speculator | speculators | speculator's
- VedaBase query:speculator or speculators or speculator's not "mental speculator" not "mental speculator's" not "mental speculators"
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Pages in category "Speculators"
The following 82 pages are in this category, out of 82 total.
- Above all the fruitive laborers, speculators, and mystic yogis are the bhaktas, or devotees of Krsna. A bhakta can be perfectly peaceful, whereas the others cannot because everyone but the bhakta, one who has pure love, has desire
- According to Srila Jiva Gosvami, such speculators are themselves bewildered, and thus they cannot know that the ultimate cause of all causes is the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead
- All of these speculators are envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- All speculators must disagree with other speculators; otherwise, why should there be so many opposing parties concerned with ascertaining the supreme cause
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita envious speculators are without knowledge and are surely condemned life after life. They unnecessarily take shelter of Sripada Sankaracarya, but he was not so drastic as to commit an offense at the lotus feet of Lord Krsna
- Because most men cannot understand Krsna in His actual situation, out of His causeless mercy He descends to show favor to such speculators. BG 1972 purports
- Because they cannot enter into network stem of the lotus stem of the Lord, all material speculators differ in conclusions, and at the end they make a useless compromise by saying, "as many conclusions, as many ways," according to one's own inclination
- Bhagavad-gita should be explained to persons who are ready to accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is a subject matter for the devotees only and not for philosophical speculators. BG 1972 purports
- Brahmaji does not want to become a speculator dependent on the strength of his personal knowledge and conditioned to material bondage
- Despite the Supreme Lord's uncommon activities, these speculators, due to contamination in the material energy, still think that the impersonal Brahman is the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- Don't try to be a dry speculator to understand the ultimate truth. Namanta: just become meek and humble. And try to receive the message from authorized sources
- Dr. Svarupa Damodara Brahmacari, he has written a small booklet. He has criticized Darwin very strongly, that he is a speculator. A speculator cannot give you truth. That is not possible
- Dry speculators, having been repulsed by the material phenomena in their search for knowledge of the Absolute, think that the transcendental form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is also repulsive
- Due to a poor fund of knowledge, the mental speculators try to bring the Supreme within the purview of words and minds, but the Lord refuses to be so intelligible; the speculator has no adequate words or mind to gauge the infinity of the Lord
- For the mundane speculators there is certainly a kind of bewilderment, but for the transcendental devotees there is nothing astonishing in this
- For them (ordinary speculators like the so-called philosophers of this material world) He (the Supreme Lord) is impossible to understand. Therefore we must accept the statements given by the Supreme when He kindly incarnates to instruct us
- Generally it is prescribed that performers of pious activities are promoted to the higher planetary systems, devotees are promoted to the Vaikunthas, or spiritual worlds, and impersonal speculators are promoted to the impersonal Brahman effulgence
- (1) grossly foolish persons, (2) the lowest of mankind, (3) the deluded speculators, and (4) the professed atheists, never surrender unto the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead in spite of all scriptural and authoritative advice. BG 1972 purports
- If one is speculator, he will be on the material field. Asata. Asato ma sad gamaya. "Don't remain in the asat. Come to the reality." That reality begins from the tongue
- In spite of their (mundane wrangelrs') pride in speculation, they can never appreciate the simple potential activities of the banyan tree. Such speculators are poor souls destined to remain in matter perpetually
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says, The impersonalists think that I have no form, that I am formless, but that at present I have accepted a form to serve a purpose, and now I am manifested. But such speculators are factually without sharp intelligence
- It is a fact that all other institutions, never mind whether it is Ramakrishna Mission or philosophical speculators, nobody can stand our arguments and reason if we can support them by quoting Scriptures
- It is a revelation. It is not speculation. The speculators cannot understand what is Krsna, that is not possible
- Later speculators, in the name of Mayavada philosophy, unnecessarily make their commentary on the catuh-sloki Bhagavatam (SB 2.9.33/34/35/36) without any bona fide intent
- Liberation begins with merging into the Brahman effulgence of the Supreme Lord. This conception is held by the jnani-sampradaya, philosophical speculators, but realization of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is higher
- Materialistic persons are very enthusiastic to maintain their family members, wife and children, and that there are also many mystic speculators who are engaged in speculating about liberation from the miseries of material life
- Meditation upon voidness is a modern invention of the fertile brain of some speculator. Actually the process of yoga meditation, as prescribed in this verse (SB 3.26.28), should be fixed upon the form of Aniruddha
- Mind is material and thus knowledge presented by material speculators is never transcendental and can never become perfect
- Mundane speculators cannot capture the spiritual elephant within their limited conception. It is just like a frog’s trying to measure the Atlantic Ocean by imagining it so many times larger than his well
- Neither karmis nor jnanis are purified. In the words of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Thakura, they are kukarmis and kujnanis - bad fruitive actors and bad speculators
- Nobody can become spiritual master if he has no knowledge. If he's a speculator, he cannot become a spiritual master
- Nondevotee speculators do not accept an ultimate cause - sarva-karana-karanam BS 5.1
- Nondevotees have different ideas of creation, maintenance and annihilation, and they are called vadis and prativadis - proponents and counterproponents. It is understood from the statement of Mahabharata that there are many munis, or speculators
- One who has actually seen or actually realized the truth, you have to take knowledge from there. So we have to approach such person. Otherwise, if we approach some speculator, we cannot get real knowledge
- Our business is to present the will of Krsna, not that of any mundane speculator like the politician, philosopher or scientist, for they have very little knowledge of Krsna, despite all their other knowledge. BG 1972 Preface
- Over the course of time the Vedic path has been attacked by philosophers like Carvaka, Buddha, Arhat, Kapila, Patanjali, Sankara, Vaikarana, Jaimini, the Nyayakas, and many others - the list of non-Vedic speculators grows daily, without restriction
- Over the course of time the Vedic path has been attacked by philosophers like the Saguna Saivas, the Brahmas, the Aryas, and many others - the list of non-Vedic speculators grows daily, without restriction
- Over the course of time the Vedic path has been attacked by philosophers like the Vaisesikas, the Sagunists, the empiricists, the Pasupata Saivas, and many others - the list of non-Vedic speculators grows daily, without restriction
- Philosophical speculators who want to make Vedanta philosophy an academic career are considered to be within the material energy
- Pure devotees of the Lord are not proud of their definite progress, whereas the nondevotee speculator is in the darkness of illusory energy and is very much proud of his misleading knowledge based on speculation without any definite path
- Speculators may fall down and become implicated in fruitive activities. If one becomes attached to devotional service, however, his desires for material enjoyment are automatically vanquished without separate endeavor
- Speculators who undergo great labor to gain a meticulous understanding of the material world by distinguishing between sinful and pious activities, but who are not situated in devotional service, are prone to material activities
- Study of the Vedas is not meant for the recreation of armchair speculators, but for the formation of character. After this training, the brahmacari is allowed to enter into household life and marry. BG 1972 purports
- Sukadeva Gosvami is praying from the Lord by dint of being inspired from within by the Lord so that he could rightly explain the facts and figures of creation as inquired by Maharaja Pariksit. A spiritual master is not a theoretical speculator
- Tate chaya darsana haite ‘tattva’ nahi jani: we cannot ascertain the real truth simply by following speculators. We have to follow the footsteps of the mahajanas in the disciplic succession. Then our attempt will be successful
- The Bhagavad-gita was spoken to Arjuna, not to any Vedantist philosophical speculator. In the beginning of the Fourth Chapter, you will note that Krsna says, "I am speaking to you that ancient system of yoga." It is stated, - unto you
- The demoniac speculators cannot understand the transcendental qualities, form, pastimes, strength, knowledge and opulence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, which are all free from material contamination
- The field of activity of the speculators is the mind; there is no limit to the different ways in which one can agitate the mind
- The jiva is spiritual energy, while the sky is matter. It is wrong to compare a spiritual subject to a material object. This is a typical example of how the impersonal speculators waste their time trying to equate spiritual substance with mundane things
- The Krsna consciousness movement is for this purpose that - You religionist, you philosophers, you scientist, you speculators, you are all . . . theosophists, so many, you are searching after God, and here is God, Krsna
- The Nagapatnis said, "Let us offer our respectful obeisances unto You (Krsna), who are unlimited, finer than the finest, the center of all creation, and the knower of everything. Different varieties of philosophical speculators try to reach You"
- The process (Krsna Consciousness) is spiritual; it does not require any material qualifications. The speculators who are not realized souls are covered in delusion and are simply wasting their time
- The real symptoms of the fructification of the seed of love (rati) are manifested because the heart is melted. When such symptoms are found among speculators and fruitive actors, they cannot be accepted as real symptoms of attachment
- The S. P. of God, Krsna, who is never caught by the yogis & speculators, was playing just like a little child for such a great devotee as mother Yasoda. Yasoda, however, could not easily catch the fast-running child because of her thin waist & heavy body
- The S. P. of God, who is known as the son of Yasoda and Nanda, is never so completely known to the yogis & speculators. But He is easily available to His devotees. Nor is He appreciated as the supreme reservoir of all pleasure by the yogis & speculators
- The so-called liberated Mayavadi speculator has to undergo this process (of wandering within the cycle of birth and death). BG 1972 Preface
- The solution is that the Lord has nothing to do with anything mundane. All His activities are transcendental. This cannot be understood by the mundane speculators
- The speculators, by dint of their own knowledge, they realize the Absolute Truth in His impersonal Brahman feature. And those who are yogis, they realize this God, the Supreme Lord, as Paramatma within the heart
- The speculators, the jnanis, go on speculating about the Supreme Personality of Godhead for many, many hundreds of thousands of years, but unless one is favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one cannot understand His supreme glories
- The unauthorized dry speculators are offenders at the lotus feet of the Lord Sri Krsna because they distort the purports of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam to mislead the public and prepare a direct path to the hell known as Andha-tamisra
- There are many mystic speculators who are engaged in speculating about liberation from the miseries of material life and who therefore undergo various austerities and penances
- There are so many speculators, theosophist, theologist, philosopher, Mayavadi. They are speculating about God by . . . but that, by that process, by speculative process, you cannot understand God. That is not possible
- There are so many speculators, theosophist, theologist, philosopher, Mayavadi. They are speculating about God by... But that, by that process, by speculative process, you cannot understand God
- There are speculators, so-called philosophers, putting theories and doctrines. So one doctrine is different from another doctrine
- There is no question of peace for them (the yogis and jnanis). The jnanis or speculators, wanting to get relief from the hard work of this material world, reject this material world - brahma satyam jagan-mithya
- These (demoniac) speculators are envious of the existence of the Lord. Jagad ahur anisvaram: their conclusion is that the entire cosmic manifestation has no controller, but is just working naturally
- These four great & important verses (SB 2.9.33/34/35/36) are particularly taken out by the Mayavadi speculators, who construe a different purport to suit their impersonal view of monism. Here in SB 3.4.20 is the proper answer to unauthorized speculators
- They (the demoniac speculators) are kept in constant darkness, birth after birth, and cannot understand the real cause of all causes. This is the reason why there are so many schools of philosophical speculation
- Thinking Nityananda Prabhu to be an ordinary human being is the business of mental speculators known as kunapatma-vadis. These people accept the material body, which is a bag of three material elements (kunape tri-dhatuke), as themselves
- We have got evidence from the Vedic literature. But the other party, they have no evidence. They are simply speculationist. We can give some evidence
- What then is to be said of ordinary speculators like the so-called philosophers of this material world? - even great yogis, demigods, saints and sages have been unable to understand the Supreme Lord's bodily feature and His movements