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Pages in category "Intense"
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- A little ailments of the son, the father is thinking, "Oh, my son my die. I may be separated." It is the sign of intense love. Not always that the son is dying immediately, you see, but he's thinking like that. Separation
- A yogi should similarly meditate on the most benevolent smile of Lord Sri Hari, a smile which, for all those who bow to Him, dries away the ocean of tears caused by intense grief
- All the accusations made by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu against His beloved devotees actually showed His great appreciation of their intense love for Him. Yet He mentioned these faults one after another as if He were offended by their intense affection
- All these decorations, intensified by the wounds dealt by my (Bhismadeva) sharp arrows, were enjoyed by Him (Krsna). Let my mind thus go unto Sri Krsna
- Although a man may be for all intents and purposes unconscious - he cannot see, feel, smell, etc. - the sense of hearing is so prominent that a sleeping man may be awakened just by sound vibration
- Although Balarama can do everything, because of intense affection for His brother He was momentarily bewildered. A similar thing is stated to have happened in connection with rukmini-harana, the kidnapping of Rukmini
- An extreme longing for Lord Krsna is the only means for attaining Him. Thus intense, unflinching devotional service is another symptom of a mahatma
- An intense lover of Krsna does not care for any number of material discomforts, scarcity, impediments or unhappiness
- Apprehension of some mishap to Krsna or to His beloved queens, as exhibited by Baladeva and Yudhisthira, has been explained. This apprehension is not exactly due to their ignorance of the inconceivable potencies of Krsna but to their intense love for Him
- As stated in SB 10.14.8, tat te ’nukampam su-samiksamanah: those who seriously desire to get free from the clutches of material existence, who have developed intense love for Krsna, are worthy candidates for going back home, back to Godhead
- Associates of the Lord are eternally liberated souls, and they cannot bear the separation of the Lord even for a moment because of intense affection for the Lord. Thus the inhabitants of the city of Dvaraka were in a mood of dejection
- Because his attraction for the deer was so intense, Bharata Maharaja could not concentrate upon worshiping the Lord or performing his ritualistic ceremonies
- Because of her (Yasoda's) intense love for her child (Krsna), her breasts were wet with milk. Her face, with its very beautiful eyebrows, was wet with perspiration, and malati flowers were falling from her hair - SB 10.9.3
- Because of his (Nanda Maharaja's) intense love for Krsna, he forgot who Krsna was and could not understand Krsna's potency. Although Krsna is Narayana Himself, Garga Muni did not disclose this
- Because of intense love for Krsna, the cowherd men and women simply remained silent, thinking of how Krsna and the boys had been saved (from Bakasura). The cowherd men and women looked upon Krsna and the boys and did not desire to turn their eyes aside
- Because of intense paternal affection, the cowherd men, headed by Nanda, could not believe that Krsna could have uprooted the trees in such a wonderful way. Therefore they could not put their faith in the words of the boys - SB 10.11.5
- Because of their (Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda) intense parental love for Krsna, they thought that Krsna was an innocent child and had been saved by the Supreme Lord
- Bodily symptoms which express overwhelming ecstatic love: disappointment, lamentation, humility, guilt, fatigue, intoxication, pride, doubt, apprehension, intense emotion, madness, forgetfulness, disease, confusion, death, laziness, inertness
- By following in the footsteps of such associates and by entering under their eternal guidance, one can acquire an intense desire to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By following this course, the yogi gradually develops pure love for the SPG, Hari. In the course of his progress in DS, the hairs on his body stand erect through excessive joy, & he is constantly bathed in a stream of tears occasioned by intense love
- By intense ecstasy in loving service, the damsels of Vrajabhumi attained qualitative oneness with the Lord by dancing with Him on an equal level, embracing Him in nuptial love, smiling at Him in joke, and looking at Him with a loving attitude
- By the grace of the Supreme Lord, a devotee is punished in such a way that his eagerness to attain the lotus feet of Lord Vasudeva is increased. By his intense desire, he returns home in the next lifetime
- By virtue of such attraction (of Krsna), one can give up fruitive activities and all endeavors for liberation and can even abandon the intense desire to achieve success in yoga mystic power
- Caitanya continues, "This is the natural result of intense love of Godhead. The devotee does not consider personal inconveniences or impediments. In all circumstances he wants to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- Caitanya continues, "To test the intense love of Madhavendra Puri, Gopala, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, ordered him to bring sandalwood from Nilacala, and when Madhavendra Puri passed this examination, the Lord became very merciful to him"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu placed the standard of Madhavendra Puri's intense love before Nityananda Prabhu for judgment. "All his loving activities are uncommon," Caitanya Mahaprabhu said. "Indeed, one is struck with wonder to hear of his activities"
- Caitanya told Prakasananda Sarasvati that the holy name of Krsna, called the maha-mantra (great chanting), enables anyone who chants it to attain the stage of love of Godhead, or intensified bhava. Such love of Godhead is the ultimate human necessity
- Devotees in conjugal love develop ecstasy up to the stage of intense feelings of separation. These are some of the features of unalloyed devotional service of the Lord
- Different persons achieve different types of mukti-sayujya, salokya, sarupya, samipya and sarsti - according to their own intense desire, which is called bhava
- Due to his intense love, the pure devotee always sees Lord Krsna present within his heart
- During the absence of Krsna, the entire day would appear to the gopis to be as unbearable as a hot day in autumn. The Lord so much appreciated this natural feeling of the gopis that He declared His inability to repay their intense love
- During the rasa dance Sri Krsna did not exchange loving affairs with Radharani due to the presence of the other gopis. Because of the dependence of the others, the intensity of love between Radha and Krsna was not manifest. Therefore He stole Her away
- Even though one may be poverty-stricken or in distress, if he goes to God with the same determination as Dhruva, intent on seeing God and taking His benediction, and if he happens to see God, he will no longer want anything material
- Everything depends on intense desire of the living entity, & Krishna gives all facilities for fulfilling such desires. So far as we are concerned, we should always be very much eager to directly contact Krishna, following the Footprints of Lord Caitanya
- Expert analysts have decided that the transcendental ecstasy of the parakiya mellow is better because it is more enthusiastic. This phase of conjugal love is found in those who have surrendered to the Lord in intense love
- Having uprooted all relationships with his sister because of intense selfishness, Kamsa, who was sitting on his knees, grasped the newborn child by the legs and tried to dash her against the surface of a stone
- Having uprooted all relationships with his sister because of intense selfishness, Kamsa, who was sitting on his knees, grasped the newborn child by the legs and tried to dash her against the surface of a stone - SB 10.4.8
- He (Arjuna) excelled everyone by his studious intensity, and Dronacarya was especially attracted by his disciplinary affection
- He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) was feeling separation of Govinda, Krsna, so intensely that He was thinking one moment as twelve years. So these are mahabhava. Great transcendental ecstasy can be achieved simply by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra
- Her name was Cintamani. So the prostitute said, "My dear Bilvamangala, if you have got so intense love for me, oh, had it been for God, for Krsna, how would have been, your life, sublime." Oh, that struck him: "Yes." He at once left
- His (Krsna's) love for them was so intense that there is no comparison to that ecstasy, and the damsels of Vraja were so much attached to Him that their affection excelled that of the great demigods like Brahma and Siva
- I have seen the wife of a medical practitioner voluntarily accept death immediately when her husband died. Both the husband and wife were taken in procession in the mourning cart. Such intense love of a chaste wife for her husband is a special case
- If one wants to return home, back to Godhead, one must give up such (sexual) desires. This is possible only when one develops intense love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If people take advantage of these books they can stop this pravrtti, this intense desire for enjoying this material world
- If you love somebody, the intense love is that your lover is everything. That is love. Just like a mother loves her child. So she is always anxious to take care of the child. Whole attention is on the child. These are examples. These are not actually love
- In an exalted status of devotional service, a devotee forgets the position of Krsna and intensely loves the SP of Godhead without understanding His position. This is called kevala-bhakti and is distinct from the stages of jnana and jnanamayi bhakti
- In the material world, because of intense lust and desire for enjoyment, one becomes implicated in sinful life more and more
- In the mode of separation, glorification of the Lord is very intense
- In the Siksastaka (8), Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has also instructed, aslisya va pada-ratam pinastu mam (CC Antya 20.47). The intense lover of Krsna is never deviated from his service, despite all difficulties and impediments brought before him
- In the transcendental world, however, because of pure devotion, there is a similar conception of fear, which is due to intense love
- Intense affection for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although manifested as affection for one's son, is spiritually beneficial
- It appears that Rukmini was a very popular princess, and all the citizens, out of intense love for her, prayed for her best fortune
- It is natural for those who have developed intense love for Krsna not to care for personal inconvenience and impediments
- It is stated in the Vedic literature that to purchase the most valuable thing, Krsna consciousness, one has to develop intense eagerness for achieving success. This intense eagerness is very nicely expressed by Bilvamangala Thakura
- Krsna consciousness can be achieved simply by your intense desire that "This life I shall try to achieve favor of Krsna." Krsna will help you
- Krsna practically showing how to live Vrndavana life. In Vrndavana nobody knows Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Nobody knows. But their love for Sri Krsna is intense. That is wanted
- Krsna's family and friends never understood that Krsna is God. Their natural love for Krsna was so intense. Therefore Vrndavana life is so exalted
- Mother Yasoda embraced Krsna, allowed Him to sit down on her lap, and began to look upon the face of the Lord with great love and affection. Because of her intense affection, milk was flowing from her breast - SB 10.9.5
- Mother Yasoda was always overwhelmed by intense love for Krsna, not knowing who Krsna was or how powerful He was. Because of maternal affection for Krsna, she never even cared to know who He was - SB 10.9.12
- Mother Yasoda was chanting some mantras to protect Krsna, that "He may not be put into some calamity." They never understood that Krsna is the Supreme Personality. But their natural love for Krsna so intense
- Mother Yasoda, by the grace of the Lord, could understand the real truth. But then again, the supreme master, by the influence of the internal potency, yogamaya, inspired her to become absorbed in intense maternal affection for her son Krsna - SB 10.8.43
- Mucukunda continued, "my dear Lord, I wasted so much of my valuable lifetime with no benefit. As my misconception of life intensified, I began to think of this material body, which is just a bag of flesh and bones, as the all in all"
- My dear Maharaja Pariksit, because of intense love and affection, mother Yasoda, Krsna's mother, considered Krsna, who was at the peak of all opulences, to be her own son - SB 10.11.20
- My dear, just see how all of a sudden in the sky of Krsna there is a powerful sun & how this rising sun is minimizing the rays of our chastity moon. Our attraction for Krsna is so intense that it is drying up the lotus flower of our discrimination
- Narada Muni continued: By devotional service one cannot achieve such intense absorption in thought of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as one can through enmity toward Him. That is my opinion
- Now the dissension between the father and son became increasingly intense as Prahlada Maharaja began to say what he had learned from his guru Narada Muni
- O chief of the Bharatas, when there is an increase in the mode of passion, the symptoms of great attachment, uncontrollable desire, hankering, & intense endeavor develop
- O chief of the Bharatas, when there is an increase in the mode of passion, the symptoms of great attachment, uncontrollable desire, hankering, and intense endeavor develop. BG 14.12 - 1972
- O Maharaja Pariksit, having been received and welcomed by Nanda Maharaja with honor, Vasudeva sat down very peacefully and inquired about his own two sons because of intense love for them - SB 10.5.22
- O Narada, you were taught about the science of God and His transcendental loving service by the Personality of Godhead in His incarnation of Hamsavatara. He was very much pleased with you, due to your intense proportion of devotional service
- On account of his intense feeling of devotional service, King Mayuradhvaja was always thinking of Krsna, and when he understood that Krsna had come in the garb of a brahmana, he did not hesitate to part with half of his body
- One can become attached to Krsna and His service, and when this attachment is intensified, it results in ecstatic love for Krsna
- One devotee may want Krsna as supreme master, another as his personal friend, another as his son, and still another as his lover. Krsna rewards all the devotees equally, according to their different intensities of love for Him. BG 1972 purports
- One should try to purchase a ticket to go back home, back to Godhead. The price of such a ticket is one's intense desire for it, which is not easily awakened, even if one continuously performs pious activities for thousands of lives
- One who has attained bhava is certainly not contaminated by material nature. He actually enjoys transcendental pleasure from bhava, and when bhava is intensified, it is called love of Godhead
- Ramananda Raya was Lord's devotee & a lover of God, and although his mind could not be covered by Krsna's illusory energy, & although he could understand the mind of the Lord, which was very strong and intense, Ramananda's mind became a little agitated
- Rupa Gosvami has defined raganuga-bhakti as spontaneous attraction for something while completely absorbed in thoughts of it, with an intense desire of love. Devotional service executed with such feelings of spontaneous love is called raganuga-bhakti
- Sanatana Gosvami even engaged some ten or twenty learned brahmanas and began an intensive study of Srimad-Bhagavatam in their company. While he was thus engaged, he submitted sick-leave reports to his employer, the Nawab
- Seeing his army broken and all the asuras, even those known as great heroes, fleeing the battlefield out of intense fear, Vrtrasura, who was truly a great-minded hero, smiled and spoke the following words
- She could immediately understand that these sinful dacoits were about to kill a great devotee of the Lord. Suddenly the deity's body burst asunder, and the goddess Kali personally emerged from it in a body burning with an intense & intolerable effulgence
- Similarly, on the platform of conjugal love, all the feelings of the devotees are amalgamated. The intensified taste is certainly wonderful
- Since I have heard the name of a person called Krsna, I have practically lost My good sense. Then, there is another person who plays His flute in such a way that after I hear the vibration, intense madness arises in My heart
- Since the spirit soul is completely different from this combination of gross & subtle material elements My devotee who is connected with Me in intense friendship & affection being completely in knowledge is never agitated by material happiness & distress
- Sinful dacoits were about to kill a great devotee of the Lord. Suddenly the deity's body burst asunder, and the goddess Kali personally emerged from it in a body burning with an intense and intolerable effulgence
- So Bhagavad-gita is the preliminary book to understand God and surrender. And from the surrendering point, further progress, that is Srimad-Bhagavatam. And when the love is intense, to make it more intensified, that is Caitanya-caritamrta
- Some great devotees of the Lord cannot surpass the boundary of awe and veneration. But other devotees are in such an intense compact of love with the Lord that they forget His exalted position and regard themselves as His equals or even His superiors
- Sometimes Yasoda was raising her arms like the waves of the ocean & because of her intense feelings of separation, she was rolling on the ground and creating a tumultuous roaring sound. And sometimes she was remaining completely silent, like a calm sea
- Spiritual feelings of happiness and intense ecstasies have no mundane comparison. Therefore it is very difficult to give expression to such feelings. We can just have a glimpse of such ecstasy in the words of Sri Narada Muni
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to point out intense love of Krsna exhibited by Madhavendra Puri. All Caitanya Mahaprabhu's devotees later followed in the footsteps of Madhavendra Puri, serving the Lord without personal considerations
- Srila Jiva Gosvami says that the other forms were partial expansions of the Lord's original form, but because of the intense love developed by Prsni and Sutapa, the Lord appeared from Devaki and Vasudeva in His full opulence as Sri Krsna
- Superficial knowledge is useless for understanding the SPG, but when one's knowledge becomes extremely intense and deep, one understands Vasudeva (vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah (BG 7.19)). A jnani attains this stage after many, many births
- The attraction of Krsna is so intense that one can lose respect for all other means of self-realization and simply surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The beauty of the (Kailasa) forest was intensified by the presence of various lakes
- The beginning is the faith. And now, as you make your faith intensified, so you become progressive in the spiritual point
- The Bhagavad-gita is the science of how to know God. The preliminary science. If you want to know more, then read Srimad-Bhagavatam. And if you are in intense love with God, read Caitanya-caritamrta
- The conclusion is that the regular practice of bhakti-yoga will lead the devotee to the plane of intense love for God, & that is the single qualification by which the conditioned soul is allowed to reenter the eternal life of bliss in the kingdom of God
- The devotee's love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead is so intense that he wants to kiss the lotus feet of the Lord constantly, and he wants to touch the tips of the toes of the Lord and constantly embrace His lotus feet
- The end of her (mother Yasoda's) sari was tightly wrapped while she churned, and on account of her intense love for her son, milk automatically dripped from her breasts, which moved as she labored very hard, churning with two hands
- The entire universe is full of miseries, and therefore the inhabitants of this material universe are always shedding tears out of intense grief
- The following verse (CC Madhya 8.76) is cited from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.8.46), wherein Maharaja Pariksit voices his appreciation of Nanda Maharaja’s and mother Yasoda’s intense love for Krsna
- The gopis saw their beloved Krsna at Kuruksetra after a long separation. They secured and embraced Him in their hearts through their eyes, and they attained a joy so intense that not even perfect yogis can attain it
- The gopis' intense desire to satisfy Krsna surcharges the entire scene with pure love of Godhead, with not a spot of sexual indulgence
- The gopis, by their lusty desires, which were based upon their intense love for Krsna, became the most beloved devotees of the Lord
- The intense heat of its effulgence, meant for killing non-Vaisnavas, is unbearable to Rahu, and he therefore flees in fear of it. During the time Rahu disturbs the sun or moon, there occurs what people commonly know as an eclipse
- The intensity of Her loving service is the highest form of ecstasy. No one can surpass Srimati Radharani in relishing the qualities of the Lord through this supreme transcendental mellow
- The living entity takes birth in a particular family and receives a body which is either like that of his mother or like that of his father because of his intense desire. The gross and subtle bodies are created according to his desire
- The Lord is always perfect in Himself, and thus He has no hankering for Himself. He, however, becomes a master, a friend, a son or a husband to fulfill the intense love of the devotee concerned
- The more human society engages in the exploitation of undeveloped material resources for sense gratification, the more it will be entrapped by the illusory, material energy of God, and the distress of the world will be intensified instead of diminished
- The Pandavas could not even think of separation from Sri Krsna, since the attraction was more intense for them because of continuous personal contact
- The parental love of Mother Yasoda for Krsna steadily increases, and her love and ecstasy are sometimes described as intense affection and sometimes as overwhelming attachment
- The personal associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu sometimes behaved contrary to regulative principles out of intense love for the Lord, and because of their love Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself sometimes violated the regulative principles of a sannyasi
- The thirty-three vyabhicari-bhavas, bodily symptoms manifest in ecstatic love, are as follows: (6) mada, madness; (7) garva, pride; (8) sanka, doubt; (9) trasa, shock; (10) avega, intense emotion and (11) unmada, craziness
- The threefold miseries of material existence are at once nullified by intense love of God, which is the ultimate goal of cultivating the human spirit
- The transcendental service of the Lord begins gradually developing into nine progressive stages of loving service under the headings of attachment, love, affection, feelings, affinity, adherence, following, ecstasy, and intense feelings of separation
- The word "friend" is specifically used to indicate intense love. Friendship is better than servitude. In the stage above dasya-rasa, the devotee accepts the Supreme Personality of Godhead as a friend
- Their love for Krsna was so intense that in their regular activities - in sitting, sleeping, traveling, talking, sporting, cleansing, bathing - they were simply absorbed in thoughts of Krsna and paid no attention to bodily necessities
- There is no better type of worshiping Krsna than the method by which gopis worship Krsna. They, their love was so intense that they did not care for any family, any honor or any prestige
- There was no material desire in Narada, and yet just to increase his intense desire for the Lord, he was so advised
- These cowherd boys, uneducated, without any town life, cow-men, they are Krsna's best friend. Unsophisticated, no education, but love intense - that is perfect. That attracted Krsna
- They (the cowherd boys) could not understand that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but they were playing as intimate friends with intense love for Him
- They will be firmly united with Me in thought through mental concentration intensified by anger, and they will return to My presence shortly
- This is the test, that anyone who is supposed to be advancing in devotional service, bhakti-yoga, the test will be how much he has awakened his intense desire for hearing about Krsna. That is the test
- This substance gives a pleasure so intense that it counteracts fully the distress of family encumbrances
- This system of worshiping many gods, such as Durga, Siva, Ganesa, Surya and the impersonal Visnu form, is accepted by persons who have been blinded by an intense desire for sense gratification
- This varnasrama college is very essential. Proper training. It may be extensive and intensive... Doesn't matter
- This verse (CC Madhya 8.81) is from SB 10.32.2. When the rasa dance was going on, Krsna suddenly disappeared, and the gopis became so overwhelmed, due to His separation and their intense love for Him, that Krsna was obliged to appear again
- When Krsna left the gopis and went to Mathura, the gopis cried for Him the rest of their lives, feeling intense separation from Him. This ecstatic feeling of separation was specifically advocated by Caitanya Mahaprabhu through His actual demonstrations
- When one's desire to love Krsna in his particular relationship becomes intensified, this is known as pure love of Godhead. In the beginning a devotee is engaged in the regulative principles of devotional service by the order of his spiritual master
- When one's desire to love Krsna in one's particular relationship becomes intensified, this is known as pure love of Godhead
- When such a feeling of love becomes intensified, it is called affection. In that affectional stage, one cannot bear separation from Krsna even for a moment
- When that bhava softens the heart completely, becomes endowed with a great feeling of possessiveness in relation to the Lord and becomes very much condensed and intensified, it is called prema (love of Godhead) by learned scholars
- When that ecstatic emotional stage intensifies, it is called love of Godhead. Such love is life's ultimate goal and the reservoir of all pleasure
- When the babies (Krsna and Balarama) were sucking their breasts, the mothers would see small teeth coming in. Thus their joy would be intensified to see their children grow
- When the feelings of separation become very intense, one attains the stage of meeting Sri Krsna
- When the gopis were talking in this way, their feelings for Krsna became more and more intense, and they were experiencing Krsna's smiling, Krsna's words of love, Krsna's attractive features, Krsna's characteristics and Krsna's embraces
- When the Lord (Krsna) was about to leave His palaces, all the queens would look at Him with feminine gestures. The Lord would respond to their greetings with smiles, attracting their hearts so much that they would feel intense separation from Him
- When they (the cows) were coming down the hill (of Govardhana), their milk bags were pouring milk on the ground out of intense maternal affection for the calves, although they were not their own calves
- Who says you are a bhajananandi. Don't be a bhajananadi. As soon as you become a bhajananandi you'll be spoiled. You'll be spoiled as Nitai has spoiled himself. You have an intense desire to preach, so do that