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- A fish that is taken out of the water cannot be happy by any arrangement on land. He must be supplied with water. In the same way, the minute sac-cid-ananda living entity cannot be really happy through any amount of planning in this material universe
- A learned scholar who has studied the Vedas perfectly can never be deviated by any amount of nonsensical commentaries or by fools. BG 1972 purports
- A man in perfect knowledge knows that one cannot be happier than he is destined to be. In this material world, everyone is destined to suffer a certain amount of distress and enjoy a certain amount of happiness
- A systematic law of subsistence in the struggle for existence is there by the supreme will, and there is no escape for anyone by any amount of planning
- Actually these college students have all been misguided. Without Krishna Consciousness, all their book learning amounts to zero
- All are but material enjoyments, and one should be thoroughly convinced that he has no need of such a long duration of life, even in the Brahmaloka planet. He must return home, back to Godhead & must not be attracted by any amount of material facilities
- All the rsis assembled there (Naimisaranya) neglected to complete the ritualistic ceremonies because there was no positive assurance of the results. All the performers were coated with black ash due to the large amount of smoke coming from the fire
- Any amount of materialistic adjustment for becoming happy in a place which is meant for distress cannot benefit the misguided man because, after all, the whole universe with all its paraphernalia will come to an end after a certain period
- Any amount of mental speculation on the strength of material science and knowledge without any bona fide touch with the Absolute Truth is sure to be a mundane untruth and failure
- Any amount of scientific method, you cannot see the sun at night. But in the morning you can see the sun automatically, without any torchlight. Similarly, you have to create a situation, you have to put yourself in a situation wherein God will reveal
- Any knowledge will not help your wife or children. Any knowledge, any amount of knowledge, will not help his real problem. What is his real problem we do not know. The real problem is... That we do not know. The real problem is janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi
- Anyone can collect any amount of salt from the natural storehouse, but constitutionally we cannot take more salt than what we need. If we take more salt, we spoil the broth, and if we take less salt our food becomes tasteless
- As I recommend to every householder, if you spend 50% of your income for Krishna's business in developing New Vrindaban, and a similar amount is collected by Kirtanananda Maharaja, I think there will be no need of financial help from other centers
- At this (dhrti) stage one is not perturbed by any amount of loss, nor does anything appear to be unachieved by him
- Atma, or self, is distinguished from matter and material elements. It is spiritual in constitution, and thus it is never satisfied by any amount of material planning
- Because of great affection for money, we accept some amount of wealth in the bank as ours. In the same way, we claim that the body is ours because of affection for it
- Behold the great fortune of the devotee Kholaveca. Lord Brahma and Siva shed tears upon seeing his greatness. One cannot attain Lord Krsna by any amount of wealth, followers, or learning. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is controlled only by pure devotion
- By his (high court judge's) order so many things are happening: someone is being hanged, someone is being put into jail, someone is awarded a huge amount of wealth - but still he is neutral. He has nothing to do with all that gain and loss. BG 1972 pur
- Even a fraction of the duration of life wasted cannot be compensated by any amount of gold
- Even if he (a devotee) has got great amount of wealth, good qualification, everything, he thinks that, - These things are Krsna's. I am His servant. I have got the opportunity to serve Him with this qualification
- Even if one enacts a very small amount on the spiritual platform, he takes that with him to his next life, and he picks up again from that point
- Every man everywhere is trying to obtain the greatest amount of sense enjoyment by various endeavors
- God can excuse any amount of sinful activity. But after confessing, after being freed, if I again commit sinful activities, oh, that is the greatest sin
- God's pastime, that is perceivable through devotional service. Bhaktya mam abhijanati (BG 18.55). Only. This is the process. No other process. No amount of speculation, no amount of academic education, no amount of philosophical discussion can
- Greatest amount of sense enjoyment
- He (God) is above all; no one is equal to or greater than Him. Nor can anyone reach His level of perfection in any of the above powers by any amount of penance or yogic demonstrations. The yogis are dependent on His mercy
- He (Krsna) can remain with His devotee in any suitable form, yet He is unapproachable by any amount of demoniac activities
- He (Siva) could drink a great amount of poison for others' benefit, and now, since his wife was personally requesting him to go to her father's house, even if he did not wish to give that permission, he should do so out of his great kindness
- He who knows God, however, becomes freed from all possible sinful reactions, which no amount of piety can accomplish. If we reject God we can never be happy
- His (a man who's earning millions of dollars) power of eating is the same with the man, one who is earning ten dollars. So he does not think that, - My enjoyment of life is the same amount with the man who is earning ten dollars
- Human society should take advantage of this instruction - even a slight amount of sincere devotional service can give one complete perfection - SB 7.6.1
- I am a shopkeeper. I have got different varieties of goods. Now, if you pay me less, then I can supply you inferior quality of goods. Another customer is paying me and a good amount; then I will supply you superior quality of goods
- I am in due receipt of your check for the amount of 200 dollars. Thank you very much for this kind offering. I hope by now you have been to our center in Montreal
- I am surprised that you write to say, even after a month, that the amount has not been received by you
- I am therefore training local boys and girls for kirtana and very soon we shall be out on world tour with this kirtana party. In India, however, many rich business men maybe ready to spend this amount to spread the kirtana movement
- I have already informed you that the donor Sir Padampat Sighania is ready to spend any amount for constructing a nice Indian architectural temple in New York and why not take this opportunity for spreading the mission of Srila Prabhupada
- I want to know immediately what kind of monthly interest I would receive if I was to put this amount in a fixed deposit for five years
- If anyone criticizes him, they must be the fool. He has done so much wonderful service and I appreciate him so much. No amount of your foolish words will touch my estimation
- If one keeps a large amount of cash with him, he is always anxious about keeping it properly. Thus if one discusses the disadvantages of accumulating wealth, he can naturally give up business without difficulty
- If the shortness of all the ropes were added together, it must have amounted to the width of hundreds of fingers. Certainly this was astonishing. This was another exhibition of Krsna's inconceivable potency to His mother & mother's friends - SB 10.9.17
- If they are strong enough in Krishna Consciousness any amount of sex urge will not disturb them. Even it disturbs, it will come and go
- If you continue with enthusiasm like this within three or four months you can liquidate the amount. This will be a great credit for you
- If Yudhisthira is a sinner in his daily discharge of duties, in royal administration of state affairs, wherein killing of man & animals is a recognized art, then we can just imagine the amount of sins committed by the untrained population of the Kali-yuga
- In modern civilization also, they say sometimes that a nation is calculated how far he is civilized by the conjunction of amount of soap. The soap-using nation means that cleansed. So cleanliness is still considered as the civilized status of man
- It is said in the Manu-smrti that lust cannot be satisfied by any amount of sense enjoyment, just as fire is never extinguished by a constant supply of fuel. BG 1972 purports
- It is very good news for me (Prabhupada) that you are going to have $5300 very soon, and I thank you very much for offering the entire amount to me. I think the whole amount should be utilized for further publication of my books
- Kamalakanta Visvasa’s asking for three hundred rupees from the King of Jagannatha Puri, Maharaja Prataparudra, on the plea that Advaita Acarya was in debt for that amount
- Kuvera personally offered Dhruva Maharaja any amount of riches, but he declined to accept them. He is described, therefore, as maha-matih, very thoughtful, or highly intellectual
- Large amounts of wealth are necessary to perform sacrifices. In former ages, tons of food were offered in a fire as a sacrifice, but this is not possible in this age. Therefore sankirtana-yajna, the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, is recommended
- Let Krsna pass any amount of stool and urine. We have nothing to do with that. So let there be external energy
- Lord Caitanya prayed, My Lord, I do not want any amount of material wealth, I do not want any number of materialistic followers, nor do I want any attractive wife to enjoy. The only thing I want is that I may engage life after life in Your service
- Lord Krsna has made a firm promise for all time. If one renders service unto Him, Krsna correspondingly gives him an equal amount of success in devotional service to the Lord
- Materialistic demons always possess large amounts of gold in various shapes, and they think that a large amount of gold, physical strength and popularity can save them from the wrath of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Materialistic persons always desire to make the body comfortable, and for this they require huge amounts of gold. Thus Hiranyakasipu was the perfect representative of materialistic life
- Naturally, according to the different types of body, there are some external differences in the pleasure, but the basic amount and quality of this pleasure has very well defined limitations. That is called destiny
- No amount of chosen words are sufficient to enumerate the Lord's glory, yet He is satisfied by such prayers, just as a father is satisfied even by broken linguistic attempts of a growing child. Thus the Lord smiled & accepted the prayers of Queen Kunti
- No amount of chosen words is sufficient to enumerate the Lord's glory, and yet He is satisfied by such prayers as the father is satisfied even by the broken linguistic attempts of the growing child
- No one should trust a demon, despite any amount of affection. Aside from this, a king, a politician or a woman cannot be trusted, since they can do anything abominable for their personal interest
- Of course, one can derive great amounts of temporary happiness by achieving such yogic materialistic perfections
- Once Kuvera wanted to give Dhruva Maharaja a benediction, but although Dhruva Maharaja could have asked him for any amount of material opulence, he instead begged Kuvera that he might continue his devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One cannot control the laws of nature by any amount of struggling. One must at last be subject to death, nature’s ultimate law
- One should work for self-realization, not for economic development, which is impossible to improve. Without endeavor, one can get the amount of happiness and distress for which he is destined, and one cannot change this
- One who performs severe austerities for sense gratification is fearful to the entire world, whereas a devotee who performs even a slight amount of devotional service is a friend to everyone
- One who understands this (comfort in life is but illusion) factually is learned, and such a learned person can sacrifice any amount of material happiness to achieve the desired goal known as brahma-sukham, or absolute happiness
- Our time is being wasted in constructing so many devices which give us temporary and artificial convenience at the price of a proportionate amount of inconvenience. This is all part of the law of karma, the law of action and reaction
- Persons who have amassed the results of a vast amount of pious activities can attain the stage of associating with Krsna and playing with Him like ordinary playmates
- Pious activities bring about material opulence, but one cannot acquire devotional service by any amount of material pious activity - not by giving charity, opening big hospitals and schools or working philanthropically
- Please let me know what are the reports given by the doctor. But it is good that you are keeping even greater amount of faith in Krishna, and are chanting 35 rounds daily. Keep up this good attitude and surely you will be saved from all dangers
- Please supply me the following BBT information: 1) What amount of order is the Vrinda Book Co. giving monthly, and 2) how much are they paying monthly. What happened to the advertisement?
- Purusah purusam vrajet: when the living entity enters into the kingdom of God and cooperates with the Supreme Lord by giving Him enjoyment, he enjoys the same facility or the same amount of pleasure as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Raghunatha dasa drew up an account of the amount to be given and submitted it to Raghava Pandita, who then made up a list showing how much money was to be paid to each and every devotee.
- Real transcendentalists are hungry for this happiness, and as a hungry man cannot be made happy by all comforts of life minus foodstuff, so the man hungry for eternal absolute happiness cannot be satisfied by any amount of material happiness
- Regularly, on Sunday of each week the sales proceeds may be totalled for issuing a check to the amount owed to my book fund & to the BTG accounts. Then on each Monday the check may be sent to Los Angeles. So you do this regularly and it will be very nice
- Rupa Gosvami is the direct disciple of Lord Caitanya. When he retired from his service - he was government minister - oh, he brought home golden coins, full, a boat full, full of gold. Now, just imagine how much the amount was
- She (Draupadi) said to the Lord that the mysterious dish which she had received from the sun-god could supply any amount of food if she herself had not eaten. But on that day she had already taken her meals, and thus they were in danger
- Since everything belongs to Krsna, everything should be employed in the service of Krsna. This perfect form of action in Krsna consciousness is far better than any amount of artificial renunciation by a sannyasi of the Mayavadi school. BG 1972 purports
- So to become God conscious, Krsna conscious, is not very cheap thing. It requires a great amount of austerity, penance to come to this stage. So never be disappointed that because people are not responding
- Sometimes people think that the cause of an earthen pot is the earth. We see on a potter's wheel a sufficient amount of earth to produce many pots, and although unintelligent men will say that the earth on the wheel is the cause of the pot
- Sri Advaita Acarya said, "The amount of food that three people can eat does not constitute even a morsel for You. In proportion to that, these edibles are not even five morsels of food for You"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s capital is the touchstone of love of Godhead, and consequently He is a great owner of that transcendental treasure. After making unlimited amounts of gold, the touchstone remains the same
- Suppose you are to live for hundred years. So twenty years you have already lost, or you have already died up to the amount of twenty years. I am seventy-six years. That means I have also died up to the amount of seventy-six years
- Thank you for your articles. They are very nicely written. They have given us a good amount of space. That means that we can present our philosophy in detail and they will read it
- That is the highest perfectional aim of human life (elevation to the spiritual world). Without this aim, any amount of material advancement in so-called comforts can only bring the defeat of the human form of life
- That point comes, when the karmis become disgusted, confused. Because the spirit soul, he wants spiritual life. He cannot be happy with any amount of materialistic life
- The amount of happiness and distress is already predestined for every living entity. No one can increase or decrease the happiness of the materialistic way of life
- The amount of transcendental bliss that Raghunatha dasa enjoyed simply by offering water and tulasi is impossible to achieve even if one worships the Deity with sixteen kinds of paraphernalia
- The argument of Caitanya described in this verse (of CC Adi 7.127) can be very easily understood even by a common man if he simply thinks of the activities of the sun, which has been giving off unlimited amounts of heat and light since time immemorial
- The Ayurvedic system of eating is to decide how much you can comfortably eat, then take half of that amount, filling the remaining half one quarter with water and leaving one quarter for air
- The desert is heated by scorching sunshine, and if we want to reduce the desert temperature, we need huge amounts of water - millions and millions of gallons. What effect will one drop have
- The devotees should fast until evening, when there is a ceremony and offering of a small amount of Ekadasi preparations. The next day, the devotees should celebrate amongst themselves with a small scale feast
- The example of the fish on land is very appropriate (for SB 3.2.11). If one takes a fish from the water and puts it on the land, it cannot be made happy by any amount of offered pleasure
- The great politician-pandita named Canakya said that even one moment of time cannot be returned even if one is prepared to pay millions of dollars. One cannot calculate the amount of loss there is in wasting valuable time
- The Lord can be known only by the sincere mood of eagerness for service, and not by any amount of material qualification as scientist or speculative philosopher or by attainment of mystic powers. This fact is clearly corroborated in the Bhagavad-gita
- The minute sac-cid-ananda living entity cannot be really happy through any amount of planning conceived by his illusioned brain in this material universe. He must therefore be given a different type of happiness which is spiritual in essence
- The Pandavas were so malleable to the will of the Lord that they could sacrifice any amount of energy for the service of the Lord, and by such unalloyed determination they could secure the Lord's mercy in any shape they desired
- The purport is that as the blazing fire can burn any amount of fuel to ashes, so devotional service to the Lord in Krsna consciousness can burn up all the fuel of sinful activities
- The reason for the Japa beads is so that you can keep track of how many times you are chanting Hare Krishna mantra daily. It should be chanted a steady amount of times regularly
- The sum total of His personal family members amounted to about 100,000, popularly known as the Yadu-vamsa. And again, during His lifetime, He managed to vanquish them all
- The sum total of Krsna's personal family members amounted to about ten million, popularly known as the Yadu-vamsa. And again, during His lifetime, He managed to vanquish them all
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot be realized by any amount of Vedic knowledge or by any number of penances. But a pure devotee of the Lord like Narada can deliver the Supreme Lord by his good will
- There is a vast amount of editing work. It is not an easy job. We have to print so many books and if he becomes an expert editor it will be a great asset to our mission, and he has got the capacity
- There is a vast amount of water in the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. What quantity of chemicals was required? How many tons? So who supplied it? Somebody must have supplied it. So that is science. You can teach like that
- These desires (for eternal existence) are evident in human society, & in the upper planetary systems (Svargaloka, Janaloka, etc.) the living entities enjoy a longer duration of life, an increased amount of knowledge, & a generally more blissful existence
- These two dhals (masura dhal and urad dhal) contain a great amount of protein, and food rich in protein is considered nonvegetarian
- They (Hiranya Majumadara and Govardhana Majumadara) also were very rich, so much so that it is mentioned in this verse (CC Madhya 16.217) that their annual income as landlords amounted to 1,200,000 rupees
- They (living entities) have taken it for granted that this life, as presently manifested under the conditions of material nature, is all in all for enjoying the highest amount of sense gratification
- They (materialistic men) should know for certain that any amount of materialistic adjustment for becoming happy in a place which is meant for distress cannot benefit the misguided man
- They (the inhabitants of heavenly planets) are all devotees of the Lord, and although their goodness is not unadulterated, still they are known as demigods possessing the maximum amount of good qualities possible within the material world
- They (the material scientists) should know definitely that spiritual force is distinct from matter and that such energy is not possible to produce by any amount of material adjustment
- This amount is for the purpose of constructing a Radha Krsna Temple at Mayapur, as it is contributed by my American disciples
- This is the difference between DS and all other methods of perfection. One who performs severe austerities for sense gratification is fearful to the entire world, whereas a devotee who performs even a slight amount of DS is a friend to everyone
- This is to certify that Miss Elizabeth Luise Reuther contributed the amount of U.S. $50,000
- This material energy is also called Durga, which indicates that it is a force which is very difficult to surpass. No one can surpass the laws of Durga by any amount of childish plans
- This money must be paid for by BBT and not deducted from the M-V construction funds. So this amount should also be transferred here immediately so that work in Vrindaban may not be hampered
- This requires a great amount of knowledge (to understand how a living entity leaves his present body & what form of body he is going to take in next life) understood from BG & similar literatures heard from a bona fide spiritual master. BG 1972 purports
- To become God conscious, Krsna conscious, is not very cheap thing. It requires a great amount of austerity, penance to come to this stage. So never be disappointed that because people are not responding
- We have got a limited, measured amount of energy throughout our life. We are not going to live forever, but we have got some energy by which we can create so many things
- We should not imitate him (Rupa Gosvami), but the devotees of the Krsna consciousness movement must at least be very careful to complete their sixteen rounds, their minimum amount of prescribed chanting
- We should not think that the demigods are God. God is one, but there are demigods who are also living entities just like us. The difference is that they have a considerable amount of power
- What is the amount?
- Whatever little money you save, put it in this. - And when it is filled up, it becomes a big amount. Similarly, these people, abodha-jata, rascals, if they little appreciate, "Oh, these people are nice," that is one asset
- Whatever service we can do for Krishna, even if somebody is not able to execute fully Krishna Consciousness, whatever amount of service he does it never goes in vain
- When a devotee cannot ascertain the cause of suffering he accepts that it is due to his own past misdeeds that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has caused him some small amount of suffering. Thus he offers obeisances to the Lord again and again
- When Sanatana Gosvami saw that a still he was hesitating then he increased the amount to $7,000. When the money was placed before him. He became captivated, "Oh, so much money I am getting. All right." Then he was released. He was taken off the handcuffs
- When we actually realize our identity as Brahman, our life becomes successful. Presently we are identifying with the body, but as long as we do so, we are no better than cats and dogs, although we may have a considerable amount of scientific knowledge
- When, by that process (of satisfying the senses), they become confused or frustrated in fulfilling the maximum amount of sense enjoyment, they try to become one with the Supreme, which is, according to their conception, mukti, or liberation
- Where is there a bread problem? Krsna can supply unlimited amounts of bread. There are thousands of elephants in Africa, and Krsna supplies food to them
- Why millionaires are committing suicide? He has got money. But they do not know that any amount of material comforts will not make them happy. That is not possible
- Without austerity, without celibacy, any amount of nonsense meditation will not help. So there is no comparison of our method with Maharishi's method
- Without revelation by the spiritual energy, one is unable to offer prayers glorifying the Lord. Any amount of philosophical speculation or poetic expression by mundane persons is still considered to be the action and reaction of the material energy
- You say that you can edit any amount we can supply, so I take that as a challenge and I shall try to see if you can keep up with me
- Your idea to send Mayapur Rs 6,800.00 monthly for construction costs only, and let them make up that same amount monthly which is their maintenance money, is a good plan
- Your proposal to move Tokyo Temple back to the center of Tokyo is very good. This was my Guru Maharaja's policy that we should remain in the big cities in order that the maximum amount of people could take advantage of our preaching