Category:Our Plans (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Plans (Disciples of SP)"
The following 94 pages are in this category, out of 94 total.
- A Krishna Conscious marriage is not based on sense gratification but rather mutual cooperation between husband and wife for making advancement in spiritual life and also for raising Krishna Conscious children
- As far as a centralized medical plan for the whole society, no such plan or facility or insurance has seemed practical as yet. The best thing is to work it out locally
- As far as possible, our business is to induce persons how he becomes Krsna conscious. That's all. For that reason, you can make your plan, because that is Krsna's plan. But that should also be sanctioned by Krsna
- Don't make any plan. Accept Krsna's plan. That will be simply giving trouble to Krsna. Therefore, a devotee does not pray even for his maintenance. That is pure devotee. He doesn't give trouble to Krsna even for his bare maintenance
- Don't make your own manufactured, concocted plan. Therefore, to guide you, a Krsna's representative required. That is spiritual master. So there is a huge plan and huge scheme. Therefore we have to follow the footsteps of the mahajanas
- Gargamuni and Tamala Krishna are making plans to open 108 centers within a three year period. So I very much appreciate how my disciples are taking this movement to their heart of hearts, and are working very sincerely to propagate it
- Give facility to the people. Here (in New Mayapura) is very nice arrangement. Now make plan how to utilize. You have got enough land. You can utilize for supplying the necessities of life
- Go on with your life time plans making secure in distributing of books. There is no cessation. This movement is eternal
- I am glad you are so enthusiastic for making our plan of a daily world newspaper a success. It is a very large task. To publish a daily newspaper requires a huge establishment and the editor must be very well versed so that he can comment on all fields
- I am so pleased that you will be holding a grand scale Rathayatra Ceremony, and in London also they are planning a very glorious function with at least 5,000 guests participating
- I am very anxious to hear from you how you are proceeding towards India. Whether you have obtained a visa, etc. Please inform me by return mail of your present position and plans
- I am very glad to learn that you are planning to celebrate the appearance day of Lord Caitanya with a nice ceremony and installation of the Deities at the grand opening of the New Navadvipa Temple
- I am very pleased to learn that you are planning for a nice Rathayatra Festival in Boston. Please do it nicely, and take many nice photographs for publication in BTG
- I am very, very glad that you are planning your three-day festival in Central Park next summer. That will be especially triumphant celebration for me
- I approve your plan to combine together with Kesava to lead a party of Spanish speaking devotees with nama-sankirtana to every town and village in Spain
- I approve your plan to relocate to Bhaktivedanta Manor within the next year
- I can appreciate that you are traveling widely in your recently expanded zone and you plan to first become acquainted with the temple presidents by traveling is good
- I fully approve your plan to come to India for Kumba Mela and to work mainly in India after that, visiting America every six months to see that everything is going on properly with the life membership program
- I have all approval of your plan to travel from temple to temple in order to give them the benefits of your carpentry skill. Do it nicely
- I have also heard that you are making plans for a very large order of my books from the BBT to be sold on a door to door basis on the style of the encyclopedia sales. If you can do this it will revolutionize our book distribution
- I have heard from Jayatirtha you want to make big plan for centralization of management, taxes, monies, corporate status, bookkeeping, credit, like that. I do not at all approve of such plan. Do not centralize anything
- I quite approve your plan for manufacturing Jagannathas and do some profit out of it for maintenance of our temple
- I quite approve your planning on becoming a householder, and at the same time serve the cause of our society. A Krishna Conscious member even though he is a householder may spend at least 50% of his income for the society
- I received the plan of my house in Mayapur from Bombay address. I do not approve of this plan just yet. I liked one plan which I saw in London. Where is that original plan? Then I can make comparison
- I simply want things to be developed which we have got, not to make so many big big plans and changing all the time, that is not very practical
- I very much approve of your enclosed brochure, and I am pleased by your festival plan for the colleges all over the state. Actually, this roving Sankirtana and college program is the most appropriate plan for spreading Krishna Consciousness and preaching
- I very much approve of your plan for spreading Krishna Consciousness in the black African neighborhoods in New York and other places
- I'm very pleased that you're opening a nice center in the important city of Pittsburgh. Please develop the Pittsburgh and New Vrindaban plan conjointly
- If he has no maintenance, he'll suffer, fasting; still, he'll not ask Krsna, "Krsna, I am very hungry. Give me some food" Of course, Krsna is alert for His devotee, but a devotee's principle is not to place any plan to Krsna. Let Krsna do
- If somebody has got money and if he wants to spend it for Krsna, then we can give plan, a very nice temple, you see, spending millions of dollars. We have got such ideas and such plans. But that does not mean that we are depending on a temple
- If somebody has got money, he wants to construct temple, it is welcome. We can give nice plan how to do it. In India there are Radha-Krsna temples, just like one temple is as good as a big fort
- If we have regular plan of selling books, then there will be no scarcity of money
- If you are doing so nicely in Austin and neighbouring places, then go on with that program. And go on preaching on the college campuses, as you are planning to do in San Antonio. These colleges are our great future hope
- It is a good opportunity both ways: to keep good relations with your father and to make money and serve Krishna with the money profusely. Your plan for supplying the temples with nice ornaments for their Deities is also very good
- It is good news that you have come to your senses that nothing should be done by contractor. Everything should be done by ourselves. Mr. Saraf is experienced, so take his help. So go on raising funds, constructing, and send me the plans
- It is very good news that you are getting one bus for traveling with the Sankirtana party. Our first plan was like that - that we should have a nice Sankirtana party and travel all over the country
- It will be a great satisfaction if you kindly visit our Mayapur establishment to see how things are going on there. We are developing a plan there to be self sufficient
- Now if our students strictly follow the chalked out plan; namely chanting 16 rounds daily, following the restrictive regulations and reading at least one chapter from our books, then automatically they become ordained ministers
- Now you all GBC make a plan how to introduce the books in every home. The same policy in other languages also. We have got much work ahead. Don't think our business is finished
- Regarding George's request to supervise the work in his monastery, I think you should help him because he is our good friend and by that way you shall be able to utilize his telegraph machine, etc. This is a good plan; I completely approve of this
- Regarding our sankirtana party members dressing up as hippies in order to increase book distribution this is not a very good plan. I am instructing Bali Mardan Maharaja that this should be stopped, that we should not give anyone cause to call us hippies
- Regarding Rukmini, I think that if she is desiring to marry Upendra then that idea is very nice and approved by me. If she will rather wait for awhile that is all right but in either case Upendra should be informed of her plans
- So I approve of Karandhara's plan not to give more money to the Press until all debts and books owed are cleared and settled up. If you think that by lowering the prices of our books that things will improve, I have no objection
- So we want to give the citizens the positive value of Krishna consciousness way of life, so for that activity we must always be preaching very strongly in the public. Therefore I approve your plan to run for public office
- The Los Angeles plan as described by you is so nice. The climate of Los Angeles is very much suitable for me
- The words, the plans and the instruction which is coming directly from Krsna, that thing we have to accept. We shall not make any our own plan. That is the way of making progress
- There is no hurry to build the exhibition hall in Mayapur if you have not yet made the site plan for the city
- This brain taxation, if you engage in Krsna's service - how to spread Krsna consciousness, how to convince people about Krsna, how to take them to the Krsna's desire - in this way, if you go on making plan for spreading KC, then your mind is controlled
- This Sankirtana Movement should be planned very diligently, and it should be pushed on. Then our propaganda will surely come out successful
- Tomorrow we go to Fiji for some time, and the laying of the foundation stone of our new temple there, then on to Hawaii, and by about June 1st, we should reach Los Angeles. After that we are planning to visit Detroit, New York Rathayatra
- We are developing a plan to be self-sufficient. Namely, to produce our food grains, maintain cows, for drinking milk, and weave cloth for garments. We have plans for erecting a magnificent international city based on this Vedic culture
- We are holding festivals, feasting, philosophy and salvation-why shall we not spread our influence and overthrow them? Regarding your plan to travel around the world staging such Hare Krsna Festivals-yes, do it, you have my blessings
- We are planning to begin an illustrated book of all of Krishna's pastimes and stories, so a very good, hard working artist will be required. So if you can practice to do this, it will be great service
- We are planning to print an enlarged edition of this book, with purports to each & every verse. The book was abridged due to the request of the Macmillan Company, but I am not satisfied with this, so we'll print the complete work in an unabridged edition
- We do not have so many men; it requires at least five men to maintain a center, so I approve of your plan to close the center and travel in South Africa
- We have a plan for expanding our Sankirtana and we will be needing so many hundreds of mrdangas. So you have got the fiberglass shells there, so I am informing Jayapataka Swami to arrange for one or two Bengali craftsmen to come and stay with you
- We have got the plans drawn by Saurabha and that architect, Mr. Suri, still, if we have not got sufficient funds and if there is long delay to get them, better to go ahead and build something little cheaper and very simple
- We have neither changed our plan nor have we any intention of changing our plan of developing Hare Krishna Land in Bombay
- We have never discouraged family life, so both of you are intelligent and can make your plan. Keep your situation fit for rendering service to the Lord more enthusiastically. That is my desire
- We have to plan our activities in such a way that we become stronger, not weaker. Physically I am becoming weak, so you boys become stronger
- We require so many paintings now as we are planning to print so many illustrated books and there are so many new temples that are opening of our Krishna Consciousness Movement. So as many nice paintings as you are able to do can be well-utilized
- What are ISKCON's future plans here? Will a temple be built? - Yes, temple is already there. Here is a temple. Unfortunately, nobody coming. What can I do? We are prepared to give this nice philosophy to everyone
- Where is the site plan? Give me the length and breadth of the site. I can give it to Saurabha. He'll make a nice building plan
- Yes, I have heard of your plan to open a branch in Trinidad. That will be very nice and the selected members are approved by me
- Yes, I have seen the spot for the factory-mandir. Go ahead with the plans and send me a copy of the plans. It is very nice that Mr. Patnai will help us. Persist in that direction. He will be a great help if he can get some land for us
- Yes, it is a very good proposal that you should run for Mayor in Atlanta. I very much approve of this plan
- Yes, your plan for travelling and preaching was very much approved by me
- Yes, your plan to have all temple presidents report the scores on new men recruited is approved by me. You can keep count which temple is recruiting the most men, just as they keep count of the book distribution
- Yes, your plan to keep headquarters half year in Chicago and half year in Dallas, that is approved by me
- You are able and willing to help us in our construction plans in New Vrindaban.The construction of the houses is already under way because Nara Narayana has already submitted to me some plans along with an estimate of the needed finances
- You can continue to work at trying to get the park for constructing our temple there as previously planned. Keep me informed as to the progress
- You have to prepare strong devotees, not import them. You yourself become strong devotees and teach others by your example. Importation is not a good plan; everyone should be strong by behavior and action
- You plan to have travelling parties go out village to village preaching and distributing my books in Telegu language is very important. Do it nicely
- You try to make successful BTG as you have recently planned and then you may proceed to London
- You wanted to come here to take further inspiration from the L.A. temple activities. So you may ask Muljibhai to come with you also, and we can discuss together our future plans for India. I will be very glad to see you both at that time
- Your attempt to construct a temple from donation of life members is welcome. Also your plan to get large tax returns. Now do it cooperatively. You are intelligent and experienced - all work together there for the glory of Caitanya's sankirtana movement
- Your foremost duty is to abide by the will of your husband. Your husband is not an ordinary boy-he is educated, intelligent, sober, and a devotee of Lord Krsna. Therefore, whatever he plans, you should follow
- Your plan for bringing Lord Jagannatha to Atlanta is also approved by me, provided there are sufficient Brahmans and other suitable arrangements
- Your plan for holding marriages in the theater, and on the theater roof will be acceptable. What will be the expected income?
- Your plan for starting an Indian philosophical society amongst your students is very good for propagating Krishna consciousness. Wherever you may remain please do not forget Krishna Kirtana and it will do good to you and your friends
- Your plan to get a large vehicle for traveling with built in shower, kitchen etc. is approved by me. But you should try to get new, because the old ones are always needing repair
- Your plan to increase our exposure through the media is very nice and completely approved by me
- Your plan to remain in Boston till March and then start for N.Y. for film opportunities is quite approved by me. Thank you for your energetic enthusiasm
- Your plan to spend up to one month in each big university city sometimes taking an apartment for conducting regular evening meetings is approved by me