Jayatīrtha: "It's a pity half the population are women."
Prabhupāda: I didn't say half the population. . .
Brahmānanda: That's her comment.
Jayatīrtha: That's what she said. In other words. . .
Brahmānanda: Her comment is that if you hadn't. . .
Jayatīrtha: . . .that half of the people are disqualified already because they're women. It's not so bad.
Prabhupāda: No, no, it is not bad. It is good. Now our policy should be that at Dallas we shall create first-class man, and we shall teach the girls two things. One thing is how to become chaste and faithful to their husband, and how to cook nicely. If these two qualifications they have, I'll take guarantee to get for them good husband. I'll personally. . . Yes. These two qualifications required. She must learn how to prepare first-class foodstuff, and she must learn how to become chaste and faithful to the husband. Only these two qualification required. Then her life is successful. So try to do that.