) dressed themselves with very costly garments and ornamented their bodies with different kinds of earrings and necklaces and wore great turbans on their heads
- They (the cowherd men) were very unhappy, but when they came down and saw their children taking care of the calves, they all of a sudden became very affectionate toward the children. It was very astonishing
- They (the demigods) poured showers of flowers on the surface of the earth and sounded different conchshells. There was beating of drums, and being inspired by godly feelings, residents of Gandharvaloka began to play on their tambouras to please the Lord
- They (the demoniac) do everything whimsically, according to their own desire, and they do not recognize any authority. BG 1972 purports
- They (the demoniac) have no knowledge and cannot tell that they are heading the wrong way. Accepting nonpermanent things, such demoniac people create their own God, create their own hymns and chant accordingly. BG 1972 purports
- They (the demoniac) have their own theory: that the world has come about in its own way and that there is no reason to believe that there is a God behind it. BG 1972 purports
- They (the demons) imagined the twilight to be a very beautiful woman with tinkling bangles on her feet, a girdle on her hips, and beautiful breasts, and for their sexual satisfaction they imagined the appearance of this beautiful girl before them
- They (the demons) say that according to their scientific way, they have discovered that milk is dangerous and that the beef obtained by killing cows is very nutritious. This difference of opinion will always continue
- They (the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) have completely given up sense enjoyment to engage fully in the service of Lord Sri Krsna and dedicate their lives and souls to serving Krsna without material desires
- They (the devotees) receive special favor from the Lord for their compassionate work that they can even go back to Godhead in this very lifetime and not be forced to take another birth
- They (the elderly gopis) enhanced their special love for Krsna by embracing Him and feeding Him, and Krsna tasted their breast milk to be just like a nectarean beverage
- They (the elderly gopis) took Him away to the courtyard of the house and began to clap, praising His wonderful activities. Krsna danced along with their clapping, just like an ordinary child
- They (the family men) are foolish because they think that their attachment to their family, even at the end of their lives, will be able to protect them from the cruel hands of death
- They (the fathers of the boys that joined the Krsna consciousness movement) think that their sons have been unnecessarily induced to deprive themselves of the material enjoyments of eating, drinking and merrymaking
- They (the foolish mundaners) may bewilder themselves by the conception of lordship over their various actions, they are always being driven under the direction of the modes of nature - that is the considered verdict of Krsna, the PG, in the Bhagavad-gita
- They (the four Kumaras) could only understand the Supreme Absolute Truth when they personally saw the Personality of Godhead with their own eyes
- They (the gopis) consider their breasts a very hard place for the lotus feet of Krsna, yet those lotus feet wander in the forest, which is full of thorny plants. The gopis are absorbed in such thoughts at home, although Krsna is away from them
- They (the gopis) could not say anything to Krsna but simply stood there silently. By their silence they expressed that their hearts were grievously wounded
- They (the gopis) could understand that when they had been enjoying Krsna they thought themselves to be the most fortunate women within the universe, and since they were feeling proud, Krsna had disappeared immediately just to curb their pride
- They (the gopis) dedicated their bodies, and everything they possessed, to the service of Sri Krsna, taking it for granted that their bodies were meant for His enjoyment
- They (the gopis) did not consider whether they were passing over the road or through the jungles. Imperceptibly, the dust of their feet was bestowed on small grasses and herbs of Vrndavana
- They (the gopis) do not find any reason to maintain their eyes when they are bereft of the beauty of Krsna
- They (the gopis) felt they had no desire to be fulfilled. Fully satisfied in the company of Krsna, they spread their cloths on the ground. These garments were made of fine linen and smeared with the red kunkuma which decorated their breasts
- They (the gopis) gave up everything for the satisfaction of Krsna, showing their strong attachment to Krsna to be as spotless as washed white cloth
- They (the gopis) prayed for Krsna to be their husband. He (Krsna) thought that the full-moon night of the sarat season was just suitable for a nice dance. So their desire to have Krsna as their husband would then be fulfilled
- They (the gopis) were shedding heavy tears, and their cosmetic decorations were being washed from their faces. The water from their eyes mixed with the kunkuma on their breasts and fell to the ground
- They (the great sages Kavi, Mahavira and Savana) could understand that the Supersoul within the heart is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and they could recognize their identity with Him
- They (the hippies) have no leader. Now, if they come to us seriously, they get the right thing. But that is also their defect. When we propose, "Come and take this Krsna," they don't want. They want that marijuana
- They (the impersonalists) misunderstand the miseries of prison life to be the pastimes of the Supreme Lord. This is due to their poor fund of knowledge
- They (the impersonalists) sometimes try to imitate a pure devotee's sentiment for visiting the holy places where Krsna had His pastimes, but they simply have a view for salvation, and so their activities cannot be considered attachment
- They (the impersonalists) try always to place themselves on the same level with the Lord. That is due to their envious attitude. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has proclaimed the impersonalists to be offenders of the Lord
- They (the impersonalists) try to remain satisfied with the impersonal Brahman, but Krsna is so attractive and so strong that He attracts their minds
- They (the inhabitants of Mathura) had been awaiting the arrival of Krsna and Balarama with great anxiety, and in their extreme eagerness to see Krsna and Balarama, the ladies did not dress themselves very properly
- They (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) expressed their feelings with tears in their eyes due to intense attachment for Krsna. All of them desired a benediction from Uddhava. They desired to always remember the glorious activities of Krsna
- They (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) had dedicated everything to Krsna: their lives, property, affection, activities - everything was for Krsna - and when they saw Him in that condition, they became overwhelmed with fear and fell down on the ground
- They (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) were always absorbed in thoughts of Krsna and did not desire any personal benefits, and they were all so much in love with Him that in His absence their voices faltered when they began to inquire from Balaramaji
- They (the jnanis) say, "Here we shall be happy," and their dharma, or religion, consists of trying to make a peaceful atmosphere within this material world
- They (the jnanis) simply think of becoming free from the contamination of the material world, but because they do not take shelter at the lotus feet of Vasudeva their knowledge is impure. When they become pure they surrender to the lotus feet of Vasudeva
- They (the Kumaras) have their sampradaya (disciplic succession), and even to date the sampradaya is being maintained and is known as the Nimbarka-sampradaya. Out of the four sampradayas of the Vaisnava acaryas, the Nimbarka-sampradaya is one
- They (the ladies) immediately received Lord Krsna with glittering eyes expressing their love and affection for Him, and Lord Krsna smiled and accepted their feelings and gestures of reception
- They (the leaders who place themselves artificially in the exalted position of Visnu) may indeed enjoy temporary gain, adoration, and mundane fame, and may delude their unfortunate followers from the right path by a false display of renunciation
- They (the little creatures playing in small pools) are like foolish men who, not caring for the nearing day of their death, become absorbed in the so-called enjoyment of family life
- They (the living beings) are eternally cognizant of their relationship with God in their constitutional position of rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord
- They (the living entities) also have partial independence, but by misuse of their independence, when the service attitude is transformed into the propensity for sense enjoyment, they come under the sway of lust
- They (the living entities) are born in different capacities according to karma even though their father is originally Brahma, who is the exalted qualitative incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- They (the living entities) come out (from the womb of material nature) in their different forms and species, according to their last desires and activities. BG 1972 purports
- They (the living entities) come out in different bodies according to their different fruitive activities. But in all circumstances, the living entity is aloof from this material, conditioned life
- They (the Mayavadi philosophers) sometimes take to so-called devotional service, and as long as they are not liberated they continue their devotional service, but at the end, when they become liberated, they "become one with God." BG 1972 purports
- They (the Mayavadi sannyasis) are already enemies, and if we talk with them harshly or impolitely their enmity will merely increase
- They (the mistaken leaders) mislead us into taking some temporary benefit, but how long can their plans and schemes go on? If they persist until they die of heart failure or are killed by assassins, then another just like them takes their place
- They (the neophyte devotees) come to the Lord for relief in the matter of their respective self-satisfaction
- They (the people in general) regard the Krsna consciousness movement as a form of "brainwashing." How can such envious persons be happy in their godless civilization
- They (the philosophers) are under the impression that when the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears, He is under the spell of the three qualities, like all the other living entities who appear within this material world. That is their misunderstanding
- They (the rascals) will never agree to accept Bhagavad-gita as it is. They'll never agree. The other day I was there in Kuruksetra. They have got their own plan-manava-dharma, this dharma, that dharma. Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya
- They (the sages) all took birth as women in the wombs of gopis at Gokula, and as they had desired in their previous lives, they enjoyed the company of Lord Krsna, who was present at that time in Gokula Vrndavana
- They (the sages) never discharge their semen, either knowingly or unknowingly. By such celibacy they are able to raise the semen to the brain. Thus they become most intelligent and develop very sharp memories
- They (the servants of Yamaraja) were baffled and disappointed in their attempt to take away a man they considered sinful. Therefore they immediately returned to Yamaraja and described to him everything that had happened
- They (the snakes who live in the planetary system known as Mahatala) live with their wives and children and consider themselves very happy, although they are always full of anxiety because of Garuda, who comes there to destroy them
- They (the students of Krsna consciousness movement) actually have no opportunity to waste their time unnecessarily by discussing politics, sociology and current events. These will go their own way
- They (the sudras) should not be puffed up with unnecessary prestige or honor and should remain in their own status. It is the duty of the sudras to offer respect to the higher class for the upkeep of the social order. BG 1972 purports
- They (the trees and plants) then wanted to deliver everything to Krsna and His friends - whatever they had - namely their fruits, flowers and the honey incessantly falling from their branches
- They (the unintelligent) think that there is no such thing as spirit. But the followers of the Vedic injunctions take their information from Vedic statements, such as the verses from the KU (2.3.9,12) and Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.84.13) quoted above
- They (the Visnu forms) glanced upon Their devotees, embracing them and protecting them by smiling. Their smiles resembled the mode of goodness, protecting all the desires of the devotees, and the glancing of Their eyes resembled the mode of passion
- They (the Visnu forms) were bedecked with pearls and earrings and garlanded with beautiful flowers. On Their chests was the mark of Srivatsa, Their arms were decorated with armlets and other jewelry, and Their necks were just like conchshells
- They (the wives of the brahmanas) came just to see Him, who was their life and soul. They were exactly following Krsna's instruction in the Bhagavad-gita: one should surrender to Him, giving up all varieties of occupational and religious duties
- They (the wives of the brahmanas) were just like great sages who, by their advancement of knowledge, merge into the existence of the Supreme
- They (the wives of the brahmanas) were very much chastised for this by their husbands, and they were ready to give up their lives
- They (the women who went to church & prayed to God to send their husbands, sons and brothers back safely, but none of them came back from Germany war) did not consider that God did not advocate the war and its problems. They went to Him for a Solution
- They (those who are elevated to the higher planetary systems) are like the modern astronauts who go to the moon; as soon as their fuel is used up, they are obliged to come back down to this earth
- They (those who are not actually philosophers, scientists, educators, administrators, etc.,) simply manufacture their own worldly plans and consequently complicate the problems of material existence in their vain attempts to solve them. BG 1972 purports
- They (those who do not belive in laws of God) may not come to their senses despite the countless sufferings they are put into for committing such sins, but that does not affect the existence of God or His eternal laws
- They (those who do not know the secret of success for this Age of Kali) are simply wasting their time and misleading their followers. When we point this out very plainly to an audience, members of opposing groups become angry at us
- They (those who hanker after women and money) also engage in some moneymaking businesses to cheat innocent people, and they try to support their business programs by making offensive statements
- They (those who imitate Lord Siva) take all of their wives' property and spend on smoking, intoxication and similar other activities
- They (those whose faculty of judgment has been impaired by their own sin) are angrily torn apart by the bills of the vulturelike messengers of Yamaraja, the superintendent of sinful persons
- They (two thieves) took Him (Lord Caitanya) on their shoulders, pleasing Him by offering Him some sweetmeats. The thieves thought they would carry the child to the forest and then kill Him and take away the ornaments
- They (Veda-vadi) are called not only miscreants but also fools and the lowest of mankind, and it is said that their knowledge has been plundered by illusion due to their atheistic temperament
- They (veda-vasis) have recently made a rule in their group to formally observe daily sacrifice; they simply ignite a small fire and offer something whimsically, but they do not strictly follow the sacrificial rules and regulations mentioned in the Vedas
- They (who dress like Vaisnavas and give charity to brahmanas) are also attached to Deity worship, but because of their attachment to material enjoyment, they cannot be pure Vaisnavas. Anyabhilasita-sunyam jnana-karmady-anavrtam - Brs 1.1.11
- They (women who worship You (Kamadeva) by strictly observing vows because they wish to acquire a husband to satisfy their senses) do not know that such a husband cannot actually give protection to them or their children
- They (Yaksas and Raksasas) are born of the mode of ignorance, and therefore, because of their behavior, they are called Raksasas, or man-eaters
- They (yogis and jnanis who in the beginning take to the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra as a way to begin their various practices) do not consider that the ultimate goal is the form of the Lord or the name of the Lord
- They (young girls) gave up their household engagements, and those who were lying in bed with their husbands immediately left them and came directly down onto the street to see Lord Krsna
- They addressed Him as Jagadisvara, or the Lord of the universe who maintains everyone. The reason for this was that Krsna and Balarama maintain all living entities. And yet Nanda and Yasoda were put into such difficulties on account of Their absence
- They all exchanged words of reception by asking one another about their welfare, and when such formalities were finished, Balarama, in a great voice and very patiently, submitted before them (the Kurus) the following words for their consideration
- They allowed to go to the planet called Pitrloka by the southern course of the sun, but they again come back to this planet and take birth in their own families, beginning again the same fruitive activities from birth to the end of life
- They are (men whose knowledge is immature and contaminated by the modes of material nature worship various demigods, according to their intelligence) rebuked in Bhagavad-gita (kamais tais tair hrta-jnanah prapadyante 'nya-devatah) - BG 7.20
- They are accepted as pious (sukrtinah) due to their inquiring about the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Not knowing the various activities and engagements of the Lord, such people unnecessarily disturb the Lord for material gain
- They are already killing animals for flesh, so when there will no longer be grains, vegetables and fruits, they will kill their own sons and fathers and eat their flesh for sustenance
- They are animals. What the dogs will understand? When there is one lady dog, one dozen dog will come. Smelling the best part of the body. This is their philosophy. So Freud is that: best part of the body, he's writing philosophy
- They are becoming more perfect means they are imperfect. Becoming more perfect means their always position is imperfect
- They are frustrated in all their various plans by supernatural power. Even great sages, if they are against Your transcendental topics, must rotate in this material world
- They are known as Mayavadis because according to their opinion Krsna has a body made of maya and the loving service of the Lord executed by devotees is also maya
- They are liberated by their nonfruitive activities and they attain the first incarnation of the purusa, but at the time of creation they come back in exactly the same forms and positions as they had previously
- They are making real advancement. Bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam. Their these material anxieties will be over
- They are not attached to their homes, although they may be householders. Nor are they attached to wives, children, friends or wealth
- They are not educated themselves, but their education is by hearing from the authority. Iti susruma. This is real education. Therefore Vedas' another name is sruti. Sruti means the knowledge which you receive by hearing
- They are rascals, asurim, atheists, all their hopes will be frustrated. This is stated (in Bhagavad-gita 9:12). And that is being done. They are making so big, big plan; now it is going to be frustrated
- They are simply busy seeing to their own remuneration in dollars and cents. How, then, can they lead the mass of people to the right path of self-realization? Thus one must hear submissively from a dhira in order to attain actual education
- They are simply thinking of satisfying their own senses. So many big, big plans, but the result is that people are unhappy. Napoleon and Hitler made big, big plans, where are they now? All failures
- They are sleeping eternally in that darkness without Your shelter because their eyes of knowledge are not open, and therefore they are falsely engaged by the actions and reactions of their material activities, and they appear to be very fatigued
- They are thinking that by constructing big, big, high skyscraper building their civilization is advancing, or machine, or technology. But they do not know this is not the aim of life. Real aim of life - to understand God
- They are thinking that they can go anywhere by the force of their so-called scientific advancement. But it has not proved successful till now. But still, they will say, "Yes, in future we shall go." All right, in future. Trust no future, however pleasant
- They are thinking that this life is all in all and there is no next life, because they cannot think of . . . duskrtinah, if for them there is next life, then they have to stop their nefarious activities. But they do not like that
- They are trying to go there, Mars planet, Moon planet, by rising on the sky by their aeroplanes, sputniks. But they have not been able to understand what is the position of these planets. This is called aroha-pantha
- They are trying to improve their economic condition, position, and wasting their time. It has no value. Of course, modern people will take it as very revolting that there is no need of this endeavor for economic development
- They assured the crowd that they had seen how it happened with their own eyes, and they strongly asserted the point. Some were listening to the statement of the small children, but others said, "How can you believe the statements of these children?"
- They ate all kinds of cakes and sweet rice, filling themselves up to their throats, and at intervals they vibrated the holy name of the Lord in great jubilation
- They began to draw lines on the ground with their toes, and with their tears they washed the black ointment from their eyes onto their breasts, which were covered with red kunkuma powder. This is an instance of anxiety in ecstatic love
- They believe that to gratify the senses is the prime necessity of human civilization. Thus until the end of life their anxiety is immeasurable
- They cannot accommodate, accommodate in the teeny, poor brain that the original Absolute Truth is a person. That is their problem
- They cannot understand that without spiritual touch, there cannot be any creation. That is their poor fund of knowledge. The Darwin's theory, development, process of evolution, they are childish
- They could not stop it , however, and therefore they appealed to Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu because this blasphemy (against Caitanya) was so intolerable that they had decided to give up their lives
- They dedicated their souls only for the satisfaction of the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna. There was not the slightest tinge of sexual love between the gopis and Krsna
- They describe the Vedas in their original sense, and out of mercy (anugraha) they preach the purpose of the Vedas to all conditioned souls
- They did not even observe common formalities of civilized society, and in the presence of Lord Balarama they uttered insulting words about the Yadu dynasty. Having spoken in this unmannerly way, they returned to their city of Hastinapura
- They do not admit, especially the so-called scientist rascals and atheist philosophers, politicians. They do not accept the authority of God. They think they will be able to manage things in their own way
- They do not follow Lord Caitanya's injunction to be "more humble than a blade of grass." If they were that humble, they would give up their pride in being the doer of good deeds, the wisest person, the most devoted, and so on
- "They do not know what are the "do's" and what are the "do not's." This is the first qualification of the asuras. They do not know. Because they do not like to take lesson from superior. They manufacture their own lesson
- They do not know that their real problem is how to approach the Supreme Lord, Visnu. And the leaders, so-called leaders, who have created so many problems, they also do not know; therefore the leaders are blind and the followers are blind
- They do not know that they are going to hell. That is rascaldom. By their so-called scientific advancement, philosophy, education, they are going to hell. That they do not know. Therefore they are rascals
- They do not know what is self-preservation. That is another ignorance. They consider this body as the self. Their self-preservation means to keep this body. And that is also not possible
- They do not like to take perfect knowledge from the Vedic literature or from Bhagavad-gita. They manufacture their own way of life, this mandah sumanda-matayah. And unfortunate. Mostly they are unfortunate. And disturbed by so many things
- They don't know that such a husband cannot actually give protection to them or their children. Nor can he protect their wealth or duration of life, for he himself is dependent on time, fruitive results & modes of nature, which are all subordinate to You
- They engage the power of speech in the glorification of My qualities and form. They also dedicate their minds unto Me and try to give up all kinds of material desires. Thus My devotees are characterized
- They enjoyed celestial happiness, with open hearts full of love and affection for the Lord, and when they saw the face of the Lord, it seemed to them that they were drinking nectar through their eyes
- They executed the required austerities and penances in their lives and were liberal, meeting the standard of qualified brahmanas
- They have become thieves because their guardians did not care for them. This is going on parampara. The parampara is that God's instructions should be distributed. Evam parampara. But there is no followers of God's instruction
- They have been engaged in the lives of hogs and dogs, work very hard, get some money & enjoy for sense gratification. This is not human civilization. So following their own mental concoction they automatically fall down into the dark region of existence
- They have got university degrees. But why they do not do it? They are supposed to be very culturally advanced. So the answer is given there in the Bhagavad-gita, mayayapahrta-jnana asuram bhavam asritah (BG 7.15). Because their intention is to deny God
- They have no experience of grey hair, wrinkles or invalidity, their bodily lusters do not fade, their perspiration does not cause a bad smell, and they are not troubled by fatigue or by lack of energy or enthusiasm due to old age
- They have simplified their life. And gradually develop, make little cottages, and grow little vegetable, little barley or wheat and milk. That is sufficient. We don't require much. We don't want luxury. We want just to subsist
- They have so many misconceptions which are simply due to ignorance. They are simply making false propaganda to keep their prestige
- They have standardized their happiness on these principles - illicit sex, meat-eating, gambling. That is the standard. And if you deny that, they say, "Oh, it is impossible. These are the primary principles of life"
- They held clubs in their hands, and they were dressed in very attractive garments with helmets and were decorated with necklaces, bracelets and earrings
- They imagined it (Aghasura's mouth) to be similar to the mouth of a great python. In other words, the boys, unafraid, thought that it was a statue made in the shape of a great python for the enjoyment of their pastimes - SB 10.12.18
- They knew very well that even though their father committed a mistake (Brahma was sexually inclined to his own daughter), there must have been some great purpose behind the show, otherwise such a great personality could not have committed such a mistake
- They make God as order-supplier for their material needs. Or some of them are taught to love God because He is considered to be order-supplier. But our principle is not to make God our order-supplier - we want to execute the order of God
- They must have done pious activities in their previous life, all Americans. But they should know that this is their advantage to become Krsna conscious
- They offer the demigods their oblations, considering the demigods part & parcel of the whole, the SL. Therefore the SPG accepts these offerings & gradually raises the worshipers to the real standard of DS by fulfilling their desires & aspirations
- They say ultimately the knower, knowable and the known becomes one. That is their philosophy. Monists. There is no more knower, no knowable, the knower... Simply knowledge. They say simply knowledge. Oneness
- They say, "It is too difficult a subject." Or they brush it aside: "It is irrelevant." Thus engineers direct their attention to creating and attempting to perfect the horseless carriage and wingless bird
- They should know that it is for their benefit we are making them life members, not for our benefit. And that should be the motive
- They sometimes appeared to fight over trifles, but these quarrels were based on their affection, of which I shall speak later
- They support their arguments by a false and laborious jugglery of words, which is a gift of the same illusory energy of the Lord. But the poor froggish philosophers, due to a false sense of knowledge, cannot understand the situation
- They usually plunge into the subject matter of the rasa dance, which is misunderstood by the foolish class of men. Some of them take this to be immoral, while others try to cover it up by their own stupid interpretations
- They very much satisfied the Lord by incessantly pouring flowers from the sky. When everything was very nicely and joyfully settled, the cows overflooded the surface of the earth with their milk
- They want to sleep twenty-four hours. That is their desire in Kali-yuga. But, no. Then you'll be wasting time. Minimize eating, sleeping, mating and defending. When it is nil, that is perfection
- They were physically very strong and expert in fighting, and their aim was to disturb the sacrifices performed by the great sages
- They will show like that in a very advanced and vairagya and taking three times bath and everything, but they have got connection with at least three, four woman. This is their bhajana
- They will spend lots of money for a skyscraper building to get income, and temple is called nonproductive building. You see? They do not wish to engage their money in nonproductive thing because they have become economic
- They worship the forefathers and are busy day and night improving the economic condition of their family, social or national life
- They would ask those returning from Vrndavana, "How are Rupa and Sanatana doing in Vrndavana? What are their activities in the renounced order? How do they manage to eat?" These were the questions asked
- They'll never agree God is person. They'll never agree. Their teeny brain cannot accommodate that God, the Supreme, can be a person
- They'll pay to make a literature with bombastic scientific word, and they'll prepare literature. This literature will be distributed and give their medicine, and they may pay them for false propaganda. This is going on to introduce new patent medicine
- They're all rascals, all rascals, cent percent. They do not know what is arrangement in the hospital and they go, poke their nose in which is not their business
- Thieves and rogues simply await some political upset in order to take the opportunity to plunder the people in general. To keep thieves and rogues inactive in their profession, a strong government is always required
- Thieves may enter the house of a rich man to steal money at the risk of their lives. Because of trespassing, they may be killed by guns or attacked by watchdogs, but still they try to commit burglary
- Thing is that they are studying the laws very nicely. That's good. But they should appreciate that who has made this law. That is their defect
- Thinking that child Krsna had been saved from the mouth of death, they (the gopis and the cowherd men) looked upon His face with great love and affection. They were full of anxiety and could not turn their faces from the vision of Krsna
- This (Americans and Europeans turning into reprobates) is due to their having lost their original spiritual culture, which is Vedic civilization. Presently these descendants of the Aryan family are taking this Krsna consciousness movement very seriously
- This (bhakti) is the process of giving humanity the chance to awaken Krsna consciousness. Thus people can perfect their lives in all respects
- This (Caitanya delivered Jagai and Madhai) was so because, despite the fact that they were addicted to sinful activity, in other ways their life was brilliant. They belonged to the brahmana caste of Navadvipa, and such brahmanas were pious by nature
- This (CC Madhya 20.306) is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.68.37). When the Kauravas flattered Baladeva so that He would become their ally and spoke ill of Sri Krsna, Lord Baladeva became angry and spoke this verse
- This (CC Madhya 20.338) is a prayer from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 11.5.29) spoken by Karabhajana Muni when he was questioned by Maharaja Nimi, the King of Videha, about the incarnations in specific yugas and their method of worship
- This (CC Madhya 6.132) is typical of all Mayavadis or atheists who interpret the meaning of Vedic literature in their own imaginative way
- This (reluctant to accept Krsna as the Supreme Absolute Truth) is partially due to their (class of men with demoniac mentality) poor fund of knowledge & partially due to their stubborn obstinacy, which results from various misdeeds in the past & present
- This (the yogis enjoyment is anante, endless) is because their enjoyment is in relation to the supreme enjoyer (Rama), Sri Krsna. Bhagavan Sri Krsna is the real enjoyer, and Bhagavad-gita confirms this - BG 5.29
- This 7th Chapter (SB Canto 6) describes how Brhaspati was offended by the demigods, how he left them and the demigods were defeated, and how the demigods, following the instructions of Brahma, accepted Visvarupa as the priest to perform their sacrifice
- This abode of the Krsna, known as Goloka Vrndavana, cannot be attained by persons who are absorbed in the material conception of life. But the Pandavas, being completely washed of all material contamination, attained that abode in their very same bodies
- This Aghasura was so dangerous that even the denizens of heaven were afraid of him. Although the denizens of heaven drank nectar daily to prolong their lives, they were afraid of this Aghasura and were wondering, "When will the demon be killed?"
- This asuric public, they do not know which way their destination is. They say it is self-interest, but these rascals, they do not know what is the self-interest, because their very beginning of life is mistaken. They are thinking this body is the self
- This attempt would create a situation wherein the Lord could embrace them as they willingly approached Him. Upon being embraced, the wives of the Lord would feel on their mouths a clear indication of conjugal love
- This book is very seriously taken by the professors of all Universities, and I am just trying to introduce them to study in their religion and theological classes. This is one of my desires
- This child (of Pramloca and Kandu) was cared for by the trees, and when she grew up, by the order of Lord Brahma, she was delivered to the Pracetas as their wife. The name of the girl was Marisa, as the next verse (SB 4.30.47) will explain
- This civilization, modern civilization, having no information of the soul, it is simply a pack of animals only, that's all. Therefore they do not care what is the resultant action of their activities
- This concentration of mind is very difficult in this age, because mind is so agitated. Therefore force them to hear Hare Krsna. Even they have no mind to hear, you chant loudly Hare Krsna, they will hear. Their mind will be dragged. It is so nice thing
- This conception of the material world is very nicely explained by Rupa Gosvami, who says that when persons renounce the material world as illusory or false without knowing that it is a manifestation of the Supreme Lord, their renunciation is of no value
- This cosmic manifestation is not false, as Sankaracarya maintains. Actually there is nothing false here. The Mayavadis say that this world is false because of their ignorance
- This covering up of pure consciousness and eternal bliss is due to avidya-karma-samjna, the energy which acts on the infinitesimal living entities who misuse their minute independence
- This demon Mura had seven sons, named Tamra, Antariksa, Sravana, Vibhavasu, Vasu, Nabhasvan and Aruna. All of them became puffed up and vengeful because of the death of their father, and to retaliate they prepared in great anger to fight with Krsna
- This desire of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is also extreme mercy on His part because it gives the conditioned souls another chance to develop their original consciousness and thus go back to Godhead
- This devotional service is a sort of cultivation. It is not simply inaction for people who like to be inactive or devote their time to silent meditation
- This example should be followed by all, especially those who are Krsna conscious, for they should serve Krsna by their respective abilities
- This godless civilization means people have lost even common sense. Even common sense. Otherwise, you may, if you use in a harsh word, that they have become fools and rascals, that's all. They have lost their common sense
- This human life was given to him for understanding Krsna, and he is wasting in other way. Therefore naradhamah. "But they are so educated, university degree . . ." Mayayapahrta-jnanah: "Their knowledge has no meaning. It is taken away by maya
- This humility (by gopis) was due to their shyness from being naked before Krsna
- This is a manifestation of real love (Tapana Misra and Candrasekhara's decision to give up their lives because they could not stop Mayavadis' criticizing Caitanya) for Krsna and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- This is a sign of Kali-yuga. In this age, animals are kept nicely sheltered, completely confident that their masters will protect them, but unfortunately as soon as the animals are fat, they are immediately sent for slaughter
- This is a typical example of materialistic persons. At night they waste their time by sleeping more than six hours or in sex indulgence. This is their occupation at night, and in the morning they go to their office or business place just to earn money
- This is an animal civilization (where the students are even smoking in front of their teacher, and it is tolerated). This is not human civilization. No tapasya, no brahmacari life. Real civilization means tapo divyam (SB 5.5.1), godly austerity
- This is Bhagavata communism. The communists are thinking in terms of their own country. But we, a devotee, we think in terms of all living entities, wherever he is, either in the sky or in the land or in the water
- This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission. Those who have taken birth in India, Bharata-bhumi, they should make their life perfect by understanding the Vedic knowledge. And the Supreme Lord Krsna comes here to teach the Vedic knowledge
- This is confirmed in Govinda-lilamrta (10.17): Although manifest, happy, expanded and unlimited, the emotional exchanges between Radha and Krsna can only be understood by the damsels of Vraja or by their followers
- This is confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam when Narada speaks of the different symptoms characterizing the four divisions of social life. Narada summarizes that brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras should be selected by their individual qualifications
- This is due to their (some brahmanas's who do not very much admire Siva) ignorance of Lord Siva's position. Nandisvara was affected by the cursing, but he did not follow the example of Lord Siva, who was also present there
- This is four principle: dharma, artha, kama, moksa. And moksa, by the impersonalist, their moksa and real moksa . . . real moksa means liberation
- This is Kali-yuga. The leaders also do not associate with sat, and they create their own imagination. Sat, om tat sat. Bhagavan is the supreme sat. So they do not care for Bhagavan, so there is no sat-sanga. Asat-sanga
- This is like a blind man's leading another blind man to fall into a ditch. Therefore, unless the devotees of the Lord take pity on them and teach them the right path, their lives are hopeless failures
- This is maya; we are creating facilities, but these facilities in their turn are creating so many problems
- This is purely cultural programme for spreading the Hindu culture and if the Hindus have no such scope for spreading their culture then what is the meaning of independence
- This is significant of spiritual advancement. Their (the gopis) desires appeared lusty, but actually they were not the lusty desires of the material world
- This is the difference between a devotee and a demon. Demons manufacture their own gods, or a demon himself claims to be God, following in the footsteps of Ravana and Hiranyakasipu
- This is the greatest anomaly in the practice of mystic yoga - In the present day, people who have no control over their senses, no understanding of philosophy & not following religious principles are nonetheless pretending to be yogis
- This is the position of the world, and they are suffering and they will continue to suffer. Nature will punish them. Yamaraja will take them. That is their next life. So you try to save them. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- This is the statement in Bhagavata. Adanta-gobhir visatam tamisram (SB 7.5.30): Because they cannot control their senses, therefore they are making progress towards the darkest region of hell
- This is their excellence. Anukulyena krsnanusilanam: (CC Madhya 19.167) they (the devotees of God) are liberally engaged in the service of the Lord, and therefore they are excellent
- This is their position, mudha, raksasa, thinking that "I am living this fifty years or hundred years so luxuriantly. That is the fulfillment of life." Because he does not know the life is eternal, one spot he is taking very important
- This is Vaisnava: "So for all their sins, I shall suffer. You take them." This philosophy is also expressed in Bible, Lord Jesus Christ, that he agreed to suffer himself for the sins of all the people
- This kind of activity, sense-gratificatory activities, they are not karmis even. They are vikarmis. Because they are preparing their ground-adanta-gobhir visatam tamisram (SB 7.5.30) By such activities they are going to the darkest region of hell
- This kind of intelligent persons (like Ravanas) are killed by Rama. They may make plan very nice to cheat Ramacandra, but ultimately they become vanquished with all their planning commission
- This kind of sannyasi or this kind of intelligent persons are killed by Rama. They may make plan very nice to cheat Ramacandra, but ultimately they become vanquished with all their planning commission
- This King will please everyone by his practical activities, and all of his citizens will remain very satisfied. Because of this the citizens will take great satisfaction in accepting him as their ruling king
- This Krsna consciousness movement is meant to deliver people to the proper understanding that they are not their body, that they are pure spirit soul. We may or may not be appreciated, that is not our concern
- This Krsna consciousness movement is to give the greatest benefit to the human society to clear their brain, the rascal brain
- This lack of knowledge (knowing that Krsna is the Supersoul but not the Original Personality of Godhead) was not due to their (the Yadavas) insufficient erudition; it was due to their misfortune
- This last class of men (who are too materially attached) take to the shelter of some kind of intoxication, and their affective hallucinations are sometimes accepted as spiritual vision. BG 1972 purports
- This life is meant for perfection in self-realization or Krsna consciousness, their dull brain does not allow to understand this fact. Therefore I was explaining last night, su-medhasah good brain substance
- This mantra of Sri Isopanisad uses the very appropriate word yathatathyatah, indicating that the Lord rewards the living entities just in pursuance of their desires
- This material world is generally called tamas because ninety-nine percent of its living entities are ignorant of their identity as soul
- This mentality of Prajapati Daksa still continues even today. When young boys join the Krsna consciousness movement, their fathers and so-called guardians are very angry at the propounder of the Krsna consciousness movement
- This passing away of the great warrior (Bhismadeva) attracted the attention of all the contemporary elites, and all of them assembled there to show their feelings of love, respect and affection for the great soul
- This place is a very sanctified. Rupa Gosvami and Jiva Gosvami used to assemble here. We are not going to imitate them, but we want a place under the shelter of their lotus feet and discuss something of their contribution. Then our life may be successful
- This planet earth is but an insignificant spot in the cosmic structure. Yet foolish men, puffed up by a false sense of scientific advancement, have concentrated their energy in the pursuit of so-called economic development on this planet
- This pleasure potency is manifested as Srimati Radharani, or Her expansion Laksmi, the goddess of fortune. When the individual jiva souls are under the control of the internal energy, their only engagement is the satisfaction of Krsna, or Visnu
- This process of chanting the narrations of the life and character of Prthu Maharaja is recommended for conquering kings if they want to fulfill their desire to rule the world
- This program to make each and every center spiritually strong should be the duty of the GBC. So far financing, let them do in their own way
- This rascal civilization, they could not take the Western civilization, and they lost their own civilization. This is India's bad luck
- This rascal government takes taxes and spend unnecessarily. That's all. This is their intelligence. A set of asses. That's all. They have no sympathy "that this hard-earned money is coming from the public, and we are spending like anything"
- This religious principle means to understand God. Either you take it, Christianity or Judaism or Hinduism, every religion is trying to understand God according to their capacity
- This request indicates that persons who are attached to fruitive activities, desiring promotion to the comforts of higher planetary systems, cannot achieve their ultimate goal of life without the sanction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This same narration was again related by Lord Nityananda to all the devotees, and their transcendental bliss increased as they heard the story again
- This same phenomenon is occurring in our Krsna consciousness movement because we are instructing all the young boys in the Western countries to follow the path of renunciation - their parents become very angry
- This Satya Sai Baba, this Vivekananda, this, all of them, like that. They want some material position, misusing their mediocre knowledge. That's all
- This service attitude (render loving service physically and mentally without reservation) will induce the great souls to be more favorable in bestowing their mercy, which injects the neophyte with all the transcendental qualities of the pure devotees
- This the atheists do not know (at the time of death one must submit to the supreme kala and then He takes away all his possessions & forces him to accept another body), and if they do know, they neglect it so that they may go on with their normal life
- This time the living entity was supposed to have been the son of Maharaja Citraketu and Queen Krtadyuti because according to the laws of nature he had entered a body made by the King and Queen. Actually, however, he was not their son
- This time, the cows immediately forgot their position as soon as they saw the calves below Govardhana Hill, and they ran with great force, their tails erect and their front and hind legs joined, until they reached their calves
- This tract of land (between Ganges and Yamuna), which is called Brahmavarta, consists of what is known in the modern age as portions of Punjab & northern India. It is clear that the kings of India once ruled all the world and that their culture was Vedic
- This valuable cloth was wrapped around the head of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The other devotees, headed by Advaita Acarya, also had cloths wrapped about their heads
- This verse (CC Antya 7.47) from SB 10.47.61 was spoken by Uddhava. When Uddhava was sent by Krsna to see the condition of the gopis in Vrndavana, he stayed there for a few months in their association and always talked with them about Krsna
- This verse (CC Madhya 8.227) from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.9.21) is spoken by Srila Sukadeva Gosvami. It appears within a passage in which he glorifies mother Yasoda and other devotees of Krsna by describing how they can subjugate Him with their love
- This verse (CC Madhya 8.81) is from SB 10.32.2. When the rasa dance was going on, Krsna suddenly disappeared, and the gopis became so overwhelmed, due to His separation and their intense love for Him, that Krsna was obliged to appear again
- This verse (of CC Adi-lila 4.180) from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.32.22) was spoken by Sri Krsna Himself when He returned to the gopis upon hearing their songs of separation
- This verse (SB 10.2.29) explains why the SPG appears as an incarnation again and again. The incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead all function differently, but their main purpose is paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam - BG 4.8
- This was actually proved by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself when He passed through the forest of Jharikhanda. At that time the tigers, snakes, deer and all other animals abandoned their natural animosity and began chanting and dancing in sankirtana
- This was their (the elderly gopis) inner ambition. Now, in order to please them, Krsna personally took the role of their sons and fulfilled their desire
- This would create an atmosphere of spiritual bliss. When the garland on the neck of the Lord then touched the breasts of the queens, their whole bodies became covered with saffron yellow
- This yogamaya potency (the internal potency) creates a spiritual sentiment in the minds of the damsels of Vraja by which they think of Lord Krsna as their paramour. This sentiment is never to be compared to mundane illicit sexual love
- Those (human beings) who do not offer their food to the Lord eat nothing but sin and subject themselves to various types of distress, which are the results of sin
- Those (yogis) who do not persevere to such an extent (perfection of Krsna consciousness) and fail due to material allurements are allowed, by the grace of the Lord, to make full utilization of their material propensities. BG 1972 purports
- Those bereft of knowledge of the Lord are bound by the material laws. They are factually addicted to sense gratification, and their target is woman. Indeed, they are actually playthings in the hands of attractive women
- Those devotees express their feelings in such a way that they automatically melt with ecstasy, and many transcendental symptoms become manifested in their bodies. Anyone desiring advancement in DS must follow in the footsteps of such devotees
- Those fathers and ancestors who, by freaks of nature, might not have a gross body for material enjoyment can again gain such bodies due to the offering of sraddha oblations by their descendants
- Those in complete Krsna consciousness are not ultimately responsible for their actions. Everything is dependant on the supreme will, the Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Those in this material world for material enjoyment should know that because their present position will cease to exist, they must be careful in how they act
- Those known as the sahajiyas foolishly think that their material bodies are transcendental. Because of this, they are always bereft of the association of pure devotees, and thus they cannot behave like Vaisnavas
- Those not interested in understanding Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are simply material in their attempts at professional chanting and dancing for money, despite their supposed artistry
- Those persons who execute their duties according to My injunctions and who follow this teaching faithfully, without envy, become free from the bondage of fruitive actions
- Those sharp arrows dismayed the enemy soldiers, who became almost unconscious, but various Yaksas on the battlefield, in a rage against Dhruva Maharaja, somehow or other collected their weapons and attacked
- Those so-called yogis who, although engaged in meditation, are not broad hearted cannot find the four-handed Narayana form, even though He is seated within their heart
- Those too attached to family life, who forget that death comes in the future to take them away, become attached and unable to finish their duty as human beings
- Those two gatekeepers (Jaya and Vijaya), the best of the demigods, their beauty and luster diminished by the curse of the brahmanas (Kumaras), became morose and fell from Vaikuntha, the abode of the Supreme Lord
- Those Visnu forms blessed the devotees with Their clear glances and smiles, which resembled the increasingly full light of the moon - sreyah-kairava-candrika-vitaranam
- Those warriors who appreciated the lotus feet of the Lord (Krsna) and saw His face at the front had their dormant love of God awakened, and thus they were transferred at once to Vaikunthaloka not to the impersonal state of brahmajyoti as was Sisupala
- Those who accept Krsna, or the Supreme Lord, as their son will never be bereft of their son
- Those who accept the material nature as the cosmic manifestation's original cause (prakrti, the cause of creation according to Sankhya philosophy) are not correct in their conclusion
- Those who adopt the means of devotional service, as prescribed by the expert transcendentalist, are never disappointed in their attempts to enter the anti-material world
- Those who are activated by the material mode of ignorance engage in impious activities, and according to the extent of their ignorance, they are placed in different grades of hellish life
- Those who are actually advanced approach Lord Visnu, their ultimate goal. Such people are never captivated by Lord Visnu’s external energy, the material world
- Those who are actually advanced Aryans, their business is how to approach Visnu. That is the Rg-mantra. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum durasaya
- Those who are actually learned, advanced in spiritual understanding, should preach Krsna consciousness all over the world so that people may take to it and make their lives successful
- Those who are addicted to these bad habits (prostitute-hunting, meat-eating, gambling, etc.), in their hundreds and thousands of life they will never be able to understand what is God. The door is locked for them
- Those who are advanced in spiritual knowledge are not subject to the regulative principles directed in the Vedic literatures. Because such advanced souls are transcendental, You personally appear in their pure minds
- Those who are after material enjoyment (bhukti) worship the demigods and achieve their planets and thus enjoy material happiness
- Those who are already cleansed of the impurities may continue to act in the same Krsna consciousness so that others may follow their exemplary activities and thereby be benefitted. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are always full of cares and anxieties due to desiring contact of the senses with their objects can cross the ocean of nescience on a most suitable boat-the constant chanting of the transcendental activities of the Personality of Godhead
- Those who are attached to material enjoyment cannot be fixed in devotional service to the Lord. They cannot understand Bhagavan, Krsna, or His instruction, Bhagavad-gita. Adanta-gobhir visatam tamisram: their path actually leads toward hellish life
- Those who are attached to materialistic life and are blind to spiritual life must act in such a way that they are bound to repeated birth and death by the actions and reactions of their activities
- Those who are attached to the means of bhakti-yoga are factually self-controlled and can all of a sudden give up their homely or bodily attachment for the service of the Lord. This is called the paramahaṁsa stage
- Those who are bewildered by the external features of the material world and are engaged in the animal propensities of the eat-drink-and-be-merry type of life are simply wasting their lives by the unseen passing away of valuable years
- Those who are born in high-class, rich family or brahmana family, they are not ordinary. But there is no brahmana family now. So at least the richer section, they can be induced to send their boys to learn Sanskrit and English and Bhagavad-bhakti
- Those who are burying the bodies of their forefathers, the body turns into dust, as the Christian Bible says, "Dust thou art." This body is dust and again turn into dust
- Those who are burying the bodies of their forefathers, the body turns into dust, as the Christian Bible says, "dust thou art." This body is dust and again turns into dust
- Those who are condemned, those who want to try to lord it over, they are imprisoned within the walls of material universe. So their number is very small
- Those who are confident that they are not the material body, that they are spiritual parts of the SPG and are therefore engaged in the transcendental service of the Supreme Godhead, have nothing to fear. Their future is very bright. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are considered materially powerful and rich are always full of anxieties because of governmental laws, thieves and rogues, enemies, family members, animals, birds, persons seeking charity, the inevitable time factor and even their own selves
- Those who are deluded by duality and nescience think that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is created by material energies. This is their misfortune
- Those who are deluded by duality and nescience think that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is created by material energies. This is their misfortune. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are determined to continue following the materialistic way of life, will never awaken their dormant love of Krsna, for they hear the Bhagavatam only to solidify their position in household life and to be happy in family affairs and sex
- Those who are devas, godly, their lusty desire is controlled, restricted. Therefore this varnasrama, four varnas and four asramas, this is education how to control this lusty desire. That is required
- Those who are dull materialists, their brain is congested with so much rubbish thing, they cannot understand that it is through the bodily effulgence of the Lord the potential manifestation is this cosmic manifestation. They will think that like Dr. Frog
- Those who are eager to awaken their spiritual consciousness and who thus have unflinching, undeviated intelligence certainly attain the desired goal of life very soon
- Those who are elderly person, they have got experience. If their sons go wrong, how much they are anxious. How much the father is anxious to get his son back again. Back again. That is the natural instinct
- Those who are engaged in fruitive activities (karmis) attain the higher planetary systems as a result of their past activities & the jnanis, who seek unification or a monistic merging with the effulgence of the Supreme Lord, also attain their desired end
- Those who are engaged simply in bestial sense gratifications without knowledge of their next life or spiritual salvation belong to the nonregulated section. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are firmly fixed up in devotional service to Krsna are making proper use of their independence and so they do not fall down
- Those who are going to religious life making God as their servant, they will be failure. You must approach God as master. You should become servant
- Those who are grhasthas, family men, their duty is to raise their children to this Krsna consciousness
- Those who are helpless must be taken care of by their respective guardians, otherwise the guardians will be subjected to the punishment of Yamaraja
- Those who are highly developed in Krsna consciousness try their best to give this knowledge to the people in general, for their conditional life is very much troublesome. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are imitating this yoga system in different so-called schools and societies, although complacent, are certainly wasting their time. They are completely in ignorance of the desired goal. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are impersonalists, they cannot have varieties of enjoyment; therefore they come down again on this material platform & use their intellect for philanthropic or humanitarian work. Again they become entrapped by philosophy & knowledge and so on
- Those who are in charge of the religious department - their duty is to keep people enlightened in the real mission of life. But if they're also doing sense gratification, how long they can cheat others? Therefore people have lost faith in religion
- Those who are in the modes of goodness, their lust is a different quality. Those who are in passion, their lust is in different quality. Those who are ignorance, their lust is different quality
- Those who are interested in reviving Krsna consciousness and increasing their love of Godhead do not like to do anything that is not related to Krsna. They are not interested in mingling with people who are busy maintaining their bodies
- Those who are laying down for the good cause their life, their next life is very brilliant. But if you commit suicide without any reason and written or without any cause, then you will be sinful. You'll be sinful
- Those who are leaders of their respective countries and communities should first be sure to satisfy Visnu, for their own benefit and for the benefit of those whom they profess to lead
- Those who are liberated theoretically by knowing simply that the living entity is not material may still have desires, although they may be technically classified amongst liberated souls. Their main desire is to become one with the Supreme
- Those who are mahatmas, their, I mean to say, wandering here and there is to enlighten these poor-hearted grhi. Grhesu grhamedhinam
- Those who are materialistic, however, who are very proud of material wealth and have no spiritual knowledge, like the prakrta-sahajiyas, regard their own happiness as the aim of life
- Those who are more advanced, they will get their next birth in a pious brahmana family, very pure brahmana family or Vaisnava family
- Those who are not devotees cannot understand the different forms of Visnu and their positions in regard to the creation
- Those who are not engaged in sinful life, naturally they are peaceful. Their mind is not agitated. Vegetarians are naturally peaceful. Just see between a dog and a cow
- Those who are not Vaisnavas consider only human society worthy of their sympathy, but Krsna claims to be the supreme father of all life forms. Consequently the Vaisnava takes care not to annihilate untimely or unnecessarily any life form
- Those who are on the spiritual path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one. O beloved child of the Kurus, the intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched
- Those who are on this path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one. O beloved child of the Kurus, the intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched
- Those who are on this path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one. O beloved child of the Kurus, the intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched. BG 2.41 - 1972
- Those who are overly attracted to their life situation are forced to remain in a ghostly body and are not allowed to accept another gross body. Even in the body of a ghost, they create disturbances for neighbors and relatives
- Those who are pious, however, enter other planetary systems, namely the planets of the demigods. Nevertheless, both the pious and impious are again brought to earth after the results of their pious or impious acts are exhausted
- Those who are powerful, isvara, godly, you cannot imitate their actions. They are apparently doing something wrong; still, they are pure
- Those who are puffed up by the mode of passion try to lord it over material nature in various ways. Some of them engage in altruistic activities as if they were agents appointed to do good to others by their mental speculative plans
- Those who are serious about pushing forward this Krsna consciousness movement should remember and strictly follow the regulative principles so that their minds will not be disturbed
- Those who are sincere souls, after hearing this incident, should refrain from such child-killing and should atone for their sinful activities by taking to Krsna consciousness very seriously
- Those who are sincerely devotee of Vasudeva sometimes, due to their past habits, may commit something sinful, not knowingly, but habituated; that is excused by Krsna
- Those who are so-called spiritualists are compared to monkeys. Outwardly, monkeys sometimes resemble sadhus because they live naked in the forest and pick fruits, but their only desire is to keep many female monkeys and enjoy sex life
- Those who are the lowest of men refuse to take to Krsna consciousness because they think that they will be able to protect themselves without Krsna's care. This is their mistake
- Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demoniac & atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities and their culture of knowledge are all defeated
- Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demoniac and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities and their culture of knowledge are all defeated
- Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demonic and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities, and their culture of knowledge are all defeated
- Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demonic and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities, and their culture of knowledge are all defeated. BG 9.12 - 1972
- Those who are too addicted to sex life cannot understand the purpose of the Absolute Truth, nor can they be clean in their habits, not to mention showing mercy to others
- Those who are too much after wealth and women can rectify their leanings only by constant remembrance of Visnu in His potential impersonal feature
- Those who are too much sexually addicted become victims of jara, and very soon their life-span is shortened
- Those who are twice initiated so as to become brahmanas must bear in mind their great responsibility to be truthful, control the mind and senses, be tolerant, and so on. It was such brahmanas that Nanda Maharaja invited to chant the Vedic hymns
- Those who are under the spell of material energy do not follow the instructions of the disciplic succession but try to manufacture something of their own and thereby step outside the sphere of Vedanta study
- Those who are very sinful & attached to their family, house, village or country do not receive a gross body made of material elements but remain in a subtle body, composed of mind, ego, intelligence. Those who live in such subtle bodies are called ghosts
- Those who attain brahma-sayujya liberation cannot gain entrance into Vaikuntha; their residence is outside the Vaikuntha planets
- Those who cannot understand the position of the Lord are unfortunate. They may think that they can kill the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotee, but all their attempts will be futile. The Lord knows how to deal with them
- Those who come to the human form through the quality of rajo-guna were lions in their last animal incarnation
- Those who come to the human form through the quality of sattva-guna were cows in their last animal incarnation
- Those who come to the human form through the quality of tamo-guna were monkeys in their last animal incarnation
- Those who desire to eat meat may satisfy the demands of their tongues by eating lower animals, but they should never kill cows, who are actually accepted as the mothers of human society because they supply milk
- Those who die before Krsna, they attain their original position, svarupa. Svarupa. So that is real success. Otherwise, there is no death
- Those who disobey their fathers on material grounds, however, are surely subjected to disciplinary reaction for such disobedience
- Those who do not believe in the laws of God or in His existence may go on committing such sins, and they may not come to their senses despite the countless sufferings they are put into for committing such sins
- Those who do not follow in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His disciplic succession cannot distinguish between matter and spirit, and therefore all their ideas are but a mixed-up hodgepodge of problems
- Those who do not follow the Vedic principles are unrestricted as far as sex life is concerned. Consequently they sometimes do not hesitate to have sex with their sisters. In this age of Kali there are many instances of such incest
- Those who do not know this principles (religious principles) but who simply attach their faith to the Vedic rituals are called veda-vada-ratah
- Those who do not make an offering of their food, He (Krsna) says in the same verse (BG 3.13), are said to be eating only sin. In other words, their every mouthful is simply deepening their involvement in the complexities of material nature. BG 1972 pur
- Those who do not strictly follow the principles of revealed scriptures are generally called sahajiya, those who have imagined everything to be cheap, and who have their own concocted ideas, and who do not follow the scriptural injunctions
- Those who draw distinctions between the two are concocting their own laws. Even in the Ten Commandments it is prescribed, "Thou shall not kill." This is a perfect law, but by discriminating and speculating men distort it
- Those who engage in devotional service are unaffected by the results of their material activities. Otherwise, everyone, from the smallest microbe up to the King of heaven, Indra, is subject to the laws of karma
- Those who follow the path of the acaryas are susilah and sadhavah, but furthermore their path is akuto-bhaya, which means free from fear
- Those who follow their occupational duties under Your supervision, being equal to all living entities, moving and nonmoving, and not considering high and low, are called Aryans. Such Aryans worship You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who give contributions to expand the activities of the Krsna consciousness movement and to accomplish its objectives will never be losers; they will get their wealth back with the blessings of Lord Krsna
- Those who go to holy places of pilgrimage actually unload the reactions of their sinful lives, and consequently holy places are overloaded with sinful activities left there by visitors
- Those who hanker after women and money, who are self-interested and have the mentality of merchants, can certainly discover many things with their fertile brains and speak against the authorized revealed scriptures
- Those who have a poor fund of knowledge accept these false sannyasis and their pretenses, although they are not bona fide guides to spiritual advancement
- Those who have dedicated their lives to the transcendental topics of the Personality of Godhead, of whom the Vedic hymns sing, and who are constantly engaged in remembering the lotus feet of the Lord, do not run the risk of having misconceptions
- Those who have devoted their life, dedicated their life only in Krsna consciousness, they are sure. Krsna says, tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti (BG 4.9). That is sure, they are going back to home, back to Godhead
- Those who have given up devotional service to engage in severe austerities for other purposes are not purified in their minds, despite their advanced austerities, because they have no information of the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Those who have had their arms cut off will have to work with the arms of Asvini-kumara, and those whose hands were cut off will have to do their work with the hands of Pusa. The priests will also have to act in that manner
- Those who have made up their minds to remain in this material world and enjoy sense gratification cannot become Krsna conscious - SB 7.5.30
- Those who have surrendered to the principles of material nature instead of to Krsna are all impious, regardless of their material position
- Those who have taken the path of Narayana, devotional service, as their life and soul, they are called narayana-parayanah
- Those who ignore such instructions (of the Vedic literature) cannot be convinced of the existence of the spiritual world. Because they have forgotten their spiritual identity
- Those who live as brahmacaris must follow in the footsteps of the great sage Narada Muni, who never accepted the proposals of Jara. Those who are too much sexually addicted become victims of jara, and very soon their life-span is shortened
- Those who perform severe austerities and penances, those who give away all their possessions out of charity, those who are very famous for their auspicious activity are not able to obtain any auspicious results
- Those who perform such sacrifices are taken after death to the abode of Yamaraja, where their victims, having taken the form of Raksasas, cut them to pieces with sharpened swords
- Those who properly execute their prescribed duties live peacefully and are not disturbed by material conditions
- Those who pursue the four Vedic goals (religiosity, economic development, sense gratification, and liberation), even up to impersonal liberation, find themselves imprisoned by their senses and enslaved by their desires
- Those who remain in the darkness of material existence due to their falsely prestigious positions - so-called scientists and philosophers - are actually atheists. They do not know the ultimate cause of everything
- Those who saw Him (Krsna) on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra attained their original forms after death
- Those who search after the knowledge of impersonal Brahman or localized Paramatma are certainly accepted as liberated, but due to their imperfect knowledge they are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam as vimukta-maninah
- Those who see everything in the Lord or everything of the Lord and also see in everything an eternal relation of the Lord, so that there is nothing within their purview of sight except the Lord, are called the maha-bhagavatas
- Those who shed tears by practice but whose hearts have not changed are to be known as stone-hearted devotees of the lowest grade. Their imitation crying, induced by artificial practice, is always condemned
- Those who stay with us must be well behaved. From our side we will attend to their needs and make them comfortable, and from their side they must be clean and attend the aratis. Somehow or other they must be induced to take interest in spiritual life
- Those who take advantage of transcendental knowledge gradually regain their lost consciousness of rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord
- Those who think that the Supreme Lord appears in different forms by accepting a body made of material elements are wrong; their vision is imperfect because they do not understand how the Lord's internal potency works
- Those who try to understand (God) through research work, by dint of advancement of knowledge, have to create their faith after finishing so much research work, and this process takes many births
- Those who unnecessarily engage in bodily conceptions and create an atmosphere of materialism are always ignorant of their real self-interest
- Those who vow to worship Lord Siva are so foolish that they imitate him by keeping long hair on their heads. When initiated into worship of Lord Siva, they prefer to live on wine, flesh and other such things
- Those who want to commit spiritual suicide by sacrificing their individuality are a breed by themselves. Such self-destroyers are known as pure monists. On the other hand, those who desire to maintain their individuality are dualists, or personalists
- Those who want to live forever without changing their material bodies should not waste valuable time with topics other than those relating to Lord Krsna and His devotees
- Those who were expert in astrological knowledge and in performance of the birth ceremony instructed King Yudhisthira about the future history of the child. Then, being sumptuously remunerated, they all returned to their respective homes
- Those who were so-called mlecchas and yavanas, they are also taking to Vasudeva. Their love for Krsna is increasing
- Those who will offer Me the prayers composed by Lord Siva, both in the morning and in the evening, will be given benedictions by Me. In this way they can both fulfill their desires and attain good intelligence
- Those who will promise before the deity to follow the rules and regulations of initiated disciples will be punished if they fail to do so. I am certain, that under your able guidance all the boys and girls are enthusiastic in their duties for Krsna
- Those who work without fruitive results are also perfect in their attitude. They are given a chance to advance to the platform of devotional service in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Those who, although not conversant in spiritual knowledge, begin to worship the Supreme Person upon hearing about Him from others. Because of their tendency to hear from authorities, they also transcend the path of birth and death. BG 13.26 - 1972
- Those who, out of envy, disregard these teachings and do not follow them regularly are to be considered bereft of all knowledge, befooled, and ruined in their endeavors for perfection
- Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular regulations of worship according to their own natures. One enamored by material benefits is called hrta jnana "one who has lost his intelligence"
- Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures. BG 1972 Introduction
- Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures. BG 7.20 - 1972
- Those willing to hear the message of this scripture in a submissive attitude of service can at once capture the Supreme Lord in their hearts. Therefore there is no need for any scripture other than Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Those with the names Giri, Parvata and Sagara generally stay at Badarikasrama, and their brahmacari name is Ananda. Those with the titles Sarasvati, Bharati and Puri usually live at Srngeri in South India, and their brahmacari name is Caitanya
- Though struck indifferently by the Lord, the conqueror of all, the demon's body began to wheel. His eyeballs bulged out of their sockets. His arms & legs broken & the hair on his head scattered, he fell down dead like a gigantic tree uprooted by the wind
- Though Sukadeva Gosvami tried to cover his natural glories, the great sages present there were all expert in the art of physiognomy, and so they honored him by rising from their seats
- Though the devotees are desireless and undemanding, the Lord always sees to their requirements. The devotees are ever-joyful upon receiving such grace from the Lord, and there is no offence or sin in accepting His benedictions
- Though their tribulations were not ordinary, still Draupadi was not discouraged. She knew that because Krsna was their friend, ultimately they would be saved
- Though they (the queens of Dvaraka) tried to restrain their feelings, they inadvertently shed tears
- Throngs of people came from different villages to see the Deity of Gopala, and they took maha-prasadam sumptuously. When they saw the superexcellent form of Lord Gopala, all their lamentation and unhappiness disappeared
- Through the path of illumination, such liberated persons approach the complete Personality of Godhead, who is the proprietor of the material and spiritual worlds and is the supreme cause of their manifestation and dissolution
- Throughout the world, ninety-nine percent of the philosophers following in the footsteps of Sankaracarya refuse to accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Instead they try to establish their own opinions. It is typical of mundane philosophers
- Thus all the great wrestlers were killed by Krsna and Balarama, and the remaining wrestlers fled from the assembly out of fear for their lives
- Thus expanding Himself as the boys and calves in their individual capacities, and surrounded by such expansions of Himself, Krsna entered the village of Vrndavana. The residents had no knowledge of what had happened
- Thus he ordered the Samvartaka cloud to go and destroy the prosperity of Vrndavana. "The men of Vrndavana," said Indra, "have become too puffed up over their material opulence and are overconfident due to the presence of their tiny friend, Krsna"
- Thus in the spiritual sky the expansions, headed by Vasudeva, hold weapons in Their own respective order. I am repeating the opinion of the Siddhartha-samhita in describing Them
- Thus Krsna and Balarama gave some preliminary hints of Their arrival to Kamsa, and he could understand what severe type of danger was awaiting him the next day in the sacrificial arena
- Thus on the strength of their pious merit, they are elevated to heavenly planets. Actually those who perform sacrifices strictly according to Vedic injunctions are elevated to the moon and planets above the moon
- Thus performing the Govardhana-puja sacrifice, all the inhabitants of Vrndavana followed the instructions of Krsna, the son of Vasudeva, and afterwards they returned to their respective homes
- Thus Sisupala, instead of marrying Rukmini, had to be satisfied with the flattering words of his friends, and he returned home in disappointment. The kings who had come to assist him, also disappointed, then returned to their respective kingdoms
- Thus Srila Rupa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami and their nephew Srila Jiva Gosvami, as well as practically all of their family members, lived in Vrndavana and published important books on devotional service
- Thus Svayambhuva Manu, after giving instruction to Dhruva Maharaja, his grandson, received respectful obeisances from him. Then Lord Manu and the great sages went back to their respective homes
- Thus the demons, being fond of disastrous activities, took Hiranyakasipu's instructions on their heads with great respect and offered him obeisances. According to his directions, they engaged in envious activities directed against all living beings
- Thus the disciples and the granddisciples and their admirers spread throughout the entire world, and it is not possible to enumerate them all
- Thus the Supreme Personality of Godhead walked on the bank of the Yamuna, touching the leaves of the trees and their fruits, flowers and twigs and praising their glorious welfare activities
- Thus their fastened belts become loose, and these women become the unpaid maidservants of Krsna. Indeed, they run toward Krsna exactly like madwomen
- Thus they (karmis) engage their energy in working very hard for such material acquisitions. Such materialistic people have lost their good intelligence. They must search out their intelligence within the heart
- Thus they are always engaged in providing the necessities of life to their families in a limited conception of family life, just like uneducated cats and dogs. They are unable to take to spiritual knowledge; instead, they are bewildered
- Tigers are very kind to their cubs, but it is also known that sometimes they eat them. Malicious persons should not be trusted, because they are always unsteady
- Time cannot deteriorate or interfere with the conditions in the spiritual world, where different manifestations of the Lord are the recipients of the worship of different living entities in their constitutional spiritual positions
- Time cannot deteriorate or interfere with the conditions in the spiritual world, where different manifestations of the SP of Godhead are the recipients of the worship of different living entities in their constitutional spiritual positions
- To a certain extent they (Mayavadi philosophers) recommend Brahman activities, which for them means engagement in studying the Vedanta and Sankhya philosophies, but their interpretations are but dry speculation
- To accept orders that follow religious principles, especially the orders of one's father, is very important. Therefore when the brothers of Maharaja Yadu refused their father's order, this was certainly irreligious
- To achieve understanding, such persons (who are attached to impersonalism) work very hard and undergo severe austerities, but their hard labor and austerities themselves are their only achievement, for they do not actually achieve the real goal of life
- To acquire a degree at an academic university, we first have to establish a relationship with that institution. We have to abide by the direction of our instructors there and work favorably according to their direction
- To answer Sankaracarya’s commentary on Vedanta-sutra 2.2.45, the substance of the transcendental qualities and their spiritual nature is described in the Laghu-bhagavatamrta - Purva 5.208-214
- To assure His parents that Kamsa was dead, Lord Krsna dragged him just as a lion drags an elephant after killing it. When people saw this, there was a great roaring sound from all sides as some spectators expressed their jubilation
- To attain material heavenly planets and enjoy their facilities, he sometimes performs sacrifices (yajna), but when his merit is exhausted, he returns to earth again in the form of a man. BG 1972 purports
- To become learned and free from material contamination, therefore, one should try to understand Krsna, for thus one is immediately liberated from all pious and impious activities and their reaction
- To behold this wonderful pastime of the Lord's, the denizens of heaven and their wives, all very eager to see the dance, flew in the sky in their hundreds of airplanes. They showered flowers and beat sweetly on drums
- To bestow upon them (Nalakuvara and Manigriva) special favor, Narada Muni arranged things in such a way that after being released, they would be able to see Krsna in Vrndavana and thus revive their dormant bhakti
- To concentrate their minds, yogis worship the Sisumara planetary system, which is technically known as the kundalini-cakra
- To convince them (people) of their next life is very difficult because they have become almost mad in their pursuit of material enjoyment
- To counteract their attraction for the beauty of Krsna, they were also turning to Krsna hopefully, because He is the killer of all kinds of demons
- To enlighten them (the poor, we are opening centers) in KC & reform their character by teaching them how to avoid illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling, which are the most sinful activities and which cause people to suffer, life after life
- To forbid such habits of the prakrta-sahajiyas, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has excluded their material intelligence by using the word visvasa - faith
- To give protection to animals, a stick is needed because animals cannot reason and argue. Their reasoning and argument is argumentum ad baculum; unless there is a rod, they do not obey
- To give them relief from this mental agony, Suta Gosvami assured them that the Lord caused the members of the Yadu dynasty to relinquish their bodies
- To go to this planet (Pitrloka), one needs very good sons who can make offerings to Lord Visnu and then offer the remnants to their forefathers
- To have his (Uddhava's) head smeared with the dust of the gopis' feet without their knowledge, he desired to become only an insignificant clump of grass or herbs in the land of Vrndavana
- To increase their ecstatic love, Krsna gave them moral instructions to return home. The gopis did not care for these instructions. They wanted to be kissed by Krsna, for they had come there with lusty desires to dance with Him
- To keep the whole human society in perfect happiness, according to the direction of God. Just like I told you that Krsna says, annad bhavanti bhutani. If you want to keep the living entities, both men and animal, you must arrange for their nice fooding
- To kill the miscreants this is astra, this hari-sankirtana. If they simply chant Hare Krsna, this is astra that will kill all their sinful reaction of life; they'll become devotee. This is astra
- To know distinctly the ultimate shelter of everything that be, I (Brahma) have described the other nine categories. The cause for the appearance of these nine is rightly called their shelter
- To know the principles of eternal life, and if we really want to see things in their true perspective, it is necessary for us to establish a relationship with a preceptor who can really open our eyes and lift us from the clutches of nescience
- To open a center for us is not very difficult job. Simply the devotees who volunteer their service must be very serious and sincere
- To preach this process of devotional service, sages and saints like Narada and the Kumaras travel all over the universe educating people and increasing their disciples
- To prevent them from accompanying Him and becoming unhappy, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu declared their good qualities to be faults
- To prove their philosophy, the members of the Mayavada school have given up the real, easily understood meaning of the Vedic literature and introduced indirect meanings based on their imaginative powers
- To receive such a personality as Maharaja Pariksit, who was especially cared for by the Supreme Lord, a suitable moment is chosen when all good stars assembled together to exert their influence upon the King
- To refer to their (citizen of Dvaraka) intimate connection with Krsna, they addressed Him as Yadunandana because He was born the son of Vasudeva in the Yadu dynasty
- To renounce material association, he accepted the vanaprastha order and went to the forest. His devoted wives followed him, for they had no shelter other than their husband
- To satisfy their own interests, women deal with men as if the men were most dear to them, but no one is actually dear to them
- To save themselves from the blazing arrows of Indravaha, which resembled the flames of devastation at the end of the millennium, the demons who remained when the rest of their army was killed fled very quickly to their respective homes
- To say nothing of Lord Brahma, even Lord Ananta, who has thousands of heads, cannot reach the end of the Lord's transcendental qualities, even though He is continuously chanting their praises
- To show mercy to His devotees in each of these nine tracts of land, the SPG known as Narayana expands Himself in His quadruple principles of Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. In this way He remains near His devotees to accept their service
- To support this statement there are many authoritative assertions by the learned scholars of bygone ages. According to their general opinion, a person may become governed by certain convictions derived by his own arguments and decisions
- To the inhabitants of Vrndavana, who were busy working during daytime and sleeping soundly at night because of their hard labor in the day, Lord Krsna awarded promotion to the highest planet in the spiritual sky
- To their (the Yamadutas) surprise, his (Yamaraja's) order had been violated by the four wonderful persons from Siddhaloka
- To transfer their thinking power to the spiritual sky, Krsna has given a great number of Vedic literatures. First He divided the Vedas into 4, then He explained them in the Puranas, & for less capable people He wrote the Mahabharata. BG 1972 Introduction
- Today all facets of human society are thinking that their self-interest is in maintaining this body. Consequently today's society is simply a society of cats, dogs and hogs
- Today people have forgotten their relationship with God, but this incarnation of Krsna in the form of His holy names, this chanting of Hare Krsna, will deliver all the people of the world from their forgetfulness
- Trikuta Mountain has many lakes and rivers, with beaches covered by small gems resembling grains of sand. The water is as clear as crystal, and when the demigod damsels bathe in it, their bodies lend fragrance to the water and the breeze
- Try to concentrate on these farm projects. Let the villagers come and hear, and distribute prasadam. In this way draw their sympathy and gradually they'll become our associates. Then they can come to live with us and work with us
- Try to impress this intelligent class of men, give them nice debate, answer all questions nicely, distribute profuse prasadam, chant and dance nicely, and invite them to join us to get the perfection of their education, the Supreme knowledge
- Trying to throw mud into transcendence with their perversity, the sahajiyas misinterpret the sayings tat-paratvena nirmalam (CC Madhya 19.170) and tat-paro bhavet
- Twenty-seven catur-yugas have already passed. Those upon whom you may have decided are now gone, and so are their sons, grandsons and other descendants. You cannot even hear about their names
- Two bodies came out from the body of Brahma. One had a mustache, and the other had swollen breasts. No one can explain the source of their manifestation
- Two classes of men, however, will never be interested in hearing the message of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam - those who are determined to commit suicide and those determined to kill cows and other animals for the satisfaction of their own tongues
- Two gopis imitated Krsna and Balarama, and many others imitated Their cowherd boyfriends. One gopi assumed the form of Bakasura, and another forced her to fall down as the demon Bakasura did when he was killed; similarly, another gopi defeated Vatsasura
- Two persons, one in Krsna consciousness and the other in material consciousness, working on the same level, may appear to be working on the same platform, but there is a wide gulf of difference in their respective positions. BG 1972 purports
- Uddhava advised the gopis that they could be saved from the fire of separation by closing their eyes and meditating on the activities of Krsna from the very beginning of their association with Him
- Uddhava and his chariot were covered by the dust raised by the hooves of the cows. He saw bulls running after cows for mating; other cows, with overladen milk bags, were running after their calves to feed them with milk
- Uddhava appreciated the exalted position of the gopis and wished to fall down and take the dust of their feet on his head. Yet he dared not ask the gopis to offer the dust from their feet; perhaps they would not be agreeable
- Uddhava appreciated the extraordinary fortune of the gopis, who were relieved of all material pangs and anxieties by placing on their beautiful high breasts the lotus feet of Krsna
- Uddhava continued, "For His (Krsna's) sake they (the gopis) left everything - their families, their children, their friends, their homes and all worldly connections"
- Uddhava continued, "He (Krsna) does not appear in higher or lower species of life like ordinary living entities, who are forced to take birth on account of their previous fruitive activities"
- Uddhava continued, "Material nature is conducted by the purusa incarnations, who all act under Krsna & Balarama. By Their partial representation They enter the hearts of all living entities. They are the source of all knowledge and all forgetfulness also"
- Uddhava could understand the situation, and he talked with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The verse (of CC Madhya 15.237) quoted above (from SB 11.6.46) is an excerpt from their conversation
- Uddhava desired to become a creeper, a blade of grass or an herb in Vrndavana so that sometimes the gopis would trample him and he would receive the dust of their lotus feet on his head
- Uddhava informed Krsna, "Your servants in Vrndavana cannot sleep at night thinking of You, so now they are all lying down on the bank of the Yamuna almost paralyzed. And it appears that they are almost dead, because their breathing is very slow"
- Uddhava minutely studied the transcendental abnormal condition of the gopis in their separation from Krsna, and he thought it wise to repeat again and again all the pastimes they had enjoyed with Him
- Uddhava remained in Vrndavana to observe the activities of the gopis there. When he saw the ecstatic love for Krsna in separation manifested by the gopis, he appreciated their supreme love and therefore expressed his feelings in this verse - SB 10.47.60
- Uddhava said, "When Krsna left the greenhouse, the gopis were seeing Krsna so ecstatically that it was as though both their minds and eyes were following Him"
- Uddhava saw that the gopis were severely afflicted by their separation from Krsna. Their hearts were so disturbed that their minds were sometimes deranged
- Uddhava says, "O my Lord! (Krsna) Transcendental poets and experts in spiritual science could not fully express their indebtedness to You, even if they were endowed with the prolonged lifetime of Brahma"
- Uddhava was as much aggrieved as Vidura, and there was nothing further to be said about their welfare
- Uddhava was Lord Krsna's friend and cousin, and in caitanya-lila the same Uddhava became the friend of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His uncle in terms of their relationship in the disciplic succession
- Ultimately, however, both parties (the theists and the atheists) demonstrate the Absolute Truth because although they offer opposing statements, their object is the same ultimate cause. They are both approaching the same Supreme Brahman
- Unable to check such illicit smuggling, the government has decided to manufacture the liquor at cheaper prices so that people can have their supply of intoxication directly from the government instead of purchasing it in public lavatories
- Unaware of His transcendental potencies, the impersonalists deride the person of Lord Krsna, whereas the devotees, by dint of their service attitude, can understand Him as the Personality of Godhead
- Unbelievers become astonished to learn that Lord Krsna married more than 16,000 queens because they think of Lord Krsna as one of them and measure the potency of the Lord by their own limited potency
- Under no circumstances should the guru be disrespected, but the demigods, being puffed up by their material possessions, were disrespectful to their guru
- Under superior superintendence, various souls, according to their past activities, are given the chance to take a particular type of body, such as that of a tree, animal, bird or beast, & thus their different tendencies develop under these circumstances
- Under the circumstances, transcendental literature like Srimad-Bhagavatam will not only diminish the activities of the corrupt mind of the people in general, but also it will supply food for their hankering after reading some interesting literature
- Under the order of Banasura, the soldiers from all sides attempted to capture and arrest him. When they dared to come before him, Aniruddha struck them with the rod, breaking their heads, legs, arms and thighs, & one after another they fell to the ground
- Understanding their minds, the Lord looks at the princesses with a merciful smile, and they become bashful, realizing that He knows their desires
- Understanding this (to always engage in devotional activities is the highest perfection of life), Nalakuvara & Manigriva desired to attain that platform, and the Supreme Personality of God blessed them with the fulfillment of their transcendental desire
- Unfortunately in this age although the father and mother are anxious to get their children married, the children refuse to get married by the arrangement of the parents. Consequently, the number of varna-sankara has increased throughout the world
- Unfortunately people do not know that there is life after death; therefore mundane people waste their time amassing material profit which has to be left behind at the time of death. Such profit has no eternal benefit
- Unfortunately people in this age avoid the association of liberated people (sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83)) and continue in their stereotyped way of family life. Thus they are embarrassed by the exchange of money and sex
- Unfortunately there are many so-called philosophers in the present age who give instruction without citing authority, and many leaders follow their unauthorized instruction. Consequently people are not happy
- Unfortunately they (the gopis) could not finish their cosmetic decorations or put on their clothes in the right way because of their anxiety to meet Krsna immediately
- Unfortunately, although these (paper) industrialists are now happy in this life by dint of their industrial development, they do not know that they will incur the responsibility for killing these living entities who are in the form of trees
- Unfortunately, especially in this age, men and women unite for unrestricted sexual enjoyment. Thus they are victimized, being obliged to take rebirth in the forms of animals to fulfill their animalistic propensities
- Unfortunately, human beings, although they have the bodies of men, are becoming less than animals in their behavior. This is the fault of modern education
- Unfortunately, in this age of Kali there are many bogus gurus who display magic to their disciples, and many foolish disciples want to see such magic for material benefits
- Unfortunately, in Vrndavana & Navadvipa it has become fashionable among sahajiyas, in their debauchery, to find an unmarried sexual partner to live with to execute so-called DS in parakiya-rasa. Foreseeing this, Srila Jiva Gosvami supported svakiya-rasa
- Unfortunately, materialists who have neither faith in the plan of God nor any aspiration for higher spiritual development misuse their God-given intelligence only to augment their material possessions
- Unfortunately, men manufacture their own ways of acting, without reference to the Vedas. Therefore all of them commit sinful actions and are punishable
- Unfortunately, the living entities have forgotten that this is in their best interest (to understand the Supreme Lord), and therefore Srimad-Bhagavatam says, na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum - SB 7.5.31
- Unfortunately, the present generation of Indians is more attracted to technological knowledge than this cult of Krishna Consciousness. Their position is very precarious
- Unfortunately, the so-called followers deviate from the orders of the master and sometimes create their own concocted religious system. Otherwise, there can't be different religions
- Unfortunately, their (so-called philanthropists) meager efforts, either singly or together, do not solve anyone's problems
- Unfortunately, their (the so-called philanthropists') meager efforts, either singly or together, do not solve anyone's problems
- Unfortunately, there are so many interpreters, they interpret the verses in their own way. That is the nonsense of the whole thing. But if Bhagavad-gita understood as it is, oh, it is a great boon to the human society
- Unfortunately, this Bhagavad-gita has been misused in so many ways by the so-called scholars and swamis. The impersonalist class, or atheist class of men, they have interpreted Bhagavad-gita in their own way
- Unfortunately, those who are not advanced in spiritual knowledge think that Krsna is like one of them and that His form is like their material forms
- Unfortunately, those who are not yogis but gross materialists, who throughout their lives indulge in sense gratification, are puzzled by the disarrangement of the bodily and mental condition at the time of death
- Unfortunately, when Daksa's sacrifice was devastated by Lord Siva, some of the animals were killed. (One was killed just to replace the head of Daksa.) Their bodies were lying about, and the sacrificial arena was turned into a crematorium
- Unfortunately, when Daksa's sacrifice was devastated by Lord Siva, some of the animals were killed. Their bodies were lying about, and the sacrificial arena was turned into a crematorium. Thus the real purpose of yajna was lost
- Unintelligent people with a poor fund of knowledge compare their temporary bodies to the spiritual body of Krsna, and by such foolishness they try to understand Krsna as one of them
- Unintelligent persons who thirst for sense enjoyment and who worship various demigods are no better than animals in the human form of life. Because of their animalistic propensities, they fail to worship Your Lordship
- Unless one accepts this fact (liberated sages like Vyasadeva never commit errors in their rhetorical arrangements), there is no use in trying to obtain help from the revealed scriptures
- Unless the karmis, jnanis and yogis come to the point of devotional service to Lord Krsna, their so-called austerities and yoga have no value
- Unless the Lord (Krsna) accepted them, there would be no chance of their being married because the demon kidnapped them from their fathers' custody and therefore no one would agree to marry them
- Unless the so-called jnanis take shelter of Vasudeva, their speculative knowledge is imperfect
- Unless there is rationality, how can an animal maintain its body by working so hard? That the animals are not rational is untrue; their rationality, however, is not very advanced. In any case, we cannot deny them rationality
- Unless they (the gopis) were forced, they never liked to meditate on the lotus feet of the Lord. Rather, they preferred to take the lotus feet of the Lord and place them on their breasts
- Unless they smear upon their bodies the dust of the lotus feet of a Vaisnava completely freed from material contamination, persons very much inclined toward materialistic life cannot be attached to the lotus feet of the Lord
- Unlike professional spiritual masters who accept disciples regardless of their condition, Vaisnavas do not accept such cheap disciples. One must at least agree to abide by the rules and regulations for a disciple before a Vaisnava acarya can accept him
- Unnecessarily they are killing animals, and becoming sinful. So they have created their own field of activities just to become bereft of Krsna consciousness
- Unscrupulous persons, however, deviate from the actual narration and interpret the text in their own way with grammatical jugglery. Such deviations are to be avoided
- Until today they are known as the kayam (the two bodies that came out from the body of Brahma), or the body of Brahma, with no indication of their relationship as his son or daughter
- Up to that time, neither Balarama nor Krsna had undergone the haircutting ceremony; therefore Their hair was clustered like crows' feathers. They were always playing hide-and-seek with Their boyfriends or jumping or fighting with them
- Upon accepting Yayati's old age, Puru was given the kingdom. It is said that two of Yayati's other sons, being disobedient to their father, were given kingdoms outside of India, most probably Turkey and Greece
- Upon hearing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all the Bhattatharis came running from all sides with weapons in their hands, desiring to hurt the Lord
- Upon hearing their speeches, the Lord (Krsna), who is very kind to the citizens and the devotees, entered the city of Dvaraka and acknowledged all their greetings by casting His transcendental glance over them
- Upon hearing this (the sound of ankle bells), Krsna and Balarama could understand that these were not Their mothers They were following, and They would return to Their actual mothers
- Upon hearing this statement, the devotees present at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu stated that Gadadhara Pandita had properly presented their desire
- Upon Hiranyakasipu's death, the Yaksas were reinstated in their original service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus they felt obliged to the Lord and offered their prayers
- Upon reaching their community, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked the Bhattatharis, "Why are you keeping My brahmana assistant"
- Upon saying this, Advaita Acarya supplied water to the two Lords so that They could wash Their hands. The two Lords then sat down and, smiling, began to eat the prasadam
- Upon seeing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the trees and creepers of Vrndavana became jubilant. Their twigs stood up, and they began to shed tears of ecstasy in the form of honey
- Upon seeing the dancing and ecstatic love of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, everyone became astonished. In their hearts they became infatuated with love of Krsna
- Upon seeing their sons, the mothers of Rama, Laksmana, Bharata and Satrughna immediately arose, like unconscious bodies returning to consciousness
- Upon your recommendation I am very glad to accept the six new students as my duly initiated disciples. Their letter is enclosed herewith
- Upon your recommendation, I have accepted the six new students as my disciples, duly initiated, and their letter and beads are enclosed herewith, along with sacred threads
- Urvasi said: Women are very easily seduced by men. Therefore, polluted women give up the friendship of a man who is their well-wisher and establish false friendship among fools. Indeed, they seek newer and newer friends, one after another
- Urvasi said: Women as a class are merciless and cunning. They cannot tolerate even a slight offense. For their own pleasure they can do anything irreligious, and therefore they do not fear killing even a faithful husband or brother
- Usually God is seen as the almighty Father who supplies the demands of His sons. The great devotees, however, sometimes treat God as a son in their execution of devotional service
- Vaisyas should earn their livelihood through agriculture and cow protection, and sudras should maintain their livelihood by serving the three higher classes
- Vallabha Bhattacarya and his whole family then sprinkled that water over their heads. They then offered the Lord new underwear and outer garments
- Vasudeva admitted that Krsna and Balarama were actually the sons of mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja. Vasudeva and Devaki were only Their official father and mother. Their actual father and mother were Nanda and Yasoda
- Vasudeva and Devaki did not obtain the SP of Godhead as their son very easily, nor does the Supreme Godhead accept merely anyone as His father and mother. Here (in SB 10.3.34-35) we can see how Vasudeva and Devaki obtained Krsna as their eternal son
- Vasudeva and Devaki had been dam-pati, husband & wife, since the time of Sutapa & Prsni, and they wanted to remain husband and wife in order to have the Supreme Personality of Godhead as their son. This attachment came about by the influence of devamaya
- Vasudeva and Devaki, the so-called father and mother of Lord Krsna, underwent penances to get Vasudeva as their son
- Vasudeva Datta submitted that if they (all living entities) were unfit to be liberated, he himself would take all their sinful reactions and suffer personally so that the Lord might deliver them
- Vasudeva Datta was so kind to the living entities that he wanted to take all their sinful reactions so that they might be delivered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is described in the Fifteenth Chapter of the CC’s Madhya-lila, verses 159 through 180
- Vasudeva, having Krsna as his son, does not regard Krsna with awe and veneration. Sometimes persons living on the bank of the Ganges do not consider the Ganges very important, and they go far away to take their baths at a place of pilgrimage
- Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha are expanded in the vilasa-murti. These are eight in number, and their names are Purusottama, Acyuta, Nrsimha, Janardana, Hari, Krsna, Adhoksaja and Upendra
- Veda-vada-rata people, however, have their own acaryas, who are not in the chain of transcendental succession. Thus they progress into the darkest region of ignorance by misinterpreting the Vedic literature
- Vedic civilization is different. Their aim is different. The whole scheme is controlling the senses, especially sex, because if we become too much addicted to sex life, then our life is spoiled. This is this
- Vedic literatures inform us that this (busily engage in eating, sleeping, mating and defending) is animal technology. Animals are also trying their best to eat well, to have an enjoyable sex life, to sleep peacefully, and to defend themselves
- Venkata Bhatta then said, "Lord Krsna and Lord Narayana are one and the same, but the pastimes of Krsna are more relishable due to their sportive nature"
- Vidura was anxious to know whether, after winning back their own kingdom from the hands of Duryodhana, the younger brothers were still living happily under the care of the elder brothers
- Virtuous persons who reach Brahmaloka by dint of their pious work become masters of various planets after the resurrection of Brahma
- Visnu is manifested by His millions and billions of integrated forms & separated forms. The integrated forms are called Godhead & the separated forms are called the living entities or the jivas. Both the jivas & Godhead have their original spiritual forms
- Visnu is the root of the tree called the cosmic manifestation. Foolish people do not know that their self-interest is in realization of Visnu
- Visvaksenanuvartisu refers to those devotees who are constantly engaged in the service of the Lord. Other devotees must follow in their footsteps
- Visvarupa was junior in relationship to the demigods because he was their nephew, but the demigods wanted to accept him as their priest, and therefore he would have to accept obeisances from them
- Visvarupa, who was a most learned brahmana, not only accepted the request of the demigods, but took their request seriously and performed the activities of priesthood with an undiverted mind
- Vividha means - varieties. There is unity in variety. Thus yogamaya and mahamaya are among the varied individual parts of the same one potency, and all of these individual potencies work in their own varied ways
- Vrnda tells Krsna, "All of these gopis have become so affected (by Krsna's smile) that it is as if they had offered three sprinkles of water upon their lives. In other words, they have given up all hope for their living condition"
- Vrtrasura insulted the demoniac soldiers by comparing them to the stool of their mothers. Both stool and a cowardly son come from the abdomen of the mother, and Vrtrasura said that there is no difference between them
- Vrtrasura rebuked both the demigods and the demoniac soldiers because the demons were running in fear of their lives and the demigods were killing them from behind. The actions of both were abominable
- Vrtrasura requested Indra to release his thunderbolt against him as soon as possible so that both he and Indra would benefit according to their proportionate advancement in devotional service
- Vrtrasura, bleeding profusely, his two arms cut off at their roots, looked very beautiful, like a flying mountain whose wings have been cut to pieces by Indra
- Vultures or hawks can go very high in the sky, but can see a small body on the ground very clearly. This means that their eyesight is so keen that they can find an eatable corpse from a great distance
- We actually see that even young boys and girls in the Krsna consciousness movement have given up their long practice of bad habits like illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling
- We are among the qualified brahmanas, who are accepted as the face of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The brahmanas have created the entire universe by their austerity, and they always keep the Absolute Truth within the core of their hearts
- We are discussing about the characteristics of the demons. So they have lost their intelligence. Etam drstim avastabhya nastatmanah alpa-buddhayah (BG 16.9). Nastatmanah. Atmanah means spirit soul. So they have lost the sense of spirit soul
- We are followers, rupanuga. We are followers of the Gosvamis. So their behavior, sankhya-purvaka-nama-gana-natibhih kalavasani-krtau. The whole time, 24 hours, was used in Krsna consciousness by chanting Hare Krsna mantra regularly on fixed up big beads
- We are giving chance all over the world, opening this Radha-Krsna temple, giving them chance to chant the glories of the Lord. That means it is going to their credit
- We are giving the formula that if you want to exist, then you come to Krsna consciousness. We are giving the right information. But they want to exist in their wrong way of existing
- We are giving the name of God, the address of God, the father, God's father's name also, Nanda-nandana, Devaki-nandana. So where is the difficulty to find out? There is no difficulty. But the rascals will not accept. They will continue their rascaldom
- We are requesting everyone: "Please chant, chant, chant." And they are replying: "Can't, can't, can't." This is their misfortune
- We are training them as ideal man - by character, by religion, by behavior, by education. That is the purpose of this Krsna consciousness movement. And you can see practically what was their previous life and what they are now
- We are trying to give Lennon and Ginsberg all facilities to understand this philosophy and it will take some time on account of their not following rigidly the rules
- We can conclude from this statement by Krsna that activities in Krsna consciousness will give everyone all perfection in their desires
- We can safely harbor the firm conviction that soon the message of peace will reach their ears
- We can say, and prove it, that they are all fools and rascals from the spiritual point of view, because they do not know their identification. This is the first education: to know one's identification. That is being taught by Sanatana Gosvami & Caitanya
- We can see that the trees on the bank reflect upon the water with their branches down and roots up. BG 1972 purports
- We can take help from outside in the matter of monetary help, either by contribution or by loan, but not to enter into transactions with outsiders. Because their aim of life is different from ours
- We cannot imagine how beautiful they (the residents of Vaikuntha) are, but their beauty may be compared to the clouds in the sky accompanied by silver branches of electric lightning. The spiritual sky of Vaikunthaloka is always decorated in this way
- We cannot stand to see people suffering due to ignorance. What is that ignorance? They do not know that they are not their body
- We do not care for Moslem, Christian, this or that. We see everyone as part and parcel of Krsna, and as such they should re-establish their loving relationship with Krsna
- We do not eat meat, and that means automatically we are non-violent. We do not indulge in intoxication, and that means we are sane in considering things in their true perspective
- We find so many learned scholars, they do not surrender to Krsna, then what is their position? Krsna says: "Yes, mayaya apahrta-jnana." They are learned, so-called learned, but their knowledge has been taken away by maya
- We find that the joy of the gopis nourishes the joy of Lord Krsna. For that reason the fault of lust is not present in their love
- We find very wonderful qualities even in such material things as jewels and drugs. Indeed, their qualities often appear inconceivable. if we do not attribute inconceivable potencies to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we cannot establish His supremacy
- We first have to establish a relationship with the institution. We have to abide by the direction of our instructors there and work favorably according to their direction. This is essential in order to achieve the ultimate desired success
- We have a big tree of these actions and reactions with their respective fruits. And as the enjoyers of these fruits, we become bound up in the network of such work and its fruit. Birth after birth, the spirit soul becomes bound up in the process
- We have actually seen that many sannyasis who accept sannyasa prematurely, not having satisfied their material desires, fall down because they are disturbed. Therefore the general process is to go through grhastha life and vanaprastha life
- We have already discussed this (bringing a dead body back to life) in connection with Bali Maharaja's soldiers and their treatment by Sukracarya
- We have heard that although powerful kings like Maharaja Prthu and Maharaja Gaya achieved proprietorship over the seven dvipas, they could not achieve satisfaction or find the end of their ambitions
- We have many experiences in the past of Mayavadi rascals who delude their followers by posing themselves as Krsna in order to enjoy rasa-lila
- We have no quarrel with the nonvegetarian. Let them eat at their risk. But because we recommend, "You take Krsna's prasadam," therefore we must be satisfied with this patram puspam phalam toyam (BG 9.26), nothing more than that
- We have received complaint from the Bina Musical Stores that on their inquiry about $400 dispatched from America you have replied in the negative. The $400 was sent by cable on the 3rd September 1969, and before that you received $300 and odds
- We have seen many philosophical speculators. They are simply talking in the meeting. But that's all. And if we take, study their private character it is less than ordinary man
- We have seen that in spite of the very black record of their past lives, persons who take to Krsna consciousness become perfectly cleansed of all dirty things and make spiritual progress very swiftly
- We have seen, that in Moscow, all big, big buildings, they are not recent buildings, they are old, damaged buildings, and (indistinct). So that means their economic condition is not so sound. The old buildings are not very nicely renovated
- We have to discuss about Krsna amongst the Krsna's devotees, not outsiders, outsiders they cannot understand Krsna. They simply waste their time by commenting on Bhagavad-gita because they are mudhas they cannot understand Krsna
- We have to protest. Why we are. We have to protest and kick them (the scientists) on their face. That should be our position. If others are not protesting, why we shall sit down?
- We have to study authorized books and Vedas, and we have to follow their example, then Krsna consciousness or God realization is not difficult. It is very easy. There is no, I mean to say, any stumbling block on the path of your understanding what is God
- We invite all men and women advanced in knowledge to join the Krsna consciousness movement and sacrifice their lives for the great cause of reviving the God consciousness of human society
- We know perfectly that Buddha is an incarnation of Krsna, but those who are cheated by Buddha, from their point of view I want to know what is their perspective
- We know that the women and girls in Mathura are not village women. They are enlightened and beautiful. Their bashful smiling glances and other feminine features must be very pleasing to Krsna
- We may be very proud of our eyes, but we cannot even see our next-door neighbor. People challenge, "Can you show me God?" But what can they see? What is the value of their eyes?
- We may find some mailboxes on the street, and if we post our letters in those boxes, they will naturally go to their destination without difficulty. But any old box, which is not authorized by the post office, will not do the work. BG 1972 purports
- We may not be very well versed in the Vedanta-sutra aphorisms and may not understand their meaning, but we follow in the footsteps of the acaryas
- We must always remember that the Supreme Lord has His creative function and that the infinitesimal living entities have their creative functions also. It is not that their creative function is lost when they are liberated and enter into the Supreme
- We must avoid the risk of a separatist movement, unity is our purpose; just like in London where the Indians are starting their own Hindu Radha-Krsna Temple
- We must know, however, that they are only passing as adherents of religion and are not so in fact. Unfortunately, bewildered persons accept them as religious, and being attracted to them, they spoil their life
- We must not neglect them, for the demigods are our determined enemies. We must be careful to protect ourselves. To root them out from their very existence, we should just engage ourselves in your service and be always ready for your command
- We must simply accept the word of Lord Ramacandra, Lord Krsna and Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and follow in Their footsteps. Then it may be possible for us to know the purpose of Their incarnations
- We must teach people to absorb themselves always in the service of the Lord because that position is their natural position. One who is always serving the Lord is to be considered already liberated
- We offer our children the highest opportunity to become trained up in Krsna consciousness very early so as to assure their success in this life to go back to Godhead for sure. That is real affection
- We offer our respectful obeisances unto You, the Supreme Person, and we worship You, whom impersonalists do not accept due to their poor fund of knowledge. Thus they are liable to descend into a hellish condition
- We read some nice philosophical portion from Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam. Yes. You have got ears. (shouts:) But the rascals are not coming! That is their rascaldom. Because they will go to hell
- We say, "This is my body," but what do we know about this body? Some people even claim, "I am God," but they do not even know what is going on within their own bodies
- We see materialistic persons busily engaged in economic development all day and all night, trying to increase their material opulence, but even if we suppose that they get some benefit from such endeavors, that does not solve the real problem
- We see that in some countries the government changes from party to party, and therefore the men in charge of the government are more eager to protect their position than to see that the citizens are happy. The Vedic civilization prefers monarchy
- We shall teach the girls two things. One thing is how to become chaste and faithful to their husband, and how to cook nicely. If these two qualifications they have, I'll take guarantee to get for them good husband
- We should deal with them so that they may develop their Krsna consciousness. If you simply make it a point, somehow or other take some money from them and let them go to hell, that is transcendental fraud
- We should know that within the water of the sea there are living beings, who do not merge into the existence of water but keep their separate identities and enjoy life within the water
- We should learn how to do good to the people in general. They have forgotten their relationship with God. You should be sympathetic for them. That they're suffering on account of their forgetfulness of God, let us do some service
- We should not discourage them in any way from opening their own center, but I want you to go there and see how their things are going on and that the standard of Krishna consciousness is being maintained on the highest level
- We should understand what Radha-Krsna actually is. Radha and Krsna display Their pastimes through Krsna's internal energy - CC Intro
- We simply ask our Western students to chant at least sixteen rounds a day, but sometimes we find that they fail to chant even these sixteen rounds, & instead they bring many austere books & a worshiping method that diverts their attention in so many ways
- We think the whole world or the entire human society is dwindling their faith in God so much so that some of them are declaring God is dead, and some of them are in frustration, manufacturing different kinds of isms, under different names
- We want men who have sacrificed their life for God. We want such men, not professional. The so-called priests, they are professional. They are earning money. That's all
- We want to see everyone happy. Sarve sukhino bhavantu. But people do not know how to become happy. They do not take the standard path to become happy. They manufacture their own way. That is the difficulty
- We want to show ideal householder life also. If one pair of nice Krishna Conscious householders are there, so many people derive benefit out of their behavior
- We will give them food, clothing and shelter and they can live simply and save time for developing their Krsna consciousness. Do this and then our Movement is successful
- Well, the hippies, they are nonsense. What is the value of their anything? They have no value. They are crazy, mad fellows. That's all. There is no philosophy, nothing of the sort
- Well-to-do Hindu gentlemen constructed their houses with a place called the Durga-mandapa for the worship of the goddess Durga. There they generally held worship of the goddess every year in the month of Asvina - September-October
- Western civilization. They are creating motor cars every year, and the bank is prepared to give you loan so that you may work day and night. Take loan from the bank and purchase a motor car and repay him by working so their machine will go on
- Western countries there are ample facilities for material comforts, but no one has any idea of spiritual advancement. Many are hankering after spiritual advancement, but many cheaters come, take advantage of their money, bluff them and go away
- Western people have brilliantly developed in mundane matters, they are tossed about in a sea of despair and listlessness. Similarly, the Indians, although trying to feel grateful for their mundane development, are experiencing the same and dissatisfaction
- What are the truths regarding the living entities and the Supreme Personality of Godhead? What are their identities ? What are the specific values in the knowledge in the Vedas, and what are the necessities for the spiritual master and his disciples?
- What do you mean by Hindu scripture? Huh? So they are interpreting in their own way. So Krsna is not for the Hindus or the Mussulmans or Christians. He is God. He is everyone. He is for everyone
- What is the business in that club? Old men, they are going. So lusty that they enter the club by paying fifty dollars, and then there is young women and wine, and that is their pleasure
- What is the business? The business is to take shelter of Krsna. Then he'll be free from all these things. Otherwise like monkey, the monkeys are in the forest, but they do not take shelter of Hari. So their simply going to the forest is no use
- What is the difference between an enemy and a friend? It is a difference in behavior. A sadhu behaves with all conditioned souls for their ultimate relief from material entanglement
- What is the value of a throne to Lord Krsna? The masters of the various planetary systems accept the dust of His lotus feet on their crowned heads
- What is their (the scientists) credit? If you simply copy something, that is not credit. The credit should go to the original
- What is their position? They are unable to control their senses, and as such, they are entering into the darkest region of material existence
- What need is there to speak of the deliverance of persons who are always engaged in the service of the Lord? There is no doubt about their liberation, even if they have stocks of sinful activities from many, many births
- What the people really want is a philosophy to give their life meaning and guide it under all changing circumstances--and the only philosophy available nowadays is profit, where is profit for sense gratification, or Marxism, or this -ism or that -ism
- What then is the basis of accusing Krsna of dancing with others’ wives? The bodies of the gopis, which were their husbands’, were lying in bed, but the spiritual parts and parcels of Krsna were dancing with Him
- What to speak of the ordinary mortals, even great sages and powerful demigods become totally bewildered in their efforts to know the Supreme Lord
- What will be their (the so-called scientists and advanced research scholars) credit if they find out the chemical composition of life? All their chemicals are nothing but different transformations of the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether
- What, then, is the value of its bathing? Similarly, many spiritual practitioners chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and at the same time commit many forbidden things, thinking that their chanting will counteract their offenses
- Whatever affection we see the gopis show for their own bodies, know it for certain to be only for the sake of Lord Krsna
- Whatever is used by Krsna or the spiritual master is worshipable. In particular, their sitting or eating places should not be used by anyone else. A devotee must be very careful to observe this
- Whatever manifestations exist, their cause is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This cannot be understood by so-called silence or by any other hodgepodge method
- Whatever may be their (Jesus Christ, Muhammad, and Caitanya's) identity, all such messiahs were of the same opinion about one thing. They preached unanimously that there is no peace and prosperity in this mortal world
- Whatever their position, certainly Jaya and Vijaya always thought of Krsna. Therefore at the end of the mausala-lila, these two associates of the Lord returned to Krsna
- Whatever they are doing, their so-called scientific advancement, material advancement, that is all their defeat, defeat, simply being defeated, simply creating problems
- When a beautiful man and a beautiful woman unite together and embrace one another, how within these three worlds can they check their sexual relationship? Therefore Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 7.9.45) says, yan maithunadi-grhamedhi-sukham hi tuccham
- When a nation is attacked by its enemies, the wholesale slaughter of the citizens should be taken as a reaction to their own sinful activities. That is nature's law
- When a person is liberated in the sarupya form of liberation, having a spiritual form exactly like Visnu, it is not possible for him to relish the relationship of Krsna's personal associates in their exchanges of mellows
- When a person regains his life, naturally he becomes absorbed in pleasure and joyfulness. They (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) each in turn pressed Krsna to their chests, and thus they felt a great relief
- When a person speaks very nicely at a meeting, he is congratulated by the audience, who express their good will with the words sadhu, sadhu. This is called sadhu-vada
- When a person undergoes severe austerities, the demigods become very much perturbed because they are always afraid of losing their posts as the predominating deities of the heavenly planets
- When a saintly person visits their homes, one can understand that it is for no other purpose than to benefit the householders
- When a teacher speaks, he can speak the truth for the instruction of his students, but such a teacher should not speak to others who are not his students if he will agitate their minds. This is penance as far as talking is concerned. BG 1972 purports
- When a Vaisnava comes, when God Himself comes, or when God's sons or His very confidential devotees come, their only mission is to save sinful men who are suffering
- When Akrura came to take Krsna and Balarama to Mathura, just by seeing Their faces he became so cheerful that all over his body there were symptoms of ecstatic love. This state is called happiness
- When all the brahmanas engage in performing sacrifices in your kingdom, all the demigods, who are plenary expansions of the Lord, will be very much satisfied by their activities and will give you your desired result
- When all the devotees from Bengal arrived, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu allotted them residential quarters, and Sivananda Sena was put in charge of their maintenance
- When all the gopis came out of their homes to meet Krsna in the Vrndavana forest, Krsna refused to accept them and asked them to go home, giving them some moral instruction
- When all the higher and lower planets became too hot to live on, the demigods, being disturbed, left their abodes in the higher planets and went to see Lord Brahma, praying to him that he curtail this unnecessary heat
- When all the inhabitants of Ayodhya saw that their boys had come back to life, they were astounded, and King Sagara greatly lamented the absence of his son (Asamanjasa)
- When all the material designations have thus merged into their respective material elements, the living beings, who are all ultimately completely spiritual, being one in quality with the Supreme Being, should cease from material existence
- When all the students thus resolved, criticizing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, their intelligence was spoiled. Thus although they were learned scholars, because of this offense the essence of knowledge was not manifested in them
- When all these Pracetas were ordered by their father to marry and beget children, they all entered the ocean and practiced austerities and penances for ten thousand years. Thus they worshiped the master of all austerity, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When all three of them (the wives of Maharaja Bharata) bore children who did not resemble the King (Maharaja Bharata), these wives thought that he would consider them unfaithful queens and reject them, and therefore they killed their own sons
- When Angira Rsi and Narada saw that Maharaja Citraketu, an advanced devotee, had fallen in the darkness of ignorance and was lamenting for the material body of his son, by their causeless mercy they came to advise him so that he could be saved
- When Balarama and Krsna were thus petitioned by Their intimate friends, They were inclined to please them, and with smiling faces They proceeded toward the forest, surrounded by all Their friends
- When Balarama saw this extraordinary exchange of affection between the cows & the calves and between the fathers and their children - when neither the calves nor children needed so much care - He began to wonder why this extraordinary thing had happened
- When Bhava and Bhavani, Lord Siva and his wife, unite sexually, the emulsification of their secretions creates a chemical which when heated by fire can produce gold
- When Bhimasena and Jarasandha were heavily striking each other with their clubs on different parts of their bodies - namely the shoulders, arms, collarbone, chest, thighs, waist and legs - their clubs were torn to pieces
- When both the husband and wife lose their attachment for family and home, the wife returns home to live under the care of her grown-up children and to remain aloof from family affairs. The husband then takes sannyasa
- When both the Krsnas, namely Krsna and Arjuna, reached the bank of the Yamuna (Arjuna is sometimes called Krsna, as is Draupadi), they washed their hands, feet and mouths and drank the clear water of the Yamuna
- When brahmanas and saintly persons are honored, they part with their pious activities, giving them to those who honor them and render them service
- When Brhaspati entered the assembly of the demigods, they and their king, Indra, took him for granted
- When bright young boys and girls receive proper guidance from parents and teachers who can lucidly answer their queries, they easily understand each point and gradually develop fine brains
- When British rule came, their Lord Macaulay's private report was that "If you want to keep them as Indian Hindu, you will never be able to rule over." So it was British government's policy to condemn everything Indian
- When Caitanya was later informed that Gopala Bhatta Gosvami had gone to Vrndavana and met Sri Rupa and Sanatana Gosvami, He was very pleased, & He advised Sri Rupa and Sanatana to accept Gopala Bhatta Gosvami as their younger brother and take care of him
- When children are under the protection of their parents, they are fearless because they know that their parents will not let them be harmed. Mam eva ye prapadyante: Krsna promises that those who surrender to Him have no cause for fear
- When civilization is godless or atheistic, as it is today, God or His representative comes to remind people of their relationship with the supreme consciousness
- When Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika compared their position to that of Jagai and Madhai, they found Jagai’s and Madhai’s position far better
- When Devaki and Vasudeva understood that their two sons Krsna and Balarama, who had paid obeisances to them, were the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they became fearful and did not embrace Them
- When devotees are put into great difficulties - even like the Pandavas, as described above - they feel all their miserable conditions to be great facilities for serving the Lord
- When devotees discuss subjects dealing with the Supreme Lord, who can cleanse the heart of His devotee from all kinds of sinful reactions, they become overwhelmed with ecstasy and display different symptoms due to their devotional service
- When devotees worship their beloved as the most venerable object, spontaneous loving sentiments are observed to be lacking
- When Drona and Dhara were requested to beget children, they chose to come to this world to have the Supreme Personality of Godhead as their son, Krsna
- When enemies come to their opponent's place, they should be received in such a way that they will forget that there is animosity between the two parties. Bali Maharaja was well conversant with the arts of peacemaking and fighting
- When enjoying this sight of Krsna's beauty, they (the gopis) used to criticize the creator Brahma for causing their vision of Krsna to be momentarily impeded by the blinking of their eyelids
- When everyone was informed of the mysterious disappearance of Pradyumna and how he had grown up, they were all struck with wonder because they had gotten back their dead son after they were almost hopeless of his return
- When everything was complete, the wrestlers who were to exhibit their skills before the assembly walked into the arena. They were decorated with nice ornaments and dress. Some of the famous wrestlers were Canura, Mustika, Sala, Kuta and Tosala
- When food grains are sufficiently produced, both animals and human beings can be nourished without difficulty for their maintenance. This is nature's arrangement
- When forbidden to touch Ajamila, the order carriers of Yamaraja were surprised because they had never been hindered in the execution of their duty by anyone within the three worlds
- When Gandhi was approached that "You have got so much influence on the Muhammadans. Why don't you stop this cow slaughter?" Gandhi said, "No, it is their religion. I cannot stop." That is yata mat
- When great yogis are in samadhi, even when their bodies are buried and their skin, marrow, blood and so on have all been eaten, if only their bones remain they can exist in a transcendental position
- When Hari, the supreme enjoyer of all sacrifices, is invited to fulfill your desire for a son, all the demigods will come with Him and take their shares in the sacrifice
- When he (a man) regains his consciousness the senses immediately become active. Similarly, the Pandavas received Krsna as if they had just regained their consciousness, and so they were very much enlivened
- When he (Bali Maharaja) assembled with his own soldiers and the demon chiefs, who were equal to him in strength, opulence and beauty, they appeared as if they would swallow the sky and burn all directions with their vision
- When He (Krsna) was present in the world, different classes of men accepted Him differently, and therefore their calculations of the Lord were also different
- When He (Lord Caitanya) was traveling through the forests of Jharikhanda in central India for spreading His sankirtana movement, the tigers, the elephants, the deer and all the other wild animals joined Him and were participating, in their own ways
- When He (Lord Krsna) plays (His flute), the clouds stop their loud thundering out of fear of Him. Rather than disturb the vibration of His flute, they respond with mild thunder and so congratulate Krsna, their friend
- When he (Maharaja Pariksit) heard that some of the gopis, simply by concentrating on Krsna as their paramour, became freed from all contamination of material birth and death, he said
- When he (Sukadeva Gosvami) was so received by the king and sages, the street boys and less intelligent women who followed him were struck with wonder and fear. So they retired from their frivolous activities, and everything was full of gravity and calm
- When he entered the house to kill Satrajit, all the women there cried very loudly, but in spite of their great protests, Satadhanva mercilessly butchered Satrajit without hesitation, exactly as a butcher kills an animal in the slaughterhouse
- When He heard all the cowherd boys also chanting "Hari! Hari!" Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very pleased. He approached them, put His hand on their heads and said, "Go on chanting like that"
- When He plays on His flute, all living entities - including trees, plants, animals and human beings - tremble and are saturated with jubilation. Tears flow constantly from their eyes
- When he was dying he also saw that three ferocious persons, very fearful persons with rope in their hands, very fearful, he saw. Sometimes dying man cries because he sees that "Somebody has come to take me to Yamaraja." He sees, and he is very fearful
- When his followers also saw their identities transformed and their sex reversed, they were all very morose and just looked at one another
- When his servants, the Yamadutas, informed him of their defeat by the Visnudutas, who had stopped them from arresting Ajamila, what did he reply?
- When Indra poured incessant water on Vrndavana for seven days, the inhabitants were protected by Krsna, who raised Govardhana Hill over their heads as a great umbrella. Thus Lord Krsna is also known as Govardhana-dhari
- When insignificant persons use rough words to cast false, angry accusations against saintly persons, their fruitless words do not disturb the great personalities
- When King Bhismaka heard that Krsna and Balarama had come, he invited Them to see the marriage ceremony of his daughter (Rukmini). Immediately he arranged to receive Them, along with Their soldiers, in a suitable garden house
- When King Puranjana was hunting in this way, many animals within the forest lost their lives with great pain, being pierced by the sharp arrowheads
- When Krsna and Balarama entered the village of Vrndavana along with Their friends, They played Their flutes, and the boys praised Their uncommon activities in the forest
- When Krsna and Balarama heard from Their teacher about the death of his son, They immediately started for Prabhasa-ksetra on Their chariot. Reaching the beach, They asked the controlling deity of the ocean to return the son of Their teacher
- When Krsna and Balarama offered Their service in this way, the teacher, Sandipani Muni, thought it wise to ask Them for something extraordinary, something no common student could offer
- When Krsna and Balarama reached the gate of the wrestling arena, They saw a big elephant of the name Kuvalayapida being tended by a caretaker riding on its head. The caretaker was deliberately blocking Their entrance
- When Krsna appeared as the son of Vasudeva and Devaki, His parents prayed to the Lord with awe and veneration because they understood that the Supreme Lord Krsna or Visnu had appeared before them as their little child
- When Krsna appeared before the boys, they thought, "Krsna has returned within a minute." They began to laugh, thinking that Krsna was not willing to leave their lunchtime company
- When Krsna appeared in the arena of the raja-suya sacrifice organized by Maharaj Yudhisthira, to all present, including great sages and demigods, Krsna became the cynosure, the center of attraction, and everyone offered Him their respects
- When Krsna asked all the gopis to go back to their homes, they did not like it. Because of their grief at this, they were sighing heavily, and their beautiful faces appeared to be drying up. In this condition they remained, without making a sound
- When Krsna began to blow on His flute in the night, all of the gopis, the beautiful daughters of the cowherd men, immediately got up from their sleep. There is a very beautiful comparison made in this connection
- When Krsna brought the bulls under His control by bridling their noses, their strength and pride were immediately smashed. The name and fame which the bulls had attained was thus vanquished
- When Krsna came before the creepers, plants and trees of Vrndavana, which were laden with flowers and fruits, because He was the Soul of their soul they all bent down in the ecstasy of love for Him and became thorny
- When Krsna entered the palace, all the ladies there were overwhelmed with affection just upon seeing Him. They received Krsna with glittering eyes expressing their love & affection for Him & Krsna smiled & accepted their feelings & gestures of reception
- When Krsna exhibited His childhood pastimes, not only did Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda increase their devotional affection, but those in their association also increased in devotional service
- When Krsna Himself speaks about Himself, it is auspicious for all the worlds. To the demons, such explanations by Krsna Himself may appear to be strange because the demons always study Krsna from their own standpoint. BG 1972 purports
- When Krsna left the gopis and went to Mathura, the gopis cried for Him the rest of their lives, feeling intense separation from Him. This ecstatic feeling of separation was specifically advocated by Caitanya Mahaprabhu through His actual demonstrations
- When Krsna left Vrndavana for Mathura, the gopis became most dejected and spent the rest of their lives simply crying in separation from Krsna. This means that in one sense they were never actually separated from Krsna
- When Krsna played upon his flute, all the gopis, or cowherd girls, were attracted by the sound and left their household duties, and when they came to Him, He danced with them - CC Intro
- When Krsna spoke in such a discouraging way to the gopis, they became very sad, for they thought that their desire to enjoy the rasa dance with Krsna would be frustrated. Thus they became full of anxiety
- When Krsna stole the garments of the gopis while they were taking a bath at Ciraghata on the Yamuna, He promised to fulfill their desire in some future night
- When Krsna touched the bodies of the gopis, their lust to embrace Him increased. They all enjoyed these pastimes
- When Krsna went to the forest with His cowherd boyfriends and cows, the gopis did not physically take part, but their hearts went with Him. And because their hearts went, they were able to enjoy His company through strong feelings of separation
- When Krsna, smiling, looked at the faces of the gopis, the beauty of their faces became a hundred times enhanced. When He was enjoying them in their midst, He appeared just like the full moon surrounded by millions of shining stars
- When Lord Caitanya induced them (the Mayavadi sannyasis) to chant Hare Krsna and excused them for their offenses, they were purified, and therefore there was no objection to taking lunch, or bhagavat-prasadam, with them
- When Lord Krsna and Baladeva were present, the good men of Vrndavana realized that it was due to the presence of the Lord that their supply of food grains was sufficient
- When Lord Krsna passed over the public roads, all the ladies from the respectable families of Dvaraka went up to the roofs of their palaces just to have a look at the Lord. They considered this to be the greatest festival
- When Lord Krsna took His birth, He appeared outside the womb as four-handed Visnu. Then Devaki and Vasudeva offered their prayers to Him and asked Him to assume His two-handed form
- When Lord Krsna was blowing His conchshell known as Pancajanya, many great sages who were living in the caves of the mountains immediately reacted, being awakened from their trance of meditation
- When Lord Rsabhadeva saw that the general populace was very antagonistic to His execution of mystic yoga, He accepted the behavior of a python in order to counteract their opposition
- When Lord Visnu agrees to come to a sacrificial arena, all the demigods naturally follow their master, and their shares are offered in such sacrifices. The conclusion is that the sacrifices performed are meant for Lord Visnu, not for the demigods
- When Lord Visnu appeared in the sacrificial arena, Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and all the chief predominating personalities of every planet, as well as their followers, came with Him
- When males and females touch each other's bodies, their lusty desires naturally awaken. It appears from this verse (SB 5.25.5) that there are similar sensations in spiritual bodies
- When Nabhaga went to his father and said, "My dear father, my elder brothers have given you as my share of property," the father replied, "My dear son, do not rely upon their cheating words. I am not your property
- When one becomes inquisitive for the light activity, He's human being. He's called jnani. The karmis, they're in darkness. Their activity has no meaning
- When one is actually situated in that understanding, he becomes eligible to enter into the confidential pastimes of Radha and Krsna. There is no alternative to understand Their confidential pastimes
- When one realizes the Supreme Person, he realizes these aspects of the Absolute Truth in their completeness
- When opposing elements meet, whether they arise from a common cause or different causes, their conjunction is called bhinna-rupa-sandhi, the meeting of contradictory ecstasies
- When out of ecstatic love friends and well-wishers of Krsna apprehend some danger for Him, that situation becomes the object of their dread
- When Pandu Maharaja, the father of the Pandavas, died, his two wives - namely, the mother of Yudhisthira, Bhima and Arjuna and the mother of Nakula and Sahadeva - were both ready to die in the fire with their husband
- When people (who are bereft of spiritual intellect) come under the influence of Sankaracarya's Mayavadi (impersonalist) philosophy before beginning the most confidential Vedanta-sutras, their natural tendency toward obedience to the Supreme is checked
- When people are mostly under the modes of passion and ignorance, their system of religion will be of the same quality
- When people came to Caitanya to discuss the principles of various scriptures, the Lord defeated their false conclusions and established the predominance of devotional service to the Lord. With logic and argument He very politely changed their minds
- When people forget their eternal relationship with God and engage in something other than devotional service, their engagement is called irreligion
- When Prthu Maharaja and his wife, Arci, abandoned their material bodies in the material fire, they immediately developed their spiritual bodies and entered into spiritual airplanes, which could penetrate the material elements and reach the spiritual sky
- When Raghunatha dasa's father and mother saw that their son was acting like a householder, they became very happy. Because of this, they slackened their guard
- When Raghunatha dasa's father and mother saw that their son was no longer acting like a crazy fellow and was responsibly attending to his duties, they became very happy
- When Ramadasa Visvasa met Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Lord did not show him any special mercy, although this was their first meeting
- When requested by their father to accept Sunahsepha as the eldest son, the elder fifty of the Madhucchandas, the sons of Visvamitra, did not agree
- When Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami went to Vrndavana, there was not a single temple, but by their preaching they were gradually able to construct various temples
- When Sacimata and Jagannatha Misra heard of the departure of their elder son, Visvarupa, they were very unhappy, but Lord Caitanya tried to console them
- When saintly persons go from door to door to see those who are too much materially engaged, it is to be understood that they do not go to ask anything for their personal benefit
- When Sati passed away, giving up her body, the news was conveyed by Narada to Lord Siva. Narada always carries the news of such events because he knows their import
- When she did so, many other she-goats also desired him as their husband because he had a very beautiful bodily structure and a nice mustache and beard and was expert in discharging semen and in the art of sexual intercourse
- When she saw that from all directions the beautiful wives of the heavenly denizens, their eyes very beautifully glittering
- When Sisupala was thus killed, a great roar and howl went up from the crowd. Taking advantage of that disturbance, the few kings who were supporters of Sisupala quickly left the assembly out of fear for their lives
- When some of the gopis became very tired from dancing and moving their bodies, they placed their hands on the shoulders of Sri Krsna. Then their hair loosened and flowers fell to the ground
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came with His associates of the Panca-tattva, they broke the seal and plundered the storehouse to taste transcendental love of Krsna. The more they tasted it, the more their thirst for it grew
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's associates saw such impudence exhibited by the maidservants of the goddess of fortune, they covered their faces with their hands and began to smile
- When Sri Krsna appears on the face of the earth, He can also make His dhamas appear, without changing their original structure
- When Sri Visnu Svami, one of the four acaryas of the Vaisnava cult, presented his thesis on the subject matter of suddhadvaita-vada, immediately the Mayavadis took advantage of this philosophy & tried to establish their advaita-vada or kevaladvaita-vada
- When such a living entity comes under the jurisdiction of the material energy, he is sent into one of the innumerable material universes created by the material energy to give a chance to conditioned souls to fulfill their desires in the material world
- When such possessions (earned by prostitution) are given to Vaisnavas who can engage them in the service of the Lord because of their advancement in spiritual life, this helps the person who gives the charity, for he is thus relieved of sinful reactions
- When Sunahsepha was brought into the sacrificial arena, he prayed to the demigods for release and was released by their mercy
- When taxes are collected they are utilized for the sense gratification of the government officials. Such irresponsible politicians forget that there is a time when death will come to take away all their sense gratification
- When teachers, fathers, sons, grandfathers, maternal uncles, fathers-in-law, grandsons and all relatives are ready to give up their lives & properties and are standing before me, then why should I wish to kill them, though I may survive? BG 1.32-35 - 1972
- When the (cowherd) boys were thus engaged, Krsna would immediately join them, and catching their hands, He would enjoy their company and laugh and praise their activities
- When the animal dies, they call for this cobbler class, and he takes away the dead cows. So he gets out the skin, hooves, bones and flesh, they eat, and this skin is tanned by them, and they prepare shoes. So they get their raw material without any price
- When the army of the enemy was full of soldiers, elephants and horses, Lord Parasurama proceeded into their midst at the speed of mind to kill them. When somewhat tired, he slowed down to the speed of wind and continued to kill the enemies vigorously
- When the atheistic philosophers or the Mayavadis, being unable to understand the inconceivable energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, imagine an impersonal void, their imagination is only the counterpart of materialistic thinking
- When the atheists annihilate inhabitants of different planets, flying unseen in the sky on well-built rockets prepared by the great scientist Maya, the Lord will bewilder their minds by dressing Himself attractively as Buddha
- When the babies (Krsna and Balarama) were sucking their breasts, the mothers would see small teeth coming in. Thus their joy would be intensified to see their children grow
- When the boys saw that the calves were not nearby, they became afraid for their safety, and they immediately cried out, "Krsna!" Krsna is the killer of fear personified. Everyone is afraid of fear personified, but fear personified is afraid of Krsna
- When the brahmanas of Varanasi would invite Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to lunch, the Lord would not accept their invitations. He would reply, "I have already been invited somewhere else"
- When the butter and milk were kept in a dark room, Krsna and Balarama would go there and make the place bright with the valuable jewels on Their bodies. On the whole, Krsna and Balarama engaged in stealing butter and milk
- When the cosmic manifestation is annihilated, these different expansions of Narayana's potencies (the demigods) will merge into Narayana. In other words, all these demigods will die. Their living force will be withdrawn, and they will merge into Narayana
- When the cowherd boys and their animals drank the poisoned water of the River Yamuna, and after the Lord (in His childhood) revived them by His merciful glance, just to purify the water of the River Yamuna He jumped into it as if playing
- When the darkness in their hearts is completely eradicated & You are revealed to them, the transcendental bliss they enjoy is the transcendental form of You. No one but such persons can realize You. Therefore we simply offer You our respectful obeisances
- When the demigods and demons, by the strength of their arms, rotated Mandara Mountain on the back of the extraordinary tortoise, the tortoise accepted the rolling of the mountain as a means of scratching His body, and thus He felt a pleasing sensation
- When the demigods finished offering their prayers, they anxiously waited for their enemy Vrtrasura to be killed
- When the demigods Nalakuvara and Manigriva finished their prayers, the child, Lord Krsna, the master and proprietor of Gokula, bound to the wooden grinding mortar by the ropes of Yasoda, smiled
- When the demigods were deprived of their heavenly kingdom, they went to the assembly house of Lord Brahma and informed Lord Brahma of what had happened
- When the demons achieve sayujya-mukti and leave behind their sinful activities, they are blessed by Visnu's garland, which is red like blood
- When the demons Madhu and Kaitabha were killed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, their kinsmen also observed the ritualistic ceremonies so that these demons could return home, back to Godhead
- When the elder Madhucchandas were cursed, the younger fifty, along with Madhucchanda himself, approached their father and agreed to accept his proposal. "Dear father," they said, "we shall abide by whatever arrangement you like"
- When the embodied being is able to transcend these three modes (goodness, passion, and ignorance), he can become free from birth, death, old age, and their distresses and can enjoy nectar even in this life - BG 14.20
- When the enemy, headed by Jarasandha, found that they were gradually being defeated by the soldiers of Krsna, they thought it unwise to risk losing their armies in the battle for the sake of Sisupala
- When the eyes lose their power to see color or form due to morbid affliction of the optic nerve, the sense of sight becomes deadened. The living entity, who is the seer of both the eyes and the sight, loses his power of vision
- When the First and Second World Wars began, it was not for pleasing Krsna. The Germans wanted that their sense gratification not be hampered by the Britishers. That means it was a war of sense gratification
- When the four previous sons of Brahma, the sages Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara, refused to obey their father, Brahma was mortified, and his anger was manifested in the shape of Rudra
- When the gentleman is completely matured in detachment, he asks his wife to go home to their children, and he remains alone. That is the Vedic system
- When the gopis began searching for Krsna, Srimati Radharani, being of very fine intelligence and thus knowing the situation of Her friends, immediately mingled in their midst
- When the gopis came in the dead of night and Krsna asked them to return to their homes, the gopis also scratched the ground like this (like Devahuti) because their minds were very disturbed
- When the gopis received their garments back from Krsna, Krsna recited this verse of SB 10.22.25
- When the gopis saw the demon (Trnavarta) killed and child Krsna very happily playing on his body, they immediately picked Krsna up with great affection. The cowherd men and women became very happy to get back their beloved child Krsna
- When the gopis went to bathe in the river Yamuna, they left their garments on the land and dipped into the water completely naked. Taking this opportunity, Krsna stole all their garments, desiring to see the girls naked just to become their husband
- When the gopis went to Krsna in the dead of night, they certainly feared chastisement by their relatives - their husbands, brothers and fathers - but nonetheless, not caring for their relatives, they went to Krsna
- When the gopis were describing the sweet vibration of Krsna's flute, they also remembered their pastimes with Him; thus their minds became disturbed, and they were unable to describe completely the beautiful vibrations
- When the gopis were talking in this way, their feelings for Krsna became more and more intense, and they were experiencing Krsna's smiling, Krsna's words of love, Krsna's attractive features, Krsna's characteristics and Krsna's embraces
- When the great sages accepted their reception, according to the instructions of the sastras, and finally took their seats offered by the King, the King, influenced by the glories of the sages, immediately bowed down. Thus he worshiped the four Kumaras
- When the great sages were carrying on their discussion in this way, they saw a dust storm arising from all directions. This storm was caused by the running of thieves and rogues, who were engaged in plundering the citizens
- When the great saint Narada Muni had thus spoken, Indra, being respectful to Narada's words, immediately released my mother. Because of my being a devotee of the Lord, all the demigods circumambulated her. Then they returned to their celestial kingdom
- When the heroes of the Yaksas saw that all their heads were being thus threatened by Dhruva Maharaja, they could very easily understand their awkward position, and they concluded that they would certainly be defeated
- When the infinitesimal living entities are engaged in their infinitesimal desires for material enjoyment, they are called jiva-sakti, but when they are dovetailed with the infinite, they are called liberated souls
- When the inhabitants of Jangala Province saw the Personality of Godhead, Krsna, they were so stricken with feeling that they could not withdraw their glance from Him
- When the Kauravas, to flatter Baladeva so that He would become their ally, spoke ill of Sri Krsna, Lord Baladeva became angry and spoke this verse - SB 10.68.37
- When the King (Yudhisthira) and the Queen finished their bath in the Ganges, all the other citizens, consisting of all the varnas, or castes - the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras - took their baths in the Ganges
- When the King heard that the Lord was leaving that evening, he immediately made arrangements for some elephants with small tents on their backs to be brought there. Then all the ladies of the palace got on the elephants
- When the King travels all over the world, other kings as well as the demigods, will offer him all kinds of presentations. Their queens will also consider him the original king, who carries in His hands the emblems of club and disc & will sing of his fame
- When the living entities were coming out for further development of their fruitive activities, actuated by the energy called kala-sakti, He saw His transcendental body as bluish
- When the Lord (Caitanya) bade farewell to Raghava Pandita, Vasudeva Datta, the residents of Kulina-grama and other devotees, He praised them for their transcendental qualities
- When the Lord (Caitanya) was invoking His Sudarsana cakra and Srila Nityananda Prabhu was imploring Him to forgive the two brothers, both the brothers fell down at the lotus feet of the Lord and begged His pardon for their gross behavior
- When the Lord (Krsna) was about to leave His palaces, all the queens would look at Him with feminine gestures. The Lord would respond to their greetings with smiles, attracting their hearts so much that they would feel intense separation from Him
- When the Lord and Laksmidevi met, their relationship awakened, having already been settled, and coincidentally the marriage-maker Vanamali came to see Sacimata
- When the Lord appears for the protection of His devotees, He naturally accepts trials and tribulations on their behalf
- When the Lord called them by their specific names they at once became alert, and as they hastened toward Him their milk bags overflowed and poured milk on the ground because of affection for the Lord
- When the Lord fell to the ground, sometimes His breathing almost stopped. When the devotees saw this, their lives also became very feeble
- When the Lord manifests His (Krsna's) vilasa expansions they are all somewhat different in their bodily features. Lord Balarama is the first vilasa expansion of Lord Krsna, and the four-handed Narayana forms in Vaikuntha expand from Balarama
- When the Lord referred to them (Yadu dynasty) in connection with the burden on the earth, He had in mind their imminent disappearance from the earth
- When the Lord shouted very loudly in ecstatic love, it appeared to the Muslim soldiers that their hearts were struck by thunderbolts
- When the Lord was on the lap of His mother, He would at once stop crying as soon as the ladies surrounding Him chanted the holy names and clapped their hands. This peculiar incident was observed by the neighbors with awe and veneration
- When the Lord's two nostrils separately manifested themselves, the dual Asvini-kumaras entered them in their proper positions, and because of this the living entities can smell the aromas of everything
- When the male members are killed, the female members become widow, and they, their character becomes polluted. So many things Krsna will speak about this family life
- When the members of a temple go into the streets, they do not do so for their own sake but to distribute Krsna conscious literatures in order to make people aware of Krsna's presence
- When the most powerful Lord Brahma saw the demigods coming toward him, their bodies gravely injured by the arrows of the demons, he pacified them by his great causeless mercy and spoke as follows
- When the mothers (Yasoda and Rohini) saw small teeth coming in, they would count them and be happy, and when the babies (Krsna and Balarama) saw Their mothers allowing Them to drink their breast milk, the babies also felt transcendental pleasure
- When the Muslims support their position with quotations from the Koran, their arguments are also authorized
- When the nectar was produced the demons would take it from them and use it for their own purposes (demons intentions). The demigods, of course, had similar intentions
- When the nonbelievers heard of the erudition of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they came to Him with great pride, bringing their disciples with them
- When the Pandavas were challenged by the opposite party, Duryodhana, to gamble and risk their kingdom, they could not refrain, and by that gambling they lost their kingdom, and their wife was insulted
- When the people saw Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they actually saw Krsna, but because they were following their own imperfect knowledge, they accepted the wrong thing as Krsna
- When the performances of yajna were stopped by the disturbances of the demons, the demigods were naturally bereft of the results of yajna and hampered in executing their respective duties
- When the pot breaks, the sky inside becomes one with the sky outside, and so the impersonalists say that the living being becomes one with God. This is their argument, but Madhvacarya says that such an argument is put forward by the lowest class of men
- When the queens (of Dvaraka), with their heavy breasts and thin waists, moved within the palace and their ankle bells rang very melodiously with their movement, the whole palace appeared more opulent than the heavenly kingdom
- When the queens of the King of Usinara saw their husband lying in that position, they began crying, "O lord, now that you have been killed, we also have been killed." Repeating these words again and again, they fell down, pounding their breasts
- When the queens, with their heavy breasts and thin waists, moved within the palace and their ankle bells rang very melodiously with their movement, the whole palace appeared more opulent than the heavenly kingdom
- When the residents of this earth become atheistic and godless, they descend to the status of animals like dogs and hogs, and thus their only business is to bark among themselves. This is dharmasya glani, deviation from the goal of life
- When the respective warriors of both camps, namely the Kauravas and the Pandavas, were killed on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra and the dead warriors obtained their deserved destinations
- When the results of their pious activities are exhausted, they fall down by higher arrangement and again come back to this planet, just as any person raised to a high position sometimes all of a sudden falls
- When the root of a tree is cut and tree falls down, its branches and twigs automatically dry up. Similarly, when I have killed this diplomatic Visnu, the demigods, for whom Lord Visnu is life and soul, will lose the source of their life and wither away
- When the sannyasis saw the brilliant illumination of the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, their minds were attracted, and they all immediately gave up their sitting places and stood in respect
- When the senses are active, they appear to be part and parcel of the body, but when the body is asleep, their activities are unmanifest. Similarly, the whole cosmic creation appears different and yet nondifferent from the Supreme Person
- When the service is ultimately aimed at the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the senses are in their natural position
- When the small pools of water become too hot because of the scorching heat of the autumn sun, the poor, small creatures, with their many family members, suffer terribly, as poor householders with too many family members suffer economic strains
- When the soldiers saw that Sisupala was not competent to fight with Krsna, they decided not to lose their armies unnecessarily; therefore they ceased fighting and dispersed
- When the sons of Maharaja Sagara were searching all over the world for their lost horse, they dug up the earth, and in this way eight adjoining islands came into existence
- When the sun appears, the darkness of the night automatically disappears. It is therefore a truth that the SP of Godhead Himself or His confidential servants manifest themselves by their own potency and without any help from this material world
- When the Supreme Person desired to perform varieties of work, the two hands and their controlling strength, and Indra, the demigod in heaven, became manifested, as also the acts dependent on both the hands and the demigod
- When the teachers went home to attend to their household affairs, the students of the same age as Prahlada Maharaja would call him to take the opportunity of leisure hours for play
- When the time came, the pregnant mother Sitadevi gave birth to twin sons, later celebrated as Lava and Kusa. The ritualistic ceremonies for their birth were performed by Valmiki Muni
- When the two brothers attacked Kamsa on the throne, Their parents feared that now Kamsa would finally get the opportunity to kill their (Vasudeva's and Devaki's) sons, whom they had hidden for so long in the house of Nanda Maharaja
- When the two seminal brahmanas Sanda and Amarka failed to extract from Prahlada Maharaja the cause for his having opinions different from those of his father, they called for a stick with which to chastise him to satisfy their master, Hiranyakasipu
- When the unalloyed devotees and the leaders of the snakes offer their obeisances to Lord Sankarsana with great devotion, they become very joyful upon seeing their own beautiful faces reflected in His toenails
- When the villagers brought their stock of rice, dhal and flour, the potters of the village brought all kinds of cooking pots, and in the morning the cooking began
- When the warriors from the other side of the battlefield saw Lord Krsna at the front, they appreciated His beauty, & their dormant instinct of love of God was awakened. Sisupala saw the Lord also, but he saw Him as his enemy, & his love was not awakened
- When the whole population becomes naradhama, naturally all their so-called education is made null and void by the all-powerful energy of physical nature. BG 1972 purports
- When the wife becomes as irritable as the husband, their life at home is sure to be disturbed or ultimately completely broken
- When the wives of Lord Krsna thus became wet, their breasts and thighs would increase in beauty a thousand times, and their long hair would fall down to decorate those parts of their bodies
- When the wives of the serpent demon were agitated by the touch of the Lord's lotus feet, due to shyness they could proceed no further in their worship of Him. Yet the Lord remained unagitated by their touch, for He is equipoised in all circumstances
- When the Yavanas were taking King Puranjana away to their place, binding him like an animal, the King's followers became greatly aggrieved. While they lamented, they were forced to go along with him
- When the young girls heard that Lord Krsna, the only object worth seeing, was passing on the road, they were very eager to see this all-famous personality. Their hair loosened, & their tightened saris became slack due to their hastily rushing to see Him
- When the young, lotus-eyed girls came to the bank of a reservoir of water, they wanted to enjoy by bathing. Thus they left their clothing on the bank and began sporting, throwing water on one another
- When their (living entity's) consciousness is changed into Krsna consciousness, however, they immediately fix Krsna within their hearts, and thus their path for liberation becomes clear
- When there is a congregation of devotees, their discussions, questions and answers become conclusive to both the speaker and the audience. Thus such a meeting is beneficial for everyone's real happiness
- When there is a population increase, it is the business of the Supreme Lord to feed the people. But atheists or miscreants do not like abundant production of food grains, especially if their business might be hampered
- When there is devastation of this material universe, Brahma and his devotees, who are constantly engaged in Krsna consciousness, are all transferred to the spiritual universe and to specific spiritual planets according to their desires. BG 1972 purports
- When there is profit, then there is sense gratification. That's, this is their aim. When they get some money, immediately how to spend it for sense gratification, not only for personal self but also family
- When there was a desire to have food and drink, the abdomen and the intestines and also the arteries became manifested. The rivers and seas are the source of their sustenance and metabolism
- When there was a desire to perceive the physical characteristics of matter, softness, hardness, warmth, cold, lightness & heaviness, the background of sensation, the skin, the skin pores, the hairs on the body & their controlling deities were generated
- When there was a Maharashtrian invasion of Bengal, the family of Kanu Thakura was scattered, and after the invasion one Harikrsna Gosvami of that family came back to their original home, Bodhakhana, and re-established the Pranavallabha Deity
- When there was a separate manifestation of skin, the controlling deities of sensations and their different parts entered into it, and thus the living entities feel itching and happiness due to touch
- When these small particles of the sun (the living entities) are covered by the cloud of maya, they lose their shining capacity
- When they (different rulers of the world) were released by the grace of Lord Krsna, they all looked very unhappy, their garments were niggardly, and their faces were almost dried up for want of proper bodily care
- When they (ladies) actually saw Them with their eyes, they took Krsna and Balarama within their hearts and began to embrace Them to their fullest desire. Their bodily hairs stood up in ecstasy
- When they (Nanda Maharaja and the cowherd men) were all thus consulting among themselves, Krsna understood their minds, and in order to assure them of their destiny in the spiritual kingdom, He showed them the spiritual sky
- When they (the brahmanas) were living together during the four months of the rainy season, I (Narada Muni) was engaged in their personal service
- When they (the brahmanas) were old invalids, they used to approach with their wives the assembly of the kings, and simply by praising the glorious deeds performed by the kings they would be provided with all necessities of life
- When they (the conditioned souls) are completely baffled by prolonged lustful activities, the living entities begin to inquire about their real position. BG 1972 purports
- When they (the cows) were coming down the hill (of Govardhana), their milk bags were pouring milk on the ground out of intense maternal affection for the calves, although they were not their own calves
- When they (the gopis) placed their hands on Krsna's shoulder they became overwhelmed by the fragrance of His body, which emanated from the lotus, other aromatic flowers and the pulp of sandalwood
- When they (the gopis) saw Krsna returning, all their anxieties were immediately relieved, and they began to look at His face the way drones hover over the honey of the lotus flower. When Krsna entered the village, the young gopis smiled and laughed
- When they (the gopis) saw that it was getting gradually darker, they stopped. Their mind and intelligence became absorbed in thoughts of Krsna; they all imitated the activities of Krsna and His speeches
- When they (the jivatmas) are under the control of the internal potency, they display their natural, constitutional activity - namely, constant engagement in the devotional service of the Lord
- When they (the living entities) come in contact with maya, the material potency, due to their forgetfulness their existential constitution is covered
- When they (yogis and jnanis who in the beginning take to the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra as a way to begin their various practices) falsely think that they have attained release from the bondage of material existence, they give up chanting
- When they all arrived at a bridge called Atharanala, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, hearing the news of their arrival, sent two garlands with Govinda
- When they all requested very fervently that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu take a full meal, He still would not do so. Instead, He responded to their request by accepting half as much as usual
- When they are maintaining their body, they have to commit sins. They have to eat other animals or vegetables, never mind. So how they are not committing sins? These are very intelligent questions
- When They play on Their flutes, all moving living entities are stunned, and nonmoving living entities experience ecstatic jubilation by Their sweet music. All these things are certainly very wonderful
- When they regained their sanity, they both sat down, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu smiled and began to speak as follows
- When this animal sacrifice was going on simply for eating, simply for eating . . . just like in a particular Mission they say that, "We are devotees of Goddess Kali." Their real mission is to eat meat
- When those who belonged to the family circle heard the narration of the old brahmana, they made exclamations showing their disappointment. They all requested that he not make such a proposal again
- When we consider their bodily and mental conditions, we find that the character of such candidates (candidates for devotional service) is impure and their minds are agitated
- When we say that "You shall not have illicit sex," and their inclination is illicit sex, so therefore it is revolutionary. They are materialistic persons. They want sex enjoyment to the best capacity
- When we speak of desire we refer to material sense gratification. Saintly persons like Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana, Sanat-kumara have no material desire, but sometimes they travel all over the universe out of their own accord to preach devotional service
- When, by that process (of satisfying the senses), they become confused or frustrated in fulfilling the maximum amount of sense enjoyment, they try to become one with the Supreme, which is, according to their conception, mukti, or liberation
- Whenever some herculean task was performed by Him (Lord Krsna), the father and mother (Nanda Maharaja and Mother Yasoda) took it otherwise. And they remained satisfied with unflinching filial love for their son
- Whenever there is some political movement, they take some part. Their idea is that, "If I become somehow or other a little prominent, important, I'll have a minister's post." That's all. It is a fact
- Where a Vaisnava like Prahlada is born, not only his father but his father's father and their fathers - up to the fourteenth father back - are all automatically delivered
- Whereas karmis are interested only in the personal satisfaction of their senses, devotees work for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord
- Wherever exalted devotees stay, not only they and their dynasties but the entire country is purified
- Wherever the Lord visited, crowds of innumerable people came to see Him. When they saw Him, all their unhappiness and lamentation disappeared
- Whether thinking of Him as their worshipable Lord or an enemy, because of constantly thinking of Him they will regain their spiritual bodies
- While all the gopis were hurriedly leaving their respective places, their husbands, brothers and fathers were all struck with wonder to know where they were going
- While Bhismadeva was describing occupational duties, the sun's course ran into the northern hemisphere. This period is desired by mystics who die at their will
- While carried by the constables of Yamaraja, he is overwhelmed and trembles in their hands. While passing on the road he is bitten by dogs, and he can remember the sinful activities of his life. He is thus terribly distressed
- While chanting the Panca-tattva maha-mantra, one must chant the names of Sri Caitanya, Nityananda, Advaita, Gadadhara and Srivasa with their many devotees. This is the process
- While dancing and singing, all the devotees in front of Lord Jagannatha kept their eyes on Him. Caitanya Mahaprabhu then went to the end of the procession with the sankirtana performers
- While Dhruva Maharaja was passing through space, he gradually saw all the planets of the solar system, and on the path he saw all the demigods in their airplanes showering flowers upon him like rain
- While going to the house of Maharaja Nanda, the gopis, their earrings, breasts and garlands moving, were brilliantly beautiful - SB 10.5.11
- While Kamsa was speaking to his brother-in-law and sister, tears flowed from his eyes, and he fell down at their feet. Believing the words of Durga-devi, whom he had tried to kill, Kamsa immediately released his brother-in-law and sister
- While Krsna & Balarama & Their friends were eating, they watched the cows, calves & bulls. The cows appeared to be a little tired from standing with their heavy milk bags. By sitting and chewing grass, they became happy, and Krsna was pleased to see them
- While Krsna & the gopis danced, they displayed extraordinary bodily features. The movements of their legs, their placing their hands on one another, the movements of their eyebrows, their smiling, the movements of the breasts of the gopis & their clothes
- While Krsna and Balarama and Their friends were engaged in the pastimes described above, the cows, being unobserved, began to wander off on their own, entering farther and farther into the deepest part of the forest, allured by fresh grasses
- While Krsna danced, some of the cowherd boys sang and others played on flutes; some bugled on buffalo horns or clapped their hands, praising Krsna, "Dear brother, You are dancing very nicely"
- While Krsna was traveling to Dvaraka, all the frustrated and defeated princes encircled Him and began to shower their arrows on the bridal party
- While Lord Jagannatha, Lord Balarama and Subhadra sat on their respective thrones, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His devotees began to perform sankirtana with great pleasure, chanting and dancing in the yard of the temple
- While offering their dues and presents in worship, the predominating deities of all the planets touch the lotus feet of the Lord with their helmets. Thus they offer prayers to the Lord
- While passing over the mountainous region from Mexico to Caracas, we actually saw so many mountains that we doubt whether their height, length and breadth have been properly measured
- While rehearsing the Jagannatha-vallabha-nataka he (Ramananda Raya) personally directed extremely beautiful young girls in dancing, but he was never affected by their youthful beauty
- While Sanjaya was thus speaking, Sri Narada, the powerful devotee of the Lord, appeared on the scene carrying his tumburu. Maharaja Yudhisthira and his brothers received him properly by getting up from their seats and offering obeisances
- While sitting (under the tree) they (Krsna, Baladeva and the other cowherd boys) ate simple food like rice, dal, vegetables, bread, and curd, which they had brought from their homes and which they shared in friendly exchanges
- While sporting in the water, the girls suddenly saw Lord Siva passing by, seated on the back of his bull with his wife, Parvati. Ashamed because they were naked, the girls quickly got out of the water and covered themselves with their garments
- While Sri Vyasadeva was following his son, beautiful young damsels who were bathing naked covered their bodies with cloth, although Sri Vyasadeva himself was not naked. But they had not done so when his son had passed
- While talking about Krsna with Uddhava, they (the gopis) forgot all about their household business. They even forgot about themselves as their interest in Krsna increased more and more
- While the gopis were thus engaged, the lamps reflected on their ornaments made the ornaments still brighter
- While the ladies of the capital of Hastinapura were greeting Him and talking in this way, the Lord, smiling, accepted their good greetings, and casting the grace of His glance over them, He departed from the city
- While the priests of the Bhrgu dynasty and their disciples talked and argued in various ways, the SPG, Vamanadeva, holding in His hands the rod, the umbrella and a waterpot full of water, entered the arena of the asvamedha sacrifice
- While the princes were undergoing severe austerities in the water, their father was performing different types of fruitive activities. At this time the great Narada, became very compassionate upon the King & decided to instruct him about spiritual life
- While the queens were lamenting for the dead body of the King, their loud cries were heard even from the abode of Yamaraja. Assuming the body of a boy, Yamaraja personally approached the relatives of the dead body and advised them as follows
- While the sacrifice was being performed, many brahmarsis, great sages, ancestral demigods and other demigods, their wives all very nicely decorated with ornaments, attended from different parts of the universe
- While they (Krsna and His cowherd boyfriends) were thus enjoying their childhood pastimes, a demon known by the name of Vyomasura, "the demon who flies in the sky," appeared on the scene. He was the son of another great demon, named Maya
- While touring South India, Lord Caitanya met Ramananda Raya by the bank of the Godavari, and in their long discourses the Lord took the position of a student, and Ramananda Raya instructed Him
- Who could give up the association of such a dear and affectionate wife? Small children talk in broken language, very pleasing to hear, and their affectionate father always thinks of their sweet words. How could he give up their association?
- Who do not come God consciousness, they remain demons, and their business is just like Kamsa, Ravana - simply making plan how to kill God, or kill Krsna. That's all. "There is no God." That is their propaganda. "I am God." That's all
- Who is a better worshiper of brahmanas than Maharaja Nabhi? Because he worshiped the qualified brahmanas to their full satisfaction, the brahmanas, by their brahminical prowess, showed Maharaja Nabhi the Supreme Personality of God, Narayana, in person
- Who want some temporary material happiness, sacrifice their material possessions to satisfy demigods such as Indra, the sun-god, etc. And who are impersonalists, sacrifice their identity by merging into the existence of impersonal Brahman. BG 1972 pur
- Who worship the impersonal feature of the Absolute Truth & regard the forms of the demigods as temporary, sacrifice their individual selves in the supreme fire & thus end their individual existences by merging into the existence of the Supreme. BG 1972 p
- Who, then, will not reside at Radha-kunda and, in a spiritual body surcharged with ecstatic devotional feelings, render loving service to the divine couple Sri Sri Radha-Govinda, who perform Their astakaliya-lila, Their eternal eightfold daily pastimes
- Whoever knows Krsna's superhuman activities, due to their transcendental nature, becomes eligible to enter the kingdom of Krsna, as such, after quitting this material body, the knower of Krsna's transcendental activities goes back home, back to Godhead
- Why (Bharatpur Trust) cannot donate the whole thing and we shall spend our money to make it very wonderfully done up and renovated. But I think their plan may be to give us the temple only, because that cannot be sold, and no one can maintain it any more
- Why did He (Krsna) not chastise the Kurus immediately?" When Draupadi was insulted in the assembly by the Kurus by their attempt to see her naked in the presence of all, the Lord protected Draupadi by supplying an unlimited length of clothing
- Why do they (thieves) risk their lives? Only to get some money. Similarly, a professional soldier is recruited into the army, and he accepts such service, with the risk of dying on the battlefield, only for the sake of money
- Why do they not take the daridra-narayanas in the big, big building they have got? Their mission is daridra-narayana seva. Why they are not doing that
- Why he should allow animal killing? They are also living entities, but for their benefit, the so-called sadhu says, "The animal has no soul." What is the difference between animal and man? What are the symptoms of possessing the soul? They are all equal
- Why one should be interested in the Pandavas' activities, Arjuna's fight with his brothers? There are so many other people, they are fighting with their brother, with their enemies. Why we are not recommended to hear about that thing
- Why people are so much misdirected? Because the so-called scholars and philosophers, they have misdirected. They have tried to kill Krsna from Bhagavad-gita and push forward their own rascal philosophy
- Why these animals are being slaughtered? There is some nature's law. They were murderer or slaughterer in their past life as human being
- Why these animals are being slaughtered? There is some nature's law. They were murderer or slaughterer in their past life as human being. Now they have assumed, they have accepted a body to be slaughtered by the laws of nature
- Why these rascals, they deny there is no God, God is dead? Because they want to continue their rascaldom without any restriction
- Why they cannot produce life from matter? What is the value of their statement? That they have not been able to do. Where is the proof that from matter life comes? You do it
- Why, then, do the nondevotees and atheists not admit this (there must be someone who has created this cosmic manifestation and has supplied its ingredients)? The reason is that they are polluted by the reactions of their fruitive activities
- Witches can play their black art only where there is no chanting or hearing of the holy name of Krsna
- With great strength Lord Krsna began to pull the rope, which was tied to the mortar. As soon as He pulled, the two trees, with all their branches and limbs, fell down immediately with a great sound
- With sweet words he began pacifying his nephews, whose names were Sakuni, Sambara, Dhrsti, Bhutasantapana, Vrka, Kalanabha, Mahanabha, Harismasru and Utkaca. He also consoled their mother, his sister-in-law, Rusabhanu, as well as his own mother, Diti
- With the club and the disc He (Krsna) chastises the miscreants so that they may come to their senses and know that they are not all in all, for above them there is the Supreme Lord
- With the good will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead there can be enough fruits, grain and other foodstuffs produced so that all the people in the world could not finish them, even if they ate ten times their capacity
- With the rise of the sun, the activities of human beings are set up. They set fire to prepare their foodstuff; they set fire to start the factories, etc. So many things are done with the help of fire. BG 1972 purports
- With their earnings they (Vedic people) used to acquire eatables, and the eatables were cooked for the worship of Visnu. Then the meal offered to satisfy Visnu became prasadam - "the Lord's mercy", the remnants of His meal - and could be accepted by them
- With their scientific knowledge they are unable to create even an egg. Such scientists are described in Bhagavad-gita as mayayapahrta jnanah (BG 7.15), fools whose real knowledge has been taken away
- With their very eyes the wives of the brahmanas saw the Supreme Personality of Godhead, of whom they had heard so much, who was so dear to them, and in whom their minds were always absorbed
- With their words, they offer prayers to the Lord. With their minds, they always remember the Lord. With their bodies, they offer obeisances to the Lord. Despite all these activities, they are still not satisfied. This is the nature of pure devotees
- With women the Bhattatharis allured the brahmana Krsnadasa, who was simple and gentle. By virtue of their bad association, they polluted his intelligence
- Within the universe the Lord is situated in different spiritual manifestations. These are situated on seven islands in nine sections. Thus Their pastimes are going on
- Within their minds, they (the young princesses) decided to accept Lord Krsna as their husband without hesitation. Each one of them prayed to Providence that Krsna might become her husband
- Within themselves they (the wives of the brahmanas) began to embrace Krsna to their hearts' content, and the distress of separation was mitigated immediately
- Within this material world there are various types of living entities, and the different types of reptiles and scorpions mentioned in this verse (SB 4.18.22) are also provided with their sustenance by the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Without culture they're suffering. If you want to mitigate their sufferings, give this Gita culture. That is my experience
- Without giving proper facilities to the animals, how can human society be happy? That people are raising cattle to send to the slaughterhouse is a great sin. By this demoniac enterprise, people are ruining their chance for a truly human life
- Without it (punishment by the Lord through material nature) men forget the supremacy of the Lord due to their dull, blunt intelligence
- Without providing a share for him, they divided the property of their father among themselves. When Nabhaga returned from the place of his spiritual master, they gave him their father as his share
- Without reference to the supreme power of the Personality of Godhead, demons assert themselves to be independent kings and presidents, and thus they create a disturbance by increasing their military power
- Without sleep, fully controlling their minds, and living on only their breath, the predominating deities of the various planets began worshiping Hrsikesa with this meditation
- Without taking to God consciousness and accepting the authority of the Lord, the living entities become ultimately confused and frustrated in their planmaking attempts
- Without the gopis, these pastimes between Radha and Krsna cannot be nourished. Only by their cooperation are such pastimes broadcast. It is their business to taste the mellows
- Without Their (Gaura-Nitai's) strength, simply attempting to get out of the clutches of matter by speculative knowledge will be insufficient
- Without their (the denizens of the heavenly planets) permission, Satyabhama had uprooted a parijata tree, which is not to be found on the earth planet
- Without transcending these three modes, a person will find himself securely in their clutches, and thus he will think that all his activities are divinely inspired
- Without understanding the primacy of karma-yoga, the foolish mundaners indulge in unrestricted material activities resulting in bondage; their very work keeps them in the material existence of births and deaths perpetually
- Without waiting another second (when Kurus saw their city was falling into Ganges) they brought forward their daughter Laksmana. They also brought Samba, who had forcibly tried to take her away, keeping him in the forefront with Laksmana at his back
- Woman are considered less intelligent. In the Bhagavad-gita... Their heart is very soft. Just like children, their heart is very soft. But their intelligence is not very sharp. That is the difference. Striyah sudras tatha vaisyah
- Woman requires protection. According to Vedic culture, woman has no independence. Because they cannot keep their independence. It is not possible
- Women are generally considered less intelligent. Because of ignorance only, the queens thought of the dead body as their husband and somehow or other thought that if the body were kept their husband would remain with them
- Women are self-interested by nature, and therefore they should be protected by all means so that their natural inclination to be too self-interested will not be manifested
- Women are supposed to be very saintly, but for their own interests they can kill even their husbands, sons or brothers, or cause them to be killed by others
- Women as a class are very lusty, and apparently their continuous lusty desires are never satisfied
- Women as a class are very softhearted; their natural affection and love cannot be checked by artificial means
- Women means they are after fulfilling their material desires. They have no other idea, that there is Brahman, one should know Brahman... They do not care to know
- Women must be engaged otherwise they will be inclined to think of sex only. They are called kamini. Unless there is sufficient engagement their only thoughts will be concentrated on sex
- Women of Mathura have now achieved the opportunity of being embraced by Him (Krsna). They are His beloveds & therefore He has relieved the burning in their breasts. If you (bumblebee) go there & sing your songs to those women, they will be very pleased
- Words, mind and ego, with their respective controlling demigods, have failed to achieve success in knowing the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, we simply have to offer our respectful obeisances unto Him as a matter of sanity
- Worms cannot get out of stool by their own endeavor; similarly, those who are overly attached to material existence cannot get out of materialism and suddenly become Krsna conscious
- Worship of the acarya is recommended. The acaryas and gosvamis are always absorbed in thought of the well-being of the general public, especially their spiritual well-being. Spiritual wellbeing is automatically followed by material well-being
- Yamaraja is deputed by the Lord to a particular planet, some hundreds of thousands of miles away from the planet of earth, to take away the corrupt souls after death and convict them in accordance with their respective sinful activities
- Yamaraja resides in Pitrloka with his personal assistants and, while abiding by the rules and regulations set down by the Supreme Lord, has his agents, the Yamadutas, bring all the sinful men to him immediately upon their death
- Yamaraja returned the boy to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Krsna and Balarama brought him to his father. The brothers asked if Their teacher had anything more to ask from Them, but he replied, "My dear sons, You have done enough for me"
- Yamaraja was describing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the supreme controller, but the order carriers of Yamaraja were very eager to know about the Visnudutas, who had defeated them in their encounter with Ajamila
- Yamaraja, or Dharmaraja, as the superintendent of death, has to judge the criminal living entities who have committed sinful activities throughout their lives. Consequently Yamaraja is expected to be most expert in judicial matters
- Yasoda & Rohini were seated on a separate cart, and Krsna and Balarama were seated on their laps. While Rohini & Yasoda were riding on the cart, they talked to Krsna and Balarama, and feeling the pleasure of such talks, they looked very, very beautiful
- Yes, the process is to give the very best to the Spiritual Master no matter what the cost. Just like you'll recall in the story of Krishna and Sudama at the Gurukula of their Spiritual Master
- Yes. That if you want to eat meat and chicken, then you first of all sacrifice before their deity. So at least they'll be restricted from eating meat purchased from slaughterhouse
- Yet in Krsna's pastimes the red lotuses, which are the hands of the gopis, protect their cakravaka breasts. This is a metaphor of contradiction
- Yogis other than the devotees - namely the karma-yogi and jnana-yogi - worship You by their respective actions in their respective positions. It is stated both in the Vedas and in the sastras that are corollaries of the Vedas
- Yogis try to control their senses and thus become happy, but a Krsna conscious person neglects the methods of yoga. He is unconcerned with the greatest of enemies, the senses, which are compared to snakes
- Yogis try to perfect their lives, and therefore the Bhagavad-gita enjoins that everyone should become a yogi
- Yogis who follow the principles of Patanjali accept the personality of the Absolute Truth, but they want to merge into the transcendental body of the Supreme Lord. That is their desire
- You (Brahma) are the father of all living entities and the source of their subsistence because they are all born of you. Please order us (Svayambhuva Manu and Satarupa) how we may be able to render service unto you
- You (Brahma) are the father of all living entities and the source of their subsistence because they are all born of you. Please order us how we may be able to render service unto you
- You (Krsna) are living as the Supersoul in all the multiforms of living entities, and You know very well what is going on within their bodies and minds
- You (the Lord) do not accept the results of Your activities, unlike ordinary demons and demigods, who suffer or enjoy the reactions of their activities in the material world
- You are being somewhat harassed in your activities by these so-called swamis. But do not be discouraged by their foolish talkings, we have got more important business
- You are naturally cruel. If the other demigods, unaware of my prowess, follow you by attacking me with raised weapons, I shall sever their heads with this sharp trident
- You are the most abominable of the man-eaters. Indeed, you are like their stool. You resemble a dog, for as a dog steals eatables from the kitchen in the absence of the householder, in My absence you kidnapped My wife, Sitadevi
- You are very favorable toward those who engage in devotional service, accepting You as the Lord and themselves as the servants. By Your mercy, You are always inclined in their favor
- You can arrange one or two Bengali experts in making and fitting the heads of the kholes. They must be prepared to stay with us for at least one year. We will pay their transportation to Hawaii and return and also a small salary
- You can keep good friendship with different yoga teachers, but practically our mode of Krishna Consciousness is different from theirs. Perhaps these people may not like our Sankirtana movement, so you have to be very careful in their association
- You can know this world is now managed by the raksasas. Raksasa. They don't mind what is happening. They are prepared to sacrifice everything for fulfilling their whimsical nonsense. They are called raksasa
- You can make your own opinion to understand God. So all foolish rascals, they're making their own opinion. No, that is not possible
- You can never be happy in this material world, but you are trying to become happy in so many politician, social workers, this and that, simply wasting their time. They cannot be. You have to accept the leadership of Krsna
- You can never be happy in this material world, but you are trying to become happy in so many politician, social workers, this and that, simply wasting their time. They cannot be. You have to accept the leadership of Krsna. Then you will be happy
- You cannot change your destiny. Now, take for example, there are so many agricultural improvement. Does it mean that there is no person who is needy? There are so many needy person. But has the agricultural education improved their lot? No
- You cannot create your santi in your own way. That is not possible. Just like the citizens, if they create their own way of santi, there cannot be peace. If they abide by the orders of the government, by the laws of the government, there will be peace
- You cannot encroach upon their right of living simply to satisfy the taste of your tongue. That is the greatest sin
- You cannot expect any good argument from the rascals and fools. Where is the logic? Their logic is to beat them with shoes
- You do not explain the direct meaning of the Brahma-sutras. Indeed, it appears that your business is to cover their real meaning
- You have met two of my young disciples in California and they appeared to you as having "a very negative outlook towards the people they meet." I do not know the case, but kindly forgive my beloved disciples any unkindness or indiscretions on their part
- You have seen in our temple how happily they are living and dancing from their face. Face is the index of mind. You will understand from their face how happy they are feeling
- You have to take their (the sruti-smrti) particular recommendation for the particular time, just as Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu did when He urged His followers to heed the injunction of Brhan-naradiya Purana - 3.8.126, CC Adi 17.21
- You keep the animals here, and take one of them, slaughter - they will think, "I am safe." This is animal. All of them will think, "Oh, I am safe. He is being taken. That's all." This is their dull brain, the modern animals
- You know this art, how to attract and engage men, so aim yourself at the top-class of men and give them every opportunity and facility to become convinced of our philosophy and engage themselves to their satisfaction. That will be the best contribution
- You live as the Supersoul of all living entities, and the goddess of fortune is the form of their bodies, senses and minds. She also has a holy name and form, whereas You are the support of all such names and forms and the cause for their manifestation
- You maintain the mind and the acting and knowledge-acquiring senses, and therefore you are the great controller of all the material elements and their qualities, and you are the controller of all desires
- You must give up the association of bad elements. And who is bad element? One bad element is one who is too much attached to women, and the other bad element is who is not devotee of God. Give up their association. Then you will be steady
- You should always remember that marriage is not impediment. The greatest enemy is forgetfulness of Krishna. There are many Impersonalists and voidists - they renounced this material world very early in their life
- You should not be falsely proud. The whole material world is falsely proud. Their whole program is to defy God. And our program is to declare war against these rascals. Everyone is trying to defy God
- You want your sons to regain their lost reputation and opulence and live again on their heavenly planet as usual
- You write to say that these days the educated class of people have rejected devotional service - and it is their misfortune. This means they are not being educated; rather they are being degraded
- Your anxiety for food, that is not humanly. Even the cats and dogs, they are not anxious for their food. Even the birds, they rise early in the morning, they are also not anxious for the food. God has arranged for food, everyone
- Your father, Virocana, the son of Maharaja Prahlada, was very affectionate toward brahmanas. Although he knew very well that it was the demigods who had come to him in the dress of brahmanas, at their request he delivered to them the duration of his life
- Your Lordship, being the origin of the life of this material world, is the master and controller of the living entities, both moving and stationary, and you inspire their consciousness
- Your scientists and your appreciator, all, they are like tiny dwarfs. What do they know about the universal affair? That is their fault. They are so small . . . That, the same example, Dr. Frog, calculating Atlantic Ocean. This is the fault
- Yudhisthira said, "Material distinctions - 'This is me,' 'This is you,' 'This is mine,' 'This is yours' - are all conspicuous by dint of their absence in You (Krsna)"
- Yudhisthira said, "People who do not want to be freed from this material existence but desire to enjoy material opulences, their desires are also fulfilled by their Krsna conscious activities"
- Yudhisthira said, "Whenever they (Brahma, Siva & Indra) are fortunate enough to receive such orders, they immediately take them and keep them on their heads"
- Yudhisthira sufficiently remunerated the priests & learned sages for their engagement in the execution of the sacrifice & after performing all this, he took bath. This bath at the end of the sacrifice is also technical. It is called the avabhrtha bath
- Yudhisthira understood that "When such great personalities (like Bhismadeva, Lord Krsna and Vyasadeva) are giving their opinion, that it was no wrong on my part," then he agreed (to reign the kingdom)