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Pages in category "Plan"
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- A fish that is taken out of the water cannot be happy by any arrangement on land. He must be supplied with water. In the same way, the minute sac-cid-ananda living entity cannot be really happy through any amount of planning in this material universe
- A great Indian scientist, busy in the planmaking business, was suddenly called by invincible eternal time while going to attend a very important meeting of the planning commission, and he had to surrender his life, wife, children, house, land, wealth etc
- A living entity desires comfort for his body and makes many plans for this purpose, but actually the body is the property of others. Indeed, the perishable body embraces the living entity and then leaves him aside
- A person who does not express his mind to everyone, or whose mental activity and plan of action are very difficult to understand, is called grave
- A planmaker is thus forced to accept another body in one of the 8,400,000 species of life according to the fruits of the work he has performed
- A systematic law of subsistence in the struggle for existence is there by the supreme will, and there is no escape for anyone by any amount of planning
- A tape recorder works, but it works according to the plans and under the direction of a living entity, a human being. The machine is complete, but unless it is manipulated by a spirit soul, it cannot work
- According to atheists, if one makes nice plans and works very hard for economic development, automatically the result of economic development will come
- Actually no one has his own plans because everyone is bound by the laws of nature and must act according to his tendency in material, conditional life
- Adherence to the philosophy of the Mayavadis, belief in the fruitive results of the karma-vadis, and belief in plans based on materialistic desires are called avirodha-priti
- Advaita Acarya said: "Formerly Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu always respected Me as His senior, but I did not like such respect. Therefore, My mind being afflicted by unhappiness, I made a plan"
- After death they (atheist class of men) do not know, they are so fools and rascals. After death there is life, they don't believe in. If they believe, then their whole plan is spoilt. But believe or not believe, there is
- After hearing of these arrangements, Balarama and Krsna, who are very expert in killing opponents, mildly laughed at the plans of Kamsa
- After hearing this plan of Kamsa's, Akrura replied, “My dear King, your plan is very excellently made to counteract the hindrances to your diplomatic activities"
- After his body was destroyed, he doubtlessly carried his plans with him by means of the subtle body, composed of mind, intelligence and ego. Thus he would get another chance by the grace of the Supreme Lord, the Supersoul, who is always within the heart
- After spending so much money, living at the cost of fathers, mothers - unemployed. No job. No food. Then plan something, Naxalite, this party, that party
- After taking Their supper, Krsna and Balarama came to bid goodnight to Akrura and asked him how Kamsa was dealing with Their friends and relatives. Krsna then inquired into Kamsa's plans
- After this, the other devotees - headed by Nityananda Prabhu, Jagadananda, Mukunda and Damodara - began to consider a certain plan
- Akrura replied, "One may make a very great plan with his fertile brain, but he must know that he will be subjected to the fruits, misery and happiness. But I have nothing to say against your proposal"
- Akrura replied, "We may make very great plans, but unless they are sanctioned by the supreme authority, they will fail. Everyone in this material world knows that the supernatural power is the ultimate disposer of everything"
- All (four social orders and four vocational divisions) were systematically planned and created by Brahma for the regular promotion of self-realization
- All persons who had joined the side of Duryodhana must have been birds of the same feather (he wanted to usurp the kingdom of the Pandavas by evil plans). BG 1972 purports
- All plans of materialistic happiness will automatically come to an end. The intelligent person makes a plan to return home, back to Godhead. Such an intelligent person surpasses all the pangs of material existence, like birth, death, disease and old age
- All schemes (of material world) are only useless scraps of paper in the face of war, famine, earthquakes & other disasters. All these disasters are warnings from Mother Durga, & by them she confirms her eternal superiority over the illusioned planmakers
- All the gopis conjectured that Akrura might have come again to fulfill another cruel plan. But they thought, "We are now dead bodies without our supreme master, Krsna. What further act can Akrura perpetrate against these dead bodies?"
- All these plans (of the so-called scientists) are ultimately failures because they are illusory. In this way the living entity forgets his position as an eternal servant of the Lord. He instead becomes a servant of maya. In any case he remains a servant
- Although all materialists are baffled in their plans, they try again and again to become happy in this material world. Therefore they have been described as vimudha - first-class fools
- Although demons have created many plans for industry and hard labor so that people will work day and night like animals, this is not the purpose of civilization. Such endeavors are jagato'hitah; that is, they are meant for the misfortune of the people
- Although everything is expensive, one thousand rupees sufficient for a person. You are each getting that. So the plan is all right. Now you try to become devotee. That will bring happiness. Otherwise there is no happiness
- Although sometimes plans appear contradictory, there is a definite plan behind all action. One who is experienced and is favored by the Lord can understand that everything is being done according to the Lord's supreme plan
- Although the Pandavas knew, "Our uncle's plan is to send us into that house and set it afire," they agreed to go there. After all, Dhrtarastra was their guardian, and they did not want to be disobedient to the order of a superior
- Another consideration was that all the friends of Kamsa outside Mathura were planning to attack Mathura. For that reason also Krsna's presence was required
- Arjuna, in the dress of a tridandi-sannyasi, remained in the city of Dvaraka for the four months of the rainy season, devising a plan whereby he could get Subhadra as his wife
- As a result of frustration, he desires more power than the ordinary living entity and thus wants to merge into the existence of the supreme enjoyer. In this way he develops a plan for greater enjoyment
- As he thought of Subhadra and her beauty, Arjuna became more and more captivated with the idea of marrying her, and with a plan in mind he dressed himself like a Vaisnava sannyasi, carrying a tridanda in his hand
- As husband & wife, a man & woman plan together to attain happiness & decrease unhappiness, working jointly in many ways, but because their activities are full of desires, these activities are never a source of happiness, and they never diminish distress
- As husband and wife plan together to attain happiness and decrease unhappiness, working jointly in many ways, but because their activities are full of desires, these activities are never a source of happiness, and they never diminish distress
- As I am planning to go to the United States shortly, and as over one year has passed since I was last there, I am requesting your good office to extend the validity of my Registration Card for another year
- As long as Draupadi had not taken her meals, food could be served to any number of guests, but the rsi (Durvasa Muni), by the plan of Duryodhana, reached there after Draupadi had finished her meals
- As long as one is under the influence of the material energy he makes many plans and schemes, but when one is Krsna conscious such dreamlike plans automatically disappear
- As long as their tendency for foolish work remains powerful, all their plans in the struggle for existence will be cut to pieces. I therefore offer my obeisances unto Him who acts as eternal time
- As mentioned in the last chapter, there was a great rumor that the five Pandava brothers, along with their mother, Kunti, had died, according to the plan of the sons of Dhrtarastra, in a fire accident in the house of lac in which they were living
- As soon as he (Indra) would see a saint undergoing severe austerities, he would send dancing girls to distract him. Even the great saint Visvamitra Muni fell victim to his plan
- As soon as one begins acting according to his plan, his life of distress immediately begins. Therefore, one should not be ambitious to dissipate the unhappy conditions of life, for one cannot do anything about them
- As stated in BG (BG 2.55), he (living entity) has to give up all sorts of plans manufactured by mental concoction. The living entity has to dovetail himself with the supreme will. That will help him to get out of the entanglement of material existence
- Aside from Satya-yuga, even formerly, in the days when demons were flourishing, Hiranyakasipu planned to destroy the brahminical culture and the ksatriya government and thus create chaos all over the world
- Asuras, they are simply planning for his own sense gratification. And devotees, they are simply planning how to satisfy Krsna's senses. That is the difference - how Krsna will be satisfied
- At night, hellishly engaged persons take advantage of wine and women to satisfy their tired senses, but they are not even able to have sound sleep because their various mental speculative plans constantly interrupt their sleep
- Athato brahma-jijnasa, when one is inquisitive to know the broader plan, Brahman plan. Brahman means the biggest, brhatva, the biggest. The biggest plan, if anyone wants to understand, becomes inquisitive, then his life, real life, begins
- Atma, or self, is distinguished from matter and material elements. It is spiritual in constitution, and thus it is never satisfied by any amount of material planning
- Because material energy (nature) is so powerful, it can resist the unauthorized plans of the atheists and baffle the knowledge of "planning commissions." BG 1972 purports
- Because the atheist's brain is improperly utilized in opposing the plan of the Supreme Lord, the atheistic planmaker is called duskrtina, which indicates that his intelligence and efforts are misdirected. BG 1972 purports
- Because they are missing the aim of life, they are committing suicide. And this varnasrama-dharma was planned in such a way that everyone would be spiritually advanced
- Because we have killed so many kings, all their friends and relatives are planning to come fight with us again. So don't think that we are free from all dangers. We are not. And we have no protection other than Your lotus feet. That is our position
- Before the reign of King Prthu there was no planned arrangement for different cities, villages, pasturing grounds, etc. Every thing was scattered, and everyone constructed his residential quarters according to his own convenience
- Being so favored by the Lord, Brahma's schemes and plans are all infallible. If sometimes Brahma is seen to be bewildered, he is bewildered by seeing the action of the internal potency, that is also for his further advancement in transcendental service
- Bhakti-lata-bija means “the seed of devotional service.” Everything has an original cause, or seed. For any idea, program, plan or device, there is first of all the contemplation of the plan, and that is called the bija, or seed
- Both Svarupa Damodara and Ramananda Raya sang to the Lord, who danced and enjoyed happiness until the morning arrived. Then the Lord's two associates devised a plan to bring Him to external consciousness
- Bound by such hallucinations, materialistic men prepare various plans for a still more comfortable life, but suddenly cruel death comes without mercy and takes away the great planmaker against his desire
- Brahma created this material world for the use of the living entities, but it was created according to a plan that they would be given directions by Brahma in the Vedas in order that they might ultimately leave it and return home, back to Godhead
- Brahma knows how to satisfy the Lord, similarly persons engaged in line of Brahma's plan of activities also know how to satisfy the Lord. The Lord is satisfied by the process of devotional service, consisting of the ninefold process of hearing, chanting
- But at least, they could not go there. Otherwise, why they are giving up this job? They could not go there. That's a fact. Their plan was to... They were selling land even on the moon planet
- By killing many living entities, your elder brother has destroyed all Bengal. Now here you are destroying all my plans
- By making plans with determination, one should give up lusty desires for sense gratification. Similarly, by giving up envy one should conquer anger, by discussing the disadvantages of accumulating wealth one should give up greed
- By no means could he find any fault in the character of Haridasa Thakura. Therefore he called for local prostitutes and began a plan to discredit His Holiness
- By no means could Ramacandra Khan find any fault in the character of Haridasa Thakura. Therefore he called for local prostitutes and began a plan to discredit His Holiness
- By the arrangement of supernatural power, even the great scientists and thinkers of the world suffer frustration of their various plans and thus rot in the material world birth after birth
- By the insurmountable intricacies of the material nature of the Lord, all these plans for progress are being constantly frustrated. They have no eyes to see that their attempts at peace & friendship are failing. But here is the hint to get over the hurdle
- Demons are very much interested in advancing a plan by which people will labor hard like cats, dogs and hogs, but Krsna's devotees want to teach Krsna consciousness so that people will be satisfied with plain living and Krsna conscious advancement
- Demons have created many plans for industry and hard labor so that people will work day and night like animals. Ksayaya: such activities lead to annihilation
- Despite all kinds of tribulations, the living entity, subjected to the necessities of the body, mind and senses and suffering from various types of disease, is carried away by many plans due to his lust to enjoy the world
- Devahuti is saying, "You are, in the end, the Supreme Soul and the supreme controller. Your will cannot be checked by anyone else." The Supreme Lord can check others' plans
- Due to ignorance, the materialistic person does not know anything about his real self-interest, the auspicious path in life. He is simply bound to material enjoyment by lusty desires, and all his plans are made for this purpose
- Due to lack of Krsna consciousness, people are being fooled by so-called leaders and planmakers. Consequently, the sufferings of the people are increasing
- Especially in the Western countries, their only plan is how to satisfy the senses. They have no other plan. But real life is to stop this line of civilization - nivrtti. Nivrtti means - stop
- Even if he is higher officer, everyone has to consult the higher authorities. Similarly, this means that I'll not independently make any plan, but I must accept the standard plan which is coming directly from the Supreme Consciousness through a channel
- Even if the living entity is born with a silver spoon in his mouth he will not be happy so such plans for economic development are simply cheating processes
- Even practicing the Vaisnava principles to a small extent can save one from the greatest danger of material existence. Thus Kasyapa Muni planned to instruct his wife Diti to become a Vaisnava because he wanted to save the life of Indra
- Every living being is under the plan of his natural inclinations in terms of the modes of material nature
- Every plan is made by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but He is so kind and merciful to His devotees that He wants to give the credit to His devotees who carry out His plan according to His desire. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone begins his activities with some plan and ambition, but actually, from the beginning of one's plan to the end, one does not derive any happiness
- Everyone is planning for future happiness, thinking that somehow or other, if he can reach a certain point, he will be happy. In actuality, however, when he comes to that point, he sees that there is no happiness
- Everyone knows it, but nonetheless one plans to hear or think something very pleasing. Unfortunately, all of one's plans are annihilated in due course of time
- Everyone tries to become happy by planning in the material world, but the law of nature is so cruel that it sets fire to one's schemes; the fruitive worker is not happy in his schemes, nor is there any satiation of his continuous hankering for happiness
- Factory is another name for hell. At night, hellishly engaged persons take advantage of wine and women to satisfy their senses, but they are not even able to have sound sleep because their various mental speculative plans constantly interrupt their sleep
- Following a calculated plan, Duryodhana sent Durvasa Muni and his ten thousand disciples to be guests of the Pandavas in the forest
- Foolish persons who do not have sufficient knowledge think that nature is moving without a plan and all manifestations are but accidental formations. BG 1972 purports
- Forgetting aim of life, one tries to adjust things by various plans & programs but this is like chewing what has already been chewed. Nonetheless, the Lord is so kind that He allows the forgetful living entity to continue in this way without interference
- Form is the combination of different types of sense perception. Predestined activities are the plans of the mental situation and the interaction of air
- From His (Garbhodakasayi Visnu) navel the stem of the lotus flower sprouted, and on the flower petals the birth of Brahma, or the master engineer of the universal plan, took place
- From this statement it appears that town and city planning is not new but has been coming down since the time of King Prthu. In India we can see regular planning methods evident in very old cities. In SB there are many descriptions of such ancient cities
- From your description of the Hawaii estate, it sounds very attractive. The tickets are received here, and I shall inform you when we plan to go
- Having seen his sister (Rukmini) forcibly taken away by Krsna after he had planned to marry her to Sisupala, Rukmi was frustrated
- He (Dhrtarastra) did everything in his power to achieve so-called success in his planned projects, but he was frustrated from the beginning to the end so far as his material activities were concerned
- He (Karna) always differed with Bhisma, and sometimes he was proud enough to say that within five days he could finish up the Pandavas, if Bhisma would not interfere with his plan of action. But he was much mortified when Bhisma died
- He (Subuddhi Raya) could not, however, avoid the social misconception that one becomes a Muslim when water is sprinkled on one’s face from a Muslim’s pitcher. Actually he was planning to give up his material life and leave his family
- He (the living entity) has to give up all sorts of plans manufactured by mental concoction. The living entity has to dovetail himself with the supreme will. That will help him to get out of the entanglement of material existence
- He (the living entity) still makes intellectual plans to further his existence, and therefore, although he gives up the gross body, he is carried by the subtle body to another gross body
- He (the materialist) mistakenly plans to enjoy bodily comfort in the human form of life through so-called economic development, through pious activities for elevation to the higher planetary systems, and in many other ways
- He has come to this material world, prakrti, and . . . or mental concoction, he's creating his plan and struggling for existence. This is real suffering. So Krsna consciousness movement means to save him from real suffering
- He is the master of varieties of energies, like the full material energy, and no one can understand His plans or actions; therefore it should be concluded that although He is the original cause of all causes, no one can know Him by mental speculation
- He knows everything, even within your heart, what you're thinking, what you are planning. It cannot be concealed to Krsna. This is our foolishness, that we are doing something, concealing
- Here in India, we are planning construction of a very large "Vedic Planetarium" or "Temple of Understanding"
- Hiranyakasipu has undertaken a most severe type of austerity. Although his plan is not unknown to you, kindly listen as we submit his intentions
- Hiranyakasipu murmured to himself, - Lord Visnu, who possesses great mystic power, has made this plan to kill me, but what is the use of such an attempt? Who can fight with me
- Hiranyakasipu planned a campaign to kill Prahlada Maharaja. He would kill his son by administering poison to him while he was eating, by making him sit in boiling oil, or by throwing him under the feet of an elephant while he was lying down
- Hiranyakasipu planned to kill the inhabitants of earth so that yajna would stop and the demigods, being disturbed, would die automatically when Lord Visnu, the yajnesvara, was killed. These were the demoniac plans of Hiranyakasipu
- Hiranyakasipu's main purpose was to disturb the demigods. He planned first to kill Lord Visnu so that with Lord Visnu's death the demigods would automatically weaken and die. Another of his plans was to disturb the residents of the planet earth
- His (Yudhisthira) actual arms were Krsna and Arjuna, and thus he surpassed everyone's opulence. Duryodhana, being envious of this opulence, planned so many schemes to put Yudhisthira into difficulty, and at last the Battle of Kuruksetra was brought about
- I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 21, 1975 with enclosed copies of the master plan and cost estimate of the Hyderabad land. Who has drawn this big scheme
- I have even seen a dying man begging a medical attendant to increase his life by four years so that he could complete his material plans. Of course, the medical man was unsuccessful in expanding the man's life, who therefore died in great bereavement
- I never deviated from this plan. Since I heard it from my Guru Maharaja, I've simply planning how to do it successfully
- I shall be seeing Alfred Ford here soon so at that time, we can discuss further and we shall inform you if we can devise a plan to get the building with Alfred's help
- I shall have to reside at Varanasi the rest of my life. If I do not try to carry out this plan, I shall certainly continue to suffer mental depression
- I understand from Gurudasa that you had some meeting amongst yourselves to chalk out the plan and I shall be glad to know what plan you have made, as he has mentioned this meeting in his letter, which I am replying herewith
- If a goat is to be killed after five minutes but you give it a morsel of grass, it is happy because it is eating. Just like a child - even if you are planning to kill her or kill him, he is happy and laughs because he is innocent. That is ignorance
- If George is actually prepared to spend 50% of his income, and thus become a typical example to other European householders, then I shall be able to give him a plan for organizing this ashram so much so that it will be very, very attractive to everyone
- If he (a demoniac person) has an enemy who might check the advancement of his sensual activities, he makes plans to cut him down by his own power. BG 1972 purports
- If the conduct of the pure devotee crosses the lines of ordinary morality it is because he acts on the plan of Absolute Morality which is not known to the conditioned soul and cannot therefore be imitated
- If there are good leaders, then they will see that the cheating scientists, they're spoiling state money. They'll be stopped in their nefarious activities. They could not become successful in the moon expedition. Now they have made another plan
- If we forget Krsna, if we make our own plan to satisfy myself, community, society, nation, this is forgetfulness, and the result will be gata-smrtir vindati tatra tapan. You get simply trouble
- If we misuse our intelligence and do not take advice from Krsna and manufacture so many plans for prosperity, that will all fail
- If whatever we do, whatever we eat, whatever we think and whatever we plan is for the advancement of the Krsna consciousness movement, this is oneness
- If you follow Krsna's instruction, you'll always be happy. And if you create your own plans, then you'll be unhappy. This is the whole instruction
- In animal life, eating, sleeping, sexual enjoyment and fear cannot be regulated, but for human society the plan is that although men, like animals, must be allowed to eat, sleep, enjoy sex and take protection from fear, they must be regulated
- In every country, there is a planning commission. But according to Bhagavad-gita, any plan you do, it is all rascaldom if it is without Krsna. It will fail
- In future if they follow, they will also be delivered. This is wanted. We have made some plan. We are making. So this will be left. When we shall die this will be left. And anyone who will accept this parampara system will be promoted to Krsna
- In India during the Mohammedan rule, many servants, by plans and devices, took over the posts of their masters
- In order to save the world to become hellish, the king was so alert. That is . . . that is also bhakti. Because the whole natural plan is to come back to home, back to Godhead. This is nature's plan
- In other words, the foolish leaders want to completely deny the existence of the Lord. In the name of secular state, such leaders are enacting various plans every year
- In the beginning the living entity wanted to enjoy the material energy, and to give the living entity all facility, Krsna, the SPG, created this material world and gave the living entity the facility to concoct different ideas and plans through the mind
- In the Bhagavad-gita (9.25) it is clearly said that those who worship the pitrs, or forefathers, attain the planets of the forefathers, that the gross materialists who make plans to remain here stay in this world
- In the Bhagavad-gita there is the essence of Vedic instructions. The plan is that the conditioned soul may fulfill his desire for material enjoyment and at the same time be trained up in spiritual identity to come back to Godhead, back to home
- In the next birth, one acquires remembrance from the Supersoul and begins to execute the plans begun in the previous life
- It appears that Kuntidevi was remembering the miserable days when she had been banished with her sons through the mischievous plans of Dhrtarastra and Duryodhana
- It is not possible for a tiny human being to estimate the purpose and plans of such activities; therefore Srila Jiva Gosvami has said that unless the Lord's activities are accepted as inconceivable, they cannot be explained
- It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam that this new also well-planned parks new, well-constructed city, developed within the sea, had regular planned roads, streets & lanes. There & gardens filled with plants known as kalpa-vrksas, or desire trees
- It was an open secret that Duryodhana wanted to usurp the kingdom of the Pandavas by evil plans, in collaboration with his father, Dhrtarastra. BG 1972 purports
- It was Maha-Visnu's plan that the brahmana would accuse the ksatriyas and Krsna, and Krsna would be obliged to come see Him to take back the brahmana's sons
- Jnanis, karmis and materialistic planmakers generally attract the attention of conditioned souls, but when the materialists cannot fulfill their plans and when their devices are frustrated, they become angry
- Just after his (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's) passing away, his leading secretaries made plans, without authority, to occupy the post of acarya, and they split into two factions over who the next acarya would be
- Just as a dog wanders here and there for a piece of bread or punishment, the living entity perpetually wanders about trying to be happy and planning in so many ways to counteract material misery. This is called the struggle for existence
- Kamsa said, "If somehow or other Krsna & Balarama escape, They will next meet the wrestlers & will be killed by them. That is my plan. & after killing these two boys, I shall kill Vasudeva & Nanda, who are supporters of the Vrsni and Bhoja dynasties"
- Kamsa said, "That is my request to you. Now, my plan is to kill these two boys. As soon as They come in the gate, there will be a giant elephant named Kuvalayapida waiting, and possibly he will be able to kill Them"
- Kamsa said, "With their help it will be easy to kill all the kings on the surface of the earth who support the demigods. This is my plan. In this way I shall be free from all opposition, it will be very pleasant to rule the world without obstruction"
- Kasyapa Muni planned to instruct his wife Diti to become a Vaisnava because he wanted to save the life of Indra
- King Yudhisthira was very anxious, however, when he heard that King Jarasandha of Magadha did not accept his sovereignty. Seeing King Yudhisthira's anxiety, Lord Krsna informed him of the plan explained by Uddhava for conquering King Jarasandha
- Knowing Duryodhana's plan, Krsna came to the Pandavas and asked their wife Draupadi if there were any remnants of food which she could offer to Him
- Krsna came to impress "This is not your place. You are creating so many plans to live here very peacefully, but that is not possible. Therefore you give up all this nonsense plan, just come to Me, surrender to Me, and I shall give you protection"
- Krsna continued, "The five Pandavas are the sons of King Pandu, but Dhrtarastra, due to Duryodhana's plans and designs, is not favorably disposed toward them"
- Krsna first of all constructed a very strong wall covering ninety-six square miles, and the wall itself was within the sea. It was certainly wonderful and was planned and constructed by Visvakarma
- Krsna is canvassing personally that - You give up all these plans, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja. That will save you from this precarious position of material world, threefold miseries, suffering after suffering after suffering
- Krsna said to Narada, "You know everything, and so I wish to question you. Are the Pandavas doing well, and what is the present plan of King Yudhisthira? Will you kindly let Me know what they want to do at present?"
- Krsna was asked by King Yudhisthira to help in constructing a suitable house to be planned by the great architect Visvakarma, the celestial engineer in the heavenly kingdom
- Laksmana said, "My dear Queen, my father was very affectionate toward me. When he understood that I was attracted to Krsna, he devised a plan like that devised by your father"
- Lord Buddha, for example, was an incarnation, yet he preached atheism: "There is no God." But actually there was a plan behind this, as explained in the Bhagavatam
- Lord Caitanya has given special stress to chanting of these holy names of the Lord as the basic principle of spiritual advancement. Another word used here is arjavena, meaning "without diplomacy." A devotee should not make plans out of self-interest
- Lord Krsna wanted to kill him, but He also wanted that those who served as military men for Jarasandha might not be killed. Therefore a plan was adopted to kill him
- Lord Krsna's capital, Dvaraka, was well planned, and similar other cities - Mathura and Hastinapura (now New Delhi) - were also well planned. Thus the planning of cities and towns is not a modern innovation but was existing in bygone ages
- Maharaja Drupada well knew that only Arjuna or alternately Karna could successfully carry out the plan. But still he wanted to hand his daughter to Arjuna
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had a plan to start teaching the people at sixteen . . . - Well, now, we can teach even a child, without waiting for sixteen
- Many, many plans, many, many skyscraper buildings, roads and motor cars. What is the real purpose? The purpose is they want to be happy. But that is not possible. Therefore they are vimudhan. Rascals. They are going in the wrong way
- Material energy is very powerful, and the atheist, due to his godless temperament, cannot know how it works; nor can he know the plan of the Supreme Lord
- Materialists foolishly make many plans to become happy in this material world. They do not stop to consider that they will live only for a certain number of years, out of which they must spend the major portion acquiring money for sense gratification
- Maya-sukhaya means the happiness which has no standing, false, illusory. For this purpose, bharam udvahato vimudhan, big, big adventure, big, big things, they are contemplating, planning. That is called ghora, ghora-rupa
- Most persons are passionate and ignorant, and therefore their plans and projects can hardly do any good to others
- Mukti means those who are disappointed. Disappointed must be because nobody can be happy here with this karmi plan. That is not possible. So he will be disappointed. But disappointed when? After many, many births' struggle for existence
- Mukti, or liberation from the laws of material nature, is sought by the leaders of mankind in different ways and with great plans and perseverance for a great many years and births. BG 1972 purports
- My dear Lord, all living entities within this material world are mad after planning for things, and they are always busy with a desire to do this or that. This is due to uncontrollable greed
- My dear Lord, You have set a plan in motion by descending to the material world, but no one can understand how You are acting
- My intention was to start this movement. I was simply planning in different way. Therefore Krsna's favor
- Narada Muni says in this verse (SB 4.29.62) that at death one takes his plans with him (grhniyat), and to execute these plans he gets another body. This is called punar bhavah
- Nature is baffling your plan. That you have to understand, "Why nature is baffling me?" That is real knowledge
- Now good boys like yourself and all my other spiritual sons and daughters all around the world have been giving me great hope that I may be able to successfully fulfill my Guru Maharaja's plan
- Now, artificially, they have made such a plan that if you can possess some papers written only - hundred dollars, five hundred dollars, fifty dollars - then you are rich. But actually that is not wealth
- On hearing the words of Garga Muni, Nanda Maharaja said, "If there is such danger, then it is better not to plan any gorgeous name-giving ceremony. It would be better for you to simply chant the Vedic hymns and perform the purificatory process"
- On the very day Ramacandra Khan was planning his intrigue against me, I would have left this place immediately, but because you came to me I stayed here for three days to deliver you
- On the way (of Jagannatha Puri) they (Sanatana Gosvami and Isana) stopped at a sarai, or hotel, and when the hotel keeper found out that Isana had some gold coins with him, he planned to kill both Sanatana Gosvami and Isana to take away the coins
- On what consideration is the printer being changed? I do not know anything of the printer being changed. In my opinion no one can print better than Dai Nippon. Why is the plan changed without my consent
- One may confess, "My Lord, out of my ignorance I committed this sin," but one should not plan, - I shall commit sinful activities and then go to church and confess them, and then the sins will be nullified, and I can begin a new chapter of sinful life
- One should act only to develop Krsna consciousness. For everything else, one should fully depend upon the Supreme Person. We should not create plans that will ultimately make us frustrated
- One should not practice religion with the aim of improving one's economic welfare, nor should the frustration of one's plans for sense gratification lead one to aspire for salvation, or liberation from material conditions
- Ordinarily one cannot change the course of one's due happiness and distress by plan. Everyone has to accept them as they come under the subtle arrangement of kala, or invincible time
- Originally it was planned that Jaya and Vijaya, the two doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, were to take birth in this material world, where, by the curse of the sages, they were to play the part of always being angry with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Our all activities are based on these three principles. With mind we plan: thinking, feeling and willing. And willing is given practical shape by the bodily work, or words, by speaking. So this is the test of a devotee
- Our desires cannot be satisfied by illusory thoughts and plans; rather, we have to follow the instructions of Lord Krsna: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66). Then we shall be happy
- Our plans to protect or annihilate do not act, but whatever He (the Lord) thinks of doing actually happens
- People are planning for peace in the world, but they do not know how to formulate that peace formula. You know. The United Nations are trying for the last twenty years or more than that for peace, but there is no peace actually in the world
- People are trying to be happy in this material world by accepting material objects, but their plans will never be fulfilled
- Persons like Dhrtarastra try to make plans to live there in a comfortable position with profit and interest, for they do not see things as they are. He is blind and continues to hope to live comfortably in the midst of all kinds of reverses of life
- Persons who are simply interested in material enjoyment make plans to execute prescribed duties. They are interested in the three elevating processes of religious rituals, economic elevation and sense enjoyment
- Philosophers, religionists, and people in general must take to this (Hare Krsna) movement very seriously, for man-made plans and devices will not help bring peace on earth. The transcendental sound Hare Krsna is not different from the person Krsna
- Plans for material enjoyment are made by the subtle body, and the gross body is the instrument for enjoying these plans. Thus the gross body can be compared to the wife, for the wife is the agent for all kinds of sense gratification
- Prahlada Maharaja said that fools and rascals in the material world plan so gorgeously for bodily comfort without knowing that such arrangements, even if successful, are only maya
- Preachers like Jagat Guru and Sridhara Swami Maharajas, and Madhavananda are arriving to Bombay to push on the membership, other preaching and collecting. As for your plan to invite university students to spend the weekend, it is very good; do it
- Preachers sometimes have to make some plan to execute the mission of the Lord under proper guidance
- Prthu Maharaja suggested that theistic men will solidly reject the views of the atheists on the grounds that there cannot be many varieties of existence without the plan of a superior intelligence
- Putana planned to kill Krsna. Krsna accepted the poisonous breasts of that demonic woman, and when He sucked the milk from her, He sucked out her life also. Nonetheless Putana was elevated to the same position as Krsna's own mother
- Putana wanted to kill Krsna. That was her plan. But Krsna, because He sucked the breast of Putana, He took him (her) as His mother. This is Krsna. Krsna never takes the bad side. Krsna takes always the bright side
- Real planning is this varnasrama-dharma
- Regarding the devotees coming to Mayapur-Vrindaban, I would have liked they come all at least once in a year, so let the other trustees consider. If they come once every five years, then it will be five years vacant. the installment plan is better
- Regarding whether to follow Tamal Krsna Goswami and work at architecture and mechanical plans in the Pennsylvania farm or to come and work in the same way with Saurabha in India, now Tamal Krsna himself is in India
- Since we cannot avoid the plan of the Supreme Godhead, we must agree to be directed by Him, just as a blind man is led by a person who has eyes
- Sisupala said, "In spite of all endeavors to the contrary, the time element executes its own plan without opposition. For example, one may try his best to live, but when the time for death comes, no one can check it"
- Situated on the vehicle given by material nature and reminded by the Supersoul within the heart, the living entity struggles all over the universe to fulfill his plans, thinking, "I am a brahmana," "I am a ksatriya," "I am an American," "I am an Indian,"
- So long they'll insist upon this point, that "Without Krsna consciousness we shall do everything successfully . . ." That is durasa. As long as they persist on this, they'll remain rascals. Every plan will be failure
- So suppose you are planning to do something, mischievous activity. You can cheat the man-made law or the man-made police, but how you can cheat Kṛṣṇa? He is sitting within your heart.
- So-called scientists are making various plans by which living entities in the future can live forever, but while they are thus pursuing such scientific knowledge, Yamaraja, in due course of time, will take them away from their business
- Sri Naradaji said: O King, blasphemy and praise, chastisement and respect, are experienced because of ignorance. The body of the conditioned soul is planned by the Lord for suffering in the material world through the agency of the external energy
- Srila Locana dasa Thakura has sung, apana karama, bhunjaye samana, kahaye locana dasa. Instead of taking good instructions from the sages and the sastras, godless nondevotees act whimsically, according to their own plans
- Such (false plan) economic development is never successful because it is illusory
- Such men (in the mode of passion) accept the standard ways of mundane altruism, but their plans are made on the basis of false ego. This false ego extends to the limit of becoming one with the Lord
- Such rascals (kings and presidents ignorant of sacrifice) simply make various plans, which always fail, and the people subsequently suffer disturbances
- Suddenly cruel death comes without mercy and takes away the great planmaker against his desire, forcing him to give up the present body for another body
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: O best of the advanced Aryans, after saying this much to the sons of Prajapati Daksa, Narada Muni, whose merciful glance never goes in vain, left as he had planned
- Sukadeva Gosvami said, "At first they were planning to chastise their sons for stealing butter, but as soon as the sons came before their eyes, they lost all of their angry attitudes and became overwhelmed with affection"
- Svarupa Damodara replied for Srila Rupa Gosvami, "He wanted to compose a drama about the pastimes of Lord Krsna. He planned to describe in one book both the pastimes of Vrndavana and those of Dvaraka and Mathura"
- That is Krsna's intelligence, how He adjusts. He gives everyone freedom. And everyone is given facilities, but still He's in botheration. Therefore Krsna advises his devotees that, - Don't plan anything. You rascal, you nonsense, you don't give Me trouble
- That was the plan of Duryodhana. Durvasa Muni agreed to this proposal, and he approached the King (Yudhisthira) in exile, according to the plan of Duryodhana, after the King and Draupadi had finished their meals
- The activities and plans of a Vaisnava cannot be understood by ordinary men
- The architectural plans were made personally by Visvakarma, the engineer of the demigods, and in the construction of the palaces he exhibited all of his talents and ingenuity
- The asuras who do not believe in the existence of God, make their own plans to counteract all these threefold miseries, and so they meet with failures every time
- The atheist planmaker is sometimes very intelligent and meritorious also, because any gigantic plan, good or bad, must take intelligence to execute. BG 1972 purports
- The atheistic plan-makers are described herein (BG 7.15) by the word duskrtina, or "miscreants." Krtina means one who has performed meritorious work. BG 1972 purports
- The beauty and opulence of the world can be enhanced by the grace of the Lord and not by any man-made planning
- The best plan is to prepare oneself to return to the spiritual sky after leaving the body. However, if one is intent on enjoying material facilities, one can transfer himself to other planets in the material sky by utilizing yogic powers
- The Bhagavata says that the best kind of plan or best kind of occupational duties is that which leads one to the devotional service of the Supreme Lord
- The caretaker, being thus insulted by Krsna, became very angry, and in order to challenge Krsna, as was previously planned, he provoked the elephant to attack
- The conclusion is that the sufferings of the representative of religion and the representative of the earth, as present before Maharaja Pariksit, were planned to prove that Maharaja Pariksit was the ideal executive head
- The conditioned souls, being unaware of this very simple fact because of forgetting their relationship with the Lord of Vaikuntha, try to plan out a permanent life in this material world
- The entire material energy is working according to the plans of Anantadeva. Therefore we should regard Him as the root cause of the material creation. There is no end to His strength, and no one can fully describe Him
- The fire can be extinguished only by the mercy of the Lord, who sends clouds to pour water on the forest. Similarly, undesirable happenings in life cannot be checked by any number of plans
- The first symptom of a self-realized soul is that he does not make any plan for his prosperity. Because we are always busy in making plan, "Now, after this, we shall do this. After this, we shall do this." But one who is self-realized, he has no plan
- The fruitive works include all kinds of economic development plans. But the law of nature provides that every action has its resultant reaction, and the performer of the work is bound up by such reactions, good or bad
- The government doesn't want further development of Vrndavana. They are neglecting the city in such a way that no gentleman will go there. The old city is so... Formerly, it was planned that "So many pilgrims come here. It should be nicely developed"
- The history of the universe is full of such planmakers, and many kings and emperors come and go, leaving a planmaking story only. But the prime problems of life remain unsolved despite all endeavors by such planmakers
- The human form affords one the special privilege to understand this plan, engage in devotional service and elevate oneself to the highest position of perfection by following the Lord's instructions
- The idea to have a wider larger altar for Radha-Krishna is approved however on the plan which you have enclosed it appears that there are pillars separating Lalita and Visakha from Radha-Krishna
- The kings or administrators are similarly chastised in all circumstances whenever they become godless and plan a godless civilization. That is the order of the Almighty
- The living entity tries to achieve happiness and rid himself of the causes of distress, but because the various bodies of the living entities are under the full control of material nature, all his plans in different bodies, one after another
- The Lord assumed the incarnation of Nrsimhadeva, and just to finish the enemy of the demigods, the Lord killed Hiranyakasipu in a manner beyond the demon's imagination. Materialistic plans of godless demons are always frustrated by the all-powerful Lord
- The Lord saw that Brahma was very anxious about the planning and construction of the different planetary systems and was depressed upon seeing the devastating water
- The mind plans material enjoyment, and the gross body serves as the instrument to realize such desires and plans. The mind is the platform onto which all desires come and go
- The minute sac-cid-ananda living entity cannot be really happy through any amount of planning conceived by his illusioned brain in this material universe. He must therefore be given a different type of happiness which is spiritual in essence
- The modern materialistic society is detached from its relation to the Supreme Lord. And all its plans which are being made by atheistic leaders are sure to be baffled at every step. Yet they do not wake up to this
- The original conception of the caste system was so planned that a group of men engaged in a particular type of occupation would not compete with another group of men engaged in a different occupation
- The plan decided upon by the sages was for Bhrgu to test which one of the predominating deities possesses the quality of goodness in full
- The plan is to give the conditioned souls who so desire a chance to enjoy sense gratification
- The plan of your husband and yourself, Yamuna, of going to India is approved by me, I am simply waiting for the place where you shall stay. I have already informed this matter to Guru das and he is preparing for this
- The plan should be made that everyone should be God conscious. Then every plan will be successful. Otherwise all, everything will fail
- The plan was that for his so-called misdeed the King (Maharaja Pariksit) could be cursed by an inexperienced brahmana boy infected by the influence of Kali, and thus the King would leave his hearth and home for good
- The planned execution of sinful deeds on the strength of chanting the holy name of the Lord or undergoing prayascitta, atonement, cannot give relief to anyone, even to Indra or Nahusa
- The plans for solving the problems of society have only aggravated the troubles
- The poor materialist makes plans to live comfortably here (on this planet earth) and thus wastes his valuable human energy in something that is doomed to frustration
- The power that baffles all the plans and designs of even the most intelligent person is the power of Maya devi, or the illusory energy
- The Pracetas planned to ask the Lord for something that has no limit. The Lord's pastimes, qualities, forms and names are all unlimited. There is no limit to His name, forms, pastimes, creation and paraphernalia
- The sketch of the land is not containing any dimensions. A more detailed map should be sent to me with the length and breadth measured in yards and clearly indicated on your sketch. How can a plan be drawn up without this information?
- The specific utterance of Srimad-Bhagavatam in regard to "other animals" means that persons who are simply engaged in planning a better type of animal life consisting of eating, breathing and mating are also animals in the shape of human beings
- The spiritual world is that place where Krsna is not forgotten. That is also the definition of the spiritual world given by Vedic literatures. We must therefore plan our lives in such a way that it will not be possible for us to forget Krsna for a moment
- The story is told that at one time a man, very much attracted to a beautiful woman, wooed the woman in such a way that she devised a plan to show him the ingredients of her beauty
- The story of the potter. The potter is planning. He has got few pots and he is planning, "Now I have got these four pots and I will sell. I will make some profit. Then there will be ten pots. Then I'll sell ten pots, I'll make some profit"
- The sufferings of human society cannot be counteracted by material plans. The only way suffering can be mitigated is by Krsna consciousness
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is always thinking of plans to save them from their hellish life
- The symmetry of creation and its regulative actions and reactions suggests the plan of an intelligent brain behind them, and by genuine inquiry one may find out the ultimate cause with the help of one who knows them factually
- The temple plan enclosed is approved by me, but we must have full control over the temple, otherwise we are not going to take charge. We cannot make any compromise on this point
- The Vaisnava, or devotee is the perfect sympathizer for all suffering humanity. Others' sympathy is not perfect. They are planning so many things - opening hospitals or charitable dispensaries, schools, lunatic asylum
- The varnasrama institution is planned in such a way that one will not commit sinful activities. Material existence continues due to sinful activity
- The varnasrama-dharma, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, this is plan just to teach the whole society how to perform yajna. Varnasramacara-vata. Therefore this is the beginning of human civilization
- The Vedic plan for eating recommends that one take yajna-sista, or prasada, food offered to Krsna. The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because they eat food that is offered first for sacrifice - BG 3.13
- The Vedic process of sense gratification is therefore planned in such a way that one can economically develop and enjoy sense gratification and yet ultimately attain liberation
- The Vedic social situation is so planned that persons accepted as sudras can gradually be elevated to the position of brahmanas by the cultural advancement known as samskara, or the purificatory process
- The wealth of the world should be used for the welfare of all living entities, for that is the plan of Mother Nature. Everyone has the right to live by utilizing the wealth of the Lord
- The whole civilization is a plan of cheating others. That's all. And they're all sinful. According to our Vedic understanding, there are four things sinful, pillars of sinful life: illicit sex, unnecessary killing of animals, intoxication and gambling
- The whole point here is that even Hiranyakasipu, the most powerful of materialists, could not become deathless by his various plans. What, then, can be accomplished by the tiny Hiranyakasipus of today, whose plans are thwarted from moment to moment?
- The whole system of society was so well planned that all the members of society in their different positions as brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras had no difficulty in earning their livelihood. There was no competition among the divisions of society
- The whole system of the material creation is planned so that the conditioned souls may have the opportunity for self-realization
- The whole system of the material world is arranged with that program and plan (to give conditioned souls a chance to go back to Godhead). Anyone who violates the plan is punished by the law of nature, which is acting by the direction of the Supreme Lord
- The whole universe, or for that matter all material existence, is moving on as jagat, simply for planning business to make one's position very comfortable or secure
- The word cori-bhute indicates that the population has turned to thievery. According to Vedic understanding, men are transformed into thieves when they plan economic development for sense gratification
- The yajna system is planned in such a way that sensory conscious persons may satisfy their desires without becoming entangled in the reaction of sense-gratificatory work. BG 1972 purports
- There are many so-called scientists who suggest that perhaps it was like this, or maybe like that, but there is no question of "perhaps" and "maybe." There is a specific plan being carried out in this material world. What is this plan? BG 1972 purports
- There is a great plan behind the arrangement. Maharaja Pariksit requests the great sage Sukadeva Gosvami to explain all these authoritatively, in accordance with proper understanding
- There is a plan for material nature, personally known as Durga, to punish the demons
- There is no happiness in the material sphere - even in Brahmaloka - so plans and activities for elevation to higher planets within the material universe are carried out by those who are less intelligent
- There were many politicians who planned empires, supremacy and control of the world, but in due time all their plans and empires - and even the politicians themselves - were vanquished
- There were many politicians, social reformers and philosophers who died very miserably, without deriving any practical value from their material plans
- These marriage things are done very psychologically, scientifically, so that they may become happy, and then, in peaceful mind, combine together, good cooperation, they make progress, spiritual. This is the plan, varnasrama-dharma
- They (Nitya-baddhas) go on merrily with plans, but by the will of the Lord both the planmakers and the plans are annihilated at the end of a certain period, as above mentioned
- They (residents of other planets) presented various gifts to the King (Prthu) and acknowledged him as the proper type of king by whose planning and activities everyone throughout the universe could be happy and prosperous
- They (so-called svamis) say, "Don't encourage service to Lord Narayana. It is better to serve the starving people of the world." Unfortunately such materialists, either singly or combined in the form of the United Nations, cannot fulfill their plans
- They (the mistaken leaders) mislead us into taking some temporary benefit, but how long can their plans and schemes go on? If they persist until they die of heart failure or are killed by assassins, then another just like them takes their place
- They (the rascals) will never agree to accept Bhagavad-gita as it is. They'll never agree. The other day I was there in Kuruksetra. They have got their own plan-manava-dharma, this dharma, that dharma. Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya
- They (those who are not actually philosophers, scientists, educators, administrators, etc.,) simply manufacture their own worldly plans and consequently complicate the problems of material existence in their vain attempts to solve them. BG 1972 purports
- They are frustrated in all their various plans by supernatural power. Even great sages, if they are against Your transcendental topics, must rotate in this material world
- They are planning so many things for future, but it is being baffled. So many schemes, so many there are. Our . . . in India there is a planning commission, after independence. So whatever they did, all failure
- They cannot make any plan successful without Krsna consciousness. So long they'll insist upon this point, that "Without Krsna consciousness we shall do everything successfully..." That is durasa
- They have only one aim in life-sense gratification-and in order to achieve this end they make plans for economic development. Misguided men think that religion should be maintained because it contributes to economic development
- This human form of life is especially meant to dissipate ignorance, but without understanding how to dissipate ignorance people are planning and building many things. After death, however, all of this is finished
- This ignorance about the eternity of the living being and the change of covering in the material world has played havoc in the structure of modern human society. Consequently there are many problems, multiplied by various plans of modernized man
- This is another side of a woman's psychology. Even though a woman is very fond of fulfilling her own plans, when someone instructs her, especially her husband, she innocently follows, and thus she can be trained for better purposes
- This is the whole plan of material nature (that things should not be used for sense gratification) according to the directions of this material nature
- This is very instructive verse (SB 7.9.19). The whole world is planning to give relief to the suffering humanity, but foolish people, do not know you may do your best, but if it is not sanctioned by Supreme Lord, all these measures will not be of any use
- This material energy is also called Durga, which indicates that it is a force which is very difficult to surpass. No one can surpass the laws of Durga by any amount of childish plans
- This material existence is a place of misery. This is maya. We are living in this conditional life of material existence, which is full of misery, but by the spell of maya, illusion, we are thinking, we are planning that we are happy
- This plan-making business is maya, because that will never be successful. Trace out the history of the whole world. Nobody has become happy
- This sense gratifying social and political set-up, maintained by various plans and schemes, has been described in Bhagavad-gita as follows - BG 16.10-11
- Those who are puffed up by the mode of passion try to lord it over material nature in various ways. Some of them engage in altruistic activities as if they were agents appointed to do good to others by their mental speculative plans
- Thus Rukmini thought that since she did not worship Siva or Brahma very much, they might have become angry and tried to frustrate her plan. Similarly she thought that goddess Durga, the wife of Siva, might have taken the side of her husband (Sisupala)
- Thus the nonbelievers almost burned to ashes and died out of envy. To retaliate, they planned various ways to give trouble to Srivasa Thakura
- Trying to defy the authority of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, so-called scientists, philosophers and politicians manufacture plans and schemes for the destruction of the world
- Unable to tolerate that such respect was being offered to Haridasa Thakura, Ramacandra Khan planned in various ways to dishonor him
- Under illusion & the modes of passion and ignorance, all his (atheist's) plans are baffled, as in the case of Hiranyakasipu & Ravana, whose plans were smashed to dust although they were both materially learned as scientists, philosophers, etc. BG 1972 p
- Unfortunate men of this age are always reluctant to give a reception to the transcendentalists who are representatives of Srila Vyasadeva and selfless workers always busy in planning something which may help everyone in all statuses and orders of life
- Unfortunately, because of material contact, the living entity forgets this (God & the living entity are intimately related) and wants to enjoy the material world independently, according to his own plan. This illusion (maya) is very difficult to surmount
- Usually such foolish demons take shelter of a demigod like Lord Siva to execute their ulterior plans, and so in order to get strength, Salva took refuge at the lotus feet of Lord Siva
- Varieties of life develop not by chance but by prearrangement. There is a plan, which is already outlined in the Vedic knowledge
- Varnasrama is planned for material life in a systematic way so that, in due course of time, one may give up the family relationship and take sannyasa and completely devote for Krsna's service
- Varnasrama-dharma, that is material. Varnasrama is planned for material life in a systematic way so that, in due course of time, one may give up the family relationship and take sannyasa and completely devote for Krsna's service
- We are all trying to achieve peace and freedom from these (three categories) miseries, at least unconsciously, and in the higher intellectual circles there are attempts to get rid of these miseries by ingenious plans and designs
- We are called rupanuga, "strictly following the footstep of Rupa Gosvami." Rupanuga-varaya te. And our Guru Maharaja was . . . rupanuga-viruddhapasiddhanta-dhvanta-harine: Anything against the plan of Rupa Gosvami, not accepted
- We are making a very gorgeous plan at Mayapur and if you altogether can give shape to this plan, it will be unique if not in the whole world then at least in all of India
- We are making our plans how to enjoy. That is our foolishness. And Krsna says - You give up all these nonsense plans. Come to Me
- We are thinking independent and we are planning so many things independently to become happy. It is not possible. That is not possible. That is maya's illusory play
- We can discover so many plans and remedial measures, and that will not help us. Only solution is to surrender to Krsna. Krsna gives this nice advice: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam
- We have actually seen that when one man was about to die he requested his physician to give him a chance to live four more years so that he could finish his plans. This means that while dying he was thinking of his plans
- We have lost our portion of country as Pakistan and fighting since . . . this was a plan by the British government, that "Divide them in such a way. They will perpetually fight. They will never be happy." This was their plan
- We have personal experience of a person of such demoniac mentality, who, even at the point of death, was requesting the physician to prolong his life for four years more because his plans were not yet complete. BG 1972 purports
- We have taken Bhagavad-gita as the standard of all human activities. If the leaders of the human society take it as standard, then all the problems will be solved. That we can give practical suggestions. Any plan of the atheists will never be successful
- We have to engage our consciousness . . . there is a supreme plan, supreme plan, all over the creation of the world, supreme plan. Everything is going on under some plan
- We know that this is all a well-planned trick. You know how to make jokes that cause the complete annihilation of women, but we can understand that Your real mind, words and behavior are different. Therefore please give up all these clever tricks
- We must plan our lives in such a way that it will not be possible for us to forget Krsna for a moment. In this way, by engaging in the service of Krsna, we will therefore always live in Vaikuntha or Vrndavana, the abode of Krsna
- We say that there is necessity of a putra, or a son; therefore to have a son, a wife is necessary. Therefore wife is accepted. This is a plan
- We should be ready always that this 'ka-ka-ka', this material vibration, this lecturing, this planning, at any moment can be finished. Chant Hare Krsna. If you are finished, then you go to Vaikuntha immediately
- We struggle very hard to adjust things in so many ways, but nature's laws are so cruel and dangerous that in spite of our hopes and plans the blazing fire of the problems of material existence continues
- What is the purpose of creation? There must be some plan. When you manufacture something, do something, there must be plan. So what is the plan behind this cosmic manifestation
- What is this temple? The same ingredients, the same cement, same brick, same stone, same worker, same plan as the skyscraper. But what is the difference? Because it is cikitsitam, it is for Krsna
- When Dvivida gorilla heard the story of his friend Bhaumasura's being killed by Lord Krsna, he planned to create mischief throughout the country in order to avenge the death of Bhaumasura
- When he was offered a benediction by Lord Nrsimhadeva, Prahlada Maharaja said: My dear Lord, I only lament to see others bereft of Your love. I am simply lamenting for them and devising various plans to deliver them from the clutches of maya - SB 7.9.43
- When it was disclosed to Lord Balarama that the so-called sannyasi was Arjuna, who had planned such a device simply to take away Subhadra, and that he had actually taken her, He became very angry
- When Kali could not penetrate into the daily behavior of the people, he planned killing of Pariksit Maharaja. So one Kali brahmin cursed him to death, for no fault practically. Therefore the brahmins of this age, they are condemned
- When Lord Balarama visited that place (Naimisaranya) there was a great sacrifice being performed by a great assembly of transcendentalists. Such meetings were planned to last thousands of years
- When one forgets that he is an eternal servant of Krsna, he wants to enjoy the material world through different plans. At that time he distinguishes between material plans that are good and those that are bad. Actually, however, they are all false
- When one indulges in illicit sex life, as defined by the sastras, either by thinking, planning, talking about or actually having sexual intercourse, or by satisfying the genitals by artificial means, he is caught in the clutches of maya
- When the gross body is finished, the plans of the living entity are taken by the mind, and by the grace of the Lord, the living entity gets a chance to give these plans shape in the next life. This is known as the law of karma
- When the living entity is covered by the influence of maya, he becomes a so-called scientist, philosopher, politician or socialist, and at every moment presents different plans for the benefit of human society
- When the new city was fully constructed according to plan, Krsna transferred all the inhabitants of Mathura and installed Sri Balarama as the city father
- When the Pandavas were going there in the presence of all the members of the royal family, Vidura tactfully gave instructions to the Pandavas about the future plan of Dhrtarastra
- When the term of the living entity's imprisonment or punishment in the lower species is finished, he is again offered a human form and given a chance to decide for himself which way he should plan
- When Vasudeva saw that Kamsa was determined to kill his sister Devaki, he thought to himself very deeply. Considering the imminent danger of death, he thought of another plan to stop Kamsa - SB 10.1.47
- Where is the site plan? Give me the length and breadth of the site. I can give it to Saurabha. He'll make a nice building plan
- While in the subtle body, we create many plans to enjoy sense gratification. These plans are recorded in the spool of one's mind as bija, the root of fruitive activities
- Why (Bharatpur Trust) cannot donate the whole thing and we shall spend our money to make it very wonderfully done up and renovated. But I think their plan may be to give us the temple only, because that cannot be sold, and no one can maintain it any more
- Without Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, this kingdom is not pleasing to me. Therefore please try to devise some plan to enable the Lord to stay here
- Without such a regulative process (of varnasrama-dharma), no one can perform yajnas, and without the performance of yajnas, no material plans can make human society happy at any time. Everyone should therefore be induced to perform yajnas
- Without taking to God consciousness and accepting the authority of the Lord, the living entities become ultimately confused and frustrated in their planmaking attempts
- Without the Lord's sanction, nothing can happen. It is to be understood that there was a plan in the cursing of the Lord's devotees in Vaikuntha, and His plan is explained by many stalwart authorities
- Wrestling matches are still enjoyed by people in northern India, & it appears from the statements of Srimad-Bhagavatam that five thousand years ago wrestling was popular. Kamsa planned to arrange such a wrestling competition & to invite people to visit
- Yes, the plan you have sited for the lake and island is approved by me. I am very glad that you are doing this work and since the work started on September 8th, it is already going on
- You give up your own plans, nonsense plan. You take My (Krsna) plan. You'll be happy. - This is the whole purpose of Bhagavad-gita
- You know in Delhi there is Planning Commission? What is that plan? That people may starve, and Indira Gandhi and company may flourish. That's all
- You make many scientific plans to overcome - it is not possible. Then how it is possible? Mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti. Unless you surrender to Krsna . . . that is your business
- You should encourage him and if his plans are feasible then perhaps Dallas would be the most suitable headquarters for the Southern zone
- Your plan to have the Rathayatra on July 18th, down 5th Avenue, is approved by me and I shall try to be there definitely. However make the carts very strong