speculative | speculatively
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Pages in category "Speculative"
The following 81 pages are in this category, out of 81 total.
- A devotee is as thoughtful as a nondevotee is speculative
- A devotee is not at all interested in speculative activities. Instead of cultivating speculative knowledge or practicing mystic yoga, a devotee should worship the Deity in the temple and continuously engage in the Lord’s service
- A little elevated from speculative status, when one is intelligent enough, one tries to find out the supreme cause of all causes - within and without
- After performing speculative activities for many, many births, when one actually comes to his real consciousness and surrenders unto the Supreme Lord, Krsna, then the fulfillment of his research in knowledge is actually achieved
- After the Lord (Caitanya) accepted the sannyasa order of life, He delivered speculative students, atheists and those who are attached to fruitive activities and unnecessary criticism
- An intelligent man does not try to understand the Absolute Truth by speculative or mystic power. Rather, he engages in devotional service & depends on the S.P. of God. He knows that whatever may happen to the body is due to his past fruitive activities
- Arjuna, as a devotee, does not depend on his speculative strength; rather, he admits his limitations as a living entity and acknowledges Krsna's inestimable position. BG 1972 purports
- Aroha-pantha means inductive process: to know from here, from the lower status to the higher status, speculative method, or ascending process
- As long as one is too much absorbed in the bodily conception of life, he becomes interested in many different processes of self-realization, such as the mystic yoga system or the system utilizing the speculative empiric methods
- Because of ignorance, one speculatively thinks himself liberated from material contamination although actually he is not
- Because we are imperfect. Suppose a big professor, just like that Russian Professor Kotovsky, they are trying to understand things by so-called inductive process, or aroha-pantha, going up by one's speculation, by speculative method
- Being too much aggrieved, Arjuna practically became choked up, and therefore it was not possible for him to reply properly to the various speculative inquiries of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- Bodily consciousness means sensual consciousness. Above that, there is mental consciousness, speculative, philosophical, poetic. Above that, intellectual consciousness. And Krsna consciousness - above intellectual consciousness
- Brahma said, "By the speculative method one may gain partial knowledge of Your cosmic manifestation, but it is not possible to understand You, the origin of everything"
- Brahma said, "Devotional service is so important that even a little attempt can raise one to the highest perfectional platform. One should not, therefore, neglect this auspicious process of devotional service and take to the speculative method"
- Brahma said, "The best process for understanding You is to submissively give up the speculative process and try to hear about You, either from Yourself as You have given statements in the BG and many similar Vedic scriptures, or from a realized devotee"
- He (God) cannot be understood by speculative philosophical research or by meditation, since all such processes came into existence after the material creation
- He (Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura) says that persons following the paths of karma-kanda and jnana-kanda (fruitive activities and speculative thinking) are missing the opportunities for human birth and gliding down into the cycle of birth and death
- How can persons who are within this clouded portion, called the material world, conceive of the Absolute Truth by the speculative method
- I am glad to note that you have got the highest estimation for Gita. I am just trying to present the conclusion of Gita to the world as it is and without any imperfect compromise with speculative interpretations
- If he (a jnani) persists to understand what is the Absolute Truth by his jnana method, by his speculative method, then still he will have to change many, many births
- If one speculatively interprets the Vedanta-sutra or Bhagavad-gita, saying, "The word krsna means this, and kuruksetra means that," one is simply wasting one's time. One should hear this literature as it is
- If we attempt to reach conclusions by dint of our own speculative powers, however, we are subject to fall into error
- If we try to understand Krsna by the speculative process, we will have to spend many lifetimes of speculation; but if we take to devotional service and just try to please Radharani, then Krsna can be very easily realized
- If you want to know Krsna tattvatah, in truth, then you have to go through this bhakti process, not by your speculative process. Krsna is not open to your sensual gratification
- Impersonal speculation aims at disproving the conclusion of the Vedas. Therefore any impersonal speculative presentation should be understood to be against the principles of the Vedas, or standard scriptures
- In the unconditioned stage the living entity directly receives knowledge from the Lord, and such a liberated soul acts flawlessly, without any speculative habit
- In this (CC Madhya 20.135) connection, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives the following statement. The northern side represents the speculative method, sometimes known as the mystic yoga system
- In this age no one needs to change his position, but one should give up the endeavor to understand the Absolute Truth by speculative reasoning. One should learn to become the servant of those who are in knowledge of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- In Vedic literatures sometimes fruitive activities, mystic yoga and the speculative search for knowledge are praised as different ways to self-realization, despite such praise, in all literatures the path of devotional service is accepted as the foremost
- It was He (Krsna) only who withdrew the duration of life from everyone and who, in the battlefield, withdrew the speculative power and strength of enthusiasm from the great military phalanx made by the Kauravas, headed by Bhisma, Karna, Drona, Salya, etc
- Karma-kanda is compared to wasps and drones that will simply bite if one takes shelter of them. Jnana-kanda, the speculative process, is simply like a ghost who creates mental disturbances
- Krsna can be understood only by the process of undivided devotional service. He explicitly explains this in this verse (of BG 11.54) so unauthorized commentators, who try to understand Bhagavad-gita by the speculative process, will know. BG 1972 purports
- On the whole, Srimad-Bhagavatam, the spotless Purana, can be learned only through devotional service, not by material intelligence, speculative methods or imaginary commentaries
- One has to acquire pure knowledge from the authorized scriptures. So-called speculative arguments about the Absolute Truth are therefore useless
- One may begin with understanding impersonal Brahman by the speculative method; then, in the secondary stage, one can understand the Paramatma, the Lord's localized aspect; and the final stage is to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- One should not uselessly labor in mental speculation to estimate the Lord's qualities. There is no need of adopting the speculative method or exercising the body to attain mystic yoga perfection
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is not a process of trying to convince people of some speculative idea. This movement is actually bringing people to their real position - that they're all part and parcel of Krsna
- Our speculative theories that atma, the living force, is a combination of matter, that matter is a transformation of the soul, or that the body is part of the soul are all insubstantial
- Revealed knowledge may in the beginning be unbelievable because of our paradoxical desire to verify everything with our tiny brains, but the speculative means of attaining knowledge is always imperfect
- Ritualistic performances are in the field of karma. Speculative processes are in the field of jnana. One who has taken to bhakti, the devotional service of the Lord, need have nothing to do with karma or jnana
- Simply by the speculative process one cannot be freed from material bondage, for the cause still exists. One has to nullify the cause, and then the effect will be nullified
- Spiritual activities other than bhakti-yoga are divided into three categories - speculative activity conducted by the jnana-sampradaya (learned scholars), fruitive activity conducted by the general populace according to Vedic regulations
- Srila Rupa Gosvami mourns in this connection for persons who are in the fire of false renunciation, the dry speculative habit, and who neglect devotional service
- Suta Gosvami said: Arjuna, the celebrated friend of Lord Krsna, was grief-stricken because of his strong feeling of separation from Krsna, over and above all Maharaja Yudhisthira's speculative inquiries
- The difference between the impersonalists and the personalists is that the impersonalists, limited by their speculative processes, cannot even approach the SPG, whereas the devotees please the SPG through His transcendental loving service
- The dryness of material happiness cannot be moistened by so-called philosophers who cry for Brahman, liberation and similar dry speculative objects. The urge of the soul proper is different
- The first-class devotee is not interested in dry speculative methods meant for wasting time. In other words, one who has attained a mature determination in the matter of devotional service can be accepted as the first-class devotee
- The four major vices are (1) illicit connection with women, (2) animal slaughter, (3) intoxication, (4) speculative gambling of all sorts. A gosvami must be free from all these vices before he can dare sit on the vyasasana
- The Gita is not a speculative treatise for the insignificant mundane scholar but is a standard book of knowledge coming down from time immemorial. BG 1972 purports
- The highest stage of transcendental activity is always free from all material desires, fruitive efforts and speculative attempts at knowledge
- The Lord (Caitanya) was so kind that He accepted all these people (speculative students, atheists and those who are attached to fruitive activities) and delivered to them the most important factor in life: love of God
- The Lord is revealed not by one's speculative power or by one's verbal jugglery over the Absolute Truth. Rather, He reveals Himself to a devotee when He is fully satisfied by the devotee's service attitude
- The members of modern civilization manufacture defective religious principles through speculative concoction. This is not dharma. They do not know what is dharma and what is adharma
- The process is very simple. You haven't got to take difficult processes like yoga system or philosophical, speculative system. That is not possible in this age
- The process of mystic yoga, the speculative method for searching out the Supreme Absolute Truth, does not appeal to one who is always absorbed in thoughts of Krsna
- The speculative process of self-realization, or the jnana process, is suicidal
- The speculative research work of a so-called scientist or philosopher is always interrupted when he dies, and the laws of nature go on without regard for his work
- The Vedas deal with three departments of activities. Jnana-kanda, the process of understanding the Absolute Truth by speculative methods
- The word jnana-ghanaya is especially used here (in SB 8.3.12) to refer to those whose knowledge has become solidified by dint of their searching for the Lord through speculative philosophical understanding
- The word samsaya means "doubtful knowledge." Speculative and pseudo yogic knowledge is all doubtful
- There are certainly many Vedic injunctions, ritualistic and sacrificial performances, regulative duties, meditative techniques and speculative processes, but Krsna's order - "Always think of Me and become My devotee" - should be taken as the final order
- There are different platforms and status of consciousness. Bodily consciousness means sensual consciousness. Above that, there is mental consciousness, speculative, philosophical, poetic
- There are many different branches of these categories - speculative activity, fruitive activity and the activities of transcendentalists
- There are so many speculators, theosophist, theologist, philosopher, Mayavadi. They are speculating about God by . . . but that, by that process, by speculative process, you cannot understand God. That is not possible
- They (pure devotees) do not concern themselves with many obscure speculative theories, which are in actuality so many stumbling blocks on the path of transcendental understanding
- This is a reference to the speculative theories of Gautama, Kanada, Patanjali and Kapila
- Those who are averse to the Transcendence realize the Supreme Absolute Truth differently through speculative sense perception, and therefore, because of mistaken speculation, everything appears to them to be relative
- We have to accept the Bhagavad-gita or any other Vedic literature in good faith. These Vedic literatures are the only source of knowledge about the Lord. We must understand that we cannot comprehend the Absolute Truth by the speculative process
- We should not be like the Mayavadi philosophers, who try to find God by speculative deduction. "Neti neti," they say. "God is not this, and God is not that." But what God is they do not know