Prabhupāda: All these big scientists, they discover so many things. Why they did not discover something that he would not die? He would not become old? Where is that discovery? They will say: "Yes, in future." (chuckles) One man is kicking on your face, and you are saying: "Yes, in future, when I shall become strong, I shall kick you." But you are, my dear sir, being kicked now. What you are doing now? "Yes, I'm getting strength by your kicking." So you all write very strongly, vehemently.
Even it is little offensive, still these rascals should be taught good lesson. Yes. They're misleading. Godlessness. As soon as you say, "God created," immediately they become arrogant. That is our protest. If they accept God, then we give them all credit. That's all right. Otherwise zero. We don't deprecate their intention of advancement in knowledge, but we simply protest against their defying the authority of God. That is our point.
Svarūpa Dāmodara: If they hear Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, then their hearts will be changed.
Prabhupāda: Certainly. Yesterday, somebody has thanked to our students that, "Oh, we are so obliged to you that you are supplying Bhāgavatam." Is it not? Somebody has said?
Devotees: Yes, yes. Tripurāri said that. Tripurāri.
Prabhupāda: Oh, Tripurāri. Yes. Somebody said like that?
Tripurāri: Yes, two boys yesterday at the airport, they bought two sets of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatams.
Jayatīrtha: Complete?
Tripurāri: Six volumes. They held the Bhāgavatams and said: "Thank you very much." And then they put them in their lockers, and they were walking . . . waiting for their plane, and they each had the First Canto . . .
Prabhupāda: Yes. Any sincere man will feel obliged of our this propaganda movement. By distributing these books, you are doing a great service to Kṛṣṇa. He wanted to say everyone: sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja (BG 18.66). He comes, therefore. So anyone who is doing the same service, that "Surrender to Kṛṣṇa," he is recognized by Kṛṣṇa very nicely. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gītā: na ca tasmān manuṣyeṣu (BG 18.69). In the human society, nobody is dearer than him who is helping preaching work. Hare Kṛṣṇa.