- this Category is used for compiling the word sense as in the meanings of "sense of duty","common sense" etc. and not "sense" as in "sense gratification" etc. These are compiled under the Category "Senses"
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Pages in category "Sense"
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- A false life either as a lord or a mendicant meets with frustration until the living being comes to his senses and surrenders to the Lord as His eternal servant. Then the Lord liberates him and saves him from repeated birth and death
- A false sense of everyone's being a miniature Krsna, who tries to enjoy the world to his best capacity, while overlooking the transcendental service of the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, the complete whole and the origin of all
- A glossary of some of the important words in this chapter (SB 4th Canto, Ch 28): Malayadhvaja - A nice devotee who is like sandalwood, Pancala - The five sense objects, Paricchada - The total aggregate of the senses
- A Krsna conscious person, however, being always engaged in devotional service, does not risk losing his senses to some other engagement. This is a better way of controlling the senses than by the astanga-yoga. BG 1972 purports
- A material body includes senses. However, the sense activities of so-called scientists who try to be free from God's law or the laws of nature are useless
- A preacher is giving real sense. To awaken this sense, Krsna had to come personally. And he is doing the same work: "Surrender to Krsna." How much great service it is
- A transcendentally situated person has no sense desires resulting from petty materialism; rather, he remains always happy in his natural position of eternally serving the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- A young man and a young woman meet, and the senses drive the young man to see her, to touch her and to have sexual intercourse. BG 1972 purports
- According to some authorities, the present tense is also used to indicate the nearest margin of time from the past. In that sense, the present tense is applied to the reign of Maharaja Pariksit here. For a continuous fact, also, present tense can be used
- According to the grammatical rules, there are many atmaramas, but one sense of the word is sufficient to represent the others. In the collective sense, all the atmaramas are inclined to worship the Supreme Lord Krsna
- Actually Krsna is not partial to anyone, but externally it appears that He is partial. This partiality (of Krsna on the battlefield showing some partiality and sides with Arjuna), however, should not be accepted in the ordinary sense
- Actually there was great competition, and King Indra, to satisfy his senses, began to invent so many irreligious systems to obstruct King Prthu. To stop these irreligious inventions, Lord Brahma personally appeared in the sacrificial arena
- Actually, everyone is dasa because everyone is a servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In that sense, the bona fide brahmana has first claim to the appellation dasa. Therefore in this case the designation dasa is not incompatible
- Actually, the proprietor is the Supreme Lord. We are just guest in His house. We are not proprietor. We must have, we must develop this sense, that Krsna is the proprietor, or the Supreme Lord is the proprietor
- Actually, the sun is always in its fixed position, but owing to our defective, insufficient senses, we calculate the appearance and disappearance of the sun in the sky. BG 1972 purports
- After uttering the word 'atmaramah' fifty-eight times and taking 'ca' in a sense of aggregation, one may add the word 'munayah.' That will mean that great sages also render devotional service to Lord Krsna. In this way there are fifty-nine meanings
- All devotees are more or less poets. Out of 26 qualifications of a perfect devotee, one is poetic sense. So we can write so many poetries in praise of the Lord, or about His pastimes
- All of Krsna's lilas are present simultaneously throughout the innumerable universes. By our limited senses we cannot appreciate this; therefore Krsna’s eternal pastimes are very difficult for us to understand
- All the senses have to be stopped in their external activities and concentrated on the form of visnu-murti, the form of God. The mind is very turbulent, but it has to be fixed on the Lord in the heart
- Although a man may be for all intents and purposes unconscious - he cannot see, feel, smell, etc. - the sense of hearing is so prominent that a sleeping man may be awakened just by sound vibration
- Although he (the person in Krsna consciousness) appears to be acting with his body and senses, he is always conscious of his actual position, which is spiritual engagement. BG 1972 purports
- Although in one sense He (Krsna) is the maker of this caste system all over the world, still, in another sense, He is to be understood as not its maker
- Although the husband of Rukmini and Radha's Krsna are on the same level in the ordinary sense, still, in the spiritual world, the names indicate different understandings of various aspects of Krsna's transcendental personality
- Although the krpana offers prayers to Lord Krsna for material things, the Lord takes away whatever material possessions the krpana has and gives him the sense to become a devotee
- Although the Kumaras were already liberated persons, they nevertheless became angry. This point is very important. Becoming liberated does not necessitate losing one's sensual activities. Sense activities continue even in the liberated stage
- Although the living being has the tendency to be illusioned and trapped by the material energy, he belongs to the antimaterial energy, or spiritual energy. In this sense the living being is the positive energy, whereas matter is the negative
- Although the living being has the tendency to be illusioned by the material energy for sense enjoyment, he belongs to the antimaterial, or spiritual energy. In this sense the living being is the positive energy, whereas matter is the negative energy
- Although the material causes are the place, the worker, the endeavor and the senses, the final cause is the Supreme, the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Another meaning of bhuta is anyone who has taken birth or anything which is produced, so in that sense Lord Siva may be accepted as the father of this material world. Bhrgu Muni takes Lord Siva as the leader of the lowest creatures
- Any sane man with properly discriminating senses can understand that life in the material world is full of miseries and that no one is free from the actions and reactions of such miseries
- Arjuna also inquires about atma, which refers to body, soul and mind. According to the Vedic dictionary, atma refers to the mind, soul, body and senses also. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna understands that renunciation in knowledge involves cessation of all kinds of work performed as sense activities. But if one performs work in devotional service, then how is work stopped? BG 1972 purports
- Artificially, such sense desires cannot be stopped. But if one is engaged in Krsna consciousness, then, automatically, sense desires subside without extraneous efforts
- As a boat on the water is swept away by a strong wind, even one of the senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man's intelligence - BG 2.67
- As far as damah (self-control) is concerned, it is not only meant for other orders of religious society, but it is especially meant for the householder. Although he has a wife, a householder should not use his senses for sex life unnecessarily. BG 1972 p
- As His energies & activities increase, He also increases His knowledge to understand them. Both are increasing unlimitedly, & there is no end to it. In that sense it can be said that even God Himself does not know the limit of His energies and qualities
- As long as there is a demand for sense satisfaction, there is no chance for pacification; on the contrary, by unnecessary dry speculative arguments, the whole matter becomes distorted, and thus the Lord moves still further away from our understanding
- As mentioned above, the word mayat is also used in the sense of "transformation"; sometimes it is also used to mean "by-product"
- As supplying food to the stomach enlivens the senses and limbs of the body, so simply worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead through devotional service automatically satisfies the demigods, who are parts of that Supreme Personality - SB 4.31.14
- As the Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): "The living entities in this conditioned world are My (Krsna's) eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind"
- As there is no fear of a serpent with broken teeth, so there is no fear from the senses when they are automatically controlled. BG 1972 purports
- As we have already pointed out, these dualities - such as heat and cold, pleasure and pain - arise due to the contact of the senses with their objects. In other words, they are born of identification with the body
- At present we are guided by the consciousness of self-interest. but we do not know what our real self-interest is. Actually we do not have self-interest, but sense interest
- At the fag end of life, they are thinking, if intelligent person, that "What I have done actually?" If one has sense, he should come to this understanding
- Because everyone who has come to this material world, that is for sense gratification. Those who deny to satisfy Krsna, they are sent here, "All right, you satisfy your sense by your labor here"
- Because in material conditions the mind and senses are always agitated, by the yogic procedures like dharana, asana and dhyana one must quiet the mind and concentrate it upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Bhagavad-gita is the science of Krsna, and if we study it scrutinizingly with all of our argument, sense and philosophical knowledge, we will come to know that science. It is not that we are to submit ourselves blindly
- Bhagavan possesses all opulence. If one possesses Bhagavan within his heart always, does he not automatically possess all opulence also? In that sense a great devotee like Narada can be called bhagavan
- Bhakti means when we engage our senses, in the service of the proprietor of the senses, that is our perfect life. but as soon as we desire to use our senses for the gratification of the senses, that is called karma. That is called material life
- Bharata Maharaja ruled the whole planet (it was called Bharatavarsa and the Vedas were also written that time), but gradually the planet was divided up. So the dharma of Vedic culture should not simply be considered Indian or Hindu in a sectarian sense
- Big, big stalwart acaryas, mahajanas, they are accepting; therefore we accept. That is sense. And if you sit down, "No, no, I have no faith," you'll sit down and remain a rascal, that's all
- Body means the senses, and above the senses there is the mind, which is very subtle, which is controlling the senses, and above the mind there is intelligence, and above the intelligence there is soul
- By calling Nityananda Prabhu a bhrasta avadhuta (a rejected paramahamsa), Advaita Acarya Prabhu in a sense accepted Nityananda Prabhu as a paramahamsa
- By hearing His (Krsna's) message, we learn to control the tongue, and after the tongue is controlled, the other senses follow
- By proper conviction and intelligence one should gradually cease sense activities. This is called pratyahara
- By such drinking they (the descendants of Vrsni and Bhoja) became delirious and bereft of sense, so much so that they forgot their relationship with one another and used harsh words which touched the cores of each other's hearts
- By such endeavor even the most forgotten soul is roused up to the sense of spiritual life, & thus being initiated by the bhaktivedantas the people in general gradually progress on the path of transcendental realization
- By transformation of the false ego in passion, intelligence takes birth, O virtuous lady. The functions of intelligence are to help in ascertaining the nature of objects when they come into view, and to help the senses
- Caitanya explained briefly the transcendental situation and spiritual enjoyment of life, and He taught that the first stage of perfection is to become a religious man in the ordinary sense, as known in the material world
- Caitanya said that one should be in a humble state of mind, should think himself lower than the grass on the street, should be more tolerant than a tree, and should be devoid of all sense of prestige and ready to offer all kinds of respects to others
- Certainly there are many troubles for the traveler when he is in unknown places. But all such troubles are at once mitigated as soon as the sense of his family affection is remembered & as soon as he returns home he forgets all such troubles on the way
- Chanting Hare Krishna does not require any artificial artistic sense, but still, if the procedure is presented rhythmically, then the people may be attracted more by the transcendental music
- Christ was so magnanimous that he took all their sins and suffered, but that does not induce them to stop all these sins. They have not come to that sense. They have taken it very easily. - Let Lord Jesus Christ suffer, and we'll do all nonsense
- Confidential devotees of the Lord see in every step a benedictory direction of the Lord. What is considered to be an odd or difficult moment in the mundane sense is accepted as special mercy of the Lord
- Controlled means mind and the senses. And the prominent sense is sex. That is called control. So if you want to become immortal, then you must practice this. Of course, in Western countries, it is very difficult
- Dasa means servant, and go means senses. And if you are master of the senses, then you are gosvami. Every word has meaning. So without being fit, we should not use this word as personal designation
- Devotional service to the SG means engagement of all the senses in His service. In such service there are two important features: 2nd, the senses should be engaged only in the service of the SG, the master of the senses. That is pure devotional service
- Do you think this flower which is coming out daily in your garden in different colors and different smell and flavor, they are being done without any artistic sense? This is nonsense. There is sense. There is God's potency
- Due to a greater sense of intimacy, the devotee functioning in parental love chastises and rebukes the Lord in an ordinary way
- Due to the interaction of water with the taste perception, the subtle element odor evolves under superior arrangement. Thence the earth and the olfactory sense, by which we can variously experience the aroma of the earth, become manifest
- Empiric philosophers, unable to go beyond these (24 material) elements (5 gross and 3 subtle), 5 knowledge-acquiring senses, 5 active senses, 5 objects of sense pleasure & mahat-tattva, speculate that anything beyond them must be avyakta or inexplicable
- Even a common man, coming to his senses, can know that the real person who was within the body and was hearing and replying was never seen. For that which was never seen, what is the need of lamentation
- Even great sages are not able to control the forces of the senses as effectively as those who are engaged in transcendental bliss by serving the lotus feet of the Lord, uprooting the deep grown desire for fruitive activities. BG 1972 purports
- Even sometimes amongst the gopis there is envy, but that enviousness is transcendental and should not be accepted in the mundane sense
- Every sense is always busy in searching for its food, and thus the conditioned soul is assaulted from all sides and has no chance to become steady in any pursuit
- Everyone can be an isvara. So we are also controller of something. A business man is controller of his business; I am controller of my disciples. There are so many controllers. So in that sense, everyone is isvara, in the sense of controller
- Everyone in this material world is attempting to acquire riches to satisfy the senses. Actually no one cares for anything other than acquiring material possessions and maintaining them
- Everyone is trying to be happy by his work. A man, ordinary worker, he is also trying to be happy by working, and a great capitalist, he is also trying to be happy by work. But Bhagavad-gita says that they are trying to be happy in what sense?
- Everything is full of sense and logic, and the exchange of views between the master and disciple is possible only when the reception is submissive and real
- Faith is created according to one's sense. It is not very essential. If there is something positive, you have faith in the negative, so it doesn't matter
- First of all a mouth appeared in Him, and then came forth the organ of speech, and with it the god of fire, the deity who presides over that organ. Then a pair of nostrils appeared, & in them appeared the olfactory sense, as well as prana, the vital air
- First the total material energy is manifested, and from this arise the three types of egotism, which are the original sources from which all demigods (controlling deities), senses and material elements expand
- For our spiritual advancement of life we must have the sense that "Why we should accept unnecessary things which is not at all important?" The four things are restricted: no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication
- From any stage of life, or from the time of understanding its urgency, one can begin regulating the senses in KC, devotional service of the Lord, and turn the lust into love of Godhead - the highest perfectional stage of human life. BG 1972 purports
- From Srimad-Bhagavatam we can know the substance as well as the relativities in their true sense and perspective
- From the sky situated within the transcendental body of the manifesting Maha-visnu, sense energy, mental force and bodily strength are all generated, as well as the sum total of the fountainhead of the total living force
- Go means "senses," and svami means "controller"; so one who can control the senses is to be considered a gosvami. Krsna indicates that one who identifies with the illusory material body cannot establish himself in his proper identity as spirit soul
- God has many thousands of names or God has no name. No name means He has, He has got so many thousands of millions of names that you cannot say, "This is only God's name." This is one sense
- God is not senseless. If He is senseless, then there was no use of speaking this Bhagavad-gita and taking it so very important book so that world is reading very carefully. He's not senseless. He is full sense
- Guru means heavy. Therefore Vedic injunction is tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). You must. Abhigacchet, this word is used when the sense is "must." Not optional, that I may go or I may not go. No, you must. This is Vedic injunction
- Happiness derived from a combination of the senses and the sense objects is always a cause of distress and should be avoided by all means. BG 1972 purports
- Happiness is generally perceived through our senses A stone, for instance, has no senses and cannot perceive happiness and distress. Developed consciousness can perceive happiness and distress more intensely than undeveloped consciousness
- He (a devotee) simply wants to engage everything in the service of God; therefore he has no problem (with the senses). He stands in his original constitutional position. All this is possible when one receives Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's merciful glance
- He (Brahma) the Supreme Personality of Godhead's incarnation of the mode of passion in the material world. He is nondifferent, in the representative sense, from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore the influence of time cannot affect him
- He (Dhrtarastra) had become a pauper in the true sense, yet he wanted to live comfortably in the house of the Pandavas, of whom Bhima especially is mentioned because personally he killed two prominent sons of Dhrtarastra, namely Duryodhana and Duhsasana
- He (God) is antiseptic in the sense that even an impure thing can become purified just by touching Him. The word "prophylactic" refers to the power of His association
- He (Krsna) is the supreme spiritual form, and it is not possible to understand Him by our limited senses
- He (Lord Siva) was allured by the beautiful woman Mohini-murti, but when his semen had been fully discharged, he came to his senses and realized how he had been victimized as soon as he saw the woman in the forest
- He (Narayana) enlivens the body, the senses, the breath of life, and the heart, and thus they move. Know Him to be supreme
- He (Visvamitra) became a great yogi, and yet he failed to check his senses and thus was obliged to become the father of Sakuntala, the beauty queen of world history
- He engaged his sense of smell in smelling the fragrance of tulasi offered to the Lord, and he engaged his tongue in tasting the Lord's prasada
- He gives heart and senses to a woman, who falsely charms him with maya. He enjoys solitary embraces and talking with her, and he is enchanted by the sweet words of the small children
- He has no sense, "So why I have taken so much overload? I can get grass anywhere. Let me remain free." But he has no such sense. Neither he will be allowed. (laughs) This is ass
- Heat and light are not fire, but without fire there cannot be heat or light. In that sense, heat and light are nondifferent from fire. This material world is like the heat and light of the supreme fire
- How then can He (God) be impersonal? His musical taste, artistic sense and standard intelligence, which is never fallible, are different signs of His supreme personality
- How this gigantic material manifestation can work independently? They have no sense. Therefore they say, "There is no pilot. It is moving automatically." This is asuric conclusion
- Hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam bhaktir ucyate (CC Madhya 19.170). By serving the Lord, one’s senses are gradually purified. The engagement of one’s purified senses in the service of Lord Hrsikesa is called bhakti
- Hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam: (CC Madhya 19.170) when our senses are free from material designations, we will utilize them in the service of the master of the senses, Hrsikesa, or Krsna
- I am just speaking opposite, from the beginning of my preaching. So why you are coming? So if you stick to your position, real human civilization, people will come, gradually. Because they have got the sense
- I am so much grieved to learn the news of our revered god-brother, Swami Bhakti Sadhak Niskincana Maharaja, and I am so glad to learn that he passed away in full sense chanting "Krishna, Krishna". This is a glorious death
- I have already given, the example: the same whip, to the animal it is no suffering, but for a man, simply by seeing it is suffering. It is the question of sense. That is the difference between man and animal
- I have already surrendered to my sense activities, to my whims, to my whimsical activities. Why not surrender to Krsna? - A little intelligence. You cannot be independent
- I have started this Krsna consciousness movement in this country to make people happy: happy in this life, happy in next life. This is not temporary sense happiness
- I take charge of yoga-ksemam. - yoga-ksemam means what is not in possession, to supply that thing. Just like if a child is completely dependent on the parents, the parents has the sense that, "My child requires at this time this thing." They already there
- If a child, a small child, I ask him, "My dear child, you take my shoes and keep it there," he will immediately agree. He has no sense, "Oh, he is asking me to take his shoes." He will immediately agree. Even he is very rich man's son
- If I go away from this body, who seeks for the happiness of this body? This common reason they have no sense. Why I am seeking happiness
- If it is not possible with our limited senses to perceive a material thing like the sun, how is it possible to perceive the nonmaterial
- If one cannot externally serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can serve the Lord within one's mind, since the activities of the mind are as good as those of the other senses. This is called the nondual or absolute situation - advaya jnana
- If one is engaged in Krsna consciousness, then, automatically, sense desires subside without extraneous efforts. BG 1972 purports
- If one somehow or other becomes Krsna conscious by applying his senses in the service of the Lord, one is immediately freed from material contamination. Such are the effects of Krsna consciousness
- If one's mind and senses are completely absorbed in Krsna consciousness, one is experiencing bhakti
- If the kingly administrative order, being unrestricted in sense control, offends the brahmana order and enrages them, then the fire of that rage burns up the whole body of the royal family and brings grief upon all
- If the mind were absent, in spite of having eyes we could not see, and in spite of having ears we could not hear. Therefore the mind is considered the eleventh sense
- If the priest says, "The scientist speaking against religion; therefore he should be hanged," so that is not good government. Government must see that whether the scientist is speaking the truth. That sense must be there
- If we are engaged like child without knowing the future of life, simply playing with the senses, that is called material life
- If we attempt this (preaching Caitanya's cult) seriously within the society, it will be successfully done. There is no question of estimating how this will happen in the mundane sense. But without a doubt, it happens by the grace of Krsna
- If we can change the materialistic nature of the tongue, by changing of taste and vibration, then automatically the other senses become purified. And we can render service to Krishna with purified senses
- If we understand that everything belongs to God, so that sense will lead me: "No, I am not enjoyer." So my sense gratification, my anger, my lust, all finished at once, at stroke, if I understand that "Nothing belongs to me; everything belongs to God"
- If you actually serious to know about spiritual subject matter, then you must have to, abhigacchet, this word is used when the sense is "must." Not that without, I can go, I can have spiritual knowledge without having accepted a spiritual master
- If you have got determination that "We shall continue this life of birth, death, old age and disease and let loose our senses, do whatever you like," then there is no question of liberation
- If you have got little sense that, "I shall understand what is God," this very much qualification, if anyone only wants sincerely that, "I will understand what is God," then your drinking business begins
- If you have got the sense of prasada, then there should be no distinction. "I am taking prasadam, which is nirguna." So these are the conclusions. So unless we come to the conclusion of Vaisnava cult, it is very difficult
- If you take the word in a real sense, the survival of the fittest, one who has understood that he is not this body, he is spirit soul, he is fit to survive
- If you want to go by the speculative knowledge, trying to find out what is God just like the theosophist and many other societies - they do that, speculating - you cannot reach God by speculation. That is not. Because your senses are limited
- If you want to spoil this life under the influence of misleaders, you can do it. But if we prefer to take the sense of following leadership of Krsna, then our life is successful
- Ignorance is manifested in a collective and individual sense. Collective ignorance is called visuddha-sattva-pradhana. When that visuddha-sattva-pradhana is manifest within the ignorance of material nature, it is called the Lord
- In a sense, there is nothing but Sri Krsna, and yet nothing is Sri Krsna save and except His primeval personality. This knowledge constitutes a complete transcendental science, and Visnu wanted to give Brahmaji full knowledge about that science
- In material existence one is subjected to the influence of the mind and the senses. In fact, the pure soul is entangled in the material world because of the mind's ego which desires to lord it over material nature. BG 1972 purports
- In order to wake the sleeping Deity-controller within, one has to rechannel the sense activities from concentration on the outside to concentration inside
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that a man takes his next body by daiva-netrena, which means by the supervision of the authority of the Supreme. In an ordinary sense, daiva is explained as destiny
- In that (brahma-bhuta) stage of existence the idea of attaining the heavenly kingdom becomes phantasmagoria, and the senses are like broken serpents' teeth. BG 1972 purports
- In that case, by the word 'ca,' the word 'eva' is meant. The word 'api' can be taken in the sense of aggregation. Thus the verse would read atmarama eva - that is, even all kinds of living beings worship Krsna
- In that sense, also, the Lord is Narayana, as ayana means the source of knowledge as well as the resting place. It is also confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that the remembrance of the living entity is due to the presence of the Supersoul within the heart
- In the beginning this (sexual intercourse of men & women) may be very pleasing to the senses, but at the end, or after some time, it becomes just like poison. They are separated or there is divorce, there is lamentation, there is sorrow, etc. BG 1972 p
- In the course of time, when the subtle forms are transformed into gross forms, they become the objects of touch. The objects of touch and the tactile sense also develop after this evolution in time
- In the fraternal relationship there is a sense of equality, but when that sense of equality is advanced in affection, one attains the platform of parental love. In this connection, the following verse (CC Madhya 8.76) is cited from SB - 10.8.46
- In the human form of life if we come to senses, that "Why I shall accept repetition of birth, death, old age, disease and so many miserable conditions?" then that is called sense. That is intelligence
- In the human form of life, one should understand that "Everything belongs to Krsna. So why I am hankering after satisfying my so-called body? Rather, I have got now the senses and the body. Let me serve Krsna." That is intelligence. That is bhakti
- In the material condition, the senses are as strong as poisonous snakes. But when the senses are engaged in the Lord’s service, they are like poisonous snakes with their fangs removed, and so they are no longer dangerous
- In the ultimate issue there is nothing material because everything has its origin in the spiritual world. The material manifestation is therefore called illusion in the proper sense of the term
- In the wake of the olfactory sense came the wind-god, who presides over that sense. Thereafter a pair of eyes appeared in the universal form, and in them the sense of sight
- In the wake of this sense came the sun-god, who presides over it. Next there appeared in Him a pair of ears, and in them the auditory sense and in its wake the Dig-devatas, or the deities who preside over the directions
- In the yoga system this process is called pratyahara, which means "just the opposite." Although during life the eyes are engaged in seeing worldly beauty, at death one has to retract the senses from their objects and see the beauty within
- In this material nature, everyone is struggling, prakrti-sthani karsati, with the mind and the senses. That's all. Compact, in the direction of the mind. Mano-dharma. Mano-dharma. So long we are directed by the flickering mind, then we are in danger
- In this sense jiva soul is avheda or non-different from the param brahma. But on account of the param brahma being the supreme, the biggest, the identical brahma or jiva brahma being very minute, it is different from the param brahma
- In this verse (SB 10.3.20), the three colors mentioned - sukla, rakta and krsna - are not to be understood literally, in terms of what we experience with our senses, but rather as representatives of sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna
- Instead of being very anxious to stimulate our senses to increase material happiness, we should try to attain spiritual happiness by practicing Krsna consciousness
- Intelligent means that I have no freedom actually. I am acting under the dictation of my senses. I am servant of my senses. So why not become servant of Krsna? This is intelligent. Everyone is acting under senses, order of the senses
- It does, however, indicate that in a broader sense there is one interest, just as in a family the interest of all members is one, or in a nation the national interest is one, although there are many different individual citizens
- It follows that if the spirit is enjoying, it must have its senses also, otherwise how can it enjoy? The Vedas confirm that the spirit soul, although atomic in size, is the actual enjoying agent
- It is condemned in this sense, that those who are thinking that "I have got this temple. Let people come here out of sentiment and they'll pay, and it will be a source of income for my filling up belly..." This is most condemned
- It is generally said that the gopis were attached to Krsna for sense attractions, and yet they became first-class devotees of the Lord. Kamsa, Sisupala, Dantavakra and other demons, however, were related to Krsna as enemies
- It is necessary for us to learn how to employ our senses in the transcendental service of the Lord, and to utilize everything to serve His interest. This alone can bring about much desired peace
- It is not that we merge into that consciousness. In one sense we "merge," but still we keep our individuality. That is the difference between impersonalist philosophy and Krsna conscious philosophy
- It is only that I can call Spiritual Master someone who is teaching me purely what my initiating Spiritual Master has taught. Do you get the sense?
- It is rightly said herein (BG 2.55) that one has to give up all kinds of sense desire manufactured by mental concoction. Artificially, such sense desires cannot be stopped. BG 1972 purports
- It is said in the scriptures, brahma-saukhyam tv anantam: spiritual happiness is unlimited. Here it is said that even the Lord cannot measure such happiness. This does not mean that the Lord cannot measure it and is therefore imperfect in that sense
- It is said that every muni has a different angle of vision, and unless a muni differs from other munis, he cannot be called a muni in the strict sense of the term. Nasau munir yasya matam na binnam. BG 1972 purports
- It is the nature of the material qualities that when one becomes very much opulent in terms of wealth and a prestigious position, one loses one's sense of etiquette and does not care about anyone
- It is to be understood that Sacidevi did not become pregnant as an ordinary woman becomes pregnant because of sense indulgence. One should not think the pregnancy of Sacimata to be that of an ordinary woman, because that is an offense
- It should not be considered that one merges into the brahma-jyotir in the sense of becoming one with it
- Janardana suggested three processes: one by applying our senses, another by accepting knowledge from others, and another, rejection
- Jnani means they are finding out solution by mental speculation. And yogi means they are trying to find out spiritual salvation by bodily exercises. They are all, in strict sense, they are all materialist
- Just as uncontrolled senses are the enemies of all yogis engaged in advancing in spiritual life, this Prahlada, who appears to be a friend, is an enemy because I cannot control him
- Just because the soul, which is atomic in size, has not been perceived yet by senses or instruments, we should not conclude that it is not there. It can, however, be perceived by its symptoms and effects
- Just imagine what is the loss by misusing this human form of . . . if you want to spoil this life under the influence of misleaders, you can do it. But if we prefer to take the sense of following leadership of Krsna, then our life is successful
- Just like to water the root of the tree is to water the different branches and numerous leaves of the tree or to supply food to the stomach is to vitalize all the senses and the sense organs of the body
- Kapila said: The senses are symbolic representations of the demigods, and their natural inclination is to work under the direction of the Vedic injunctions. As the senses are representatives of the demigods, so the mind is the representative of the SPG
- Knowledge means: "Why shall I serve the unreal illusion? Let me serve the reality. If my business is to serve and never to be master, always to serve, then why I shall serve the illusion? Let me serve the reality." That sense is called knowledge
- Krsna addressed Balarama, "The members of the Yadu dynasty sense great danger before the soldiers of Jarasandha, and they are very much aggrieved. Just to give them protection, Your chariot is also here, filled with weapons"
- Krsna clearly says that only those who have lost their sense worship the demigods for paltry rewards (7.20, 23)
- Krsna consciousness movement is to propagate this sense, this consciousness, that "Everything belongs to God." Isavasyam idam sarvam (ISO 1). This is Vedic injunction
- Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.11): mama vartmanuvartante manusyah partha sarvasah. Worship of the demigods is in a sense worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but such worship is said to be avidhi-purvakam, improper
- Krsna says that sukham atyantikam: the supermost happiness can be achieved not by these senses, but atindriya. Atindriya means transcendental senses
- Lacking senses, He (Krsna) could hardly be considered full in all opulences. BG 1972 purports
- Land, home, furniture and other inert material objects are related in santa, or the neutral and silent sense, whereas servants work in the dasya relationship
- Lord Brahma, the creator of this particular universe, is known as the prajapati because he is the grandfather of all who have taken birth. Thus praja is used in a broader sense than it is now used
- Lord Caitanya advises: One should be more tolerant than the tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige and ready to offer all respects to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly
- Lord Siva and Lord Visnu, however, are affectionate even to an imperfect brahmana. Lord Siva punished Daksa not as one does his enemy; rather, he punished Daksa just to bring him to his senses, so that he would know that he had done wrong
- Lord Siva is in one sense the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but in another sense he is not, just as curd is milk although we have to distinguish between the two
- Lusty intelligence influences the spirit soul to acquire the false ego and identify itself with matter, and thus with the mind and senses. The spirit soul becomes addicted to enjoying the material senses and mistakes this as true happiness. BG 1972 pur
- Maharaja Ambarisa engaged his senses in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. As a result, he awakened his dormant loving propensity for the Lord's service
- Maitreya went on: Thus having spoken to Kardama Muni, the Lord, who reveals Himself only when the senses are in Krsna consciousness, departed from that lake called Bindu-sarovara, which was encircled by the River Sarasvati
- Many want to speak something to others, but because they are not trained to speak on the subject matter of Vedic wisdom they are all speaking nonsense, and people are receiving them with no sense
- Matter also has the potency to manifest living entities in the form of vegetables. In this sense, life comes out of matter, but matter also comes out of life
- Mind is the center of all the activities of the senses, and thus the mind is the reservoir of all ideas of sense gratification; and, as a result, the mind and the senses become the repositories of lust. BG 1972 purports
- Modern yogis advise that because one has senses, one must enjoy to the fullest extent like cats and dogs, yet one can go on and practice yoga
- Mucukunda continued, "For many, many births I have been suffering from the threefold miseries of this material existence, and I am now tired of it. I have been impelled only by my senses, and I was never satisfied"
- My dear friend, this forest of Vrndavana is giving great pleasure to our senses in various ways. Somewhere bumblebees are singing in groups, and in some places mild breezes are cooling the entire atmosphere
- My dear King, when the gopis were missing Krsna, they were so much absorbed in meditation upon Him that all of their senses stopped functioning, and they lost all bodily sense. It was as though they had become liberated from all material conditions
- My dear Lord, You are the supreme controller of the worker, sense activities and results of sense activities (karma). Therefore You are the controller of the body, mind and senses. You are also the supreme controller of egotism, known as Rudra
- My suggestion to meet the business men is to convince them to understand the importance of KCM & how we are molding the character of younger generation by giving peaceful home, philosophy of life, artistic sense, musical entertainment, nutritious foods
- No one can bring the activities of the mind and senses to a stop, but one can purify these activities through a change in consciousness
- No one can overcome the Supreme Personality of Godhead's illusory energy, which is so strong that it bewilders everyone, making one lose the sense to understand the aim of life
- No, no. I withdraw that word false. But it is not you. It is false in this sense, that you are accepting this body yourself, but that you are not
- Nobody can be independent. We are dependent. And this is called knowledge. When you come to the sense, that "I am dependent; I am not independent," this is called knowledge
- Nonetheless: "One who restrains the senses and organs of action, but whose mind dwells on sense objects, certainly deludes himself and is called a pretender" - BG 3.6
- Not by the senses, by the mind, by the life air, by thoughts within the heart, or by the vibration of words can the living entities ascertain the real situation of the Supreme Lord
- Not only children but also elderly persons should be very careful to protect their sense of Krsna consciousness and avoid unfavorable circumstances so that they may not forget their prime duty
- O devotee of the Lord, the purpose of the visual sense is fulfilled simply by seeing you, and to touch your body is the fulfillment of bodily touch
- Of all the senses the tongue is the most voracious and difficult to control. It is very difficult to conquer the tongue in this world; therefore Sri Krsna has given us this nice prasadam, spiritual food, to conquer the tongue
- Of all the senses, the tongue is the most voracious and difficult to control, but it can be controlled simply by chanting Hare Krsna and tasting Krsna prasadam, food offered to Krsna
- Ojah means power of sense. A man who can use his senses very nicely, he is called ojah
- On the platform of paternal affection (vatsalya-rasa) there are four qualities. In addition to the three qualities, there is the sense that the Supreme Lord is dependent on the mercy of the devotee
- Once Caitanya said, "You must at least have enough sense to test to find out who is a spiritual master and who is not." For instance, if we want to purchase something, we must at least have some idea of what that thing is, otherwise we will be cheated
- Once situated on those higher planetary systems (known as Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka, etc.), one can satisfy his senses hundreds of thousands of times better than on this planet. BG 1972 purports
- One animal or lower than human being, they have got one sense very strong. Someone's the ear, someone's the nose, someone's the tongue, someone's the genital, in this way. But they have got one sense strong
- One becomes almost blind and is bereft of all sense when he is infuriated by the desire for sense gratification. He forgets everything
- One becomes atma-drk, or self-realized. When the false ego of identifying the body with the self is removed, actual vision of life is perceivable. The senses also become purified
- One can chant the holy name of God in a humble state of mind, thinking himself lower than the straw in the street, more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all kinds of sense of false prestige, and always ready to offer all respects to others
- One can chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking himself lower than the straw in the street, more tolerant than the tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige, and ready to offer all respects to others
- One can know the Supreme Truth if one has unflinching faith in the bona fide spiritual master as well as in the Lord. Such a faithful person, even though illiterate in the mundane sense, can know the Lord automatically by the mercy of the Lord
- One gopi said, "We are losing our senses in deciding whether we shall continue as chaste women or be victimized by the beauty of Krsna. My dear friend, I think that we have lost all hope of life!"
- One should be in a humble state of mind, should be devoid of all sense of prestige and ready to offer all kinds of respects to others. In such a state of mind, one can chant the Vedanta philosophy or the holy name of God constantly
- One should not make the mistake of thinking that dharma is a created faith. In its proper sense, dharma cannot be divorced from the living entity at all
- One should not sit closely with one's mother, sister or daughter, for the senses are so strong that they may attract even a person advanced in knowledge
- One should try to get out of illusion and be engaged in the factual service of Krsna. Service to Krsna utilizes all the senses, and when the senses are engaged in the service of Krsna, they become purified
- One who controls the mind (and therefore the senses as well) is called gosvami, or svami, and one who is controlled by the mind is called godasa, or the servant of the senses. BG 1972 purports
- One who has developed the sense, the real knowledge that, "My life's mission, the . . . is only to go back to Krsna and become Krsna consciousness," that is the highest type of knowledge. They're just like fire
- One who has got this sense, that "I am serving maya. I am serving illusion. So Krsna is demanding from me service; why not serve Krsna?" this is intelligence
- One who has limited senses cannot believe that the Lord can eat by His transcendental power of hearing and can perform the act of sex life simply by seeing. The controlled living entity cannot even dream of such sense activities in his conditional life
- One who is not a devotee of the Lord, however qualified he may be in the mundane sense of the term, cannot be qualified with any good quality worthy of the name
- One who is serious about going to the other side of this ocean, two things are very dangerous. It is most heinous activities than drinking poison. To mix very intimately with materialistic person & to have association with woman with sense purpose
- Only such persons (persons who have lost their sense or intelligence) care for demigods and want to derive material benefit from them. Of course, this does not mean that one should not show respect to the demigods; but there is no need to worship them
- Only the fourth-class men and fifth-class men, they were allowed or they were eating meat. Nobody is allowed. But the first-class, second-class men, they have got sense. They voluntarily give up
- Only the impure conditioned living being cannot derive any pleasure from the senses, but being illusioned by false pleasures of the senses, he becomes servant of the senses. Therefore, we need His (God's) protection for our own interest
- Our energy is limited, and our sense perception is limited; therefore we must rely on the Vedic conclusions regarding that subject matter which is inconceivable - CC Intro
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is to clear that covered sense, or this colored consciousness, or adulterated consciousness. Then everything will be there
- Our opening of different center means we are giving chance. So those who are inmates of the temple, they should be also such nice devotees that anyone who will come in the association of devotees, he will immediately develop a sense of devotion
- Our position should be, our real active life begins when we begin to serve Krsna with our senses without being designated, without being situated in designation. This is transcendental state
- Our present senses are all made of material elements, and therefore they are imperfect in realizing the transcendental form of Lord Visnu. He is therefore worshiped by sound representation via the transcendental method of chanting
- Our senses are so strong, we have discussed many times, that even the greatest learned man falls victim to sense enjoyment
- Our thinking power, mind, is one of the senses. Out of the ten, mind is considered to be the eleventh sense
- People cannot understand actually what is God. A vague idea. They do not know actually what is the nature of God. So gradually it will be forgotten. But still, because still people have got some sense, therefore this preaching work is going on
- People give more stress on the eye: "Oh, can you show me Krsna?" Oh, can't you hear Krsna? This is also one sense, that is also another sense. Do you think by seeing you'll understand everything
- People who have no taste for the devotional service of the Lord are occupied in material engagements. Their senses are engaged very extensively in troublesome duties in the gigantic plants of heavy industrial enterprise
- Positive engagement means serving Krsna. That positive engagement means, engagement means, acting means, the employment of the senses. So when we employ our senses in the positive activities, that is liberation
- Pouring water on the root of a tree energizes the trunk, branches, twigs and everything else, and supplying food to the stomach enlivens the senses and limbs of the body
- Prahlada Maharaja would be elevated to sarupya liberation, and in that sense he resembled Lord Visnu. Therefore Prahlada was to be killed by Hiranyakasipu
- Prakrti is jada. Jada-prakrti. Jada-prakrti. Without any sense. The motor car has got the wheels, the machine, everything, but it has no sense. So unless there is a sensible driver there, it cannot move. Very plain truth. Anyone can understand
- Prakrti means this material world. We do not belong to this material world. Just like a person in the prison house, he is a citizen, but when he goes into the prisonhouse, he has got different sense, different, I mean, punishment, different dress
- Purusartha ("the goal of life") generally refers to religion, economic development, satisfaction of the senses and, finally, liberation. However, above these four kinds of purusarthas, love of Godhead stands supreme
- Realization of the visuddha-sattva platform is beyond the pale of the material world and is not perceived by bodily senses or mental speculation
- Receiving Krsna, the Pandavas were enlivened, just as if awakened from unconsciousness or loss of life. When a man is lying unconscious, his senses and the different parts of his body are inactive
- Regarding your question about the difference between mind and soul, the mind is one of the senses, and the soul is the owner of the senses, including the mind
- Rules and regulations must be followed very strictly. Simply to make a show of gymnastics is not perfection of yoga. Yoga means control of the senses. If you indulge your senses unrestrictedly but make a show of yoga practice, you will never be successful
- Sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayoh (SB 9.4.18). One must fix the mind at the lotus feet of Krsna twenty-four hours a day. If the mind is fixed upon Krsna's lotus feet, the activities of the other senses will be engaged in Krsna's service
- Samadhi (trance) means absorption of all the activities of the senses in a particular object, and the gopis indicate that the pastimes of Krsna are the perfection of all meditation and samadhi
- Sarvam khalv idam brahma means that everything is Lord Krsna in the sense that everything is His energy. That is the vision of the maha-bhagavatas. They see everything in relation to Krsna
- Sastra says, andha yathandhair upaniyamanah (SB 7.5.31). The andha - means blind, blind leaders - they are giving us false hope that we shall make here permanent settlement. Therefore they are called andhas. They have no sense
- Sense activities in liberation are accepted only in connection with Krsna consciousness, whereas sense activities in the conditioned stage are enacted for personal sense gratification
- Service means to the senses. That's all. We are servant of our senses. We give service to the master . . . not to the master. I give service to the money - he pays me - not to the master. I have no love for the master
- Silence means that one is always thinking of self-realization. The person in Krsna consciousness observes perfect silence in this sense. Control of the mind means detaching the mind from sense enjoyment. BG 1972 purports
- Since he (Dhruva) ruled over the world for thirty-six thousand years, naturally one may conclude that he became very, very old, but factually his senses were very young - and yet he was not interested in sense gratification
- Since I have heard the name of a person called Krsna, I have practically lost My good sense. Then, there is another person who plays His flute in such a way that after I hear the vibration, intense madness arises in My heart
- Since the individual soul is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, in that sense the Lord is living in every body, and, as Supersoul, the Lord is also present as a witness. In both cases the presence of God in every living entity is essential
- Since the senses are always active, their activities should be engaged in devotional service - one cannot stop their activities
- Since You are the supreme cause, the cause of all causes, nothing can exist without You. Yet we are different from You in a relationship of cause and effect, for in one sense the cause and effect are different
- Six principles we should avoid: eat or accumulate money more than necessary, waste energy for material gain, talk unnecessarily, follow regulative principles fanatically without sense or not follow them & become greedy & associate with persona non-grata
- So do you think this flower which is coming out daily in your garden in different colors and different smell and flavor, they are being done without any artistic sense? This is nonsense. There is sense. There is God's potency
- So far the Bhagavad-gita is concerned every one, let him be a very great scholar in the mundane sense, must be in confirmed position along with the mode of understanding of Shri Arjuna. That is the crucial point of testing an Acarya false or real
- So in this sense the real guru is Krsna. Krsna is guru - not only for Arjuna, for everyone. So if we take instruction from Krsna and abide by that order, instruction, then our life is successful. That is our mission
- So senses should be cured, and then you will be able to enjoy. That is our program. We are not stopping sense enjoyment; we are trying to give you real sense enjoyment
- Somehow or other we have come in contact with material nature, and because of the mind and the six senses, we are struggling hard to exist. That is Darwin's theory - the struggle for existence, survival of the fittest
- Sound is the cause of the sky, and sky is the cause of srotram, the ear. The ear is the first sense for receiving knowledge
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "By seeing you, by touching you and by glorifying your transcendental qualities, one can perfect the purpose of all sense activity. This is the verdict of the revealed scriptures"
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura used to refer to such an actor (who doesn't have sense of devotional service) as yatra-dale narada, which means - farcical Narada
- Srila Rupa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami and Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami and others gave up their worldly pomp and prosperity for the sake of the service of the Lord. They were big men in the worldly sense
- Such happiness (which is in the beginning may be very pleasing to the senses, but at the end, or after some time, which becomes just like poison) is always in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- Such liberated persons as Vyasadeva are perfect not only by the power of vision and wisdom, but also in aural reception, in thinking, feeling and all other sense activities
- Sukadeva Gosvami appeared very innocent because he was transcendental to sex relations. The ladies, by their special qualifications, could sense this at once, and therefore they were not very concerned about him
- Tangibility is the proof of form. In actuality, objects are perceived in two different ways. They are either soft or hard, cold or hot, etc. This tangible action of the tactile sense is the result of the evolution of air, which is produced from the sky
- That artificial stoppage of sense activities will not be ultimately beneficial. Or thinking that my sense activities may be stopped, I become silent, become one with the supreme - that will also not help us
- That should be the inquiry, that "Everything, I am speaking 'mine.' Where is that 'I'?" As soon as we come to this point, "Where is that 'I'?" then our human sense is developed. Otherwise we are in the animal sense of life
- The action of the air is exhibited in movements, mixing, allowing approach to the objects of sound and other sense perceptions, and providing for the proper functioning of all other senses
- The American government has stopped financing this foolish excursion, going to the moon planet. They have stopped. They have now come to sense that simply these so-called scientists, they're experi . . . experimenting on public money and wasting
- The animal is servant of one sense, and because I am rational animal, I have become servant of all the senses. I am utilizing my rationality in that way
- The artist draws a picture of a rose very nicely with all attention and artistic sense, and yet it does not become as perfect as the real rose. If that is the real fact, how can we say that the real rose has taken its shape without intelligence?
- The author (of Caitanya-caritamrta) says, that he cannot consider the opinions of those who become attracted or repelled by such things (Judgment according to mundane senses), because one cannot write impartially in that way
- The benedictions were fitting in the sense that the Lord was playing the part of a human being, as if a cousin of Maharaja Yudhisthira, but they were also unfitting because the Lord is absolute and has nothing to do with any kind of material relativities
- The best thing is we should apply the senses in the service of this proprietor. We should not apply the senses for our individual satisfaction. That is the difference between material plane and spiritual plane. That's all
- The Blessed Lord said: O Partha, when a man gives up all varieties of sense desire which arise from mental concoction, and when his mind finds satisfaction in the self alone, then he is said to be in pure transcendental consciousness. BG 2.55 - 1972
- The body is composed of senses, and the senses are always hungry after their objects. The eyes see a beautiful person and tell us - Oh, there is a beautiful girl, a beautiful boy. Let's go see
- The brain must be sharp and finer tissues. Then spiritual understanding will be there. With dull brain, physical brain, we cannot understand. That is not possible. Therefore to spiritualize the brain, the senses, requires a process
- The conclusion is that an advanced devotee dovetails himself in the transcendental qualities of the Lord, and in that sense he becomes qualitatively one with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The conclusion is that the Vedic process does not encourage us to endeavor to learn the Absolute Truth by employing our present senses, which are conditioned in so many ways
- The demoniac thinks that all these things (birth in a high family, well education, etc.) are accidental and due to the strength of his personal ability. He does not sense any arrangement behind all the varieties of people, beauty, and education. BG 1972 p
- The devotee should not hear Lord Visnu or His devotees blasphemed. (19) The devotee should avoid reading or hearing newspapers or mundane books that contain stories of love affairs between men and women or subjects palatable to the senses
- The difference between the anger of an ordinary person and that of a liberated person is that an ordinary person becomes angry because his sense desires are not being fulfilled
- The diseased condition of the senses may be treated by curing the defect, but not uprooting the senses altogether
- The Earth personified continued, 'You Krsna) are always transcendental to all these material activities. My dear Lord, I know that earth, water, fire, air, sky, the five sense objects, mind, the senses, their deities, egotism & the total material energy"
- The energy of our senses is meant to be diverted, not stopped. The senses are to be purified, so that they serve the Lord instead of disturbing His settled harmony. The entire cosmic harmony is a settled fact by the will of the Supreme
- The English word "worship" cannot be used in the same sense as bhaja. Worship means to adore, or to show respect and honor to the worthy one. But service with love and faith is especially meant for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The enlightened jnani, when free from all material contaminations, namely the gross and subtle bodies together with the senses of the material modes of nature, is placed in the Supreme and is thus liberated from material bondage
- The forceful restraint of sense activities by the eight principles of yoga is recommended for inferior men; superior men, being engaged in the superior activities of KC, naturally retire from the inferior activities of material existence - CC Preface
- The god of fire entered His mouth with the organ of speech, but the virat-purusa could not be aroused. Then the god of wind entered His nostrils with the sense of smell, but still the virat-purusa refused to be awakened
- The gopis are never pleased to see anything but Krsna. The only solace for their eyes is the beautiful moonlike face of Krsna, the worshipful object of all senses
- The gross activities of the mind are expressed through the external senses, either for the acquiring of knowledge or the functioning of the senses in accordance to the will
- The heart is covered by the three modes of material nature and the nine material elements (material nature, the total material energy, the ego, the mind and the five objects of sense gratification), and also by the five material elements & the ten senses
- The Hrsikesa name is there in the Bhagavad-gita. Hrsikesa means hrsikanam adhisvaram. So practically, the senses which you are using, the real proprietor is Aniruddha, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The human form of life represents the complete development of the senses for spiritual realization of one's original affection for the Lord
- The impersonalist puts forth the theory of oneness in the sense that Brahma, also being the same principle of "I" because he is an emanation from the I, the Absolute Truth, is identical with the Lord, the principle of I
- The impetus for lording it over material nature is the sense of "mine" and "I". "I am the lord of all that I survey. So many things I possess, and I shall possess more and more. Who can be richer than I in wealth and education?"
- The individual is the passenger in the car of the material body, and intelligence is the driver. Mind is the driving instrument, and the senses are the horses. The self is thus the enjoyer or sufferer in the association of the mind and senses. BG 1972 p
- The individual souls have spiritual senses, but in conditioned life they are covered with the material elements, and therefore the sense activities are exhibited through matter
- The instruments of action are the senses, and by senses the soul acts in various ways, and for each and every action there is a different endeavor. BG 1972 purports
- The intelligence influences the mind, and the mind controls the ten senses. Five of these senses gather knowledge, and five work directly. Each sense has many desires to be fulfilled
- The intelligent man who is situated in Krsna consciousness does not try to forcibly stop his senses from acting. Rather, he engages his senses in the service of Krsna
- The interaction of the material modes is the cause of false identification, or the sense that a living being is made of material elements. This false ego is the cause of identifying the body and mind with the soul proper
- The jnana process theoretically speculates about the reality of the soul. But bhakti-yoga factually engages the spirit soul in activities. The perception of matter is transcended to still subtler states of the senses
- The Krsna consciousness movement is trying to give these rascals a little sense. We are saying, - Don't remain animals. Become human beings
- The Kurus thought, "If they (Yadus) come to challenge us because their son was arrested, we shall accept the fight & teach them a lesson, automatically they will be subdued under pressure, as the senses are subdued by the mystic yoga process of pranayam"
- The Lord is also the recipient of all the adoration offered by His devotees, for whom He is the objective and the goal. For His devotees the Lord creates a favorable condition for developing a sense of transcendental love of Godhead
- The Lord is transcendental to our sense experience, but He reveals Himself to the sincere devotee. Because Vidura was always absorbed in thought of the Lord, Maitreya could estimate Vidura's transcendental value
- The mahat-tattva is transformed into three divisions: (3) tamasa, or egotism in ignorance, from which sound vibration expands. From sound vibration, the sky is manifested, and then the senses, beginning with the sense of hearing, are also manifested
- The male is trying also, satisfy his senses, and the female is also trying to satisfy her senses. Here the so-called love means . . . there is no love. It cannot be love, because the man & woman . . . nobody is trying to satisfy the other party's senses
- The material energy works according to His (God's) direction; therefore He can use that energy for His purposes without ever being influenced by any of the qualities of that energy. In this sense He is nirguna, "without qualities."
- The material nature is not at all beautiful, for it is an "imitation peacock." The real peacock is a different thing, and one must have the sense to understand this
- The materialists, who have no concept of God, think that they are advancing. But, according to Bhagavad-gita, they are unintelligent and devoid of all sense. BG 1972 purports
- The mind is easily conquered simply by engaging it at the lotus feet of the Lord. Gradually, by such service, all the senses become automatically engaged in the service of the Lord. That is the way of merging into the Supreme Absolute
- The mind is the center of all senses, and the object is work itself. BG 1972 purports
- The mind, the senses and the vital force, or living entity, have forms, although they are not visible to the naked eye. Form rests in subtle existence in the sky
- The modern civilization is to give freedom to sense satisfaction, because they cannot control. Just like you are riding on a horse, but the horse is not under your control, then you say, "Let it go to hell, never mind"
- The mundane workers are like that (no sense to think). They're busy at the office, very busy. If you want to see the fellow - I am very busy now
- The mystery of this knowledge (In a sense, there is nothing but Sri Krsna, and yet nothing is Sri Krsna save & except His primeval personality) culminates in personal attachment to the Lord, with a resulting effect of detachment from anything - non-Krsna
- The one particular animal is strongly under the influence of a particular sense, but so far we human being, we are such a big animal that we are servant of all the senses
- The personalist worships the Lord out of a great sense of gratitude, utilizing the ingredients born out of the bodily limbs of the Lord
- The Personality of Godhead was not seen but only heard does not make any difference
- The position of the jnanis and yogis is therefore not as secure as the position of the devotees of Krsna. Lord Krsna has therefore advised in the Bhagavad-gita that only a person who has lost his sense takes to the worship of demigods
- The prefix "nih" may be used for a sense of ascertainment, gradation, construction or forbidding. The word "grantha" means "riches," "thesis" and "composition"
- The professional traders in Bhagavatam and Ramayana will speak from the portion of the scripture that will appeal to the mundane senses of the audience
- The prostitute (Mayadevi) by eating frugally and fasting she conquered her senses, and as soon as her senses were controlled, symptoms of love of Godhead appeared in her person
- The Russians, they have concluded, "Oh, this life finished - everything is finished." One sense, one, everything is finished, because this so-called happy life is finished. Very dangerous civilization to keep the human society in darkness
- The sense happiness is there by the pig and the man. But his standard of sense happiness is different from the man's. Standard may be different, but the happiness derived from the subject matter is the same. There is no difference
- The sense of a separated existence from Krsna is called maya (ma-not, ya-this). Some think that we have nothing to do with Krsna, that Krsna is only a great historical personality and that the Absolute is the impersonal Brahman. BG 1972 purports
- The sense of eternal servitorship to Krsna makes one immune to all sorts of reactionary elements of work. BG 1972 purports
- The senses and the mind require engagements. Simple abnegation is not practical. BG 1972 purports
- The senses are never to be stopped in their engagements, but one should purify them by engaging them in the pure service of sense gratification of the master of the senses. This is the instruction of the whole Bhagavad-gita
- The senses are so strong and impetuous, O Arjuna, that they forcibly carry away the mind even of a man of discrimination who is endeavoring to control them. BG 2.60 - 1972
- The senses are the practical signs of life. Human civilization is meant for purifying the senses, and objects of sense satisfaction should be supplied as much as absolutely required, but not for aggravating artificial sensory needs
- The senses are very strong, and if a neophyte devotee imitates Haridasa Thakura, his enemies (kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada and matsarya) will disturb and fatigue him
- The senses automatically become purified, and with purified senses one can actually discharge devotional service
- The senses for acquiring knowledge and the organs for action number ten, namely the auditory sense, the sense of taste, the tactile sense, the sense of sight, the sense of smell
- The senses for acquiring knowledge and the organs for action number ten, the active organ for speaking, the active organs for working, and those for traveling, generating and evacuating
- The senses have their utility for the service of the Lord, and if properly engaged they can reach the highest perfection by being directly engaged in the service of the Lord in His personal presence
- The senses must have engagement. And how? That is in the service of the Lord. That is real activity. So bhakti is not that it is simply negation. There must be positive action. That is bhakti
- The simplest thing for human beings is to follow their predecessors. Judgment according to mundane senses is not a very easy process. Whatever is awakened by attachment to one’s predecessor is the way of devotional service as indicated by Sri Caitanya
- The skin is the site of the touch sensation. The demigods who control the production of herbs and medicinal drugs are the deities presiding over the tactile sense
- The so-called happiness derived from the senses, that is not happiness. That is crude; that is for the fools and rascals. That is not happiness
- The so-called national leader or humanist does not serve everyone; he serves his senses only. That is a fact. But the conditioned soul cannot understand this because he is bewildered by the spell of material nature
- The so-called science is imperfect because the knowledge is received from imperfect person. However great scientist you may be, you have to admit that your senses are imperfect
- The so-called scientists, they say: "We are trying." You can try on, but it is beyond your experience, beyond your knowledge. Your senses are all imperfect
- The son of Advaita Prabhu named Gopala fainted during kirtana, and when he did not come to his senses, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu favored him by awakening him
- The sun-god entered the eyes of the virat-purusa with the sense of sight, but still the virat-purusa did not get up. Similarly, the predominating deities of the directions entered through His ears with the sense of hearing, but still He did not get up
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, is the object for fulfilling the senses of all living entities
- The tongue is saying, "Oh, there is a very nice restaurant with palatable dishes. Let us go." In this way the senses are dragging us from one place to another, and because of this we are perplexed
- The transcendental position is attained by three processes, 3) the most approved process of bhakti-yoga, or the engagement of senses in the devotional service of the Lord
- The voters adore the so-called leaders only when they promise sense gratification. As soon as the voters are dissatisfied in their sense satisfaction, they dethrone the leaders. The leaders must always disappoint the voters by not satisfying their senses
- The whole material world is full of many drunkards, in the sense that each and every one of the living entities has something in his mind to enjoy, and everyone desires the fulfillment of his desires very strongly
- The whole purpose of detachment from all kinds of sense attachment is ultimately to become situated on the platform of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- The whole teaching of the Gita is targetted toward this end: that a living being, as His eternal servitor, cannot be separated from Krsna, and his sense of being an identity apart from Krsna is called maya. BG 1972 purports
- The whole yoga system means training - our senses, our mind, our this, that, so many things - then we are fixed up in the self. Do you think that simply by fifteen minutes' meditation we realize? And do all nonsense all the day? No. It requires training
- The word "api" is used in the sense of possibility, question, doubt, censure, aggregation, appropriate application of things, and extravagance
- The word "ca" ("and") is used to connect a word or sentence with a previous word or sentence, to give the sense of aggregation, to assist the meaning, to give a collective understanding, to suggest another effort or exertion
- The word 'ca' can also be used to indicate the certainty that only saintly persons are engaged in rendering devotional service to Krsna. In the combination 'atmarama api,' 'api' is used in the sense of censure
- The word 'nirgrantha,' when combined with 'api' used in the sense of certainty, indicates a person who is a hunter by profession or who is very poor
- The word 'nirgranthah' can be used as an adjective, and 'api' can be used in the sense of certainty. For instance, ramas ca krsnas ca means that both Rama and Krsna enjoy walking in the forest
- The word agastya indicates that the senses do not act independently, and the word muni means mind
- The word asteyam is also very important for a yogi. Asteyam means "to refrain from theft." In the broader sense, everyone who accumulates more than he needs is a thief
- The word tad-vyabhicarena indicates that when one is separated from God due to disobedience, his real sense is lost. Again, by the grace of Krsna and guru, he can be properly situated in his liberated position
- The words asuri nama pascad dvah are significant in another sense
- The words bhuta-dayaya, maya-mrgam dayitayepsitam and dina-ganesakau karunaya all convey the same sense. These are very significant words for those interested in elevating human society to a proper understanding of life
- The wounds created on the body of the Lord by the sharpened arrows of Bhismadeva were as pleasing to the Lord as the biting of a fiancee who bites the body of the Lord directed by a strong sense of sex desire
- The yogic situation is that of detachment from all sensual engagements. Closing all the doors of the senses and fixing the mind on the heart and the life air at the top of the head, one establishes himself in yoga
- The yogic situation is that of detachment from all sensual engagements. Closing all the doors of the senses and fixing the mind on the heart and the life air at the top of the head, one establishes himself in yoga. BG 8.12 - 1972
- Then taking the word 'nirgranthah' and considering 'api' in the sense of sustenance, I have tried to explain a fifty-ninth meaning of the verse
- Then that supreme authority, personified by sound and unseen by eyes, but most wonderful, stopped speaking. Feeling a sense of gratitude, I (Narada) offered my obeisances unto Him, bowing my head
- There are 8,400,000 species of living entities, each with a different body, and according to the body, they have particular senses with which they enjoy a particular type of pleasure
- There are fourteen Manus in one day of Brahma, 420 in one month, all the Manus are directors of human society, ultimately Krsna is the supreme director of human society. In another sense, the word manave indicates the perfection of all kinds of mantras
- There are many things which do not come within the jurisdiction of our sense of logic
- There are other descriptions in the Vedic language also. Tam ekam govindam: "You are Govinda, the pleasure of the senses and the cows." BG 1972 purports
- There are the forces of talk, forces of anger, forces of mind, forces of the stomach, forces of the genitals, & forces of the tongue. One who is able to control the forces of all these different senses, & the mind, is called gosvami, or svami. BG 1972 p
- There are two kinds of men - dhira and adhira. Adhira means senseless, crazy, and dhira means with sense. He's not bewildered
- There is a sense of morality and immorality in all societies. In this verse (BG 9.30) Krsna points out that even if one is engaged in immoral acts but at the same time is fully in Krsna consciousness, he is to be considered a sadhu or a saint
- There is no love. Or we do not know what is meant by love. Love does not mean just a boy is attracted by a girl or a girl is attracted by a . . . that is not love. That is sense attraction
- These are the different meanings of the word "krama." It is used in the sense of potency, systematic arrangement, step, moving or trembling
- These austerities accepted by such rigid mundaners are, after all, aimed merely at material sense gratification, and therefore these austerities are useless in the transcendental sense
- These forms are (of God) called arca-murtis, or forms of the Lord which can be easily appreciated by the common man. The Lord is transcendental to our mundane senses. He cannot be seen with our present eyes, nor can He be heard with our present ears
- These symptoms create transformations of bodily activities as well as movements of the senses. All of them can be accepted as different feelings of the heart. Sometimes some of the feelings are quite natural
- They (Persons) are dragged by the unbridled senses into the darkest region of ignorance, and thus they madly engage in what is called chewing the chewed
- They (senses) can only act under certain conditions. For example, our eyes. As long as the sunshine is there, our eyes are useful to a certain extent. But in the absence of sunshine, the eyes are useless
- They (the living beings in the sea) are one with the water in the sense that they have attained the quality of living within the water
- They (the senses interact with the sense objects) are called the functions of the prana-vayu. BG 1972 purports
- They (the transcendental pastimes or lila of the Supreme Lord) exhibit full sense, independence, and freedom of action and reaction
- They (those who do not belive in laws of God) may not come to their senses despite the countless sufferings they are put into for committing such sins, but that does not affect the existence of God or His eternal laws
- They describe the Vedas in their original sense, and out of mercy (anugraha) they preach the purpose of the Vedas to all conditioned souls
- They're eating meat. They have no even human sense. What is that religion?
- This (worshiping themselves as God) is also a type of God worship, for they can understand that they are not the material body but are actually spiritual soul; at least, such a sense is prominent. BG 1972 purports
- This atheistic or godless civilization is a huge affair contrived for the gratification of our senses, and now we are all mad after money in order to maintain this empty shell
- This concept of being lost is due to false ego, and it continues as long as one is not awakened to the sense of his existence as an eternal servitor of the Lord
- This is called surrender that, "I have tried to satisfy my . . . the whims of my senses so many lives. I have become frustrated, confused. Let me try this life to satisfy the senses of Krsna." That's all
- This is the greatest anomaly in the practice of mystic yoga - In the present day, people who have no control over their senses, no understanding of philosophy & not following religious principles are nonetheless pretending to be yogis
- This material world is eternal in this sense: because it is Krsna's energy. If Krsna is eternal, His energy is also eternal. But the manifestation of this energy is temporary
- This physical formation of the body, is false, or temporary, or false in this sense that it is not my original body. Original body is within this material body. That is spiritual body
- This word abhigacchet, it is a form of verb which is used where the sense is "You must! You must!" There is no exception. You cannot say that "I may go to a spiritual master or I may not go. I can study at home." No. You must
- Those conditioned souls who have come to this material world should utilize their senses according to the direction of the Vedic literature, otherwise they will be put into a more miserable condition of life
- Those who are not devotees of Krsna have a taste for women, wine and so forth, and therefore they have been described as hrta jnana, bereft of sense
- Those who cannot avoid oversleeping, cannot avoid the pride of enjoying material objects & always dreaming of lording it over the material world, whose life, mind, & senses are thus engaged, are considered to be in the mode of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- Those who do not believe in the laws of God or in His existence may go on committing such sins, and they may not come to their senses despite the countless sufferings they are put into for committing such sins
- Thus situated in the renounced order from the beginning of their lives, all three of them completely controlled the activities of their senses and thus became great saints
- Time is the basic measurement of the activity of our senses, by which we calculate past, present and future; but in factual calculation, time has no beginning and no end
- Time, nature, prakrti (as cause and effect), the mind, the material elements, false ego, the modes of nature, the senses, the universal form, complete independence and the moving and nonmoving beings appear subsequently as His opulences
- To cease from personal sense endeavors and to concentrate on the supreme cause is a sign of self-surrender, and when self-surrender is present, that is a sure sign of devotional service
- To get out of this illusory conception of factual life, the individual soul has to depend on the Supersoul to be recognized as one with Him. In that sense also the Supersoul is the supreme shelter. And there is no doubt about it
- To such men, who cannot approach other demigods or Visnu, Lord Siva gives shelter. Therefore the word nirapatrapa can be used in that sense
- To worship the Deity. And you cannot derive benefit unless the aesthetic sense is applied to the higher authority, with reverence and respect. That is wanted
- Too much eating of these palatable dishes is not good. That makes our senses very strong. So we should not take much of it, but we can take something of krsna-prasadam and satisfy ourself
- Under a false egoistic sense, since he (the living entity) is constitutionally unable to do so (becoming Krsna, the supreme enjoyer), any more than the hands, legs, eyes, and so on can individually function as a complete, whole body
- Under certain circumstances, the religious principle has changed, but originally every human being on this planet were following the Vedic religion. And another sense, everyone is following the Vedic religion if it is religion
- Unfortunately, we have got technology for the bodily senses, we have got technology for psychology, but we have neither any technology for intelligence nor for any technology in the science of the soul
- Unless his senses are thus engaged, a living entity cannot think of getting out of the great entanglement of material existence, which is exactly like Yamaraja's stringent rope
- Upon seeing the charming forms of the Lord, smiling and attractive, and hearing His very pleasing words, the pure devotee almost loses all other consciousness. His senses are freed from all other engagements, and he becomes absorbed in devotional service
- Vasudeva expressed his sorrow due to not being able to give protection to his own sons born of Devaki. He was thinking that religious principles, economic development and the satisfaction of his senses were therefore all lost
- Vasudeva said, "Although the forces of the senses, strength, movement and growth of the body appear to be performed by different movements of the airs within the body, they are all ultimately manifestations of Your (Krsna and Balarama) energy"
- Vasudeva said, "The senses, the controllers of the senses (the demigods) and the acquisition of knowledge, which is the purpose of the senses, as well as the subject matter of knowledge - all are You (Krsna and Balarama)"
- Vasudeva said, "You (Krsna and Balarama) are the egoistic principle of passion, which is the cause of the senses, and the egoistic principle of goodness, which is the origin of the different controlling deities of this material world"
- Vidura inquires from Uddhava, "He (Akrura) has such ecstatic love for Krsna that I have seen him rolling upon Krsna's footprints in the dust as if bereft of all senses"
- We are born all fools and rascals, abodha-jata, without any sense. So we require education. What is that education? Atma-tattvam
- We are human beings, we should know what Krsna says. Krsna says, evam parampara praptam imam rajarsayo viduh. The parampara, whether he's speaking parampara or he's speaking whimsically. That much sense we must have
- We are undergoing a struggle for existence with this mind and the senses under the false conception of identifying this body as self
- We can say: "God. I am God," but if you have got sense, you will say that, "I am not the great God, but I am small God." That is sense
- We have got our senses with limited power, and there are so many defects in our conditioned stage. Therefore inductive process is not always perfect. The deductive process, from the authority, the knowledge received, is always perfect
- We have limited perception, and our senses have limited potency, so how can we study Krsna? It is not possible at all. Krsna reveals Himself to a certain extent, and that much is sufficient
- We have to acquire knowledge of God through these senses. But in our conditional life, the senses are all impure. Therefore these senses cannot understand God simply by speculating
- We have to raise ourselves to the spiritual standard by ourselves. In this sense I am my own friend and I am my own enemy. The opportunity is ours
- We may never have seen a man who is not mortal, but we are judging this on our personal experience, which is finite. Our senses have limited power, and there are so many defects in our conditional state
- We may offer many valuable items to the Deity, but if we have no real sense of devotion and no real sense of Lord's presence everywhere, then we are lacking in devotional service; in such a state of ignorance, we cannot offer anything acceptable to Lord
- We may say that we have understood God, but it is not possible to understand Him as He is, because we have limited senses, and He is unlimited
- We must have sense and take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead to save ourself from this material condition of life, repetition of birth, death, old age, and disease
- We should not be very much afflicted with these temporary things. We must have the sense how to solve the ultimate miserable condition of life
- We should not understand the word "servant" in the sense of materialistic servant. To become a servant of God is a great position
- We're the servants of a wife, of a family, of a job, of our own senses, of our children, and if we have no children we become servants of our cats or dogs. In any case, we must have someone, something to serve
- What capacity we have got to find out Krsna by research work? That's not possible. That is aksaja. Krsna is adhoksaja. Your paltry research work with limited power of sense, how you can find out Krsna? That's not possible
- What is that bad work? Bad work means sense gratification. That's all. Anything you do for the satisfaction of your sense, that is bad work. And anything you do for satisfaction of Krsna, that is good work
- What is the next life? That is also accepted in the Padma Purana: 8,400,000 species, forms of life, and then we come to this human form of life. Then what is next? That is the question. But they have no knowledge. They have no sense
- What we are seeing in this material world? Something material and something spiritual. Material means which has no sense or which has no moving power, and spiritual means which has got sense and which has got moving power
- When a living entity comes in contact with the material creation, the sense of love of God becomes transformed into lust, as milk in contact with sour tamarind is transformed into yogurt. BG 1972 purports
- When a man becomes old, his senses cannot function. You have seen many old men; they have nothing to do but rest
- When a man is fast asleep, all other senses cannot work, but one sense, which is called ear, it can work
- When a nondualist comes to sense that the Lord is worshipable and that the devotee is simultaneously one with and different from the Lord, then only can he surrender unto the Lord, Vasudeva. Pure devotional service begins from that point
- When he (a man) regains his consciousness the senses immediately become active. Similarly, the Pandavas received Krsna as if they had just regained their consciousness, and so they were very much enlivened
- When I do not act for any material purpose, that means my sense activities are purified, and that is bhakti
- When it is said that Puranjana goes to Vaisasa, it is meant that he goes to hell. He is accompanied by Lubdhaka, which is the working sense in the rectum
- When one cannot speak, naturally one’s active senses are arrested, and the knowledge-acquiring senses are rendered inoperative
- When one comes to see the disadvantage of aggravating the sense activities, one is called a jnani, and when one tries to stop the activities of the senses by the practice of yogic principles, he is called a yogi
- When one comes to the senses that he cannot be master at any stage of his life, then he surrenders to Krsna. Sa mahatma sudurlabhah. Vasudevah sarvam iti (BG 7.19) - Oh, Vasudeva is the real master. And my nature is to serve Him
- When one develops an unflinching sense of ownership or possessiveness in relation to Lord Visnu, or, in other words, when one thinks Visnu and no one else to be the only object of love, such an awakening is called bhakti (devotion)
- When one hears about the Supreme Lord, automatically the brahma-bhuta stage develops, and material contamination-greediness and lust for sense enjoyment-disappears. BG 1972 purports
- When one is after sense gratification, he is mad, he becomes mad. these are the adjectives. These are the description. Indriya, the senses, are just like snakes. As the snake, as soon as it bites, immediately there is death
- When one is engaged in devotional service, there is no scope for his senses to be engaged otherwise. In such full Krsna consciousness, one can understand the Supreme Lord as He is
- When one is in his proper senses by attainment of spiritual knowledge, he realizes that he is not the master of the material world, but is only a servant of the senses
- When our other senses cannot work, our ear is very strong. Therefore it is recommended that you try to hear from the authoritative person
- When our other senses cannot work, our ear is very strong. Therefore it is recommended that you try to hear from the authoritative person. That is also . . . educational system is also like that
- When someone engages in Lord Krsna's devotional service for the satisfaction of the senses and instead acquires a taste for serving Krsna, he gives up his material desires and willingly offers himself as an eternal servant of Krsna
- When the demigods and presiding deities of the various senses were thus manifested, they wanted to wake their origin of appearance. But upon failing to do so, they reentered the body of the virat-purusa one after another in order to wake Him
- When the demon saw the PG, who had eyes just like lotus petals, standing in position before him, armed with His Sudarsana discus, his senses were overpowered by indignation. He began to hiss like a serpent, and he bit his lip in great resentment
- When the inspiration is there and the worker is there, then actual activity takes place by the help of the senses. BG 1972 purports
- When the maidservant approached the child, who was lying down, she saw that his eyes were turned upward. There were no signs of life, all his senses having stopped, and she could understand that the child was dead
- When the mind is joined with a particular sense, it immediately becomes manifest in a certain way. For instance, when there is anger in the mind, the tongue vibrates so many maledictions
- When the senses are purified and engaged in Krsna's service, one achieves the highest perfection. Hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam bhaktir ucyate (CC Madhya 19.170). The Krsna consciousness movement is a movement of bhakti-yoga
- When this nirmala, when dirty things are washed away, you remain in pure spiritual life or spiritual body, then the indriyas, the senses... You have got senses
- When you apply your senses for satisfaction of Krsna, then it is called bhakti. And when your senses are engaged in the service of Krsna it cannot be engaged otherwise. Otherwise the sense will be engaged in the sense objects
- When you are free from the conception of gross and subtle bodies and when your senses are free from all influences of the modes of material nature, you will realize your pure form in My association. At that time you will be situated in pure consciousness
- Where your senses cannot approach, you have to hear from authority. That is the process. But if you don't approach authority, if you approach a cheater, that is your misfortune
- While one enjoys sense gratification, it may be that there is some feeling of happiness, but actually that so-called feeling of happiness is the ultimate enemy of the sense enjoyer. BG 1972 purports
- Without knowing the actual process by which the mind and senses can be controlled, less intelligent men either try to stop the mind and senses by force, or they give in to them and are carried away by the waves of sense gratification
- Without the guidance of Lord Krsna all of them (Pandavas) are nonentities, as much as the senses of the body are useless without the guidance of consciousness
- Word kama-mudha, meaning one who has lost his sense or is infatuated by lust of attraction for sense gratification, is used. Kama-mudhas are bereft of Krsna consciousness and devotional service and are infatuated by a strong desire for sense gratification
- Yamuna prayed "I forgot Your (Balarama) glorious, exalted position, but now I have come to my senses, and I remember that You hold all the planetary systems on Your head merely by Your partial expansion Sesa. You are the sustainer of the whole universe"
- Yoga is defined in this way: yoga indriya-samyamah. As previously explained, we are disturbed by the indriyas, or senses. Moreover, we are agitated by the three modes of material nature, which are imposed upon us by the external energy
- You can eat meat, but you cannot eat meat by killing your father and mother. That is human sense. You are taking milk from the cow; it is your mother
- You cannot by your teeny effort with limited power, limited sense, I mean to say, perception, you cannot speculate. You have to understand from authoritative statements. That is called Veda
- You have no sense. Without pure devotee, how they became authority? You are ask the question
- You have to accept that axiomatic truth. It is not dogmatic. It is not dogmatic in this sense: because our predecessor acarya, they accepted. What you are that you are arguing
- You must have a resolution how to finish the development of New Vrndavana in the right sense of the term. At the same time, please make a very nice scheme to purge out the non-Vrndavana spirit that entered in our Society