grant | granted | grants | granting
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Pages in category "Grant"
The following 60 pages are in this category, out of 60 total.
- A sincere urge for having an interview with the Lord was also granted to him, although it is not possible for anyone to see the Lord with mundane eyes
- Although Brahma granted him all these benedictions, he was killed by the Personality of Godhead in the form of Nrsimha, the Lord's half-lion, half-man incarnation, & no weapon was used to kill him, for he was killed by the Lord's nails
- Although the benediction asked was not very commendable because the devotee wanted to kill his enemy, Lord Siva considered the devotee's good quality in worshiping and satisfying him and granted the benediction
- As soon as he heard my petition, he immediately granted me a pension without reductions. Thus the King granted me a full salary as a pension and requested me to engage without anxiety in the service of Your lotus feet
- At present we only have access to the temple from the sea-side and it is proving a great inconvenience to visitors coming from the colony side. We therefore request that access be kindly granted to us on the colony side for the benefit of many worshipers
- Grant me that I not die within any residence or outside any residence, during the daytime or at night, nor on the ground or in the sky. Grant me that my death not be brought about by any being other than those created by you, nor by any weapon
- Grant me that I not meet death from any entity, living or nonliving. Grant me, further, that I not be killed by any demigod or demon or by any great snake from the lower planets
- I am very much pleased by your (Brahma's) description of Me (Visnu) in terms of My transcendental qualities, which appear mundane to the mundaners. I grant you all benedictions in your desire to glorify all the planets by your activities
- I do not want such things (animal skins)," Narada replied. However, I do want something else. If you kindly grant it to me, I shall tell you. Please, henceforth from tomorrow, whenever you kill an animal, kill it completely. Don't leave it half-dead
- I do not wish to prolong the body of this note further, but if you think that a meeting with you will be beneficial for the human society at large, I shall be very much pleased if You Holiness will grant me an interview
- I have not heard anything from you since I have come back to India. Vinod Kumar who was supposed to reach U.S.A. on visitor's Visa is not granted the same. Please see if it is possible for him to get Immigration Visa
- I shall see that they may grant some more concession. You have to convince the carrying company that our this world wide Krishna Consciousness movement, so everything required is for the help of this society
- I thank you for your granting me an interview yesterday morning but I was not successful in my mission because your dealing with me yesterday was more official than hearty
- In this way they both presented many impediments, indirectly not granting the Lord permission to go to Vrndavana. They did this because they were afraid of separation from Him
- It is very good news to hear that the German government has granted you a 5 year visa and that your Sankirtana activities are expanding. This is all very encouraging
- Lord Brahma said: O Hiranyakasipu, these benedictions for which you have asked are difficult to obtain for most men. Nonetheless, O my son, I shall grant you them although they are generally not available
- Lord Vamanadeva requested three paces of land from Maharaja Bali, and when Maharaja Bali agreed to grant them, the Lord immediately covered the entire world with two footsteps
- Maharaja Ambarisa was offended by Durvasa, who even approached Lord Visnu for pardon. Lord Visnu would not grant him pardon; therefore he had to fall down at the lotus feet of Maharaja Ambarisa, even though Maharaja Ambarisa was a ksatriya-grhastha
- Mucukunda replied as follows, "Grant me the power to burn to ashes, by my mere glance, anyone who disturbs my sleeping and awakens me untimely. Please give me this benediction"
- My (Kardama Muni) dear Devahuti, you look very much afraid. First bathe in Lake Bindu-sarovara, created by Lord Visnu Himself, which can grant all the desires of a human being, and then mount this airplane
- My path is very difficult. I am blind, and my feet are slipping again and again. Therefore, may the saints help me by granting me the stick of their mercy as my support
- O best of sages, best of all those who grant auspicious benedictions, please consider our situation and bestow upon my sons the benedictions by which they can regain what they have lost
- O spotless one (Maitreya), your answers to all these questions will grant immunity from all material miseries. Such charity is greater than all Vedic charities, sacrifices, penances, etc
- Of course, a sannyasi or brahmana may beg for up to five gandas, but why should he be granted the inappropriate sum of 200,000 kahanas of conchshells
- Our program requires the assistance of both Sriman Wayne Gunderson and his wife Srimati Citralekha Devi Dasi, who are my initiated disciples. My request is that these two, husband and wife, be granted visa for coming to India
- Second, whatever temporary result one derives from worshiping the demigods is actually granted by the permission of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is clearly stated in the Bhagavad-gita: mayaiva vihitan hi tan
- Since Brahma had promised, he wanted to grant all the benedictions asked (by Hiranyakasipu). The word durlabhan indicates that one should not take benedictions one cannot enjoy peacefully
- Since Brahma told him that he could not grant the gift of immortality, Hiranyakasipu requested that he not be killed by any man, animal, god or any other living being within the 8,400,000 species
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then told Nityananda Prabhu, "Please hear Me, O holy man: I now request something of You. Kindly grant My request"
- The conditioned soul has a natural tendency toward sex and meat-eating; consequently the sastras grant them some concessions
- The daughter of Time (Jara) was very unfortunate. Consequently she was known as Durbhaga ("ill-fated"). However, she was once pleased with a great king, and because the king accepted her, she granted him a great benediction
- The dust and shade of the lotus feet of the Vaisnavas have been granted to this fallen soul by the mercy of Lord Nityananda
- The gopis prayed to Katyayani to grant them Krsna as their husband, whereas mundaners visit the temple of Katyayani to receive some material profit. That is the difference between a Vaisnava's visit and a nondevotee's visit
- The governor then submissively asked, "Why was I born in a Muslim family? This is considered a low birth. Why didn't supreme Providence grant me a birth in a Hindu family"
- The Kurus thought, "The kings of the Kuru dynasty are the emperors whereas the kings of the Yadu dynasty are able to enjoy their land only because we have granted it to them"
- The mercy of the spiritual master and Krsna combine to grant success to a devotee engaged in Krsna consciousness
- The nine processes of devotional service can grant one Krsna and ecstatic love for Him
- The officer whom I met was very sympathetic & he said that Immigration visa from this side would take a long time for being granted better I took the visitors visa - so I have accepted it
- The powerful Kardama Muni was the knower of everyone's heart, and he could grant whatever one desired. Knowing the spiritual soul, he regarded her as half of his body. Dividing himself into nine forms, he impregnated Devahuti with nine discharges of semen
- The ruler of this island, the son of Maharaja Priyavrata named Vitihotra, had two sons named Ramanaka and Dhataki. He granted the two sides of the island to these two sons and then personally engaged himself in activities for the sake of the SPG
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead then said: O Brahma, O depth of Vedic wisdom, be neither depressed nor anxious about the execution of creation. What you are begging from Me has already been granted before
- There are those who are yogis; they are searching after mystic perfection. There are eight kinds of mystic perfection which grant the ability to become the smallest, to become the heaviest, or to get whatever one desires
- This is Krsna's mercy. If somebody is thinking, "If I had like this, like that, like that, like that," "All right, you will have all." Just like Hiranyakasipu wanted to save himself in this way, "Yes, all are granted," but still he had to die
- When Lord Krsna disclosed their disguise, King Jarasandha laughed very loudly, and then in great anger and in a grave voice he exclaimed, "You fools! If you want to fight with me, I immediately grant your request"
- When Raghupati Upadhyaya was requested by the Lord to recite more, he immediately offered his respects to the Lord and granted His request
- When Sanatana Gosvami granted permission for Jagadananda to return to Jagannatha Puri, he gave Jagadananda some gifts for Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- When Srinivasa Acarya went to see Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, the Gosvami blessed him by embracing him. Srinivasa Acarya requested his blessings for preaching in Bengal, and Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami granted them