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Pages in category "Severe"
The following 254 pages are in this category, out of 254 total.
- A fight arose between Vasistha and Visvamitra. The fighting became so severe that each of them cursed the other. One of them said, "May you become a bird," and the other said, "May you become a duck"
- A policeman, a constable, if he commits theft, he's severely punished. He's to detect criminality, but he becomes himself criminal, then he's very highly punished. That is the law
- After undergoing severe hardships all day, human beings are trying to enjoy themselves at night by eating, drinking, having sex and sleeping. At the same time, they have to properly defend themselves. However, this is not human civilization
- After you pass the examination, there is no more test. But before coming to the post of recognized devotee, Krsna tests very severely. That one has to pass
- Ajamila separated himself from the Supreme Personality of Godhead by performing many sinful activities and was condemned by Yamaraja to be very severely punished
- All of these demigods and demons assembled on the battlefield with a fighting spirit and attacked one another with great strength. All of them desiring victory, they fought in pairs, hitting one another severely with sharpened arrows, swords and lances
- All our sufferings in this material world, especially from disease, are due to our past sinful activities. And of all sinful activities, actions directed against a pure devotee out of sheer envy are considered extremely severe
- All the cows and cowherd boys became so afflicted by the wind and cold that they all gathered together to take shelter under the lotus feet of Krsna. This is an instance of emotion caused by severe rainfall
- All the horses fell, their necks severed, and the chariots fell also, along with their flags and the fighters and drivers on the chariots. Almost all the infantry soldiers fell on the field of battle, their heads, hands and legs cut off
- All these conditions prove that out of separation from your son you have a severe headache." These are some of the symptoms of Mother Yasoda's anxiety for Krsna
- All these poor creatures are constantly perplexed by hunger, thirst, severe cold, secretion and bile, attacked by coughing winter, blasting summer, rains and many other disturbing elements, and overwhelmed by strong sex urges and indefatigable anger
- Although Daksa's heart was impure because of his having slandered Lord Siva, for which he was severely punished, Daksa now came to consciousness, and just by seeing Lord Siva with veneration and respect, he became immediately purified
- Although their offense was not very severe, he killed them to lessen the burden of the world
- An affectionate father does not like his children to be chastised by another agent, yet he puts his disobedient children under the custody of a severe man just to bring them to order
- An avaisnava never becomes a good man, however severely he is punished
- As a criminal is arrested for punishment by the constables of the state, a person engaged in criminal sense gratification is similarly arrested by the Yamadutas, who bind him by the neck & cover his subtle body so that he may undergo severe punishment
- As a result of this severe punishment (the king would immediately chop off the hands of a thief) there were practically no theft cases within the kingdom. Even if someone left something on the street, no one would touch it
- As a result of this severe punishment (the king would immediately chop off the hands of the thief) there were practically no theft cases within the kingdom
- As a serpent living within the cavity of a tree wishes to leave when there is a forest fire, so the city's police superintendent, the snake, wished to leave the city due to the fire's severe heat
- As far as the adhidaivika miseries are concerned, these are natural disasters that originate with the demigods of the higher planets. For instance, we sometimes suffer from severe cold or hot weather, thunderbolt, earthquakes and many natural disasters
- As far as the adhidaivika miseries are concerned, these originate with the demigods of the higher planets. For instance, we sometimes suffer from severe cold weather, from thunderbolts, or from earthquakes, tornadoes, droughts or other natural disasters
- As for the diseased person, there is a hospital, there is operation is going on, so many severe things are going on, similarly, for the criminal there is prison department
- As I have advised you, My dear sons, you should act accordingly. Be very careful. By these means you will be freed from the ignorance of the desire for fruitive activity, and the knot of bondage in the heart will be completely severed
- As is said in the Narada-pancaratra, aradhito yadi haris tapasa tatah kim. If Krsna is worshiped, if He is the goal of advancement, there is no need for one to execute severe types of tapasya, because one has already reached his destination
- As the fighting progressed, the princes and soldiers of the enemy began to fall from their horses, elephants and chariots. Within a short time, millions of severed heads, decorated with helmets and earrings, had fallen on the battlefield
- Asvatthama thought, "If I kill these five sons of the Pandavas and present their heads to Duryodhana, he will be very much pleased." Therefore, when the five sons were sleeping, he severed their heads, which he then presented to Duryodhana
- At least this (severe criticism) will give our movement good publicity and you will be able to enlighten in general by pointing out the bad state of affairs of present day society
- At the present moment, however, everyone is engaged in technological advancement, which is described in Bhagavad-gita as ugra-karma - extremely severe endeavor. This ugra-karma is the cause of agitation within the human mind
- Atomic bomb, the nuclear weapon, is not used when there is fight between two dogs. It is not so insignificant. When the fight is very severe
- Badarikasrama is situated in the northernmost part of the Himalayan Mountains and is always covered with snow. Religious Indians still go to visit this place during the summer season, when the snowfall is not very severe
- Bali Maharaja passed the severe test put before him by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is further proof of the Lord's mercy toward His devotee
- Because of them (his own grandfather, own teacher, friends, sons, grandsons, etc), Arjuna thought that he should not take the severe steps necessary against ordinary aggressors. Besides that, saintly persons are advised to forgive. BG 1972 purports
- Because she (Mayadevi) enjoys in this material world and gives facilities for material enjoyment, she is known as Kumuda. Because she is very severe to her enemies, the asuras, she is known as Candika
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati severely criticized his fat disciples
- Bhimasena and King Jarasandha engaged themselves in fighting, and with their respective clubs, which were as strong as thunderbolts, they began to strike each other very severely, both of them being eager to fight
- By chanting Krsna's holy name, one cleanses all the dust from the mirror of one's consciousness. The blazing fire of material existence is then extinguished. This fire is especially severe in the present materialistic civilization
- By the great strength of the Supreme Person (Krsna), the two trees, with their trunks, leaves and branches, trembled severely and fell to the ground with a great crash - SB 10.10.27
- Caitanya said, "The poisonous effects of love of Godhead defeat the severe and fresh poison of the serpent. Yet there is simultaneously transcendental bliss, which pours down and defeats the pride of nectar and diminishes its value"
- Citraketu's son was his enemy in a past life and had now appeared as his son just to give him more severe pain. Indeed, the untimely death of the son caused severe lamentation for the father
- Devahuti herein takes shelter of Kapiladeva and tells Him, "You are the ax capable of making me detached." When our attachment to the material world is severed, we become free. Bhakti is the means by which we can develop this detachment
- Difficulties are very gladly suffered by the devotees in preaching because in such activities, although apparently very severe, the devotees of the Lord feel transcendental pleasure because the Lord is satisfied
- Distresses due to cold in winter and severe heat in summer always inflict miseries on the living entities in this material world
- Don't think that a devotee will not have enemies. A devotee may have anything. Oh, he may be attacked by enemies. He may be attacked with severe type of diseases and so many things. But he will be protected
- Each of Pradyumna's arrows had a golden feather at the end, and the shaft was fitted with a sharp iron head. By releasing twenty-five such arrows, Pradyumna severely injured Salva's commander in chief
- Each party began to strike the opposite party very severely in a fierce, dangerous battle that continued for twenty-seven days without stopping
- Even before reaching Andhatamisra, the sinful living being is subjected to various extreme miseries. These afflictions are so severe that he loses his intelligence and sight. It is for this reason that learned sages call this hell Andhatamisra
- Even if a person is a severe offender in many ways, he is freed from offensive life if he takes shelter of the Lord's holy name
- Even in the severest type of cold, they (Six Gosvamis) remain without dress, sitting, only smearing the body with some ashes. They'll take bath in the morning and cover the body with ashes - not very thick
- Even saintly persons like Bhrgu, born previously, could not perform such severe austerities, nor will anyone in the future be able to do so. Who within these three worlds can sustain his life without even drinking water for one hundred celestial years?
- Every living being, whether a man or an animal or a bird, thinks that he is free by himself, but actually no one is free from the severe laws of the Lord. The laws of the Lord are severe because they cannot be disobeyed in any circumstance
- Everyone may be accepted as an isvara, or controller, but still such controllers are controlled by others. For example, one may have undergone severe austerities but still be under the control of anger
- Everyone, including the rulers of the various planets, was extremely distressed because of the severe punishment inflicted upon them by Hiranyakasipu. Fearful and disturbed, unable to find any other shelter, they at last surrendered to the SPG, Visnu
- Examining the life of Prahlada Maharaja, we can see how severely he was harassed by his own father, Hiranyakasipu, yet he did not divert his attention from the Lord even to the smallest extent
- Externally there appeared severe tribulation, as if He were suffering from poisonous effects, but internally He was experiencing bliss. This is characteristic of transcendental love of Krsna
- Fierce fighting began between the two parties, exactly like that formerly carried on between the demigods and the demons. The fighting was severe, and whoever observed the fierce nature of the fight felt his bodily hairs stand on end
- For a headache, he may simply prescribe an aspirin, but if there is some severe illness he may prescribe a surgical operation which will cost thousands of dollars
- For example, a person suffering from venereal disease on account of excessive indulgence in sex life has to undergo some severe pain in medical treatment, and he is then cured for the time being
- Gathered on the face of a mountain, a cloud does not move very much, and therefore the force of rain is much more severe on a mountain than anywhere else
- God can excuse you once, twice, thrice, not more than that. Then you will be punished. Because you are knowingly criminal, your punishment will be very severe
- Gopis said, "We know that You (Krsna) are the most beloved of all Vrndavana. & You are very much loved by us also! But why are You giving us this trouble? Kindly return our garments. Just see how we're trembling from the severe cold"
- He (Bhismadeva) was always surprised that, although the Pandavas were so righteous and Draupadi practically the goddess of fortune, and although Krsna was their friend, still they had to undergo such severe tribulations
- He (Saubhari Muni) accepted the order of vanaprastha, performed very severe austerities, and thus attained perfection. In this regard, Sukadeva Gosvami described how Saubhari Muni's wives also became perfect
- He (Vrtrasura's elder brother) was your (Indra's) spiritual master, but although you entrusted him with the performance of your sacrifice, you later mercilessly severed his heads from his body the way one butchers an animal
- He had to undergo a severe series of sinful reactions, and when he was freed by such suffering, the brahmanas allowed him to perform the horse sacrifice
- He is happy personally, but because He knows that "These drunkards, woman-hunters, prostitute-hunters will suffer very, very severely, so why not deliver them?" This is Nityananda Prabhu, Vaisnava
- Hiranyakasipu entered the valley of Mandara Mountain and began practicing a severe type of austerity and meditation
- Hiranyakasipu performed a severe type of tapasya, austerity, for many long years. Indeed, it is said that he performed the tapasya for one hundred heavenly years. Since one day of the demigods equals six of our months, certainly this was a very long time
- Hiranyakasipu was so powerful in the heavenly planets that all the demigods except Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Lord Visnu were forced to engage in his service. Indeed, they were afraid of being severely punished if they disobeyed him
- Hiranyakasipu, he also performed tapasya. What was that tapasya? He performed severe tapasya, so much so that the whole universe become perturbed and Brahmaji came to see, "What do you want?" No, I am performing tapasya for becoming immortal
- His (Karna's) son, Vrsasena, was killed by Arjuna. He killed the largest number of Pandava soldiers. At last there was a severe fight with Arjuna, and it was he only who was able to knock off the helmet of Arjuna
- His (Prahlada Maharaja's) father, Hiranyakasipu, chastised him severely when he was only five years old for his becoming an unalloyed devotee of the Lord
- I am so much glad that you have again come to our camp after some time being mislead by Maya. You should take severe warning from this incident and not treat the matter as very light
- I do not mind for the severe cold there, but if you think that my service will be helpful to you, you can call me, I shall go
- If a person who has committed murder, killed somebody else, then if he is punished by death, then the sinful activities which he has committed, that is counteracted. Otherwise he will have to suffer next life very severely, four times
- If a person's head is severed he loses his power to see. Therefore if a man sees that his head has been cut off, it means that he thinks like that in hallucination
- If one acts in the mode of ignorance because of madness, his resulting misery is the least severe. One who acts impiously but knows the distinction between pious and impious activities is placed in a hell of intermediate severity
- If one does not follow these principles strictly (one should not indulge in illicit sex life, intoxication, meat eating or gambling), there may be a severe disturbance in the discharge of devotional service
- If the enemy still goes on agitating the public, the king should try to create dissension in the enemy's camp, but if he still continues, the king should employ argumentum ad baculum - severe punishment - by putting him in jail
- If you are excused and again come back and again do the same sinful activities, criminal activities, and if you are again arrested, then you'll be very, very severely punished. It is a common sense
- If you have done something wrong, and if you go to the court and say: "Sir, excuse me. I did not know," the court may excuse you one time, second time, but not for the third time. Third time you will be severely punished
- If you have some severe type of disease, you have to pay the doctor's bill, also severe. That you cannot avoid. So why not for sinful activities? And what is disease? Disease, infection, means that is also violating the laws of nature
- In adversity, everyone laments and becomes aggrieved, but by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, a devotee, even in the worst condition, can understand that he is going through a severe examination by the Personality of Godhead
- In all cases there is a severe movement of the eyes, and the eyes generally become reddish. There is also an itching sensation which causes the sufferer to rub his eyes
- In all of these activities (opening slaughterhouses, breweries, etc.) householders are involved, and therefore it is advised with the use of the word api, that even though one is a householder, one should not engage himself in severe hardships
- In association with the demon Vipracit, Simhika bore a son named Rahu, whose head was severed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the absence of Akrura there were apparently some disturbances in Dvaraka. The superstition arose for the following reason: Once in the province of Kasi (Varanasi) there was severe drought - practically no rain fell
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, jadya is explained as loss of memory brought about by severe shock due to separation from the beloved
- In the Kali-yuga people cannot undergo very severe austerities. That is impossible for them, because mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah. They are already very much suppressed
- In the Tenth Canto, 25th Chapter, 11th verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam, there is a description of Indra's causing severe torrents of rain at Vrndavana
- In this hell there is a silk-cotton tree full of thorns as strong as thunderbolts. The agents of Yamaraja hang the sinful man on that tree and pull him down forcibly so that the thorns very severely tear his body
- In this life, an envious person commits violent acts against many living entities. Therefore after his death, when he is taken to hell by Yamaraja, those living entities who were hurt by him appear as animals called rurus to inflict very severe pain
- In this verse (CC Adi 2.17) from SB (11.6.47), vata-vasanah refers to mendicants who don't care about anything material, including clothing, but who depend wholly on nature. Such sages do not cover their bodies even in severe winter or scorching sunshine
- In this way, many thousands of elephants, horses and men were killed, and their blood flowed just like the waves of a river. In that river, the severed arms of men appeared like snakes and their heads like tortoises
- Indra said, "I acted out of severe anger caused by Your stopping the sacrifice which was to be held to satisfy me. But, my dear Lord (Krsna), You are so kind to me that You have bestowed Your mercy upon me by destroying all my false pride"
- Indra was very much afraid of the severe austerities performed by the great sage Kandu, and he sent Pramloca to break his vows and austerities. A similar incident took place in the case of Visvamitra
- It (material body) is also full of ignorance, and because it is ignorant and temporary, it is full of misery. We feel severe hot or severe cold due to the material body, but as soon as we revive our spiritual body, we become unaffected by dualities
- It is advised in the Bhagavad-gita that this bodily happiness and unhappiness are temporary, like seasonal changes, so as we are not very much disturbed even in severe cold or scorching heat, we have to execute our daily duties
- It is apparent that the chanting of the maha-mantra or the Vedic mantras must be accompanied by severe austerities
- It is not our business to criticize, but the symptoms of Kali-yuga are very severe, and they will grow more severe
- It is not our business to criticize, but the symptoms of Kali-yuga is very, very severe, and it will grow more and more
- It is said that many kings and emperors formerly went to the forest for this purpose - to prosecute severe austerities and penances in order to go back home, back to Godhead
- It is stated that during the reign of Maharaja Yudhisthira there did not even exist severe cold or scorching heat, nor did the citizens suffer from any kind of mental anxiety. This is the standard of good government
- King Daksa was always engaged in the pious activities of performing sacrifices, yet simply because of creating a little misunderstanding with Lord Siva, he was severely taken to task
- Krsna chastised him very severely, & smashed his chariot to pieces by shooting an arrow. Then with the help of His disc He separated Paundraka's head from his body, just as Indra shaves off the peaks of mountains by striking them with his thunderbolt
- Krsna replied to the messenger of Paundraka, "At that time (when your head is severed from your body by My disc) your (Paundraka's) body will be thrown to the dogs, who will eat it with great pleasure"
- Krsna replied to the messenger of Paundraka, "At that time (when your head is severed from your body by My disc), instead of becoming My shelter, as you (Paundraka) have demanded, you will be subject to the mercy of these lowborn birds"
- Krsna then threw His weapons, and Bhaumasura's commander in chief, Pitha, along with his assistants, fell down, their military dress cut off and their heads, legs, arms and thighs severed. All of them were sent to the superintendent of death, Yamaraja
- Krsna, even though He was only four or five years old, dipped Himself into the water, punished Kaliya very severely and then asked him to leave the place and go elsewhere
- Kumaras are empowered incarnations. And before executing the severe type of disciplinary actions, all of them became qualified brahmana
- Little movement is going on; we are walking. But not this severe type of exercise as surfers and fighting with the sea waves for four hours, five hours, ten hours
- Lord Balarama, however, immediately caught hold of the big tree (which was thrown at him by Dvidida) & remained undisturbed, just like a great mountain. To retaliate, He took His club, named Sunanda, and hit the gorilla with it, severely injuring his head
- Lord Brahma underwent a severe type of meditation for one thousand celestial years, yet he said that the glories of the Lord are inconceivable. Therefore what can the froggish philosophers hope to gain from their mental speculations?
- Lord Caitanya was very strict in advising His followers in this matter of celibacy. One of His personal attendants, Chota Haridasa, was severely punished by Lord Caitanya because of his failure to observe the vow of celibacy
- Lord Krsna, in great anger, struck Salva on the collarbone with His club so severely that Salva began to vomit blood and tremble as if he were going to collapse from severe cold
- Materialistic life is based on sex life. The existence of all the materialistic people, who are undergoing severe tribulation in the struggle for existence, is based on sex
- Miserable conditions brought about by natural catastrophes are controlled by the higher demigods. There may be severe cold or thunderbolts, or a person may be haunted by ghosts
- Mukunda sang, "My dear intimate friend! What has not happened to Me! Due to the effects of the poison of love for Krsna, My body and mind have been severely afflicted"
- My (Krsna's) dear father and mother (Vasudeva and Devaki), you endured rain, wind, strong sun, scorching heat and severe cold, suffering all sorts of inconvenience according to different seasons - SB 10.3.34-35
- My dear mind, you are working so hard. - In severe cold you are going to work. In scorching heat you are going to work. Torrents of rain, you cannot stop your work
- My dear son, killing a king who is an emperor is more severely sinful than killing a brahmana. But now, if you become Krsna conscious and worship the holy places, you can atone for this great sin
- Naked saints and sannyasis who undergo severe physical penances, who can raise the semen to the brain, and who are completely equipoised in Brahman can live in the realm known as Brahmaloka
- Not many days before, say, about hundred years ago in Kashmir, if a thief was caught, burglar was caught, and he was proved that he has committed theft, the king would personally cut off, chop off his hand. The punishment was so severe
- O moon, you appear to be suffering from a severe fever, perhaps tuberculosis. Indeed, your effulgence does not have the strength to destroy the darkness
- O moon, you appear to be suffering from a severe fever, perhaps tuberculosis. Indeed, your effulgence does not have the strength to destroy the darkness. Have you become mad after hearing the songs of Krsna? Is that why you are silent?
- O supreme protector, O supreme soul! O supreme controller! Kindly give me Your protection. I am so much embarrassed - This statement by Mucukunda is an instance of humility resulting from a severely miserable condition of material existence
- Of all sinful activities, an offense to a pure devotee, or Vaisnava, is the most severe
- On this very dark planet, the sinful man is chastised by the Yamadutas, who beat and rebuke him. He is starved, and he is given no water to drink. Thus the wrathful assistants of Yamaraja cause him severe suffering
- One cowherd boy said, "Krsna saved His friends and cows from a severe forest fire, and He chastised the Kaliya serpent in the lake of the Yamuna River and forced him to leave the vicinity of the Yamuna; He thereby made the water of the Yamuna poisonless"
- One gopi forcibly put her feet on the head of another gopi and said, "You rascal Kaliya! I shall punish you severely. You must leave this place. I have descended to this earth to punish all kinds of miscreants"
- One of the example is the opulence of Sudama Vipra. Sudama Vipra suffered severe material scarcity, but he was not disturbed and did not deviate from devotional service. Thus he was ultimately given an exalted position by the mercy of Lord Krsna
- One of the gopis raised her hand with her covering garments and said, "Now don't be afraid of the torrents of rain and severe hurricanes. I'll save you!" In this way she imitated the lifting of Govardhana Hill
- One who has dishonored a spiritual master or teacher. Stri-raja-pitr-go-hanta, one who has killed a woman, one who has killed a king, and one who has killed a cow. These are all the severest type of sinful activities
- One who is beyond the conception of bodies, he has no obligation of these material things. Just like there are many sadhus, they simply remain naked body. Even in severe cold. They are practiced
- One who performs severe austerities for sense gratification is fearful to the entire world, whereas a devotee who performs even a slight amount of devotional service is a friend to everyone
- Ordered by King Indra, all the dangerous clouds appeared above Vrndavana and began to pour water incessantly, with all their strength and power. There was constant lightning and thunder, blowing of severe wind, and incessant falling of rain
- Parasurama fought with Bhismadeva when Bhisma neglected his warning. Both of them fought very severely, and at last Parasurama was pleased with Bhisma and gave him the benediction of becoming the greatest fighter in the world
- Patri said to Krsna: "I am suffering from Your separation, which is more severe than the hunger of Aghasura, the poison of Lake Kaliya and the burning of the forest fire. So why should You not protect me from the pangs of separation?"
- Paurnamasi tells Nandimukhi, "What a regrettable thing it is that this girl is trying to drive away from her heart the same Krsna who is sought after by great sages through severe austerities and perseverance!"
- People become awestruck when they learn that the life span on Brahmaloka is many millions of years. One has to undergo severe austerities and renunciation, accepting the sannyasa order of life, in order to reach Brahmaloka
- People do not know that because of killing innocent animals they themselves will have to suffer severe reactions from material nature
- Prince Dhruva, though only a boy, took to severe penances in the forest. And the Lord, being satisfied by his prayer, awarded him the Dhruva planet, which is worshiped by great sages, both upward and downward
- Pushed downward all of a sudden by the wind, the child comes out with great trouble, head downward, breathless and deprived of memory due to severe agony
- Ratha-yatra festival is a feeling festival for the Vaisnavas. Lord Caitanya taught us how to feel separation of God. Lord Caitanya never taught us that He had seen God, but He felt the separation of God very severely
- Ravana and Hiranyakasipu underwent a severe type of bodily torture to achieve the end of sense gratification. Sometimes modern politicians also undergo severe types of austerities to achieve some political end. This is not actually tapasya
- Roaring like a thundering cloud, in great anger the demon began to beat Pradyumna with his club, just as a thunderbolt beats a mountain. Pradyumna protected himself with his own club and eventually struck the demon very severely
- Salva struck a severe blow to Krsna's left side, where the Lord carried His bow, Sarnga, and as a result the Sarnga bow fell from Lord Krsna's hand. This dropping of the bow was indeed wonderful
- Sati's body was not ordinary, but still she decided to give it up because it was the source of unhappiness because of its connection with Daksa. This severe example set by Sati is to be followed
- Satrajit happened to be the father-in-law of Krsna, and it is the injunction of the sastras that one who is guru-druha, who has rebelled against a superior person, must be punished in proportion to the severity of the offense
- Satya said, "Many heroic prospects tried to defeat the bulls, but unfortunately they were all severely struck, and they returned to their homes as defeated invalids"
- Severe example set by Sati is to be followed
- She (captain's wife) said, "Swamiji, if you can survive your seventieth year then you'll live for 100 years." Somehow I survived my seventieth year. I don't know whether I'll live 100 years but seventieth year was severe - three heart attacks & paralysis
- She then prepared a blazing fire with firewood and placed the dead body of her husband upon it. When this was finished, she lamented severely and prepared herself to perish in the fire with her husband
- Siddhi refers to executing a severe type of meditation, like that of the yogis, to attain eight kinds of perfection (anima, laghima, mahima, etc)
- Siva-jvara said, "My dear Lord (Krsna), I beg to submit that I have been very greatly chastised by the release of Your Narayana-jvara, which is certainly very cooling yet at the same time severely dangerous and unbearable for all of us"
- So your remembering or forgetful doesn't matter. The law of nature must work severely. It doesn't matter whether you forget or you do not know the law. Forgetfulness of law is no excuse. You must suffer
- Some days later, Caitanya Mahaprabhu passed that way, and when He met Devananda He chastised him severely because of his Mayavada interpretation of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura severely criticized his fat disciples. The idea is that one who intends to advance in Krsna consciousness must not eat very much
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami also informed King Pariksit that previously many other kings and emperors went to the jungle to prosecute severe austerities and penances in order to go back home, back to Godhead
- Standing in water during severe cold is not very comfortable, but they (tapasvis) voluntarily do it. In the summer they also ignite fires all around themselves and sit down in the midst of the blazes and meditate
- Stenah sura-po mitra-dhruk. These are all the severest type of sinful activities
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Thereafter, by the supreme grace of the SPG, Sri Hari, all the demigods, headed by Indra and Vayu, were brought back to life. Being enlivened, the demigods began severely beating the very same demons who had defeated them before
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: When the asuras, with their serpent weapons, severely attacked the demigods in a fight, many of the demigods fell and lost their lives. Indeed, they could not be revived
- Sukadeva Goswami says that unless one atones his sinful activities done in this life, then he has to accept severe punishment in the next life. There is no excuse. This is the conclusion
- Summer season, they blaze fire all round and sit down in the midst and meditate. I am giving you some of the examples, how severely they accept tapasya
- Tapasya is not very severe thing. Tapasya means to abide by the orders of the sastra. Just like a diseased man, his tapasya is to abide by the orders of the physician. The physician says that - You do this; you do not do this
- Tapasya means voluntary acceptance of bodily pains to achieve some higher end of life. Ravana and Hiranyakasipu underwent a severe type of bodily torture to achieve the end of sense gratification
- Tapasya: voluntarily accepting some severe condition of life. So in this age it is very difficult, but this is the meaning of tapasya, voluntarily accepting inconveniences
- The administrators should never pretend to become nonviolent and thereby go to hell. When Arjuna wanted to become a nonviolent coward on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, he was severely chastised by Lord Krsna
- The all-affectionate Almighty Father at the same time (he puts his disobedient children under the custody of a severe man just to bring them to order) desires relief for the conditioned soul, relief from the clutches of the illusory energy
- The boy showed Madhavendra Puri the bush and said, "I reside in this bush, and because of this I suffer very much from severe cold, rain showers, winds and scorching heat"
- The chanting of the holy name of the Lord has special significance that distinguishes it from the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies of atonement for severe, more severe or most severe sinful actions
- The charioteer replied, "The enemy all of a sudden struck you with his club so severely that you (Pradyumna) lost consciousness. You were in a dangerous position, surrounded by your enemies. Therefore I was obliged to act as I did"
- The child Krsna, therefore, squeezed Putana's breast so severely that in unbearable pain she had to assume her original body and fell to the ground
- The conditioned soul suffers many miserable bodily conditions, such as being affected by severe cold and strong winds. He also suffers due to the activities of other living beings and due to natural disturbances
- The demigods, being severely oppressed by their enemies and being unable to see Indra on the battlefield, were very anxious. Having no captain or leader, they began lamenting like traders in a wrecked vessel in the midst of the ocean
- The demigods, however, being very much oppressed, had to bow down and offer obeisances at the feet of Hiranyakasipu, who chastised the demigods very severely and for no reason. Thus Hiranyakasipu lived in the palace and severely ruled everyone
- The demon Mura in his onslaught was like a big snake attacking Garuda. His angry mood was very severe, and he appeared ready to devour the three worlds
- The fighting enjoyment of the Supreme Lord with His devotee, who had been converted into a demon (Hiranyaksa), appeared severe enough to bring about the dissolution of the universe
- The force of the club on Pradyumna's chest was very severe, and it appeared as though his chest had been torn asunder
- The greenery of the rainy season is but a temporary show. It looks very pleasant, but we must remember that it will not last. Similarly, there are persons who undergo severe austerities for some material gain, but those who are sane avoid this
- The incessant arrows shot by Krsna appeared like a whirlwind of blazing fire killing all the military strength of Jarasandha. As Krsna released His arrows, all the elephants gradually began to fall, their heads severed by the arrows
- The kings were very severe to punish unwanted social elements. So the kings were therefore allowed sometimes to hunt in the jungle to practice killing
- The Kumaras appeared in the Kaumara creation of the material world, and to teach us the process of Brahman realization, they underwent a severe type of disciplinary action as bachelors
- The Lord is so kind to His devotee that when severely testing him the Lord gives him the necessary strength to be tolerant and continue to remain a glorious devotee
- The modern civilization has discovered severe types of dangerous industries, and laborers are attracted for high wages. But they should not accept such work. Then naturally there will be less capitalistic idea
- The Nagapatnis said, "Even the goddess of fortune underwent severe austerities just to have the blessing of the dust of Your (Krsna's lotus feet, so how is it that Kaliya is so easily getting this dust on his head?"
- The only business of the Mayavadi atheists is to make Krsna formless, and consequently, because of this severe offense at the lotus feet of Krsna, they cannot expect salvation
- The opposing princes were determined to defeat Krsna, recapture Rukmini from His custody, they fought with Him as severely as possible. Rukmini, seated by the side of Krsna, saw arrows raining from the opposing party onto the faces of the Yadu soldiers
- The Pandavas then attacked the soldiers of Jayadratha and killed them all, and at last Bhima caught hold of Jayadratha and beat him very severely, almost dead
- The Pandavas, who were direct friends of Krsna, lost their kingdom, their wife was insulted, and they had to undergo many severe tribulations
- The Pracetas underwent severe austerities for many, many years, even within the water. Accepting austerities and penances is the avowed business of those interested in advanced civilization
- The purport is that Draupadi and her five husbands, the Pandavas, were put into severe tribulations by their cousin-brother, Duryodhana, as well as by others
- The queens continued, "Or is it a fact that, just like us, you have been stunned by the mysteriously sweet words of our Lord Syamasundara? Is it a fact that it is because of this severe anxiety that you are so grave?"
- The queens said, "Dear moon-god, we think you have been attacked by a severe type of tuberculosis. For this reason, you are becoming thinner and thinner day by day. O lord, you are now so weak that your thin rays cannot dissipate the darkness of night"
- The situation was very dangerous, especially for the animals. The rainfall was accompanied by great winds, and every living creature in Vrndavana began to tremble from the severe cold
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead sometimes puts a devotee to severe tests that are almost unbearable. One could hardly even live under the conditions forced upon Bali Maharaja
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, using His disc, which was sharp like a razor, at once cut off Rahu's head. When Rahu's head was severed from his body, the body, being untouched by the nectar, could not survive
- The transformations undergone by the Lord when He manifested severe unhappiness due to separation from Krsna cannot be described
- The tribulations were so severe that even Bhismadeva, who was both a lifelong brahmacari and a great warrior, would sometimes shed tears thinking of them
- The vayasyas said, "This is very troublesome for us because we see that you have undertaken a severely laborious task. We think, therefore, that you need not continue to stand in that way holding the hill"
- The vested interests flourish at the cost of the working class, and consequently there are severe clashes between them in so many ways
- The washerman continued, "They (government men) will arrest You and punish You (Krsna & Balarama), and You will be in difficulty. I have practical experience of this fact. Anyone who unlawfully wants to use the King's property is very severely punished"
- The yoga system for control of the mind and senses must be strictly followed. Lord Rsabhadeva showed how severe types of tapasya could be performed, and He set an example for all others
- Their (the locked up gopis) severely painful yearnings caused by their not being able to see Krsna freed them from all sinful reactions
- Then, in the presence of all the demigods, who were looking on, the Lord severed the crocodile's mouth from its body with His disc. In this way He saved Gajendra, the King of the elephants
- There are living entities, they are suffering so many ugra-yatana. So this Krsna consciousness movement means to save people from the severe punishment of materialistic life. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement, Krsna's movement, is to save
- There is insufficient sunshine, and there are always clouds in the sky, snowfall and severe cold. These assure that such places are inhabited by demoniac people who are accustomed to all kinds of forbidden, sinful activity
- There is severe cold, chilly cold, but my duty is to take bath in the morning. So we must tolerate. I must tolerate that chilly cold, and still, I take my bath. This is called tapasya
- There they themselves are pushed into dark wells, where poisonous fumes and smoke suffocate them and they suffer very severely
- There were many complaints against the so-called incarnation. At that time Bhaktivinoda Thakura was a magistrate, and the government deputed him to deal with that rascal, and he punished him very severely
- There were severe torrents of hail when Krsna was staying in the forest of Vrndavana, and the elderly persons bade Him
- Thereafter, two very powerful demons named Mali and Sumali were killed by the Supreme Lord, who severed their heads with His disc. Then Malyavan, another demon, attacked the Lord
- These factories means ugra-karma, unnecessarily severe, hard work
- These sufferings and pains are sometimes mixed. Sometimes they are very severe, and sometimes they are not. These bodily conditions are acquired due to the conditioned soul's mental speculation
- These vegetable, drugs, are meant for when you are sick or disturbed, you can utilize. Not for intoxication. Just like opium. If you have severe type of dysentery, diarrhea, a little opium it will immediately cure
- They (mudha, naradhama, whose knowledge is carried away by maya and atheists) have to be slapped, caned and kicked severely, and they have to suffer. Just as a father has to chastise his unruly boy, so material nature has to employ certain punishments
- This behavior of Lord Krsna with the gopis and queens is unique in the history of self-realization. Usually people understand that for self-realization one has to go to the forest or mountains and undergo severe austerities and penances
- This is an instance of emotion caused by severe wind
- Those who are dull-minded cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but when punished severely by the modes of material nature, they begin to understand Him
- Those who give up the protection of the Lord and become so-called lords themselves, out of spiritual ignorance, come back again to this material world, even after prolonged tapasya of the severest type. That is the verdict of all Vedic literature
- Those who think that, "This atonement, confession, or chanting Hare Krsna is the counteraction of our sinful activities," they're greatest sinners. They'll be severely punished
- Thus Indra, King of heaven, severed Namuci's head with a weapon of foam, which was neither dry nor moist. Then all the sages satisfied Indra, the exalted personality, by showering flowers and garlands upon him, almost covering him
- Thus Krsna and Balarama gave some preliminary hints of Their arrival to Kamsa, and he could understand what severe type of danger was awaiting him the next day in the sacrificial arena
- To stand within water in winter, severe cold, is not very comfortable business, but they voluntarily accept it. This is called tapasya
- Today, there was one description, the fight was so severe that the blood sprinkled up to the sun planet. So why not moon planet? Why they say sun planet? The sun is the nearest planet from the earth
- Uddhava saw that the gopis were severely afflicted by their separation from Krsna. Their hearts were so disturbed that their minds were sometimes deranged
- Unless he (the living entity) is enlightened with the supreme knowledge, one has to undergo the severe penalties of the hard struggle for existence in the material nature
- Vena was very severe and cruel; therefore, as soon as all the thieves and rogues in the state heard of his ascendance to the royal throne, they became very much afraid of him. Indeed, they hid themselves here and there as rats hide themselves from snakes
- Very severe punishment they are undergoing. People cannot see. They have no eyes to see. They suffer in great calamities, and still they cannot see that, - I am suffering
- We sometimes suffer from severe cold weather, from thunderbolts, or from earthquakes, tornadoes, droughts or other natural disasters. In any case, we are always suffering from one or more of these three kinds of miseries
- When delivering the earth from the Garbhodaka Sea, Lord Visnu, in His incarnation as a boar, killed Hiranyaksa, who had appeared before Him. The fight was severe, and the Lord killed Hiranyaksa with great difficulty
- When I (Narada Muni) refused to accept her (Kalakanya, the daughter of Time) request, she became very angry at me and cursed me severely. Because I refused her request, she said that I would not be able to stay in one place for a long time
- When Kalakanya, daughter of Time, attacked the body, the dangerous soldiers of the King of the Yavanas entered the city through different gates. They then began to give severe trouble to all the citizens
- When Lord Brahma was fully informed by Angira about the entire incident, he severely chastised the moon-god, Soma. Thus Lord Brahma delivered Tara to her husband, who could then understand that she was pregnant
- When Lord Caitanya visited this temple (known as Jiyara-nrsimha-ksetra), He praised the Deity and quoted a verse from SB 7.9.1: "Although Lord Nrsimha is very severe to demons and nondevotees, He is very kind to His submissive devotees like Prahlada"
- When sex life is indulged in for sense gratification illegally and illicitly, both the man and the woman await severe punishment in this world or after death
- When the child comes out of the abdomen through the narrow passage, due to pressure there the breathing system completely stops, and due to agony the child loses his memory. Sometimes the trouble is so severe that the child comes Out dead or almost dead
- When the government is very strong, all the thieves and rogues disappear or hide themselves. Of course Vena was not a very good king, but he was known to be cruel and severe. Thus the state at least became freed from thieves and rogues
- When the living entity is in deep sleep, when he faints, when there is some great shock on account of severe loss, at the time of death, or when the body temperature is very high, the movement of the life air is arrested
- When the vital force within the body becomes weak, the body itself also becomes weak. At such a time the death symptoms - that is, the dangerous soldiers of death's superintendent, Yamaraja - begin to attack very severely
- When Vasudeva was carrying Krsna, the darkness of the night disappeared. All the prison doors automatically opened. At the same time there was thunder in the sky and severe rainfall
- Whenever Antardhana, the supreme royal power, had to exact taxes, punish his citizens or fine them severely, he was not willing to do so. Consequently he retired from the execution of such duties & engaged himself in the performance of sacrifices
- While chanting the holy name of the Lord, one should be careful to avoid ten offenses. From Sanat-kumara it is understood that even if a person is a severe offender in many ways, he is freed from offensive life if he takes shelter of the Lord's holy name
- While Kaliya was being severely punished, all of his wives appeared before the Lord and prayed as follows
- While Rahu, in disguise, was drinking nectar among the demigods, the Supreme Personality of Godhead severed his head. The wife of Samhlada was named Krti. By union with Samhlada, Krti gave birth to a son named Pancajana
- With another arrow he (Pradyumna) cut his (Dyuman's) bow in two, with another he cut his flag to pieces, and with the last he severed his head from his body
- With great difficulty and after a severe fight, they (Karna, Sala, Bhuri, Yajnaketu, Duryodhana and Bhismadeva) deprived Samba of his chariot and were able to arrest him
- Within a moment the whole sky was overcast with dense clouds, and severe thundering was heard. There was glittering electric lightning and severe rainfall