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Pages in category "Reappear"
The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.
- So reappearing, that is natural. That is not wonderful thing. Everyone is reappearing
- Such powers (by which one can disappear from vision and reappear in a different form) are also mystic powers. The possession of such mystic power is called isita. The demons generally learn such mystic powers by the practice of yoga
- When Krsna left the rasa-lila dance, the gopis became very morose, and when they were grieving, Krsna reappeared dressed in yellow garments. Wearing a flower garland & smiling, He was attractive even to Cupid. In this way Krsna appeared among the gopis
- When the cosmic manifestation reappears, all the silent living beings within the womb of material nature come out and engage in sense enjoyment, thereby growing luxuriously fat